From the Elevated Highway to the Minhocao

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F ROMT HEHI GHWA YT OT HEMI NHOC AO T HEDE MOC RA T I Z A T I ONOFT HEURBANSP AC E DoE l ev a doa oMi nhoc ã o-ADemoc r a t i z a ç ã odosE s pa ç osUr ba nos

“I tc oul dhavebe e naskyl i ght ,awi ndow,a c ont ai ne r ,anyt hi ng.butno,i twasn’ t .I twas r e al l yj ustawhol e . ” J UANC ASE MI RO


Sylvia Yeung MDes in Urban Environments Design School of Design The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research Thesis submited in partial fullfilment of the requirements for the SD5708- Capstone Research of the MDes UED programme (2016-2017). 4



Agradecimentos Agradeço ao Escritor e criador de todas vidas e histórias, pelo presente da vida, ao respirar de cada manhã. Aos meus pais, gratidão eterna pelo suporte, apoio e origem de tudo que sou e me tornei. Aos orientadores Melissa Cate Christ e Carlos Andrés Hernández Arriagada pelo apoio, direcionamento e entusiasmo, por acreditarem em mim. Aos amigos de todas partes do mundo, pelo apoio e companheirismo, mesmo que distantes. Ao samba e gingado daqueles brasileiros, que mesmo sem me conhecer ou entender, estenderam a mão, mostrando um dos maiores valores: a humanidade e receptividade dentro de cada coração brasileiro. Salute!

Aknowledgement I thank the Writer and Creator of all lives, for gifting me with every morning breath. To my parents, an eternal gratitude for giving me support, strenght, and shaping the character of who I am. I also express my gratitude to the tutors Melissa Cate Christ and Carlos Andrés Hernández Arriagada for the support, shared wisdom and enthusiasm, thank you for believing in me. I thank my friends from all over the world for the support and company, even from far. I also thank the samba and Brazilian gingado of each one that helped me, that even not knowing me, was able to offer help to a stranger, showing kindness and humanity- to the warmth of the Brazilian heart! Cheers! 6

To study something is to become obsessed about it, even if for a short period of time. Laurent Gutierrez 7

RESUMO Este trabalho é reflexo da junção de dois mundos: a sensibilidade, paixão e visão humanista ensinada em Hong Kong e à realidade e experiência técnica e sistemática adquirida e vivida no Brasil. Com uma visão surrealista que une dois lados de uma personalidade, este trabalho busca a exploração do passado e presente de uma infraestrutura em meio a cidade, que pode ser considerada como praticamente um ser dotado de vida dadas às dinâmicas do mesmo. Como uma próxima etapa sugere-se, a exploração e projeção de realidades alternativas, produto das duas visões citadas anteriormente. Este estudo traz uma construção polêmica em São Paulo, uma via elevada, também conhecida e apelidada como Minhocão. Através do histórico, juntamente com 4 visões distintas e direcionadas- espaço, identidade, políticas e programas- é possivel construir percepções sobre o objeto e ver oportunidades e perspectivas de mudanças para o Minhocão. Palavras-chave: urbanidade, infraestrutura, São Paulo, identidade, eventos, temporalidade, paisagem


ABSTRACT This work is a reflection of two worlds: the kindness, passion and humanistic approach learned in Hong Kong with the reality and the technical and systematic background experience lived in Brazil. Daring to dream and show both sides of a personality, this work explores the past and present of an infrastructure, that is almost alive due to its dynamics. Later, the future can be projected as a alternative reality, product of the two sides mentioned before. This studies bring up a polemic infrastructure in Sao Paulo, a extense bridge also popular know as Minhocao (Big Worm in Portuguese). Using the historical background plus the optic of 4 pillars- space, identity, policy and program, is possible to have some visions about the problem and also see the opportunities and perspectives of changes for the Minhocao. Keywords: urban thinking, infrastructure, Sao Paulo, identity, program, time, landscape PAST




Thesis / debate

Scenarios Experimentation

Deactivation 2017


Temporal dynamics of the research. p




Diagram by the author





CONTENT 09 Abstract [Chapter 01- Introduction] 15 Introduction 17 Questioning the future 19 Process and development [Chapter 02 - A Tale/ Saga] 23 The legend 25 History- Memory of the City 34 Timeline of the elevated highway 37 Space- Urban morphologies 40 Mapping 48 Total area 51 Identity 52 Space Identity 58 People Identity 60 Users, agents and Stakeholders 63 Policy 69 Comparisons Between Master Plans 71 Program- Reinventing the city 73 Temporary Interventions 79 Synopsis of the Background [Chapter 03 - Issue/ Topic] 83 The landscape and the city 84 Complex[city] 86 Reading the city 87 Limits and boundaries 89 [Un]predicting the future 91 Doubts and Insights 95 97 111 115

[Chapter 06 - Matrix Future] 135 Matrix Future 137 Experts say that... 138 Space _ Carlos Andrés Hernández Arriagada 142 Civitas _ Anne Marie Sumner 146 Policy _ Valter Caldana Junior 150 Program _ Juan Casemiro 154 To the Future! 159 Projecting Strategies 161 Tatic Actions 162 Strategies 168 Phases [Chapter 07 - Opening Doors] 177 Conclusion 181 Project Statement [XX - Appendix/ Plus] 184 List of images and diagrams 00 Bibliography 00 Webgraphy 00 Documentaries 00 Acronyms and abbreviations 00 Glossary 00 Juan’s Casemiro Photo Shoot 00 Traces and Clues in the City

[Chapter 04 - The creature] The Creature A broken mirror The question of the city Shifting the Perspective

[ Chapter 05 - Case Studies] 119 Case studies 124 Comparisons 131 Sorting Out Possibilities 11



01 13



INTRODUCTION Sao Paulo is the largest city in Brazil, the major financial, corporative and mercantile center in South America. The city covers 1.522,968 square kilometers and had an estimated population of 12 million in 2016. Like any other metropolis in developing countries, it has problems- traffic, security and housing are the most relevant ones. With an approach learned in Hong Kong, it is possible to analyze the Brazilian reality and get into a different solution and conclusion perspective, bringing the possibility of humanistic view. As an example of traffic problem, a special object was chosen due to the location and discussions among local population and experts. It transformed from a mega infrastructure to a obsolete monster. The importance of this object for this study is the way it is changing the relationship between citizens x urban space and also shifting the perception of city. Which bring questions about development of pleasant spaces, who should do it and how. The President Joao Goulart Elevated Highway is 3,4 kilometers long, connecting central East to West area of Sao Paulo. It was built in 1969 and inaugurated in 1970, during Brazil’s military dictatorship period. At that time, cities were planned and designed according to the automobiles. Due to the size and shape of this elevated highway, it was nicknamed Minhocao (Big Earthworm). Since the construction until the 1990’s, many questions and critics were made but just in the late 2000’s/2010’s, citizens and urban planners started the real and more relevant discussion about the possibilities for it’s future. Recently (2010’s), the shift of use of the Minhocao brought a change in the perception of the city and its dynamics. The object has been a target of many studies, not only related to urban planning and urban design but also anthropological studies, public health studies and many others. With the shift of use and characteristics, the future of it start to be questioned. Is it going to become a park? Is it going to be dismantled? What are the impacts of the decision?




QUESTIONING AND THINKING THE FUTURE After having the general idea of the research, clear targets should be done to help guide the process. In this way, a main idea question is settled: Can a functional object have another functions going beyond the purpose of use? What is the future of the “Big Worm”? Trying to answer the main questions, secondary ones can help breaking the big ones and putting steps towards the answer: When and how did the space has the characteristics changed from the functional, to the called “living space”? For the future, what are the processes of adaption and absorption of the changes (no matter the result- demolition or turn the infrastructure into a park)? To help in the process of discover and research, some tools are going to be used. The literature review consists in building a guideline to structure the thinking process, making a frame about the topic. Primary research will be used to bring updated data and opinions from experts in the topic and scenes of what is experienced there. Secondary research based on articles, previous researches and documentaries, will complement this studies with already existing information and previous opinions about the same object. Also, a methodology used by the Labstrategy will help guiding the studies and directing towards the future scenarios by using tactical actions and strategies. All these together will support the thesis, hopefully leading to a bright conclusion and possibility of future. Enjoy the journey.




Center of gravity Focus of the studies


Ways to reach the main question Subdivion of topics Spread the way to think Gather of pieces


Parcial conclusions Guessings, possibilities for the future Suppositions Blurred predictions




process and development





More precise directions related to the impact in different topics: economy, government, sustainability, urbanity, endemies, population and social issues

Precise and more detailed answer for the main question, through a possible scenario, a vision


Link from reseach to the future reality Connection between present and what is about to come








CONTEXT OF THE CITY Before starting to study the topic itself, there is the need to put the country and the city as context and support to understand part of the reality. This particular elevated highway is located in the Se district, in the center of the city of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Sao Paulo is a global city. As said in the introduction, it is the most populous city and wealthiest city in Brazil. It is an extremely diverse city in terms of uses and cultures, with many contrasts. In the center, there is the most dense part, with the old city and some vacant buildings. The closer to the borders, bigger the contrasts- favelas right next to high class buildings, less people on the streets, more people on cars and even more packed on the buses and public transportation. The diagram bellow gives a general idea of the most relevant references to understand the city according to the perspective or an architect and urban planner.

Simplified development of the city, starting from the black dot, in a radial way, between Tiete and Pinheiros rivers . u Diagram made by the author Location of the study area in the global context. The heart of the city is marked with the urban spread of 1930’s according to Sarah Brasil mapping. t Diagram made by the author



a tale / saga

02 23



THE LEGEND Just like in medical studies, to be able to help the patient, there is need to understand the context and precedents of the person. Same happens in urban studies, to improve the city, a background knowledge about it is required. An object or a creature is never an object per se. It is the result of the relations and reactions towards an environment. In the case of the Minhocao, the environment is the Central area of Sao Paulo, mixing different characteristics from different times, making this area singular by the constant reconstruction of the space and collective memories. This part is dedicated to the studies of the environment which the object is inserted, including different aspects: History: a quick historical background, bringing the understanding of the city and the moment when the Minhocao was created. Space: the morphologies of the space, data and numbers about population, land use, height of buildings, topography..., giving an idea of the physical dimensions and characteristics of the surrounding areas. Identity: characteristics that makes the link between people and space, giving this area the sense of uniqueness. Policy: laws and legal issues that help giving support for a better or worse development of the area along time. Program: events and activities in the surrounding area.



HISTORY - MEMORY OF THE CITY According to Saussure, the language of the city is the reflection of the ambitions and desires of an specific period of time.By that, we have the constant reinvention of the city by the junction of history, manifested in a material way that is read along the styles presented in the city. The city of Sao Paulo is relatively new if compared to another in Asia or Europe. The foundation of the it is from 1554, by jesuits. Along history, the city has presented 5 big periods of development, according to different economies. As a result, different parts of the city grew and in different times. The Minhocao is located on the fourth period and to understand the development, a quick revision will be made. The area that has been the object of study is located in the center of the city. When jesuits came, the Village of Sao Paulo was know as a intermediary city between the sea and the unexplored Brazilian country side.

Foundation of Sao Paulo, when jesuits decided to stay and “save� the natives. Oil painting, Oscar Pereira da Silva 1909 u

On the left, one of the most impressive buildings in the area due to the thematic decoration. t



For almost three centuries, Sao Paulo, called Piratininga at that time, remained as a place marked by the Patio do Colegio, where there was an monastery dedicated to catechize natives. In the XVII century, Piratininga was know for the called “Bandeiras”, expeditions towards the interior, looking for valuable items and natives for slavery, expanding the colonization of this land.

Center of Sao Paulo, Largo da Memoria (left) and poor tropeiros (right), early 1800’s. Jean Baptiste Debret t

The establishment of the village, that later evolved to province, was marked by the limits of three churches (marked in red in the map bellow): Sao Bento, belonging to the jesuits -1598 (bottom left), Sao Francisco, belonging to the franciscans -1647 (bottom right) and Carmo, belonging to the carmelites1592(top), between the Tamanduatei and Anhangabau rivers, in a valley area.

Sao Paulo 1810, with the three churches that mark the historic triangle, where the city was founded. Map modified by the author. t


It is the called Colonial and Imperial Brazil, when Portugal wanted to extract everything that had value in this land- wood, precious stones, exotic animals, some spices and in exchange, missions were sent to catechize natives. After the 1850’s , the city expanded and became an important stop during the coffee era. It used to be the main point before the merchandise was sent to the port of Santos to be shipped to Europe, concentrating all the production from the interior cities like Jundiai that were brought by the railroad. This prosperous economic aspect, allowed Sao Paulo to concentrate many merchant enriching families, the Barons and Baroness of the coffee. They would usually live near to the center of the city, where there is the actual Minhocao and spread towards southwest. In 1891, was created the Paulista Avenue (red dashed line in the map), showing the expansion of the city towards south; southwest. It was known for the mansions of the richest families and the first large avenue projected in the city. Nowadays, this avenue is known for being the second financial center of the city and a cultural street.

Around 1890’s, with the development of the railroads, the areas close to it began to change and develop towards the Paulista Avenue (dashed line) u



With the money that came from the coffee, the emerging bourgeoisie started investing in factories, helping the development and spread of the city of Sao Paulo towards east, along the railway (yellow line in the map).

Dotted area- the part of the city that was being developed with the coffee economy and the Matarazzo and Sao Joao avenues marked with the green solid line. t

Scanned by CamScanner

Scanned by CamScanner

The elevated highway covers part of the Central area, including some important avenues from the coffee era, like the Sao Joao Avenue and part of the Matarazzo Avenue. These two avenues were the first and main way to go from the central area towards the west of Sao Paulo.

Direita and Sao Bento Street, two main streets that composed and linked the historical triangle of the foundation of Sao Paulo. Guilherme Gaensly t


In the beginning of1900’s, the Sao Joao Avenue, located in the Central area, close to the historical triangle, was known for the cultural and prosperous life of the coffee economy. With a differentiated knowledge, the enriching families started requesting the construction of houses with European elements and garages and some of them still remained in the city and specially, in the area along the Minhocao, in the Sao Joao Avenue, that was still called street at that time.

Scanned by CamScanner

Besides the big houses, the prosperous economy allowed the growth of the city and the development of new technologies like the tram. Which was first implanted in the central area, more specifically, in the Sao Joao Avenue. In 1930, the engineer Francisco Prestes Maia starting the development of the Plan of Avenues for the City of Sao Paulo. It is a plan of development of the city targeting the expansion and growth of the city. The most relevant achievement for this study was the conception of expansion of Sao Paulo in a radiocentric way.

Sao Joao Street in the beggining of the 1900’s, with a agitated cultural life and presence of trams. Guilherme Gaensly p

Plan of Avenues for the City of Sao Paulo, idealized by the engineer Francisco Prestes Maia u



This way of growth made possible the connectivity between the expanding Industrial area towards east, the immigrant neighborhoods like Mooca (Italians) at the east and the enriching neighborhoods at the west area. It also helped define the North-South and the Radial East highways plan that would section and connect the city at the same time. In the middle of the XX Century, Sao Paulo was going through the second industrialization, composed by the heavy and goods industries. To make possible the transportation of the materials, there was a intense development of the city in general and the highway as well. This expansion and growth boosted the migration of workers coming from the northeast of the country to Sao Paulo, generating the conditions for the creation and emergence of the favelas in the city. In the 1970’s, many industries started migrating to cities close to Sao Paulo due to the lower taxes, spreading the urban development towards a metropolitan scale. In a bigger scale, after the ‘visionary’ future and economic development id the second quarter of the XX century, the country was under the dictatorship, where many things were made without approval of the majority.

