Bridge mag international november, 2012

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P UB L I C AT IO N C OM M IT TEE Abid Ali Syed Andleeb Jawaid Baseer Naveed Ishraq Uddin Madah Jawaid Dr. Naseem Shekhani Dr. Naveen Aman Syed Tafseer Ahmed Dr. Tanveer Imam Tariq Khawaja ADVI SORY B O A R D Abdul Aziz Memmon, Karachi, Pakistan Abdul Waheed Jamal, Karachi, Pakistan Dr. Azfar Malik, St. Louis, MO Ghulam Mustafa Majeed, Bahrain Dr. Hadi Zadi, St. Louis, MO Hassan Mahmood Jafri, Karachi, Pakistan Mark Asim, New York City, NY Mubbashir Aslam, Canada Dr. Naseem Shekhani, St. Louis, MO Dr. Naveen Aman, Chicago, IL Syed Ashiq Raza, Karachi, Pakistan Syed Mazhar Alam, Naperville, IL Tariq Khawaja Dr. Tausif Ahmed Khan, Karachi, Pakistan Special correspondent from pakistan Syed Tariq Abrar Layout by: S.Muhammad Salman 011 + 92 + 322 2312228 Design by: Seema Niazi (Pakistan) 011 + 92 + 333 3270755

A reflection on Ardeshir Cowasjee born to be a journalist. As a journalist, I appreciate the services of Ardeshir Cowasjee, a renowned columnist from Karachi. After battling a long ailment, he passed away at the age of 86. His remarkable columns have become a symbol of battling injustice and truly reflect how mighty the pen can be. Ardeshir Cowasjee was born in 1926 in Karachi in a well-known Parsi business family. He got his primary education from the BVS Parsi High School and graduated from DJ Science College. A personal friend of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, he was appointed Managing Director of Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) in 1973. Initially he began writing letters to the editor of leading English newspaper, like Morning News and Dawn, which led him to become a permanent columnist for these papers. In his columns, he exposed corruption, nepotism and incompetence in different local, provincial and national governments for the last twenty years. He was considered a hard hitting writer, because of his incomparable research and investigation. Throughout the decades of writing he did for Dawn, he managed to write what many of us thought or wanted to write, but didn’t have the guts or courage to write. People like Ardeshir Cowasjee are few and far between in our largely materialistic and corrupt societies. He suffered the wrath of politicians who he criticized, but persevered in his honesty. Besides journalism he had a keen interest in art, and he helped many artists financially. I have no doubt in writing about his love of a secular Pakistan, and how he was fighting a battle to stop radical Islam/ Talibanism in the country. He wanted Pakistan to be a place to live without any fear. He was a brave and true man who had the bravery to fight for the rights of the underprivileged class of Pakistan. He respected the institutions and wants to see them independent functional. He also fought for the independent judiciary for the sack of justice for all. A patriot through and through, his reverence for Pakistan reverberated in his writing, with an emphasis on Karachi, the city was born in. He loved Karachi and always fought for the fellow Karachiites through his conscientious writing of the exploitation and violence that holds the city hostage. As he loved Karachi and Karachi will always love him. He was a true national treasure. jawaid riaz

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November 2012

News negative effects not only on the social and political health of our country, but also created complications in our relations with foreign countries, particularly the United States.

In the interest of our social harmony, political stability, and economic progress and well being, we must take firm action to root out these homegrown terrorist organisations. There need not be any difference of policy between the US and Pakistan in dealing with them. The same should apply to international terrorist organisations like al-Qaeda and its affiliates. Our resolve in combating them would have a positive he prevailing opinion in Paki- respective points of view on the impact also on the future prosstan is that after Obama’s subject. Obama’s re-election of- pects of Pakistan-US relations. re-election one would witness fers new opportunities to the The evolution of the situation more of the same in Pakistan-US two sides to understand each in Afghanistan in the next few relations in the next few years. other’s point of view and better years, perhaps, would have However, there is also the pos- coordinate their respective anti- the most telling impact on the sibility for the two countries to terrorism policies. shape of Pakistan-US relations. make a new beginning. The imHere again, both the countries portant question is whether the We in Pakistan must face the are faced with challenges as well two sides would have the wis- harsh reality that the country as opportunities. dom and the courage to realise is in the grip of a tidal wave of this possibility for the improve- religious extremism with links The US goal is to complete its ment of Pakistan-US relations on to terrorism. Pakistani Taliban military withdrawal from Afa sustainable and mutually ben- and a number of other extrem- ghanistan by December 2014, ist organisations bent upon im- leaving behind a peaceful and eficial basis. posing their political or social stable country from which alFive main factors will determine views on others through the Qaeda or its affiliates will not be the substance and direction of use of violence cannot be part able to pose a terrorist threat to Pakistan-US relations in the com- of a civilised society. Besides, all it. The statements emanating ing years. They are the issues of these organisations espouse ret- from the highest levels in the terrorism, Afghanistan, nuclear rogressive ideologies, which are US leave no doubt about it. This proliferation, US-China relations an anti-thesis to the progressive, goal is also in the best interest of and US-India relations. reformist and tolerant spirit of Pakistan. Islam. In principle, the positions of the The challenge facing the two two countries on terrorism are The society as a whole must com- governments is to coordinate similar. Both are opposed to bat these organisations ideolog- with each other in designing a terrorism in any form or mani- ically through a sustained cam- workable strategy for achieving festation. Both Pakistan and the paign of education and publicity this goal. This strategy must be US have been the victims of ter- to highlight their obscurantism based on ground realities and rorism. In fact, Pakistan has suf- and the way they have maligned the lessons of the recent Afghan fered far more than the US at the the real message of Islam. Any history. hands of terrorism, in terms of organisation, which uses vioPerhaps, the most important material destruction and loss of lence or terrorism to propagate ground reality is that neither precious human lives. its views, must be dealt with an the Taliban, nor any other poiron hand, if the efforts to bring It is unfortunate, therefore, that it within the bounds of law and litical group or ethnic community alone can rule and restore there should be misunderstand- the constitution fail. durable peace in Afghanistan. ings between the two countries A political settlement for sharon this critically important issue. Unfortunately, our past policies These misunderstandings have have left a great deal of ambi- ing power among the various arisen because of policy differ- guity about our real attitude Afghan groups is a must for duences between the two govern- towards terrorism, partly be- rable peace in Afghanistan. Conments in fighting terrorism. It cause of the indecisive manner trary to many prophets of doom, also shows that the two sides in which we dealt with violence this is now recognised by the have not been able to convey and terrorism-prone organisa- Taliban as the latest statement to each other convincingly their tions within our society. This had by Mullah Umar clearly indicates.

A new beginning?


Hopefully, the Afghan government and the Northern Alliance have drawn the same conclusion from the recent Afghan history. The task facing the governments of Afghanistan, the US and Pakistan is to set in motion as soon as possible the process of negotiations among the Afghan groups free from all foreign interference. Iran’s cooperation would be an indispensable condition for the successful completion of this task. This, in turn, would necessitate a peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue between the US and Iran. The fatal flaw of the past US strategy in Afghanistan was to place excessive reliance on the use of


November 2012


US military withdrawal from Afghanistan and a commitment by the Taliban not to allow al-Qaeda and its affiliates any sanctuary in the country. The adoption of a political, rather than a force-based strategy by the US, should also put an end to the constant US demands on Pakistan to “do more”, which were a source of tension between the two countries. After all, Pakistan cannot be expected to use force against the elements of the Afghan Taliban on its soil, if the US itself is preparing to enter into negotiations with them and Pakistan is expected to facilitate the process.

military force to achieve its goals in Afghanistan. Obama’s re-election should enable the US administration to shift its emphasis from a force-based strategy to one which is oriented towards dialogue and political means. Several studies in the US indicate that Washington may renew its attempts to initiate a dialogue with the Taliban in the next few months. Pakistan must facilitate this process in its own interest as well as in the interest of durable peace in Afghanistan and friendly relations with the US. While it is for the US and the Taliban to conduct their negotiations, to be successful their end result will have to include total


