Bridge mag international june,2013

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Published Monthly in Chicago, USA and distributed simultaneously to major cities of USA, Canada, UK and Pakistan

Published by Bridge Publications USA, Inc Publisher Jawaid Riaz

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Nawaz Sharif elected prime minister for a third time


Evolve policy to punish those who subvert Constitution, president tells parliament


Power crisis: No immunity from power cuts for ruling elite Needs of armed forces to be met, says Nawaz

8-9 Budget 2013-14 10 No before 11 PPP invites 12 14

parliamentary approval of bill: CJP MQM MPA,

son shot dead outside mosque in Karachi

Khanum Tayaba Bukhari,

MQM to join Sindh govt


Sindh Assembly


Back in action: Imran wants drone issue taken up at UN

visited Chicago


PML-N Nawaz Sharif


orders High Treason Case against dictator Pervez Musharraf


condemns killing of MPA Sajid, son

Courage in life and death: From Pinky to Benazir


19-20 Showbiz

21 Health &


23 Republic Bank

Chicago Business and Community leaders Congratulated and Welcome PTV Global Bureau in Chicago


Jawaid Riaz, Editor

Armughan Asar, Queens, NY Mashood Ahsan, Saint Louis, MO Najeeb Ali Kidwai, Canada Rashid khan, Springfield, MA Shahid Alam, Dallas, TX Shahid Khan, London, UK Suhail Ahmed, Houston, TX Zafar Khursheed, Denville, NJ Zulikha Wahid Washington, DC

E D ITO RI AL A Trial of the System is the Solution Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif made an announcement in the National Assembly stating that former Military Director, retired General Pervez Musharraf will be tried for high treason under article 6 of the Constitution. Earlier, the Federal Cabinet that held its meeting under PM Sharif approved the document seeking a high treason trial against former President Musharraf. While it is very important to bring dictators to justice, it is a rarely undertaken task in Pakistan. In this scenario it is not only Musharraf who should face appropriate accountability, we should probe other vital political figures, Iskandar Mirza, for one should be investigated. I am confident that the trial of Musharraf will disclose many hidden names. If Musharraf is declared guilty of breaching the Constitution, action must be taken against the abettors and collaborators of his regime. In fact during his time as Prime Minister in 1999 Nawaz Sharif attempted to remove the COAS. While General Musharraf was on board a PK flight coming from Colombo heading to Islamabad, the flight was redirected to land in Nawabshah, not Islamabad nor Karachi. Musharraf was informed of this unpleasant situation, and ordered the captain of the flight to contact his colleagues in the GHQ. After being briefed by the GHQ that Prime Minister Sharif had announced Musharraf’s retirement and promoted Lt. Gen Zia Uddin Butt (Chief of ISI) as COAS without the consultation of the GHQ. While Gen. Musharraf was in flight, he advised his colleagues to take some appropriate steps to allow him to land at Karachi airport and stop the announcement of the change of command. Under such circumstances, it is imperative to question how or why Prime Minister Sharif tried and failed in his attempts to remove Musharraf from power, creating an adversary who was then able to destroy the entire concept of democracy and making himself not only the Chief of Army but also an unelected President? Nobody wants nor likes for dictators or the army to come and rule, but we must find out who created the situations for such takeovers. Who provided them the legal shelters and issued them the licenses so that they may rule under the defamed umbrella of the idea of ‘necessity’? We must decide from where and whom do we begin the accountability. Do we want accountability for ourselves on our own agendas or do we want justice for our people, so they may rebuild a healthy, strong and educated Pakistan. We have to strengthen the institutions, not simply the heads of the institutions. Besides the rule of military dictators, we have to evaluate and should discuss the role of Pakistan’s judiciary system, which has been incessantly riddled with problems. The uses of suo moto actions by present courts are very alarming. There has to be answerability and the culprits need to be brought to justice. In my opinion it is the time that we should strengthen the institutions and not the personalities. We do not need another Article 6, we need to practice the law. We should reject those who called the Constitution of Pakistan merely a piece of paper, (a reference to former reactionary dictator Gen Zia ul Haq). Let me quote here PPP stalwart Khursheed Shah, who called for removal of portraits of all the former dictators’ from the state buildings, he is right but this is not the solution of the cancer. The solution is the faith and confidence of the public on the State, Government, and Parliament. We must try the system that enabled the dictatorship along with the dictator to flesh out the problems of a suffering nation at the root. Jawaid riaz


Abid Ali Syed Andleeb Jawaid Baseer Naveed Madah Jawaid Dr.Naseem Shekhani Dr.Naveen Aman Dr. Tanveer Imam Tariq Khawaja SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT FROM PAKISTAN Syed Tariq Abrar

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Abdul Aziz Memmon, Karachi, Pakistan Abdul Waheed Jamal, Karachi, Pakistan Dr. Azfar Malik, St. Louis, MO Ghulam Mustafa Majeed, Bahrain Dr. Hadi Zadi, St. Louis, MO Hassan Mahmood Jafri, Karachi, Pakistan Mark Asim, New York City, NY Mubbashir Aslam, Canada Dr. Naseem Shekhani, St. Louis, MO Dr. Naveen Aman, Chicago, IL Syed Ashiq Raza, Karachi, Pakistan Syed Mazhar Alam, Naperville, IL Tariq Khawaja Dr. Tausif Ahmed Khan, Karachi, Pakistan Art Director Syed Tariq Abrar Design by: Seema Niazi (Pakistan) 011 + 92 + 333 3270755

4 JUNE - 2013

Nawaz Sharif


elected prime minister for a third time ISLAMABAD: The PML-N Chief Nawaz Sharif is now the Prime Minister elect of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. He has been elected to the office for a third time having secured 244 votes out of total house membership of 342. Contesting against Nawaz Sharif were Makhdoom Amin Fahim of the PPP, and Makhdoom Javed Hashmi from the PTI.

Nawaz makes a new record


awaz Sharif has become the first person to be elected to the office of prime minister for a third time. Previously a restriction was in place that barred any candidate from holding public office for more than two terms.

the country faces today. His party secured more votes than analysts had expected achieving a simple majority in the house along with its allies.

Oath of Office Prime Minister elect Nawaz Sharif will be aministed the oath of office by President Asif Ali Zardari at a ceremony to be held at the Presi- Addressing the Lower House dent House later in the evening. Nawaz Sharif briefly addressed the parliament after his victory was announced. He began by thanking God for allowing him yet another chance to serve Pakistan and its people.


Rawalpindi then shifted to Landhi Jail in Karachi, and then to the Attock Fort. He had been sentenced to life imprisonment as well as a 14 year sentence. After mediation from rulers of friendly states, Nawaz Sharif and his family left Pakistan on the 10th of September 2000 for Saudi Arabia.

elected PM with 244 votes

Return to Pakistan & Politics

During his years spent in exile, Nawaz Sharif met with Benazir Bhutto in London, where they signed the Charter of Democracy, The last time Nawaz Sharif was which united the two largest poin office was 13 years, 7 months litical parties of the country against and 21 days ago. His government the Military dictator Pervez Mush- Nawaz Sharif beat his competition back then was toppled in a bloodby receiving a total of 244 votes, arraf. less coup led by the Army Chief at whereas Makhdoom Javed Hashthe time, General Pervez Mush- Nawaz Sharif returned to Pakistan mi received 31 votes and Makdarraf on 12th October 1999. on the 25th of November 2007, hoom Amin Fahim recieved a total Nawaz Sharif began his political where his party became part of of 42 votes. career in 1981 when he became the hung parliament following the Punjab Finance Minister, in 1985 2008 elections, forcing the Presi- After formally chosen by a vote in he became Chief Minister of the dent General Pervez Musharraf to the National Assembly, Sharif took province and in 1990 he was resign from office in the face of im- his oath under President Asif Ali elected as prime minister for the peachment proceedings. Zardari. first time. Nawaz Sharif’s party left the PPP led government after the PML-N Nawaz was up against two candiHis first government was disdeveloped differences over the dates: Makhdoom Javed Hashmi missed by then President Ghullam restoration of the Judges. During of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Ishaq Khan. The Supreme Court the same time President Zardari and Makhdoom Amin Fahim of did however reinstate Sharif’s govenforced Governor rule in the Pakistan Peoples Party-Parliaernment but pressure from the province. Nawaz Sharif then led mentarians (PPPP). Army Chief in 1993, forced Prime the successful Long March re- The National Assembly is occupied Minister Nawaz Sharif to tender sponsible for the restoration of the by around 190 first time MNAs his resignation. Judiciary. and witnessed the return of some He was elected Prime Minister for veteran politician including former The Opposition a second time in 1997 securing a railways minister Sheikh Rasheed heavy mandate. However due to After parting ways with the PPP led Ahmed and former premier Mir Zahis differences with General Je- government and the restoration of farullah Jamali. hangir Karamat, Nawaz Sharif pro- the Judiciary, the PML-N played moted a junior officer to the post of its role as the opposition party in PML-N holds a simple majority in Chief of Army Staff, and in October parliament. A role the PML-N ful- the 342-member National Assembly. of 1999, that same Chief of Army filled constructively till the 2013 With a simple majority, the PakiStaff toppled the Sharif govern- elections. stan Muslim League-Nawaz will ment, sending Nawaz Sharif first take on the helm of affairs at a Elections 2013 to Jail and then into exile. time when Pakistan is facing myrWhen Nawaz Sharif had assumed iad problems from militancy to a Jail & Exile the office of the Prime Minister in shaky economy, worsening power After his dismissal in 1999, Nawaz 1997, Pakistan faced problems, crisis and failing public education Sharif was imprisoned first in but not as serious in nature as and healthcare systems.

“I want to thank the people of Pakistan for placing their trust in PMLN and I will reciprocate by working hard. Their trust is an asset for me as well as my strength,” said Nawaz. “The people have decided and proven that they believe in democracy,” Nawaz added. Touching on pressing issues, Nawaz Sharif called for the United States to end its campaign of drone attacks in the country’s tribal northwest. “We respect the sovereignty of others and they should also respect our sovereignty and independence. This campaign should come to an end,” he said. The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) had offered its ‘unconditional support’ to Nawaz Sharif. On Tuesday, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazlur Rehman also promised to vote for Nawaz as a ‘goodwill gesture’.

“Ideologically, we are closer to the PML-N. And as a goodwill gesture we have decided to support the PML-N and will vote for Nawaz Sharif,” said Maulana Fazlur Rehman after a meeting with a PML-N delegation, comprising Ahsan Iqbal, Iqbal Zafar Jhagra and Khwaja Saad Rafique. JUIF lawmakers had also voted for PML-N’s candidates in Monday’s election of National Assembly speaker and deputy speaker.

5 JUNE - 2013

And now DG FIA NAB

Y the test begins! A W PIA RAIL ISLAMABAD: The time for promises and rhetoric is over for Mian Nawaz Sharif after he took oath of the office of the prime minister on Wednesday. He will now be judged purely on the basis of his actions and decisions.





anti-corruption apparatus of the country.

