Chico's Commanders In Chief
pg. 10
Songbird Flies Home
FEBRUARY 18'h, 2013
s nthesis
SURVEY RESULTS ARE IN! The results of the Synthesis drinking survey are in! We've tallied and tabulated everything and I think you'll find some surprises. Who likes to drink and drive? What do people think about fraternities and out-of-towners? Does Chico live up to its reputation? Be prepared to gain a little insight into the drinking culture of our happy hamlet and remember, the more you know...
07 16
A SINGING ROBIN Robin Bacior is back from the Big Apple. After leaving Chico in 2009 for New York City, she's honed her sound and her confidence playing shows in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Ky Junkins gets the scoop on her tour and what it was like being a small town girl getting into a New York state of mind. She plays at Cafe Coda on Thursday at SPM. That same day she'll also be bringing it live on KZFR during the Random Pick.
17 18
syn.the.sis CHICO'S PRESIDIZZLES Presidents' Day isn't just about getting a few days off. .. wait. .. what is Presidents' Day about? Since we can't interview Abraham Lincoln or George Washington, we decided to go out and find some of our local community presidents and ask them some questions instead. Hail to the chiefs!
The composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole b: the production of a substance by the union of chemical elements, groups, or simpler compounds or by the degradation of a complex compound c : the combining of often diverse conceptions into a coherent whole; also : the complex so formed
The Inertia Of Community Fundraising Or Just Plain Tacky? Lyon Books is moving locations to Main Street. Right next to Peet's and across the street from The Bookstore. The very same The Bookstore that the community just rallied around, raising $35,000 to save. Both Heather Lyon and Josh Mills have been thumbs-upping it and hoping there will be so much book inertia, it'll be like book Jupiter sucking everybody in to buy books from both of them. I can't help but question this decision and the timing. Maybe the gravitational pull isn't about books; it's about siphoning off a little of that mojo that The Bookstore is rocking right now. It feels a skosh predatory and opportunistic for Lyon Books to move to that particular location when there are other locations available in the downtown area. And will Lyon Books continue to sell used books in direct competition with The Bookstore? They're both saying that they have different business models, but how different can it be when you're both selling books? I guess we'll just have to see how it works out, and good luck to both of these businesses; I definitely want to see them succeed. And The Bookstore will need to do their job and make it more than just a used bookstore - by holding events and getting innovative with their space, I think they'll thrive in spite of Lyon's move. Hail to the chiefs! They're the chiefs and they need hailing! YouCl be surprised how many presidents of things there are in Chico. We asked these notable presidents a few questions and I pulled this one out because it's my favorite: Amanda Jones CSU Harry Potter Club If you were president of the US for a day, what would you do? Honestly I have no idea and I don't believe much could be accomplished in one day. In my opinion, any of our nation's current issues would require cooperation from all parts of the government and the backing of the majority of the American people. Hopefully I would make some type of positive influence though. In a lighter carefree view, if I was president for a day, hopefully I would get to meet some of my idols and enjoy being the first female president. What was your path to election and how did you earn the title? As a club, we have a long-standing tradition of an epic battle or duel between possible officers. It consists of a replica of a wizard duel, complete with wands, robes, and spells. Whoever is the last one standing wins. I'm just kidding! Toward the end of a semester we announce we will be electing officers at the last meeting and at the meeting the current president explains the different roles and responsibilities. Those who are interested can get nominated, the club members vote, and then we have our officers. What's your take on the binge drinking problem in Chico and do you have any ideas for solutions? Binge drinking is a serious issue, but I don't have any immediate ideas for solutions; it is not a problem that I have studied extensively. However, I am a strong believer in personal responsibility in an individual's choices, whatever they may be.
Presidential Word Search Find the names of the presidents in the listed below. Enjoy the fun and interesting facts regarding the individuals that have held our country's highest office. For more presidential and historical trivia, visit
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BUTTE HUMANE SOCIETY OFFERING REDUCED-COST PIT BULL SPAY/NEUTERS Only 51 Spots Remain through March 31 for Grant-Funded Discount! CHICO, CA - Now through March 31, Butte Humane Society's Low-Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic is offering a $40 discount on all spays and neuters of pit bull terriers. This discount, subsidized by a recent grant, is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Only 51 spots remain! To schedule an appointment, contact Butte Humane Society's Low-Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic at 530-343-7917 ext. 202.
To see the price list for Butte Humane Society's clinic services, go online to The clinic facility is located at 587 Country Drive in Chico.
R R L w N K K s A T N 0 D E N R w A s H I E c R E I p N
R E 0 E F E R E T y s T A N 0 0 A I H 0 J p E J
Arthur Seldom went to bed before 2 a.m.
Taft Only president VanBuren to also serve as Chief Justice of the Credited with the term O.K. Supreme Court Harrison McKinley Served the shortest Has a small town presidency, dying in Humboldt County named for 32 days after being elected. him Washington Only American president to be unanimously elected Kennedy First president to hold a press conference on television
Grant Established Yellowstone as first National Park Pierce First president to have a Christmas tree in the White House
Hoover Approved the Monroe Wounded during "Star-Spangled Banner" as the the American National Anthem Revolution Reagan Jefferson At age 69, was Wrote his own the oldest person epitaph never elected U.S. mentioning that he president served as president
L H G E R N A T L F G L R N A M J N c A E K N B I E A N G T L N R
Harding First president to speak over radio Buchanan Only president to never marry Roosevelt Lost sight in one eye while boxing in the White House Ford Worked as fashion model for Cosmopolitan and Look magazines in the 40s. Jackson Only president to have been a prisoner of war Cleveland Only president to be elected to two non-consecutive terms Eisenhower Only president to serve in both WWI and WWII
v c
0 E p N E E c R
c u 0 B 0 N L A I D
v v
G y E A
Coolidge While governor of Massachusetts, was punched in the eye by the mayor of Boston Tyler With 15, was the president with the most children Carter
A speed reader, recorded reading 2,000 wpm Johnson Having no formal education, was taught reading, writing, and math by his wife Obama Collects Spiderman and Conan the Barbarian comic books
syn thesis y
remained to provide a forum for entertainment, music, humor, community awareness, opinions, and change.
PUBLISHER Kathy Barrett
EDITOR Nolan Ford
DESIGNERS Michaela Warthen Paige Cloke Tanner Ulsh
DELIVERIES Joey Murphy Molly Roberts
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Arielle Mullen. Bob Howard. Bryan Lex. Danny Cohen. David Neuschatz. Dillon Carroll. Evan Billman. Guy Starvist. Howl. Jack Knight. Jen Cartier. Josie Hall. Jeremy Gerrard. Kenneth Kelly. Koz McKev. Ky Junkins. Matt Olson. Molly Lex. Ryan Hawkley. Steve Swim, Tommy Diestel
PHOTOGRAPHY Jessica Sid Vincent Latham
CALENDAR Bethany Johnson
NERD Dain Sandoval
OWNER Bill Fishkin The Synthesis is both owned and published by Apartment 8 Productions. All things published in these pages are the property of Apartment 8 Productions and may not be reproduced, copied or used in any other way, shape or form without the written consent of Apartment 8 Productions. One copy (maybe two) of the Synthesis is available free to residents in Butte, Tehama and Shasta counties. Anyone caught removing papers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law (and our law!). All opinions expressed throughout the Synthesis are those of the author and are not necessarily the same opinions as Apartment B Productions
and the Synthesis. The Synthesis welcomes, wants, and will even desperately beg for letters because we care what you think. We can be reached via snail mail at the Synthesis, 210 W. 6th St., Chico, California, 95928. Email Please sign all of your letters with your real name, address and preferably a phone number. We may also edit your submission for content and space.
210 West 6th Street Chico Ca 95928 530.899.7708
Deviations Lately I have been getting up earlier than usual. Luckily my little one-man manufacturing job in Chico lets me make my own schedule. So I've been tooling down the road from Los Molinas around quarter to six in the morning. I like it - the roads aren't empty, but traffic is sparse. It's pleasant to drive in silence through the darkness, letting my eyes wander to the stars twinkling in the sky above. The horizon is just starting to lighten when the single lane highway splits into the two lanes running through Chico. This schedule allows me to get off work and get home in the early afternoon, so that I still have a few hours of daylight left to work out in the garden. I decided to take this month off of drinking - to let my body detoxify and to save a little money. I believe this is helping with the earlier schedule, and with the extra work I've been doing in the yard. That being said, there have certainly been a few occasions when I could have used a stiff belt, and I fully expect to resume my imbibing once March rolls around. I chose February because it's the shortest month of the year. Forget the News A truly bad habit I'm abandoning, for now, is listening to the news. For years I've been a news junkie, tuning in to NPR or BBC eight hours a day, and skimming the major news websites in between. Enough is too much. I think the election did it, but apparently I've reached news media saturation. There's nothing but rotten news anyway. I think I was feeling like if I could keep up with it all, I could affect some kind of change, but how delusional is that? This life is relentless - it would be like
trying to change the flow of the Sacramento River with a five-gallon plastic pail. Instead, I've switched to music to fill my days, blissfully sinking into oblivion. Right now, the Meat Puppets, Daniel Johnston, and Vic Chesnutt are in heavy rotation.
Visit us at the Chico Bridal Show! February 24th, noon to Spm
Man on the Run Still, it's been impossible to ignore the rampage and manhunt that apparently ended when the body of former police officer turned vigilante Chris Dorner was removed from the flaming wreckage of a cabin in Big Bear. Dorner penned a manifesto that is widely available online. It's actually written pretty well, and the meat of it lies in the first ten or so pages. I can't begin to justify his actions, and the carnage that has ensued in the wake of his campaign, but I hope this event will focus attention on abuse of power within the ranks of the police force.
• Apartment
• Business
It is a fact that power corrupts. It is a rare
• Home
• Warehouse
• Office
• and more!
human being that can wield even the smallest amount of power with complete integrity. I'm not anti-cop, but I am all for greater transparency, vigorous oversight, and regular self-assessments within the police force. When you give someone a badge, a club, and a gun, and tell them to go out and enforce the law, it's important to make sure that person has enough personal integrity, and that the institution they are representing has enough structural integrity, so that the inevitable deviations are corrected constantly and quickly. This is the only way the people can have faith in those who are sworn to "serve and protect:'
Sample our dishes, schedule a complimentary tasting, and see special pricing packages for your wedding. We can't wait to serve you.
Eat. Drink. Be Merry. Locally.
phone: 530.222.4895
High Performance Detail Cleaners Residential and Commercial Cleaning Services!
Cost Effective, Customer Friendly Cleaning Service Fees FREE estimates with walk- through site inspection (530)77 4-117 5
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HAIRCUTS - $7.00 includes free beverage and neck shave SHAVE - $12.00 COLOR - $15.00 & up
Tuesday - Saturday 10am to 6pm Sunday and Monday By Appointment Only
Located at 221 Normal Street - Next to Kinder's and Across the parking Lot from The Bear
We pay cash for your recyclables!! CRY ALUMINUM CANS $2.00/Pound
E-WASTE! We pay 5¢ per pound for TV's, Computers, Monitors and Laptops!! And, as a courtesy to our customers, we'll accept all other consumer electronics, such as lax machines, printers, VHS players, etc. as a drop-off, with no payments* * Some restrictions may apply Call for more information on getting cash for other recyclable materials.
Must Love Stabbing Chico, we need to talk. Have you lost your damn mind? Bad choices seem to be the trend lately, not the least of which are the rash of stabbings in the last month or so. Since mid-January there have been a total of fifteen. Are you kidding me, Chico? What's wrong with you? Did someone hurt your feel bads? Do you want to talk about it? As if school shootings and serial rapists aren't enough to worry about, now we're STABBING each other? I can barely get through a normal day of school without wanting to drop out and hide forever in Naptopia (my bed), living as Ativancelot: Purveyor of Whiskey Farts and Lotto Scratchers. Also, has anyone else become painfully aware of how many people on campus have pocket knives on them at all times? (This demographic is rich in heavyset males, usually sporting neck fat and bad tattoos). It creeps me right the fuck out. If you're carrying one in an attempt to send the "fuck off" vibe, rest easy because chances are, your "Tap Out" T-shirt, perma-glare, and strong/ outspoken opinions about gun control are handling it for you. ANYWAY, in keeping with our "Baffling News" theme this week, I've rounded up some reeeal weird shit for you. Let's dive right into the mix, shall we? The good folks at have announced that the spokesman for Las Vegas' Famous Heart Attack Grill (surprise!) died of a heart attack on Monday. You might recall HAG for its questionable
tactic of serving the world's "highest calorie hamburger" (10,000 calories), or for their slogan claiming their slop was "taste worth dying for:' Unsurprisingly, this is the second spokesperson for the restaurant to die in the last three years. I mean .. .I guess you could make a case for HAG helping aid natural selection, but really this is all just looking eerily similar to the future predicted in Idiocracy. By now you've probably all heard about the high school in Indiana where a group of parents and students are trying to organize a heterosexualonly prom. One of the organizers, Diana Medley, has become the topic of much Internet debate after declaring on local Indiana news that Isn't she lovely? she doesn't believe homosexuals have any purpose in life and that a straight prom would show them the error of their life choice. Being that it's 2013, and officially the FUTURE (according to Back To The Future), it's bizarre to me to hear such a polarized opinion, rooted so firmly in ignorance and naivete. I could go on forever about why hearing this douche-nozzle spout her weak-ass diatribe gives me a case of the angries, but I'll just say that if you<l like to get a message directly to the principal of the school in question, please join me in doing so at Lastly, Happy 18th Birthday to ex-Synthesis "High School Hell-0" columnist, Olivia. Welcome to adulthood. It's all downhill from here.
Tips for a Successful Night of Drinking!
Jen Cartier
What Exactly Is A Tomatoespickle? I don't usually name names. Chico is a small town, people talk, and my goal is not to put anyone out of business. That said, ICl like to tell you a little story about my last experience at Johnnie's. Buckle in.
salad due to the lack of gluten-free options on the lunch menu. It was fine, although a little skimpy on the candied pecans and feta .
My partner was served his Lounge Burger the one topped with the tomatoespickle. The menu said the My three Lounge Burger dining comwas made with panions and I were seated kobe so he by a waitress appropriately C lassic k obe b eef 8 oz p atty with lettuce , who, when ordered it tomatoespickle onions and Johnnie's secret sau ce medium-rare, asked what *add choice o f cheese o r baco n for extra ch arge non -alcoholic but it came out medium-well, drinks were available, took with a side of a few seconds soggy fries. to think, then When the said, "Ummm, we have St. Pauly Girl:' waitress came to ask how our meal was, my partner was honest and kind. We all stared back at her, waiting for the rest of the list. She slowly said, "Otherwise it's One of our guests didn't get the braised greens promised on the menu with her $12 pretty much iced tea or Arnold Palmers:' salmon cakes. The overly-peppered cakes Fabulous. My on-the-wagon dining comwere simply delivered to the table with no panion, along with the rest of us, resorted to discussion about the greens, until our guest water. asked for a menu to make sure she wasn't mistaken, then asked the waitress about the When he asked if the waitress could remind missing veggies. him what the tapas special was, she said, "Dates wrapped in bacon:' To which he replied, "That's what it said on the board out The waitress returned from the kitchen there?" and said, "The greens haven't arrived. The chef can substitute bok choy. I'll bring that She didn't say a word, but walked outside to out separatelY:' The waitress then turned to look at the board, came back and said, "The my partner (politely eating his overcooked burger and soggy fries) and said, "They're board says Chicken Yakitori:' going to make you another one of these." "Do you have that?" I'm sure he would have liked to have known "I think so. The board on the other side of that before he ate half his burger. the restaurant says something else:' After an hour and a half we paid our ticket. They generously comped the yakitori and We all tilted our heads and looked at one another, internally thinking, "Is this happenthe minestrone soup for a total of $10, but ing right now?" not the orders they messed up, which would have amounted to $22. After I circled two typos on the menu with Chico, we can do better. my pen, we put in our orders and 45 minutes later we were served our... meals. I ordered a
Lounge Burger. . 10
Part II
Tip #1
We cannot emphasize this one enough: Alcohol and driving do not mix! Even bikes and alcohol don't mix well when you've had too much to drink. And don't even think of walking home alone after a night of drinking. Call a cab!
Tip #2
Don't drink hard liquor straight. Always have a mixer to water it down. Even ask for a larger glass such as a pint with a single shot.
Tip #3
Count your drinks. If you can't remember what number drink you're on STOP. Drinking games are BAD NEWS! Beer pong, flip cup, and corn-hole all make it really difficult to keep up with how much you've had!
Tip #4
NEVER Mix alcohol with legal and illicit drugs! It is hard on your liver, kidneys and can be deadly. Mixing cocaine with alcohol is much more toxic than cocaine, increasing the risk of a heart attack 25% and lowers the seizure threshold. Taking prescription narcotics like Norco, Vicodin, or Percocet with alcohol can be fatal.
Tip #5
NEVER leave a friend alone that is obviously overintoxicated, incoherent or vomiting. Get help! The most common reason Chico students do not call for help is because they are afraid of getting into trouble with law enforcement. Never be afraid to help yourself or a friend.
