vercoming fear, and releasing the comfort of certainty, is a big part of stepping into the entrepreneurial space. Take the risk. It is well worth it, especially in the new “gig economy” with prices rising and technology expanding. Multiple streams of income, I believe, are essential for living a pleasurable lifestyle with all of the perks available to those who obtain the resources to enjoy them. False Expectations Appearing Real The way to address those negative expectations and premonitions of obstacles, is to face them head on. But for some reason, although every story, fiction or nonfiction, novel or movie, speaks of attacking fear in this manner, we seem to forget this action step when facing our own fears. Yet, fear is the only thing that gets smaller when you run towards it. Face Everything And Rise. Uncertainty is one of the seeds of
take risks through knowledge of self fear. Another name for doubt, it causes us to hesitate when we should be pushing through. In Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Human Needs”, the need for certainty is the 2nd most basic need, only less basic than the need for food, water,
Story by: Trey Ford
stepping into business means losing your fear
and shelter. The need for certainty and security only feeds the ego. The human need for fulfillment can only be experienced through creating impact outside of oneself. All growth happens outside of the comfort zone. Just like a muscle, faith