Whom he would bet for the office of the NAB chairman? Who would be his choice as DG FIA? How would he make the Federal Board of Revenue autonomous? What would be the repute and standing of his key bureaucratic aides and the key federal secretaries? What would be the selection criterion for the appointments in the bureaucracy? The answer to many such questions will be available sooner than later by the regime of the newly-elected prime minister.

ithin days it would be clear if he means business. The first phase of his political and bureaucratic appointments would set the tone for his rule. In his post-election speech in the NA on Wednesday, he vowed to uphold merit, pledged to curb corruption and promised to change the destiny of The PML-N sources say that a Pakistan for a better future of the large number of opportunists, high nation. profile job seekers, friends and acquaintances of Mian Nawaz Sharif Nawaz Sharif has though made and other top PML-N leaders are history by becoming prime miniseager to get the key appointments ter for the third term, he is faced including that of ambassadors, with huge challenges like terrorism, head of government entities like loadshedding, failing economy, allPTV and radio, corporations, etc. time high corruption, extreme bad Besides some ex-generals, jourgovernance, poverty, unemploynalists, columnists, serving and rement, target killings in Karachi, untired bureaucrats, many politicians rest in Balochistan, US drone atwho could not make it to the cabitacks and a lot more. net are even trying to get the key posts like head of PIA. His recent political gestures including his visit to Imran Khan, his supA controversial top police officer port to PTI to form its government heading the Motorway Police had in the KP and most importantly his the cheek to give a full page adveroffer to nationalist parties to have tisement to different newspapers their chief minister and governor in welcoming Nawaz Sharif’s election Balochistan despite the PML-N’s at the cost of taxpayers’ money. It sound position in the provincial aswould now be seen if he would be sembly to form government were allowed to continue as the Motorlaudable and left the impression as way Police head after doing this. if Nawaz Sharif is really a changed Others in the government departman and has learnt some lessons ments are bound to follow suit from the past. again at the cost of public money However, his real test starts now. if not immediately stopped by the He does not have the magic wand newly-elected prime minister. to solve the complex and haunting Each and every appointment to be problems like terrorism, loadshedmade by the prime minister in the ding, etc, faced by the Pakistan coming days and weeks would but what people would expect be microscopically scrutinised by from him to move swiftly and sinthe media, opposition parties and cerely towards the direction leadthe judiciary. Nawaz Sharif has ing to a better Pakistan. pledged that there would be no favouritism at all in his rule and that The selection of his cabinet ministers and their portfolios would he would stick to merit and only be crucial to judge his intention. merit. It would be really remarkHowever, more important is to see able if he sticks to his commitment. how he would make the key ap- Otherwise, he would have to face pointments in bureaucracy, in the the tough media, an independent state-owned enterprises, in Paki- judiciary, an awakened civil society stani missions abroad and in the and an aggressive opposition.

Power crisis:

No immunity from power cuts for ruling elite to a complete halt at the President House, Prime Minister’s House, Parliament House, the Supreme Court, judges’ colony, ministers’ enclave and the diplomatic enclave. These recommendations, however, are yet to be implemented. ISLAMABAD: As the power crisis lingers on, the country’s most powerful — the presidency and the premier — receive an uninterrupted supply of electricity, despite recommendations of a parliamentary panel to end load-shedding exemptions, a Senate body was told on Monday.


he Senate Standing Committee on Water and Power, chaired by Zahid Khan, expressed its dissatisfaction with Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) for failing to implement its recommendation to exempt the ruling elite of load-shedding.

“This is a serious matter and I am disgusted that a common man is facing up to 21 hours of load-shedding while the president, prime minister, generals and judges were exempted from load shedding and were enjoying uninterrupted power supply even though they can afford to keep generators,” Khan said, adding that hospitals and centres managing healthcare should be exempted from load-shedding. IESCO chief Yousuf Awan told the Senate body that there was no load-shedding at the President and PM House, Supreme Court, GHQ, ISI headquarters, National Accountability Bureau and National Database and Registration Authority and the Judges Colony. This information comes at a time when the country is facing loadshedding that lasts up to 12-20 hours a day.

A deeply aggrieved Zahid Khan even threatened to resign if those at the helm of affairs were not treated as the common man’s equal.

The committee chairman directed officials to bring an end to the discriminatory practice within 24 hours and report back to the committee on the progress.

The committee also summoned the minister and water and power “I will resign from the chairmanship secretary to explain why governof the Senate committee if our rec- ment offices and residences of ommendations are not implement- government functionaries were not facing power outages as that ed,” Khan said. of the rest of the country. In May, the Senate panel had recommended ending load-shedding The committee chairman also said exemption to the country’s ruling that 650 megawatts (MW) being elite and suggested that only hos- supplied to Karachi Electric Suppitals and sensitive military instal- ply Company (KESC) would be lations should receive constant withdrawn and the government would cancel KESC’s privatisation electric supply. agreement by giving it to the Water It also recommended that prefer- and Power Development Authorential load-shedding should come ity’s control.

6 JUNE - 2013


Evolve policy to punish those who subvert Constitution, president tells parliament

ISLAMABAD: In his sixth address to the joint sitting of both the houses of parliament, President Asif Ali Zardari on Monday said that the abrogation of the Constitution was treason and the enemies of the democracy would have to be discouraged in all possible ways.

these were a serious violation of sovereignty and international laws. “They are also counterproductive and unacceptable,” he remarked.

He began his speech praising the struggle for democracy saying that it was an honor to be the first elected civilian in the history of Pakistan to oversee the transfer of power e said there was no room for in a democratic manner. “It is a dictatorship in today’s Paki- cause for which Shaheed Benastan and no one should think of zir Bhutto dedicated her life. It is subverting the Constitution, as a cause for which I spent 11 and the suspension and abrogation half years in prison. It is a cause of the Constitution was an act of for which Prime Minister Nawaz high treason and no court would Sharif suffered imprisonment and exile. Democracy has arrived,” he validate it. added. “There have been calls to punish Asif Ali Zardari said there was a those who subverted the Constitu- need to take hard decisions withtion. It is for this august parliament out delay to address the chaland the government to devise an lenges being faced by the counappropriate and wise policy. I as- try and carry forward the fruits of sure you of my support in this re- democracy to the grassroots level. gard,” he said. “Delaying decisions do not avoid


He commended all the political parties and their leaders for accepting the poll results despite reservations.In comparison to last year’s presidential address, President Asif Ali Zardari got a friendly house as the lawmakers listened to his address silently because the erstwhile opposition was controlling the reign of the government while PPP was on the opposition benches.

problems. They only invite crises. We need to carry forward the fruits of democracy to the grassroots level. We cannot afford confrontation. We need reconciliation,” he added.

The president said there was also a need to learn truth from the past mistakes so that the same could not repeated and this called for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. “We cannot afford confrontation and need reconciliation,” he In his 20-minute address, Presiadded. dent Asif Ali Zardari wished ‘Good Luck’ to the government of Prime President Zardari, “Democracy Minister Nawaz Sharif and new has taken roots, we will rise to the Parliament while expressing the dream that our founding fathers hope that the government of had about Pakistan.”He congratuNawaz Sharif would rise to the lated people of Pakistan on their participation in the elections and people’s expectations. said they demonstrated courage President also spoke on the issue by defying threats from the enof the drone attacks saying that emies of democracy.

“The people have spoken through their votes and their voice has been heard. It has been demonstrated by the smooth transfer of power,” he added.The president said, “Together, we have fulfilled our promise of smooth transition of power from one democracy to another democracy. “This democratic, peaceful transition marks the success of a prolonged struggle,” he added.

norities were the most vulnerable groups and efforts to protect and empower them needed to be kept up. “There is also a need to further strengthen interfaith harmony and prevent misuse of blasphemy law for settling personal and political scores,” he added.

He said that the disabled and special people needed to be integrated in the mainstream of national life. The president called for a mechaHe said it was a matter of great nism for transparent accountability satisfaction and pride that the of all. “It must be across the board Parliament purged the Constitu- and not selective. Let everyone be tion of undemocratic articles and judged by the same yardstick,” he it brought about the first ma- added. jor constitutional reform in more than three decades. “In the past, He said that militancy, extremism amendments in Constitution were and terrorism posed grave threats made to promote the personal in- to the national security. “We are terests of dictators but the latest ready to make peace with those ones are meant to strengthen de- willing to give up violence but we mocracy or empower the people,” should also be ready to use force against those who challenge the he added. writ of the state,” he added. He said the outgoing Parliament made the Constitution truly demo- The president said the government cratic, restored provincial rights, would not allow the use of the soil abolished Concurrent Legislative for terrorist activities against any List and transferred all the sub- other country. “We will also not jects to the provinces, banished allow anyone to violate our sovArticle 58(2)-B and strengthened ereignty and sovereignty of the Council of Common Interests. Oil, country must be protected at all gas and natural resources within costs and it will be,” he added. a province now belonged jointly to In the same tune, President Asif the province and the federal gov- Ali Zardari appreciated the role of armed forces, paramilitary forces, ernment, he added. police and the citizens’ role against He said, “Let us renew our com- war in terror saying that the armed mitment to the principles of de- forces, paramilitary forces, police mocracy and the rule of law and and the citizens had rendered vow to uphold supremacy of the great sacrifices in fighting militancy. Constitution.” President Zardari “The nation is proud of their sacrisaid each pillar of the state must fices. Their sacrifices will not go in operate within its constitutional vain,” he added. limits and no organ of the state should trespass into the domain of The president called for measures for the welfare of overseas others. Pakistanis and taking forward the He said the democratic forces process of devolution to the local should join hands to face daunting bodies.He said the government challenges. “There are economic was committed to upholding freehardships, power shortages, ris- dom of the media. ing militancy and extremism and we have to find solutions to these President Zardari said that Pakiproblems. Work on Bhasha Dam stan sought a conducive and and Thar Coal need to be stepped stable regional environment and said that relationship with Chiup,” he added. na remained the cornerstone of The president said, “We are faced country’s foreign policy and “we with a huge task but expressed are eager to further consolidate the confidence that the new ties with Central Asian Republics government will overcome the (CARs) and Turkey. We believe in challenges.”He said that peace investing in relationships. My nine and reconciliation in Balochistan visits to China are a manifestation must receive high priority; the is- of this investment. Relations with sues of missing persons be ad- China are not affected by internal dressed on priority and the cycle political changes,” he added. of poverty must be broken. He said Pakistan looked forward to peace and stability in AfghaniHe said that the women and mi-


7 JUNE - 2013


Needs of armed forces to be met, says Nawaz

stan.He said Pakistan wanted to improve relations with India, wished a peaceful settlement of water issues, and sought a peaceful resolution to the Jammu and Kashmir issue in accordance with the wishes of Kashmiri people. He said, “We believe in dialogue to resolve issues. Steps have been taken to liberalise trade with India. We want a peaceful settlement of the water issue. We seek a peaceful resolution to the Jammu and Kashmir issue, in accordance with the wishes of the Kashmiri people,” ISLAMABAD: Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq he added. Parvez Kayani on Thursday The president said, “We do not called on Prime Minster Nawaz want an arms race in the region Sharif here at the PM Office. but believe in dialogue to resolve issues as dialogue alone can en- During the meeting with the army sure peace and understanding. chief, the prime minister said that We are determined to root out all the needs of the armed forces militancy. It is not an issue of any would be met and the national sovereignty would be protected at single country,” he added. all costs. He said the government He said that the militancy was would act to eliminate terrorism. threatening all the countries in the region and indeed the whole world The overall security situation of the and it called for sincere and col- country and matters relating to nalective efforts of all. “We can fight militancy better, through dialogue and cooperation rather than doubt each other,” he added.

tional security came under discussion. The current defence budget was also discussed during the meeting. Separately, Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt also met the prime minister and briefed him about the professional matters relating to the Pakistan Air Force.

Meanwhile, Chief Election Commissioner Justice (retd) Fakharuddin G Ebrahim paid a courtesy call on the prime minister at the PM Office.He congratulated Nawaz on his assumption of the office of prime minister while the prime minister congratulated him for holding free, fair and transparent elections in the country.

that the way elections were conducted under the supervision of Justice (retd) Fakharuddin G Ebrahim, who was appointed by consensus, has set a healthy precedent to be emulated. He said the higher voter turnout and the arrangements made by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) for the smooth conduct of elections had raised the image and prestige of Pakistan at home and abroad.

