3 player teams. Sign up with bartender. Starts at 7PM
Starts at 7PM
9-BALL TOURNAMENT Sign-up at noon Starts at 1 PM
Amy Olson, our LGBTQ+ Senior Correspondent, decided to take on a project giving people a chance to speak their truths about their corresponding acronym letters. What she found was so much more diverse and amazing than we could have expected. Thank you to all of the people who participated and shared their experiences. We love getting to know our community and the ways in which we are so alike, yet so different.
As usual we're marching to the tune of our own little drummer over here and we're dedicating this issue to Pride Week in Chico. Pride Weekend begins August 23rd and it looks like there are going to be a lot of fabulous parties going off around town. We're covering it a little early so you have plenty of time to get involved and volunteer to help with some of the events. Check out to learn more about volunteer opportunities. Amy Olson's LGBTQ+ biographies this week are a reminder that when we share our stories together, we become closer, stronger, and kinder. If you have a personal story you'd like to share about yourself, please feel free to send it in to editorial@synthesis. net because caring is sharing. Apropos of nothing, I think my car is becoming self-aware. It's like a modern day version of Stephen King's Christine except instead of being a demonic 1958 Plymouth Fury, it's a sensible modern hybrid and it knows things. It knows when I'm a block away from my house because it switches into EV+ mode-which I'm pretty sure means it's running on the power of my thoughts. How does it know I'm almost home? Why does it get excited? Also when I get home at night and it's dark, the headlights stay on while I'm leaving the garage and don't turn off until I walk into the house. Creepy, beady little headlight eyes watch me, waiting. And then the other day, as I was driving along like an old man on a Sunday, a little yellow wrench popped up on the dash screen. The manual said it was just some vague icon about a powertrain and to call the dealer. Well, get this you guys-a letter came in the mail today that said I needed to bring the car in to have the dealer do an electronic update on the powertrain. My car knew. It was trying to tell me something but it didn't have enough icons. Or maybe it didn't have enough blood? I may start small and mow down a squirrel just to see if it has any effect on my car's ability to communicate with me. Or maybe it's haunted by the ghosts of Detroit, wanting revenge on all the Americans who don't purchase American-made cars? That would be the smug answer, sure. Also, if you get a chance to ride the roundabout, I recom mend riding it all the way around a couple of times to really get the hang of it. Do this late at night so you can roll down the windows and yell WHEEEE! I spent a few minutes going around and around and then shooting out of each exit. Also, yay for green bike lanes! I hope they paint some share-o's or aware-o's, whatever those chevrons are called, onto the green lanes for added awareness power.
21 AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
questions from our synthesis facebook pa
For 19 years Th e Synthesis' goal has remained to provide a fo rum fo r entertainment, music, humor, community awareness, opinions, and change.
WHO ARE YOU PROUD OF? Andre:a Care.s My sister Sylvaria Cares CSU Chico masters •
Kathy Barrett
graduate! Thi! first in our family to go to colfeg e and fir st to graduate! I love you sister! like · Reply · Wednesday at 4:08pm via mobile
Aimee Bertoli My husband . For hi:s :support, the love: he has for hi:s fam ily, his dedication to the community through Search & Rescue and for putting, up with me! He makces me want to be better, try hard er, learn constantly and give more. like · Fteply · o6 1 · W@dnesday at 12:53pm 111a mobile
Amber Clapp My :sisur- :she is an incredib le morn , a smart and strong woman, and an amazing friend ! like · Reply · o6 1 • W@dnesday at 12:34pm 111a mobile
CREATIVE DIRECTOR Tanner Ulsh graphics@synthesis .net
