October Village News 2013

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October 2013 • Issue 542


Daryl L. Martin, Executive Director

“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” - Warren Buffett Today they cut down the tree outside my window. With grandeur it prominently stood tall and straight with a

A tree near the Administration Offices that had to be cut down due to the Ash Borer.

trunk that had grown too large to embrace. For 45 years this Ash Tree claimed its space and for most of those years it proudly showed its colors. The tree’s canopy began to show stress in recent years. Limbs failed to spout stem and leaf. Bareness replaced foliage. And unfortunately, despite our intervention efforts the Ash Borer continued to take its toll. Sadly, disease took its toll on 119 other trees on our campus. Directors Drive is not the same.

Swiss Village is moving forward with a tree replacement program. During the coming months you will begin to see young trees taking their place on our campus. We look forward to enjoying the shade and beauty that these trees will provide for years to come. Persons interested in helping with our tree replacement program can make donations designated for “Trees”. For more details see back page. Please let us hear from you!

Daryl L. Martin Executive Director Linda Arnold Director of Healthcare Services

Board of Directors: Kent Liechty, President Tom Muselman, Vice-President Linda Eicher, Secretary

Derick Bailey Director of Resident Services

Ted Lautzenheiser, Treasurer

Joe Burkhead Director of Information Services

Andrew Briggs

Margie Dougherty Director of Human Resources

New Residents


Suites –N– Treats


Kinder Haus Chicken BBQ


Residential & Healthcare 4-5 Activities South Campus Wellness & Wellness Pavilion


Kinder Haus


Staff News


Swiss Village


Inside this issue:

Paul Zuercher, Immediate Past President Mark Settlemyre

Michelle McIntosh Director of Marketing

Sharon Sprunger Wulliman

Roger Young Controller

Greg Meyer Nancy Subler

Providing Compassion. Promoting Wellness. Achieving Excellence.

Mission Statement: Swiss Village Retirement Community is a not-for-profit corporation, committed to providing quality and affordable retirement living facilities and services in a Christian environment that enhances life with dignity, meaning and appropriate care for the senior adults from the surrounding community without regard to race, religion, sex, or handicaps that can be accommodated within our delivery system.

WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS HEALTHCARE Raymond Franz is a new resident to Swiss Village since September 13. He has been a Decatur resident and is a member of the Immanuel Lutheran Church. Norma Price is a new resident to Swiss Village since September 15. She has been a Portland resident and is a member of the Banner Christian Assembly of God. Janice Ross is a new resident to Swiss Village since September 19. She has been a Decatur resident. Mildred Lindsey is a new resident since September 20. She has been a Bluffton resident and is a member of the First Church of God. Noel Thatcher is a new resident to Swiss Village since September 25. He has been a Decatur resident and is a member of the Decatur Church of Christ.

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES OCTOBER 20 Charles & Marilyn Spurgeon (52 Years) 22 Clarence & Helen Buckingham (69 Years)

IN MEMORY Swiss Village experienced the loss of several residents who called Swiss Village home. Condolences go out to the family and friends of Everett Taylor who passed away August 28 at the age of 99. Everett came to Swiss Village in November 1997. Jerry Smith was at the age of 74 when he passed away on September 3. August 2013 was when he came to Swiss Village. We express our sympathy to the family and friends of Jerry. On September 23 Marjorie Stucky passed away at the age of 94. Marjorie had been at Swiss Village since March 2005. Our condolences are with Marjorie’s friends and family. Condolences go out to the family and friends of Roger Miller who passed away September 27 at the age of 71. Roger came to Swiss Village in November 2011. Page 2

RESIDENTIAL Swiss Village Residents and Staff welcomed Lloyd Lichtenberger on August 24, 2013. Over the years, Lloyd has enjoyed rabbit hunting, playing ping pong, and traveling on trains. He also likes visiting with others, and enjoys the Lloyd Lichtenberger company at Swiss Village. "It is a nice place here," said Lloyd. Berne, Indiana

