Volume 1 Issue 3 August 2012 Cover photo courtesy of Circle K International, Flickr
In this issue! Page 3 International President Page 4 CKI Pop Quiz Page 11 Fall Rally theme Page 14-15 Eliminate Project
Page 18 Kiwanis Moment Page 19 CKI Alumni Page 21 Final Words Page 22 International and Ad-Hoc Committee
Hello SWD CKI’ers! I have a question for all of my CKI family members: What is a summer without a little Kiwanis family interactions? The answer should be: NOT A SUMMER AT ALL!!! I’m going to tell you why you need to and how to add these interactions into your summer and throughout the next year in the next few issues of the Southwest Sun.
UNM CKI and SWD Key Club at the Eliminate Walk Photo: Eliana Bell
The SWD CKI Bulletin Editor, Elissia and I, your K-Family Relations Chair, made it a summer by making the long journey of a mile to the Southwest Kiwanis District Convention in Albuquerque, NM, August 3-5th. The knowledge, compassion, and over-all sense of family can be felt at a function like this. There were workshops on every aspect of the Kiwanis family, fellowship opportunities, and many opportunities to talk about how amazing our part of the family is! Saturday morning UNM CKI helped with the Eliminate walk, it was early but a lot of fun! After the walk we all got a chance to socialize with the Key Club Governor Brennan Benavidez, and two Lieutenant Governors: Eliana and Jack. The Key Clubbers taught us the game of cups. If you’ve ever been to a CKI function there is a lot of stealing of the bell and gavel and to get it back the Governors must do something (embarrassing most likely) Well, Brennan didn't have his bell or gavel so we took his cell phone. To get it back he had to sing “I’m a little tea pot” to the Kiwanians at one of the large meetings. Now, you may be asking who is the K-Family and how do I make them apart of my summer and school year? In the next few issues of the Southwest Sun there will be guides to building fellowship and how to work with each part of the family. Be on the watch out for more information on how to work with these branches of the K-Family! If you need any more information or want to ask questions do not hesitate to email me at pedersonkelsae@yahoo.com Live to Serve, Love to Serve Kelsae Pederson SWD Treasurer SWD K-Family Relations Chair
To the members of the Superb Southwest District: Hello! My name is Josephine Lukito and I am humbled to be serving you this year as your Circle K International President. I have been a proud member of CKI for four years, serving as a Lieutenant Governor and, later, as the Immediate Past District Governor to New York. The 2012-2013 year brings a lot of new exciting opportunities and ideas. As an International Board, we hope to continue the success of previous years and find new ways to serve you. This year, we are focusing on the club level in a variety of ways. For example, our revived Ad-Hoc SPICE Committee will find “hot” ways to “spice” up your meetings, while our CKI TV youbtube channel will provide your club with new videos to promote CKI. We hope to also strengthen the leadership development of CKI by creating an all new Resource Library, a collection of district resources available on the Circle K International Website. Our refocused CKI weekly emails will also provide you with cool tips and tricks; regardless of whether you are a Club President or District Secretary. We hope that these new resources will allow districts to share ideas and strengthen each other. Over the next few months, we will continue to offer opportunities for you to serve with CKI members around the world. Our latest bath of opportunities will include LSSP Team Leader applications, our Ad-Hoc Committee Applications and chances to serve as a Language Specialist. To make this year a rousing success, we will need the help of every member, so we hope you fill out an application! In the past years, CKI has provided me with so much love and support. To me, CKI is more than an organization, it’s a family. I hope that, this year, you will all join me in making sure that Circle K International remains the biggest, best, collegiate community service organization in the world! Yours in Service, Leadership, Fellowship and CKI Love, Josephine Lukito 2012-2013 International President Please feel free to contact Josephine at president@circlek.org or by phone 646-467-2114 3
Josephine Lukito Photo: circlek.org
Meetings with a Meaning A great way to show new members what CKI is all about is to have a service project at your meetings. Below are some service project ideas that you can do at your club meetings. You might also want to try and have a service project at your recruitment table.