US Presidential Election and Lessons for Pakistan’s Politicians

S elections are just over with Barack Obama winning his second term as President. It does not matter who wins & sits in the White House since the policies of that nation does not change with change in personality like us. The US political power system is built on such strong checks and balance methodolIt should be relatively easy for ogy and strong institutions that Pakistan and the US to reach a individuals matter but little. mutual understanding on the The whole election was spread nuclear issue. Pakistan is now over one year with clear cut recognised by the international community as a de facto nucle- policies to follow for election ar-weapon state. The apprehen- campaigning. It is marked by sions held by some quarters smooth process of electioneerabout US designs against Paki- ing with political parties as an orstan’s nuclear arsenal are not well ganization conducting smooth founded. However, it is impor- campaign as a strategy , with tant for Pakistan to reassure the fund raising, big and small rallies US about its firm commitment to speeches, corner meetings, menuclear non-proliferation and to dia/telecom communications do all that is in its power to stop and then fighting a flawless conany illegal export of sensitive test. After election results are announced, losing candidate nuclear technology, equipment gracefully accept his defeat and and materials. This should not congratulate the winning canpose any difficulty to us. didate. The winner accept the results with humility and humThe US relations with China and India can be other sources of bleness. The winning candidate possible tension between Is- vow to work together, forget the lamabad and Washington. We divide and and build the nation. in Pakistan must get reconciled Out of 300 Million people in with the reality that the US has USA not one person is reported chosen India, as its strategic injured what to speak of death. partner of choice to contain ChiAre we talking about aliens who na. Pakistan, which has its own have such smooth and flawless vital strategic link with China, contest & elections. We conneither has the will, nor the cademn US as bad guy but we have pability to play this role. These witness is their good deed of factors will have a limiting effect graceful change of government on Pakistan-US relations and cowith such smooth & well oiled operation in various fields. For organizational machine, which instance, the US cannot be of we must follow and emulate. much help to Pakistan in the settlement of the Kashmir dispute. Well, saying is one thing but However, the adoption of prag- getting it done is another, difmatic policies by both Islamabad ficult with full of obstacles but and Washington should enable never the less possible. We have them to delineate areas of mu- the history of violent, turbutually beneficial cooperation in lent and deadliest elections of political, strategic, economic, 1971,1977 & 2008. In 2008 electechnical and cultural fields. tion, majority of candidates had

bogus degrees but got through from scrutiny due to corruption and nepotism in election staff. We also had a serious fault line of about 20 Millions Voters missing from Electoral Roll list in 2008 elections. Now, that the elections are being planned in Pakistan in March 2013, therefore, it is imperative that election must be held in peaceful, fair, smooth and organized manner with clear cut directions from the government. It clearly shows that government in power cannot hold the elections fairly unless the election commission is independent and only answerable to the Parliament . The Government has to play a crucial role as neutral umpire and provide fair administrative support. The Election Commission of Pakistan has to play a major role in this scheme of ensuring an organized, open and clean elections process. It encompasses from vote casting to vote counting, announcing the results & personal security of every citizen on duty or involved in electioneering in any capacity. It must be mandated by the Election Commission to ensure all eligible citizens are included in the final voting list on the basis of ID. Election Commission has to educate, train and build a team of motivated persons from Top HQ down to Balloting Staff level. Election Commission has to be fully supported by Parliament, Judiciary, Government and the Army. If all these institutions has the intentions and the will for free and fair elections, it can be achieved. It will make Pakistan proud and change of Government can be smooth and continuity of civil government will ensure progress and prosperity. Pakistan can then rightly feel that democratic systems is maturing and being planted firmly.


November 2012


No one to be allowed to hijack Islam: Zardari

ISLAMABAD: Terming himself and the heads of other D-8 states answerable to over one billion Muslims, President Asif Ali Zardari has expressed the resolve that the D-8 countries, with their collective wisdom, joint endeavour and united commitment, would never allow Islam to be hijacked by anyone.


ddressing the inaugural session of the D-8 summit at the Presidency on Thursday, he said that the D-8 countries represented eight very important nations. “Individually, they represent countries with whom our relationship goes far beyond the ordinary. For us, the D-8 represents a partnership that can help cement these bonds,” he maintained. President Asif Ali Zardari, who took over chairmanship of the D-8 Economic Cooperation Organisation for two years, called upon the D-8 countries to establish a trade and development bank so that economic

activities within the member states could be boosted. He also expressedthe resolve that the eight democracies would devise a joint strategy to combat the scourge of terrorism. He said, “We, the D-8 countries, jointly condemn the atrocities being committed in Palestine.”

The president said, “The challenges we face today are daunting. The people of Palestine continue to suffer the Israeli aggression. We condemn the recent attacks in Gaza which have led to the loss of innocent lives.” He regretted that the people of Kashmir continued to suffer unjust occupation and for decades

they had been waiting for the promised self-determination. “We must address these issues. Rather than blaming others, we need to take charge of our destinies. We must grow our economies, and provide our people with jobs and security,” he added. He said that D-8 had the potential to advance this agenda. “The initiatives we will declare at this summit will make a difference,” he noted. “The D-8 charter, that we signed today, will cement our joint undertakings. The D-8 global vision will be a giant step forward towards achieving our long-term objectives. And Islamabad Declaration will build upon the roadmap,” he maintained. “Today let us endorse once again the core values of D-8; values of - peace, dialogue and cooperation, justice, equality and moderation, democracy, rule of law and harmony, and peaceful co-existence and inclusion,” he added. Mr Zardari said that he commended the council of ministers and D-8 commissioners for their hard work in finalising the Islamabad Declaration. “I wish to commend you all for making it possible. Let me say a few words about D-8 agenda. Just like our people, the D-8 agenda is diverse and is growing. But it is also crucial for our collective economic success and a shared future,” he added. The president said that D-8 business forum; meetings of heads of central banks, trade promotion organisations and trade exhibitions were very important initiatives. “These will help in economic growth. But, to carry this forward, we also need trade and development bank. We need to encourage the private sector. We need to facilitate contacts between our chambers of commerce and investment houses. We also need to encourage interactions between our parliaments, scholars, students, judges, artists, media and civil society organisations,” he asserted.

work together to make it functional. It is also time to think of barter trade where ever possible. If I sum it up: We need to encourage the free flow of goods, free flow of people and free flow of finances,” he said and added that the theme of this summit – ‘Democratic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity’ - was rooted in faith in democracy. “Democracy is at the very heart of our identity. Pakistan was founded through a democratic struggle that was led by eloquence and grace of our founder Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The same democratic means we seek to use today, to resolve our problems. Democracy is in our veins,” he added. Asif Ali Zardari said when his leader, and wife, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by terrorists in Dec 2007, this country came together to mourn, and to rebuild and that commitment continued to this day. “The D-8 countries represent a huge untapped reservoir. This reservoir can serve as a catalyst for peace and prosperity around the world. The best way to harness our collective potential is to trust our people. Our people want peace within the country and peace with our neighbours,” he maintained.

He said that this government was making unprecedented efforts to normalise relations with India and was supporting Afghanistan’s own roadmap for peace and reconciliation. “This is the vision of a democratic people that seek peace and prosperity. For us, for our region, and for our brothers and sisters in the D-8 countries,” he added. He said that one of the most serious threats being faced by Pakistan was international terrorism. “Terrorists, both from within Pakistan, and from abroad, seek to impose their agenda. We cannot and will not allow Islam to be hijacked. We will fight for our values. We will fight for the spirit of our great religion that our Holy Prophet (SAW) gave to us. We He said that all this required sim- are fighting the terrorists’ dark plified visa and customs proce- and destructive vision every day dures. “Most of us have already and our soldiers, policemen and ratified the Preferential Trade political workers serve on the Agreement (PTA). We need to frontlines of this fight,” he assert-


November 2012

ed. “I want to make a special note of their sacrifices here today and I want to thank you for hearing our voice, and supporting us. Your support strengthens the resolve of our people, especially of the fighters on the frontlines against terrorism. Our soldiers are not alone in this fight. You all have heard of our daughter, the young and heroic Malala Yousufzai. She defied terrorists and she stood for every girl child’s right to education,” he added.


Professor Gowher Rizvi. President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proposed setting up of a joint investment fund, barter transactions and operationalisation of the PTA among the D-8 member states.

The Iranian president called for a more serious effort towards creation of a fair and equitable economic system, particularly amongst the member states so as to counter the external influHe said, “As we build the Pakistan ences. of our Shaheed leader, Mohtar- Turkis Prime Minister Recep ma Benazir Bhutto – a democrat- Tayyip Erdogan said that joint ic, prosperous, peaceful Pakistan projects among the member we are proud to host this historic states were the only way to summit. “From food security to make a dynamic move towards climate change to demographic prosperity. He said it was time pressures, we face many chalfor D-8 countries to pursue the lenges. The D-8 platform englobal vision of prosperity and ables us to find development solong term sustainable developlutions to our one billion people. ment. Erdogan said economic The presence of the heads of development ensured security, state and government of all D-8 peace and prosperity and urged countries today reflects our colthe D-8 countries to make eflective determination to use this platform for finding solutions,” forts towards achieving this goal. he maintained. He said that the President of Indonesia Susilo people of Pakistan stood with Bambang Yudhoyono said that their brothers and sisters across D-8 countries had potential to the D-8 world in pursuit of de- play a bigger role in providmocracy, peace and prosperity. ing new impetus for economic “It is only together that we can growth and keeping the world achieve our common goals and stable and peaceful. together, we will,” president firmly asserted. Vice President of Egypt Mahmoud Makki said the D-8 counHe thanked the outgoing chair- tries with a total population of man of D-8, President of Nigeria around one billion people, an for his leadership of the organ- accumulated economy of $2.4 isation during the last 2 years. He trillion were rich in natural rewished to commend the Secre- sources and had the potential to tary General of D-8 and his able achieve high economic growth team. He also thanked all the and sustainable development. heads of the state of D-8 countries and said that every Paki- Deputy Prime Minister of Mastani respected these nations laysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin from their heart. said the D-8, being an important regional grouping, needed APP adds: Apart from President to effectively respond to global Asif Ali Zardari, who chaired the and regional challenges through Summit, those who addressed enhanced cooperation and ecothe meeting included Nigerian nomic resolve. President Goodluck Jonathan, Iranian President Mahmood Outgoing Secretary General Ahmadinejad, Indonesian Presi- of D-8, Widi Agoes Pratikto in dent Susilo Bambang Yudhoyo- his remarks highlighted the efno, Turkish Prime Minister Recep forts made and the steps taken Tayyip Erdogan, Egyptian Dep- by the organisation during the uty President Mahmoud Makki, last two years for the promoMalaysian Deputy Prime Minis- tion of trade and economic coter Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and operation among the member Bangladeshi Adviser to Prime states through various ways and Minister for International Affairs means.

