Bridge mag february,2013

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Published Monthly in Chicago, USA and distributed simultaneously to major cities of USA, Canada, UK and Pakistan

Published by Bridge Publications USA, Inc Publisher Jawaid Riaz

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4. Upcoming eletions: 5. Metro Bus service 6. Dual nationals can’t meddle in

internal politics: CJ 7. Supreme Court dismisses Qadri’s petition. 8. ANP chief for joint strategy against terrorism as APC gets underway 9. Large blast rips through Quetta; 80 killed 10. MQM quits PPPled coalition government ahead of polls 11. Quetta blast: Solidarity strike to be observed in Karachi. 12. Sindh Assembly passes free education bill 13. PIA Great People To Fly With 14. Karachi Literature Festival2013 15. George Galloway was chief guest of the KLF closing ceremony 16-17. sports 18. Singer Mehnaz Begum dies 19. Celebrating the iconoclasm of Faiz with reverence 20. Beauty tips (Complexion Crisis) EDITORIAL BOARD

Jawaid Riaz, Editor

Armughan Asar, Queens, NY Mashood Ahsan, Saint Louis, MO Najeeb Ali Kidwai, Canada Rashid khan, Springfield, MA Shahid Alam, Dallas, TX Shahid Khan, London, UK Suhail Ahmed, Houston, TX Zafar Khursheed, Denville, NJ Zulikha Wahid Washington, DC

As per the Election Commission, they are now functioning on a map to prepare accurate computerized electoral rolls from the NADRA records and a house-to-house investigation to be, carried out in this year. According to the commission, the new system would eliminate the possibility of false registration. However, the government also has proposed legislation, the Election Laws Amendment Bill 2011, which will make it compulsory for a voter to produce his national identity card before casting his vote. These actions should help reduce bogus registration and bogus voting. That is good move, but it will not sufficient. There is a lot that needs to address in our electoral system, and a whole drive of governmental, legal and constitutional measures will be necessary before we can claim that our elected legislatures at the national and provincial level reflect the will of the people or according the as per the standards set. The Election Commission should start enforcing forcefully all existing laws that impose penalties on those who distort the electoral process. Since these people belong to the class of the rich and powerful mafia and the commission has a very poor record in this respect, and so far, they could not demonstrate any courage to control these issues. It is an offence to give any form of suggestions to a voter to succeed his vote. However, the commission has been reluctant to prosecute the culprits. In the 2008 elections, all foreign newspaper published a famous candidate from a rural constituency, and former minister, with these words: “I pay (the voters) to vote for me. Then I pay someone else to check they actually did vote, and then I pay more people to check they weren’t paid to vote for someone else too.” After this confiscation, instead he should be disqualified for the crime he comate, he is enjoying his assembly privileges. It is also, not new that most candidates openly violate restrictions on election expenses laid down in the law, and most of them are sitting in our present assemblies. So far, hardly anyone has been, prosecuted. Similarly, the number of our members of parliaments’, who won on the strength of fake degrees, could well be more than a hundred. Under an amendment to the Constitution made by Musharraf in 2002, a general election is to be, held not in the sixty days preceding the end of the five-year parliamentary term but in the following sixty days. These elections will be the first since those of March 1977 – and only the second in our history – to take place under a purely civilian setup. The Election Commission will bear a heavy responsibility. Not only our electoral system but also the entire political system will be, put to a strict test. The continuity of the political process will be at stake. President Zardari’s prime objective is to prevail five more years as president after his present term expires in September 2013, so that he retains the immunity from criminal process without which he would be in the tie up on corruption charges. He will therefore stop at nothing to obtain “positive results” in the parliamentary elections, at present that many candidates from our ruling classes do the same, but no one can stop them and no steps are taken to enforce the law.

Jawaid riaz


Abid Ali Syed Andleeb Jawaid Baseer Naveed Madah Jawaid Dr.Naseem Shekhani Dr.Naveen Aman Dr. Tanveer Imam Tariq Khawaja SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT FROM PAKISTAN Syed Tariq Abrar

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Abdul Aziz Memmon, Karachi, Pakistan Abdul Waheed Jamal, Karachi, Pakistan Dr. Azfar Malik, St. Louis, MO Ghulam Mustafa Majeed, Bahrain Dr. Hadi Zadi, St. Louis, MO Hassan Mahmood Jafri, Karachi, Pakistan Mark Asim, New York City, NY Mubbashir Aslam, Canada Dr. Naseem Shekhani, St. Louis, MO Dr. Naveen Aman, Chicago, IL Syed Ashiq Raza, Karachi, Pakistan Syed Mazhar Alam, Naperville, IL Tariq Khawaja Dr. Tausif Ahmed Khan, Karachi, Pakistan Art Director Syed Tariq Abrar Design by: Seema Niazi (Pakistan) 011 + 92 + 333 3270755




Zardari camps at Upcoming elections: bomb-proof Bilawal House in PPP will Lahore LAHORE: President win big in Asif Zardari and Prime


says Zardari

LAHORE: President Asif Ali Zardari on Sunday reaffirmed the government’s resolve to conduct elections on time, adding that the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) would record a resounding victory in Punjab. He said this while discussing several issues, including the present political situation, with Law Minister Farooq H Naek at Bilawal House, Lahore. The president also discussed the removal of governor’s rule in Balochistan, the Swiss authorities response to the government’s letter and other important cases before the Supreme Court, including Minhajul Quran International chief Tahirul Qadri’s petition for dissolving the election commission. Naek congratulated President Zardari on the Swiss authorities’ decision against reinstating graft cases against him and maintained that this endorsed the ruling party’s stance in this regard. He termed it a victory for PPP. They also discussed the proposed candidates for the caretaker prime minister. The law minister also briefed the president about his meetings with the leaders of the coalition partners. He informed him about efforts to end governor’s rule in Balochistan. Interior Minister Rehman Malik also called on President Zardari on Sunday, informing him on the overall law and order situation in the country. Punjab Governor Makhdoom Ahmed Mehmood and PPP’s Punjab chapter president Manzoor Wattoo held meetings with the president as well, discussing a range of issues.

Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf reached the provincial metropolis separately on Friday night.

The two leaders are expected to stay in Lahore for a couple of days to kick-start their party’s election activities in the hometown of rival Sharif brothers where the Pakistan People’s Party has been showing a been gifted to him by a property poor electoral performance for the last three elec- tycoon. tions. PM Raja Pervaiz Ashraf was also Later, President Zardari and Friday was the president’s first received by Governor Makhdoom his son, PPP chairman Bilawal day at the bomb-proof Bilawal Ahmad Mehmood at the airBhutto Zardari, attended a dinner House that has area of several port. He also headed straight to arranged by the party’s Lahore acres. Political pundits think the Bilawal House, Lahore, from chapter president, federal ministhat Zardari would stay here for the airport where he joined an ter Samina Khalid Ghurki at her some time. They also believe that important closed-door meeting residence. he would play an active role in with President Zardari, Bilawal Zardari and the Punjab governor. Speaking at the dinner, Bilawal wooing the Punjab. It was being The meeting was reported to be too reiterated the party’s resolve thought for sometime that the continuing till late in the night. to not let anyone disrupt the elec- president would make Lahore the tions. He claimed the present gov- centre of all activities in future, Earlier, journalists covering the ernment had achieved more with particularly ahead of the upcom- president’s activities complained a simple majority than most oth- ing elections. about the attitude of the guards. ers did with the ‘heavy mandate’ President Zardari, who is also the Lahore News Desk adds: Presiof a two-thirds majority. Bilawal co-chairman of the PPP, was re- dent Zardari, meanwhile, said added that the Constitution had ceived at the old airport lounge by the general election would not been purified of the ‘nonsense’ of the Punjab Governor Makhdoom be delayed even for one day and dictators as well. Ahmad Mehmood, PPP Central the date in this regard would be At dinner, the proposal of fielding Punjab President Manzoor Wat- announced soon after holding Khalid Ghurki’s son Sufyan from too and other PPP leaders and consultations with the political Lahore was considered. Party of- government officials. The Punjab forces of the country. ficials also briefed Bilawal on chief minister and senior memthe political and organizational bers of his cabinet refrained from He said this in his talks with PPP situation in Lahore. Meanwhile, going to airport to receive the leaders at the Bilawal House, LaSamina Ghurki assured that PPP president on his third official vis- hore, and his telephonic conversawould win at least six seats for the it to Lahore during the last four tion with federal ministers Rehmyears. However, Punjab Minister an Malik, Syed Khursheed Shah National Assembly from Lahore. Mian Mujtaba Shujaur Rehman, and Awami National Party leader The PPP chairman is scheduled on behalf of the Punjab chief min- Asfandyar Wali here on Friday. to meet party representatives and ister and his cabinet, was present President Zardari said continuity parliamentarians for Faisalabad at the airport. of the democratic process would today. be maintained as all political forcPPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto According to Sources, Bilawal has Zardari was also accompanying es wanted elections on time in the decided that as PPP chairman, he the president. The president left country. Zardari said the governwill handle all party issues him- for the newly-constructed Bi- ment was determined to eliminatself and keep President Zardari lawal House in Bahria Town in ing the menace of terrorism and away from them. the suburbs of Lahore which has extremism from Pakistan.




Terming Karachi the financial hub of Pakistan, Zardari said protecting lives and property of the people was top-most priority of the PPP-led coalition government. He said lawlessness would not be tolerated in Karachi at any cost and directed the federal and Sindh governments to make a joint strategy to curb criminal elements in the city.


He assured that the Balochistan A modern e-ticketing system has issue would be resolved demo- been introduced for the bus projcratically. ect, which would have special reserved seats for women and the Zardari claimed that soon the PPP flag would be seen hoisted atop all disabled.

like Metro Bus Service will help in further strengthening mutual relations between both countries.

The Turkish Deputy Prime Minister said that Turkish investors houses in the Punjab. He said the Earlier‚ the Turkish Deputy Prime and businessmen will further inBilawal House in Lahore would Minister distributed the apprecia- vest in various sectors of Pakistan. prove to be a fort of the Pakistan tion certificates among the workPeople’s Party in the Punjab and ers and technicians of the Project. The project has been built at a cost Bilawal Bhutto Zardari would of Rs30 billion in record times guide the party workers from that Addressing at the inauguration of only eleven months. Due to President Zardari said any deci- house. The president called for ceremony‚ the Deputy Prime metro bus service, 27- kilometer sion on Balochistan would be tak- accelerating the consultation pro- Minister of Turkey‚ Mr. Bekir long journey from Gajjumata to en by reaching a consensus with cess over the caretaker set-up for Bozdag has said that Turkey great- Shahdara, which took two hours, ly values its strong brotherly rela- would now be covered in just 55 all the political forces concerned. holding elections in the country. tions with Pakistan and projects minutes.

