Bridge mag international october, 2013

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Published by Bridge Publications USA, Inc Publisher Jawaid Riaz

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C 4.


Sharif to visit the US

5. 7.


Nawaz says talks with Obama positive


Terrorism is not allowed in Islam: Hajj Sermon

Nawaz Sharif arrives in Washington’

Thousands of Muslims pilgrims were in attendance at MountArafat in Saudi Arabia on Monday for the main rituals of the annual Hajj,praying for an end to disputes and bloodshed in the world. During his historical sermon the Grand Mufti emphasized that Islam andterrorism are the two opposite things. The Grand Mufti reminded the Islamicprohibition of killing and aggression, while insisting there is “no salvationor happiness for the Muslim nation without adhering to the teachings of the religion.”

Amnesty International releases report on Pakistan drone attacks

Hell is thefinal abode for those who spill the blood of an innocent human, said SheikhAbdulaziz al-Sheikh, the Grand Mufti of the Ka’aba. “Islam does not allow terrorism at any cost. Islam condemns all violenceand terrorism plaguing the world today. Muslims should demonstrate a love forpeace and unity,” he said. The top cleric also urged Muslims to avoid divisions, chaos andsectarianism. “Your nation is a trust with you. You must safeguard its security,stability and resources,” he said in his address to the Muslim world. “Youshould know that you are targeted by your enemy... who wants to spread chaosamong you ... It’s time to confront this.”

Pakistan India tensions: Top military officials to meet face-to-ace


Bilawal Pledges to “Hunt” the “Lion”, floats 10.PTI ideas to end economic crunch 12. Asian Human Services Opens New West Ridge Clinic


Officials said around 1.5 million pilgrims descended on the site, wherethey offered prayers and listen to the annual sermon from the Saudi top cleric.

16. Chief Justice

14. Zardari

said that gone are the days when constitution was abrogated

condemns Beijing terror attack


MQM slams Rangers for worker’s killing

13. The

World’s Most Powerful People 2013

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allegations against ANP adership

17. Talks with

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Taliban have begun: Nawaz Sharif

19. S

h o T w o b i 21. z


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4 October - 2013


Sharif to visit the US from 20 to 23 October: Foreign Office

in Abbottabad to kill Osama bin Laden and then a attack on the Salala border checkpost following which Pakistan blocked US Nato supplies through its territory. However, after a brief freeze, relations have thawed. On Friday, the State Bank of Pakistan confirmed it had received a $322 million payment from US under the Coalition Support Fund. According to the Associated Press, US officials and congressional aides stated ties have improved enough to allow the money to flow again.

He will attend a business event organised by US-Pakistan Business Council, address the United States Institute of Peace and inISLAMABAD: According to the teract with the Pakistani-American official press release by the foreign ministry of Pakistan, Nawaz community. Sharif will visit the United States The upcoming visit of Sharif will from 20th to 23rd of October, afford an opportunity to high2013. light the priorities of the governhis will be the first bilateral official visit of the prime minister to the United States in his present term, a Foreign Office statement issued on Friday said.

ment for economic development in Pakistan, discuss measures to strengthen bilateral cooperation and enhance trade and investment and share his vision about peace and stability in our region.

During the visit, Sharif will hold wide-ranging talks with US President Barack Obama. Some critics say that there are not much “hopes” with the upcoming visit of Nawaz Sharif.

US to release more than $1.6 Billion aid to Pakistan


This will be the first meeting of the two leaders. The two leaders had a telephone conversation in May 2013, when President Obama congratulated the prime minister on his party’s victory in the general election and appreciated the smooth democratic transition in Pakistan. The two leaders had agreed to work together to strengthen USPakistan relations and advance shared interests of a stable, secure and prosperous Pakistan and region.

Pakistan and the US share convergence on a wide range of isAs Nawaz sues including peace and stability WASHINGTON: in South Asia and Middle East, as heads to Washington on an official tour, the United states has well as extremism and terrorism. decided to release more than In addition to meeting with Presi- $1.6 Billion Dollars in terms of dent Obama, the prime Minis- economic and military aid to ter will also meet Vice President Pakistan. (Associate Press) Biden and interact with members elations between Pakistan of Congress. Senior US Governand US had soured after the ment officials will also call on the latter unilaterally conducted a raid prime minister.


at the risk of forfeiting some of the money, which spans federal budgets from 2009-2013.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorised to talk about The thaw in relations has seen US it publicly, said the money would and Pakistan restart of their “strastart reaching Pakistan in 2014 but tegic dialogue” after a long pause. take several years to disburse fully. Congress has cleared most of the The House Foreign Affairs Commoney, and it should start moving mittee has cleared all of the noearly next year, officials and contifications. The Senate Foreign gressional aides said. Relations Committee is reviewing According to the report, State De- a $280 million chunk of military fipartment and the US Agency for nancing, Senate aides said. Aides International Development had spoke on condition of anonymity informed US Congress over three because they weren’t authorised weeks in July and August about to talk publicly on the matter, either. plans to restart assistance to Paki“The committee held up the projstan. ects to get more information and Most of the funds will be dedicat- express concerns,” said the office ed to helping Pakistan fight terror- of Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., the ism. Other funds focus on a range House panel’s chairman. “Though of items, including help for law en- they went forward, the committee forcement and a multibillion-dollar continues its close oversight.” dam in disputed territory. Among the economic aid proThe State Department told Con- grams included in the US packgress that the US hadn’t con- age, support for the Diamer-Basha ducted any significant military dam near Pakistan’s unresolved financing for Pakistan since the border with India has the potential “challenging and rapidly changing for controversy and tremendous period of U.S.-Pakistan relations” benefit. in 2011 and 2012. The departPakistan’s government has been ment stressed the importance unable to secure money for the now of enhancing Pakistan’s antiproject from the World Bank, and terrorism capabilities through betthe Asian Development Bank is ter communications, night vision waiting to hear from the United capabilities, maritime security and States and India before providing precision striking with F-16 fighter financing to help construction. The jets. dam faces massive funding shortThe department told Congress on falls. July 25 that it would spend $295 In its July 24 notification to Conmillion to help Pakistan’s military. gress, USAID said the project Twelve days later it announced could cost up to $15 billion and $386 million more. A pair of notake a decade to complete. The tifications arriving on August 13 agency promised only to provide worth $705 million centered on “financial and technical assistance” helping Pakistani troops and air for studies, including on environforces operating in the militant mental and social aspects, while hotbeds of western Pakistan, and expressing hope the dam could other counterinsurgency efforts. be transformative for a country The administration had until the with chronic power shortages. end of September to provide Con- State Department officials put the gress with “reprogramming” plans bill for the studies at $20 million.

5 October - 2013


Nawaz Sharif arrives in Washington

WASHINGTON: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif landed in Washington late Sunday night, kicking off his four-day trip to the United States, the highlights of which will include a muchhyped meeting with US President Barack Obama.


John Kerry underscored Pakistan’s vital significance to regional concerns regarding Afghanistan. stability as the country addresses Pakistan, in particular, worries the challenges of economy and insurgency simultaneously. whether post-war Afghanistan will be stable enough to prosper. He said Nawaz Sharif will have a series of high-level meetings‚ inAccording to various estimates, cluding discussions with President 1.5 million to 3 million Afghan ref- Barack Obama and Vice President ugees currently live in Pakistan. Joseph Biden on Wednesday. Already struggling with billions of dollars in debt and a stagnant Kerry declined to answer queseconomy, Pakistan is ill-equipped tions after brief remarks to reporters at the State Department. But to handle a new refugee crisis. U.S. officials say the Obama adIf security tops Obama’s agenda, ministration is posed to release the economy is Nawaz’s biggest more than $1.6 billion in military worry. and economic aid to help bolster ties with Islamabad that have deteriorated over deadly American airstrikes and the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

Kerry Sharif meeting focuses on

he premier will also meet US Secretary of State John Kerry ahead of his meeting with the American president.

“Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif received a warm, red-carpet welcome from US diplomats upon reaching Washington today (Sunday),” Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani told Media in the US capital.


Pakistan US ties

“He [the prime minister] will hold a one-on-one meeting with President Obama to discuss a host of issues, including regional security and energy matters,” he said. The two heads of state will particularly focus on the situation in Afghanistan in the wake of the 2014 with Afghanistan. Both Pakistani and US experts on South Asia say the two sides must build trust as they enter a new phase in their relationship. Islamabad’s support for the Afghan reconciliation process and the availability of its overland routes are considered crucial for the smooth withdrawal of American combat troops from landlocked Afghanistan. In order to reflect and encourage the improvement in relations, the Obama administration has recently moved to expedite the release of more than $1 billion in previously approved military and economic assistance. Washington has also promised to reimburse the Pakistani military’s counterterrorism expenses. Both countries have their own

Nawaz Sharif is visiting Washing- relationship with Pakistan could ton for the first time since his last not be more important,” Kerry said trip in 1999. as his meeting with Sharif began.

“We have a lot to talk about, and the

Sharif did not speak during the brief session with reporters. The two men met over dinner, shortly before Kerry planned to head to Europe for peace talks for Syria and between Israel and Palestinian authorities. He will be meeting with foreign ministers in Paris, London and Rome before returning to Washington on Thursday. Earlier‚ on his arrival at Joint Base Andrews‚ Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was offered a red-carpet welcome. He was received by US Acting Chief of the Protocol‚ US Ambassador to Pakistan Richard Olson, and other senior officials.

Kerry hosts dinner for Nawaz Sharif WASHINGTON: The US Secretary of State John F Kerry hosted dinner in honour of the Prime Minister of Pakistan Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and his delegation at the State Department, soon after his arrival in the US capital on Sunday. From the US side, senior administration officials including Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Director CIA John Brennan and SRAP James Dobbins assisted the Secretary of State, a statement from the PM House said.

WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State John Kerry Sunday said the U.S. relationship with Pakistan “could not be more important” as the South Asian country struggles with economic, security and regional stability issues.



Pakistan was an important country in the region and the US would be working with the democratic government of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in all areas of bilateral relations under the revived mechanism of the Strategic Dialogue, the Secretary stressed.

erry spoke Sunday as he sat down with Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who is in Washington this week for talks with the White House.

“On its own, (Pakistan is) a democracy that is working hard to gets its economy moving and deal with insurgency, and also important to the regional stability.”

elcoming the Prime Minister, Secretary Kerry expressed the confidence that the visit would provide the necessary impetus to further deepen and expand the US-Pakistan relations.

The meeting lasted for an intense three hours during which regional and international situation and isHe further appreciated the bold sues pertaining to bilateral reladecisions taken by Prime Ministions were discoursed at length. ter Sharif for reviving the economy At the outset of the dinner meet- and overcoming the energy shorting before the media, Secretary ages. Prime Minister noted that he Kerry warmly welcomed the Paki- looked forward to meeting with stani leader, saying Prime Minister President Obama at the White

House on October 23. This would be the first summit level interaction between the two countries after the historic democratic transition in Pakistan. The Prime Minister reiterated his determination to revive the economy and improve the law and order situation in Pakistan. Outlining his vision of promoting peace and stability in the region, the Prime Minister emphasised the need for working together in meeting the common challenges of extremism and terrorism. Other matters of mutual interest including regional stability and situation in Afghanistan were also discussed during the dinner meeting. The Prime Minister was accompanied by Advisor to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, Special Assistant to the PM on Foreign Affairs Syed Tariq Fatemi and Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani.

6 October - 2013

Nawaz says talks with Obama positive


Pakistan seeks US trade not aid: Nawaz

drones, told an audience at the US Institute of Peace think tank that the attacks posed a “major” impediment to relations with the United States.

sion and the US was fully aware of the fact that it was not a simple matter.

