Sample Works: Fall 2017
Throughout this sample portfolio, the left panel will show information about the project. The rest of the left page displays snippets of the process, through sketches, mood boards, or previous iterations. The right page features the final product.
More works can be found at
What is Hoppin Heli? About the event. Ique officipsunt. Igendebit velia sunt et qui volorem idus ad quo magni dest dis dolorisim quiate pre cullori a sit dolo ium rehendusam consequi quia consequam, ipsamet liquaspiet, omnitas moluptas accuptae simin et et mi, alibus moluptatem. Eperfereptum facimet eos dolupta doluptati iniandaerum quaturepe nimoluptati cum ipsum derferiaest quias mod quodictem quis aut laborat asperia ni imaio et pro dollendite pre maio vendis aped maxim quae et, nonet ut facia vercit es rem qui verios maximin excea sapiend uciducius. Soluptati occulles dias sum ipsam nimus min corions ectati ipsaperis audae officae nobis dendeliquis discimo loreiunte iniati odita pel experferiae poreped que nis sum nobit, simenim pelluptae. Ectem dolupta consequia debis doles magniam rerovitatur maionse quassim agnatur?
short term identity: hoppin heli
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Helicopter Convention
MAY 21, 2017
Sydney, Australia
Download the Hoppin heli app for more info.
come in for a landing. Sydney Australia
Schedule of events
Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales and the most populous city in Australia and Oceania. Located on Australia’s east coast, the metropolis surrounds the world’s largest natural harbour, and sprawls towards the Blue Mountains to the west. Residents of Sydney are known as “Sydneysiders.”
9:00 AM
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10:00 AM
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11:00 AM
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Sydney is the second official seat and second official residence of the Governor-General of Australia and the Prime Minister of Australia. The Sydney area has been inhabited by indigenous Australians for at least 30,000 years.
12:00 PM
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1:00 PM
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1:30 PM
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2:00 PM
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2:15 PM
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Where to go and when.
What to know about the city.
New To the Event? How to have the best HeliCon experience.
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Created a short term identity based around a hypothetical helicopter convention in Sydney, Australia. Includes poster, brochure, stickers and app design. The format of the brochure was meant to mimic the movement of a helicopter. The identity has a sense of flight and movement, both of which are common in helicopters and Australian culture.
Poster Size: 18x24 in. Brochure Size: 5.6667x5.6667 in.
Book Cover Sketches:
classic literature redesign Poster Sketches:
Social Media Sketches:
The Tell-Tale Heart Mood Board
Header Subhead
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Header Subhead
Aceatiatio delis ipsapelicae. Ciae maximpore cus dignienda dem fugitat asperatur aut libusae peliquam rendio cust, sit facerio rehenis voluptat.
P22 Stanyan Missionary OT Continuo Iowan Old Style TrashHand Thonburi Sketchnote Square
Berciume posam, omniatur? Obitist, qui aspero molupta quas soluptatia dolorpore id miliandis volo voluptas
Header Subhead
Aceatiatio delis ipsapelicae. Ciae maximpore cus dignienda dem fugitat asperatur aut libusae peliquam rendio cust, sit facerio rehenis voluptat. Berciume posam, omniatur? Obitist, qui aspero molupta quas soluptatia dolorpore id miliandis volo voluptas
Fahrenheit 451 Mood Board
Redesign of 3 classic books: Fahrenheit 451, Frankenstein, and The Tell Tale Heart. All three works of literature featured a theme of secrecy somewhere throughout the story. Therefore, the promotional poster and social media post designs are all focused around this common theme. Kinetic typography trailer for The Tell Tale Heart also included, which was a first ever attempt at motion design.
Header Subhead
Aceatiatio delis ipsapelicae. Ciae maximpore cus dignienda dem fugitat asperatur aut libusae peliquam rendio cust, sit facerio rehenis voluptat. Berciume posam, omniatur? Obitist, qui aspero molupta quas soluptatia dolorpore id miliandis volo voluptas
Header Subhead
Animation Sketches:
Aceatiatio delis ipsapelicae. Ciae maximpore cus dignienda dem fugitat asperatur aut libusae peliquam rendio cust, sit facerio rehenis voluptat.
AZO Sans Uber BalboaPlus BodoniXT Sunrise International Impact Open Sans Condensed Rosewood Std
Berciume posam, omniatur? Obitist, qui aspero molupta quas soluptatia dolorpore id miliandis volo voluptas
Header Subhead
Aceatiatio delis ipsapelicae. Ciae maximpore cus dignienda dem fugitat asperatur aut libusae peliquam rendio cust, sit facerio rehenis voluptat. Berciume posam, omniatur? Obitist, qui aspero molupta quas soluptatia dolorpore id miliandis volo voluptas
Frankenstein Mood Board
Header Subhead Aceatiatio delis ipsapelicae. Ciae maximpore cus dignienda dem fugitat asperatur aut libusae peliquam rendio cust, sit facerio rehenis voluptat. Berciume posam, omniatur? Obitist, qui aspero molupta quas soluptatia dolorpore id miliandis volo voluptas
Header Subhead
Aceatiatio delis ipsapelicae. Ciae maximpore cus dignienda dem fugitat asperatur aut libusae peliquam rendio cust, sit facerio rehenis voluptat. Berciume posam, omniatur? Obitist, qui aspero molupta quas soluptatia dolorpore id miliandis volo voluptas
Poster Size: 18x24 in.
