SWIN Chamber April 2019 Newsletter

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SWIN newsletter


APRIL 2019 #TogetherWeThrive



During the TSMA Q1 Event: Work-Based Learning - Solving Mfg. Workforce Needs students from Perry evansville region Central shared the positive results they have experienced through the Commodore Manufacturing program offered to them through a partnership between Jasper Engines and Perry Central school corporation.

evansville region

March New Member Profile:





The Southwest Indiana Chamber is pleased to introduce Lifestyle Health Plans as a unique health benefits program designed for Chamber members to address the underlying causes of the rise in healthcare costs - employee health behaviors. This program is made available through a partnership with NFP. WHAT MAKES LIFESTYLE HEALTH DIFFERENT? • Level-funded major medical plan designs • Underwritten by “A” rated carriers • Member savings averaging 5-15% in most cases • Integrated wellness incentives and cash-rewards • Up to a $500 deductible credit available to all wellness participants • Integrated concierge telemedicine, outpatient lab and diabetic supply benefits WHAT IS LEVEL FUNDED? Level-funded plans are essentially pre-packaged self-insured health plans, with low attachment stop-loss coverage. For many groups, level-funded plans reduce healthcare spend significantly versus a fully insured ACA small group plan. And because of their structure, levelfunded plans do not have the volatility in monthly cash flows, associated with self-insured plans, that can cripple a small business. HERE’S HOW A LEVEL-FUNDED PLAN WORKS: Level-funded plans are underwritten, health applications are required. For larger groups applications can be avoided if two years of claims history can be provided.


Helping our members thrive! #TogetherWeThrive

JESSICA ELLIOTT 812.422.4000 jessica.elliott@nfp.com

President & CEO Letter

New Member Profile




t's been a year. I'm a Hoosier now. From Day One I committed myself to exploring, getting to know our businesses, our assets and challenges, the institutions and community treasures that define our region. You've made me welcome and very proud of my decision to join this community and the Southwest Indiana Chamber team. What are my biggest takeaways from my "listening tour?" We have a great business environment. Our location is America's best for distribution. The quality A message from of our workforce, our talent if you will, is TARA BARNEY extraordinary: productive, hardworking, President & CEO innovative. Above all, the loyalty quotient for ­ folks really do love our region is off the charts — living here. And I’ve heard a boatload about challenges that will limit our growth and prosperity. Ironically, again, it’s all about our workforce, not just the quality but the quantity of people available and prepared to fill the jobs our businesses need to grow and prosper here. We’ve got to tackle this issue. If not, major employers won’t expand, local businesses can’t provide their hallmark customer service, new businesses will think twice before choosing our region for investment. How do we go about the talent shortage? One person, one job at a time. The greater Evansville region is moving in the right direction. The Regional Cities projects have set us on a path of regional cooperation by launching a set of quality-of-place initiatives that are putting us on the map; we are cooler, we have begun to transform downtown Evansville, we are investing in all corners of our region from Oakland City College to new medical facilities in Posey County. This is outstanding progress! In this newsletter we are highlighting some of the “best practices” that are addressing both our region’s immediate need for qualified employees and our need to prepare our citizens for the jobs of the future. The secret sauce for our region’s success is two-fold. Yes, we must attract talent to our region. And yes we must find more productive career pathways for our existing workforce. A high school diploma is step one. The 20,000+ adults in our region who did not complete high school are limited in earning potential. About 30% of these folks are living below the poverty level, and they are not able to fill the jobs and build the careers our employers need. Our employers are doing their part: take Toyota’s A Brighter Future partnership with Vincennes University and WorkOne Southwest. This investment will change lives one at a time by covering the costs for Hoosiers to earn their High School Equivalency, graduate and then move into hundreds of career options. If just 1% of these 20,000+ adults can earn a High School Equivalency, their earning power is boosted by $1,700,000. That’s an impactful number. Tune in to what our region’s employers are doing to address both our biggest challenge and our biggest opportunity. It is all about “talent.”


