Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2012
In this issue! Page 2-3 Meet your SWDCKI Board Page 4 CKI Lesson Page 5 Northern Arizona Page 6 University of Arizona Page 7 University of New Mexico
Page 8 Eastern New Mexico University Page 9 Arizona State University Page 10 Announcements Page 11 District Governors and SWD Presidents
Meet your 2012 2012-2013
Omar Perez Governor/ Technology Chair
Jeanette Flores Secretary
Kelsae Pederson Treasurer/ K– Family Relations Chair
Kevin Lieutenant Governor: Arizona/ Laws and Regulations Chair
Nicole Martinez Service Chair
Elissia Torres Bulletin Editor
Katie Merril Lieutenant Governor: New Mexico, El Paso
Adrian Perez On To International Convention Chair
Southwest District Board Submitted by your 2012-2013 Southwest District Board Once upon a time in a land a south and a little west, there was a place called the Southwest District. The Southwest District was located in the kingdom of Circle K International ,CKI for short. CKI was full of people called volunteers who lived and loved to serve. Omar, the Duke of Volunteering sought to fight all the evil in the world. There was news giants were destroying CKI. Duke Omar realized he could not defeat the them alone. He called for a team to keep the Southwest district safe. So Duke Omar set forth to bring together volunteers who fostered compassion and goodwill towards others. Walking through the kingdom, he came along a little volunteer named Jeanette. Jeanette noticed Duke Omar and knew he was looking for help to defeat the evil of CKI. Jeanette walked up to Omar and introduced herself. He was so grateful to meet her; he asked if she wanted to join him, she agreed and was excited for this new adventure. Duke Omar and Jeanette had reached the Rio Grade River and did not have a raft; they noticed a volunteer picking up litter. They introduced themselves and asked her for help. Kelsae, a volunteer dedicated to the love of service, helped them cross the river with her raft. Duke Omar and Jeanette noticed Kelsae’s dedication and asked her to join them, and she did. Everyone was getting tired and hungry when, they noticed a bakery nearby. They decided to go in and get some candy and sweets for the trip. The bakery owner, Elissia, welcomed them and gave them something to eat and drink. Duke Omar, Jeanette, and Kelsae were listening to Elissia tell them about her bakery as they rested. The money she earned is divided into fours and given to charities are Better World Books, March of Dimes, STUFH, and UNICEF. Elissia told them about the special UNICEF project, The Eliminate Project, to help eliminate maternal/neonatal tetanus. Everyone was impressed and invited Elissia to join them and inform everyone about her causes. The team soon found themselves in the realms of Arizona, New Mexico, and even El Paso Texas in search for Lieutenant Governors. They travelled to the peaks of Flagstaff and then found Kevin, then eastern New Mexico they encountered another fearless leader Katie. The team would not be complete until they found a few more volunteers and will be looking all year long for new members who live and love to serve.
3 CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
CKI Lesson: Do you know your history?
Submitted by Lisa Watson Subregion B Representative The new club and district terms have just started, but do you know how Circle K International started? Some of you may know that Circle K started out in 1947, but the idea came 25 years earlier. A member from the Michigan district of Kiwanis submitted the idea of creating a junior Kiwanis club in colleges and universities to the international board. After a long discussion, the board claimed the idea was ‘impractical’. It turned out to be pretty practical (and awesome) if you ask me! Less than 2 decades later, in 1939, the Pullman, WA Kiwanis club purchased a house, named the Circle K House, and charged 26 college men $20 a month to live in the house. This means that Circle K actually began as a fraternity (Kappa Iota Phi). But, this is not the same Circle K that we know today. In 1947, Carthage College in IL started a new type of Circle K club, which focused on service to campus (sounds more like us, right?). It wasn’t until 1953 that students from 15 clubs met in New York and campaigned for official recognition to become a Kiwanis-family organization. At the Kiwanis International Convention in 1955, Circle K received international recognition and a charter from Kiwanis International. In 1973, Circle K became the first organization in the Kiwanis family to grant membership to women. Just a few year later, women made up almost half of the international board and held governor positions in several districts. By the early 1980s, there were already over 500 clubs worldwide and more than 12,000 members! Since then, clubs continue to be chartered every year and members show their love for serving all over the world. We have come a long way and have developed into an amazing organization. And now think back to 1922, when the idea of a collegiate Kiwanis was deemed impractical… If only those Kiwanians can see us now.
