Synthesis Weekly July 29-Aug 4, 2013

Page 1


JULY 29. 2013





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SAT, AUG 10, 9PM



3 player teams. Sign up with bartender. Starts at 7PM

8-BALL TOURNAMENT Sign-up 6PM Starts at 7PM


9-BALL TOURNAMENT Sign-up at noon Starts at 1 PM




Sara Calvosa

I Believe The Children Are Our Future Summertime is boring! There isn't any good news, nothing's going on, and grown-ups are robots. This week, the kids are taking over the Synthesis! It will probably come as no surprise to any of you that we are raising some pretty incredible young rascals here in Chico. I was so impressed with the flood of talented and thoughtful pieces we received from our junior correspondents. Also, thank you to the parental admins for facilitating this effort! We had close to 20 kids participating in this issue, and I have to say that with kids like ours, Chico, we have a lot of potential for great things in the future.

PG. 5

PG. 6

PG. 8 I have to admit that I was surprised by the depth and insightfulness of the contributions we received. Basically we didn't get a single fart joke. Which was kind of disappointing, but at the same time amazing. Instead we received pieces about orangutans and the devastating effects of palm oil on their habitat, and the struggles that come along with being a young activist. We also received a really touching coming-ofage story about transitioning into high school, and an honest account about self-esteem and body image from a brave 13-year-old girl. Plus a short story, poems, art, photography, a look at our budding musical theater scene (from a kid's-eye point of view), and then there's the amazing, perspicacious Lily! And rocket launchers.

PG. 9



So, with all these really splendid contributions, I'd like to kick it off with a poem written for me on Mother's Day by my own heir to the throne, Isaac Harlow Voorhees, age 10. I love you little I love you lots My love for you would fill 10 flower pots 12 buckets of sand 11 oceans blue 10 bowls of chili and nine galaxies

(*You say the last part like "niiine golden rings")

Thank you so much to all of our contributors, big & small!




PG. 21

JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013



syn thesis


For 19 years The SynthestS goal has remained to provide a forum for entertainment, music, humor, community awareness, opinions, and change.

questions from our synthesis facebook page

If you were ten, what would you do with your day?

PUBLISHER Kathy Barrett

Chr1st1na Curt1z Sw1mmm g, praymg marco polo, for gettm g su n screen , and d r inking a capri-sun!


IL.ike · Fteply • ~ l · about an hour ago

Sara Calvosa

Lorrie Mardilla Foster Certainly OT p laying 011 a computer or being a couch potato watd1 rng d readful n ews .•••• OUTSIDE PLAYING !!!


Like • Fte p ly • ~ l ·about an hour ago via mobile



Meagan Franklin

Like • Fteply • ~ l · about an hour ago

CREATIVE DIRECTOR Schuyler Willis schuyler@synthesis .net

C!'aig Roberts Pl:ay kick the can and basebal l, with a game of pickle tlh rown i111t here. Then di nn er ti me. After ,dinner, repeat activities befor e, untit str eet lights come on!

DESIGNERS Tanner Ulsh, Mike Valdez graphics@synthesis .net

Like • Fte p ly • 16 minutes ago Brooks Taylo r I would go to caper a,cr es .•.• .oh wait ...

DELIVERIES Joey Murphy Molly Roberts

Like • Fte p ly • 25 minutes ago via mobile Maria Nobuko Corra les Painting an d doin1g acrobatics in the par k .... Wh ich is actu ally what I stin do today.@

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Arielle Mullen, Bob Howard, Danny Cohen, Dillon Carroll, Erica Koenig. Howl, Jaime O'Neill, Jen Cartier, Kenneth Kelly. Koz McKev, Ky Junkins, Matt Olson, Tommy Diestel

ll.ike · Fte p ly · 40 minutes ago Laura jean Mosh iri Go swim mi ng Like · Fte p ly • 40 minutes ago via mobile

PHOTOGRAPHY Jessica Sid Vincent Latham

Jasmine Marie Batchelder Colo r ing with sidewalk ch alk, rollerskati ng,, explori ng the area w it h fri'ends , swimming @


Like · Fte p ly • about an hour ago via mobile Jarod Proffitt Staying inside pl'aying vi,deogames cu z it'.s too damn h ot outside Like · Ftep ly • about an hour ago via mobile

Amy Olson

NERD via http //kyd·wykkyd.blogspot com/2011/06/9·portra1ts·of·b1ll·murray html

Dain Sandoval

Linda fl arrison German, Ramos Go to the one mile. Like • Fte p ly · about an hour ago v ia mobile Dolly Lamaze CREEK. Like · Fte p ly • about an hour ag,o Nicole Mastromatteo Roller skating downtown, then ending up at Powells Sweet Shoppe for some gelato! Like • Ftep ly • about an hour ago Teresa Ki ng Swi mmin g i n the creek over at Chico State wher e I grew up ... I kn ow it sounds. gross b ut you don't c.are wh en you ar·e 10 @ Like • Fte p ly • about an hour ago Cind i Abbott Haver De finite ly swi mm ing at On e Mile! Like • Fte p ly • about an hour ago Aaron Jay With other k id s playing o n the laWTI un der a tree prete nd i ng to fix o u r bMkes.



OWNER Bill Fishkin The Synthesis is both owned and published by Apartment 8 Productions. All things published in these pages are the property of Apartment 8 Productions and may not be reproduced , copied or used in any other way, shape or form without the written consent of Apartment 8 Productions. One

copy (maybe two) of the Synthesis is available free to residents in Butte, Tehama and Shasta counties. Anyone caught removing papers will be prosecuted

to the fullest extent of the law (and our law!). All opinions expressed throughout the Synthesis are those of the author and are not necessarily the same opinions as Apartment 8 Produ ctions and the

Synthesis. The Synthesis welcomes, wants, and will even

desperately beg for letters because we care what you think. We can be reached via snail mail at the Synthesis, 210 W. 6th St., Chico, California, 95928. Email letters@syn Please sign all of your letters with your real name, address and preferably a phone number. We may also edit your submission for content and space.