Let's welcome CityView at Sterling Square as a new member to the Southwest Indiana Chamber. CityView is located at 210 N. Fulton Ave. in Evansville and can be reached at (812) 437-1910 or online at www.cityviewevv.com. Read on as Nancy Bennett, executive director, tells us all about CityView at Sterling Square! Tell us about City View at Sterling Square and the services you offer. CityView is a delightful blend of 19th-Century Industrial and 21st-Century Chic. We are an event facility that has five flexible spaces to accommodate a wide variety of events and meetings. We provide bar and beverage service for our clients and design services to help them design and lay out the perfect space for their corporate or social event. What inspires you to invest time and resources in this business? I have been in the event industry for longer than I care to admit. My motivation has always been to provide a level of service that allows my clients to be guests at their own event. That brings me great joy. What career advice would you give the younger generation interested in this type of work? Learn everything you can about customer service and hospitality. Then, hone your skills in listening to your client so you can develop spaces that are both functional and flexible. And lastly, have the ability to come up with Plan B, or Plan C… when Plan A doesn’t work out. Ha! In your opinion, what are three ingredients for success? First and foremost, treat your clients and /or guests the way you would want to be treated. Secondly, give them a great product for a fair price. Lastly, did I mention to treat people the way you want to be treated? It’s worth saying again. What has been one of your toughest challenges? The toughest challenge of being in the event business is finding staff and workers who have a similar level of perfection built into their customer service. Clients will typically not notice or comment when an event runs smoothly or is close New Member Profile, continued


UNITED METHODIST YOUTH HOME United Methodist Youth Home celebrated a 40-year anniversary at 2521 N. Burkhardt Rd. in Evansville with a ribbon-cutting. United Methodist Youth Home helps at-risk youth become responsible and productive members of the community. Contact them at (812) 479-7535 or at www.umyh.org.


Attract, Train & Retain Local Talent Work-based learning initiatives

OLD NATIONAL BANK - HEBRON Old National Bank - Hebron celebrated a grand reopening at 4500 Washington Ave. in Evansville with a ribbon-cutting. The newly renovated location will continue to offer checking and savings accounts, commercial lending, wealth management and mortgage services. Contact them at (812) 468-0376.

CENTER FOR HEALING ARTS AND WELLNESS AND COUNSELING Center for Healing Arts and Wellness and Counseling celebrated a new location at 7409 Eagle Crest Blvd. in Evansville with a ribboncutting. The center utilizes acupuncture and a holistic approach in treating patients. Contact them at (812) 455-0740.


rea manufacturers are taking advantage of several new avenues to tap into the region’s talent pool at an even earlier stage, and the Southwest Indiana Chamber is involved in many of those programs. The Tri-State Manufacturers’ Alliance, a branch of the Chamber, recognizes this beneficial trend of businesses working alongside local school systems to find and train potential employees, which is known as “worked-based learning.” But “worked-based learning” is more than just a trendy industry catch phrase. It is a movement that is seen as addressing a great need for Southwest Indiana manufacturers: employee attraction and retention. This initiative helps locate talented, driven students and bring them onboard at an early age to hopefully retain that talent in the region. Worked-based learning involves manufacturers establishing specialized programs with area high schools and trade schools to develop a future workforce that can help out businesses, large and small. Through internships, earn-and-learn programs and apprenticeships, manufacturers can connect with skilled students in the region and increase the likelihood that local talent doesn’t move away after graduation day. One prime example is the Toyota Manufacturing Skill Development program, established by Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana in Princeton. The TMSD program has successfully reduced attrition at TMMI to less than half when compared to the traditional onboarding methods. Participants receive four weeks of classroom instruction on topics such as diversity, communication, teamwork and various manufacturing concepts. Classroom instruction is followed by six weeks of hands-on training in the production environment. After successfully completing this 10-week program, participants become a production team member and continue learning and certifying in their production processes. The impact of TMSD is inspiring. Individuals who would not have been successfully employed in manufacturing due to their lack of knowledge and skills in manufacturing are being given an opportunity to succeed. “Toyota changes




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Southwest Indiana Talent Infusion (SITI) Network brochure provides pathways and resources for students and adult learners to obtain manufacturing jobs. Pick up a copy at the Southwest Indiana Chamber.