Barbara !ichulitz I'm very proud of my mom and a ll she's overcome imd accomplished in1 her life:. She came to the US from Mexico in her teens and didn't speak any Engl is h. She learned though a nd graduated high school and went on to j oin the Ai1r Force where she met my dad and had my brother and I. While in the Air Force , :she not on ly finished her edu cation and got her mast1tr:s ,de·gree, she was deployed for both the Gu lf War and the War on Terror. She retire d a Master Sergeant an d is sti ll a-ccompli:shing so much in lire despite being diagnosed with Lup us. I moved here to Chico from T,exas a few years ago and haven't seen my mom much since . I strug,gle a lot but she is such a great sup port system. I don't know how I'd get through it without her. She alwavs tells me I can do wha~ever I set my mind to. And ye sterday was her birthday! Happy birthday mom ! ~ love you! like · Reply · o6 1 ·Wednesday at 11:5oam via mobile
DESIGNERS Tanner Ulsh, Mike Valdez graphics@synthesis .net
DELIVERIES Joey Murphy Molly Roberts
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Arielle Mullen, Bob Howard, Danny Cohen, Dillon Carroll, Erica Koenig, Howl, Jaime O'Neill, Jen Cartier, Kenneth Kelly, Koz McKev, Ky Junkins, Matt Olson, Tommy Diestel
PHOTOGRAPHY Jessica Sid Vincen t Latham
Megan Rawie l,t':s two but .... my Mom and Dad . They hel ped make me who I am today. There aren't enough words to express how wonderful they are an d I am so grateful for their love ,. generosity and ki ndness. like · Reply · o6 1 · Wednesday at 11:4Sam Pam Boyer My daughter Orangutan Allie Boyer. She is in New York right now as part of th!! Jani! Goodall Roots and Shoots Youth Lead1trship Council Youth Summit . Her non profit Pu rses for Pri matl!s has earned over $ 8 ,000.00 for the orangutan! Purses for Primates is part of the Annie B's throug,h North Valley Community Foundation! Yay! join h1tr Face book page PIJr:ses4primates for updates and dates and t imes of our ne xt big, purse party! like · Reply · o6 1 ·Wednesday at 11:32am via mobile Haider Sulail My ,g reat Father.. @ like · Reply · o6 1 · Wednesday at 11: llam via mobile Thom Hart Both my :son and my daughter. They're doin' it ju st right with successful famil ies of their own, living the lives they sought for themselves. My heroes! like · Reply · Wednesday at ll:04am
f ch icoca
NERD Dain Sandoval
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
Ben Ki rby
"It's Raining Men" - The Weathergirls
"I Want Your Sex" - George Michael
"Tightrope" - Brother Ali
Mike Bethany Katya Andrea Karen Amy Sara
es1s 4
"S uperstition" - Stevie Wonder "Fine China" - Chris Brown "Who Is She" - I Mon ster "Danger! High Voltage!" - Electric Six "Same Love" - Mackelmore "Fat Bottomed Girls" - Oueen "Over the Rainbow" - Judy Garland
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
OWNER Bill Fishkin Th e Synthesis is both owned and publi shed by Apartment 8 Produ ction s. All things published in these pages are the property of Apartment 8
Productions and may not be reproduced, copied or used in any other way, shape or form without the w ritt en consent of Apartment 8 Production s. One
copy (maybe two) of the Synthesis is available free to residents in Butte, Tehama and Shasta counties. Anyone caught removing papers will be prosecuted lo the fullest extent of the law (and ou r law!). All opinions expressed throughout the Syn th esis are those of the author and are not necessarily the same opinions as Apartment 8 Productions and the Syn th esis. Th e Synthesis welcomes, wants, and will even desperately beg for letters because we care what you think. We can be reached via snail mail at the Syn th esis, 210 W. 6th St., Chico, California, 95928. Email Please sign all of your letters with your real name, address and preferably a phone number. We may also edit you r submission for content and space.
210 West 6th Street Chico Ca 95928 530.899.7708
Equipment Failures vs. Policy Failures Consistent equipment failures have been curtailing my productivity out at the Double Happiness as oflate. The weed whacker is out of commission. I suspect either the spark plug or a clogged fuel filter. The lawn mower is at about half speed; depending on the weather, I can get it running-but it requires strategic positioning of duct tape. I did a "repair" on the carburetor about a year ago, and the duct tape restricts the amount of air flow through the odd little rubber fuel bubble that I press to prime the engine. Easy E also has carburetor issues-she starts up, but only runs for half a minute before conking out. If I can't get it cleaned well enough from the outside, I may have to take the thing apart.
