Volume 1 Issue 2 June/July 2012 Cover photo courtesy of Amanda May, Rocky Mountain Governor
In this issue! Page 4-5 LSSP/ICON Recap Page 9 Aktion Club Page 12-13 Service Project Ideas Page 14-15 Zozobra Page 16-17 Subregion B
Page 20 Ronald McDonald House Page 22-23 Alumni Highlight Page 27 Final Words Page 28 Meet your International Board
Hello MIGHTY SOUTHWEST DISTRICT!!!! This month the SWD has amazing amounts of fun! Eight members represented the SWD at this year’s Large Scale Service Project (LSSP) and International Convention (ICON). These two events encompass an entire week of service, leadership, and fellowship along with memories to last a lifetime! One really great project we did in New Orleans was a Habitat for Humanity build in which ALL of CKI worked on several buildings at the same time. A project like this had never been done and the SWD got to be part of it. In addition to service we voted in new international bylays and our new international board members at the 2012 International House of Delegates. If you don’t already know our new International President is Josephine Lukito, our new International Vice-President is Daniel Tsang, our new International Trustee at large is Donnesh Amrolah, and our new Subregion B Trustee is Ryan Ocampo. Please find them on Facebook and give them a Mighty Southwest Welcome. I would also like to congratulate ASU CKI for fundraising the most money for March of Dimes in 2011-2012, and congratulations are in order for Immediate Past Governor Adrian Perez for his Distinguished Governor honors. Getting to LSSP and ICON can be expensive but with some hard work you can fundraise your way and promise you that the experience is well worth it. Keep this in mind as next year’s LSSP/ICON will be in Vancouver, Canada! On to business! This month on July 28th, in Phoenix, AZ, we will be having our Summer Board Meeting. In this meeting we will be discussing DCON locations, Fall Rally theme and budget, district growth, and so much more. If you are interested in joining us in person or via conference, let me know. Omar Perez Southwest District Governor
Governor Omar Perez with New Jersey Governor Danielle Sammut Photo from Omar Perez 3
Submitted by Adrian Perez SWD Immediate Past Governor & 2012-2013 OTIC Chair Where y’at Southwest! This year’s Large Scale Service Project and International Convention was in the great city of New Orleans, Louisiana! Eight Southwest members met up with 175 CKIers in New Orleans for three days of service. Projects ranged from cleaning and making a meal at the New Orleans Ronald McDonald House, painting a mural, and even working on a Habitat for Humanity project site. CKI completed over 4,000 hours of service in three days! An amazing time was had and tons of fellowship continued, after that days hard work, with karaoke at the Cat’s Meow on Bourbon Street and beignets at Café Du Monde. After those great days it was time to get to business at International Convention where Delegates from Arizona State University and the University of New Mexico had four days of workshops, caucusing, and house of delegates. Together we passed and failed amendments and we elected our new International Board! The Southwest was honored with three great accomplishments at the convention. The March of Dimes announced Arizona State the top fundraising school in all of CKI. Thanks to the great work of ASU and Jared Doles for giving babies a chance! During the honors night the Southwest was Honored with Distinguished Secretary-Treasurer for 2011-2012 and Distinguished Governor for 2011-2012! There was a lot of Subregion B love at ICON. Together we made lots of noise and showed that Sub B is the Best Subregion in all of CKI. Even becoming infamous for being Bees in a Trapped Elevator.
Memories of LSSP/ICON 2012 in New Orleans
Photos from Betsy Arias SWD, Adrian Perez SWD, Omar Perez SWD and Brett Butler CNH 5
Submitted by SWD Secretary, Jeanette Flores Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to start off by saying thank you to all the secretaries for making an effort to be in touch with me and submitting hours on time! Everyone has been doing an awesome job with service projects and really trying to do as best they can. I would like to make a few short shout-outs to the University of New Mexico for the most service hours in April/May with ( -270 hours) and Eastern New Mexico State University with the second most service hours (-140 hours).
Service doesn’t end when the school year does….
Congratulations! Eastern New Mexico State University University of Arizona & University of New Mexico
I’d also like to congratulate the University of New Mexico for the most inter-club service hours and the University of Arizona for the most Kiwanis (KFR) service hours. Wow, great job keep it up! Inter-club hours are defined as a meeting or event organized by two or more CKI clubs, including CKI clubs-in-formation, in which two members from each CKI club attend.
