Southwest Sun January/February 2013

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Volume 1 Issue 6 January/February 2013 Cover photo courtesy of Circle K International, Flickr

In this issue! Page 2-3 District Updates Page 5 CKI Lesson: Builders Club Page 6 Subregion B Trustee Page 8-9 Club Articles

Page 11 Outstanding Club Page 12-13 Outstanding Members Page 14 DCON Dress Code Page 16 Contact your district

Greetings Southwest District! I hope everyone is ready for DCON! If you haven’t heard DCON this year is in Flagstaff, Arizona and I would like to see everyone in the Southwest District in attendance. For those of you new to Circle K, DCON is short for District Convention, which is a jam-packed weekend where the Southwest District gathers to caucus, attend workshops, do service, vote on bylaw changes, elect the 2013-2014 district board and HAVE FUN! This year, the Southwest District will be volunteering at Sunshine Rescue Mission a men’s shelter and community outreach center. Sunshine Rescue Mission programs provide emergency and transitional services, discipleship ministry, three meals a day, chapel services, and food/clothing boxes. We will be painting areas of the building and preparing a meal for the people currently staying in the shelter. Don’t forget to bring clothes you don’t mind getting dirty! Ryan Ocampo our Subregion B Trustee and Windy Mortensen the Southwest District Kiwanis Governor Elect will be our special guests for the weekend. For those of you who attended Fall Rally you may have met them. Other special guest include: Kevin Goble - Desert Oasis Division LTG and LSSP Chair Kevin Chiong - UNLV Club Treasurer (also attended Fall Rally) Branden Jung - UNLV Club Member If you are still thinking about running for a district position, time is running out. Candidate applications are due for all district office and international endorsements on Sunday, February 17th. Don’t forget each active club is allowed 3 delegates and 3 alternatives to vote at the Southwest District Convention. Delegate Certification must be given or mailed to Bob Carson by the start of the convention. Delegate Certification can be found at SWCKI.ORG. Award packets are also due the first day of convention, February 22nd. Your in Service and Friendship, Elissia Julia Torres, SWD Bulletin Editor 2

Hi everyone, Welcome back from winter break. I hope all of you have had a chance to take a breather from all those service projects and are rejuvenated to start up again. I know I am! I wanted to give a shout-out to a few members who have been doing an excellent job in doing the most service hours in their club: John McCulloch, ASU, 21 hours Lauren Vigil, UA, 13.5 hours Kevin Wright, NAU, 13 hours I wanted to share with you all a few more things: Total District Hours since April: 3,967 Total District Hours for January: 753 Club with the most service hours in January: Western New Mexico University Great job, keep up the good work . I hope we can recognize even more members next month from other clubs. Jeanette Flores SWD CKI Secretary

Arizona Division Submitted by: Kevin Wright Greetings SWD, Not too much to report except there has been a lot of work towards DCON. This year DCON will be in Flagstaff, Arizona at the Little America Hotel from February 22 -24th. The theme this year is James Bond, so get ready to enjoy DCON with a classy twist. Even though there are quite a few people from the district assisting me with this, if anyone is interested in being on the committee or assisting me in any way please send me a quick email at or give me a call at 702.860.0917. Lastly, just so everyone knows, the weather in Flagstaff is like an IPod on shuffle, you don’t know what’s going to happen next. Flagstaff is one of those places where you could easily experience all four seasons in a matter of a few hours, so be prepared for anything. I hope to see as many people as possible and I can’t wait for you all to arrive in Flagstaff! TAX INFORMATION Please check with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club regarding taxes. For more information please contact District Treasurer Kelsae Pederson 3

CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun


CKI Lesson Builders Club Builders Club is the largest service organization for middle school and junior high students, with more than 45,000 members worldwide. Members learn to work together and develop servant-leaders skills as they serve their school and community. In partnership with UNICEF and March of Dimes, the clubs are able to expand their outreach to babies and children of the world. The first Builders Club was chartered in 1975. Today, there are more than 1,600 clubs in Aruba, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada, Italy, Jamaica, Korea, Martinique, Netherlands Antilles, Philippines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States.

More about Builders Club Motto: Building leaders Vision: To develop competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service. Mission: Builders Club is an international student-led organization providing members with opportunities to perform service, build character and develop leadership.

Unscramble the words below to find out the Core Values of Builders Club:    

A E T C A H C R R I G N U I L D B: The ability to do the right thing, even when it might be the unpopular choice. A P E D E S H L R I: The ability to listen, communicate, serve and guide others. E I I L N V E C U S S S N: Accepting and welcoming differences in other people. I C G N A R: The act of being concerned about or interested in other people or situations.