Collect pop-tabs at your meetings and send the money to an organization of your choice. Coloring books– put together coloring books for a local children’s hospital Letters from home– write cards to soldiers over seas or children/adults in hospitals Warm and Fuzzy Cards: create cards with short messages and pass them out to brighten someone's day
For more ideas pleas visit Service at meetings
Submitted by SWD Secretary, Jeanette Flores Hello Southwest! What a great start off to this year with all the clubs and their service projects! Nothing gives me greater joy than to see the passion of young college students dedicating their time to help others on their days off and summer breaks. We CKIers don’t stop! This summer has given all the clubs a great kick to this new year with so many service hours and done service projects of all kinds when the school year hasn’t even started yet! Service projects ranging from helping out at the Ronald McDonalds House to painting local day cares. In honor of the Olympics, I would like to give “medals” this month for club hours. This month Arizona State University surprised us with the gold for the most Club Service Hours for July (-70 hours), the University of New Mexico takes the silver (-47 hours) and Northern Arizona University takes home the bronze (-17 hours). Great job clubs and keep doing such tremendous hard work! CKI POP QUIZ: Fill in the Blank Mission: ________ college and university students into a global ______ of responsible citizens and _______with a lifelong commitment to ______. Vision: To be the leading global ________________organization on college and university campuses that _______ the world one _______, one ______ and one _______ at a time Motto: _____ to Serve , Love to ____! Pledge: I pledge to uphold the _____ of Circle K International, to foster __________and goodwill toward others through _______ and ________, to develop my ________ and the abilities of all _______, AND TO ________ MYSELF TO THE _________ OF MANKIND’S ___________ For answers please visit CKI.ORG
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Arizona Division Submitted by: Kevin Wright, Arizona Lieutenant Governor Hello CKI, As of right now, the Arizona Division of our District is hard at work planning different ways to fund for the ELIMINATE Project. The clubs have already planned quite a few projects in order to serve their community. The goals for the division are currently to assist CCC CKI with staying a stable club within the district, retain members within all of the clubs of the division, recruit as much as possible, and fundraise as much as possible for the ELIMINATE Project. Within the Arizona Division, we definitely want to have a strong bond between all members of each clubs through service projects and socials. We also plan to have divisional service projects where each club will facilitate a project for all clubs within the division to come and visit while bonding, socializing, and servicing the community. Through all the countless hours of dedication, motivation, and will to serve the division will have from its members, I know this will definitely be a great year to look forward to!
New Mexico, El Paso Division Submitted by: Katie Merrill , New Mexico, Texas Lieutenant Governor The sate of New Mexico is doing well and getting ready for school to start. All the clubs have recruitment on the mind, as well as service projects for the first few months. A few of the clubs are attending Zozobra as their first big project. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m excited about the discussion I have had with the presidents recently. They are excited and prepared for the New Year and I am so proud of the planning they have already done. Good Luck New Mexico. Hope to see you at Fall Rally.
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
CKI Lesson Key Club
Submitted by Brennan Benavidez SWD Key Club Governor
The origin of Key Club began in Sacramento, California. It was 925 when eleven high school boys gathered together to be the “Key” boys of the school. With the assistance of two administrators at the school, who were also Kiwanis members, they all were able to plan out and have the Board of Education approve the installment of Key Club. The word quickly spread around to other Kiwanis clubs all around the country. During the next fifteen years, over 50 new Key Clubs were established all around the country. The overwhelming want to have Key Clubs join together to exchange concerns, ideas for membership, and service projects was soon to be established by Key Clubs in Florida. Gatherings that took place yearly afterwards then lead to the passing of the first Bylaws of Key Club, and with that the first District known as the Florida Association was formed. Eventually, the gatherings or DCON and ICONs that we would soon know had countless of other candidates from all around the country gathering to be elected the President. It was the year 1946 that the true sight of just how aggrandized this organization had become that the true formation of Key Club International was taking place. A large step in Key Club’s continuous thriving of many soon to become outside of the US. Key Club was now an International Club! Since then, Key Club International has increased to over 262,000 members, and from the first formation of Key Club at Sacramento High School, to our newly elected International President Rebecca Riley, this organization has come so far changing the world and everyone around them for a better future.
