Self Storage Now Q2 2022

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Creating A Long-Term Strategy For Growth By Lisa Apolinski, CMC


ccording to the Harvard Business Review, and the post-COVID CMO survey, social media marketing spending saw a 74 percent lift in 2020. In addition, traditional marketing activity was projected to decline during the same time period. Digital marketing is becoming more of the budget focus for companies, and rightly so. With the pandemic, the importance of having a digital focus has come sharply into view for many organizations. These same companies are looking to expand their digital growth. When it comes to digital growth, there is no “silver bullet” to achieve the growth companies want or need in a postpandemic world. If digital growth was easy to achieve in the digital space, everyone would do it and do it well. Anyone who tells companies that digital growth should be easy does not understand that proper digital growth requires a longterm strategy.


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Digital growth combines patience and commitment in order to develop strong relationships. These strong relationships provide the foundation for trust in your brand and, in turn, engagement. Trust is not something that can be faked, and prospects cannot be rushed into giving their trust to your organization without some work. This translates into a much longer focus and investment in that digital engagement and growth. To understand why digital growth is a long game, you need to revisit your ABCs.


is for Aspiration

What is the purpose of your organization? What impact are you hoping to have on your clients, your employees, and your community? Many companies skip right over this key initial step to understand, document, and share the


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