He reiterated that the US should play its role in resolving Kashmir Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on issue as relations between New Tuesday called for the United Delhi and Islamabad could not be States to end drone strikes, say- improved without addressing core ing they violated his country’s ter- issues. ritorial integrity, and were a “major irritant” in relations between the two countries.

Fresh drone strike in North Nawaz, who is on a visit to Washington on the heels of a major Waziristan kills Amnesty International report on three people drones, told an audience at the

US Institute of Peace think tank that the attacks posed a “major” impediment to relations with the United States. He refuted the notion that Pakistan was an epicenter peaking to members of Paki- of terrorism, insisting that Pakistan stani community here on has been affected badly by terrorMonday, the premier said:” We all ism and pointed to the deaths of are responsible for the problems over 40,000 citizens in the ongofacing Pakistan, we want Paki- ing fight. stan to stand on its own feet, and Talking on “Pakistan’s vision for we want relations on the basis of regional peace and development,” equality” Nawaz stated that all political parties in Pakistan agreed that drones The prime minister said that re- violate the territorial integrity of the cently held elections were trans- country and are counterproducparent which saw PML-N emerg- tive to peace building measures. ing as majority party and led to civilized transition of power. WASHINGTON: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said he told US Secretary of State John Kerry that Pakistan seeks US trade not aid.


ASHINGTON: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that his meeting with President Obama was positive in which they discussed various issues ranging from drone attacks, Dr Afia Siddique, Shakil Afridi, Pakistan’s relations with India, energy crisis to bilateral trade ties and Afghanistan.

Talking to media, after his meeting with Obama, Sharif reiterated that Pakistan needed to put its house in order. He said that issue of Mumbai attacks, Jamaatu Dawa and cross border terrorism also came under discussion.


He said “we should respect mandate of each other and avoid hurling allegations, I am not a prime The prime minister said that he minister of PML-N, I am prime mininvited US investors to work on ister of 180 million people of Pakienergy projects in Pakistan to stan, we didn’t let Azad Kashmir help the country overcome ener- government topple, and we acgy crisis. He said that there were cepted PTI, PPP and MQM mangreat opportunities of investment date in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and in Pakistan’s energy sector. Sharif Sindh respectively. said that the US president assured him of his support for cooperation.

Sartaj Aziz says US understands Pakistan viewpoint on drone attacks

Drones are a Nawaz Sharif said that Pakistan “Major Irritant” would restart attracting foreign inin Pak-US vestment as law and order situation was improving as a result of Prime MinRelations: Nawaz W ASHINGTON: the government’s sincere and seriister’s Advisor on Foreign ous efforts.

Affairs Sartaj Aziz expressed the hope that their would be a significant decrease in drone attacks by the end of this year as the United States was understanding Pakistan’s viewpoint on the attacks.

He said wide-ranging issues, such as extremism, drone strikes, Afghanistan, and Pak-India ties, including Kashmir issue, were discussed in the meeting. Sharif said he had emphasized that drone strikes must come to an end, besides raising the issue of Dr Afia Siddiqui with the US President.


ASHINGTON: Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday said that drone strikes are a major irritant in the US Pak Relations.

He, however, said that no formal US announcement was expected in this regard. Speaking to Geo News Islamabad Bureau Chief Rana Jawad, Aziz said that the drone issue was being discussed at the international level as Pakistan has repeatedly raised the issue.

He said he apprised President Obama that the process for dialogue with Taliban had been start- Nawaz, who is on a visit to Wash- Replying a question, he said that ed as decided by the All Parties ington on the heels of a major the government supported talks Conference. Amnesty International report on with the Taliban as per APC deci-


IRANSHAH: A drone fired missiles at a target in Miranshah, North Waziristan early on Thursday, killing at least three people.

The drone reportedly fired missiles at a room and vehicle in the Miranshah Bazaar that caused two large explosions and resulted in the deaths of three people, locals said. The casualties are feared to rise. This is the first strike in almost a month with the last drone attack being reported on September 30, 2013. The attack comes almost a week after a rights groups Amnesty International and the Human Rights Watch both released their reports on drone strikes and followed a report by UN Special Rapproteur on the same topic. Earlier on Wednesday, the Senate was told by the defence ministry in a written statement that only 67 civilians had been killed in drone strikes since 2008, a figure in conflict with other numbers perviously released by the government and those cited by rights groups. The submission said there had been 317 drone strikes in Pakistan since 2008, killing 2,160 militants and 67 civilians. Pakistan regularly condemns the attacks as a violation of sovereignty and are counter productive. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif used his recent trip to Washington last week to press for their end.

7 October - 2013

Amnesty International releases report on Pakistan drone attacks

NEWS a violation of the country’s sovereignty, but senior members of the government and the military are known to have supported the strikes in the past. ”Amnesty International is also extremely concerned about the failure of the Pakistani authorities to protect and enforce the rights of victims of drone strikes,’’ said the report.

Congressional briefing: Victim family urges end to drone warfare If he has the opportunity to meet President Obama, he will ask him to “find a peaceful end to the war in my country, and end these drones,” Rehman said at the briefing.

“Pakistan has a duty to independently and impartially investigate all drone strikes in the country and ensure access to justice and reparation for victims of violations.’’ Amnesty said victims they interviewed with no apparent connecASHINGTON: A Pakistani mnesty said it is concerned tion to militant groups have either elementary school teacher, that the attacks outlined in the received no compensation or report and others may have result- inadequate assistance from the whose mother was killed in a US drone strike last year, Tuesday ed in unlawful killings that consti- Pakistani government. urged the United States to end untute extrajudicial executions or war crimes, even though the US insists Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokes- manned operations and help bring man Aizaz Chaudhry praised the peace to the tribal areas through the strikes are legal. report’s criticism of the drone cooperative efforts with Pakistan. ”We cannot find any justification for program, telling Geo TV that ``our these killings. There are genuine point of view is being acknowl- Rafiq ur Rehman made the plea threats to the USA and its allies in edged internationally.’’ He didn’t in a joint Congressional briefing, the region, and drone strikes may comment on Amnesty’s criticism where his children nine-year-old daughter Nabila Rehman, and be lawful in some circumstances,’’ of the Pakistani government. 13-year-old Zubair Rehman, who said Mustafa Qadri, Amnesty International’s Pakistan researcher ”The US drone policy sets a dan- were both injured by the drone addressing a press conference gerous precedent that other states strike, also recounted their emomay seek to exploit to avoid re- tional experiences. here. sponsibility for their own unlawful The family has traveled to Wash“But it is hard to believe that a group killings,’’ said Amnesty. ington on the invitation of Conof laborers, or an elderly woman surrounded by her grandchildren, ”The USA and Pakistan both have gressman Alan Grayson, a Demowere endangering anyone at all, let obligations under international crat from Florida, to provide their alone posing an imminent threat to law to investigate these and any accounts of the attack that killed other cases where unlawful killings Rafiq’s 67-year-old mother, Momithe United States.’’ might have occurred, and deliver na Bibi in North Waziristan, a year Amnesty called on the US to com- justice,’’ said the report. ago. ply with its obligations under international law by investigating the “But the USA’s persistent refusal Nobody has been able to explain killings documented in the report to acknowledge these strikes, why this drone hit his home, Rehmand providing victims with “full coupled with Pakistan’s ambigu- an told the hearing, also attended ous attitude towards the drone by other members of Congress. reparation.’’ program and limited governance His mother, Rafiq ur Rehman said, The report also said that North in the Tribal Areas, make it almost was the binding force for the family Waziristan was house to world’s impossible for victims to secure and life has not been the same for most dangerous elements, which the redress they need.” the family since her death. the government of Pakistan was unable to bring to books under the The US carried out its first drone He said in North Waziristan, people strike in Pakistan in 2004 and has live under fear of drones. “Drones law of the land. carried out nearly 350 more since are not the answer” to the probAmnesty in the said report also then, the majority of which have lems, he said, speaking through disputed the claims that Pakistani been in North Waziristan. Presi- an interpreter. Justice must be degovernment or its functionaries dent Barack Obama significantly livered to those who have suffered had never consented to or were ramped up attacks when he took as a result of drone attacks, the aware of the drone attacks before office in 2009, and the number school teacher said. hand. peaked the following year with The unprecedented briefing by over 100 strikes. “It is suspected that the either survivors of drone hits took place Pakistani authorities or institu- The frequency has steadily amid international calls for greater tions were also involved in drone dropped since then, partly be- transparency. Washington has deattacks in Pakistan’s restive tribal cause of growing tension between fended its drone campaign, sayareas”, said the report. Pakistan and the U.S. There have ing the counterterrorism actions Pakistani officials regularly de- only been around two dozen are the least harmful and effective against militants. nounce the attacks in public as strikes so far this year.



Rehman said he has seen people living peacefully in the United States and wants a similar peaceful environment in North Waziristan and dreams that his children would be able to complete their education and help rebuild Pakistan. “We can achieve peace through education,” he said. The United States and Pakistan should work together to resolve the problem, he said. A preview from the upcoming Brave New Films documentary Unmanned: America’s Drone Wars was shown at the briefing, moderated by Robert Greenwald, the documentary’s director. The lawmakers, attending the briefing, expressed their profound regrets over what had happened to the family and noted that the briefing highlighted the importance of transparency and conversation on the costs and benefits of the drone operations. Human Rights Charity Reprieve Staff Attorney Jennifer Gibson called for bringing the drone war out of the shadows, stressing transparency. Congressman Alan Grayson said the American drone policy was not just wrong. It is “dead wrong.” He also stated, “No other country in the world does this. Certainly, Russia has their enemies, but you don’t see the Russians sending drones to other countries. At this point, sending military forces to other countries is very unusual if you’re talking about any other country other than the United States.” “The problem here is that people sitting here in this city in Washington, DC, are making life and death decisions over specific individuals in Pakistan and Yemen and elsewhere,” added Grayson.

8 October - 2013

Pakistan India tensions: Top military officials to meet face-to-face

NEWS prospects of resuming stalled peace talks with Pakistan. He said the two nuclear-armed neighbours still had not reached a stage where they could resume the process. “I must make it very clear that we have not reached a stage where we can do something like resuming talks [with Pakistan],” he said after returning to India following a trip with Singh to Indonesia. He also termed the recent incidents along the LoC ‘upsetting’ and not conducive to the normalisation of ties. Tensions along the LoC have flared in recent months. The Indian military has accused Pakistani forces of helping militants infiltrate Indianadministered Kashmir.

rather than hurling such baseless accusations, India would be well advised to respond positively to Pakistan’s suggestion for holding joint or impartial investigation into the LoC incidents, preferably by the United Nations. Pakistan Army was exercising restraint but the same should in no way be used as a pretext for levelling such baseless allegations that might vitiate prospects of regional peace.General Kayani said that Pakistan Army was fully supportive of the peace process initiated by the government.

Use of force is the last option against terrorists: Kayani

The ongoing tensions prompted army chief General Ashfaq Parvez midst soaring tensions, senior Kayani to break his silence and military officials from Pakistan term the Indian allegations as ‘unand India are expected to meet fortunate, unfounded and provocative’. next month to come up with a clear plan to restore ceasefire along the He insisted that the Pakistan Army Line of Control (LoC), officials told was exercising restraint but the same should in no way be used as The Express Tribune on Sunday. a pretext for levelling such “baseThe decision to lower the ongo- less allegations that vitiate prosing tensions at the LoC was taken pects of regional peace.” during a meeting between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York last month. Kakul: ISLAMABAD:


The two premiers instructed their respective directors general military operations (DGMOs) to evolve a mechanism to avoid a repeat of ceasefire violations at the LoC.