Save these numbers in your phone: Chico Police: (530) 895-4911 University Police: (530) 898-5555 EMERGENCY: 91 l
·-------------------------------------~--. BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT (BAC) Table for Male (M) I Female (F) Number of Drinks M
1 2
4 5
100 ,;,NJIJ:. ··DI: .06 .07
~ .13 .18 .20
,41111. , (6
~ .11 .18 .17
.20 .22 .25 .28
BOdYWei ght in Pounds 140 'Wiil
All .04 .05 .()9
.09 .13 .14
.17 .1t .21
13Pl .04 .04 .07
.08 .11 .12 .15 .17 .19 .21
200 MQ }
.03 .04 .07 .07
.03 .03 .06 .07
~ .11 .13 .15 .17 .18
~ .10 .12 .13 .18 .17
,. 220
·d llJ .03 .03 .05 .06 ~
Driving Condition
·:..,, .,:
.11 .12 .14 .15
.02 .OJ
.05 .06 .07
Driving Skills Impaired
-:oe .10 .11 .12 .14
Lqllly lnti>ldoatlll
Subtract .01 % 1oreach 40 minutes of drinking. 1 d"lnk = 1.5 oz. 80 proof liquor, 12 oz. 5% beer, or 5 oz. 12% wine.
Fewer th an 5_e_ersons out o f 100 wi ll exceed th ese va lues.
Sponsored by: TOWNE LOUNGE FEBRUARY 18 - FEBRUARY 24, 2013
62% of College Students reported that they had driven under the infuence of alcohol
I am a recovering alcoholic. I am responsible for the death of four people while drinking and driving in Chico in 1998. This was a personal choice, not the fault of Chico (which is the people). Rather the people of Chico reached out to help You took the survey, now here's the lowdown. Here are the answers to a few of the questions we posed three weeks ago in our community survey. We asked questions about the drinking habits of both Chico's full-time residents and the student population. When discussing Chico's binge drinking problem, we've noticed that some people throw around words like 'entitled' and ' spoiled: We wanted to know, among other things, are parents really footing the bill for college students/party animals? We are sharing these results with you, in addition to some of the comments we received from survey-takers. This is not necessarily a representative sample, which limits how much we can generalize about the results in regard to the general Chico population. Basically, these results are from those people who decided to complete the survey - that's all. But it was totally freakin' interesting anyway. A big thanks goes out to Max Infeld for developing the survey and sharing the results with all of us.
me before I made that horrible choice, immediately after, and welcomed me home (from prison) fifteen years later.
How do you find out what's going on? 90% of respondents said Facebook/Social Media
People come to Chico thinking it is a party town and treat it and its inhabitants as such. After growing up in Chico since 1986 I have grown to hate every new crop of loud mouthed, rowdy,
The bottom line is that people need to be allowed to make
destructive and even violent college students who have come
bad choices and suffer the results, because that is the only
through town. Yes, there are always the exception to the rule
way some people learn. Especially when we're talking mostly
(the quiet student who is actually here for their education!), but
about college age students who are adults, they are legally
that becomes overshadowed by the others who give our town
responsible for their own actions.
a bad name. They escape mommy and daddy's home and rebel,
I a
and unfortunately us locals get to suffer. My motto: Don't do
Women FEBRUARY 18 - FEBRUARY 24, 2013
Does Chico live up to its reputation? 61.7% said YES
anything here that you wouldn't do in your own home town, and especially don't do anything that you wouldn't do in front of YOUR own family.
How many times do you drink weekly? 41.8% Loans/Financial Aid 21.8% Job
32.7% Parents
0 10%
How do students pay for school? 2x 20%
5+ 13%
You can educate and preach until blue in the face, but at the end of the day... you and you only make the decisions. Harsh penalties for a first
I think responsibility is a HUGE issue with the kids that
offense are good .. .I can say with certainty that
I see running around Chico these days. I am from
three days in the county jail was enough to make
Santa Barbara so I'm used to seeing kids drive around in
me reconsider any future poor choices.
whatever car they wanted being fbated by their parent's bank accounts, but I've never seen such irresponsible people when it comes to drinking. I work at a fast food establishment and at LEAST 2x a NIGHT there are drunk drivers in the drive through, or coming in early the next day still drunk from the night before, driving around in Mercedes and BMW's. I got a DUI in 2006, and I'm
Chico doesn't have
The frats have always had issues, I don't think it
a drinking problem.
is some "new" problem. My one concern is that
Douchebags who come
you get some people joining to make friends,
to take advantage of the
and so they have a difficult time saying no to
laid-back atmosphere
peer pressure, for fear of not fitting in.
have a drinking problem
STILL paying for it, and I just don't think that people are educated enough to know the price they are paying when
and they fuck it up for the city of Chico.
they get behind the wheel. It honestly disgusts me.
I don't think this is a city or bar
Only 12.2% responded that advertising does affect the way they drink.
issue. This is an issue with society,
Do you drink? 93% of respondents said
especially the generation after Gen Xers. They want everything and they want it now. There are never any consequences for actions, and then when the shit hits the fan, they look for a scapegoat instead of taking any
96.8% of respondents between the ages of 19 & 25 said YES.
type of responsibility.
Kiley Hayes Student Body President Chico High School If you were president of the US for a day, what would you do? If I was president of the USA I would fly my private jet plane to the poorest cities in the nation. I would shake the hands of men struggling to support their families, single moms trying to raise their children, and kids trying to defy the odds and not let their circumstances define them. And I would tell them that I cared.
What was your path to election and how did you earn the title? I was homeschooled until my freshmen year of high school so when I switched to public school I was excited to make friends and meet new people. Getting to know many of my classmates and students and in other classes has been such a privilege, and having the opportunity to be student body president is one that I do not take for granted. Being involved in student government since my sophomore year, sports teams all four years, and clubs for the past couple years has helped me to form new friendships and gain trust from my classmates. I believe I was elected student body president of Chico High because I am confident in who I am, take every opportunity to reach out to others, and have developed my leadership skills to effectively guide our student body. Who is your favorite US president and why? President Lincoln is my favorite president because he lived with conviction and didn't compromise even when he faced serious opposition. He is an example to anyone in leadership who wants to lead with passion, confidence, and love for the people who are trusting in their guidance. Carrying our country through one of its most difficult time periods marked by a war that threatened to tear our nation apart, he used discernment and wisdom to fight for freedom while counting the cost. He led this country with a zeal and a devotion to its people that I believe has not been demonstrated by a president since his death.
Paul Zingg President California State University Chico
If you were president of the US for a day, what would you do? Stop being the world's policeman and concentrate more on enabling the citizens of our country to have stronger educational opportunities, employment prospects, and health care.
What was your path to election and how did you earn the title? I was chosen by a search committee charged with the task of selecting Chico State's president. I have worked in higher education since 1972 and in university leadership positions since 1978. What's your take on the binge drinking problem in Chico and do you have any ideas for solutions? The binge drinking problem is real. So the first step is acknowledging that. I co-authored the Community Call for Action on this matter so that reflects my commitment to addressing it. Who is your favorite US president and why? Lincoln. He defined leadership as part humility, humanity, and humor. He always focused on the long view and was able to articulate his vision brilliantly. Katie Simmons President & CEO Chico Chamber of Commerce If you were president of the US for a day, what would you do? I would take my two young daughters to work for the day! We'd whip the country into shape in no time.
What was your path to election and how did you earn the title? I was named President & CEO of the Chico Chamber in March of2012 after heading up two other non-profit
organizations in the Chico area. I am lucky to call Valerie Reddemann Chair of our Board of Directors as she has infused exciting energy and creativity into our organization this year! What's your take on the binge drinking problem in Chico and do you have any ideas for solutions? I agree that it's going to take the entire community to address this issue and the Chico Chamber is certainly involved in the conversation. We're talking with businesses impacted by the call for action and we're looking at how we can collectively be part of the solution. Who is your favorite US president and why? She hasn't been elected yet.
Madison Bassow ASB President Pleasant Valley High School If you were president of the US for a day, what would you do? If I were US president for a day I would probably spend the morning wandering the White House, then the afternoon taking pictures of myself in the Oval Office and then in the evening I would create the perfect guest list and throw a presidential ball.
What was your path to election and how did you earn the title? The main qualification for my title is to have served a year prior in PVHS student government which I had done my junior year. Towards the end of my junior year, I cam paigned with posters and social media and on election day I presented a speech, complete with my own personal rendition of Justin Bieber's "Baby". The student body voted and elected me ASB president of PV. Who is your favorite US president and why? I don't think I have one. I admire just about anyone who has enough knowledge and confidence to take on that role.
