Village News February 2015

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February 2015 • Issue 557

GOOD TOOLS, GREAT WORK!! I have been so impressed by the work that happens within the walls of this fine ministry! Everyone, in each an d ev er y department, knows t heir jo b, t heir responsibilities and they complete their tasks with full attention to

Greg Schmidt, Director of Food Services stands next to a new oven in the main kitchen.

Rod Mason, Executive Director

q u al it y an d thoroughness. No department has impressed me anymore, however, than the dietary department. With very dated machinery in the kitchen, these folks, without fuss and gripe, have been producing top-notch food products and baked goods for years on end! As a matter of fact, just this week Swiss Village hosted and catered their largest event ever – the Annual Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet. Now, going into the evening, I was a

little unnerved simply because of the mass of people that I knew would be in attendance – 175 reservations! The event came and went without a hitch! The eight staff who were serving did so with prowess and finesse, not missing one diner, and the last plate was placed easily within ten minutes of the first! Everything, from the brisket to the veggies to the strawberry cheesecake – in addition to attending to every empty coffee cup and water glass – was excellent! And this gang Cont. on page 4


Executive Team: Rod Mason Executive Director Alma Ahmetovic Director of Healthcare Services

Kent Liechty, President Tom Muselman, Vice-President Linda Eicher, Secretary

Derick Bailey Director of Resident Services

Greg Meyer, Treasurer

Joe Burkhead Director of Information Services

Paul Zuercher, Immediate Past President

Margie Dougherty Director of Human Resources

Mark Settlemyre Sharon Sprunger Wulliman

Michelle McIntosh Director of Marketing

Nancy Subler

Roger Young Controller

Mary Fox Scott Bixler

Inside this issue:

New Residents


Saturday Night at the Village-The Main Street Band


Residential & Healthcare 5 Activities South Campus Wellness & Wellness Pavilion


Kinder Haus


Staff News


Swiss Village Mission Statement: Swiss Village Retirement Community is a not-for-profit corporation, committed to providing quality and affordable retirement living facilities and services in a Christian environment that enhances life with dignity, meaning and appropriate care for the senior adults from the surrounding community without regard to race, religion, sex, or handicaps that can be accommodated within our delivery system.

WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS Swiss Village residents and staff welcomed Beverly Liechty November 15, 2014. Beverly likes attending her grand-children's sporting events as well as spending time with her three great grand-children. She enjoys water walking at the Wellness Pavilion, and volunteering for Et Cetera Ecke, Swiss Village, and Family LifeCare. Beverly is still currently working part time cleaning for the South Adams Senior Center, and filling in at the front desk at the Wellness Pavilion. She is looking forward to meeting and visiting with new people at Swiss Village, and is excited to be able to ride her three wheel bicycle this spring around Swiss Village's campus. Phyllis (Pibb or Pibby) Hewitt was welcomed to Swiss Village by Staff and Residents on November 20, 2014. Phyllis likes to spend her spare time quilting and sewing. She played the organ for her Church for many years and worked as a beautician for approximately 30 years. "I feel so much relief by no longer worrying about taking care of my house," said Phyllis. I also enjoy having my son and his family live near, it is nice to see them more often." Swiss Village Staff and Residents welcomed Betty Scherrer on December 1, 2014. Over the years Betty has enjoyed spending her time sewing, but now likes to spend her days reading. Betty retired from Berne Apparel after working there for 19 years. "I like having my meals prepared for me," said Betty. "The food is wonderful, and I don't have to worry about cleaning anymore. I can be lazy if I want!"