Later, Sanaullah Zehri, Special Assistant to the prime minister, also called on Nawaz Sharif at the PM Office. The premier said that political parties in Balochistan had demonstrated maturity by electing a chief minister with consensus. “This will go a long way in surmounting the challenges faced by the province,” he added. He exThe premier said that his govern- pressed the confidence that Zehri ment firmly believed in strengthen- would strive for peace, progress ing and sustaining the democratic and stability in Balochistan. institutions in the country. He said

Felicitation: Ban,Karzai repose confidence in Nawaz

President Zardari said, “We greatly value our relations with the Muslim world and will continue to strive for further improving our ties with them. We also value partnerships with the United States and Europe. We need to further strengthen it on the basis of mutual trust, mutual benefit and respect for soverUNITED NATIONS / KABUL: UN eignty,” he added. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon During his speech, President and Afghan President Hamid Zardari also showered his praise Karzai have expressed confion Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif dence in the leadership of new saying that he wished to compli- Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz ment the former prime ministers for Sharif. their able leadership.He appreciated the members of the last Parlia- In a congratulatory message, ment for passing historic Constitu- the UN chief said he was confitional amendments as well as laws. dent that under Nawaz’s leader“And I wish to recognise the ser- ship, Pakistan would build on its vices of Senate Chairman Senator Nayyer Hussain Bokhari and former Speaker Madam Dr Fehmida Mirza for their high standards and ISLAMABAD: A five-member impartial conduct. delegation of the China North Meanwhile, Prime Minister Nawaz Industries Corporation (NorinSharif termed the address of the co), led by its Chairman Wang president to the Parliament bal- Yitong, on Thursday called on anced. Talking to the newsmen at Prime Minister Muhammad the Parliament House he said he Nawaz Sharif at the Prime Minfully supported what the president ister’s office. said about the supremacy of democracy and constitution. He said Congratulating Nawaz on assumhe holds similar views as that of ing the office of the prime ministhe president about democracy ter, Wang told him that his company was one of the 500 largest and constitution.

democratic achievements and strengthen its existing partnership with the world body. “I would like to reiterate my welcome for the first-ever transition in Pakistan from one civilian government to another,” Ban wrote to Prime Minister Nawaz. “By exercising their constitutional right to vote, the people of Pakistan have reaffirmed their desire for a democratic Pakistan … This is a significant step forward for democracy in the country.” Ban said that he was looking forward to working with the prime minister and welcomed Pakistan’s support for regional cooperation,

particularly as it contributes to support stability and reconciliation in Afghanistan. “I am certain that, under your leadership, the partnership that has been built over the years between Pakistan and the UN will continue to grow,” the secretary-general said. Separately, President Karzai expressed confidence that with mutual effort and cooperation Pakistan and Afghanistan would be able to fight the menace of terrorism. In his message of felicitation to Nawaz Sharif on Sunday, the Afghan leader also extended an invitation to the prime minister to visit Kabul.

Nawaz invites Chinese firm to install solar power plants in various areas, including petroleum, mining, engineering and infrastructure projects.

state-owned enterprises in terms of assets and revenue and dealt

He further informed the premier that after the successful visit of their Premier Li Keqiang to Pakistan, they enjoyed special support of the Chinese government and leadership to boost business relations between the two friendly countries and undertake projects in Pakistan.


8 JUNE - 2013


Budget 2013-14 No lollypops only bitter pills in budget Nawaz recalled that he had very fruitful talks with the Chinese premier and said the visit of Norinco testified to the fact that these relations were being solidified, strengthened and expanded. He said Pakistan was experiencing a severe power shortage and invited Norinco to install solar power plants in Pakistan. “We have vast areas in Balochistan and South Punjab which have sunshine round the year and there is ample land available for installation of solar power plants in Pakistan,” the premier told the Norinco head. He also discussed the possibility of installation of solar energy plants in Balochistan where the population is thin, scattered and at distances.“This will help save laying of transmission lines, which have a prohibitive cost,” he added. He also offered Norinco to look into mining and setting up coal power plants at sites in Thar, Balochistan and Punjab where coal is available. “The work on the mining and setting up of thermal power plants can be carried out simultaneously so that power can be produced as quickly as possible,” he suggested. He also offered Norinco to look into the exploration of iron ore in the country. He further discussed the possibilities of projects for running underground trains in Karachi, Lahore and twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad in order to facilitate commuters in these cities. The chairman Norinco said his company was keen to take up projects in Pakistan. In this connection, the chairman informed him that on his return to China, he would immediately dispatch his team of experts to Pakistan to initiate discussions and take these ideas forward. The meeting was attended by Chief Minister Punjab Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif, Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Minister for Planning & Development Ahsan Iqbal and senior officials of the Prime Minister’s Office.

ISLAMABAD: Finance Minister Ishaq Dar here on Thursday presented a hard and tough Rs3.6 trillion federal budget for 2013-14. The budget displayed few theatrics and had much meaningful seriousness, but was marred by a 6.3 percent deficit forcing him to rely heavily on indirect taxation, bank borrowing and auntie IMF.

tion of 3G licences, $800 million from UAE’s Etisalat Company and Rs200 billion would be arranged from external resources as Pakistan is going to join another IMF programme loan to finance the budget deficit To a question he said that Rs112 billion from USA under coalition support fund are expected in 2013-14.The government has also slapped in the increase of 3 percent in the rate of excise duty on aerated beverages from 6 percent to 9 percent.

Mr Dar said that under the NFC award provinces would get the major chunk of resources from the divisible pool amounting to Rs1.153 trillion on debt servicing, Rs1.502 trillion if compared with Rs171.263 billion on pensions, Rs1.2 trillion in the outgoing fiscal, Rs627 billion on defence, Rs337 showing an increase of 23 percent. billion under the heads of grants The net resources left with federal and transfers, Rs25 billion for pay government will be of Rs1.9 trillion. His recipe could bring a new wave and pensions and Rs240 billion for The minister vowed to jack up the of inflation across the country subsidies. The government has al- tax-to-GDP ratio from existing 8.9 mainly because of the one perlocated Rs185 billion as the power percent, the lowest ever in the recent increase in the general sales subsidy. gion, to 15 percent by 2018. tax. However, some food items and medicines are exempted from In addition Rs275 billion will be The minister announced to jack up the increase. Even then, the price spent on running of civil governthe allocation for Income Support rises could place a further burden ment. To arrange the financing of Programme (BISP) to Rs75 billion on the people waiting desperately the budget deficit of 6.3 percent, from Rs40 billion with the aim to for a relief. the government will rely on mas- protect the vulnerable segments sive bank borrowing, including of the society. While no salary increase was ofRs975 billion from commercial fered and generally the budget banks and national savings and is a hard, bitter pill for the hardRs576 billion from external repressed masses to swallow, only sources. a new government with a heavy mandate and a will to correct the Ishaq Dar maintained that the colossal wrongs of the last five circular debt, amounting to more years could have attempted such than Rs500 billion will be elimian exercise. nated in 60 days. The GDP growth rate target for FY 2013-14 has Dr Waqar Masood, secretary fi- been projected at 4.8 percent and nance, justified the one percent in- revenue tax target at Rs2.475 trilcrease in GST saying the govern- lion. The non-tax income will be However, he did not mention the factual name, Benazir Income ment is already facing a shortfall Rs800 billion. Support Programme owing to of Rs350-400 billion in revenue in which the opposition mildly proThe minister said the GDP growth the outgoing financial year. So untested during the speech. The der this scenario, particularly when will gradually rise to 7pc by FY PML-N wants to name it as Nathe government wants to erase 2015-16, inflation will be mainthe circular debt of Rs500 billion, tained in single digits throughout tional Income Support Programme it was left with no option but to in- the medium term and investment- or Pakistan Income Support Proto-GDP ratio will rise to 20pc at gramme to give it a generic, noncrease the GST by one percent. the end of the medium term. He political look. The budget contains zero increase also announced to bring down in salaries for government em- the fiscal deficit to 4pc of GDP by The Pakistan People’s Party members also raised objections when ployees, but 10 percent relief for 2015-16. Mr Dr said that Income Support pensioners, which also does not Programme (BISP) was not run match with the huge increase in Pakistan’s foreign exchange reinflation and ground realities. The serves will be increased to more in a transparent manner and he federal budget includes total cur- than $20 billion by the end of me- would make it so. rent expenditure of Rs3.19 trillion dium term. He said these targets, He announced to raise the paywith a federal share of Rs540 bil- though ambitious, are imperative ments from Rs1,000 to Rs1,200 lion in the development budget of for the revival of the economy and per beneficiary. The government quite consistent with its potential. Rs1.155 trillion. under austerity measures has In 2013-14, the government According to Dr Waqar, $1.2 billion brought down the expenditures will spend a huge amount of would be arranged from the auc- of Prime Minister’s House by 45


9 JUNE - 2013

percent, which Mr Dar claimed will result in saving Rs40 billion. From the budget of Prime Minister’s Office, against a revised expenditure of Rs725 million during 2012-13, the budget estimate for 2013-14 is only Rs396 million showing a decrease of 45%. From the budget of Prime Minister’s House, excluding salaries and allowances, 44% budget has been cut. There will be complete ban on purchase of new cars for Prime Minister’s office but the ban will not be applicable for law enforcement agencies and others who really need them. The minister announced to abolish the ministers’ discretionary funds. He said the government would initiate prime minister’s laptop scheme in the days to come. Customs duty on water filtration equipment is to be decreased while the People’s Works Programme will be renamed as Tamir-e-Watan Programme.

NEWS foreign produced TV drama serial, pacity of 1800cc or above. The Rs100,000 on foreign produced government has placed cut of Rs500 million in Ramazan packTV play for single episode. age from Rs2.50 billion to Rs2 billion. The government also slapped tax Mentioning about the energy crion licence fee and on its renewal sis Mr Dar said that the PML (N) on cable TV operators as progovernment is fully committed to vided in PEMRA rules, as the tax solving the energy crisis. The minrate was jacked up in the range of ister announced that the Federal Rs2500 to Rs25,000 on different Adjuster will be reorganised and categories. strengthened so that it will ensure expeditious recovery of arrears of The government also slapped adelectricity from the provincial govjustable withholding tax on clubs, ernments. hotels, halls and restaurants from persons arranging functions. On The Prime Minister will soon anpurchase of motor cars and jeeps, nounce a comprehensive plan to a Rs10,000 tax has been imposed incentivise and encourage further up to 850cc, 851cc to 1000cc investment in energy projects in (Rs20,000), 1001cc to 1300cc Pakistan. (Rs30,000), 1301cc to 1600cc (Rs50,000), 1601cc to 1800cc (Rs75,000), 1801cc to 2000cc (Rs100,000) and above 2000cc Rs150,000

Instantly imposed GST starts hurting masses

The government also imposed 5 percent tax in addition to the standard 16 percent on non-registered commercial and industrial consumers of electricity and gas having monthly bill of over Rs15,000.