210 West 6th Street Chico Ca 95928 530.899.7708



JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013


Minecraft Rocks! By Jack Daverson, age 11 and Harley Gonzalez, age 10

We are going to tell you about Minecraft, one of our favorite computer games to play. When we became friends, we started playing Minecraft a lot together, especially now that it's summer. The game is basically about constructing things with blocks in a 3D world. You can place them and break them to create different types of things like buildings and art. You can even plant things like carrots and ferns. There are more than 150 types of block materials that you can mine, like gold and diamonds. "Punching Trees" means that you are mining trees to get wood. You can explore the worlds and find dungeons and caves. The game is made by a company called Mojang. There are single player and multiplayer options so you can play alone or with other people.You can play with your friends and work on things together if you want, and chat in the chat bar. We join each other on servers. The game is available online, Xbox 360 or you can play on an iPad, iPhone or Android. The main character, which you get to play, is named "Steve:' There are lots of other characters that try to kill you in the game, like zombies, ghosts, and creepers. Creepers will blow you up and the stuff you've built. You can also have pets or livestock that can help you. Some of the things we have built include an art gallery, houses, hotels, castles, and cannons. Most blocks stay still, but some like water and lava blocks can move. Lava can burn things. The worlds in Minecraft are randomly created and you can basically build your own world. Or you can type in a "seed" (a word like

"floating islands") and it will give you a new type of world. We like that you can just think of something and then make it. Everything is made out of blocks and the main goal is to build stuff and slay the Ender Dragon, which we've both done. You can still keep playing after you've done it, though. There are different "modes" you can playcreative, adventure, survival, and hardcore. We usually play in survival mode. There's not much violence and no blood or guts, but creatures do try to kill you or destroy things you've built. You can create or use weapons like swords or bows and arrows but no guns. We also like to go on YouTube and watch video tutorials of how to play. Some of the tutorials have bad language in them depending on who makes them, so you have to be careful. If you are playing for the first time, it is good to play with someone who already knows how. But it's fun to figure things out on your own, too. What's cool about the game is that it changes and you can get new stuff, called updates. For an example, we just got an update that gave out horses and donkeys. You can also get things called "mods" online that give you stuff that you can't get inside Minecraft. We think playing this game has made us smarter and more creative, but sometimes you can get too addicted and need to take a break. We like it because you can build whatever you want, there is no limit. We'd like it if they had more frequent updates but besides that we think its great!




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E-WASTE! We pay 5¢ per pound for TV's, Computers, Monitors and Laptops!! And, as a courtesy to our customers, we'll accept all other consumer electronics, such as lax machines, printers, VHS players, etc. as a drop-off, with no payments* *Some restrictions may apply Call for more information on getting cash for other recyclable materials.

JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013

s I



For our weekend project, we created a compressed air rocket. We built the rocket launcher using PVC pipes, and some toxic PVC glue and cement to hold it together. We used an inline sprinkler valve to let all the air out at once. It then ereates a really strong force that launches a paper rocket into the air, and that's just what we did.

We got the idea from MAKE magazine volume 15. I really recommend this magazine for anyone who is really creative and likes to build crafts. It's a great activity magazine for the summer! We were looking for a weekend project and we stumbled across the compressed air rocket in one of our magazines. My brother Evan wanted to do this thing called a Brush Bot ("my robot will give me gold and diamonds and make me sandwiches:') All you have to do is cut off the head of a toothbrush and tape on a vibrating motor. But I wanted to do the compressed air rocket because it sounded more challenging (which it was) and the YouTube videos looked really cool. Matt wanted to try out silk screening. I have no idea how we decided on the rocket, except that it's obviously the coolest one. First we downloaded the instructions from the MAKE website and went to the hardware store to buy all the pieces, which included lots of PVC pipe parts, an inline sprinkler valve, a clear tube and hose clamps, and a bunch of other stuff. It took us about four hours split over two days (because we didn't buy all the right parts the first time around) to build the rocket launcher and trigger. I used a hacksaw and cut a piece of PVC pipe into shape for the handle of the trigger. Then we put caps on the pipe and drilled holes into them, one for the button, and one for the wires. One of the wires connects to an 18V battery from a cordless drill with an alligator clip. The other wire con-



JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013

nects to the sprinkler valve. The other sprinkler valve wire also connects to the battery with an alligator clip, and this creates a circuit, which is activated when you push the RED BUTTON! DUN-DUN-DUN!! After we had the air chamber and trigger finished, all we had to do was attach a long plastic tube to a valve on the chamber, and a bicycle tube valve that we ripped off an old tube we had lying around the garage that had a hole in it. After we took the valve off the bicycle tube, we removed all the rubber and then stuck it in the plastic tube and clamped it down with a hose clamp. This allowed us to pump air into the chamber with a bicycle pump. Once you fill the chamber up to 70psi, you can release all the air pressure out at once with the trigger. Now it was time to build a rocket! This turned out to be a lot harder than it looks. Our first rocket failed miserably. On the first flight, it worked but didn't go very high. On the second flight, the rocket ripped in half. We tried it again with just half a rocket, and that time the cone ripped off. We were just about to give up when we thought of a new idea: we need more tape to connect the two chambers of the rocket (the body tube that connects to the launcher and the main body). With this new design (named Blue Fury 2) we tried again and it was a complete success! It went at least 200 feet in the air, we totally lost track of it until we saw it flying head first into the ground. That crunched up the nose pretty good and it didn't fly as well after that. The hardest part about this project was the rocket. If any of you want to help us with new rocket designs, that would be awesome! In fact, what would be really cool is to have a CONTEST for the highest flying rocket. Design your own rocket and try it out on our launcher! To infinity, and beyond! http:!



)'' Edwin Jae qua Age 6

Owen Alan Lander Age3

Augustus ]acqua Age 5


JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013


Allie Boyer Age 15 My story began when I was seven, in Mrs. Lando's secondgrade class. One day during break I read the book Ko-Ko's Kitten. Ko-Ko is a gorilla that knows sign language, and loves kittens. When I got home that night, I researched other apes on the computer with my mom. We found articles about orangutans, and the more I read about them, the more I loved them. When we read about their habitat loss, and how close they are to extinction, I knew I had to do something. The orangutans will soon be gone because their jungle home in Borneo and Sumatra is being torn down to make way for palm oil plantations. Palm oil is unfortunately in most everything we buy. Processed foods, candy, make-up and beauty products, you name it. I thought if I could just get the word out, and people knew, they would boycott those products. I went to the 7- 7-7 Peace Festival at a children's park and handed out flyers to the people there. But since I was so shy, I had a hard time talking to people. As I got more confident with my cause, I spread the word more. One of the science fair projects I did was to see if people would still buy products with palm oil when they knew what the damage was to the orangutans. I had a list of products and pictures of baby orangutans. I first asked people, "Do you use any of these products?" If they said yes, I would show them the pictures of orangutans, and explain that the product they buy is contributing to the orangutans' extinction. I then asked, "Would you give up this product now that you know?" I was sad to find that most people said no. They either loved the product too much, or couldn't afford the alternative. One person even told me that they believed the native people actually wanted their land to be turned into palm oil plantations! This is not true. The native people suffer as much as the orangutans, if not more. They have lived on the land for generations, but they don't own the legal rights to that land; the government does. So


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fromAmenca come in wanting land to buy for a palm oil plantation, the government can sell the land out from under the people. If the native people try to use any of the resources on that land after it has been bought, they can be sent to jail. The people also have to suffer from pollution. This is from the "slash and burn" way to clear the forest. That is why Borneo and Sumatra have some of the highest emission rates in the world. All the carbon being emitted doesn't affect just Indonesia, but the whole world. With fossil fuels building in the atmosphere, it contributes to global warming.