Shahbaz Sharif What favour given for inaugurates Bilawal House Lahore Metro Bus service gifted to Zardari: The muchtrumpeted Metro Bus Service Imran Khan project was inaugurated by Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif at a ceremony here on Sunday.


high-level Turkish delegation, led by Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, attended the inaugural ceremony of the multi-billion rupees project at the invitation of Punjab government. PML-N President Mian Nawaz Sharif was also present on this occasion.

said that the Metro Bus Service Project will help in providing modern‚ comfortable and affordable transport service to all segments of society‚ especially for poor people. He said that this project will also help in closing the gap between the modes of transport being used by the rich and poor classes as both will use it to reach their destinations in less time. He said that completion of Metro Bus Service Project is a milestone in the history of development works in Pakistan.

He said that PML(N) will launch further such mega projects in fuAccording to organizers, 27- kilo- ture. meter long distance from Gajjumata to Shahdara would be cov- He thanked the Turkish Government for extending its all kind of ered in 55 minutes. cooperation for timely compleStrict security measures were tak- tion of this project. en by law enforcement agencies The Chief Minister has anon this occasion. nounced a cash prize of one crore Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, among labourers, who worked foreign diplomats and Turkish day and night to complete this delegation is now taking a ride of great project. the bus. Metro bus service would be free Addressing the ceremony‚ Punjab of charge for the general public Chief Minister‚ Shahbaz Sharif for the first four weeks.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has asked President Asif Ali Zardari to tell the nation what favours has he given for the over Rs 5 billion “gift” of Bilawal House by real estate tycoon Malik Riaz, The Lahore Times reported on Thursday.

Accountability Bureau (NAB) nor any other law enforcement ageneferring to the media reports cy had taken notice of such a prequoting an assertion by Trans- cious “gift”. parency International Pakistan “The meaningful silence by NAB that 200-kanal Bilawal House had Chairman also reflects that the been gifted to Mr Zardari by Maquestions raised about the alleged lik Riaz, Imran Khan questioned harassment of those NAB offithe reasons behind such a costly cials who were investigating the gift. He added that such transacRPPs case were genuine. This has tions reflected how much coralso revealed that the hue and cry ruption had been going on at the of the family of late Kamran Faiscountry’s top level and how much al dubbing his death as a murder the integrity of the individuals at holds ground while the harassthe helm of affairs had been comment of Waqas Ahmed Khan, anpromised. other NAB investigator in RPPs case, was also genuine,” he added. “This reflects the lust and hunger The PTI Chairman said that the of the elites for acquiring more inaction by NAB Chairman had and more wealth and building also vindicated some reports that palaces through corrupt practices. Fasih Bukhari was a close friend Unfortunately, our rulers have of Malik Riaz Hussain and he had learned nothing from history as been appointed as NAB chairman people are suffering and rulers are on a special request by Malik Riaz. living in lavish luxury,” remarked He said a nation cannot prosper the PTI chief. when the public money is being Imran Khan deplored the fact looted and the law enforces also that it was unfortunate that nei- become hand in glove with those ther the Chairman of National indulging in corruption.




Pakistani is one who identifies himself as Pakistani in world: CJ


Dual nationals can’t meddle in internal politics: CJ ISLAMABAD: On the first day of the hearing, cleric Tahirul Qadri had come under judicial scrutiny after the apex court questioned his right as a stakeholder in Pakistan’s democratic system. Things did not change much on Tuesday when the Supreme Court grilled the Minhajul Quran Inter- at his will and “attack a constitunational (MQI) chief for “attack- tional institution” formed after ing a constitutional institution”. years of efforts.

alty to the British Queen”, CJ re- Qadri, a famous cleric who also holds dual nationality, had moved marked. the country’s top court seeking CJ further said that you travel the reconstitution of the Elecabroad as Canadian citizen and tion Commission of Pakistan use Pakistani passport only for (ECP) via a quo-warranto petition visiting Pakistan—Pakistani is weeks after suddenly emerging one who identifies himself as from Canada and shaking up the Pakistani in any parts of the country’s political landscape. world—he should stand in any region even in the North Pole as The three-judge bench, headed Pakistani—you took oath of the by, Justice Iftikhar Muhammad n resumption of the SC loyalty to another country—you Chaudhry, remarked that his pethree-member bench hear- have taken oath of allegiance to tition was filed under Article ing of Dr. Tahirul Qadri’s petition the British Queen Elizabeth II 184-3 and was not quo warranto, pertaining to the reconstitution and her descendants. adding that a quo warranto does of the Election Commission of not come under their jurisdiction Pakistan (ECP), Chief Justice of Dr. Qadri said that dual national and Qadri should approach a high Pakistan made this remark here is ineligible for the membership court before coming to the Suof the parliament, but not barred today. preme Court. to vote. Dr. Qadri as directed submitted The stigma of dual nationality his comprehensive reply relating One who is a voter and knows continued to haunt Qadri. The to the right to file petition, legal that he can’t be parliament memSupreme Court was not conjustifications and about the hold- ber, still he could challenge the vinced he had the right to file the constitutional institution, CJ ining of his dual nationality. petition, but it did call his case a quired. “unique” one. After having reviewed the reply, Justice Sheikh Azmat pointed Justice Gulzar Ahmad inquired “We cannot allow a dual citizen out to Dr. Qadri that you haven’t when is he going back to Canada? to interfere in internal poliprovided the copy of your Canatics in this way,” Chief Justice dian citizenship application form, Dr. Qadri replied he is very much Chaudhry stated. “How can we while Justice Gulzar Ahmad said here, he is not going anywhere. “I that the copy of the oath taken in am a Pakistani and can give up accept your locus standi (right Canada by you has also not been Canadian citizenship whenever I to appear), wish”, he further said. attached. while no one from the real stake-

ISLAMABAD:Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry Tuesday observed that a Pakistani is one who identifies himself as Pakistani in the world.


“You are touching an issue which attacks a constitutional institution.” Calling him “Sheikhul Islam”, the chief justice said, “The doors of Parliament are closed for you and your interference in domestic politics is questionable.” The bench observed that Qadri’s oath of allegiance to Queen Elizabeth was in direct conflict with Article 5 of the Constitution that requires loyalty to the state and obedience to the Constitution. Justice Gulzar Ahmad, one of three judges hearing the case, asked Qadri, “How can we entertain a petition of a foreign nationality holder on strategic and defence related issues of the country?” In response, Qadri said that he was not a foreigner and was originally a Pakistani. Being an elector or voter, he argued, he could question the functions of an institution that was responsible for holding elections.

Justice Gulzar Ahmad said that the apex court cannot show him any leniency on this issue because tomorrow a foreigner petitioner with divided loyalties could take Justice Gulzar Ahmad inquired holders sitting in Parliament has Dr. Qadri replied that my oath of the liberty of trying to interfere that any one who comes to meet approached the court on this isCanadian citizen ship was not a his family in Pakistan and then sue? Similarly none from the 180 in important affairs of the country. matter of this case. goes back, whether that person million electors have ever shown The MQI chief also submitted Chief Justice Iftikhar Muham- can take part in the country’s pol- grievance against the ECP.” papers and a copy of his passport mad Chaudhry reminded him that itics and other activities? The chief justice said that Qadri’s to the court to justify his right to whatever we will ask, it was your Continuing his observations, Jus- loyalties come into question if he file the petition. “If dual nationalconstitutional responsibility to tice Gulzar Ahmad said that you challenges the institutions of the ity divides loyalty, then the Conreply. have come here to take part in country, despite being a Canadian stitution of Pakistan should take “You are not a common man, you Pakistani politics, which could national. notice of it,” Qadri said. are Sheikul Islam-- you have been not be allowed---such activities giving lectures on religion in 90 could not be allowed that dis- He said the court could not let a The chief justice said, “The foreign national come to Pakistan problem is that outside Pakicountries—you took oath of loy- turbs the entire country.





stan you are a Canadian, while dismiss his petition on recompo- MQM boycotted the Sindh As- Those who switched loyalties a Pakistani should be a Paki- sition of the Election Commis- sembly session yesterday and later are PPP MPAs Rana Munawar sion of Pakistan (ECP) as uncon- held an emergency meeting, stat- Ghous, Sardar Kamil Gujjar, Abstani everywhere.” In response, Qadri submitted a statement saying that he only used his Canadian passport for worldwide travelling. He contended that a Pakistani passport was problematic for him to visit other countries in a scholar’s capacity for various conferences and seminars.


He said his actual petition was not taken up for three days and proceedings revolved around his dual nationality. He said the loyality of a dual nationality holder was doubted by the apex court.

“It is an insult to million of overseas Pakistanis who are sending Justice Chaudhry replied, “We billion of dollars to Pakistan,” visalso face similar problems but we ibly angry Qadri commented. did not avail the nationality of another country. We should be “There is no difference in my allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and proud to be Pakistanis.” judges’ alligiance to Pervez MushWhen the chief justice ques- arraf,” he said, referring to judges tioned the basis on which Qadri oath under the PCO issued by had filed his petition, the MQI General Musharraf in 2000. chief said that he was a Pakistani citizen and could renounce his citizenship any time. Without issuing a ruling yet, the case was adjourned and will resume the hearing on (Monday).

