Bridge mag international march 2013

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Published Monthly in Chicago, USA and distributed simultaneously to major cities of USA, Canada, UK and Pakistan

Published by Bridge Publications USA, Inc Publisher Jawaid Riaz

7331 N Kolmar Ave Suite G, Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712 Ph # 773 828 5126 cell # 973 517 5586 E:Mail:




4. National Assembly stands disolved 5. Caretaker CM Sindh 6. Egyptian President Dr. Muhammad Morsy 7. Hugo Chavez has passed away 8. Pakistan defies US with gas pipeline to Iran 9. Abbas Town blast: 24 families get Rs1.5m each 10. A friend of Pakistan 11. Country’s first law university being set up in Karach 12.13 South Asians Celebrate Pakistani Girl’s Dream and Mission 14. Unpaid Dues to the City? Sen. Silverstein’s Bill would allow City to Boot Cars 15. MQM Chicago Celebrates 29th Foundation Day 16. Sports 17. Bollywood reacts to Sanjay Dutt’s conviction 18. Pakistani super model Mehreen Syed got married 19. Shabnam Shakeel passes away 20. Health & Horoscope EDITORIAL BOARD

Jawaid Riaz, Editor

Armughan Asar, Queens, NY Mashood Ahsan, Saint Louis, MO Najeeb Ali Kidwai, Canada Rashid khan, Springfield, MA Shahid Alam, Dallas, TX Shahid Khan, London, UK Suhail Ahmed, Houston, TX Zafar Khursheed, Denville, NJ Zulikha Wahid Washington, DC

23rd March in Pakistan History which is also known as

the Lahore Resolution is the Day of freedom and having the importance regarding the Pakistani. Pakistan is the country which is the known for its strong culture and the nation which cannot forget the Past. 23 March in Pakistan History is the occasion of that Type. Pakistan (Lahore Resolution) is the Day of Pride towards the Nation and the Day of feeling as the nation for every resident of Pakistan. 23 March In Pakistan History is the day when the Muslims from the different mind setting get the Platform to speak out for Lahore Resolution. 23 March in Pakistan History is also important for Muslims who shows love and positive feelings against Lahore (Pakistan Resolution) which is accepted on 23 March 1940. Pakistan becomes against many devotions of the nation for the betterment of the nation and upcoming cultures in Pakistan. In Pakistan the day (23 March In Pakistan History & Lahore resolution) is being celebrated with full loyalty and joy because of it is the day when Muslim was accepted the very first time as a detach nation on 23 Mar In 1956 the terms of the national holiday, the Republic Day during Ayub Khan’s government was first changed to ‘Pakistan and Republic Day’ to its present name as ‘Pakistan Resolution Day’. In reality, 23rd March is a grim reminder of how a military dictator rehabilitated the dates of a democratic and constitutional process to hide his unconstitutional act of abrogating a constitution. Why Ayub Khan acted to such a measure is also a sign of the growing tensions with the East and West Pakistan political parties, who favored relations with China and USSR in difference to the growing military relations between Pakistan Army and the United States for a barricade against communism.

Within the above context, it is important that every Pakistani views the abrogation of Pakistan’s first constitution as an attempt by the military to preserve its corporatism and plunge Pakistan into unending constitutional and political crises. Jawaid riaz


Abid Ali Syed Andleeb Jawaid Baseer Naveed Madah Jawaid Dr.Naseem Shekhani Dr.Naveen Aman Dr. Tanveer Imam Tariq Khawaja SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT FROM PAKISTAN Syed Tariq Abrar

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Abdul Aziz Memmon, Karachi, Pakistan Abdul Waheed Jamal, Karachi, Pakistan Dr. Azfar Malik, St. Louis, MO Ghulam Mustafa Majeed, Bahrain Dr. Hadi Zadi, St. Louis, MO Hassan Mahmood Jafri, Karachi, Pakistan Mark Asim, New York City, NY Mubbashir Aslam, Canada Dr. Naseem Shekhani, St. Louis, MO Dr. Naveen Aman, Chicago, IL Syed Ashiq Raza, Karachi, Pakistan Syed Mazhar Alam, Naperville, IL Tariq Khawaja Dr. Tausif Ahmed Khan, Karachi, Pakistan Art Director Syed Tariq Abrar Design by: Seema Niazi (Pakistan) 011 + 92 + 333 3270755



March - 2013


ECP appoints ational Assembly Mir Hazar Khan stands dissolved Khoso as caretaker PM isterial portfolios. The Cabinet Division issued a separate notification in this regard.

ISLAMABAD: As Premier Raja Pervez Ashraf and chief ministers of four provinces agreed to hold elections of the national and provincial assemblies on the same day, the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs issued the notification to dissolve the 13th National Assembly on Saturday night, officials said.


t is the first time in Pakistan’s 66 years history that the National Assembly has completed its five-year tenure. The five years from 2008 to 2013 witnessed the repeated confrontation between the treasury and ruling benches but ultimately, the democracy succeeded.

Speaker National Assembly Dr Fehmida Mirza, however, will continue to hold her office until the 14th National Assembly elects the new custodian of the lower house of Parliament. Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf will also continue to hold his office until the caretaker prime minister takes charge. The dissolution of the federal legislature was pronounced under Articles 52 which reads: “The National Assembly shall, unless sooner dissolved, continue for a term of five years from the day of its first meeting and shall stand dissolved at the expiration of its term.” As the 342-member National Assembly stood dissolved on March 16 (12 am), federal cabinet ministers would also lose their min-

Pakistan has been witnessing dissolution of several governments which could not complete their terms on various pretexts as the he Election Commission of president in the past Pakistan Sunday named, Mir had the powers to dis- Hazar Khan Khoso, former judge solve the National Assembly. of the Supreme Court, as the However, the outgoing democrat- caretaker Prime Minister. Chief ic government convinced Presi- Election Commissioner, Fakhruddent Asif Ali Zardari to transfer din G Ibrahim announced that Mr the powers to Prime Minister Khoso, also former Chief Justice through an amendment in the of the High Court in Balochistan province, will lead the interim constitution. government. Justice Khoso,84, According to the constitution, was the nominee from the forfederal elections would have to be mer ruling Pakistan Peoples Party held within 90 days of the dissolu- (PPP). tion of the National Assembly. The main opposition Pakistan Prime Minister’s address Muslim League (PML-N) had objected at the name of Khoso that Addressing the nation on Saturday he is very close to the President night, Prime Minister Raja Pervez Asif Ali Zardari and the PPP. The Ashraf claimed that the PPP gov- Election Commissioner told reernment had stabilized the Paki- porters in Islamabad that the parstani economy and strengthened liamentary committee, comprised democracy. the PPP and PML-N, had pro“Because of our policies, today posed four names to the election Pakistani exports stand at $25bil- panel to chose one of them. “We lion,” he said, further adding that had detailed discussions on the the $13bilion worth of remittanc- names and decided with majority es that the country received from that Mir Hazar Khan Khoso will overseas last year was a proof of be the caretaker Prime Ministhe confidence that overseas Paki- ter,” he said Sources said four of stanis had in the country’s economy. the five members of the election commission voted for Mr Khoso Talking about Balochistan, PM while member from Punjab provAshraf said that President Zardari ince opposed his nomination. had personally taken interest in the issues of the province and had The caretaker Prime Minister will invited Baloch leaders for talks as lead an interim government that he and the government believed will supervise the May 11 parliain implementing a policy based mentary election and transition to the new government. After on reconciliation. swearing in, the caretaker Prime The prime minister further said Minister will announce an inthat his government worked to terim cabinet to run affairs in the improve relations with neigh- coming two months, officials said. bouring India and Afghanistan. The Election Commission named “We have extended hands of the caretaker Prime Minister friendship to India and Afghani- in line with the constitutional stan, so that regional peace could provisions after the PPP and be maintained,” he said. the main opposition Pakistan


Muslim League (PML-N). Both parties had failed to reach a consensus on a name for the highest post in their six days talks on four names and the issue was later referred to the election panel. The PPP and PML-N had proposed two names each but rejected each other’s nominations mostly on political grounds. Caretaker governments have already been set up in three out of four provinces and the interim government in Punjab province has not yet been announced over the PPP-PML-N differences. WHO IS CARETAKER PRIME MINISTER: Justice Khoso belongs to Jaffarabad district in Balochistan province. He has served as judge of the Balochistan High Court, and was later promoted to assume the position of Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court for a tenure spanning from 1990 to 1991. Political watchers say that as a judicial officer, Khoso never indulged in any controversy and kept himself away from politics and while being a judge in the superior courts. They say Mr Khoso enjoys respect and trust in Balochistan from all walks of life and political parties. Khosa has also served as Judge of the Federal Shariat Court in Islamabad. Khoso was promoted as Chief Justice of the Federal Shariat Court in 1994. Khoso currently serves as the Balochistan Chairman of the Zakat Council.


March - 2013

Justice (R) Alvi sworn in as caretaker CM Sindh


KARACHI: Justice (retd) Zahid Alvi was sworn in as the caretaker chief minister for Sindh in an oath-taking ceremony at the Governor house on Thursday.

The oath was administered by the governor of Sindh Dr Ishratul Ebad who also approved May 11 as the date for general elections. Former Sindh chief minister Qaim Ali Shah attended the ceremony in addition to other former ministers including Agha Siraj Durrani, Pir Mazharul Haq and former federal minister Naveed Qamar. Justice (retd) Alvi visited Quaid’s mausoleum to pay his respects. As he spoke to media outside the mausoleum, he was asked about Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz and PML-Functional having reservations over his appointment. “I can’t stop them. Every citizen has the right to go to court if they think my appointment was un-

Nawab Ghaus Bakhsh Barozaion Saturday was sworn in as caretaker chief minister of Balochistan.