KFR (Kiwanis Family Relation) hours are defined as a meeting or event organized by at least one CKI club and at least one other level of the Kiwanis Family including clubs-in-formation, in which two members from each club attend.
Service Hours are due the 5th of each month.
CKI International at LSSP, Habitat for Humanity Photo courtesy of David Truong, CNH
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Arizona Division Submitted by: Kevin Wright, Arizona Lieutenant Governor Hello CKI! Not much to report from Arizona, but after getting some input from the clubs within the division, it seems as though service is definitely not a problem at meeting high standards the individual clubs make for themselves. However, a common concern is retention. So I really want to reach out to other resources within the K-family to see how they have dealt with retention problems. Another thing that has been brought to my attention is what ideas can be fully acted upon in order to fundraise for the ELIMINATE Project, which is something I plan to make sure the Arizona Division makes the best effort to focus more on such a prestigious cause. In terms of clubs working together, an idea was proposed to have a service project in the three main areas of the division, which comprise of Flagstaff, Phoenix, and Tucson. With all these creative juices flowing in the Arizona Division, I am so excited to get started on everything.
New Mexico, El Paso Division Submitted by: Katie Merrill , New Mexico, El Paso Lieutenant Governor Hello Southwest, This is your update from the state of New Mexico! Most everyone is enjoying their summer breaks and taking trips, working or taking classes. I myself, am having a great time in Phoenix, AZ. Her is what the presidents said about their clubs for the summer. ENMU is getting ready for their big fundraiser at the beginning of the semester in Santa Fe, NM at Zozobra. They are very proud of their first full year completed and canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wait to take the campus by storm next semester. NMSU is getting ready for the coming yeaer with plans of fundraising and recruiting underway. UNM finished off the year with a service week in April and will begin planning new projects for the Fall in July. WNMU is doing very well. They just finished their officer training in late May and are ready to get going on the coming year. Great excitement shows this group to have a great year. I am glad everyone is still thinking about Circle K on their breaks. This is going to be a great year for the Southwest District and the state of New Mexico. Have a great summer!!!
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
CKI Lesson: Aktion Club
FELLOWSHIP What about Aktion Clubs?
Submitted by Jerry Friedler Southwest District Aktion Club Administrator George D. “Jake” Swartout organized the first Aktion Club for adults who live with a disability in Putnam Country, Fla. District, and by word-of-mouth, throughout the Kiwanis world. On October 1, 2000 Aktion Club became an official SLP of KI. Today there are more than 500 clubs and over 10, 300 members. Aktion Club is a member-led organization that promotes community integration through service. The Motto of Aktion Club is, “Where Development has No Disability”. The Mission of Aktion Club is to provide adults living with disabilities the opportunity to develop initiative, leadership skills and to serve their communities. Aktion Club membership is open to any adult (over 18) who lives with a disability and desires to become a leader in his or her community. Aktion Clubs are structured much like Key Clubs or Circle K Clubs (either who may also co-sponsor an Aktion Club). They operate under a set of bylaws, elect the own officers, set their own priorities and raise their own funds all with the help of their sponsoring Kiwanis organization. Each Aktion Club in the Southwest District, depending on its location has members that are being trained to work in supermarkets (stocking shelves or bagging groceries), fast food restaurants (cleaning the service area and preparing food), doing yard work in Tucson, The Beacon Group Aktion Club has contacts with hospitals, state and federal government offices and other local businesses to shred their documents. One of the Aktion Club members that operates a two sided shredder is legally blind and is also training other people with limited sight to operate this machine. One of the service projects that Aktion Club in Las Cruces has is to clean on a weekly basis an old style police care in front of the police department. Other clubs have service projects (marshaling parades, help serve pancakes, Toys for Tots) that assist their Kiwanis Club and also help in fundraisers (ringing bells, food drives and other projects).
July Kiwanis Webinars * All webinars are scheduled for 8pm EST ** visit KiwanisOne.org for webinar registration and more information July 17 Keep it in the family and ReMember July 24 What did I miss at International Convention July 31 Women in Kiwanis For CKI webinars visit CircleK.org
If you or your club is interested in working with or co-sponsoring an Aktion Club please contact Jerry Friedler, jermj@gilanet.com
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
NOTE: Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget about District Dues when fundraising . A great way to fundraise for both your club and our service partners is to set aside a portion of the proceeds for either your club or any of our service partners. Make sure you let people know youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be doing this.
