Village News May 2014

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May 2014 • Issue 549


Daryl L. Martin, Executive Director

During the past few years Swiss Village has been experiencing increased softness in demand for all levels of care. This is a reality very different from our first three decades when dem an d r eq u ir ed continual growth. There are likely several contributing factors. But the most obvious reason appears to be rooted in the actual demographic trends for the 85+ age group within Adams and adjacent counties. The number of residents in this age group actually decreases throughout the current

decade, except in Allen County where the growth plateaus. One of the consequences of the Great Depression was a significant drop in the birth rate. That Great Depression generation is now reaching into their 80s. The birth rate drop in the 30s is now creating a downward tilt of the trend line of the 85+ age group. It is this age group that most requires the services Swiss Village provides. Throughout Swiss Village’s history the trend line for the number of persons in

this group was always pointing upwards. That trend line is now headed down and will not reverse until 2020. At that point it will again start its upward slope. So what does this mean? It means as an organization we will need to stay at the top of our game to remain competitive. Not just in terms of quality but also in terms of efficiencies. Soft census translates into reduced revenue. As a not-for-profit we have to find ways to do more with less. At the same time our Cont. on page 2

SWISS VILLAGE EXECUTIVE TEAM AND BOARD MEMBERS Executive Team: Daryl L. Martin Executive Director Alma Ahmetovic Director of Healthcare Services

Board of Directors: Kent Liechty, President Tom Muselman, Vice-President Linda Eicher, Secretary

Derick Bailey Director of Resident Services

Ted Lautzenheiser, Treasurer

Joe Burkhead Director of Information Services

Andrew Briggs

Margie Dougherty Director of Human Resources

Paul Zuercher, Immediate Past President Mark Settlemyre

Michelle McIntosh Director of Marketing

Sharon Sprunger Wulliman

Roger Young Controller

Greg Meyer Nancy Subler

Inside this issue: New Residents


Singles & Separates


Saturday Night at the Village-Ken & Mary Turbo


Kinder Haus


Residential & Healthcare 4-5 Activities South Campus Wellness & Wellness Pavilion


Staff News


Swiss Village Mission Statement: Swiss Village Retirement Community is a not-for-profit corporation, committed to providing quality and affordable retirement living facilities and services in a Christian environment that enhances life with dignity, meaning and appropriate care for the senior adults from the surrounding community without regard to race, religion, sex, or handicaps that can be accommodated within our delivery system.

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