August/September Kiwanis Webinars * All webinars are scheduled for 8pm EST ** visit KiwanisOne.org for webinar registration and more information August 21 Roadmap to Club Leader Resources August 28 Fill your membership chair September 11 Lead by example: Walk the talk September 18 Is your community award? Create public awareness about your club September 19 El comite de memberisa y retencion. Pieza clave
Click HERE for a timeline of Key Club
September 25 Club Liability Insurance
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Welcome Ryan Ocampo Subregion B Trustee
Ryan Ocampo, Subregion B Trustee Photo: circlek.org
Greetings Mighty Southwest!! My name is Ryan Max Ocampo, and I have the honor of serving your fine district as the 2012-2013 Subregion B Trustee. I am a 4-year CKI veteran– having served as a Vice President of Service and Club President and having had an informal training in leadership. I hope that I can be a resource to your district to aid in accomplishing your goals. I hope to build upon the momentum that my predecessor, Lisa Watson started and assist you in making great achievements this year. Along with the great CNH and the rising Rocky Mountain district, we will accomplish great things as Sub-Region B. It is my goal to help foster a relationship amongst our three awesome districts that will stir a “CKI Family” atmosphere. By establishing new lines of communication and virtual interaction via mailers, videos, and website, I hope to create visibility of each others’ greatness and a sense of Sub B pride and unity. Please look out for updates on these projects of mine! I serve as your voice on the International Board, but you have the opportunity to get involved directly by joining one of the Ad-Hoc committees. Please don’t hesitate to fill out an application. Thus far, serving our organization on this level has been challenging yet rewarding, and I know that each one of you has a valuable perspective to contribute. And, regardless of whether or not you are accepted, please use me to voice any concerns or suggestions you may have for the International Board. I welcome all feedback and will need guidance to help serve you better. On that note, please understand that I am a CNH native. I am loud, proud, and pretty boisterous. I love cheering but not more than I love genuine, impactful service. I mostly enjoy serving youth and joining large causes such as fighting cancer. I want to know more about the Southwest District culture. How do you serve? How do you have fun? I want to know more about you and share it with the rest of the Sub B family. I am very proud to be serving you and know that, with your cooperation, we will make the rest of Circle K international know that SUB B IS THE BEST
Please feel free to contact Ryan at subregionb.cki@gmail.com or by phone at 702-577-7628
ICEBREAKERS A Message from Key Club The weekend of July 29-31st the Southwest District Key Club Board had their Summer Board Meeting. It was a heartwarming time to see the whole board gathered together once again. We all found ourselves with goals set for the end of the year. For Children’s Miracle Network, we planned to raise $3,500 for those children and their parent who can’t afford medical bills. March of Dimes, $4,000 to aid newborns who were born prematurely. These goals will be accomplished by the time of our DCON in El Paso, TX. With Eliminate as a District project, our committee is going to issue a challenge to all Key Clubbers within the Southwest District. We will ask each and every Key Clubber to raise at least 10 dollars for Eliminate. Something so simple by itself yet as a collective it can accumulate together a total of $51,000 saving a total of 28,333 babies. However, we won’t stop there.
The SWD Key Club Eliminate Committee also has set a goal to raise $15,000 at our DCON. To accomplish this, we are going to give the clubs at DCON a reward for raising the money as we begin to raise the money. With each increment of $3,000 a board member from the Eliminate committee will be pied in the face. If we reach our goal of $15,000 dollars we not only will save 8,333 more babies, but our own District Administrator Jim Jennings will be pied as proof that we’ve reached our goal. All added up, we plan to save around 37,000 babies from tetanus. For fun we all went out to Dave and Busters for dinner. WE were all going out to the arcade games when one of our board members, Janine, pulled us to the side and asked if we would be interested in getting our DA a giant stuffed bear that was around 8,000 tickets. Within the hour we hit countless jackpots and ended up with over 11,000 tickets. Ultimately, the bonding that took place at our Summer Board bettered our drives to ensure a better year for our District.