IN MEMORY Swiss Village experienced the loss of several residents who called Swiss Village home. Condolences go out to the family and friends of Gladys Sprunger who passed away December 24 at the age of 88. Gladys came to Swiss Village in November 1999. Angie Amstutz was at the age of 95 when she passed away on December 25. February 2002 was when she came to Swiss Village. We express our sympathy to the family and friends of Angie Amstutz. On December 28 Homer Arnold passed away at the age of 83. Homer had been at Swiss Village since December 2014. Our condolences are with Homer’s friends and family. Condolences go out to the family and friends of Helen Habegger who passed away January 2 at the age of 94. Helen came to Swiss Village in February 2005. Jerry Parr was at the age of 83 when he passed away on January 3. December 2013 was when he came to Swiss Village. We express our sympathy to the family and friends of Jerry. On January 8 Dorothy Gerber passed away at the age of 72. Dorothy had been at Swiss Village since December 2014. Our condolences are with Dorothy’s friends and family. Condolences go out to the family and friends of Clarence Buckingham who passed away January 9 at the age of 97. Clarence came to Swiss Village in March 2000. Janice Ross was at the age of 87 when she passed away on January 10. October 2012 was when she came to Swiss Village. We express our sympathy to the family and friends of Janice. On January 12 William Allmandinger passed away at the age of 84. William had been at Swiss Village since July 2012. Our condolences are with William’s friends and family. Condolences go out to the family and friends of Mathilda Neuenschwander who passed away January 17 at the age of 89. Mathilda came to Swiss Village in June 2010. Georgia Arnold was at the age of 95 when she passed away on January 22. February 2004 was when she came to Swiss Village. We express our sympathy to the family and friends of Georgia.

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February 2015

CONTRIBUTIONS Lillian Glendening. John & Jennifer Harsha, Robert & Susan Dubach, Scott & Patti Schwartz, Verna Sprunger, Stuart Lehman, Lee Sprunger, Don & Berneta Yager, Ted Lautzenheiser, Craig & Lora Sprunger, Heidi Lehman, Leroy & Carolyn Sprunger, Donavon & LaDonna Gerig, David Baumgartner, Roselyn Habegger, Paul VonGunten, Paul & Evie Norr. Stan Augsburger Memorial: Millard Schwartz. Hagan Quillen Memorial: Charles & Marilyn Spurgeon. William Allmandinger Memorials: Lucerne Residents, Charles & Marilyn Spurgeon, Betty Lehman. Clarence Buckingham Memorials: Zermatt Residents, Paul Nussbaum, Charles & Marilyn Spurgeon, Millard Schwartz, Jerrold & Shirley Neuenschwander, Fellowship Class Mennonite, Donna Morse, John & Lynette Augsburger, Jerry & Bonnie Flueckiger, Joyce Stookey. John Spurgeon Memorial: Charles & Marilyn Spurgeon. Van Sprunger Memorial: Charles & Marilyn Spurgeon. Lorraine McKean Memorial: Doris Cheeseman. Helen Habegger Memorials: Doris Sprunger, Arvilla Martin, Nancy Yoder, Robert & Miriam Liechty, Marcile Sellers, Tom & Rita Burke. Margorie DeArmond Memorials: Fay DeArmond, Lou & Debbie DeArmond, Marilyn Muselman, Margaret Sprunger, Gloria Sprunger, Jean Gilliom. William Habegger Memorials: Claren & Darleen Lehman, Bethalene Daniels, Richard & Amy Sprunger, Edith Arnold, Millard Schwartz, Grace Habegger Family, Wyomissing Optometric Center, Ron & Nancy Bauman & family, Rev. Norman & Nancy Okasako, Pastor Stephen & Clarice Kaneshiro, Edith Tyau. E. Angalene Amstutz Memorials: Donald Spade, Nelson & Donna Clark, John & Lynette Augsburger, Menno & Elda Neuenschwander, Larry & Linda McMullen, Albert & Mary Schwartz, Les & Gyneth Augsburger, Donald & Sandra Weber. Gladys Sprunger Memorial: Robert & Miriam Liechty. Elmira Wulliman Memorials: Roger & Gretchen Lautzenheiser, Ron & Karleen Sprunger, Joyce Flueckiger, Roscoe & Lois Wulliman, Miz Lehman, Claren Lehman, Gloria Sprunger, Jay & Maribeth Smitley, Ted & Hazel Lautzenheiser, First Mennonite Church Fellowship Class & Chapel Class, Carol Sprunger, Robert Flueckiger, Betty Lehman, Neil & Libby Stroble, Homer & Edith Arnold, Kevin & Tamra Yoder, William & Linda McKean, Jerrold & Shirley Neuenschwander, David & Carolee Nussbaum, Phil & Sue Wulliman, Phil & Cindy Eicher, Norman & Elizabeth Koons, Dean & Jennifer Beer, Richard & Amy Sprunger, Rodney & Sandra Lehman, Verna Sprunger, Curtis & Sharon Wulliman, Deanna Deaton, Rita Schaefer, Bud Wulliman, Doris Cheeseman, Greg & Sara Meyer, Bill & Gretta Lehman. **All memorials and/or gifts given in honor of an individual(s) will go towards the Samaritan’s Endowment Fund unless otherwise designated.