On relief side, the duty and taxes on hybrid electric vehicles has been reduced. On vehicles having engine capacity up to 1200cc the rate of reduction will be 100 percent, for 1201cc to 1800cc the reduction rate will be 50 percent and for 1801cc to 2500cc, the reduction rate will be 25 percent. This On relief side, the government step has ostensibly been taken to reduced customs duty on office discourage the use of fuel in the or school supplies from 25 per- vehicles as the oil import bill is incent to 20 percent and reduced creasing manifold. But factually duty on water treatment plant and the rich who are in a position to machinery from 20 percent to 15 import the hybrid electric vehicles percent. The rate of income tax have been provided relief. for non-banking companies is reduced from 35 percent to 34 percent. The government increased slabs for individual and companies and The government proposed 0.5 enhanced rates for income in the percent income support levy on range of over 4 million per annum. the net moveable wealth exceeding Rs1 million. The tax on land de- The government also proposed velopers as minimum tax at rate of enhanced rate on sale of any Rs25 per square feet on the con- property from 5 percent to 10 perstructed area sold was imposed cent. The withholding tax on prize and Rs50 per square yard of the bonds has been increased from areas sold of the developed land 10 percent to 15 percent. The adwas also imposed. In addition an vance tax on dealers, commission advance tax on sale to distributors, agents and (middleman) imposed dealers and wholesalers to the on different groups as: class A, tune of 0.1 percent and advance Rs10,000, on Group B the tax rate tax on retailers will be 0.5 percent will be Rs7500, Group C Rs5000 and any other category Rs5,000. of the gross amount of sale. The government slapped advance tax on foreign produced films and TV plays and it will collect Rs1,000,000 on foreign produced films, Rs100,000 per episode on

The minister announced to introduce targeted subsidies saying the country cannot afford un-targeted subsidies any more. He said from now onward any scheme of subsidy, whether in electricity, gas, fertilizer, sugar or wheat would be targeted to reach the weaker segments.

ISLAMABAD: Without waiting for the passage of the Federal Budget 2013-14 by parliament, the PML-N government in the Centre has imposed the GST with an immediate effect, giving the nation another gift of an increase in the POL prices by up to Rs1.35 per litre and CNG Re0.47 per kg.

as the month of Ramazan is also round the corner.

The prices of all the items will go upward on account of the imposition of an increase in the GST on all items. However, the government claims that the GST increase has not been imposed on kitchen items and medicines, but when such items are transported on vehicles, which will use the Besides the petroleum products, costly fuel on account of the GST prices of ghee, edible oil, ciga- increase, the prices of such items rettes, refrigerators and air con- will also go up. ditioners have also gone up.Riffat Passenger fares will increase and Shaheen Qazi, the spokesperson the transportation of all goods of the FBR, told The News in clear within the country would also inwords that the raise in the GST by crease manifold.However, the 1 percent has been implemented price of petrol has increased by from today (Thursday) across the Re0.86 per litre to Rs100.63 per country on all items except some litre, high speed diesel by Re0.90 food and medicine items. per litre to Rs105.50 per litre, high The FBR has imposed the Federal This will unfold a new wave of a octane blending component by Excise Duty at 40 paisa per kg on deadly inflationary spiral for the Rs1.35 per litre to Rs136.30, Keroimported seeds, Re1 per kg on lo- masses, who are already facing sene oil Re.80 per litre to Rs94.59 cally produced oil and 10 percent the hikes because of the hoard- per litre, Light Diesel Oil Re0.77 on motor vehicles of cylinder ca- ing by unscrupulous businessmen per litre to Rs89.90 per litre.

10 JUNE - 2013


No before parliamentary approval of bill: CJP

ISLAMABAD: Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry remarked on Friday that the parliament has not yet approved the finance bill, therefore, it is not possible to implement tax on petroleum products, Geo News reported. The CJP was hearing the suo moto notice case on the recent hike in petroleum prices. The federal bud-

PML-N mulling raising govt employees’ salaries after outcry

ISLAMABAD - Amid strong get has proposed ,one percent in- criticism by opposition parties and government employees for crease in sales tax. not increasing their salaries in A three-judge bench of the SC proposed budget 2013-14, the comprising Justice Ejaz Ahmed newly-elected government is and Justice Gulzar Ahmed, and mulling to revise its decision, it headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar has been learnt. Sources in the increase in salaries. In first three Chaudhry heard the case today. PML-N said the party leaderyears, the PPP gave over 100 perDuring proceedings, the CJP re- ship wanted to raise the salaries cent increase and during the last marked that the court will dismiss of all government employees. two years it gave 50 percent increthe notice issued by federal Board They said the increment could ment. To review the issue, Finance of Revenue (FBR). be up to 10 percent of the basic Minister Ishaq Dar on Thursday The Chief Justice remarked that pay. Government employees have formed a committee comprising before the approval of finance bill been protesting for a raise in their of officials of the Establishment, by the parliament, tax cannot be salaries following the announce- Cabinet and Finance divisions. It imposed on petroleum products. ment of the proposed federal budget. is tasked with furnishing its recommendations after examining According to sources, the Chief The sources said after sensing current salaries of government Justice took a suo moto notice on massive countrywide protests by employees. Opposition parties inthe note of Supeme Court Regis- government employees, which cluding the PPP, the PTI and the trar. The CJP issued notices to the could be hijacked by the oppo- MQM are in favour of increment Attorney General of Pakistan Munir sition parties, the government in the salaries of government emA. Malik and relevant officials. was mulling giving a 10 percent ployees. raise. Announcing the budget, the PML-N took the plea that under There leaders were of the view that the current economic situation of salaries of all government employthe country, it could not raise the ees should have been increased in the proposed budget. al Assembly Pakistan Peoples Par- salaries. But at the same time, it ty’s Khursheed Shahcriticized the imposed additional one percent Leader of the Opposition in the increase in sales tax and termed general sales tax (GST), follow- National Assembly Khurshid the federal government presented ing which the prices of petroleum Shah told reporters that around budget as not people friendly budget. products, CNG, electricity, natural 8,000,000 families were waitgas and other consumer items ing for annual traditional raise in Talking to media persons after the went up, directly affecting the peotheir salaries, but the PML-N not announcement of Federal Budget ple’s budget. only disappointed them, but also 2013-14 he said that increase in raised the GST, which would lead sales tax would affect not only the On the other hand, the PPP during to inflation. poor man living in the villages, but its five year tenure gave maximum also in the cities.

Opposition says budget not ‘people friendly’

ISLAMABAD: Members of the opposition reacted to the new government’s Federal Budget for 2013-14. The opposition termed the budget as not being people friendly. MQM leader Farooq Sattar spoke to the media following Finance Minister Ishaq Dar’s speech in the National Assembly. Sattar termed the budget as being traditional with no concrete measures to tackle the country’s economic problems. The MQM leader also said there was no mention of how to tackle terrorism in the budget. Sattar was critical of the increase in sales tax proposed in the budget. He said that this should have been decreased not increased as it impacts the common man. According to Sattar not increasing the salaries of government employees was inexcusable. Leader of the Opposition in Nation-

SC declares one pc raise in GST illegal

He said that salaries of government employees should have ISLAMABAD: The Supreme been increased in the budget. Court on Friday declared the Shah added that the PML-N gov- one percent increase in the ernment should fulfill its election General Sales Tax (GST) as unpromises and the PPP would constitutional and directed the also protest against changing the government to withdraw the name of Benazir Income Support recent increase in petroleum Programme to Pakistan Income prices. Support Programme. A three-member bench of the June 13 to June 21 with the SC Registrar Office till the passage of the He said that they would put po- apex court, headed by Chief Jus- Finance Bill 2013-14 by parliament. litical pressure and public pressure tice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, on the government to not change announced a short order in the The court further ruled if the Sales suo moto case pertaining to one Tax was imposed by parliament to the name. percent increase in the General be recovered with retrospective effect, the same should be paid to Sales Tax (GST). PTI leader Shireen Mazari speakthe government otherwise approing to Hamid Mir on Capital Talk, The court ruled that the raise in the said the focus of the budget was GST rate by one percent without priate orders would be passed for on indirect taxes which was evi- the approval of parliament was un- its disbursement. dent with the increase in sales tax. lawful and directed the authorities The court directed the Oil and Gas “This is a businessman’s budget concerned to deposit the collect- Regulatory Authority (Ogra) to isand will increase burden on the or- ed amount on the petroleum/CNG sue a revised notification fixing the dinary man.” or any other taxable supplies from prices of CNG under Section 3 of


11 JUNE - 2013 the Sales Act by recovering the sales tax at the rate of 16 percent on taxable supplies till the passage of the Finance Bill 2013-14 by parliament.

NEWS in its present form.

The court directed the federal and provincial governments to ensure implementation of Price Control and Profiteering and Hoarding Act, Similarly, the court also directed 1977, to keep the prices consisthe government to deposit nine tent as per the Sixth Schedule unpercent of 26 percent of the Sales der Section 13(1) of the Act, 1990 Tax with the Registrar Office, col- (Essential Commodities). lected on CNG from June 13 to 21.The court also directed the Meanwhile, the Federal Board government to file a statement, of Revenue (FBR), in compliance showing the amount of Sales Tax with the Supreme Court’s landcollected at the rate of nine per- mark order, has decreased the cent under proviso to Rule 20(2) GST on CNG to 16 percent from (c) of the Sales Tax Special Proce- 26 percent.Accordingly, the price dures Rules 2007 on value of the of CNG has gone down by Rs1.97 CNG from the consumers in ad- per kg in Region-1 and Rs1.28 per dition to declared Sales Tax of 16 kg in Region-2. percent imposed under Section 3 of the Sales TaxAct 1990 as this The Supreme Court had in its veramount was also to be refunded dict said the GST should be equalto consumers, for which appropri- ly imposed on all sectors and colate order would be passed subse- lection of 26 percent GST on CNG and 16 percent on other sectors quently. was wrong. The court ruled that declaration under Section 3 of the Provisional The new price of CNG in Region-1 Collection of Taxes Act, 1931, nei- now stands at Rs72.73 per kg and ther had the status of legislation in Region-2 Rs64.90 per kg.The nor sub-legislation, so it had no government has also reduced the force of law.The court declared petroleum price by Rs1.35 per litre the immediate collection of the on account of reduction in the GST GST from 16 percent to 17 per- by one percent, keeping in view cent under Section 3 of the Provi- the verdict of the Supreme Court. sional Collection of Taxes Act 1931 According to the notification, the as unconstitutional being contrary price of petrol has gone down by to articles 3, 9, 24 and 77 of the Re0.86 per litre, high octane blendConstitution. ing component (HOBC) by Rs1.35 “Section 4 of the Provisional Collec- per litre, high speed diesel (HSD) tion of Taxes Act, 1931, is uncon- by Re0.90 per litre, kerosene by stitutional being contrary to Article Re0.80 and light diesel oil (LDO) 70 of the Constitution,” says the by Re0.77 per litre.The new price short order, adding that Section 5 of petrol now stands at Rs99.70 of the Act does not lay down pa- per litre, HOBC Rs133.95 per litre, rameters for the purpose of refund HSD Rs104.60 per litre, kerosene of the collected taxes to consum- Rs93.79 per litre and light diesel ers saying it was not enforceable oil Rs89.13 per litre.

PPP, MQM relations begin to thaw KARACHI: Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) relations have begun to thaw as the leadership of both the parties contacted.

Sindh Governor Dr Ishrat ul Ebad returned after performing Umrah in the wee hours of Wednesday. Meanwhile, sources said that President Asif Ali Zardari has also suddenly reached Karachi where he would hold talks with his party leaders for the formation of any possible alliance with MQM in Sindh.

The sources further said that there are two point of views in the MQM regarding formation of alliance with the PPP, while on the other hand, some PPP leaders are also not in a favour to hold talks with the MQM. Both the parties have decided not to comment on the issue, the sources added.

PPP invites MQM to join Sindh govt KARACHI - Led by former interior minister Rehman Malik, a Pakistan People’s Party delegation visited Nine-Zero MQM headquarters – on Sunday to invite Muttahida leaders to join the provincial government of Sindh. PPP delegates, including Pir Mazharul Haq and Makhdoom Jameel, held negotiations with MQM leaders over various issues, including appointment of opposition leader in the National Assembly, law and order situation in Karachi city and Balochistan, local bodies system.

mafia and criminals groups operating in Karachi. “I invite MQM to join government to serve people of Sindh,” he said and added that Pakistan could not afford politics of confrontation. Malik dubbed the ongoing killing spree in Karachi as random killing and said MQM workers were being killed on daily basis. He said that the PPP-MQM alliance was needed to maintain peace in Karachi.