*Hints can be found at


Greetings from Vancouver, BC I had the privilege of visiting Vancouver, Canada as the site of LSSP/ICON 2013 this past weekend. I haven't traveled out of the country on my own before and I can say it was one hell of an awesome experience. There is so much that I can say, but for the sake of you readers who will probably get bored of listening and the size of this page, I'll keep it short. If you want to know more, just ask me via Facebook (I don't bite). The trip itself was simple: flight booked way in advance, customs was quick and friendly, easy paperwork to fill out, and a quick $30 taxi trip from the airport to downtown Vancouver. Be prepared to do lots of walking, so make sure you have comfortable shoes. When I got to Vancouver, it was a cloudy and cold, but don't worry! Source say that in the summer the weather is temperate and perfect for being outdoors and active. So I'll skip the experience with weather, because it basically called for coats. Might want an umbrella just in case it rains though. The city itself is beautiful. Within that one weekend, what with the business we had to do, there wasn't much time to explore. However, LSSP/ICON will be hosted right along the waterfront and on the edge of Stanley park, opening up for vast "picturesque" opportunities and activities. The hotel is very appealing, sporting a pool/spa and an in-house Starbucks, perfect for the after-session hangouts. It is minutes away from Stanley park and about 15 minutes walk along the waterfront to the Convention Hall, which is vast and beautiful. I am very excited that we are having our events in the Hall alongside Kiwanis, giving opportunity for more K-Fam interaction. What a perfect way to really show what CKI is all about! In terms of food, there are so many options! Vancouver is a very diverse place, and you can get the best seafood fresh from the water to Asian/Indian cuisine. I didn't get the chance to find and try an authentic poutine (fries with gravy and cheese) but I will next time. So here's the insider's scoop, Circle K'ers. I, like you, am a poor college student, and I will be honest, being out in Vancouver was not cheap. Most places will take US currency but will give back Canadian, so I ended up with lots of $1 and $2 coins (loonies and toonies...Looney Tunes?) Anyways, it's a bit more pricey up there so be prepared! Just in case, we scouted for some cheap places to eat. There is a Safeway grocery store near the hotel as well as a McDonalds, A&W, and Tim Hortons (the Dunkin Donuts of Canada). Don't let this discourage you or keep you from committing to LSSP/ICON! The experience was great and totally worth it (I seriously think I'm going to live here at some point in my life...breathing the air here made me feel healthier.) I can't wait to come back, especially since I'll be coming with my pals from Sub-B. I really want to walk around Downtown Vancouver, take lots of pictures, overcrowd one of the small ramen shops, and even bike around Stanley park with all of you! I'm dedicated to making sure you can make it to LSSP/ ICON and that you have a wonderful time. I really hope to see you there! Ryan Max Ocampo Subregion B Trustee 2012-2013

Photo Courtesy of: Ryan Ocampo 6


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun

UA Celebrates Marti Gras Submitted by: John McMullen, UA President During the beginning of our school year, we surveyed our members to learn what types of events that they would like to do in our club. One of the events suggested was going to a nursing home. So, we started working with a local nursing home this past month, and it was such an amazing and rewarding experience. When we went there, everyone was so excited. We hung out with the senior citizens, bowled, and talked with them. Their faces light up with joy. We had such a positive experience, and we plan to go back to help out with their Mardi Gras party!

Photo Courtesy of: John McMullen

Calling All SWD K-Family Submitted by: Kelsey Vishaway , UNM Secretary The Members of UNM CKI are setting their sights on something bigger this semester. The Albuquerque club is finalizing preparations to host their own large-scale service project throughout the months of February and March in Albuquerque and the surrounding areas. All branches of the Kiwanis family are encouraged to join UNM CKI in gathering donations of food and clothing for a local church. Each club will accept donations at their schools or other designated locations before meeting later in March to prepare the donations for delivery to the Central United Methodist Church. The church provides clothing as well as sack lunches to those in need and is looking forward to working together during this project. All food not used for the sack lunches will be donated to Project Share, a soup kitchen located near UNM campus. The service project will also incorporate a preferred service partner, STUFH (Students Team Up to Fight Hunger), a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing food to those who need it most in an effort to promote a deepened sense of community. 8

