Bridge mag, issue january, 2013

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Published Monthly in Chicago, USA and distributed simultaneously to major cities of USA, Canada, UK and Pakistan

Published by Bridge Publications USA, Inc Publisher Jawaid Riaz

7331 N Kolmar Ave Suite G, Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712 Ph # 773 828 5126 cell # 973 517 5586 E:Mail:



4. Benazir nazir death anniversary 5. Quaid-e-azam birthday 6-7. Bashir Bilour martyred 8-9. Will Tahir-ul-Qadri change


A resolution was presented in the Senate of Pakistan and subsequently passed by the upper house with majority, seeking to rid the city of Karachi of weapons. But if we look closely at the law and order situation of the country, then the question arises why only Karachi, why shouldn’t the whole country be cleansed of illegal weapons? The presence of weapons used in deadly situations which endanger the lives of citizens is a country-wide occurrence and not restricted to Karachi only.

years of faulty system in weeks? . Everything is live 10. No return?: MQM asks SC Law enforcement agencies, mainly police, have failed not to excuse Altaf from appearing only Karachi in the maintenance of law and order situation, as five people fall victim in court to the ongoing violence in the city as well as all over Pakistan. Five to ten people are killed every day on average. Incidents of kidnapping for ransom and extortion are on . Altaf Hussain assures Zardari that MQM is not quitting the coalition a constant rise in the metropolis. If we read the history of Karachi, Gen. Nasirullah Babar had conducted a brutal 11. Mehafil-e-Eid Milad-un-Nabi operation in Karachi, the Rangers continue to remain deployed in Karachi for the past 12-13. Pakistan Club Chicago twenty years but peace has not been restored in the city, this raises an alarmingly big why? organized a Seminar. 14. Former JI chief Qazi Hussain Suppose even if Karachi is made weapon-free, the arms will once again be smuggled to the city in the next six months. So the cure for the cancer is not a cosmetic surgery Ahmed passes away but the disease will have to be uprooted from the system, and this is the real solution. . Prof Ghafoor Ahmad Naib Amir Pakistani people hardly feel the difference between New Year Eve and New Year. For of Jamaat-e-Islami passes away them, both were same as they slept in load-shedding and woke up in load shedding, 15. polio workers’ killing under way jobless and hardly anything to eat. They still heard the news about target killings in Karachi, and they still come to terms with repercussions of terrorism all over in the 16-17. Pakistan beat India to country. There is still an ongoing operation in Balochistan, and there has neem new clinch Asian Champions Trophy financial scandal of PPP government. But if all is same and same for worst, then . 2nd ODI Pakistan thrash India to should Pakistanis let it that way or should they do something about it? Why don’t they make simple New Year resolutions this year just for some change: win series 2-0 18-19. People related to Arts and Like not to vote for the corrupt politicians, literature who passed away in 2012 ike not to cheer up the army who eat the entire budget, Like not to appreciate judiciary who is hell bent on their ego taking precedence over 20. What are The Health Benefits justice, of Drinking Green Tea? Like to focus on our faults and analyze our own short-comings before holding others . Get a glow on your skin this winter accountable for theirs, To live and let live harmoniously. 21. University of karachi Jawaid riaz alumni association (UKAA) PUBLICATION COMMITTEE EDITORIAL BOARD ADVISORY BOARD

Jawaid Riaz, Editor

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Abid Ali Syed Andleeb Jawaid Baseer Naveed Madah Jawaid Dr.Naseem Shekhani Dr.Naveen Aman Dr. Tanveer Imam Tariq Khawaja SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT FROM PAKISTAN Syed Tariq Abrar

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On Benazir’s death anniversary About Benazir (1953-2007)

By: Syed Taiq Abrar


enazir Bhutto was the first lady to rule any muslim country in this world. She was also one of the most influential leaders of south asia.

was lifted in Pakistan at the end of the year. Anti-Zia demonstrations resumed and Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan in April 1986. The public response to her return was Benazir Bhutto was born in tumultuous, and she publicly Karachi, Pakistan to a promi- called for the resignation of nent political family. At age Zia Ul Haq, whose government 16 she left her homeland to had executed her father. study at Harvard’s Radcliffe College. After completing her She was elected co-chairwomundergraduate degree at Rad- an of the Pakistan People’s Parcliffe she studied at England’s ty (PPP) along with her mother, Oxford University, where she and when free elections were was awarded a second degree finally held in 1988, she herself in 1977. became Prime Minister. At 35, she was one of the youngest Later that year she returned chief executives in the world, to Pakistan where her father, and the first woman to serve Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, had been as prime minister in an Islamic elected prime minister, but country. days after her arrival, the military seized power and her fa- Only two years into her first ther was imprisoned. In 1979 term, President Ghulam Ishaq he was hanged by the military Khan dismissed Bhutto from government of General Zia Ul office. She initiated an antiHaq. corruption campaign, and in 1993 was re-elected as Prime Bhutto herself was also ar- Minister. While in office, she rested many times over the brought electricity to the following years, and was de- countryside and built schools tained for three years before all over the country. She made being permitted to leave the hunger, housing and health country in 1984. She settled care her top priin London, but along with her orities, and looked two brothers, she founded an forward to conunderground organization to tinuing to modernresist the military dictator- ize Pakistan. ship. When her brother died in 1985, she returned to Pakistan At the same time, for his burial, and was again ar- Bhutto faced conrested for participating in anti- stant opposition from the Islamic government rallies. fundamentalist She returned to London after movement. Her her release, and martial law brother Mir Mur-

struck again. After a campaign rally in Rawalpindi, a gunman fired at her car before detonating a bomb, killing himself and more than 20 bystanders. Bhutto was rushed to the hospital, but soon succumbed to injuries suffered in the attack. In the wake of her death, rioting erupted throughout the country. The loss of the country’s most popular democratic leader has plunged Pakistan into turmoil, intensifying the dangerous instability of a nuIn 1996 President Leghari of clear-armed nation in a highly Pakistan dismissed Benazir volatile region. Bhutto from office, alleging mismanagement, and dissolved the National Assembly. A Bhutto re-election bid failed in 1997, and the next elected government, headed by the more conservative Nawaz Sharif, was overthrown by the military. Bhutto’s husband was imprisoned, and once again, she was forced to leave her homeland. For nine years, she and her children lived in exile in London, where she continued to advocate the restoration of democracy in Pakistan. In the autumn of 2007, in the face of death threats from radical Islamists, and the hostility of the government, she returned to her native country. taza, who had been estranged from Benazir since their father’s death, returned from abroad and leveled charges of corruption at Benazir’s husband, Asif Ali Zardari. Mir Murtaza died when his bodyguard became involved in a gunfight with police in Karachi. The Pakistani public was shocked by this turn of events and PPP supporters were divided over the charges against Zardari.

Bilawal to open PPP election manifesto on BB’s death anniversary

Although she was greeted by enthusiastic crowds, within hours of her arrival, her motorcade was attacked by a suicide bomber. She survived this first assassination attempt, although more than 100 bystanders died in the attack. With national elections scheduled for January 2008, her Pakistan People’s Party was poised for a victory that would make Bhutto prime minister once again. Only a few weeks before the election, the extremists


onday, December 10, 2012 - Hyderabad—The Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah has said election manifesto of the Pakistan Peoples Party will be unveiled at public meeting on December 27 at Garhi Khuda Bux, Larkana, which be held to mark the death anniversary of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto. “The PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari will unveil the manifesto at his first ever public address to a large public meeting at Garhi Khuda Bux Bhutto,” the chief minister told a press conference at Hyderabad Press Club on Sunday.

According to him, the party’s leaders and workers from all parts of the country and even people from the United States



would attend the meeting in Larkana. “It will be a time to recall the political struggle and sacrifices of Shaheed Benazir and also to remember what vision for demorcacy, peace and prosperity she gave to the nation,” the chief minister said adding that the occasion would be a momentous event in the party’s history. He informed that Bilawal would address the people in Sindhi and Urdu languages. The chief minister recounted the government’s achievements during the last 4 and a half years saying that the provincial government made Sindh self-sufficient in agriculture, produced hundreds of thousands of jobs, won autonomy and the right to collect the sales tax on services, launched crucial energy projects among other things. “The province’s Annual Development Program (ADP) budget was a paltry Rs 45 to Rs 50 billion before our government. We swelled that budget manifold in last 5 years to the current level of Rs320 billion,” he said adding that happened on the back of 3 consecutive years of calamity which displaced millions of people and wrought devastation to the standing crops. “But our apt policies helped the annual production of all the major crops including wheat, cotton, rice, sugarcane, etc. grow constantly despite the floods,” he said explaining that various incentives given by the government kept the sector afloat. “Today we are in a position to export wheat, cotton, sugarcane besides other crops and fruits,” he added. He also mentioned the progress in the coal development program in Thar telling that 2 foreign investors from the UK and Australia were making investments in addition to the Engro. “The UK investors say that they will produce diesel from the coal. This will massively help reduce the country’s fuel imports and our ever growing foreign payments,” he observed.