FELLOWSHIP SERVICE MAY/JUNE Kiwanis Webinars * All webinars are scheduled for 8pm EST ** www.kiwanisone.org/ webinars for registration and more information May 15 Successful project management for fundraising and service May 22 Experience The Big Easy! What to expect at ICON May 24 Conociendo a Kiwanis- Un recorrido por sus 97 años de historia June 5 Being a TEREFIC Kiwanian June 12 Being an informed delegate June 19 ¿Qué pasará en la convención internacional?
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
The ICON Package is your all inclusive spirit and District Lunch package! When it comes district spirit, no one does it better than the Mighty Southwest! This package includes spirit essentials such as a T-shirt, chili pepper hat, southwest beads, glasses, and MUCH MORE! Not only will this package include spirit materials, it will also include a district lunch! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to unite with the SWD. We need to win our spirit stick back!!!!
est U
W E T H S 2012
C ele in
50 y rs of ea
ICON Package 2012 • T-shirt • Chili Hat • Themed Goodies • District Pins • District Lunch
$40.00/per person
Things to Know: ICON Package 2012
LSSP + ICON 2012
What is the ICON Package? Why should I buy it?
Northern Arizona CKI Submitted by NAU CKI President: Rebecca Holub
CLASS OF 2012 Congratulations on your graduation and engagement! Teresa Garibay and Daniel Clark-Corella
Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, known as Circle K at Northern Arizona University, news was spreading fast about an upcoming ball. This wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t any ordinary ball. This ball was all about helping clean the kingdom by performing community service. All of the princes and princesses of the K Kingdom were excited to meet the most important people there. Their names were Tim Melnick and Rachel Cole. These wonderful advisors made the K Kingdom possible. In the K Kingdom, there was a group of six individuals who took initiative and became leaders of the community service projects that took place in the K Kingdom. Rebecca Holub held the President position. Her job was to make sure everything got taken care of the right way. Erika Storm, also known as the Vice President of Service was so adamant about service projects that benefitted the whole kingdom that it became her sole duty. Oscar Bujanda, the vice president of administration, took care of all the administrative tasks of planning the K Kingdom Ball. Alex Bennett took care of all the finances of the ball as treasurer. During all the planning meetings, Calle Hewitt, the secretary, made sure that everything that had been decided was written down and everyone knew the plan. When the planning was over, Jesenia Chacon, the historian/ bulletin editor made sure to advertise the event, and took many photos to last for the years to come. At the end of the K Kingdom Ball, everyone decided that certain people needed to be recognized for their hard work and dedication. These two people were Teresa Garibay and Daniel Clarke-Corella, who were not only leaving the K Kingdom Ball but also the K Kingdom to help other kingdoms and show them the importance of community service.
Teresa Garibay Major: Early Childhood Education Minor: Sociology Daniel Clark-Corella Major: Accounting Both Teresa and Daniel were in NAU CKI for 4 years.
Northern Arizona University Executive Board
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
University of Arizona
Alyssa Broughton Major: History Minor: American Indian Studies Masters: Alyssa will be pursuing her Masters of Arts in Public History at ASU in the Fall
University of Arizona Executive Board
SERVICE Ginger-locks and the Three Service Projects Submitted by UA CKI President: John McMullen
Once upon a time, there was a small village named UA. In this village there was a boy named Ginger-locks. All he ever wanted was to find the perfect service that would give back to his community, and show his love for service!
While walking to the animal shelter to volunteer he ran into Zany Zach. Although he loved to volunteer there, he never quite fit in. So together they left to find a new service project. So they journeyed on to by lemonade. They happen to find Silly Cindy selling lemonade for cancer. But it was so hot that all the ice melted. They tried to help, by all the grocery stores were sold out of ice. They then decided to help out in a better fundraiser, where they found Sassy Lassi raising money for ELIMINATE. They were all so excited that the project was a success because of Priceless Page had designed all the flyers!
After that, they realized that they had discovered their perfect service project because they were all able to work together!