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Marguerite Jones & Arvilla Martin E. Kathryn Black & Rosella Ringger Merlin Habegger Miriam Liechty Thelma Fougerousse, Robert Read, Berneta Lehman, & Robert L. Liechty Romaine Lehman Gladys Nussbaum Eleanor Flueckiger, Roger Hunter, & Ruth McDaniel Beatrice Biller, Mildred Weimer, Dennis Pannabecker, & Harry Yoder Agnes Habegger Wayne Dubach

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES FEBRUARY 9 Robert & Miriam Liechty (54 Years) 19 Kenneth & Eula Van Emon (66 Years) 27 Clyde & Marjorie Wulliman (44 Years)

SWISS VILLAGE 5K RUN/WALK & SENIOR 1 MILE WALK Swiss Village 5k Run/Walk & Senior 1 mile walk will be on Saturday April 11, 2015 at 9 am. Please visit our website at to print your registration form, course map, & complete race details. Our race is also part of the Adams County 5k Run/Walk Challenge. Come join us at the Arthur & Gloria Muselman Wellness Pavilion for a fun race with unique awards for top 3 finishers per age group & gender & overall female and male winners. February 2015

Saturday Night at The Village

Swiss Village presents Saturday Night at the Village. Fun free entertainment will be provided the second Saturday of every month from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. February 14 residents and guests will enjoy entertainment by The Main Street Jazz Band. Under the direction of Matt Wheeler, The Main Street Jazz Band, made up of several locals, will provide a variety of music genres to guests attending the concert. Saturday Night at the Village is open to the public and everyone is invited to attend. For more information about Saturday Night at the Village contact Michelle McIntosh, Marketing Director at 260.589.3173 or visit See you at Saturday Night at the Village, February 14, in Swiss Village’s Auditorium.


Tara Farlow

February is American Heart Month. With the heart pumping 1 million barrels of blood and beating more than 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime, it’s not surprising the heart is the most physically active muscle in our bodies. Many lifestyle choices we make play into our heart health, especially diet and exercise. Essential vitamins and minerals fuel our body to help us function properly. Exercise also helps to keep our heart strong. A good balance of cardiovascular and strengthening exercises as well as a good diet can help lower blood pressure, burn calories, lower LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and boost HDL (“good” cholesterol).

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does this day in and day out for our residents. A few weeks back, I had the privilege to take most of the members of our Board on a tour of our campus – taking note together of areas that were in need of attention. The first place we visited was the kitchen. Together we agreed that this excellent staff was in dire need of having better tools! Several pieces of equipment were in inoperable condition, others were simply “dying on the vine”. The result of that visit? An order was immediately placed for nine pieces of equipment so that this high-volume production kitchen could begin to perform their excellence with greater efficiency and with improved ability. $100,000 worth of machinery! But… the new equipment will also produce more efficiency in energy costs! One simple example… the new $38,000 dishwasher? Our energy audit shows that this new machine alone will produce savings in energy and water use of over $21,000 ANNUALLY! In just under two years the savings will pay for the machine, and very quickly thereafter will fund the purchase of the rest of the equipment! There are other areas of the facility that are going to need similar attention. I firmly believe that if you want any job done right and with quality, you better provide the proper tools! We’re going to be doing that over time in all areas. Would you like to help? This is a pricey project – but a worthy project, all for better outcomes. Please feel free to help us improve our tools with your financial assistance if you feel led – and then, experience the GREAT WORK!