Supreme Court dismisses Qadri’s petition

MQM continues Sindh Assembly boycott

Muttahida Qaumi Movement lawmakers Supreme Court has dismissed continued boycott of the a petition filed by Tehrik Sindh Assembly session on Minhajul Quran patron Dr. Friday. Tahirul Qadri regarding reQM leader Faisal Sabzwari talking to media outside constitution of the Election the assembly called withdrawal of Commission of Pakistan.


cases against the accused of Lyari he court disposed of the plea operation was unlawful and enon the grounds that neither emity with Karachi. Qadri could prove his sincerity nor his locus standi (right to appear). A meeting of MQM lawmakers held before the Sindh Assembly The court also said that Qadri’s session, in which they decided to petition doesn’t fall under Article continue boycott of the session. 184 of the Constitution; therefore the religious scholar is not enti- The Pakistan Peoples Party on Thursday announced it would tled to file the plea. drop cases registered against PeoSpeaking to reporters after the ples Amn Committee, prompting hearing, Dr. Tahirul Qadri termed a strong protest by the Muttahida the Supreme Court’s decision to Qaumi Movement.


ing that the PPP’s move showed it had closed its doors on forming an electoral alliance with them.

bas Zafar Hiraj, Uzma Bukhari, Javed Allauddin, Qaiser Iqbal Sandho, Rana Babar, Jamil Shah and Nishat Daha; and PML-Q During an in-camera briefing of MNAs Dewan Syed Ashiq Husthe Sindh Assembly on the law sain Bukhari and Pir Muhammad and order situation in Karachi Aslam Bodla. Bukhari’s spouse on Thursday, the IG Sindh anSamiullah Khan, who is former nounced that cases against Lyari general secretary of PPP’s Punjab Amn Committee leaders have chapter, also joined the PML-N. been withdrawn, including those lodged during the Lyari operation. Welcoming the newcomers, ShahFollowing the announcement, baz Sharif said the swelling ranks MQM leaders, led by Dr Sagheer of the PML-N showed that it was Ahmed, boycotted the session. the most popular party of the Leaders strongly condemned the withdrawal of the cases and said that the step had destroyed ties between the two allies.

Mass defection: Nine legislators ditch PPP, join PML-N

country and its popularity ratings were growing with each passing day. The inclusion of sitting legislators [from both the PPP and PML-Q] would boost the PMLN’s electoral chances, he added. Speaking to the media, Chaudhry Nisar claimed that a large number of PPP politicians, including sitting lawmakers, wanted to join the PML-N – but his party would welcome only those who met its criteria. “President Asif Ali Zardari will receive such shocking news whenever he visits Lahore,” he added. President Zardari spent the past one week at the newly built Bilawal House in Lahore holding a series of meetings with PPP politicians from central Punjab. But interestingly, most of the PPP lawmakers who joined the PMLN on Friday belong to central Punjab.

LAHORE: In an en masse defection before the next general elections, 11 federal and provincial lawmakers from the Pakistan Peoples Party and Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid jumped ship on Friday to join the Pakistan Muslim LeagueNawaz.

Referring to the PML-Q, Chaudhry Nisar said the PMLN would welcome back all those politicians who quit the party under pressure from former military ruler Pervez Musharraf but did not harm the party. However, he said, the party has slammed the door shut on those who cheated it and implicated its workers in false cases.

Chaudhry Nisar blamed President he lawmakers – nine PPP Zardari for inflicting “irreparable MPAs in the Punjab Assembly damage” on the PPP and said the and two PML-Q MNAs – vowed Pakistan Peoples Party founded allegiance to the PML-N in the by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto has bepresence of Chief Minister Shah- come a “Zardari League”. He said baz Sharif and Leader of Oppo- his party was focused on the next sition in the National Assembly parliamentary election and, if Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan at the voted to power, would steer the former’s office 90 Shahra-e-Quad- country out of the prevailing crises. e-Azam in Lahore.





Sindh Assembly walkout: Zardari wants MQM-PPP alliance to remain intact

KARACHI: Following the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) walkout from the in camera session of the Sindh Assembly, President Asif Ali Zardari called on Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah and Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan to resolve the issue amicably.

“We are diehard PPP workers. These are politically motivated cases against us. We have nothing to do with criminal activities. The cases have been withdrawn against me and our senior party leaders have assured us that other cases against innocent people from Lyari will also be disposed of soon,” Zafar Baloch, the former security in-charge of Bilawal House, told Sources.

The president also took strong exception to the recent killing spree ccording to sources within in the Karachi and directed Shah the Pakistan Peoples Party to make every effort to maintain (PPP), the president reiterated peace in the city. He said that that the PPP would not let MQM strict action must be taken against to part ways with government, all criminals involved with the seemingly because Zardari wants violence. to continue the alliance between Ashraf calls on Zardari the parties even after upcoming Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz general election. Ashraf also met President Asif Ali Governor Khan promptly reached Zardari tonight at Bilawal House Bilawal House to meet with the in Karachi. PPP Chairman Bipresident to discuss the concerns. lawal Bhutto Zardari was present during the meeting as well. President Zardari was also briefed on the cases against activists of Ashraf briefed Zardari on his visit the defunct Peoples’ Aman Com- to the United Kingdom where mittee (PAC), according to sourc- he met his British counterpart, es. The MQM’s stand against this Prime Minister David Cameron, recent development has created and held meetings with delegaresentment among PPP circles. tions from the Pakistani community, UK-Pakistan Chamber of “Cases lodged against Zafar Baloch, Commerce and Industry and others. a PPP leader in Lyari who is also a PAC activist, and some other peo- Furthermore, the president and ple, have been disposed of. This the premier decided to initiate has irked the MQM,” sources said, next week the process of parleys adding that government is con- with coalition partners, opposisidering the withdrawal of cases tion, and other political parties against Uzair Jan Baloch, head of over the announcement of final defunct PAC, who challenged his dates of elections and the careown party. Currently, the MQM taker setup. is opposing the decision. Ashraf also briefed President The President asked Chief Min- Zardari on the letter being sent to ister Shah to reconsider the de- the opposition leader for holding cision and turn down another talks on putting in place the insummary moved by the law de- terim set up before the next polls. partment.


ANP chief for joint strategy against terrorism as APC gets underway ISLAMABAD: Awami National Party (ANP) chief, Asfandyar Wali Khan has called for concerted efforts to find out a solution for the menace of terrorism which he said was a national issue.


ddressing the opening session of the multi-party conference organized by his party to devise a joint strategy to address the issue of terrorism on Thursday, Khan said that instead of ignoring the menace there was a need to find a solution to the issue as it was haunting entire nation.

Delegations from the PML-N JUI-F, JUP, Pakhtunkhwa MAP, BNP-A, ST, PML-F Hazara Democratic Party, lawyers’ bodies and parliamentarians from FATA attended the first session of the all parties conference (APC). According to ANP leader Senator Zahid Khan government allied parties would attend the second session of the APC. Asfandyar Wali Khan further said that the elections were round the

corner but the issue of terrorism was not going to end with the polls. He said governments would keep coming and going but “We should put up efforts to protect future of the nation”. Khan said a joint communiqué would be released in light of the suggestions presented by the participants of the APC. The APC comes two weeks after TTP, which waged a deadly campaign inside Pakistan, offered it was ready to hold talks with the government if Nawaz Sharif, Maulana Fazlur Rehman and Syed Munawar Hasan acted as guarantors.

APC’s goal is to establish peace in Pakistan: CM Hoti

PESHAWAR: Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ameer Haider Khan Hoti said Saturday that the goal of All Parties Conference (APC) is to establish peace in Pakistan and that past mistakes would be rectified while efforts would continue to be made towards restoration of peace, Geo News reported.


e was talking to media persons after inaugurating a children’s hospital named after the ANP’s slain leader Bashir Mu-

hammed Bilhou in Modern Society, Hayatabad, Hoti said despite rendering sacrifices for the cause of peace, the Pakhtoon community continues to face trials and tribulations. He, however, added that the problems




being faced today are the result of mistakes made in the past. “We will have to admit these mistakes first and then play a role towards rectification of the same.” Ameer Haider Hoti said the aim of APC is to evolve a strategy to stamp out terrorism from Pakistan, adding, which is impossible to achieve in a single day. He said the terrorists cannot through their designs hamper the efforts being put in for peace and vowed that the struggle would continue till restoration of complete order in Pakistan.


by 24 political parties, said first priority should be given to peace talks with the Taliban. A joint statement read militancy was an issue for the entire country not for just one party. The statement stressed that the elimination of terrorism was essential to ensure prosperity in Pakistan. Furthermore, the issue of terrorism should be resolved according to the law and constitution of Pakistan.

Speaking to a private TV channel, the TTP spokesman said, “This ANP-sponsored offer of talks is just the party’s election agenda.” He said there was no roadmap for peace talks in the joint statement issued after the conference. “We are still waiting for a serious response from the Pakistani government and army,” Ehsan said. “The non-participation of the Jamaat-e-Islami in the APC is also a clear indication that it was a failure,” he added. He added that the TTP offer to hold talks with the government was still valid. He, however, said recent statements by Interior Minister Rehman Malik could prove to be harmful in this regard.

QUETTA: Announcing compensation for the bereaved families of Quetta blast victims, Governor Balochistan, Zulfikar Magsi, Saturday night pinned the rampant terrorism on the intelligence agencies’ failure to do their job. “Seemingly, the agents are either too scared to go after the terrormongers or too clueless to even know who they are dealing with”, said he talking to media here after visiting Combine Military Hospital (CMH) to inquire after the health of victims,.

TTP rejects ‘ANPsponsored’ peace talks ISLAMABAD - Tehreek-eTaliban Pakistan spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan on Friday said the All Parties Conference (APC) called by the Awami National Party to discuss terrorism has no significance.

Quetta blast: Rs1mn each for victims announced

“It’s their job to preempt such attacks. That’s what they are paid for. Alas! They failed all these innocent people who died in this catastrophic bomb blast”, the governor said further.

Magsi also announced a compensation worth Rs100,000 for the bereaved families of each fatal They have no idea whatsoever, what’s going on, which is alarm- victim of the Quetta blast. ing, Magsi added.

Large blast rips through Quetta; 80 killed QUETTA: At least 63 people were killed and almost 200 wounded Saturday when a large explosion shook Quetta, the capital of restive Balochistan province, police officials said. The explosion occurred near a market at the busy Kirani road area of the city, located close to Hazara Town, where a large population of the ethnic Hazaras community resides.