K Family Member for 7 years: 2 years CKI 4 years in Key Club Key Club Junior Class Representative and Vice-President CKI Service Chair and President Other Organizations: Sigma Alpha Lambda Honorary, Phi Theta Kappa Honorary, Future Teacher’s Club “There is no doubt that I will miss all the people in CKI. This past year I spent as President only brought me closer with the rest of the members and I will definitely miss them and the service we have done throughout the Tucson community!”
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
University of New Mexico
Submitted by UNM President, Vonia Adams
Once upon a time there was a waitress named Vonia Adams who attends school at the University of New Mexico. She is double majoring in anthropology and international studies. Vonia never had time for friends between classes and running UNM CKI as president. Vonia is working unbelievably hard to make her dreams come true as fast as possible. Cruz Lopez is her vice president who is majoring in political science. He wants to succeed so bad that he became indebted to his “friends-on-theother-side” through voodoo. Everyone knew Cruz as the Shadow Man. One day a prince came to town, the Shadow Man saw Prince Naveen and tricked him into making a deal. The Shadow Man turned Naveen into a frog and trapped him in a jar for future use. The prince escaped and met Vonia who was dressed like a princess at a costume party. Naveen remembered a story that the servants used to tell him called The Frog Prince, where a prince was turned into a frog and had to kiss a princess to become human again. Vonia kissed the frog and turned into a frog herself, she was not a real princess. They escaped into the bayou where they met Merlyn Avila, an alligator and a treasurer. Merlyn is majoring in psychology and offered to take them to a voodoo lady who would know how to end the curse in exchange for being in their CKI club. Merlyn led Vonia and Naveen all through the bayou to the voodoo lady named Kelsey Vishaway. Kelsey used to be a secretary for the Shadow Man and remembered how to counter act the curse. She is majoring in strategic communication, in exchange for being the secretary of their CKI club, Kelsey turned Vonia and Naveen human again. The Shadow Man realized that he had such a good board for his club, he repaid his debt and did not have to practice voodoo anymore. They became great friends running the greatest UNM CKI ever and lived happily ever after.
SERVICE Michelle Guilmette Major: Psychology Minor: Psychology
K Family Member for 6 years 3 years in CKI Other Organizations: UA Relay for Life Committee, Volunteer at Tu Nidto and UMC Hospital, Target Team member “I will miss the fellowship in our club– amazing bonds and friendships have blossomed by seeing each other at meetings and serving together! I love that I can hang out with my friends and do community service at the same time because those are two of my favorite things! Good lick to everyone and I hope you have a great summer!”
University of New Mexico Executive Board CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
ICON is 3 days of amazing guest speakers, workshops, and district spirit! After learning from inspirational guest speakers, taking idea churning workshops, experiencing the volatile international house of delegates, witnesses democracy take place as we vote in our new international board, and trying to win the spirit stick for your the MIGHTY SOUTHWEST DISTRICT! you will leave New Orleans a completely new person. You think the small SWD wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make a difference? Well youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re dead wrong! In 2010 the SWD won the spirit stick not once but twice! I would like to also mention that we should have won it in 2011 too, but you know . . . everyone needs to get the trophy at least once, apparently. Come to ICON and have a blast!
ICON Registration Information Early bird registration
(on or before May 1)
Regular registration
(May 2 to June 1)
On-site registration
(after June 2)
Register Online http://www.formstack.com/forms/Kiwanis-2012ckiregistration
ICON 2012
What is International Convention? Why should I go?
Eastern New Mexico University
Submitted by ENMU President Meghan Pearce There once was a far away land called the Southwest District. There were many different kingdoms in this land. There was a new kingdom that was built just one short year ago. This kingdom was called Portales! In this kingdom was eastern New Mexico University. This university is home of the new chapter of Circle K International.
This small kingdom is only one year old and has been doing well so far. Our new president is Meghan Pearce. Our secretary is Janelle Kerr. Our treasurer is Alex Campbell. Our bulletin editor is Samantha Emms. One fine day, our advisor Mercedes Agagino, Susan Larson, and Dr. Jim Lee had a problem that only we as a club could solve. There were too many garden gnomes in the Kiwanis mile of the highway and they could not clean them up by themselves! Our mighty treasure, Alex Campbell tried to use club funds to bribe them off the highway, but to no avail, the gnomes did not move. Our secretary, Janelle Kerr, then wrote them a letter and had it delivered to the gnomes by our bulletin editor, Samantha Emma. The gnomes still did not move off the Kiwanis highway.