Amaral Gurgel Street (left) and Marechal Deodoro Square in 1957 (right) before the elevated highway .Folha de S.Paulo Archives t


Is in this context that the Minhocao was conceived. The plan was developed by Faria Lima Mayor as a backup plan for the future mayor, but he knew that this kind of infrastructural object could be harmful for the city, like in many international examples. So during his mandate, the plan was just developed as a study and not executed. The next mayor, Salim Farah Maluf, executed the plan. Not because of the concern of the urban development, it was to put his name in the history since he was already known for the big constructions and for stealing public money, but still doing things.

Amaral Gurgel Street (left) and Marechal Deodoro Square in 1985 (right) after the construction of the elevated highway. Folha de S.Paulo Archives u

The construction of the Minhocao took almost two years. A quite fast construction considering the size and the speed that public constructions take to finish in Brazil, which led to some structural mistakes. According to some experts, the construction was fast but with low quality. The structure presents problems with drainage and doesn’t have enough exits in case of a possible emergency of accident. It also follows the shape of the terrain, so is not straight and sometimes is too close to the buildings. After the construction, the Minhocao showed some negative impacts in the city. The entire surrounding areas started to be devalued due to the noise and the view blocked by the highway. 33


Original drawings from the project. A perspective of the whole highway, 1969. t Original archives of SIURB- PMSP. A perspective zooming part of the highway contouring a building, 1969. q

After accidents at night and complains of the neighbors, the elevated highway started being closed during the night. At the beginning of the 1990’s this highway started presenting problems related to traffic jam, showing a very low efficiency, questioning the construction of it.

Nowadays, the Minhocao is closed during week days, from 9:30pm to 6am, holidays, Saturdays afternoon and Sundays. For the future, is planned the complete deactivation by 2030. But until then, there is still a long way to go, full of speculation and possibilities. In between and after that, what can possibly happen? 34

Pictures during the construction, 1970 . p 1971- the connection towards east, 1989engineer measuring the noise; 1991congestion. t Folha de S.Paulo Archives

After the resumed version of the history of the city until the construction of the Minhocao, the background can be synthesized and simplified in the following diagram, giving a better idea of the growth and spread of the city:


Economic Era


Brazil Colony / Imperial

Rural Extractivism Slavery



Coffee, railroad development, 1st manufacturing industries, immigration, workers villages


First Industrialization

coffee crisis, industries linked to the railroad axis, urban expansion, intercities transportation, worker villages and new central area developments

1945-1960 1960-1975 1975-1980

Second Industrialization

1980-1990 1990-...

Productive Reestructuration




Urban Development

investments on highways, heavy industries, automobiles and goods production, intense urban development, migration, verticalization, peripheralization, favelization development of the tertiay sector, globalization, aggravation of urban problems, unem ployment, informal jobs, migration of industries to other cities, creation of condominiuns along highways, metropolization






Construction of the elevated highway. t Advertising for the grand opening. u Estadao Photo Archives

Prestes Maia Plan for avenues1930. p

1930 It was the first of a series of perimetral circuits, connecting the main radial roads in Sao Paulo


Linear history Advances Problems


The mayor Faria Lima starts the project and studies about the construction of an elevated highway over Sao Joao’s Avenue, with the aim to improve the traffic in the city. Faria Lima already knew the risks of a big infrastructure like this, according to previous examples in other cities. But he still kept the studies in case the next mayor decided to built.

First artistic intervention by Flavio Motta


The current mayor, Paulo Salim Maluf expands the intervention




Traffic jam one year after the opening p Estadao Photo Archives


Critics were made in a local newspaper, describing the project as “work without a clear and defined goal”


Interdiction during the night due to noise and secutiry, preventing car accidents during the night

Speech of the mayor Maluf during the opening (left). t Advertisingof stores taking advantage of the connection (right). t Estadao Photo Archives

Mayor of Sao Paulo, Doria, studies Minhocao as park and “beach”. u Folha de Sao Paulo News, June 2017.

Prestes Maia Prize- first place and two honor mentions. Photo: IAB- Institute of Architects of Brazil p






Establishment of closing time from 21:30 to 06:30 and also weekends and holidays, during the whole day

With the new masterplan, the main idea for this specific object was to transform it into a linear park or to demolish it

A second edition of a public contest of ideas to debate and discuss the future of this huge infrastructure


1990’s TO.......OR NOT TO Discussions about removing the Minhocao or not



Announcement of the process of demolishing the elevated express way

Debates about the future of Minhocao, an old discussion that started in the 1990’s -April 2017 p Photo: IAB- Institute of Architects of Brazil

Manifestation in favor to the demolishment of the Minhocao by the group MDM. p Photo: r7 news, August2015


Year of the review of the masterplan made in 2014. What is going to happen?


The name was changed from Elevado Presidente Costa e Silva to Elevado Presidente Joao Goulart



SPACE - URBAN MORPHOLOGIES The original project of the elevated highway takes more than the actual Minhocao area. It not only goes from the Padre Pericles Plaza until the Roosevelt Plaza, but it also considers part of the Radial East Highway. Based on the data given by the city hall, the maps will be categorized in: General information about land: the studied area makes part of four different districts and is located close to the Central area, in a valley region. Land use: the map shows the predominance of each block. Big part of the area is used only for residential purpose. Later a more detailed map will show the real proportions dedicated to each use. Transportation: Minhocao and its surrounding is well served by transportation. Not only for private cars, but also by buses, metro stations and bicycle paths that were created in 2014/ 2015, connecting different pieces of the city in a fragmented way. Culture: cultural equipments like museums, theaters, cinemas, cultural centers street markets that will happen once a week and monuments. Education: different levels of education, since primary school, until middle school and technical degrees. Also special cases are included like SENAI, SENAC and SESI (organization giving courses that are supported by different councils and syndicates). Health: different specialties linked to health issues, specialized centers, emergency centers and hospitals. In one hand, due to the proximity to the central area, the Minhocao and its surroundings present a good infrastructure, providing good equipments related to education, health and culture for the local population. In other hand, the construction of the elevated highway generated the devaluation of the area, creating problems linked to the insecurity and presence of homeless population.

On the left, three distinct times, sharing the same space. (From left to right) Banespa Building, 1947; Copan, 1966 and a vertical garden, 2014. t



Location of the Minhocao (black line) and relationship with the center of the city, marked by the ring (yellow) and the counter ring (green)- main highway rings that mark the central area. 3,3 million cars distributed in other highways nearby the Minhocao with the deactivation of it for private cars. 3,4 million cars are distributed in other main highways like the Marginals during peak hours. t Estadao infographic. Generic plan with the extension of the elevated highway that goes beyond piece that is called Minhocao.q Original archives of SIURB- PMSP








































U EN AV Location of the President Joao Goulart Elevated Highway in the city. The ring and counter ring limit the center of the city according to the Prestes Maia Plan for streets and avenues. p Diagram by the author. Google maps base.






Topography, rivers and subdistricts (all inside the Se district)

Residential (tall buildings, more than 5 pav) Mixed use Commercial Residential (houses) Institutions Industrial building

Predominant land use


Bicycles paths Bus lines Exclusive lanes for bus Highway corridors Bus stop Bus terminal


Metro Station

Transportation system

Cultural centers Temporary street markets Monuments Theaters/ Cinema/ Shows Museums Libraries

Cultural equipments


SENAI / others Private education Technical schools Primary school Middle school


Educacional equipments

Health equipments 47


Housing Mixed use Commercial Equipments Green areas Vacant Lots Use of land mixed with the marks of the main roads along the area (orange and yellow lines) and the Minhocao (red dashed line). Map made by Labstrategy, 2014



Vacant lots

Public equipments and services Schools, government buildings, hospitals...

Mixed use Commercial on the bottom and residences/ offices on the top

Commercial buildings

All uses in one layer

Height of the buildings The lighter the blue, the higher the building is Numbers and data of 2014, analysis by Labstrategy


THE TOTAL AREA Parish Sao Geraldo das Perdizes

Faculty Oswaldo Cruz Health care studies campi

Marechal Deodoro Square Marechal metro station

Santa Cecilia Hospital Private Hospital SENAC Francisco Matarazzo TRaining center Most relevant constructions in the surrounding area, from hospitals, to universities and iconic buildings that will concentrate people due to the use 50

Bus terminal Santa CecĂ­lia Square Santa Cecilia metro station

Republica Square Republica metro station Copan Building

Italia Building

Santa Casa de Misericordia Public Hospital Mackenzie Presbyterian University (post graduation area)


Notes and perception of the space, according to open and strangled areas, based on feelings. t Drawing by the author Division of the area according to the neighborhoods, using the concept of Lynch. Based on visual differences and feelings. q Diagram by the author.

BARRA FUNDA More space, less dense CENTRAL AREA Less visible, buildings blocking

HIGIENOPOLIS High class, “fancy”buildings UNIVERSITIES AREA Bars, students, night life



Steps of the construction in locus of the highway, from the pilar to the beams. p Dimensions of the beams and grid that would support board p Original archives of SIURB- PMSP Generic section of the highway and the relationship with the ground u Estadao infografic





park 54






wall of buildings

big avenues 55


IDENTITY When talking about this topic, there is the need to think in two aspects. Is it about the identity present in the materiality and shape of the buildings or is it about the profile of the users that come to the Minhocao. Both of them are relevant and help to understand the relationship between people and space that makes this infrastructural object so peculiar if compared to another elevated highways in Sao Paulo. According to Rossi, the symbolic artifact influences the life of citizens by the creation of a symbolism, then generating an identity. Also, the urban artifact is manifested in a material way, which generates recognition by the users. If well developed, the artwork is able to generate affection and feelings, creating a poetic condition of existence in the city. In 1960’s the Sao Joao Avenue was already going through a process of decadence but with the construction of this “infrastructural miracle”, came the complete devaluation of all the properties on the surrounding areas. This process happened due to the transference of the new urban center to the Paulista Avenue, abandoning the old center of the city. The construction of the Minhocao brought polution and noise from the intense traffic of cars during the day, degrading very fast the area, specially under the object. At first sight it can look like a disaster but the bright side was the creation of opportunities for living. With cheaper renting prices and bigger apartments compared to the newest ones around the city, many people started coming to this areas. Foe example: Camila and Sylvia came from another cities to Sao Paulo to study and look for new opportunities in a big city but they found different ways to live. The difference is that Camila pays R$2700 (with the taxes, per month) to live in a 120m² spacious apartment built before the Minhocao and right next to it. Sylvia pays R$2700 to live in a 48m² apartment built in the 1990’s and less than 1km away from the Minhocao.

One object, different realities- the top, the bottom and the sides. Different times, different people, different activities. t

According to a reference in Guillén’s (2016) thesis, there is a difference between the Elevated highway and the Minhocao. That duality allows the space to change and be used in opposite ways. The elevated represents the purpose which the object was built for- an highway, connecting two points in the city, a symbol of speed and progression in contemporary times. In other hand, there is the Minhocao, the complete opposite of the highway- a place to enjoy the slow pace, without the clock ticking.



SPACE IDENTITY The identity of the Minhocao is linked to the buildings and maybe to some particular characteristics of these buildings that transcend time. There is a classic children’s song that describes part of the actual situation of this distinct constructions. A Casa The House Vinicius de Moraes / Toquinho Vinicius de Moraes / Toquinho Era uma casa Muito engraçada Não tinha teto Não tinha nada Ninguém podia Entrar nela, não Porque na casa Não tinha chão

It was a house A very funny one Without ceiling Without a thing No one could Get inside of it Because in the house No floor was in it

Ninguém podia Dormir na rede Porque na casa Não tinha parede Ninguém podia Fazer pipi Porque penico Não tinha ali

No one could Sleep in the netting Because in this house There wasn’t walls No one could Even make pee Because chamber-pot There wasn’t there

Mas era feita Com muito esmero Na Rua dos Bobos Número Zero

But it was made With a lot of care In the street of gulls Number zero

Besides the joke of the song about the imaginary house, great part of the featured houses and buildings along the Minhocao doesn’t have a name or number. Most of them have the names lost or torn down through renewals and transition of owners. Nevertheless, they can still be used as references in the space, helping the users locate themselves. The interest of an architect or urban planner in a building is much more clear and strong than the meaning of it to regular citizens. But even with that difference, some buildings make part of the popular culture through elements and stories behind the constructions. 58

The most famous cases are the Castle of Apa Street, the only house left in the Sao Joao Avenue and the Marechal Deodoro, Sao Luiz and Igara Mansios. Among the examples, only the castle is know by its name. First because of the location that gives the mane of it and second, because of the unsolved crime of the murder of a family in the 40’s. After the incident, the building was abandoned claiming it was haunted. Just in the 2010’s, the city hall announced the restoration of this icon. Now it belongs to a NGO. The other two buildings mentioned are highlighted because of the architectural contrast in the context of the city. There are a few more buildings that are relevant in the area, but compared to these ones, they are newer and just those interested in architecture will easily notice and remember.

The Castle of Apa Street and the story about an unsolved murder of a family, 2010 and 1930. p An unsolved crime on the newspaper in 1937. u Sao Paulo Antiga Archives.



The single house in Sao Joao Avenue, that belonged to the Ferrara family for a long time. Sao Paulo Antiga archives. t The Mansions, known by the iconic architecture but not by the name or the story behind them. t

Going further on the architectonic aspect, many buildings in the surrounding areas are relevant and iconic. Some of them are even considered heritage, protected by public repartitions. Also, some of them were designed by famous local architects like Artacho Jurado, known in the 1950’s for the luxury apartments like the Cinderella building in Higienopolis, noble area of the city and the Pacaembu building in Sao Joao avenue. Besides the buildings of the immediate surrounding of the elevated highway, from the top of it, is possible to identify some landmarks in the city like the Banespa Building, marking the old financial center of Sao Paulo and the Copan building, build by Oscar Niemeyer, known for the big amount of residents living in it and the wavy shape. Even for those who are not very familiar and fascinated by buildings. It is easy to see the axis of the Sao Joao Avenue going towards the old center of the city.

The landmarks in the city, coexisting in the same space, but belonging to different times. t


MINHOCAO AS A HEALTHY SPACE The new and most recent use of the Minhocao has brought interesting aspects from the identity perspective. According to Eduardo Quieroti, researcher of the PhD program of the Faculty of Public Health of Sao Paulo University, the Minhocao has presented an opportunity of use that is different in the city: a place to exercise and practice different sports. To Quieroti, this big open and public space based on this object brought the possibility of use as a leisure area, stimulating the practice of physical activities, which improves the quality of life. Actually, it not only improves the physical health but also the mental condition.

Minhocao as a leisure space, open to the practice of any sport, for all ages and physical conditions. q

Sao Paulo doesn’t have many parks for outdoor exercises in the central area. The Minhocao started to be seen as one and with time, it gained more and more users. According to one of the residents in the area, a few years ago, at night, most of the users were local residents that would go out to take a walk, take some air or jog. In the past years, during weekends, is possible to see people from another areas of the city, coming to enjoy this open space. That’s how the Minhocao became a place instead of a space in the city.