Global leaders gather for Developing-8 summit in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Muslim leaders will meet Thursday as Pakistan hosts a summit designed to increase trade and investment but likely to be overshadowed by the Gaza conflict as diplomats scramble to arrange a ceasefire.


he D8 groups Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey, with an estimated total population of one billion. Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar has condemned what he calls Israel’s ”aggression” against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

their solutions for a sustainable future of the one billion ‘family members’. She announced that two landmark documents D-8 Charter and The Global Vision, would be signed during the summit.

She said Pakistan had invited corporate and business leaders from D-8 states and stressed Khar spoke Wednesday ahead of public-private partnership a summit for eight developing among them for strong trade countries in Pakistan’s capital, Is- linkages. lamabad. She called for joint efforts for Pakistan’s state-run news agency strengthening the capacity of carried a government statement D-8 Secretariat by regularly saying the conflict in Gaza will holding business sessions to exlikely be a hot topic in discus- plore untapped resources of the sions between Pakistani leaders member states. and those visiting for the D-8 summit, which will be held on Khar said democracy was imThursday. portant to attain sustainable development and mentioned Earlier on Tuesday Pakistan had that Pakistan through democassumed the chairmanship of racy had been able to secure the Developing-8 countries as the rights of its people. outgoing Nigeria completed its two-year term. On Afghanistan, she said Pakistan desires an Afghan-led and Nigeria’s Minister of Foreign Af- Afghan-owned solution to probfairs Olugbenga Ashiru handed lem in its neighboring country. over the chairmanship to Foreign Minister Khar who repre- Iranian President Mahmoud sented the country at the 15th Ahmadinejad, Egyptian leader session of Council of Ministers, Mohamed Morsi and Turkish held on the margins of eighth Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, key players in the Middle D-8 Summit here. East, are scheduled to be among Foreign Minister Khar on Tues- those attending the D8 summit. day had welcomed the delegates to Islamabad and said the The D8 groups Bangladesh, event was significant in realizing Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, the collective issues and finding Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey...


November 2012


with an estimated total popula- East, where 136 Palestinians and five Israelis have been killed in tion of one billion people. eightdays. Nigerian leader Goodluck Jonathan arrived in Islamabad on US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has flown to Israel to help Wednesday. secure a truce. Egypt, Iran and Indonesian President Susilo Turkey have been angry critics Bambang Yudhoyono is also due of Israel as it bombards the Gaza to attend. Strip to try to end Hamas rocket Bangladesh and Malaysia will be launches from the enclave.

Powerful pak exgens under lens

represented at adviser- and min- Egypt, which crucially maintains isterial-level respectively. relations with both Hamas and The summit will mark the first Israel, has been a key player in visit by an Egyptian president to trying to negotiate a ceasefire. Pakistan in four decades and by Morsi is scheduled to address a the first by a Nigerian leader in joint session of the Pakistani parliament on Friday. 28 years. Its ambitious goal is to increase trade between member countries from $130 billion to $507 billion by 2018.

Erdogan told reporters he would discuss Gaza, the war in Syria and tensions in Iraq during meetings on the summit sidelines.

D8 leaders are set “to discuss ways to cushion the effects of the global economic recession and climate change and tackle ways to boost trade among themselves”, the Pakistani government said in a statement.

Iran’s Ahmadinejad will likely use the meeting to ease his country’s isolation due to sanctions over its contested nuclear programme.

Security will be stepped up significantly, not least as the summit coincides with the month of Muharram, a magnet for sectarian attacks in Pakistan.

pressure to abandon the project because of the sanctions.

Many in the West suspect the programme masks a covert atSecurity situation tempt to develop nuclear weapIslamabad rarely hosts major in- ons, something vehemently deternational gatherings given the nied by Iran. Taliban and al Qaeda-linked vio- Pakistan will also likely press Iran lence that has plagued the coun- over a multi-billion dollar deal try since the 9/11 attacks. to import Iranian gas despite US

Thousands of extra police and paramilitaries will deploy and construction work has been suspended around the diplomatic enclave to provide “foolproof security”, Islamabad police chief Bani Amin told AFP. Pakistan wants the summit to boost trade and investment, strengthen its international standing and help “remove misconceptions (about Pakistan) created in a section of international media”, the statement said.

Expectations from the summit

Analysts say the summit is an opportunity for Pakistan to make diplomatic headway and overcome its reputation as a hub of global terrorism. Retired general turned political analyst Talat Masood said it was a chance for it to emerge as “one of the leading players in the Islamic world,” but warned that events in the Middle East could dominate. “The present crisis between Hamas and Israel and Iran’s relations with the US and important developments on this front will be a matter of serious discussion,” Masood told AFP.

The group was formed in 1997 to advance development coopThe D8 is also due to adopt a eration among the member nacharter at what will be its eighth tions. They are mainly Muslim summit. states with the exception of NigeBut commentators believe pro- ria, which population is roughly ceedings could be overshad- divided between Muslims and owed by events in the Middle Christians.

Pak’s anti-corruption agency preparing case against retd Gens for their involvement in a fraudulent land deal


slamabad : Pakistan’s main anti-corruption agency is preparing a case against three retired army generals, including an ex-ISI chief, for their alleged involvement in a fraudulent deal whereby land of the staterun railways was leased to a golf club at a throwaway price. Investigators and the legal team of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) are preparing the case against the former generals, NAB spokesman Zafar Iqbal was quoted as saying by the Dawn.

leasing out 141 acres of railways land to Royal Palm Golf Club in Lahore in 2001. The move reportedly caused losses of billions of rupees to the national exchequer. The case has been investigated by different organisations since 2007. The three generals appeared before NAB sleuths on November 1 to record their statements.

NAB said it had forced the golf club to renew the lease agreement with the railways and to However, he could not confirm pay an additional amount of Rs when the case would be filed in 16 billion. court. NAB will be in a position The Supreme Court had taken in a few days to officially make notice of the land deal and coman announcement about the case, which is being prepared pleted its hearing of the matter on the basis of a comprehensive in March last year. It is yet to isinvestigation into the scam un- sue a judgment. The investigadertaken on the directives of the tion against the three generals Supreme Court. The case, if filed, and another recent Supreme will be the first by NAB against Court judgement that held forany general since the Pakistan mer army chief Gen Mirza Aslam People’s Party-led government Beg and former ISI chief Asad Durrani responsible for rigging came to power in 2008. the 1990 polls have reportedly The case of the generals is not angered the powerful military. being sent to the army and will be pursued by NAB, Iqbal said. In a recent strongly worded Former Railways Minister Lt Gen statement, Pakistan Army chief (retired) Javed Ashraf Qazi, who Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said, also served as head of the Inter- without naming the apex court, Services Intelligence agency, Lt that no single institution could Gen (retired) Saeed-uz-Zafar and define national interests or exMaj Gen (retired) Hamid Has- ceed its role under the Constitusan Butt are accused of illegally tion.


November 2012

News then president, army and ISI chiefs unfairly used authorities bestowed upon them and also violated the constitution.

Pakistan Supreme Court withdraws contempt notice against PM Raja Pervez Ashraf

SC issues detailed verdict of Asghar Khan case

The verdict also recommends holding the upcoming general elections on time and without SLAMABAD: Registrar Supreme any fear and doubts. Court Dr Faqir Hussain on Thursday read out the detailed verdict of 1990 election rigging case to the media representatives,



slamabad: Pakistan’s Supreme Court on Wednesday withdrew a contempt notice issued to Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf earlier this year after he failed to approach Swiss authorities to revive graft cases against President Asif Ali Zardari. A fivejudge bench headed by Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali retracted the contempt notice after Law Minister Farooq Naek presented a receipt that showed the Swiss authorities had received the government’s recent letter for the revival of the graft cases on November 9. During the hearing, Naek requested the court to dismiss the case as the government’s letter, written by the Attorney General, had been sent to the Swiss Attorney General in Geneva. Justice Jamali acknowledged that the government had complied with the court’s directives of writing to Swiss authorities for reopening the graft cases. Talking to journalists after the hearing, Naek said the court’s decision was a victory for justice and democracy. The government, he said, had implemented every directive of the apex court. The government’s letter to the Swiss authorities makes it clear that the graft cases can be re-

The court, in its short verdict, had directed the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to conduct a transparent criminal investigation against all the politicians involved and if sufficient evidence was collected, they should be sent for a trial according to the law.

