Village News September 2012

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September 2012 • Issue 530



“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.” Chinese Proverb Change is part of the aging process. Physiologically, spiritually, vocationally, socially, even emotionally

Remember When….

Daryl L. Martin, Executive Director

change is occurring as we age. Change happens. And with change comes the demands of new learning. The need to learn something new can be viewed as an obstacle or an opportunity. And truthfully there are times when it might seem easier to hide behind a wall of denial, rather than facing the need for change. But choosing to see the need for change as an opportunity can be a big step to making it happen! Often we visualize the school house as the center of the learning process. And it is true that structured classroom

learning is important to laying a good foundation. But it would be totally misleading to think that learning ends at the school door. As anyone with accumulated years will attest, change experiences demand lifelong learning and most of that education will occur outside the classroom. The advantage of the classroom is that it provides structure. Without the classroom an individual needs to create the learning structure. Identifying resources and setting time priorities now rest with the individual and not a teacher. So

SWISS VILLAGE EXECUTIVE TEAM AND BOARD MEMBERS Executive Team: Daryl L. Martin Executive Director Linda Arnold Director of Healthcare Services

Board of Directors: Kent Liechty, President Tom Muselman, Vice-President Linda Eicher, Secretary

Derick Bailey Director of Resident Services

Ted Lautzenheiser, Treasurer

Joe Burkhead Director of Information Services

Andrew Briggs

Margie Dougherty Director of Human Resources

Paul Zuercher, Immediate Past President Mark Settlemyre

Michelle McIntosh Director of Marketing

Sharon Sprunger Wulliman

Roger Young Controller

Greg Meyer

Inside this issue: New Residents


Active Aging Week


Saturday Night at the Village-The Dunnemans


Residential & Healthcare 5 Activities South Campus Wellness & Wellness Pavilion


Kinder Haus


Staff News


Swiss Village Mission Statement: Swiss Village Retirement Community is a not-for-profit corporation, committed to providing quality and affordable retirement living facilities and services in a Christian environment that enhances life with dignity, meaning and appropriate care for the senior adults from the surrounding community without regard to race, religion, sex, or handicaps that can be accommodated within our delivery system.

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