Bridge mag international january, 2014

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Published Monthly in Chicago, USA and distributed simultaneously to major cities of USA, Canada, UK and Pakistan

Published by Bridge Publications USA, Inc Publisher Jawaid Riaz

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Contents 4.

US says Pakistan can become future economic ‘tiger’


PM Erdogan must answer to fears about Turkish policy: EU Parl.


Imran urges govt, Taliban to ensure ceasefire



Sindh 10. Colourful Festival JUI-F and 12. ANP, PPP to contest LB

Pakistan, TTP peace talks ? On 9 September 2013, Pakistan’s newly elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called an All Parties Conference, in which state institutions had a discussion together with military officials regarding the peace situation in the country. All the parties at the conference agreed to have peace talks with the Taliban, and this decision is being criticized throughout the country. In its opposition to this decision, civil society noted that the newly elected government is confused and has no effective policies or strategies to fight terrorism, while being blind to the reality of the Taliban. Most ordinary Pakistanis will tell you that it is not a good idea to have talks with the Taliban as they have nothing to give, knowing only their weapons, not peace. In fact, peace means death for them.


Keeping this in mind, many questions arise and should be answered, before adhering to any talks with the barbarians : Is it possible for a barbarians who picked up weapons and killed dozens of people without any shame, to truly understand peace? Is it possible for a barbarians to have peace talks with state, when he does not believe in the laws of the state? How will people for whom democracy is synonymous with infidels, live within a democratic government? How will they serve justice and compensation one week after the peace talks, for the thousands of innocents they have killed and the numerous families who are now suffering from grief and trauma? Will they have any positive demands from the government, apart from the releasing of their commandos, implementing Sharia laws, and so on?

polls on common symbol future: 13. Bleak Pakistan placed in same league as Mali, Niger of PML-N 14. Majority MPs calls for operation against Taliban


The response of the Pakistani leadership has so far been highly confused in the face of concerted Taliban efforts to destroy the Pakistani state. There is a lot talk about “talks” but it’s not clear what they are going to talk about? The Taliban have made it clear that they do not accept Pakistan’s constitution. They have rejected democracy as a system of governance. They have stepped up their attacks on state institutions and Pakistan’s security apparatus. They have unleashed a reign of terror and killed tens of thousands of civilians in the last few years.

31, 2009 ruling: 15. July Ex-CJ’s hostility influenced judgement, says Musharraf’s lawyer


Musharraf served arrest warrants


World cancer day: Hopes for cure


The above questions will definitely meet with a lot of fear and distrust. Ordinary citizens are sure of the Talibans’ intentions regarding peace talks, so why is the government closing its eyes? The recent bomb attacks in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are proof of the mockery of the talks.

22. Health

Pakistani leaders need to develop necessary consensus to fight the existential challenge posed to the nation by the Taliban and their allies in Pakistan. They need to declare war and show determination, not weakness, in the face of relentless Taliban attacks on innocent civilians. They must remember that it took Sri Lanka a long sustained effort spanning decades to win against the Tamil Tigers (LTTE). It will take a long and sustained effort for Pakistan to win the war on Taliban to preserve Pakistan. It’s time for Pakistanis to learn the lessons of history to chart and stay the course. Once there is a clear strategy and plan, I am confident that the Pakistani state and its military will eventually defeat and destroy the Taliban

Beauty Tips Horoscope

18 - 19 Sports 20 - 21 EDITORIAL BOARD Jawaid Riaz, Editor Armughan Asar, Queens, NY Mashood Ahsan, Saint Louis, MO Najeeb Ali Kidwai, Canada Rashid khan, Springfield, MA Shahid Alam, Dallas, TX Shahid Khan, London, UK Suhail Ahmed, Houston, TX Zafar Khursheed, Denville, NJ Zulikha Wahid Washington, DC

Are Pakistani political leaders willing to compromise on the constitution of Pakistan? Or the democratic process? Or Pakistan itself? Are they willing concede defeat to a band of barbarians without a fight? By Jawaid Riaz

PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Abid Ali Syed Andleeb Jawaid Baseer Naveed Madah Jawaid Dr.Naseem Shekhani Dr.Naveen Aman Dr. Tanveer Imam Tariq Khawaja


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January - 2014

US says Pakistan can


lenses of Afghanistan and ter- stan, adding there was no rorism.” chance of civil war in Afghanistan, however, that there was Aziz also lamented that the extremism and it could be United States had abandoned brought under control. He tricity grid and is looking at the country in the early 1990s said Pakistan wanted largegreater cooperation in en- after they collaborated to defeat scale reconciliation process in ergy, education and infra- Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Afghanistan. structure, Kerry said. “Similarly, there’s a strong per- Aziz said Afghan Taliban’s Kerry also warned that Pak- ception in Pakistan that a lot coming into power through istan’s women and minori- of pressure is exerted on Paki- force will not be in the interest ties needed to be part of its stan on issues of concern to of Pakistan. India; our legitimate concerns future. are not conveyed to India with Commenting on drone strikes, “We believe very strongly the same intensity,” he said. the advisor said killing of innothat Pakistan is stronger for cent people in such strikes inthe diversity and dynamism The United States has repeat- creases problems, adding that of its people and is strongest edly asked Pakistan to re- Pakistan wanted bilateral cowhen every man and woman spond to India´s requests to operation from US on drone in Pakistan, regardless of reli- prosecute Islamic extremists issue. gion or sect or gender, partici- involved in the 2008 attack on pates in full in society,” Kerry Mumbai which killed 166 people. said. In a joint statement, Aziz and Pakistan has trudged forward Kerry called on the Taliban to at a growth rate of around enter talks with Afghanistan, three percent over the past saying that reconciliation was five years, short of the levels “the surest way to end violence seen as needed for the youth- and ensure lasting stability.” ful country to tackle widespread poverty. The growth is well below the growth clocked by East Asia’s “tiger” economies or neighbor and historic rival India.

become future economic ‘tiger’

WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday told Pakistan it had the potential to become a future economic tiger as he backed reforms and inclusion of women and minorities. The United States and Pakistan were meeting for the first time since October 2010 for their “strategic dialogue.” The process was undertaken to build trust between both the countries, but it quickly broke down due to a series of crises, including Pakistani rage over the US raid that killed al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden. Kerry, who as a senator spearheaded a multibillion-dollar support package for the country, said the United States wants “stronger ties with the people of Pakistan -- I emphasize, with the people of Pakistan” --as the Afghan war which forged their partnership winds down.

Troops may remain in Afghanistan

beyond war: Obama

Will use force against all

The central State Bank of Pakistan has been more optimistic, projecting GDP growth of up to four percent in the current fiscal year.

The IMF has said that Pakistan is on track with reforms but has warned of dwindling foreign reserves and moved upcoming consultations to outside the country due to seHe praised Prime Minister curity concerns. Nawaz Sharif’s economic reforms, which include efforts to With President Barack Obama build Pakistan´s miniscule tax planning to withdraw combat base, as part of a $6.7 billion forces from Afghanistan later loan package from the Inter- this year, ending the longestever US war, both Washington national Monetary Fund. and Islamabad are watching “The United States has no uneasily as Afghan President doubt that Prime Minister Hamid Karzai hesitates to sign Sharif’s policies will put Paki- a deal that would allow a limstan on a path towards a more ited role for Western troops. prosperous future, and we fully support his goal of making Sartaj Aziz, National SecuPakistan’s marketplace a tiger rity Adviser to Prime Minister economy for the 21st century,” Sharif, said that Islamabad wanted to turn a “transactionKerry said. al relationship” into a deepThe United States has added er partnership in which the 1,000 megawatts of capacity United States “will not look at to Pakistan´s troubled elec- Pakistan from the two specific

foreign terrorists: Sartaj Aziz

WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama says a small US military force may remain in Afghanistan next year, but he´s promising to declare an end to the 12-year war there at the end of 2014. Obama said during his State of the Union speech Tuesday WASHINGTON: Advisor to that Afghanistan will take rePrime Minister on National sponsibility for its own future Security and Foreign Affairs, after the end of the year. Sartaj Aziz has said that force would be used against all for- He said any US troops that eign terrorists and political remain beyond 2014 will only parties would be taken into help continue to train Afghan confidence in this regard, Geo forces and carry out counterterror operations against alNews reported. Qaida and other extremists. Speaking at School of Advanced International Studies Obama did not say how many in Washington, DC, Sartaj Aziz troops might remain in Afsaid action would be taken ghanistan after this year. against those Taliban who did not respect constitution of Afghan President Hamid Karzai has so far refused to sign Pakistan. a security agreement with the Aziz said that it was difficult to US that would allow American predict the future of Afghani- troops to remain.


January - 2014

PM Erdogan

must answer to fears about Turkish policy: EU Parl.

BRUSSELS: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will face tough questioning from GUE/NGL group President Gabi Zimmer later today as the Turkish leader’s Brussels charm offensive takes him to the European Parliament. Zimmer will raise several key issues with Erdogan, focusing on worrying signs of political repression in Turkey and instability in the region. “A lot of disturbing signs came out of Turkey in 2013 so we need assurances from Erdogan that there will be a change in tack from his government. Since last summer’s mass protests against plans to build over Gezi Park in Istanbul, Turkey has seen a heavy-handed crackdown on protestors. Turkey also imprisoned 27 journalists in 2013, that’s more than both China and Iran. This, and the on-going pressure on the judiciary in the country, is serious cause for concern that I will broach this afternoon with the Prime Minister.” Gabi Zimmer will tell PM Erdogan that any escalation of the conflict in Syria will just increase the suffering of the Syrian people. “Militant groups increase their influence under such conditions, while those who stand for peaceful and political solutions will be sidelined. We must support nonviolence as the only way forward.”

NEWS lution based on a bicommunal, bizonal federation according to United Nations resolutions. “Turkey is clearly in violation of the principles of international law, the UN Charter, and the rights of the Cypriot people. Today I will stress that a possible return of Famagusta to its inhabitants would be a decisive step towards a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem.” The peace process with the Kurds will also figure among the topics for discussion, with Zimmer set to emphasise the urgent need for constitutional reform. “None of the key Kurdish demands – Kurdish language education in public schools, the release of political prisoners and the introduction of a fair electoral threshold to enable parliamentary pluralism – are being dealt with by Ankara. The progress made so far in the peace process can only be brought to a successful conclusion if both sides make the necessary effort,” she concluded.

