Bridge mag international october, 2012

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Published Monthly in Chicago, USA and distributed simultaneously to major cities of USA, Canada, UK and Pakistan

Published by Bridge Publications USA, Inc Publisher Jawaid Riaz

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EDITORIAL BOARD Jawaid Riaz, Editor Armughan Asar, Queens, NY Mashood Ahsan, Saint Louis, MO Najeeb Ali Kidwai, Canada Rashid khan, Springfield, MA Shahid Alam, Dallas, TX Shahid Khan, London, UK Suhail Ahmed, Houston, TX Zafar Khursheed, Denville, NJ Syed Arif, Washington, DC PUBLIC ATION COMMIT TEE Abid Ali Syed Andleeb Jawaid Baseer Naveed Ishraq Uddin Madah Jawaid Dr. Naseem Shekhani Dr. Naveen Aman Syed Tafseer Ahmed Dr. Tanveer Imam Tariq Khawaja ADVISORY BOARD Abdul Aziz Memmon, Karachi, Pakistan Abdul Waheed Jamal, Karachi, Pakistan Dr. Azfar Malik, St. Louis, MO Ghulam Mustafa Majeed, Bahrain Dr. Hadi Zadi, St. Louis, MO Hassan Mahmood Jafri, Karachi, Pakistan Mark Asim, New York City, NY Mubbashir Aslam, Canada Dr. Naseem Shekhani, St. Louis, MO Dr. Naveen Aman, Chicago, IL Syed Ashiq Raza, Karachi, Pakistan Syed Mazhar Alam, Naperville, IL Tariq Khawaja Dr. Tausif Ahmed Khan, Karachi, Pakistan Layout by: S.Muhammad Salman: 011 + 92 + 322 2312228 Design by: Seema Niazi (Pakistan) 011 + 92 + 333 3270755


The Hajj and Eid al-Adha 2012

The Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam and one of the largest religious pilgrimages in the world, is currently taking place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Starting last Friday and continuing through Wednesday, some 3 million Muslims from around the globe are participating in several rituals, including the Tawaf -- the circumambulation of the Kaaba, the enormous cube-shaped building in the center of the Masjid al-Haram mosque. The pilgrims are are also taking part in the Sa’i, traveling back and forth between the mountains of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah, and Ramy al-Jamarat, in which they throw pebbles at three walls in the city of Mina to show their defiance of the Devil. Directly after the Hajj, Muslims all over the world will observe Eid al-Adha, or the Festival of Sacrifice. The feast honors Abraham who, according to Muslim tradition, was prepared to sacrifice his son Ishmael before God sent a ram in his place. To commemorate this event, worshippers sacrifice sheep, cows, and camels, and share the meat among family, neighbors, and the needy. Collected here are scenes of this year’s Hajj and Eid al-Adha, from Mecca and around

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the globe. jawaid riaz


october 2012


Hajj: A Prescription for Humanity Problems

social development that we have accomplished, we still suffer from this disease. People are still being judged based on their skin color, their car or house, their foreign passport or their country of residence.

They all remember the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim when he slaughtered a sheep, and emulate his example by slaughtering a sheep and donating it. This actually is one of the few Scene 5: Individualistic society Sunan (rituals) of Hajj that In the age of the I-phone, the people who are not part of the MY-space, and the YOU-tube, Hajj season can participate in. the selfishness and the high ego of individuals is growing This gathering of 3 million huindefinitely. Imagine the six mans goes with minimal fights, billion humans on the face of clashes, and arguments, despite earth, each of them yelling and the huge diversity of the peoscreaming: Me, Me, Me!! What ple involved. This is all due to kind of chaotic world we are the following rule that was set living in? What would be the by the One who invited them: nature of the world that our {Hajj is to be made during wellkids will live in?! known months, so whosoever intends to perform Hajj therein, then he should not have sexuDid the first five scenes trou- al relations with his wife, nor ble you? Well, they should! commit sin, nor dispute unjust`Umar ibn Khattab used to ly during the Hajj…}3 (Al-Baqasay: ‘He who did not taste the rah 2:197) bitterness of the period of AlJaheleyyah (the period of ig- Unfortunately, I do not claim norance) does not appreciate at all that the beauty of scene the sweetness of Islam.’ So we 6 can deplete or overcome really won’t appreciate the im- the bitterness of the previous pact of Hajj on humanity be- scenes. But what I am positive fore we examine the ugly sta- about is that these three miltus that humanity has reached! lion attendees can serve as a In Hajj, people from all across role model for peace, as a demthe world, from the richest onstration for brotherhood countries and from the poorest and as a proof that human beneighborhoods, come together ings can humble themselves to attend this blessed conven- and put their differences aside. tion. The Qur’an describes in At this critical stage in the life an amazing way how people of our Umma, we ask Allah to will answer the call of Prophet make us – through the Hajj Ibrahim (peace be upon him) season – a role model for peace, all within their financial and brotherhood, and love between humans. This is – in fact – one social capabilities: item on our to-do list as Mus{And announce to mankind lims: the Hajj (pilgrimage); They will come to you on foot and on ev- {And thus we have made you a ery lean camel; they will come justly balanced nation, so that from every deep and distant you be witnesses over mankind and the Messenger be a witness pass.} (Al-Hajj 22:27) over you…} (Al-Baqarah 2: 143) These people will leave behind their business suits, their for- As a practical take-home meseign passport, their six-digit sage after reading this article, (or zero digit) bank account please share these ideas with numbers, their three-lettered your non-Muslim colleague, titles (CEO’s, MBA’s, and/or friend, or classmate. Let’s take Ph.D.’s) and stand next to the the initiative and show the humblest person on the face of positive side of Muslims that earth. They pray together, wear is represented in Hajj, despite the same outfit, run between all other pictures that are portrayed for us in the media. Safa and Marwah together, and Scene 6: Hajj!

By Mohannad Hakeem YES, we definitely need a Hajj season this year! By US, I am referring to humanity; I am not talking about those who are going to Hajj, or even Muslims! The whole body of mankind is in need of this blessed gathering… You don’t believe me? Well let us take a look at the following scenes:

ent forms and shapes; In Syria, we got used – and even desensitized – to YouTube videos showing dead bodies of people who were tortured to death. Wars between tribes in various African countries are not uncommon; in the western hemisphere, killing can take a more “civilized” fashion, where the killer needs only to push a button that will launch a missile from an unmanned airplane and kill a whole family in Afghanistan or Pakistan!

Scene 1: Angels questioning us The first scene takes place before our creation, when a discussion took place between the Creator and the Angels, all While scene 2 is a direct manifestation of the Angel’s expecabout us: tations from human beings, {And remember when your scene 3 represents slow killing Lord said to the Angels: “I am of poor communities through going to place a vicegerent on starvation and lack of water, earth”. They said: “Will you medicine, and essentials of life. place upon it those who cause This greed reminds me of the corruption in it and shed blood, hadith of our beloved Prophet while we glorify You with prais- (peace and blessings be upon es and sanctify You?” Allah said: him): “Indeed, I know that which you do not know} (Al-Baqarah 2:30) “He does not truly believe in me, the one who sleeps with his Scene 2: Blood shedding on stomach full while he is aware YouTube that he has a hungry neighbor.” Do you think the Angels were (At-Tabarani and Al-Hakim) right? That mankind will cause corruption and bloodshed on earth? Of course yes! Massacres are taking place everywhere in our world in differ-

Scene 4: Racism, discrimination, and social classes In the 21st century, and despite all the technological and

stand in line to drink from the blessed Zamzam water.


october 2012


An Interview with a Pakistani BusinessWoman Musarat Nadeem Sharafi

A historic judgment usarat Nadeem Sharafi runs a carwash business on Western Ave, North Side of Chicago. EDB carwash is known as the “cleanest carwash in Chicago”.


in Saudi Arabia, where my husband Nadeem Sharafi served as a pilot in Saudi Airline. After his retirement we moved to Chicago and have lived here since.