ICONIC BUILDINGS SURPASSING TIMES [xx] Buildings from 1920’s to 1940’s (xx) Buildings from 1950’s to 1970’s {xx} Buildings after 2010’s

[1] [2] [3]






[03] [05] {07}(08) [09] [10] [04] [11] [12] [14] [06] (13) (15)

01. Washington 02. Marcia 03. No name #432 04. No name #415 05. No name #356 06. No name #427 07. Cosmopolitan Higienopolis MAC Contractor 08. Pacaembu 09. No name #324 10. No name #264 11. No name #212, 194 12. Marechal Deodoro Mansion Sao Luiz Mansion Igara Mansion 13. No name #230 14. Appa Street Castle 15. Maria Tereza 16. Ipema 17. Porchat Condominium 18. Correa

[17] (18) (16)

(19) (20)(21) [22]

19. Araunas (1955) 20. No name no number 21. No name no number 22. No name #1767 The single house in Sao Joao Av. 23. No name no number 24. Electra (1956) 25. Smart Santa Cecilia Gafisa Contractor 26. De la Rose Hotel 27. Cosmopolitan Santa Cecilia MAC Contractor 28. Minerva (1958) 29. No name #283 30. Tereza Maria


(24) {25} [26] {27} (28) (29) (30)



[4] [3]




1920’S-40’S COFFEE ERA

[22] [12]



[10] [11]






2014/2015 AFTER NEW PDE

1950’S-70’S 2ND IND. PERIOD







Although they might seem permanent, identities can change according to changes in the city. So they should be studied and understood according to a specific period of time. In this case, the before and after Minhocao. Before the construction of the elevated highway, the identity used to be one, in the sense that there were not huge gaps of difference between the ones that lived in the area. Not only for people but for buildings as well, everything had a continuity, a linear and consistent characteristic that was making part of one solid image of the area. With the construction in the 1970’s, the identity was fragmented, both from the architectural point of view and the users/ residents point of view. We can separate the identity of the people in three groups: the ones that lives under the elevated (“in the shadows”), the ones that lives on the top (“in the light”) and the ones that lives in the buildings (“in between”). On the top, by observing the Minhocao during weekends and also according to Arriagada, is possible to see all kinds of people- white, black, yellow; from the guy that sells coconut water, until the hipster guy with his rollers; from the group of guys listening to Brazilian funk, to the guys using marijuana (illegal in Brazil) and to families walking their dogs and tourists with non sports clothes. In other words, on the top is possible to see a democratic use, integrating every and any kind of people, without judgment of feeling of exclusion. On the bottom, the reality is a little bit different. Although it is the ground floor, were in theory everyone should be able to use and share, this area presents a clear hierarchy, where there are the buildings, then pedestrians, cars and the void in the middle, where people just use it to cross and reach the bus stop. Besides that, the middle space is the only place where homeless people feel comfortable and secure enough to inhabit. Last but not least, there are the sides. On the sides is where the private life happens and where many anonymous people live. Some of them are quite famous after the documentaries and interviews made with local residents. Based on the videos, was possible to notice some of this personalities, usually people from the middle class, working in the most variable range of jobs- from students, to doorman, office workers, retired people, artists, dreamers in general. 64

The spectators on the side, watching life on the Minhocao and the pedestrians walking next to the shadows. t The different people that come to the top, specially on sunny days. u The passengers and homeless people that hide in the shadows. q

“I am Minhoqueira*. I like it, I thing it is beautiful. At night, there are a bunch of people gathering, coming for a walk in family, come to walk their dogs, to make parties. I like how it looks happy.” Vera França (Artistic model) For the future, there is the possibility of the speculation of the real state. New buildings are being built and with the gossips about the transformation into a park, the renting price in the area is already starting to rise. This will possibly generate gentrification. According to the Oxford dictionary, ‘gentrification ’means: “The process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle-class taste. 1.1 The process of making a person or activity more refined or polite.” But for urban planners and architects, gentrification implies in the expulsion of an existing population and the substitution for a new population with higher purchasing power. The possible gentrification would completely change the identity of the area. In some aspects, it can help bring more life to this part of the city, but in other hand, if it happens in a abrupt way, it will generate movements of expulsion and further problems for the city. But this is just an speculation and maybe a topic that doesn’t fit this moment.


Users bottom all time Secondary stakeholders

Timing dynamics

Ind ire

s tor ula

ct r eg


ula tor s


Users top according to time

0000 2130









re c


inv olv ed




d Os

ed olv v t in


Indirect Regulators: Metropolitan Police Builders/ Real estate Regulators: City Government CET Users on the Top (nighttime): Runners, skaters, couples, dog walkers, cyclists, smokers, people listening to funk Users Under the Minhocao: en passant, homeless people, citizens that depends on public transportation, cyclists, cars, buses Democracy of the bottom

Users on the Top (weekends and holidays): Runners, skaters, couples, kids dog walkers, cyclists, families, players, hawkers, tourists, amateur photographers, models, urban sketchers... On weekends, the dynamic is completely different. People from other parts of the city will come to enjoy sunny days, doing some outdoor activities.

Users on the Top (daytime): Private cars, people that needs to cross part of the town from -east to west NGOs Direct Involved: Association Minhocao Park MDM NGOs Indirectly Involved: Association Baixo Augusta Association Viva Centro



POLICY Usually, in politics in Brazil, each Mayor has it own s ideas and things are not linear. At the end of each mandate (four to five years), the plans are renewed or at least renamed to suit the name and ideas of the following mayor and the political party. Along the history of the Minhocao, there were many discussions about the future of it. There were mayors trying to demolish it, turn it into something else, partial demolishing process... But in the end, it has only been just a speculation and nothing happened. For this studies, only generic ideas about the regulations in the last two plans (2002 and 2014) are going to be mentioned. Since it is an international study, the general idea and progression of the facts are more relevant, rather than the understanding of article by article of each one of the master plans. Before going to the law part, there is the need to explain how is the hierarchy and the structure of the city



SPECIAL CASES Restructuration projects

Top Down

Specific laws Sub Town Hall

Zoning Land use

Specific projects


Plate showing the Minhocao as a beach, an intervention made by local residents showing their wish. t


Zones Subzones


Temporary interventions

Bottom Up

Organization and dynamics in Sao Paulo towards policy. u Diagram made by the author


ZM-3b ZCP-b ZEIS-3 ZEPEC Green areas ZEPEC ZCL-b Metro Station


The first directions and laws about the city were made in 1972. After that, some appendixes and more detailed laws were created to support and complement the 1972’s plan according to the growth and demand of the city until 2002. In August 2004, is approved the new zoning plan substituting the one from 1972 and bringing together zoning and master plan of 2002. The new law was ordered according to each region and subtown hall. Each one of them had specific directions for their own area. In this case, the Minhocao is located in the Se subtown hall zoning. In general, the law was divided in four big categories of zones and then subdivided and ten subzones, plus some special zones that would go with the four big ones. With all of that, the plant hat once was trying to compile and update the previous laws, turned into a very complex and not easily understandable, except for realtors and people that worked in the city hall. The main categories were: residential zones (ZER), industrial zones (ZPI), mixed zones (ZM) and polar centralities (ZCP). Besides them, there were the special zones : linear centralities zones (ZCL), areas of social interest (ZEIS), areas of environmental protection (ZEPAM), areas linked to agriculture and mineral extraction (ZEPAG) and areas of special occupation (ZOE). According to the 2004 zoning plan, the area of the Minhocao and its surroundings is qualified as a mixed zone of high density (ZM-3b/01), with minor parts categorized as restricted mixed zones (ZM-2/02), polar central zone (ZCP-b/05) and an special zone of social interest (ZEIS 3C-014). According to Assuncao (2016), this kind of plan restricted the growth and the changes in this area, due to the factors and percentages of construction and exploitation allowed. After 12 years, from the 2002 master plan and 10 years from the 2004 zoning plan, the city got the New Strategic Master Plan. After 31st of July of 2014, there was the creation and implementation of the New Strategic Master plan of the city of Sao Paulo (PDE). The most interesting part about this new compound of laws was that it involved a participatory process that lasted one and a half year and included local population and experts to discuss and debate the future of the city.

Zoning map from 2002, according to the sub town hall of Se. t GeoSampa archives

The main idea and slogan of it is to make SP more human, more modern by putting closer housing and jobs. Is not a brand new idea, but at least shows a concern about some of the problems generated by the long distances between housing and jobs. 71

ZEM ZCP-b ZEIS-3 ZEPEC Green areas MEM Bus terminal Metro Station


According to the city hall, this plan should last 16 years and the changes should be start to be seen in 5 to 6 years but in 2 or 3 years, the buildings and constructions should already be built according to this New Master plan. In the end, the PDE promotes the return to the ‘old morphology of the city’, with buildings of mixed use, with the ground floor integrated and open to the city. More or less like the model that can be observed in Hong Kong but in a different proportion and scale. This should bring opportunities in the economy and also decrease the problems related to security. As a tool to help organize and structure the ideas contained in the PDE, in March of 2016, a new regulation about division, use and occupation o the land in Sao Paulo was released. This group of laws divide the city in three main categories of territory. Territories in transformation: areas with potential of development and densification, regulating proportionally the facilities related to transportation and land use. Territories in qualification: existing areas of medium density that have potential for a bigger diversification of uses, except for the residential one Territories of preservation: areas related to the history of the city or environmental preservation, that cannot evolve more due to one of the values mentioned before. Then again, inside each area and each category, there are specific direction for different areas and purposes, but this time, trying to be more simple and clear for citizens and people from other fields.

New slogan of the New Strategic Masterplan- Sao Paulo + human / Sao Paulo + modern - This is our plan. p

In the main directions and actions of the New Masterplan, there are : to TRANSFORM, to QUALIFY and to PRESERVE. u PMSP booklet about the PDE

Zoning map from 2014, where the area presents more specific directions. t GeoSampa archives

In this regulation is possible to see the surrounding area around the Elevated Joao Goulart. The colors used in the map indicates that the immediate surrounding is a ZEM or a ZEU. This means that this area belongs either to a Metropolitan Structuring Zone or to a Structuring and Urban Qualification Macro zone, sub categories of the territories in transformation. 73


In general, it just means that besides being a consolidated area, it is still susceptible to changes for being essential to the city and the metropolis. The zoning allows the land contained there to be fully used, having the maximum coefficient of construction and no height restriction. The Minhocao belongs to the area of the Tiete Arc, a huge restructuring plan, targeting the development of the macro area of the Tiete river. This is one of the reasons of the classification showed in the map. Also, in the article 375 of the PDE was determined the elaboration of a specific group of laws to take care of the gradual deactivation of the elevated highway for individual transportation use. The sum of this two actions brings a step towards a big change in future of the elevated highway, opening a window of possible scenarios. “In other words, the new regulation about land use is innovative in many aspects but still doensn’t treat the area of the Minhocao surroundings as a historical area, where the traditional urbanism was applied during decades, at least until the implementation of the 1972 zoningidentified here as a mitake (also historic) when it ‘froze’ the development and changes in this area.” Eduardo Luiz de Lima Assunção

Comparative diagram showing the main categories and characteristics of each plan, 2002 and 2014. u Diagram made by the author


2014 PDE - 2016 Zoning / Land use

2002 PDE - 2004 Zoning / Land use

Zoning Land use



- Structuration - Qualification

- Residential - Industrial - Mixed - Centrality +special

Subzones ZER 1, ZER 2, ZER 3 ZPI ZM1, ZM2, ZM3-a, ZM3-b ZCP-a, ZCP-b ...

Characteristics: - Top down development of regulations - Restrictions of height construction and coefficient of utilization, with higher numbers, that could have help developed the area Special case: Urban Operation Center This operation was prmoting the development of residences in the central area but it just included one street of the studied perimeter.

- Transformation - Qualification - Preservation

- Structuring - Centrality - Corridor - Mixed - Industrial +special


Characteristics: - Conversation between different parts during the development of the regulations - More specific and variable directions for the area and also different parts of the city Special case: Urban Operation Center This operation was prmoting the development of residences in the central area but it just included one street of the studied perimeter. 75


PROGRAM - REINVENTING THE CITY In 1976, the mayor decided to close the highway during the night, to prevent car accidents and reduce the noise for the residents in the surrounding areas. In 1989, the current mayor settled an specific closing hours for the elevatedfrom 21:30 to 06:00 during week days and closed the whole day at Sunday’s. That was the start to the possibility of reiventing the city. It was the opportunity of space and time people needed to use and to make a change in the city according to their will, the opposite of the construction of the elevated highway. “Larger strategic planning may be useful for establishing frame work within which more immediate tactical planning can function. Many planners already engage in ‘tactical planning’ as they often work in short-term projects that fit within larger strategic goals. Further, while a number of urban planners and academics (Jacobs 1961, Sennett 1970), have historically critiqued institucionalized planning and planners for operating in a rigid, top-down manner, many planners today are increasingly experimenting with collaborative models of planning to engage diverse stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of plans.” Richard Sennet, 2008 Since 1990’s, many punctual events were registered in the Minhocao’s history. The range of events is quite huge. From protests against the corruption and the bad guidance of the President Fernando de Collor Mello in 1992, until scenario of international movies, tactical micro interventions for the Biennal of Architecture and another micro independent interventions like the movement Baixo Centro, among others. In fact, just after the 2010’s, the area started being used more frequently, for more events. According to a research tracking in the internet, many events happened in this area but there is a big difference between the number of programs that happened on the top of the Minhocao and under it.

On the left, different ways to use the space, establishing different programs. t

“From the moment that Minhocao was closed at nights, every night after 21:30 and on Sundays to avoid accidents and reduce the noise for the residents in the surrounding areas. From that moment on, the population took the space and started using it.” Iarlei Rangel (Theater director) 77


From 16 events, just 3 were held under the Minhocao. p Google Images


Early registers of activities in the Minhocao, 1990. u Folha de Sao Paulo archives

Some of the events that already happened on the Minhocao: t 1. 1992- protest against the president (Estadao Conteudo) 2. 2007- Blindness (Estadao Conteudo) 3. 2009- SPFW Cavalera (Agencia Fotosite) 4. 2009- Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Felipe Morozini) 5. 2010- Documentary Elevado 3.5 (Inês Bonduki) 6. 2012- Low Center Festival (Virgula UOL) 7. 2013- Low Center Festival (Basurama) 8. 2013- Raquel Brust panels ( 9. 2014- Wormhole (Facebook) 10. 2014- Flea Market, 3rd edition (Facebook) 11. 2014- Public Pool by Luana Geiger (Google Images) 12. 2014- Esparrama Group (Facebook) 13. 2015- Chef’s on street (Alex Atala) (BOL Noticias) 14. 2015- Living Room (Felipe Morozini) 15. ANNUAL- Sao Silvestre Marathon (Gazeta do Povo) 16. Homeless house (Folha de Sao Paulo)

According to Guillén (2016) and to Casemiro (2016), the use and appropriation of some space, implies the feeling of belonging, the involvement with something or with a place. The actions and interventions made in the area of the Minhocao go beyond than “tactical”, “pop-up”or “guerilla”urbanism. Usually this kind of urbanism can be defined as residents generated, low budget interventions, designed to be temporary, a process whereby “community activists are taking the city planning into their own hands.” (Talen, 2014). Sometimes the interventions that happen there cannot go along with this classification. They can be even smaller and need less things, but sometimes can have a deeper meaning. According to Fontes (2013), temporary interventions have the power to change the environment, bringing big transformations. That has been a powerful tool to change cities by rescuing the humanity through the activation of the urban life. Depending on the character of the public art, it can generates a different interactions and impacts in the city. TEMPORARY INTERVENTIONS They can be classified according to the temporality, varying between hours until days and months. The important common point among them, besides the time factor is the transformation and potential of impact they have in the space and in the urban life. The interventions can be spontaneous, based on the daily life or can be an event, which implies a special characteristic, with deeper power of transformation (FONTES, 2012). 79




Appropriations Activities Performances



Activities Performances Interventions Art



Big Events Local Parties


frequency -


Fontes (2012) says that interventions can be seen as tools of potentialization and revelation of possibilities in spaces. Usually, they can also be seen as reflex of the society that inhabit the city and these spaces. The appropriations and expressions usually reveals gaps and the collective thinking. “(the uses and temporal occupations) many times can be presented as alternatives, as potential and a movement for the revitalization of idle spaces in the city, movement with elastic potential, allowing the continuous make and re/unmake.â€? Adriana SansĂŁo Fontes The transformative characteristics can be noticed and be done within hours and days. The power of transformation of the urban spaces by temporary interventions is very strong and can happen with a blink of an eye. Sometimes, within days, new interventions can happen and appear in the city. For example, within one day, between site visits, a new appropriation appeared, changing the characteristic of the space and also the way people could interact with it. According to Fontes, the ephemeral condition of the interventions is based in five aspects- dynamism, reversibility, flexibility, unpredictability. The dynamism refers to the mutability process and the ability to change according to time. It opens the possibility of new relationships and interactions in the space. The reversibility is related to the capability and characteristic of the space of becoming nomad and ephemerous, testing the capability of the space to receive the interventions, is almost the resilience of the space. 80

Relationship between actions that happen in the Minhocao and time. u Diagram made by the author

Flexibility is this studies means how open the space can be and react towards the unpredictability. It refers to how open is the space is to receive and have any change, is the potential the idle spaces carry to transformations. Unpredictability is a reference to the surprise element. It means the generation of opportunities for creativity, where the rules and laws doesn’t apply to the space and to the transformation. It can be anything, without being right or wrong. The last one, connectivity is the concept that refers to what is lacking in the contemporary life according to Bauman. It refers to the articulation and conversation between different programs and spaces.