Quaid-e-Azam Day Birth Anniversary of Muhammad Ali Jinnah

national and international dealings and are prepared to make our utmost contribution to the promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world.


he nation of Pakistan celebrate the 135th birth anniversary of founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on December 25 with reverence and solemnity. A number of activities arranged to highlight the Quaid’s guiding principles of Unity, Faith and Discipline for promoting prosperity, peace and harmony in the country.

that every citizen should have equal opportunities of education, health, progress and justice.

Quaid-e-Azam Quotes For Students Nature has given you everything, you have got unlimited resources. The foundations of your State have been laid, and it is now for you to build, and build as quickly as you can. So go ahead and I wish you God-speed.

The befitting way to pay tribute to Quaid-e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is to forge unity, work hard for the progress and prosperity of the country, following the golden principles of Quaid-e-Azam to overcome the challenges confronting by The day reminds about the the country. Quaid’s historic struggle for a separate homeland for the Born on December 25, 1876 at Muslims of the Sub-continent Wazir Mansion Karachi, Jinwhere every citizen could live nah had a vision for the probaccording to his faith and dig- lems which Pakistan would nity.The celebrations will take face in the years to come. place both at public and pri- Though, he lived slightly over vate levels by holding befitting a year after the creation of functions to pay tribute to the Pakistan, the Quaid wanted to Father of the Nation for his see his country become a role heroic struggle for an indepen- model for other nations - free from corruption, nepotism and dent homeland. hypocrisy. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Biography: The Quaid- Quaid-e-Azam Famous Quotes Quaid-e-Azam Message e-Azam was an ambassador of Pakistan not only means freewhen you are right, Hindu-Muslim unity, a great dom and independence but the No need to be angry. constitutionalists, a distinMuslim ideology, when you are wrong, guished parliamentarian, a which has to be preserved, you have no right to be angry. top-notch politician, an inde- which has come to us as a preWork honestly and sincerely fatigable freedom-fighter, a dycious gift and which, and be faithful and loyal namic Muslim leader, a politi- we hope, others will share with us. to the Pakistan Government. cal strategist and, above all one I can assure you that there is of the great nation-builders of Our foreign policy is one of the nothing greater in this world friendliness and goodwill tomodern times. than your own conscience and, wards all the nations of the world. The Quaid-e-Azam visioned when you appear before God, We do not cherish aggressive Pakistan as a democratic and designs against any country or you can say that you perimpregnable welfare state formed your duty with the nation. where people could live with highest sense of integrity, We believe in the principles peace, love, fraternity and harhonesty and of honesty and fairplay in mony. The Quaid also desired with loyalty and faithfulness.



Senior ANP leader Bashir Bilour martyred


President expresses grief over Bashir Bilour’s martyrdom

Nation mourns Bashir Ahmed Bilour ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s flag flies at half-mast today across the country as nation mourns demise of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour. The Awami National Party leader was killed in a suicide blast in Peshawar after a party meeting on Saturday. Eight other people including his personal secretary and a senior police official had also been killed in the blast. Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf announced national day of mourning in honour of the senior politician on Sunday.



ESHAWAR: Senior Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bashir Ahmed Bilour passed away in Peshawar’s Lady Reading Hospital after doctors failed to resuscitate him. He was critically injured in a suicide attack in Peshawar, Geo News reported.

The blast also left 9 others dead and 17 injured, sources said. The attack took place when the Awami National Party’s President for KPK Bashir Ahmed Bilour was exiting the residence of the party’s local leader following a meeting, along with his personal secretary and SHO Kabuli Police Station. Both the personal secretary Noor Mohammed as well as the SHO, Sattar Khan were killed on the spot while 18 others were injured. According to hospital sources, Bashir Bilour was brought to the hospital in critical condition and was unconscious. According to eyewitnesses, the suicide bomber detonated the explosives strapped to his body at a close distance from Bashir Bilour, inflicting critical wounds to his chest and

ARACHI: President Asif Ali Zardari has expressed profound grief and sorrow over the martyrdom of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Senior Minister stomach that later proved fatal. Bashir Ahmad Bilour, who lost his life in a terrorist attack in Bilour had repeatedly termed Peshawar Saturday evening. the fight against terrorism as ‘our own battle’. The President, in his condolence message, paid glowing The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan tribute to Bashir Ahmad Bilour have claimed responsibility for for his services for the province the attack. and the country. Later, Prime Minister Raja PerHis sacrifice will not go in vez Asharaf announced onevain and the government will day mourning in the country continue fighting the militant on the assassination of the semindset till its complete eliminior leader of ANP which is nation, he added. one of the allies of the ruling coalition. He said Bashir Bilour fought against the militants couraAccording to sources, the fugeously and sacrificed his life neral prayer of the martyred for the noble cause. ANP leader will be held at Colonel Sher Khan Army Stadium The President expressed his here at 2:00 PM on Sunday. sympathies with the bereaved Later, he will be laid to rest in family over the irreparable loss Syed Hassan Pir Badsha Berri and prayed to the Almighty to Bagh graveyard. grant courage to the family to bear the loss with fortitude. The body of Bashir Bilour will be lifted from his elder brother President Zardari also exGhulam Ahmed Bilour’s resi- pressed his sympathies with dence. the families of other martyrs, who lost their lives as a result ANP Chief, Asfandyar Wali of the blast. termed the demise of Bashir Ahmed Bilour as the loss of the The President directed the auentire country and nation, and thorities concerned to provide vowed to continue the fight the best medical assistance to against ‘the terrorist mindset’. the injured.

The provincial governments of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have announced mourning over the killing of Punjab and Sindh governments announced one day mourning while KPK and Balochistan governments declared 3-day mourning. Besides, KPK Governor Masud Kausar also announced day of mourning in country’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Balochistan chapter of the Awami National Party has given call for shutter down strike besides three day mourning in the province over the killing of its key leader. MQM and the ruling Pakistan People’s Party have also made announcements for day of mourning.

Demise of Bashir Bilour country’s loss: Asfandyar Wali


ESHAWAR: Awami National Party (ANP) Chief, Asfandyar Wali termed the demise of Bashir Ahmed Bilour as the loss of the entire country and nation. Senior Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bashir Ahmed Bi-



lour passed away in Peshawar’s Lady Reading Hospital after receiving critical wounds in a suicide attack in Peshawar. Reacting to the assassination of his party’s president of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Wali vowed to continue the fight against ‘the terrorist mindset’. “ANP is rendering sacrifices for the motherland,” Asfandyar Wali said, stressing that all the political forces will have to unite and evolve a joint strategy against terrorism.


blood of Bashir Bilour Shaheed will not go in vain.

political parties participated in the funeral.

Altaf Hussain assured leaders, workers of ANP and the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa that they will fight together against terrorists.

MQM delegation, PML-Q leader Chaudhary Shujaat Hussain and Mushahid Hussain Syed also offered funeral prayers of Bashir Bilour.

He said that Pakistan Army should not wait and start decisive fight together along with peace loving and patriotic forces against the terrorists who are playing with the lives of innocent people through suicidal attacks, bomb blast and other terrorists activities.

A national day of mourning has been announced by Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf over the tragedy. The national flag would be flown at halfmast today in the honour of the ANP leader.

Imran Khan condemns Bashir Bilour’s assassination

The ANP Chief said: “We should hold talks with the terrorists but if they refuse to participate in the dialogue, we ARACHI: Pakistan Tehwill be left with no other opreek e Insaf (PTI) Chief Imtion but to launch a crackdown ran Khan strongly condemned on them.” the perpetrators behind the attack that assassinated ANP Altaf condoles leader Bashir Ahmed Bilour.



ONDON: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain has expressed condolence to Usman Bilour on the assassination of his father, Bashir Balour.

Altaf Hussain expressed heartfelt condolence to Usman Bilour, his uncle Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour and all the family members.

The provincial governments of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have also announced day of mourning.