Indian Army chief’s statements provocative, says COAS

A senior government official said that under the existing mechanism, the DGMOs talked to each other through a hotline every Tuesday. “But at the New York summit the two prime ministers agreed that they [DGMOs] should have faceto-face talks,” he said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue. He said the mechanism and venue for the meeting between the top military officials had yet to be worked out. When contacted, a military official said it was not yet clear whether the talks would take place at the level of DGMOs or as part of the overall dialogue.


hief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani addressed to a passing out parade of the cadets at Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Kakul on Saturday. While addressing to the cadets, Pakistan’s Army Chief said that “Although the military supports peace talks, it is capable of effectively using force against anti-state Taliban militants as a last resort”



hief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, while referring to the statements made by the Indian military leadership, particularly the Indian Army chief alleging Pakistan Army and ISI of supporting terrorism, termed them unfortunate, unfounded and provocative.

He made these remarks while talking to a group of officers at the A foreign ministry official separate- General Headquarters on Friday, ly said the situation was still uncer- says an press release.The COAS tain because New Delhi was not said that Pakistan was also conreceptive to Islamabad’s peace cerned over the continued violaovertures for now. tions of the Line of Control (LoC). Indian External Affairs Minister The ceasefire was proposed by Salman Khurshid on Saturday Pakistan and agreed to by the two painted a grim picture about the countries in 2003. He added that

Washington trip: Nawaz didn’t play his cards well, says Shah



pposition leader in the National Assembly Syed Khursheed Shah has said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif failed to cash in on the opportunity of the superpower’s dependency on Islamabad for a safe exit from Afghanistan next year during his Washington trip. “We should not have pinned such high hopes on the premier’s visit, as not a single demand was materialised during Nawaz’s maiden trip to Washington,” Shah said while talking to The Express Tribune on Friday.

He said that the prime minster had left for the US with a long wish list, but he could not press the Obama administration to approve a single demand including the release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui, stopping of drones He said that “The national leaderor any financial favour. ship has decided to give dialogue a chance to deal with the issue of “Nawaz had good cards to play, terrorism and Pakistan army fully particularly the US dependency on supports this process” Pakistan during the exit of its forces from Afghanistan in 2014. This Addressing to the cadets, he furcard was not played in an effective ther said that “The nation and the and efficient manner,” said Shah. political leadership have to determine the parameters for holding Commenting on the willingness of such a dialogue. This process the US to release $1.6 billion aid, should bring unity among the na- the opposition leader said it was tion instead of leading to a division” part of the assistance package The army chief stressed that the which had been approved by the process of negotiation should be US administration under the Kerrypursued under and in accordance Lugar Bill. “This is not a new financial programme and it was fiercely with the constitution of Pakistan. opposed by the PML-N in the He added “The military will be past,” he said. According to Shah, more than happy if a solution to this is 80 per cent military and only the problem is found through dialogue” 20 per cent civilian aid.

9 October - 2013

Bilawal Pledges to “Hunt” the “Lion”, Rescue the KPK people from “Tsunami” & Declares Jihad against Extremists

NEWS He laid a floral wreath at the memorial of those killed in the Karsaz bombing and offered prayers for the victims. Later on, Bilawal also went to the shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi to pay his respects. Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah, PPP leader Mian Raza Rabbani and various other party leaders were also present on the occasion.

MQM, PPP fail to form coalition but talks go on


Addressing his supporters at Karachi’s Karsaz on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the Oct 18, 2007 bomb blasts that killed 176 people during a historic rally led by his mother Benazir Bhutto, Bilawal promised supporters that he would fight for the people. The PPP chairman said that on Oct 18, the Taliban had used a child in the suicide attack on the rally led by his mother on her return from Dubai. He said the PPP was a party of jiyalas (zealots), adding that it had given numerous sacrifices on several occasions. Pointing towards the current governments of PTI he said that he will rescue the people of KPK from the “Tsunami”. He also took the PML(N) government aggressively saying that the “Loin” is drinking the blood of poor Pakistanis. Speaking at the site of the attack amid cheer from party supporters, Bilawal said he had “sacrificed” his childhood and his mother for the country. During the address, he said Karachi still remained “a colony of London” and pledged that his party would “rescue the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from the tsunami”.

The News has learnt that the MQM’s London secretariat in charge and Convenor Nadeem Nusrat was tasked by party leader Altaf Hussain to be present in the meeting and clearly state the “conditions and demands of the MQM”. “Nadeem Nusrat has gained increasing importance since being inducted in the front line of the party in summer this year. He has the full trust of the MQM leader, and it was made sure that he is in the middle of this important meeting to crack the whip if needed,” said the source.


akistan People’s Party Chairman, Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari declared an open Jihad (holy war) against the hijackers of Faith.

The presence of high powered MQM delegation in Dubai was three-pronged, according to a senior source in the MQM.“It was to speak about some important issues concerning London. It was to discuss joining the government in Sindh, its formalities, Bilawal Bhutto’s recent speech, Karachi operation, the arrests of MQM workers in the operation, release of development funds. And importantly, it was to discuss the MQM’s matters in Dubai,” confided the trusted insider.


Contrary to the news that the he Muttahida Qaumi Movement MQM was not interested in joining (MQM) and Pakistan People’s the government, said the source, Party (PPP) agreed to hold further the party is actually more than eatalks about forming a coalition at ger to enter into a coalition with the Sindh level after initially agree- the PPP. Altaf Hussain gave his blessing to such a decision, and ing to meet in secrecy. it was in this context that the two It was expected that the formation sides met, but the party leadership of the coalition will be announced, is aware that their workers don’t but the two sides failed to agree like each other. on a working mechanism over core issues confronting both par- Deep inside, the MQM is of the ties.Late on Thursday night, When view that the coalition will be Geo News exclusively broke the bumpier than the last governnews of meeting plans between ment but outside of the governthe former allies PPP and MQM ment, the MQM has little room to in Dubai, the MQM was quick to man oeuvre.Former interior minissue a denial and a senior MQM ister Rehman Malik, who shuttled leader called the news “a figment between London and Islamabad of imagination of some people” but for almost five years to make the then the two sides confirmed that coalition work between the two a meeting was planned but only as warning sides, reached Dubai on Friday morning to hold a breakfast a routine engagement. meeting with the MQM leadership Governor Sindh Ishrat Ebad, along about the agenda of the meeting. with Deputy Convenor Khalid Maq- This time, however, Rehman Mabool Siddiqui, Adil Siddiqui and lik will not have to do all the runBabar Ghauri, had specially ar- ning as two of the most important rived in Dubai to discuss entering people for Asif Ali Zardari –Faryal into a coalition with the London- Talpur and Awais Tappi – will help based Rabita Committee. Such in negotiations with the MQM, and serious issues – it has become a both were part of the meeting. practice now – are not dealt over the phone in Karachi because the The most important part of the MQM fears that its phone lines are MQM’s senior leaders’ huddle in spied on and that’s the fear the Dubai has been the party’s affairs party has about its communica- locally. The MQM leaders held a separate meeting on Thursday in tion lines in Britain as well.


which key matters related to financial affairs of the party in Dubai were discussed. Babar Ghauri, confided the source, is now responsible for all the financial matters of the MQM in Dubai, and he works in conjunction with a trusted family member of the MQM founder Altaf Hussain – Mazhar Hussain alias Mamoo (Iqbal Hussain’s brother-in-law). The source said that Mazhar Hussain has been inducted in the party to look after all the matters concerning Dubai and Babar Ghauri will be reporting to him. Meanwhile, MQM spokesman denied that the party has joined the Sindh government.In a statement from Karachi, he said, “the MQM has not decided to join the government. There is no truth in the news reports which has been reported by the media”.“As far as meetings between political leaders are concerned, they are part of political and democratic process,” he added.

Innocents also being arrested in Karachi operation: Altaf



uttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief, Altaf Hussain Thursday claimed that some innocent people are also being rounded up in the ongoing targeted operation against the criminal elements in Karachi but added that no statement be issued which may affect this exercise. In his telephonic address to the MQM workers here at its headquarters Nine Zero, Altaf Hussain said that he had asked the innocents to observe patience. “If they are really innocent, they will be set free,” he told them. He said no such statement be issued which may affect the ongoing operation in Karachi.

10 October - 2013

PTI floats ideas to end economic crunch

NEWS The PTI demanded that exempted sectors like property and agriculture be brought into the tax net with agricultural tax being put on produce not a flat rate on holding. Capital Gains Tax must be introduced on property and the stock market and the federal government can take this measure.

MQM challenges PPP-backed

Sindh LG law in SC

This will again widen the tax net and be a progressive rather than a regressive tax. The rich in Pakistan have too many legal tax exemptions, while the middle classes and the poor continue to be burdened with increasing indirect taxes. This trend must be change and stopped. PTI demanded that government should stop gas and electricity akistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) theft as Shahbaz Sharif during the Chairman Imran Khan on Fri- election campaign declared that day said the ruling party is now Rs300 billion was being lost to showing its true colours of being electricity theft and Rs600 billion a Rich Man Club rather than a to tax evasion. By ending these political party representing all seg- thefts, the national exchequer ments of Pakistani society. would be richer by Rs900 billion instead of gaining just Rs150 bilThe chairman PTI has demanded lion through rising of the electricity the government to immediately tariff. roll back GST and price hike in electricity as these are causing The PTI demanded that the govimmense suffering to the citizens, ernment should bring back lootespecially those who are least able ed money from foreign countries to bear the burden of spiralling in- where new laws allow for this. Why flation and rising indirect taxation. has the government not taken advantage of these laws to bring “The PTI realizes the economic crisis the country is facing but even back this money that belongs to before the elections it had pro- the people of Pakistan? Governvided alternate solutions to resolv- ment should end all money whiting the prevailing economic issues ening schemes. This is a long without adding to the burden of overdue measure and Institution of FBR must be reformed immethe ordinary citizen. diately, including making it autono“Today, as it demands the govern- mous, the PTI demanded. ment to roll back the GST and electricity tariff hikes, it is offer- An immediate austerity policy ing more viable and just ways of should be introduced where all the dealing with the economic crunch, Governor Houses in the country beginning with the enforceable should be converted into public principle that all income should buildings, and their gardens into be taxed. The PTI demanded Parks. Present expenses of mainthat the government should catch taining these should be made the tax evaders as Federal Board public also. These are colonial of Revenue (FBR) has identified remnants and should be convert300,000 people who should be ed into museums PTI demanded. paying taxes but are not paying any taxes. The PTI Chairman said Again, each province should have an amount of Rs300 billion can be at best only one CM House (given added immediately to the nation- security imperatives) and expendial exchequer if each of these tax tures for that should be made pubevaders and thieves robbing the lic and drastically reduced. The state of its dues is made to pay practice of declaring private resieven Rs100,000 although many dences as “CM House” must end would be falling into a much higher immediately as it puts a further tax bracket. Additionally, there is strain on limited state resources. about 35 per cent sales tax eva- In effect all state/government exsion in the country and if this is travagance, paid for by the hapstopped, Rs250 billion can be re- less taxpayer of Pakistan, should come to an immediate end. covered. ISLAMABAD:




he Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) on Monday challenged the Sindh Local Government Act (SLGA) 2013 in the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

The party through its leaders Dr Farooq Sattar and Advocate Farogh Nasim filed a petition in the apex court’s Karachi registry.

The PPP, however, enjoys support of Pakistan Muslim LeagueNawaz, PML-F and Sindhi nationalists over the issue. The petition filed at the SC’s Karachi registry on Monday said that unless political, administrative, and financial powers are delegated to lower level, local government system would be nothing but a sheer autocracy. The party, through the petition, spelled out the departments that are mandatory to be devolved to the local government. They include municipal services, land, law and order, transport, trade and commerce, health, education, administration and service, financial matters, provincial financial committees, taxation, and departmentwise allocation of budget. It said the SLGA was void as it did not provide for devolution and decentralisation of essential departments as suggested in Article 140-A of the Constitution. The party prayed the court to declare the SLGA-2013 as unconstitutional and direct respondents to legislate and pass local government law in accordance with the country’s constitution.