Dynamism Reversibility

Temporary intervention

Ephemeral condition

Flexibility Unpredictability

Connectivity Diagram showing the relationship among concepts. u Diagram based on GuillÊn’s (2016) analysis about Fontes (2013)

Collective spaces Support: channel


Temporary interventions need a suport, a way they can happen and be presented. According to Fontes (2013), interventions rely in two main topics- the ephemeral condition and the collective space, that makes part of a specific context. In the case of the elevated highway, temporary interventions can happen through many different expressions (support), they all attend the ephemeral condition. The Minhocao is the collective space, that makes part of a context in the city and in the history. All of this together legitimize the interventions in the elevated highway. 81


With this parameter and context explained by Fontes, is possible to understand the importance of the temporary interventions as a way to show the culture of a local population and the importance and potential that idle space offer in the city. Minhocao has this capability to absorb and receive all kind of interventions. It is a democratic space, a land with “no rules�, giving a chance for people to express themselves. In this way, a bunch of interventions can be noticed and classified according to different categories according to how long they last, the frequency, the interactivity, the use...It is a space open for any possibility, from small spontaneous interventions of the daily life until big events of metropolitan scale.



1. 82





Events X Spontaneous appropriations: 1. Special events 2. Urban art and big installations 3. Uses during weekends 4. More common uses 5. Urban art in a different scale Diagram by the author t

HIGH (+)





LOW (-)




1. Special events

2. Urban art and big installations

3. Uses during weekends 4. More common uses

5. Urban art in a different scale

Different characteristics of each intervention- frequency which they happen, interactivity with the space, building time and lasting time. p Diagram by the author




SYNOPSIS OF THE BACKGROUND The elevated highway is located in a area very close to the center of Sao Paulo, a place where the city originated and established the first commercial center. Before its existence, the area used to be a cultural and entertainment district in the city. It was also the place were enriching families would build mansions in European style around 1920/30. But with the expansion and growth of the city, the area didn’t evolved further and started to be forgotten by the end of 1950’s. The construction of the elevated highway in the 70’s surrounded by polemics and doubts, during a time when no one in the government would ask before making decisions. The law and guidances proposed for the surrounding areas helped to freeze and stagnate the development of the neighborhood close to this infrastructural object. After almost 40 years, the attitude and regulations about the city have changed from fixed and imposed regulations to a more open dialogue between citizens, government and academies. Between the 70’s and the 2010’s, people started to change spaces and make use of them, specially the Minhocao. The use and appropriation of this space as a collective and shared one, evolved and started to be used more and in different ways, for different purposes. That’s how the Minhocao became the Minhocao. It all started as one more elevated highway connecting the city, but with human interaction, it turned into a creature, something with characteristics, almost with personality. Everything that happened, makes part of the past, so is history, guiding until what happens nowadays, the present. This two together, may be helpful to get a clue about the opportunities and possibilities that can be called future. Moment

Society use

Interaction through



Flows/ traffic

Machines (vehicles)




Gathering (people)


loading... 85



03 87






THE LANDSCAPE AND THE CITY Before discussing the future itself, there are some issues that need attention first. To see and understand the changes in cities, some topics and concepts need to be understood, so the thinking and logic can be constructed. The city can be seen and read in different ways along time. Trying to focus in some aspects, a series of short texts will help build a thinking and perception to be applied in this study. There are three main groups of thinkers that helps support the studies. Starting with the ones from the 60’s, who started thinking the theory of perception and construction of the city as a collective vision. The second group has a more modern and contemporary vision, considering the construction of the theory based on the experience and the difference of each case. The third group of authors will help with speculations that leads a vision about the dynamics of the future. Four main topics were chosen to help construct theories around the city are: the complexity of the city and the urban studies that surrounds it; the different ways to read and understand the city; the limits and boundaries that construct the dynamics in it and the imagination towards the future relationship between city and citizens.




Cities are defined as something that is more than the sum of inhabitants, it’s almost like an organism able to generate an excess of well being, facilities(Cullen, 1983) and opportunities that the country side is not able to provide, which causes the migration from one place to another. It is a piece of architecture and the junction of many systems and infrastructures. Cullen says that it is the mix of different areas and expertises - e.g. engineering, sociology, geography and many others, that are supposed to produce something extraordinary due to the infinite possible combinations. But if the result is something amorphous and without any characteristic, the city becomes a uninteresting, a failure. Another way to define a city is it as a symbol of the complexity of a society, but also a piece of art that different from music, doesn’t have the control over the time (Lynch). Also, according to Lynch, the complexity of the total environment is the result of many factors, that turns the city into an interesting object, which is the opposite of the boredom of obvious images, poor of characteristics and features .For Rossi, the city should be seen as an architecture, composed by many pieces and components, organized and read in a certain way, that are modified and changed according to time. The time influences in the mutability of the city, which makes the city and its dynamics even more complex. No matter which definition is taken, all express a huge complexity and not a single and simplistic system and interpretation that leads to the understanding of the city. The complexity of the city is usually studied in the urban theories studies. According to Acebillio (2010), the urban and architectural theories of the contemporary era should be know my its multidisciplinarity, including another perspectives when conceiving and thinking architecture and cities. Due to the complex systems and organizations of this “organism”, there are some new perspectives that should be considered when studying a city: economical, technological and government conditions. Of course this only on way to study and analyze the city. The one mentioned before is more recent and contemporary. There is an older discussion about that in the book ‘The Architecture of the City’ by Aldo Rossi, where the basic three parameters proposed are the geography, the sociological studies and history, all subjected to the time factor. Each city is different. Some people say it may tend to look the same with the skyscrapers and mirrored windows but that’s not the whole thing, therefore, 90

they will always be different. The complexity can be seen in many scales. On the scale of the city, on the scale of the districts, on the object and so on. In the case of Sao Paulo, the complexity is not only justified by the sum of factors like culture, governance and geography. It goes beyond and can be noticed through another ways. Taking and exemplifying the description of Lynch, it is possible to say that in the area where the Minhocao is located, the complexity can be seen on the superposition of different times, in the same space, trying to coexist expressed in the constructions and buildings. The Minhocao and its surrounding is different from the other areas of the city. Maybe because of its construction, time was ‘frozen’ in this region. So the process of renewal of the city, didn’t happen for complete, like in the case of Higienopolis, but at the same time, it didn’t stayed completely frozen and ‘old fashioned like the old center of the city. Another important factor that makes it so dynamic and complex are the relationships with the infrastructure according to the different days and times that will allow a different relationship between human being and space. This ‘invisible’ relationships between space and people or space and time, also affects other campuses of knowledge, making architecture and urban planning just a piece of a huge and complex network of dynamics among infinite factors.

Contrasts between the morphologies of different areas in the city- so close from each other and yet completely different from another. u Diagram by the author




According to Rossi, the city can be read in two ways: as an huge and complex man made object or as an urban artifact. In his book, the most important factor that defines the evaluation of the city from the quality aspect, is the time. Lynch, proposes another way to read the city. It can be read according to references of each person that is perceiving the object. The combination of a visibly organized and sharply identified space, combined with the interpretations of the citizen, turns this space into a place, remarkable and unmistakable Both authors use the memory as an important aspect to perceive the city. Memory is related to the significance of the objects, establishing some affective relation with it. For Rossi, the understanding of the city should be like the architecture, where the city is a construction that has the time as a main factor, result of the civil life and collectivity. “With time, the city grows over itself, gains conscience and memory of itself.” In other words, the city is in constant change, growing and being renewed but it can be read according to the collective memories, that will help to identify some aspects and create the bonds between people and the urban space through elements in the city, also called by Rossi, monuments. According to Lynch, to read the city, is necessary and association with memories and the perception of the surrounding comes from the emotions caused by the different aspects of the space perceived in a certain time. Meaning that according to different experiences, the association with the city can be changed. The elevated highway for itself is a landmark in the city. First because of the extension and second, because of the collective memory. “City as a scenario of language, memories and dreams, as image of many writings...the city is the world of an image, that collectively, is built and rebuilt constantly.” Silva, 2006 Some people say that the Minhocao is different from the President Joao Goulart Elevated Highway. The object is the same but the way to read it and understand it is different. 92

According to Guillén (2016) and Fontes (2013), the city has fragmented identities (can be understood as memories), almost impossible to be deleted. This means that the way people perceive and notice the city, is different according to the meaning of it and to the things that happen there. If it has to do with the significance of the objects, it is not fixed and can be changed according to different generations and transformations. But some of the memories and meanings can still be seen as traces, but not always as the strongest characteristic anymore. For example, the Minhocao is closed during Sundays but it can still be seen as a highway, for the purpose which it was built. But at the same time, it doesn’t mean that the memory of this place will always be seen as a highway. It is already changing. During weekends, people from different places in the city will come to the Minhocao, not to the elevated highway. They come because now it means an open space, almost like a linear park, a leisure area in the center of the city, where any and everyone can enjoy their time. LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES “Without boundaries, there is no space” Ozaki & Lewis (2006) To limit and territorialize spaces, makes possible for animals to locate themselves and recognize areas as a first way to defend the group or the individual. This also make part of human beings. The grades and classification of limits can start from the self and the understanding of your own body and grows into bigger spaces like a room, a house, a neighborhood, a district, a city, a state and so on. Boundaries are built throughout social environments (Ozaki & Lewis, 2006) as a way to recognize and create spaces and specific areas that are attached to a physical or/and psychological reference that may vary according to the culture and the location. Usually, limits are easier to be identified when there is a clear difference between two parts. If this difference relies on psychological judgment, there is the need to have a common sense, then it can be easily identified, and understood by different users or/and citizens. This difference can be a bridge to indicate competition or cooperation between the two distinct areas. 93


Looking at the urban scale, some borders in the western world represents the competition and the action of repelling. This can be represented by the tolls, empty areas with only the highways, or even walls and security, like in the case of Mexico and United States or the walls that used to divide Berlin. In other hand, there is the opposite example. The border between Hong Kong and Shenzhen brings not only the limit between cities but also the contrast between governance. In the middle of 1990’s, Shenzhen represented the evolution of the Special Economic Zones in China, being a big experimental playground of factories, being even called the “world’s factory”, while Hong Kong represented a big important financial center in Asia. Even and besides the contrasts, both cities have a big a strong link described by Chen Zetao in “Cities between Cities”. The main difference between this two cities border and another’s around the world is that instead of being repellent, this one tends to centralize and bring cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, creating a space “in between”, blending characteristics of both parts and at the same time being a unique environment, diluting the differences and borders between these two. This last example should be the common one and not the odd anymore. There are no excuses to bring more differences than cooperation between limits in the context of the urban scale. The limits can also become an opportunity instead of the edge between different parts. Maybe it is time to break this old fashioned way to think the limits and use it in favor of the development of diversity and inclusion, diluting the gaps and bringing the sense of blending. The Minhocao is a clear physical boundary in the urban landscape. It rips the city not only in right and left side but also in top and bottom. The physical boundaries affects the environment, influencing the users and dynamics on each part, influencing and shaping the psychological boundaries. Hopefully for the close future, the boundaries instead of symbolizing the differences and being repellent, they will be able to bring and attract things to them. In the case of the Minhocao, the interactions that have been happening and some of the interventions like the presentations on the windows are already a first step, but there are still things missing and things that can be improved like the interaction between the different users and “sides” of the Minhocao.


[UN]PREDICTING THE FUTURE Urban theories and urban studies used to be based on concepts and precedents before the application in the space. According to Jacques (2001), is possible to do the reverse- to bring the concept by observing the reality. At first it was shocking but later, it started to make sense. “Only when one arrives at the purely conceptual, at the abstraction of a theory, that a return to the real can be made; Only from that moment will it be possible to advance some ideas linked to the practice of architecture and urbanism “ Paola B. Jacques (2011) Each and every place is special. There is the complexity that makes the place the way it is. If conceptualization applied in spaces worked well, there wouldn’t be cases and failures like some modern cities like Brasilia or Chandigarh. Not everything can be planned and predicted. According to Jacques (2001), there are two ways to think and understand the city. There is the rhizomatic perception and the binary combinatorial. The binary is very mechanical and predictable, but the rhizomatic takes a own way to grow and occupy the space, with a complex and multidiciplinary aspect, just like the favelas. The rhizoma have their own way to be chaotic and organized at the same time, showing an unexpected way to occupy spaces and develop. According to Waldhein (2016), in the post modern world, architecture and urban planning are not enough anymore. They show an incoherent solutions for the contemporary parameters and problems. So no longer is needed to have big solutions, big constructions, big changes. In the contemporary world, cities are taking another ways to evolve. There are the top down initiatives, the ones were the government will propose and impose things and the bottom up movements, that are happening more and more, made by people, trying to take and make small actions to change the reality. In this way, is possible to say that the future is not anymore about one group of people trying to design and develop the city, but the opposite. There is the need of both working together, but the strongest one has been the 95


bottom up initiatives, changing little by little the space, according to the wish of the citizens, having a better adaption and long lasting acceptance. In the end, the tendency of the urban space has shown to no longer being planned like a big master plan, but in small pieces that are made by people. Kind of in a cooperative relationship between space and people and no longer in a extremely and exclusive imposition way. Plus, there is also the issue of the connectivity of topics.


DOUBTS AND INSIGHTS Contemporary cities has shown a huge complexity and relationship with different areas, making part of a intricate network, where one change, affect other characteristics like the second rule of Physics- “For each action, there is a reaction.” It is not that before it didn’t use to happen, but somehow, it is becoming more and more complex, with more factors. Part of that action and reaction effect can be noticed when reading the city. By changing or planning things, the recognition of an area will be changed, not only in the for the short time, but for the long future, considering the memories and the meaning of the space being changed. Every time a space is modified, inside a master plan or not, differences are created, generating boundaries and limits. Sometimes they can be the symbol of inequality but they can also be optimized by not being repellent but by adding and enriching the environment of the city. In this way, boundaries should be seen as opportunities of improvement and enrichment and not like the end of something and the start of another thing. Opportunities usually means uncertainty and hope. The doubt and uncertainty comes from future’s unpredictability. Things not always go as planned, but by observing what is going on, is possible to say that small steps can make the difference and the more inclusive projects and decisions are, healthier they are for the city and the community. After having this concerns in mind, is possible to show the main problems and characteristics presented by the Minhocao, in a critical way, pointing towards possible visions and solutions that will imply the reflection of the concepts mentioned in this chapter.