Here Mrs. Sharafi gives us a brief glimpse into the journey which has led her to become a successful member of the Pakistani-American business community of Chicago.

We both love Pakistan and almost attend every Pakistan related function. My husband Nadeem Sharafi is a literary person, who enjoys reciting poetry and is a well known poet in Chicago area. I have also enjoyed his fame.

Musarat Nadeem Sharafi: I was born in India and am married to a Pakistani man. I have a I am a hard working woman son and a daughter; both have and I would like to use this graduated and are working. I opportunity to urge other consider us a wonderful and Pakistani women to come in to blessed family. business as this is the Sunnah My husband also runs a busi- of Hazrat Khadija the wife of ness in Chicago. We have our beloved Prophet Mohamspent a major part of our lives mad (PBUH).


he Supreme Court’s pronouncement on the Asghar Khan case about the payment of public money to certain political leaders to influence the 1990 general elections constitutes a historic judgment, as it is the first time that it has ruled against two top living military Generals, albeit retired. Nevertheless, it sets a precedent. Though the court’s short order issued on Friday is based on constitutional provisions, yet it reflects a bold decision, considering the authority and the clout the army has enjoyed almost throughout Pakistan’s history, whether when it had been itself in the seat of power or when it had returned to the barracks. The bench, consisting of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, Justice Jawwad S. Khawaja and Justice Khilji Arif Hussain, ordered criminal proceedings against the then COAS General Aslam Beg and the then DG ISI Lt-General Assad Durrani for their involvement in the disbursement of the cash. Commentators feel that Brigadier (r) Hamid Saeed, very much part of the dirty business, would also have to face legal consequences. However, by declaring that it was the personal act of these military officials, but that had brought a bad name to the institution, the court at the same time gave a clean chit to the armed forces whose sacrifices it praised. The judgment aptly pointed out

that the armed forces’ principal role was to defend the frontiers of the motherland and, secondly, to come to the aid of civil authority whenever called upon to do so; it was not to indulge in political matters. The President at that time, Ghulam Ishaq Khan, did not go scot-free; the court found him in violation of the constitution for sponsoring the ugly game of doling out cash to win over votes; thus, subverting the basic democratic right of the people to choose the candidates of their choice. As for the politicians who were the beneficiaries and whose list Brig. Saeed had provided, the Supreme Court decreed that the FIA should conduct an investigation to make the picture clear and proceed against those found involved. It also maintained that action should be initiated against the CEO of Habib Bank Younis Habib, besides officials of the ISI and MI. The illegality of this shady deal apart, there was also scandalously huge misappropriation of the funds (Rs 140 million) that were supposed to be utilised for the purpose. Politicians received only Rs 7 million, but, inexplicably, Rs 80 million went to an account maintained by the MI. All those who had received the dole have been ordered to deposit the amount with interest in the Habib Bank.


october 2012


An Interview with Syed Asghar Abbas Rizvi:

Director General Board of Investment and Advisor to Minister of Investment Government of Pakistan He also informed us that President Asif Zardari and Minister of Investment Saleem Mandiwala have taken a personal interest in this project and it is under their direct initiative that this project has been undertaken.

Bank Al-Habib, Karachi Member

Mr. Rizvi says they will work with business investors to resolve any hurdles that may affect their investment in Pakistan within a one-window operation. He reassures prospective investors that any visa issues, safety concerns and guarantees of import/export will be handled by the BOI.

10. Mr. Asif Juma, CEO, Abbot / Pharma, Karachi Member

Mr. Asghar Abbas Rizvi further provided a list of members of the BOI, which you will find below,.

By Jawaid Riaz, Editor Bridge Mag,


r. Rizvi recently visited Chicago to arrange for the Business Summit, which will likely be held in Chicago in January 2013. The objective of this summit will be to hopefully, strengthen business relations between the United States and Pakistan.

stan’s international competitiveness and contribute to economic and social development.

The BOI acts as a focal point of contact for prospective investors, both within Pakistan and abroad to provide them with all necessary information and assistance in coordinating Mr. Rizvi is the Ex Director with other Government DeGeneral of The Board of Invest- partments/Agencies. ment (BOI), and now serving as an advisor to the Investment Mr. Rizvi stressed the imporminister Saleem Mandiwala, tance of investing in Pakistan; which was established to pro- he expressly stated that now mote investment in all sectors is a fortuitous time to extend of economy; facilitation of lo- business to Pakistan. He ascal and foreign investors for sured the business community speedy materialization of their that Pakistan is in fact a safe projects and to enhance Paki- haven.

1. President, Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Karachi Member 2. President, Pakistan Federation of Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Karachi Member 3. Mr. Baber Bashir, CEO, Attock Cement, Karachi Member 4. Mr. Maqsood Ismail, CEO, Candy Land, Karachi Member 5. Mr. Gohar Ijaz, President APTMA, Karachi Member 6. Mr. Suhail P. Ahmad, CEO, Thal Engineering, Karachi Member 7. Mr. Abbas Habib, CEO,

8. Mr. Ali Zafar, Advocate, Lahore Member 9. Captain Faizi, CEO, Vision Air, Islamabad Member

11. Mr. Kalim Siddiqui, BOSICOR Oil, Karachi Member 12. Mr. Abbass Rashid, Chairman, Society of Advancement of Education, Lahore Member 13. Dr. Saad Niaz, Gastroenterologist, Medilink Clinics, Karachi Member 14. Mr. Muhammad Raza, CEO, MACRON, Fisheries, Karachi Member 15. Mr. Sajjad Gul, CEO, Evernew Studio, Lahore Member 16. Mr. Mohsin Aziz, CEO, Mohsin Match Factory, Peshawar Member 17. Mr. Noman Wazeer, CEO, FF SS Steel Frontier Foundry, Peshawar Member 18. Mr. Zahid Rafique, Habib Rafique Pvt. Ltd., Lahore Member 19. Mr. Agha Omer Bengulzai, Exlusive Development Organization, Balochistan Member.


october 2012


a bullet, which grazed her head further care, specialist teams when she was attacked by Tali- think she is going to need a ban gunmen. couple more weeks to rehabilitate, until this infection has He said: ‘She is writing very cleared up, then her skull will freely, she has had a tracheot- need reconstructing, either by omy as her airway was swollen using the piece of bone that by the passing of the bullet. was removed initially, or with ‘She’s not able to talk, but we a titanium plate. have no reason to believe she ‘Her jaw joint may need further wouldn’t be able to talk once work down the line but that rethis tube is out, which may be mains to be assessed. in the next few days. ‘We know there was some dam‘One of my colleagues spoke age done to the brain, we beto her in Urdu, although she is lieve from the MRI scans that understanding English, and she the bullet grazed the lateral is keen that I share the details part of her brain, but we know and thank people for their sup- that most of the damage was port, as she is obviously aware actually caused by shock waves. ‘ of the amount of interest and support, and she is keen to ‘These kinds of injuries cause thank people for that.’ a lot more damage than they would if you simply poked a Dr Rosser explained that Mala- needle through tissue. la would now need a significant period of rest and recuperation He said Malala was able to unbefore she has reconstructive derstand - and had some memsurgery and that this would ory of - what happened to her. •• Pakistani girl able to stand, but still shows signs of probably be weeks to months He added: ‘whether there will infection down the line. be any subtle intellectual or