Alan Tochterman President Downtown Chico Business Association
If you were president of the US for a day, what would you do? One day is probably too short of a time frame to accomplish anything in this day and age . However, if I were the president, my first priority would be to work toward ending the petty bickering that is occurring in both of our houses of Congress. What's your take on the binge drinking problem in Chico and do you have any ideas for solutions? Back in the day when I was in college (commonly referred to as the Dark Ages), many students experimented with drinking because it was the first time that they were away from home and on their own. Today, there is a different atmosphere. Depending on the statistics, you quote somewhere between 26% to 40% of the incoming freshmen at the university level across the country have had some exposure to drug or alcohol abuse, not just experimentation. While I certainly believe that the students themselves need to take responsibility for their own actions, it has now become more of a societal problem than in the past. I currently do not feel qualified to answer what the solution might be, however am willing to participate any way I can to help.
YoFit (ages 7·1J) s·ufJervised YoFit (ages 7-1J)
Who is your favorite US president and why? George Washington. President Washington had the unique ability, which was evident during the drafting of the Constitution, to make people of divergent political opinions come together for a common goal and get the job done. While James Madison is considered as the Father of the United States Constitution, it was George Washington who kept order among the delegates. When things became heated, he would remind them why they were there and get them to stay on course.
YoFit Challenge (ages 7-12) Teen Cross Trainin (ages 1J-18
Jaypinderpal Virdee President CSU, Chico Associated Students
If you were president of the US for a day, what would you do? I would increase funding to higher education and donate 50% of my paycheck to charity.
Kid's Taekwondo (ages u~ to 1Lt)
What was your path to election? How did you go about earning the title? My path prior to presidency was interesting. Two days before l my freshman year started, I walked up to the AS President, Joe Igbineweka at the time, and told him I would be AS President one day. Three years later, after serving as the Commissioner of Community Affairs for two years and being involved with different campus organizations, I was blessed to have this position. What's your take on the binge drinking problem in Chico and do you have any ideas for solutions? I think it is great that the student, community, and university are tackling this issue. Safety should be an importance to everyone affiliated to this city. My take for a solution right now varies between educational programming, prevention efforts, and personal responsibility. I will be curious to see what the discussion will be on February 22nd. Who is your favorite US president and why? Hands down, John F. Kennedy is my favorite United States President. He was a personable, charismatic, and strategic president. I admire many qualities he had as a leader.
Yoga Bears (ages J-8+)
It\ 1n+ morion FITnErI HEALTH CLUB + CAFE
1293 E First Ave, Chico I 343-5678 I FEBRUARY 18 - FEBRUARY 24, 2013
please drink responsibly! Mon-Fri happy hour 11-2PM S2.SO Dom & Sierra
Nevada Drafts
3-6PM S3.SO Dbl Wells 6PM - close SB Dom Pitcher S9 SN Pitcher 2 DOLLAR TUESDAY'
Food & Drink specials!
11AM-2PM S2.50 SN &
Mon-Fri 2-6PM SI.SO PBR or Coors Pints S2 Kami Shooters 1/2 OFF POOL 8 Ball Tournament Signup at noon
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR S2 .2S Everyday'
Mon-Fri 2-6PM SI.SO PBR or Coors Pints S2 Kami Shooters
WING WEDNESDAY' S2 for 3 Wings S2.SO SN Pint All Day BPM-Close S3.SO Jim Beam, Captain
GAME NIGHT! SI PBR all night All ages until IOPM Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM Full Bar in Back Room
Weds, Fri & Sat Nights' PBR S2.2S Everyday!
Mon-Fri 2-6PM SI.SO PBR or Coors Pints S2 Kami Shooters 1/2 OFF POOL
11-2PM S2.SO Dom & Sierra Nevada Drafts
3-6PM S3.SO Dbl Wells B-close
S3 14oz Slushies S4 20oz Slushies Add shot for SI 5 flavors to choose from
SKYY PROMO S3 Skyy Cocktails
Chicken Strip Sand only S6 before 6 PM
Jr Grad Burger
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR S2.2S Everyday'
Mon-Fri 2-6PM SI.SO PBR or Coors Pints S2 Kami Shooters
Baby Back Ribs SI0.99 Philly Cheesesteak S7 BPM-Close S4 teas and SIO.SO import pitchers !Opm S2 Red Bull Party
SS Smirnff Blasters SS DBL Roaring Vodka
S3 All pints S4 Long Island Teas
All ages until IOPM
Hour 11-2PM S2.SO Dom &
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM
Sierra Nevada Drafts
Full Bar in Back Room
3-6PM S3.SO Dbl Wells B-Close S2.SO Dom & Sierra
Weds, Fri & Sat Nights! PBR S2.2S Everyday'
Mon-Fri 2-6PM SI.SO PBR or Coors Pints S2 Kami Shooters 1/2 OFF POOL All ages until IOPM
10 oz. Tri-Tip Steak w/ Fries or Salad & Garlic
Bread S7.99 Bpm-Close S4 Jager SS DBL Vodka Red Bull JO-Close Jr Grad Burger
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM
Bartenders Choice
Baby Back Ribs with
All ages until IOPM
Salad, Fries & garlic
Bread SI0.99 Bpm-Close S4 Jack & Coke SS DBLs S3 Captain 9PM-Close S2 Sierra Nevada SS Patron
Full Bar in Back Room
Weds, Fri & Sat Nights! PBR S2.2S Everyday!
IOAM-2PM SS Bottles of Champagne with entree
S4.SO Bloody Mary SS.SO Absolut Peppar Bloody Marys
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR S2.2S Everyday!
FREE POOL I hr. with every SB purchase
S4.99 Grad, Garden/ turkey Burger w/ fries/ salad
All ages until IOPM Bloody Marys S3 Well S4 Call SS Top shelf S6 Grey Goose
Friday 4-7pm: THE PUB SCOUTS
FEB RUARY 18 - FEB RUARY 24, 2013
w/ fries
salad S3.99
Nevada Drafts
Open llAM Bloody Mary Bar Noon-6PM SB Dom Pitcher S9 SN Pitcher BPM-Close S6.50 DBL calls
B-Close Pitcher Specials S6/S9/Sl2
S3 Soccer Moms
w/ fries
salad S3.99
FREE Pool after IOPM
Morgan and Jameson
BACARDI PROMO S3 Bacardi Cocktails 11-close
DOLLAR DAZE 6-9pm SI Beer SI Wells S2 Doubles
Wells & Kami shots
5 flavors to choose from
S6 Pulled pork sand w/
Starts IPM All ages until IOPM
2-close S2.SO wells & Dom Drafts S3.50 Dbl
S3 14oz Slushies S4 20oz Slushies Add shot for SI
fries or salad
Dom Drafts
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR S2.2S Everyday!
337 Main St. â&#x20AC;˘ 530-343-17 45 Please Drink Responsibly
Happy Hour 11-6PM select bottles & drafts S2.75
S2 All Day S2 Select Sierra Nevada
Go Downlo
BURGER MADNESS' Bear Burger with fries or salad for S5.29. llam-!Opm.
BEAR WEAR ' 1/2 off while wearing Bear Wear. MUG CLUB 4-IOPM
Go Downlo
or Dom Drafts S2 Kamis -any fhvor
All 16 oz Teas or AMF S3 All Day
Happy Hour 11-6PM S2.75 select bottles & drafts
TRIKE RACES! Post time @ !Opm. Win T-shirts and Bear Bucks. MUG CLUB 4-IOPM
Go Oownlo
BURGER MADNESS! Bear Burger with fries or salad for S5.29. llam-!Opm .
S2 Select Beers S3 Teas
S216oz Wells
MUG NIGHT 7-IUO 40oz beer S2.50 or S3 SI SoCo pepper shot S4 Dbl vodka cream soda
S4 shot of whiskey PLUS a PBR tall can S2 Mango kami
KARAOKE 9PM S4 Dbl Cherry bourbon and Coke S2.50 Peach sweet tea vodka
S2 Marqis
S3 Cueivo Marqis
Make your reservation
S3 Tea of the Day and Bartender Special
S2.25 PBR S2.75 Well & Dom. All day - Every day
S3 Tea of the Day S3.50 Sky Vodka Cocktails
S2.25 PBR S2.75 Well & Dom . All day - Every day
S3 all teas S6 Sky Vodka and Redbull BUCK NIGHT 9PM-Close SI BEERS SI WELLS SI TEAS
S2 25 PBR S2.75 Well & Dom. All day - Every day
S9 Pitcher Strongbow S4 Dbl Tequila Sunrise
Available For Private
S2.50 Corona's & Sierra Drafts Mon-Sat 3PM-6PM SI Dom draft, S2 SN draft, S!.50 wells
Progressive Night! 8-IOPM SI Sierra Pale Ale, Domestics & well cocktails up lOPM-dose 25¢ per hour-close Mon-Sat free pool 6-8PM
Buck Night
8-dose Sl well cocktails, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, dom draft S3 Guiness Drafts, S2 Black Butte S5 Vodka Redbull
S3.50 151 party punch S3 Fire Eater Shots S6.50 Apple Cinnamon Cider 8-9PM SI pale ale and dom draft up 25<: per hour until
Happy Hour 4-8PM SS House Martinis S4 Glass of House Wine S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bottle SI off Call liquor and bottled beer
Happy Hour 4-8PM SS House Martinis
S4 Glass of House Wine S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bottle SI off Call liquor and bottled beer
dose Free Happy Hour Food
4PM until ifs gone
Happy Hour 11-6PM select wells, bottles and
pints S2.75
Insane Sl/S2/S3 specials! VIP Bottle Service available
S4 Sex On The Beach 54 Sierra Nevada
Knightro ON TAP SI Jello Shots 7-IOPM S3 Rumpy, Jager and Fireball
S4 World Famous Bloody Joe S5 Premium bloodys your choice of vodka
SS Bartender's Choice SS
vodka and Rockstar
S5 Dbl passion fruit
LATE NIGHT EATS! BEAR BURGER AND FRIES FOR ONLY S4.99' Mon-Sat !Opm - lam . Call To Rent For Private
Bear Burger with fries
Go Downlo
or salad for S5.29. llam-!Opm.
S3 Tea of the Day DBL Bacardi Cocktail Special Vodka Redbull S5
S2.25 PBR S2.75 Well & Dom . All day - Every day
Power Hour 8-9PM 1/2 off Liquor & Drafts 9PM-Close S3 Pale Ale Drafts S9.75 Pale Pitchers
S2 Razberry kami Mon-Sat free pool 6-8PM
S3 Tea of the Day S4.50 DBL Captain plus Bartender Special
S2 Coconut kaml
S3 Strontbow S3 Jack aniels honey shot
S2.25 PBR S2.75 Well & Dom. All day - Every day
SKYY PROMO S3 Skyy Cocktails 9-dose
Champagne Brunch !OAM-2PM
Mon-Sat 3PM-6PM SI Dom draft, S2 SN draft, S!.50 wells, Power Hour 8-9PM 1/2 off Liquor & Drafts 9-Close S3 Skyy Cocktails & Pale Ale Drafts S9.75 Pale Pitchers CLOSED
Happy Hour 4-8PM SS House Martinis S4 Glass of House Wine S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bottle SI off Call liquor and bottled beer
Happy Hour 4-8PM SS House Martinis S4 Glass of House Wine
S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bottle SI off Call liquor and bottled beer
Happy Hour prices all
S2.50 Bloody & mimosas
S4 Dbl cranberry smirnoff sunrise
New! Wine, Cocktail and Food Menus!
enfeg House Made Martinis and Seasonal Fresh Drinks!
JJePieimJJ Tapas Menu 'Pfru New Late Night Menu
191 East Second St . • 530.898.9898
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22N° Iron Mountain, Amarok, Sorin, and Astronaut
Butte College A.5. Ping Pong Tournament BUTTE COLLEGE "I got ping pong Wednesday, needlework on Thursday, and dancing on Friday night." -The Darkness
TOWN& LOUNG& MATTW.GAGE with Biggs Roller
Indeed, this Wednesday there will be ping pong. 16 players will play one 15-minute game each. The winners will compete a week later for the championship title and a yet-to-be-revealed prize. The tournament runs from 6-9PM and signups are on the Butte College web site.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
18MONDAY The Bear: Bear-E-oke! 9PM. Cafe Flo: Happy Hour Jazz. 5PM. DownLo: NEW 8-Ball Tournament sign-up at 6PM, starts at 7PM. Last Call Lounge: Karaoke. 8PM. Sierra Nevada Big Room: Prolific bass musician - Victor Wooten. 7:30-9:30PM. $30. Woodstock's: Spelling Bee For the Grown Ups. 6:30- 7:30PM.
19TUESDAY Biggs Roller
; ~ :J'~
Star Crusher, Stanlev lpkuss, Akela The Lone Wolf, Tvbox, Plavbov Smooth
MONSTRO'S PIZZA Stony instrumental metal from LA comes to Monstro's this Friday presented by headliners, Iron Mountain. This also marks the first Monstro's appearance of local metal project, Sorin, whose technical guitar work and lead vocalist's impressive stage presence left a mark at the 1078 Gallery a few weeks back. $5. 7:30PM. All ages welcome.
IOOth Monkey Cafe & Books: Dreamwork Circle - Share dreams & explore techniques for discovering their secrets. 6:30-8PM. $10. The Bear: Bear Wear! 1/2 off while wearing Bear Wear. Mug Club 4-lOPM. Cafe Flo: Open Mic with Aaron. 7-9PM. Crazy Horse Saloon: All-request karaoke. 21+. DownLo: Game night with DJ Danny K. 7PM.
The Hub: Flip It Tuesdays - 25¢ for a drink? If you win the toss, that's all it will cost! DJ spinning 90's and today's hits. 9PM-1AM. LaSalle's: '90's Night with DJ Sana. 21+. Maltese: Karaoke 9PM-Close. Studio Inn Lounge: Karaoke 8:30PM-1AM. The Tackle Box: Karaoke with DJ Shelley. 9PM. Woodstock's: Trivia Challenge. Call @ 4PM on date to reserve a table. 6:30 PM.
20WEDNESDAY I OOth Monkey Cafe & Books: Open Mic. Singers, songwriters, musicians, vocalists and comedians. All ages welcome. 7PM. The Bear: Trike Races. Win t-shirts and Bear Bucks. Post time lOPM. Mug club 4- lOPM. Crazy Horse Saloon: Wild dance lessons, mechanical bull, Crazy Horse Girls, DJ Hot Rod Ent. 8-lOPM. Chico Women's Club: West Afri-
can Dance with Imelda Mata. Live drumming. Fun for men, women, and kids. 5:30-7PM. $10. DownLo: NEW 8-Ball In-House League ask bartender for detail. Duffy's: Dance night! DJ Spenny and Jeff Howse. 9PM. Feather Falls Casino: Dance Club. Dress to impress! 9:30PM. $5 cover includes one drink. Joe's: Karaoke. 9PM to lAM. LaSalle's: A Cult Like Vulture, Monk Warrior. 9PM. $3. Laxson Auditorium: Chico Performances presents Paco Pena Flamenco Vivo - Flamenco Guitar & Dance. 7:30PM. Maltese: Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank, Hobilly M.F., Bran Crown. 8PM. FREE. Tackle Box: Beginners Swing Dancing Classes with Pat. 7-9PM. Towne Lounge: Matt W Gage plus Biggs Roller 9PM. $3. VIP Ultra Lounge (Inside The Beach): Laurie Dana. 7-9PM. Woodstock's: Trivia Night plus Happy Hour. Call @ 4PM on date to reserve a table. 8PM.
21 THURSDAY I 078 Gallery: Meetings with a Message: "The Business of Art" at the 1078. 5:30- 7:30PM. Cafe Coda: Robin Bacior, The Rugs, Adam Scarborough. 8PM. DownLo: Chico Jazz Collective every Thursday. 8PM. Graduate: Red Bull Movie Night. lOPM. Grana: Live jazz with John Seid & Larry Petterson. 5:30-8:30PM. Has Beans: Open Mic Night. 7-lOPM. Sign-ups start@6PM. Johnnies (In Hotel Diamond): The Low Flying Birds. 6:30PM. Lakeview Restaurant (Oroville): Carey Robinson Jazz. 6-9PM. LaSalle's: Happy Hour: The Chuck Epperson Band. 6-9PM. Lost On Main: The Dancehall Featuring - AZ Redsmoke & Hawaiian Lyon (AZ Birthday Bash). 9PM-2AM. Maltese: Karaoke. 9PM-Close. Panama's: Eclectic Nights- Buck Night & DJ Eclectic spinning favorites of today and yesterday
ORMS, Clouds on Strings, Palaver, and Birdy Fiedler
Fourth Annual
Seed Swap
ORMS is an East Bay indie-pop super group of sorts featuring vocalist, Emily Ritz (of Honeycomb and Yesway), backed by an unusual blend of instrumentation including vibraphone, keys, melodica, and drums. The end result - a mellow sound that dabbles in funk, but always goes down smooth. Oh, and the local bands all rule. This all-ages show starts at 8PM and asks a $5$10 sliding scale entrance fee.
This Saturday the GRUB farm will be hosting their fourth annual seed swap. The event is ideal for anyone with an interest in gardening. Although it's not required, guests are encouraged to bring their own seeds, bulbs, plants, or cuttings to trade potluck-style. There will also be speakers on the premises to share information on seeds and other local events. The swap runs from 2PM until 6PM, welcomes guests of all ages, and won't cost you squat.