In a simple but a graceful ceremony held here at Governor House, Balochistan Governor Nawab Zulfiqar Ali Magsi administered lawful,” he said. oath to Nawab Ghaus Bakhsh He added, “I think my appoint- Barozai. ment, according to the law, was Former CM Balochistan Aslam correct.” Raisani and other political leaders The Muttahida Qaumi Movement also participated in the ceremony (MQM) and Pakistan Peoples ParThe event was attended among ty (PPP) had agreed in principle others by opposition leader Nawon appointing Justice (retd) Alvi abzada Tariq Magsi, ex-ministers, as the caretaker chief minister of former legislators and governSindh earlier on Tuesday. ment officials. Both parties had agreed that JusThe formation of the interim tice (retd) Alvi, a former Sindh cabinet is also expected after the High Court judge was a neutral caretaker chief minister takes oath. choice and senior-most amongst all the candidates. Barozai has vowed that the in-

Justice Tariq Pervez sworn in as Caretaker CM KP PESHAWAR: Former Judge of Supreme Court of Pakistan, Justice (Retd) Tariq Parvez here Wednesday took oath as fifth Caretaker Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Ghaus Bakhsh Barozai takes oath as caretaker CM Balochistan

terim cabinet will be formed on merit and announced soon. He said he would strive to ensure transparent and timely elections in the provinces besides making efforts to maintain law and order during this interim setup. Earlier, Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani and Opposition Leader Nawabzada Tariq Magsi agreed to the name of Barozai for the slot of interim chief minister. of Chief Minister Amir Haider Khan Hoti after completion of its parliamentary tenure.

The Chief Secretary Khyber Pakthunkhwa had also issued notification regarding dissolution of 24 members provincial cabinet and the Chief Minister Amir Haider pointed Caretaker Chief Minister Khan Hoti and all the ministers intermingled with people gath- ceased to hold their offices. ered in Governor House to congratulate him for becoming the caretaker Chief Minister KP.

Muhammad Azam Khan, Health Secretary KP Muhammad Ashfaq Khan and others senior offficials On Friday last, former Chief Minand administrative secretaries at- ister KP Amir Haider Khan Hoti and opposition leader Akram tended. Governor Khyber Pakthunkhwa Durrani after mutual consensus The function was attended beEngr Shaukatullah Khan adminishad nominated Justice (Retd) Najam Sethi Named sides others by senators, former tered oath to Justice (Retd) Tariq provincial ministers, ex parlia- Tariq Pervez as Caretaker Chief Punjab caretaker CM Pervez as caretaker Chief Minis- mentarians, former LG repre- Minister Khyber Pakthunkhwa. ter Khyber Pakthunkhwa during sentatives, civil officers, lawyers, According to official sources, con- LAHORE: The provincial paran impressive ceremony held here academicians, political workers sensus has also been made over liamentary committee finally resolved the deadlock and named at Governor House. and leaders, members from civil the names for caretaker cabinet Najam Sethi as caretaker Chief Chief Secretary Khyber Pak- society, politicians and elites of and would take oath in few days. Minister Punjab, about two hours thunkhwa Ghulam Dastagir the city in large number and rep- On Tuesday, the Khyber Pakt- before the deadline on Tuesday -Akhtar, Chief Justice Peshawar resentatives of all mainstream po- hunkhwa Governor, Engr Shau- the third and last day for the comkatullah Khan has dissolved the mittee to reach a consensus on High Court Justice Dost Mu- litical parties. hammad Khan, Home Secretary After taking oath, the newly ap- provincial assembly on the advice the matter.


March - 2013


President Zardari invites Egyptian investors in talks with Morsi

President Asif Ali Zardari has invited Egyptian investment in key sectors of economy including Infrastructure, Energy, Mining, Textile, Real Estate and Tourism in talks with Egyptian President Dr. Muhammad Morsy.


e also invited Egyptian investors to avail the huge incentive packages being offered to foreign investors and entrepreneurs for investment in the Special Economic Zones in various parts of the country.

Both called for peaceful solution to Syrian problem in their talks in Islamabad. They held one-on-one meeting that wss followed by delegation level talks at the Presidency, Spokesperson to the President, Senator Farhatullah Babar said. Briefing about the two rounds of talks, he said that the two leaders held wide-ranging discussions on bilateral, regional and international issues and the situation in Middle East. On situation in Syria, President Zardari said that Pakistan and Egypt should work together closely for the common good of the Ummah and for peace in our region. He urged for working together to end the bloodshed in Syria and to find a peaceful solution to the crisis. “Pakistan believe that Syria’s territorial integrity and sovereignty must be respected,” the President

said, adding that any outside interference would only complicate a complex situation and will have serious consequences for the neighboring countries. He stated that the drive for peace in Syria must be led and owned by the Syrian People and offered Pakistan’s readiness to play its role in finding a peaceful solution of the Syrian crisis. President Morsy expressed his deep desire to cultivate close relations with Pakistan and stated that Pakistan and Egypt are two pillars of the Islamic World which have an important role to play in the Ummah as well as in the region.

tus to the trade and investment ties hence jacking up the current bilateral trade volume from current around $400 million to new heights. He also proposed Free Trade Agreement between the two countries, which he said, would help increase the quantum of bilateral investment. The Spokesperson said that the two leaders agreed to hold bilateral summit on biennial basis alternatively in Pakistan and Egypt and expressed confidence that the mechanism would not only boost bilateral relations but would also give two countries an opportunity to co-ordinate its positions on important regional and international developments.

The two leaders also agreed to the holding of the 4th Session of the Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC) in Islamabad later this year and called for increased people to people contacts which they believed was extremely important in cementing the bonds of friendship between the two countries. Discussing bilateral relations, the two leaders expressed satisfaction on the current state of bilateral ties and urged the need to further expedite efforts to fully realize the true trade potential by promoting greater business delegations exchanges, investments and facilitating the entrepreneurs.

Egypt’s Morsi eyes stronger ties with ‘friend’ Pakistan Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi said his country will continue its support for Pakistan, labelling the conservative Islamic country a “friend” while meeting Monday with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in Islamabad.

was warmly welcomed by authorities and public alike. Before Morsi’s arrival, the ministry said the visit would be a “watershed and a landmark” in relations between the two Muslim nations which would “give a new impetus to economic, trade and cultural relations.”

Officials from the two countries signed agreements to promote orsi underlined the “distin- cooperation in shipping, investguished bilateral relations” ment, information technology Discussing regional situation, between both countries, which and science and technology. President Zardari said that at this he said reflects a desire to develPakistani state television showed difficult juncture while the Mus- op more cooperation in technollive footage of the ceremony at lim and the Arab world is facing ogy, military cooperation and ecothe presidential palace where great challenges and witnessing nomic development. Morsi was greeted and presented changes, the Muslim nations must with a military guard of honour. shun differences and forge unity. “I aim that my current visit to Pakistan would lead to a leap forward On Monday Morsi is due to travel The Spokesperson said that Presi- in the cooperation between both to India, where he will meet with dent Zardari while appreciating countries,” he said. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Egypt for supporting the causes of as well as business groups, to bolthe Muslim world hailed the role Morsi also stressed the imporster a blossoming trade relationbeing played by Egypt for promot- tance of working on ending ship worth $4.5 billion in 2012/11, bloodshed in Syria through politiing regional peace and stability. compared to $3.2 billion the precal solutions. vious financial year. The two Presidents also witnessed the signing of five Memorandums The former head of the Muslim “Our trade with Egypt has inof Understanding (MoUs) and one Brotherhood’s Freedom and Juscreased so rapidly in the last three Executive Program for further tice Party arrived in Pakistan on years that India is now Egypt’s promoting cooperation between Monday, on a South Asian tour seventh-largest trading partthe two countries in the fields of that will also take in India as he ner,” India’s ambassador to Egypt postal services, Merchant Ship- works to promote trade and inNavdeep Suri told reporters ahead ping, investment, Media, Science vestment to aid Egypt’s troubled of the visit. and technology and Small and Me- economy. “We talk often in general terms dium enterprises development. Morsi’s one-day visit to Pakistan about space, technology and coPresident Zardari expressed was the first by an Egyptian lead- operation but during this visit we hope that the various MoUs and er since former president Gamal are talking in specific terms about agreements inked today in all Abdel Nasser in the 1960s, Paki- launching an Egyptian satellite,” fields would give further impe- stan’s foreign ministry said. He he said.




March - 2013

Egypt is struggling to restore the confidence of investors and foreign lenders, having suffered a sharp economic decline since the uprising that overthrew Hosni Mubarak in February 2011. Morsi’s administration has been plagued by unrest and deadly clashes between protesters and police, blocking efforts to build broad-based support for a programme of economic reform.

Pakistan offers help in finding Syria crisis solution


Hugo Chavez has passed away

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has died of cancer at a military hospital in Caracas. He was 58 years of age.

Moscow describes Caracas as its lion, and the unemployment rate strategic partner. Venezuela foldropped to 6%. Chavez built XXI lowed Russia in its recognition century socialism using petrodol- of South Ossetia and Abkhazia lars as Venezuela is the world’s and Chavez believed that Russia fifth largest oil exporter. Increas- would act as needed to achieve es in commodity prices allowed balance in the world. the country to climb closer to Olympus, said the chief editor of the magazine “Russia in Global Affairs,” Fyodor Lukyanov.