I began to realize that most people don't fully understand the total damage this causes. Over the next few years I would talk to anyone who would listen. Every school project I did was also "orangutan based:' Even in my art projects I snuck in an orangutan where ever it would fit. It didn't matter if we were painting pictures of teacups, mine would have an orangutan in it. My classmates were the same in every grade

orangutans, I started my own non-profit. It is called Purses for Primates. I collect gently-used purses to re-sell at purse parties. I donate all the money raised at these parties to the orangutans through Orangutan Outreach. This money funds the release programs for the orangutans back into the wild. I donate though Orangutan Outreach because their founder, Richard Zimmerman has always supported my efforts in saving orangutans since I started all of this when I was seven. I am fifteen years old now, and my non-profit has raised over $8,000 so far. I highly encourage any kids out there with causes to stick with it, even when no one seems to understand, or listen, you can make a huge impact. You just have to keep going.

from third to sixth because I was in the G.A.T.E. program. As you can imagine, they got annoyed after a while, after all every school project I had ever done was really just a way for me to teach them about orangutans. I got teased a lot, but since I was in my own little world I didn't mind much. One of the things my classmates did to tease me was they brought in popsicles with palm oil. They called them "Palm oil pops" and had much pleasure in flaunting them around me. On many occasions my classmates, and even close friends tried desperately to get me to eat palm oil. It is really hard for a kid with a cause to keep things going, especially when it seems no ones cares. The important thing is to keep talking about your cause, people will listen. Since I kept with my passion for




JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013



Age 9

I was five when I heard we were first moving to Montana. At the time I thought it had something to do with Hannah Montana so of course I was excited. I remember watching the movers come to the house and thinking, "wow, these guys must really be strong." They made a cardboard slide on the stairs to push the boxes down and another mover would catch them at the bottom. I slid down the slide too, in a box.

even if you are hungry in the middle of the night something is open. My two favorite places to eat in Chico are the taco truck El Pinolero on the Esplanade, and Wild Oak Cafe (Gorilla Bites). I also like Chili's, Carl's Jr., Taco Bell, and Marie Calendars or pretty much anywhere I can get pie or mexican food. 4. I miss summertime. Montana is mostly winter. It gets really cold around October. Starts snowing in November and finally stops snowing in April. The first year I saw all that snow I was so happy. Now, I only like it when I can throw snowballs but we're not allowed to at school. The worst part of the snow is how cold it is all the time. Summers in Chico are a lot warmer and there are sprinklers here. Unfortunately sprinklers in Montana would freeze. I miss being able to ride a bike or play in the street because Montana has nothing but dirt roads and rocks.

Then off we went to a very small town called Eureka, Montana, it was a three-day drive. When you live in a really small town everybody knows everybody. Almost everyone is related to each other. It turns out even my Dad has a couple of second cousins he didn't know lived there when we moved. The people are really nice and will talk to you just to see how your day is going. Living in a small town is great but I still remember and think about all the things I miss in Chico. After living in Montana for three years here's the Top Five Things I Miss About Chico:

WHEN YOU LIVE IN A REALLY SMALL TOWN EVERY~ODY KNOWS EVERY~ODY. 1. I miss shopping. Shopping isn't great in our small town. We have one store that sells clothes and it's mostly old lady clothes and dresses. They do sell some baby clothes, but I'm definitely not a baby anymore. We have a couple grocery stores, one "large" and one "small'.' The larger one is only half the size of a Chico grocery store. The smaller one is the size of my living room. If you need to buy anything for your house you have to take a trip to the city. I really miss the mall in Chico because it has all the stores I really like in one place with no driving. Now it takes 45 minutes to the city to get to those places and they aren't even in a mall. Shopping isn't a fun one or two hour thing anymore. It takes all day and Mom and Dad have lists of things to get and many stores to go to. We get home sometimes after dark and I fall asleep in the car I'm so tired.

2. I miss the movies. The big movie theater is in the city

and it takes a LONG TIME to get there. After a while I guess you get used to the drive and now it seems like 2 minutes. The movie theater in our small town is very small. It only has one room and one screen. They can get new movies but it takes a while because its such a small town. Last year they celebrated their lOOth anniversary and they still play the old 35mm films. The big movie company doesn't want to send the films anymore so they have been told to switch to digital. The theater doesn't have enough money to buy digital equipment, so they're going to close soon if they can't raise enough funds. I like the movies in Chico because it's a bigger theater so it gets new movies all the time. They have better popcorn and more choices for food and candy.

5. I miss the library. My grandma and I would take the bus because it was fun. I remember going to the library almost every single day. I even had my own library card. They have board games, and over 2000 books. I've only gone to the kid's area, I haven't been in the other parts, except the bathroom. I'm sure the rest is nice too. My most favorite thing about going to the library was hanging out with my Grandma because she is awesome. It's a good thing she moved to Montana too.

3. I miss dining out. We only have five restaurants in town, and only three of those are open during the winter. We have one fast food sandwich restaurant but that's all. If you need something to eat late you're out of luck because everything closes early around nine. I love Chico's restaurants because


JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013





1 Lily Meddings is redefining art for six-year-olds everywhere, combining her own interpretations of home life and pop art with the moody and amorphous visions of Picasso. At the tender age of two, Lily stunned the art world with her series Aliens Love Underpants: A Toddler's Napmare, translating the illustrations she had seen in the popular picture book.

Rumors abounded that she would show up at parties, and delight unsuspecting audiences with a solo performance of an interpretive dance piece she had choreographed for ten, counting off each dancer as she went through it. Truly a multimedia artist--constantly expanding her repertoire-Lily has recently penned several graphic novels: Bad Little Things (in which scar-faced DoDo witnesses the princess cutting off the queen's head with a knife), Pregnant (in which a queen is unaware how she became pregnant, but comes to terms with the fact that it's weird), and Do You Know Whats Sad? (Spoiler alert-it's that "this girl died"). Soon after, she further delved into mixed ink and paint works in several collections themed around patriotism, suffering, and animals.

Grasping the deeper essence of the aliens-the commingling of emotion that drives them to their constant travels through the emptiness of space, unsure what they are even searching for-she brought society a glimpse of itself in the funhouse mirror that is a child's mind. Lily took no pleasure in fame, preferring to withdraw from the hungry world and nurture her own creativity, concentrating on honing her technique. She released several pieces to private collectors during those years, including a provocative reversal on The Little Mermaid entitled "J Cut OffMy Legs and Sewed on This Fish Tail," as well as a dramatic series called " They 're all Dead and They Don 't Know It," exploring the underwater old-folks ' home in Ponyo.



JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013

In 2011 , Lily took some time to focus on her family, after the birth of her little sister Helen. Breaking cliches at every turn, Lily refused to buy into traditional expectations of sibling rivalry. As Helen grew, she inspired from Lily many short poems, most notably the touching tribute, "If Helen Were Food, She Would Be Cake. "

Her genius at portraying the agony and ecstasy of human suffering, her exploration of birth, death and transformation, and her childlike delight in concepts such as sprouting wings to leave the material world behind, leave the viewer with a puzzling sense of wholeness in the midst of confusion.

cont. on next page


In recent months, Lily began playing with bold colors and exaggerating her diminutive proportion to her mother, in a manner reminiscent of Frida Kahlo in her famous work depicting herself next to Diego Rivera. She deftly portrays her yearning to be the baby in the carrier, melded with her desire to ease her mother's stress, in the heartbreaking piece entitled "Always to be Assisted'.' Look for her on local refrigerators everywhere.

Summer Special! (3 Month Membership) Single $149 • Couple $230 • Family $269


JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013




please drink responsibly!


JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013

" Mon-Fri happy hour 11-2PM S2.SO Dom & Sierra

Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR 52.2S Everyday!

3-6PM S3.SO Dbl Wells 6PM - close 58 Dom Pitcher S9 SN Pilcher

Food & Drink specials! 11AM-2PM 52.SO SN & Dom Drafts 2-close 52.SO wells &

teams. Sign up with bartender. Starts 7PM.

All ages until IOPM Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR 52.2S Everyday!

Dom Drafts 53.SO Dbl Wells & Kami shots

WING WEDNESDAY! 52 for 3 Wings 52.SO SN Pini All Day 8PM-Close S3.SO Jim Beam, Captain

11-2PM 52.50 Dom 3-6PM 53.SO Dbl Wells 8-dose

53 14oz Slushies S4 20oz Slushies Add shot for 51 5 flavors to choose from

S4.SO Dbl Bacardi Cck!ls

53 14oz Slushies 54 20oz Slushies Add shot for 51 5 flavors to choose from

54.SO Dbl Bacardi Cck!ls

Mon-Fri 2-6PM SI.SO PBR or Coors Pints 52 Kami Shooters 1/2 OFF POOL GAME NIGHT! Sl PBR all night All ages until IOPM

Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM

Mon-Fri 2-6PM 51.SO PBR or Coors Pints

Full Bar in Back Room

S2 Kami Shooters

Weds, Fri & Sal Nights! PBR 52.2S Everyday!

1/2 OFF POOL 8 Ball Tournament

Sign-up 6PM. Starts 7PM.

Morgan and Jameson

& Sierra Nevada Drafts

S2 Kami Shooters

1/2 OFF POOL Pool League, 3 player

Nevada Drafts


Mon-Fri 2-6PM SI.SO PBR or Coors Pints

Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR 52.2S Everyday'

Mon-Fri 2-6PM 51.SO PBR or Coors Pints $2 Kami Shooters


S3 Soccer Moms


5S Smirnoff Blasters 5S DBL Roaring Vodka


11-2PM 52.50 Dom &

All ages until IOPM Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM

Sierra Nevada Drafts

Full Bar in Back Room

3-6PM 53.SO Dbl Wells 8-Close 52.SO Dom & SN Drafts

Weds, Fri & Sal Nights! PBR S2.2S Everyday'

Open al llAM! Bloody Mary Bar Noon-6PM S8 Dom Pitcher 59 SN Pitcher 8PM-Close 56.SO DBL calls

Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM

Mon-Fri 2-6PM SI.SO PBR or Coors Pints S2 Kami Shooters

1/2 OFF POOL All ages until IOPM

Bartenders Choice

Full Bar in Back Room

Weds, Fri & Sa! Nights! PBR 52.2S Everyday!

9 Ball Tournament. Sign-up at noon. Starts

!PM. All ages until IOPM

IOAM-2PM SS Bottles of Champagne with entree

54.SO Bloody Mary 5S.SO Absolu! Peppar Bloody Marys

Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR S2.2S Everyday!

FREE POOL 1 hr. with every 58 purchase

All ages until IOPM


~ 9=


~ ::i::i





iil 0



Happy Hour ll-6PM select bottles & drafts S2.7S




Go Downlo




S2 Marqis


MUG NIGHT 7-IUO 40oz beer S2.50 or S3 S3 Fireball Shot


S2.SO Corona's

BEAR WEAR! 1/2 off while wearing


S3 Tea of the Day and

Progressive Night!

Bartender Special

8-IOPM SI Sierra Pale

Bear Wear.

SS Dbl Bacardi & Coke S3 Goldschlager S3 Bushmills

S6 Pulled pork sand w/

Bear Burger with fries

fries or salad

or salad for SS.29. llam-!Opm.

DOLLAR DAZE 6-9pm SI Beer SI Wells S2 Doubles

S2 All Day


S3 Cuervo Marqis

Go Downlo

S2 Select Sierra Nevada or Dom Drafts S2 Kamis -any fhvor


Chicken Strip Sand only S6 before 6 PM


& Sierra Drafts

Mon-Sat 3PM-6PM SI Dom draft, S2 SN draft, SI.SO wells

Ale, Domestics, Rolling Rock & well cocktails

up IOPM-close 2S¢ per hour-close

Mon-Sat free pool 6-8PM

Jr Grad Burger

w/ fries or

salad S3.99

All 16 oz Teas or AMF S3 All Day

Go Downlo

8-Close Pitcher Specials S6/S9/S12

TRIKE RACES! Post lime @ !Opm.

Happy Hour ll-6PM S2.7S select bottles & drafts

!Opm S2 Red Bull Party

S216oz Wells

Drink specials!

Buck Night 8-close

SS House Martinis

S4 Dbl Jack Daniels


Sl well cocktails, Sierra

S4 Glass of House Wine

Honey Lemonade S3 Jose Cuervo Silver Sunrise

8-IOPM Two for the Price

Nevada Pale Ale, Rolling Rockdom draft

of one cocktails and

S3 Guiness Drafts,

S3 Glass of Wine

menu items

S2 Black Bulle SS Vodka Redbull

S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bottle SI off Call liquor and bottled beer


S3 all teas S6 Sky Vodka and Red bull BUCK NIG HT 9PM-Close SI WELLS SI TEAS

S3.SO !SI party punch S3 Fire Eater Shots S6.SO Apple Cinnamon Cider 8-9PM SI pale ale and dom draft

BURGER MADNESS! or salad for SS.29. llam-!Opm.