04 99



THE CREATURE Minhocao is a nickname for a individual transportation infrastructure which literally means ‘Big worm’ in Portuguese. The official name of it is President Joao Goulart Elevated Highway. It was built in the 1970’s during the mandate of the mayor Paulo Salim Maluf during the dictatorship. It was a ‘solution’ for the traffic jam that would make easier and faster the connection from the east to the west of the city. Since they started construction, there were already polemics and discussions about how bad it was for the city. But only after the construction, was possible to see different realities: the one that exists on the top and the one that existis on the bottom, affecting the surrounding buildings that sometimes are located less than 5 meters away from the elevated highway and also affecting the city in a bigger scale. But why call it a creature ? Creature according to the Oxford dictionary can be: 1. An animal, as distinct from a human being. ‘night sounds of birds and other creatures’ 2. A person or organization considered to be under the complete control of another. ‘the village teacher was expected to be the creature of his employer’ 3. (archaic) Anything living or existing. ‘dress, jewels, and other transitory creatures’ In the popular imagination of Brazilians, creature is used in some cases: “Pára quieto criatura!” , “Ô, criatura, viu?”, “Mas que criatura!” ‘Be quiet, creature!,’ ‘Oh, what a creature...’ Usually this expressions refers to someone that won’t stop, a person (usually a kid) or a thing that keeps bothering the person that is speaking. It is often used when both subjects (the one that speaks and the target) have some kind of affection bond. The name comes from the energy, fussiness of the disquiet subject. In this case, the name of the chapter comes from three main ideas: the first is from the infrastructural object merely functional that becomes a monster from the moment it was conceived and built, ripping and sectioning the city. The second vision is from the infrastructure, a dead object that gains life during week nights, holidays and weekends when people come, use and conquer the space. The third and last one, is about the unquiet and agitated aspect of the city and specially, this object that keeps changing and 101

assuming distinct characteristics along a frame of time. This chapter is dedicated do define the Minhocao according to distinct parameters: observation, interviews, definitions made by newspapers, and important researchers. Together, this clues can lead to one possible reading of the territory and the future.


“It’s a space that at the beginning, there is no rules, it represents the transformation, it’s the city being tested. The city makes ir as a laboratory.” Felipe Morozini (Photographer)


A BROKEN MIRROR The following pictures will illustrate the contrasts and differences of the Minhocao. Is like overlapping different realities from different lenses: life, art, people, movements. The most interesting thing is how this “flatten surface”, closer to a line, influences the city. Is like limiting the city. In one side, is possible to see life and movement, on the other, congestion and chaos. On the side A, there is the Central area, with historicity and memory, but almost forgotten. Side B is more glamorous and where rich people will live, is the Higienopolis side. According to Lynch’s concept, this a clear limit. It’s both physical and psychological, influencing the creation of two different neighbors- one towards the Central area and another towards Higienopolis.

Contrasts between the two sides of the Minhocao- Higienopolis, the higher class neighborhood and Republica, one of the neighbours in the Central area. u Google images composition



The end/beginning - Roosevelt Square view 104

The beginning/end - Padre Pericles Square view 105

Splitting the city 106

Overlaping realities 107

Eleva-se distante do solo Rise yourself far from the ground

The legal expressions, an outdoor 108

The “illegal” way of express 109



[2] [4]






Expression on the surface 110

95% of the structures on the bottom are full of art- graffiti and lambe lambe

The art of rebels on the underground 111

Shared space with all kinds of people, activities and equipments

Action on the top 112

Shelter for more than 50 homeless people along 3.4km

Denial on the bottom 113

“Privilege� of the individual transportation system

Confusion and jam. Estadao archives 114

Space shared with cars, buses, bikes and people

Bottom for people? 115


THE QUESTION OF THE CITY Like Rossi (1966) said, time is an important coefficient in the equation which results is the city. This factor is able to change the result. Along the history, the Minhocao had many descriptions and definitions according to different users and stakeholders. With time, the opinions and visions about this object have changed. Some of them can be used to give a general vision and information about the Minhocao. Some quotes were highlighted showing the opinion of architects and urban planners, local media and politicians from 1970 until 2017. In this range, is possible to see how in only two moments the Minhocao could be seen as a good thing. The first one is at the beginning, when it was built, from the engineering and promotion point of view, even the construction being doubtful since the beginning. The second one is after 2014 when the current mayor opened the discussion about the directions for the development of the city, generating optimistic visions about the potential of transformation in the area of Minhocao.

The city and the understanding of it relies on the time factor, that changes the perception of space. t





1971 A DOUBT



2012 A SCAR


Paulo Salim Maluf / Mayor responsible for the construction 1969-1971 Video of inalguration of the plan The largest construction in reinforced concrete in Latin America. (...) A new solution of road systems for the city of Sao Paulo, that has already been applied in other capitals in the world. In other words, fast transit in elevated highways, without crossroad.

Jornal da Tarde Local newspaper, 1971 Why the Minhocao , inaugurated yesterday, is going to be a problem for the traffic in Sao Paulo?

Local newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, 22Jun 2017 After the euphoria of the inauguration, the urban planners of the city will be able to analyze, chilly, what was done of one of the biggest avenues of SĂŁo Paulo.

Candido Malta Campos / Architect and Urban Planner Book Caminhos do Elevado The Elevated is a duplication. A road over another, multiplying the transit capacity, the speed of the vehicles, the surface for the cards; artificial asphalt floor, ground created as a Cyclopic structure arranged in space. Full of double meanings: functional and inelegant; modern and anachronistic, superfluous and yet needed; useless, but indispensable.

Eliana Rosa de Queiroz Barbosa / Architect and Urban Planner Book Caminhos do Elevado In this context, the Minhocao is one of the most discussed interventions on the road system of the period. It is an elevated express highway with three and a half kilometers long, composed by four lanes, cutting three districts, a very vertical area in a central region of the city.


2016 A JOKE

2017 A BATTLE 1 2017 A BATTLE 2 2017 AN EGO JOKE

Gilberto Kassab / Mayor of Sao Paulo 2009-2012 Local newspaper- G1, May 2010 I think it’s a bad project for the city, which, from the urban point of view, degraded and did not contribute to the development of it

Fernando Haddad / Mayor of Sao Paulo 2013-2016 Documentary Point of View To make the population discuss about the Minhocao, there is the need to catch the attention of the city to the problem. Because it was naturalized - it is there and will stay there, just like a natural thing- and the new city master plan came to “poke the wound”, was put to change that status.

Bia Doria / Primer Lady- 2017 Folha de S.Paulo, 2016 Nowadays, the Minhocao is for what? I almost have never been there. Is it like a bridge , right?

Anne Marie Sumner / Architect and Urban Planner Folha de S.Paulo, Jun 2017 Is an insalubrity without size. We have to demolish it.

Police Neto / Councilman Folha de S.Paulo, Jun 2017 The Minhocao Park can be a landmark for the recovery of downtown.

Paulo Salim Maluf / Ex-mayor Folha de S.Paulo, Jun 2017 A tunnel is more beautiful, but would the paulistano accept to pay double of IPTU to built it? 119



SHIFTING THE PERSPECTIVE Through the pictures is possible to see the contrasts that the Minhocao creates due to the physical boundary, influencing the dynamics in space. In general, the differences affects the space in different scales and levels, from the aspect of uses, art, legal or illegality, morphologies at the beginning and end of the highway... The contrasts that at first sight can be seen as problems, can become opportunities according to the concept of boundaries explained in the previous chapter. Adding to the contrasts in the pictures, there are the different thoughts and opinions about the Minhocao. Most of them tend to show it as a problem in the city, but again, a problem can also be seen as an opportunity for change. Knowing that usually a problem is not exclusive of one case and place, there might be similar examples around the world than can be used as study cases or at least basic ideas for a possible proposition for this specific case, the Minhocao. Of course some things are particular of every and each place, but part of the topic can be the same for all cases. So after noticing the problems, solutions and brainstorming can be made based on comparing similar situations and cases.




05 123



CASE STUDIES To rethink, redesign or/and reincorporate obsolete infrastructures is an common issue of contemporary cities. By using references and study cases is possible to learn what is right and also what can go wrong. The infrastructures studied were conceived as responses for the traffic and transportation of goods and people, but just considering the technical, forgetting the ethic and the aesthetic (Sumner, 1978). For a certain period of time, these engineering wonders worked well, but then, they become obsolete and started creating problems related to the degradation and social issues. The study cases were chosen according to the relevance and process of construction, conception and thinking. There are basically three groups of study cases that put together, brings the transition of ways to think and propose ideas for a better city. The first group of cases is composed by international projects, from different times, but with the same idea and purpose- to dismantle the function of the object and transform into something else, completely different from the previous reality. The second group belongs to the same brief, but different proposals were made, showing a multiplicity of possibilities when thinking solutions. The last group also have the same brief, the difference is how the solutions are thought. They are brought not as projects but as a process of absorption and adaption of a territory trying to reach a goal.

1. The link between the cases that are going to be shown in this chapter. u Diagram by the author.

TRADITIONAL SOLUTIONS -One project -General conception -New urban fabric


QUESTION THE CITY MULTIPLI[CITY] -Many possibilities -Flexibility -Adaption


QUESTION THE CITY SEEING BEYOND -Solution doesn’t matter -Adaption -Impacts absorption



The Rose Kennedy Greenway is located in Boston. It used to be an elevated highway know as Big Dig. It was built as an engineering wonder, spending millions of dollars and many years to be finished. This is one of the pioneering projects that approached the issue of the highway in the city as a scar and a problem that would privilege the car and degrade the city.


High Line is located in New York City. It’s a part of the West side line, built in the 1840’s-50’s that was latter on deactivated and abandoned. The success of the High Line is in the relationship it has with the neighbors, when people instead of waiting any action from the government, started organizing the ‘Friends of High Line’ looking for alternatives to keep the infrastructure and turn it into something useful and pleasant for the city. Seoullo 7017 is located in Seoul. It’s an elevated highway built in the 1970’s that in 2017 gained a completely different purpose- a park and catalog of more than 228 species and sub-species of native plants. The contemporaneity and the design made by a big office makes this project an important point of analysis.




Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway, Boston. p

High Line Park, NYC. Julienne Schaer. p

Seoullo 7017, Seoul. p

After the international level, national debates and ideas will be shown. All of them are about the area that are being studied, but in different times (2006 and 2014), with different processes.


In the year of 2006, there was a national competition called Prestes Maia Prize, which purpose was to discuss and debate possible solutions for the elevated highway. In total, 46 works were submitted in this contest organized by 126

Sempla. The main parameters of evaluation were creativity, the adequacy to the existing conditions, detailing of how it would be implanted and economic and constructive aspects. For the analysis, three extremely different ideas were selected. Some of them didn’t went through the final, but what matters is the relevance of each idea.


One was concerned in “fixing it” by improving and using the existing infrastructure. Other decided to demolish pieces of it and use the left ones as potential areas in the city that would allow the development of existing centralities that were hidden by the elevated highway. The last one was focused in solving the infrastructure and bringing back the existing urban fabric in the city, allowing the ‘scar’ caused by the infrastructure to heal.

Elevated Highway seen from another perspective. p


At the end of 2013 and beginning of 2014, the City Hall of Sao Paulo in partnership with theIAB, proposed a national contest for architecture and urban planning students to bring a conversation and a debate about the future of Sao Paulo. The idea was to make proposals for different areas in the city where the students could see problems and transform it into opportunities. For the organizers, the idea was to rehearse guidelines presented for the review of the Master plan of the city and explore innovative 127

models of urban regulation.


There were 2 modalities: ideas for the city in general and ideas for selected areas of study. Inside the first one, there were 5 categories envisioning: urban corridors (highways with potential of development due to the importance and location in the city), mixed use typologies (that involved in the same area commerce, offices and residences), configuration of lots with front to highways (looking for improvements on the development of public spaces and interaction with pedestrians), lots with high and irregular topography and lots with big dimensions. The studies shown in for this contest were the only one made for the area of the Minhocao. The University Mackenzie and the Lasbstrategy proposed two different ideas for the Minhocao, starting with the same principles, but with different scenarios and results. The innovation of this studies were the development and design of an existing area in the city, with impact studies and projections for the surrounding areas, not only the infrastuctural object itself.


READING THE DIAGRAMS To read and understand the diagrams, instead of having a linear lecture, follow the ribbons to understand each project. Each column presents a different category of comparison- the location, kind of solution for the infrastructure, timing, cost, program. The rows are the classification of the project in each category according to the ranking and relevance. The different positions of the ribbons allows the user to see how each project is different and cannot be the best in all categories, balancing the comparison by having a wider sampling instead of only one project. The main idea of this diagrams is to show the different interactions and relevant points in different projects. 129







Boston Massachussets HIGHWAY

2008 Underground highway

2.4km - 15 acres

Seoul South Korea HIGHWAY

2009-2012 Deactivated train

2.3km- 6.7 acres

2014-2017 Deactivated highway

983m- 6 acres

New York City New York RAILROAD

Around 53 million US dollars

Tiffany & Co Overlook 10th Square Avenue Overlook 26th Street Viewing Spur Pershing Square Beams Interim Walkaway Historical Sites/ Gates Rose Stage Garden Care Experience Center Sundeck/ Water Feature 23rd Street Lawn Greenway Carousel The Z Boston Zipline Boston Harbour Island Pavilion Fountains Seoul Station Square Observatory cave, flower shop Coffee shop, showroom Food / Drink 14th Street Passage Chelsea Market Passage Food trucks


50%-50% public/private funding

Malli Dong Park Rose Square Preservation Section Sunken Garden Magnolia Square Hoehyeon Station Northern Spur Preserve Chelsea Thicket Philip A & Lisa Maria Falcone Flyover CSX Transportation Gate Trillium Garden


44million dollars (private iniciative) 142million dollars (government)








1st. place José Alves Juliana Corradini

City/ Metropolitan Scale

1st honour mention District/ Neighborhood Scale FGMF Arquitetos Forte, Gimenes & Marcondes Ferraz

wasn’t presented Mackenzie Experimental Office






*Judging comission considerations: The proposals that led to the complete demolition of the Minhocao failed to present a satisfactory solution to the issue of the flow of vehicles that travel daily through the elevated highway.

District Scale

New topography project 9 years $$$$

Punctual Interventions 4-5 years $$$$

Public equipments articulating the transformation Galeries Spaces for performances Markets Connections to the buildings

Pools/ Gardens Gardens next to the fragments Hanging Garden Consolação Elevated Park


Pools for Rain Water Water channels Railroad turning into a highway Railroad only for passangers Railroad for cars traffic (new highway) Highway in the same place


Urban Infrastructural project 10-15 years $$$$$




**Program is described based in the statement of each project delivered to the judges. It wasn’t required to have a very detailed project of uses.








*The starting point for both ideas shared the same numbers and principles, making it easier to see the comparison and the future vison .