“The phenomenon of Chavez as e became president in 1998 a world celebrity is connected to and was re-elected in 2006 the fact that the world is yearning for political diversity. He was a and 2012. man who openly said that socialISLAMABAD: President of The President of the Bolivarian Re- ism had collapsed, but he would public of Venezuela was a Bolivar- offer a new one. Chavez had also Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari ian soldier, socialist and anti-impe- been very popular in certain cirsaid on Monday that the rialist, this was how Hugo Chávez cles in Europe where he was welworld community should Frias portrayed himself on his comed as a new Fidel Castro or respect Syria’s sovereignty, Twitter page. In his childhood the Che Guevara,” said Lukyanov. adding that Pakistan is future leader of Bolivarian Socialready to play its role in ism dreamt of being a professional Venezuelan oil exports largely fofinding a peaceful solution baseball player, and his mother cused on the U.S., in spite of very had hoped that her son would be tense relations between the two to the Syrian crisis. a priest. He eventually graduated countries. Chavez said his main resident Zardari met his Egyp- from the Military Academy of Ven- opponents were opposition withtian counterpart Mohamed ezuela and served in airborne units, in the country and the imperialMorsi followed by a luncheon from that moment on the red beret ist forces abroad, first of all the reception given in honour of the became an integral part of his image. United States. visiting President at Aiwan-e-SaIn 1982, together with other offi- The large-scale nationalization dr here on Monday. cers Chavez created a revolution- of the country was immediately The Egyptian President Mo- ary movement named after Simon condemned by American busihamed Morsi in his address at the Bolivar, and 10 years later led the ness. Major western giants had luncheon reception said this visit coup against President Carlos An- invested about $17 billion in the indicated long historic and close dres Perez. The attempted coup country, and had to forget about ties between the two countries failed and Chavez was sent to pris- these investments and future and vowed to enhance these ties on. After two years in prison, he profits. They were forced to transto solid foundation in future. was pardoned by the new president fer majority control to the state Rafael Caldera. After his release he corporation Petroleos de Venezu“We are looking forward to avail became involved in political and ela. Along with the oil companies the opportunities in different seclegal activities. In the presiden- energy and telecommunications tors in Pakistan and appreciated tial elections of 1998, Chavez won assets also came under the control US $500 million investment from with 55% of the vote. of the government went as. Pakistan to Egypt,” he added. In 2002, the country once again Chavez organized relations with Meanwhile, President Zardari faced a coup, this time against Russia differently. After the U.S. said he is delighted to receive the Chavez. He was removed from his embargo on arms supplies, Venfirst popularly and democratical- post, but after 47 hours returned ezuela began purchasing equiply elected President from Egypt. to power. He was very popular in ment from Russia. Moscow and Caracas had close ties in the areas He said the historic friendship of the country, said the Deputy Direc- of military-technical and oil contor for Research of the Institute of the two countries is rooted in the tracts, said the chief editor of the Latin American Boris Martynov. common faith and cultural affinimagazine “Latin America” Vladities. He said the visit of President “Chavez lifted rather large segments mir Travkin. Morsi to Pakistan is another mile- of the population out of poverty stone in the friendship relations. and they were grateful to him for “During the presidency, Chavez that. He provided them with apart- signed a lot of agreements beZardari further said trade and ments, social support, health, and tween Russia and Venezuela in commercial exchange should be various fields which were of ineducation.”- said Martynov more in future to increase the terest to both government and trade volume between the two During Chavez’s presidency the business. This mutually beneficial countries. population increased by 7 mil- cooperation was not ideological.



Our relations with Venezuela are not, the support of a regime, but the search for mutually beneficial contacts,” said Travkin.

Anti-Muslim mobs rampage through Burmese towns as race riots leave 32 dead, 12,000 displaced

YANGON, Burma — Burma’s government warned Monday that religious violence could threaten democratic reforms after antiMuslim mobs rampaged through three more towns in the country’s predominantly Buddhist heartland.


he mobs destroyed mosques and burned dozens of homes over the weekend despite attempts by the government to stem the nation’s latest outbreak of sectarian violence.

In an announcement Monday night on state television, the government pledged to make “utmost efforts” to halt the violence and incitement of racial and religious unrest. “We also urge the people to avoid religious extremes and violence which could jeopardize the country’s democratic reform and development,” it said. President Thein Sein had declared an emergency in the affected areas of central Burma on Friday and deployed army troops to the worst-hit city, Meikhtila, where at least 32 people were killed. According to the U.N., more than 12,000 people were displaced. Monday’s announcement said the displaced people would be resettled as soon as calm was restored. The Associated PressSmoke and flames billow from a burning building set ablaze in Meikhtila, where Ethnic unrest between Buddhists and Muslims continues, in Mandalay division, central Burma, Thursday, Muslims in Meikhtila, who make up about 30 percent of the city’s 100,000 inhabitants, appeared to have borne the brunt of the devastation. At least five mosques were set ablaze from Wednesday to Friday, and most homes and shops burned were Muslim-owned.


March - 2013


23rd Pakistan defies US with gas March In pipeline to Iran Pakistan Construction of pipeline, intended to History

help Pakistan overcome its increasing energy needs, begins despite US opposition.


Monday’s event comes just days before the government’s term is set to expire and could be designed to win votes by making the ruling Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) look like it is addressPresident Mahmoud Ahmadine- ing the energy crisis. jad launched the project with his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali US opposition Zardari at a ceremony on the border on Monday, hailing the agree- The US has opposed the project, ment as a blow to US-led sanc- instead promoting an alternations targeting his country’s oil tive pipeline that runs from the gas fields of Turkmenistan to Afand gas sector. ghanistan, Pakistan and then to The two leaders unveiled a plaque India. before shaking hands and offering prayers for the successful conclu- Washington has also championed sion of the project, which involves a number of electricity-generthe laying of a 780km section of ation projects within Pakistan the pipeline on the Pakistani side, such as helping to renovate hydropower dams. expected to cost some $1.5bn. ranian and Pakistani leaders have inaugurated the construction of a much-delayed section of a $7.5bn gas pipeline linking the two neighbours, defying the threat of US sanctions.

to our Pakistani counterparts.” Under US regulations, a wideranging list of business-related activities with Iran can trigger US sanctions. Certain sales of technology or equipment that allow Iran to develop its energy sector are barred, as are most transactions involving gas or other fuels, according to a January report by the Congressional Research Report.

Iran says it has already finished its side of the pipeline, which travels 1,150km from the gas fields to the Iran-Pakistan borThere are serious doubts, however, der. about how Pakistan can finance the project and whether it can go Gas is supposed through with the project without to start flowing in facing US sanctions, which Wash- by the end of 2014, ington has put in place to pressure although few see Iran over its nuclear programme. that deadline as realistic considering Al Jazeera’s Kamal Hyder, re- the delays so far in The regulations also bar business porting from Islamabad, said the the project. dealings with Iranian financial agreement with Iran could “entail institutions. a heavy price” on Pakistan. “If this deal is finalised for a proThe pipeline is intended to help Islamabad overcome its increasing energy needs at a time when the country is facing increased blackouts and energy shortages.

“Pakistan is also very dependent on the United States when it comes to conventional weapons,” Hyder said.

posed Iran-Pakistan pipeline, it would raise serious concerns under our Iran Sanctions Act,” said Victoria Nuland, the US state department spokeswoman, during a news briefing in Washington last week.

But Pakistan also faces an energy crisis and its needs gas that Iran can supply, he added. “We’ve made that absolutely clear

Iran also faces separate EU and UN sanctions over its controversial nuclear programme, which the West believes is geared for building nuclear weapons. Tehran denies the charge, insisting the programme is purely for peaceful purposes.


3rd March In Pakistan History which is also known as the Lahore Resolution is the Day of freedom and having the importance regarding the Pakistani. Pakistan is the country which is the known for its strong culture and the nation which cannot forget the Past. 23 March In Pakistan History is the occasion of that Type. Pakistan (Lahore Resolution) is the Day of Pride towards the Nation and the Day of feeling as the nation for every resident of Pakistan. 23 March In Pakistan History is the day when the Muslims from the different mind setting get the Platform to speak out for Lahore Resolution. 23 March In Pakistan History is also important for Muslims who shows love and positive feelings against Lahore (Pakistan Resolution) which is accepted on 23 March 1940. Pakistan becomes against many devotions of the nation for the betterment of the nation and upcoming cultures in Pakistan. In Pakistan the day (23 March In Pakistan History & Lahore resolution) is being celebrated with full loyalty and joy because of it is the day when Muslim was accepted the very first time as a detach nation on 23 March, 1940.


March - 2013


Abbas Town blast: 24 families get Rs1.5m each

Abbas Town bombing culprits arrested in Karachi, says police Police further claim to have recovered around 250 kilos of explosives from the possession of the four, who were identified as Irfan, Inamullah, Bashirullah and Aalam Sher Mehsud.

He claimed the arrested belong to the TTP and were involved in the Abbas Town blasts which destroyed several apartinvolved in the Abbas Town ments and shops and also injured Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim blasts which killed more around 200 people on March Ali Shah was scheduled to distrib- than 50 people earlier in 3. TTP’s spokesman Ehsanullah ute compensatory cheques among the month,. Ehsan however had denied inthe families lost their homes and volvement of his organisation in loved ones in the bombing that Police said the suspects were ar- the incident. killed 51 people and injured over rested on a tip-off from spy agencies and a large quantity of explo- Earlier in the day, another comPPP leader Taj Haider, Commis- 140 others. sives was recovered from them. sioner Karachi Syed Hashim Raza mander of the TTP Qari Bilal was According to the reports, minutes Zaidi, MPA Ms. Humaira Alwani Speaking to media representa- killed in a shootout with security and Shia leader Maulana Ahmed before the beginning of the event tives on Thursday, senior police forces in the city’s Manghopir area. Iqbal Rizvi and others were present. the women who were seated in the front rows asked the event official Shahid Hayat said police According to police officials, Qari Chief Minister said that the new organizers for water. “Around first took into custody two mem- Bilal was involved in the murflats will be provided to those 10 women fell unconscious after bers of the banned Tehrik-i-Tal- der of Parveen Rehman, a social whose flats were destroyed in the drinking the water served to them.” iban Pakistan (TTP), Khairdeen worker who was gunned down in and Ishaq, after an encounter in blast. “A committee is working in Karachi on Wednesday. Later, when to news come to the Karachi’s Sea View area. this regard,” he told. surface, the CM House’s spokesPolice, along with Rangers forces, 10 falls unconscious as Sindh CM man said that the water served by “Two pistols and 100 kilos of ex- are carrying out targeted operaHouse serves harmful water: At the caterers in event was harmful plosives were recovered from tions against law breakers and least 10 women, belonging to the for health. He, however, said that their possession,” said Hayat. militants in the aftermath of refamilies of the victims who lost only two people including womBoth suspects made intriguing newed wave of violence in Karatheir lives in Abbas Town bomb- an and man fell unconscious after revelations upon which, Hayat chi, the country’s financial hub ing, fell unconscious when they drinking the water. said, police raided Khuda ki Basti which is plagued by political and in Surjani Town and nabbed four sectarian violence and targeted killings. of their accomplices.