Thanks for all your support’: Taliban shooting victim Malala, 15, pictured for first time in hospital bed clutching a teddy - as doctors say she can stand and write again

•• Infection believed to be related to track of a bullet

which grazed her head

•• Malala keen to thank all well-wishers for their sup

port and doctors and nurses treating her

•• Doctors say reconstructive surgery is ‘weeks to

months down the line’

•• Candlelight vigil for Malala held in Birmingham


•• Teenager was shot on her way home from school

by militants after campaigning for women’s rights and criticising the Taliban regime


ith bruises on her face They added she has stood up and a teddy bear in her for the first time since she was hands, this is the schoolgirl left shot in the head by the sniper. for dead by the Taliban. Her first question after waking Just ten days earlier, Malala up from an induced coma was: Yousafzai was shot in the head ‘Which country am I in?’ and neck for demanding eduSurgeons have said the schoolcation for women. girl is responding well to treatBut after being transferred ment, although Dr Dave Rossto hospital in England, the er, Medical Director, added she 14-year-old is said to be making is ‘not out of the woods yet’. a remarkable recovery from Because her brain is still swolher injuries. len, doctors do not yet know Yesterday, doctors at Queen how damaged her brain will be. Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham revealed that she is now She has also developing an inbreathing without support fection in her throat. from a ventilator and has man- Dr Rosser said the infection aged to stand up. probably related to the track of

He added that ‘Malala would like to thank all the well-wishers for their message of support and the doctors and nurses who are treating her’.

memory deficits down the line is too early to say.’ More than 1,500 messages of support for Malala Yousafzai, who arrived in Britain on Monday.

Malala had been struck just above the back of her left eye The hospital said that, since with the bullet going down the arriving in Britain on Monday, side of her jaw and damaging Malala has received one-to-one the skull. nursing care, 24 hours a day from staff at the hospital and It went through her neck and their colleagues from Birminglodged in the tissue above her ham Children’s Hospital. shoulder blade on the left. Yesterday women’s right camHe added: ‘The bullet was re- paigners took to the streets moved in Pakistan fairly quick- of Birmingham to stage a canly, pretty much straight after dlelit vigil in support of the the event, but in terms of her brave girl.


october 2012


Pakistan reclaims anthem singing record


Six more Pakistanis make Guinness World Records in Lahore

AHORE: Guinness World Records (GWR) has declared Pakistan the holder of world record for the most people singing a national anthem simultaneously yet again, Geo News reported.

record in the opening ceremony of Punjab Youth Festival 2012 main round.

sands of participants of Punjab Youth Festival joined voices to break the said world record for the most people singing a national anthem simultaneously here in Lahore.

Earlier, country’s famous singAHORE: Six more talented ers entertained the audience of young Pakistanis have made the show, hosted by none other six more Guinness World Rethan Geo TV’s live wire Sahir cords during ongoing Punjab Lodhi. Youth Festival-2012 in Lahore, According to Guinness World SAMAA reports. Records website, the current Earlier yesterday, a massive record is held by India where gathering of 42,813 sang na15, 243 people sang the nation- tional anthem together and al anthem simultaneously. succeeded to make a new Guin-

Chief Minister Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif, who was the chief Pakistan is also eyeing to set guest, bravoed the participants another world record by mak- and organizers for such a grand ing the biggest human flag of effort. Pakistan at the same venue. Addressing the attendees of the Earlier patriotic emotions ran ceremony, he said it was Pakithrough the sky when thou- stan’s event not just Punjab’s.

A GWR representative made official announcement in this regard saying according to their tally 42,813 Pakistani people sang the national anthem together to reclaim the The event was organized by Lokmat Media Ltd (India) at world record. the Divisional Sports Ground, “Aap nay world record tord in Aurangabad, India, on 25 diya hay (You have broken the January 2012. world record)”, a GWR repreIt is pertinent to mention that sentative said in Urdu. Pakistan had held this record A few hours earlier the ambi- until it was broken by Indians. tious organizers claimed that Pakistan has made it to the A total of 5,885 people people Guinness World Records as had sung the national anthem around 70,000 people have simultaneously to set a new sung the national anthem to- world record on August 14, 2011, Pakistan’s 65th Indepengether. dence Day. According to a statement issued by Sports Board of Pun- Then, Pakistan had beaten the jab a day earlier at least 24,000 previous record of 5,248 set by students, athletes as well as the Philippines on September 60,000 audience/volunteers 1, 2009. were expected to set the world


ness World Record after breaking Indian world record.

Two talented youths Qamar Rizwan and Daniel Gill tossed a football on their heads for nonstop four minutes and forty six seconds and managed to enroll their names in Guinness Book of Records. An intelligent little 12-year girl Mehak Gul arranged all pieces in just 45 seconds on chessboard and made a new world record while Muhammad Saddi Ahmad pulled a truck up to 43 meters to enroll his name successfully in Guinness Book of Records.

Pakistani youths continued making Guinness World Records one after the other in ongoing youth festival in Lahore Two youths Muhammad Ahon Sunday. mad and Abdul Mujib failed twice to make record of wearAhmad Mobin Bodla hit 616 nonstop kicks and made a new ing maximum tea shirts while Guinness World Record while some other youths could not another youth Muhammad succeed in making a table tenNoman made history by com- nis record. pleting electric plug wiring Twenty Five thousand youths within 35 seconds. will try to make another world record of forming the biggest Another youth, Muhammad ever human flag today. Mansha, cooked three chapattis in three minutes and four- The Guinness Book of Records’ teen seconds and managed officials, visiting Lahore, were so make a new record of fastest impressed by Pakistani youths’ spirit and unique talents. chapatti making.


october 2012


by: S.Tariq Abrar

Foreign cricketers finally in Pakistan


ARACHI, Oct 19: After more than three-and-ahalf years, foreign cricketers, including some well-known former players, will be seen in action on Pakistan soil as Pakistan All Star XI take on an International World XI side in an exhibition Twenty20 match here at the National Stadium.

tests have put new life into millions of cricket-starved fans in Pakistan, and particularly those in Karachi.

The World XI outfit includes some prominent performers like South Africa’s pace bowlers Andre Nel and Nantie Hayward, West Indies’ batsman Ricardo Powell and AfghaniThe first of the two-match se- stan’s fast bowler Shapoor ries, to be played under lights, Zadran and wicket-keeper Mowill end the drought of cricket hammad Shahzad. featuring foreign players in Pakistan which has remained a no-go area ever since that March 2009 terrorist attack on visiting Sri Lankan cricket team. Sanath Jayasuriya, the former Sri Lankan captain and breathtaking opening batsman of his era, will lead an International World XI side against Pakistan All Star XI captained by former Pakistan skipper and dashing all-rounder Shahid Afridi in the first Twenty20 match. The International World XI side is composed of cricketers from Sri Lanka, West Indies, South Africa and Afghanistan. And though the short twomatch T20 series has no official status and several of the foreign players of the touring side have quit international contests, still it seems the con-

Afridi, an out-and-out crowdpuller, will be a star attraction during the matches. Pakistan All Star XI will have the services of many current players of Pakistan’s senior team. Veterans Younis Khan, Shoaib Malik and Umar Gul along with promising youngsters like batsmen Asad Shafiq, Umar Akmal, Nasir Jamshed and wicketkeeper Sarfraz Ahmed are expected to draw huge crowds to witness the fireworks — the hallmark of Twenty20.