Kunwar Naveed Jameel, Ashfaq Mangi, Khalid Sultan, Adil Khan, Mian Ateeq, Dr Farooq Sattar, Faisal Sabzwari Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Engineer Nasir Jamal and Sardar Ahmed representPir Mazharul Haq said PPP and ed MQM. MQM had sacrificed a lot for the During the extended meeting, the sake of democracy and reconciliPPP informally invited the MQM ation was needed more than ever. to be partners again in the Sindh He said the works that were not government. Although the talks done during the last government were held in a cordial atmosphere, would be accomplished jointly by the MQM expressed its reserva- PPP and MQM in the current retions over the PPP government’s gime at the provincial level. inability to carry out action against MQM deputy convener Dr Khalid Lyari gangsters. Maqbool Siddiqui said that “we According to reports, the PPP have informed PPP leaders about delegation assured the MQM that MQM’s concerns and a decision its concerns would be addressed would be taken soon after conand asked it to join the provincial sultation with party workers”. He government as the PPP believes said MQM’s doors were open and in the policy of reconciliation. it would support every act that would empower democracy in MQM leaders informed Rehman the country. He said the party had Malik that party’s coordination deep concerns over targeted killcommittee would make a decision ing and abductions of party workafter discussing the issue with par- ers. ty workers. Expressing similar views, Siddiqui Addressing a joint news confer- further said no matter where MQM ence after the meeting, Malik said sit in Parliament it would always MQM and PPP must work togeth- work in favour of the country. er to improve current law and order situation in Karachi. Admiring Staff Reporter from Islamabad efforts of President Asif Ali Zardari adds: Former Interior Minister Senand Altaf Hussain for continuity ator Rehman Malik Sunday briefed of democracy in the country, Ma- the President Asif Ali Zardari about lik said both the leaders played a his talks with MQM Rabita Comvital role for peaceful transition of mittee. power in Pakistan. Pakistan People’s Party ParliaRejecting any relation with the mentarians has offered MQM to banned People’s Aman Com- join the Sindh government. Acmittee, Malik said the party con- cording to the informed sources, demned every act of violence Malik briefed the President about and never patronised any criminal the MQM’s response to PPPP’s groups. He however vowed to offer to join the provincial governoperate against drugs mafia, land ment.

12 JUNE - 2013

Referendum to inform MQM’s decision on joining Sindh govt

KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain on Monday said that a referendum amongst party workers will be carried out to decide if the party should join the Sindh government.


he referendum should be held across the country within three


days, Hussain told members of MQM Coordination Committee in a live telephonic address in Kara- “On Friday afternoon, the chi. MPA allowed the guard to go for lunch and left On Sunday, a three-member PPP for the mosque,” he said, delegation comprising, former inadding that the police were trying terior minister Rehman Malik, Pir to obtain the footage of the CCTV Mazharul Haq and Makhdoom cameras installed in the area Jamiluz Zaman held a meeting at where the attack took place. the MQM’s Nine-Zero headquarters and invited the party to join The Karachi Police have constitutthe provincial government. ed a team to investigate the killing of MPA, and his son.A police stateMQM office bearers advised Husment said that Additional IG Karasain to decide in favour of sitting chi, Ghulam Qadir Thebo, formed on the opposition benches in the a four-member team under DIG Sindh Assembly earlier on Monday. West Zafar Abbas Bukhari. The The MQM chief will make the final team comprises SSP Central, SSP Investigation II West, Divisional SP decision. North Nazimabad and SIO North Nazimabad. The team will undertake every effort to identify the accused and arrest them.

MQM MPA, son shot dead outside mosque in Karachi A Sindh Assembly l a w m a k e r belonging to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) was gunned down along with his son as they walked out of a mosque after offering the Friday prayers in the North Nazimabad locality, one of the strongholds of the party in the violence-plagued city of Karachi.


oon after the double-murder, the MQM announced three days of mourning to grieve the murder of its MPA, 48-year-old Sajid Qureshi, and his 20-year-old son, Waqas Qureshi, outside the Al-Huda Masjid, Block-B, North Nazimabad. The victims were heading towards their car when three men waiting outside the mosque opened fire

ing down their shutters amidst reports of sporadic incidents of aerial firing from various places, witnesses and police said. The SSP said that the police guard, provided to the MPA, had gone for lunch.

The DIG West will compile the progress report of the case on daily basis, it was further stated.

Sajid Qureshi, who joined the MQM in 1986, had also remained affiliated with a newspaper. He was elected an MPA from PS103 on MQM’s ticket and was also a member of the party’s residence comon the MPA, police said. When mittee. He was a resident his son tried to save his father, he of Block-B, North Naztoo was targeted by the assailants, imabad. they added. MQM leaders and activists first The father and son were rushed arrived at the hospital and later to the Ziauddin Hospital, located visited the slain MPA’s residence nearby, where they succumbed to where they staged a protest and their injuries.SSP Central Amir Fa- demanded the arrest of killers.Folrooqi told The News that Sajid had lowing the double murder, violence recieved four bullet wounds, while broke out in many areas of the city, his son was shot seven times. the most affected areas including The assailants used 9mm pistols, District Central and parts of District which are usually used in Karachi’s East, including Gulshan-e-Iqbal and Gulistan-e-Jauhar. The main targeted killings. business centers in District South, “After the attack, two assailants es- including Saddar and its adjoining caped on a motorcycle while the areas, witnessed aerial firing as third ran away leaving be- party activists asked shopkeepers hind his shoes,” the police to shutter their businesses. official said. The SSP said Miscreants set ablaze a vehicle it was too early to confirm near Jauhar Chowrangi, while who was behind the doutwo mini-buses were set on fire in ble murder. Malir. Two passenger buses were As the news of the killings also partially damaged near the spread in the city followed Chamra Chowrangi in Korangi. by MQM’s protest call, The situation in many parts of the most markets and busi- city remained tense till the filing of ness centres started pull- this report.

Police said some miscreants lobbed a handmade bomb at a filling station near Star Gate, Sharea Faisal, injuring four people. Police said that the injured were taken to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre. They were identified as Traffic Police Constable Habib Hasan, Gulzar, Tariq Zaman and Fayyaz. A police post was damaged in Karimabad when some men tried to set it on fire. Expressing his shock and grief over the murder of Sajid Qureshi and his son, MQM chief Altaf Hussain urged his followers to stay calm and not to react violently. He was addressing the MQM’s coordination committee and other office bearers gathered at the party headquarters ‘Nine-Zero’ by telephone from London.

Meanwhile, the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the killing of MPA Sajid Qureshi and his son. However, a TTP spokesman said that they had nothing to do with the Peshawar blast. AFP/APP add: A pedestrian also died in the firing. President Asif Ali Zardari condemned the assassination of Sajid Qureshi and his son. The president directed the authorities to undertake every possible effort to bring the perpetrators of the heinous act to justice. The president, in a message to the bereaved family, expressed his deep sorrow and grief over the incident and prayed for the departed souls. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif strongly condemned the killings and sympathised with the bereaved family.

13 JUNE - 2013

Pakistan backs Afghan peace efforts, British PM told


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan assured visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron on Sunday that it would promote efforts to reach a peace deal in neighbouring Afghanistan before Nato’s planned withdrawal.


ameron is on his second visit to Pakistan and is the first foreign head of government to visit Islamabad since Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif took office in June after winning elections in May.

MQM observing 3-day mourning KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) is observing three-day mourning over the killings of its MPA Sajid Qureshi and his son.

The MQM appealed the business community to keep their businesses closed during the mourning period. It also requested transporters Funeral prayers of the slain MPA to keep their vehicles off the road and his son would be offered afin protest against the murder of its ter Zuher payers in Jinnah Ground legislator. today (Saturday). He would be laid On Friday, MQM’s MPA Sa- to rest in Yaseenabad graveyard. jid Qureshi and his son Waqas MQM’s coordination committee Qureshi were gunned when they has appealed to the masses to atcame out of a mosque after offer- tend the funeral prayers of its slain ing Friday prayers. legislature and his son.

Rangers raid Uzair Baloch’s Lyari residence, several held

“I have assured Prime Minister Relations between Kabul and Islamabad are tradition- Cameron of our firm resolve to promote the shared objective of a ally mired in distrust. peaceful and stable Afghanistan, The apparent headway made at to which the three million Afghan a summit hosted by Cameron in refugees currently living in PakiFebruary has since unravelled in a stan can return with honour and series of public rows. dignity,” said Sharif.

KARACHI: Rangers have taken several persons under custody by raiding the residence of Uzair Baloch in Lyari Town on Friday here, Geo News reported.

Sources said that Rangers raiding Uzair Baloch’s Lyari residence have taken five persons into custody and shifted them to some unknown place. However, no weapon was recovered from them, Cameron welcomed Sharif’s resources said. marks about the “vital importance of the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan”.

Cameron flew to Pakistan from Afghanistan, where he joined an international push to revive peace efforts that recently collapsed in ignominy after the Taliban opened an office in the Qatari capital Doha. “I profoundly believe that a stable, prosperous, peaceful, democratic “We hope that the UK will continue Afghanistan is in Pakistan’s interthese efforts to seek sustainable est, and I know that you and Presipeace and stability in Afghanistan,” dent Karzai will work together toSharif told reporters after talks wards those ends,” Cameron said. with Cameron. The search for a peace deal is an He supported Afghan President urgent priority as 100,000 US-led Hamid Karzai’s position that any Nato combat troops prepare to peace process should be “Afghan- withdraw next year and Afghan owned and Afghan-led”. forces take on the fight against insurgents that has lasted more “In our meeting today, we dis- than a decade. cussed the entire spectrum of our bilateral relations. I informed Prime The Taliban office in Qatar that Minister Cameron on my Govern- opened on June 18 was meant to ment’s priorities and the objec- foster talks but instead enraged tives we have set for ourselves to Karzai, who saw it as being styled improve the lives of ordinary Paki- as an embassy for a governmentstanis.” Nawaz further said about in-exile. the meeting. He broke off bilateral security talks He added that “In this context, I with the Americans and threatapprised the Prime Minister Cam- ened to boycott any peace proeron about the austerity measures cess altogether. my government is undertaking to ensure fiscal discipline and ad- On Saturday however, Karzai told dress the challenge of energy Cameron that a subsequent Talishortages with a view to imple- ban attack on the presidential palmenting my Government’s eco- ace “will not deter us from seeking peace”. nomic development agenda.”

Rangers’ officials told that the raid was conducted on information of the presence of some criminals by closing all entry/exit roads and completely blocking the area.

14 JUNE - 2013


Famous religious scholar and founder of Bukhari Relief Foundation

Karachi Cultural Roundup

THE NEWS (BRF) Khanum Tayaba Bukhari, EDUCATION EXHIBITION visited Chicago and delivered INAUGURATED her lecturers on Islam in different BY mosques in the greater Chicago area. SHARJEEL MEMON She also interviewed by PTV Global, By Naved Mustafa

Chicago Bureau and Pakistan Abroad & Urdu Times News papers.

Bureau Chief.