President Asif Ali Zardari, Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, Mian Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan, Altaf Hussain and others politicians expressed ESHAWAR: Awami Na- profound grief over the demise tional Party (ANP) leader of the senior politician. and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Se- Mr Bilour was targeted by a nior Minister, Bashir Ahmed suicide bomber after an ANP Bilour was laid to rest at Syed public gathering leaving him Hasan Peer graveyard. seriously injured. He was shift-

Bashir Ahmed Bilour laid to rest

He said the terrorists are proudly claiming their involvement in terror activities.

demise of Bashir Bilour

League-N Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep sense of grief and sorrow over the sad demise of Senior Minister Khyber Pakhtoon Khawah, Bashir Ahmad Balor in a bomb blast in Peshawar today. In his condolence message, he prayed that may Allah Almighty rest the departed souls in eternal peace and grant strength to the bereaved families to bear the irreparable loss with fortitude. He also prayed for the early recovery of the injured.


Earlier the funeral prayer of ed to the Lady Ready Hospital Bashir Ahmed Bilour was held for treatment where he sucat Colonel Sher Khan Army cumbed to his injuries. Stadium. SHO Razaq Khan Police StaA suicide bomber on Saturday tion and personal secretary of evening killed nine people in- the minister had been on the cluding Mr Bilour his personal spot. secretary and a senior police Strict security measures were official. adopted at the stadium, which

The PTI chief tweeted that he has just heard the tragedy of Bashir Bilour’s death, adding that TTP had claimed responsibility of the attack and he ANP chief Asfandyar Wali strongly condemned its ‘naked Khan, chief Minister Amir terrorism’. Haider Khan Hoti, Interior Paying tribute to Bilour, Im- Minister Rehman Malik, Presiran Khan said “Mr Bilour was dential Spokesman Farhatula courageous man who fought lah Babar, elder brother of Bashir Bilour, Ghulam Ahmed bravely against terrorism.” Bilour, son Usman Bilour, large He expressed his deepest sym- number of ANP workers bepathies with the family of the sides representatives of other ANP leader.

Nawaz Sharif expresses deep sense of grief over the killing of Basheer Balor


ahore: Former Prime While talking to Usman Bilour, Minister of Pakistan and Altaf Hussain said that the President Pakistan Muslim

was sealed off before the funeral prayers.

Security arrangements of the stadium were handed over Pak army and FC. Earlier today, funeral prayer of Bilour’s personal secretary Noor Muhammad was also held in high school Kakshal.




Will Tahir-ul-Qadri change years of faulty system in weeks?


debate has opened in Pakistan following the remarks by Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, chief of Minhaj-ul-Qura’an, at a mammoth public meeting in the shadow of ‘Minar-e-Pakistan’ that he wants to ‘save Pakistan’, asking the rulers to ‘introduce electoral reforms in three weeks or face a march on Islamabad of four million people on January 14’.

good name as he is being considered by the young generation as the best option for Pakistan. PTI’s Khan must try to dispel a particular impression about him rather than throwing support behind Dr Qadri. He should also think why very famous names, who had joined him for the slogan change, are now parting ways with him. Several have gone and some may follow. The MQM’s participation in Qadri’s rally and Altaf Hussain’s telephonic calls to Qadri has also raised questions. The MQM will have to tell Pakistani nation whether they will just remain with any government or will back people with dubious agenda?

leader who had left the people Pro-democracy people in in lurch at difficult hour. Pakistan will laugh at Sheikh Such artificial gatherings do Rashid for welcoming Qadri’s not long last now in Pakistan. so-called political and elecMany were surprised at the toral reforms slogans. Sheikh, quite and pre-dawn arrival of who lost both of his RawalQadri’s return to Pakistan last pindi constituencies, in the week. If he claims to lead four 2008 general elections, is now million people to Islamabad searching for some backing to then why he kept his return to get himself elected in the comLahore secret. Political lead- ing elections. His Awami Musers must be like slain Benazir lim League is also now part of Independent political analysts Bhutto, who and senior journalists were al- braved suicide most unanimous to criticize bombings on Qadri’s speech and questioned her arrival in his notion of reforms only in Karachi in weeks, which could not be cor- 2007. rected in years. Now when the country Qadri sahib, known for his fiery speeches, peacefully spent is heading to five years of his life in Canada, parliamentary when the people of Pakistan elections in faced hundreds of terror at- few months the Defence of Pakistan Countacks and thousands of casual- demands like Qadri will add cil and had also invited Imran ties. Why had he preferred to to the already confused politiKhan for his annual late night stay outside Pakistan when po- cal environment in Pakistan. rally between August 13 and litical leaders were supposed to Sensible people in Pakistan 14. But both leaders had failed remain among the countrymen are asking Qadri sahib to de- to attract a big crown at Liaat the critical juncture, who sist from dancing at the tune of quat Bagh. are unaware when they will be others. It is high time for him to revive his party and resume target of suicide bombers? his political activities which he There is no doubt Pakistanis need a clean democratic system It is very easy to attract big had quit years ago. and clean people, who do not crowds after spending millions Pakistan cannot afford new ex- look at undemocratic forces of rupees on media campaign periences and every political and are real democrat. What in Pakistan where most of and religious leader are respon- Pakistan faces today is also the the mainstream TV channels sible to steer the country out of result of dictatorship. Let the unfortunately have lust for the varieties of crisis. people decide whom they send financial benefits. Pakistanis were surprised at the about Welcoming Qadri’s assertions, to the corridors of power as two-hour live coverage to a Imran Khan will not earn a they are the best judges.

A key ally in the ruling coalition has decided to join Tahirul Qadri to participate in ‘Pakistan’s Tahrir Square’


ahirul Qadri’s speech to an unexpectedly large gathering at Minar-e-Pakistan on December 23 is being seen by many as a game changer.

“I am here to bring reforms,” said the cleric who just arrived after spending several years in Canada. “We cannot run Pakistan the way we are running it today,” he said as he arrived at MQM headquarters Nine Zero in Karachi. “My allies and I are honest, and we will change Pakistan’s destiny.” Asked why he was relying so much on the MQM’s support, he said the party’s chief Altaf Hussain understood his vision. “The MQM needs revolution more than the revolution needs the MQM.” The MQM gave him a remarkable welcome. They organized a public rally in which Altaf Hussain and Tahirul Qadri were to speak together. They also put up a multi-million rupee bulletproof glass for that purpose. The party has promised support for the cleric’s announced march towards Islamabad if his demands are not met. PPP leader Agha Siraj Durrani signaled that the new local government ordinance in Sindh that his party had negotiated with the MQM might be taken back “This march is being organized to save Pakistan and for bring-



ing reforms in the political system in line with the constitution,” Altaf Hussain said in his speech. “This march is for making Pakistan strong and prosperous.” He said the march was not intended to bring down the government. “We want to change the system.” He said his party, the MQM, and Qadri’s party, Tehrik Minhajul Quran, were the only two parties speaking for the poor and oppressed people of the country, and that was why they had joined hands to bring a revolution. The move “has given hope to the farmers, peasants, and all of the poor people groaning under the yoke of oppression”, he said in his speech. “The assembly of the common people of Pakistan will make a decision on 14th January in Islamabad as to what type of system they want in Pakistan. The journey of revolution has started, and it will only end after reaching its destination.” Qadri warned his march to Islamabad on January 14 would be “the world’s largest Tahrir Square”. “But this gathering will be completely peaceful and there will be no violence at all. No bullet will be fired, and the peaceful gathering of four million people will demonstrate that the people of Pakistan are peace loving.” He said the march was a “journey for obtaining people’s rights”. “We want to end injustice. We want to eliminate hunger.” Analysts are questioning the motives behind MQM’s sup-


port for Tahirul Qadri. A senior MQM leader said there was no hidden agenda. “Tahirul Qadri had been in touch with MQM’s London leaderverything is live ship and our support for him is these days whethpurely on merit,” he said. er a dog barks in the A source said British diplomats street or a donkey had been pressuring politi- brays in the neighcal parties to back Qadri, who bourhood. A cockerel presents himself as a leader makes an untimely who can de-radicalize Pakistan call, while the crows and help create a consensus create a public outagainst extremism in the coun- cry. The monkey plays try. The MQM leader denied the dugduggi and the monkey dancer dances, that. disguised as a bear. Everything Leaders of the other major must go live in our country. So PPP ally, the PML-Q, also met our spectator public can only Tahirul Qadri recently, but see the live telecasts. did not announce joining his march. If the two allies leave The spectator masses enjoy the government, the PPP will cricket one day and the long lose its majority in the Na- march the next. The public tional Assembly, and that may dances on Culture Day and while it kills someone like result in a political chaos. them for allegedly burning a Wary of the outcome of the holy book the next day. We benew developments, President lieve everything in the media Asif Ali Zardari recently met that comes within the limits of Prime Minister Raja Pervez our faith, which is so weak that Ashraf, and PPP leader Agha the possibility of it shattering Siraj Durrani signaled that the hangs like a sword above our new local government ordi- heads. nance in Sindh that his party had negotiated with the MQM We unashamedly refuse to remight be rolled back if the move the blindfold of belief, despite watching and hearing MQM left the coalition. everything live. We watch and In Islamabad, opposition lead- believe the program that has er in parliament, PML- N’s ‘Lies’ written on its packaging Chaudry Nisar, called the de- label. Anyone can come from velopments “the worst exam- anywhere and say anything. ple of opportunism”. People follow them blindly. Then it is discovered that this It is not clear if the two parties person had been leading us all will be able to bring what they astray. So s/he is replaced by call a revolution, but veteran another similar person, a new PPP leader Taj Haider believes ‘shepherd’ who we all follow as “this is a dangerous political always, like the innocent sheep precedent”. that we are.