Dr Mohammad Ali Shah, Sindh Sports Minister and chief organiser of the Twenty20 games, hoped the series between Pakistan’s present players and the International World XI would pave the way for revival of international cricket in Pakistan, plagued by complex security is- The second and final match of sues. the series will be staged at the same venue on Sunday (tomor“The successful holding of row). these matches will be a major boost for the return of interna- Teams (from): tional cricket to Pakistan,” Dr PAKISTAN ALL STAR XI: Shah said. Shahid Afridi (captain), You“I hope fans will enjoy the en- nis Khan, Nasir Jamshed, Asad tertainment and action of in- Shafiq, Shahzaib Hasan, Khaternational cricketers for the lid Latif, Umar Akmal, Fawad first time in over three years,” Alam, Shoaib Malik, Umar Gul, Dr Shah, a diehard supporter Mohammad Sami, Wahab Riaz, and promoter of cricket, commented. “We have finalised all the arrangements to hold these matches in a befitting manner under tight security,” Dr Shah remarked.

Sarfraz Ahmed (wicket-keeper), Faisal Iqbal, Anwar Ali, Imran Nazir.

Meanwhile, International World XI players underwent a two-hour training session at Karachi Gymkhana in build-up for the first match.

INTERNATIONAL WORLD XI: Sanath Jayasuriya (Sri Lanka); Ricardo Powell, Steven Taylor, Jermaine Lawson, Adam Sanford (West Indies); Loots Bosman, Mthandeki Tshabalala, Andre Nel, Andre Seymore, Nantie Hayward (South Africa); Shapoor Zadran, Mohammad Shahzad (Afghanistan).

“We all geared up to provide entertainment and excitement Umpires: Salim Badar and Rito Pakistan public,” Jayasuriya azuddin. said after the training session.


october 2012


Adoption in a Pakistani-Muslim family: One mother’s courageous journey to love.


y name is Misbah, I’m a twenty something Muslim mum of two siblings that I’ve adopted. Yes adopted, not something that you may hear often within the Muslim community. We adopted our son R and our daughter A in March 2011. The subject of even considering adoption isn’t something that we took lightly, for various reasons ranging from ‘what will people think’ right down to ‘what does Islam say?’

unrelated girl. Another reason being that in Islam only children born biologically to their parents can inherit from their parents’ wealth. So what did we do? We didn’t feel we could foster due for the plain fact that you build a bond with the child you foster then eventually let them go. We decided that we would still go for adoption as we wanted to be Muslim parents, to teach our children about Islam and to try and teach them to be the best Our personal reasons for want- Muslims they could be, surely ing to adopt were that we don’t that has to be a good thing? have any children of our own, and after 2 failed IVF attempts, We bit the bullet and contactwe felt that we should look at ed our local council and asked what other road we could take what we needed to apply, the to becoming parents. I per- first was to attend an informasonally felt more comfortable tion evening and to register with the idea as I have 4 cous- our interest. That was then folins from my mum’s side of the lowed up by a home visit from family that have been adopted, a social worker. From then it so to myself it felt completely was full on courses discussing natural as the next step in our issues of adoption and the chiljourney. dren that are placed, as well as the process itself. The process So what did we do, how did we involved lots of ‘coursework’ begin it all? We first discussed topics such as our family trees, it with each other at length, medical histories, and detailed when i say length I mean at least questioning of our individual a couple of months, I spoke to childhoods. my aunties and uncles who had adopted my cousins, I spoke to The processes itself took almost my cousins to get their advice 2 years with my mum passas well as discussing it with the ing away in between, which rest of our family and friends. led to a 6 month delay. We The overall response was posi- sat through an approval panel tive and everyone was excited which basically was to get apat the prospect of us starting proved to adopt, then a second the adoption process. panel to approve us to adopt R & A, to ask us as to why we felt The next hurdle was to look we were the right candidates to into the Islam’s view on the be able to raise them both. We subject. We were both aware that fostering is encouraged met R&A about 4 weeks after as our Prophet Muhammad getting approved , had 2 weeks (PBUH) was fostered. From to get to know them and evenspeaking to our local Imam, tually bring them home. reading whatever literature They have now been with us we could find on the topic, to nearly 2 years and are flourgoogling the subject, we read ishing despite their personal up as much as we could. issues & difficulties and fit in with the family like ducks to From Islam’s view point adoption is discouraged, one reason water. The daily hugs, kisses being that a woman should and I love you’s reinforce that not be in a room with a male we made the right decision and that isn’t related by blood and cannot imagine life without vice versa for a man and an them now.


Dr. Javed Qasim and Fauzia Javed son’s Sabih married Amera daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Iqbal Ahmed


his auspicious occasion took place in Saint Louis, MO. A large number of family and friends attended the beautiful Mehndi organized by Mr. and Mrs. Rashid Kazmi. Not only the bride and groom’s friends but also the Uncles and Aunties; Mr and Mrs Azfar Malik, Mr. and Mrs Faisal Malik, Mr. and Mrs. Nadeem Ahmed, Mr. and Mrs. Inam Haider and Mr. and Mrs Tauqueer Haider presented a lovely dance. The



receptions were both elegant events with delicious delicacies and a cheerful ambiance. The events were attended by the proud families and friends like Mr. and Mrs.Naseer; Dr. Qazi, Dr. Bajwi, Dr. Qalbani and many members of the community.

Bridge Mag International, Urdu Times and the Pakistan Abroad Teams congratulate Dr. Javed Qasim and Fauzia Javed and send best wishes for the Bride Amera and Groom Sabih. Valima


october 2012


Dr Javed Qasim Son’s Wedding -Saint Louis


october 2012


Urdu Circle of North America and Urdu Times organized a Mushaira in Holliday Inn Itasca, Illinois

Gahwarah-e-Adab Chicago, also Participated in Mushaira A large number of People Attended and Enjoyed the Beautiful Evening Famous Poets Iftikhar Arif and Poets of Chicagoland also attended the Mushaira and presented their poetry Renowned poet Iftikhar Arif Got the standing ovation from the jubilant crowed Aijaz Hashmi emceed the Mushaira Report by Jawaid Riaz


rdu Circle of North America and Urdu Times organized a Mushaira, in Holliday Inn Itasca, Illinois. Gahwarah e Adab also participated in the Mushaira event. A good number of people enjoyed the evening, and families attended the program, and enjoyed the traditional mushaira. The mushaira was presided over by senior poet, Mir Hashim Ali Akhtar, and the chief guest was famous Pakistani poet, Iftikhar Arif. In the mushaira, the famous poets: Itrat Hussain Itrat, Saif Lateef, Dr. Sadiq Naqvi, Farah Iqbal, Rasheed Shaheedee, Zakia Ghazal, Mustafa Shahab, Dr. Abid Ullah Ghazi, Dr. Taqi