Fundraising Fundraising! It might not be your favorite part of CKI but it is how we operate as an organization and help other organizations like our service partners: Better World Books, March of Dimes, Students Team Up to Fight Hunger (STUFH), and UNICEF with The Eliminate Project.
Summer is a great time to make some money so that during the school year your club can concentrate on the service aspect of CKI. Raising money can be difficult on campus and many clubs turn to outside venues by asking restaurants for a percentage and fundraising nights where a portion of the proceeds go to your organization or service partner. Many other clubs also hold car washes in parking lots, or are working to earn money for the club. The standard car wash and bake sale are great ways to make a little bit of money here and there but, What puts your club at the top of the fundraising empire? The Southwest District would like to know. Please email your District Treasure Kelsae Pederson with your fundraising ideas.
FELLOWSHIP 5 Tips for Fundraising
1. Have a goal 2. Be specific about where donations will go 3. Know about the organization 4. Be polite. A greeting, smile, and a thank you go a long way 5. Advertise. Let people know about your fundraising projects before they happen.
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Service Projects Submitted by Nicole Martinez, SWD Service Chair Greetings Southwest! My name is Nicole Martinez from the University of New Mexico. I am your 2012-2013 Service committees Chair. Please read on for some summer ideas. Whether you have a little time or a whole lot of time, there is a project for you! Service Fundraisers: Are you interested in raising money this summer for some of our service partners like March of Dimes, UNICEF or the ELIMINATE Project? Here are a few easy fundraisers that have the potential to be very successful with proper planning! Bagels for Babies- ask a local WalMart, Walgreens, Sam’s Club, Costco, etc. to hold a bagel sale outside of their entrance. You can ask an Einstein Bagel Bros. or similar business to donate their left over bagels to the cause so you do not have to purchase the bagels with your club money or money raised. Make sure to hand out brochures or information sheets for details on March of Dimes and CKI. Bowling for Babies- Some bowling allies are dedicated to helping out their community. You can ask around and see if your local bowling alley will allow a percentage of the bowling fee to be allocated toward March of Dimes. You may also request to run the concession stand as another option. Shots for Shots (tetanus vaccines)- Feel like hanging out in the summer sun while raising money for ELIMINATE? Host a “Shots for Shots” game on your campus or at a neighborhood park. You can have a dart game or a basketball free throw/three point shooting tournament. Charge the participants $1.80 per shot and each try will save a life! Lemonade Stand- Many of the children that UNICEF supports do not have the opportunity of clean drinking water, education, or basic/emergency medical supplies. Help support them by holding a Lemonade stand on your campus or in your neighborhood. The supplies can be donated by local businesses or purchased by your club at a minimal cost. Yard Sale- Do you have a extra clothes, furniture, and nic nacs that you’ve been meaning to get rid of? Put them to great use by holding a yard sale with your fellow club members. Percentage Night- Many local restaurants are willing to give your club a percentage of their profit by holding percentage nights. Talk to a local restaurant to see if they have this option. A couple ideas are Applebee’s and Chipotle.