Everything is live


These ‘shepherds’ say one thing in the evening and contradict it the next morning with the same unabashed confidence. We sit in front of them with our heads bowed, believing every word they say, confident that whatever they say is the truth. Why doesn’t our critical thinking ability function anymore? The liar has no dearth of evidence to give. S/he gives evidence for one thing first and the following moment, s/ he is giving evidence to prove a completely opposite thing to be true. Meanwhile, we keep saying to ourselves, “Yeah, s/he is right.” Forget the public. It has always been naive and always will be. The ‘educated’ ones have glasses decorated on their foreheads as they don’t need to actually wear them. One moment they are crying over one thing on social media and the next moment they will be crying over something else. Reading their status updates once again might help them to think actually. Those who say ‘Democracy my foot!’ today were actually protesting the disappearance of the Baloch continued...




country. In fact, on those days the Taliban and all other terrorists are sent on a holiday. But if an awami party, a true representative of the people wants to hold a similar rally, then initially, there is no permission to hold a large-scale rally. Failing that, then bomb blasts ARACHI: The Muttahida and other violence occurs. Qaumi Movement (MQM) nationalists and later over Clearly, the current rulers their corpses and called for the of the country are just scared has filed a petition in the Suarmy’s withdrawal from Balo- of the power of votes as they preme Court for granting immunity to their chief Altaf chistan yesterday. The centre always have been. Hussain, Express News reportof attention changed when the A new play is shown to the ed on Friday. innocent Hazaras began to be public every day that has glued killed. So now those same peoThe petition was filed in the ple are demanding that Balo- them to their TV screens. One Supreme Court’s Karachi regchistan be handed over to the drama has barely ended when istry. a new one begins. The cameras army, which it already is. are running towards the courts Who has brought these Taliban, or to a sit-in protest for cover- Altaf was issued a contempt of jihadi, Jhangvi, lashkar and age. Occasionally, a live tele- court notice by the Supreme sipah on our heads? Why do cast of a bomb blast is aired as Court in December for a “conthey roam our streets so fear- if the reporters were informed temptuous and threatening” lessly? People die in the name in advance. Even the perpetra- telephonic address earlier. of sects, ethnicity and religion. tors are readily available on the Barrister Mohammad Farogh But the one who commits all phone to assume responsibil- Naseem and Qazi Khalid filed these murders is never caught. ity for the attacks. Yet they – the petition on behalf of the Although, democracy ends up whose arms are so long that no party. being abused every time. This criminal can afford sanctuary is democracy where the head – remain unable to find these of state joins the public’s sit- terrorists as their hands are in protest, sits down on the rendered just short enough to ground with them, listens to keep the criminals out of their what they say and even agrees reach. to their demands. If there was no democracy, you wouldn’t You are being kept aware eveven be allowed to come out of ery moment. Our plays industry, after protesting against the your homes. Turkish TV plays, might now On one hand, a dual national have to protest against all the cannot be a member of the national drama as the viewparliament, while another dual ers are watching that instead national, who sits in another of their plays. If they look country, can get the entire away momentarily from their city shut down in minutes. He TV screens, they talk amongst ARACHI: Muttahida Qacan even threaten to break the themselves about the same topumi Movement (MQM) country and create violence ic. The same drama has seeped chief Altaf Hussain assured and chaos. The other dual na- into the social media. President Asif Ali Zardari that tional tries to change the law his party was not going to quit according to his wishes and The revolution is coming. You the coalition government. forces his way through the cap- can hear it knocking. You ital with his army of support- might find it standing on your In a press release issued by ers. But he is in no danger as all doorstep, wearing a topi and the MQM, the two leaders he does is possible with the in- sporting a new style of beard. had a telephonic conversation tent of the asli te vadde walay They have already made you on Thursday evening and diswear a topi and you barely re- cussed the prevailing political waris of the country. alised. Well, this is what hap- situation in the country. On one hand, we are told that pens with the spectators. You the Taliban is an enemy of the are busy watching a street The MQM chief categorically country. Yet, on the other hand, show and someone has picked stated that the MQM is an alwhen their ‘friends’ want to your pocket or blatantly swin- lied party and there was no hold rallies and long marches, dled you. It is only later you re- truth to the rumours that it the terrorists let go of great alise that the carnival had only was seeking to part ways with opportunities to harm the been held to rob you blind. the government. Altaf said that

No return?: MQM asks SC to excuse Altaf from appearing in court


Their stance was based on the deteriorating security situation in the country. They gave reference to Benazir Bhutto, who was targeted by terrorists when she returned to Pakistan and Federal Minister Bashir Bilour, who was killed in a suicide bombing. They stated that Altaf’s followers were, therefore, not in favour of his return and requested that either Farogh Naseem or Farooq Sattar be allowed to represent their leader. Altaf Hussain, in his telephonic address, had termed the judges’ remarks “unconstitutional” and “undemocratic” and that they amounted to contempt for the mandate given by the people of Karachi and presented an “open enmity” for the metropolitan. The chief justice had said that the speech given by Altaf Hussain after the delimitation order was not only contemptuous but also held a note of threat.

Altaf Hussain assures Zardari that MQM is not quitting the coalition


the MQM is a democratic political party that seeks continuation of democracy. Both the leaders agreed that the co-operation between the two parties would continue for promoting democracy and bringing stability in the country. On the other hand, the President’s spokesperson Senator Farhatullah Babar confirmed that both the leaders had discussed the current political situation of the country and vowed to continue supporting each other for democratic dispensation in Pakistan.



NEWS In charge ladies wing Tahreem Shahid and Naheed Sohail Shamas thanked the attendees and prayed for development, safety, peace, unity and brotherhood amongst the followers of Holy Prophet (PBUH).

attendee of the program. This program was sponsored by Mr. Lakhani, Mohiban e Pakistan (Dates), Pakeeza Restaurant, Sultani Books Store and Mrs. Razia Butt. This prestigious event will be remembered fondly with great reverence for At the end the sweets (Tabbaruk) were presented to each the spiritual aspect of the evening.

Pakistan Club Chicago, Ladies Wing organized a Mehafil-e-Eid Milad-un-Nabi with religious reverence and fervor renewing the pledge to follow true teachings of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

The program began with special prayers for development, akistan Club Chicago, La- safety, peace, unity and brothdies Wing organized a spir- erhood amongst the followers itual and prestigious Mehafil- of Holy Prophet (PBUH). e-Eid Milad-un-Nabi, evening and celebrated the birthday of Renowned Pakistani Presibeloved Prophet Muhammad dential award winner Naat (PBUH) on Jan 11th, 2013 at Khawan Umme-e-Habiba, inthe Holiday Inn Skokie, IL at ternational poet Ms Zakia 7.30 pm. More than 700 wom- Ghazal from Canada and othen from the Chicago land area ers presented religious poetry, attended this event and paid and recited Na’ats and Darood their respects and expressed o Salam for the Holy Prophet their love for their Prophet (PBUH). Mohammad (PBUH). Eid Milad-un-Nabbi is a highly re- The workers of the Pakistan Club Ladies’ wing put in tremendous effort to make this event successful and the biggest in the history of Chicago without a doubt.

Report by Jawaid Riaz


garded religious festival when Muslims express gratitude and thanks to Allah Almighty for blessing the universe with His last messenger and Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

President of Pakistan Club Jawaid Riaz congratulated the event organizers and expressed his appreciation for the hard work done by the Ladies’ Wing workers in particular, incharge Ladies’ Wing Tahreem Shahid, Naheed Sohail Shamas, Dr. Mehnaz Quadri, Mrs. Jamil Khan, Uroog , Farah Sadaqut and Raifa. Anila Omair Station manager PIA also attended the evening.