• •• • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • • on the patio. 9PM. Quackers: Karaoke Night with Andy. 9PM-1AM. Towne Lounge: Biggs Roller 9PM. $3. VIP Ultra Lounge: Classical Jazz w! pianist Cooper Grant. 7-9PM. No cover.
22 FRIDAY IOOth Monkey Cafe & Books: Writing Group - Write, share, and workshop your pieces. 3:30-5PM. 1078 Gallery: ORMS, Clouds on Strings, Birdy Fiedler. Doors 7:30, Music SPM. $5. The Beach: Doors 9PM, $2 cover includes $2 off drink coupons & entrance into UBar and Panama's. Cafe Coda: Ha' Penny Bridge, Brad Mackeson, Garrett Gray. SPM. $5 cover. All ages. Duffy's: Pub Scouts - Happy Hour. 4-7PM. Kelly's Tavern (Oroville): Karaoke with Mora Sounds. 7-11 PM. LaSalle's: Soul Real Music Group Presents: The Function. SPM.
Lakeview Restaurant (Oroville): Carey Robinson Jazz. 6-9PM. Lost On Main: Fever Fridays w/ Platinum Productions feat. DJ Sana. 9PM-2AM. Maltese: LQGTQA+Dance Party. 9PM. Monstro's: Iron Mountain (LA rock), Sorin, Amarok, and Astranaut. SPM. $5. All ages. Origami Lounge: Twisted Strategies Album Release Party also with The Resonators, Tybox, Lush Baby, and DJ Dan K. $5 door, or $7 includes entrance and a copy of the album. Door 8:30PM, Show 9PM. All ages. Peeking: BassMint - Electronic Dance Party. 9:30PM. $3-5. Quackers: Live DJ. 9PM T-Bar: Live music 7-8:30PM. Tackle Box: Live music with Retrotones. 9PM. $4. Tortilla Flats: Latin Nights. Espanol & English DJ dancing with DJ (El, Kora) de Chico. Towne Lounge: Star Crusher, Stanley Ipkuss, Akela The Lone
Wolf, Tybox and Playboy Smooth 9PM. $3.
23SATURDAY IOOth Monkey Cafe & Books: Knitting Circle. 2-4PM. 1078 Gallery: Guitar Project with Warren Haskell & Friends. Doors 7PM, Music 7:30PM. $10 ($5 seniors & students). DownLo: NEW 9-Ball Toumament sign-up at noon, starts at lPM. Lost On Main: Moksha from Las Vegas returns to Chico with members of the March 4th Marching Band Horn Section. 9PM. LaSalle's: 1980NOW! SPM. Quackers: Live DJ. 8:30PM-1AM. No cover. Sierra Nevada Big Room: Winter Food and Beer Pairing Dinner. Executive Chef Michael Iles and Steve Grossman, brother of founder Ken Grossman, will host the event. 6-lOPM. $50. Sol Mexican Grill: Chuck Epper-
son Jr. Band. Happy Hour will be recorded so come on down and support! 6-9PM. Tackle Box: Live music with Aces Up. 9PM.
24SUNDAY 5th Street Steakhouse: Holly Taylor & Eric Peter Jazz Duo 6-9PM. Crazy Horse Saloon: Sunday Fun day. El Rey Theatre: As I Lay Dying, The Devil Wears Prada w/ For Today; The Color Morale. Doors 6PM, Show 7PM. $20 advance. LaSalle's: Karaoke. SPM. Laxson Auditorium: North State Symphony - Experience Charm featuring Mozart's Symphony No. 41, "Jupiter". 2PM. The Tackle Box: Karaoke with DJ Shelley. SPM.
We are currently looking for Social Media Interns to assist in client research, updates and more. If you're interested please contact Ashley Shaffer at or by calling 530-899-7708. All applicants must provide a resume for this unpaid position. FEBRUARY 18 - FEBRUARY 24, 2013
By Ky Junkins As a former college classmate of Robin Bacior's, speaking with the 26-year-old musician felt like returning from college to find the girl next door had grown up in the blink of an eye. No longer the shy songstress brushing her bangs away at coffee shop open mies, Bacior has performed coast-to-coast and recorded cutting-edge work to impressive accolades. Despite her climb, the talented journalism graduate always has time for Synthesis and her hometown of Chico. She will be here on Thursday, performing live on KZFR 90.1 FM in the afternoon and then again at Cafe Coda at SPM on her West Coast tour promoting her new EP, I Left You, Still in Love.
intricacy. Check out the breathy, rich "Shapes and Seasons" on to get a taste. On the topic of style I wasn't happy with Bacior's regurgitation of her website's "waltzy folk music;' so I gave a slight jab.
For tardy square dancers like me, here's a quick summary. After making an EP and 7-inch, Bacior dropped the LP Rest Our Wings in the fall of 2011. It caught on last winter, earning play on college radio stations, VHl, MTV, Pandora, and an Independent Music Award Nomination. Presumably her changes in stature and style would not have occurred had Bacior not, like many artists hungry to make a splash, left the comfy confines of Chico for a big city, namely the Big Apple, in 2009. "Some nights I was literally playing to three people, other times I had a residency at this place called The Ace Hotel. There were always 100 people in there;' Bacior said. Being one of the New York artists providing ambience in a huge bar/lounge area allowed Bacior to hone her performing skills in a low-pressure environment and gain a comfort level far removed from her college days. "When I was in Chico it was beyond stage fright;' Bacior said. "I was so nervous that after shows my brother would be like, 'Your guitar was out of tune: I couldn't even hear it. I couldn't stop and tune it because that would mean I'd have to stop and talk between songs:'
"It's definitely not Peter, Paul, and Mary;' was Bacior's defensive response. "I think folk is a pretty big term. Right off the bat, rightfully so, pretty much everyone asks you to define your music. In the last few years my music has Gone is this stage fright-ridden, quiet, young singer-songwriter. Bacior's tracks online sound professionally prochanged a lot. At first it pretty much was folk; it was me duced and her style is lustrous and ephemeral, kind of Kate and my guitar. Then I started playing piano more. Then I Nash or Lily Allen without the attitude and with increased started playing with Dan and the sound changed a lot:'
The Dan in question is cellist Dan Bindschedler who has become Bacior's "solid musical partner:' Add in drummer Josh Bess and Bacior's band is legit. "We started playing together as our classical take on the rock trio;' Bacior said, explaining that the three swapped guitar, bass, and drums for piano, cello, and drums, while maintaining the same parts in the music. The trio played throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn and recorded together. The NY scene was a blast for Bacior, but she had trouble scraping by. "Ifl work so hard just to get by that I can't enjoy the thing that I'm supposed to be doing, then what's the point?" Bacior asked. Preparing to go on a long tour, Bacior got sick and lost her voice. In bed and homesick, she realized it was time to leave the big city behind. After some recuperating time in Chico, Bacior decided on Portland, Oregon, as a destination. In no time her stuff was in storage. About six months ago Bacior moved to Portland, and she loves it. "It's so beautiful out;' Bacior said. "It's definitely cloudy, but I'm surrounded by all these beautiful trees and this huge river and all these gorgeous bridges. It's just this slowmoving, great city with awesome food:' However, there was still the matter of her stuff. And her band. When headed back to the East Coast to deal with the rest of her belongings, Bacior and company drove to Mystic, Connecticut, had a very focused practice, and recorded the new EP in one day. Bacior and Bindschedler are still collaborating long-distance style and he will be on the West Coast tour, so there is no reason to think that the appropriately titled I Left You, Still in Love will be the end of Bacior's band. Good news for those of us late to witness Bacior's emergence from her artistic chrysalis. Robin Bacior will perform at Cafe Coda this Thursday with local acts, Adam Scarborough and 1he Rugs. 1he all-ages show starts at SPM and costs $5.
Holy Yum
Jerusalem: A Cookbook Yotam Ottolenghi & Sarni Tamimi Ten Speed Press This cookbook wooed me. I first saw it in Barnes & Noble, a gorgeous standout from all the other formulaic Food Network cookbooks. I picked it off the easel and flipped through page after page of things I'd never made before, beautiful grains and greens. Bright, rich, and salty looking things. I began to read the recipe for "Braised Eggs with Lamb, Tahini, and Sumac." It's the recipe that enticingly adorns the cover. Ingredients like sumac, pistachios, harissa paste, Zhoug ... daunting, unfamiliar, and curious. What really piqued my pickles though, was the intro to the recipe: "This concoction is Jerusalem fusion food at its very best. It incorporates traditional elements that are purely Palestinian with ingredients characteristic of various jewish cultures, and puts them all together in a completely nontraditional way'.' What the hell is Palestinian food? I was enchanted by my own ignorance. I flipped to the beginning of the book to see if there was any kind of introduction. I discovered that Jerusalem: A Cookbook is also Jerusalem: A History Lesson. Jerusalem, a city rich with 4,000 years of tumultuous human history, with culinary influences bearing such diversity, "It puts the old tower of Babylon to shame'.' But as I was about find a place to park my biscuits and get down to that business which must irritate every Barnes & Noble employee to no end - reading an expensive book in a chair my family came bounding up to inform me
that they wanted to eat. So I set down my cookbook and left. One week later... I was wandering around Lyon Books, looking for brand new freshies to review for my column when I saw Jerusalem again. It had a 20% off sticker. I was wooed again. We sealed the deal and now we're in love, together forever. Each recipe is prefaced with notes about the dish's provenance, and the pictures are festive and alive. Throughout the book there are warm stories about the authors' childhood experiences as they both grew up on opposite sides ofJerusalem.