ACier Bat BalboaPlus Trajan Sans Pro Trade Gothic LT Std Luminari Manifesto Open Sans
Header Subhead
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8:33 PM
penguinukbooks 527
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Penguin Books Penguin Books Based in London. Publishing the best books and authors for 80 years.
BOOK Behind the Scenes of Being Queen Mood Board
queen maxima sequential book design
Behind the Scenes of Being Queen Mood Board 2
Header Subhead
After conducting research on Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, a book was designed to showcase her fascinating story. Maxima Zorreguleta Cerruti was born in Argentina in 1971 and met the prince of The Netherlands in 1999. Bold colors were used to display both the Argentinia and Dutch cultures. Vector based illustrations helped to combine the different lifestyles. Bold typography contrasted with thin, elegant typography was meant to show Maxima’s rise to royalty.
Size: 7x10 in.
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editorial article
Based off of the GOOD Magazine Article, How long will you wait for your shopping website to load?, this magazine layout deals with the effects of slow website speeds on a business. Comprised of a typographic cover page, narrative spread, and infographic spread, the color, type, and visuals are created to make readers feel the frustration of slow sites.
Size: 8x10.25 in.
movie design: ecotopia
Movie design for hypothetical movie, Ecotopia. Includes character design, setting design, and promotional poster. The movie discusses a scientist who lives in isolation. One day, he makes a mistake, causing his lab and home to result in chaos.
Poster Size: 11x17 in. Character and Setting Design Size: 14.5x6.25 in.
spill the beans website
*Photographs combined with simple, bright vector illustrations
In a first ever attempt at web design, this site showcases the process and history of coffee. Through playful color and typography, this site allows an interactive experience through the world of coffee. Full site can be found at https://
interview magazine: keith haring
As a homage to Keith Haring, this magazine cover collages his portrait into his style of work, using bold, thick lines and bright, playful colors.
Size: 13x10 in.
march 8 I am considering doing another series of pieces using images of women comprised of words. I would appreciate your help in developing the vocabulary.
Please send me a list of words that describe women.
They can be affectionate (honey), pejorative (bitch), slang, descriptive, etc. The words don’t have to be in English but I need as accurate a translation as possible.
typographic dissent
Many, many thanks,
Betty Tompkins
cunt march 8 When Betty Tompkins asked for words that describe women, these were the four most popular.
Inspired by Betty Tompkins, 1000 Ways to Describe a Woman, this poster is intended to show how women are often overlooked. The four large words (mother, slut, bitch, cunt) were the four most popular words that Tompkins received back when asked for words that describe women. The small text within the large words, "the only thing that would make her more beautiful is my dick in her mouth," was the most shocking response.
Size: 18x24 in.
I am considering doing another series of pieces using images of women comprised of words. I would appreciate your help in developing the vocabulary.
Please . send me a list of words that describe women.
They can be affectionate (honey), pejorative (bitch), slang, descriptive, etc. The words don’t have to be in English but I need as accurate a translation as possible. Many, many thanks,
Betty Tompkins
march 8 When Betty Tompkins asked for words that describe women, these were the four most popular.
I am considering doing another series of pieces using images of women comprised of words. I would appreciate your help in developing the vocabulary.
Please send me a list of words that. describe women. They can be affectionate (honey), pejorative (bitch), slang, descriptive, etc. The words don’t have to be in English but I need as accurate a translation as possible. Many, many thanks.
stoddard’s marks
Marks created for Stoddard’s Frozen Custard, a family owned business in Kent, Ohio. All marks are meant to appeal to the families that often visit the shop. Playful colors an interesting line weight were utilized to display an interesting logo that reflects Stoddard’s.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Motion Title Sequence Mood Board Motion Idea: Based on popular game,, but type represents the caterpillar that eats food and grows.
Various Inspiration:
Visual Exploration (Food Items): Simple, vector based food items with distinct round bite marks.
the very hungry caterpillar title
Visual Exploration (Caterpillar): Caterpillar (and some food items) made out of typography. Another letter is added on to the end of caterpillar for title sequence with each bite.
Typographic Explorations:
Color Explorations:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Arial Rounded
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Gill Sans
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Comfortaa
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Museo Slab
A client-based project creating a title sequence for a story. Chirpy music, bright colors, and rounded shapes were all utilized to appeal to children. Most of the typography was personified through movement to be seen as the caterpillar. Full animation can be viewed at
Final Style Frames: