Village News September 2013

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September 2013 • Issue 541

BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE — Daryl L. Martin, Executive Director “A great organization is one that delivers superior performance and makes a distinctive impact over a long period of time. For a business, financial returns are a perfectly legitimate measure of performance. For a social sector organization, however, performance must be assessed relative to mission, not financial returns.” - Jim Collins

This year Swiss Village has been commemorating our 45th anniversary. Without question Swiss Village has a history of superior and distinctive facilities and services worth honoring. Earning

a Five Star rating from CMS and being recognized by US News & World Report as a best buy does not happen by accident. Certainly we celebrate these mileposts with a sense of accomplishment, but at the same time we are aware that organizationally it is important to not rest on our laurels. The future will not be the past; hence Swiss Village continually works to improve our systems, services, facilities, and culture. That effort never stops. Success in the future will require increased

collaboration. The external realities dictate a need to reach beyond the organizational structures that have been adequate in the past; to new relationships that expand capabilities and outcomes. And internally the need for effective and efficient teamwork has never been greater. To foster a cooperative culture of shared purpose to promote quality of life, resident choice and staff empowerment; this collaboration requires open communication between all members of the Swiss Village community, including Cont. on pg. 2

SWISS VILLAGE EXECUTIVE TEAM AND BOARD MEMBERS Executive Team: Daryl L. Martin Executive Director Linda Arnold Director of Healthcare Services

Board of Directors: Kent Liechty, President Tom Muselman, Vice-President Linda Eicher, Secretary

Derick Bailey Director of Resident Services

Ted Lautzenheiser, Treasurer

Joe Burkhead Director of Information Services

Andrew Briggs

Margie Dougherty Director of Human Resources

Paul Zuercher, Immediate Past President Mark Settlemyre

Michelle McIntosh Director of Marketing

Sharon Sprunger Wulliman

Roger Young Controller

Greg Meyer Nancy Subler

Providing Compassion. Promoting Wellness. Achieving Excellence.

Inside this issue: Active Aging Week Sept. 22-28


Support Groups


Free Child Safety Seat Clinic


Residential & Healthcare 5 Activities South Campus Wellness & Wellness Pavilion


Kinder Haus


Staff News


Swiss Village Mission Statement: Swiss Village Retirement Community is a not-for-profit corporation, committed to providing quality and affordable retirement living facilities and services in a Christian environment that enhances life with dignity, meaning and appropriate care for the senior adults from the surrounding community without regard to race, religion, sex, or handicaps that can be accommodated within our delivery system.

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