KARACHI (PPI): Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah distributed cheques each amounting Rs.1.5 million to the heirs of 49 victims of Abbas town bomb blast in a simple ceremony at Chief Minister’s House Karachi on Tuesday.

were served harmful drinking wa- KARACHI: Karachi police ter during an event to distribute claim to have arrested six check at Sindh Chief Minister Pakistani Taliban militants House here on Tuesday.

MQM denies electoral alliance or seat adjustment with Musharraf’s party

It also added that no seat adjustment whatsoever with APML was under consideration.

KARACHI: The Co-ordination Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) has strongly denied media reports about any alliance with the party of former president General (R) Pervez Musharraf, Geo News reported. According to a statement issued here, the committee said the MQM had not entered into any alliance with the former president or his party, All Pakistan Muslim League (APML).

The statement further said that the reports appearing in a section of press and electronic media were unfounded and figment of imagination. The Co-ordination Committee expressed its dismay over the misleading news about any electoral alliance with the APML and said that if someone had a copy of the imputed agreement, they should make it public. The Committee in the statement issued also requested reporters of print and electronic media as well as anchorpersons to avoid airing unverified news.

MQM to challenge Karachi delimitation: Altaf Hussain KARACHI: The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQ) Chief Altaf Hussain has termed the delimitation of Karachi constituencies as illegal and announced that his party would challenge the move in the courts, Addressing a meeting of MQM’s Coordination Committee simultaneously held in Karachi and London also attended by legal experts of the party, he directed them to file petitions against the Election Commission decision for carrying out delimitation as the practice was illegal following the announcement of election date and schedule.

He demanded of the Chief Election Commissioner Fakhruddin G Ibrahim to immediately withdraw the notification regarding the delimitations which he said was a conspiracy to steal MQM’s mandate. Rejecting a report produced before the Supreme Court about presence of an armed wing in the MQM, he said that there was no room for criminal elements in the party.


March - 2013


A friend of Pakistan and Pakistani Community

Interviewed By Jawaid Riaz Former state Rep. Robin Kelly simply won the special Democratic primary race to replace the Jesse Jackson Jr. in Congress, who resigned in November 2012 after a month long medical leave.


is PhD from Northern Illinois University and represent the Illinois State House of Representative from District 38, in 2002- 2006. She was the Candidate, Illinois State Treasure in 2010. She is married and has one son and daughter. She is serving as a Board Member for Hate Crime commission since 2005 till present; she is also serving as a Commissioner in Cook County Human Rights Commission from 1998 till present. Robin was born in New York but her hometown is Matteson, Illinois, where she worked as Community Affairs Director, for the village of Matteson

from 1992-2006, she also served as Chief Administrative Officer, Cook County 2011. Hate Crime and Gun control became the top issue in her campaign trail inde-

pendence USA. She is friend of Pakistani Community and the volunteers of Pakistan Club are working for her election campaign day and Night

KMC flower exhibition opens flowers have given a precious gift to citizens. He directed to continue this exhibition till one month. He said every individual would have to play his role in order to improve and renovate this city. He said the flowers, which grow in Pakistan specially rose, gul-eARACHI – The Administradawoodi and jasmine were liked tor Karachi Metropolitan in most countries of the world Corporation, Hashim Raza Zaiand various types of flowers were di on Tuesday inaugurated the also exported to other countries flower exhibition in Bagh Ibn-ewhich generates revenue. Qasim. He directed the Director General Talking to media, he said that Parks to plant seasonal flowers flowers increase the beauty of the on both sides of big roads, islands environment and leave pleasant and KMC parks on large scale so effects on the minds of the people. that citizens could enjoy spring The growth of flowers was very season. difficult work but KMC gardeners by growing various types of The administrator said that the


KMC had always patronised these kinds of activities along with construction works of the City. He directed the Director General to start growing 450 types of Gule-Dawoodi flowers now so that when its seasons comes, a big exhibition could be arranged.


March - 2013

Country’s first law university being set up in Karachi


Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) has started scholarship program under National Outreach Program. The scholarship program has been started for those students who want to avail opportunities to brighten their future. LUMS will provide quality of education through NOP which is a source to provide scholarships and other financial aid.

Exiled former president Pervez Musharraf returns to Pakistan I have come back.“I am not scared of anyone but God.”

“I have put my life in danger, but I want to save Pakistan,” he added.


fter more than four years in self-imposed exile, the former president of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf landed in Karachi Sunday.

Applicants are eligible if they have done matriculation in session 2011-12, got over 80% marks He faces criminal charges, and the in matric and cant pursue their Taliban have vowed to unleash studies due to financial problems. a “death squad” to kill him but Musharraf, who has survived several assassination attempts, has said he is not concerned.


arachi, Country’s first law university is being established in Karachi. In this regard an approval has been made by the Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad for setting up of Law University.

The statement was released on Thursday and declared that the institution would be established in Karachi.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf to stage rally at Minar-e-Pakistan


AHORE: The Pakistan TehRetired Justice Khalid Ali Z. Qazi reek-e-Insaf has set the stage would be chosen as vice-chancel- at the Minar-e-Pakistan for its lor of the law university. rally, which the Imran Khan-led party says is going to create a new The government of Saudi Arabia Pakistan. has started a project “The School Bag Distribution Project” to de- According to reports two stages liver 15,000 school bags among have been setup for the leadership needy students across the country. and newly elected officer bearers of the party, who would be sworn In this regard, Pakistan Bait-ulin during the rally. Mal (PBM) arranged an inspiring ceremony at the Jinnah Stadium A large number of people includand Saudi Ambassador to Paki- ing women and children have stan Dr. Abdul Aziz Ibrahim Al- gathered for the rally which after Ghadeer introduced this project. a delay will now begin at 5:00 PM. The Saudi ambassador while expressing his views said that the project has been introduced to support and minimize the problems which parents of children are facing and are unable to provide facilities to their children in the areas affected by natural disasters in recent years.

As an added security measure, mobile phone services in the area have been suspended till 9:00 PM.

Saudi Arabia would provide bags having books, stationary and other things, he added. He said that the project is being introduced on worth of 26 million rupees. These bags will be given to students in phases in 138 several areas of Pakistan.

PTI workers, police officials as well as undercover policemen will be deployed around the venue of the rally, which according to political commentators would decide the party’s future in the upcoming elections to be held in May.

Security arrangements have also been finalized for the rally with the Bomb Disposal Squad, Special Brach of the police and other secret agencies giving clearance.

In a speech to hundreds of people Sunday, he appeared upbeat and vowed to stay and fight for the nation.

During his speech, heavily armed police stood nearby, and after his statement, he was whisked away to an undisclosed location for safety reasons. The Taliban militants have threatened to kill him upon his return, but as the New York Times reported, Musharraf has brushed aside the concerns for his life. Earlier Sunday, there were scenes of jubilation at Karachi airport as people waited for him to return. People danced and waved the country’s flag.

Musharraf, who quit as president in 2008 to avoid possible impeach“I respect your emotions,” he said, ment, ended his self-imposed exile vowing to contest May’s genwaving to the crowd. eral election. “Thank you. Thank you,” he said as “If he is arrested and tried for his his supporters shouted “Long live past behavior, it could alarm the Musharraf!” army. If he goes free, it will spark “I have returned. People used to think that I would not return but

a backlash from both Sharif and Bhutto supporters.”


March - 2013


South Asians Celebrate Pakistani Girl’s Dream and Mission

Asian Media USA ©


olling Meadows, IL. Human Development Foundation (HDF) and Kulsoom Foundation celebrated ‘Rahmania For Sonia’ on Sat., 23 Feb. 2013 at Meadows Club (2950 Golf Rd, Rolling Meadows, Ill.). Hosted by Kulsoom Foundation and attended by over 400 people, the theme of the evening was ‘A girl, A Dream, A Mission’. It was about Sonia Shah who wanted to help poor girls of a small village in Pakistan by building a school but could not complete her mission due to a tragic accident in summer of 2012. The fundraiser included live and silent auction, a dance performance by Sonia’s friend Shimoli Shah and choreographed dance performance by Dhrishti Art at A.R. Rahman music, which kept people engage and glued to the stage till mid night. All the proceeds will go to building Sonia Shah Memorial School in village Kangra in rural North West of Pakistan. Of Pashtun heritage, Sonia lived and studied in four countries, Thailand, England, US and finally graduated a year early from Zurich International School in Switzerland. An honor student she had a thirst for understanding the world

around her. In 2011, she was the youngest intern on Capitol Hill and in 2012 among the youngest intern at Obama’s campaign headquarters. In his condolence letter President Obama says ‘though Sonia was the one of the youngest intern, she was most determined’. Her mother Iram made a passionate speech drawing a picture of girl who loved humanity and wanted to make a difference. She shared what Sonia had said in her college application: ‘I want to serve and help others. I want to leave this world knowing that I have changed it in some quantifiable, positive way, no matter how minuscule. I want to make history, instead of just witnessing it’. Iram went on to describe her daughter as someone with innate balance, an ability to see both sides of every issue: proud to be Pakistani Muslim yet all American girl, compassionate yet practical; cosmopolitan but never forgetting her roots’. She was keenly aware of the sacrifices of her grandmother ‘Kulsoom’ after whom she named the foundation. During her gap year, Sonia prepared everything from the website to logo herself. She knocked at every NGO and presented her case. She raised enough money to buy a piece of land for the school but once

the foundation was laid out the tragedy struck. Iram also shared Sonia’s blogs when she visited Pakistan. Sonia created a website where she blogged her experiences in Kangra. ‘The poorest families do to the utmost to school their sons, but not their daughters’. Hamza Hayaauddin gave the welcome address, recalling how he first met Sonia at an event and how she left an impact on her. He also read a poem that he wrote for her. After the Quranic recitation by Azhar Gumra, translated by Usra Ghazi and Iram’s speech, Dr. Asif Anwar read the Urdu poem he wrote for Sonia right after her death. The English translation was written and read by Danial Noorani, who was a mentor and guide for Sonia specially in her community endeavors. Danial talked about the first time he met Sonia and was struck by her maturity, her ability to achieve so much at a young age of 17....more than anyone can achieve in their entire lifetime. He was also impressed by the various languages that she spoke. Dr. Mian Arshad Jan the key note speaker recounted how, instead of crying and moping, his younger sister Iram threw herself into Sonia’s project. “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years,” he quipped from Lincoln. He recounted various incidents attesting to Sonia’s maturity, spirit of self-sacrifice, and commitment to women’s rights and self-expression particularly in the Islamic context, e.g., “why do women have to cover their faces, when they are not allowed to do so during hajj?” Pakistan spends a measly 2.9% of GDP on education and 8 times that amount on defense, thus leaving 7.3M children out of school.

ter to his critics. Greg spoke eloquently about Sonia’s spirit and her courage and the importance of keeping her legacy alive. He warned that Pakistan’s

population will double in next 28–32 years without women’s education, which is what the rural and illiterate women he personally interviewed want for their children.

