January 2014 • Issue 545
Daryl L. Martin, Executive Director
L-R: Linda Arnold, Alma Ahmetovic, & Isaac Akins
Time brings changes. That is true in our individual lives and also in the life of an organization. Come January there will be several new leadership changes. These changes will involve the following positions and persons. We make these changes believing that we are setting the stage for continued success and excellence in quality of care. Linda Arnold, Director of Healthcare Services will be leaving Swiss Village for a position in nurse education. Linda has provided valuable service to the Swiss Village Family for 17 years and will be greatly missed. Her
leadership has been instrumental in making Swiss Village a 5-Star organization and her accomplishments as a member of the Senior Leadership Team have been innumerable! Ms. Arnold’s focus on quality and compliance has been instrumental in creating Swiss Village’s reputation for excellence. We celebrate her contributions to Swiss Village and wish her well in her new endeavors. Alma Ahmetovic will be assuming the responsibilities of Director of Healthcare Services. Alma has been an employee of Swiss Village for nearly 15 years and
during the most recent years has served as the Director of Nursing. In addition to the valuable experience and training she has gained at Swiss Village, she has also pursued academic training that will serve her well in her new role. Swiss Village is delighted that Ms. Ahmetovic has agreed to assume this new role! Isaac Akins will be assuming the Director of Nursing Role. He comes to Swiss Village with a BSN Degree. This academic training provides a valuable foundation to build upon for Swiss Village’s future. We look forward to Mr. Akins leadership in continuing the tradition of excellence that has become synonymous with Swiss Village! We encourage you to express appreciation to Ms. Arnold for her past service and to wish her well in her new endeavors. Likewise, please extend a welcome to Ms. Ahmetovic and Mr. Akins in their new roles and your support as they assume increased responsibilities.
Inside this issue: New Residents
Saturday Night at the Village Randy & Marilyn Long
Singles & Separates Support Group
Kinder Haus
Residential & Healthcare Activities
South Campus Wellness & Wellness Pavilion
Staff News
Swiss Village Mission Statement: Swiss Village Retirement Community is a not-for-profit corporation, committed to providing quality and affordable retirement living facilities and services in a Christian environment that enhances life with dignity, meaning and appropriate care for the senior adults from the surrounding community without regard to race, religion, sex, or handicaps that can be accommodated within our delivery system.