Pakistan Club Chicago organized a Seminar on the topic of “Religious Extremism in Pakistan” on December 16, 2012 in the Auditorium of Blue Ribbon Taxi Office in Chicago at 2pm

stan. In closing, emcee Jawaid Riaz raised the rhetorical question of whether this generation would leave a healthy and prosperous Pakistan for the future masses or a diseased and troubled nation?

Community leader Ayaz Ali, Poet Rasheed Shakih, Niaz Jaffery, Iqbal Fatah, Tariq Siddiqui, Arshad Malik, Khalid Khan, Riyaz Mohammad Jamil Khan were in the attendees. The dinner was also served.

Ex Federal Minister Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui & Patron In Chief MQM USA & Canada Addressing at PC Seminar

The seminar was attended by a large number of community Activists, Poets, Writers, Intellectuals and people from different walks of life Pakistan Club President Jawaid Riaz was the master of ceremony.


x Federal Minster and Patron-In-Chief of MQM USA & Canada, Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui; MQM CoUSA Junaid Fahmi; renowned physician Dr. Naveed Musharraf; Dr Zafar Bukhari; Prof. Naqi Akhter; Community Leader Hameed Ullah khan; English author Afzal Haider; Urdu Time column-writer Amin Haider; prominent businessman and UK alumni Sabir Waheed; NED Alumni Khair ul Basher; Prof Masroor Qureshi and Jawaid Riaz addressed the conference. All speakers expressed their deep concerns about the rising of extremism in religious, Cultural and So-

cial Behavior. They further said that the lack of education and exploitation of the poor masses by the ruling elite are root causes. They also discussed the role of the political parties and their deliveries for the sake of Pakistan, the role of the political parties in patronizing the “Kalashankoff culture”. They also talked about the clashes between the Institutions; those are responsible for providing the protection for the life of a common citizen of the country. The speakers highlighted the transformation of the religious cults which have over the years abandoned the distribution of religion for the distribution of guns and arms. They also requested and urged the Pakistani Community, here in the USA, to use their influences for the sake of a strong, educated and prosperous Pakistan. A free Pakistan to live as Quid E Azam dreamed for it: a Pakistan for those who were born here and those who migrated from their previous land. Large number of community members from all walks of life also attended the seminar and showed their concerns and love for Karachi and Paki-




MQM Chicago Chapter organized a meeting to pay respect and tribute to the Martyrs of Qasba and Aligarh Colony on December 14, 1986 and to commemorate the fall of Dhaka on December 16, 1970

tribute to MQM martyrs including the elder brother and nephew of Mr. Altaf Hussain. The spokespeople said, the party did not bow before any oppressive force in the past and likewise the party would continue its struggle for the truth and justice.


atron in Chief of MQM North America - Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Central Organizer Junaid Fahmi, Member COC Wakeel Jamali, Member HC Shamim Siddiqui, and Chapter in Charge Adnan Siddiqui along with a large number of workers and office bearers also attended the gathering on Martyrs’ Day.

They further said that MQM workers were tortured in official torture cells, they were imprisoned. They alleged that many party workers were left disabled for life or forced into exile but they remained committed to the philosophy of the Quaid e Tahrik. The struggle of MQM is for the welfare of the people of Pakistan instead of merely acquiring political power.

Patron in Chief of MQM At the conclusion of the event, North America Dr. Khalid the fatiha prayer was offered Maqbool Siddiqui and Central for the eternal peace for the Organizer Junaid Fahmi, paid souls of Martyrs.




Former JI chief Qazi Hussain Ahmed passes away in Islamabad

Prof Ghafoor Ahmad Naib Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami passes away at 85 (1927-2012)

ISLAMABAD: Former Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) chief and veteran politician Qazi Hussain Ahmed passed away in Islamabad, DawnNews reported early Sunday.

cardiac disease for quite some time and turned critical three days ago.


His body will be shifted to his native town Peshawar.

azi Hussain Ahmed, 74, was also a prominent religious scholar, Islamic theologian, Islamic democracy advocate.

Qazi joined JI in 1978 and was elected as the party’s ameer (chief) in 1987, a position he He was a strong critic of coun- would be re-elected to on two ter-terrorism policy of the more occassions before finally United States, and was wide- stepping down in 2009. ly known for his opposition against United States partici- Last November, he escaped an pation in civil war in the neigh- attack unhurt when a suicide bomber detonated explosives bouring Afghanistan. near his convoy in the MohmAhmed was suffering from and tribal agency.

the Maulana’s death in 1979. According to family sources, Maulana Maudoodi used to visit his house in Nazimabad regularly. He was twice elected to the National Assembly from Karachi, first in the 1970 elections and then in 1977.

He was a signatory to the Constitution of 1973. Prof Ghafoor Ahmed was a prominent leader of the Pakistan National Alliance, an alliance of nine political parties which was formed to contest the 1977 elections against the Pakistan People’s Party.

PNA Movement 1977 The PNA had refused to accept the election results then, accusing the government of rigging, and started a mass movement against the then People’s Party government led by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. He was part of a three-member PNA delegation that held talks with the then government to arachi (Wednesday, De- find a solution to the politicember 26, 2012) – Naib cal impasse during the height Amir of the Jamaat-e-Islami of the PNA agitation. The two other members of the PNA delPakistan, Prof Ghafoor Ahegation were Mufti Mahmood mad, died at a private hospital and Nawabzada Nasrullah in Karachi here on Wednesday Khan. 26/12/2012. Prof Ghafoor Ahmed later Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) leader, served as federal minister for who was 85, had been undergoindustries from 1978 to 1979. ing treatment at the hospital for the last 10 days. He was counted amongst the most respected politicians of According to a JI spokesman, the country. Sarfaraz Ahmed, Prof Ghafoor’s funeral prayers will be Prof. Ghafoor Born in Barely held at the Idara-e-Noor-e- India Haq at 4.30pm here on Thursday 27/12/2012, and he will be Prof Ghafoor Ahmed was born laid to rest at the Sakhi Hassan on 26 June 1927 in Barely in India. He earned his Masters graveyard. degree in commerce from LucProfessor Gafoor’s Profile know University in 1948.


Prof. Ghafoor Ahmed had He has left behind three sons, joined the Jamaat in 1950. He Tariq, Khalid and Shoaib. Prof had served the party as its Ghafoor’s wife had died some general-secretary from 1988 to time back. 1990. We all prayed to Almighty AlThe founder of the Jamaat-e- lah to place the departed soul Islami, Maulana Syed Abul Ala in eternal peace and give courMaududi, had played a vital age to the bereaved family to role in grooming Prof Gha- bear this loss. His services for foor Ahmed with whom he re- the 1973 Constitution would mained in close contact until be remembered for a long time.



NEWS Dwasaro village in Charsadda, police said. It was not clear who was behind the violence.

polio workers’ killing under way


ESHAWAR,Pakistan Three workers in a polio eradication campaign were shot in Pakistan on Wednesday, and two of them were killed, the latest in an unprecedented string of attacks over the past three days that has partially halted the U.N.-backed campaign.

have to change tactics in the health campaign.

“We didn’t expect such attacks in Karachi,” said Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, minister for human rights, who oversees the polio campaign. He was referring to the southern commercial hub where there have The United Nations in Pakistan been attacks this week. has pulled all staff involved in the campaign off the streets, “In far flung areas where the spokesman Michael Coleman threats are more pronounced, we have been providing polio said. teams security.” The government said immuniWednesday saw four separate zation was continuing in some attacks, all in the north. In the areas without U.N. support district of Charsadda, men on although many workers remotorbikes shot dead a womfused to go out. Women health an and her driver, police and workers held protests in the health officials said. southern city of Karachi and in the capital, Islamabad. Hours earlier, gunmen wounded a male health worker in the “We go out and risk our lives nearby provincial capital of Peto save other people’s children shawar. He was in critical confrom being permanently hand- dition, said a doctor at the Lady icapped, for what? So that our Reading Hospital where he is own children become orphans?” being treated. health worker Ambreen Bibi Four other women health said at the Islamabad protest. workers were shot at but not The government was caught hit in nearby Nowshera, said off guard by the violence, say- Jan Baz Afridi, deputy head of ing they had not expected at- the Expanded Programme on tacks in areas far from Taliban Immunisation. Two women strongholds and they would health workers were shot at in