Islamabad High Court Dismisses Blasphemy Charges Against Christian Girl

The apex court had issued a landmark short verdict on October 19 ordering legal proceedings against former head of vived with the condition that the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Pakistani court has dismissed President enjoys immunity under General (Retd) Asad Durrani and charges against a Christian the Constitution and Pakistani former army chief General (Retd) girl accused of blasphemy in a Aslam Baig. and international laws. case that drew international outThey had allegedly bankrolled rage. The Supreme Court and the govpoliticians to stop the current ernment recently came to an The Islamabad High Court on agreement on the contents of ruling Pakistan People’s Party Tuesday threw out the case the letter to be sent to the Swiss (PPP) from winning the 1990 against Rimsha Masih, whom authorities after months of spar- election. neighbors accused of burning ring. The government had initial- The case was filed 16 years ago pages from the Quran in August. ly refused to make any move to by Air Marshal (Retd) Asghar revive the cases. She was arrested and spent Khan . three weeks in jail before being Zardari and his slain wife, former The detailed verdict of 141 pagreleased on bail in September. premier Benazir Bhutto, were ac- es is drafted by Chief Justice Ifcused of laundering millions of tikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. The girl’s defense attorney, Abdollars through Swiss banks. The dul Hameed, said the judge deruling Pakistan People’s Party The verdict declares that both cided to drop the case Tuesday has said that the charges against the accused former generals of due to a lack of evidence. Hathem were never proved. the armed forces defamed their meed said the judge concluded institution, adding that doling that the charges “were based on The Supreme Court has been out money to a group of politi- heresy and incriminated matepressuring the government to cians was an individual act rath- rial that was planted in the girl’s revive the cases against the er than of the institution itself. possession.” President since December 2009, when it struck down a graft am- The verdict also said that the Police have arrested a Muslim nesty issued by former military duty of secret agencies was to cleric on suspicion that he allegruler Pervez Musharraf that ben- protect the borders instead of edly placed pages of the Quran in the girl’s shopping bag. efited Zardari and over 8,000 oth- forming election cells. ers. The government refused to The diary of Brigadier (Retd) Ha- The prosecution can appeal act for months before Prime Minmid Saeed is also included in the Tuesday’s ruling to the Supreme ister Raja Pervez Ashraf agreed detailed verdict which carries Court. to implement the apex court’s names of the politicians who reorders after he was charged with ceived money and the amount Muslim-majority Pakistan has contempt. Ashraf’s predecessor, some of the world’s toughest they accepted. penalties against blasphemy. Yousuf Raza Gilani, was convictAnyone found guilty of insulting ed of contempt and disqualified Political cell, if any, of the Presiin June for refusing to reopen the dent House should be abolished, Islam and the Prophet Mohamstated the verdict, adding the mad faces the death penalty. cases against Zardari.



November 2012


A fund raising event for second term Senator McCaskill of Missouri was held at Dr. Junaid Syed on October 28.2012


fund raising event for second term Senator McCaskill of Missouri was held at Dr. Junaid Syed on October 28.2012. The program was organized by Dr. Junaid Syed, and it was successful and prestigious event, where more than 15,000 dollars

were raised and some pledges were also promised. This fund raising event was attended by 150 guests from all walks of life of Pakistani origin. Dr. Nadeem Ahmed, emcee the event and he introduced the chief of staff, as Senator Claire McCaskill was unable to attend the Fund Raiser due to her mother’s illness. Dr. Saad Khan also spoke on the occasion and urged the Pakistani Community of Saint Louis, MO for the support Senator Claire McCaskill. A question & answer was also held and the Q&A session was successful.


November 2012


MQM Chicago organized a seminar on MQM Chicago arranged a Prayer meeting the Rights of Overseas Pakistanis’ Votinand lit candles, for the health of Malala Rights –Dual Nationality. Yousuf Zai,

The program was attended by Chicagoans’, community leaders, members of Print Media as well as MQM Chicago workers and Office Bearers. Pictured: Member COC, Wakeel Jamali, Chapter In charge Adnan Siddiqui, CO USA

Junaid Fahmi, Member HC Sohail Shamas, Urdu Time Column Writer Eitsham Arshad, Poet and Writer Anwar Ali Roomy, Member HC Shamim Siddiqui, Pakistan Abroad & Bridge Mag Column Writer Jawaid Riaz

Gahwarah e Adab Chicago celebrated an evening with Famous Poet of Pakistan Zakia Ghazal.

The brave girl, who represents the empowerment of women against the Talibanization. Pictured Jawaid Riaz, Adnan Siddiqui, Junaid Fahmi, Sohail Shamas, Khalid Khan and Nehal A large number of people from all walks of life attended this beautiful evening. In the picture sitting Senior Community Leader Hameed Ullah Khan, Writer Rehana Roomy, Zakia Ghazal and local poet Qaiser Ansari Standing Zafar Iqbal, Asif Khan,

Matiullah, Mohammad Mushtaq , In Charge Gahwarah e Adab Chicago Athar Siddiqui, Poet Anwar Ali Roomy, Asif Saleem, Adnan Siddiqui, Rizwan Qureshi, Nehal Akhter and Column Writer Jawaid Riaz

Jawaid Riaz Editor of Bridge Mag International presented an issue of the Bridge Mag to the Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) Sind, Muzzamil Qureshi.

Akhter. Standing Wakeel Jamali, Arshad Malik, Jamil Khan, Rashid Mushtaq, Asif Khan, Rizwan Qureshi, Mohammad Khalid, Mohammad Tahir and Shahzad Aman.

Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) Sind, Muzzamil Qureshi, visited MQM Central Office Chicago.

Pictured: Sitting, Jamil Khan, Adnan Siddiqui, Junaid Fahmi, MPA Muzzamil Qureshi, Sohail Shamas and Shamim Siddiqui Standing, Arshad Malik, Wakeel Jamali, Abdul Rauf, Nafees Qadiri, Rashid Mushtaq, Mohammad Tahir, Nehal Akhter, Mohammad Aqil Jawaid Riaz, Kamran Arshad, Prof. Masroor Qureshi and Khalid khan,


November 2012


Shia Muslims Commemorate Muhharam in Chicago Asian Media USA ©


hicago IL: The Shia Muslims of North America observed Muhharam on Thursday November 22, 2012, at Ramada Inn, 780 North Avenue, Glendale Heights, IL, 60139. This month is a time of mourning for the Holy prophet’s grandson, Imam Hussein. He is a man that stood for righteousness and piety. His sacrifice, believed by the Shia Muslims, is a sacrifice for all of humanity. This is a very auspicious time and is dedicated to Imam Hussein and his brother, Hazrat Abbas. Shi’i Muslims around the world annually dedicate the first ten days, called ‘Ashura, of their new year(and continues through forty days, called Arbayeen) to commemorating a battle that took place nearly 1400 years ago, in 680 A.D., on the tenth of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar. The battle took place between Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, whose name is Husayn, son of Imam ‘Ali and Fatima Zahra, the only daughter of Prophet Muhammad, and the Islamic empire at the time. Many of those living at the time of Husayn looked to him as someone who clearly resembled Prophet Muhammad in his teachings and in the way that he lived his lifemore than anyone else alive at that time.

denied basic human dignity to those that he ruled over. Yazid demanded that Husayn pay allegiance to him knowing that if Husayn did so, then that would solidify his legitimacy as the sole authoritative leader of the Muslim world. However, Imam Husayn, preaching a version of Islam that vastly contradicted the governing party of the time (and one that resonated with Prophet Muhammad’s teachings) refused Yazid’s demand. By refusing to submit his allegiance, however, Imam Husayn along with his closest friends and family, were brutally massacred on the tenth day of Muharram at Karbala, Iraq. Imam Husayn, which historical accounts attest that the Prophet Muhammad loved dearly, watched one by one as his family members fought and died, from his closest friend, to his brother, to his two sons, one only eighteen, and the other only six months. According to several reports, Imam Husayn’s army consisted of only seventy-two people, whereas Yazid’s army consisted of sixty thousand. For three days prior to the battle, the entire caravan of supporters, including women and children, were denied food and water. What is additionally considered tragic is that Imam Husayn was urged, particularly by those living in a nearby city called Kufa, encompassing portions of modern day Iraq, to lead a revolution against Yazid. Yet, despite how they viewed Husayn, abandoned him and his family to be brutally massacred.

In fact, Shi’i Muslims in particular regard Husayn as their third Imam, or the third divinely chosen successor to follow Prophet Muhammad. Yazid, son of Mu’awiyah, the tyrannical leader of the Muslim world at the time, Shi’i Muslims have been congreled an oppressive regime that gating since the incident itself clearly belittled his people and took place nearly 1400 years

ago. According to Shi’i Muslims, recounting this story annually preserves the message of Imam Husayn and keeps not only the story, but the teachings from the story, alive in the hearts and consciousness of Muslims everywhere. Though most Muslims, whether they are Shi’i or not, respect Imam Husayn, Shi’i Muslims in particular hold visible demonstrations and programs around the world in which they recount the narratives of what happened prior to the battle, the battle itself, and the incidences of what happened to the women and children following the battle. These programs generally begin with recitation of poetry that is meant to evoke emotions of sadness, and the despair that Imam Husayn and those that supported him felt. They are then usually followed by a scholar lecturing on Islamic teachings that then tie it into the teachings from the tragedy itself. The programs end with various expressions of sadness. Most Shi’i Muslims beat their chest as a symbol of mourning for what happened to Imam Husayn, while again melodically reciting poetry that retells the emotional story of Imam Husayn. The retelling of this story and remembering Imam Husayn is very prominent in the Shi’i tradition, however the way in which Shi’i Muslims commemorate vary from culture to culture.