Tatic actions: - Flows - Urban renewal / recycle - Continuity


Residencial + Inclusion Residencial + mobility

Mixed use areas



Cultural district Leisure


Educacional district Creative headquarters Medical district



Tatic actions: - Flows - Urban renewal / recycle - Nodal axes - Connectivity

**The development of the program was based on already existing potencials in the city that could be highlighted or improved according to the guidelines of each proposal. 135


SORTING OUT POSSIBILITIES Using this three different bases of comparison of study cases, is possible to see the different solutions for each place, each case. Some are more successful than the others in some aspects, but it can also be the worse, if compared to other characteristics. The transition between the three different groups of comparisons is how there is an evolution of the way solutions can be made. The first group is the more obvious one, straight forward solutions to the primary problems. The second one makes part of a competition, so for one problem, there are different ways to think and bring solutions. For the last group, doesn’t really matter the decision (of making a drastic transformation or keeping it the way it is), the important thing is to think possible ways to improve the territory in both cases. There is no right or wrong project, it all depends on the purpose of it, then comes the more or less suitable and imaginative solutions for the future of each brief. What is the future about? Previously, it was characterized as unpredictable in a certain way due to the number of possibilities that are not imagined and yet can happen. Besides the unpredictability, one thing is sure- there is the need to present a solution that is as complex as the city. It can be in terms of program, of multidisciplinarity, anything. As long as it is not closed to itself.




06 139



MATRIX FUTURE The unpredictability of the future is in the infinite possibilities of scenarios and proposals for the same question or problem. Each person can have a different image about solutions and future. According to the Oxford dictionary, matrix can be: 1. The cultural, social, or political environment in which something develops. 2. A mass of fine-grained rock in which gems, crystals, or fossils are embedded. 3. A mould in which something, such as a record or printing type, is cast or shaped. 4. Mathematics -A rectangular array of quantities or expressions in rows and columns that is treated as a single entity and manipulated according to particular rules. 5.An organizational structure in which two or more lines of command, responsibility, or communication may run through the same individual. In this case, it can be understood as a mathematical structure (definition 5), where different characteristics and wishes for the Minhocao can be blended, producing different solutions and scenarios. This ildea can later be blended with the definition 1, where the decision process is original from the combination among multiple factors. If the future is so open and so variable, how to pick and justify the decision making? How to have a reasonable and coherent group of possibilities? To help with that, a range of interviews was made and later, a series of strategies and choices are going to be shown and made, narrowing the possibilities but at the same time, not plastering and fixing the scenarios.




EXPERTS SAY THAT... Opinions can be divergent, but there is no point of balance or comparison if different range of people are considered in the process. For initial knowledge is valid, but there is the necessity to go further into the problem. For that, some urban planners and architects were selected to be interviewed. Why only this kind of professionals? What differs the urban designer from the others- engineers of all kinds, doctors, managers, economists, interior designers... (with all respect)- is the ability to make connections and communicate with other disciplines like geography, economics, sociology, allowing the result to be as complex as the city studied or analyzed. Each person interviewed presents a very strong vision and idea of what should be done in the Minhocao and yet very different from the others. To illustrate better the perception of each interviewee, some poetic analogies can be made. This makes possible to see the transition of ways to think and plan the city, from a “rigid structure� and in a very efficient way to a humanistic and poetic vision of ways to think the city. All of them together, help to clarify and bring the question about how the perception of the space can change according to each person, with a different background and personality, even belonging to the same field of work.



“There is the architect of the macro scales of the universe, that is called physicist. There is the architect of the micro scales of the universe, the chemist. And there is us, the architects of this scale, the ones that live the day by day.” Miguel Alves Pereira

Carlos Andrés Hernández Arriagada is PhD. in Architecture and Urban Planning by the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Mackenzie University (2012). Former Coordinator of Inter-Institutional Relations (2016) of Mackenzie University and responsible for the Laboratory of Strategic Projects [LABSTRATEGY]- With the themes of action: Project Strategies / Requalification of Port Cities and Urban Projects in Degraded Areas. Collaborator in the Issuance of Advisory Opinion to Guide Decisions of FAPESP (Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo) and FAPDF (Foundation for Research Support of the Federal District).


Carlos Arriagada has participated of a competition that was a dialogue between city hall and the schools of architecture. With his research group, he proposed the debate about the Minhocao. His team was split in two and had both views: what would happen if the highway was kept and what would happen if teared down. No matter the solution, the team was trying to show ways to improve the quality of the urban space through the development of strategies linked to different areas and topics- economy, sustainability, governance, urbanity. In his interview, Arriagada explained how for him, every possibility is valid. It is a matter of choice. But two things are extremely important and can’t be forgotten: the time factor and the inclusion that this object brings to the city and that makes it so important and unique in Sao Paulo. His vision can be compared to The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson (1886), where the Minhocao sometimes it can be seen as the doctor, being used for good and having a positive impact on the city and other times, it becomes the monster, ripping the city apart, creating differences and having the opposite impact of the ‘doctor’. The difference between the story and the case is that instead of having the ‘bad’ side taking control of the ‘good’ side, the opposite happens with the elevated highway. The common point of both stories is the duality within the same creature, that can be either good or bad, depending of who is taking control of it.

SY: How you define the Minhocao? What’s your vision of / for it? CAHA: Minhocao for me, is a time line that happens along the day. Is something magical that has different timing. During the day, when the sun is up, is one life time. At night, there is another life time,that is a memory time than have the power tor transform the city. I see the Minhocao as a possibility of restructuring concepts and people, where people can constantly transform and modify the space. For me, there is no right or wrong thing to do about it, there is no way to say it should stay or it should be demolished. Some people may call this object a scar in the city but some people also have scars. It is like in the medical studies, you can choose to have surgery and remove it or leave it. But some people can have a different reaction and create a keloid. It is a reaction of the body towards the scar. It can absorb a color, a tracing, according to each body. SY: In your opinion, what is the future for the Minhocao? What is your wish? To tear it down or keep it? CAHA: Actually I would say that in the case of this elevated highway the question,no matter the future decision, would be: what is going to happen with this infrastructure that makes possible the creation of urbanity as a result of the dynamics? Different possibilities and realities, all integrated in the same place. p

Each day, each night is different. You can’t predict what is going to be seen or happen. p

The Minhocao is a time line where each time is different and each corner you can find a surprise. Because it can shift every time you look at it. There is no repetition of actions. Even if the object is gone, it will still be here because it will still be changing according to its own time and space. But taking it off, I would be sad with this decision. It would be like cutting the ‘evil’ from the root, without having a chance of investigating the possibilities of transformation. If left, I can imagine a opportunity of invention of the city. Besides the almost 500 years of existence, Sao Paulo hasn’t taken the chance to change much or invented new possibilities of transformation. The Minhocao is like Copacabana beach in Rio, a place where you can bring together differences and different people. Everyone can be together, no matter where are they from, which class they belong to or what are the surrounding areas- a slum, high class residences...


This place in Sao Paulo has the chance of being a silence in the middle of the city, a place to rest and take a break. It also can be a possibility of integration of many subjects, from anthropology, to geography, psychology, among many others, multiplying and possible scenarios. In my opinion, the solution proposed by the government is a bit weak. It has numbers and data, like 3.4km of green areas or X Km of an urban park, but there is no exploration of ideas. It is lacking the partnership with those who can see furtherthe academy and also the inspiration on the neighbors. These tools could be used as incentives that drive innovation.


There is a lack of integration, connectivity, creating bad differences, like the one we see in the relationship bottom x top x buildings x surrounding areas. To work and explore integration in general can bring very interesting possibilities for the city and the Minhocao. The interesting part is that Minhocao has not an particular identity. Is is the superposition of the aspects of the society that uses it. Which means it has a conceptual diversity in many aspects, generating again, possibilities of integration. This diversity can be seen by the time. At this time, we can see the group listening to Brazilian funk, there are skaters, people riding bikes and jogging.. and soon kids will come to play, people will bring their pets to walk...there is a bit of everything and everything can happen at the same time. Each time you look at it, according to a different day or even period of the day, is possible to see different things and that is the beauty within. SY: If you needed to summarize the Minhocao in one word, what would it be? CAHA: For me, the future of it can be summarized in hope. The hope of creation of spaces that are more suitable and fair to people, innovative spaces. The same way the city needs green areas, it needs residential areas, streets, infrastructure and so on. But it is about the hope in having a space with quality. Maybe this could be the starting point for innovation and invention of the city, promoting the urban, social, economical, sustainable development.

Diagram showing the logic of the interviewee. u Diagram made by the author






urban silence








life time transition shift

Tear down






to forget


to erase Possibility chosen by the interviewee Possibility seen by the interviewee but not the chosen one

1. 147

CIVITAS Anne Marie Sumner is PhD. in Architecture and Urban Planning by the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Sao Paulo (2001). She is the proprietor of the Anne Marie Sumner-Arquitectura Ltda office and associate professor of the School of Architecture and Urbanism of Mackenzie University. Is also counselor of the CAU- Council of architects and Urban Planners (2015-2018). minhacidade/17.194/6182

“The city as a full possibility of citizens is founded on a relationship between civilization and culture where the first realizes and materializes the invention and hypothesis of the other.” Hannah Arendt

Anne Marie Sumner has participated of the second edition of the Prestes Maia Prize, in 2006, that was discussing the future of the Minhocao. She was leading a group composed by many experts in another areas and had also students from Mackenzie University and USP, the most important schools of architecture in Sao Paulo. Her vision and opinion about the object is the urgent need of removal. Sumner defends the ethic, technique and aestethic of each project. According to her, the Minhocao is a scar in the city. It degrades the whole ground and also the surrounding areas, specially the buildings right next to it by violating the right of the citizens to have privacy. The maintenance of the elevated highway creates a state of insalubrity that is very harmful for the city For her, there is no way to keep the construction and improve it because is insane to think of making this mistake better, the expenses would be absurd. If people want parks, there are another ways to accomplish that desire without using the Minhocao. Her vision can be compared to the Frankenstein, Mary Shelley (1818), where an object is created ‘without clear purpose’, almost like an experience in lab. But instead of being a instrument guiding towards a solution, the creature turns into a bigger problem. Both views share the idea and story of the unpredictability of the creations, since both were conceived without deeper thinking and reflection about the afterwards.


SY: How you define the Minhocao? What’s your vision of / for it? AMS: Well, the Minhocao is the result of a policy that happened in the 70’s that was thinking the cities from the traffic and automobile perspective, connecting areas, looking from the flows. But later, this solutions showed a nefarious impact to the surroundings. It solved a connectivity problem, but deteriorated in a sad way all the central area. My view for the Minhocao was shown in the Prestes Maia Prize, where we built and office with 32 members, including many experts in other areas and students from Mackenzie and USP. The idea was to show the elevated high way as an urban scar. Our proposal was to demolish this bridge. But how can you do it without thinking and reorganizing the infrastructure and the flows problem?

The shadow area, the lack of sun and the insalubrity under the Minhocao. p

So the project used the railroad as an alternative solution to the traffic. The railroad is large due to the three lines that runs there: the Sorocabana (that goes towars the south west of Sao Paulo State), the Santos-Jundiai (towards the North west of Sao Paulo State) and the Central do Brasil (towards Rio de Janeiro) In the past they were all used for passengers and cargo, but now, most of them are not used in its full potential. We saw it as the perfect opportunity to create the alternative solution- putting together in the railroad: the train for passengers, the cars on the side and the water/ landscape draining issues with a lake system. The brainstorm of this project started with the Minhocao and actually turned into a bigger solution beyond what was being asked. More than a discussion, it ended up in drawings and very detailed plans. SY: The project you and your team proposed was in 2006, right? Do you think you would keep it the same or would you change things about it?

The social contract that is disrespected by the presence of the Minhocao. p

AMS: After 11 years of this project, I think there would be some adjustments to be made, but the essence and nature remains the same. The idea of demolishing is still the same. The difference would be the update on the regulations about the railroad. Now it is inserted in a renewal project that is envisioning the densification on the surrounding areas of the railroad. When we made the project, in 2006, we were having only the perspective of the infrastructure and flows, there wasn’t the densification issues.


Within what is predicted in the New Strategic Plan of the city, I’m still in favor of the demolition of the elevated highway. But if the discussion cannot come to an end, the right thing would be to put it in a vote. For me, any solution that implies the covering of the structure, doesn’t work. The elevated highway creates a shadow zone, deteriorating the area. Because of the own shadowing nature , it affects not only the bottom of the infrastructure, but also the neighbors on the surrounding areas due to the proximity of the object and buildings.


I defend the condition of socialization, the social contract and the salubrity of the space in the society. I defend the dignity of the citizenship and the right of the citizens. The Minhocao is not an exclusive case of elevated highway in Sao Paulo. There are many more cases in the city and even in the world that shouldn’t exist. Just like Boston or Rio de Janeiro. The creation of the park is a questionable decision. Imagine someone running right in front of your window. It’s like creating a new street layer. No one likes to be at the level street were you can be watched all the time. It’s a matter of privacy and intimacy. Taking this idea further and trying to fix this problem without tearing down the Minhocao, expropriations and openings and cuts in the structure would be needed, which makes no sense due to the cost and work. If people is asking for parks, just take out all the bus terminals from areas that used to be originally, parks and squares. The presence of the elevated highway is insalubrious and adverse to the memory of the city by covering and hiding the first exit towards west. I can’t understand the opinion of who is in favor of keeping the Minhocao. SY: In your texts and in your classes, you always talk about the profession and the relation with ethic, technique and aesthetic. Can you explain the importance and relationship among this elements? AMS: As architects, we should always work with the interface ethic, technique and esthetic. Ethic because when we are designing a city or part of it, we are talking about the implication on the like of citizens. Therefore, the ethic is already defining condition. Technique due to the interface and dialog among different subjects- engineering (of traffic, civil construction...), geography, sociology. The esthetics is the part that is up to us, architects and urban planners, to transform a common space into something pleasant and enjoyable. Diagram showing the logic of the interviewee. u Diagram made by the author





shadow bus terminals






roads (high +rail)

social contract



Tear down








citizenship profession Architect


esthetic Possibility chosen by the interviewee Possibility seen by the interviewee but not the chosen one

2. 151


“A city is not frozen, it is an alive organism.” Valter Luis Caldana Junior August, 2014

Valter Luis Caldana Junior is PhD. by the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Sao Paulo (2000-2005).

Valter Caldana makes part of a council of consultancy for the development of the New Strategic Plan of the city of Sao Paulo as one representative of the academies.

Was Director of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning Mackenzie, from 2012 to 2015.Visiting professor at the Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism in Alghero, University of Sassari - Italy, researcher of the research group Architecture and Construction and Coordinator of the Laboratory of Projects and Public Policies. Elected member of the Municipal Council of Urban Policy of the City of São Paulo, representing the Universities and Research Institutes. He is Director of AEAULP - Academy of Architecture and Urbanism Schools of Portuguese Language with headquarters in Lisbon, Alternate Councilor of CAU-SP, Member of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, FirenzeItaly and Institute City in Movement = Brazil section. He has been a visiting professor at the Institute of Urbanism in Paris (2012) and ENSA de la Ville et Territoires in Marne la Valée Paris France (2015/2016).He was the curator of nonaBIa - IX International Architecture Biennial of São Paulo.

For him, the Minhocao should be tear down because of the trouble caused to the city. According to him, the elevated highway is an object that interrupts the city and destroys everything in the surrounding areas by not adding any value and covering the original city, creating an interference. By taking it down, would be possible to give back life to the existing city hidden under the highway. Not in the sense of bringing the old city, the glamour and fanciness of the Sao Joao Avenue, but by bringing a chance of highlighting a possible axis of connection between Lapa and Santa Cecilia through the creation of a boulevard.