Governor Balochistan Zulfikar Magsi has announced Sunday to be a province-wide day of mournA spokesman for the banned Lash- ing. The Majlis-i-Wahdat-i-Muskar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsi- limeen and the Hazara Democratbility for Saturday’s bloodshed, ic Party (HDP) have also called news agency Reuters reported. a strike in Quetta on Sunday in protest of Saturday’s blast. “We fear more casualties. We have announced an emergency in hos- The provincial capital has become pitals,” said provincial home sec- a flashpoint for sectarian linked retary Akbar Hussain Durrani. violence, where at least 93 people were killed in a series of bombing Durrani said the bomb was plantlast month. A majority of the peoed near the pillar of a building in ple killed in the Alamdar Road the market. blasts on Jan 10 belonged to the Officials and witnesses said an an- Hazara Shia community. community was the target,” said Wazir Khan Nasir.

gry mob surrounded the area after It was Pakistan’s worst sectarthe blast and were not allowing ian attack, claimed by the banned policemen, rescue workers and re- Lashkar-i-Jhangvi. porters to reach the site. Later that month, Prime Minis“They were angry and started a ter Raja Pervez Ashraf sacked the protest, some of them pelted po- provincial government after relalice with stones,” said Durrani. tives and Shia demonstrators refused to bury the blast victims for “Some of them were armed and four days in protest. were firing gunshots in the air, now they have allowed police and The protestors demanded greater rescue workers to reach on spot,” protection from the government On Thursday, the APC, attended “It was a sectarian attack, the Shia he added. and military.

“At least 80 people have been killed by the blast. The dead include women and children,” Mir Zubair Mehmood, police chief of Quetta city, told reporters. “The explosion completely destroyed a When asked about attacks still two-storey building.” being launched by the TTP, Ehsan replied there had been no agree- Earlier Wazir Khan Nasir, a sement on a ceasefire yet, adding nior police officer, had said that that operations were also being almost 200 people had been inconducted by the government. jured in the attack.




MQM quits PPP led coalition government ahead of polls The Muttahida Qaumi Movement on Saturday announced its decision to quit the coalition government with the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP).


he decision was announced by the deputy convenor of Rabita Committee MNA Dr Farooq Sattar who made it clear that the decision was taken after deliberation in several party meetings and that this decision was final. He announced that the MQM will now sit on the opposition benches in the provincial and national assemblies.

Explaining the reason for their latest split, Sattar said that the MQM could not sit with the PPP which was seemingly patronising criminals part of the Peoples Aman Committee and members involved in the Lyari gang war by withdrawing cases. He added that another contributing reason of their decision was the excess baggage that the PPP had taken on during the course of their governance and that at a time when the party has to go to the “court of the people,” it could not do so with the baggage. “We did our duty in helping the government complete it’s five year term, during which it took on many loans. We had many opportunities to quit but we did not and did our duty.”

MQM quitting is not a loss


indh Information Minister Sharjeel Memon told the media via telephone that while

MQM quitting the coalition is not a loss for the government, but the PPP would have preferred if the MQM did take that decision, and would have instead chose to complete five years in government with them.

MQM ministers, and advisers resign

KARACHI: The ministers, advisers and special assistants of the Sindh government belonging to Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) tendered their resignations here on Sunday.

in the killing of innocent citizens. About the nomination of the opposition leader, Sattar said that MQM was not concerned about it. The MQM ministers who resigned include, Syed Shoaib Ahmed Bukhari, minister for bureau of supply and prices; Adil Siddiqui, minister for public health engineering; Saghir Ahmed, minister for health; Faisal Ali Subzwari, minister for youth affairs; Zubair Ahmed Khan, minister for coastal development authority; Abdul Haseeb Khan, minister for religious affairs and Sheikh Muhammad Afzal, minister for environment. Ministers without a portfolio, Syed Sardar Ahmed, Nisar Ahmed Panhwar and Khalid Bin Wilayat also resigned.

Other members in the Sindh cabinet- Raza Haroon, the advisor to chief minister for information “[Their move] there is no loss to technology, Nadia Gabol, the cothe government, but it would ordinator for human rights and have been better if this decision Haider Abbas Rizvi who resigned would not have been taken. They from the National Assembly on stayed together for 4 years, 11 the dual nationality issue, and is months, they would have stayed Earlier, MQM submitted 11 resignations of members appointed in a special assistant in the Sindh with us for the final month.” provincial ministries to the Sindh cabinet and has a status of provincial minister- submitted their Memon said that with the MQM governor. resignations to the chief minister sitting in the opposition changes the scenario a little, but the infor- The move came after MQM ended of Sindh. mation minister insisted that the its almost five-year-long alliance At the federal level, Sattar, who PPP will take decision with con- with the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) because the ruling party holds the ministry of overseas sensus. withdrew cases against Lyari- Pakistanis, would submit his resEarlier, reacting the MQM’s dec- based Peoples Amn Committee ignation to the president. sision, Memon said that they will members. not start counter accusations over the MQM’s decision to quit the MQM will now sit in opposition in both provincial and federal ascoalition government. semblies. “We have always extended the hand of friendship and we do not Regarding the fate of Sindh’s govhave a problem of ego to take the ernor, deputy convener of Rabita initiative. We have no issue to Committee Dr. Farooq Sattar retake the first steps in reconcilia- fused to comment, saying it was tion but would want to do in bet- yet to be finalised at party level. ter atmosphere.” KARACHI: Pakistan Talking to The Media, he rubThe minister reminded that the bished accusations that the de- Muslim League-Functional PPP had enough numbers after cision to quit the government (PML-F) wants three the 2008 elections to form a gov- ahead of polls was taken only to demands to be fulfilled ernment in Sindh but it decided gain influence in the formation of before it extends support to include all parties. “Our deci- interim government. to the Muttahida Qaumi sion for reconciliation was not just to create government. At “The allegations are absurd and ri- Movement (MQM) as the time [after elections] Peoples diculous,” he said. “If such claims opposition party in the Party had single majority in Sindh were true, we would have never Sindh Assembly. and could have formed a govern- resigned from the federal government on its own, but we included ment, and would have never subn a joint conference with other parties because we wanted mitted a charge-sheet to the PPP.” MQM on Sunday, PML-F gento let by-gones be by-gones and He accused PPP of patronizing eral secretary Imtiaz Shaikh said move on.” the criminals who were involved the demands include resignation

Joining opposition’s fold: PML-F sets 3 conditions for support to MQM





of Sindh Governor Ishratul Ebad, complete support for Nusrat Sehar Abbasi as opposition leader in the provincial assembly and the annulment of Sindh Peoples Local Government Ordinance 2012.


Quetta blast: Solidarity strike to be observed in Karachi

“We came into opposition before the MQM and nominated Nusrat Sehar Abbasi as the leader of opposition. There should be no reservations on that.” Sheikh added that despite the court’s order for nomination of the leader of opposition in the Sindh Assembly, the move is being delayed by the Pakistan Peopled Party. Demanding the resignation of Sindh governor Ishratul Ebad, the PML-F leader said, “The MQM cannot be in the opposition till its governor submits his resignation. To prove that it is genuinely in the opposition, the governor will have to leave his post.”

KARACHI: The Shia Ulema Council (SUC) has called a strike today (Monday) to express solidarity with Quetta’s bereaved Hazara families, which lost 80 of their loved ones in one of the biggest bombings in the history of Pakistan.


everal political, religious, social, transporters, and trade & business groups have confirmed The PML-F also touched upon full support for the strike called, the Sindh Peoples Local Govern- which means major markets in ment Ordinance 2012, which led the city will remain closed, while it to withdraw from the PPP-led no transport will be available to commuters and public at large tocoalition. day. Shaikh clarified that they are not Reportedly, private schools have against the local bodies system also announced a holiday on but want a form of governance Monday. which is acceptable to the entire province. Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), Pakistan Sunni Tehrik, “To dispel the air of uncertainty Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam (Fazal), and rumours, the party should Karachi Transport Ittehad, All accept our demands,” said Shai- Karachi Tajir Ittehad, and Goods kh surrounded by MQM leaders Transporters Association are Raza Haroon, Khawaja Izhar ul among those groups which have Hassan and Syed Sardar Ahmed. put their weight behind the shutter-down wheel-jam strike. MQM leader Raza Haroon responded that he would take these AFP Adds: “messages” to his party. Referring Protests erupted across Pakistan to the third demand he said laws Sunday to demand protection for are man-made and amendments Shia Muslims after a bomb blast can be made in greater interest of targeting the minority communithe province. ty killed 81 people, the latest in a

On its first day as part of the op- series of bloody sectarian attacks. position, the MQM delegation The bomb containing nearly a came to meet Imtiaz Shaikh. tonne of explosives, hidden in a water tanker, tore through a “There should be no opposition crowded market in Hazara town, in the opposition,” said Haroon. a Shia-dominated area on the edge of Quetta, the capital of He also said that on Monday, a southwestern Balochistan provmeeting of their parliamentary ince, on Saturday evening. committee would take place to Up to 4,000 women began a sit-in decide their next move.

operation against extremists is launched, he said. It is customary for Muslims to bury the dead swiftly, and a similar protest after the snooker club bombing prompted Islamabad to sack the provincial government.

The banned militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) claimed responsibility for Saturday’s attack -- as it did for the snooker hall bombing and a February 1 attack protest in the city on Sunday eve- on a Shia mosque in northwest ning, blocking a road and refusing Pakistan that killed 24. to bury victims until the authoriThere is anger and frustration at ties took action against the exthe apparent inability or unwilltremists behind the attack, which ingness of the authorities to tackalso wounded 178 people. le the LeJ. Activists say the failure More than 1,500 Shias took to the of the judiciary to prosecute secstreets of the eastern city of La- tarian killers allows them to operhore to demand action and there ate with impunity. were smaller demonstrations in Balochistan governor Zulfiqar the central city of Multan and Magsi pointed the finger at the Muzaffarabad, the main city of security forces over the latest Pakistan-administered Kashmir. atrocity. Balochistan has increasingly become a flashpoint for surging sectarian bloodshed between Pakistan’s majority Sunni Muslims and Shias, who account for around a fifth of the country’s 180 million people.

“Repeated occurrence of such attacks is a failure of our intelligence agencies,” he told reporters late on Saturday.

