Symmetry Surgical Brand Guide

Page 1







Symmetry Surgical Story


Logo Placement On Collateral


Company Culture


Sub-brand Lock-ups


Business Persona


Business Segments


Buyer Journey


Lock-ups Usage


Emotion of color




Color Pallet


General Use Fonts


Symmetry Surgical Logo


Social Media


Logo Usage


Symmetry Surgical Language


Logo Fonts


Punctuation and Word Usage


Legal and Regulatory Compliance


Legal Forms

Introduction All Symmetry Surgical team members should be well-versed in the brand standards and how to effectively communicate our messaging internally and externally. The purpose of this brand style guide is to inform and educate our internal staff and external partners on our standards. Brand identity represents the distinct visual elements that define a brand, such as color, design and logo. A brand identity is made up of what our brand says, what our values are, and what we want people to feel when they interact. It establishes the look, feel, and tone of how we communicate our word choices. Brand identity is comprised of our messaging, our values, and the feelings we want customers to experience. The following elements define how to develop the brand identity: • Brand position: This represents the association of the name and logo in the customer’s mind, including the distinctive benefits, unique strengths and differentiators that come to mind when consumers think of the Symmetry Surgical brand. It gives customers a reason to do business with Symmetry Surgical. • Brand promise: Craftsmanship, innovation, and attention to detail in every aspect of quality is why our products are trusted to perform to the highest standards, because we understand what’s at stake. Symmetry Surgical provides solutions to address challenges our customers face so their focus on the patient is optimized. In partnership with our customers, we will have the right product, in the right quantity, at the right time. • Brand personality: Symmetry Surgical is a dynamic, fast-moving, and an “up and coming” disrupter in the surgical instrument marketplace. Our energy, sense of purpose, and strong desire to exceed our customers’ expectations will be expressed in the words and visual imagery we choose. • Brand Story: The roots of our business date back to 1838 when Thomas Codman established an instrument business which became part of our portfolio in 2012. Today, Symmetry Surgical, headquartered in Nashville, TN, is a leading global healthcare technology and solutions supplier of high-quality surgical instrumentation, electrosurgery solutions and minimally invasive surgical devices. Symmetry Surgical maintains a rich legacy of trusted brands, quality, innovation and customer service supporting all surgical specialties and sites of care. • Brand associations: Through acquisitions and new product developments, Symmetry Surgical gained several strong brands with great brand equity such as Bovie, Bookwalter and Greenberg. These are considered sub-brands and will be discussed later in this publication.


Brand Image - Brand Image represents the perception of the brand by consumers/customers within the markets served. The company brand may differ by geography and is based on interaction with the existing brand. When consumers buy a product and service, they are not simply buying a product. They are buying the perceived brand image. The following items influence the brand image and need to be consistently delivered. • Brand Logo: Symmetry Surgical name and icon • Brand Persona/Personality: What the customer thinks about the humanistic description of the company (Credible, Honest, Quick to Respond, Easy to work with, etc...) • Language/Tone: Word usage and tone of the messaging. • Key Messaging/Content Pillars: Based on the needs of the target. Save Time, Save Cost, Improve Efficacy, Improve Safety etc.


Symmetry Story Symmetry Surgical, headquartered in Nashville, Tenn., is a leading healthcare technology and solutions supplier of high-quality surgical instrumentation, a full line electrosurgery portfolio and minimally invasive surgical devices. The Company maintains a rich legacy of trusted brands, quality, innovation, and customer service, supporting all surgical specialties and sites of care. The Company operates new product development, manufacturing, distribution and sourcing facilities in Nashville, Tenn., Louisville, Ky., Tuttlingen, Germany and Melbourne, Australia.


Company Culture Company culture can be defined as the shared values and goals that complement the mission of the organization. By defining a clear company culture, Symmetry Surgical is able to tell an elaborate story of its brand by focusing on the value pillars, executing brand consistency and clearly communicating the brand, tone and voice of the company. MISSION: “Elevating Surgery for Life” and is utilized as the company tag line. VISION: To play a vital role in every surgical procedure worldwide OUR VALUES:


The Foundation of Every Interaction We believe trust begins with integrity, honesty and mutual respect. We are hard on problems, not on people. Our priority is to achieve the right results the right way.