Saturday Night at The Village Swiss Village presents Saturday Night at the Village. Fun free entertainment will be provided the second Saturday of every month from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00p.m. October 12 residents and guests will enjoy entertainment by Trinity. This gospel singing group has been sharing God’s word through song since 1982. Enjoy a night filled with a variety of musical styles ranging from contemporary and southern gospel music to spiritual and traditional hymns. Saturday Night at the Village is open to the public and everyone is invited to attend. For more information about Saturday Night at the Village contact Michelle McIntosh, Marketing Director at 260.589.3173 or visit www.swissvillage.org. See you at Saturday Night at the Village, October 12 in Swiss Village’s Auditorium.

October 2013

CONTRIBUTIONS Mary Able, Patricia Sprunger, Walter Bailey, Ted & Diane Rich, J. F. Child. Rick Steiner Memorial: Richard Beitler. Everett Taylor Memorial: Doris Cheeseman. Marjorie Stucky Memorial: Helen Habegger. Burnice Williams Memorials: Gene & Sandy McKean, Ralph & Jocelyn Parrish, Gary & Sue Trobridge, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewitt, Mr. & Mrs. Doug Holsinger, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Burkett, Mr. & Mrs Kevin Spitzer, Mr. & Mrs. Don Clott, Ronnie Smith, Debbie Spitzer, Vicky Boxell, LaDonna Little., Mr. & Mrs. John Horgas. 45 Years … 45 Dollars: Chester & Phyllis Smith. **All memorials and/or gifts given in honor of an individual(s) will go towards the Samaritan’s Endowment Fund unless otherwise designated.


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Barbara Ellenberger Jean Smith Clarence Buckingham Elmer Graber Karen Emberlin Angela Uhlman Gyneth Luginbill Roger Roth Barbara Sprunger Eunice Feaster Mary Birdsall Alfred Feaster Arthur Gerber Berneta Yager Anna Sprunger L Pearl Yoder Sandra Striker Gladys Sprunger

KINDER HAUS CHICKEN BBQ DINNER — Michelle McIntosh RESIDENTIAL ACTIVITIES — Jamie Kittle Swiss Village’s Kinder Haus Day Care will be hosting a DriveThru Chicken Dinner Fundraiser on Friday, October 18, 2013 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Tickets will be sold by pre-sale only. The Dinner will include Romers ½ chicken, applesauce, potato chips, and dinner roll w/butter. Tickets can be purchased for $7.00 at the Swiss Village Front Desk, The Arthur & Gloria Muselman Wellness Pavilion or Kinder Haus Day Care through October 11, 2013. Dinners can be picked up at the Swiss Village circle drive entrance on October 18 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. All proceeds will go directly to the Kinder Haus Day Care Endowment Fund. For more information please contact Michelle McIntosh or Heidi Schoeneman at 260-589-3173.


Michelle McIntosh

Each year, Swiss Village looks forward to hosting a special event to celebrate children. Swiss Village’s Annual Baby Day will be held on Monday, October 14 in the Swiss Village Auditorium. All babies are invited to visit with residents between 2:00-4:00 p.m. A listing of all of the babies that have ever attended baby day will be available to look at. All babies will receive a special gift made by Swiss Village residents in appreciation of their participation. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Michelle McIntosh or Jamie Kittle at (260) 589-3173. We hope to see you there!


The highlight of this month was our annual boat ride on Fryback Lake thanks to our host, Floyd Liechty! We enjoyed the beautiful weather, refreshments, and sharing many laughs and memories on the patio as well. We also enjoyed an evening in the great outdoors during our cookout at Ouabache State Park hosted by Kathy Quillen's family. Active Aging week during the last week of September was also a hit as we discovered our community through events such as a tour to Hitzer Stove, Virtual tour of Switzerland, the Swiss Olympics competition, and a clock tower presentation.