Abidi read and presented their beautiful poetry; and were cheered and appreciated by the crowd. Dr. Khursheed Khizar and Dr. Muzzaffar Farooqui read the welcome remarks. Dr Taqi Abidi talked about the personality and poetry of Iftikhar Arif and tribute him on his wonderful work. Javed Aslam read the vote of thanks. The Mushaira was well organized, prestigious and enjoyed by the attendees and will be remembered. The beautiful evening ended at midnight. Counsel General of Pakistan Chicago, Zaheer Pervaz Khan also attended the Mushaira.


october 2012


Pakistani Muslim woman, five kids die in Britain fire

Omar Mammon organizer of Pakistan People’s Party labor wing UK visited Karachi Pakistan


mar Mammon organizer of Pakistan People’s Party labor wing UK visited Karachi Pakistan, while he was returning to UK after performing his Pilgrimage (Umrah) in Saudi Arabia. A reception was held in his honor by Mr. Rashid By Bridge UK Bureau Report Rabbani, Senior Advisor to ondon: A Pakistani Muslim was started deliberately. Fire- CM Sind, and also attended by woman, who worked as a fighters said when they arrived Senator Mian Raza Rabbani, doctor, and five of her children at the scene they found a car died on Monday in a devastat- on fire a short distance from ing house fire in Britain, which the house. The car was not connected to the family, and police said was “suspicious”. police are treating the car fire Firefighters were called to the as arson. two-storey property in Barn Mead in Essex around 1.45 am A neighbor said she was awowhere they found flames pour- ken in the early hours of the ing from both the front and morning by the sound of “horback doors, the Daily Mail re- rible screaming” from the house. She said she heard a ported. woman screaming “help”. “It Two sons -- 11-year-old Shoaib was absolutely horrible,” she and six-year-old Rayan -- and said. Another neighbor told 13-year-old daughter Hira, and the daily the Asian family had their mother Sabah Usmani only recently moved into the were declared dead after being area, and that the father was a pulled from the inferno.. doctor.


A third son, nine-year-old Muneeb, , and his three-yearold sister, Maheen, was died later in hospital.. Usmani’s doctor husband Abdul Shakour survived the blaze with minor injuries. The family was of Asian (Pakistani) origin. but their present nationality was not known. Police told the daily they were investigating whether the fire

Dr. Shakour was inside the house when the blaze started but had escaped by the time firefighters arrived. He is not currently being treated as a suspect, police said. A fire official said the blaze, which started downstairs while the family were asleep upstairs, had developed rapidly, suggesting some kind of fuel may have been used.

Speaker Sind Assembly, Nisar Khuhru, Provincial Minister Sind, Rafiq Engineer, Ex. Senator Masroor Ahsan, Ex MNA and Prominent Labor leader Aziz Mammon, Advisor to CM Sind, Waqar Mehdi, Vice President PPP Karachi, Farid Ansari and General Sectary PPP Karachi, Najmee Alam.


october 2012


PPP holds big rally in support of LB law

He said that if there was any Sindh card it belonged to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari. Sindh Assembly Speaker Nisar Khuhro said that attacks on PPP leaders reflected opponents’ jealousy. “It is because the government is going to complete its five-year term after a long time. You can’t scare us with such attacks,” he said.


YDERABAD, Oct 15: The Pakistan People’s Party demonstrated its political prowess here on Monday with a big public meeting in a ground off the National Highway.

up to the provinces to choose a system that suits them. “But you [opponents] can’t change opinion with the use of bullets,” he said. The PPP government gave jobs, ensured women’s empowerment and brought bills to support minorities, he said, adding that had these things been given to East Pakistan it would not have seceded.Mr Gilani disputed the findings of a survey which says that PPP’s political popularity has declined: “This sea of people shows that our popularity graph has risen.”

The meeting, which was addressed by former prime minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, Federal Ministers Makhdoom Amin Fahim and Qamar Zaman Kaira and Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah and other PPP leaders, adopted a resolution in support of the Sindh People’s Local Government Act, 2012. They termed it a law that was Referring to Hamza Shahbaz’s in larger interest of Sindh. statement about Ali Baba and It praised the political acumen 40 thieves, he said: “People of PPP Co-chairman and Presi- don’t know that Ali Baba was dent Asif Ali Zardari and said a a pious man.” handful of enemies of democracy would not be able to mis- About the Swiss letter, he said: “My viewpoint has been vinlead people.

He criticised the Convenor of the Sindh Bachayo Committee, Syed Jalal Mehmood Shah, for switching off lights and running away from the Sindh Assembly, instead of presiding over an assembly session as for working for progress of the the deputy speaker, when the country and said people were PPP was to table a resolution with the PPP and its enemies against Kalabagh Dam. would fail to defeat it because every child was with this party. PPP Sindh vice president and federal minister Maula Bux Qamar Zaman Kaira recalled Chandio claimed that nationthat when the PPP-led govern- alists had been seeking PPP ment took over in 2008 terror- tickets. “Younger Palejo [Ayaz ists were gaining space and the Latif] should recall that he had entire world had doubts about come to Bilawal House to seek Pakistan’s future. PPP’s ticket for his paternal “We didn’t have enough wheat, uncle,” he said. urea and chilli and the country He said Mumtaz Bhutto had had to import 2.5 million tons joined the PML-N because of wheat, but today we have Nawaz Sharif was thinking that surplus crops,” he said. he would form a confederation.

“The PPP doesn’t believe in concentration of powers. Powerful provinces make a powerful federation.”

Sindh Minister Agha Siraj Durrani criticised PML-N leaders Syed Ghaus Ali Shah and Marvi Memon and said they worked Mr Kaira said PPP’s founder as ‘money-changers’ of Nawaz Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was the Sharif in Sindh. biggest nationalist of Pakistan. Sindh Information Minister

The meeting condemned the attack on Malala Yousufzai, Shazia and Kainat by the Taliban. “Those who say that the PPP is dividing Sindh are living in a fool’s paradise,” said Yousuf Raza Gilani. He urged the nationalists to talk to the government on the local government law. The PPP is a federal party that has deep roots in all the four provinces, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. The former prime minister said it was the PPP government led by him that had given autonomy to the provinces. Now it is

dicated by the judiciary. I had Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah been saying that President said the PPP had formed the Zardari enjoys immunity. My government after crossing rivsacrifice was not in vain, it has ers of blood. “Let others render saved institutions.” such sacrifices.” He said PMLN president Nawaz Sharif was He said Mr Zardari had raised pro-Pakistan slogans after the roaming about in Sindh, paassassination of Benazir Bhutto. tronising the nationalists, but “even their [nationalists] neighAmin Fahim praised Mr Zardari bours don’t know them”.

Sharjeel Memon accused a nephew of PML-N leader Imdad Chandio of being involved in throwing explosive devices in Larkana and said the government had video-clips and his confessional statement.

He said PPP’s jiyalas would not let anyone cast an evil eye on Sindh. “We will not hand over Sindh to extortionists cum-nationalists and we know ‘takht-i-Lahore’ is pulling their strings.” The meeting adopted a resolution, saying that the PPP would not allow anti-people elements to bargain away or rob Sindh’s rights.


october 2012

An Exclusive Interview of Dr. Mohammad Waseem Kagzi By Jawaid Riaz, Editor Bridge Mag


r. Mohammad Waseem Kagzi is a Medical graduate (Position Holder) from DOW Medical College Karachi, Pakistan -2001.