Obama calls for limited strikes against al-Qaida

WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama says the U.S. must remain vigilant against al-Qaida as the terror network takes root across the Mideast and North Africa.

The president said during his State of the Union speech Tuesday that America can no longer expect to be safe by pursuing overseas terror networks through war — or even On the Cyprus issue, Zimmer’s through widespread airstrikes message will reiterate the GUE/ that have been a hallmark of NGL position in favour of a so- the U.S. fight against extremists.

He said extremism in places like Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and Mali will best be defeated with help from foreign allies and through targeted operations and limited use of unmanned drones.

UN withdrew Syria talks invite ‘under pressure’: Iran

Obama also called on Congress to lift restrictions on transferring al-Qaida and Taliban detainees held at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and finally close the prison.

Saudi FM Saud Al-Faisal

arrives in Islamabad

TEHRAN: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Tuesday the United Nations had abruptly withdrawn Tehran’s last-minute invitation to highly anticipated peace talks on Syria “under pressure”.

“We regret that Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has withdrawn the invitation under pressure,” Zarif told reporters in Ashgabat before flying ISLAMABAD: Saudi Foreign back to Tehran, the ISNA news Minister Saud Al-Faisal has ar- agency reported. rived in Islamabad on a twoBan withdrew the invitation to day official visit for talks with Iran, the Damascus regime’s Pakistani leadership on bilatmain regional ally, less than eral cooperation in various 24 hours after it was issued fields. despite reservations from the Besides bilateral matters‚ the United States and Syrian optwo sides will also discuss re- position groups. gional situation‚ particularly Iran refuses to consent to a the situation in Afghanistan transitional government in Syrafter withdrawal of foreign ia, which was agreed in the first forces. international gathering in June Both sides are also expected to review the suspended Taliban-US dialogue process for reconciliation‚ in Afghanistan.

2012 to end the deadly civil war.

Meanwhile‚ Minister for Defense Production Rana Tanvir Hussain said Pakistan and Saudi Arabia enjoy excellent relations and the visit of Saudi Foreign Minister to Islamabad will further cement and deepen these relations.

ing that “Iran was not too keen on attending in the first place”.

“I made it clear in numerous phone conversations with the secretary general that Iran According to the Foreign of- does not accept any precondifice spokesperson‚ Pakistan is tions to attend the talks,” Zarif working on a policy to further said. strengthen its relations with “It is also regretful that Mr Ban Islamic countries and the visit does not have the courage to of Saudi Foreign Minister is provide the real reasons for part of this policy. the withdrawal,” he said, claim-

Zarif added that had Tehran been represented, he would have sent his deputy because “the proper time to invite a foreign minister had already passed”.


January - 2014


Nawaz Sharif arrives in NA after six months today

arrived in the NA just seven times in seven months.

From taking oath of MNA, the Prime Minister had visited the assembly seven times. His visits include July 29, 2013 (on the occasion of Presidential Elections); June 24, 2013 (to announce trial of former president Pervez Musharraf under article 6 of the constitution); ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister June 10 (to attend the address Nawaz Sharif will arrive in the of former president Asif Ali National Assembly after six Zardari to the joint session of months today (Wednesday), the parliament); June 05 (when elected leader of the house); Geo News reported. June 03 (on the occasion of Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the election of Speaker and Depuhouse, who awaited 14 years ty Speaker NA) and on June 01 to enter in the parliament, had (to take oath as MNA).

Initiate peace talks with Taliban immediately, PM Nawaz instructs team

Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar was also present in the meeting that was chaired by the PM Nawaz.

During the discussion, PM Nawaz instructed the committee to initiate peace talks with the Taliban immediately. He said that he wanted to make the efforts to restore peace ISLAMABAD: Prime Minissuccessful and directed the ter Mian Nawaz Sharif, while chairing a meeting with the interior minister to keep him four-member team consti- informed about the progress. tuted to hold dialogue with The PM further asked the team the Taliban, instructed the to ensure establishing comcommittee to initiate peace munication with the factions talks on immediate basis, Geo that are ready to take part in News reported on Friday. the dialogue process. According to the sources, the four-member team formed PM Nawaz said that Chaudhry by the government to hold Nisar will ensure providing retalks with the Taliban met with quired resources and secret Prime Minister Nawaz Shar- information to the committee if to mull over the dialogue to facilitate the process while strategy. the government will also be responsible to provide foolproof The session was attended by all the four members of the security and travel facilities to committee that include Irfan the committee members. Siddiqui‚ Rahimullah Yusufzai‚ Rustam Shah Mehmand Sources informed that it was and Major (retd) Amir. Irfan also decided in the meeting Siddiqui will discharge his du- that the committee will be able ties as committee coordinator, to exercise autonomy during sources added. the dialogues with Taliban.

PPP, PTI, JUI-F, ANP support talks with Taliban

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s announcement of giving another chance to the peace talks with the Taliban received a positive response from all the political parties on both sides of the aisle in the National Assembly except the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), which said the sacrifices of the martyrs were being spoiled.

in case of no ceasefire, efforts will be made by some elements to sabotage the peace initiative. “And the dialogue should be open and the committee should make public the progress of their meetings,” he added.

Imran feared that the peace talks may be sabotaged like the previous talks which were droned. “The time has arrived The Pakistan People’s Party to take a collective decision (PPP), Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf against the drone attacks just (PTI), Awami National Party like the PTI’s decision of stop(ANP) and Jamiat Ulema-e- ping the Nato supply line in Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) from the Peshawar,” he said. treasury benches were on the same page with the govern- He complained to the prime ment on peace talks with the minister about the statement Taliban. of Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah and said politicians Just after the speech of the should stop giving conflicting prime minister, Opposition statements. Leader in the National Assembly Syed Khursheed Shah said The JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur the opposition will not do poli- Rehman supported the prime tics on the issue of terrorism minister’s initiative, but comand support the government. plained that being a coalition “We are with you and your gov- partner of the government, ernment. We will support your his party was not consulted on another chance to peace talks,” the decision. “The decision to he added. initiate a dialogue is the right step, we support and welHowever, the opposition come it, but our party faction leader said there should be a was not consulted over the timeframe or period should be fixed for the peace talks. He formation of the four-member said the PPP always stated that committee… It seems decithere were some issues on sions are taken somewhere which there should be no poli- else,” the apparently unhappy tics which relates to the sover- JUI-F chief said. “We have to take forward the national coneignty of the country. sensus developed by the All The PTI chief Imran Khan also Parties Conference (APC).” welcomed the announcement of the prime minister for the He said the wrong policies of peace talks and said his party the past governments had will fully support the peace ini- plunged the country into the fire of terrorism and such politiative. cies were still continuing. However, he questioned whether the ceasefire will ap- The MQM’s parliamentary leadply to both the sides. He said er, Dr Farooq Sattar, voiced continued....


January - 2014

concerns over the recent acts of terrorism in the country and said the government should seriously make efforts for bringing peace to the country. Farooq Sattar said terrorists were allowed to do whatever they wanted and it seems that the blood of the martyrs was being bargained. “The government wants to give a message that state institutions did not have the courage to fight against the terrorism or wanted to give a message that the state was being handed over to the Taliban,” he added.

He said the state should announce that it was helpless before the terrorists.Farooq Sattar said the terrorists had destroyed the country but the government still wanted to give them a chance. The ANP welcomed the decision of the prime minister to initiate the dialogue process with the Taliban. Talking to media persons outside the Parliament House, former chief minister of the KP Ameer Haider Hoti lauded the statement of leader of the house to give peace a chance.

The ANP spokesman, Zahid Khan, welcoming the announcement, said the committee constituted by the government to hold a dialogue should also consult other stakeholders to ensure the desired targets in a short time. INP adds: In some tweets following Nawaz Sharif’s address in the National Assembly, the PPP patron-in-chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari asked the government what pre-conditions had been set for the talks. “I want him (PM) to be our Churchill. Unfortunately, he is becoming our Neville Chamberlain pursuing the policy of appeasement,” he said. He said the government should give a report on how successful talks with the Taliban had been over the last nine months.Bilawal taunted: “Let’s change Constitution. No matter what u do, treason, terrorism or mass murder. No prison & no consequences every1 b give option for talks.”

NEWS the occasion, Professor Imran, Fazl refuse to represent On Ibrahim Khan said that they had decided to have a direct Taliban meeting with the Taliban lead-

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan and Jamiat Ulemae-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman refused to represent the Taliban in the dialogue process with the committee formed by the government.

ter to bring the issue of talks’ process on the floor of parliament.Maulana Fazl was of the view that the current dialogue process was also against the spirit of decisions taken at the All Parties Conference (APC). “It was decided by leaders of all the parties represented at the APC that the tribal Jirga will take forward the dialogue process with the Taliban but the decision of the APC has been It also urged the Khyber Pak- ignored,” he said. htunkhwa government to fully He told a questioner that he assist the peace negotiations could express good wishes for between the government and the success of dialogue but the Taliban. “The PTI believes was not hopeful.Earlier, it was that peace can only be redecided that the committees stored through dialogue,” the formed by the government statement said. and the Taliban to hold the Meanwhile, the JUI-F an- peace dialogue will meet here nounced disassociation with today (Tuesday) at 2:00pm. the dialogue process and re- The decision came following fused to become part of the a telephonic conversation becommittee constituted by the tween Maulana Samiul Haq, Taliban.Talking to newsmen who is a member of the comafter chairing a meeting of mittee nominated by the Taliparty’s central leadership, JUI- ban, and Irfan Siddiqui, who is F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehm- the coordinator of government an said that his party had committee. expressed complete disassociation with the whole dialogue During the conversation, Mauprocess. “We will remain disas- lana Samiul Haq informed Ifsociated from the current talks ran Siddiqui that they were process but are ready to ex- serious about the dialogue tend cooperation if so sought process. Maulana Samiul Haq by the government,” Fazl said. also spoke with Major (retd) Amir. To a question, he said Mufti Meanwhile, the committee Kifayatullah, who was named nominated by the Taliban held by the Taliban in their comits first meeting here on Monmittee, was bound to accept day. The meeting was chaired the decisions of the party and by Maulana Samiul Haq and he would not be a part of any attended by Professor Ibrahim committee.The JUI-F chief reand Maulana Abdul Aziz. gretted that the prime minister neither consulted him and his Addressing the meeting, Saparty on the issue of dialogue miul Haq expressed the hope nor took him into confidence that the government would find a better solution to probon the matter. lems while holding a dialogue He said it was he who pro- with the Taliban, according to posed to the prime minis- sources. A statement issued by the PTI on Monday said that Imran Khan will not play his part as a representative of the committee proposed by the TTP. The statement expressed full confidence in a four-member committee announced by the government, stating Rustam Shah Mohmand from the government’s side would represent the PTI in peace talks.

ership to learn about their stance on peace talks with the government. He said that so far they came to know about the Taliban’s stance and demands through the media so it was decided in Monday’s meeting that direct meeting with the Taliban leadership was necessary to fully understand their viewpoint and other issues related to the peace talks.