S4 Dbl Gin & Tonic S2 Scotch & Soda S3 Barenjager


S3 All pints S4 Long Island Teas

up 25¢ per hour until dose

10 oz . Tri-Tip Steak w/

Free Happy Hour Food

Fries or Salad & Garlic

4PM until it's gone

Bread S8.99 8pm-Close S4 Jager SS DBL Vodka Red Bull JO-Close

Happy Hour ll-6PM select wells, bottles and pints S2.7S

Jr Grad Burger

Drink specials! VIP Bottle Service available

Happy Hour S-8PM


Bear Burger with fries

S2 Select Beers S3 Teas

S3 Tea of the Day S3.SO Sky Vodka

Win T-shirts and Bear

FREE Pool after IOPM

Baby Back Ribs SI0.99 Philly Cheesesleak S7 8PM-Close S4 leas



LGBTO DANCE PARTY SS Dbl Vodka Rockstar S3 Fireball S4 Dbl Coconut Press

S3 Tea of the Day S4.SO DBL Captain Morgan Cocktails

SS Vodka Redbull S4.SO Dbl Bacardi Ccktls



Happy Hour S-8PM S5 House Martinis S4 Glass of House Wine

S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bottle SI off Call liquor and bottled beer

Power Hour 8-9PM

Happy Hour S-8PM

1/2 off Liquor & Drafts 9PM-Close S3 Pale Ale Drafts S9.7S Pale Pitchers S4.SO Dbl Bacardi Ccktls

SS House Martinis S4 Glass of House Wine

w/ fries or

TUES 7.30

S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bottle SI off Call liquor and bottled beer

salad S3.99 Baby Back Ribs with Salad, Fries & garlic Bread S!0.99 8pm-Close S4 Single/S6 Double Jack or Captain S2 Sierra Nevada

S4 Sex On The Beach S4 Sierra Nevada

Knightro ON TAP SI Jello Shots 7-IOPM S3 Rumpy, Jager and Fireball

SS Bartender's Choice SS

S4 World Famous Bloody Joe SS Premium bloodys

Call To Rent For Private


LIVE DJ S4 Dbl Gin & Tonic S3 Cptn Morgan & Coke S3 Rumpleminz

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S4.SO Dbl Bacardi Ccktls

your choice of vodka


Bear Burger with fries


Go Oownlo

or salad for SS.29. llam-!Opm.

S2.SO Mimosas & Bloody

Bloody Marys S3 Well S4 Call SS Top shelf S6 Grey Goose


Power Hour 8-9PM

1/2 off Liquor & Drafts 9-Close S3 Skyy Cocktails & Pale Ale Drafts S9.7S Pale Pitchers

SS Patron S4.99 Grad, Garden/ turkey Burger w/ fries/ salad

Mon-Sat 3PM-6PM SI Dom draft, S2 SN draft, SI.SO wells,

CLOSED Champagne Brunch IOAM-2PM

Happy Hour S-8PM SS House Martinis S4 Glass of House Wine

S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bottle SI off Call liquor and bottled beer



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JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013




Staying in and Playing Minecraft

William Shakespeare's Timon of Athens



It's too hot to go out, and everything is boring. Why not sit around in your underwear eating granola bars and playing Minecraft for like 8 hours straight? These are life skills that could totally come in handy if the world ever morphs into a series of blocks and your family needs protection from nocturnal monsters. Plus nature is dumb and fresh air is overrated.

Bidwell Theatre Company is bringing Chico one of the Bard's most rarely performed plays. A talented cast of actors, led by director Matt Hammons, will perform to a small audience in the intimate ampitheater of the Campfire Council Ring near Caper Acres. Expect Seating to be scooped up quickly, so get there early! Two nights only, August 2nd and 3rd. All ages. $10. 7-9pm

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lesson 8:15-9pm, $5. Just dancing 9pm. $2 Maltese: Open Mic Night - Comedy. LaSalle's: '90s Night. 21 +. Signups @ 8, Starts @ 9. Mug Night Maltese: Karaoke 9pm-Close. 7-11:30pm Studio Inn Lounge: Karaoke The Bear: Bear-E-oke! 9pm 8:30pm-lam Cafe Flo: Live Jazz Happy Hour with Park Avenue Pub: Hanging by a Carey Robinson Trio. 5-7pm String Band. 7-9pm DownLo: Pool League - 3 player The Tackle Box: Karaoke 9pm teams, signup with bartender. 7pm Woodstock's: Trivia Challenge. Call @ 4pm on date to reserve a table. Last Call Lounge: Karaoke. 8pm12am 6:30pm Woodstock's: Spelling Bee For the Farm Star Pizza: Live Jazz with Grown Ups. 6:30-7:30pm Shigemi & Friends. 7-9pm Dex: Teen Dance Tuesday. 7pm All

Cafe Flo: Way Out West Country Showcase featuring The Blue Merles 7-9:30pm Crazy Horse Saloon: Swing Dance Wednesday. 8-lOpm Chico Women's Club: West African Dance with Imelda Mata. Live drumming. 5:30-7pm. $10. Followed by Ecstatic Dance. Live music played by the TranceFormation Band. 7:15pm. DownLo: 8 Ball Tournament. Signups 6pm. Duffy's: Dance night! DJ Spenny and Jeff Howse. 9pm. $1. Feather Falls Casino: Dance Club. Dress to impress! 9:30pm. $5 cover Ages, llpm 18+ ...:l:;..00-t~h'-M--'o:....n...:ke:;..y....:C~a£~e'""'&~B.::.o_o:;..ks.::.:___ Nick's Night Club: Game Night. 21 + includes one drink. Tackle Box: Swing Dance WednesIntermediate Bellydance class with Cinemark Tinseltown Theater: Second screening of"Assaulted: Civil day, classes 7-9pm. BellySutra. 6-7pm. $8 VIP Ultra Lounge (Inside The The Bear: Bear Wear! 1/2 off while Rights Under Fire" by Kris Koenig. Beach): Laurie Dana. 7-9pm. wearing Bear Wear. Mug Club $12. 7:30pm Woodstock's: Trivia Night plus 4-lOpm Happy Hour. Call@ 4pm on date to Cafe Flo: Open Mic Singerreserve a table. 8pm. Songwriter Night with Aaron Jaqua. lOOth Monkey Cafe & Books: Open $20. 7:30-9:30pm. 7-9pm Mic. Singers, songwriters, musicians, King's Tavern: DJ Dancing. 9pm. Crazy Horse Saloon: All-request vocalists and comedians. All ages. Maltese: Smashed Spelling Bee. Winkaraoke. 21+. 7pm. ner gets a $25 bar tab. 8:45pm. DownLo: DJ Dancing with DJ Ron Wint-shirts The Bear: Trike Races. Jesus Center: Derelict Voice Dare Writing Group, everyone welcome. The Hub: Salsa Tuesdays. Intermedi- and Bear Bucks. Post time lOpm. 9-10:30am. ate lesson 7:15-8:15pm, $8. Beginners Mug club 4-1 Opm.