Many Islamists, including Taliban militants, have long opposed the campaign. Some say it aims to sterilize Muslims, while one militant commander said it could not continue unless attacks by U.S. drone air- “The teams go into every little neighborhood. You can undercraft stopped. stand that enormous resources The Taliban have repeatedly are needed if we have to prothreatened health workers in- tect each and every team and volved in the campaign. Some worker, which we will have to said they received calls telling now,” he said. them to stop working with “inOn Wednesday, police said fidels” just before the attacks. they killed two people and arBut a spokesman for the Paki- rested 15 during raids connectstani Taliban, Ihsanullah Ihsan, ed to the shootings. told Reuters his group was not Authorities in the northern involved in the violence. Khyber Paktunkhwa province, “BETTER COORDINATION” the capital of which is Peshawar, said they would not accept On Monday and Tuesday, six the U.N.’s recommendation to health workers were killed in suspend the campaign. attacks in the southern port city of Karachi and in Pesha- “If we stopped the campaign war. Five were women and the it would encourage the forces opposing the polio vaccinayoungest was 17. tion,” said provincial official Five of the shootings happened Javed Marwat. in Karachi, home to 18 million people. Health authori- But their insistence the campaign continue angered ties there suspended the polio health workers who said their eradication campaign in the colleagues told officials in entire province of Sindh. Charsadda about threats beKarachi police spokesman Im- fore Wednesday’s shootings. ran Shaukat said teams were The officials insisted the vaccisupposed to tell police of their nations take place anyway. movements but had not done so. Khokar said Taliban hostility to the campaign increased af“There has to be better coorter it emerged that the CIA had dination between the health used a fake vaccination camdepartment and police,” he paign to try to gather informasaid. “We have decided that we tion about Osama bin Laden, will be more forthcoming and before he was found and killed contact polio team heads our- in a Pakistani town last year. selves.” Pakistan had 20,000 polio cases Minister Khokhar said the in 1994 but vigorous vaccinadrive would resume as soon as tion efforts had brought the security was in place. number down to 56 in 2012, the government said. A global vaccination campaign has eradicated the disease from everywhere except Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. Polio can paralyze or kill within hours of infection. It is transmitted person-to-person, meaning that as long as one child is infected, the disease can be passed to others.




Muhammad Asif victorious in World Snooker Championship final However, Wilson regained his focus in the following two frames and equalised the score 7-7. The two battled in the 14th frame as Asif took it only to lose the next one when Wilson forced the break of 59 in the 16th frame.

Pakistan beat India to clinch Asian Champions Trophy



chances and Rasool soon gave Pakistan the equaliser in the 42nd minute.

ULGARIA: “I have been dethroned,” were the first words that came out of former world snooker champion Mohammad Yousaf over Muhammad Asif’s victory at the IBSF World Championship, when he became the first Pakistani after 1994 to win the title after defeating England’s Gary Wilson 10-8 in Sofia, Bulgaria on Sunday.

Asif, however, bounced back into the match leading 9-8 and sealed the victory in the 17th frame 64-0 to clinch the trophy. “It’s unbelievable, I’m just counting my breath, its I have been chasing for the past 10 year,” Asif told The Express Tribune. “I can’t believe that I have achieved what Yousaf bhai achieved so many years ago.”

Meanwhile, according to the 60-year-old former world champion Yousaf, who was following Asif’s match online Imran’s goal gave Pakistan the back at his home in Rawallead again but India pulled one pindi, said that he feels he has back through Gurvinder Chan- Asif is the third Pakistani to been dethroned by Asif. di to make the score 3-3. How- reach the final of the amateur ever, Waqas soon restored Pak- World Championship; earlier “Now I can’t say that I am the istan’s lead in the 57th minute Yousaf won the title in 1994, only Snooker World ChampiIt was a close match, marred by controversy in the final few but Rupinderpal Singh scored whereas Mohammad Saleh on from Pakistan, I feel a little minutes, with India walking yet another equaliser for the lost to India’s Pankaj Advani in jealous now,” said Yousaf. 2004. off the field in protest against men in blue. a penalty corner that was not Pakistan were awarded a penThis was Asif’s fourth appeargiven. They came back on with alty corner in the 64th minute ance in the World Championtwo minutes left in the match which led to Imran scoring the ships, and his best run at the as Pakistan held on to secure winning goal. event has been reaching among the win. The tournament comprised six the top 32 players last year. Shafqat Rasool scored one top teams from Asia – Pakistan, However, he began his camwhile Mohammad Waqas and China, India, Oman, Malaysia paign in Bulgaria with concaptain Mohammad Imran and Japan. fidence defeating Australia’s scored two goals apiece. Vinnie Calabrese 5-0 in the first Pakistan thrashed Oman in The Greenshirts opened the their opening match 8-3, fol- round. He overcame Egypt’s “But I am happy, Asif’s win is scoring in the seventh min- lowed by a 5-2 win over Chi- Wael Talaat 5-2 in the pre- more than that, it is good news quarterfinal, crushed Syria’s for Pakistanis in the middle of ute through a penalty corner na, a 3-3 draw against MalayMer Alkojah 6-2 in the quar- so much bad that is going on scored by Waqas, but India sia and lost 2-1 to India who terfinal and outclassed Malta’s in the country. Asif has just equalised within two minutes they had beaten to clinch the Alex Borg 7-1 in the semifinal opened the door for other playbronze medal at the Champithrough SV Sunil. to make his way to the trophy. ers in Pakistan.” ons Trophy earlier this month Raghunath then gave his side in Melbourne, Australia. Paki- Asif began the match with conthe lead in the 21st minute as stan brushed aside Japan 5-2 in fidence and took the lead 6-3 at Asif is the third Pakistani to India went into half-time 2-1 the final pool match to set up a the end of the first session in reach final of the world event. Before him, Mohammad Youup. clash with India. the best of 19-frame final. suf had won it in 1994 while, In the second-half, the tempo Meanwhile, Malaysia clinched The 30-year-old continued to in 2003, Saleh Mohammad was of the game was much fast- the bronze medal after beating lead the match 7-5 despite Wil- defeated by Pankaj Advani of er with both teams creating China 3-1. son’s break of 111 in the 12th frame. India.

A RAC H I : Pa k i s t a n defeated India 5-4 in an exciting Asian Hockey Champions Trophy final at the Al Rayyan Stadium in Doha, Qatar on Thursday to clinch the gold medal.



Pakistan in historic win over India in Twenty20 clash


n a day of national celebration in Pakistan, the country’s cricket team provided the perfect present for Quaid Day by defeating archrival India in its Twenty20 encounter in Bangalore, India.

On the 136th anniversary since the birth of Father of the Nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan’s players marked the day in style with a hugely impressive performance. The Quaid-e-Azam was the man who helped secure the formation of the state of Pakistan on August 14, 1947, and went on to become the nation’s first ever governor general. He is highly revered and his memory was not forgotten by Pakistan captain Mohammad Hafeez, who dedicated the victory to the national hero.


a gem of an innings but Pakistan faltered as pacer Ashok Dinda took two wickets in the penultimate over.

India scored 192 for five and India got off to an edgy start in restricted Pakistan to 181 for their chase, with both the Pakistan pacers Mohammad Irfan seven. and Junaid coming hard at the Riding on a career-best 72 by openers. Gautam Gambhir was Yuvraj Singh, India posted a the first to go when he tried formidable total. Yuvraj blast- to drive a Junaid delivery and ed seven sixes and four fours played on for 11 to leave India during his 36-ball innings at 42 for 1. while skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni (33), Ajinkya Rahane Then wickets kept on tum(28) and Virat Kohli (27) came bling with Virat Kohli (6) and Virender Sehwag (31) falling in up with valuable knocks. quick succession. Kohli flicked Pakistan pacer Umar Gul a wide delivery down the leg picked up four for 37. side and was taken brilliantly by diving Kamran Akmal. SeEarlier, Pakistan skipper Mo- hwag was next to follow as hammad Hafeez won the toss he was trapped in front of the and elected to bowl against stumps off a sharp incoming India in the second and final ball from Umar Gul. Twenty20 cricket internationYuvraj Singh (9) and Suresh al match. Raina also fell cheaply. Yuvraj played an unnecessary pull shot by going after a widish delivery off Gul to give Kamran another catch. Mohammad Hafeez dismissed Raina (18), stumped splendidly by Kamran, to reduce India to 95 for 5.

2nd ODI: Pakistan thrash India to win series 2-0

“It is a gift for the whole nation, it is Quaid day back home,” said Hafeez following his team’s five-wicket victory.