He said that the committee would also contact the PTI Chairman Imran Khan in order to convince him to take part in the dialogue process. Professor Ibrahim said that being a member of the committee his sole objective and desire was to play his role in the success of dialogue for peace. Professor Ibrahim said he was much optimistic about the negotiations with the Taliban while underscoring that problems could only be resolved through dialogue. He further said that the Taliban would first demand the implementation of Shariah law in Pakistan, and said if the government had really wanted to impose it in the country in a democratic manner, it could have easily done in the past 65 years.

Professor Ibrahim said that the Taliban committee was fully authorised to make any decision. He also urged the media to play a constructive role in the success of the dialogue. Addressing a press conference after the meeting, Maulana Samiul Haq cautioned that several attempts would be made to sabotage the dialogue process. He added that the Taliban’s demands would be known after the committee had a meeting with them. Commenting on the absence of Imran Khan, Maulana Samiul Haq hoped the PTI chairman would make the right decision. continued....


January - 2014

Maulana Samiul Haq added that the committee would meet again in the next few days. He said the procedure and place of the dialogue would be finalised after meeting with the committee formed by the government. He said every effort would be made to complete this process soon‚ but it was not possible to give a time frame at the moment.

NEWS grenade blasts at a cinema “When talks will start, they will hall in Peshawar in which five listen to our viewpoint and we people were killed on Sunday. will listen to theirs,” said the The responsibility for the at- adviser. tack was made by Jundullah, a He clarified that the ‘peace small militant group that had talks’ decision was the choice been making tall claims about of the prime minister and that several attacks in Pakistan and Nawaz’s seriousness is reflectonce in France without provided by his efforts to start coning any evidence of its involvesultations to make this move ment. successful.

The mediators: The JUI-S chief said the Taliban had not set any conditions for No prerequisites the talks yet. He said Maulana Yusuf Shah would be the coor- for talks, says dinator of their team. Siddiqui

Our Peshawar Bureau adds: The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) said it was disappointed by the decision taken by the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) head Imran Khan and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazal (JUI-F) Maulana Fazlur Rehman expressing their inability to represent the TTP in the peace talks with the government.

The TTP spokesman, Shahidullah Shahid, told several re- ISLAMABAD: Soon after the porters in a phone call from premier announced the foran undisclosed location it was mation of a four-member hoping that Imran Khan and committee that will pursue JUI-F’s Mufti Kifayatullah along dialogue with the Taliban, with the JUI-S head Maulana special assistant to the prime Samiul Haq, Jamaat-i-Islami’s minister on national affairs Prof Mohammad Ibrahim and a member of the commitKhan and the Lal Masjid cler- tee, Irfan Siddiqui addressed ic Maulana Abdul Aziz would a press conference to expand agree to become a part of the on Nawaz Sharif’s decision. TTP negotiations committee. “It is sad that Maulana Fazlur “The Taliban should also form a Rahman is so unsure of him- committee or similar body for self that he stopped Mufti Ki- talks,” he suggested, adding, fayatullah and the JUI-F from however, that this was not the representing the TTP in the demand of the government. Responding to a question, Sidpeace talks,” he remarked. diqui said the first thing the Shahidullah Shahid also said committee will do is to estabthat they were considering lish contact with the Taliban some names as replacement and then to conclude the talks for Imran Khan and Mufti Ki- as soon as possible because fayatullah in the TTP negotia- the country’s security situation tions committee. “The names is serious. of journalists Orya Maqbool Jan and Ansar Abbasi are also “There are no prerequisites for under consideration. Their talks and there is no guarantee names were considered earlier for anything because we don’t also but they weren’t named want to start talks with ‘ifs’ and as we didn’t want to announce ‘buts’,” Siddiqui said. “We will a long list of people to repre- be in a better position to brief sent the TTP in the talks,” he you once the talks start.” added. He also said that the commit-

The dialogue committee Siddiqui termed the body an ‘informal committee’ with no focal person or chairman. “No one has questioned the credibility of the committee members and some factions of the Taliban also welcomed the decision,” he added. He also said that the committee was not a conventional one, as three of its members have no link with the government and he became part of the present regime only two days ago. He said that open and transparent dialogue will be held under the prime minister’s supervision. “I will try to brief media about the progress and the demands of both the sides,” he said. Talking about the modalities of the committee’s function, he said, “We will soon advertise in media our contact numbers so other groups could contact us”. Siddiqui refrained from answering questions regarding the prospects of the dialogue’s success.

Taliban asked to name their team for talks

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has given an open mandate to the four member peace committee, constituted for paving the way The TTP had earlier denied tee would begin by removing for negotiations with Tehrik-eits involvement in the hand- hurdles in the way of talks. Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which

met thrice on Friday. “We are seriously waiting for start of a meaningful and result-oriented dialogue” and are ready to meet the TTP representatives at any place, Adviser to Prime Minister on National Affairs Irfan Siddiqui told a press conference here on Friday. Siddiqui, who is also coordinator of the committee, said they were expecting the Taliban Shura would meet soon and announce a negotiation team for holding talks with the peace committee. “The Taliban should complete their consultation process at the earliest and form a negotiating team; this is our first message to them,” he said. The committee held its first formal 45 minute long meeting with the prime minister early Friday. The prime minister said he would be available for meeting the committee any time. He reportedly also gave the committee an open mandate and instructed it to initiate peace talks as soon as possible. Federal Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan was also present during that meeting. Later, the committee held its second meeting at PM House and Nisar briefed the members on the previous efforts for talks with Taliban. The meeting then held its third meeting at the office of Irfan Siddiqui and took some decisions. Besides Siddiqui, the committee includes Major (r) Aamir, renowned journalist Rahimullah Yousafzai and Rustam Shah Mohmand, who is a former Ambassador to Afghanistan and expert on Afghanistan affairs. Adviser to PM Irfan Siddiqui told reporters that the committee would now look for a response from Taliban and was ready to meet their representatives at any place which is decided. “We do not want to waste time and want to listen to the Taliban’s stance and have them listen to ours.” Siddiqui said the committee is enjoying confidence of all parcontinued....


January - 2014

ties in the parliament, media and all segments of the public opinion. Taliban have also so far not objected over the committee or its members, he noted.

NEWS tee would be headed by political shura Ameer Qari Shakeel.

He said that the shura might demand for the inclusion of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief Munawwar Hassan or Khyber PakTo a question, he said he was htunkhwah Finance Minister expecting that the commit- Sirajul Haq in the four-memtee’s work will span over weeks ber committee formed by the and months and it would not government. take years. Expressing optimism about the prospects of talks, he said outcome of talks will rest on what the Taliban say and what is their agenda. He said the talks with Taliban would not be based on any conditions, however, members of the committee understood what the prime minister and his government members, and parties had been saying.

Imran urges govt, Taliban to ensure ceasefire

In a written statement, the committee also asked both the government and the Taliban not to make any statement that could vitiate atmosphere for the dialogue. Siddiqui said the committee members sincerely want that there should be no delay in initiating the dialogue. He said the committee is waiting for a response from Taliban for a mechanism to proceed further. Irfan Siddiqui said the committee has decided that whenever it will feel the need it will seek help of influential people from different walks of life in an effort to make the negotiation process successful. He said the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government was fully onboard on the issue of formation of committee and Rustam Shah Mohmand had been nominated by it as its representative. He told that KPK governor also talked to him on phone and assured of his full cooperation to the committee. Online adds from Peshawar: The banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s shura will meet today with their Vice Ameer Shaekh Khalid Haqqani in the chair. TTP’s commander told a private news channel that the meeting would constitute a committee for holding dialogues with the government. He revealed that the commit-

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) Imran Khan has urged the Taliban and the government to ensure ceasefire during dialogue process. The PTI chief expressed his views during a meeting with two members of the peace committee, recently constituted by the government to initiate peace talks with Taliban. Imran said the nation and media should be kept aware of all the developments. Earlier, two of the peace committee members, Rahimullah Yousafzai and Rustam Shah Mehmand, met Imran Khan at his residence in Islamabad on Friday. During the meeting, the PTI Chairman termed the upcoming peace talks as good omen for the masses of troubled areas. Imran said the nation and media should be informed about the peace talks so that no one should be able to sabotage the dialogue process.

10 January - 2014


Colourful Sindh Festival kicks off at Mohenjodaro been the younger Zardari who has become the public face of the party. It is especially strong in Sindh province, the family’s homeland and the location of Mohenjodaro. A Pakistani private news channel Saturday evening showed Zardari and his sister Bakhtawar singing a folk song to promote Sindhi culture. The song had been recorded ahead of the much-publicized festival, seen as part of efforts to raise MOHENJODARO: Hoards of the younger Zardari’s profile holk dancers and singers on the national political stage. wearing traditional multicoloured dresses gathered Sat- Zardari selected Mohenjodaurday at one of the world’s ro “to promote local culture, most ancient archaeological peace and tolerance,” governsites in southern Pakistan for ment official Saqib Ahmed a festival that organizers say Soomro said. aspires to promote peace in a But the festival drew contronation where political violence versy when archaeologists has left some 40,000 dead in said they fear the stage and recent years. other event infrastructure The Sindh Festival at Mohenjo- could damage the delicate daro aims to publicize the cul- mud ruins. tural heritage of the country’s “It is nothing but insanity” says south. But it drew controversy archaeologist Asma Ibrahim, when some archaeologists who is a member of the Mansaid the event, sponsored by a agement Board for Antiquities top Pakistani politician, poses and Physical Heritage of the a threat to the site’s unbaked Sindh government. She says brick ruins dating to the 3rd the stage and sound and light millennium BC. show could damage walls. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, the Farzand Masih, another senior son of assassinated Pakistani archaeologist who heads the Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, University of Punjab’s archaeorganized the event at Moology department, says he henjodaro, associated with was not attending the festival one of the world’s first urban in protest. societies, the Indus Valley civilization. Organizers say there is no risk to the ruins. Benazir Bhutto was killed in a 2007 gun and bomb attack “There is no risk to Mohenjowidely blamed on Pakistani daro because of the festival. Taliban militants, and Bilawal Rather, it was never decorated has made opposition to mili- the way we have done now,” tancy a pillar of his platform. Soomro said. He said he supervised arrangements for the Saturday night’s event is to festival to make sure no harm begin with a speech by the was caused to the site. 25-year-old politician, now heading the Pakistan People’s Zardari visited the site ThursParty that since its beginnings day and said every step was has been associated with the being taken to protect the site, Bhutto-Zardari family. His fa- and people would not be alther served one term as the lowed to roam freely over the country’s president but it has ruins.