Physical Service: For those members who like to get down and dirty, here are some physical labor projects that are really fun. Habitat for Humanity: You can participate in a build, help organize their restore, or provide lunch at one of the build sites. For information on builds going on in your community visit: habitatforhumanity.org Soup Kitchens- are a great opportunity to help serve meals to the members in your community who need assistance with meals. Some kitchens have opportunities to cook, serve, and/or clean up. Sometimes you can also donate non-perishable food items for food boxes that are distributed to the community. This type of project corresponds with Student Team Up To Fight Hunger (STUFH), one of our service partners. Child literacy programs- Most elementary schools hold summer programs for children. You may volunteer in the programs by being a story reader and helping to promote literacy. Summer meal handouts for children- When school lets out for summer, some children lose their nutrition sources (school lunches). You may volunteer at a local program that distributes nutritious meals to children in need. (Also a STUFH project) Little Dresses for Africa: If you have some spare pillow cases that are in great condition, make a dress out of them to help provide clothing to young girls in Africa. You can construct and sew several dresses for under $5.00! For more details please visit littledressesforafrica.org
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget about The Eliminate Project Club Toolkits at TheEliminateProject.org
The Burning of Zozobra Submitted by ENMU President Meghan Pearce, F.A.Q. can be found at Zozobra.com “Since 1921, The Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe serves the youth and community of Santa Fe. Kiwanis was the first service club in Santa Fe, some of their more notable projects include purchasing bencers for the plaza, building a tennis court for the old Santa Fe High School and donating land on Galisteo Street so the Workers Progress Administration (WPA) could construct the Villagra building. In 1952, The Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe formed to provide college scholarships to deserving high school seniors. IN 1978 the Santa Fe Downtown Kiwanis Foundation began making annual grants to local children and youth serving non-profit organizations”.– Zozobra.com
Zozobra is the burning of all your fears, frustrations, and the pain of the last year. He is a 72 foot tall marionette that is burned every years in Santa Fe. The burning of Zozobra is the beginning of the Fiestas de Santa Fe, has taken place in Santa Fe since 1712. Zozobra has been burned since 1924. The Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe sponsors the festival. The ENMU Circle K Club has the amazing opportunity to help out with the burning of Zozobra in 2011. Last year ENMU Circle K worked with the Santa Fe Indian School and sold glow sticks and children’s toys. This was an awesome fundraising opportunity and we made about $500 for our club.
If anyone has ideas or suggestions let’s hear them!
This year Zozobra is on Thursday, September 6th. Please contact Ray Valdez rayavaldez@gmail.com if your club wants to join.
ENMU CKI at Zozobra 2011 Photo courtesy of Meghan Pearce, SWD
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Zozobra F.A.Q. How tall is Zozobra? 49 feet 11 inches tall How much does Zozobra weigh? About 1600 lbs. What is Zozobra made of? Wood, wire, poultry netting, muslin, nails, screws, pulleys, plywood, shredded paper, spray paint, pizza pans and duck tape! Is there parking at the venue or the neighborhood? There are 40 handicap spaces on a first come basis but there is no parking anywhere else within a four block radius. Most people walk to the event from downtown and the plaza and a park and ride program operates from the bus line locations to the Rail Runner. Can I bring food and drink into the venue? Food can be brought into the venue and all packages are searched for Alcohol which is prohibited. No glass containers are allowed. How many people attended last year? Approximately 23,000 Will Zozobra sell out? No, tickets are available up to the burning time at Dusk or up to 8:15pm What happens if it rains? We let it...Will Shusterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Zozobra is a Rain or Shine event When is Zozobra next year? The 2013 Burning of the Will Shusterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Zozobra is Thursday, September 5th, 2013. Zozobra is always on the Thursday following Labor Day! Information retrieved from zozobra.com Photo courtesy of zozobra.com 15
Subreg Jonathon Cao-Nguyen Cal-Nev-Ha District Governor Hello Southwest! My name is Jonathan Cao-Nguyen and will be serving as the 2012-2013 Governor for the California– Nevada-Hawaii District, but please just call me J-Cao! A little about myself: I am a 4th year at the University of California, Dan Diego where I am majoring in Human Development. I love everything Disney so that includes the TV channel, the movies, the merchandise, and more importantly, the theme parks! My favorite color is blue and I’m a huge foodie. Whenever I try a new restaurant, I’m the type of person who takes a picture of their food, put it into my journal, and rank the restaurant according to my preference. I like to think I’m a legit food critic. Lastly, my most favorite thing to do is hang out with all of my friends and meet new awesome people (which could be you)! Enough about me and let’s talk about California-Nevada-Hawaii, also known as CNH! As Governor of CNH, I oversee over 56 clubs at various university and college campuses. With such overpopulated states, there is a reason why we have so many clubs! Anyways, I am so excited to work alongside with my fellow Subregion B Governors. With so many events coming up in CNM, if we get the chance, we would love to have you attend! Lastly, I am looking forward to seeing what your District will accomplish for this upcoming year! With all of your energy and all of your spirit, I know that Southwest will do great things for your campus and your communities. Shout out to all of the friends that I’ve met at ICON, thank you to Elissia for allowing me to write this, and big congratulations to your Governor Omar for being awarded Distinguished District Secretary/Treasurer! Keep on bringing the fire Southwest! Till then!