Tara Farlow

Being physically active on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Studies have shown that exercise provides many health benefits and older adults can gain a lot by staying physically active. Improvements include: -Overall health -Prevent/delay disease -Manage stress! Improve mood-Maintain Independence Health experts say that older adults should aim to be as active as possible. Staying physically active and exercising regularly can produce long-term health benefits and even improve the lives of those who already have a disease or disability. Researchers have found that staying physically active and exercising regularly can help prevent or delay many diseases or disabilities. In some cases, exercise can be an effective treatment for many chronic diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Moderate physical activity on a regular basis can help manage stress and improve mood by reducing feelings of depression. Studies also show that exercise can improve or maintain some aspects or cognitive function, such as your ability to plan an activity, ignore irrelevant information or the ability to quick shift between tasks.

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October 2013



This month we have enjoyed (sometimes pensively) watching summer turn into Autumn. We held our annual end-of-summer Ice Cream Social, and enjoyed time visiting with our families and friends over yummy flavors of ice cream and cookies. Paul White offered another of his memorable programs of music, and Kelli Hirschy presented us with some beautiful piano music. We also want to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to Jonathon Amstutz, who has for many years ministered to our residents one Wednesday a month through Scripture and music. Jonathon has “retired” as of September, but his love for the Lord has been such a blessing through his years of service. Thanks, Jonathon!

E v e n though the weather is changing, we still e n j o y mixing up some good refreshing summer time drinks! We may have enjoyed the last golf cart ride of the season, although we are hoping for a couple more so we can enjoy the leaves changing, we will not let the change slow us down. We have special crafts with Sharon and Ruth and the Tuesday morning chapels with Chaplain Mike are always well attended. The annual TB testing and flu vaccinations will be October 15 and 17. We look forward to seeing everyone there! Continue to wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and drink plenty of water and of course, eat your fruits and vegetables! Let's do our best to stay healthy again this year!

Active Aging Week Senior Water Aerobics/ Walking


Cole Rupp

Donna Stout

Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. This includes an estimated 5 million people age 65 and older and approximately 200,000 individuals younger than age 65 who have younger-onset Alzheimer's. The number of Americans with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias will grow as the U.S. population age 65 and older continues to increase. By 2025, the number of people age 65 and older with Alzheimer's disease is estimated to reach 7.1 million—a 40 percent increase from the 5 million age 65 and older currently affected. 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer's or another dementia. Swiss Village is home to many people, some of whom are living with Alzheimer’s or other forms of Dementia. The Swiss Village Alzheimer’s Committee provided several fundraising opportunities, such as various lunches, Forget-me-not Flowers with loved ones names written on them, and the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's for Swiss Village Residents, Resident family members, and employees to help donate to the Alzheimer's Association. Together we were able to contribute over $2,800.00 to help end Alzheimer's. Thanks for your support!!! (Information from Alzheimer’s Association 2013)

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October 2013

SOUTH CAMPUS WELLNESS — The Circuit Class held on South Campus at 11:00 Mondays and Wednesdays has been a popular class for a little over 9 years now. The following people have been exercising with this group for at least 8 years: Brice and Delora Fennig, Arlene and Vaughn Sprunger, Paul Nussbaum, and Miriam and Bob Liechty. We have many others that have

Emily Arnold & Rachel Rosswurm joined in since then. This is our highest level class and they do some pretty amazing things. We get up and down off the floor, do balance work on stability balls and do sets on the strength training equipment during the circuit. Most importantly though, we have a great support group and social time. This class typically gets here 10 to 15

Art & Gloria Muselman Wellness Pavilion — The Arthur & Gloria Muselman Wellness Pavilion will be hosting a Euchre tournament for any senior 55+ on Friday, October 11 at 2:00 p.m. at the Wellness Pavilion. Snacks will

Kinder Haus —

Andrea Miller

be provided. Members and Non-Members are welcome to attend this event. Sing up at the Pavilion by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 10. For more information contact

Sarah Conrad, Wellness Pavilion Director at 260.589.4496 or visit www.swissvillage.org.