On Saturday evening, hundreds of guests, including foreign diplomats, were attending the event.One of the guests, Anwar Baluch, 20, says he saw the ruins first time.

Mohenjodaro, meaning Mound of the Dead, is on UNESCO’s list of world heritage sites. Excavations since 1922 have uncovered only one-third of the site, the organization’s website says. A UNESCO campaign ending in “It is a memorable visit as I had 1997 raised money to protect not seen Mohenjodaro ear- the site from flooding and to lier,” he said. control the ground-water table.

Scotland Yard refuses to comment on contacts with Pakistan

The Scotland Yard -- investigating into murder case of Dr Imran Farooq-- said it will not make public whom it wanted to talk over the matter. To a question, the Scotland Yard spokesman said they were also not ready to comment on the contacts with Pakistan, adding anyone who feels threat should approach police.

LONDON: Scotland Yard has refused to comment on the contacts made with Pakistan over Dr Imran Farooq murder case,

The spokesman further said they can not give details of any person in such cases. He added that details are released when the person is indicted.

MQM’s Farogh Nasim writes letter to BBC reporter

proper coverage and in the report it was tried to damage the image Altaf Hussain in the documentary film. It seems that political opponents misguided the British broadcast.

“I had also mentioned that the police had taken the laptop of Mr. Hussain’s 10 year daughter and coin-boxes maintained as a hobby by Mr. Hussain and his daughter; how these items could have a bearing on monKARACHI: Barrister Farogh Nasim of Muttahida Qaumi ey laundering,” Farogh Nasim Movement (MQM) has written raised question. letter to BBC reporter and exHe says: “many politicians pressed his reservations over from all over the world had the programme on his party. a huge assets-base in the UK According to the text of the and I was surprised to note letter, Barrister Farogh Nasim that why only MQM with paltry has demanded to broadcast funds was being questioned his complete recorded inter- on money laundering.” view in the documentary film. Farogh Nasim said the MQM He said 2013 elections are evileadership in the UK were Britdence of MQM’s popularity in ish citizens and were part of Karachi. the British society; and that He said unfortunately the they would not go anywhere MQM version was not given but stay in the UK.


January - 2014


MQM leaders deplore ‘character assassination’ of Altaf Hussain

KARACHI: Leaders of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) on Sunday vowed to unearth ‘conspiracies’ being hatched for what they call character assassination of their chief Altaf Hussain.

is being woven around me and various false allegations are being leveled,” he said in a statement on Thursday. Following Hussain’s statement, an emergency press conference was also called at the party’s ‘Nine-Zero’ headquarters in Karachi the same day, where MQM leaders defended the party chief saying a “vicious media trial” was being orchestrated against him.

Speaking to a massive rally organised to demonstrate solidarity with the party chief, Deputy Convener of MQM’s Rabita (Coordination) Committee Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui said that implicating Altaf Hussain in court cases means implicat- Senator Farogh Nasim said ing hundreds and thousands of that allegations raised in the documentary were baseless the party supporters as well. and the party would initiate leA large number MQM workers gal proceedings against BBC. attended the rally in Karachi, one of the several carried out across the country on Sunday. Senior MQM leader Dr Farooq Sattar termed the recent BBC documentary on Altaf Hussain a negative propaganda against the party and its chief. He vowed to use their democratic and legal rights to act against what he called a ‘vicious media trial’.

Dr Farooq Sattar goes to London for consultations with Altaf Hussain

The protest rallies follow a report of the British news organistaion that UK prosecutors have asked Pakistan to trace two suspects believed to have been involved in the murder of KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi senior MQM leader Dr Imran Movement (MQM) leader Dr Farooq on Sept 16, 2010. Farooq Sattar has left for LonThe report identified the sus- don for consultations with Alpects as Mohsin Ali Syed and taf Hussain, Geo News reported. Mohammed Kashif Khan Kamran, and said they are both be- Farooq Sattar will arrive Lonlieved to be in Pakistani custo- don via Duabi. dy but not under formal arrest. Rauf Siddiqui and other MQM Reacting to the development, leader had already arrived in Hussain had said that a “new London. web of conspiracies” was being hatched to implicate him in It may be noted here that MQM is holding a series of various cases. meetings in London to chalk “I want to tell my sympathisers out strategy after BBC’s docuthat a new web of conspiracy mentary against Altaf Hussain.


January - 2014


to contest LB polls on common symbol

NEWS He said that on rotation basis, he has been nominated for one-month period as a caretaker provincial president of the tripartite committee while JUI-F’s Ghulam Ali, PPP’s Najmudeen Khan and JUI-F Jalil Jan would be caretaker senior vice-president and general secretary and secretary information respectively. “No party in the alliance would hold talks in individual capacity regarding local bodies’ polls with any other party until all the three parties give proper permission. If there is any hurdle in the alliance at district level, then provincial office-bearers of the tripartite alliance would play their role,” he explained.

PESHAWAR - To give tough time to the ruling alliance, three main opposition parties ANP, PPP and JUI-F on Monday formally entered into a tripartite alliance to contest coming local bodies’ elections under single platform and one election symbol in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. To strengthen the alliance further, PML-N and other parties would also be welcomed to join the alliance. “We will contest the upcoming local government elections under a single platform and symbol, if the Election Commission of Pakistan doesn’t have any objection,” ANP’s ex-provincial minister Mian Iftikhar Hussian who has been nominated for one-month caretaker president of the alliance said this while speaking at a news conference.

He said if a member of any party contests elections against the joint candidate of the alliance, then the concerned party would have to take disciplinary actions against him. Mian Iftikhar said, “We invite PML-N to join us. We can talk about seat adjustment and electoral alliance as well for jointly contesting coming local bodies’ polls”.

Blast on bus kills 22

Shia pilgrims in Mastung

adding that women and children were also among the dead and injured. Most of the injured were shifted to Combined Military Hospital for medical treatment, he added. Emergency was imposed in hospitals to treat the injured. Banned militant group Lashkar-i-Jhangvi has claimed responsibility for the bombing. Chief Minister Balochistan, Dr Malik Baloch condemned the attack on the pilgrims’ bus and ordered inquiry into the incident.

QUETTA: At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured Tuesday when a powerful explosion ripped through a bus carrying Shia pilgrims in Balochistan’s militancy-hit Mastung district.

The bus was coming from the Pakistan-Iran border at Taftan when it was attacked in Dringhar area, on the main QuettaTaftan Highway in Mastung district, some 50 kilometres He said that the decision to southwest of Quetta. have an alliance was taken at a joint meeting held among Shafqat Anwar, the Assistant ANP, PPP and JUI-F. ANP’s Commissioner in Mastung, Mian Iftikhar Hussian, Syed said the bus caught fire after Aqil Shah, Khushdal Khan Ad- the blast. Anwar added that at vocate, Sadrudin Marwat and least 32 people were injured, Malak Ghulam Mustafa, PPP’s which included 24 men and Rahim Dad Khan, Humayun eight women.

This incident comes only 20 days after an explosives-laden vehicle targeted a passenger bus carrying Shia pilgrims in Hazar Ganji area of Quetta, killing at one and injuring 34 others. The banned militant outfit Jaish al Islam had claimed responsibility for the attack on January 1.

Army to investigate

Bannu attack: Ch Nisar

Khan, Faisal Karim Kundi and Najmudin Khan and JUI-F’s Maulana Atta-ur Rehman, Haji Ghulam Ali, Asif Iqbal Daudzai and Jalil Khan attended the meeting.

Provincial Home Secretary Asadur Rehman Gilani said that two buses had been traveling together with security vehicles provided by the government and that the bomb Moreover, he said that each He said that after a long meet- struck one of the buses. party would be allotted 33 ing it was decided that ANP, per cent quota. “The alliance PPP and JUI-F would field “Two vehicles of forces escortwould field unanimous candi- unanimous candidates in com- ing the pilgrim’s buses were dates. The tripartite alliance ing local government polls. He also damaged in the blast,” he would form district-based said that alliance would issue said. committees to take decision directives to it district-based Gilani said investigators beabout entering into alliance organisation to cooperate lieved around 80 kilograms of with regional groups and small with each other and arrange explosives were used in the parties locally,” he said. He, joint meetings to make the al- explosion, though it was not however, made it clear that liance further strengthen. He immediately clear what type the district committee would said that the alliance demand- of bomb was used or whether have to inform the provincial ed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa gov- it was a suicide attack. committee in case of any elec- ernment to announce date for toral alliance with any group holding local bodies elections “Our priority is to shift the insoon. jured to hospitals,” he said, or party at district level.

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar stated that the government has decided to have the army investigate the terrorist attack in Bannu that took place Sunday martyring 20 soldiers while injuring 30. According to reports, the interior minister asked the reporters to shut down the cameras, following which, he spoke to the media informally saying that a large quantity of ammunition was used in the attack.



January - 2014

NEWS sibility, said that the attacks on security forces will increase in the coming days.

Alarmingly, Pakistan is ‘very far’ from meeting the 2015 deadline and ranks among nations like Mali, Niger and LesoConfirming Dunya News’ re- Bannu has been the site of tho in the countries list away port about the national securi- several attacks targeting secufrom achieving the education ty policy, Ch Nisar said that the rity forces in the past. goal, the report further states. policy will be presented to the Pakistani troops have been Highlighting the dismal prognational cabinet on Monday. fighting for years against ress in education sector, the The minister said that the homegrown insurgents in the report states that around 59 Rapid Response Force will act tribal belt, which the US conper cent of women would reon the intelligence they re- siders the main hub of Taliban main disproportionately afceive and that the air wing of and Al-Qaeda militants plotfected by illiteracy by 2015. interior ministry is also being ting attacks on the West and handed over to the Rapid Re- in Afghanistan. According to the report, in tosponse Force. Federal minister tal, 37 countries are losing at went on to say that the politileast half the amount spent cal forces should not do ‘point on primary education because scoring’ on the matter of nechildren are not learning. By gotiating with Taliban. Instead contrast, the report shows of point-scoring, prevent the that ensuring equal, quality nation from the state of chaos, education for all can generate he pleaded. huge economic rewards, increasing a country’s gross doEarlier today, the attack on semestic product per capita by curity forces convoy claimed 23 per cent over 40 years. the lives of 20 soldiers and inHe added that the capacity of the security institutions needs to be raised.