lives every day,” explained Krystal Bealmear, TMSD graduate and current TMMI team member. “People who would not have had the chance before, now have the opportunity to come in, learn a different way, learn a little more, take more from it and bring a new appreciation for the job.” Another successful work-based learning program is the Commodore Academy, established in Perry Central Junior-Senior High School, which has students working in programs through Jasper Engines & Transmissions, Waupaca Foundry and other local businesses. The State of Indiana has also picked up on the importance of forming these public-private partnerships and recently established the Office of Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship to develop and implement a framework of various work-based learning pathways for both youth and adult populations. The Office is coordinating efforts and partnering with the U.S. Department of Labor to expand registered apprenticeships. TSMA invited two representatives from the OWBLA to speak at the Alliance’s Q1 Event last month. Another breakout program recently created to help fill high-wage, highdemand occupations is the Southwest Indiana Talent Infusion Network, or SITI. The Chamber, in partnership with Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Indiana and WorkOne Southwest, has been working in recent months on this new program, which is a network of manufacturers (made up of a number of TSMA members) and area educational and nonprofit partners that are building public-private partnerships to increase business and industry engagement with education systems. “We are working together to build a marketing program that will help connect our high school graduates who may or may not be four-year college bound, and unemployed or under-employed adult learners, with local manufacturers in order to help build a deeper local talent pipeline to meet our employer needs,” said Tim Hayden, vice president and COO of the SWIN Chamber. “It is no secret that regions all across the Midwest and the country as a whole continue to struggle with this issue,” Hayden said. “That is why it is imperative that we continue to collaborate together, as we are on initiatives such and the Chamber’s SITI Network, our community’s ‘E is for Everyone’ branding initiative, Junior Achievement’s Job Spark in the Fall, and many other regional initiatives, to ensure that we do attract and retain as much talent as possible for our local manufactures and all of our employers.”

FELTS LOCK & ALARM CO., INC Felts Lock & Alarm Co., Inc celebrated an 85-year anniversary 4000 E. Indiana St. in Evansville with a ribbon-cutting. Felts Lock & Alarm Co., Inc continually provides new ways to help keep families and businesses safe and secure. Contact them at (812) 473-4000 or online at www.feltsonline.com.

CIHOLAS Ciholas celebrated a 20-year anniversary at 3700 Bell Rd. in Newburgh with a ribboncutting. Ciholas specializes in designing complex electronic systems for clients in a variety of industries throughout the world. Contact them at (812) 962-9400 or online at www.ciholas.com.

MYRIAD BREWING COMPANY Myriad Brewing Company celebrated a grand opening at 101 SE First St., Ste. 1 in Evansville with a ribbon-cutting. Myriad is the first brewery in downtown Evansville in over 100 years and will brew several unique beers. Contact them at (812) 499-8880 or myriadbrewing@gmail.com.


12100 N. Hwy 41, Ste., 1, Evansville, IN 47725 Jamie Young 812-868-7440 wellfirstevvnorth@wellfirstuc.com www.wellfirstuc.com


WINGS ETC. EVANSVILLE 628 E. Diamond Ave., Evansville, IN 47711 Robert Schaefer 812-909-2945; we0070@wingsweb.net www.wingsetc.com

DÉJÀ VU SKIN CENTER 4943 Rosebud Ln., Newburgh, IN 47630 812-490-7546; www.dejavuskincenter.com DKING CONSULTANTS Dave King 812-431-3932; dkingconsultants@gmail.com EVANSVILLE SURGERY CENTER 520 Mary St., Ste. 240, Evansville, IN 47710 Lana Seibert 812-250-0100 lanaseibert@evansvillesurgerycenter.com www.evansvillesurgerycenter.com GORDMANS 402 Southwind Plaza, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 Kelsey Migl 812-838-8472; kelsey.migl@stage.com www.gordmans.com