Lindsey Nelson Major: Public Health 2012 Nursing 2014 K Family Member for 7 years 5 years CKI I will miss all the wonderful friends that I have made while being involved in CKI. Everyone involved in this organization has such amazing hearts and there is no other organization like the Kiwanis family.
Then our viceâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; president Chase Sturdevant, who also happened to be a powerful wizard road in on his mighty unicorn to put a course on the gnomes and banish them from dirtying up the highway ever again! But alas, they were unmovable! We needed a new strategy to get these gnomes off our highway. Our president, Meghan Pearce, offered to help them mow the lawns and trim their hedges, because they were too short to reach the top of the lawnmower and they could reach both ends of the hedge trimmers at the same time.
Congratulations Graduates! Your K family is proud of all you have accomplished. Continue to make a difference in your community through service, leadership and fellowship.
After all this hard work, we took them out on the town. We prepared them a spaghetti dinner and they enjoyed a performance from the ENMU Jazz Band. They were so grateful for our kindness that they donated to our Eliminate fundraiser.
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Arizona State University Submitted by ASU President, Erin Lin Once upon a time, there were four little panda bears at Arizona State University. Each one was studying something different. Alex was a finance major, Felicia was a biology major, Luke was an economics major, and Betsy was studying family sciences. Although they all studied something different they came together because they all shared the same love for helping others. They searched high and low for something that they can all express their love. But they couldn’t find it. They went on a great adventure throughout ASU to look for this special something. They went to Roteract and they thought it was cool, but they didn’t feel that special bond. Then they tried out fifty other clubs, but still did not find one that fits. One day they came across a panda named Erin. She was the president of a club called Circle K International. After being involved, they realized that they had found this special something where they were able to express their love for service to others. They were motivated to join Erin in a journey to make ASU’s Circle K International even better than what they had experienced. Erin remained president, Alex was vice president, Felicia was secretary, Luke was treasurer, and Betsy was the bulletin editor. Together they believed that anything can be done. They couldn’t wait to start their journey working together to make a difference in the community and in the world. They were ready to take on any challenges that they faced… To learn what happens next, follow our club’s Facebook: ASU Circle K!!!!!
Arizona State University Executive Board
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
ICON 2012
Guess whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coming to ICON 2012! Lauren Potter will keynote the
CKI Leadership Luncheon! She portrays the character Becky Jackson, a cheerleader with Down syndrome, on the TV show Glee. In November 2011, President Obama appointed Lauren to the Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities, where she advises the White House on issues related to that population. Potter was born May 10, 1990, in Inland Empire, California. She graduated from Polytechnic High School in Riverside, California, and is studying at Irvine Valley College in Irvine, California, as of Fall 2011.
Kiwanis International will be joining us in New Orleans! For the first time in
our history Kiwanis International and Circle K International will be hosting their respective international conventions in the same city at the same time. While Kiwanis will be across the street in their own hotel, they have graciously invited CKIers to their amazing events at a discount. We will even help organize their first ever ELIMINATE walk. Kiwanis ICON is a quite a spectacle too as over 1000 registrants will fill the area.
CKI Alumni Association Don’t forget your K Family, CKI graduates and Key Club Alumni please join the K Family Alumni Associations! For more information please visit kiwanis.org/alumni
The Southwest Sun is the official publication of the Southwest
District Circle K International! The Southwest Sun is here for you, CKI members, alumni and Kiwanis
Family alike please feel free to submit articles to the Southwest Sun. Member Highlight: Do you have a club member that is going above and
beyond their duties, had success in their education, joined an honor society, or has a really cool life! Highlight your members successes in and outside of Kiwanis in the Southwest Sun! ¡Holla! :Send a short message no more than 20 characters to members or
to the district to be featured in the Southwest Sun All content for the Southwest Sun is due to your Southwest District
Bulletin Editor by the 5th of the month! The Southwest Sun will be distributed on the 15th of the month of publication. Please submit all content to Elissia, elissiat.swdcki@gmail.com Make sure to check your new and improved Southwest District website!
Where are they NOW?