Interviewed by Jawaid Riaz Camera person Ansar Rizvi

they helped the people those were affected by devastating flood and after that earth quake. She urged and requested the Pakistani community to come forward and help indh provincial minister for Inand support her formation Mr. Sharjeel memon In an interview with Jawaid in this noble cause to help those Inaugurated the fifth The News Riaz, Bureau Chief, PTV who are looking at you. Education exhibition at the Expo Global & Pakistan abroad, center Karachi. This International she talked about the She also said that this charitable exhibition has become a regular BRF vision and the work. organization under section 501 C yearly event and students, their Khanum Bukhari said that was established for raising funds parents and educationists eagerly for the benefits of humanitarian wait for it. More than 60 local and Bukhari Relief Foundation causes. All officers and persons (BRF) was founded as an associated with this organization International universities, Colleges NGO in June 2011, and also work entirely on voluntary basis and Institutes participated in this registered in USA as a 501 C and do not receive any kind of re- exhibition. After the inauguration ceremony the provincial informa(Tax Deductible Status). muneration or fringe benefits. tion minister visited the stalls set participating educahe said she began her tireless She talked in detail about year up by the tional institutions. Speaking on campaign to help and support 2010 saw the worst flood in Pakithis occasion Mr. Sharjeel Memon the underprivileged needy people stan’s history. 20% of Pakistan’s appreciated the efforts of Jang without discriminating of cast and land mass equivalent of England religion, She said that the people was affected. Over 20 million Media Group for the promotion of of Pakistan are living under the people were displaced. Over 1700 education In Pakistan. face of disparity between the rich lives were lost. BRF set up camps He said that The News Education and poor. They have no proper and helped field hospitals in afExpo 2013 has provided the ideal health care, employment, educa- fected areas and provided all kind opportunity for the students and tion even no basic needs of the life. of help and started rehabilitation their parents to get comprehensive She said that the BRF is commit- process immediately in the mass information about the educational ted to help these needy people affected areas. You can see more opportunities available for them at local and foreign institutions. those are looking for us. She said details on our website.



He commented that this Exhibition will be very beneficial for the youth and guide them in the selection of right direction for their bright educational and professional future. Mr. Sharjeel memon said that the Jang Group has always highlighted the Importance of education by organizing such mega events. He added that the News education expo 2013. will play a vital roll in building and enhancing the positive image of Pakistan on the International horizon. Prominent local educational institutions participating in this exhibition included Iqra University, Szabist University, DHA Sufa University, Indus University, PAF Kiet University, Beynazeer Bhutto University Larkana, IBA Sukkur, FAST University, Greenwich University, Hamdard University, Jinahh Sindh Medical University, SMBBU University and PIMSAT University. Well reputed Universities from U.S.A, Germany, Australia, U.K and Malaysia gave true International flair to this event through their active participation. This three day Education Exhibition Ended on 9th June 2013. Talking to the media on this occasion Mr. Sarmad Ali of Jang Group said that the demand for quality education is increasing day by day therefore we have organized this International education Exhibition to provide complete and adequate information to students and their parents about the options available for them at local and foreign Institutions of higher learning. Youngsters, their Parents and Educationists visited The News Education Exhibition in very large numbers all the three days of this event. Expressing their views they described it as a highly informative and successful exhibition .

15 JUNE - 2013



iterary, cultural and social circles of Karachi were in a state of deep shock and grief on the sad and tragic death of Prof. Azfar Rizvi ho lost his life in a target killing incident near his residence. Prof. Azfar Rizvi was a real multidimensional personality. Due to his sincere and tireless efforts and services for the promotion of Urdu language, culture and education in the city spread over past several decades Prof.Azfar Rizvi was a greatly liked and admired social figure of Karachi. Almost all the major literary and cultural Associations of the city organized condolence references to pay tributes to Mr. Azfar Rizvi for his services to preserve and enhance the cultural and literary image of the metropolitan city of Karachi. First major condolence reference was organized by the City Owners Welfare Association at a local hall addressing this large gathering of intellectuals, poets, writers and lovers of urdu language most senior and respected poet and intellectuals Mr. Jamil Udeen Aali said that prof. Azfar Rizvi was a very sincere and selfless person. Mr. Aali declared Azfar Rizvi as a great asset for the Anjuman e Tarraqi e Urdu and the literary Community of Karachi. President of the Anjuman Tarraqi e urdu Mr. Aftab ahmed khan said in his speech that the process of the promotion of Urdu language and literature initiated by Prof. Rizvi will continue and prosper with the passage of time. Prominent poet and educationist Dr. Peerzada Qasim said that Azfar Rizvi was a true lover of humans and humanity, his contribution in field of humanitarian and social services will bi remembered always. Senior poet Sarshar Siddiqui said that Azfar Rizvi gave

NEWS Imran urged the government and military leaders to develop a strategy to end US drone strikes in the country’s tribal areas, saying that the drone campaign made ‘our Speaking on this occasion Haswar’ on terrorism the same as the nain Rizvi son of Late Azfar Rizvi US war in the eyes of the Pakistani thanked the office bearers of the City Owners Welfare Association public. He also called for a stratefor Organizing this memorable gy to eliminate militancy in various and well organized condolence pockets across the country, sayreference. Chairman of the Asso- ing that the economy would con- terest law was the need of the hour ciation Mr. Mazhar Khan, Bashir tinue to suffer unless ‘the cancer’ so that those at the helm of the sadozai,senator Abudal Haseeb was eliminated. country’s affairs could not avail any Khan, Aslam Khan, Muslim Sha- The PTI chief said a comprehen- undue benefits during their tenure. meem, Prof. Haroon Rasheed sive approach, which took all and Khwaja Qutbudeenin also stakeholders on board, was need- Imran also called for local bodies elections across the country, addressed this large gathering of ed in this regard. stressing that good governance friends, lovers and admirers of late Prof. Azfar Rizvi. “The prime minister, army chief and could not be established in the abchief ministers should sit together sence of a local body system. to form a policy on drone attacks… Talking about rigging in the elecWe have to make this war [against tions, the PTI chief requested terrorism] our war, and it cannot Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad become our war unless we disen- Chaudhry to take notice of the isgage from US drone attacks,” he sue. He called for thumb impresstressed. At the same time, Imran sion audits across the country. maintained he was not in favour of shooting down US drones, calling instead for a more concerted diplomatic effort to end the campaign. a new life to the Anjuman e Tarrqi e Urdu and urdu lovers all over the world are grate ful to him for his services in this regard.

Back in action:

Imran wants

drone issue taken up at UN

“We should approach the UN Security Council and raise issue there,” he said, highlighting that US President Barack Obama was already facing domestic pressure regarding the controversial drone programme.

ISLAMABAD: After being kept from parliament for 19 days because of his injuries, Pakistan Tehreek-e- Insaf chief Imran Khan was finally sworn in on Wednesday.


rriving directly from a hospital appointment for this particular session, he delivered a wideranging speech at the floor of the lower house, outlining his ‘patriotic vision’ against the ‘prevalent unjust system’ in the country and elaborating his reconciliatory approach for tackling the numerous challenges it faces.

“Today, I am not speaking as the chief of an opposition party, but as a patriotic Pakistani,” the PTI chief told lawmakers. In his speech, Imran said disengagement from the USled war on terror, which he claimed is ‘based on a lie’, should be the government’s priority. At the same time, however, he conceded that terrorism is Pakistan’s problem, signalling a slight shift from his earlier stance on the issue.

Abdul Sattar Edhi admitted to SIUT

The treasury benches welcomed Imran’s suggestions on drone strikes and terrorism, with Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan saying, “The nation should stand united and send out a message that Pakistan is not a banana republic.” He added that the government had already discussed the issue with the army chief in detail KARACHI: Prominent philanand would formulate political con- thropist and founder of Edhi Foundation, Abdul Sattar Edhi, sensus on drones soon. has been under treatment in Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif – who SIUT hospital for the last few was absent from the house on days. Wednesday – had also demanded ccording to Head of the Edhi an end to the US drone campaign foundation Qazi Anwar, Abdul in his maiden speech after assumSattar Edhi’s condition is now out ing office. of danger. Meanwhile, in his speech Imran Hospital sources said that Edhi criticised the hike in general sales had been diagnosed with Kidney tax in the 2013-14 budget. Term- disease and doctors regularly coning the tax network ‘unjust’, he ducted his dialysis. said there was a need to revive the system. He also proposed taxes The sources further stated that Edhi visits Sindh Institute of Urolfor the real estate sector. ogy and Transplantation (SIUT) The PTI chief discussed the issue for dialysis purposes three to four of corruption as well and called for times a week, however this time, making the National Accountability he was rushed to hospital due to Bureau an independent institution. hospital after his condition deterioHe maintained that a conflict of in- rated.


16 JUNE - 2013

PML-N Nawaz Sharif orders High Treason Case against dictator Pervez Musharraf

PTI, PML-N and PPP adopt same tune in National Assembly


CM Balochistan condemns attack on Jinnah’s Ziarat residency; vows to rebuild

QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Abdul Malik Baloch It may be pointed out that Article on Saturday took serious no6 states that any violation of the tice of the attack on Quaidconstitution comes under High ISLAMABAD: Following a Treason, which has strictest pun- i-Azam’s Ziarat residency on Saturday. coup which has deprived ishment for the violator. him of his premier seat in “I strongly condemn this act”, 1999, Prime Minister Nawaz “Musharraf had to be accountable Baloch told for his deeds,” PML-N head said Sharif has ordered regisand added that this was for the tering High Treason Case first time when the elected house He said the perpetrators of the atagainst Pervez Musharraf (parliament) had not endorsed tack on Jinnah’s Ziarat residence would be brought to book. over breaking the constitu- move of a dictator. tion. The chief minister assured that Jinconstitution.

Giving stance of his party, opposi- nah’s residence would be restored Giving policy statement of Paki- tion leader from Pakistan Peoples in its original condition. stan Muslim League Nawaz over Party Syed Khursheed Shah welthe detention of former dictator comed the move from the govern- “I would even call foreign experts to Pervez Musharraf on the assem- ment. bly floor, Nawaz said that Musharraf had defied the constitution “But all pictures of previous dictators should also be removed from for twice. house which have defied demo“For the first time, he made a coup cratic norms.” in 1999 against a democratic government in a time when the coun- Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) try had been flourishing while for in deputy parliamentary leader Shah 2007 he put judges of the coun- Mahmud Qureshi also backed the try in detention in a total defiance move from the political arch-rival PML-N. against the constitution.” The prime minister ordered the “We will be backing the governauthorities relevant to take action ment whenever there is a need to against the former president and strengthen the parliament and the army chief under article 6 of the democracy.”

President, PM, others condemn Quetta bombing

ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Saturday condemned the bus bombing in Quetta. Moreover, Chief Minister Balochistan Abdul Malik Baloch, Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif, chief of Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf (PTI) Imran Khan and chief of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain also condemned the bombing that targeted the bus of a women only university in the provincial capital. At least eleven women were killed on Saturday when a bomb ripped through the bus.

restore the Ziarat residency in its original form,” he said. The chief minister said the damaged portion of the residency would soon be reconstructed. Moreover, Chief Secretary Balochistan Babar Yaqoob Fateh Muhammad and Inspector General Balochistan Police Mushtaq Sukhera visited Ziarat on the directives of the chief minister. The two top officials of the province directed the local administration to double its efforts to ensure security for buildings of national significance.

Protecting national heritage: Ziarat residency to be rebuilt in a few months

QUETTA / ISLAMABAD: The federal government on Sunday pledged to rebuild Quaid-e-Azam’s residency in Ziarat a day after militants destroyed a major part of it in a fire.

The decision was taken at a highlevel meeting chaired by Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. Nisar, who toured the damaged site on Sunday along with Information Minister Pervaiz Rashid, pledged it would be rebuilt within a period of three to four months.