Just like the previous interviewee, his vision can be compared to the tale of Frankenstein where the experiment went wrong and now harms and bothers the city.

SY: How you define the Minhocao? What’s your vision of / for it? VLCJ: A catastrophe, if there is nothing worse, that’s the word. The Minhocao was built in a moment when the highways were already being questioned in cities around the world, but in Brazil, it was still very influent and present in the city planning. There were some reasons for that: the automobile industry that came to Brazil in the mid 50’s needed an opportunity to settle, develop and grow in the country. Besides that, in the 1970’s was the dictatorship moment in Brazil that used the highway as a tool to link industries, government and society. The last factor was the intense urban migration and urban spread that intensified the economic urban activities in the city. The construction of this elevated highway is an answer to all the previous factors, contained in the historical period where everything city was planned according to the highways, just like the marginal highways along the Tiete River. The Minhocao is a catastrophe because it doesn’t respect the city. It is an overlap that doesn’t built a new urban fabric, doesn’t respect the existing city and either construct a new layer. It is even worse than destroying the city and rebuilding from scratch, like in the ‘tabula rasa’. This kind of intervention is very harsh but at least it creates a scar, that after a couple of years, will create a new urban fabric, that will be integrated back to the city. For me it is something that exists and irritates the urban dynamics, traumatizing the existing urban fabric and is persisting in the environment as a catastrophe. The “original axis” of the city, Sao Joao Avenue and the mark of the financial Center, the Banespa building. p

SY: In your opinion, what is the future for the Minhocao? What is your wish? To tear it down or keep it? VLCJ: The New Strategic Master plan already brought one decision: until the year of 2030, the Minhocao should be deactivated for the use of vehicles. It should not be a urban highway anymore. After that decision, there are two possibilities in discussion: either the infrastructure is demolished and then all the ground floor can be restructured, either it turns into a park, just like the High Line in New York, which in my opinion doesn’t change the reality.

An incompatibility between city and architecture seen in the new buildings in the surrounding areas, killing the city. p

The Minhocao is harmful by its own existence. It not a matter of use. It’s already a big problem for the residents and even worse for the city as common ground. So even if the use is changed, it will still be prejudicial to the city. It is a matter of denying the existence of the ground and not building, reconstructing or redesigning the urban fabric. That’s why I strongly encourage and support the idea of it to being tear down. 153

Once I was in a conference and a lady that defended the idea of the park said: “You just want the city that it was, you don’t want the future.” No, I don’t want the old Sao Joao Avenue, a place for the higher classes, something that doesn’t fit anymore. This idea is from a class that doesn’t exist anymore, for a city that doesn’t exist anymore. What I defend is the construction of a big boulevard, a public park on the ground, creating a walkable path and connecting public equipments and services already existent from the Martinelli building until the Lapa Market (Central area towards the west ). It’s about bringing tan existent city that is blocked and covered by the existence of the Minhocao.


SY: What is your perspective about the gentrification that this kind of project would bring? VLCJ: Whichever the result future project and result will be, gentrification will happen. It is inexorable, but not inescapable. Our profession doesn’t allow us to make projects that generates gentrification or that doesn’t have mechanisms or tools to control this process. We are not allowed to ignore this factor in the 21st century. Having this in mind, I would say that having a park at the level of the ground is much more efficient than an elevated park. The second option tends to be privatized, in the sense that is restricted to a group of people, while the park on the ground is always open to all kind of people; integrating and not emphasizing the differences. The city is already changing towards the future decisions and visions for the Minhocao, but in the new buildings and constructions in this area, I see an inconsistent process, a misconception between new morphologies and cities. It attends an old program that doesn’t respect and deny the city. This new buildings are just making worse the problem of the city. They are palliative solutions for the existent problems of security, for example. But they are not structural solutions, making worse the social, economic problems and closing themselves to the city.

Diagram showing the logic of the interviewee. u Diagram made by the author






elevated park




dennial of the ground



existent city


urban growth


connection of the center


Tear down


old city

management new urban fabric

different society


make it better Possibility chosen by the interviewee Possibility seen by the interviewee but not the chosen one

3. 155


“The sertao (desert) is the place where our thinking grows stronger than the power of the space.” Grande sertão: Veredas- Guimarães Rosa

Juan Casemiro is Architect and Urbanist by the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Presbyterian University Mackenzie (2016). He made a series of photographies in the Minhocao, exploring the body and the relationship with the city, which was the start of his bachelor’s final thesis named ‘Errante” (the one that makes mistakes in Portuguese). Casemiro received an honour mention for performance by CAU (Council of Architects and Urbanists)

Juan Casemiro lives nearby the Minhocao. He has the view of the foreigner that came to Sao Paulo to study and also the perception of an architect and urban planner. In his work, also about the Minhocao, he had a critical vision about how things in the city are made for privileged people. The most interesting part about his point of view is the romantic view and change of opinion. At first sight, the Minhocao was described as a desert, but later, he fell in love with the dynamics and activities that gives life to this place and make it a place instead of a vague space in the city. For him, the beauty of the place is in the variety of activities and times. Everything happening at the same time, in the same space, but all in different fragments and paces. His vision can be compared to The Beauty and the Beast. Excluding the problems with Stockholm Syndrome and other things, both stories shoe that the first encounter is shocking and the impression about the beast is horrifying, but after having time to know it better, the opinion can be changed. The lesson that can be taken from this comparison is that things change according to the relationship and bond you have with the object or the other character. An impression can be wrong and judging without knowing is useless.


SY: How you define the Minhocao? What’s your vision of / for it? JC: For me, my first impression of it is that it reminded me of a sertao desert. No life at all, everything empty. It was at night, in 2010, so the interaction we can see nowadays didn’t exist yet. After some time, after living close to the object and observing it, this idea of the sertao changed. Like any void and desert, the ‘emptiness’ of infrastructure has a calling that gives the opportunity for uses to occupy and appropriate, take advantage of the space. Somehow is a desert that has the rough structure that allows people to be there. Slow down / Dangerous. p Photo and book by Juan Casemiro

The urban art found in the infrastructure saying: us together is only wrong in grammar. p

In my studies, I wanted to understand how an arid space like that was at the same time ready to be used. Maybe is more about questioning the space rather than thinking about the design. But one thing was certain: the “equipments” were already there and were simple elements. It could be the guard rail that can turn into a bench, or a support; or even a shadow of a tree or of the buildings. The space was only waiting to be used according to the temporalities that occur along the different sections of the elevated highway. This space is just waiting to be turned into a unique place where things that cannot happen in the city, can take place in the Minhocao. Of course there are other desert areas like the Memorial of Latin America, but there is something in this one that makes it different. SY: Can you tell a bit more about the series of photographies you took in the Minhocao? They are quite interesting and impacting. JC: Usually the people that uses the Minhocao are from the vicinity. By living and observing close to the object, I started to see spontaneous uses of space using simple objects like a mat or cones from the CET. I started seeing the free use of the space and appropriation, working even better than planned events in this same space.

Different timings and layers on the Minhocao, the pause and the movement of the “actors” and citizens on the stage, the city. p

Then, came the idea of the exploration of the space with the body through a photo shoot, where I wanted to show unusual uses of the body, highlighting the existing opportunities of space. For example, the one I had my head in a whole, was to show that the whole could be a skylight or something else, but no, it was just a whole. This sequence also shows the scale of the body in the space and the relationship between the city and the user.


Besides that exploration, I started seeing tiny little things, almost invisible and silent clues, like trails left by the bodies that came to this place. This form of urban art, all on the ground or on the slope or even on the guard rail, is temporary and at the same time marks the constant reinvention of the space. It can be seen in different scales or ways to intervene in the space (by being painted, glued or even carved) but it marks s constant fight for the space.


And why does people fall in love for that? I believe that people only write, draw and put something on things that you like or take as yours, on places where you want it to be seen. I think that expressing yourself on public space is that, making things to be seen. The most interesting part is that this “illegal” expressions, are much more evident on the bottom of the Minhocao, but they also exist on the upper part. They also came before the legal interventions, like the green walls on the side of the buildings. This elevated highway is a place/space that dialogs with the time. Sometimes it presents a very intense use, sometimes not. This different dynamics and vibes, creates the magic within the Minhocao. SY: In your opinion, what is the future for the Minhocao? What is your wish? To tear it down or keep it? JC: Is not about tearing it down or keeping it. Is about bringing the dialogue between parts, looking for the best alternative, always looking to make the best use of the space. For me, the most remarkable moment of the Minhocao is when it turned into a place and wasn’t seen as a ordinary street anymore. It was when it became a place rather than a space. This was a process that lasted almost 10 years, a change in the concept, in the mind of the users and the citizens and not a physical change in the space. It is just like the quote says “the place where our thinking grows stronger than the power of the space”. SY: What is the most impacting scene you have seen during this whole process of transformation of the Minhocao- from the sertao to theobject you fell in love ? One of the most beautiful scenes that I remember and illustrates the time is actually a picture I took. There was a guy sitting in the middle of the rail, which I called the pause. There was a guy pushing a car, a troller, this was the movement. Then, there was a couple on the balcony, with beers and music, watching the others. This true beauty of the place, the layers and different timing overlaped like different scenarios. A place to see and to be seen, together composing the bigger picture of the time, like the changes that took almost a decade to happen. 158

Diagram showing the logic of the interviewee. u Diagram made by the author

















best use of the space

Tear down



trace ephemeral

urban art

belonging Possibility chosen by the interviewee Possibility seen by the interviewee but not the chosen one


TO THE FUTURE! After having all this comparisons and visions, the object can be seen by different angles. Each interviewee presented a very strong argument and position about the future of the Minhocao. Each interviewee presented a perspective for the future of the elevated highway, with arguments to support each idea and wish. Besides the straight answer, a pattern can be observed in each talk, according to the point of view. As a sample of adjectives, 8 characteristics were taken from each interview. When blended together, they lead to a description of an unique object, the Minhocao. (See diagram on the on next page)


Going further, is possible to take this same characteristics and create different scenarios and visions for the Minhocao. By using mathematics as a tool, a matrix with n factors, resulting in more n possibilities of projects can be imagined. In this case, 8 aspects, 4 interviewees = 4064 possibilities In other words,it is a symbolism for of 8 = ∞ Of course not all the combinations are rich and are really going to be useful, but some of them can be discussed. As an example, three combinations were developed a bit further and then again, more combinations can be done following each of this three possibilities. In the end, for the project purpose, five final possibilities will be developed.

Diagram showing the logic of the interviewee. u Diagram made by the author


urban silence intensity opportunity


actions concepts

time line

1. Keep



integration alternative



best use of the space

Tear down



existent city solution



3. citizenship

profession Architect

connection of the center


2. social contract

trace ephemeral


redesign new urban fabric

morphology make it better

esthetic 161






diff d po eren s t tra sibil itie ns sile for ma s int nce tio e n ho gra t pe ion



he op ric r t tas ab ca an f nce e b ur exist ying rd nn de leva ty i u bo ent c rol ist ont es c ex i log o h rp mo



Combination 01 Combination 02 Combination 03







ct r ru a t c s s fra ins ence ct s es dow ntra o a sh ial c c so er lay s y t cu mor e m

se ap rtao pr op dese ria r tio t n b ur ba ody n int art e sce nse mo pa nes ve use me nt


e ur



Museum of the living city






Possible scenario combinatories not mentioned

Historical / Sensorial Park

From “random”words extracted from the interviews to composition of possible scenarios and eventually, a design. p Diagram made by the author




PROJECTING STRATEGIES In the beginning of this chapter and studies, an big number of possibilities for the future were shown. To reduce the range of combinations without reducing it too much or making a random selection of possibilities, a methodology developed by Arriagada in “Strategies in the Port Territory of Santos� will be used. It is also the method used to help the development of strategies in the UNRio +.w

Diagram of the process developed by Arriagada in his thesis. p

The diagram can be summarized in the following way: The study is based in a main question/ hypothesis that will guide the work and look for an answer or at least reflection about it. This leads to secondary questions that will appear to support and divide the concept in smaller pieces. By using data, doing research and analysis is possible to direct and support the next step, which are the called actions. They are general intentions towards the hypothesis. After that, comes the strategies, which are specific directions towards the answer or conclusion.








The possibilities for the MInhocao . t The tatic actions applied in the territory, actions and/or intentions to help improve the territory. q Diagrams made by the author

RECONNECTION The differences between the two sides of the Minhocao are quite clear. The intention is to bring together both pieces by a coherence of city. FLOWS Redirection of flows in the existing urban fabric, allowing the area to be more diverse and efficient. URBAN RECYCLING Big part of this area is already consolidated but some parts are not being used in full potential. Through the urban recycling is possible to optimize and stimulate economically the area. NODAL AXES Proposition of micro centralities, specialized in different areas, but at the same time composing a complex and diverse region. 167


ORDER specificity






creation of hybrid objects capable of concentrate and irradiate economic dynamics



investments in the local commerce and in existing hybrid buildings

GENDER= application in the territory


solutions of sustainable connectivity for infrastructure


public private partnership for local investments

24 hours

SPECIE= specific project racionalization of activities and spaces along the park, reorganising relationships




areas for the generation of technology and innovation

functionality 24h of the territory

adjustment of the densification by promoting infrastructure

conectivity of the area along the Minhocao through alternative transportation

appreciation of the image of the city

FAMILY ORDER CLASS PHYLUM= tactic actions KINGDOM = context / Minhocao




creation of infrastructures turning the area adequate for the flow of pedrestrians








urban reconvertion and retrofit of existing buildings for diverse uses

revitalization of green areas by proposing the creation of pleasant spaces

reduction of use of cars by investing in alternative collective transportation



stimulation of leisure in the area (cinemas, bars, teathers, restaurants etc)



creation of educational, cultural and turistic areas




creation and/or renovation of turistic areas

administrative organization for the development of a park

24h use of grids for the design of squares, linear parks, organizing the composition

diversification of uses of the green areas

improvement of the urban drainage, avoiding other issues

areas for the generation of technology and innovation

creation of bike paths connecting intermediate spaces

priorization of the pedestrian with the creation of open blocks and improvement of acessibility

creation of green axis connecting the different parts

formalization of areas of 24h working hours















connection between zones by green areas and/or equipments

spaces for the public collective use, connected by pleasant areas

reestructuration of the viary system, optimizing the use for all transportations

project of renovation of the areas along the main axis

creation of zones for populational transfer in case of epidemy

creation of multitask centers

creation of technological areas related to emergencies and epidemics

connectivity of economic zones

emblematic metropolitan events throughout the area

priority for the flow of pedestrians with bike paths, boulevards and parks

economic, cultural, urban and turistic reconversion

secondary systems and alternative logistics

establishment of zones linked to potential medical clusters

logistic projects for emergencies, managing flows and connectivity of the areas

connections in different levels

recover/ renovation of the urban center

areas for extension, continuity and connections

















local urban mobility

development of booklets promoting citizenship education

connection between centralities and peripheric areas

public policies of educational and health support

creation of centers for the conservation and investigation of local culture

policies for housing, linked to the professionalizat ion

centralities connected by structural axis

urban kindness

program for the reincorporation of the elderly in the society

public policies for the stimulation of culture

regeneration of abandoned areas for social groups

housing areas for elderly using mixed modes (students / elderly)

infrastuctures and services connected to residential areas

relocation of homeless people

policies for the development of creative areas

partnership with NGOs for management of specific areas

public policies of densification of the area













24 hours







24 hours














24 hours












































- Transition - Infrastructures - Structuration - Newcomers


X 10 + years



- Planning - Creation - Redesign - Infrasctructures


X 5 - 10 years




0 - 5 years



- Adaptions - Program - Diversification - Settlement Check pages 162-165 Strategies organized according to the time of application . p Diagrams made by the author


0 - 5 YEARS The first part of the plan consists in planning ahead WHAT is going to be done and HOW it will be executed. The first five years will be used to look for partnerships and ways to make the city work not relying only in public investments. It is a time to put effort thinking and giving the opportunities, letting the companies and interested companies and big parts come and invest in this future vision. It is also abut coming from the big scale, by defining bigger areas and working with the improvement of the city in general, of the infrastructures like drainage, accesses, streets, design of parks, definition of areas specialized in a topic.