One Team, One Goal We believe the talents and skills of every individual are amplified when part of a strong team with a common purpose. We elevate the team above all else because we know we are better together.


We Play to Win We are passionate about our mission, our company, our customers and the patients they serve. We bring energy, optimism, genuineness and a relentless drive to solve hard problems.


An Intentional Approach to Everything We Do We believe continuous improvement is the cornerstone of achieving excellence. Our focus on customer needs drives us to be our very best.



Big Change to Big Things We value and embrace creative thinking. We lead change by challenging the status quo in pursuit of new and better technologies, solutions and processes.

Business Persona A business persona is the personification of a company. Symmetry Surgical’s business persona is defined as a highly professional, trustworthy and credible company.


Instruments & Solutions

Energy Solutions

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Acute Hospitals Ambulatory Surgery Centers

Acute Hospitals Ambulatory Surgery Centers Physician Offices Animal Health

Acute Hospitals Ambulatory Surgery Centers

Buyer Journey The buyer’s journey is a process that customers will go through to decide if they want to purchase from a company. The goal is to get customers to purchase from Symmetry Surgical as well as develop brand loyalty and advocacy. These stages illustrate the different phases of the buyer’s journey, the information they typically seek, the actions normally taken, and where they look for more information and further actions.

Introduction Phase

Is the first time a potential customer engages with the Symmetry Surgical brand and one of our products. Touchpoint collateral available: • • • • • • •

Digital Ad Digital Banner Digital Email Magazine Print Ad Social media posts Sponsored Content Website

WHO? Surgeons; Nurses; Supply Chain; SPD; Surgical Techs, Office staff

Research Phase

The client has contacted us OR clicked on an ad link. This is our secondary level of information. It includes: • • • • • • • • •

Article links Brochure Catalog Comparison Videos Flyer Product Call Out Videos Promotional Video Signature Banner Website content

This phase has minimal content and is easily digestible; we provide highlights on the product, multiple images and possibly some specs and market comparisons. WHO? Surgeons; Nurses; Supply Chain; SPD; Surgical Techs, Office staff

Interaction Phase

The client has established contact with the sales team and we begin to engage in the sale process. Sales collateral is provided to support specific product needs, virtual or in-person demonstrations scheduled. Collateral here includes: • • • • • • • • •

Brochures Catalogs Clinical White Paper Digital Animation Flyers Video Pricing Terms and Conditions Animations

This level of information is comprehensive. Everything the client wants to know about the product should be here and include: product specs; product information; white papers; detailed information; attachments or products that work with the main product. WHO? Surgeons; Nurses; Supply Chain; SPD; Surgical Techs, Office staff


Purchase Phase

At this point the client is fully informed and has all the facts that they need to make a fully informed purchase decision. They will be guided through the purchase process with their sales person and/or customer service. • Sample Kits • Demonstrations • Product Trials WHO? Supply Chain; OR Directors; SPD

Order & Delivery Phase

During this phase Symmetry Surgical is fulfilling the brand promise by providing an ease of doing business, timely delivery, invoice processing, and an overall positive customer experience. • Request New Customer Account (will establish Cust ID) • Request New Web Portal Access • Share web portal access video links with digital postcard. WHO? Supply Chain; OR Directors; SPD

Retention Phase

This retention phase is when the customer is reflecting on the product experience as well as the experience with Symmetry Surgical and determines if they will continue to do business with Symmetry Surgical. The goal is retaining the customer, building a relationship with key stakeholders and creating advocacy. WHO? Surgeons; Nurses; Supply Chain; SPD

Emotion of color When it comes to communication, color is unbeatable. Unconscious or otherwise, color can evoke emotions, inspire reactions, and change modes of thinking. It can excite or soothe your mood, raise or lower your blood pressure and even whet your appetite! Whether it’s innate or learned, it’s undeniable that color has a vital impact on how we go about our lives.

Red Associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination, as well as passion, desire, and love.

Blue Blue is associated with a calm serenity as well as peace, flexibility and imagination.

Orange Represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement and stimulation.