Left to Right: CNH Governor J-Cao, Immediate Past Subregion Representative Lisa Watson, SWD Governor Omar Perez and RM Governor Amanda May Photo from: Sean Nguyen, CNH 16
gion B
Subregion B during Caucusing at ICON Photo Courtesy of Betsy Arias, SWD
Amanda May Rocky Mountain Governor Hello Southwest District! My name is Amanda May and I am the 2012-2013 Rocky Mountain District Governor. I want to thank your district for all your support from last year and I am looking forward to working with you all again!. The Rocky Mountain District has a lot of things going on this year. We are currently working to hold a large scale service project in each of our divisions along with the K-Family. Also there are a lot of new members to CKI thins year that are either participating in a satellite club or looking to charter a new club. We are very excited for all of the new things happening her in the Rocky Mountain District this year and canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wait to see what this new year will bring! Hope you all are having a fantastic summer! I had the great pleasure of going to CKI International Convention this year. I was the only one from the Rocky Mountain District in attendance. I was very fortunate however that the other wonderful districts in Subregion B are really outstanding! Southwest and Cal-Nev-Ha took me under their wing for the week and I had a wonderful time! They became really good friends and I am lucky they were so nice to take me in. Thank you again Southwest for being a great friend to the Rocky Mountain and I am looking forward to spending more time with you all through the year! 17
Lisa’s Farewell Subregion B Representative Hello Southwest! This has been an amazing year and I feel so blessed that I have been able to work with such an awesome district. Although I do not attend any schools in the Southwest, you all helped me become a member of the Mighty Southwest District! During my visits at Fall Rally and District Convention, everyone treated me like one of your won. At International Convention, I had the pleasure of spending my last few days as Subregion B Representative with some great leaders. This entire district has had an amazing year. You have great leaders and dedicated members that treat everyone like family. I still brag about your Harry Potter themed Fall Rally to every Circle K’er I meet. Thank you all for the opportunity to work with such a great district and thank you for a year I will never forget. I hope to stay in contact with as many of you has possible. And who knows? Maybe I’ll make it out to an event in the future. It has been an honor serving the Southwest District as your International Representative and I look forward to hearing about all of your great accomplishments in the future. Lisa Watson, Immediate Past Subregion B Representative
Lisa Watson being proposed to by the CKI Crawfish at ICON , She said YES! Photo Courtesy of Betsy Arias, SWD
18 CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Leadership lead–er-ship, noun, \ˈlē-dər-ˌship\ 1. 2. 3. 4.
: the office or position of a leader : capacity to lead : the act or an instance of leading LEADERS <the party leadership>
Definition courtesy of Merriam-Webster.com
“The potential of CKI lies in its ability to positively influence members of society who are facing ultimate personal decisions and those who will one day create the vision of mankind for generations to come. Leadership opportunities afford CKI members the resources and tools needed to become active citizens. Members can assume leadership responsibilities at all levels of the organization and through various experiential training conferences.”- circlek.org What does leadership mean to you? Share your thoughts on the Southwest District CKI Facebook page.
A Message from Key Club
Submitted by Morgan Preston, Southwest District Key Cub International, Bulletin Editor
What kind of leader are you? It’s never too late to learn about leadership. Click on the links to take some FREE leadership and strength assessments.
VIA Me Multiple Intelligence
Hello members of Circle K. Your Southwest Key Club board brethren have been hard at work this Key Club year. Our summer board training was in early June, International Convention just finished up, and our summer board meeting is just around the corner.
Type Focus
We have lots in store for this year, and its just begun. Our Governor Brennan Benavidez, has picked The Eliminate Project as his Governor’s Project. We will be devoting even more time to eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus. Unfortunately, with only one real board meeting under our belts, there’s a whole lot of decisions to be made. Look for an update on our activities at the end of July.