Dr. Siraj Ahmed from DCA promote all India and Pakistani cultural event for last 10 years. He donate cricket bat signed by Imran Khan, Basket ball, Base ball and Silk Shawl from India donate for this occasion. Three tables from VIP was also booked for his family and friends to support Sonia’s dream.

Iram introduced her friend and well-known author Greg Mortenson, who is passionate about girls’ education, esThe Fund pecially in Pakistan. During a raising and live auccontroversy in 2011 about his tion was conducted by Nabeework, young Sonia had stuck la Rasheed and Dr. Mujahid her neck out by writing a let- Ghazi, and was accompanied


March - 2013

by a slide show specifying the various levels of investment from water filtration plant for $16000 to building 12 rooms each for $5000 and $1000 for electricity and gas etc.

T h e response to fundraising request was excellent. In auction, the highlight was a painting named ‘Nukta’ i.e. starting point painted by 2 artist Sadia Uqaili and Zafar Malik. It was inspired by Sonia and an

‘Ode to Sonia’ completed this very month in acrylic and gold was sold for $10K. Two sets of autographed memorabilia (bat, ball, and book) gifted by Pakistani cricketer turned politician Imran Khan sold for $1700 and $1650. Other items included a basketball signed by Derrick Rose, unique book of

Bulle Shah’s poetry, and two iPads raffled at the end. The silent auction consisted of couple of beautiful pieces jewelry, tickets to concert, Red door spa gift certificate and many other items. All were sold. Kulsoom




HDF share the commitment to help the disadvantaged in Pakistan. HDF combats extreme poverty by “Helping people help themselves.” Their comprehensive holistic model is focused on lasting change in 5 key areas: education, health care, economic growth, social mobilization, and sustainable environment. Fully aligned with Millennium Development Goals, HDF continues to work towards ensuring that by 2015, boys and girls in its program areas have the opportunity to complete primary schooling while eliminating gender disparity in the school system. Together with HDF-USA, the Kulsoom Foundation is working to realize Sonia’s dream of economic, social, and political growth and development for the girls of Pakistan. HDF is registered under section 501(c)(3) with Tax ID: 36-4184940. Donations are tax deductible: Dinner served by The Meadows Club was followed by thumping Bollywood dances choreographed to a chronology of AR Rehman hits presented by Dhrshti Arts, which thrilled the audience and retained them into the midnight hour.

formed by the MKM Bollystars form California comprising a troupe of very talented choreographers and performers Shivani Thakkar, Joya Kazi, Gloria Lanuza and Erika. The lighting patterns designed by Ryan Williams enhanced the ambience and feel. Visiting actor and Kathak exponent Aditi Bhagwat then wowed the audience with her dazzling choreography on Rahman’s signature tune Manmohana from the period classic Jodha Akbar. She later went on to perform on Rahman’s expansive compositions, Mai Albeli from Zubeida and Mai vari vari from Mangal Pandey.

the efforts of a bright young girl Sonia Shah who passed away very young at seventeen, but not before she had made her contribution for the betterment of the girl child in a remote area of Pakistan, by preparing grounds to build a school.

The bereaved parents Iram and Mehmood Shah have taken up the mantle of fulfilling the The popular Mukkala Muqadreams of their bright little bla performed with vigor and girl, by making the school hapskill by Bliss and Erika had the audience up on their feet while the sublime Aur Ho from the movie Rockstar performed by JT Tyler, Joya Nandy Kazi and Shivani, Gloria and Erika was remarkable for its poise and intensity.

Salsa diva Dora Baroti and Chris Manning then unveiled a very skillful and energetic choreography in Salsa and Cha Cha to It was an orgy of dance, music, lights and sound as Dhrishti’s Rahman’s Masakkali from the presentation Rahmania wowed movie Delhi 6. The grace and the audience at the Kulsoom flexibility of the pair had the Foundation/HDF fund raiser audience in raptures. for the late Sonia Shah. The surprise packet of the eveThe tribute to the Oscar win- ning, the hip hop and lock and ning composer AR Rahman poppers led by Daniel” Brave which was narrated by She- Monk” Haywood held sway bani Kulkarni and scripted by with their spins, locks, twists Madan Kulkarni took the en- and pops to Rahman’s chart raptured audience through toppers from Oscar Slumdog the life and achievements winning Millionaire. Along of the maestro with visuals, facts and some originally cho- with MKM Bollystars reographed dances set to his version of Jai Ho they concluded the evening compositions. with a crescendo of Chicago based duo Megan moves set to Rahman’s Hartman and Jessica Beuck- drums from the latest man kicked off the show with hit Jab Tak Hai Jaan. a spirited choreography set to Rahman’s Spirit of Rangeela. It was an amazing conThis was followed by the popu- clusion to event which lar Barso re Megha megha per- aimed to supplement

pen with the help of their Kulsoom Foundation, the Human Development Foundation and some generous donors. “We are privileged to be associated with this cause and were glad that we were able to help in a little way in making this event such a success” said Shebani and Madan Kulkarni, the founders of Dhrishti Arts and the Meadows Club.


March - 2013


Unpaid Dues to the City? Sen. The Skokie Caucus Party Silverstein’s Bill Candidates are Experienced, would allow City Dedicated, and friends to Boot Cars of the ethnic communities By Ahmed Khan PINION: Last week, Illinois of the village. Governor Pat Quinn proO posed $309 million in cuts from The early voting date is the Illinois State Board of Educafrom Adam Braun, a lobbyist reption’s K-12 spending budget and a $93 million cut from the Illinois resenting some of the collection scheduled for March 25th higher education budget to ad- firms. Collection firms are trying dress the State’s dismal financial to find a better avenue to collect and the final voting debt. Such cuts to Illinois educa- money to help municipalities.” So tion would be devastating further Sen. Silverstein works on behalf date is April 9th. burdening districts in tight fiscal of lobbyists and collection firms, situations and most strongly af- not the citizens of IL? fecting low property value and Many who have called the Senaminority communities. tor expressing opposition to the Bill have gotten responses that One would assume that state legisthe “bill is not going anywhere.” lators would do anything to work towards pension reform and avoid My concern in all of this from the budget cuts affecting the future beginning was that it was done of Illinois’ children. Wrong. Rath- at the behest of a lobbyist friend er than spending time to solve the in the first place. The response State’s pension crisis and pend- is not assuring enough. I undering education funding cuts, State stand that people must pay their Senator Ira Silversten D-Chicago bills but not everyone is a law(whose district include parts of breaker or a deadbeat that needs Skokie, Niles, Morton Grove and to be punished so. People must Lincolnwood, West Rogers Park, pay their bills and fines but they and Albany Park areas) is too busy may be in situations of hardship playing Collections Agent for the for a reason. This will certainly pose severe hardship on all people city of Chicago. especially those who are laid-off Sen. Silverstein introduced Sen- or unemployed. Even for those ate Bill IL SB0036 that would al- who are employed - this is an UNlow the city of Chicago and other ETHICAL & UNJUST means of municipalities to boot and sell governing. Some people are just cars belonging to people who owe going through a hard time and the city money on a court judg- the context of the bill is absurd. If ment. If the vehicle owner doesn’t a person owes money in the first pay their debt within 24 hours of place, how are they supposed to their car being booted, the city pay for boot removal, towing and would be allowed to impound the storage fees, etc. in proper time? vehicle, even if the owner was not Perhaps their car is their only present for a boot hearing, and means of getting to work. Use put it up for sale at a public auc- CTA they may say. But single ride tion within 21 days to pay off the fares are set to increase! Bills like debt. This would include judg- Sen. Silverstein’s would make it ments against unpaid utility bills harder for the average citizen to directly collected by municipali- survive! I would go as far as saying ties such as water. With the new it is anti-middle and low income increase in city of Chicago’s water individuals. and sewage fees in 2012, this could An individual initiated a petition affect more people than normal. advocating against IL Senate Bill The worst part of this is that Sen. SB0036 on the popular petition Silverstein told Crain’s Chicago website,, which reBusiness that he introduced the ceived over 6,000 signatures in bill for a lobbyist friend who rep- just two days. If you oppose this resents a law firm with a large bill then please call Sen. Silvercollections practice and later stein’s office at (773) 743-5015 or revealed to Chicago Sun Times (217) 782-5500 to express your disreporters that “This came to me pleasure to SB0036.