You’ll find information on your 2012-2013 District Board, K Family and Service Partners, Monthly Report Forms, upcoming district information and events and MUCH, MUCH MORE! swcki.org District and International Dues are due in the Fall start fundraising! You can subscribe to the Southwest Sun and be the first to read the
Southwest Sun. To subscribe please click here and follow the link
Do you know any SWD CKI Alumni? Please invite any SWD CKI alumni to share their post-CKI adventures and be highlighted in the Southwest Sun. Please send interested alumni contact information to your SWD Bulletin Editor Elissia Torres elisssiat.swdcki@gmail.com
The June/July Southwest Sun will be distributed July 15 10
www.swcki.org www.circlek.org
LSSP + ICON 2012
Get important updates about LSSP/ICON! • Facebook
“Southwest District CKI” Facebook page
“Southwest goes to New Orleans” Facebook event page http://www.facebook.com/events/330102420391040/
“Southwest goes to New Orleans” Facebook group
Things to Know: Keep Me Updated!
•Room List
“Southwest District Goes to New Orleans Room List”
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JNBSVgVM3exWNIdXoR6_kA0EpS1_ SwKiNXPsImV2IDE/edit
• Circle K International
LSSP information and registration www.circlek.org/lssp
ICON information and registration www.circlek.org/convention http://www.formstack.com/forms/Kiwanis-2012ckiregistration
Book your LSSP and ICON hotel room online
https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/booking/reservation?i d=1202236191&key=EC252
LSSP + ICON 2012
How to get to New Orleans • Fly of course Average cost: $300-$500 round trip The longer you wait to get your plane tickets the more you’ll pay!
• Take a long drive Average time: 19-24 hours While driving make take long time, it could save you and your club tons of money. Depending on what kind of car you have, you can get to NOLA and back for only $500! Divide the cost between your driving buddies and four people can get to ICON for less than $150 each! Be careful to share driving responsibilities, don’t do it alone.
Things to Know: Travel
Things to Know • Flying to New Orleans?
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (25 mins from hotel)
Air-to-Hotel Shuttle $20/per person $36/per person (round trip) Taxi-to-Hotel $33/ride
• When should I get to New Orleans? When booking flights and driving use the following guide LSSP: Arrive to the hotel no later than 3:00PM - Sunday, June 24th ICON: Arrive to the hotel no later than 12:00PM - Wednesday, June 27th
Meet the Governors
CARIBBEAN Orville Weir
MICHIGAN Megan Pratt
CAROLINAS Keiko Gomez-Gurley
MINNESOTA-DAKOTAS Hayden Waisanen MISSOURI-ARKANSAS Kelby Jones MONTANA Stephanie Wawrzniak NEBRASKA-IOWA Nicole Wilson
GEORGA Stefan Ludlow
SOUTHWEST (B) Omar Perez
UTAH-IDAHO David Marriott WEST VIRGINA Chad Minnick WESTERN CANADA Daniel Lee WISCONSIN-UPPER MICHIGAN Morgan Fierro (B)= Subregion B
NEW JERSEY Danielle Sammut
INDIANA Kelsey Grower
TEXAS-OLKAHOMA Sanjuana Zavala
FLORIA Sara Fruithandler
KANSAS Roger Agnew
CAPITAL Mikail Clark
NEW YORK Corey Oses
Southwest District Board Omar Perez operez.cki@gmail.com Governor
CKI Presidents
John McMullen University of Arizona jgmz@email.arizona.edu Erin Lin Arizona State University erin.lin@asu.edu Kayla Tomooka Cochise Community College kayla.amk.tomooka@hotmail.com
Vonia Adams University of New Mexico voniaadams@hotmail.com Varayini Pankayatselvan New Mexico State University varay21@nmsu.edu Lizeth Fraire University of Texas at El Paso lizethcki@yahoo.com
Meghan Pearce Eastern New Mexico University Meghan.pearce@enmu.edu
Jeanette Flores jnflores.swdcki@gmail.com Secretary Kelsae Pederson pedersonkelsae@yahoo.com Treasurer Elissia Torres elissiat.swdcki@gmail.com Bulletin Editor Katie Merrill katherine.merrill@enmu.edu Lieutenant Governor New Mexico/Texas Kevin Wright kwright.swdcki@gmail.com Lieutenant Governor Arizona
www.swcki.org www.circlek.org