Less than an hour later, sounds of explosions and firing spread panTalking to the media, Nisar said ic and chaos through the Bolan that the residency was a national Medical Complex where most of asset and expressed grief over its the wounded had been taken. destruction. The National Heritage Following which, at least three ex- Division was tasked with revampplosions were heard from inside ing the structure within three to four months, officials said. After its the hospital. reconstruction, they said, the resiTelevision reports said Deputy dency will continue to catch the atCommissioner Abdul Mansoor tention of tourists. Khan, who had earlier been wounded, was killed by shots to Pervaiz Rashid directed the Jinnah’s residency officials to assess the head and chest.

damage and reconstruction costs, Principal Information Officer Imran Gardezi said.

Lax security Senator Mir Hasil Bizenjo, who visited the site along with Senator Pervaiz Rashid and Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Sunday, said that it was unfortunate that only one policeman was posted at the residency during the daytime. Bizenjo announced that both the federal and provincial governments will provide security to the national heritage sites in Balochistan. “Militants are destroying the national heritage in Balochistan. This is a cowardly act,” he said. Meanwhile, interior ministry officials told media that the security squad comprising Frontier Corps personnel at Quaid-e-Azam’s Ziarat residency has been changed and that the security plan had been revamped.

17 JUNE - 2013

Courage in life and death: From Pinky to Benazir


Benazir murder case: ATC wants Musharraf produced on July 2

ISLAMABAD: Federal Investigation Agency On her 60th (FIA) has submitted birthday, here’s a challan in the antiterrorism court (ATC) celebrating Tuesday, formally dePakistan’s claring former presimost prominent dent General (retd) politician Pervez Musharraf as The year was 1996. As I inter- notes like a student from a teacher. accused in Benazir viewed Begum Nusrat Bhutto While Begum Bhutto kept cry- Bhutto murder case, at 70 Clifton, she described her ing throughout, BB knew it was a Geo News reported. eldest daughter Benazir Bhutto moment which would never come by the CPO, security could be proaka Pinky as the most dominating again, a moment to take final guid- The anti-terrorism court in Rawal- vided to prosecutor from airport to child in their family. “Once Bhutto ance from her political mentor. One pindi headed by Judge Habibur the court but it was not possible Sahab brought a big toy car for of the advices she got from him in Rehman heard the Benazir Bhutto to ensure 24-hour security for him. Murtaza as his birthday gift, but that meeting was about whom to murder case today during which Pinky took it away, saying ‘why trust and whom not to trust in the PPP. the FIA submitted the case challan. The court ordered to ensure the FIA prosecutor’s presence in the has he not brought me one?’ But According to the challan, Pervez next hearing while the ATC grantshe always cared deeply for her She surprised many when she married Asif Ali Zardari in 1987. Musharraf has been declared an ed one-day exemption to Pervez sister and brothers,” she had said. “In our culture marriage at the accused in the light of the state- Musharraf from appearing in the BB, as she is fondly called, was right time is very important,” she ment given by American journalist court due to security concerns today. destined to dominate. She went once said. A truly awaami leader, Mark Siegel and has alleged that on to dominate Pakistani politics a grand reception to celebrate her Musharraf was involved in Bena- The court will decide about giving Musharraf a permanent exempfor over three decades. More than wedding was arranged in Lyari. zir’s murder conspiracy. tion from appearing in the court in five years after this brilliant mind the next hearing while the copies FIA’s Prosecuter Chaudhry Azhar was snuffed out, her party contin- She gave birth to her eldest son ues to grapple with the loss while Bilawal at a time of struggle. Even could not appear in the court due of the order will also be distributed. the people remember her fondly. the birth of two daughters did not to security concerns. Later, the ATC adjourned the hearslow down her political journey deShe would have been 60 today. According to a report submitted ing of the case till July 2. spite threats. Born on this day as daughter of the charismatic leader Zulfikar Ali She was undoubtedly a couraBhutto, BB’s life story has more geous leader who led from the tragedies and sufferings than hap- front. On October 18, 2007, bepiness. Though she became the cause of death threats, she could DESIGN • PRINT • SIGNS prime minister twice, the tenures have postponed the rally, but she decided to go ahead. Even after lasted only 18 and 22 months. the suicide blast in which 150 PPP Despite strong opposition from workers were killed, she did not sit conservatives, this trailblazer cre- back at Bilawal House, but on the ated history by becoming the first very next day visited the injured 5640 N. Broadway, woman prime minister of the Is- workers. lamic world and Pakistan. Chicago, IL 60660 On that fateful day, December 27, Fax: 773.334.5757 Her leadership qualities led her 2007, she could have addressed • BUSINESS CARDS to become the president of the the public meeting in Liaquat Bagh • FLYERS • BROCHURES Oxford Union. Bhutto saw in her via video link but faced the threats. someone who could carry on with This kind of courage is rarely seen. • POSTERS • MENUS his legacy, which she did. Her assailants and conspirators BUSINESS CARDS • MONTHLY MAGAZINES knew well about her courage. Full Color, 2 Sides, 16pt Cardstock Benazir took charge of the party They thus planned the successful • NEWSLETTERS soon after the formation of Move- attack and killed her. POST CARDS • BOOKLETS ment for Restoration of Democ6X4 racy (MRD) in 1981, but her real She committed many mistakes • LARGE FORMAT SIGNAGE Full Color, 2 Sides, 16pt Cardstock political journey began after her during her two brief tenures and • MAILING SERVICES historic arrival in Lahore on April her governance qualities remain FLYERS 8½x11 10, 1986 when she was received controversial. But it is also an ad& MUCH MORE by an estimated 0.5 million people. mitted fact that during her tenures, Full Color, 2 Sides, 100 lb. Gloss Text the establishment conspired sev• COLOR PRINTS This skilled politician knew the art eral times to dislodge her government. BROCHURES of agitation and on several occa• FAXES OR MENUS sions dodged the police and intel- Yet, despite her mistakes, BB has Full Color, 2 Sides, 8½x11, with folding • SCANNING ligence agencies and led the pro- left an indelible mark on Pakistani test rallies. politics. Her bravery and sacrifices 1000 DOOR • BINDERY for democracy cannot be forgotIn her last meeting with ZAB in the HANGERS 4ftx6ft • GRAPHIC DESIGNS 4x11 Full Color One Side on Vinyl Material Full Color, 2 sided, cover stock death cell on the night of April 3, ten. She has left a gap that may 1979, she reportedly kept taking never be filled.

allied print & copy












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18 JUNE - 2013


India win Champions Trophy final

BIRMINGHAM: India beat England by five runs to win the Champions Trophy final at Edgbaston on Sunday as the hosts’ wait for a major one-day international title continued. In a match reduced to 20 overs per side because of rain, World Cup holders India were held to 129 for seven after losing the toss.

in eight balls with seamer Ishant Sharma starting the slide with two in two deliveries. England needed a six off the last ball but that proved beyond tailender James Tredwell as the hosts finished on 124 for eight in 20 overs.

Selection Committee to own win or defeat: Najam Sethi

He, however, said that the selection committee, captain, vice captain, manager and coach will have to take credit for a win and responsibility in case of defeat.

Replying to a query regarding ICC meeting, he said that Pakistan’s representation in the meeting was necessary and he would soon leave for London with Subhan Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer of LAHORE: Pakistan Cricket the PCB. He said that Director InBoard (PCB) acting Chair- tekhab Alam was already present man Najam Sethi has said in London.

that national squad for the West Indies tour would be announced within four to five days.

The PCB chief said that changes in the team management were imminent and a decision would be taken by Tuesday in this regard. Speaking at his first press confer- He said efforts would have to be ence after formally taking charge made to explore means of earnof the PCB, Mr Sethi said that he ings and cut expenses of the PCB. would not intervene in the selec- Najam Sethi added that the PCB tion of cricket team as the boss of budget for the next year was to be prepared before June 30. Pakistan Cricket Board.

Defeat meant England had still to win a major ODI title having lost three World Cup finals (1979, 1987 But after Eoin Morgan and Ravi and 1992) and the 2004 ChampiBopara threatened to win the ons Trophy final against the West game with the bat for England, In- Indies at The Oval when they last dia took four wickets for three runs staged this event in 2004. SHANGHAI - Football superstar David Beckham said Thursday he sees a “bright” future for the Chinese game despite past corruption scandals and the dismal performance of the national team.

Beckham sees ‘bright’ future for China

PM Nawaz Sharif announces 2.5mn rupees cash award for Samina Baig

Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has congratulated Samina Baig‚ the first Pakistani woman to scale Mount Everest‚ during a meeting held today in the federal capital. He also announced 2.5 Million rupees cash award for Samina Baig, acknowledging her success and appreciating her courage and valor.

Visiting Shanghai as ambassador to the Chinese Super League (CSL), the recently-retired former England captain defended his decision to take up the role, which has been viewed as an ambitious attempt by the football authorities to improve the battered image of the Chinese game. “People questioned why I wanted to be involved in something that, like I said, in

I’m only interested in the future and it’s going to be a very bright one.” The 38-year-old began his new role in Chinese football in March. –AFP

Liverpool land Aspas from Celta Vigo

Samina Baig called on the PM today to share with him her feelings about conquering the 8‚848 meters peak. Lauding her courage and determination‚ the Prime Minister said that Pakistani women are not only courageous but have the ability to meet challenges. He said that her expedition would go a long way in giving confidence to the women of the remote areas.

the past had a bad name or there was corruption involved,” he told a news conference. “For me, the past is the past.

with her while they climbed Everest. However, Mirza returned from 8600 meters, “to show to the world that women can go ahead without male support”, in his own words.

The Prime Minister said that his would promote Samina was accompanied by her government mountaineering in the country. brother Mirza Ali, who was also

LONDON: Liverpool have completed the signing of striker Iago Aspas from Celta Vigo, the club confirmed on Sunday. Aspas, 25, who scored 12 goals for Celta last season as they successfully avoided relegation, has passed a medical and signed for an undisclosed fee, believed to be in the region of 7.7 million pounds close season signing after Man(nine million euros, $12 million). chester City defender Kolo Toure He becomes Liverpool’s third and Luis Alberto from Sevilla.

19 JUNE - 2013


Bollywood Actress Suicide: Indian Police Arrest Boyfriend in Jiah

Khan’s Death

Per authorities, Pancholi was not present at the time Khan hanged herself at her Mumbai home last week. However, the star’s mother accused him of abusing her daughter after Khan left a six-page suicide note accusing an unidentified individual of “ruining her life.”

The note, which was found by her family in her handbag, alleged the thesp was the victim of rape and abuse and was forced to have an abortion.


here’s been a surprise twist in the death of a beloved member of the Bollywood community.

Suraj Pancholi, the boyfriend of Bollywood actress Jiah Khan, has been arrested on suspicion of abetting her suicide, according to The Times of India.

Police said that before Khan killed herself, Pancholi spent two nights with the actress. He was also reportedly the last person she spoke to over the phone, and the couple had an argument. So far, Pancholi and his family have yet to comment on the charges against him.

Azmi performs in film, television, and theatre. An alumna of Film and Television Institute of India (Pune), she made her film debut in 1974 and soon became a leading actress of the Indian New Wave movement known for its serious content and neo-realism. Versatile Azmi has earned her a record of five wins of the National Film Award for Best Actress, four Filmfare Awards, and international honors. She has appeared in over 120 Hindi films, in both mainstream and independent cinema, and since 1988 she has acted in several foreign projects. Azmi is a social and women’s rights activist, Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA), member of the Rajya Sabha (upper house of Indian parliament). Her parents are poet Kaifi Azmi and Shaukat Azmi (a veteran Indian People’s Theatre Association stage actress), both of whom were members of the Communist Party of India.

tempted more serious Urdu poetry and a major collection was compiled in Tarkash, which was rendered into audio in his own voice. The late Jagjit Singh and the late Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan have sung some of his non-movie poetry. In 2001 Akhtar received the “National Integration Award” from the All India Anti-Terrorist Association and Avadh Ratan from the U.P. Government.