Naming chief secretary, speaker and secretary of Sindh Assembly, secretary law, secretary local government department as respondents, the petition said the newly MQM leader Dr Farooq Sattar, legislated law contradicts Article while speaking to the media outside the SC’s Karachi registry, ruled 104-A of the Constitution. out notion that the party wanted The issue of local government sys- to delay the upcoming local govtem in the province has widened ernment elections in the province, rift between Pakistan People’s scheduled for November 27. Party (PPP) and MQM – the former coalition partners in Sindh and at the center. The SLGA-2013 was passed into law by the Sindh Assembly on August 19 amid fierce opposition by the MQM.

MQM will participate in Punjab local body elections: Altaf

The ruling PPP had initially supported the MQM-backed Sindh People’s Local Government Act (SPLGA), however, later nullified it saying ‘it was against aspirations of the people of the province.’ Referring to the SPLGA, the MQM says that the party was not content with the local government law introduced during Gen Pervez Musharraf’s rule and it wanted it LAHORE: to be made more progressive and inclusive. QM head, Altaf Hussain has announced that MQM will It also declares the current SLGA take part in the local bodies elecas facsimile of the SLGO of 1979, tions from all across the Punjab. which had been introduced by Gen Ziaul Haq. The party is of the Addressing party workers in Laopinion that the law might sharpen hore and Multan, he said that canthe urban-rural divide in Sindh. didates will be nominated from



11 October - 2013


each and every district in Lahore and asked party workers to ready themselves for the task.

The MQM leader questioned the silence of human rights and other welfare organisations over the killings of MQM activists, alleging the The MQM chief said that in order LEAs were torturing the party acto save Pakistan, people in Pun- tivist to death. jab will have to take practical steps to eradicate the prevalent corrupt Haider said the death of Dilshad political culture and bureaucratic had become a question mark on norms in place. He said that if the targeted operation in Karachi Punjab doesn’t do the needful, the and termed it extrajudicial killing. entire country will see terrorism He alleged about eight MQM strengthening its foothold. workers were still missing and peAsserting that MQM was the only titions for their recovery had been party that could turn Pakistani into filed in courts. He demanded the a prosperous state, he urged Pun- judiciary’s immediate action for jab to join hands with the party. their safe recovery.

MQM slams Rangers for worker’s killing

“MQM chief Altaf Hussain supported the targeted operation against criminals and terrorists, but the operation has been diverted towards his workers,” Haider lamented.

a heart patient and, viewing his condition, he was handed over to his brother after completing the legal procedure. In another development, Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain has condemned the killing of Dilshad Ahmed Khan and urged the party workers to stay calm.

According to the sources, a gang war accused, identified as Yousuf, was killed when an exchange of fire took place between the security forces and the culprits. On the other hand, three persons including a police officer lost their lives in the recent firing and other violent incidents that occurred early today morning.

In a statement on Sunday, Hussain demanded President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif take serious notice of torturing the party activists to death during the custody of the law-enforcement agencies.

Police told that unknown gunmen opened fire in Moach Goth area of Baldia Town that killed a man who was later identified as Assistant Sub-inspector (ASI) Khursheed. The deceased policeman was deployed in Mochko police station.

He urged the chief justice of Pakistan to take suo motu notice of the incident. Altaf also urged the chief of army staff to form an investigation committee under the supervision of the secret agencies to probe the case and bring those involved in the case to justice.

Another man was killed when unidentified assailants opened fire at Vita roundabout in Korangi Industrial Area. The victim could not be identified yet.

He further said the operation should show impartiality to get positive results and it should be ensured that human rights, law and the Constitution were not vio- The MQM Coordination Commitlated on the pretext of maintaining tee has summoned an emergency peace. meeting in Karachi and London simultaneously to discuss the party Haider said Interior Minister activists’ torture during custody Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan an- and behaviour of the law-enforcenounced the formation of a moni- ment agencies in the ongoing KARACHI : toring committee or an oversight targeted operation in Karachi. It uttahida Quami Movement committee to examine the targetis expected that the coordination (MQM) Coordination Com- ed operation, but it has not been committee will make some immittee Member Haider Abbas Rizvi formed yet. He demanded the fedportant announcement after the on Sunday charged Rangers with eral government form an oversight meeting. extrajudicial killing of MQM’s Dil- committee immediately to supershad Ahmed Khan and demanded vise the ongoing operation in the the chief justice of Pakistan take metropolis. notice of the incident. Haider demanded President Addressing a press conference Mamnoon Hussain, Prime Minat Khursheed Begum Secretariat, ister Nawaz Shareef, chief of the Haider, condemning the behaviour army staff, the interior minister, the of the law-enforcement agencies, Sindh governor and the CM take said the security agencies were notice of the alleged extrajudicial carrying out unlawful arrests of murder of the MQM worker. He the party workers and subjecting also appealed to the CJP to prothem to torture into custody. vide justice to the family of the deceased. He further said the law-enforcement agencies arrested Dilshad MQM Coordination Committee Ahmed Khan, a former unit in Member Amir Khan, Kanwar Navcharge, on the October 23 night eed and others were also present from the area near Pakistan Chow- on the occasion. ak. Dilshad was brutally tortured and then handed over to his fam- Meanwhile, the Sindh Rangers ily on October 25 in unconscious spokesman rejected MQM’s alcondition. Dilshad was shifted to legations and said Dilshahd was Civil Hospital Karachi from where arrested on October 24 and was he was taken to a private hospital handed over to his brother on Ocwhere he died. tober 25. During his detention, he was interrogated at an in-camera KARACHI: According to the doctors, Dilshad session and the video evidence received head injuries during the was available with the Rangers. olice and Rangers launched torture and was put on ventilator; a joint operation in Lyari area his both legs were fractured and The spokesman made it clear that where a gang war accused was marks of torture were visible on his Dilshad was not tortured during killed during an encounter, Geo body. custody of the Rangers. “He was News reported Saturday.


Karachi: Gang war accused killed during operation in Lyari


In other incidents of firing that took place in Mettroville Site and Lyari areas, two persons sustained injuries who were shifted to nearby hospital for treatment.

Wali Babar’s killers to be taken to task: Sharjeel



indh Information Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon said that number of policemen killed in Karachi was more than any other place. Speaking at a local hotel, he said that exemplary punishment would be given to the killers of Wali Khan Babar and they would be taken to task .

He lamented that perpetrators had also killed all the witnesses, police officers and a lawyer associated with the Wali Babar murder case. Memon said that the PPP government would bring peace back to Karachi and police were making efforts for the purpose.

12 October - 2013


Asian Human Services Opens New West Ridge Clinic on Friday, October 18, 20l3 at 2501-05 West Peterson Ave, Chicago Report by Jawaid Riaz

Senator Richard Durbin, Representative Jan Schakowsky, and 40th Ward Alderman Patrick O’Connor helped Asian Human Services CEO Abha Pandya cut thc ribbon and welcomed guests and patients to the celebration.


any prominent community leaders gathered on Friday. October 18, to celebrate the Grand Opening of Asian Human Services Family Health Center West Clinic, located at 2501-05 West Peterson Avenue, Chicago. Senator Richard Durbin. Representative Jan Schakowsky, and 40th Ward Alderman Patrick O’ Connoe lxlpod Asian ltunun Services CEO, Abha pandya, cut the ribbon and welcome guests and patients to the celebration. The were joined by State Senator Daniel Bliss. State Representative Greg Harris. and members of the Asian Human Services Board and staff, as well as Theresa Mah, Governor Quinn’s appointed Director of Asian American Outreach.

diversity of the community, and of the site’s history as a community resource, first as a community garden. and now as a community health center.

Mrs. Pandya thanked funders: the Illinois Capital Development Board, HRSA, and the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, And project partners; IFF, Atul Karkhanis Architects, and Bulley & Andrews.

The new, 7,000-square-feet clinics state of the art, with nine exam rooms and three fully equipped dental operatories, all connected to the AHS Family Health Center’s electronic medical record system, All AHS Family Health Center physicians are experienced, highly trained and Board certified; the new clinic Senator Durbin praised the vital role of government and com- is staffed by two full-time physimunity-based clinics in makong cians and one full-time dentist. high quality health care accessible to Chicago residents, and For appointments at either of the the leadership of Asian Human AHS Family Health Center clinics, Services in reaching out to immi- call 773-761-0300, See www. grant communities with services for more inforin many languages. Alderman mation on Asian Human Services O‘Connor spoke of The cultural and the AHS Family Health Center.

13 October - 2013


The World’s Most Powerful People 2013

Turkey women MPs wear headscarves in parliament

Microsoft tycoon and philanthropist Bill Gates took the sixth place, US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is at number seven, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah at eight and European Central Bank ussian President Vladimir Pu- President Mario Draghi at nine. NKARA : Four female lawmaktin has knocked US President The magazine ranks the 72 people ers from Turkey’s Islamic-rootBarack Obama off of the top spot on the list – one for every 100 mil- ed government attended a parliaon Forbes’ 2013 World’s Most lion people on earth – according to ment session on Thursday wearing Powerful People List. how many people they have pow- headscarves, for the first time in 14 er over; the financial resources years. In 1999, Turkish American The magazine explained Putin they control; if they have influence lawmaker Merve Kavakci arrived earned the number one ranking in parliament wearing a headscarf “because he so frequently shows in more than one sphere; and how for her swearing-in ceremony. She his strength at home and on the actively they wield their power to was booed out of the house and global stage”, citing his involve- change the world. then had her Turkish citizenship rement in negotiations with Syria UK Prime Minister David Cameron voked. Turkey’s ruling Justice and over chemical weapons and NSA is no longer considered one of Development Party (AKP) lifted on leaker Edward Snowden’s asylum the world’s top 10 most powerful September 30 a decades-old ban in Russia. This is the first time Pu- people, after dropping out of the on headscarves in the civil service tin is at the top of the list, coming list. The prime minister’s standing as part of a package of reforms in third in 2012. on the world stage has diminished, meant to improve democracy and according to the annual ranking, freedoms. leading him to slip one place from 10th to 11th. He now sits behind Wal-Mart CEO Michael Duke, but just ahead of the world’s richest man Carlos Slim Helu.


Obama, who ranked at the top of the Forbes list every year — except 2010 — since it began in 2009, fell to the number two spot out of 72 “heads of state, financiers, philanthropists and entrepreneurs who truly run the world”.


In its profile of Cameron, the magazine said he had been damaged by the row over energy prices and now had “two years to galvanise the Tory party ahead of a 2015 General Election”.

The magazine said, “The Conservative PM guides the world’s sixth largest economy and was once hailed as the second coming of Margaret Thatcher. No more… He The magazine said recent hurdles has recently been criticised for a Obama has faced such as the flip-flop approach to green taxes government shutdown as well after he pledged to slash the tax as the two leaders wrestling over on household energy bills amid Syria strategies and the NSA leaks soaring gas and electricity prices.” has led to “shifting individual power dynamics”. “The Oxford graduate and (illegiti“Putin has solidified his control over mate) descendant of King William Russia while Obama’s lame duck IV (1830-1837) has fired at the period has seemingly set in earlier Guardian newspapers and NSA than usual for a two-term presi- whistleblower Edward Snowden for ‘making it a lot more difficult dent,” the magazine said. to keep our countries and our citiChinese premier Xi Jinping is at zens safe’. He has two years to number three on the list, Pope galvanise the Tories ahead of a Francis fourth and German Chan- 2015 general election.” No Pakicellor Angela Merkel is the top- stani could make it to the Forbes placed woman at number five. list.