November 2012


Chicagoans Celebrated Chicago-Lahore Sister City Bondage By Dr. Mujahid Ghazi


hicago; October 17th, 2012: There was no Bhangra, no Waltz, no Jugni but the music of words and dance of colors was at its peak at the Lahore-Chicago Sister Cities celebration last week in the Chicago Cultural Center. The colors and sketches silently talked about the rich heritage of the two cities. Speaking at this occasion Dr. Tariq Butt, Chair, Lahore Committee of Chicago Sister Cities Program, Butt commended Sadia Uqaili, Chair Arts and Culture, Lahore Com- stanis. Starting to visit Pakistan mittee of Chicago Sister Cities In- as a human rights’ activist, doing ternational for working selflessly investigative journalism, end up writing a novel with story originating from Lahore. She said that she love Lahore and the family values she had observed while living with a large joint family. She stressed on the importance of women education. Dr. Nabeela Rashid emceed this session with her typical British accent adding pleasant flavor to the event. Artists who were exhibited during this unique event included Allie Spicer, Asif Raza, Chandrika Marla, Durre Sameen Malik, Elizabeth Nuti, Jonathan Stein, Laura Kina, Marvi Mazhar, Michael Klaus Schmidt, Sadia Uqaili, Sheheryar Hasnain, Shota Kawahara, Sumbul Nazir, Zafar Malik, Taimur Ali and Marvi Mazhar. There were also personal collections of people who generously lent the works of legendry artists and gave the attendees a chance to enjoy art in real sense. From Hundul Foundation Collection, courtesy of Drs. Shireen and Afzal Ahmad, works of Ali Kazim, Bashir Ahmed, Bashir Mirza, Iqbal Hussain, Ismail Gulgee, Meher Afroz, Nahid Raza, Nazir Ali, Rashid Rana, R.M. Naeem, Sadequain , Waseem Ahmad, Zahoor ul Akhlaq. Gulgee and Sadeqain’s work was also lent by Karen Noorani, Zaheer Sardar, Sonia Shah and Danish Ismail.

to curate the mega event with the help of her committee. Amer Ahmad, Comptroller, City of Chicago read the message from The Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel. Zaheer Pervaiz Khan, Honorable Council General of Pakistan commended the work of Sister City Committee and said that Government of Pakistan is proud of Pakistani Americans for promoting Pakistani culture and art in the US. Sadia Uqaili thanked the attendees, artists, poets and the documentary producers for making the event a memorable one. She thanked Dr. Tariq Butt for giving her this opportunity to bring Pakistani and Americans artists, poets and film producers and present their work in front of the audience. Lorraine Adams, the keynote speaker, a novelist, critic, and Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist, talked about her relationship with Pakistan and Paki- Poets who presented their works

were applauded for the masterpieces they created. Bulleh Shah’s poetry was read by Zafar Malik, other poets were Daniela Olszewska, Faisal Mohyuddin, Maureen Flannery, Razia Fasih Ahmad, Paul Sznewajs, Hamza Hyauddin and Eric Elshtain. Nine short documentaries were also projected and applauded by the audience. These were by Mikey Peterson, Ben Her Uribe, Sandeep Sharma, Mian Adnan Ahmad, John Lyons, Suree Towfignia, Imran Babur, Shalalay Jamil and Umar Riaz. Sadia Uqaili and other members of the working group which included Allie Spicer, Ali Raza, Marvi Mazhar, Nabeela Rashid, Samar Kaukab Ahmed, Dr. Shireen Ahmed, Dr. Afzal Ahmed, Taimur Ali and Zafar Malik, must be commended for bringing a positive picture of Pakistan, when the media and other phobic forces are busy in maligning Pakistan and Pakistanis for their own selfish interests.


November 2012

Making the Unproblematic Problematic:

Government machinations and the Doctor’s Struggle

By: Dr. Rasheed Hassan Khan


fter an uneasy calm of about a month, the doctors in Lahore are stirring once again. More than a year has gone by but the government has chosen to ignore the issue of framing a Career Structure for Doctors. This is important not only for the health professionals but also for the integrity of the health delivery system as a whole. The doctors had gone on a strike to achieve the framing of a career structure, hardly a month ago, but the attitude of the government reminded everyone of the former colonial oppressors. Instead of a rational and matter of fact approach of resolving issues on their merits, the government turned the whole matter into a political contest with all the attendant mess and damage to the public interest. The public was grossly misled through disinformation which was disseminated by the more unscrupulous elements in the media. A blatant attempt to bring about a confrontation between the public and the health professionals. The struggle however, ended inconclusively after the intervention of the court. It is instructive to recall that health professionals in England had gone on strike after negotiations with their Government had failed, in the same time frame as the strike in Lahore. Without resort to repression or violence the Government accepted the demands and the whole matter were settled in a week’s time. But perhaps this is the way elected governments behave with those


who have elected them when there is no Colonial mind set at work. Pakistan is not the only country in the world to have a health delivery system or the concomitant problems. But no country in the world treats its skilled and hard working man power the way it is treated in Pakistan. It is obviously a hangover from the colonial past that governments in this country have always treated those who demand change and reform as rebels, to be put down and crushed, rather than as compatriots who are voicing their problems before their own elected government; who deserve to be given a sympathetic hearing and provided relief at the earliest. This is because in Pakistan, the political element in the governments is often inept and ignorant, so the bureaucracy with its colonial mind set but better training in dealing with public issues leads them by the nose. For the common man, it is difficult to understand why a government that could afford to distribute Rs. 13 billion worth of lap top computers free among potential voters as a quid pro quo, found it impossible to give a career structure to the health professionals which by its own statement would have entailed an expenditure of Rs.3-4 billion only. Instead it chose the path of confrontation, which resulted in a strike, the arrest and incarceration of doctors, misery and suffering for the public and general loss of goodwill and image at home and abroad. This brings us to the most important question, Why is it necessary to have a career structure for doctors? The answer is simple, because they do not have one. With no written criteria for recruitment, terms of service, emolument and promotion, the whole health delivery system becomes the private feudal fief of the ruling political elite and the bureaucracy. To be run not on the basis of some accepted legal guide lines but according to the whims and fancies of those in power, with the attendant corruption in appointments and promotions and relegation of many deserving

individuals to the shelf, this style of governance has destroyed so many of our national institutions within the last decade or so. The reader is bound to think that with such weighty arguments in its favor, why would the government of Punjab avoid the framing of a career structure for doctors? The answer, to paraphrase former President Clinton is “because it could”. Governments which are not responsive to public needs and institutional imperatives seldom if ever see reason unless they are confronted with the might of the public opinion. To confuse the issue with moral and ethical red herrings does no service to the masses. True nobility of a profession lies in its service to humanity by creating institutions free from corruption, maladministration and wastage of public resources and not the observation of some philistine and notional ethical principles. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Rasheed Hassan Khan is a graduate of Dow Medical College, Pakistan and a political writer, presently Editor – in-Chief of APNAKAL BLOG.

Mayor Emanuel’s Budget Passes 46-3; Issues still exist

By: Ahmed Khan his year, the Chicago City Council passed Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s budget on a 46-3 vote. The “no” votes were cast by Aldermen Robert Fioretti (2nd), Scott Waguespack (32nd) and John Arena (45th). Alderman Arena in a Press Release said, “My vote no on the 2013 budget was one of the more difficult votes I have taken during my 18 months on the City Council. Although there are things to like about this budget (no tax increase, more tree trimmers), I ultimately decided that I could not support it. This


budget relies on unrealistic revenue assumptions while cutting our district-level police, spending too much on overtime, and further outsourcing city jobs to out-of-state vendors.” According to the AFSCME Council 31, Mayor Emanuel’s budget plan for the City of Chicago is far less damaging to city services. There are no plans to reduce hours at Chicago Public Library Branchesand the Administration is not moving forward with closing the remaining community mental health clinics. Currently, AFSCME is battling the Emanuel Administration over its plans to privatize the Water and Sewer Customer Call Center in the Department of Revenue.Over the past year, the Union lost battles to prevent the privatization of the CDPH primary health care clinics, as well as the DFSS homeless outreach program. Alderman Roderick Sawyer of the 6th Ward later introduced an ordinance that will provide greater oversight and accountability whenever a city department plans to privatize any service or function. Ahmed Khan commenting on the ordinance said, “I strongly agree on increased transparency in future privatization ventures with reforms in the initiation, processing, and follow through of such deals. There needs to be a focus on a transparent open-bidding process, avoiding long term leases, and thorough review. Privatization should not completely be thrown out since, depending on the venture and effective processing, could be profitable to the city. The process needs reform however.” Just this past summer, the West Rogers Park Community Organization (WRPCO) held a Community Forum on Public Services Cuts at Devon Bank. Forum Co-Chairs Myron Perlman and Ahmed Khan, also a WRPCO Board Member, introduced three informative speakers, Michael Caref, Vice President Branch 11 of the National Association of Letter Carriers, Marci Merola, Director of the Office for Library Advocacy, at the American Library Association and founder of the


November 2012

Chicago Library Coalition, and Jeanne Lawrence, Mental Health Movement Activist, who talked about important decisions being made in WashingtonD.C., Springfield, and Chicago. Welcoming the audience Evelyn Asch, WRPCO Chair, stated that WRPCO is dedicated to informing and empowering the citizens of our community and that the forum was part of an effort to let the community know what is happening.She noted with pleasure the other community groups also sponsoring the forum: The West Ridge Chamber of Commerce, Muslim Women’s Resource Center, Indo-American Center, and Pakistan Club USA. In addition to Ahmed Khan, community members Syed Wahajuddin Ahmed, Founder and first President of the Rogers Park Lions Club, and Hameedullah Khan, Pakistan United Parade Committee Chair, are also WRPCO Board Members.