WINGS ETC. HENDERSON 401 Walker Dr., Henderson, KY 42420 Fletcher Crowley 270-205-4486; we0069@wingsweb.net www.wingsetc.com WINGS ETC. JASPER 3683 Newton St., Jasper, IN 47546 Tabitha Finley 812-556-0399; we0084@wingsweb.net www.wingsetc.com WINGS ETC. MADISONVILLE 97 Madison Square Dr., Madisonville, KY 42431 Donna Palmer 270-584-9061; we0056@wingsweb.net www.wingsetc.com

INTERNATIONAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION Michelle Forston 812-429-5871 michelle.forston@exelaonline.com www.ifma.org

WINGS ETC. NEWBURGH 8828 High Point Dr., Newburgh, IN 47630 Nick Clark 812-490-0550; we0067@wingsweb.net www.wingsetc.com

PRIMARY CARE PLUS 4943 Rosebud Ln., Newburgh, IN 47630 812-490-0475; www.primary-care-plus.com

WINGS ETC. PRINCETON 2697 W. Broadway St., Princeton, IN 47670 Ryan Bumpus 812-635-0285; we0049@wingsweb.net www.wingsetc.com

SPEROHEALTH 4847 E. Virginia St., Evansville, IN 47715 Jenny Wood 812-491-6000; jenny.wood@sperohealth.com www.sperohealth.com SWAT PEST MANAGEMENT 2501 N. Cullen Ave., Evansville, IN 47715 Lacey Vukovich-Short 812-476-9708; lacey@swatpest.com www.swatpest.com TALLEY EYE INSTITUTE 6149 E. Columbia St., Evansville, IN 47715 Bill James 812-424-2020; bjames@talleyeyeinstitute.com www.talleyeyeinstitute.com VIRTUAL CONSULT MD - EVANSVILLE 4770 Covert Ave., Ste.101, Evansville, IN 47714 Gaurav Kaushal 812-848-2322; info@virtualconsultmd.com www.virtualconsultmd.com VIRTUAL CONSULT MD - TELL CITY 109 US Hwy 66 E., Ste. 151, Tell City, IN 47586 Gaurav Kaushal 812-848-2322; info@virtualconsultmd.com www.virtualconsultmd.com VIRTUAL CONSULT MD - WASHINGTON 11 NE 3rd St., Washington, IN 47501 Gaurav Kaushal 812-848-2322; info@virtualconsultmd.com www.virtualconsultmd.com WELLFIRST URGENT CARE & FAMILY PRACTICE


• AARP Indiana • AIDS Resource Group of Evansville, Inc. • Alcoa Warrick Operations • Amy Higgs State Farm • Bethel Manor • Boonville Natural Gas/BNG Heating & Cooling • Charles Schwab Independent Branch • CIHOLAS Inc • CountryMark • Culver's West • EI Sports & Apparel • Emergency Radio Service (ERS) • Evansville Christian Life Center • Evansville Federal Credit Union • Evansville Regional Vein Center • Family First Companion Care • First Federal Savings Bank • G R Freeman Heating & Air Conditioning • GEA, A Haier Company • Golf Gives Back, Inc./United Leasing & Finance Championship • Harrell-Fish Inc (HFI) Mechanical & Building Solutions • Holiday Inn Evansville Airport • Holy Redeemer • InfoServ, Inc.

• It Can Be Arranged • Joma Studios • Lasting Order • Lockyear Law, LLC • Memorial Community Development Corp. • Oswald Marketing • Pacific Press Technologies • Parrish Consulting Services • Profile by Sanford • Ramada Henderson / Evansville • Real Property Management Results

• Schmitt Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heating • Seton Harvest • Simms Painting Co., Inc. • SJCA P.C. • Spurling Properties • Subway • Summit Real Estate Services • Time Salvation • Walmart Stores, Inc. • Warehouse Services, Inc. • Whayne Supply Company


Tri-State Manufacturers Alliance is the best thing that has happened to manufacturing in Evansville. The topics are timely and on point to what we are dealing with as an industry. If companies are not participating in TSMA events, peer groups and shared learning they are missing out.”