My first test recipe was "Roasted Chicken with Clementines and Arak." I didn't have any arak so I used ouzo. Which I didn't have either, but I found at Mangrove Bottle Shop. I marinated the chicken in ouzo, mustard, quartered fennel, clementines, and brown sugar overnight and then roasted it up in a big clay pot the next day. All of those bold, lavish flavors came together creating a delicious, comforting dish that everybody in my family adored. The leftovers were just as amazing. It was sweet and savory and simple. If you could roast history and eat it, that's what I'd imagine all the recipes in this beautiful book would taste like. Rich, vibrant cultures blending together, fusing traditional and contemporary, all in one ... everything. The holy grail of yum.
This Is The End, My Friend
CHECK IT OUT! If you see yourself pictured here you can tag
your photo on our Life In Chico Facebook page!
Somebody puked on the lower righthand corner of the page on Chico in the "Unexplained Phenomenon" section of Weird California. I lost the History Channel so I have to read occult books. The print makes it easier to comprehend the melange of testimonies, headlines, theories, and assesments, with better illustrations. "Something up there doesn't like this Sacramento Valley town," it begins. It seems Chico was once pelted with rocks, fish, and meteorites from on high, in 1921. They rained on the very warehouses that still occupy 6th and Orange. The authorities blamed the 20's equivalant of a "Frat Fuck" using a machine, but numerous bystanders saw the objects "suddenly appear" in midair. The meteorites weighed several tons, belieing catapultion (the deluge peaked on St. Patrick's Day, maybe it was a "Fuck"). In 1878, smaller fish fell on downtown. I also lost H2 (home of Ancient Aliens marathons), and every channel above 20. They left 190-200, alternate PBS and Latino channels (two are Latino PBS), and three locally franchised oldies TV and B-movie affiliates (all I need). Call it a conspiracy theory, but I was convinced that the market I poo-poo'ed two columns back had alerted Comcast after I alluded to premium channels on Facebook posts and revealed I was only paying for basic cable. The logical explanation was just as absurd. Six months ago, Comcast had required universal direct boxes instead of little adapters after the digital conversion, and were only now shutting off the additional channels these devices tapped into. I'd been pirating them for an additional year by installing my Mom's unit after I refused to pay 65% more for them.
I still had On Demand (via my Mom's custom remote), which enabled me to watch select programs, Star One, and redundant classic films. I'd been squandering time watching Turtle Man and infestations on Animal Planet; Pawn Stars and American Pickers on The History Channel; Man Vs. Food and Food Wars on The Travel Channel; Piers Morgan and Wolf Blitzer on CNN; everything on E; Seth Rogan and Tara Reid on Comedy Central (I'd tired of Colbert and Stewart); and oversaturated multiplex crap on AMC (I hate their overhyped "original programming"). Now I can take the lowlife-infested hourlong bus to Chico and hang with the homeless in the Park Plaza waiting for hot fish to fall (you know what I think of the fish from that store). Maybe "cementized" rocks will pelt some pitbulls and they'll go insane like when it thunders. Better yet, a massive carbonaceous chonderite could level downtown (hopefully while I'm at Five Mile, though I'd be vaporized if it was the size of Tunguska). They could rebuild that civic eyesore (the plaza), plant some trees, and get rid of the storefront canopies and the roundabout they just built in front of CSU (and that cancerous building). Maybe there'll be less stabbings, cell phone thefts, threats for making eye contact, or perceived false telepathic snobbery. We're exactly 49 years overdue, as only now are we deserving of such a cataclysm. Author's Note: The other postive outcome of the TV catastrophe was that I discovered you could change the color of the channel listings screen.
SCENE REPORT by Tommy Diestel
Val-RAWK-intine's Day Feb. 14 Cafe Coda Kickin' off the love-filled evening was Palaver. Their hard progressive rock was a happy kind of heavy. Each song was riddled with lots of transitions and time changes. Toss in walls of effects and distortion, brain melting guitar leads, and eerie intros, and you'll begin to see the picture. The two-man guitar/drum combo did a great job filling dead space with intricate guitar work and syncopated drumming. Unfortunately, their audience couldn't fill the room comparably. Even in the small space of Cafe Coda, it felt as if the band was playing to a handful of people. Then, out of nowhere, a band of clowns stormed the cafe, passing extremely erotic valentines out to innocent bystanders. Rainbows, painted faces, giant multicolored afros, and smiles everywhere. One even gave me a heart covered in a collage of naked women and ejaculation. Just as quickly as they came, they disappeared into the night. Following that weirdness was another drum/ guitar duo, Reptilian Shapeshifters, hailing from Oakland. Guitarist Alex Woods ran his instrument through both a guitar amp and a bass amp to cover both high and low ends of the frequency spectrum. Speaking of frequencies, I don't think there was a single sound audible to humans (maybe even dogs) that Reptilian Shapeshifters didn't work into their act. Even their sound check tickled the senses more like a light show than sound; composed mostly of effects, WAAAHs, KAKAKAHs, WEE-WOO-WHOOPs, and other sounds straight outta Star Trek.
green and purple just screams raptors to me. The band's insane, driving energy was accompanied by sporadic drum beats and spastic transitions. Only a mathematics master could count all of the tempo changes. Not even technical difficulties could stop the band. When one of the guitarist's pedals stopped working, he wryly cracked to the drummer, "THIS is why I said we shouldn't use pedals in this band:' Energy exuded from every orifice of the band through the entirety of the performance. Drastic dynamic changes cycled from crunchy, to clean, to heavy with screaming guitar lines, and then to a mellow breakdown infused with psychedelia. After the Reptilian Shapeshifters, Fight Music took the stage. Guitarist Logan Keyser did a good job breaking the ice. "The first two bands were great! They were also musicians. We aren't, by any means of the word:' But Fight Music's melodic hardcore takes more musical chops than one would expect from a punk-rock band. Their pissed off quasipolitical punk is like fistfuls of straight, uncut fury being punched into your skull. "Shut up and let's play some rock n' roll" was how guitarist Josh Woodpond started off the set for Born Into This. Between Social Abcess, End of an Era, The Pushers, and Born Into This, I don't think there's been an Owens project that I haven't been a fan of. With two guitars, walking bass lines, and melodic breakdowns, what's not to like about Born Into This? Their easygoing, yet driving style of punk rock is upbeat, heavy, charged, and happy all in one.