Top 5 Ways the Supreme Court’s Ruling on Obamacare Helps Women Constitutional Decision Is a Tremendous Victory for Women

By: Jessica Arons

oday’s historic Supreme TtheCourt ruling upholding Affordable Care Act, oth-

erwise known as Obamacare, is a tremendous victory for millions of Americans—especially women. By upholding the health reform law, the Supreme Court will allow significant reforms to our health insurance system to


be fully implemented, keeping health care costs down and protecting Americans from the health insurance industry’s worst abuses. Here are the top five ways Obamacare helps women in particular: 1. Women will no longer be denied insurance coverage for gender-related re a-sons. In today’s insurance market it is common for insurers to refuse to cover women because of gender-based “pre-existing conditions,” such as having had a Caesarean section or being the victim of domestic violence or sexual assault. Thankfully, this practice will be outlawed under Obamacare in 2014. In the meantime, adults with pre-existing conditions who have been uninsured for at least six months can purchase affordable coverage through temporary Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plans. 2. Women will no longer be charged more for their insurance coverage just for being women. Under a practice known as “gender rating,” insurers currently charge women higher premiums than men—up to 150 percent more—for identical health benefits. As a result, women now pay $1 billion more than men each year for the same health plans in the individual market. As of 2014, however, under the Affordable Care Act, gender rating will become illegal in all new individual and small group plans. 3. Maternity care will be required in new insurance plans. Coverage for maternity care— health care that only women need—is routinely excluded in the individual insurance market. Only 12 percent of plans sold in the individual market even offer maternity coverage, which is frequently inadequate because of waiting periods or deductible that can be as high as the cost of the birth itself. But once Obamacare is fully implemented in 2014, about 8.7 million women will have guaranteed access to maternity care in all new individual and small group plans.

4. Women will be guaranteed coverage of preventive services with no cost sharing. More than 50 percent of women have delayed seeking medical care due to cost, and one-third of women report forgoing basic necessities to pay for health care. But under the health reform law, insurers are now required to cover recommended preventive services such as mammograms, Pap smears, and well-baby care without cost sharing. More than 45 million women have already taken advantage of these services. And starting this August more services—including contraception, gestational diabetes screening, and breast-feeding supports—will be added to the list of preventive care that must be covered at no additional cost. 5. Women will gain better access to affordable health insurance. Starting in 2014 women and their families, as well as small businesses, will receive tax credits on an income-based sliding scale to help purchase insurance coverage. This will help individuals who earn up to $43,000 per year and up to $92,200 for families of four. Also in 2014 up to 10.3 million women will gain insurance coverage when Medicaid expands its income eligibility to include people with incomes below 138 percent of the federal poverty level—less than $15,000 for individuals and about $31,809 for a family of four in 2011. The health law also eliminates Medicaid’s categorical requirements, so that low-income women who meet the income requirements can enroll even if they have no children and are not pregnant. To learn more about the benefits of Obamacare for women, see the Center for American Progress report “Women and Obamacare.” ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jessica Arons is the Director of the Women’s Health and Rights Program at the Center for American Progress. This article reprinted with the permission of Center of American Progress.

Inter DA Athletic Championship


nder the supervision of DA public school O&A levelsSea View karachi, an athletic championship was held from November 19th, 2012 till November 20th, 2012 which included a 100 meter sprint race, long jump, javelin throws, hurdle race, tug of war, etc.

All of the DA schools took part in this event; the chief guest of this event was Ms Nasim Hameed, the Gold Medalist of SAF Games. Many students participated in different games, in which the name of Ruseb Syed was also prominent, who whilst studying, also takes part in many activities, including sports and has always succeed in achieving his goals. The 100 meter baton race was also an event in which Ruseb Syed participated, and received the 3rd position for which he was appreciated and congratulated by his teachers, as well as his Principal Rukshanda Jabeen. Ruseb Syed, on his achievement for his school, shared his happiness and thanked his principal and teachers for giving him the opportunity to participate. He also thanked his parents, also other students for taking part in such creative activities, and he expressed gratitude and appreciation towards DA for organizing these events, and wants them to keep organizing such events.


November 2012


Miandad threatens legal action against Sarfaraz


Wasim hopeful of trouble free Pakistan-India series

ARACHI: Fast bowling legend Wasim Akram said Tuesday he was confident Pakistan’s hotly-anticipated tour of India next month would pass off safely and urged the two sides to use threats by Hindu radicals as motivation.


ARACHI: Pakistan’s former captain Javed Miandad has threatened to sue ex-teammate Sarfaraz Nawaz for stating that he pushed for the inclusion of tainted players in the PCB. Miandad’s warning to Nawaz came just a day after Pakistan’s former Test pacer Ataur Rehman said he had consulted his lawyers to send a notice to Nawaz for his comments. Nawaz accusations came after the PCB recently appointed ex-Test spinner Akram Raza to the umpires panel and also appointed Rehman as coach for the FATA area. Miandad said he would warn Nawaz to be careful about what he says in future. “I can deal with him in two ways but I will only advise him the judiciary is free and independent now and if he says anything more I will take action.” He also made it clear he wouldn’t like to go into the past of the former Test pacer who should avoid mudslinging. Miandad was also asked about the hefty salary he takes from the board and he defended it by saying he

Pakistan will meet their archrivals in five one-day internationals and two Twenty20s in December and January, their first full series since 2007, but Indian Hindu groups have urged Delhi had turned down other lucrative to cancel and threatened prooffers to work in the PCB. tests. The right-wing Shiv Sena “I am committing no crime. I and Vishwa Hindu Parishad dehad got more lucrative offers manded India refuse to resume to coach but I didn’t accept cricket ties until Pakistan brings them because I want to work in to justice the masterminds bePakistan cricket and contribute hind the 2008 Mumbai terror attowards it. The figures quoted tacks that left 166 people dead. about the financial benefits I get India halted all bilateral cricket in the board are not correct.” with Pakistan after Mumbai, but Miandad praised the efforts earlier this month approved the of PCB chairman Zaka Ashraf short tour announced by the insisting he had come with a Board of Control for Cricket in clear vision to improve things in India (BCCI) in July. Wasim, one Pakistan cricket. He also made of the sport’s greatest ever bowlit clear that he had no personal ers and now popular in India grudges against anyone in as a commentator, said he was the board including former hopeful of a trouble-free tour. “I chairman Ijaz Butt with whom can’t wait for this tour to haphe didn’t get along. “I respect Ijaz pen,” Wasim was quoted as sayas an elder. I may have cricket ing. “I am confident that the Inrelated differences with him but dian government will make this that does not have any enmity. tour a happy and safe one for our As far as Zaka is concerned he team because the whole world is has clear vision and wants to do waiting for this and want it to be something for Pakistan cricket.” series reviving one.” Wasim said During Butt’s tenure, Miandad all threats should act as motivaresigned after differences tion for both the countries. “We over policy matters but Ashraf toured India despite threats,” recently gave more authority to said Wasim, who led Pakistan on the India tour in 1999 despite the former captain.

Shiv Sena activists dug up the pitch at the Delhi Stadium, forcing officials to move the first Test to Chennai. “We had full confidence in Indian security and that tour came off very well and I am sure this time too India will make sure it go untroubled.” Wasim said that after a break of five years, the cricket-mad Indian public was desperate to see their side take on their old rivals. “The whole of India is keenly waiting for this tour to happen and I am sure come December 25 they will thong the stadium,” said Wasim of the first Twenty20 in Bangalore. “I am sure Indian fans will give a good response to our team.” Ahmedabad will host the second Twenty20 on November 27 followed by one-day in Chennai (December 30), Kolkata (Jan 3) and Delhi (Jan 6). Few rivalries in sport are as intense as India and Pakistan on the cricket field, and Wasim said he hoped the men in green would be buoyed by the occasion. “I use to thrive in an India match,” said Wasim, who helped his side maintain a dominant record over their archrivals during the span of his 104 Test and 356 one-day internationals career. “I would not sleep the night before and would plan and most of the time handled the pressure well and came out winner. So it would be important for this Pakistan team to handle the pressure well. If they are scared of losing then they can’t win. I think if Pakistan’s batting clicks then we can beat India in India.”