“Our security institutions, police, FC (paramilitary Frontier Corps) and others are either scared or Saturday’s attack takes the death cannot take action against them.” toll in sectarian attacks in PakiBut Balochistan home secretary stan this year to almost 200, comAkbar Hussain Durrani said aupared with more than 400 in the thorities were already taking acwhole of 2012 -- a year which tion against the militants. Human Rights Watch described as the deadliest on record for the “Law enforcement agencies have country’s Shias. arrested so many suspects and It was the second major attack seized huge cache of arms,” Duron Shia in Quetta this year, after rani said. a double suicide bombing on a Witness Zainab Bibi, 38, said the snooker club in the city on Janucarnage after the blast was “like ary 10 killed at least 92 people, the the day of judgment had come”. deadliest ever single attack on the community in Pakistan. “Initially I could not see anything No-one has been arrested for the because of a thick cloud of dust snooker hall attack and Daud but I could hear loud screaming,” Agha, chairman of Shia Confer- she told AFP. ence, told AFP anger was rising in “As the dust settled, I saw blood the community. everywhere, torn bodies were lying everywhere with no clothes on.” “Up to 4,000 women have started a sit-in on a main road leading to Pakistan is due to hold a general Hazara town and have refused to election in the coming months bury the bodies,” he said. Police but there are fears that rising secsaid the protesters numbered up tarian violence could force the to 3,000. postponement of polls. Police and administration offi- Balochistan, which borders Iran cials held negotiations with the and Afghanistan, also suffers milShias to end Sunday’s protest and itancy and a regional insurgency bury the bodies, but community demanding political autonomy leaders told them that the sit-in and a greater share of profits from would continue until a targeted the region’s natural resources.



Sindh Assembly passes free education bill

KARACHI: The provincial assembly in Sindh on Wednesday unanimously passed a government bill for provision of free and compulsory education to all children aged from five to 16 in the province.


SINDH to establish ducation cities KARACHI - After declaring education as fundamental right and compulsory for every child, the Sindh Assembly on Thursday passed another bill into law unanimously to establish education cities with public-private partnership in the province.


he provincial assembly has also passed another bill of ‘Sindh Protection of Breastfeeding and Child Nutrition Bill 2013’ into law to ensure safe and adequate nutrition for infants and young children by promoting and protecting breastfeeding as well as regulating the marketing of The bill is for providing free and baby milks. compulsory education to all children of age five to sixteen on state At the commencement of the session with Speaker Nisar Ahmed expense in the province. Khuhro in the chair at 11.20am, Members belonging to treasury very thin attendance of less than and opposition benches spoke on a dozen members was witnessed the bill and termed it a landmark in the House. legislation of the incumbent asAfter prayer for the deceased sembly. souls, the law minister moved a Pir Mazharul Haq said under the motion, urging the chair to defer bill, private schools will be bound the question-hour for tomorrow to provide free education to 20 per on Friday, which the House alcent students of the class strength. lowed unanimously. He said private schools, which are not getting any benefits from the Later, Sindh Law Minister Ayaz government, will also be bound to Soomro while tabling a motion enroll five per cent students for sought permission to withdraw the earlier submitted bill of the free education. Sindh Education City Bill 2013, The minister said Sindh is the which was restricted only to Kafirst province of the country that rachi. has passed the law for provision of free and compulsory education. With replacement of name of the He hoped that other provinces bill from Education City to ‘Eswould follow the example set by tablishment of Sindh Education Cities Bill 2013’, he said that the Sindh. objective of new bill was to open Meanwhile, on provincial Law such education cities in other Minister Ayaz Soomro’s request, parts of the province from KaraSindh Arms Bill 2013 and Hyder- chi to Kashmore in every district. abad Institute of Arts and Technology Bill 2013 were postponed. After approval of tabling the new


indh Education Minister Pir Mazharul Haq, under the supplementary order of the day, introduced the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Bill 2013, which was unanimously passed into the law.

of inclusion of the two MPAs in each education city board which was incorporated in the bill by the House through approving the amendment unanimously. Humera Alwani of ruling PPP said that allotment of land should be made conditional with opening of education institutions within the prescribed timeframe. If any allottee fails to implement the condition, the allotment of their land must be cancelled. She bill, Soomro said that provincial added that government allotted a government would provide the huge area of 30,000 acres of land land to private sector to establish to private sector for alternative ‘education cities’ at one place in energy projects but the same were the districts or divisional head- not initiated so far. quarters of the province. These education cities would be estab- Later, the House passed ‘the lished in each district from Kara- Sindh Education Cities Bill 2013’ chi to Kashmore which aimed at into law unanimously. opening the doors of higher edu- Besides, the report of standing cation for people of Sindh at their committee on heath on governdoors. ment about ‘The Sindh Protection of Breastfeeding and Child As copies of the new and amendNutrition Bill 2013’ was consided bill was not provided to the ered by the House and incorpolawmakers, so lots of them comrated it into law which was passed plained that instead of bringing into law unanimously. important legislation in hurry, government should develop con- According to law, the government sensus on house business advisory will establish the board compriscommittee. ing of health officers, Assembly members and others, which will Speaking on the education city recommend investigation against bill, MQM’s parliamentary leader manufacturers, distributors or Sardar Ahmed said that governhealth workers found to be violatment would provide only land ing this Act. while private sector will establish the educational institutions. The new law stated that the proHe said that several educational motion of designated products/ institutions like Agha Khan Uni- formula milk has been banned in versity/Hospital, Ziauddin, Sindh the new law while no designated Madarrasatul Islam and others project shall be manufactured, from private sector got allotment sold or otherwise distributed in of land for establishment of the Sindh unless it is formulated ininstitution in Malir area of the dustrially in accordance with the City. standards recommended by the PPP provincial minister Engineer Codex Alimentarius Commission Muhammad Rafiq advocate tak- and the codex code of hygienic ing part in the discussion said that practice for food for infants and though the government had made children. provision to allot a huge area of 8,921 acres of land for ‘Education City in Karachi’ at Malir area but no representative had been included in the Education City Board. He suggested at least two elected representatives of Sindh Assembly of local area should be nominated as member of the education city board in each education city. MQM’s Sardar Ahmed, PPP’s Dr Sikandar Mandhro and others also supported the suggestion

According to law, if any manufacturer or distributor of formula milk found violating this Act, he will face punishment of imprisonment of two years or fine of Rs50,000 to Rs0.5 million. The objective of new law of ‘The Sindh Protection of Breastfeeding and Child Nutrition Bill 2013’ is to reduce the infant mortality rate in the province as reports show that 70 out of 1,000 children who born alive die before their first birthday in Pakistan.




schools’ project as finance department has not released funds so far

After unanimous passage of two bills, Marvi Rashdi of the PML-F drew attention of the House that employees of the Sindh Education Foundation worried as government intends to shelve the 1500 schools running under education project of foundation, which will result in unemployment of 8,000 teachers include disconnecting education of 2,50,000 children.

Speaker Nisar Ahmed Khuhro said that this project was initiated by Benazir Bhutto in 1993 government so he believed that the present government will not shelve it. He also directed the law minister to look into the matter and report the Assembly.

The provincial minister without portfolio and MQM’s parliamentary leader Syed Sardar while seconding the point of Marvi told the House that he talked with the chief of Sindh Education Foundation Anita Ghulam Ali, who was worried about the future of

The Speaker, after disposing of the adjournment motion of PPP’s Saleem Khurshid Khokhar which was moved for facilities of learning of religious for religious minorities’ students in schools like Muslims are availing, adjourned the session for Friday (today)

Chaudhry Riaz ul Haq and his family (Zeenat Emporium) organized a prestigious evening in Zeenat Banquet Hall Chicago on 14th February 2013 Report by Jawaid Riaz, Editor Bridge Mag International


haudhry Riaz and his family organized a prestigious evening in Zeenat Banquet Hall on 14th February 2013, to celebrate the opening ceremony of another location of Zeenat Emporium on Devon Ave in front of Tahoora Sweets. A large number of family members, friends, business and community leaders attended this evening. The evening commenced with a beautiful recitation of the Yasin Sharif and other Surahs of the Holy Quran were recited throughout the night. Mr. Agha of Pakistan News and Chaudhry Riaz ul Hague recited the Holy Quran and paid special tribute to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Jawaid Riaz, Columnist of Pakistan Abroad; Mothi Mukkhi, President PML (N) and the renowned writer Ejaz Nasreen, in their addresses congratulated Mr. Riaz and his family on their hardwork and dedication in serving the community by providing the best Islamic books and materials for the past 13 years. At the delicious food was also served.



IA to commence operation from Chicago to Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore

Pakistan International Airlines to commence operation from Chicago to Islamabad / Karachi and Lahore two flights weekly via Barcelona on every Wednesday & Saturday starting June 05, 2013. Anila Omair, Manager of PIA Chicago in correspondence with Bridge Mag International News Paper stated that PIA will relaunch their Mid-West operation to meet the growing demands of the Pakistani community. She further stated that she along with the support of her entire professional team is ready and eager to better serve the community beginning by offering extremely competitive rates.

Report by Jawaid Riaz, Editor Bridge Mag International

ous 28 KG weight allowance per piece. She announced that PIA will strive to serve delicious meals reminiscent of traditional Pakistani cuisine.

She promised and pledged to serve the community by making their journey through PIA as convenient as possible. She said that under the direction of the new managing director they will bring back the services for which PIA was known as, “Great people to PIA will be the only airline to fly fly with: Baakamal Log, Lajawab directly from Chicago to BarceService.” lona, providing a golden opportunity to experience travel on the Mrs. Omair called upon the Pakistani community to put their faith magnificent Boeing 777. in PIA. Together, once again the She also declared PIA to be the community can help the national only airline offering two pieces of carrier soar the great heights of checked in baggage with a gener- success.

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Karachi Literature Festival 2013

This Karachi Literature Festival first held in year 2010 which is open for all as a free entry. This is the one and only literature festival of Pakistan which allows to gather the lectures, mushairah, book fair, book launches and many more under one roof And this year this festival is going to be held in the Beach Luxury Hotel along with a children’s literature festival too so that will be a new kind of addition in these kind of festivals which will be a great fun for all of us.



sif Farrukhi is an author, critic and translator, who lives in Karachi. He was educated at Dow Medical College, Karachi, and Harvard University, USA. Seven collections of his short fiction and two collections of critical essays have been published. He has published translations of prose and poetry from modern and classical writers. He contributes regularly to the English- language press. Two of his adaptations have been staged in Karachi. He is the editor of Duniyazad, a literary journal of new writing and contemporary issues in Urdu.


arachi Literature Festival 2013 is on the way at Beach Luxury Hotel during 15, 16 and 17th February 2013 so are you planning to go this festival or not yet. This is one of the greatest literature festival held in Karachi every year from 2010 and this year in this literature festival in inauguration ceremony the keynote speaker will be Nadeem Aslam and then the performance by Sheema Kermani’s group. Through out the whole program the “Batain aur Mulaqaatain” will be continue along with the author signing, book fairs, food courts and many exhibitions of photography by Tapu Javeri and Arif Mehmood.