Roger Krebsbach

Director of Human Resources, Anchor Industries


4:30 - 6 PM



AFTER HOURS EVENT: Featuring: Brenda Stallings, CEO, Matrix Integration; David Koch, President & CEO, Brake Supply


FOR RESERVATIONS, CONTACT: Karina Hampton, 812-425-7232, khampton@swinchamber.com or go to swinchamber.com


SKY ZONE - EVANSVILLE Sky Zone - Evansville celebrated new innovations at 49 N. Green River Rd. in Evansville with a ribbon-cutting. Sky Zone has added a 2 lane Warped Wall, a Battle Beam with Sky Joust, a 20ft Free Climb Wall, a 5 lane Warrior Course and Parkour Blox to the 22,000 sq ft park. Contact them at (812) 730-4759 or online at www.skyzone.com/ evansville. New Member Profile, continued

to perfect, but you can bet they will definitely make it known when something is amiss. To find staff who has the ability recognize when a “t” needs crossed and an “i” needs dotted is rare. What is your favorite thing about your work? At the end of the event, there is nothing better than having my client or bride or bride’s dad come up to me and thank me for letting them be a guest at their event. I love that they trust me to handle all the details and that I let them enjoy their special day. What do you like most about the community in which you live? I have designed and coordinated events in this community for decades and am always encouraged by the amount of support the Evansville area offers to the not-for-profit Organizations. The other thing that makes my job easier is that Evansville is so centrally located in the Midwest I have access to resources from Louisville, Nashville, St. Louis and Indianapolis. Is there anything else you would like to share? Despite all the stress, all the horrors, all the cancellations, and all the technical difficulties, I can’t imagine doing anything else. I love organizing events because with every event I get to create experiences that people will remember. It is a chance to see inside a person or company and tell their story in the most unique way – by not pushing something at them or giving them a cookie- cutter event, but by listening to their ideas and creating this wonderful journey that takes them to that one special day. Gosh, I am indeed lucky that they take me along for the ride. Thank you Nancy Bennett, executive director, CityView at Sterling Square, for taking the time to share with us!




Gibbs Die Casting Corp., a manufacturer of precision die-cast, machined, and assembled products for the automotive industry based in Henderson, Kentucky, announced team member promotions:


Harvey Dewan was promoted to VP of Corporate Services. Dewan was Director, Corporate Maintenance and Program Management. He is responsible for Quality, Program Management, Corporate Engineering, IT and Corporate Maintenance. He has worked for Gibbs since 2014.



PGP International, an ABF Ingredients Company, promoted Tonchelle Huff to Human Resources & Office Administrator. Since joining PGP, Huff has assisted in new hire training, established an online medical insurance enrollment, and refined and tracked the Evansville Training Schedule and Database. She supports all managers with material and documentation to ensure they are audit ready. Huff is studying for her aPHR HR certification and has become a member of the Evansville Human Resource Association. She is a graduate of Indiana State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Textile, Apparel & Merchandizing with a Minor in Business Administration. She is the coordinator for the PGP Ronald McDonald House support; participates in an annual Evansville Alzheimer Football Game Fundraiser, and actively mentors those in need in the community.

Josh Gilberg Director, Purchasing was promoted to VP of Purchasing and Cost Estimating. He has worked with Gibbs since 2011 in various purchasing roles.

DAN LACHMANN was promoted to VP of Manufacturing. His previous role was Director, Lean Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering. Lachmann came to Gibbs in 2014 with many years of operations experience with Kimberly Clark.


Aseia Colles was named Apprenticeship Director for Ivy Tech Community College Southwest, based in Evansville. Colles, who has worked for Ivy Tech since 2014, received her bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Transylvania University and her master’s degree in Business Administration from WGU.


PHIL STECKLER was name Federal Plant Manager. Federal is a brown field project and Gibbs’ first 100% horizontal die casting facility. Steckler has been a part of the Gibbs Engineering team since 2006. His most recent role was that of Director, Process Development. RICK TURNER was promoted to Maintenance Director, responsible for Casting Maintenance and Corporate Maintenance. He has been with Gibbs since 1983. He was most recently Maintenance Manager on the Casting side of the business. RAY STEWART was promoted from Shift Supervisor, Comac to Crew Leader. He has been a part of the Gibbs family since 2016. ZACH CARTER was promoted to Maintenance Supervisor at the Technical plant. Carter has worked at Gibbs since 1994. His most recent role was as a Maintenance Mechanic at Tech. JEFF EICHHOLZ became Production Manager at the Federal plant. He has worked at Gibbs since 1998 in Engineering. His most recent role was Process Engineering Team Leader prior to moving to operations as production manager. TROY CLARK was promoted to Crew Leader at the Federal plant. He was previously a process engineering technician. He has been with Gibbs since 2010. GREG HOBGOOD was also promoted to Crew Leader at Federal. Hobgood’s previous role was process engineering technician. He has worked for Gibbs since 1990.