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” - John Quincy Adams
Southwest District Key Club is on Facebook, click here to go to their page. 19
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Ronald McDonald House of Arizona Submitted by ASU Bulletin Editor, Betsy Arias “In the early 1970’s, Kim, the daughter of Philadelphia Eagles football player Fred Hill was treated for leukemia at the Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia. Hill and his family were shocked at the number of families sleeping in the waiting rooms and on the floors of their children’s rooms, so they could be close to their children during this crucial time. With the strong support of the Oncology department and Dr. Audrey Evans, head of the department, the team began to search for a way to have a “home-away-from-home” near the hospital fro their families.” Ronald McDonald House of Phoenix The Ronald McDonald House in Phoenix is an old hotel that has been converted into temporary housing for families that have traveled to Phoenix with their children who are patients at nearby hospitals. The Ronald McDonald House in Phoenix is not only a beautiful facility doing their best to make families feel at home, but the staff is wonderful and allows different groups to come in every night to help make a meal for the families. Arizona State University has volunteered at the House and builds fellowship together by cooking and having a wonderful time but they also get to sit with the families and talk to them. Their stories are heart wrenching but they are happy their children are getting treatment at a wonderful facility and are grateful for the time we spend with them. At the end of the day ASU CKI not only grows closer as a K family but also to the children and their families.
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
For more information on the Ronald McDonald House please visit Ronald McDonald House Charities or visit your local House website
SWD CKI Alumni: Michelle Wong Each month the Southwest Sun will highlight not only a current CKI member but also a past member. If you know of any CKI members or alumni please send nominations to SWD Editor Elissia Torres. Nominations include name of CKI club, a short biography and contact information Southwest Sun (SWS): Tell us a bit about yourself. Michelle Wong (MW): My name is Michelle Wong and I graduated from Northern Arizona University (NAU) in 2011. I majored in Biology and Spanish and minored in Chemistry. I also have a wonderful baby boy name Ethan who will most definitely be a future CKI-er! SWS: What CKI Club were you from? MW: I am from the Circle K Club of Northern Arizona University. Go Lumberjacks! SWS: How long were you in CKI or the Kâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Family? MW: I have been involved in the Kâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; Family for nearly 9 years. SWS: Did you hold any leadership positions in your club or district? If so which leadership positions and when. MW: NAU Club President 2 years, 2007-2009, Southwest District Secretary/Treasurer 2009-2010 and District Governor 2010-2011 SWS: What are you up to today? MW: Today I am busy taking care of my 8 month old boy! However, in the fall, I am returning to school to get a nursing degree and hopefully get into the medical field! SWS: How do you incorporate the CKI tenants of service, leadership, and fellowship in your life today? MW: I find myself demonstrating the CKI tenants pretty much everyday. Whether that is giving someone a helping hand or supplying laughter and advice to my family and friends. I know my attitude toward life has been shaped by CKI and its tenants. SWS: What advice would you give a current CKI member? MW: My advice is to take advantage of opportunities and embrace the friendships you make in CKI. The experiences you partake in and the people you surround yourself with will make you just that much stronger.
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
SWD CKI Alumni continued : Vincent Cicchetti and Vincent D’Elia Information Submitted by Kevin Wright, SWD Arizona District Lieutenant Governor/Laws & Regulations Chair Recent graduates Vincient Cicchetti and Vincent D’Elia both graduated this May from Northern Arizona University. Vincent C. graduated with a degree in Geology and Paleontology. Vincent D. graduated with a degree in Chemistry and Criminal Justice.
L to R: Vincent Cicchetti and Vincent D’Elias Photo Curtsey of: Kevin Wright, SWD
Michelle Wong, Vincent Cicchetti, Vincent D’Elia and any other alumni please don't forget about your CKI Family. Best of luck in your future careers. Your K-Family is proud of you and all your hard work and dedication to service. Join the CKI Alumni Association
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
¡Holla! Send a short message to members or to the district to be featured in the Southwest Sun Great Job! A of U, ENMU and ed UNM on your inat service hours
The Southwest Sun is the official publication of the Southwest District Circle K International!
The Southwest Sun is here for you, CKI members, alumni and Kiwanis Family alike please feel free to submit articles to the Southwest Sun.
Member Highlight: Do you have a club member that is going above and beyond their duties, had success in their education, joined an honor society, or has a really cool life! Highlight your members successes in and outside of Kiwanis in the Southwest Sun! Send a brief biography and members contact information to SWD Bulletin Editor, Elissia Torres
All content for the Southwest Sun is due to your Southwest District Bulletin Editor by the 5th of the month! All articles are subject to editing. The Southwest Sun will be distributed on the 15th of the month of publication.