Asif Farrukhi

Asif Farrukhi has presented papers and participated in literary events at home as well as abroad. For his distinguished work, he was awarded the Prime Minister’s Literary Award by the Pakistan Academy of Letters in 1997 and the Tamgha-i-Imtiaz by the Government of Pakistan.

A ‘Ghus Baithia’ joins a conversation with a ‘vagabond’

2011 there were 10,000, in 2012 there were 15,00 and now this is 2013 and it is consider that more by: Zaib Azkaar Husain than 20,000 will come to this festival and to enjoy them self with the literature. This place is the A conversation with perfect and ideal place for all the renowned writer literature lovers.

In this literature festival this year there were twelve countries and nine languages will be represented including Nepal, India, Palestine, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Canada, US, UK and Pakistan. If we now talk about the keynote speaker then history is witness that every year the speaker is so fanatic that audience love to hear as in year 2012 it was Shamsur Rahman Faruqi, in 2011 it was Karen Armstrong, in 2012 it was William Dalrymple and now it will be Nadeem Aslam Karachi Literature Festival and Gulzar. The Karachi Literature Festival Prize goes to the best 2013 non-fiction book in English by a This Karachi Literature festival Pakistani / Pakistani-origin auis directed by Ameena Saiyid and thor published in the preceding produced by the Oxford Univer- year and in 2013 this prize will be sity Press. From its first festival Rs. 150,000 and the name of the in year 201o every year there is prize is Karachi Literature Festia rapid increase in the audience val, Coca Cola prize. One thing is coming for this festival as in 2010 for sure that you will really enjoy there were about 5000 visitors, in this festival if you are there.

Mustansar Hussain Tarar can be anything but boring. Mindful of this, famous author and journalist Muhammad Hanif gatecrashed an event titled ‘Niklay Teri Talash Mein: Readings and Conversation with Mustansar Hussain Tarar’.


eplying to a question, Tarar said he never claimed to be a novelist or a travelogue writer; instead, he preferred to call himself “a vagabond”, who liked to express himself in different ways.

and told Tarar that his travelogues had inspired him and that he had toured the world with his wife. Commenting on this, Tarar immediately said his wife had never been happy with his tours and travelogues resulting from them. “One must avoid going on tours with one’s wife,” he suggested. Replying to some questions from the audience, he said he did not like to talk about any political issues. “So no political questions, please.” He also commended the KLF organisers, saying that they were doing a great job as such festivals promoted love and peace.

Tarar read out excerpts from a recently published novel on the problems foreigners who had He said he “owns all forms of exsettled in Russia before the disinpression and that is why he writes tegration of the Soviet Union. He travelogues, plays, stories and told the audience that his charnovels”. acters were mostly Russians of Pakistani origin who had settled During the programme, a writer, Dr Faridullah Siddiqui, stood up in Russia a long time ago and




enjoyed high status due to their sacrifices for the Soviet Union, but who after the collapse of the USSR had to face a kind of isolation. A sense of alienation had developed in such people, who were once considered to be locals but now they were being treated as foreigners, he said. Earlier, Muhammad Hanif, author of ‘A Case of Exploding Mangoes’ and ‘Our Lady of Alice Bhatti’, paid tribute to Tarar, saying he had inspired generations by depicting their feelings and dreams through his writings. Hanif admitted that he was in attendance at the event as a “ghus baithia” as it was his desire to say a few words on Tarar. However, Tarar said he had asked Hanif to come to the session.


He spoke from the heart with such passion that many were wiping tears from their eyes – even those who had stood at the far corners of the ground for lack of space to sit. Renowned British author, politician and journalist, Galloway’s speech focused on the War on Terror. founded many stereotypes. One of them was that Islam was someHe made his disdain for Obama’s how an enemy of literature, books government obvious by quoting and culture. “This is a Muslim his foolish statement that the country. We love books, we all boys suddenly surrounding his like writing.” He urged everybody daughters are like drones – in that to buy books with the assurance you ‘don’t see them coming’. that Kindle would never replace “Well, yes you don’t see them com- books. ing, President until your wife is sitting without her head and your children are in pieces,” stated a clearly emotional Galloway.

Mr Galloway touched on another stereotype with respect to Oxford University Press (organisers of the event) and the English language. He said Britain did not have to The MP made it clear that drones export cruise missiles and heliare not the way to counter terror- copters and instead could export Another writer, Irfan Javaid, who ism. “They only feed the swamp of books and culture and be loved by moderated the event, presented hatred which is what 9/11 was — the world. He agreed with the earan introductory paper on Tarar. pure hatred for a country that has lier speaker, Ameena Saiyid, that meted out injustice to Muslims.” Karachi and Pakistan were open The paper focused on the childhood of Tarar, who had become To end this hatred, the rulers of for business. He said the vast maa close friend of Sa’adat Has- the world must do the opposite jority of this country comprised san Manto. Later, the same boy of what they are doing at present. good people and rued that it took him 15 years to return to Pakistan. struggled a lot and emerged as a And so he listed three points. renowned author. The first one, he stated, was ad- During the speech Mr Galloway dressed in part to a major soft severely criticised America and Britain for their policies (using drink company. phrases like Professorial Obama, “Stop supporting the crimes of Is- the sun never sets on the Britrael against the Palestinians.” ish Empire because God would not trust Britain in the dark). He Palestinians have no country, no argued that incidents like 9/11 papers; they are marginalized came out of the swamp of bitand oppressed. The Western sup- terness and hatred, out of the port of Israel has undoubtedly led west’s injustices against the east. hatred to grow among Muslims. He said to his mind there were “The double standards and hypoc- three important points which risy of the West,” he spat. could resolve the issues: (1) Stop supporting Israeli actions against the Palestinian people, (2) stop invading and occupying Muslim KARACHI, Feb 17: The fourth countries, and (3) stop supporting Karachi Literature Festival ended tyrant and dictators in the name with a fiery and intense speech by of spreading democracy. George Galloway and a prize for Before Mr Galloway, OUP manthe best non-fiction book of 2012 aging director Ameena Saiyid for ‘The Punjab – bloodied, parti- thanked everyone for making the ove you when you are force- tioned and cleansed’ by Dr Ishtiaq festival a success. She added that the event was a kaleidoscope of fully occupying their lands Ahmed.

Karachi Literature Festival: George Galloway was chief guest of the KLF closing ceremony

‘Pakistan is open for business’


and murdering their people?”

This one statement was enough to prove why scores of people had gathered at Beach Luxury Hotel to hear the closing speech of the chief guest of the fourth Karachi Literature Festival, MP George Galloway Sunday.


r Galloway, in his typically impassioned style, congratulated the organisers of the festival for hosting a successful event and expressed his fondness for the venue saying “‘the ocean stretching out, the sun shining… I could stay here for the rest of my life.” He said the festival had con-

insights and perspectives. Asif Farrukhi said the KLF must go on. He remembered the victims of an attack in Quetta on Saturday and quoted Faiz’s line which meant ‘keep the flame alive’. Ms Saiyid just before the end asked everyone to observe a minute’s silence for the victims of Quetta blast.




Pakistan, India crash out of Women World Cup

Windies beat Australia by 27 runs in T20

Voges and Marsh put on 74 at better than a run a ball until they were run out within three runs of each other. Narine, who finished with 2-19 from his four overs, then chipped in with the key wicket of Australian skipper George Bailey (15) to put the hosts under intense pressure. Wicketkeeper Brad Haddin (22) and debutant Ben Rohrer (16) threatened briefly, but the asking rate was too much and the innings fell away towards the end. Earlier West Indies opener Johnson Charles scored a blistering 57 off just 35 balls as the visitors dominated the Australian attack. Charles took control after fellow opener Chris Gayle (8) failed once again, and hit seven fours and a six in a sparkling innings.

England and Australia topped group A and B respectively while New Zealand, Sri Lanka, West Indies and South Africa completed the super six line-up of the event.

including promoting Jalil as a pinch-hitter and bringing skipper Sana Mir lower down the order, paid off as Pakistan collapsed to a low score for the third time in as many matches.

India were knocked out of the World Cup after suffering an upset 138-run drubbing at the hands iding on a splendid all-round of Sri Lanka in a crucial Group A display from Marizanne encounter. Chasing a challenging Kapp, South Africa routed Pakitotal of 283, the hosts put up a pastan by 126 runs in Cuttack to regthetic show to be bowled out for ister their first win in this World 144 in 42.2 overs at the Brabourne Cup and qualify for the Super Six Stadium. This was India’s first round. defeat to Sri Lanka in 18 matchKapp scored her maiden hundred es, having won their previous 16 and was involved in record stand encounters with one ending in no for the sixth wicket with Dane result. van Niekerk. She also contribIndia lost three wickets for 38 uted with the ball, taking three runs in the 13th over, which inwickets for 18 runs, as Pakistan were dismissed for 81. Pakistan’s cluded opener Poonam Raut, skipnew-ball combination of pacers per Mithali Raj and last match Asmavia Iqbal and Qanita Jali re- centurion Harmanpreet Kaur. duced South Africa to 55 for four The middle-order failed to forge a in the 17th over. But Kapp and partnership.


van Niekerk combined to ensure that the South African bowlers had a strong target to defend. The unbeaten, 128-run stand between Kapp and van Niekerk is the highest partnership for South Africa in the World Cup and the secondhighest sixth wicket partnership of all time. Given their poor batting form throughout this tournament, Pakistan were looking at a difficult chase. None of their measures,

West Indies beat Australia by 27 runs in their Twenty20 international at the Gabba on Wednesday.

Any thoughts Australia had of keeping the West Indies under control after Gayle’s early departure were soon ended by a brilliant partnership between Charles and Darren Bravo. They added 88 in quick time before Johnson played on to Nathan Coulter-Nile.