“I’m No Western Puppet” says Malala


akistani schoolgirl and a victim of Taliban’s assassination attempt, Malala Yousafzai has fought back on the allegations raised against her by some elements of the social media & civil soceity of Pakistan who claim that she is a western Puppet.

The 16 year old activist was shot by Taliban last year for raising voice for girl’s right to education. Malala said that she is accused of being a figure of the West now by some Pakistanis but she is the daughter of Pakistan and is a proud Pakistani. While talking to BBC in London she said “My father says that education is neither Eastern or Western. Education is education: it’s the right of everyone.” “The thing is that the people of Pakistan have supported me. They don’t think of me as Western. I am a daughter of Pakistan and I am proud that I am a Pakistani.” she said.

14 October - 2013


condemns Beijing

terror attack



ormer President Asif Ali Zardari has condemned the reported terrorist attack in Beijing on Monday resulting in the killing of five people and injury to many more.

Zardari said that no words were strong enough to condemn the brutal attack, in a statement issued PPP secretariat. Noting that suspects involved in the crime had been swiftly apprehended the former President said that the quick move by the authorities was most welcome and expressed the hope that it will help in nipping the evil of militancy and extremism in the bud, he added. The former President said that relations between Pakistan and China transcended domestic political considerations as is evident from the decisions to undertake Gawadur project, improve connectivity and turn this region into a vibrant trade, energy and economic corridor.

Nawaz buckled under US pressure: PTI

NEWS to “urge” him to halt these illegal strikes. She pointed out that the recent Amnesty International Report has pointed to the illegal nature of these strikes. Pakistan’s political parties had given a mandate to the federal government to stop drone strikes, she maintained. However, neither the previous government nor the incumbent one have acted resolutely to stop these unlawful drone attacks despite their acknowledged illegality and their brazen violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty, the PTI leader lamented. Mazari added, “Within the country, anti-drone voices have grown and now there is a political consensus against these attacks.” Yet Nawaz buckled under pressure, she said. “Since Obama has refused to stop drone strikes in Fata, and since the Nawaz government has an APC mandate to stop drone strikes, what is the next step of the federal government?”

PTI to protest against inflation on Nov. 1st



pposition Leader in the Punjab Assembly, Mian Mehmood ur Rasheed has announced that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) will stage a protest demonstration on November 1, against increasing inflation in the country.

While making the announcement, the PTI leader said that the party chief Imran Khan wants to grant some more time to the GovernISLAMABAD: ment, so that no one could say that ven though the prime minis- that it could not work due to PTI’s ter termed his visit a success, protests. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf insisted it was a failure vis-a-vis Pakistan’s He said that the PTI gives an ultimatum to the Government to restance on drone strikes. duce the prices of petroleum prodIn a statement, PTI’s Central Infor- ucts and other basic commodities mation Secretary Dr Shireen Maz- immediately, else it will take to the ari said, “Prime Minister Nawaz streets with full force. Sharif failed to categorically tell President Obama that drone Moreover, Rasheed denounced the allegation on him for getting an strikes must stop.” attractive government post to his Instead, all the prime minister could brother and termed it all a fake promuster before US President was paganda against him.


Trial of corruption cases against Zardari begins today

man for Mr Zardari, said former law minister Farooq Naek will represent the former president in the court on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Mr Zardari has shelved his scheduled visit to Lahore on Tuesday with no announcement of next date of the visit. He was scheduled to meet leaders and workers of the PPP in Lahore in an effort to reorganise the party in Punjab. Mr Babar said he believed that Mr Zardari would win the cases. “The NAB had pursued the cases for several years, but could not find even a single credible evidence against him,” he said.

Mr Naek could not be contacted despite attempts. He had said SLAMABAD: After a long interval earlier that Mr Zardari would be of five years, former president Asif absolved of the charges because Ali Zardari will face six corruption he was co-accused in the cases cases in an accountability court on and the main accused had already Tuesday (today). been acquitted. “If a main accused The National Accountability Bureau in a case has been acquitted, how (NAB) has vowed to ‘vigorously’ a co-accused can be punished.” pursue the cases and the main opposition PPP has decided to vehe- Some political circles believe that ‘dealing’ with the cases against Mr mently defend Mr Zardari. Zardari and the Sharif brothers will Sources in the NAB said the bu- be a challenge for the new NAB reau, which is an investigation and chairman as he is said to be a ‘loyprosecution agency, had made alist’ of Nawaz Sharif and has allegpreparations to pursue the cases. edly been appointed under a ‘shifty deal’ between the PML-N and the “NAB Chairman Qamar Zaman PPP that envisages that cases Chaudhry has made it clear that against their top leaders will not be he will not tolerate any leniency ‘effectively’ pursued. in pursuance of cases against Mr The cases against Mr Zardari conZardari.” tain charges of kickbacks and comHe said the NAB chief directed of- mission from SGS PSI Company for ficials concerned in a recent meet- pre-shipment inspection, grant of a ing to honestly fight the cases. licence to ARY Gold causing losses to national exchequer, receipt of ilOn Oct 11, the Accountability legal gratification and commission Court of Islamabad issued notices in purchase of URSUS tractors unto NAB Prosecutor General K.K. der the Awami Tractor Scheme, illeAgha and Mr Zardari to attend the gal award of a contract to Cotecna hearing of the cases on Tuesday. for pre-shipment, possession of Mr Zardari’s five-year-term as presassets beyond means and receipt ident ended on Sept 8. of kickbacks from Sajjad Ahmad, a The cases against Mr Zardari former chairman of Pakistan Steel were closed five years ago after Mills. the promulgation of the National The Cotecna corruption reference Reconciliation Ordinance by then was initially prepared by Saifur president retired General Pervez Rehman, the chairman of Ehtesab Musharraf. Later the NAB could Bureau during the second govnot reopen the cases because ernment of Nawaz Sharif. Former Mr Zardari became president and prime minister Benazir Bhutto and started enjoying immunity. Mr Zardari were the main accused The new chairman of the NAB has and Nusrat Bhutto, former chairalready vowed to reopen pend- man of the Federal Board of Reveing cases, including those against nue A.R. Siddiqui and six directors Mr Zardari, Prime Minister Nawaz of the Swiss company, Cotecna, Sharif and Punjab Chief Minister were co-accused. Benazir Bhutto Shahbaz Sharif. Now all eyes are and Mr Zardari had been accused on him to see when he reopens of taking as kickback six per cent of the total value of $131 million cases against the Sharif brothers. pre-shipment contract awarded to Senator Farhatullah Babar, spokes- the Swiss company.


15 October - 2013

Senior Hoti levels allegations against ANP adership

NEWS away from its affairs to save it from collapse.

He added that he warned his father a few months ago that these Meanwhile, the ANP rejected Ho- conflicts will “get to the point that ti’s claims as “baseless accusa- we will no longer be able to walk together,” adding that “this has tions” leveled against the party. happened”. ANP’s Zahid Khan said Hoti had effectively rejected his own claims On September 29, following his by saying he had no documentary father’s statements demanding evidence to support them. Asfandyar quit, Haider Hoti had Speaking outside the Parliament said statements which disgrace House in Islamabad, Khan said the party chief will not be tolerated.

that conspiracies and failed attempts to topple the ANP leadership was not a new phenomenon, and Hoti’s allegations were a continuation of the same phenomenon. Khan questioned why Hoti had not ormer member of the Awami raised the allegations while he was National Party (ANP), Senator enjoying the perks of being a minAzam Khan Hoti on Monday ac- ister during the previous ANP govcused party chief Asfandyar Wali ernment in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Khan and Senator Afrasiab Khattak of entering into a “secret pact” with the United States.


Hoti claimed Asfandyar Wali Khan and Senator Afrasiab Khattak had “sold out the party” for a sum of 35 million dollars. Earlier this month, the party’s organising committee had terminated the party membership of the senior leader for violation of party discipline. The committee expelled the leader for leveling “baseless” allegations and using foul language against senior leadership. Speaking at a press conference here today, Hoti leveled another barrage of accusations against the top leadership. Hoti said that the Asfandyar Wali and Khattak had travelled to the US for negotiations and that the two “disappeared” for a period of ten days. He said the two accepted money to enter into a secret pact with the US against the interests of the “Pashtun homeland”. Failing to provide any documentary evidence to back his claims, Hoti said that such pacts do not have any records, receipts or written agreements. However, he stated that the secret agreement was against the interests of the party and the “Pashtun nation”. Azam Hoti is the father of former chief minister Ameer Haider Hoti and a brother-in-law of Asfandyar Wali Khan. He has previously held Asfandyar responsible for the party’s massive defeat in general elections in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

He has also previously said in a statement that it was necessary to separate Mr Asfandyar from the party leadership and keep him

Hoti vs Hoti: Amir Haider speaks against father’s ANP bashing


ormer chief minister (CM) and Awami National Party (ANP) leader Amir Haider Khan Hoti said conflicts between his father, senior politician Azam Khan Hoti and the rest of his family have left them on different sides, Express News reported on Tuesday.

Speaking at the Peshawar Press Club about the conflict, he hinted that they stemmed from his father’s accusations against the leadership of ANP, adding that his “father chose to take a personal matter and make it public.” Azam Khan had accused Asfandyar Wali Khan and Afrasiab Khattak during a press conference on Monday, saying they made a $35 million deal with the US to ignore the bloodshed in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P).

Amir Haider said that any person making such baseless accusations against Asfandyar is only doing so to further a personal grudge against him.

Startling development: Pakistan suspected origin of polio in Syria

Kenya, and now probably Syria, the number of cases will this year represent an increase rather than a fall – the first upward trend since 2008. There were also a handful of cases reported in Cameroon, south Sudan and Ethiopia and this year’s total already stands at 301, before the cases in Syria are added. Experts say the new outbreaks highlight the need to completely eradicate polio in those counties where it is still endemic and from where it can spread to other countries – especially those considered high risk. Meanwhile, Pakistan remains one of the toughest challenges for polio workers. Many communities in the remote tribal areas bordering Afghanistan have historically been suspicious of vaccination programmes.

Last year, the Taliban prevented health workers vaccinating children in North and South Waziristan, a decision that meant 240,000 children under the age of five missed out. Dozens of health workers and police guards have igh-ranking officials working been attacked and many have for the polio eradication pro- been killed. gramme have indicated that there It is not yet known where the Syris a possibility that the ongoing ian virus originated from, somepoliovirus outbreak in Syria that thing that will only be identified by recently left ten children paralysed the tests being conducted in laboafter 14 years, originated from ratories in Tunisia. Some reports Pakistan. have raised the prospect that the World Health Organisation (WHO) polio virus in Syria may have been Polio Eradication Chief Dr Elias introduced by a foreign fighter joinDurry, while taking to The Express ing the hostilities against President Tribune, said that the Regional Bashar al-Assad. The city of Deir Reference Laboratory had not yet Al Zour is partly controlled by Syrcompleted the genetic analysis of ian government forces while the the virus found in Syria and there surrounding countryside is held by was a possibility that the virus had rebel forces. originated from Pakistan. Khyber Pakhunkhwa Governor “We have laboratory proof that vi- Shaukatullah Khan had said in the ruses isolated in Palestine and event on World Polio Day that if Egypt originated from Pakistan but, the situation is not handled, there until the genetic analysis of the Syr- could be a ban on Pakistanis ian poliovirus is not complete, we wanting to travel to Saudi Arabia cannot be certain that it is of the for Hajj. same strain,” he said adding that the possibility was due to the on- The UN estimates that more than going poliovirus circulation in the 100,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict and that 2 milregion. lion Syrians have fled the country. The global battle against the polio As a result, children are now at far virus has largely been a success higher risk of diseases such as story, with the total number of cas- polio and measles. Most of the 22 es being reduced from 350,000 in children with suspected cases re1988 to 223 last year. India, which ported in Deir Al Zour are believed once accounted for half of the to be aged less than two years. world’s cases of polio, was taken off the endemic list in 2012 after In addition to the vaccination proa massive public health campaign. gramme, Unicef has flown in extra But with a sizeable number of supplies of fortified food for chilcases confirmed in Somalia and dren.