Purple Purple is often associated with luxury and power.

Yellow Yellow is commonly used in images depicting fresh ideas, creative projects or new business initiatives. It is also associated with joy, happiness, intellect and energy. Green Considered the key color that represents purity, health, and freshness, green has been traditionally associated with brands that encourage growth, vitality and productivity.


Black Black is highly versatile and can be interpreted in many ways, depending on the context. In business, black is usually translated to power, elegance, luxury, formality and mystery. White Signifies safety, purity, and cleanliness.

Color Pallet Primary Color Pallet

Primary colors are the core color pallet that helps identify the Symmetry Surgical brand and are most commonly used. Symmetry Surgical primary colors are represented by red (power and strength), white (safety and purity, cleanliness), grey (innovation) and black (power, style and prestige).



Bright White



Nutral Black



# B12028


# 5B6670

# 231F20

# 003A70

# 00A6CE

C 21% M 100% Y 95% K 13%

C 0% M 0% Y 0% K 0%

C 67% M 52% Y 44% K 17%

C 0% M 0% Y 0% K 100%

C 100% M 64% Y 29% K 17%

C 76% M 15% Y 10% K 0%

R 177 G 31 B 40

R 255 G 255 B 255

R 91 G 103 B 113

R 35 G 31 B 32

R0 G 83 B 122

R0 G 166 B 207

Secondary Color Pallet

This color pallet should be utilized for internal communications ONLY. The Electrosurgery business segment may utilize an accent color with the same teal represented below as PANTONE(R) 7465C as one of their primary colors. This secondary color pallet will also allow us to segment our product portfolio categories by color which will be fully explained later in this document.






# E7503D

# FF7F40

# 868C8D

# 4A4F54

# 37BEBD

C 4% M 84% Y 82% K 0%

C 0% M 62% Y 80% K 0%

C 44% M 32% Y 33% K 14%

C 69% M 59% Y 52% K 33%

C 76% M 9% Y 27% K 0%

R 231 G 80 B 61

R 245 G 127 B 69

R 133 G 140 B 142

R 74 G 79 B 84

R0 G 172 B 186

Discription, Tips & Tools

Within graphic design the end-use defines which color coding system will be utilized as a part of the format of the asset (flyer, catalog, digital postcard, video, etc..). Below provides additional details on how those are used and why.


• Hex #: A color hex code is a hexadecimal way to represent a color in RGB format by combining three values – the amounts of red, green and blue in a particular shade of color. This is an alternate way to select colors digitally, so any work that is done digitally can use the Hex color set. For example; you can search for a color in MS Word using the Hex # instead of typing in the RGB values. • RGB: means Red; Green; Blue, ie the primary colors in additive color synthesis. This is used for digital presentations, documents and anything that is going to remain digital. • CMYK: is a acronym for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black). Thes are the colours used in the printing process. Utilize CMYK color coding on your document to ensure the closest match for print colors.

Symmetry Surgical Logo LOGO: A logo is graphic mark and name style that identifies a company. Many factors go into this design including color, font type and the design of the mark. The purpose of a logo is to capture the attention and make a strong first impression. The foundations are to be Clearly identified - relevant - timeless - easy to remember.

Logo Usage These specific logo uses are shown to represent how our brand will appear on light backgrounds and dark background. To maintain consistency the minimum size and the amount of free-space that is required around the logo is specifically called out. Representation of our logo in White on a image or busy background




Representation of our logo in gray on a black or dark background




Representation of our logo on a light or white background



Representation of our logo as an engraving / etching on stainless steel


Representation of our logo on a colored background


Our logo alwasy needs to be no closer than 0.5” / 12.7mm from the edge of the page to ensure that it is never cut off. Always use the colored logo when possible. If the background is too dark or light then the White or Grey logo alternative can be used.

The use of the Symmetry Surgical Favicon (Logo) can ONLY be used as a profile icon. Additionally, the Favicon Logo as well as all social media cover art cannot be used for general ad purposes. The banners that are used on all our social media platforms are to be sycronised and are changed on a quaterly basis.