Julie Abell, Van Ausdall & Farrar Chris Hubbard, Sledgehammer Printing Ryan Brown, Alpha Laser & Imaging Thank you for all of your engagement in the business community!




Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union members re-elected four members to their volunteer board of directors, with the announcement coming at an annual meeting on Tuesday, March 19, at Evansville’s DoubleTree by Hilton, where another record-setting year was celebrated. Re-elected to the board were Pam Blessing, Andy Guarino, Mike Russ and Harold Smith. Blessing, a retired professor at the University of Southern Indiana, is a 30-year board member. Guarino, a retired administrator with the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp., will start a HAROLD second 3-year term. He also is an elected member SMITH of the EVSC Board of School Trustees. Russ, who retired as Chief Technology Officer of EVSC, is a 33-year board incumbent. Smith, who retired as Title 1 Coordinator for the EVSC, is a 27-year board incumbent. Meantime, board president Ken Wempe, along with CEO and President Bill Schirmer, shared news about continued growth for the credit union, which was recognized as Best-in-State for Banks and Credit Unions by Forbes in 2018 as well as awarded the Courier & Press Readers’ Choice top award, Platinum, for the sixth consecutive year. ETFCU also was again recognized as No. 1 among all Indiana credit unions for “best performing credit union” and “total return to member” by independent rating agencies, grew its membership to more than 207,000, and increased its branch locations to 18 with two more under construction (in Washington, Indiana, and Franklin, Tennessee) and additional offices in the Louisville and Greater Nashville markets in the planning stage.




Commonwealth Engineers, Inc. hired Melanie RadcliffDouglas as a new Business Development. RadcliffDouglas will spearhead Commonwealth’s efforts to create and maintain client relationships in Southeastern Indiana. She previously served as the regional director and primary point of contact for stakeholders and elected officials 19 counties in southern Indiana, and also has past experience as a Director of Business Resources, Marketing, and Communications for a member-service organization. She holds a B.A. in Communications and Advertising from Indiana University Southeast. Commonwealth Engineers Inc. has offices in Indianapolis, Crown Point, Fort Wayne and Evansville.


Jerry Nord, Realtor Emeritus with the National Association of Realtors and a Hall of Fame member with the Southwest Indiana Association of Realtors, celebrated his 25h anniversary with RE/MAX. As a member of Southwest Indiana Association of Realtors, he has served as President in 2013; honored as Realtor of the Year in 2009; and Sales Associate of the Year in 2003. Nord is a well-known developer on Evansville’s West Side of several subdivisions including Harmony Woods, West Summit Estates, Sunset Ridge, and most recently West Franklin Ridge. He is a member of Southwestern Indiana Builder’s Association; having built several homes entered in the Parade of Homes. He is an active member of Crossroads Christian Church West Campus and a member of the Men’s Fraternity.

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Did you know?


Karen Mackey achieved Essentrics® Certified Instructor Level 4 with Honors. Mackey also is an Older Adult Exercise Instructor, Group Exercise Instructor, Healthy Lifestyles and Principles Consultant, Pilates Instructor, Fitness Yoga Specialist, Aging and Exercise Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Weight Management Consultant.