16 October - 2013


Chief Justice said that gone are the days when constitution was abrogated

Police declare Musharraf innocent in Ghazi murder case

“Nine FIRs were lodged against the people of Lal Masjid on the allegation of killing of law enforcing agencies officials and other innocent people. All the cases against the Lal Masjid activists would become dormant if Musharraf was found guilty,” the sources said. “After their investigation, the police declared Musharraf innocent as there was no evidence or eyewitness presented against the former president,” the sources said. The police authorities said that the former President Gen (retd) Musharraf has not been declared innocent; however, the JIT mentioned the points leading to the aspect that the accused was not involved in the murder of Ghazi and his mother. “The challan has been submitted to the court of law and the matter has been left to the court,” the sources maintained. “This is the prerogative of the court to declare the accused innocent or guilty,” the sources said.

under sections 302/109 PPC (FIR No 325/13), on the orders of Islamabad High Court (IHC) judge Nurul Haq Qureshi. Pervez Musharraf had categorically denied that he ordered ‘Operation Silence’ or any other military action against Lal Masjid and rejected the allegation of murder of Ghazi Rashid and his mother during questioning by the JIT, the report said. NNI adds: Meanwhile, the police submitted a challan to a local court related to Abdul Rasheed Ghazi murder case and termed former president Pervez Musharraf as innocent.The challan stated that theevidence or eyewitness to support his allegations.Police, in its challan, has left the decision about the fate of Musharraf on the discretion of the court.

The challan had a copy of FIR against Abdul Rasheed Ghazi n Saturday, Chief Justice Ifhe Joint Investigation Team registered in 2007, while the chaltikhar Muhammad Chaudhry (JIT) of Islamabad Police, in its lan also had the communication addressed the inaugural ceremony incomplete investigation report, record of police, deputy commisof judicial complex in Diska. While has declared former President Earlier, the Aabpara Police regsioner, chief commissioner and addressing Chief Justice said that Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf inno- istered a case against Gen (retd) the Home Ministry in regard with “Gone are the days when the con- cent in the murder case of Abdul Pervez Musharraf in the murder case of Ghazi Abdur Rashid and calling Army for Lal Masjid Operastitution was abrogated” Rashid Ghazi and his mother durhis mother on September 2, 2013, tion. He said that “Lawyers foiled all ing the Lal Masjid operation. efforts to wrap up democracy in “Gen (retd) Musharraf was neither Pakistan by rendering sacrifices” present on the scene during the Sialkot:




Lal Masjid operation nor any evidence could be produced to prove that the accused ordered the operation, and, finally, the army is always called on with complete While addressing he further said protection and Gen (retd) Pervez that “Dignity of the judiciary will be Musharraf enjoyed protection as protected no matter how great of the army chief,” the JIT indicated a sacrifice we are required to render” in the investigation report.

While talking about the lawyers Chief Justice applauded the services of a senior Judge of Supreme Court, Jawad S. Khawaja.

The JIT, headed by DIG (Headquarters) Khalid Mehmood Khattak, comprised SSP (Headquarters) Sajid Kayani and SP (Sadr Zone) Jamil Hashmi.The sources While addressing to another ceremony in Sialkot, there he said said that Gen Musharraf was the that “Today there is supremacy co-accused and the main susof Constitution; judiciary has en- pects were not nominated, or sured implementation of Constitu- they were unidentified. tion and protection of citizens. The The JIT, in its report, said that no lawyers put up a strong struggle witness was presented before the for independent judiciary and the investigation team who directly struggle aimed at strengthening witnessed the incident of killing the constitution increased judicia- Ghazi or his mother. “At an early ry’s prestige” stage, Maulana Abdul Aziz had He further said that “The judiciary lodged a complaint with the Aabalso rendered sacrifices to ensure para Police that his mother was the implementation of the Consti- missing during the Lal Masjid optution and protection of people. eration, but later, it was claimed Andthe judiciary bore great re- that she was killed by the law ensponsibility and there was a need forcing agencies,” the people ento create an atmosphere to resolve gaged in the investigation of the case, mentioning the report, said. people’s problems” He said that “Lawyers and civil society will not allow any effort to abrogate the constitution to succeed in the future”

17 October - 2013

Talks with

Taliban have begun:

Nawaz Sharif

NEWS Chaudhry Nisar briefed all political parties who participated in the All Parties Conference of September 9 that though the dialogue process with the Taliban had begun, no formal talks have occurred as yet. “The formal talks are yet to take place but the process of dialogue has been started,” said Nisar. “We expect that the formal dialogue with Taliban will also take place very soon.”


The government excused the delay in negotiations with the killing of Major General Sanaullah, the church attack and other terrorist acts, according to opposition leader Khursheed Shah, who was part of the meeting along with Farooq Sattar, Chaudhry Shujaat, The Prime Minister was talking to Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Abdul the British Deputy Prime Minister Ghafoor Haidri, Aftaf Sherpao and Nick Clegg in London. Sheikh Rashid Ahmed.


rime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif announced on Thursday that dialogue with the Taliban has started and he hoped that it will progress within the constitutional framework of the country.

The two leaders discussed issues of mutual interest and Nawaz apprised Clegg on talks with militants, relations with India, the energy situation and economic reforms, a press release from the Pakistan’s High Commission said. Nawaz said the government could not wait while innocent people and members of law-enforcement agencies were killed on the streets of Pakistan. He said his government was strengthening its counter-terrorism forces and intelligence agencies to make them fully capable of rooting out extremism and terrorism from the country. The premier also briefed Clegg on the recently promulgated Protection of Pakistan Ordinance, explaining how it was specifically designed to deal with terrorists threatening the people and the state of Pakistan.

UK Deputy Prime Minister Clegg told Nawaz that he and his government admired his economic reforms agenda and pro-active approach of reaching out to India before and after the elections. No direct contact yet, says Nisar

widely reported to have been killed in 2010 but later resurfaced.

She acknowledged that the United States was encouraging talks between the Afghan government and Afghan Taliban as it believed that there’s no military solution to the dispute.

Hundreds of civilians have died in the attacks, according to various estimates, prompting outrage in Pakistan and leading critics to accuse the US of breaching international law.

TTP confirm death of Hakimullah Mehsud in

US drone attack

Shah also said that according to Nisar, that the ‘official Taliban’ have 37 groups, whereas the ‘unofficial Taliban’ groups number over 50. PESHAWAR:


US closely

following Pakistan’s

talks with TTP WASHINGTON:


he United States was closely following reported talks between the Pakistani government and the TTP but would let Islamabad define those negotiations, the State Department said on Friday.

“We are, of course, following it closely as you would expect … but On Pakistan-India relations, Nawaz this is an internal matter for Pakisaid that he had made sincere ef- stan,” the department’s spokesforts to resolve all outstanding is- person Jen Psaki told a briefing in Washington. sues with India.

“We have made India bashing a non-issue in Pakistan but unfortunately, Indian politicians are still engaged in unwarranted Pakistan bashing”, he added.

would refrain from defining them for Pakistan.

The official reminded the media that this was not a dialogue and discussion that the US would be involved in. “We will see how things proceed (as) … we have a shared interest with Pakistan to end violence and bring peace and prosperity to the entire region,” she said. Ms Psaki said the United States was interested in “the talks, their scope and the outcome” but

A major report last week from rights campaigners Amnesty International said the US may be guilty of war crimes, highlighting two attacks which it said appeared to kill only civilians. The Pakistani government officially condemns drone strikes as a violation of its sovereignty and last week Sharif urged US President Barack Obama to halt the programme during a meeting in Washington.

Drone attack shows who is opposing

US drone strike on Friday killed Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) commander Hakimullah Mehsud near Miranshah area of North Waziristan, security and ISLAMABAD: insurgent sources said. akistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) Mehsud, believed to be aged Chairman Imran Khan has about 34, died along with three dubbed the US drone attack that others when a US drone fired two killed Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan missiles at a vehicle in a compound (TTP) chief Hakimullah Mehsud as in the village of Dandey Darpakhel, a conspiracy to sabotage efforts five kilometres (three miles) north to hold peace talks with the insurof Miranshah, the main town of gents. North Waziristan, officials said. Responding over the assault, ImSecurity and intelligence officials ran said that the US drone strike confirmed the death, while a se- showed who was against the govnior Taliban source said Mehsud ernment efforts to hold dialogues was killed along with his body- with the Taliban. guard, driver and uncle. Another Taliban commander said the funer- He said that the government had officially informed that a delegation al would be held on Saturday. was going to hold peace talks with It is the second significant blow to the Taliban, adding that the attack the TTP in less than a month, fol- on the occasion was aimed to lowing the capture of another se- spread anarchy in the country. nior commander by US forces in “The Taliban had denied their inAfghanistan. volvement in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa After a bloody six-year TTP insur- blasts and today it is also proved gency which has left thousands of that who was behind those explosoldiers, police and civilians dead, sions.” the government has been edging The PTI chairman further said that towards talks with the militants. the assault would damage the Mehsud took control of the TTP Pakistan’s relationship with the US. after a bitter fight for the leadership following the death of founder “We would bring a resolution conBaitullah Mehsud in a drone strike demning drone attacks in the asin August 2009. Mehsud was sembly,” he said.

peace talks efforts:



18 October - 2013

Pakistan surrenders first ODI by one run

NEWS Even when Hafeez fell, Pakistan never looked in trouble as Misbahul Haq (31) and Shehzad took Pakistan to 135 when the innings started to fall apart with Misbah dismissed by Parnell. The Pakistan skipper hit three fours off 49 balls. When on 28 he reached 4,000 one-day runs with a flurry of boundaries off Tahir. He became the 13th Pakistani batsmen to reach the milestone in his 129th match.

Pakistan played three seamers. Umar Akmal is back and so is Umar Amin, in place of Asad Shafiq. The Proteas are resting Dale Steyn while Amla, who went home for the birth of his child, is not back either.

Farhan fightback

reaps Chicago

Open glory

It was Shehzad who set the tone for a successful chase, hitting five boundaries in his 92-ball innings.


But once Shehzad and Misbah fell, South Africa sensed an unexpected victory as batsmen fell one after the other.

HARJAH: South Africa staged a remarkable comeback to turn what seemed certain defeat into a narrow one-run win over When South Africa batted after Pakistan in the first day-night inter- winning the toss, they could nevnational in Sharjah on Wednesday. er recover from the early loss of opener Colin Ingram, caught off Pakistan, chasing a modest 184 to Irfan’s second ball of the innings Vows to win more win, were cruising along nicely at for nought. laurels for country 165-4 but lost their last six wickets with the help of for just 17 runs off 39 balls to be Ajmal then rocked the South Afbowled out for 182 in 46.3 overs. coach, PSF rican batting, dimissing Graeme LLINOIS, Oct 28: From two Smith (20), Faf du Plessis (12) and It looked all over with Umar Amin games down in the Chicago (20) and Umar Akmal (18) at the skipper AB de Villiers (four) in his Open final against Eric Galvez, crease but leg-spinner Imran Ta- first spell of six overs. Pakistan’s Farhan Zaman staged hir (3-45) dismissed Umar, Shahid Afridi then jolted South Africa Afridi (nine) and Wahab Riaz (zero) further by taking Ryan McLaren in succsessive overs to leave Paki- (eight), David Miller (37) and Morkel stan struggling for the last seven (four) in his nine overs. runs. Parnell, who hit a century in South Last man Mohammad Irfan and Africa’s domestic one-day comSaeed Ajmal added five runs be- petition earlier this month, hit six fore Morne Morkel (2-23) bowled boundaries and a six off 70 balls Irfan to send his team into an un- and added an invaluable 52 for the expected but frenzied celebration, ninth wicket with Lonwabo Tsotmuch to the dismay of the 15,000 sobe (16 not out) to avoid a comcrowd who came to see Pakistan plete disaster. win. Parnell holed out in the 49th over, It was man-of-the-match Wayne caught off Ajmal before Sohail Parnell who starred with both bat Tanvir dismissed Imran Tahir in the and ball, hitting a career best 56 final over. before taking 3-41 in his eight overs. Parnell’s wicket was Ajmal’s 150th in his 93rd one-day match, beFor Pakistan off-spinner Ajmal coming Pakistan’s 11th bowler to (4-30) was well supported by legreach the milestone. spinner Afridi (3-37) as South Africa were bowled out in the final Tsotsobe hit a four and a six off over. Ajmal in the 45th over, crossing the double-figure mark for the first The win gives South Africa a 1-0 time in 52 matches. lead in the five-match series with the second match in Dubai on Fri- Miller hit two boundaries and a six day. off 51 balls before falling to Afridi, Pakistan lost opener Nasir Jam- leaving Parnell to repair the damshed (nought) early but Shehzad age to some extent.