FELLOWSHIP Southwest District Key Club is on Facebook, click here to go to their page.
A great way to show fellowship in your club is by playing a few icebreaker games. Here are some ideas. Toilet Paper Game: Pass around a roll of toilet paper to the group, no further explanation. When done, tell the group that as the go around the room, each person must tell a fact or something about themselves for each square of toilet paper they too. Find Someone Game: Each person writes on a blank index card one to three statements, such as their favorite color, interests, hobby, or vacations. Pass out the cards so everyone gets someone else’s card. Have that person find the person with their card and introduce them. Creative Name Tags/Mask Give everyone a few minutes to make their own name tag or mask. They can list hobbies, draw pictures, give self profiles etc. What best represents them Fear in the Hat: Group members write personal fears anonymously on a piece of paper which are collected. Then each person randomly selects and reads someone else’s fear to the group and explains how the person might feel. Fosters interpersonal empathy.
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Dear Members of the Southwest District of Circle K International, My name is Daniel Tsang and I am your 2012-2013 International Vice President . I just wanted to first start off saying how much I look forward to learning more about the Southwest District Circle K District and getting the opportunity to work with your clubs and district. For those of you who I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get the pleasure of meeting at International Convention in New Orleans, I am going to be a senior at Loyola University of Chicago, which is located on the northside of the Chicagoland area. I am currently double majoring in biology and chemistry with emphasis in biochemistry. Prior to being elected to this position, I was International Representative for Subregion C and served several years on the Illinois-Eastern Iowa Circle K District Board. Being an individual who was born and raised in Chicago, I would classify myself as an urban individual. Nature and I sometimes donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get along. I spend a lot of my time in front of a computer, so if you ever have any questions, concerns, or criticisms, please feel free to send it my way. When running for this position, I had several goals in mind. The first was to be the support system to all members of Circle K International. This includes the International Board, District Boards, club officers, and most importantly club members with their questions, concerns, and criticisms. My second goal was to preside over administrative tasks such as keeping accurate track of Circle K related data. My third goal was to incorporate unison by communicating and getting a better understanding of what the membership needed. My fourth goal was to oversee the committee system by holding each member accountable. Last, but not least was to educated members about our organization. Through education, I believe passion and enthusiasm would surely follow. As a member of the International Board, I also seek feedback and ideas from you to help our International Board develop benefits that you want and provide resources that your clubs need to grow and flourish. Please feel free to email me at vp@circlek.org about anything. I would love to hear your input. If you would like to sign up for the CKI Weekly please click HERE
International Vice President Circle K International International Vice President, Daniel Tsang 10
Self Analysis Before recruiting more members to your club. Take some time to reflect on your relationship with CKI. Ask yourself a few questions
Why did I join CKI?
When did I join CKI?
What did I enjoy about my first year in CKI?
How did I find out about CKI?
What didn’t I like about CKI, and how can we fix this?
What made me decide to be a member? Was it a person, event, activity, etc. What hesitations did I have about joining, and how were these later tackled? What are some fun stores that I recall about being a member?
For more information about recruitment please refer to the Club Manual vol. 2; Club Events
What makes CKI Special? Submitted by Jared Dole, ASU March of Dimes National Youth Council
As a Freshman in college, we are all bombarded with a million opportunities to become involved at our schools. Sports, Greek life, student government, hundreds of clubs and organizations, and of course, a plethora of community service minded clubs. So when we are recruiting possible members, it is essential to make sure you are sharing the aspects of Circle K that no other organizations can offer. There are actually several unique aspects about Circle K that other organizations can not offer them; One, Circle K is an opportunity to influence the service done by a group. We do not have a single mission or project, and motivated students can get support for their new program ideas, not just support for existing programs. Two, Circle K is an opportunity to be a part of a local community. Our organization is focused on fellowship as well as service, and will provide friendships that may last a lifetime. Finally, we are not just one club or one district. We are an organization spanning the world, and all working towards a goal of service and leadership. Keeping these thing in mind, we have to start thinking like a new recruit. Few are looking for a change to change the world, and even fewer will be purposefully seeking out Circle K. Most of them are looking for an experience, and with the number of options available, you have to make your club stand out. The best option is a one-two punch: Recruitment and the initial meeting.