Service from the heart Submitted by: Serina Pack, WNMU President With our desire to support Kiwanis and their lighting of the gazebo over the Christmas holiday in Silver City, NM, we turned to our hearts to give us direction as to service. This special occasion was organized on the thought that the Kiwanis family would offer a sing-a-long with Key Club, Builders Club, and CKI when the community turned out to see the lights turned on. WNMU CKI wanted to add a special element to the event, so we asked, "Who would be most 'touched' by such a celebration? Our elderly and our youth," we thought. Since the youth would be represented by the other Kiwanis groups at this special partner event, we recruited the residents of Millie’s rest home to come out and share is this special occasion with our hope it will brighten their day to see the children and to sing with us. The spirit of Christmas and CKI is giving. …And we have gained so much love from these “friends,” too. We have enjoyed practicing our Christmas song with them on several occasions. The holiday season was full of warmth sharing the love of our CKI family with the rest home residents. As serving as President of WNMU CKI this year, one of my favorite quotes never felt more appropriate for this service project. It is a quote by Mother Teresa, "Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love." WNMU CKI is very honored to have all of the support and love from the Kiwanis Club of Silver City. We have had a great year and that has been possible in part to our fantastic partner we have found in our extended Kiwanis family.

Photo Courtesy of: Serina Pack

Kiwanis Chili Supper Submitted by: Meghan Pearce, ENMU President

ENMU Circle K is working with their sponsoring club for the annual Kiwanis Chili Supper. This is a special event where the Kiwanis Club raises money for their club and The Eliminate Project. The Kiwanis Chili Supper is on February 22nd in the Fellowship Hall of First United Methodist Church from 5-7 PM, tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for children under 12. Tickets may be purchased at the door or in advance from any Portales Kiwanis member.


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun


The New Club in Town Is OUTSTANDING



The newest and smallest club in the district has started off with a bang! Everyone better watch out for Western New Mexico University. WNMU is an example of the Circle K motto “Live to Serve, Love to Serve!” In every project they do you can see how much they love service, are becoming the next generation of leaders and experience fellowship within their club and Kiwanis family. Recently, WNMU CKI was featured in a radio commercial which aired on radio stations in Silver City and honored Veteran's at a Kiwanis luncheon. WNMU had a total of 32 projects for months of November and December below are examples of some of their projects:                 


Rainbow Alzheimer’s Fall Event Collaborated with Girl Scouts Veteran Tribute at Kiwanis SOM Volunteered ringing Bells for Kiwanis Annual Fundraiser Radio spot promoting Kiwanis Bell Ringing and Kiwanis Family Terrific Kids Recognition WNMU History Walk Collected donations for a local homeless shelter Christmas Caroling with Kiwanis Club and Millies Rest Home Kiwanis Family Gazebo Lighting Event Volunteered at Christmas for Rainbow Alzheimer’s Sent soldiers Christmas Cards Participated at Kiwanis Sing-A-Long with Key Club, Aktion Club, and Builders Club Created baskets for Homeless children of Grant County Wreaths Across America Served meals at Masonic Installation Volunteered with American Legion


WNMU has also applied for the Disney Friends for Change Grant and The Tomorrow Fund grant for assistance with their Literacy Project. This club has show that there is no such thing as a club too small to serve!



CKI Service Week March 31-April 6, 2013 Join other Circle K clubs around the world during CKI Service Week, beginning March 31 and culminating on Kiwanis One Day on April 6, 2013. CKI Service Week exists to increase awareness of CKI, the Kiwanis family and CKI’s preferred charities March of Dimes, Students Team Up to Fight Hunger and UNICEF on college campuses.

SWD Outstanding Club Members UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, Lauren Vigil Lauren Vigil was our outstanding member for the fall semester! She is a nursing student here at the UA. So, not only does she work hard at school, but she attends almost every service project and goes above and beyond! Lauren is the type of person that you can always count on no matter what. Our rock-star member has decided to not only be a member; she will be the next president of our club! All of our officers and members appreciate the time that she puts into the club, whether it is helping with driving to an event or proposing an idea for a service project, she is always ready to serve! I look forward to see where she will take our club when she Photo Courtesy of: John McMullen becomes president because I know it will be great!

NORTHENRN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY, Johnny Jorquez Johnny was brand new to NAU CKI during the fall semester. During the semester, Johnny attended multiple service events put on by NAU CKI. Not only did Johnny participate actively within the club, Johnny spent a vast amount of time outside of the club doing service within the community. Some of the outside projects include helping students move into their residence halls, volunteering at Flagstaff Medical Center, and distributing toys that were collected for children. Johnny has taken the initiative to explore volunteer opportunities outside of NAU CKI. His dedication to service is admirable. Photo Courtesy of: Rebecca Holub

UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO, Nicole Martinez University of New Mexico CKI would like to recognize Nicole Martinez for her dedication to service in her community and for her inspiration to others as a leader.