JR: What is the first thing you would like to mention to the readers of Bridge International Magazine? Dr. Kagzi: As an elected President of PPS, I would like to introduce myself and brief the readers about the PakistaniDescent Physicians Society. PPS was established in 1979 by a group of Pakistani Physicians’, since then, PPS has stood the test of time and has continued as a successful professional entity and has provided its tri-state members with many memorable events, both scientific and social. JR: Tell us more about your medical career. Dr. Kagzi: I earned my Medical Doctor from Dow Medical College in 2001 and placed 5th position in Final professional M.B.B.S. exam. I also received the Surgeon General Award for best performing Diabetic Program in rural Missouri (2000) and was a featured physician


the in St. Louis post.

good governance to the society. growing children. Start a strong networking proJR: What is the primary purpose gram for the local physicians. Members Web listing of the PPS? Strengthen PPS Programs like Nationwide peer recognition Dr. Kagzi: Whenever a need APPNA/PPS clinic. As a member you get discounts for humanitarian or social JR: Why is it important to be on all participating events emergency was appreciated, acquainted with, and how does the whole of PPS membership a physician become a PPS mem- Here are some Membership as one body participated in Types & Fees we offer for our ber? the most benevolent manner. Pakistani Physicians. More than 150 physicians and Dr. Kagzi: One should become allied members have joined a member because PPS is the Annual Membership Dues: today because they recognize only and most prestigious or- USD 25.00 our unparalleled success in ganization of Pakistani Physiupholding ethical and moral cians in Illinois. This organiza- Lifetime Membership Dues values, engage in social and tion that is not for profit, free USD 250.00 professional activities, support of political agenda and is work- Physician In Training educational and intellectual ing toward the promotion of pursuit, upgrade medical care social, cultural, educational Students No Charge and thus glorify our associaand humanitarian goals. Led tion and the society. by the Board of Trustees (past Allied Health Professionals JR: What do you foresee as the presidents), the office bearers No Charge of Executive Council and our role of the PPS in 2012? JR: What recent PPS activities / volunteer leadership, we work Dr. Kagzi: 2012 marks’ a signifi- to represent you on the vital meetings can you tell us about? cant change for our organiza- issues that impact your social Dr. Kagzi: The First Executive tion, process of converting PPS life in this multicultural cosCommittee meeting was held to a not for profit organization mopolitan society. We also arat Lal Qila, Restaurant in Illiis now complete. 2012 will be range educational, scientific nois, hosted by Dr Rubina Husthe first full working year for and CME programs. And es- sain & Dr Mansoor Alam on the new society, with a capacpecially in the wake of recent January 15th, 2012 Dr. Hasina ity to raise funds and run projpatriot laws we can stand to- Javed Presented the budget for ects. 2012 will also see signifi2012, which was unanimously cant changes in the health care gether as one voice to protect approved. This is the first time industry with the Patient Pro- our rights as a community. in seven years that a budget is tection and Affordable Care PPS also provides a variety of presented and approved by the Act taking its effect on how platforms as follows. Executive Council. Dr. Raza we manage patients. The ever Khan presented the concept of shrinking payment pool will Outstanding meetings and PPS/APPNA Mobile Clinic. A have the physicians rethink state-of-the-art scientific pro- committee is formed to further and retool their skills, to adapt grams look into the feasibility of this in the new environment. Thus project. Dr. Imtiaz Arain upit is important for us to unite CME activities dated the participants on the and strengthen our network- Picnics and Music programs to activities at the PPS/APPNA ing skills so we can benefit promote the cultural harmo- clinic including hiring of a from each other’s experience ny amongst the members and nurse practitioner & increasing and promote the image of Pak- their families especially their the clinic hours. istani-descent Physicians in the community. Our Goals for 2012 is to: My main concern’s is to make PPS Stronger & Better by Increasing the PPS lifetime membership. Streamline the policies & procedures and bring


october 2012


Amanat Ali Khan Astounding Concert Thrilled Chicagoans “Sa Re Ga Ma Pa” finalist

Asian Media USA ©


hicago, IL: On Saturday, October 13, 2012 the Hamdard Center for Health and Human Services held its 20th Annual Gala at the Donald E. Stephens Rosemont Convention Center in Rosemont, IL. It was a celebration of 20 years at with special guest, Khaleel the comedian as the Master of Ceremony. Evening highlights included a high couture Cultural and royal fashion show produced by Sahil and featuring the Royal Bride Collection by Umang Hutheesing, wonderful, live music with Singer Amanat Ali, and an extremely entertaining live auction presented by Michael Espe of Zaffarano Auctioneers. Theme fashion show was of Jaipur, Rajasthan. 750+ people from the South Asian and American Community attended the program. Featuring Musical Guest Amanat Ali was a Pakistani singer who was one of the finalists on Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge 2007. He placed third in the competition and garnered 34,314,257 votes in the final two weeks. Choreographer Farah Khan and Indian ghazal singer Jagjit Singh heralded him as a “great discovery”. Amanat once performed with Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, who paid him five hundred rupees for his performance. Amanat is the son of singer Nazakat Ali. Amanat sand the “Khabar Nahi” song for the 2008 film Dostana. He performed the opening act for the “Unforgettables” concert, which showcased the Bachchan family, Preity Zinta

plained the deeper meaning of this song. When he sang this song, everybody in the audience was in a “zone” ; he really captivated the audience with this number.

at the Hamdard Gala 2012 will always remain memorable as he was able to entertain the crowd of young and old folks alike, which had people from both Pakistan and India. After his performance, he received Amanat is relatively new in the accolades from the audience singing arena, but he knows and also gave opportunity to that he is talented and he his fans to take a picture with doesn’t shy away from flaunthim, which saw many uncles ing it. He has all the qualities and aunties lining up for him of being a rock star. We will see a lot more of him in the fu- along with the usual young ture for sure. His performance folks.

and other Bollywood actors. His new album, Kohram, was released by Fire Records Pakistan and digitally by 2 Republic Music Group USA on June 14, 2009. At the Hamdard Gala, Amanat was a treat for the audience. Amanat is one singer who can sing songs of many genres and he did just that at the Hamdard Gala in front of a huge audience. He sang popular ghazals, rock songs, hindi movie songs, classical songs, sufi songs with complete command. The best part was his rendition of famous Pakistan and Indian songs. He kept surprising the audience by combing songs and then having the audience sing along with him. The lovely part was that his band was in sync with his antics on the stage; they knew exactly when to increase the tempo and when to let Amanat go unplugged. Amanat entertained requests from the audience and conversed with the audience at regular intervals. He read poetry in between songs and entertained the crowd with his witty jokes and one liners. He came to have fun and entertain the crowd and after witnessing his performance, it is pretty safe to say that he achieved just that. People wanted more of him. There were chants of “Once More” on many of his songs, especially when he sang his rendition of the song “Tujh se Naraz Nahin, Zindagi Hairaan Hoon Mein” from film, Masoom, written by Gulzar. He told the audience that this song changed his life and ex-

Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor are finally married!


fter being in a relationship for 5 years, Saif Ali Khan andKareena Kapoor finally got married Tuesday afternoon. They completed the formalities of a registered marriage.

mer actress Sharmila Tagore signed as a witness for him.

Kareena Kapoor’s mother Babita and her dad Randhir Kapoor signed as witnesses for her while Saif’s mom and for-

Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor dated each for five years before getting married, which has been a very private affair.