Please submit all content to Elissia, elissiat.swdcki@gmail.com
You can subscribe to the Southwest Sun and be the first to read the Southwest Sun. To subscribe please click here and follow the link
El you e v a h D How S? - SW N MT
Congratulations Adrian for receiving Distinguished Governor at ICON Congratulations Omar for receiving Distinguished Secretarythe at ICON Wishing best to the new
International Board
Congratulations Omar for receiving Distinguished Secretary at ICON
The August Southwest Sun will be distributed August 15
Congratulations Subregion B for a successful 2011-12 year of service
Miss an issue of the Southwest Sun? Welcome Ryan Ocampo our new Subregion B Trustee
Scan this code with your mobile device and read up on all the wonderful things the Southwest has been doing since the new year.
Good Luck Sub B: Cal-Nev-Ha, Rocky Mountain and Southwest on a successful 2012-13 Lisa Watson Sub B and the Southwest will miss you
Great Job Ron Smith! SWDCKI is proud of you! The Southwest Sun can be found at issuu.com/swdcki 24
www.swcki.org www.circlek.org
Final Words…. From the Administrator
When I was six years old I found an old bottle. I imagined if I rubbed the bottle hard enough I would uncork a powerful genie who would grant my wishes. At the moment, I had Genie Power. It came from the power of imagination. So many people lose the kid in themselves as they get older. They stop imagining. When we were kids everything was possible. As grown-ups, some of us see only the limitations of our dreams and not the possibilities. We no longer believe in the genie. But wait, Genie Power is still there, inside each of us. It is just waiting for you to choose to believe. Philosophers and theologians have debated for centuries about belief. Her I is what I have foundSometimes I have a strong belief in something until presented with evidence providing the opposite. Sometimes I am stubborn and stick to what I believe is Genie Power. Believe in yourself. Believe in your abilities. Believe in your goals. Believe in your dreams. Dreams do come true, but you have to watch out for those dream snatcher out there. Watch out for people in your life who try to hold you back. Often the biggest dream snatcher is us. Watch out that you are not holding back your dreams because you don’t believe them possible. Cliff Young was an unknown 61 year old Australian from the back country who showed up a few years ago to enter a long distance race between Sydney and Melbourne, a distance of about 600 Kilometers. Cliff explained that his only running experience was chasing stray animals on his farm. And yet he was competing against world-class runners. People even laughed at Cliff Young when showing up in his coveralls and work boots. But they stopped laughing when he won the race, beating the second place runner by a day and a half! You see Cliff Young had an advantage on NOT knowing his limitations. The other runners were conditioned that the only way to complete the race was to run for 18 hours and then rest for siz. Cliff never knew of this limitation and just kept running. The very next year for other runners beat Cliff’s record but only because Cliff Young had removed the mental limitation for them. So what do you dream about? Will you be the person to cure cancer? Will you travel the world? Will you be a virtuoso? Will you be a famous artist? Or will you let your dreams be snatched away.
Bob Carson, SWD CKI Administrator
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Meet your International Board! PRESIDENT Josephine Lukito
Type in this code when ordering books from Better World Books and receive a K-Family Discount
SUBREGION C Cody Schara SUBREGION D Lauren Perkins SUBREGION E Amelia Ahnert
SUBREGION F Robert Acerra SUBREGION G Jerome Johnson
Southwest District Board
Omar Perez operez.cki@gmail.com Governor
CKI Presidents
John McMullen University of Arizona jgmz@email.arizona.edu Erin Lin Arizona State University erin.lin@asu.edu Kayla Tomooka Cochise Community College kayla.amk.tomooka@hotmail.com Meghan Pearce Eastern New Mexico University Meghan.pearce@enmu.edu
Jeanette Flores jnflores.swdcki@gmail.com Secretary
Vonia Adams University of New Mexico voniaadams@hotmail.com
Kelsae Pederson pedersonkelsae@yahoo.com Treasurer
Varayini Pankayatselvan New Mexico State University varay21@nmsu.edu
Elissia Torres elissiat.swdcki@gmail.com Bulletin Editor
Rebecca Holub Northern Arizona University rlh257@nau.edu
Katie Merrill katherine.merrill@enmu.edu Lieutenant Governor New Mexico/Texas
Lizeth Fraire University of Texas at El Paso lizethcki@yahoo.com
www.swcki.org www.circlek.org
Kevin Wright kwright.swdcki@gmail.com Lieutenant Governor Arizona