Bravo followed soon after when he was run out for 32 following a dreadful mix-up with Kieron Pollard, which left both batsmen The West Indies ended their disappointing tour of Australia with stranded at the non-striker’s end. a morale-boosting 27-run win Pollard was looking dangerover Australia in a one-off T20 ous until he miscued a drive off international on Wednesday at Faulkner and holed out to Marsh Brisbane. at long on for 26, with Dwayne Bravo (13) clean bowled two balls After losing all five one-day internationals and a warm-up game later. against the Prime Minister’s XI, the T20 world champions cruised But Darren Sammy (20) and Anto an easy win against a below- dre Russell (23 not out) took the strength home side. Australian attack apart, smashing 35 runs off the last two overs. The West Indies romped to 191 Earlier, Sri Lanka’s batting fired for six in their 20 overs, then re- Left-armer James Faulkner was in unison as they posted a com- stricted Australia to 164 for eight the pick of the attack, with 3-28 petitive 282 for five. Deepika Ra- on a perfect batting strip. from his four overs, but the other sangika led the way with a knock Australia, whose five-man pace four seamers were all expensive of 84 while Kaushalya provided attack was badly exposed by the on a flat batting track. the late impetus with a breezy, West Indies batsmen, started brilunbeaten 31-ball 56 to propel the liantly. visitors. Yashoda Mendis (55) and Shashikala Siriwardene (56) were But they were reined in by the the other contributors for Sri off-spin of Sunil Narine and the Lanka. India will play Pakistan run outs of Sean Marsh (21) and for the seventh position in Cut- Adam Voges (51) when both were in full flight. tack on Thursday.


est Indies won the toss and elected to bat.




finishing with 9-99 in the match.

But they added that the Spanish star intends to play his opening singles match on Thursday against Brazilian Joao Souza.

“My long-term objective is to be in Brazil in 2016 (for the Rio South Africa have now won their Summer Olympics). I am going to last six Test series, are undefeated work to arrive in good condition in 12 and have not lost a match at what are likely to be my last since December 2011, 14 games ago. World number five Nadal had Olympics,” he said. Pakistan were left to regret an been scheduled to team up with opportunity missed after reduc- Argentina’s David Nalbandian in Considered by many to be the ing South Africa to 109-5 in their a second-round encounter against best ever claycourt player, sevenHoracio Zeballos time French Open champion first innings, having scored 338 Argentine themselves, with Younis Khan and Austrian Oliver Marach on Nadal was back in Chile last week for the first time since a surprise and Asad Shafiq both making 111 Wednesday. second-round exit at Wimbledon Former world number one Nadal The tourists began day four on in June. 100-3 after Azhar Ali and Misbah- only returned to the tour in Chile ul-Haq had battled through the last week, where he lost in the The world number five lost the evening session on Saturday to final, after a seven-month injury singles and doubles finals in the Vina del Mar Open on Sunday. absence. OHANNESBURG: With a 10- leave the game evenly poised. day gap before the second Test A rush of blood saw Misbah de- “The conditions are very difficult. starts in Cape Town on February part in the ninth over of the The court is not in the best condi14, the players will be expected to morning when he was caught at- tion and the ball is very difficult take responsibility for ensuring tempting to sweep spinner Robin to control,” Nalbandian told a they stay tuned before the team repress conference. Peterson. assembles there on Monday. And with South Africa’s seamers Nalbandian and Nadal won a The Pakistanis, meanwhile, have finding lateral movement with hard-fought match 6-3, 3-6, 11-9 arranged an unofficial two-day the new ball, Pakistan lost three against Spaniards Pablo Andujar practice match against a Western wickets in three balls as their low- and Guillermo Garcia-Lopez on Province Invitation team in Cape the court late Tuesday. er order collapsed. Town on Sunday and Monday. Although the hosts lost wickets “It’s too bad I cannot play the Their chief challenge, according at regular intervals, they never doubles after the match Rafa and to captain Misbah-ul-Haq, is to looked under pressure chasing a I had (yesterday),” the Argentine counter the threat of the South moderate target, particularly after said. “But he (Nadal) has to take African fast bowlers when they Graeme Smith and Amla added a care of himself and prepare for a operate with the new ball. quick 53 for the second wicket. long and hard year”.

Pakistan to counter SA fast bowlers threat: Misbah


Football: Former Bulgaria midfielder Lechkov handed jail term

South Africa v Pakistan: Proteas claim win to take 2-0 series lead

Faf du Plessis became Ajmal’s 10th victim of the match with two runs needed but Dean Elgar and Peterson, who scored a careerbest 84 in his side’s first innings, saw South Africa home.

Nadal out of Brazil Open doubles over knee fear

Saeed Ajmal’s 10-wicket haul was in vain as South Africa beat Pakistan by four wickets inside four days to take a 2-0 lead in the three-match series.



afael Nadal will not play his akistan lost their last six wickscheduled doubles match at ets for 22 runs before Hashim the Brazil Open on Wednesday Amla (58) guided the Proteas to because of “knee overuse”, orgavictory. nizers said. Off-spinner Ajmal finished with figures of 10-150, his third Rafael Nadal will not play his scheduled doubles match at the 10-wicket haul in Tests. Brazil Open on Wednesday beFast bowler Vernon Philander was cause of “knee overuse”, organizchief destroyer for South Africa, ers said.

At a press conference Tuesday, Nadal complained about having to play so many hardcourt events


OFIA: Former Bulgaria midfielder Yordan Lechkov was “That is a theme among the play- sentenced to two years in jail on ers and doctors,” he said. Monday for official misconduct in his role as mayor of Sliven, the While conceding that reducing court in the southern town of the number of events on hard surStara Zagora said. face was not possible at this time, he added: “I think that the ATP The court found Lechkov guilty has to work to think of how to for signing an unprofitable water and sewerage deal and pressurlengthen tennis players’ careers.” ing a tax official. The 45-year-old, “Can you imagine football players who was a key figure in the Bulplaying on cement?”, he added. garian team that reached the 1994 World Cup semi-finals, retired “I am a bit tired after a hard week in 1998 and was elected mayor of in Chile. But it was positive. The process of recovery follows its Sliven, his native town, in 2003. course,” Nadal also said. “As al- He was re-elected in 2007 and was ways I come here to do the best unsuccessful in seeking a third possible and hope that things term in 2011. He was not immediately available for comment. turn out all right.” Lechkov, who is the Bulgarian Asked when he expected to be 100 Football Union’s vice-president, percent fit, he responded: “I can- is widely remembered for headnot know the future. If my knee ing the winner against Germany allows, I will do everything pos- in the quarterfinals of the 1994 World Cup in the United States. sible to be at my best.” Lechkov, who played for CSKA “I am a player who plays with a lot Sofia, SV Hamburg, Olympique passion, a lot of energy. I suppose Marseille and Besiktas, can appeal that does not help the knee.” against the ruling within 15 days.




Pakistani Actress Sadia Imam got Married

Singer Mehnaz Begum dies Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf Saturday expressed grief and sorrow over the demise of renowned singer Mehnaz Begum.

and film audiences. She sang for a number of films a majority of which became popular.

KARACHI, Jan 19: Renowned singer Mehnaz Begum passed away on Saturday. She was 55.


ehnaz was on a plane, going to the United States for treatment of a respiratory ailment when her condition worsened. During a stopover in Bahrain, she was taken to a hospital where she died.

The singer had been visiting the US intermittently for treatment and was in Karachi for the last couple of months. Mehnaz was born in 1958 and received initial training in music from her mother Kajjan Begum, a distinguished singer and soz khwan. Her father was also an accomplished singer and soz khwan. The family belonged to Mahmudabad in UP (some suggest Lucknow), India, and migrated to Pakistan in the ’50s. Mehnaz began her career as a playback singer in the early ’70s. Her mellifluous voice and control over the sur instantly made her popular among music composers

Surrayya Bhopali was one of the first films that she sang songs for and Zeba Bakhtiar’s Babu was the last. Some of the films in which her playback singing was widely appreciated were Haider Ali, Paristish, Bandish, Zindagi and Aina and some of her famous songs were ‘Mujhe dil se na bhulana’ (Aina), ‘Do piyasey dil aik huay’ (Bandish), ‘Kion roey shehnai’ (Haider Ali) and ‘Ja ja ri koyalia’ (Haider Ali).


adia Imam the gorgeous and talented artist of telivision industry has been into wedlock. Actuallay this is the picture taken from her Nikah ceremony.Rest lies unveil as to when she be going to her hubby’s home which is the rukhsati.

In his condolence message, the president lauded the invaluable contributions of Mehnaz Begum in the field of music and said that in her demise, the music industry has lost a great asset. He said that her melodious voice would be reWell we wish Sadia Imam all the membered for long. very best in all the prospects of Expressing sympathies with the life especially this nuptial relation. bereaved family and her millions of fans, he prayed to the Almighty to grant eternal peace to the departed soul and to give courage to the bereaved family to bear this loss with fortitude.

The prime minister in his message conveyed his heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the bereaved family and prayed for the eternal peace of the departed soul. He lauded the invaluable Mehnaz Begum also sang for tele- contribution of Mehnaz Begum vision and was equally fond of in the field of music which would ghazal gaeki. She had command always be remembered. He said over light classical genres such as that Mehnaz Begum was a popular singer of radio, television and thumri and dadra. the film industry who entertained Sitar player Ustad Nafees Ahmed music lovers with her melodious said: “It is indeed a great loss. No- voice for decades. body can escape the natural phenomenon of death, but people Meanwhile, Sindh Governor, Dr. like us, who are associated with Ishratul Ebad Khan and Chairthe music scene, also get sad- man Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) dened by the fact that there is no Bilawal Bhutto Zardari have also replacement for such a talent. She expressed sorrow and grief over was an extremely hard working her demise. vocalist who used to take her job Singer and actor Khaled Anam very seriously. She was a true arsaid: “It’s a huge loss. We had altiste and this can be gauged from ready suffered the loss of great the fact that if, while performsingers like Madam Noor Jeing, she committed any mistake han and Mehdi Hasan, and now she would herself realise it and Mehnaz has also left us. She was rectify it. Technically, there were a focused singer and used to recertain extraordinary features in hearse for quite a long time beher singing which can only be acfore performing. She was adept quired by learning from an Ustad. at many types of singing, includShe was a humble individual and ing playback, light classical and the new crop of singers can learn ghazal. Her rendition of ghazal a lot from her.” ‘Ab ke tajdeed-i-wafa ka nahin imPresident Asif Ali Zardari and kaan’ was exemplary.”