Bleak future: Pakistan placed in same league as Mali, Niger

jured 30.

The preliminary report of the attack suggested that the explosives were planted in the cylinder of a private vehicle that was hired for transporting the supplies.

Reportedly, Frontier Corps personnel were present at the cantonment ready to go with the convoy to deliver supplies to Miran Shah as a matter of routine and suddenly one of the vehicles exploded. The intensity of the blast shook the whole city. According to sources, the vehicle was blown using a remote control that resulted in destruction of several vehicles and injuries of dozens of personnel present at the time. At least 40 vehicles were present at the time of explosion.

ISLAMABAD: With a staggering 5.4 million children outof-school, Pakistan is likely to miss the Education For All (EFA) target that was set to be achieved by 2015, according to EFA Global Monitoring Report released on Wednesday. Projecting a grim future, the report states that if the country moved at current pace the adult literacy rate (15 and above) by the year 2015 will be 60 per cent of which female at 47 per cent and male 72 per cent. Besides, the adult illiteracy rate by 2015 also seems to be estimated at an appalling 51 million of which 65% will be females.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, President Mamnoon Hussain, former president Asif Ali Zardari, MQM chief Altaf Hussain, Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif, Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak, Jamaat Islami chief Syed Munnawar Hassan and Sunni Ittehad Council chief Hamid Raza have strongly The report reveals that if Pakistan were to halve the inequalcondemned the attack. ity in access to education to Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) the level of Vietnam, it would spokesman Shahidullah Sha- increase its economic growth hid, while claiming the respon- by 1.7 percentage points.

line. However, the government was taking measures like National Plan of Action to include all the out-of-school children with special focus on girls of rural areas. Spending on education The report suggested that if the government increased its tax revenue to 14 per cent of GDP by 2015 and allocated one-fifth of this to education it could raise sufficient funds to get all of Pakistan’s children and adolescents into school. Disparity among provinces

In Balochistan, only 45 per cent of children could solve a two-digit subtraction, compared with 73 per cent in wealthier Punjab. Only around one-quarter of girls from poor households in the impoverished province achieved basic Commenting on the issue numeracy skills, while boys State Minister for Education, from rich households in the Trainings and Standards in province fared much better, Higher Education Balighur approaching the average in Rehman said that Pakistan Punjab. would be unable to achieve the EFA goals within the dead-


January - 2014


Majority of PML-N MPs

calls for operation against Taliban

ISLAMABAD: A majority of the Pakistan Muslim LeagueNawaz (PML-N) parliamentary party members in a meeting on Monday supported an operation against the Taliban. When asked about an operation against the Taliban, there was loud thumping of desks. When they were asked about talks with the Taliban, only three or four people raised their hands, supporting the proposal.

government would take every step to bring peace and stability in the country to save future generaHe told the parliamentary partions. ty meeting that 36,000 mega “Without eliminating watts will be added to the terrorism and extrem- system, by completion of K-2, ism, we cannot place K-3 civil nuclear power project, Pakistan on the fast Diamer-Bhasha dam, Gadatrack of development,” ni coal-based power project, he said while address- Nandipur power project, Jaming the meeting held shoro power project, CASA at the PM Secretariat. 1000 and wind power projects He said that officers in next 10-12 years. and soldiers of the armed forces laying down their lives Discussing the infrastructure were heroes and their blood policy of the government, PM would not go in vain. “We are said that Japanese governa peaceful nation and believe ment has agreed to invest $2 in peaceful relations based on billion in the Karachi Circular respect for all our neighbors, Railway; construction of Laincluding India. We need to hore-Multan-Karachi motorbegin a new era of peace and way was being planned while stability in the region, which work on economic trade corwill be beneficial for Pakistan ridor connecting Kashgar in as well as the whole region,” China with Khunjerab and Gawadar in Pakistan has comhe added. menced. “We have to rebuild the image of Pakistan as a peace-loving Earlier, federal minister for ficountry,” he added and sai- nance Ishaq Dar and interior djudiciary and defence forces. minister Ch Nisar Ali Khan About law and order and ter- briefed the meeting on the rorism, he said that situation in Karachi has improved and 40 percent decrease in the heinous crimes has been observed and this has been possible due to the concerted efforts of the government and the law enforcement agencies.

Addressing the parliamentary party meeting, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that the people who were in favour of an operation against the Taliban were getting applause while those who were in favour of talks with the TTP were being cold-shouldered. He said in categorical terms that talks with those who did not accept the Constitution of Pakistan would not be held in The PM further said that Parany case. liament should pass PPO to He said: “The country is fac- strengthen the laws and judiing two major problems — a ciary so that no culprit could fragile economy and terrorism get bail so easily. “We are pass— and the government is de- ing through an extraordinary termined to tackling both the situation, and this situation problems by using all avail- demands tough decisions,” he able resources.” added. Nawaz Sharif said that on the economic front, his government had taken actions that were proving to be fruitful. Economic indicators, despite the law and order situation, were positive. A corruptionfree society and transparent system was the road to progress, the PM said, adding the

of the distribution network. “We have more projects in the pipeline and hopefully by end of our tenure we will add another 8000 megawatts to the national grid. We have to look for surplus power generation keeping in view our future needs,” he opined.

Deliberating upon the energy situation, he said that though the problem has not been fully resolved, the power availability was better this year as compared to last year. This has been due to the payment of circular debt, addition of 1700 megawatts into the system and better management

economic and security policies of the government. Ishaq Dar said that the government policies have increased the chances of accessing international capital market and all international financial institutions were engaged with Pakistan. He further told the meeting that during the last one year, industrial growth was 5.2 percent and hoped that within next three years, GDP growth would be 6 to 7 percent. He further said that Rs131 billion have been paid in tariff subsidy while Rs20 billion will be paid by the end of this month. Ch. Nisar Ali Khan said that the National Internal Security Policy (NISP) has been devised and would be implemented after approval of the Cabinet. He said the government was serious in talks with the TTP but some groups, especially Mulla Fazal Ullah, were not serious. He further said that the government had formed a seven-member group of Ulema from all over the country to start talks with TTP but it was sabotaged by a drone attack in which Hakim Ullah Mahsud was killed. Most members of the parliamentary party were however in favour of operation against the Taliban.

Pakistan ‘on war

footing to smash Taliban’ Law Minister Punjab Rana Sanaullah in an interview to British news paper ‘The Guardian’ told that the time had finally come to “smash” militant safe havens. According to the Guardian report, Rana Sanaullah said a decision had been made to launch military operations but the army would be left to decide exactly what form any operation would take.

LAHORE: Pakistan is being put on a “war footing” to counter a surge in terrorism, according to a senior leader in the ruling party who promised military strikes against the Taliban and “We believe that drone atbrushed aside human rights tacks damage the terrorists, fears about draconian new very much,” he said, admitanti-terror laws, The Guardian ting much of the outrage over drones was contrived. newspaper reported.



January - 2014

July 31, 2009 ruling: Ex-CJ’s hostility influenced judgement, says Musharraf’s lawyer

reference, do you have any evidence that then CJP was biased against your client?” Justice Nasirul Mulk asked the counsel. Pirzada responded that Justice Chaudhry did not take oath under the Provisional Constitutional Order (PCO) on November 3, 2007 and that Adul Hameed Dogar became the new CJP. The ISLAMABAD: A large number bench, however, expressed of senior lawyers had gathdissatisfaction over his reply ered inside courtroom No. 1 and observed that other judgon Wednesday to observe es had also not taken oath unSharifuddin Pirzada, General der the PCO. (retd) Pervez Musharraf’s leading counsel in the review peti- Justice Mian Saqib Nisar obtion against the top court’s July served that while Pirzada had 31, 2009 judgment, in action. alleged that the former CJP “There was hostilitybetween was biased, he did not menGeneral Musharraf and former tion in the review petition how chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry,” the former chief justice had Pirzada told the 14-member influenced other members of bench headed by Chief Justice the bench that issued the July Tassaduq Hussain Jillani. “The 31 2009 judgment.

judge who influenced others He said that barring one was chief justice Chaudhry,” judge [Iftikhar Muhammad he added. Chaudhry], the defence has The lawyer stated that he shown full confidence in other would make his arguments judges in its review petition. on three issues; namely judg- The court asked him to furnish es’ bias; deviation from the solid material that the former Constitution; and the views of chief justice had used his influQuad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali ence over the other 13-memJinnah regarding the Supreme ber bench and dictated that they deliver judgment against Court and the Constitution. Musharraf. Regarding the bias, Pirzada contended that the July 31, Referring to the Supreme 2009 judgment be declared Court’s judgment in the presivoid on the basis of retired jus- dential reference regarding tice Chaudhry’s bias. He said the appointment of supethat if one member of a bench rior court judges, Justice Asif is biased, the judgment is vi- Khosa said that disqualificatiated, adding that the judge, tion of a one-member bench who influenced the others could not affect the validity of was the former chief justice a whole judgment. because the then president “You are very much agreed that had sent a reference against we [serving judges] are too inhim. dependent. Though you are not used to such kind of inde“Apart from the presidential

pendence of judges,” he told Musharraf’s leading lawyer. The court asked the learned counsel to conclude his arguments within one hour in today’s (Thursday) hearing.

the seven-member bench’s restraining order against the November 3, 2007 emergency and PCO. Satti raised questions over the validity of that order and stated that one member of that bench, Justice (retired) Rana Bhagwandas, was not present in the Supreme Court at that time and had signed the order on November 5, 2007.