Report by: Jawaid Riaz, Bureau Chief PakistanAbroad


he Skokie Caucus party was established in an effort to bring professional, non-political management into government, to handle the operations and affairs of the Village of Skokie. A group of Skokie citizens took on the existing political powers and helped transform Skokie into a professionally managed Village that espoused open and honest government. Skokie is the fastest growing suburb of Chicago.

ipate in the public affairs of Skokie. It is our conviction that the best way to promote honest and efficient government is through actively working to elect qualified candidates for public office These are the Skokie Caucus Party Candidates, who I interviewed at MCC:

Mayor Georgevan Dusen, who has served the village through the past four years and his efforts With the help of the support- have brought the name of the vilers of the new Caucus Party, in lage leader in municipal services. 1959, Skokie Caucus Party can- Pramod Shah for Clerk, who has didates won and the Party has been involved with local governbeen successfully involved in the ment since 1999, and is a chemist Skokie landscape since that time, by profession ensuring open government that encourages public participation, Randall Roberts for Trustee, has and professional management. As been serving the village since a result, by example, the Village 200,1 and he is also served as an is the only municipality in the Assistant State Attorney in Cook country with a fully accredited County and prosecuted hundreds Police Department, Public Works of criminal cases Department and Fire Department, The Skokie Caucus Party Candiwith an ISO rating of 1. dates are Experience, Dedicated, The Skokie Caucus Party is com- and friends of the ethnic committed to assuring progressive, munities of the village. The early good government in the Village of voting date is schedule for March Skokie. The Party is dedicated to 25th and the final voting date is encouraging individuals to partic- April 9th.


March - 2013


MQM Chicago Celebrates 29th Foundation Day The Chief Guest of the evening was MNA Mohterma Khushbakht Shujaat The master of the ceremony was prominent poet and writer, Anwar Ali Roomy Report by Jawaid Riaz QM Chicago Chapter Organized a gathering of MQM workers, community leader and leaders of the Christian community to celebrate the 29th foundation day of MQM. The chief guest of the evening was MNA Mohterma Khushbakht Shujaat and among the attendees were Central Organizer Junaid Fahmi, Member Central Organizing Committee Wakeel Jamali, accompanied

by Helping Committee Member Sohail Shams, Member Advisory Committee Shamim Siddiqui, Chicago Chapter In-Charge, Adnan Siddiqui and unit committee member.

who always stands up for minorities. Central Organizer Junaid Fahmi in his address, discussed the transition of APMSO, into Mohajir Qaumi Movement, and finally into Muttahida Qaumi Movement and its role in the overseas in particular in USA. He paid respect to QET Altaf Hussain for his guidance and vision. MNA Mohterma Khushbakht Shujaat, in her address, thanked the workers and their families for arranging such a prestigious evening to celebrate MQM’s 29th Foundation day. She spoke of Mr. Altaf Hussain’s inspiring vision and guidance. She said because of Mr. Altaf Hussain’s philosophy of Realism and Practicalism, along with the development by MQM, empowering the masses, sending

The master of the ceremony was the prominent poet and writer Anwar Ali Roomy. The program was started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Syed Aryan Hussain Adnan Siddiqui, In-Charge MQM Chicago Chapter paid tribute to MQM founder and leader Mr. Altaf Hussain, and highlighted the MQM’s struggle and success through these past 29 years. He also thanked the attendees and especially the leaders of the Pakistani and Christian Community.

educated middle class representatives to parliament and other elected positions throughout democratic framework, including the local body system had become a reality.

Tahir Farooqui and Syed Ayaan Hussain presented a skit about the history of APMSO to MQM, Pastor Herbert Francis in his which was appreciated by all. A speech commended MQM leader, documentary about the history of Mr. Altaf Hussain on his vision the MQM party was showcased and leadership for his nation. He while many party-anthems were further stated that Mr. Altaf Hus- played throughout the night. sain is the only leader in Pakistan

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March - 2013


South Africa win against pakistan odi series

Rafael Nadal and Maria Sharapova win Indian Wells titles

BENONI: South African captain AB de Villiers hit an unbeaten 95 to guide his side to a series-clinching six-wicket win in the fifth and final one-day international against Pakistan at Willowmoore Park on Sunday.


e Villiers, who was dropped on one, overcame some hostile bowling on an unpredictable pitch as South Africa chased down Pakistan’s 204 all out with six overs to spare.

On a day when most batsmen struggled to time the ball consistently, De Villiers made his runs off just 111 balls. He hit nine fours and a six. A fourth wicket partnership of 87 off 88 balls with Farhaan Behardien (35) made South Africa’s victory virtually certain after Pakistan’s new ball bowlers, Mohammad Irfan and Junaid Khan, caused early problems on a pitch where some deliveries bounced alarmingly, while others kept low. Pakistan seemed headed for a more competitive total when they reached 151 for four in the 35th over after winning the toss. Ryan McLaren took three wickets in 13 balls to swing the match in South Africa’s favour. McLaren had Shoaib Malik caught at midwicket and three balls later, with the last delivery before the batting power play, he had big-hitting Shahid Afridi caught at deep square leg without scoring. Pakistan’s hopes then rested with their captain, Misbah-ul-Haq, who had played a match-winning innings of 80 when Pakistan squared the series at 2-2 with a three-wicket win in Durban on Thursday.

ing a series against New Zealand and Morkel missed the first four matches against Pakistan because of a hamstring injury.

For the first time this season, South Africa fielded their two leading strike bowlers, Dale Steyn and Morne Morkel, in their oneday international team. The pair had been rotated dur-

Nadal served three love games in the third set, capping his last one with a 123-mph ace that gave him a 5-3 lead.

Del Potro came from love-40 down and fought off three match points to hold at 5-4. But Nadal served out the match, dropping just one point in the final game. As Del Potro’s forehand sailed wide on his fourth match point, Nadal collapsed flat on his back after playing two and half hours was described as a chronic left anin the desert heat. Indian Wells is his first hardkle injury which kept him off the court title since Tokyo in October He got up and hugged Del Potro, field for most of Pakistan’s run 2010, having lost in six previous then trotted behind the baseline chase in Durban. finals on the surface. He won his to clasp hands with billionaire He was replaced by 20-year-old 600th career match and will move tournament owner Larry Ellison left-hander Quinton de Kock. to No. 4 in the rankings released of Oracle Corp. before falling to De Kock looked out of his depth Monday. his knees near the net and raisand was bowled by Junaid Khan Nadal broke a tie with Roger Fe- ing his arms in celebration. Nadal for three, while Hashim Amla was derer with his record 22nd career playfully took a bite out of the unusually subdued in scoring 22 ATP Tour Masters 1000 title. He Baccarat crystal trophy. off 65 balls. With Colin Ingram earned $1 million for his third Inbowled by off-spinner Mohamdian Wells title. mad Hafeez for 15, South Africa needed a partnership. Del Potro came up short in his bid De Villiers edged Junaid low to to beat three Top-10 players in the Younis Khan at slip when he had same tournament for the second one and the chance went down. time in his career. He defeated No. The South African captain was 3 Andy Murray and No. 1 Novak soon into his stride as he took Djokovic in three sets apiece in behis aggregate for the series to 367 coming the second Argentine since

Golf: Justin Rose takes early Arnold Palmer Invitational lead

As he had in Durban, Misbah started cautiously and he had scored runs at an average of 91.75. He only 24 runs off 46 balls when was named man of the match and he was caught behind to become man of the series. (AFP) McLaren?s third victim. McLaren finished with three for 32, with all his wickets coming in a three-over third spell which cost only five runs.


afael Nadal rallied from a set and 1-3 down in the second to beat Juan Martin del Potro 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 in the BNP Paribas Open final, Although Steyn and Morkel only giving the Spaniard his third title took one and two wickets re- in four tournaments since returnspectively, they contributed to a ing from a seven-month injury layoff. much-improved South African Nadal improved to a career-best bowling performance. 17 wins from 18 matches this Despite an innings of 48 off 51 year, including 14 straight wins. balls by Kamran Akmal, and a He’s won three titles, two on clay third wicket stand of 66 between while runner-up in another on his Akmal and Younis Khan (29) the favorite surface, since returning Pakistanis were unable to domifrom a left knee injury. nate the bowling at any stage during their innings after Misbah Maria Sharapova defeated Carowon the toss and decided to bat. line Wozniacki 6-2, 6-2 to win her South Africa were without open- first title of the year in the woming batsman and Test captain en’s final between two former Graeme Smith because of what top-ranked players.

Guillermo Villas in 1977 to reach the final here.

PBA: Air21 Express go streaking, beat SMC for third straight win Air21 Express KG Canaleta (R) aims a shot over San Mig Coffee Wesley Gonzales, during their PBA game, Wednesday at the Cuneta Astrodome. The Express won out, 87-82, to pick up their third straight win, following a 1-5 start to the conference.

England’s Justin Rose blasts his way out of the bunker on the 11th hole during first round of play in the Arnold Palmer Invitational PGA golf tournament in Orlando, Florida, Thursday (Friday, PHL time). Armed with a seven-underpar 65, Rose is the early leader of the tourney.


March - 2013


Bollywood reacts to Sanjay Extremely tough time for me and my family: Trishala Dutt Dutt’s conviction B ollywood personalities voiced their shock on Sanjay Dutt’s 5 year jail sentence under the Arms Act in connection with the 1993 Mumbai Blasts which took the lives of 257 people:

Priyanka Chopra: My heart goes out to Sanju sir and his family..the nicest gentlest person..I pray for some respite for him through our judiciary.. Mahesh Bhatt: Heart Broken. Just heard that Sanjay Dutt has to go to jail for five years. I expected mercy! Alas, it did not happen.

Sanjay Dutt’s family members are dealing with some tough times as Sanjay is sentenced to five years imprisonment for illegal possession of weapons in a case linked to the 1993 serial blasts in Mumbai.

His daughter Trishala tweeted, “Thank you for all your prayers and concerns. Extremely tough time for me and my family...were all in shock be we have to be strong. Going thru tough times heart goes out to him and his famright now, seriously don’t know ily. He was a fighter, is one and what to do right now. I wanna will always be one. thank each and every single indi- his first marriage, with late wife Richa Sharma. She lives in New Dabboo Ratnani: Shattered to vidual for your prayers.” York with her grandparents. She hear about Sanjay Dutt. Love him. Trishala is Sanjay’s daughter from is however, very close to dad Sanjay. He is like my elder brother and has a pure heart of gold. God give him strength.

A Minute With: Madhuri Dixit

Celina Jaitly: I am shocked to hear the verdict on Mr. Dutt. My heart goes out to the Dutt family. We all love you Mr Dutt.