Heidi Schoeneman

The infants continue to grow and change daily. It is so exciting to share the simple milestones such as sitting, crawling or even the appearance of a first tooth with these children and their families. What a special gift from God these infants are! They painted with black and orange paint and even have real gourds and pumpkins in their room to explore. All the infants squeal with delight as they get to go on buggy rides! The 3 year olds enjoyed a picnic lunch outside with the residents in Alpenrose. Watermelon

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minutes early to socialize. The fellowship continues during and many times after class.

juice and ketchup dripped from each child’s face! The 2 year olds have been learning about leaves and changes in fall. They have enjoyed going on Nature walks, painting with leaves and finger painting. The 4 & 5 year olds have had many learning experiences about apples. They made apple prints, apple trees, and even made pictures with worms in their apples. They also read lots of books and sang songs about apples. Our volunteers are so important to Kinder Haus and we appreciate all

Ruth Sommer rocking her great-grandson Kaine Buchan.

the love and attention they share with the children.

October 2013


Margie Dougherty

We celebrate s i g n i f i c a n t anniversaries as long -term staff reaches major milestones. The week of September 16 we celebrated a couple of significant milestones. Rhonda Kaczmarek displays her On Wednesday, 25th anniversary watch. September 18 we celebrated Martha Neuenschwander’s 30th anniversary with Swiss Village. Daryl, Greg Schmidt (Food Services Director), Patty Schindler (Assistant Director), and I had lunch with Martha at the Back 40 Junction in Decatur. It was great to mark her many years of service to the residents of Swiss Village. A couple of days later, Daryl and I returned to the Back 40 with Linda Arnold (Health Facilities Administrator) and Alma Ahmetovic (Director of Nursing) to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Rhonda Kaczmarek. Rhonda is the Unit Manager of the Alpenrose Dementia Unit in healthcare. Included is a picture of Rhonda enjoying the beautiful watch she received as a recognition of the occasion. We owe a big thank you to Martha and Rhonda for their dedication to the residents. Congratulations to both!


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Courtney Haines Mia Tumbleson & Shirley Shope Vickie Harvey Lacy Hirschy Cheyann Wilkins & Cheyenne Evans Carley Rediger Andrew Smith Susan Glisson & Kaleigh Westergren Daryl Martin & Annette Handshoe Fawntasha Garner Susan Steury Alicia Tankersley & Rhonda Kaczmarek Nancy Bedwell, Randy Reynolds, & Jennifer Lehman Heather Brite & Rosalind Hoffman Brandi Girod & Sheila Coon Stephanie Trausch Martha Neuenschwander Mary Nass, Cheryl Moser, & Gena James Ashla Reidenbach Krista Mere, Laura Stucky, & Jason King Taylor Farlow Kimberly Harrington, Mallory Eicher, Tobin Eicher, & Rachel Baumgartner Jessie Longenberger

NEW EMPLOYEES Swiss Village welcomes several new staff members this month. Emily Farber, Lori Foster, Samantha Franz, Tabitha Hodge, Patty Ketron, & Victoria Link are all new CNAs in Healthcare. Tanner Engle, Jessica Fox, Keirstyn Grimm, Adam Lehmann, Brittany Potts, Lauren Turner, & Olivia Turner are all new Dietary employees.

Active Aging Week Fall Harvest Craft Village News compiled by: Tammy Seffernick

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October 2013

Swiss Village, Inc.

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Berne, IN 46711 Permit No 71

1350 W. Main St. Berne, IN 46711


Visit www.swissvillage.org and click on the Facebook Like button on our website.

UPCOMING EVENTS Oct. Event 11 Euchre Tournament 2 pm Saturday Night at the Village– Trinity 7pm 14 Baby Day 2-4 pm 12

18 Chicken BBQ 4-6 pm

Be sure to check the Swiss Village Website at www.swissvillage.org for the complete listing of this months Residential and Healthcare Activities.

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