Dex: Hip Hop Wednesday. $6. 8:30pm

1 THURSDAY DownLo: Chico Jazz Collective every Thursday. Followed by Mark Sexton Trio. 8pm. Downtown Chico: Thursday Night Market. 6-9pm. Graduate: Red Bull Movie Night. lOpm. Grana: Live Jazz w/ John Seid 5:308:30pm. Has Beans: Open Mic Night. 7- lOpm. Sign-ups start@ 6pm . Lakeview Restaurant (Oroville): Carey Robinson Jazz. 6-9pm. LaSalle's: Happy Hour on the patio. 6-9pm. Live music from Off The Record. No cover. Maltese: Karaoke 9pm-Close. Panama's: Eclectic Nights- Buck Night & DJ Eclectic spinning favorites of today and yesterday on the patio. 9pm. Quackers: Karaoke Night with Andy. 9pm-lam. VIP Ultra Lounge: Acoustic Performance w/ Bradley Relf. 7-9pm. No


$1 OFF Pops-size Piel : ~

Hours: Mon-Wed & Friday 11am-8pm @ Spike's Bottle Shop 1270 Ea st 1st Avenue 530B642760


-· ' ·( \: ··

•.............. ··-··-·· ................ ··-··-·· ... .


JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013






Kid's Story Time and Activities

Chico Velo Family Bike Ride



This is a great place to escape the heat, expose your kids to the world of reading, and grab yourself a nice iced latte. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, the booksellers of Barnes & Noble will even entertain your little munchkins with a few stories back in the kids department. This Saturday they're going a step further, adding a scavenger hunt, crafts from around the world, and the chance to win some outstanding prizes. Starts at ll am

On the first Saturday of each month through September, you can gather your kids (aged 10 and under), and join a group ride looping lower Bidwell Park. Starts and finishes at One Mile, so why not make a day of it, pack a picnic, and cool off in the pool afterwards? Ride begins at lpm, so show up early and have your kids ready to roll!

• • • • ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • •• • ••• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• Kelly's Tavern (Oroville): Karaoke Campfire Council Ring in Bidwell with Mora Sounds. 7- ll pm Park: Bidwell Theatre Company presLakeview Restaurant (Oroville): ents William Shakespeare's Timon of Carey Robinson Jazz. 6-9pm. Athens, Directed by Matt Hammons. Maltese: Fabulous Friday LGBTQA + All ages. $10. 7-9pm Dance Party. 9pm. Overdose Gallery: Ellen Akimoto. Peking Chinese Restaurant: One night only, limited schedule BassMint electronic dance party with viewing. 4- lOpm, 21+. Sign up at local and regional DJs. $3-$5, 9:30pm Quackers: Live DJ. 9pm. Cafe Coda: Frankie Doppler's nuclear T-Bar: Live music 7-8:30pm Tortilla Flats: Latin Nights. Sunrise, Mirage, Furlough Fridays, Espanol & English DJ dancing with Sam Watroba. All ages. $5. 8pm DJ El Kora de Chico. Sultan's Bistro: Bellydance PerforI OOth Monkey Cafe & Books: mance, teo soloists featured. 6:30lOOth Monkey Books & Cafe: KnitWriting Group. 3:30-5pm ting Circle. 2-4pm 7:30pm The Beach: DJ 2K & Mack Morris. Cal Skate: Adults Only Skate Night. The Hub: Chico Baile Latino: More 9pm-close. $2, $10 VIP. Than Salsa Salsa: Merengue, Cumbia 9-ll:30pm. $6. 18+ Cafe Coda: Friday Morning Jazz with DownLo: Live music with MazAzul. and Bachata dance lessons followed Bogg. llam 9pm. 9 Ball Tournament. Signups by an open social dance. 8pm. $2-$4 Crazy Horse Saloon: DJ Hot Rod noon, starts 1pm Cafe Flo: Flo Sessions. Flo's weekly and Mechanical Bull contest. 9pmLaSalle's: 1980NOW! 8pm music showcase continues with 1:30am Park Avenue Pub: Live music with Downtown Plaza: Friday Night Con- performances by Beso Negro (Gypsy Max Minardi. 6:30-9pm cert Series with Sapphire Soul - Blues, Music), with Sean Thompsen opening. Quackers: Live DJ. 8:30pm- lam R&B, and Soul. Sponsored By Duffy's 7-lOpm Monstros: Honky Tonk Punk Night. Tavern. Free kids art activities hosted LaSalles: DJ Mark Morris. Hot Rod Carl (PDX), Michelin by Chico Art Center. 7 -8:30pm Dex: Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy, Into the Embers, THe Devil's Train (Grass Duffy's: Los Caballitos fill in for the Open Earth, Cascabel, Sloths. All ages. Valley). All ages. $5. 8pm Pub Scouts - Happy Hour. 4-7pm. Cafe Flo: Award winning Jim Mor$8. 7pm cover. Woodstock's: Open Mic Night. The Hub: FAME Thursdays DJ Dancing. 9:30pm-1:30am. 21 +.No Cover. Paradise Community Park: Paradise's weekly marketplace and concert series continues with music from the Revells. 5:30pm Paradise Grange Hall: Open Mikefull in Paradise. 7:30- lOpm Johnnie's: Low Flying Birds. All ages. No Cover. 7pm



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rison Tribute, Sroodway's Ghost, w/ Paul Woodcock. All Ages. 7-1Opm. $5 Cohasset Community Association: Cohasset Bazaar & Music Festival. Jeff Pershing Band, The Funky Kings, Still Not Dead Yet, The Red Dirt Bullies, and Mud Creek Kenny & the Stump Jumpers. $5 Donation. l lam-5pm Upper Crust: Acoustic Music Jam hosted by Butte Folk Music Society. 2-5pm Avenue 9 Gallery: Final Day of Outside Edge. Burning Man Photographs by Camille de Ganon Lost on Main: Moksha. 8pm

Clfrze <lJininu ill the C/TraJition of8oulhem <;/talJJ



4 SUNDAY Crazy Horse Saloon: Sunday Funday comedy and popcorn. Nick's Night Club: Karaoke. 8pmMidnight. 21+ Maltese: Bogg! 4-7pm Lasalle's: Karaoke. 9pm Bidwell Park (North Side of Sycamore Field): Final Day of Erin Wade's site-specific temporary sculptures using invasive plants.