Musharraf’s lawyer Ibrahim Satti alleged that this court had become a complainant in the high treason case against Musharraf as the prime minister had also issued a statement that if he would not initiate high treason proceedings Upon this, Justice Nasirul then he might face contempt Mulk rejected his stance and proceedings. said Bhagwandas had signed on the same day as he himIn response to this, Chief Justice Jillani made it clear that self was also member of that the apex court could interfere bench. whenever any institution of the country becomes dysfunc- The petitioner’s counsel asked why the high treason case is tional. being initiated if the NovemThe chief justice observed that ber 3, 2007 restraining order each department or institu- is authentic, as the court had tion has its own function and stopped all the government’s if these institutions become functionaries for supportdysfunctional then it is the ing the emergency and PCO. duty of the Supreme Court to Upon this, Justice Asif Khosa interfere. said the court could not inMeanwhile, the bench also struct any complainant for the resolved the controversy re- nomination of the accused in garding the genuineness of any case.


January - 2014

Musharraf served arrest warrants

RAWALPINDI: Former President General (retd) Pervez Musharraf on Monday handed over the surety bonds worth Rs 2.5 million to the Islamabad police at his VVIP ward in Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) where he was admitted after pain in his chest. “This act of Musharraf has reduced the chances of his arrest in the high treason case being heard by a special court,” an Islamabad police official, requesting anonymity, told The Nation on Monday. “Police have took the surety bonds and will submit their reply on Tuesday,” he added. According to the police officail, a team of Islamabad police headed by SP Investigation, who is also having acting charge of SP Rural, Capt (retd) Muhammad Ilyas, visited the AFIC on court orders to serve the bailable arrest warrants to Gen. Musharraf. On the occasion, the legal team of Musharraf was also present in the military-run hospital. The police officer added that the former military ruler upon receiving arrest warrants preferred to submit surety bonds to police team in a bid avoid his arrest. A month back, the military ruler was rushed to the AFIC, after he had felt pain in his chest while going to face a special court in high treason case.

NEWS proceedings in the high treason cases against him. On the other hand, a source revealed The Nation that the Islamabad police, before serving arrest warrants to Musharraf, had reported the matter to area police RA Bazaar. Earlier, the special court in its seven-page verdict remarked that the report of AFIC medical board did not impose any restrictions on Musharraf’s movement.

Graft references: NAB opposes Asif Zardari’s acquittal pleas

ISLAMABAD: In its response to the Accountability Court, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) appealed for the dismissal of five applications related to former president Asif Ali Zardari’s corruption references in which he is seeking acquittal.

court, hence references to the extent of the petitioner (Zardari) can be tried,” NAB’s reply stated, adding that there is sufficient material to frame charges against Zardari. NAB maintained that the references are liable to be prosecuted in accordance with the evidence collected after framing of charges as the earlier cases were decided against the co-accused after recording the evidence. Therefore at this stage applications are liable to be dismissed, NAB said. The court had to frame charges against Zardari afresh since November 26, 2013 when the case was reopened but Zardari’s counsel had been arguing that the charges were already framed and could not be framed again. In the last 17 years, almost all the accused have either been acquitted or their references abated due to their deaths. In most of the cases, Zardari remains the sole accused. Zardari’s counsel, Farooq H Naek, said he would argue against the NAB rejoinder in the next hearing on February 24.

The apex court ordered the District and Sessions Judge, Karachi, to probe the threats given to officials of the Orangi Pilot Project. During the proceedings, the DIG West was asked to explain the term ‘cracker’, being frequently reported in the media. DIG West Javed Odho told the bench that these were homemade devices, being used to carry out explosions. About the progress in the murder case, Javed Odho said the prime suspect Qari Bilal, injured and arrested, died of his wounds but disclosed three names, Toor Khan, Tableeghi and Farhan, who were also involved in the assassination of Perveen Rehman. He further said that the three suspects had recently moved to Karachi, and police found no record of them. On a query, he further said that Perveen Rehman had also named a few personalities belonging to land grabbers and political parties before her death.Later, the hearing was adjourned for two weeks, and the court ordered the police to provide security to complainant.

Security in PM, COAS Karachi discuss talks needs further with TTP improvement : SC

Zardari is facing five references filed by NAB 17 years ago, including the Ursus tractors deal, the ARY case, polo ground, Cotecna and SGS cases. On January 18 Zardari filed five applications under section 265-K requesting the court acquit him. Additional Deputy Prosecutor General (ADPG) NAB Chaudhry Riaz Ahmed submitted a reply saying the applications are premature as the charges have not been framed. He requested the court to dismiss the applications.

Musharraf has so far not appeared before the three- “Zardari was not tried along member special court since its with other co-accused by this

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court on Monday maintained that the law and order situation in Karachi needed to be improved further. A three-member bench headed by Chief Justice Tassaduq Hussain Jilani heard the case related to the murder of Perween Rehman.

ISLAMABAD: The Chief of the Army Staff, General Raheel Sharif, on Monday called on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the PM House.They exchanged views on matters relating to national security and the overall law and order situation in the country. Matters relating to talks with the TTP were also discussed in the meeting.



January - 2014

World cancer day: Hopes for cure

forms of cancer with unknown causes, but mostly the causes are known. A person may suffer from head and neck cancer or oral cancer due to environmental reasons which include pollution, use of cigarette, gutka, paan and betel nuts

Treating cancer at the first and second stage is very possible. At the third and fourth stage it becomes tougher but is not impossible. There is hope, and research is being done to treat cancer at every stage, said Dr Muhammad Khursheed, Professor of Oncology at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. Dr Saira Hasan, consultant oncologist at the Shifa International Hospital Islamabad said it depends on the forms of the cancer the person is suffering from, for example breast and colorectal cancers can be treated even in the third and fourth stages successfully. According to data prepared by the cancer department of the Civil Hospital Karachi (CHK), the cancer cases are increasing every year. In 2013, 1,875 cases were reported in Sindh as against 1,841 in 2012. Dr Noor Muhammad Soomro, Head of Cancer Department at the CHK, said the disease is getting more common in the lower middle class due to lowprotein food, unhygienic living conditions, pollution and malnutrition. Cancer causes are unknown? Dr Soomro refuted this notion explaining that there are some

Is cancer contagious? Dr Hasan clarified that cancer, essentially, is not a contagious disease.

Pakistan observes ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ today

However, research points out that certain contagious disIt is also a myth that if a woman eases or viruses may lead to has breast cancer her daugh- cancer. For example Hepatitis ter might get it too. A related B and C raise the risk of liver reality is that in many cases cancer, and human papilloma of breast cancer, the cause viruses (HPVs) may lead to cer- ISLAMABAD: Kashmir Solidarremains unknown. Dr Hasan vical and other cancers. ity Day is being observed in the said that it is rare but there country today (Wednesday). is a particular gene that may Do cancer symptoms appear Rallies and other programmes run in a family due to which a very late? to highlight the Kashmiris’ woman can have breast cancer. According to Dr Hasan it is not right to self-determination are true that in all types of cancer, Dr Shamsi said that blood can- symptoms appear late but one planned in this connection. cer is not hereditary and any should watch out for symp- In a message on Kashmir Solione can suffer from this malady. toms. For instance for breast darity Day, Prime Minister Mucancer, look out for painless hammad Nawaz Sharif said that Cancer is not curable? lumps, fatigue, weight loss Pakistan is committed to the etc. One should not ignore resolution of all outstanding The director of the National Institute of Blood diseases such symptoms and consult disputes with India, including (NIBD), Dr Tahir Shamsi said the doctor immediately. Con- Jammu and Kashmir, through that 15 years back cancer was versely, Dr Khursheed said dialogue and invited New Delhi not curable but now there is that in some forms of cancer to engage in a comprehensive, hope. There are a number of symptoms may take years to sustained and result-oriented dialogue process. cancers that can be treated appear. successfully. People who despite diagnosis and treatment couldn’t survive a decade back now can live a normal life for a long time.

Is cancer hereditary?

KARACHI: Finally, there is potential light at the end of the tunnel. New developments in pharmacy have played an important role in treating many forms of cancer, including blood cancer.

This means tumors are more common than blood cancer, said Dr Shamsi.

If I have blood cancer will I die? Dr Shamsi said that most forms of blood cancer are not curable. However children aged two to ten years can be more easily cured and around 70 per cent of children survive. Adult survival rates are not so encouraging. One of the forms of blood cancer called Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) is now potentially curable while a decade back there was no treatment for this form of blood cancer. To treat CML there are medicines that are used through targeted therapy and they can successfully control the disease for years and a person can lead a normal life. It is also believed that after stopping this medicine the disease may not come back. If 100 people have cancer, 90 of them are likely to be suffering from solid tumor and the remaining 10 by blood cancer.


January - 2014

SPORTS Ali was also involved in anoth- It was Pakistan’s second higher crucial partnership. est chase in Tests, their best being the 315 for 9 to beat With Pakistan struggling at 107 Australia in Karachi 20 years for three at tea and needing ago. 195 in the last 35 overs, Ali put on a rapid 89-run partnership Sri Lanka had won the second in 14.5 overs for the fourth Test in Dubai by nine wickets wicket with Sarfraz Ahmed, while the first Test ended in a who scored 48. draw in Abu Dhabi.

First attack by ‘Big 3’ foiled, says Zaka

Pakistan Pakistan Cricket Pull Off Big LAHORE: Board (PCB) chairman Zaka Ashraf Friday Victory Over Chaudhry said that the first attack by ‘Big 3’ was foiled. Sri Lanka Talking to the reporters here Gaddafi Stadium after To Level Test athisthereturn from Dubai, Zaka said that he took decision in favour of Pakistan at the ICC Series meeting. “To some extent, we

have stopped Big 3 as we took views of all the cricket boards and then finally decided to go against the proposal. Actually, it is a plan to grab money not to promote cricket therefore we are against it. Cricket should not be sacrificed for money.”


akistan chased down 302 in two sessions to win the third and final Test against Sri Lanka in Sharjah today and draw the series 1-1.

Sri Lanka began the day on 133 for 5 but were bowled out for 214, losing their last five wickets for 25 runs. Pakistan had 59 overs to reach their target and their top order scored at 4.45 runs an over in the afternoon. Azhar Ali, who was dropped for the first two Tests, set up Pakistan’s victory with his fifth Test century. Ali scored 103 off 137 balls and shared a 109-run stand for the fifth wicket with Misbah-Ul-Haq. Misbah-ul-Haq, who finished with 68 not out, hit the winning single with just nine balls remaining.

this time, adding that he did not want to be in a position where the BCCI backtracked on their verbal agreement.