India beat Pakistan by 11 runs to level T20 series



ets each. Pakistan kept their record intact at the Eden by winning their fourth ODI in a row.

olkata: Nasir Jamshed’s century and spirited show by the bowlers powered Pakistan to a 85-run win over India in the second one-dayer at the Eden Gardens on Thursday. With this win Pakistan have taken an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-match series.

ndia drew the two-match Twenty20 international Chasing a target of 251, Inseries 1-1 with a 11-run win dia were all out for 165 with over Pakistan at the Sardar skipper MS Dhoni being the top scorer and remaining unPatel Stadium on Friday. beaten on 54. For Pakistan, all Yuvraj Singh starred for India the bowlers operated as a unit. with the bat, smashing 72 off Saeed Ajmal finished with 3 36 balls. Skipper Mohammad for 20 while Umar Gul and JuHafeez (55 off 26 balls) played naid Khan claimed two wick-

tury and the opening stand guided Pakistan to the score of 250. It was a batting collapse for Pakistan with Jadeja’s three-wicket haul and most importantly the late burst by Sharma (3 for 34) that helped India bundle out the visitors in48.3 overs. Pakistan were looking good to go for a big score after being put in to bat as openers Hafeez and Jamshed blazed their way to a 141-run partnership. But Jadeja clean bowled Hafeez for 76 to give India their first breakthrough and after that the visitors lost the plot and kept losing wickets at regular intervals.

Dhoni played the waiting game despite the asking rate climbing up and didn’t show urgency to score runs. R Ashwin was sent above Jadeja but didn’t do anything of note. He stumped off Shoaib Malik for 3 which came off 22 balls.

At the start of the Pakistan innings the pitch looked easy for batting and as the game progressed it slowed down bringing the spinners into play. Both Hafeez and Jamshed reached their half-centuries in quick time and hardly gave the InJadeja was scratchy during dian bowlers any chance to his stay at the wicket and was bounce back. prised out by Saeed Ajaml. The The second to fall was Azhar offspinner struck twice more Ali (2) when he was run out off in the over trapping Bhuvnesha sharp fielding by Dhoni with war Kumar and Ashok Dinda Jamshed batting on 64. Inlbw. Both of them didn’t open dia then picked up two quick their account. wickets by removing Younis Dhoni continued with his inex- Khan (10) and Misbah-ul-Haq plicable tactics of blocking the (2) to leave Pakistan at 182 for balls and taking singles. Only 4 in 36 overs. in the end, when the match However, Jamshed kept his was out of India’s reach, he cool and became patient in blasted a couple of lusty blows his approach to reach his secto reach his half-century. ond consecutive century, third

Junaid Khan castled the last overall - all against India. But man Ishant Sharma to bowl the young left-handed batsIndia out for 165 in 48 overs as man failed to carry on and bePakistan registered a thumping came Jadeja’s second victim, in the same over Akmal (0) fell to 85-run victory over the hosts. make inroad for the middle orEarlier, Nasir Jamshed’s cen- der collapse.




A short biography of people related to arts and literature who passed away in 2012

Razia Butt



he legendary fictional writer Razia Butt passed away on October 4, 2012 at Wazirabad.

She was 89 years old. She was the most popular non-film writer in movies. Some big movies like Naila (1965), Saiqa (1968), Aneela (1969), Noreen (1970), Khalish (1972), Pyasa (1973) and Mohabbat Ho Obaidullah Baig To Aisi (1989) were based on her novellas. Born Razia Niaz in (1936 - 2012) Rawalpindi in 1924, she spent most of her childhood in Peshawar. Eminent Scholar, Writer Her name first appeared in a literary journal around 1940 when and Television host she was in her teens. Married in 1946, Razia Butt resumed writbaidullahBaig was an eminent ing in 1950s after a break of some years. She was later hailed as scholar, Urdu writer,novelist, Col- one of the prolific writers of her time, with some 50 novels and umnist and media expert from Pakistan. 350 short stories to her credit. She also wrote many radio plays. Born in India in 1936.


Obaidullah Baig with his family was forced to migrate from Rampur in 1947 following Partition of British India and settled in Karachi, Pakistan. Obaidullah Baig teamed up with Iftikhar Arif in 1970s and then with Ghazi Salahuddin in 1990s and won renown for the famous Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) quiz show Kasauti. Until his demise he was running a similar program from a private Pakistani TV Channel with the name of “Kasauti, Master Mind”. The program is conducted by the original host of Kasauti, Quraish Pur.

Shehzad Ahmed (1932 – 2012)



hehzad Ahmed was born on April 16, 1932, in Amritsar (India). He did MSc in psychology from Government College, Lahore, in 1956 and in 1958 he also did MA philosophy from GC. From his college days he was into poetry and used to recite poems in different poetry sittings. Baig authored two books — Rajput and Insan Zinda Hai. He wrote some 30 books on poetry and a number of books on He was also known for his documentaries, mainly on environ- psychology. He also translated books and poetic collections. He mental issues. was awarded the country’s highest civil award, the Pride of PerObaidullah Baig was awarded ‘Pride of Performance’ (August 14, formance, during 1990s. Prominent poetic collections of She2008) by the President of Pakistan for his services to Pakistani hzad Ahmed include Sadaf, Jalti Bhujti Ankhain, Tuta Huwa Pal, Utray Meri Khak per Sitar and Bichra Janay Ki Rut media. Baig died on 22 June 2012 in Karachi.

Hajra Masroor

Zia Jalandhri



(1930 - 2012)

(1923 -2012)


ia Jalandhri started his writing career ajra was born on January 17, 1930 in from All India Radio. After doing Lucknow, India to Dr.Zahoor AhCSS he joined the radio in 1948. mad Khan who was British Army Doctor, He also served as Managing Director and sudden died after a heart attack. She (MD) of state television during late Genhad five sisters and a younger brother. eral Ziaul Haq era. Her family raised by her brave mother. Zia Jalandhri authored many books. His She began writing from her childhood. books included both poetry and prose. After partition she and her sister migrated to Pakistan, and settled in Lahore. Hajra began writing short stories from her early Affaq Siddiqui age, her stories published in the literary magazines and received (1932 – 2012) highly appreciation from Urdu circles. She edited literary magazine Naqoosh with Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi. Qasmi was also a Researcher, poet, writer rofessor Affaq Siddiqui Died In Karafriend of her and her sister. She was attacked from the aggressive chi. Professor Afaq Siddiqui was assoand domineering groups when she found herself controversies ciated with education since last 60 years. in the Muslim sociaty. She has shown here appearance in the hisHe was 86 years old. He was hospitalized tory of Urdu literature and Urdu fiction with bold imagination last three months. He was the author of and writing of short stories as a non-traditional way. more than 40 books. He translated the Awards renowned saint Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai’s book “ Shah Jo RiPride of Performance Awards for best writer in 1995 salo”. Professor Afaq Siddiqui works on the translation of Shah Nigar awards for best script writer. Abdul Latif Bhitai’s poems have been famous not just in Pakistan Aalmi Frogh-e-Urdu Adab Award from Aalmi Frogh-e-Urdu but world over. He has been awarded more than 60 prestigious Adab Organizition. international awards, in which are included the esteemed Pride Short stories: Chand Ke Doosri Taraf, Tisri Manzil, Andhere of Performance Award and the Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Excellence Award. Ujale, Choori Chupe, Ha-ai Allah, Carke, Woe Log








Mehdi Hassan

(1929 - 2012)

(1927 - 2012)

The Great Film Comedian


afirullah Siddiqui, known as Lehri was a leading comedian and actor in Urdu Films in Pakistan.


he Ghazasl maestro Khan Sahib Mehdi Hassan passed away on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at Karachi.

Safirullah was born in Kanpur, India afMehdi Hassan was a legendary singer who ter migrating to Pakistan he settled in was best known as “Shehnshah-e-Ghazal” Karachi. With a struggling youth, he peror The King of Ghazals in Pakistan. Mehformed on radio and stage before setting di Hassan was born in the village of Luna, foot in the film industry. His film career started in the 1950s and Jaipur in Rajasthan, India in 1927. He was the 16th generation of lasted until the 1980s. He won eleven Nigar Awards for various hereditary musicians hailing from the Kalawant. Kala means “Art” films between 1964 and 1986. and Kalawant means “artist”. He received his musical training unHis first film,Anokhi, was released in 1956, and his last produc- der his father, Ustad Azeem Khan and his uncle Ustad Ismail Khan. tion was Dhanak in 1986. The vast majority of his films have They instructed him in classical music and voice production withbeen in Urdu, though he did perform in a few Punjabi films. Ni- in the framework of classical forms of Thumri, Dhrupad, Khayal gar Awards were given to LEHRI for Best Comedian in follow- and Dadra, from the young age of eight. Mehdi Hassan started to ing films: Paigham in 1964, Kaneez in 1965, Mein woh Nahin in perform with his elder brother Ghulam Qadir Khan as Darbari 1967, Saiqa in 1968, Nai Laila Naya Majnu in 1969, Anjuman in Gawayya and the first concert of Dhrupad and Kheyal at the dar1970, Dil Lagi in 1972, Aaj aur Kal in 1976, Naya andaaz in 1979, bar of Maharaja of Barodah. He began his film career in 1956 and his last film as playback singer was released in 2000. Saima in 1985, Bivi ho to Aisi in 1986