Most of your schools have a fair, table, or carnival to celebrate your clubs. Do something outside the box to turn heads. They have seen candy and flyers before. Try games, activities and other attention getters to make your table memorable. Also keep your pitch short and concise, sticking to the three messages above. Finally, when the time comes and you have your recruits at the first meeting, don’t assume you’ve won them over. If they return or not is entirely based on their first experience. So, make sure your first meeting is fun and meaningful. The best way is to have an easy, hands on project at your first meeting, or at least games and icebreakers. Avoid long speeches, calendars or power points if you can, and prove that you care about that recruit, not just the throng.
Recruitment can be tough, and no one has the perfect solution. The best thing you can do is focus on the recruits themselves, as individuals, not numbers, and always be trying new things. Keep in mind the three pitch points, service, local and global community and good luck with your recruitment this year. 12
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
NAU Circle K Brings Enthusiasm Back to Volunteering! Submitted by Rebecca Holub, NAU CKI President
NAU CKI at Adopt-An-Avenue
Are you enthusiastic about being involved in your community? Do you want to be around people who are just as excited about volunteering as you are? If you answered yes to both of these questions, then NAU CKI is the club for you. At Northern Arizona University, the members of Circle K strive to make every volunteering opportunity a reason to have a great time. Calle Hewett, Secretary, says, “One thing that I really think is special about our club is the cheerful interactions between the members. The meetings are fun to go to and make you want to become more involved’.
No matter the weather, NAU CKI is read to volunteer for any cause. With a wide variety of service projects ranging from Adopt-An-Avenue, teaming up with other organizations to help out with a bone marrow registration drive Northern Arizona CKI offers the opportunity for everyone to get involved with something they can enjoy. Northern Arizona University Circle K offers an environment that is both thrilling and stress -free for everyone; a necessity when
ASU CKI Extravaganza! Submitted by Betsy Arias, ASU Bulletin Editor Not only is CKI about Service, Leadership, and Fellowship, but the ASU chapter is doing their best to bring all of these in full effect during the first week of school! As our organization continues to grow and flourish we do our best to welcome new and returning members by having the first full week be a CKI Extravaganza, projects will include volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, St. Mary’s Food Bank, Andre House and much, much more. CKI is the club to join because not only do we do service, but we also have the tenants of leadership, and fellowship which we, as an organization, never forget! All these tenants help bring the club into a playing field that is completely different than other organizations and for that I am grateful. We work with so many motivated and dedicated people that I could not have asked for a better Club, District, Subregion or organization. Let’s make this a great year!
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Project ELIMINATE— eliminating MNT (Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus)
Every nine minutes, a baby dies from tetanus. That short lifetime is marked by pain– with an extreme sensitivity to light, sound or contact that prevents even a mother’s touch. The baby is born in the dirt; the baby dies in the dirt; and the baby is buried in the dirt. The Baby never hears their mother’s voice since the ears are plugged, never sees their mother’s face since the eyes are closed shut, and never feels a mother’s touch since it cannot be held. You can stop this from happening. $1.80 saves a life. What are we waiting for? The time is NOW! I personally want to that the University of New Mexico CKI Club for helping us out at the Kiwanis Annual District Convention in Albuquerque earlier this month. We had our first Project Eliminate Walk and raised almost $1,000. we will be sending 3 checks into the Kiwanis International Foundation Project Eliminate Office. One check in the name of Southwest District Kiwanis Club for a little over $300. One check in the name of the Southwest District Key Club for a little over $300– since we had a few local Key Club Officers help out. And one check in the name of the University of New Mexico CKI club in the amount of $300. I encourage all of you to become involved with this awesome project, take ownership, and start by depositing a quarter a day in a jar. You will be amazed how quickly this will add up—and you will be part of a program that will truly make a difference and change the course of history.