The PCB chief said that an important meeting of the Governing Board of the PCB would be held here on February to seek the advice of all the members on the Big Three isZaka said that the Indian cricksue. et board offered to play against Pakistan in a bilateral series at He said that he wanted to a neutral venue if PCB agreed consult Prime Minister Nawaz to sign up to the ICC proposal Sharif on the issue of the ‘Big by the Indian, Australian and 3’. “I’ll be meeting the Prime the English cricket boards. Minister to discuss these matters with him too. We need the “The Board of Control for CrickPrime Minister’s views on this et in India (BCCI) offered to as my future as chairman is play Pakistan in a bilateral seuncertain. I may not be there ries at a neutral venue, which I tomorrow and I don’t want to regarded as a positive gesture, make any short term decision although I admitted that the that may harm the future of BCCI was willing to do it unPakistan cricket. The decisions der the condition that the PCB we make need to be in the agreed to give their support to best interest of Pakistan crickthe proposal.” et and the PCB,” he added. Stating that the PCB needs He said that under the new an official confirmation on formula, the role of three nathis proposal, the PCB chief tions had been enhanced and also said that the board was assurances had been given entitled to some assurances that Pakistan’s role would not from the BCCI as Pakistan had be decreased. The PCB chief played two series against Inadded that Bangladesh had dia during their stand-off. seen its benefit when supportHe said that there was no way ing the ‘Big 3’ but he added the they would fall into the lure of PCB wanted all boards to work the BCCI promises regarding together as chasing money a bilateral series unless they would result in cricket being had it in writing from the BCCI ruined.

He further added: “If we will be playing frequent international cricket it will help in revenue generation through a lot of ways and means but Pakistan wants to maintain its decent stance on the issue of Big 3.” “With Bangladesh extending supporting to Big 3 now the situation has changed and the number of supports of Big 3 countries have increased,” he added. He said on the issue of the Big 3 decision was being taken in haste but due to the timely intervention of Pakistan, Bangladesh, West Indies, Sri Lanka and South Africa, the matter was deferred and time frame was sought by the affiliated members for consultation on the issue. “I think it is a big success and breakthrough and with the approval of Big 3, cricket could have suffered a lot and due to the stance of the PCB and other countries a lot of changes were made on the proposed draft of Big 3.” “Later on, West Indies also joined Bangladesh to extend support to Big 3 but we will be deciding on it after getting a guideline from the government,” he asserted. “Whatever decision the ICC will take on Big 3, it will be taken with mutual understanding and approval of all the Test playing affiliated members. At one stage when Australian Board talked against Pakistan, I stopped them and said they could not talk anything against Pakistan or its cricket related issues.” Zaka said that the Big 3 countries would get major part of income of the ICC while Pakistan and other countries would continue to receive their respective shares. He dispelled an impression that he was having differences with the government saying he was serving the PCB after his reinstatement by the apex court. To a question, he said that Pakistan would be taking part in the ICC Twenty20 Cricket Cup in Bangladesh as it was an ICC event.



January - 2014

Imran blasts ICC’s ‘colonial’ revamp

mer in Nanjing. This will help Pakistan improve its image,” Khan, who played 88 Tests and Veena said. “Mahnoor is bright 175 one-day internationals for academically; she will make us Pakistan, said the game was in proud,” she said. “genuine crisis”. “There is a lack of quality in players, if you talk The news also elated Mahnoor. of spinners or fast bowlers or “I am really happy and am batsmen, and unless a correct thankful to the POA for sendmix is not found cricket will ing my name to the IOC,” she suffer,” he said. “The revenue told this correspondent. “I will is coming but money should have interaction with different not be decisive and that’s why athletes and officials in Nanthe quality is suffering which jing. I will also attend different workshops, which I hope will is disastrous.” help me learn many things, including the Chinese culture and the Olympic values,” said the Karachi-based swimmer. made it back to square one.”

Mahnoor to serve as ARACHI: Pakistan legend ambassador K Imran Khan slammed controversial plans to reform at Nanjing cricket’s governing body on Friday, saying they would take games the game back to the days of colonialism. Moves to restructure the International Cricket Council (ICC) to hand power to India, Australia and England, the game’s financial powerhouses, were passed in principle during a board meeting on Tuesday. Khan, who captained Pakistan to their sole World Cup win in 1992, said the proposals harked back to the days when England and Australia had effective right of veto at the ICC. “If I was the PCB (Pakistan Cricket Board) head I would have strongly objected the new colonial system,” Khan told AFP. “I think the answer is to make the ICC more productive for the betterment of cricket.” No international cricket has been played in Pakistan since 2009, when militants attacked the visiting Sri Lankan team, and Khan warned the new proposals would hit his home country hardest. He said Tuesday’s meeting at ICC headquarters in Dubai reminded him of one he attended in 1993. “Then India and Pakistan were on the same page and they fought to end the imperialism in the ICC and wanted it to be run in a democratic way,” Khan said. “It became democratic until India, because of its big money influence and supported by Australia and England,

The list features active athletes, including Olympians and YOG alumni, sports coaches and students, all aged between 18 and 25.

season’s beaten finalists. But the world number eight decided to make a rare first round appearance to help a Swiss team featuring Stanislas Wawrinka, who succeeded where Federer failed in Melbourne by beating Nadal to clinch his first Grand Slam title on Sunday. Wawrinka, who has risen to third in the world, follows Federer on the hard indoor surface at Novi Sad against Dusan Lajovic. The Serbs are weakened with the absence of Novak Djokovic and Janko Tipsarevic.

Watson moves two ahead in Phoenix

The IOC said the role of the young ambassadors would be to help the athletes of their national teams get the most out of their YOG experience as well as promote Olympic values in their countries. These young ambassadors will gather in Nanjing from March 25-28 for a four-day seminar, when they will be fully briefed ARACHI: Pakistan’s interna- on their role. tional swimmer Mahnoor Maqsood is among over 100 inspiring people who have been picked to serve as young ambassadors for the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games (YOG), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said in a press release.


Federer opens Swiss Davis Cup tie

The second edition of the Summer Youth Olympic Games will be held from August 16-28 in Nanjing, China. Mahnoor, who has featured in several international events, including the FINA World Championships, had been nominated by the Pakistan Swimming Federation (PSF) for the programme. The Pakistan Olympic Association (POA) had sent her name to the IOC. PSF’s secretary Veena Masood said the girl would make Pakistan proud. “I am extremely delighted. It’s great news for Pakistan that we will be represented by a female swim-


os Angeles: Bubba Watson birdied three of the first eight holes, and conjured another from desert scrub at the 17th, to seize a two-shot lead in Saturday`s third round of the Phoenix Open in Scottsdale, Arizona. The former Masters champion, co-leader with Australian journeyman Matt Jones after the delayed second round was completed earlier in the day, fired a three-under-par 68 on a day of blazing sunshine at the TPC Scottsdale.

American left-hander Watson, seeking his first PGA Tour title since his breakthrough major win at the 2012 Masters, mixed four birdies with a lone OVI SAD: Roger Federer, bogey at the 10th for a 15-una last minute addition der total of 198. to Switzerland’s team, opens the Davis Cup World Group Burly Kevin Stadler reeled off first round tie against Serbia’s five birdies in the last six holes Ilija Bozoljac, ranked a modest for a 67 to sit two strokes off 268th, on Friday. Federer, who the pace, one ahead of felfell to Rafael Nadal in the Aus- low Americans Harris English tralian Open semi-finals, was (69) and Ryan Moore (64) and initially left off the Swiss squad Japan`s Hideki Matsuyama sheet for this tie against last (68).




January - 2014

Priyanka proud of ‘Gunday’

says that she doesn’t enjoy such scenes “because it isn’t with people I am dating.” “If you felt I was enjoying it, I must be doing a bloody good job! I actually don’t enjoy intimacy on screen because it isn’t with people I am dating. And the kind of person I am, nobody hits on me- they are all cool buddies. I am not a flirtatious person,” said the actress, who will also be on the cover of the February issue of the fashion magazine this year.

Veena Malik announces retirement

from film industry

She will next be seen in “Hasee Toh Phasee” with Sidharth ctress Priyanka Chopra, Malhotra. It is slated to release who recently saw the first Feb 7. copy of her forthcoming film ctor, model, item girl and “Gunday”, is thrilled with how the person who crossed the movie has turned out. the Line of Control to arrive at a Landmark of ControverThe actress took to Twitter sies, Veena Malik, formally anto thank all those who have nounced her retirement from made the film possible. the film industry on Sunday, “Just got done watching the Veena, who got married to first copy of ‘Gunday’. I’m so Dubai-based Pakistani busiproud of everyone who made nessman Asad Bashir Khan this film possible...pat on the last year in December, recentback,” Priyanka posted on the ly finished performing Umrah microblogging site Friday. Shaan Is Going To with her husband and his family. The film also features Arjun Release His New Movie Kapoor and Ranveer Singh Ghundaa Tax Shaan Is “Well-wishers from all over the and will hit the screens Feb 14. Expecting A Lot From globe, whether east or west, India or Pakistan, have been Ghundaa Tax congratulating and blessing us with their prayers,” she said.


A Film “Ghundaa Tax” will conquer the hearts of audience: Shaan

Onscreen intimacy no fun for Parineeti

While films have seen the last of her, Veena says she will still be part of welfare projects.


ctress Parineeti Chopra, who has locked lips with actors like Arjun Kapoor and Sushant Singh Rajput in movies like “Ishaqzaade” and “Shuddh Desi Romance” respectively, says she doesn’t enjoy getting intimate on screen. During one of her interviews with Vogue India for the February 2014 issue, the actress

The Marlboro Man dies of lung disease

“As far as the entertainment industry is concerned, I will continue to engage in any project which aims for welfare or social development. But I will not be part of any new films from hereon.

amous Pakistani Actor Shaan is going to release his new movie Ghundaa tax. While talking to Express News, He said my new movie will she clarified: su.rely conquer the hearts of the Pakistani audience. “Of course, I will keep coming Pakistani Actor Shaan says “I to Pakistan. But this time, the always keep on praying for credit goes to my husband my film industry’ While talk- Asad, who brought me back ing about Ghundaa Tax Shaan from India and says we will said that We made this movie soon visit Pakistan. according to the choice of au“But currently, our families dience and we hope that peoare spread across US, Dubai ple will like it. and Pakistan. So these are the Well, best of luck to Shaan for three places you will mostly Ghundaa Tax. find us in.”