February 2015


Jamie Kittle

January 2015 welcomed us with b it t erl y co l d temperatures as well as some ice and snow, and forced us to change some of our plans for outings, but that didn't stop the fun! Instead while stuck inside, we enjoyed a variety of crafts, movies, all sorts of games (especially bingo), and more! The weather finally broke the 3rd week of January just in time for us to enjoy a beautiful bus ride through the countryside as well as shop at Et Cetera and St. Vincent DePaul Thrift stores for some great deals. January was also a great month to visit California through our virtual tour and beat the winter blues by learning how to make stress our friend during our Lifelong Learning Class. A big thanks also goes out to all of our resident and volunteer "elves" who helped tear down and pack up all the Christmas decorations!

HEALTHCARE HAPPENINGS — Karen Rowell What does one do in the winter when the weather is cold and dreary, and it is easy to feel blue? Well, we threw a “Blues Party!” and enjoyed cake and games and music! This month we spent a lot of time playing games and enjoying snacks together, including an afternoon with root beer floats (how does that sound for putting us into a summertime frame of mind?). We also held a cookie auction and then enjoyed our delectable purchases. Music was a big part of our month as well, as we were entertained by Don Smithey, Mary Beth Huser, and Chester Longenberger. We also really enjoyed resuming our activities with the children from Kinder Haus.

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Cole Rupp

The hoar frost inspired us to make some snow flakes this past month. I personally had never heard of the frost we had as "hoar frost" but learned a lot from our residents and also had to Google it to find out more about it. Many residents just enjoyed the beauty of God's craftiness that day! We made bird feeders and have them hanging. Hopefully soon we will see more response from our feathered friends. We have also continued to make some delicious soups with our Thursday crock pot cooking and just have enjoyed playing dominoes and other board games during these cold winter days!


Donna Stout Where would the residents be without daily activities? Some would not get to enjoy special music programs or even sing-a-longs. Some would not get to participate in favorable activities such as: UNO, Bingo, Wheel of Fortune, Morning Warm-Ups or Bible study with Mike. Some of them would never get the pleasure of connecting with youngsters through Kinder Haus visits or luncheons. Daily activities keep the resident’s bodies and minds active, which help prevent other physical and mental ailments. Daily activities are very important for everyone – including the staff members. Through daily activities and care we get to know the residents first hand. And that is a GREAT PLEASURE!! Thanks to all the activity staff and others for providing daily activities for our residents.

February 2015



Emily Arnold & Rachel Rosswurm

Heidi Schoeneman

We had a k i c k o f f luncheon for staff for our decade of employee wellness. We gave out ten year awards to m a n y F: Rachel Rosswurm, Ruth Green, Becky employees and Bryan, M: Sharon Craig, Jen Lehman, fun superlative Margie Dougherty, Emily Arnold, B: Terry awards too. Lehman, Randy Reynolds. Starting the week of February 1st, we will offer our annual Winter Wellness Journey... “Walk through the Decades.” This 8 week journey will involve a study of each decade, as well as encouragement to do some cardiovascular exercise on your own. You may do just the study or just the cardiovascular exercise, but we encourage both. This year we have listed on our schedule a couple days a week to meet and walk together, if you would like to have some company on your walk. We will have information posted on our bulletin boards about this program each week, and you can just stop by and pick up a binder anytime the week of February 1st. This study/exercise program is open to all residents.

The infant room is full of activity! They are all growing and learning to move around. Some are starting to walk, some are just learning how to sit and others learning how to crawl. It is such a blessing to see them change each day. They are all smiles when they go on buggy rides! The toddlers have had fun playing with different things in their discovery table. The 2’s have been learning about snow and what to wear during the winter time. They have enjoyed painting snowmen, playing with real snow and trying on winter wear items. The 3 year olds are enjoying the change in the weather. They have talked about the snow outside and how to keep warm. A highlight of the month for the 3 year olds was when they cuddled up with their blankets and drank hot chocolate while watching a movie. They even wore their pajamas to Kinder Haus one day! The 4 & 5’s have been learning about snowflakes and how they feel, sound, smell, and look like. They have also enjoyed talking about hot chocolate and painting with marshmallows and hot chocolate paint.