(58) and Mohammad Hafeez (28) Parnell’s previous best of 49 was shared a 71-run stand for the against India at Jaipur three years second wicket to stablise the run- ago. chase.

the biggest fight-back of his career to claim the PSA World Tour Challenger 10 squash title at Life Time Athletic in Vernon Hills, Illinois. Third seed Farhan from Peshawar, faced 30-year-old Mexican No.4 seed Galvez in a thrilling summit clash of the event. Galvez, who survived three consecutive tie-break games to see off unseeded Frenchman Joan Lezaud in the semi-final, took the opening two games. But 20-year-old Farhan came back to draw level – and was leading 8-4 in the fifth when Galvez shook his hand, unable to compete after suffering a hamstring injury in the previous round. Galvez retired as the scores 9-11, 7-11, 11-5, 11-2, 8-4 gave Farhan his third Tour title.

19 October - 2013


lion Rupees to help pay off a bank loan, as well as putting her on a secured assistance of 10,000 rupees per month. He also helped her seShe has been love going to the ma- cure a plot of land for herself, but zars. where several of her pirs (holy that did not go through due to the men) reside. She has been visiting change in government. Pir Mushtaq Hussain, Pir Shafqat Hussain in Okara for the last twen- Her health deteriorated to such an ty-five years. She also visits the ma- extent that she was hospitalised in zar of Shahbaz Qallander. Lahore, Pakistan in Doctors Hospital on 6th April 2013. The caretaker She once said in an interview, “I government elected to pay all her was born in a family of saudagars medical expenses. in Rajasthan in a small settlement called Bikaner. I don’t know the Reshma fell into a coma in October year I was born but I was told that 2013 and died on 3rd November I was brought to Pakistan when I 2013. was a few months old in 1947. My family would take camels from Bi- Bollywood remembers Pakistani by: S.Tariq abrar kaner and sell them in other areas, singer Reshma. and bring back goats and cows Indian film fraternity members were LAHORE: from elsewhere to sell at home. I saddened by the death of legendegendary folk singer Reshma, belong to a huge clan of gypsies. ary Pakistani folk singer Reshma in who was suffering from throat We were forever travelling around. Lahore on Sunday and expressed cancer for a long time, passed Though a lot of us have now settled their grief via Twitter. and taken up permanent residencaway in Lahore on Sunday. es in Lahore and Karachi, whenever Actor Kabir Bedi shared the link Reshma was born in Bikaner, Raj- we feel restless we pack our bags of her performance to the popular asthan to a Banjara (Gypsy) family and move on.” song Lambi judai and wrote: “In around 1947. memory of the legendary Reshma, a live performance of her. UnforgetShe belonged to a tribe which had table ‘Lambi judaai’.” converted to Islam. Her tribe migrated to Karachi shortly after the actor Raza Murad on Sunday conPartition of India, when she was doled the death of renowned Pakijust one month old. stani folk singer Reshma, and said that her songs will be cherished She did not receive any formal eduforever. cation and spent much of her childhood singing at the mazars (shrines) “She had gone through a lot in her of the mystic saints of Sindh. life. All her pain was reflected in her voice. When she was twelve years old, We were forever travelling around. she was spotted singing at Shah- Though a lot of us have now settled Her voice touched the souls and baaz Qalandar’s shrine by a televi- and taken up permanent residenc- hearts of people. When her voice sion and radio producer, who ar- es in Lahore and Karachi, when- was recorded for the first time, she ranged for her to make a recording ever we feel restless we pack our came to know what a microphone bags and move on.” In 2004, she of “Laal Meri” on Pakistan radio. was,” he said. recorded “Ashkan Di Gali Vich MuShe became an instant hit and kaam De Gaya”, which was used in ‘She made a very special place in since that day, Reshma has been the Bollywood film Woh Tera Naam the hearts of people. The best part one of the most popular folk singers Tha, and was also a hit record in was that she did not have any trainof Pakistan, appearing on television India. ing. Some of her evergreen songs in the 1960s, recording songs for will be cherished forever. Her songs both the Pakistani and Indian film In January 2006, she was one of will live forever. She will live forever industry, and performing at home the passengers on the inaugural in our hearts,” he added. Lahore-Amritsar bus, the first such and abroad. service linking both parts of the Filmmaker Anubhav Sinha posted: Some of her famous numbers are Punjab since 1947. The bus had “RIP Reshma. You were a gift to us.” “Dama Dam Mast Kalandar”, “Hai O 26 passengers in total of whom 15 Rabba nahion lagda dil mera”, “Sun were Pakistani officials, and Resh- Author and journalist Sadia Dehlvi charkhe di mithi mithi cook mahiya ma had booked seven seats for tweeted: “Just heard of singer Reshma’s death. Recall meeting meinu yaad aunda”, “Wey main herself and her family. and listening to her several times chori chori”, “Ankhiyan no rehen de ankhyan de kol kol”. The last Her last residence was in the area over decades. May her soul rest in peace.” was used by Raj Kapoor in Bobby, of Icchra in Lahore Pakistan. “Ankhyon ko rehne de ankhyon ke Her younger sister Kaneez Reshma Muttahida Qaumi Movement aas pass”, sung by Lata. Her fame is also a professional singer. (MQM) Quaid Altaf Hussain, exhad crossed the border, thanks to pressing his grief and sorrow over pirated tapes. She was able to per- Reshma was diagnosed with throat form live in India much later, during cancer in the 1980s, in later years the death of renowned singer of the the 1980s when India and Paki- her health deteriorated, leading sub-continent Reshman, termed it stan allowed exchange of artists. President Pervez Musharraf to a great national loss. Subhash Ghai used her voice to come to her aid, giving her one mil- She was awarded the ‘Sitara-i-Im-



great effect in the film Hero, which featured one of her most famous songs, “Lambi Judai”.

tiaz’ and ‘Legends Of Pakistan’ by the President. She is not with us, but her voice will always be with us. We will always remember Reshma, the flower of desert, symbol of love, music and peace!”

Manna Dey: Legendary Indian singer dies



ndian singer Manna Dey has died in a Bangalore hospital at the age of 94.

He had been ill for the past few months and was in hospital for a respiratory infection. His funeral is due to take place later on Thursday. Born Prabodh Chandra Dey in 1919, Dey was popularly known as Manna, and chalked up a number of hit Bollywood songs in a career spanning six decades. Tributes have been pouring in for the legendary singer from the government, the film industry and his fans. President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh led the country in paying tributes to Dey. India “has lost a veteran playback singer, a versatile artist of extraordinary ability and a creative genius who mesmerised listeners with his enchanting voice,” the president said. The prime minister described Dey as the “king of melody” and said with his death, the music world had lost one of its most talented artistes. “I am deeply saddened to hear of the demise of the King of Melody, Manna Dey. An accomplished singer with a unique voice, he was multi-talented and excelled in Rabindra Sangeet and various other forms of popular music,” he said in his condolence message. “In his death, the music world has lost one of its most talented artistes. Dey’s legacy will, however,


20 October - 2013


live on through the many songs he sang,” Mr Singh added.

among the most popular romantic songs of Bollywood.

Dey sang in several languages including Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Marathi, Kannada, Punjabi and Bhojpuri.

“Manna Dey, stalwart of the music world, passes away. Flooded with memories and his songs,” tweeted Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan.

His long career saw him win several awards for his contribution to music, including state honours like the Padma Shri in 1971 and the Padma Vibhushan in 2005. He was also given the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 2007.

In another tweet, Bachchan said: “Strange how we connect events of our life with his songs.” “Manna Dey passes away. His voice shall linger forever. RIP,” tweeted film-maker Mahesh Bhat.

Dey sang more than 3,500 songs, Actor Manoj Bajpai tweeted: “Manincluding romantic ballads, intricate na Dey is no more! A great singer! raga-based songs, Qawwalis and Let’s pray for him! My condolences fast-paced modern numbers in his to his family! His music will live for career. 1000 yrs. RIP.” Along with Mohammad Rafi, Muke- Actress Shabana Azmi wrote: sh, and Kishore Kumar, he made “Manna Dey had a unique voice. He up what was known as the “famous will live on through his songs Ai Meri quartet of singers” who dominated Zohra Jabeen/ dil ka haal suney dilthe Hindi film music industry from wala/ poocho na kaise maine. RIP.” 1950s to 1970s. Dey, a Bengali, also charmed neighMany of Dey’s tracks for Bolly- bouring Bangladesh with songs in wood films became huge hits and his mother tongue and in a meshe sang for some of the biggest sage on Thursday, Prime Minister Bollywood names like Raj Kapoor, Sheikh Hasina said Dey would reRajesh Khanna and Dharmendra. main alive forever among musicloving people of the subcontinent. His most popular numbers included Zindagi kaisi hai paheli (Life, “People will never forget his extraorwhat a riddle it is) from the film dinary melodious voice and unique Anand; Poocho na kaise maine style,” she said. raen bitayee (Don’t ask how I spent my night) from Meri Surat Teri Aankhen; Ek chatur naar (A clever woman) from Padosan; and Eey bhai zara dekh ke chalo (Oh brother, look where you’re going) from Meraa Naam Joker. He also sang for Bollywood superhits Sholay and Amar Akbar Anthony.