Kareena Kapoor who turned 32 last month, looked beautiful in a green Punjabi suit. Saif went ahead choosing a grey The marriage took place at kurta pyjama.Kareena’s cousin Saif’s Bandra home. Saif and Ranbir Kapoor and her sister Kareena are now husband and Karishma Kapoor were also wife. present during the ceremony.


october 2012


Pyar Mein Kyun’ held its 2nd premiere in Chicago Asian Media USA ©

as the two discover the truth The people of Chicago were about one another as the story equally warm with their hosline unravels. pitality and enthusiasm. Sevhicago IL: October 2nd, eral VIP’s from the commu2012, Des Plaines - ChicaThe crowd at the premiere got nity attended the premiere and go. It was yet another evening restless in anticipation of meetamong them were Mr. Sunil of excitement, as the cast and ing the leading actors. As soon Shah, the President of FIA crew walked the Red Carpet in as they saw the beautiful Khatthe Des Plaines theater in Chi- era, they screamed in pleasure Chicago, Mr. Naren Patel of cago. Pyar Mein Kyun had its and rushed to meet her and Medstar Laboratories, Chan2nd premiere on Sunday Sep- talk to her. Khatera obliged by dresh Brahmbhatt of AAHOA, tember 30th in Chicago, after shaking hands with them and Babubhai Patel of Saahil, along its much talked about Gala posing for pictures with them with many members of the loRed Carpet Premiere held in on the Red Carpet. cal TV and print media. New York city at the beginning of the week. Pyar Mein Kyun Khatera looked stunning in a is a full-length Bollywood fea- Royal Blue Lehenga sari sponture film made entirely in the sored by Saahil boutique of United States, shot primarily Chicago. Obaid looked quite dapper in a black suit. Right in New York and New Jersey. behind them was the talented Presented by RKNet Studios Director Hyder Bilgrami and and Aary Films and starring one of the Associate producers Namaste America host Obaid of the movie Nutan Kalamdani, Kadwani and newcomer Khat- who also has been handling era Hakimi, Pyar Mein Kyun is the media and publicity for the a romantic thriller about love film. The entire cast won Chibetween a teenage girl and a cago’s heart through their ex35-year fashion photographer. tremely friendly and down to But all is not so simple in love earth approach.


The audience loved the lead actors in the movie and also appreciated the movie. The cast and crew then headed to a private party hosted by Mr. Dhitu Bhagwakar at his lounge Strike Ten. Mr. Dhitu also happens to be the owner of the Des Plaines Theater. Pyar Mein Kyun is scheduled to release in the theaters in the US before the end of this year.


october 2012


Hamdard Center’s 20th Annual Benefits Gala Funds the Wellbeing of Humanity Building Our Legacy

sponsors and an auction which took place during the evening. Mohammad Hamid Co-founder and Chairman message via Video Tonight we celebrate the 20 anniversary of the Hamdard Center with a special tribute to its co-founder, the late Farzana Hamid. I believe the best tribute we can pay to Farzana is to shed some light on her legacy as a community activist. Farzana was an exceptional individual. I was privileged to be her life partner and had high regard for her and for what she did and believed in. Tonight, Farzana’s legacy lives on through each

Asian Media USA ©

vices, and case management.

Chicago, IL: On Saturday, October 13, 2012 the Hamdard Center for Health and Human Services held its 20th Annual Gala at the Donald E. Stephens Rosemont Convention Center in Rosemont, IL. It was a celebration of 20 years at with special guest, Khaleel the comedian as the Master of Ceremony. Evening highlights included a high couture Cultural and royal fashion show produced by Sahil and featuring the Royal Bride Collection by Umang Hutheesing, wonderful, live music with Singer Amanat Ali, and an extremely entertaining live auction presented by Michael Espe of Zaffarano Auctioneers Theme fashion show was of Jaipur, Rajasthan so audience encouraged to dress up. 975 people from the South Asian and American Community attended the program.

Master of Ceremony: Khaleel the comedian.

Over $275,000 was raised for good cause. Beside all Business and professional people, Prominent community leaders there were dignitaries included Bosnian Consul General Elden Kajevic and Pakistani Consul General Zaheer Pervaiz Khan who attended this event. The target was to raised $200,000 however Hamdard Center raised $275,000 of which will go towards their seven programs including the domestic violence division, transitional housing, senior services, youth services, primary and mental health ser-

Khaleel Farooqie (a.k.a) Khaleel the comedian. He has been on 2011 and 12 TBS Just for Laugh comedy fest, also he been mentioned in N.Y times, Chicago Red Eye, Urdu Times, and appeared alongside Dean Abudal from Axis of Evil comedy tour. Most recently he performed with, Sarah Silverman & Jeff Garlin from HBO comedy series Curb Your Enthusiasm. Chicago’s very own Khaleel. The evening started with a warm welcome from Khaleel the comedian. This was followed by a cocktail hour in the lobby area, which was shared by over 18 exhibitors and vendors created a small Bazaar ambiance by displaying their beautiful products such as Indian Clothing, jewelry and paintings. Some of the participants were Sanyaz Photography, Makeup Iglam, I.Khanic, and Brown Hub, Allstate Insurance, Insure with us, Professional Party Planners, KM Exclusives, Avantique Jewellery Designs, Aisha Collections, Sofiana, Yoomna’s, Adaa Fashions and numerous others, who participated in making the Gala a successful event.

one of us, including the individuals and families she touched. There are many men and women in our communities who have impacted the lives and well being of individuals and families. Farzana’s impact, however, was different. She pursued a dream of empowering the women and elders of our communities. She strived throughout her personal and professional life to reduce, if not eradicate, domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse in our communities. There are literally thousands of men and women who benefited from her personally and through the institution she established, the Hamdard Center. I believe leaving a legacy that has positive impact is an act of responsibility.

Farzana inspired us to reflect upon how each one of us can use our skills to effect social change, change that can set in motion the development of healthy relationships. I truly believe that part of what makes us good and honorable people is having a foundational part of our lives based on the goal of leaving a legacy. Her vision of the agency continues to extend and guide us. She knew from experience that if she set her mind to a well-defined goal, she The admission fee for the event could achieve it. Today’s Hamwas $150.00 per person and dard and its comprehensive $1,500 a table additional sup- services continue to remind us port came from the over 200 that to lead change you have to sponsors as well as over 15 ad be different and willing to take


october 2012


risks. That she did! Evening Includes a Special Tribute to the Late Dr. Farzana Hamid, Co-Founder (Video plays) Farzana of Hamdard Community services Award Recipients Syed Anwar, M.D. Arif Azam, M.D. Firdaus JaJri, D.D.S. Fund-A-Cause 2012 $10,000 - Expand vitally needed program space for the influx of immigrants and refugees through the rehab of 6,000 square feet of the Chicago site $5,000 - Prepare 400 freshlyprepared meals weekly to seniors by modernizing kitchen facilities $2,500 - Provide 40 underprivileged elementary students with an educational summer program

and internationally. Hamdard was the first agency to have opened a culturally specific domestic violence shelter in Dupage county and remains a beacon of light for many survivors of violence. Tonight we share one of those stories with you - Her name is Priya and here is her story of hope” said Michael Espe. Fashion show Theme: “Mogul Royalty” For 200 years a single family dominated India and astonished the world. A family known to history as The Great Moghuls. On Saturday, October 13, 2012 Sahil Exclusive presented “Moghul Royalty”. An evening to come join their royal court, view the elegant styles and experience Moghul Royalty. Sahil presented two unique collections; a 2013 collection designed exclusively for Sahil by Shefali Hedge and feature collection by Umang Hutheesing.