Jessica Bryant was promoted to Vice President, Director of Human Resources & Training, for Field & Main Bank based in Henderson, Kentucky. Bryant’s responsibilities include recruiting and onboarding new talent, career development and training, as well as team engagement. She’ll also continue to oversee employee benefits and compensation, payroll and HRIS management. Bryant began at then-Ohio Valley Bank in 2006 as a Teller. Since then, she has moved through ranks, becoming HR Specialist in 2007, Training Officer & HR Assistant in 2010, Human Resources & Training Officer in 2015 and then to her most recent role as Assistant Vice President, Human Resources & Training in 2016. A graduate of the University of Southern Indiana magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science, Bryant is a member of the Evansville Human Resources Association and the Society for Human Resources Management. She is a 2013 graduate of the Henderson Leadership Initiative, serves as an advisor for Colonels’ Corner Bank with Henderson County High School and as the President of the board of the Henderson Area Arts Alliance.

To feature your new hires or promotions in the next digital newsletter email a short description and photo to: news@swinchamber.com.




CNN meetings take place on Fridays from 7:30 – 9 a.m.

Find the next meeting at www.swinchamber.com/events

SBDC advisors can help entrepreneurs and business owners write a business plan, conduct market research and prepare solid financial projections that will help them secure the financing they need to start or expand their business. Seasoned SBDC advisors work closely with commercial lenders as well as local loan funds to assure their clients have accurate assumptions that can support their request for funds. Learn more at: www.isbdc.org



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To learn more about accessing member benefits, please contact: Tina Fuhrer, Acquisition Account Executive at 812.598.8505 or by email at tfuhrer@ swinchamber.com.

UPCOMING EVENTS Lunch with Mitch Daniels April 8 | 11:30 AM - 1 PM | Old National Events Plaza Launching Your Own Business Workshop April 9 | 3 - 5 PM | Southwest Indiana Chamber Posey County Office State of Schools Luncheon April 11 | 11:45 AM - 1 PM | Countrymark Pavilion Government Affairs Committee Meeting: Meet the Legislators April 12 | 11:30 AM - 1 PM | Southwest Indiana Chamber Young Professionals Alliance Lunch + Learn: Professional Development Opportunities - Non Degree April 18 | Noon - 1 PM | Southwest Indiana Chamber Legislative Update Session April 20 | 9 - 11 AM | Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center Constant Contact: The Power of the Inbox May 9 | 10 - 11:30 AM | Central Library


Leave everyday life behind and escape to Tuscany! Open to the Public!

Open to the Public!


Tri-State Manufacturers' Alliance Q2 Event: Human Deception: Online & Everywhere - Beware! May 14 | 7:30 - 11:30 AM | Ivy Tech Community College CNN - Chamber Networking & News April 5, 12, 26; May 3, 10, 17, 31; June 7, 14, 21, 28 7:30 - 9 AM | Various Locations - visit swinchamber.com/events

FOR MORE EVENT INFORMATION, SPONSORSHIPS & RESERVATIONS, CONTACT: Karen Robinson: 812-425-8147 | krobinson@swinchamber.com Tina Fuhrer: 812-598-8505 | tfuhrer@swinchamber.com


Posey County Office





5:30 - 7:30 pm

New Harmony Conference Center

Join us for a highlight of recent business impacts made in the Posey County community and for a celebration of the 2019 Posey County award recipients. Keynote Speaker: Joel Duling, BWXT Nuclear Operations FOR RESERVATIONS, CONTACT: Randy Owens, Posey County Office Director 812-838-3639 | rowens@swinchamber.com | www.swinchamber.com/events



MAY 6, 2019

10 AM - 6 PM


Join us for a golf outing with top business leaders, community members, clients and their guests! The golf outing includes lunch, cart, green fees, complimentary beverages and snacks during play, and an awards reception after tournament play. Foursomes are encouraged to fill slots with new contacts or business prospects. This is one of the best places to connect with the top decision-makers in the community.

SIGN UP TODAY! 812-425-8147

For more information on sponsoring this event, contact evansville region Karen Robinson: 812-425-8147 | krobinson@swinchamber.com or Tina Fuhrer: 812-598-8505 | tfuhrer@swinchamber.com

EVANSVILLE 318 Main Street, Suite 401 Evansville, IN 47708 812-425-8147

POSEY COUNTY OFFICE 231-A Main Street • PO Box 633 Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-3639

evansville region

www.swinchamber.com @SWINChamber

evansville region

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