Inappropriate Logo Use The following representations are how our logo is NOT to be used. Though it has been used in the past we have taken the approach of streamlining our brand to make it more impactful and recognizable.

Favicon (Butterfly)

Not to be used on its own in any color variant. (black; white or grey)

Stacked logo

Not to be used on its own in any color variant. (black; white or grey)

Just the Logo wording

Not to be used on its own in any color variant. (black; white or grey). The only exception is within specifically approved instrument markings.


Logo Fonts Symmetry Surgical utilizes two main type fonts. Omnes is the primary logo type font for Symmetry Surgical brand and logo. No deviation from this type font as a part of the logo may be utilized. Univers, which was adopted for use with the Bovie® acquisition, is the second primary type font.

Omnes Omnes is the Symmetry Surgical logo type face and will be utilized by graphic designers with font licenses only. It is not universally provided with computer systems and is utilized by the Marketing Communications team more broadly. Omnes is a nice, versatile typeface with many sizes and weights that you can use for your application or context. Please do not use any substitutes.

Omnes Light

Univers Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Omnes Regular

Univers Roman

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Omnes Medium

Univers Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Omnes Semi Bold

Univers Bold Condensed Oblique

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Omnes Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Omnes Black

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Univers Univers is universally available on most computer systems with no need to purchase an additional license. Universe is a primary font and may be broadly used in many applications throughout the internal and external communications. It offers bold, elegant, professional appearance with clean lines for ease of readability.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Stationery The brand logo and appropriate type fonts are represented in several stationery (envelopes, letterhead, business cards) below. Also provided is an example of the refreshed brand in asset development as represented in the Brochure Cover.

Power Point Presentation


Elevating Surgery for Life

3034 Owen Drive, Antioch, TN 37013


Brochure Cover


Business Card Name Lastname Title

C 000.000.0000 O 000.000.0000

Bovie Smoke evacuation 5 October 2020

O +1 800-251-3000


3034 Owen Drive, Antioch, TN 37013

Elevating Surgery For Life

Logo Placement On Collateral Below are examples of logo placement on collateral such as flyers, brochures, catalogs, advertisements, digital postcards, animations, videos and more. Uterine ElevatOR PRO with OccludOR Balloon™





The Uterine ElevatOR PRO with OccludOR BalloonTM is an easy-to-use uterine manipulator which can be used in surgical and diagnostic procedures. Ergonomic handle with rigid shaft, allowing for optimal control of the uterus. Available in four cup sizes for versatility. • 800.251.3000 • xx.xx.xx v1

Ceramic-Coated Kerrison® One-Piece Take-Apart Hinge

Ceramic coating provides a strong, hard surface for enhanced sharpness and durability with reduced glare. One-piece take-apart hinge design. Provides easy access for optimal cleaning and assembly and reduces the possibility of misplaced parts during cleaning and sterilization. *Available with or without bone ejectors. • 800.251.3000 • xx.xx.xx v1

The Bovie® ®

VidaShieldTM UV24


Continuous UV-C Air Purification

Ultraviolet germicidal irradation chamber (UVGI) combined with the air circulating fans in an overhead ceiling light 24/7.


Uniquely designed for the physician’s office

Single pass Removal rates









CLEANS 24/7 BY 365

ALLOWS FOR USE IN OCCUPIED SPACES. • 800.251.3000 • xx.xx.xx v1

OPTIMAL CONTROL - Better Protection NOw

Less VPeak Equals Less Thermal Spread OPTIMAL CONTROL - BETTER OUTCOMES


4-Stage ULPA Filtration

Achieve better patient outcomes with less damage to adjacent tissue, during electrosurgery. Lower voltage (VPeak) generator utilization helps to reduce thermal spread (damage to to the tissue beyond the intended dissection).


efficient in trapping 0.1-0.2 µm particulates and micro-organisms

Includes the Bovie® SharkSkin

Contact your Sales Representitive


12.18.20v1 • 800.251.3000 • xx.xx.xx v1

Sub-brand Lock-ups Through many acquisitions, Symmetry Surgical has developed a broad portfolio of trusted, market-valued and rich brands. These sub-brands tie directly into the Symmetry Surgical brand identity and positioning, and make a significant impact on perceived quality and value.