Kunal Kohli: The real planners of the 1993 blasts are sitting safely in Pakistan. Till they are brought to book, justice will not be served. Sanjay Dutt, also, had several films The 1993 blast case should not be lined up including Zanjeer, Unmade about Sanjay Dutt. gli, Ghanchakkar, P.K., Policegiri Karan Johar: I am truly shattered and Munnabhai Part 3. Zanjeer, to hear of Sanju’s sentence... the Ghanchakkar and P.K are unlikenicest guy I have known just ly to be affected as the actor has doesn’t deserve this. My heart finished shooting for these films. The most heavily affected film,by goes out to him. Sanjay’s conviction, will of course Vishal Dadlani: I stand with San- be the much awaited Munnabhai jay Dutt, always will. He’s my Part 3 in which Sanjay plays the brother. He made mistakes, but lead role. Munnabhai Part 3 was he’s served more than his time, in to go on floors early next year terms of mental stress. I am not contesting or denying the law, Here’s what the producer of Pobut it breaks my heart that he has licegiri and director of Munnabto face this. He has done so much, hai Part 3 have to say: so selflessly for so many! When I barely knew him, I needed some personal help in a family matter. I just asked, and Sanjay went above and beyond duty to help. I’m not denying the law. But am I not allowed to feel sad for a friend?

“Just 12 to 15 days shoot is left. I am not keen to talk about the budget for the film, but it should be around Rs 25 crore. But as I said before, I am not bothered about the film, I am only worried about Sanjay Dutt,” TP Aggarwal Shekhar Ravijani: He’s the most (producer of Policegiri) said. loved person in the business. One “I can’t imagine Munna Bhai seof the nicest people I know. Man ries without Sanjay Dutt. But unwith a big heart. My brother. I am fortunately, things are not in our with Sanjay Dutt. hands. I feel it a very harsh punishment. I am surprised as much Ashish Chowdhry: There are bad as you all are surprised with this guys, there are nice guys. Sanjay Dutt most definitely is the latter. news. Our film has not yet gone By far he’s the kindest and nicest on floors, but just imagine about other producers and directors, guy I know. I’m really sad. who have done films half-way Aftab Shivdasani: Sad to know with Sanjay.” Subhash Kapoor (dithe verdict on Sanjay Dutt, my rector of Munnabhai Part 3) said.

to become a dancer and making a comeback in films.

Q: Can you learn dance online? A: “Yeah, because a lot of it is visual and if there are the right instructions … I wouldn’t say it is the easiest thing in the world, but for someone who knows even a little bit of dancing, it’ll be great. For someone who doesn’t know anything at all, it’ll be a bit of an issue, but at least you get to learn at your own pace. You don’t have to wait to join a dance class — you can learn at your own time.”

MUMBAI: Madhuri Dixit’s smile may have launched a hundred brands but it set many more hearts aflutter. The actress returns to the big screen this year with her first Bollywood releases since “Aaja Nachle” in 2007.

Q: What is the one thing you can’t learn in dance and has to be inherent?

A: “Well, sometimes I would say grace is inherent but then you can also learn it. The most important thing to overcome is inhibitions. A lot of people cannot dance because they are inhibited. ‘Oh, I can’t dance’ or ‘I have two left feet’ or maybe someone has commented on their dancing a while back. When you enjoy something, ixit returned to India in 2011, you might be doing the simplest several years after she gave of moves, but they still look so up her movie career to marry a beautiful.” doctor based in the United States. The actress recently launched an Q: Any important advice about online dance academy, where she dance that you have got and hopes to connect with fans and still remember? teach them some of her popular A: “My guruji (teacher) used to dance moves. always say ‘you should talk with Dixit, 45, spoke to Reuters about your eyes’ and that’s very true. her new venture, what one needs Your eyes should say it all.”




March - 2013


Q: Did you see yourself becom- and everything. It is a wonderful ing an entrepreneur at some time for women in Indian cinema.” point in time? Q: What does it take to make a A: “Well, not exactly an entrepre- comeback in this industry? neur but I definitely wanted to do something with dance. This is a boon to me — being online. Because then you don’t just reach out to 200-300 people — you reach out to the whole world. You get a cross-section of students.”

A: “We try to make myths that you cannot come back. I don’t think that is true. You are like every other professional in any other industry. So many women take a break after a baby and come back. There is Kajol who is still workQ: How has your second stint ing, Juhi (Chawla), there is Vidya in India been for you? Was it (Balan) who is working after maraccording to your expecta- riage. There was Waheedaji who tions? worked after marriage, Sharmilaji, Raakhee ji … so many women. A: “I came back because of a lot of This is all just a myth.” reasons. Somewhere, it was destiny. I had to come back — it was just a question of when. Secondly, we came back because my kids are at the right age where they will be able to adjust to a new atmosphere and culture. They love it here — they are happy and enjoy it. The only thing they miss about Denver is the space, but you make that little compromise. They are happy because their friends can just walk into the house and play with them — there are no ‘play dates’ to fix up.

Pakistani super model Mehreen Syed got married

“For my parents, it’s wonderful, because they are back to their birthplace and familiar surroundings — in America they felt like strangers. For me and my husband, it is about giving back and this is just the first step. There will be something in the healthcare region too but that is still in the planning stages.”


ne of Pakistani super model Mehreen Syed got married with Ahmad Sheikh who is also a famous businessman, wedding ceremony was held in Lahore on 21 Feb 2013. Both bride and groom wore white dresses on there Nikah day, in white wedding dress Mehreen look very pretty and all Q: Have your fans remained guests who are invited as well as the same? What are their ex- members of her family wearing pectations from you? white dresses.

A: “They still want another ‘Ek do teen’ from me. They always ask me, ‘when do we see you dancing next.’”

Q: So when is your next ‘Ek Do Teen’ number? A: “I don’t know. Right now, I am busy with ‘Gulaab Gang’ and ‘Dedh Ishqiya’. It will be great to work with Naseerji (Naseeruddin Shah) and Arshad Warsi.”

It is first marriage of Mehreen Syed but second of his husband Ahmed Humayun Shaikh. Ahmed is son of fashion designer Nasreen Humayun. Ahmad has two Children from his first marriage. No Clear Reports that either Ahmad Gave divorce to his first wife or not.

Mehreen take start of the career in 2000, she has become a household name of Pakistan modelling industry. Mehreen has won InterQ: Are roles easy to come by? national Model of the Year award A: “Yeah, this was the right time in 2005. Last year, she achieved to come back. Women are not to enter in World’s Sexiest Asian perceived as avenging angels or Women 2012 list, and she was on the victims today. Roles are made 10th position. She is also going to where they are modern women – start her acting career from Bolworking, handling their houses lywood movie. Started work in

movie name ‘Chambeli’. Syed is the first Pakistani model to have appeared on the cover of the popular Middle East fashion magazine Alamra. Mehreen said on her Facebook page, ”Today is the first day of the rest of my new life; A shot from my Nikkah reception yesterday – please remember me in your prayers – Love Mehreen.” Many celebrities was invited at this ceremony but the most prominent were Neha, Shehzad of Ather Shehzad , Saba of La Chanetelle, Iffat Omer.

Iconic Princess Diana dresses fetch $1.2M in UK

LONDON: A collection of some of Princess Diana’s most memorable evening gowns, including one she wore to a White House dinner where she danced with John Travolta, fetched over 800,000 pounds ($1.2 million) at a London auction Tuesday.

ish gentleman as a surprise to cheer up his wife.” Nine other of Diana’s dresses were sold to bidders, which came from around the world and included three museums, the auction house said.

Two dresses by Catherine Walker, one of Diana’s favorite designers, went for 108,000 pounds each. They were a black velvet and beaded gown worn for a Vanity Diana famously wore the deep Fair photo shoot by Mario Tesnavy, figure-hugging velvet gown tino at Kensington Palace in 1997, to a gala dinner hosted by Presiand a burgundy crushed velvet dent Ronald Reagan, during her gown the princess wore to the and Prince Charles’ first joint film premiere of “Back to the Fustate visit to the US in 1985. Photure” in 1985. tographs of her taking to the White House dance floor with Diana sold dozens of her dresses Travolta have become some of at a New York charity auction at the most celebrated images of the the suggestion of her son, Prince princess. William, in 1997 — three months The Victor Edelstein gown was before she died in a Paris car crash. sold for 240,000 pounds, Kerry Florida-based socialite Maureen Taylor Auctions said. It came Dunkel bought about a dozen of slightly below the expected maxi- the dresses — including the 10 mum price of 300,000 pounds. to be sold next month — and put them up for auction in Canada in The auction house did not dis2011, but the prices were set too close the identity of the buyer, high and many dresses didn’t sell. only saying it was sold to a “Brit-


March - 2013

Art / Literature

Shabnam Shakeel passes away

ISLAMABAD: Poet, writer, intellectual and academician, Shabnam Shakeel, died on 2nd, March, Saturday in Karachi. Her funeral will be offered in H-11 graveyard on Sunday, in Islamabad.


habnam Shakeel was born on March 12, 1942, in Lahore. She started writing at an early age and published her first book “Tanqee- graduate from Oriental College, di Mazameen” in 1965. Lahore, and completed MA in Besides, she also published books Urdu Literature.

“Shabzaad” (poetry collection) in 1987, “Izteraab” (poetry collection) in 1994, “Taqreeb Kuch Tau” in 2003. Another poetry collection “Musafat Raigan Thi” was published in 2008.

After completing her studies, she joined Queen’s Mary College, Lahore, as a teacher. She spent 30 years in the education sector, teaching at Lahore College for women, Government Girls College, Quetta, and Federal Government College F-7/2 Islamabad.