Photo Courtesy of: Kelsey Vishaway

A senior at the University of New Mexico, Nicole is studying psychology and biology. Nicole hopes to be accepted into medical school after graduating in the fall of 2013. Aside from her demanding academic career, Nicole is the Service Committee Chair for the Southwest District in addition to being an active member of UNM CKI. 12

CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun



EASTERN NEW MEXICO UNIVERSITY, Alex Campbell Alex has been in Circle K for the past 3 years and he has been an active member. He makes sure that things get done and he is a good leader. He has gone to almost every service project that we have ever had since we chartered! He was the club treasure for the 2012-2013 school year and is going to be the 2013-2014 club president. The whole club is excited for what he has in store for us. He is awesome at bringing new people to meetings and attending meetings. He has wonderful people skills and is a great friend to everyone he meets. The members can’t wait to see what new heights he will go to in the next school year. Photo Courtesy of: Alex Campbell’s Facebook page

WESTERN NEW MEXICO UNIVERSITY, Serina Pack Serina Pack, President of newly chartered CKI at Western New Mexico University has shown outstanding leadership and dedication by doing the necessary work needed to build a young club from the bottom up. Despite being a freshman at WNMU, Serina made the necessary contacts that led to approval of CKI as a campus club. Her Photo Courtesy of: Lori Bonomo planning, cheerful attitude and personal skills attracted new members that have laid the groundwork for a successful campus service organization. Her dedication to the creation of the club has led to several great service projects including Trick or Treating for Eliminate, working a kids booth at the Halloween Spooktacular with Aktion Club of Silver City, promoting CKI and Kiwanis at a Silver City History Expo, and sponsoring Jose Barrios Elementary Terrific Kids Program each month.


CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun


Announcements 

The Southwest Sun is the official publication of the Southwest District Circle K International!

The Southwest Sun is here for you, CKI members, alumni and Kiwanis Family alike please feel free to submit articles to the Southwest Sun.

Member Highlight: Do you have a club member that is going above and beyond their duties, had success in their education, joined an honor society, or has a really cool life! Highlight your members successes in and outside of Kiwanis in the Southwest Sun! Send a brief biography and members contact information to SWD Bulletin Editor, Elissia Torres

All content for the Southwest Sun is due to your Southwest District Bulletin Editor by the 5th of the month! All articles are subject to editing. The Southwest Sun will be distributed on the 15th of the month of publication, unless otherwise noted.

Please submit all content to Elissia,

You can subscribe to the Southwest Sun and be the first to read the Southwest Sun. To subscribe please click here and follow the link

TAX INFORMATION: Please check with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club regarding taxes. For more information please contact District Treasurer Kelsae Pederson

¡Holla! Send a short message to members or to the district to be featured in the Southwest Sun SERVICE HOUR HOLLA at imin u El


3,967 Total yo district service hours have WD w o S completed H S? - since April N MT

Total district hours completed for November & December 624 hours Congratulations Omar for receiving Distinguished Sec753 Total District Hours for the retary at ICON

month of January

Congratulations ASU for the most service hours for the month of November and December! Congratulations WNMU for the most service hours for the month of January!

The last Southwest Sun will be distributed March 15th Great Job ENMU with 144 hours for November/December NMSU has spent the last few months rebuilding their club, SWD better watch of for those Aggies!

Miss an issue of the Southwest Sun? Don’t worry every issue is available at 15

Southwest District Administrators &Associate Administrators Bob Carson CKI Administrator

C.K. Liu Arizona State

Michael Iafrato Northern Arizona

Rose Anne Dodson District Executive Director

Jim Lee Eastern New Mexico

Betty Misch University of Arizona

Ron Smith Assistant Administrator

Bert Benedick New Mexico State

Lori Ann Bonomo Western New Mexico

Southwest District Board


CKI Presidents

John McMullen University of Arizona Erin Lin Arizona State University Inactive Cochise Community College Meghan Pearce Eastern New Mexico University

Vonia Adams University of New Mexico Varayini Pankayatselvan New Mexico State University Rebecca Holub Northern Arizona University Inactive University of Texas at El Paso Serina Lee Pack Western New Mexico University 16

Omar Perez Governor Jeanette Flores Secretary Kelsae Pederson Treasurer Elissia Torres Bulletin Editor Katie Merrill Lieutenant Governor New Mexico/Texas Kevin Wright Lieutenant Governor Arizona

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