ART & GLORIA MUSELMAN WELLNESS PAVILION — Andrea Miller The Arthur & Gloria Muselman Wellness Pavilion would like to invite any senior 55+ to participate in Heart Healthy Bingo. Learn heart healthy facts and enjoy some heart healthy snacks all while playing bingo on Friday, February 13 at 1:00 p.m. Members and Non-Members of the Arthur & Gloria Muselman Wellness Pavilion are welcome to attend. For more information contact Sarah Conrad, Wellness Pavilion Director at 260.589.4496 or visit

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February 2015



Jennifer Lehman

Do you have some extra time that you would like to spend giving back to the community? We are looking for great volunteers at Swiss Village, Kinder Haus, and the Muselman Wellness Pavilion! If you are interested in visiting residents, helping with activities, rocking babies in Kinder Haus, watching children at the Wellness Pavilion, or one of the many other opportunities that we have available please consider volunteering. All volunteer opportunities can be viewed on our website at or you can contact Jen Lehman at 260-589-4529 or for more information. Your generosity in spending a few hours a month helping others makes a big difference in the lives of those we serve!

NEW EMPLOYEES Swiss Village welcomes several new employees this month. Lukas Marbach, John Stuck, and Becca Sharp are all new Dietary employees. Christina Mendoza is a new Healthcare Activities employee.


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Gwen Mitchel, Nicole Grandlinard, & Laura Neuenschwander Joyce Lavy Jessica Sutton & Cathy Phillips Ted Rich Hali Feaster, Janice Thornton, & Margaret Dobler Meghan McMillen & Gail Lengerich Sandra Whittington, Jadriana Tarr, & Megan Dunlap Cynthia Miller Sadonna Sturwold Donna Stout Jolene Biberstine Kristine Murphy & Sterling Wulliman Debra Martens & Ruth Green Linda Hodson, Jonathan Steffen, Leah Mitchel & Margie Dougherty Susan Tonner & Sydney Zent Courtney Ringger & Andrew Lehman Brittany Potts

f{tÜx fÉÅx [xtÜà Name: _________________________ Phone: ______-______-__________ Address: ______________________________________________________ In Honor/Memory of (optional): _____________________________________ Gift: { } $750 { } $75

{ } $500 { } $50

{ } $250 { } $25

{ } $100 { } Other $_________________

Your gift to share some heart will allow a resident to receive the News compiled by: Tammy Seffernick needed care Village they require. Thank you for your loving spirit!

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February 2015

Swiss Village, Inc.

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Berne, IN 46711 Permit No 71

1350 W. Main St. Berne, IN 46711

Visit and click on the Facebook Like button on our website.

UPCOMING EVENTS Feb. Event 13 Heart Healthy Bingo 1 pm Saturday Night at the 14 Village-The Main Street Jazz Band 7 pm

Be sure to check the Swiss Village Website at for the complete listing of this months Residential and Healthcare Activities.

CHARITABLE GIVING NEWS — Jennifer Lehman Valentine’s Day is a day when we show our love to the people we care about. We want to invite you to show your love and care for residents in need at Swiss Village by supporting the Samaritan’s Endowment. On average there are 50 residents who you can “Share Some Heart” with who are receiving financial assistance from the Samaritan’s Endowment for needed medical care. Many residents are living longer than they ever expected, costs continue to rise, and reimbursement from Medicaid and other funding sources are not guaranteed for the longterm. All of these factors contribute to the importance of growing the reserve for the Samaritan’s Endowment. Your support helps to guarantee that

we will be able to offer this ministry for years to come. Your gift to “Share Some Heart” is a great way to show your love for residents in need this Valentine’s Day. You are helping to make sure that the residents, who through no fault of their own, who have outlived their funds, are able to get the needed care they deserve. Every gift is an act of love!

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