OS ANGELES: Eric Lawson, one of several actors who depicted the ‘Marlboro Man’ cowboy in a long-running series of cigarette ads for Philip Morris, and later appeared in an anti-tobacco message for the American Cancer Society, has died of lung disease. He was 72, and died at his home in the California of respiratory failure due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which the US surgeon general has linked to smoking.

The square-jawed Lawson played dozens of bit parts in television shows spanning three decades, starting in the 1970s, including Baretta, Chips, Charlie’s Angels and The ATeam. Lawson was best recognised for his appearances during the late ’70s and early ’80s as the rugged cowboy in Marlboro Man print ads for Marlboro-brand cigarettes, one of the world’s most successful commercial campaigns. The Marlboro Man promotion was launched in the 1950s as a way of instilling a masculine image for then-newly filtered Marlboro cigarettes, which was originally considered a women’s brand, and repositioning them as a tobacco choice for men. Years later however, Lawson became outspoken in warning of the dangers of cigarettes, appearing in a 1998 anti-tobacco public service message for the American Cancer Society that parodied the Marlcontinued....



January - 2014

boro man character. In the 30-second ad, Western-style music plays in the background as Lawson is seen in his full cowboy regalia, smoking, riding his horse, herding cattle, mending fences, splitting firewood and then puffing away on another cigarette when the music abruptly ends with a loud thud. Lawson turns around stunned to see his horse lying motionless on the ground, and the scene fades to the message: ‘Secondhand smoke kills.’ Lawson was one of several actors and pitchmen hired over the years to appear in Philip Morris’s Marlboro Man and Marlboro County ads, in both print and television. He is survived by six children, 18 grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren, according to his family.

York-Presbyterian Hospital where he was admitted a week earlier, his grandson, Kitama Cahill Jackson said, according the the New York Times. Seeger played 12-string guitar or five-string banjo. He sang topical songs and children’s tunes as well as anthems, and often urged his audience to sing along.

Laiq Ahmad (1933-2014)

Professor Laiq Ahmad passed away on January 27, 2014

He started his Bollywood career in 1973 with Garam Hawa and his last performance was in’Club 60’. Earlier he was seen in the film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani in 2013. He was a theatre personality. He was the host of the popular show Jeena Issi Ka Naam Hai on television, in which he interviewed e was an educationist, the celebrities of Bollywood. compere and host of a Sheikh worked with Directors number of PTV programmes like Satyajit Ray, Hrishikesh and served in education de- Mukherjee and Muzaffar Ali. partment.

‘Shaadi Ke...’ enabled me do s lot of comedy: H Farhan

He was born in Lahore in 1933 and started his career in 1964 by hosting a science magazine programme of the PTV. He hosted different programmes of PTV in 1970 general elections. He also honoured to cover the launching of first satellite of the US for the Pakistan. Another responsibility given to him was to hold disarhan Akhtar says of all the cussions during the Islamic films he has done as an ac- Summit which was held in Febtor till now, “Shaadi Ke Side Ef- ruary 1974. He was also used fects” gave him the chance to to compere at the Parade on do maximum comedy. March 23 every year.

US folk singer Pete Seeger no more F

“I got to do a lot of comedy in the film. The dialogues and the situations are very funny. I think out of all the films that I have done as an actor till now, this is probably the most humourous film I ever did,” the 40-year-old said here at a promotional event for the film at Radio Mirchi. ASHINGTON: Legendary folk singer Pete Seeger, The actor also says that “Shaa“a living archive of America’s di Ke Side Effects” has the elemusic and conscience” who inments of a basic rom-com. spired the likes of Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen, has “Actually most of my scenes died at the age of 94, US me- in the film are comic because dia reported. the film is essentially a comedy. It has that classic format With a career spanning deof a rom-com where things get cades, Seeger was credited serious when the resolution of with popularizing the hymn the story is about to happen of the civil rights movement, and all life secrets tumble out,” “We Shall Overcome” and was said Farhan. known for renditions of songs like “If I had a Hammer” and Directed by Saket Chaudhary, “Where Have all the Flowers “Shaadi Ke Side Effects” feaGone.” He passed away of nat- tures Vidya Balan opposite ural causes Monday at New Farhan. It hits theatres Feb 28.

Shatranj Ke Khiladi (1977), Noorie (1979), Chashme Baddoor (1981), Umrao Jaan (1981), Bazaar (1982) and Kissi Se Na Kehna (1983). He won 2010 National Film Award for best supporting actor in Lahore (a sports film).

Farooq Sheikh, the Bollywood Veteran actor died at 65


Famous Bengali Actress Suchitra Sen died


amous Bengali actress Suchitra Sen died in Kolkota on 17 January 2014. She was 82.

She was born as Rama Dasgupta in Pabna district of West Bengal on 16 April 1931. She was famously known as the Greta Garbo of Bengali cinema and had worked in more than 60 films, the most memorable being Aandhi in hindi and Deep Jwele Jai in Bengali. For Aandhi she was nominated for the Filmfare Best Actress Award.

In 1955, Suchitra Sen starred as Paro in her first Hindi film Devdas which was Bimal Roy’s eteran Bollywood actor Fa- adaptation of Bengali classic rooq Sheikh died on 28 De- Devdas. She played the leading cember 2013 due to heart at- lady opposite Dilip Kumar and tack in Dubai. He died at the Vyjayanthimala in the film. age of 65 and was born on 25 March 1948. He is survived In 1963, Suchitra Sen became by wife Rupa and daughters the first Indian actress to win an international award. She Shaista and Sanaa. had received the Silver Prize He was best known for roles in for Best Actress at the Moscow films like Garam Hawa (1973), Film Festival for Saptapadi.



Health-Beauty Tips-Horoscope

January - 2014

3) Stress is another harmful effects of mobile phones. You are constantly accessible 24*7 on your mobiles and hence there is hardly any chance to relax. No peace of mind is another negative ways in which mobiles affect our health. 4) Constant exposure to mobile phones leads to lack of concentration. That is one of the major reasons why driving while using cell phones obile is banned in may phones countries.By ushave revolutioning mobile phones ized the world. It while driving, one is has literally shrunk not only risking one’s the universe, and has own life but also putting the brought human race more closer than it was even pos- life of others at stake. sible to imagine a 150 years or so ago. The importance of the 5) Another harmful effects of cell phones can’t be denied at mobile phones is, it leads to all. But like every other inven- hearing impairment. The inner tion, this one has its pros and walls of ears are very delicate. cons too. And it’s important Hence, constant exposure to know how mobiles affect of these delicate walls to the our health, as we are exposed long calls can even lead to parto them for such a long dura- tial deafness and in extreme tion of time. One should know cases complete hearing loss. that Radio Frequency (RF) ra- Try minimizing the usage of diations are emitted by mobile your phones to lead a healthy, phones, even when they are hearty and a longer life. in stand-by mode. These RF radiations are of two types: 1) Ionizing, (2) Non-Ionizing. NonIonizing is the one with lower frequency and less powerful of the two, and is the one emitted from the mobiles. This means your brain is being constantly cooked by these radiations. SEE HOW MOBILE PHONES AFFECT YOUR BRAIN Let us go through a few points that would give us an insight on the harmful effects of mobile phones and the remature greyvarious ways in which mobiles ing of hair is affect our health: something that


How Mobiles Are Affecting Your Health


Mascara The next time you step out and want to hide your grey hair in a hurry, one of the options you can try out is applying a little mascara on that strand. By applying mascara, you are allowing no harmful chemicals on your hair. Braiding There are some hairstyles you can turn to so that you can hide your grey hair naturally. One of those hairstyles is none other than braiding. All you need to do is braid the grey hair underneath the natural hair. It is a perfect technique to hide the imperfections. Try Extensions If your silver hair is prominent, one way to hide it naturally is by camouflaging it with hair extensions. With the use of hair extensions it will conceal the grey hair perfectly and also add to the volume and the thickness of your natural hair.

How To Hide Grey Hair Naturally

most people do not like. If you do not want to colour your hair, then there are many hairstyles that you can try out to hide grey hair. Women who have olive and dark complexions usually look more than beautiful with grey hair. Grey2) Though nothing has been ing of hair is a problem that we proven yet, but it’s being speccannot evade from. When it ulated that mobile phones can comes to blunders the biggest lead to brain cancer. The conone women commit is hair costant radiations emitted, leading to increase in temperature louring at an early age, which of brain tissues, is said to be then leads to premature greying during the middle age itself. the cause.

1) Does every little sound make you feel that your cell just vibrated, and you end up checking your mobile every few minutes? Then you may be suffering from ‘Ringxiety’. It’s a term often associated with people addicted to cell phones.

QUICK FIX: Reverse Grey Hair To Natural Colour: It is quite normal that as soon as a woman sees a streak of grey hair, she rushes to her salon to get an immediate touch up. The next time you see a strand of grey hair, there is no need to run to the salon to cover it up. There are many ways you can hide grey hair naturally. Concealing your grey hair naturally is a safer option for you to choose from. Here is how you can hide grey hair naturally.

Head Bands


21st January to 18th February


quarius zodiac sign encompasses all those individuals who are born between 21st January to 18th February. This is the 11th sign of the Zodiac and individuals belonging to this zodiac are very friendly, loyal, truthful and freedom loving people. Aquarius have a very pure heart and they want to make the world around them a better place for everyone to live. Humanitarianism and philanthropy is one of the strongest parts of their personality and they would n’t mind dedicating their life for the poor and the needy. With a very friendly nature, they have progressive thoughts and an open mind that is always working towards the betterment of humanity. They can go to any extent to help others and alleviate sufferings from the life of people. They are fair, impartial and love to live a control free life. Freedom is their greatest treasure and valued possession and they will never trade it for anything or compromise with it. They love constant change and excitement in life and are also known for their crazy and eccentric ideas. Sometimes they tend to be living in a world of fantasy and become a bit impractical.

If you are not comfortable about flaunting your grey hair, then one of Some of the important facts the ways to hide related to Aquarius are . grey hair naturally is by Symbol sporting a head band. the water bearer Curl Your Locks Ruling planet You might be wondering how Uranus to hide your grey hair naturally Lucky color with curls. By curling your hair, Blue, Blue, green, Grey and you are gracefully hiding it be- Black hind your natural hair. So, worLucky day ry no more if you have premaSaturday and Sunday ture grey hair. These are some of the cool ways to hide your Lucky number 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26 grey hair naturally.


January - 2014

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