Javed Sheikh’s son Shahzad Sheikh getting married with Hina Mir


aved Sheikh is a famous and renowned director, producer and a well known actor who has devoted his entire life for film industry of Bollywood, Lollywood, and Pollywood films. Javed Sheikh’s first marriage was with Zinat Mangi, a TV/film supporting actress of that era, with whom he has a daughter, Momal and a son Shahzad Sheikh. His brotherin-law is Behroze Sabzwari and he is also the uncle of Shehroz Sabzwari. Shahzad Sheikh is recently seen in a TV serial namely “dreamers” and the serial is going very well. According to Javed Sheikh, he will launch his son as a well known actor very soon.



SHOWBIZ While sharing his personal association with Faiz, Atta-ul-Haq Qasmi said that Faiz Ahmed Faiz was always very concerned about the unprivileged sections of society and his poetry also reflects the pain he felt for the downtrodden people of his land. Qasmi further added that Faiz’s poetry was a beautiful blend of purified and sublime emotions that touched the hearts of people.

Tehrik-e-Niswan steals the show

with the girl. The mother of the girl also appeared to be greedy and used to support negative characters, but the girl finally rejected everyone and showed her inclination to support the plea of a sober character who seemed more patient in this situation. by: Zaib Azkaar Husain


he team of Tehrik-e-Niswan led by Sheema Kirmani stole the show at KLF by doing perfect dramatic reading of one of the plays written by renowned author Intizar Husain.

Intizar Hussain, who himself was present as chief guest at the event, appreciated the team and said that he had written the drama titled “Paani kay Qaidi” a long ago but he now realized the actual potential and worth of the symbolic characters of his play when the artistes representing Tehrike-Niswan made a perfect presentation. Though it was a reading of the characters, the artistes did it while painting their styles of talking, thinking and expressing views. The characters (passengers) present at the waiting room of a railway platform were talking on the flow of water (flood) and destruction of life that caused delay in the arrival of the train. The artistes depicted the psyche of different passengers including a girl, a mother, an old man, “patloon wala”, “coat wala”, “kurtey wala” etc while adopting their behavioral responses and the way of talking to each other. A sense of uncertainly was prevalent, but there were some characters who tried to exploit the situation. Some of the characters pretended to be very sympathetic

Celebrating the iconoclasm of Faiz with reverence The Faiz Seminar was organized by PAL to mark the birth anniversary of the great poet.

Abdul Hameed said that Faiz AL Chairman Abdul Hameed, Ahmed Faiz is our literary asset Agha Nasir, Prof. Yusuf Has- and an honour for Pakistan. He san, and Dr. Ravish Nadeem further said that it is the tradishared their observations on tion of PAL to celebrate such the life and works of Faiz while important days and take lead in Hasan Abbas Raza and Dr. Nisar acknowledging the services of litTurabi presented poetic tribute erary giants. on the occasion. A musical sesProf. Yusuf Hassan said that posion was also organised to celelitical and social services of Faiz brate the immortal poetry of Faiz are various but we need to focus presented by Ayesha Imdad. more on the understanding of his poetic aesthetics. Faiz’s poetry re‘Faiz Ahmad Faiz iss dharti maa ka flects the concept of the recognibeta thaa’ said Aitzaz Ahsan while paying tribute to the great revo- tion of the human self, he added. lutionary poet. He said that Faiz Agha Nasir Faiz paid rich tribute loved his land and people and his to Faiz for his benevolence to poetry was dipped in the pain of Urdu Literature. He said that Faiz the common people so much so was a man of character and never that he also shared the pain of hubothered to respond to his opmanity and the common people ponents and critics. Faiz’s poetry of the world. was full of patriotism and love While trying to sum up Faiz’s for the people of his land, Agha personality, Aitzaz said Faiz had Nasir said. He also said that Faiz a ‘Gautamic’ smile and persona was a patriot in the true sense of that showed his peaceful and de- the word and his poetry can be vout characteristic. From his exile termed as poetry of nationalism to prison and back to his land and as well. people, he was like a ‘Dervaish’ Dr. Ravish Nadeem added that with a dynamic personality and his poetry was always dipped in Faiz Ahmed Faiz gives people the revolutionary thoughts and ex- confidence that they can attain pression, Aitzaz Ahsan said. He all happiness if they faith in their stressed the need to learn from own resources. Faiz in his poetic Faiz’s life and works. Sharing his republic gives a high status to poetic references, Aitzaz said that common people and makes a conFaiz’s poetry was beautiful mix- nection with people irrespective ture of revolution and romance, of their religion, cast, language, colour, he added. beauty and grace.


The sober character (kurtey wala) did not care of flood and destruction and rejected the people who kept up chasing false ideas and trends without realizing the reality. The girl was now with him and both were determined to face the reality instead of illusion. Sheema Kirmani told the audience that owing to limited facilities her team could not perform the drama properly and they had to edit some of the extracts due to time factor. She pointed out that Asif Farrukhi had suggested reading this meaningful drama by Intizar Husain on the occasion of 4th KLF. Iftikhar Arif and other writers attending the session also appreciated the team, saying that the characterization proved to be excellent and the message of peace, patience, integrity and unity was conveyed. Commending the team, Intizar Husain observed that it was a perfect rendition and total depiction of the characters of his drama. The team also drew a great applause from the audience.

Iftikhar Arif while commenting on Faiz said that Fiaz Ahmed Faiz enjoys the status of a legend in our cultural life. He said that Faiz was the greatest of all poets of his time, whether in love poems or revolutionary poetry, his iconoclastic wisdom surpassed all his progressive counterpart poets around the world of literature. Iftikhar Arif paid his reverence to Faiz as a man of principle and ideology, at the same time, also a patriot and loyal to the ideology of Pakistan.



Beauty tips

Complexion Crisis T

he National Survey of American Life investigated the relationship of complexion crisis and discriminations due to skin problems and discovered very depressive and demoralizing symptoms among people of dark complexions especially African American women. These African American women who are disheartened fall in the ages between 18–98 years... cosmetic surgeries, laser treatments, dermatologists fail when it comes to natural dark colors.

1. Use lemon juice and honey to lighten your skin. Alum is also a very good whitening agent. It has the ability to lessen the appearance of scars and lighten your complexion very quickly. You can apply it on your skin and leave it for 20min to get good results.

gloves while cleaning, washing

2. Mix the juice of ripe papaya and gardening. Do not use your


and lemon. Out of all the natural whitening ingredients today, papaya and lemon are arguably the most effective. They work well in inhibiting the excessive production of melanin and making the skin look soft and dewy.

Acne includes blackheads, white3. If your aim is to treat oily skin heads and pimples to cysts. Severe acne can ultimately lead to scar- with dark skin, use almonds and yogurt mixture. You can apply ring, marks and etc. this mixture every day for 15min to get excellent outcomes. Age Spots Age spots occur when patches develop on the skin in dark color; this is also called hyper pigmentation. They are caused by sun exposure and genetics. These age spots can be dealt with the bleaching cream or bleaching agents, but larger age spots has to be treated with proper laser treatment. Age spots can be cured in the same way as a large freckle.

How to Keep Your Nails Pretty & Strong

Wrinkles Wrinkles appear in the places where the skin commonly fold and collapse. Complexion crisisThere are also behavioral studies can take any form. It always deepwhich have verified the existence ens obviously become permanent. of skin complexion biasness that Over time, the wrinkles deepen is the tendency to prefer light and become more permanent. Geskin to dark skin. This has become netics plays a large part in detera very big challenge for people mining how wrinkled your come girls are extra conscious of dark complexion all over the plexion will become, as smoking, of the beauty of our hands world, even if they deserve a re- alcohol and sun exposure can lead to complexion crisis. and nails and always want to spectable position in a reputable know a tip or two to accentuate firm- they fail to. The problem of complexion critheir loveliness. We are beauty In the present study, we have con- sis has increased uncontrollably. conscious which makes us all the cluded that perfect skin is an al- Complexion crisis has been unfair more adorable. We understand most impossible goal and hardly with many people of different that apart from a pretty face, we practicable to achieve. Here is countries like the Africans, Nige- must emphasize on our overall when complexion crisis begins. rians, Somali and the natural col- appeal and charm. Care of hands While practicing and experienc- or cannot be defied, its god given comes under the overall personaling heaven with good skin care but unfortunately still people dis- ity grooming. I have listed a few and using adequate sunscreen criminate white color with black tips for healthy and pretty nails can minimize damages to the skin, color. You can just make slight im- for you girls. aging and genetics play a strong provements to take care of your 1. Very few girls know that our part as to how your skin looks. skin. Just the general precautions Although acne is most common can be taken to keep your skin nails absorb moisture and get swelled when they are exposed during the teen ages when your healthy and clean. to water and wetness. After they body is going through loads of changes, and same goes for many You cannot solve this beauty cri- are dried up, they shrink which is women who are expecting. There sis in this cruel world. Use the fol- the main reason of nail weakness are many reasons that causes bad lowing solutions to lighten your and breakage. To keep your nails dark skin tone: safe from excessive swelling, wear skin, some of them are:


nails for digging, plucking and picking.

2. Your nails break when they crack and they crack when they are week. Give your nails strength by massaging alphahydroxy oil or lanolin on them every day. If these chemicals are difficult to find, moisturize your nails & cuticles with vitamin E oil. This oil is easily available in cosmetic shop and you can keep it by your bed side to remind yourself of their cuticle application every night. 3. Folic acid is very good for the strength and prettiness of your nails. Eat food that is rich in folic acid such as citrus fruits, berries and whole grains. Needless to say that you have to drink plenty of water every day to moisturize your body including nails. Water is good for your hair, skin and nails. It gives you a youthful and fresh appeal by warding off the aging signs. 4. Do you know that filing and buffing your nails in different directions is not good for your nails? Always file and buff your nails in one direction otherwise you are speeding up their splitting process. Likewise, do not file the corners of your finger nails as it weakens them. 5. Use nail polish that contains

little alcohol because excessive alcohol makes your nails dry and easily breakable. As for nail polish application, apply at least 3 thin coats of nail polish instead of one thick one. Do not paint your nails more than twice in a week because the paint layer prevents oxygen penetration into your nails which leads to nail yellowing. Instead you can apply chamois buffer or buffer cream to make your nails shiny. Store the nail polish in refrigerator for best use because storing at high temperature (as in summers) affects their consistency. Also, you can prevent the glued-shut condition of your nail polish by wiping its top with a cotton ball after each use.





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