Pressed to say a few words ahead of their formal joint-interview the next day at the Drury Lane Theater in Oak Brook, Ill., they shared their insights into the nature and role of the Indian diaspora that touched upon the complementarity of and tension between the Indian and American multiculturalism. Akhtar compared the relationship of the non-resident Indian (NRI) to his country of origin to a solid particle A most popular and soughtat the end of a string: on the one after Bollywood lyricist, Padma Bhushan Javed Akhtar has won hand, it wants to be free to hurtle the Filmfare Award fourteen times, in its own individual and indepenseven times for Best Script, and dent direction, while on the other eight times for Best Lyrics, and the hand it is held back on a tight National Award five times.. Hailing leash by its strong attachment to from a family of freedom fighters, tradition. The net yoyo-like effect he is the great great grandson of of these two opposing forces is Allama Fazl-e-Haq Khairabadi, a notable name in the Indian Freedom Struggle and one of the main figures of the Indian Rebellion of 1857, who was hanged by Productions President Sanjoy Roy the British in 1861. Akhtar used underlined the importance of ap- to write his scripts in Urdu, which preciating the tolerant side of Is- were then written out in Hindi by lam, which is otherwise receiving his assistant. Another assistant so much bad press in this deterio- would type out a one-line summary in English. Akhtar has atrating global climate.

Born in New York and raised in London, Khan shot to fame in the 2007 Bollywood hit Nishabdand Pancholi, the son of Bollywood earned accolades for her perforcouple Aditya Pancholi and Za- mances in the psychological thrillrina Wahab, was remanded into er Ghajini oppositeAamir Khan, custody on Tuesday by police in which became the highest-grossing Bollywood film of 2008. Mumbai, India.

Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar Kick Off Eye on India Festival 2013

Asian Media USA ©


hicago IL: Eye on India Festival (EIF) 2013 kicked off on Friday, June 7 with a warm reception from the Desi community for actress Shabana Azmi and her husband-partner, scriptwriter, lyricist, and poet Javed Akhtar at the Primitive Gallery in downtown Chicago. EIF President Anuradha Behari announced the lineup of events scheduled over the next five weeks and encouraged everyone to attend, promote, and support the festival. Introducing the artiste-couple, Teamworks


20 JUNE - 2013

not so much a decisive breaking away or a regression to the source but a dialectical tension whereby the NRI is happily obliged to trace ever wider and complex circles while remaining rooted in his/her origin as the pivot. Shabana Azmi took pains to contrast the so-called American “melting pot” that tends to erode and obliterate differences within an individualistic way of life and the Indian “mosaic” which conserves and values communitarian differences that enrich the whole. Obliged by the guests to recite from his Urdu poetry, Akhtar returned to deliver his well-known interrogation of the nature of (the river of) Time (Waqt) that questions its “flow” and very existence. Starting with our subjective experience of change and momentariness, the verses capture through striking yet familiar images the philosophical notion of relativity before embarking on cosmological speculations on the “creation” of Time and hence on the very existence of God. However, Akhtar’s recitation at the Primitive Gallery and again the next day to close their formal interview in Oak Brook left out these final “theological” verses. Born into a Muslim family, Akhtar had later declared himself an atheist in his speech “Spirituality, Halo or Hoax.” Waqt instead seems to embody a creative “agnosticism” that entertains the possibility of a distant space untouched by Time, where God the Creator is not yet, a vantage point from which to question both time and its supposed author. The subtlety of the thoughts expressed, the poetic imagery, and his ghazal-like delivery drew repeated “wahs” of appreciation. Accompanied by members of his local band Zamin, singer Zeshan Begawadi, who had recently performed at the famous Jaipur festival organized by Teamworks Productions, entertained the guests with Hindi songs. The following afternoon at Drury Lane Theater in Oakbrook, ill., Begawadi sang


a few poems composed by Kaifi Azmi, despite the difficulty of aligning his free verse to the metrics of the music. Shabana Azmi commended Begawadi for his rendering and appreciated how her father’s creations still resonated with (even diaspora) youth.

Sarmad Is Ready With Film On The Life Of Manto


fter his success in the television/drama industry, Sarmad Khoosat is now ready to step into the shoes of a film director and lead actor in the biopic, tentatively titled, Manto Not Mein Manto. While several plays have been written and performed about SaaThe artiste-couple, who repeated- dat Hasan Manto, this will be the ly marveled at the rich and varied first time a movie will be produced collection of art works from around on the life of the iconic writer. the world that filled the galleries on every floor, later ascended to meet This is not going to be your typiwith Glen Joffe, the owner of the cal mainstream film. The scale will Primitive Gallery in his office. Joffe be a lot larger than a typical indeaccompanied them on a private pendent film as we have half the tour where he explained the sig- television industry participating.” nificance and context of prize ex- Without giving more details about hibits from South Asia and even the star-studded cast, Khoosat Bollywood posters from Africa that reveals that this rather large-scale announced travelling Hindi films production will later be expanded being shown in remote settlements. into a TV drama.

Islamic Telefilm Paigham To Released In UK On Islam Channel


akistan’s first Islamic Tele-film Paigham will be released in UK on Islam Channel on Eid al-Fitr 2013 Insha’Allah.Film is directed by Ibrahim Muhammadi and produced by Akhtar Hussain . Cast includes Nadeem,Erum Akhter and Shamyl Khan and Salis Akhtar. According to Producer Akhtar Hussain Film will be available for free to any TV Channel in Pakistan who are willing to telecast it on Eid alFitr 2013.Interested channel may contact producer at moralmedia@

Manto Not Mein Manto, written by playwright Shahid Nadeem of the

Ajoka theatre, is a first of its kind attempt at revisiting the legacy of Manto; the film will capture Manto’s life after partition and the stories that followed. Accompanied by a fully-loaded soundtrack, the film itself will focus on Manto as an individual. When it came down to who would play the coveted role of Manto, they initially looking for someone who had a significant amount of comfort with Manto’s writings and the script itself, “But eventually, it was encouraged that I try the role,” he adds. Khoosat, who has a noteworthy background in theatre, took the challenge sanguinely. Manto Not Mein Manto has already been shot and is currently in its editing phase. It is scheduled to release this fall.

21 JUNE - 2013


Give the gift of life

LAHORE/ISLAMABAD:The World Blood Donor Day observed across the globe on Friday to encourage voluntary unpaid and safe blood donation to fill the gap in blood supplies. The focus of this year’s campaign is `blood donation is a gift that saves lives’. The slogan will be “Give the gift of life: donate blood”. This day serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood. Adding that this day will focus on the value of donated blood to the patient, not only in saving life, but also in helping people live longer and more productive lives. Every year, 92 million blood donations are collected worldwide. Approximately half of these are collected in high-income countries, home to only 15% of the world’s population. In high-income countries, transfusion is commonly

used for supportive care in heart Cancer Love Life surgery, transplant surgery, massive trauma and cancer therapy. Those of you who are single may find the love of their life this year. Low- and middle-income counAlso, you expect a lot from this tries suffer from shortage of donarelationship and would yearn for tions while the need for blood supcommitment, even if the other plies is huge. The greatest use of person isn’t ready yet. Try not to donated blood in these countries act in haste. You should instead of is for pregnancy-related complicagetting angry, possessive or pantions and severe childhood anemia. icking get to communicate with your partner and discuss the isIn our region, only two countries sues. There are great chances of have declared 100% non-remuyour love relationships culminating nerated voluntary blood donation, in spite of all efforts to increase into marriage this year. Married this proportion, and in spite of couples too may look forward to continued advocacy for donation. enjoying a good time. Those of The other countries of the Region you wanting a child have a favourstill depend mainly on family. The able time this year. goal of the World Health OrganiCancer Health zation is for all countries to obtain their blood supplies entirely from You should take care of your health, voluntary unpaid donors by 2020. eat well and rest well. Avoid over indulging in food or drink, as exThe World Health Organization goal cesses of any kind are best to be is for all countries to obtain all their avoided. Cancer females will need blood supplies from 100% volunto take special care of their digestary unpaid blood donations by tive and reproductive health. Be2020, as regular voluntary donasides this, barring a few seasonal tions have been found to be a safailments, cancer people can hope er source of blood than those who to have a illness free year. If you donate blood for family members or for payment. Blood collection from voluntary non-remunerated blood donors is the cornerstone of a safe and sufficient blood supply. Regular voluntary blood donors are the safest source of blood, as there are fewer blood borne infections among these donors than those donating for family or payment. Currently, only 62 countries collect 100% of blood supplies from voluntary unpaid donors.

Cancer horoscope prediction: 21st june - 22nd july

try to take a middle path instead of drastic steps. Also, your connection with the occult and spirituality may deepen this year. Those wishing to go abroad for higher education may face delays.

In the year 2013, cancer people would face immense difficulties in the first half of the year but the latter part of the year would be beneficial for them. You may also have confrontations with the people in authority. Due to the transit of Uranus, you may face some unexpected situations so its better to handle them wisely. You may also become aware of your hidden powers and talents. You should

of life may differ from theirs. Some guests at your place may end up extending their stay, and this may affect your domestic balance.

Cancer Home and Domestic Life Cancer people desire of peace and tranquility in thier home life and expect this from others too. Your domestic domain may remain relatively calm this year. Renovation, redecoration projects are possible. You may feel nostalgic and may also buy a home in the latter part of the year. Also, relationship with your parents, especially your father, may remain strained and your view

have already been suffering from some chronic ailments, try some alternative healing therapies to get enhanced and long lasting benefits. Cancer Career and Finance During first two quarters of the year, Cancer people may expect average to below average progress on the career and financial front. However, things would start to pick up from the third quarter onwards and by the end of the year you shall be quite satisfied with your progress and financial security. New doors are likely to open on the career front. Entrepreneurial endeavours are favoured by planets. Business expansion plans are also possible. Cash inflow will be good, but you should keep a tab on your expenses. Avoid speculation and stock market investments. Tips Life is like a wheel of fortune, what goes up must come down and vice versa. You should always remember this valuable lesson, especially this year. You can take a break from work to reassess your priorities and try to rejuvenate yourself.

22 JUNE - 2013

23 JUNE - 2013


Republic Bank hosted an event to mark

the reopening of their doors after undergoing renovations to meet the needs of the area

Report by Jawaid Riaz

The event, took place in the newly constructed parking lot of the epublic Bank hosted an event bank located at 2720 West Devon to mark the reopening of their Ave, Chicago, featured free enterdoors after undergoing renova- tainment for families; face painttions to meet the needs of the ing, gifts and food were offered area. With a highly qualified staff to people which made it a day to reflecting the ethnic diversity of the remember. vibrant West Rogers Park neighborhood between Western and California Avenue, Republic Bank


is launching innovative steps to better serve the community. The bank now offers great terms for new accounts.

Assistant Vice President / Banking Center Manager, Ifthekhar Hasnat greeted community members alongside Aristotle Halikias, Chairman of the Board of Republic Bank. Alderman Silberstein

also enjoyed the day with the crowd. Hameed Ullah Khan, Director PUPC, Rev. Herbert Francis, prominent businessman Akram Chaudhry, Community Activist Sadar Uddin Noorani, Gulbaz Gill CEO, FPAC, Famous Poet Nadeem Sharafi and Musarat Sharafi, Shahzad Aman, Asif Khan, & Mo-

hammad Aqil, members of MQM Chicago, Summerah Hameed of Insure With US, Pervaiz of Taj sari Palace and Tariq Khawaja publisher of Urdu Times also attended the event. Famous singer of Chicagoland Shahzad Ahmed presented beautiful songs in his melodious voice.

Chicago Business and Community leaders Congratulated and Welcome PTV Global Bureau in Chicago

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