In 2005, she co-authored research work with Khalida Hussain and Dr Salim Akhtar, which was sponsored by the Ministry of Women She was the daughter of Syed Abid Ali Abid, a renowned poet, Development. critic, and academician. Shabnam Shakeel won many awards including Pride of Performance. Chairman‚ Pakistan Academy of Letters Abdul Hameed expressed She was married in 1967 to Syed grief and sorrow over the demise Shakeel Ahmad, a civil servant. of Shabnam Shakeel. She leaves behind two sons, Waqar Hasnain Ahmad and Je- Prime Minister Raja Pervez hanzeb Ahmad and one daughter Ashraf has expressed grief and sorrow over her death. Malahat Awan. Shabnam attended Kinnaird College, Lahore, and later completed her graduation from Islamia College, Lahore. She did her post-

Professor Sibt-e-Jafar laid to rest amid sobs, tears, cries

In his message, the prime minister conveyed his heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the members of the bereaved family.

KARACHI - Renowned poet, scholar and educationist Professor Sibt-e-Jafar was laid to rest of Jaffaria Disaster Management amid tears of thousands of people Council (JDC) led the funeral in Karachi on Tuesday. prayer. Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jafri, secretary general of Majlis eople from every walk of life Wahdat-e-Muslimeen, Allama participated in the funeral. A Razi Jafar Naqvi, Allama Shafqat large number of public colleges’ Sheerazi of the MWM, Allama teachers, educationists, intellecSajjad Dehlavi, Allama Imran Katuals, politicians, media profeszmi, Maulana Razi Haider Zaidi, sionals, poets, government serrenowned poet Rehan Azmi, sevvants, clerics and many others eral religious scholars, poets, inwere present on the occasion. tellectuals, noha and soz khwan, His funeral prayer was held at and hundreds of thousands peoAmroha Ground, Sadat Colony ple, including women and chilIncholi after Zohrain prayers. Al- dren attended the funeral prolama Shahenshah Naqvi, founder cession. Payam-e-Wilayat Scouts


poet and a teacher but also a great human being. The authority conAll the mourners were consoling cerned was well aware of the life each another with tearful eyes. threats which the late professor As soon as the coffin of the mar- was receiving by some unknown tyred arrived from Masjid Khairul extremists but the administration Amal to Amroha Ground, people did nothing for the protection of in the ground and from the roof- his life. tops showered the coffin with rose petals. The entire ground was He said all academic activities remained suspended in all the pubfull of the mourners. lic colleges of the province, while Sibt-e-Jafar was the principal of a condolence meeting was held at a government degree college. He DJ Government Science College was also a lawyer, a great poet, to remember his great services to Marsia narrator, educationist and the education sector. a scholar. He imparted training to many people and left thou- On the other hand, literary cirsands of students among others as cles in the metropolis have condemned the brutal targeted killmourners. ing of Sibte Jafar. They said that Allama Nasir Jafri, secretary gen- the city had become safe haven eral of the MWM, has demanded for terrorists and criminals workthe government to arrest the as- ing under the names of religion sassins forthwith. He demanded and ethnicities. compensation for the heirs of the martyrs. He expressed profound Prof Dr Iqbal Chaudhry, director condolence to the family. He International Centre for Chemitermed his untimely death in tar- cal and Biological Sciences, Kageted firing an irreparable loss to rachi University, condemned the killing of Prof Jafar, and termed nation and country. the incident as irreparable loss SPLA BOYCOTTS CLASSES that cannot be recovered. ACROSS SINDH: Sindh Professors and Lecturers Association Renowned intellectual poet Fi(SPLA) boycotted all academic rasat Rizvi, commenting on the activities in public colleges of the issue, said that the killing of an province on Tuesday to denounce innocent law abiding citizens was the vicious murder of former really a matter of concern for evprincipal of Liaquatabad College eryone in Pakistan. He said that Professor Sibte Jafar by assailants. Professor Sibte Jafar was a great person who devoted his life to Talking to The Nation, SPLA Ka- academic and literary activities rachi Region President Prof If- but it seems that some ignorant tikhar Azmi expressed anguish people have taken charge of the over the incident. He said that country and now citizens are left Prof Jafar was not only a good on the mercy of these criminals. also performed their duties.

Yaad Siddiqui, Israr Hussain (Shaki) remembered by: Shahid Husain


S.Tariq Abrar, Khalid Siddiqi, Ghulam Mohiuddin, Ahmed Umer Sharif, Tassaduq Sohail, Isarar Hussain(Shaki), Ahsan Salim, Naseem Durrani.Nayyer Soz, at Wasi haider Paintings Exhibition 2010,

joint reference was held in He said Siddiqui was his senior, memory of two poets, Yaad but always treated him as an equal. Siddiqui and Israr Hussain Shaki, Umair Ali Anjum recalled that at the Arts Council on Tuesday. Siddiqui introduced him to the The former was a distinguished Arts Council and Mushairas when Urdu poet, and the latter was not he was a first-year student. only an eminent Urdu poet but also a fiction writer and a journalist. He said when he started writing poetry and was keen to recite it Anjum Rizvi said he lived with in a Mushaira at the Arts CounSiddiqui in Saudi Arabia, and cil, somebody told him to contact narrated their long association Siddiqui. “This is how we were inin Makkah, Madinah and Jeddah. troduced.”




Noted poet and senior journalist Fazil Jamili said references of the two eminent personalities should not have been held jointly.


Hashmi also participated in those meetings.

Bazm-e-Ilm-o-Danish attracted a large number of progressive Siddiqui was “a very good poet writers, historians, poets and and a very humble person”, and playwrights, including distinShaki was “a part of our body and guished anthropologist and histosoul”, he remarked. rian Syed Sibte Hasan, poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz, philosopher and acaHe said he first met Shaki in 1987 demician Dr Zafar Arif, poet Taj when he and his brother Zabe AzBaloch and eminent trade union kaar Hussain (now a reporter at leader Aizaz Nazeer. The News) were the moving sprit of the literary forum ‘Bazm-e- Under its umbrella flourished a Ilm-o-Danish’. whole generation of poets, short story writers, playwrights, fiction He said that in those days, Shaki writers and artistes. was an officer at a private bank, while he, like many others who “We never knew Shaki would participated in the forum’s meet- leave us mourning at an early age ings, was unemployed. without meeting us,” Jamili said. “We not only participated in the literary meetings but, courtesy of Shaki and his family, also received tea, cookies and food,” he added.

Despite trying his level best to keep his composure, Shaki’s brother Hussain’s eyes expressed anguish. According to him, his Jamili said playwright Ismael You- brother’s passing away has left a suf and noted Marxist leader Anis gaping hole in his heart.

Senior journalist, ex-student leader Lalarukh Hussain died to why Daily News was publishing a weekly magazine and hence the MAG was launched as a separate entity and I was its editor and Lalarukh its founding staff member,” Fazal told The News.

Senior journalist, founding member of the MAG Weekly and exstudent leader Lalarukh Hussain died of brain haemorrhage in Los Angeles.

Later, she joined the Medical Gazette published by the Pakistan Medical Association and then worked for the Associated Press of Pakistan.

Simple Nutrition Tips 1.

Eat whole, fresh, unpro cessed foods.


Don’t eat too much or until you’re stuffed.


Exercise is important to burn your food efficiently.

4. 5.

Eat a variety of foods.

Take the skin off before eating chicken.


Eat fish at least once a week.

17. Eat cabbage to boost cancerfighting enzymes.

18. Dark chocolate is packed 7. Cut back on margarine. with healthy nutrients. Moreover, 8. Never smoke after eating. it improves mood and pleasure. 9. Don’t eat fruits immediately 19. Ginger is called “the univerafter meal.

10. Replace tea with green tea. 11. Apples protect your heart. Fish boosts memory.

12. Mushrooms control blood

sal medicine”

20. Onion is believed to clean the blood among many other health benefits. It is also one of the cheapest vegetables.


21. Frozen vegetables retain al-


body weight

13. Yogurt protects against ul- most all of their nutritional value. cers and helps us digest food bet- 22. 3,500 calories = 1 pound of 23. Research healthy restaurants. 14. Eat breakfast. 15. Eggs, beans, peas and lentils 24. Start each lunch/dinner with provide a good source of protein salad. and fibre (also are good meat al- 25. Drinking a glass of ice water ternatives for vegetarians). can burn 25 calories! 16. Home-cooked meals always 26. Eat less, enjoy more. win over eating out.

Aries (March 21-April 19)


nooze alarm? Yep, you’ll be pushing back your wakeup time this month, as the Sun She also worked for The Sun news- moves through dreamy Pisces, paper and daily Business Recorder. your twelfth house of rest, healing and closure. alarukh, fondly called “Lali” She was a student activist and silk dupioni duvet pulled tightly by her friends, used to work women rights’ crusader before You have the green light to hiber- overhead. March is definitely not for the left-wing National Stu- joining journalism. Lalarukh also nate and cozy up at home. Choose coming in like a lion for you, Aries. dents Federation in the late 1960s worked for Dawn from 1981 to 1983. surrender over structure, and lose Your usual fiery energy has gone and the early 1970s. She later became editor of SHE yourself in Hollywood-style (or AWOL and instead, you’re conRumi-style) reveries rather than She acquired a degree in journal- magazine. slogging through routines and re- fused about which way to turn— ism from the University of Karaand perhaps also burning the canchi in 1972 and worked for several Lalarukh was jailed during the sponsibilities. You may misplace dle at both ends. journalists’ movement in 1978. your wallet, forget your car keys magazines and newspapers. She had been living in Los Ange- or absent-mindedly leave the door The antidote is to slow down and Lalarukh joined the Jang Group’s les since 1997. open at work when it was your be more keenly aware of your enevening newspaper the Daily duty to lock up. ergy output. Hard as it may be, go News in 1979 and started con- She got married to Zahid Hussain. with the flow and keep your plans ducting interviews and writing Her husband too emerged as a dis- Oops! With communicator Mer- under wraps for now. feature stories for its weekly tinguished journalist, author and cury retrograde (backward) in magazine. Veteran journalist SM analyst. She leaves behind two Pisces until March 17 and ener- This is a better time for behindchildren to mourn her death. She getic Mars in Pisces until March Fazal was the editor. the-scenes action or finalizing old will be laid to rest in Los Angeles 11, you may really want to hide work, just before your birthday “But the government objected as on Thursday. out…or just stay in bed with the rolls around.



March - 2013


March - 2013

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