Ron (Smith) SWD Eliminate Coordinator SWD CKI Assistant Administrator
Taking the Southwest by Storm Submitted by Meghan Pearce, ENMU CKI President The Eastern New Mexico University Circle K is the club to join because we are an up and coming club in the district! We are a brand new club and we are ready to take the Southwest District by storm! Our members are excited about service opportunities and helping our community! We already have plans for the semester and we are ready to get started. We are starting off the year with a bang by helping the freshman move into their dorms and we are having a booth at Dawg Days (an event that Eastern has every year to help the freshman transition into college life). We are also planning on going to Zozobra in early September. One of our goals this semester is to increase our membership and get some more good strong members who will keep the club going when our charter members have graduated. This year is looking bright for ENMU CKI so come join our club and help us change the world!!
Fellowship Through Service and Leadership Submitted by John McMullen, UA CKI President What makes the University of Arizona Circle K International the club to join? First of all, the service projects are always rewarding and fun. Whether the members are dressing up for “Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF” or farming at the Tucson Community Food Bank at the Urban Farm. The projects provided always aim to provide rewarding service projects to a different array of members and their diverse interests. This year, a new project will be starting up. Now during a meeting once a month, members will be participating with Beads of Courage during the weekly meetings. Not only are members able to give back to their community, they are able to serve, as Vice President Zach Gastelum puts it, “one another”. Members in the U of A CKI learn about fellowship through every meeting, service project, and social event. At U of A members are constantly working with local Kiwanis Clubs, which allows them to see the benefits that Kiwanis has on its members and the communities it serves. The mission is simple just as every Kiwanis club, to serve the community and build fellowship through service and leadership.
Photo: John McMullen 16
RECRUTE, RECURTE, RECRUTE! Submitted by Katie Merrill, SWD New Mexico, Texas Lieutenant Governor Hey Southwest, I know with the new semester around the corner, you all are brainstorming ways to recruit new members. When freshman come on campus, they are overwhelmed with all the organizations trying to get their attention. So what is the best way for your club to stick out? How will you make an effect on them? Well, you need to make yourself memorable. Show them your club spirit and what makes you the best club to join. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Host tables in your campus student union building (lots of colors and candy!)
Hand out flyers explaining your organization (there are great free pamphlets available on the Circle K website)
Invite guests to meetings (bring a friend to CKI)
Invite guests to service projects! (meetings can be boring, do something hands on)
People love food! (have a pizza delivered or BBQ, after a service project)
Have socials after meetings or projects to help them become a part of the group (freshman are looking to find a place on campus and a great group to spend their time with, BE THAT GROUP!)