One of the highest value brands, acquired in 2019, is Bovie®. This specific sub-brand carries with it several taglines based on specific product categories as represented below: Optimal Control - Better Outcomes The generator product category differentiator is lower power and less VPeak, providing more control at the cut/coag site and allowing for better patient recovery/outcomes. Optimal Control - Better Performance The smoke evacuation line has clinical testing that proves that the ORCA eliminates up to 55% more smoke plume at the site of cut/coag, providing control and performance. Optimal Control - Better Precision. The Microdissection Needle is an electrocautery product providing an extremely sharp tip with precise performance.

The Genuine Bookwalter® Retractor has been the market leader in table-fixed Surgical Retraction Systems for over 40 years. The brand brings quality, strength, durability and versatility to the O.R. There are a lot of retractor systems out there today, but there is only one Genuine Bookwalter®.

Greenberg® has been a leader in the cranial retraction field for 40+ years and is sold exclusively through Symmetry Surgical.


Business Segments Symmetry Surgical maintains an extensive product portfolio across all surgical specialties and sites of care. The portfolio consists of over 26,000 SKUs and 366 categories and Symmetry Surgical holds 166 patents. The portfolio is segmented into three business segments: Electrosurgery Solutions, Instruments & Solutions, and Minimally Invasive Surgery. Modern Icons have been created to visually represent each of these categories for quick visual referencing as shown below.

With a wide range of instruments available, some trusted brands include; Bookwalter, Greenberg, Classic, Classic Plus, Sharp Kerrison and Rhoton serving all sites of care and surgical specialties.

Electrosurgery Solutions is represented by the Bovie® and Olsen® product portfolios. These portfolios serve Acute Hosptials, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Physician Offices and Animal Health.

The Minimally Invasive Surgery product category is represented by several sub-brands, including The OR Company™ and is primarily targeting Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) and Hospital Systems.


Lock-ups Usage Lock-up usage is specifically designed to associate high-value brands with Symmetry Surgical to build brand equity and awareness for Symmetry Surgical.


Co-Branding In certain circumstances it is desirable for Symmetry Surgical to use its brand alongside another brand. This is typically done with commercial partners where we distribute their product or the company is a distribution partner. Co-Branding and Brand Use agreements are required domestically and internationally with each entity to ensure brand compliance, including brand and image usage to ensure brand and compliance with this style guide. Distributors will be closely monitored to ensure Symmetry Surgical brand requirements consistently meet brand compliance. Brand Folder, a new digital asset management tool, is available for distributor partners to access images, images and collateral templates. The system provides a Digital Rights Management (DRM) feature consistently crawling the web to assess any non-licensed use of collateral, content, logo usage proprietary to Symmetry Surgical.


General Use Fonts

General use fonts may be utilized in any communication. The general use font selection was based on the clean appearance, ease of readability, wide universal accessibility and providing variants in style to diversify use. It is recommended only two fonts be utilized within any piece of collateral to avoid visual confusion. For example, the headline may be one font and the body copy a different font. It is important to retain these standards throughout the document. Arial Arial (bold) is a tried-and-true classic font providing clean appearance and is easy to read.

Calibri Calibri provides a more relaxed look vs the more formal appearance of Arial. This type font is the modern replacement of Times and universally readable.

Arial Regular

Calibri Light

Arial Italic

Calibri Regular

Arial Bold

Calibri Italic

Arial Bold Italic


Arial Narrow

Calibri Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Arial Narrow Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Arial Narrow Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Arial Narrow Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Arial Black

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Social Media

Social media is an excellent way to engage with our audience in real time. Symmetry Surgical will continue to leverage leading social media platforms to increase brand awareness, promote key products, and offer innovative solutions. In doing so, it is important that all team members uphold our brand standards across each respected platform. As a key marketing channel, social media platforms must maintain the same creative integrity as the rest of the Symmetry Surgical brand. The use of the Symmetry Surgical Favicon (Logo) can ONLY be used as a profile icon:

Additionally, the Favicon Logo as well as all social media cover art cannot be used for general ad purposes. The banner used on all our social media platforms are to be sycronised and are changed on a quaterly basis.


