DDF: Module 03 Fabrication

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Yuting Yang, Nurul Syahirah Muhamad, Joo Liew (813151, 779893, 831400) Matthew Greenwood + Group 4F



• It was reviewed the concept needed to explore a broader spatial volume. The necessity for it covered aspects of introverted personal space and individual distance with minor regard. The concept was considered vaguely 2-dimensional.

Follow-up before the 1:1 physical model)

• In M3 we solved for alternatives and revamped the previous version through refinement and functionality of the current concept.

• An approximate radii of 1 feet from the head was still taken into account throughout refinement, as well as focusing on sight senses; in which cut off the influence coming from back and two sides allowing the focus on the front.

Final design from module 2.


Design development

• Smaller units combine to form a major component. • Here beginning connection tests are constructed. • Currently at early triangulated panel stage. • More consideration into how the overall form would fulfill wearer’s personal space condition was required.


Design development + fabrication of Prototype V.2 • 1:1 prototype made via origami paper and combined triangle panel sections. • Discovered there is large potential for playing with distraction of outsiders’ sight and also the flexible formation of folding and panelling. • Placement on the body actually signified spatial volume as a more primary concern. • This prototype comes before the further developed digital prototype.


FEEDBACK: • Other material needed to be used. Etching and labelling required to prevent confusion, including tabs. Key moments needed to be taken into account, as in the activity of the wearer and what circumstances they may experience.

Hexagon as the final basic shape • Hexagon is the closet shape to a circle that can still form a grid while suffers less from orientation bias. Compared with a square grid, hexagon suffer less distortion due to curvature (remain the pattern). • Honeycombs shape gives better aesthetic quality and make the inside space more cozy, like a residence.


Reading Response Wk 6 Architecture in the Digital Age. Design + Manufacturing/ Branko Kolarevic, Spon Press, London c2003.

Links between conception and production: In which projects are able to be realized both digitally and in the physical world. The various fabrication processes include: • 3D Scanning: Digitally modelling and then translating the virtual model to a physically real model via machinery. A pattern of points is formed via the scanning of a physical model and can be done manually using 3D digitizing arms. • Laser scanning also allows accurate models of existing objects to be made. • 2D fabrication (CNC cutting): Includes laser cutting and highly pressurized water-jet cutting. High intensity technique.

(Above/Below: Image from text. We used a similar method for fabrication.)

• Computer-Aided Manufacture: To form a digital model via models and without representational drawings. • Subtractive fabrication: Refers to removing a volume of material via electrical/ chemical/mechanical-reductive process. • Additive Fabrication: Layering material to form a 3D system. Information of each layer is transferred to the processing hand of the manufacturing machine. • Formative fabrication: Applying heat to the material so it can deform, including alteration of elastic material and steel/wood-based material. How we have applied a fabrication process in our design: • Assemblage: Done via organization of information of location of each component of the model, 3D-wise. The wireframe was initially extracted. •


Formulated an ‘unwrapping’ sequence regarding panelling first and then visualising how to fold. Subtractive removal of components required to make a unit to fulfill wearer’ conditions and enhance sight.

• Surface strategy: Developed Nurb surfaces to create a structural skin that can act independently as a static system. • We then proceeded to 3D fabrication using 2D methods before manually making connections. Contouring/triangulation of mesh and polygonal tesselation was taken into consideration for surfaces, and then unfolded into labelled panel strips of each minor component (before forming the major component) on a sheet of 2D material (Ivory card at 290 gsm). Nesting was done and then proceeded to use CNC cutting (laser cutting machinery)

Reading applied to design Effects on second skin project based on fabrication processes and strategies:

Software development using Rhinoceros. Subtractive and additive methods were combined to create current form.

Initial 2D flat form created via loft command. Personal space distance radius and diameter taken into consideration.

Panelling Tools in Rhinoceros was used, particularly ptPanelGridCustom(variable) command; in order to create shape variations and a shell-like net form. Dynamics created via altering points along the curve and extrusions.

Prototyping then used laser cutting (3.5 axis) was most efficient in forming the template for the 2D sheets for 3D assembly.