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JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013

ts I



Beauty is Not a Size O by Carly Gunn Age 13 How could you love yourself when you're being constantly compared to beautiful Photoshopped women every day? Well, it is easier said than done. Coming from a 13-year-old girl dealing with self-image, self worth, and society's pressures, it is not easy being a girl! As I look through social media websites I see perfectly skinny women with shiny long hair, and beautiful faces. When I see the woman I only wish to be her or the next perfect one like her. The allure is very strong. As I struggled through today's society, I succumbed to the pressure of having to be skinny and thinking thin is the only form of beautiful. The eating disorder soon took over my thoughts and actions. I first started cutting back on the foods I loved. I was eating only healthy foods. Then I was only allowing myself to eat under 900 calories a day. I physically felt weak and brittle, but mentally I felt strong knowing I couldn't eat. I had the strength to not eat when other girls couldn't help themselves. As I became "stronger" so many peers started noticing my weight loss. After awhile I noticed I was becoming too skinny and my disorder had gotten out of control. I felt like I was alone but as I started researching this disease, I realized I wasn't alone. There were so many girls struggling with this disorder. With the help of friends and family I soon overcame Anorexia. I went to a counselor who helped me believe I was truly beautiful even if I was not a size zero. As I was trying to find myself and who I really was, I found that everyone is different and beautiful at a size 16 or a size 1. Today, I view myself as a healthy young girl. I'm still not the skinniest girl around, but I am OK with my body. I don't look emaciated or sickly anymore. I am a happy, smiling, energetic teen. Society believes if you are skinny you are prettier or better than others . Skinny is a look, but happiness is a feeling. At my skinniest I was so unhappy because I was thriving to be skinnier. Happiness does not come from the outside, but the inside. With today's society girls just need to learn to love and accept themselves, and to always remember beauty comes from within.




im cute Lily Meddings Pencil on lined paper 2013



JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013




Hello, this is Franklin. I am Five. Hello, this is Franklin, I am five. I have a lot of favorite things about summer in Chico. My first favorite thing is swimming at my Lala and Papa's pool and spending time with them and their dogs, Dexter, Dixie, Violet and Percy. My next favorite thing is spending time with my family. Another favorite thing is taking my dog Penny to the creek in Bidwell Park. I also like going to the cabin with my Gaga and Pop and aunts and uncles, and cousins. Family movie night is really fun too. Making art and drawing is another one of my favorite things to do in the house when it is too hot outside. The absolutely last thing I still want to do this summer is build a lemonade stand with my friends where I can be the boss. I want to sell lemonade to all the kids in Chico so I can make a lot of money to buy a power ranger gun that I want to get. That's all. Love Franklin.


JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013



Kids In The Theater by

Tia Watkins Ramirez

Age 14

The butterflies in my stomach and the feel of velvet brushing my shoulder, as I take the stage to perform my heart skips a beat. Not because I'm nervous, but out of pure joy and excitement. Musical Theater is my life, my name is Tia Elizabeth Watkins, I am 14 years old and I live to perform. My first theater experience was three years ago and just by chance. I have tried many sports and they just weren't my thing. A friend asked me to do a summer camp at Chico Theater Company. The musical was Once Upon a Mattress. I auditioned my third day there just hoping to have a speaking role, to my surprise I was given the leading female role and this is where my love for theater was born. I have since performed in five children's theater productions and one full production at California Regional Theater. The children's theater classes at CRT are amazing, I really owe everything I have learned to them. If you're thinking you might want to try musical theater, this is the place to start. This spring CRT connected me to Chico State where I auditioned for their Spring musical and got a speaking role. This was by far one of my favorite experiences. The Chico State

I ts

JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013

students showed us a wonderful time and have become mentors to me. This show will always be my Favorite, because my nineyear-old old brother Daniel was in it too. Standing side by side with him in Laxson Auditorium and performing on this stage was an experience I will never forget. I have found the theater experience to be more than just performing, you create friends and these friends are your family during the long hours of rehearsals. I have personally witnessed children/ friends overcome and conquer their fears. Friends who were too shy to talk in the beginning shining like stars on the stage. I have also found there is a place for everyone in theater from performing, to creating sets to lighting and sound. Musical theater has grown big in Chico, children's theater classes are the place to be. I am really excited for CRT Kids Fall Musical: Disney's Mulan and Disney's The Jungle Book! Come join me this fall and experience the fun! I know doors have been opened for me through music and I feel truly blessed to have a wonderful family who supports both my brother and I in theater.




ON THE TOWN _ -. ...


Dalek Dylan Lane Bumpy, mixer, exterminate, egg shiny, likes to make souflays, with eggs, army.

Dylan is 10 years old

Her Molly Lane Her eyes held her secrets of a million worlds On her lips rubies were painted When she spoke she sang a thousand songs with a thousand voices And yet she never spoke And when she smiled it was like she was smiling at a sunrise every day Each one more beautiful than the last And yet she never smiled. And her heart, oh yes in her heart, love and sorrow resided She loved more than you could ever imagine No matter who you were, or what you had done, or what you will do, she loved you She loved anything and everything Yet there was still sorrow It lurked behind every smile and every word A sorrow that no one knew the answer to A sorrow that could never be broken And then one morning she woke and smiled her beautiful smile and said in her singing voices "No more pain, no more sorrow. This is mine, not yours'.' And with that her eyes filled with more secrets and hopes Her lips were parted in an undying laughter And her smile was always there even when she was not Her voice lingered in your ears for days to come And love was always in her heart Molly is 12 years old


JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013


PUT A FORK IN IT Jen Cartier

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Smoothies and Chips, Oh My, Oh My My children are in the kitchen a lot. It's pretty cool. They love good food, and they like making things themselves. When we moved, we inherited a VitaMix (there are perks to marrying a Williams-Sonoma employee) and 2 out of my 3 got really excited about what they could put in said super-blender. My oldest just loves his carbs, as illustrated by the recipe he shared. He could live on oatmeal, rice, and tortillas if I let him. Mason's Baked Tortilla Chips "They're the freaking bomb!"


"We clean to YOUR specifications!"

Corn Tortillas Olive Oil Sea Salt

Sydney's Chocolate Smoothie (which turns into a milkshake if you want) "This is just a recipe that we made up, and it's really yummy, so you should make it (I'm such a genius with words):' 3 bananas 3 Tbsp sugar 1/4 cup coconut milk 1 Tbsp cocoa powder 1 1/ 4 cup coconut water (or plain water is okay) 1 cup vanilla ice cream (to take it from smoothie to awesome milkshake) Sprinkle of Cinnamon Mix all ingredients together in a blender, and then pour it into a cup and drink it and go, ''Yay! This is delicious!"

l lime Heat your oven to 350 degrees F. Brush a baking sheet with olive oil. Cut as many corn tortillas as you think you'll want to eat into 6 "triaaaaangular" pieces. Switch the direction the triangles face every time so you can fit them all on one pan. Brush the tops of them with olive oil and sprinkle them with a little sea salt. Insert baking sheet into oven and shut door (duh). Routinely check on the tortilla chips until they are crispy and delicious. Let tortilla chips cool down and squeeze a little lime juice on every chip and serve with salsa - more preferably very spicy salsa that tastes really good with my chips.