Symmetry Language Symmetry Surgical language refers to the standard tone and voice of the messaging provided. Symmetry Surgical messaging and word choice should remain at the education level of the intended reader. The Associated Press (AP) Style Guide will be utilized for grammar and punctuation (as noted on the next page).

Tell it the Right Way • It’s not about us. Keep the focus on the customer and avoid using “we, our” other personal pronouns that can direct attention away from the audience. • Avoid Insider Language: buzzwords and jargon used internally that would not be clearly understood by the audience. • Be clear and concise and avoid unnecessary prepositional phrases (of, to, on, in, upon, that). • Don’t over-explain and overwhelm them with words. • Let the visuals do the talking: A picture tells a 1,000 words • All acronyms should be spelled out on first reference with the acronym placed in (). Then acronym may utilized for additional references throughout the rest of the document.

Active Voice

As we strive to keep our messaging direct and clear, an active tone should be used. Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb’s action. Active voice example: Symmetry Surgical acquired Bovie®. Passive voice example: Bovie® was acquired by Symmetry Surgical.

Cadence and Tone

Symmetry Surgical needs to represented professionally in a consistent tone and cadence that is easily recognizable to the general public. Tone is the state of mind, temper and/or mood of the messaging. Cadence is the act or state of declining or sinking in a rhythmic flow. Cadence is important in flow of written text as well as music utilized in video background, virtual presentations and on-hold music.

Language No longer Used

In our evolution we have moved away from terms such as “our neighborhood”.


Punctuation and Word Usage Symmetry Surgical has adopted the AP Style Guide for punctuation and grammar.. A few frequently used notations are provided below for a quick reference. Numerals Numbers 1-9 should be written out as a word (one, two, three). Numbers 10+ should be represented by a numeral (10, 20, 41) and appropriate comma usage over 999 (1,000; 34,000). For numbers that must be spelled out, use a hyphen (ex: Twenty-five, Sixty-two) to connect the words. Add period (.) to separate phone numbers and dates. (ex: 615.100.100) (ex: 10.30.20) For mm, cm no space is used between the number and the metric reference. For example: 4mm and 5cm. Oxford Commas Symmetry Surgical will not utilize the Oxford Comma. The Oxford Comma is the last comma utilized in a series before the word “and”. (ex: Tim, Tom , and Jim) Hyphens Hyphens may be used in place of commas Compound Modifiers Use a hyphen if a compound modifier (ex: part-time job, bite-size snack, first-place medal) precedes a noun. Adapter vs Adaptor Use adaptor when referring to devices and adapter when referring to people.


Legal and Regulatory Compliance Collateral Requirements

Symmetry Surgical requires a clear marking for version control and date of the document creation or update. All collateral created will have this version control number placed in the bottom right corner of the document. The version control number is represented by XX. XX. XXvX (MM.DD.YYv#). v# is the concurrent number of times this document is finalized and distributed. For specific energy product catalogs having both acute and non-acute versions, the naming convention will also include the appropriate term associated. For example Acute12.10.21v2 or NonAcute12.10.21v2.


All documents (more than 4 pages) and videos are considered for registration of full Copyrights and are legally filed for registration.

Registrations and Trademarks

Symmetry Surgical brand standards and sub-brand standards include registration and trade-marks that protect our legal rights to product usage and provides proprietary ownership and/or intellectual property. The only (R) that is required each and every time the brand name is used is with Bovie®. For all other (R) and (TM) registrations only the first appearance of the registration or trade mark on each page should be noted with the appropriate mark. For a complete list of filed Copyrights, Registrations and Trade Marks contact the Corporate Attorney.



Legal Forms Several entities, including distributors, production companies, doctors preparing clinical studies and/or journal articles are legally required to obtain permission to utilize Symmetry Surgical images and photos. For these particular uses, there are legal forms that must be completed. These include: Photo License and Release International Distributor Agreement Form Quote Release Agreement Product Image License Agreement All formal legal documents are coordinated and managed by the Legal Department. Occasionally a television production company may reach out for set dressing prop usage. If this occurs, please contact the Marketing Communications Department to coordinate the project with our Corporate Attorney.


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