November 2012

Michael Clarke breaks Don Bradman’s record


Pakistan thrash India to clinch bronze in Super Series

Boxing Board of Control doctors will still have to be convinced that he is medically fit for the task. Curtis Woodhouse, the former Birmingham and Sheffield United footballer, can tell him how tough it will be, After racking up ten straight wins when switching to boxing, Woodhouse has had to battle to hold together the 16-4 record which puts him just in line for an English light-welterweight title eliminator.

KARACHI: Pakistan defeated India 5-2 in the play-off for the third-fourth place in the nine-a-side hockey delaide, Nov 22: Australia International Super Series to win the captain Michael Clarke bronze medal at the Perth Hockey Stadium in broke Sir Don Bradman and Australia on Sunday.


Ricky Ponting’s records as he registered his fourth 200 plus scores in a calendar year here on Thursday against South Africa at the Adelaide Oval in the second Test. At close of play on first day, Australia were 482/5. Michael Hussey and David Warner too hit centuries.

Clarke, who has been in great form in 2012, brought up his second successive double hundred today after he had made a double ton against South Africa in the first Test in Brisbane. Today was Clarke’s 21st Test century. Hussey hit his 18th and Warner had his third. Australia were in completed command against the visitors on the opening day. Clarke is the first man in Test history to score 200 or more runs four times in the same calendar year. Bradman (in 1930) and Ponting (2003) had done it thrice in one year but the current Australian skipper has bettered the greats. The right-hander started the year with a triple hundred against India. He scored 329 not out in Sydney in January and followed that up with a 210 in Adelaide against the same opposition. At the start of the series against South Africa, in previous Test in Brisbane, he made 259 not out. Now, here he is batting on 224.


ashid Mehmood scored twice to help Pakistan register their first win of the series after losing all three of their first round matches.

The Greenshirts lost the opening match to Australia 4-2, were crushed by England in the second match by the same scoreline and were beaten by arch-rivals India 5-2 in the third match on Saturday. The International Super Series will be followed by the Champions Trophy which will be played from December 1-9.

Nothing can prepare Flintoff for the shock of taking thunderous blows in the ring

With no disrespect to cricket – I would not want to face a fired up Freddie coming in to bowl – men from harder physical games have found the going tough. Tom Zbikolski, a 27-year-old American footballer with the Indianapolis Colts, built up a fourwin heavyweight record under the tutelage of Hall of Fame trainer Emmanuel Steward…. before deciding that was quite enough, thank you, and returning to the gridiron. Down Under, a certain Sonny Bill Williams switched from rugby league to become a rugby union world cup winner with the All Blacks before lacing up the gloves. Now the heavyweight champion of New Zealand, he will shortly try to raise his international profile by taking on giant South African veteran Francois Botha.

Perhaps the most inspiring example for Flintoff is Anthony Mundine. The former Australian rugby league star has twice won a world super-middleweight title while compiling a professional record of 44 wins and four ndrew Flintoff is not the nothing can prepare him for losses. first star from another sport the physical and psychological to consider trying his hands at shock of being hit by a big man All those who have paved the way for Flintoff will tell him how boxing. inside those ropes. hard it will be. Wayne Rooney, to name but one, Hopefully he understands that is said to be flirting with the no- the drinker’s lifestyle for which Williams says: ‘Not only are the tion for some time in the future. he was renowned during his fights physically tougher than rugby but the regime is so deBut even as one of cricket’s great prime summers at the crease manding. There is never a day off. all-rounders, our Freddie will would put his health seriously at Boxing is so demanding.’ not find it easy to withstand the risk in the hardest game of all. rigours of the prize ring as he Assuming that McGuigan can So good luck, to Freddie. And if gets ready to make his heavybring Flintoff up to technical this project truly is something weight debut in November. scratch for his first professional more serious than a Sky Sports Flintoff could have no finer men- fight despite the absence of any television reality programme, he tor than Barry McGuigan but amateur experience, the British is going to need it.



November 2012


Ishq-eDebut Single” Dil Toota” Mamnoo by Shariq Sidz soundtrack was a roaring success becomes KJ’s


big break

ittle did we know that the Urdu dubbing of popular Turkish soaps will gain so much popularity in Pakistan. After the national obsession with “Humsafar”, Pakistan’s latest addiction is the widely popular Turkish soap “Ishq-e-Mamnoo” (Forbidden Love).

Asian Media USA ©


hicago IL: Shariq Sidz ‘s “Dil Toota” Video Premiere Party & an exclusive performance was held on ‘Sunday’ November 18th 2012 at Eclipse Entertainment Lounge, Chicago Illinois. Shariq Sidz is an upcoming singer from Chicago who is making a big name for himself already in the music industry.

He has performed with names such as RDB, Rahim Shah, Jawad Ahmed and many more. However, it was time for Shariq to shine on his own and let the world know what his music is all about. He released his debut single “Dil Toota” and celebrated with his hometown fans at the video premiere party at Eclipse Lounge. The ambiance of the event was very classy and everyone was dressed to impress for the red carpet pictures. As the event started, fans were welcomed by two lovely MC’s for the night, Omehabiba Khan and Sabih Nawab. The fans were treated to videos about Shariq’s past, his childhood and even some messages from important & influential people in his life such as other singers, RJ’s, models and actresses. It takes countless hours to create a music video and everyone had the opportunity to watch behind the scenes footage of the making of “Dil Toota”.

Then it was time to show the official video to the crowd who were very excited to see the final outcome. The reaction was overwhelming as the fans applauded Shariq and his team on a fabulous job. The audience met the cast of the video “Dil Toota” and were able to learn a little about the key roles that they had including the choreographer, supporting actors, lyricst, producer/director and the star himself, Shariq Sidz. Finally, the event ended with an exclusive performance by Shariq Sidz. He started out with a great Punjabi song called “Pani da rang”, then the Bollywood hit ‘Tere mere” a medley of songs from Mehdi Hassan, Jagjit Singh, Mohammad Rafi & of course his debut single “Dil Toota” and many other famous names that influenced Shariq’s music. The final song was the hit “Aadat” which made the crowd stand on their feet. Shariq came off stage and sang in the audience to his adoring fans.

While its lead characters Bihter and Behlul have become household names, the singer of the namesake original soundtrack has become something of an overnight celebrity. Khurram Jamshed, also known as KJ, shares success similar to that of Quratulain Baloch, who is now enchanting people around the world with “Woh Humsafar Tha”. KJ is being advertised for ghazal nights as the singer of the hit title song “Ishq-e-Mamnoo”. Little do people know that KJ has been behind the scenes in the music industry for almost 20 years, providing services for different record labels and music companies. It was only recently when KJ was supervising the dubbing of Turkish soaps “Isabel” and “Ishq-e-Mamnoo” with his partner and project head Emu, that he was chosen to sing. “I was a little hesitant to sing after so long, but Emu [also the composer of the song] pushed me into it,” KJ told The Express Tribune. “Now I realise that it was a risk worth taking.”

In the mid ‘90s, KJ entered the music industry to become a The event was a huge success singer but the rejection from PTV and Shariq Sidz definitely and other record labels forced made a mark with his dehim to go behind the scenes and but single and video for “Dil focus more on artist selection Toota”, this is only the beginand promotion for record labels. ning for this young singer as he embarks on a journey of music “It is more like a dream come true worldwide. You can check out for me,” explains KJ. “For years his video on YouTube, Geo, I have been promoting other Aag, Ary, Chann Pardesi Radio, people and for the first time I am Desi junction, Sohni Darti ra- getting to do something solo dio & many other places. and live.”

Keeping the popularity of the song in mind and the increasing demand by the promoters for a legally downloadable version of the song, KJ decided to make a solo video which will be released soon. “We thought that the ban on YouTube might affect our gauge of the song’s success,” says KJ. “But the back-to-back demand on different radio stations is very encouraging. It’s also very interesting that people have come out with their own remix versions of the song.” Music for “Ishq-e-Mamnoo” The whole project was experimental, but Emu, who is also a Fuzon band member, followed his gut feeling about the composition. He asked one of his colleagues, singer and lyricist Sherry, who was also supervising the dubbing project, to come up with the words. “It had to be a romantic song with a very mellow feel to it,” says Emu. “But it was about forbidden love so I added a bit of a qawwali to it which really worked out in our favour.” Being a rockstar and the face of a prominent band, Emu wasn’t comfortable with the whole concept of composing an OST. “Changing shoes wasn’t that much of a treat,” says Emu with a laugh. “However, I wanted to tell people that Emu is more than Fuzon. If someone wants me to compose an OST for them, I will. But I won’t go beg people for an OST, because that’s not what I am known for.” Ironically, the channel had more hopes for the play “Isabel”, which was the reason they aggressively advertised the soundtrack for that serial, but surprisingly, “Ishq-e-Mamnoo” has captivated a larger audience.