$1,000 - Provided 20 refugees with supportive counseling, case management and advocacy Sahil CEO: Bhavesh Patel services for one month Designer: Umang Hutheesing $500 - Upgrade computer lab with serves seniors, children, Designer: Shefali Hegde and victims of domestic vio- Runway Producer:Pranav Tailor lence Stage Design: Dream Occasions $250 Provide children enrolled in the after-school youth program with school and art supplies

Models: Factor Model Management, Megha Rao, Puja Bhagwaker & Ruchi Ray Make-up Artist: Candace Corey and team

$100 - Fulfill the immediate need and provide 15 victims of Dance: Kalapriya Dance Comdomestic violence with grocer- pany with special thanks to ies and basic necessities for one Pranita Jain and Priya Narayan. week Music: Dj Sohbash Live auction presented by Mi- Photo/VideoTeam:Studio Seven chael Espe from Zaffarano AucSpecial, special thanks to all the tioneers. back stage helpers! Live Auction Items The evening ended with the rePackage One - Maharaja For A nowned SA Re GA MA PA finalist Amanat Ali performing Day his hit songs and delighting the Package Two - The Jungle Book crowd. Hamdard Center would Four Seasons Weekend like to thank its sponsors and Package Three - Fly the World supporters for this year’s gala in Luxury with Eithad Airways that included Northern Trust, Exelon, Etihad, and Endan“Thank you Ladies and Gentle- gered Species Chocolate. Hammen and welcome to Hamdard dard Center fund raised over ‘s 20th annual gala . An orga- $275,000 for good cause to supnization that since 1992 has port its seven programs, Domesserved over 40,000 clients and tic Violence which includes the serves clients both nationally transitional housing program,

Senior services, Youth services, Primary and mental health services, and Case management. Hamdard Center would like to thank the dozens of volunteers that made the 20th Annual gala so successful. Board of Directors Mohammad Hamid, Ph.D., (Chairman), Syed Hashmat Anwar, M.D. (Vice Chairman), Kathryn Siddiqui, M.S.W., M.A., (Secretary), Adnaan Hamid, M.D, (Treasurer), Aisha Jaleel, M.D, (Treasurer), Irfan Sufi, M.A., Robert Cook, M.A. and Amitabh Kejriwal, M.B.A. About Hamdard: (Joining hand, Changing destiny) Hamdard Center for Health and Human services is a notfor-profit health and social service agency whose mission is “to promote the physical and emotional health and psychological well-being of individuals and families by offering hope, help, and healing.” Hamdard was established by cofounders, the late Dr. Farzana Hamid and Dr. Mohammad Hamid, in 1992 as a proactive response to address the critical mental health needs of the South Asian and Middle Eastern communities. Hamdard’s philosophy is to meet the needs of the under-served through its new paradigm of care, which includes a comprehensive service model to provide culturally-sensitive and linguisticallyappropriate services to families. Hamdard serves minorities of different ethnicities and faiths. Most under served populations feel comfortable coming to Hamdard because the staff recognizes the importance of cultural sensitivity. Hamdard’s uniqueness is demonstrated through its programming of inlanguage services provided to the communities of the greater Chicago Metropolitan area. All of Hamdard’s programs and services are licensed and/or protocol-compliant. Hamdard staff can deliver in-language services in the following languages: Arabic, Bosnian, Gujarati, Hindi, Persian, Punjabi, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Telegu, and Urdu.


october 2012


Health Benefits of Honey

Improving Athletic Perfor- Honey in Wound Managemance: Recent research has ment shown that honey is an excelSignificant research is belent ergogenic aid and helps in ing carried out to study the benefits of honey in treating wounds. Nursing Standard provides some of these benefits in the document - The benefits of honey in woundmanagement. These have been given below:

boosting the performance of athletes. Honey facilitates in maintainingblood sugar levels, muscle recuperation and glycogen restoration after a workout.


oney has been used by mankind since the past 2,500 years, all over the world. While the numerous health benefits of honey have made it an important aspect of traditional medicines such as Ayurveda, scientists are also researching the benefits of honey in modern medicine, especially in healing wounds.

taste as well as health benefits.

Source of Vitamins and Minerals: Honey contains a variety

•• Honey possesses antimi crobial properties.

•• It helps in promoting au tolytic debridement. •• It deodorizes malodor ous wounds.

•• It speeds up the healing process by stimulating wound tissues.

of vitamins and minerals. The •• It helps in initiating type of vitamins and minerals the healing process and their quantity depends on in dormant wounds. Sweetener: Sugar can be sub- the type of flowers used for stituted with honey in many apiculture. Commonly, honey •• Honey also helps in pro foodand drinks. Honey con- contains Vitamin C, Calcium moting moist wound and Iron. Check for the vita- healing. min and mineral content in The healing powers of honey sugar from any source, you will are not hyped. The Waikato find it to be either nil or minHoney Research Unit provides Known as Honig in German, iscule. Miele in Italian, Shahad in Antibacterial and Antifungal Hindi, Miel in French, Miel in Spanish, Mel in Portuguese, мед Properties: Honey has antiin Russian, Honing in Dutch, bacterial and anti-fungal propand μελι in Greek, there is hardly tains about 69% glucose and erties and hence it can be used any region in the world where fructose enabling it to be used as a natural antiseptic. as a sweetener. honey is not cherished. Antioxidants: Honey contains What makes honey so popu- Energy Source: According to nutraceuticals, which are effecdetails about the world-wide lar? It is the ease with which it USDA, honey contains about 64 tive in removing free radicals research that is being carried can be consumed. One can eat calories per tablespoon. Hence from our body. As a result, our out on the benefits of honey in honey directly, put it on bread honey is also used by many as of energy. On the bodyimmunity is improved. medicine. Further, BBC reportlike a jam, mix it with juice or a source other hand, one ed in July, 2006 that doctors at any drink instead of sugar, or tablespoon of sugar Skin Care with Milk and the Christie Hospital in Didsmix it with warm water, lime will give you about 15 calo- Honey: Milk and honey are bury, Manchester are planning juice, cinnamon and ries. Further the carbohydrates often served together as both to use honey for faster recovother herbs ery of cancer patients after surto make a med- in the honey can be easily congery. Such research will proicine. It is sa- verted into glucose by even vide scientific evidence to the vored by all due the most sensitive stomachs. Hence it is very easy to digest so-called beliefs held by honey t o honey. lovers all over the world and its The health benefits of honey include the following:

Weight Loss: Though honey

has more calories than sugar, honey when consumed with warm water helps in digesting the fat stored in your body. Similarly honey and lemon juice and honey andcinnamon help in reducing weight. Read more about benefits of honey in weight loss.

help in propagating benefits of honey to more people.

Now that you know the benefits of honey, how do you eat these ingredients help in getit? You can eat it raw, add it it ting a smooth soothing skin. in water and different beveragHence consuming milk and es and you can add it in several honey daily in the morning is recipes also. Organic Facts has a common practice in many published an ebook on quick countries. and easy honey recipes


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october 2012



october 2012


Congratulations On The 65th Independence Day of Pakistan

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