I don't know if watching Barney as a tyke subconsciously affected me or what, but
THE ARCHIVES Dillon Carroll
This Flu Is Nasty, But It Ain't Got Nothin' On The Spanish Influenza A few weeks ago, my sister got sick. She told me the flu "knocked her on her ass" for three days. She had a sore throat, stuffy nose, a persistent cough, a high temperature, and sore limbs. This flu season has promised to be one of the most vicious in the past decade, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC recently declared an outbreak of influenza. HlNl and H3N2 are the likely culprits for the current outbreaks. 41 states have declared minor outbreaks, and some states have declared a health emergency. It's been bad, but it could be a lot worse. In 1918, the Great War, later called World War One, was winding down. Robert Graves called WWI the "great meat grinder. " Millions of young men from London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, and hundreds of other places, rushed into a maelstrom of death at places like the Somme, Verdun, and the Marne. The war ground them up, swallowing ten million lives in four years - a number that people would have thought unfathomable in 1914. It's not clear where, but somewhere during the war, a strain of influenza virus affecting pigs mutated and crossed species into human beings. The virus found its way into the human body - a great conductor of blood, fat, and heat. The bureaucracy of war carried those sick bodies to Europe, where the virus spread like wildfire among the trenches of the Western Front. The timing was perfect. Thousands of soldiers were sick with the new influenza just as the war was ending. In 1918, when the war ended, those young men came home, FEBRUARY 18 - FEBRUARY 24, 2013
carrying the new deadly virus everywhere from California to Calcutta. Because of the war, most governments suppressed news of the deadly virus. Spain did not censor the news of the new virus, which then became known as the Spanish Influenza. Influenza is deadly, sconng thousands of deaths annually, but usually among the very young and the elderly. The Spanish Influenza was different; young men and women were affected. Those infected would suffer through flu symptoms, only to be struck down by pneumonia. Two percent of patients would die drowning in the fluid that filled their lungs. Two percent may not sound like a lot, but billions of people were infected with the virus as the armies of the world demobilized and went home. The best estimates suggest that 25 million people died from the Spanish Influenza. The body count was staggering, on par with the Black Plague, and making the blood bath of the Great War seem small in comparison. Commerce in places like San Francisco, Seattle, New York, and Boston completely shut down. People brave enough to venture onto the streets protected themselves with masks. What was even more striking about the Spanish Influenza was the swift exit it made. By 1919, it had virtually disappeared. Nobody had cured it and medicine was defenseless against it. It simply vanished. So while we can expect a vicious flu season, lets make sure to remember it could always be worse. SYNTHESISWEEKLY.COM
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Melody Records
Kinder's Deli
Monstros Pizza
Butte County Cheese Steak Shop Library In Motion Fitness Cafe Mondo
The Graduate
Down Lo
Liquor Bank Cafe Coda
Eye Of Jade Tattoo (LOST)
La Familia
Has Beans (on Humbolt)
Peet's Coffee
Doughnut Rising
Woodstock's Pizza
Mama Celeste's
Donut Nook
University Bar
Aca Taco
Holiday Inn
Downtown Liquor
Grilla Bites
Gordo Burrito
Upper Crust
Ray's Liquor's
End Zone
El Patron- Lowe's
Aca Taco
Craig Hall
Farm Star
Cal Java
Sin of Cortez
Tackle Box
La Salle's
Mountain Mike's Pizza
Nolan "Pigeonz & Hood Ratz" - Caditrax Bethany "Worrisome Heart" - Melody Gardot Tanner "Ethnic Majority" - Nightmare on Wax Katya "La Vie En Rose" - Allison Adams Tucker Dain "The Spider and the Fly" - Rolling Stones Ash "Mine Tonight" - Dum Dum Girls Paigey "Let the Music Play" - Shannon Cameron "Diamonds" - Rihanna
Big Chico Burger Celestina's Pizza
Sol Mexican
The Maltese
Empire Coffee
Angie's Poker Club
Sacred Art
Cookie Shop
The Roost
Celestin o's
5 &Eye
Cafe Flo
Madison Bear Garden
Mangrove Bottle Shop
Has Beans
Chico Immediate
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Crai.g Blamer I'd waill off Wal I and Mann aittan Ii ke i111 ESCAPE FROM EW YORK, imp ri.s.on th e ban ker.s. and C EOs. and throw awav the key. at 2:04pm - Edited · Li ke · .:J 2 Eric BikemeistCll' Tarnish my reputation Wednesday at 2:03pm via mobile - Like ·
.:J 4
Msmyk.icha D Boss Kill my.sel f Wednesday at 2:04pm via mobile - Like j ak e Cour sen Se 11 the White Ho11J s.e ai111 d b Ury an
Wednesday at 2:04pm via mobile - Like -
ADOPT ME! BB is a beautiful girl who loves to play and wants to be your best friend.
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Meghan Rexach Wel ton Give everyone a pay cut in DC and wor k in th e debt i n this. cou111 try Wednesday at 2:06pm via mobile - Like - .:J 2 Robert Fleyes I would get ai stripper ••• .,j k Wednesday at 2:06pm via mob-le - Like Ken 11y Stee Ie Se 11 d a I011: o f to I. for I ife. Wednesday at 2 :08pm vi a mo bi le • Uke - m:'.J 3 KathMine Pullen1King Resign! Wednesday at 2 :09pm vi a mobile - Like -
.:J 1
Chfr~tine Marie Ontiveros I would make gay marriage legaJ everywhere @
Wednesday at 2:09pm via mobile - Like · 2579 Fair Street Chico, CA 95928 • (530) 343-7917 •
.:J 8 ch icoca FEBRUARY 18 - FEBRUARY 24, 2013
ARIES Pay attention to crazy dreams, because they likely entail a message for you. A sense of isolation permeates the air. Can one be together when they feel so apart? Humbly accept the things you need to work on and go about your business. Bring as many things to completion as possible before Saturday when Mercury goes retrograde. Imagination is useful when you imagine good things to come. Paranoia and fear tend to be destructive. Alone time in nature is helpful.
GEMINI The week begins with much activity and information as the moon is in Gemini. The focus for you this week is career and how you can move things forward. Mercury goes retrograde Saturday morning. If you don't get it done this week, you'll need to wait three more weeks until you can proceed forward. Personal ambitions need to be looked at carefully. Do things to fortify and to improve your health. More responsibility will be placed on your shoulders. Do your best.
LEO Practice being defenseless. Vulnerability is your ally. This is no time for putting on airs or acting proud Only the humble and low to the ground will survive a windstorm. Sexually speaking you may begin to feel more easily aroused Studies of magic and occult science are more fascinating during this period. You'll need help and to negotiate with other people. You'll find great bargains at yard sales and underground exchanges. The moon is in Leo this weekend Live large!
LIBRA Manifestation is one of this week's major themes. When you want something bad enough, what are you willing to do to get it? In relationships Libra people often lose track of their own needs while focusing on the needs of their significant other. Risk being human and state your needs. Seek service work that has you working with others for a greater cause. Health cannot be taken for granted. Get plenty of rest and avoid pushing yourself to extremes.
SAGITTARIUS It's time to introspect and focus on family and your parents. Our intimate details of upbringing contain the keys to knowing oneself on the deepest level. Whether your family life was mostly happy or unhappy, there were elements of empowerment as well as disempowerment. The weekend looks good for exploring new angles of law and culture. Travel and educational pursuits will go best during this time. Do something to honor the elders in your family.
AQUARIUS With your mind on your money and your money on your mind you begin to manifest a new agenda. Pay attention to the health of your throat and to needed dental work. Do what you can to get out of debt. You feel at ease with yourself and this comes across to others. Sing spiritual songs for personal upliftment. You need a good neck massage. You have so much to say that it's hard to control yourself. Monday and Tuesday will be your power days for creativity. The weekend looks good for romance.
TAURUS Your better qualities are beginning to shine while people take notice. Be as creative in the workplace as you can be. Your social life is more in focus this week. Helpful friends are all around you. Now is a good time to plan for parties and other spring and summer events. If you need help, rest assured many will come to your aid to help. Be generous and give things away that you hardly ever use. This is a time of freeing yourself and for joining in on community projects.
CANCER A more educated and vibrant you hits the stage this week. Your mind is open and it is safe to be learning once again. Take advantage of this period and do as much travel and reading as you can. If you have distant friends, find a way to spend more time with them. The moon will be in Cancer Wednesday morning until early Friday afternoon. Move forward with courage and take more risks. This is a very lucky time for you. You've got the smarts to discover something new and important.
VIRGO Love and hate are two emotions that lie close together in the brain. Being peaceful and powerful is a fine dance. Partnerships and marriage are more in focus. Don't make any plans or take on new contracts after Friday. Mercury retrograde can have us doing triple work for what was once simple. Sunday night will begin the Virgo moon as it heads toward fullness. Career opportunities continue to expand for you. Learn how to be more seductive and less critical.
SCORPIO Break out of your shell and get out a little more often. You come across as playful and willing to share wisdom and creative insights. Your heart is more open and you're finding it easier to show affection and love toward others. Being an artist feels good for you while you find yourself in a flow of great ideas. If you have children, you'll want to do all you can to help them progress and move forward. Wednesday through Friday morning are your power days.
CAPRICORN The nuts and bolts of finances will be less burdensome for you. Your new focus is communication and being an influence in your local environment. Write some poetry, keep a journal, and chat with the neighbors a little more often. You have the unique opportunity to affirm friendships that will last into the future. This is one of the mentally sharpest periods that you 11 ever experience. Wednesday through early Friday morning are good for romance.
PISCES Happy Birthday and welcome to a new and more powerful version of yourself. You have the dynamic drive to get things done during this period. Your spiritual vision is clear and unclouded by past events and mistakes. You may be dealing with some fallout from a female deceiver or a past lover. Fear not, the universe will take care of your needs. Movement and healing come together in you. Now is the time to take risks and move forward. Wednesday and Thursdays are extra fun.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Diane Suzuki 2/21/53, Rosalina Acevedo 2/22/78 Koz McKev is on You Tube, on cable 11 BCTV. is heard on 90.lFM KZFR Chico, and also available by appointment for personal horoscopes. Call (530)891-5147 or e-mail
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