• Further enhanced the developed surface by taking into account personal space and individual specific activity.

• Later the single panel unit combined to morph into form with more 3D volume thus influencing our design.


Reading Response Wk 7 Digital Fabrications: architectural + material techniques/Lisa Iwamoto. New York: Princeton Architectural Press c2009.

Considering the evolution of sketches to modelling in 3D virtuality: Digital fabrication and material techniques form a collaboration between the virtual and physical models. Recently digital technologies have becomes more pronounced and have more potential than traditional processes to lessen discrepancies between representation and building fabrication. The production of computers allow sculpting and coding modulation systems to enable to create 3D models and visualization. Computeraided design (CAD) software allow for 3D models to e made and scaled beforehand producing accurate results when 3D printing . Computers serve a direct facilitation from digital construction to proper fabrication. Other machinery such as laser cutters, CNC cutters, 3D printers etc assists with this. Due to the recent shift, the traditional builder is now replaced with a ‘machine’. Such components enable us to create a literal material process and panel and folding allow for stiffness and rigidity but at the same time, flexibility of overall structure. 3D modeling has enabled the design to turn into a structural form via continuous process of deformation and inflection.

Images from text


Reading applied to design Referencing from the lectures and readings, what is the implication of digital fabrication on your design ?

Material also taken into consideration; the feeble nature of thinner canvas paper, moderately effective and lightweight ivory card, and a white card at greater thickness for defensive nature.

Ivory card was chosen as it was the most flexible and could withstand sufficient force.

Lighting effect also taken into consideration with the defensive structure, allowing it to appear more ambient and peaceful to the user compared to outsiders.

Digital fabrication allowed for flexibility in the design and more efficient changes as compared to using traditional manual methods of construction.

Ivory Card 290gsm

Small light test on ambience.

Idea of putting light into the structure.



• The potential of creating a flat surface with hexagon units. • Adding holes for allowing light coming in.


Design Development of Prototype V.3

Prototype was not rigid enough around the sides so an alternative was needed. However it id successfully sit on the shoulders with sufficient stability.

• Figuring out how to start labelling each of the individual units so that there is no confusion later.

• Prototype has larger holes on the bottom panels, leading to unsupported structure for upper loads. Bottom support around shoulders were rigid enough, however, so this feature is maintained.

Initially, the prototype is most suited to these conditions for use: introverted female, reading/ drawing outdoors ambient lighting needed for her to do these activities with ease and being relatively difficult for outsiders to see the user’s head essentially ‘hiding’ her from the ‘outside’.


Design development - digital design of Prototype V.3 Digital visualisation is realised through 3D modelling in Rhino. • PT GRID SURFACE DOMAIN VARIABLE. point attractor to varied the panelling grid. • PT OFFSET POINT. 30mm - 50mm. point attractor to varies the depth of each unit. • PT PANEL 3D CUSTOM . hexagon solid shape. • For the holes of each individual hexagon, we use PT GRID CUSTOM VARIABLE. Shape Hexagon. Point attractors to varies the hole size (0.2 - 0.8 size range).



Submitting to laser cutting • After model was created in Rhino, individual components were grouped, exploded into several parts and then Unrollsrf command was used. On the laser cut template, each component was labelled at the side (although tabs were not included at first) and then rotated onto the template sheet to reduce material wastage as much as possible whilst keeping the project organised. This was sent to the laser cutter, printed and cut with etches where necessary.


Prototype Fabrication Material choices and behavior.ATERIAL CHOICES AND BEHAVIOR • Mount board was experimented on; considered too thick and heavy for wearer. • Ivory card (290 gsm) was sufficient enough to fulfill personal space conditions.

IMount board samples

IMount board of too thick

Ivory card 290gsm of good stability.