Recruitment can be hard, but if you try any of the above, you should have success. Use these ideas and turn them into something even better. I hope this helps a little and good luck! CKI Service Resources
Membership Resources
Marketing & Public Relations
Submitted by Rose Ann Dodson, SWD District Administrator n 1987, women were allowed to join Kiwanis. Two years later, my daughter was elected a Key Club lieutenant governor and told she must attend the Key Club International Convention in Orlando, Florida. Our school district required that I, as a Key Club faculty advisor, chaperon our attendees. As they say, the rest is history. I was so impressed with the enthusiasm of the Key Clubbers, the organization of the convention, the service performed by these high school students, the professionalism and the leadership shown by members. When we returned to Chandler, the Key Club District Administrator asked a friend to invite me to a Kiwanis meeting. I liked what I saw and realized that I should become involved with Kiwanis since I was urging my Key Clubbers to go out and do service. My first Kiwanis moment occurred that fall. After reading to preschool students, that were to select a book for their won. I was writing Jose’s name in his book when he started screaming that you weren’t supposed to write on books. His teacher helped explain that putting his name in the book showed ownership and made the book special for him. He still wasn’t too happy, but did allow me to put his name in his book. The next semester when I returned to the school to read again, Jose saw me in the hall, ran over and grabbed me around my waist. He started jumping up and down yelling “The book lady...The book lady! Are we going to get another book?” What a difference Kiwanis made in the life of this boy now looking forward to owning another book! Kiwanis and the service leadership programs have made a difference in my life too. I continued to work with Key Club as a faculty advisor and district team mom for several years. When my daughter joined CKI at ASU, I learned more about that organization. I progressed through the chairs in my Kiwanis club, division, and became district governor in 1998-1999. Support of the SLP’s was important to me then just as it continues to be as I serve as Executive Director
Michael Iafrato SWD Associate Administrator The reason I joined Kiwanis is because of my involvement with CKI in the Florida District. I was a Lr. Governor and highly involved in the CKI District. With my involvement I got to work hand in hand with many of the Kiwanis leaders of the Florida District. Working with these great Kiwanians made me realize how much I wanted to join them and be a Kiwanian. My Kiwanis moment came at my first International Convention which was in Indianapolis, IN. I was amazed at how big International was compared to CKI International Convention. And it was extra special because I got to work with Rose Ann Dodson’s campaign. Although she didn’t win it was still a great experience and brought me closer to the Kiwanians in my new home district of the Southwest.
SWD CKI Alumni: Jennifer Philips Each month the Southwest Sun will highlight not only a current CKI member but also a past member. If you know of any CKI members or alumni please send nominations to SWD Editor Elissia Torres. Nominations include members name, CKI club, a short biography and contact information Southwest Sun (SWS): Tell us a little about yourself Jennifer Philips (JP): I just graduated from the Gould School of Law at the University of Southern California. I recently moved back to Arizona and am starting work as a civil litigator at Snell & Wilmer, LLP in the fall. SWS: What CKI club were you from? JP: University of Arizona SWS: Did you hold any leadership positions during your time in CKI? If so which ones? JP: CKI Club President, District Bulletin Editor, and District Governor SWS: Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your favorite CKI memory? JP: There are too many to choose from! One of the funnies is from my first year in CKI when we were volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, cooking dinner for the families who reside there while their children receive medical treatment at nearby hospitals. We were making Mexican food, and it was my job to toast the tortillas. I put them in the oven, got distracted with another task, and the tortillas caught on fire!!! We put the fire out, but fire extinguisher foam was everywhere, and we had to remake most of the dinner. I will never live that one down! SWS: How do you incorporate the CKI tenants of service, leadership, and fellowship in your daily life? JP: Service leadership as always been apart of my daily life. Most recently in law school, I was a Street Law Mentor. My fellow mentors and I would go into local low-income high schools in south central Los Angeles to teach the students weekly lessons about law, current affairs, and mentor them about exploring their post-secondary education prospects.
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
¡Holla! Send a short message to members or to the district to be featured in the Southwest Sun Best of Wishes to Adrian Perez ateda member of who recently became imin l E the Large youScale Service Project ave h ow ? - SWD for Publicity and HCommittee NS MT Internal Marketing.
Congratulations Omar for receiving Distinguished Secretary at ICONto ASU for Congratulations
winning the Gold medal in the SWD CKI Olympics !
Great Job UNM for winning the silver!
The Southwest Sun is the official publication of the Southwest District Circle K International!
The Southwest Sun is here for you, CKI members, alumni and Kiwanis Family alike please feel free to submit articles to the Southwest Sun.
Member Highlight: Do you have a club member that is going above and beyond their duties, had success in their education, joined an honor society, or has a really cool life! Highlight your members successes in and outside of Kiwanis in the Southwest Sun! Send a brief biography and members contact information to SWD Bulletin Editor, Elissia Torres
All content for the Southwest Sun is due to your Southwest District Bulletin Editor by the 5th of the month! All articles are subject to editing. The Southwest Sun will be distributed on the 15th of the month of publication.