Owen's Bacon Smoothie* "It's very delicious and you should have it sometime! It mostly tastes like bacon if you don't add the maple syrup. And I like bacon:' 1 1/2 cups milk 4 bacon strips, cooked crispyish 1 cup ice Maple Syrup, to taste A swizzle of whipped cream on top You listen up, kids! Cook the bacon in a pan. Then, you put it all in a blender and mix it up. Then slurp it down. *Mom thinks this would make a great milkshake if you added 1 cup of vanilla or maple-pecan ice cream ... and you should probably pour in a Guinness or two for good measure.


JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013


{l\ by Claire Grant tf Age 14

In choice words, middle school was just... lacking. Lacking opportunity, lacking excitement, lacking anybody who understood my taste in music, art, movies, everything. My fellow compadres/maniacs and I were restless for somewhere new, somewhere where we could jump from the small, familiar pond that we had been in for years, and into the great big ocean that is bigger halls, more people, and harder classes; namely, high school. We were excited to reinvent ourselves, or at least spice things up from the tan skirt and navy polo uniform that we had been in for three years, and trust me, that didn't give you a lot of opportunity to express yourself. We finally had the chance to be noticed, to be different from the rest, and that was the greatest gift that anyone could've ever given us. For us this was a fresh start, letting loose and experimenting with not only clothes, but with our choice in art, music, and books. Gone was the sanctioned library of our school, full of books that nobody was even remotely interested in. Gone was the snarky girl who sneered at my iPod, and laughed at my drawings. When that last day of school rolled around, I thought to myself, "this is it! I can be whoever I want;' and I was going to be myself: a total geek, bookworm, goof, and someone who has watched the Lord of the Rings entirely too many times.


And honestly? Yeah, for awhile before I wised up and met some really cool people, I thought high school was a Mean Girls movie. I was even half expecting Lindsey Lohan to pop up and tell me that I should trade in my Hobbit shirt for a mini skirt. But that isn't the case. I've met so many people who are juniors and seniors who are so accepting, and really excited to see me and my pals this coming semester. (And they weren't wearing crop tops or mini skirts. I promise.) So now, less than a month before I start the big HS, it's a whirl of last minute vacations, actually deciding what sport I'm going to try out for, reading (extremely last minute, might I add) the dreaded Fahrenheit 451 for Honors English, worrying about what kind of backpack I'm going to get, worrying about finding my classes the first day, and worrying about how I'm actually going to pull all of this off. There's so much to worry about, why should I bother about trying to fit in? Because after all, who wants to be just another fish in the sea?

JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013








You are charged with being more creative. Art should be a part of your life, even if only in a small way. Your imagination is working great. New ideas are flooding your soul. Family and home are taking on more importance, especially as we approach the weekend You're even enjoying working with others more. Buy a nice outfit to wear at work.

The season to enjoy your local environment is here. Take off to the high country and enjoy a high mountain lake or a cool stream. The travel bug has likely bitten you. Nonstop motor-mouth conversations are more likely to happen. The moon will be in Gemini from Wednesday through most of Friday. You will be able to engage with others much more freely.

Happy birthday! I am glad that you are alive. 'This is not the easiest of years for the lion and lioness. Karma of both a positive and a negative nature is exploding all around you. 'This would be a good weekend to lay low and to pay bills, or to escape to a remote wilderness location. What you need is a spiritual uplift without spending money on a super guru or a new toy.

Youa like to escape and socialize, yet the responsibilities of your career keep on piling up. Take courage as your leadership ability is better than ever before. You are able to motivate others with sweet rewards. Your love life is either intoxicating and blissful, or you're dealing with a deceptive crumb of a human being. Hang out with good friends who respect you.

Like Leo, you are a fire sign. Fire signs enjoy spontaneity, adventure, challenges, generosity, and the ability to spread light and warmth. Good fortune comes to those who are open to it. You won't win the lottery unless you play. You need to take some bigger risks in order to get what you need Be open to some suggestions and critique, as others may see your potential.

You've been working hard with

TAURUS An earthier sense oflove is com-






You have better self-motivation now than you've had in a long

Good friends are real wealth. Death is as much a teacher as it is a destroyer. Pretend that you don't know the people that you do know. Not in a cold and heartless way of shunning them, but rather a new curiosity about what they enjoy and why you're friends. Meditation, prayer and alone time is important. Helping others who are isolated will help make you feel better.

Responsibility is now on your shoulders as people are depending on you more than usual. Life requires more research and opportunities for discovery. If the travel bug hasn't hit you, it will by this weekend Walk a road you never traveled before. Visit a place you never saw before. Light-hearted flirting could lead to something more serious, especiallyon Monday and Tuesday.

This is an easy time for you to get into debt. Don't borrow any

You are your own deceiver as well as personal healer. The good news is that your heart is open and you are ready to create, love, and play. The bad news is that in order to be successful with these goals, you'll

ing into play. Your ability to love and be playful is enhanced due to Venus transiting your fifth house. There is a chance that you are feeling more sentimental these days. You have much to communicate,

while. You are ready to get up and do things. Physical strength should come with more ease. You are strong in your convictions and ready to back them up. The weekend features the moon as well as Mercury. Jupiter and Mars in Cancer. Who do you consider to be family? What kind of people are a part of your tribe?

and are enjoying working with your hands. Monday and Tuesday feature the moon in Taurus. Shine with your talents and beauty.

others on some sort of work project. You are being measured by the kind of service that you are capable of giving. Lust can turn into love and love can turn to lust. When it comes to lust, make sure that things are mutual. Partnerships and romance are possible. Do what it takes to create an atmosphere of good feelings.

money unless you have a reasonable plan to pay it off in a timely matter. Partnership issues are still big in your life with your need for acceptance. Love is more about how to give than it is about how to receive. You may just feel too sexy for your shirt. Take the shirt off and give it away to someone who would love it.

need to do some service work and some follow-through. Weak hearts run from difficulty. Strong hearts work on fixing the broken stuff and not taking rejection or criticism personally. Smile and laugh through it all.

Koz McKev is on You Tube, on cable 11 BCTV, is heard on 90.lFM KZFR Chico, and also available by appointment for personal horoscopes. Call (530)891-5147 or e-mail



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JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 2013



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