CONNECTION: • Glue two pieces together edge by edge without tabs which weaken the stability. • Join units together, by using clip for temperary connection and glue for permenant connection. - PROBLEM: Surface flipped to other direction. Reverse the number and positions of each unit. With the final second skin: similar problem and more complicated as some units has surfaces facing outward and some inward. Inconsistent structure. Feedback: • Does not show the spatial volume, hence second skin look planar and flat. • Bigger holes at the lower part makes the prototype flimsy. Changes to final include: • Arrangement of hexagons from grid like structure to honeycombed structure. • Change the direction the holes. From bigger at the bottom part to the upper part: plus lighting effect. Personal space--the girl reading; receive light onto her book. • Depth of the second skin. Prototype is too thin. Final model uses double surfaces to fill in the personal space and appears more bold as a side effect.

Join each unit edge along edge.



Glue connection.

Join layer by layer.

Prototype optimisation • Fabrication optimisation regarding unrolling, including tabs and labelling. Surface structure underwent some alterations in order to fulfill internal spatial volume aspects. • Below shows the thought process taken into consideration to change specific components on the prototype.

While designing the secong skin. Personal space is revisited and changed to ensure the design development is following the outline of the personal space. The following is specific user and situation for the second skin: • The design is for anyone who is insecure with the back of their head. He is sitting in a dark lecture room and want a source of light only for herself, so that, he can write notes without disturbing other people. • Hence, the form of second skin has larger form at the back and gives clear view to the front. • A light source is put in the front part for the user convinence.


Prototype test



Load comparison by reversing the way the model is worn. Found it is unable to self-support its load at a certain position.


Effects optimisation

• For this initial prototype took into account mostly the natural light aspect and multilayered light in order to realize the overall effect the form can produce. • In the plan view on the right, the accessibility to light for the wearer is sufficient enough, yet it serves as a ‘net’ structure; outsider views will be obstructed due to the systematic hexagonal pattern. • Light is also dispersed and more spread out within the structure.


Prototype Effect test • Here we examined the effect of natural light on the model and its reflective aspect.


Prototype views




• Increase the volume by enlageing the depth. • Triangulate the surface to get flat surface for better stability.


Design Development of final design • The depth of each unit is increased. • Hexagons are interlocked with each other creating better structural system. • The whole system is more solid and rigid.


Digital Development DOUBLE SURFACES. The prototype is too thin hence we increase the depth of second skin to meet the project brief, which must have 3D volume. PTGRID VARIABLE: CURVE ATTRACTOR. To varies the size of each hexagonal unit and create diagonal hexagon solid.


21 POINTS FOR UV lines. Have tried with 15 to 25, but the best size and suitable with the depth of second skin is 21. The holes are not too small or too big. If it is too small, the hexagon pattern will not be seen and if the holes is too big, it is not have enough aesthetic look. PTGRID MANAGE 3D : customise HEXAGON SOLID so that we can get a honeycomb structure.

Instead of using PT PANEL with the prototype, we u own hexagon pattern.

The honeycomb structur stability because there is each individual units. The also allow the additional skin, which emphasis the personal space.

L 3D CUSTOM as we did use PTPANEL 3D with our

re has more structural no holes in between e honeycomb pattern l depth of our second dimension of our

The problem with prototype is, each surfaces of the individual units is curved in two ways, not a flat panel. To overcome this problem, we TRIANGULATE MESH to ‘polygonise’the surfaces, hence create a flat developable surfaces.

To create the holes, we tried to use PTPANELGRID with PT2D MANAGE with hexagons shapes. Hence varies the shape using point attractor.


2nd Skin final design






Fabrication - Laser cutting 11




7 Label each unit, and unroll layer by layer. 6




2 Color each layer for easy discrimination.


For each unit, join all surfaces together as one polysurface, and then unroll the polysurface.

Use “PTtabs“ to add tabs with recession.

Make 2D.

Join six sides of the hexagon and The distance of offsetting is getting smaller offset in certain distance to get the from the bottom to the top. As a result, hole inside. the area of the hexagon is larger on the bottom which provide stronger support for the whole structure.


Fabrication - Assembling

Better assembling each unit with tabs.


Tabs are glued outside where will be concealed whenall units are joined together.

Evolution of model via fabrication: from singular to a layer or a group to a whole.


2nd Skin







Light Effect




Reflective (myler) strips gives a water reflection illusion to outside viewer.







Melar Strips:


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