24 hours










Basically, this is the step where you build the big picture, is a sketch of the future city.

P REMINDER: The diagram is just a representation of ways that the strategies can be applied in the territory. They express intentions and a will, but there is not only one way to achieve it. This strategies applied in this way, are just a sample and illustration of one way to view the future. Check pages 162-165 Strategies for the first 5 years. u Diagrams made by the author










GRAPHIC SCALE 0m 100 200




5 - 10 YEARS The second part is about WHERE and WHEN. Just like in a progression, after having the big picture/ idea, is time to come reviewing things and putting the main structure after the rough draft. Just like the map is showing, this phase is when the city is ‘bombarded’ with constructions and changes, some times at the same time, but in different areas. This five years are supposed to be used for the construction itself, renovation and establishment of connections between the new areas . It is also when the policies come to regulate and help settle down the new structures, making sure that it will work and will not be abandoned or suffer with the extreme gentrification.


Check pages 162-165 Strategies for 5 to 10 years. u Diagrams made by the author









24 hours











P REMINDER: The diagram is just a representation of ways that the strategies can be applied in the territory. They express intentions and a will, but there is not only one way to achieve it. This strategies applied in this way, are just a sample and illustration of one way to view the future.










GRAPHIC SCALE 0m 100 200




10+ YEARS The last part, after ten years, is when the questions stop and people can enter and interact, turning the infrastructure of the city into something alive.









24 hours

Just like in a music band or orchestra, after learning and practicing the instrument, is time to polish and fix the tiny details, making the group work in perfect harmony. After giving all the support, is time for the government take a little bit easy and let people rule the area. Not like in a anarchist way, but letting things be ‘naturally’ regulated.




This is really when city comes alive and gains ‘personality’ according to the way citizens interact with it.







Compared to the first two parts, it is the bloom of the city, with less rules and more imagination taking action.

P REMINDER: The diagram is just a representation of ways that the strategies can be applied in the territory. They express intentions and a will, but there is not only one way to achieve it. This strategies applied in this way, are just a sample and illustration of one way to view the future. Check pages 162-165 Strategies for to 10 years and more. u Diagrams made by the author










GRAPHIC SCALE 0m 100 200






07 181



Can a functional object have another functions beyond the immediate purpose of use? What is the future of the “Big Worm”?


When did the space changed from What are the processes of adapthe functional to the multipurtion and absorption towards the pose? future? How did the space changed from the functional to the multipurpose?





If it stay, what needs to be done?

If keep parts, what needs to be done?

Intentions applied to the territory, according to...

to bring, to highlight, to promote, to create... (principles of )




continuity urban recycling

nodal axis


If tear down, what needs to be done?


Impacts and reactions in the city

5. 182


option 1

option 2

option 3

CONCLUSION The city is a dynamic and complex system that is constantly changing. It doesn’t happen only because of the time factor and the reaction of the materials and tangible objects towards it. It also happens due to the interaction people create with the space. With a simple use of a space, is possible to change its characteristics, from a functional infrastructural object to a leisure platform for outdoor activities, giving it a completely different ambience and environment. Changes in the city require time to be absorbed and adapted to the city and also to the ‘conscience’ of the citizens. But some elements are permanent in the collective memory, even in a completely different city or environment, with new elements and landmarks. The main role of urban designers is to help plan and design the city, helping to connect and bring the dialogue among different areas and expertises. Unlike the 1960’s, when urban designers used to plan very functional and efficient objects without any further opinions, the future is the opposite. This 60’s model cities, became obsolete and some of them even broke down and are completely abandoned and forgotten. The future of the cities, points out towards the other direction. The one where cities can be build together, in a cooperative way. It is also interesting to see that not only in developed countries this process of bottom up urbanism is happening. In the case of Sao Paulo, usually people will claim and use the space without legal permission, like in the case of the favela. But in this case, it is already a space with freedom of use and regulated by the government. It is valuable how people, even with huge knowledge, economical and cultural gaps still has shown interests in changing the city and actually they are doing it together, for everyone. It is not like a parklet or a park that should be an open space for everyone but sometimes you can see discrimination or feel it. In the work of Casemiro (2016) is clear how spaces and things in the city are made by and for the richest classes. But the Minhocao is one starting point were you can clearly see that things are changing. That’s what makes it so magical and special.

The process of thinking and the structure of the thesis. From the questions until the possibilities for the future . t Diagram made by the author

The success of the good urban design consists in leaving the open possibility for changes in space. Sometimes the good space is not even planned or designed to be like that. But if sometimes the unplanned space is successful, what is the role of the urban designer in the city? I believe that bringing the pieces together and helping to turn the imagination 183

into reality is the main point. Is like having all the musicians of an orchestra, having the lyric sheets (which could be the future imagination), but no maestro to guide and make them all work together in the perfect harmony. Also, is possible to notice that when something good is happening, it tends to bring attention and researchers from different fields together.


In the case of Minhocao, during the process, at least two researchers were found working on the same object- A lady investigating the aspect of the identity and the events, as an anthropological phenomenon, comparing big cities like Shanghai and Sao Paulo and a guy researching the direct impact in the routine of people, from the physical and mental aspect of view. Something that didn’t use to happen before. This area was only interest for architects and urban planners. The impact of a good big change also affects another areas and hopefully is in a positive way. As mentioned before, everything is connected in a complex network and this kind of actions, have showed positive impacts and reactions even in other fields. During the whole life of Minhocao, there were many speculations about its future. According to different mayors, the will and project was different. Sometimes there were pans for it to be dismantled in five years, but nothing happened. There were previous plans for its transformation, but again, nothing really happened. Knowing that the deactivation of the Elevated highway is planned for 2030 and that the possibilities listed in the New Strategic Master plan of Sao Paulo are either the demolition of the infrastructure or the transformation of the structure in a park following the model of the High Line in New York, what are the possible scenarios for it? Considering that this time, the plan of deactivation will be properly followed. In total, there are three possibilities: to keep the whole infrastructure object, to dismantle it all and to keep parts of it. The easier one is to dismantle the structure, kind of erasing the mistake in the city. To keep it implies the need of a new use and maintenance. Building a park in the Minhocao is the easiest and less creative way to see the future, once it already exists and work like it during weekends, even with the lack of infrastructure. The last one is more open to different uses, but then there is the need to think wisely about which parts to keep and what to do with them and even with the part that is going to be dismantled. 184

According to one of the documentaries, Minhocao haven’t received any maintenance since it’s construction. Besides that, a concrete structure like the one of the highway may last 50 years without heavy infrastructural intervention. But in other hand, this kind of structure is not impossibly hard to be recycled or reused. That’s the reason of the options including the dismantle and not demolishing. The exercise about the future consists in imagining the relationship: TIME x MEMORY x CULTURE x FUTURE Can this relationship be translated in symbolic constructions as a the result of combinatorial scenarios for the future? To think the future and the scenarios for the Minhocao in the contemporary way, considering the absorption and adaption of the plan after the implementation is like an open door of possibilities of ways to reach the goal. There is not only one way, neither only one right way to do it. The project and the questions, actually should go beyond the object itself. Since it is a chain reaction, what can possibly happen to the surrounding areas? What is also the future for them and how can the city be possibly affected but such a “small” action?




PROJECT STATEMENT Recently, Minhocao is one of the most popular topics in the city of Sao Paulo. It has been a trendy place because of the uses and attention that has been dragged to it, not only catching the eyes of urban planners and space designers, but also from researchers from other areas like anthropologists, doctors, psychologists. Since it is an infrastructural object that has been obsolete, bringing more problems than solutions, it has been more and more polemic, specially after 2014, with the New Strategic Plan for the city of Sao Paulo. Usually the discussions about it involve two to three ideas: to keep it, to demolish/ dismantle it and to partially keep it. Before starting the project itself, there is the need to take a side. Otherwise, the following question can be made: Is possible to conciliate the solutions or see the future of the Minhocao without making a decision? There are three basic ideas as the starting point, the solutions for the future of the Minhocao can and should be developed beyond the idea of the park that follows the example of the High Line in New York. As an exercise, targeting exploration and imagination of possibilities that have not been seen yet. The option of keeping part of the Minhocao is the most interesting. It can generate questions like: How can you work the memory of the object, by keeping part of it, without at the same time freezing it like a statue? How can you manage the dismantle and the reuse of the waste? What can the use be with just part of the infrastructure? What parts are going to be kept and why? From the first step (to keep only part of the Minhocao), what are the (at least) three possible uses articulating this four factors? Time: When is it going to happen? Memory: How is it going to be? What are the traces that it will have? Culture: What is the use? How will it link people and space? Future: What is the vision? What can be imagined? What is the dream? Scenario 1: Emphasis on the TIME factor Going back to the beginning. Starting from the structure and going through the process of degradation accelerated in time and space. How would be to join the sides of the Minhocao?


Scenario 2: Emphasis on the CULTURE factor Minhocao as a stage for special cultural events and performances like the Street Carnival . How can it be adapted to the constant change of trends, culture and events that it can receive? Scenario 3: Emphasis on the FUTURE factor Adaption through time as a technological venue for drones, for example. How is it going to be adapted to this different aspects that the future can bring? After, even having the scenarios, everything that is done in the area, impacts also in the surrounding areas. How to deal with that? How to transform the scar into something that brings togetherness?





XX 191

SPECIAL THANKS For the interviews: Anne Marie Sumner Carlos Andrés Hernández Arriagada Juan Casemiro Valter Luis Caldana Junior For sharing information: Ana Letícia Correia Barbosa Gabriela Azzolino Varella Lais Pitta Guardia Raphaela di Cianni Servidio For sharing time and ideas: Bruno Andrade de Figueiredo Cain Peng Gregório Sangwoo Kang Kim Lucas da Matta Barddal For sharing time and company: Mathilde Gattegno




29 30 31




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GLOSSARY Anhangabau Bandeiras Brazilian funk Carmelites Favela Franciscans Higienopolis Jesuits Lambe lambe MinhocĂŁo Minhoqueira Mooca Parklet Paulistano Piratininga Republica Santa Cecilia Sertao Tamanduatei Tupi Guarani


Name of one of the main rivers in Sao Paulo. The name means river of the evil of devils in tupi. Expeditions during the Colonial Brazil with many purposes, from exploring the new territory to hunting natives or precious stones. Music originated in the favela. Friars or nuns of Catholic order founded at Mount Carmel. Name of the Brazilian slums. Friars or members of a Christian religious by St Francis of Assisi or based on its rule, and noted for its preachers and missionaries. Name of a district located in the central area of Sao Paulo, with a medium-high class population. Members of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of priests to do missionary works. Popular name for posters glued on the walls and public areas in a illegal way. Nickname given to the elevated highway, from the Plaza Pericles until the Roosevelt Square . Neologism. Noun (female) refering to the person who has a affection and identifies with the Minhocao. Name of a district in the east side of Sao Paulo, created by Italians. A pocket park made in the area of one or two parking spots. The citizen that lives in the city of Sao Paulo. Name of Sao Paulo, before having the actual name. It means dried fish and comes from the tupi guarani. Name of a district located in the central area of Sao Paulo. Name of a district located in the central area of Sao Paulo. Area in the northeast of Brazil, far from the beach, from cities and of cultivating lands, a kind of desert Name of one of the main rivers in Sao Paulo. The name means river of the true anteaters in tupi. A kind of native tribe and language in Brazil.




Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (Council of Architects and Urban Planners) Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego (Engineering and Traffic Company) Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil (Institute of Architects from Brazil) Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano (Taxes for Utban Territories and Buildings) Movimento pelo Desmonte do Minhocao (Movement for the Demolishment of Minhocao) Plano Diretor Estratégico (New Strategic Masterplan) Prefeitura Municipal de Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo City Cityhall) Secretaria Municipal do Planejamento (Secretariat of City Planning) Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial (National Service of Commercial Apprenticeship) Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Idustrial (National Service of Industrial Apprenticeship) Serviço Social da Indústria (Social Service of the Industry) Secretaria da Infra-Estrutura Urbana (Secretariat for Urban Infrastructure) Sao Paulo Fashion Week

For the 2002 Master Plan: ZCP Zona de Centralidade Polar (Zone of Polar Centrality) ZCL Zona de Centralidade Linear (Zone of Linear Centrality) ZEIS Zona Especial de Interesse Social (Special Zone of Social Interest)



Zona Especial de Produção Agrícola e de Extração Mineral (Special Zone of Agricultural and Mineral Production) Zona Especial de Proteção Ambiental (Special Zone of Environmental Protection) Zona Especial de Preservação Cultural (Special Zone of Cultural Preservation) Zona Exclusivamente Residencial (Zone Exclusively Residential) Zona de Ocupação Especial (Zone of Special Occupation) Zona Predominantemente Industrial (Zone Predominantly Industrial) Zona Mista (Mixed Zone)

For the 2014 Master Plan: MEM Macroárea de Estruturação Metropolitana (Macroarea of Metropolitan Restructuration) ZEM Zona Eixo de Estruturação e Transformação Metropolitana (Axial Zone of Structuration and Metropolitan Transformation) ZEU Zona Eixo de Estruturação e Transformação Urbana (Axial Zone of Structuration and Urban Transformation) ZEIS Zona Especial de Interesse Social (Special Zone of Social Interest) ZMIS Zona Mista de Interesse Social (Mixed Zone of Social Interest)



This series of pictures represents an exercise of exploration of this arid space and the relationship with people. The Minhocao is an existing space that is ready for use according to the temporalities and the use that we put. This area opens space for things to happen. Is is a space open for spontaneous uses, which characterizes an open space. It is an exploration of the space through the body in not unusual uses. This sequence of images brings the scale of the body in the space, questioning the use by cars and showing how it can also fit the human body. Juan Casemiro




This series of pictures represents something that already existed before I start my work. Its about the silent trails and clues that some bodies left in the space. It is what we call urban art. This art is something that disappears. It is temporary, so its a caption of a moment. It can be a small inscription in the tiny blank space, coming from the marginalized art, until something more serious like the green walls inscription on the asphalt. It represents the constant fight for the space. I believe that you only write on and modify things that you like or have a bond with. So this little things on the ground, on the guard rails are this fight and feeling towards the place. Juan Casemiro Since this trails are temporary, some of them are just memory, but some are still alive. Casemiro’s photo shoot - 2015/ 2016. Author’s photo shoot- 2017. How long can a memory last?

Old memories, 2015/2016 u. Pictures by Casemiro



The inscription that once existed (Casemiro, 2016) t, now doesn’t exist anymore (Yeung, 2017) p.



On the left side, pictures from 2016 (Casemiro, 2016). On the right, what has still remained (Yeung, 2017) p. Wishes through the walls. u Picture by the author.


Fresh memories, 2017 p. Pictures by the author.


Fresh memories, 2017. The “official illegal art�, super noticeable and well accepted in the city. p Pictures by the author.


Fresh memories, 2017. The bottom have even more impacting ways to express and share art. t Pictures by the author.


Fresh memories, 2017 p. Pictures by the author.


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