Please submit all content to Elissia, elissiat.swdcki@gmail.com
You can subscribe to the Southwest Sun and be the first to read the Southwest Sun. To subscribe please click here and follow the link
The September/October Southwest Sun will be distributed October 15th
NAU keep up the great work, and congratulations on your bronze
Miss an issue of the Southwest Sun? Good Luck with the new semester everyone!
Don’t worry every issue is available at issuu.com/swdcki 20
ABOUT KIWANIS: Kiwanis family, Your family Final Wordsâ&#x20AC;Ś.From the Administrator Children learn by doing. Through the Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs, young people experience the reward of helping others and improving their own communities. They develop values based on selflessness and leadership skills based on teamwork. With your help, they will grow into caring successful adults and lifetime Kiwanians. Click on the links and learn more about YOUR family www.k-kids.org In Kiwanis Kids, elementary students conduct their own service projects. www.kiwaniskids.org Terrific Kids promotes character. Students work to improve behavior, attendance, schoolwork, or relationships with peers. www.kiwaniskids.org More than 40,000 young teens run their own Kiwanis-sponsored clubs, improving communities and helping others in 5 countries www..keyclub.org High school students in 24 countries protect the rights of children in their communities. Governors, executives, and former U.S. presidents credit Key Club with their first taste of Leadership www..key-leader.org The next extraordinary step for high school students www..akationclub.org Adults living with disabilities in more than 200 clubs in seven nations develop imitative and leadership skills through hands-on service. These adults return to the community the benefits, helping, and caring they have received. www..kiwanis.org A global organization of members of every age who are dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time
CKI <Southwest District> Southwest Sun
Meet your International and Ad-Hoc Committee Executive Committee
Membership and Marketing Committee
Josephine Lukito, Chair Daniel Tsang, Secretary Amelia Ahnert Cody Schara
Donnesh Amrollah, Chair Ryan Ocampo, Secretary Megan Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Malley Andrew Tom Rachel Villarroel Curtis Wu
Service Committee Lauren Perkins, Chair Kathy Le, Secretary Will Bradford, Better World Books Ambassador Emma Reed, March of Dimes Ambassador Allison Prisco, Students Team Up to Fight Hunger Ambassador Nancy Zhang, UNICEF Partner for Eliminate Collin McWaters, UNICEF partner for Six Cents
Large Scale Service Project Ad-Hoc Committee Kevin Goble, Chair Morgan Fierro, Secretary Hironmasa Kawaharal, Host Committee Liaison Lauren Perkin, Board Liaison Daniel Lee, Co-Project Planning & External Relations Rickie Santer, Co-Project Planning & External Relations Adrian Perez, Publicity and Internal Marketing Matthew Johnson, Logistics David Truong, Fellowship
Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Robert Acerra, Chair Jerome Johnson, Secretary Ashley Wolfe, Kiwanis Ambassador Misty Jackson, Key Club Ambassador Sue Li, Builders Culb Ambassador Danielle Sammunt, Aktion Club Ambassador
Southwest District Board
Omar Perez operez.cki@gmail.com Governor
CKI Presidents
John McMullen University of Arizona jgm2@email.arizona.edu
Vonia Adams University of New Mexico voniaadams@hotmail.com
Erin Lin Arizona State University erin.lin@asu.edu
Varayini Pankayatselvan New Mexico State University varay21@nmsu.edu
Kayla Tomooka Cochise Community College kayla.amk.tomooka@hotmail.com
Rebecca Holub Northern Arizona University rlh257@nau.edu
Meghan Pearce Eastern New Mexico University Meghan.pearce@enmu.edu
Lizeth Fraire University of Texas at El Paso lizethcki@yahoo.com 22
www.swcki.org www.circlek.org
Jeanette Flores jnflores.swdcki@gmail.com Secretary Kelsae Pederson pedersonkelsae@yahoo.com Treasurer Elissia Torres elissiat.swdcki@gmail.com Bulletin Editor Katie Merrill katherine.merrill@enmu.edu Lieutenant Governor New Mexico/Texas Kevin Wright kwright.swdcki@gmail.com Lieutenant Governor Arizona