Tahira Wasti

Sikander Sanam

(1944 – 2012)

(1960 - 2012)


Stage comedian

ikandar Sanam was a Pakistani stage artist, singer, actor and stand up comedian. In Pakistan, he was known as the artist who redefined the art of on-stage mimicry. Sikandar’s father, the late Syed Abdul Sattar Shoqeen Jetpuri (a Gujrati poet), was a well known poet from Jetpur, India. Sanam credited his father as, versatile, talented and proficient who patronized him with his talent. Sanam started performing on-stage as a child artist and singer. He preferred acting over singing and decided to enter showbiz. He changed his name from Mohammad Sikandar to Sikandar Sanam. He was one of the rare comedians to have come out from the Karachi theatre scene. Despite his colloquial jokes and street smart improvisational skills like many other theatre comedians, what distinguished him from others was his Pakistani remakes of Indian films amongst which Khal Nayak 2, Sholay 2, Munna Bhai MBBS 2 and Tere Naam Part 2 were the most famous. The craze for these remakes increased so much over time that the cable operators played them on public demand, and later on, a number of mainstream entertainment channels also aired them.



ahira was born in Sargodha (British India) in 1944. She was the wife of TV actor and English newscaster Rizwan Wasti and mother of TV actress Laila Wasti. Tahira Wasti started working on Pakistan Television Corporation 1968 from a drama serial Jaib Qatra based on a novel by Saadat Hasan Manto. She appeared in a number of dramas until 90s, most of them have become classics of PTV such as Kashkol, Jaangloos and Daldal. Her prominent personality made her renown for regal roles suitable for representing royal, feudal or upper-class families, as in plays like Garnata, Tipu Sultan, Shaheen and Aakhri Chatan.

Ibrahim Nafees (1936 - 2012)



orn as Syed Ibrahim Rizvi - in 1936 at Agra, India, was basically a Radio artist. He joined Radio Pakistan Karachi in 1952 and became the first ever announcer on Radio Pakistan Hyderabad in 1958. He was Stage and TV artist as well. His Tamanna first film was Raat kay Rahi (1960). He (2012) played hero role in film Ishq-e-Habib (1965) and produced and directed film Dil Walay (1974). He was seen mostly in characActress ter actor or villain roles. He played the title role in Heera aur he most popular vamp-actress in Pak- Pathar (1964) and co-hero in Doraha and Ehsan (1967). His other istani movies - Tamanna passed away famous movies were Insan Badalta Hay, Banjaran, Phir Subah on February 20, 2012. Hogi, AnnData, Saheli, Anmol Mohabbat, Jab Jab Phool Khilay Her first film was Daaman in 1963 but and many more.. she was signed in film Sarhad first time, which was released in 1966. She was seen Samina Raja (Poet) Qamar Allahditta (composer) in more than 200 movies and was a most Faizan Peerzada, Director Rafi Peer Theather for almost every Urdu film in the 1970s. Najma, naseeb apna apna, Ali Mohammad Taji (Qawwal Singer) nadan, Shama, mera naam hay mohabbat, shabana, uff yeh bivNaseem Akhtar (Singer) Majeed Zarif (Film Comedian) ian, Noukar, Anmol Mohabbat, Zeenat, Bharosa, Susral, Ankhon Shahid Malik (Film Producer) ankhon mein, bobby are some of her best




What are The Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea? Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea


reen tea is a natural remedy and it is beneficial for pain and other medical problems. The history of green tea can be traced down since ages. People used to have green tea during the ancient times; it is still as valuable and good as in ancient times. Numerous wonders are hidden in this herbal drink.

During my research I found out many benefits of green tea which are completely different from black tea.

20 Great Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Why Should You Drink Green Tea? During my research I discovered many sources which helped in losing weights, diets and fatness. I used many medicines although I knew the chemicals used in them will damage my liver. At last I had to use the traditional treatment. I also found out the benefits of green tea which are completely different from black tea. Primeval Chinese people have used it for medical purposes


as they knew green tea was favorable for health. Green tea is useful for headaches and depressions. Chinese history holds great importance for green tea. Leaves of Camellia Sinuses are used for producing green tea by some special processes. Green tea has a little amount of caffeine which causes insomnia, nausea and frequent urination.

16. Effective in the treat- cleansing, toning and moisturising. “This daily skin care roument of multiple sclerosis. tine is very important. Cleans17. Reduces and prevents er should be chosen according acne. Drink a cup of green tea to skin type. Toning with nonregularly and you will not have alcohol based toner is essential, acne problems. and the moisturiser should 18. Green tea reduces risk also be chosen according to skin type. Moisturisers conof thrombosis, arterial sclerotaining honey and cocoa butter sis, cerebral strokes etc. are good for skin (in winter),” 19. It reduces the risk of Mishra said.Skin Care esophageal cancer. “If the skin is oily, lotion-based Green tea can benefit in 20. Green tea has certain vi- moisturisers can be used. And several ways. tamins that prevent abnormal if the skin is dry, cream-based 1. Treatment of formation of blood clotting in moisturisers should be used. It multiple sclerosis. the wounds. is a myth that oily skin should not be moisturised because 2. Treatment and Get a glow on your if skin is not moisturised, oil prevention of can- skin this winter glands start producing more cer. oil,” added Mishra. 3. Helps in stopping Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Tanning can also be an issue during the winter season as people tend to step out to soak in the sunshine.

4. It is used in raising metabolism and increasing fat oxidation.

Keep a good sunscreen handy, advises Sangeeta Amladi, head of medical services at the Kaya Skin Clinic. “Do not forget to apply sunscreen daily, when you are exposed to the sun. Sunglasses are also a must,” said Amladi. She has other winter skincare tips too. “For instant brightening, one should use a Vitamin C facial, or else try an instant hydrating mask. For lips, use a balm that has moisturising features and SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 15. “Avoid antibacterial soaps, alcohol-based toners, wipes or colognes. Avoid stepping into the hot and strong sun as it evaporates the transepidermal water and makes skin dry. Also avoid stepping out in extremely cool and windy weather,” she addd.

5. Reduces heart diseases and attacks. 6. Reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.


ed up of dull, dry and flaky skin this winter? Give your skin that extra care by keeping it hydrated from within and 7. Used in treatment of moisturised from outside, sugrheumatoid arthritis and cargest experts. “The winter seadiovascular diseases. son can be brutal on your skin. Cold temperatures often mean 8. It is used to treat imlow humidity, and that dries paired immune function. out the skin. Dry skin 9. Keep your teeth healthy and kills bacteria which causes looks dull and lacks lustre. The mainstay of winters is to hythe dental plaque. drate the skin and replenish 10. Treatment and preven- the lost moisture,” Mumbaibased cosmetologist Jamuna tion of skin cancer. Pai said. 11. Regular consumption of green tea can effectively delay Hydration is important as it makes for a healthy functionsymptoms of aging. ing of the system and gives a 12. The people who take boost to youthful-looking skin. green tea regularly do not fall “Skin can be hydrated in two prey to common viral & bacte- ways - internally by drinking an adequate amount of water rial infections easily. and taking oil supplements, 13. Green tea increases and externally, by using prodstamina and boost endurance. ucts that hydrate and moisturise,” added Pai. 14. Aiding in proper digesRS Mishra, consultant of dertion matology at capital-based 15. Green tea increases hy- Moolchand Medcity, insists dration through the consump- people must follow the threetion of more water. step skincare formula of

Pai adds consumption of right nutrients is also key for healthy skin. “Due attention should be paid to consuming supplements of vitamins A, C and E, and minerals such as selenium and zinc. They have antioxidant properties, which repair the skin and promote skin healing. “Essential fatty acids also have a beneficial effect on skin as they help combat moisture loss that would otherwise cause dryness, fine lines, and wrinkles,” she said.





UKAA is Washington based organization, is mainly involved in literary and social activities. Mr. Shahab Qarni, and Zulekha Yousuf. More then fifty members were present and agreed unanimously to help the project.

Washington DC; September 2012: Sixteenth year into its existence, “Friends of UKAA” gathered in Washington DC to work for the education of Nursing institution of Karachi.

UKAA, involving itself in these kinds of efforts, not will enhance meaning and usefulness for UKAA existence, moreover will be better for Pakistan’s image in west.

The efforts will mainly emphasize on Health care education and direct delivery of Health Care to the indigent.

UKAA is trying to coordinate the project through Pakistan Medical Association Karachi, Pakistan.



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