November 2012

Fashion Pakistan Week 2012 T

he third and last day of the Fashion Pakistan Week (FPW) finished with a graceful ceremony, held in Karachi on Tuesday. A large number of prominent personalities of the fashion industry and a big number of fashion lovers and critics attended the event. Pakistan’s most credible, progressive and cutting-edge fashion week presented the latest men’s wear and women’s wear collections of Pakistani top designers on the final day of FPW, including Maheen Karim, Emraan Rajput, Nida Tapal of Delphi, Huma Adnan of FnkAsia, Misha Lakhani, Rizwanullah and Nine West.

The Fashion Pakistan Council believes in promoting both established fashion designers and burgeoning design talent in the global market, while supporting and strengthening Pakistan’s vibrant fashion industry. The first act was presented with Maheen Karim’s collection ‘Luxe’, which fused military chic together with luxury oriental accents in the form of exquisite hand embroideries and ritzy silks. Plush velvets appliquéd on to glossy georgettes and shaded chiffons made for an extremely stylish winter wardrobe. Cleancut tailored suits, form-fitting chic cropped trousers, as well as silk-draped harem pants were paired with military jackets and lace-draped boleros. The colour palette brought together wintry plums, gilded black, bronze, gold, deep maroons, vibrant olives, mustard and magenta. Each motif was hand embroidered and Swarovski

crystals were used. The collection was complimented by handbags from Ayesha Mustafa’s Fashion Compassion and the jewellery was by Kiran Aman’s Sceptre’s of Beauty.

provided by Naaj. Rizwanullah showcased ‘Evoking the Serpent.’ His collection was on cottons, silk, leather jackets and other fabrics. Models wore a gothic look.

Next up Huma Adnan brought w a s Africa home with a collection inspired by tribal weaves and knits. FnkAsia Autumn/Winter 2012 put out the warmth of yarn on organic fabric, creating tangible textures in bark Emraan R a j p u t ’ s brown, plum and rustic c o l l e c t i o n , tones that remind you of the silhouettes which was Savannah.The for the season were diverse, a maze of moods and ranging from long bohemian r e f l e c t i o n maxis to two-piece ensembles of lifestyles and a wide variety of tops jackets constructed to suit the and modern man. from assorted weaves. There The collection paid was also a lot of fringing. homage to gypsy Combined with FnkAsia’s trademark interplay with roots through colour, the collection is for shirts with an the woman who can work e a r t h y, the wild. h a n d crafted look. The ‘70s were

acknowledged through retro, candy touches, inspired by vintage kaftans from the era. Nida Tapal and Nargis Kiani’s collection ‘Pythia’, named after the priestess of Apollo at Delphi, was the climax of the label Delphi’s journey to date. As Pythia brought to light Apollo’s will to those on earth, the collection brought to light some of the most intricate workmanship this country has to offer, in a modern package. Working its way into chic coats, tunics and cocktail dresses, Pythia showcased crochet’s global appeal. It also contained smart eastern wear, where traditional methods of crochet were amped up, integrating it with luxe embellishments such as pearls, metals and regal silks.ý The splendid diamond and polki jewellery for Delphi was

Next in line was Misha Lakhani’s namesake young fashion label which should be the go-to for impeccably c r a f t e d clothing t h a t mixed a

timeless aesthetic with a modern perspective. The idea behind the collection was refining the extravagance of old India, by fusing it with an international chic. Nine West offered not just displayed footwear, but also handbags, dresses, eyewear, sunglasses,

jewellery, belts, hats, and more. They offered a quick edit of the must-have looks of the season, available to women all over.

Karachi 6 closed the show, presenting the legends, a l o n g with the designers w h o s e success stories have just begun unfolding. In a celebration of the style of the city, presenting capsule collections were the incredible Shamaeel Ansari, Amir Adnan, Shehla Chatoor, Sadaf Malaterre, Maheen Khan and Deepak Perwani.


November 2012


Ayurvedic remedies for cold and flu 2. Lifestyle: Use a neti pot to help prevent colds, as well as hay fever in the Spring (See my website for more on this). Get plenty of rest and practice Bhastrika to help clear sinuses. Try a steam inhalation (lean head over a bowl of hot water with a towel over you). Add a couple of drops of Eucalyptus (which has antiviral properties), crushed ginger root, Clove or Olbas oil. Keep warm especially the head, chest here have been a lot of nasty bugs around already, but with and feet. Avoid day sleep if you all this snow, there may be more can which only increases Kapha to come! Congestion and irrita- more. tion of the respiratory tract are 3. Ayurvedic herbs: The deusually due to aggravated Ka- licious Ayurvedic jam, Chywapha dosha (for example due to naprash, can be taken daily to excess cold, damp, heavy foods). strengthen the lungs and boost If food is not digested properly the immune system (you can try it will turn into ‘ama’ (undigest- it on toast for breakfast). It acts ed matter, toxins) which also to rejuvenate all the body tissues, increases Kapha, especially if it increasing strength and virility, is deposited in the Kapha sites as well as alleviating respiratory in the body (chest, lungs, head, conditions. For recurrent/persisneck and stomach). Aggravated tent colds, you may also want to Vata and Pitta doshas can also try Trikatu made of ginger, black play a role but treatment of re- pepper and long pepper which spiratory congestion is usually dry up mucous and clear chanfocused on pacifying aggravat- nels. It is traditionally taken with ed Kapha and clearing the body raw honey which aids this effect. It should not be taken if you are of ama through: pregnant or suffering from the 1. Diet: Eat light, warm simple effects of aggravated Pitta dofoods, such as soup, whilst rest- sha (eg: heartburn, hyperacidity, ing (the office will cope without ulcers). Finally, Turmeric is a poyour for a day or two). Avoid con- tent natural antibiotic and can gestive foods (dairy, sugar, fried be used all respiratory tract infoods, meat, wheat, bananas fections. Boil half a cup of water and yeast). Also avoid all cold with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric, food and drinks, and keep drink- add a little milk then use as a ing hot water to stay hydrated. gargle. Fresh ginger tea is excellent as it 4. Home remedies: Going by increases circulation, promotes sweating and digests mucus, the wisdom of the Ayurvedic relieving congestion (Please do sage, Vagbhata, who wrote: not combine ginger with aspirin “There is nothing (in the world) as both act to thin the blood). which is not a medicine”, you With chronic mucous, fasting can make effective remedies on ginger tea for 2-3 days gives using common kitchen ingredispeedy recovery. Fasting for one ents. Try some of the following day with warm water and lemon instead of the Lemsip and see how they work for you: juice can expel toxins.


•• Mix 1 tsp each of ginger powder, turmeric and black pepper and take ½ tsp of this mixture with warm water or honey twice a day. •• Mix ½ tbsp ginger, black pepper, cardamom, clove, cinnamon and turmeric. Ad 3tsps of raw sugar. Mix ½ or 1 tsp of this mixture with honey or warm water and take twice a day. •• Mix ½ tsp fresh ginger juice with ½ tsp honey and take three times a day. •• Soak 2 parts fresh ginger root, 3 parts cinnamon and a pinch of cardamom in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Add ½ tsp of honey once its cool down a little. Drink a glass of this tea several times a day.

popular core ingredient.

Health factor It is a misconception that butter is unhealthy due to its fatty nature. At a basic level, butter contains selenium, a mineral rich in antioxidant properties. It also contains iodine required by the body. Butter is a rich source of vitamins. It’s especially a great source of vitamin A, which helps improve vision and other functions of the body. Butter also has other fat soluble vitamins like vitamin D, E and K. The butyric acid present in butter acts as a carcinogen, while lauric acid has antifungal and antibacterial The Better Butter?properties. All these are components of the fatty acids in butter. Cultured butter (made from fermented cream) is the best type to buy, or buy organic butter as it contains the least chemicals.

•• Crush ¼ tsp fresh ginger root with 8 fresh basil leaves, 2 peppercorns, 2 cardamom seeds, 1 cup of water, ½ tsp turmeric powder, 2 cloves, & 5 mint leaves. Margarine Boil, filter, add 1 tsp honey. Drink Margarine is made by bubbling 3 times a day. hydrogen through various vegetable oils at high temperature. It is often used as a substitute for butter. Margarine was created in 19th century in France as a cheaper substitute for butter, for use by the armed forces and the Butter and margarine both middle class. Due to all the preset your cholesterol levels servatives used in margarine, it soaring. But which one is a has a longer shelf life. Margarine made without dairy is a good nutritionally better option? option for vegan.

The Better Butter?


Health factor

Butter is a byproduct of milk which is made by churning milk Though it is low on cholesterol, or cream. It’s mostly made from margarine is considered a chemcow’s milk. Salt, colouring, fla- ically extracted product so it’s not completely healthy. The high temperature destroys the vitamins and other nutrients present in the oil, which also contain trans fatty acids with residues of nickel and cadmium. These acids are carcinogenic and vouring and preservatives may be added before the butter is mutagenic. packed. The earliest butter was Margarine has a high amount made from sheep or goat milk, of trans fatty acids, but butter is but today cow’s milk is the most higher in saturated fats.


November 2012


November 2012

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