‘‘Waar’’ becomes a Blockbuster of Pakistani Cinema surpassing PKR 10 Crore Box Office in 10 Days

‘Pleasant, easy personality’ In the last few years, he had largely withdrawn from public life. Dey’s peers from Bollywood and fans took to Twitter to pay tribute to the singer. “Today, great classical singer Manna Dey sahab, who we fondly called Manna da, is not among us anymore. He had a very pleasant and easy personality. He was very dedicated to his work. I salute him and pray that his soul rests in peace,” singer Lata Mangeshkar, who collaborated on innumerable hits with him, wrote on Twitter. Mangeshkar’s duet Pyar hua ikraar hua (I admit I’m in love), played as background to film of actors Raj Kapoor and Nargis on a rainy night under an umbrella in Shri 420, is


s soon as the highly anticipated ‘Waar’ hit the box office, people thronged to the cinemas to experience one of the best quality of Pakistani movies made in recent years. Raising the bar for Pakistani cinema, ‘Waar’ brought the superb cinematography and action-packed scenes to the big screen with a story that mesmerized the audience with its depiction of true events. Hence, it came as no surprise when the movie broke all Pakistani box office records by

achieving PKR 96, 527, 843 by the end of the long Eid-Ul-Azha week of 9 days.

the movie ‘Waar’ said, “I’m grateful to each and every person that made the effort to go to the cinema and appreciate my movie. ‘Waar’ Released under the banner of Mind will always remain close to my heart Works Media with a massive pro- and it is motivating to see the kind duction budget of nearly US$ 2 of response that my first movie is million, ‘Waar’ is Pakistan’s biggest receiving. I thoroughly enjoyed the budget movie to date. Now, by do- movie making experience and will ing a record-breaking business in continue to make movies on issues a short span of a week, the movie that I believe should be brought to has set another gigantic milestone the fore.” in the history of Pakistani cinema by becoming the highest gross- With the phenomenal response ing movie of all times. ‘Waar’ has that ‘Waar’ continues to receive now become the truly Unstoppable from the audience, there remains Movie that Pakistan has experi- no doubt about the fact that ‘Waar’ enced lately. is now officially the biggest Pakistani blockbuster of the decade. “All the positive anticipations about ‘Waar’ are finally materializing and it Distributed by ARY Films & Manis wonderful to see that the Paki- dviwalla Entertainment, ‘Waar’ is stani audience is appreciating a written and produced by Dr. HasPakistani movie made with so san Waqas Rana while the young much passion. For us, audience is and very talented Bilal Lashari has the final verdict on any movie and directed the movie. The star cast with the marvellous box office suc- of ‘Waar’ includes a mix of industry cess of ‘Waar’, Pakistani audience veterans and newcomers: Superhas proved that they have matured star Shaan plays the lead role in the with time and have a taste for alter- movie that becomes the last hope native genre of movies that score for Pakistan’s security agencies to high on the all the other elements battle against the vicious opponent otherwise.” said Mohammad Jer- Shamoon Abbasi. Hamza Ali Abjees Seja, CEO, ARY Digital Net- basi, Aisha Khan, Ali Azmat, Misha work. Shafi, Kamran Lashari and Nadeem Pleased with the success of his de- Abbas Rana make the rest of the but movie, Bilal Lashari, Director of cast of the movie.

21 October - 2013


Designers Satya Paul & Joy Mitra in action this Diwali in Chicago General Manager Rishi Singh,FIA Founder President Sunil Shah and many more.

Asian Media USA ©


hicago IL: Program was brought to Chicago in celebrations of Diwali by “Sister City Committee International and The Studio Elite on Devon and Rockwell”. Officials of the City Sister City namely Niranjan Shah Vice Chair of Chicago-Delhi Committee along with Brian and others welcomed the guests and spoke about the cultural and artistic display of clothes and colors tonight at the Show and other exchanges between the two sister cities bring a better understanding and increase commerce. Mr Shah welcomed the CG’s of both countries on this occasion and said this kind of meets will bring more understanding and peace between the two countries.

The program started with welcoming remarks from Mcee of the evening Dr. Nabida Rashid about the

show,Satya Paul and Joy Mitra. The entire event was well planned and efficiently presented with unique composition of Fashion Parade, Music, Lighting effects, video presentations all combined work created the atmosphere spell bound keeping the audience mesmerized. There were many dignitaries present to enjoy the colorful presentation noteworthy among them were Consul General of India Dr. Ausaf Sayeed, Consul General of Pakistan Dr. Faisal Niaz Tirmizi, Etihad Airways Executives, Air India

The program started with presentation of winner of Miss Ilinois escorted by Etihad staff.Fashion show started in an unique method on video depicting glimpses of pictures wherein Rituparno Ghosh had taken help of Costume Designer and in presenting no. of Models dressed in simple yet grandeur dresses in fabulous impressive way. Thereafter came the show of Satya Paul presented in a real filmy style models being dressed in colorful attractive array of dresses and costumes making the show grand success interweaving story,drama, deity and evil force with a small girl having dream.

director for the critically acclaimed Bengali director Rituparno Lisa Ray: Satya Paul has launched a limited-edition line of 10 saris designed in collaboration with actress and social activist Lisa Ray. Ray’s early success as a top model evolved into an acting career and includes the starring role in Academy Award nominated film Water.

A three-city fashion tour showcasing Indian couture, luxury fashion and prêt lines by some of the biggest and brightest designers in the industry. The fashion shows will Joy Mitra: Around the time of the centenary of the Indian cinema, the film industry lost one of its most inspiring storytellers, Rituparno Ghosh. In an attempt to pay tribute to this actor/director, designer Joy Mitra is unveiling the Chokher Bali collection. Having worked with Ghosh on some of his films as a costume designer, Mitra was inspired by the director’s vision of a new world of cinema and a new introduce New York, Chicago, and Dallas to two established Indian language of fashion. “’Ritu da,’ as designers, Satya Paul and Joy Mi- we fondly called him, made me retra, as well as Canada Top Chef alize that simplicity and grandeur host Lisa Ray, who is launching a can co-exist, and this collection line of saris for Satya Paul’s collection. is an ode to Ghosh’s creative genius,” said Mitra. Satya Paul is an Indian designer label known for ethnic clothes. It was founded in April 1, 1985 by Satya Paul.] There are 41 Satya Paul stores and 1,500 retail points in India and 250 Satya Paul retailers worldwide. After graduating in Fashion Design from NIFT Kolkata in 2000, designer Joy Mitra worked with designer Ritu Beri for some time, and moved on to work with fashion designer and now hugely successful Bollywood costume designer, Aki Narula, for two consecutive fashion weeks. However, his intense passion and love for designing lured him into designing for films, and he started off as costume designer and art

Health-Beauty Tips-Horoscope

22 October - 2013

6 Foods and Drinks That Make You Look Older Than You Are


hile sun and many superficial factors may be the prime reasons of skin aging, little do us consider if the food that we are eating has any effect on our skin. The big question is what about the food that you eat? What is inside your body also plays a role in maintaining your youthful appearance. Do you a have desire to look younger and slow aging process?

If so, then you must avoid some food items that make you older. There are plenty of foods and drinks that are making you older and you are not aware of this. Check the top six foods and drinks that are making you older than you are. If you want to look younger you have to skip these foods and drinks. 1. Spicy food: Hot and spicy food may taste great to your taste buds and metabolism but it is bad for some people skin. Spicy food makes you older than you are. Spicy food can dilate blood vessels especially in those people who are going through menopause. Because of the capillaries skin looks less clear and youthful. Avoiding spicy food can help you in looking younger.

This is new trend to look beautiful in your natural skin tone. It’s a special technique by which one can look beautiful by showing that she has not applied any makeup. The technology of applying invisible makeup can be used in variety of products 4. Energy drinks: including lip enhancers, lash gels, blushes and eye primers. The main You need to avoid energy drinks as focus of all these makeup products they are one of the contributing facis to enhance natural skin tone. tors in making you look older than you calendar age. Studies also have Invisible makeup is in trend. So do shown that energy drinks can erode you want to wear invisible makeup? your teeth eight times more than reg- It is very easy and simple to wear but ular soda. Energy drinks are rich in you have to be extra careful while apcaffeine and sodium, both of which plying makeup. You can get similar also negatively affect your smile by effect like celebrities by the applicaspoiling your teeth. Excessive usage tion of your own makeup products. I of energy drinks breaks the enamel must suggest you to go for current of your teeth paving way for stains. trend of invisible makeup and here I have formulated a makeup guide for 5. Red meat: you so that you can have beautiful Red meat results in serious health is- looks but with the makeup which is invisible. sues. Eating red meat more than a week is linked to wrinkling. Accord- For invisible makeup avoid cakey ing to research, the high level of car- skin. Leave your skin looking moist natine can harden blood vessel walls and glowing. Choose foundation causing your skin to crease prema- according to your skin tone. For turely. If you can’t resist yourself to the perfect color of foundation, rub eat red meat then indulge on it on a foundation on palest part of your limited basis. skin like back of your hand. If it disappears then you have got perfect 6. Sweet bakery items: match. Buy matching concealer of the same color of your foundation. Doughnuts, brownies and cakes are your skin’s worst enemy. These sweet items make your skin thin, inflexible, brittle and fragile. You must avoid or restrain the use of abovementioned food items if you want to look younger.

Would You Wear Invisible Makeup?

2. Salt: Salt and sodium dehydrate your body and skin. Over consumption of salt can lead to high blood pressure which weakens your skin by affecting collagen. Once collagen is affected, wrinkles appear in thinned skin area around your eyes. This can make you look worn-out or tired by making your skin lose its youthful glow. Excess usage of salt not only affects the way you look but also leads to high blood pressure and kidney disease.


your skin stiff and inflexible. Once in the body, sugar attaches itself to the collagen and makes skin thin by eliminating the flexibility. Loss of flexibility from skin results in wrinkles and aged skin.


akeup is used to enhance beauty and to highlight the features. The latest trend in makeup is invisible makeup. Invisible makeup? Isn’t strange? You have surely seen celebrities with flawless and glowing skin without looking as they are obviously wearing any makeup.

This all is the outcome of invisible makeup. Most of makeup products include colors and pigments which 3. Sugar: are used to hide imperfections. But Bad news for those who like to eat the purpose of invisible makeup is excess of sweets is that sugar can to highlight the features and change also make them look older. Con- the tone of skin without using color sumption of excessive sugar makes and pigments.

November 2013 Horoscope


t might be a good time to make a thorough scrutiny of the real you, an honest assessment of your face, figure, health and assets and seek to implement a make-over where necessary. The truly intimate and personal you, needs to be examined minutely and where there is room for improvement, positive action be taken. You’ll need to establish good working relationships with colleagues, subordinates and bosses as well. It’s NOT a time to challenge the system! Stress and neglect both need to be guarded against too. A time for introspective self-assessment with a degree of honesty and objectivity. That way lies contentment, success, happiness – any or all of them, and it will come from your own changed attitude.

All your mental activity will be intensely personal, subjective and even egocentric. You are mostly If you have dark circles then I must cheerful in your approach to others, suggest you to choose lighter shade and perhaps somewhat intellectual of concealer than foundation. Apply this month. As a result, fresh acfoundation and concealer on your quaintances and friendships come face and rub it well so that it disap- to you, giving pleasure, inspiration pears on your face. Apply thin layer and ideas. This month, you are of concealer and leave for two min- most attracted to wit, cheerfulness, utes then use your fingertips to pat it and verbal rapport. You are especially good at mediating conflicts. Try into your skin. smoothing over differences using Perfect eyebrows play major role in your diplomacy skills. enhancing features of face. To frame your face, perfect eyebrows are the A new focus and approach will be best way and in doing so you don’t seen. You assert your authority, but have to pluck it. Just use brown charm helps you in gaining your obeyebrow pencil and apply onto your jectives. You may even take on, and relish, a dazzling public role. It is esbrows. sential to retain goodwill to all. That Now take a large makeup brush and is also important in your relationchoose natural blush and apply it on ships. After all it is not as if they have to apples of your face in circular mo- ceased to be important OR valution. Make sure to choose natural able. They are still the prime motivatshade of blush. Choose mid brown ing factors though the activities are eye shadow and apply a thick layer somewhat changed. of eye shadow on upper lids. Blend it nicely with your fingers so that it re- You will pour your efforts into an inmains invisible. Apply mascara and volvement with groups and friends. enhance the beauty of your eyes. You may also take on a leadership role within a group. Avoid allowing To give final touch, apply neutral the ego to challenge or dictate othlipstick or lip gloss to maximize the beauty of your lips. Now your invis- ers. You like it better to lead rather ible makeup is complete. It is the than follow and there are ways to do best way to get instantly glowing so without stepping on others’ toes. skin and beautiful looks. You will find As well, the best way to achieve your impressive results by going through goals is to work as a team, or to at abovementioned invisible makeup least to do some networking. The guideline. Look gorgeous and beau- friends you choose now might prove to your advantage in the long run. tiful by adopting invisible makeup.

23 October - 2013

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