If it were springtime, all of this would be sending me into a panicked tailspin, but fortunately the dramatic heat of summer keeps the majority of the weeds and grasses in check. The only problem areas are where we are actively irrigating. Still, if I take the blinders off it sends a shudder down my spine. The beer helps to narrow the scope of vision. Equipment issues aside, I'm generally pleased with the way things are shaping up. Nearly three years in, the earliest-planted trees are maturing and really starting to take shape. This morning I cut the suckers off of the cider apple trees we started from seed. The largest is nearly six feet high, though they are still spindly. I don't expect them to fruit for another couple of years.
this is a satisfying endeavor that connects me with my ancestors. The vegetable garden is in a shambles, but still producing a host of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, okra, tomatillos, and a variety of herbs. I am not at all pleased with my current irrigation system, but have some ideas for renovation before the next growing season. Chico's "War on Drinking"
There's an odd battle being waged now in Chico. The council and police department seem to be contorting themselves to address the town's so-called drinking problem. There have been several alcohol-related deaths over the past year, but to my mind this is a result of a policy based on making alcohol taboo. The further we drive drinking underground, into private residences, the more room there is for unregulated abuse. I mean, if I am out drinking on the town, I've got to spend a small fortune to drink the amount of liquor that would put my life in jeopardy-and there are stop-guards in place, in the form of servers and other patrons. On the other hand, if I'm drinking at home, I can go down to BevMo and buy a lethal dose of alcohol for under twenty bucks. We know from history that prohibition doesn't work. So the goal should then be to establish a culture of responsible drinking. We establish a culture of responsible drinking by providing sanctioned, regulated establishments where adults can congregate to imbibe. The city has systematically curtailed a number of traditional Chico events, and yet the problem seems to be growing. It's time to adopt a different approach.
We've finally established a proper, semi-formal rose garden. I come from a long line of rosarians, so
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
"What's it like being Black and Gay, with a giant mohawk?"This was my opening question, and even though I meant it to be tongue-incheek, I immediately face-palmed. Would I even think to ask a straight white guy with a Bieber cut what it was like? After all, it's not like there's a single answer to either question, but here I am talking to this guy like he's an exotic specimen. Ultimately everyone has an individual experience, regardless of the category people put them into based on this or that characteristic. Did I want to write an article about a stereotype and then pick a person to put in the box? Did I really want to know what it was like to be "a Gay;' or "a Black;' or did I want to know about Marke? There are common experiences that many people share, based in no small part on the way the world treats them. These environmentallyimposed limits form the boundaries and the definitions, and reinforce what people expect from each other (and sometimes themselves). But what are these groupings based on? Sure, there are some observable traits that come from the gene pool: the shade of a person's skin, for example. But at what point is it decided that a person with one percentage or another of African DNA is Black or White, and why does it matter more than whether a person is tall or short, kind or rude? At what point does a person's sexual orientation (or gender identity, for that matter) define their personality or their perspective? All these so-called categories are a sliding scale that only seem definitive from afar. Where do the edges of these boxes turn into mist, and how can we escape the vicious cycle of labels and stereotypes? The answer to that is looking closer, at each person individually. stopped expressing any meaningful emotion. My dad still lives here. My dad and I love each other dearly. He was always my favorite, growing up. We even had matching cowboy boots and bolo ties at one point. Don't ask. "I came out over the phone to my mother, actually. Funny story: my straight friends were tired of me avoiding it, so one of them dialed my mother's number and made me say it. She replied that she's kind of always known, but that I shouldn't tell my dad because it would hurt him. She ended the call stating that she was busy (playing Second FUCKING Life. Second Life is like The Sims/World of Warcraft's baby) and that she needed to go.
I was raised in Nord, 1O miles north of Chico. I, along with a couple neighbors (who were siblings), were the only black people out of 300 residents. So, we were basically kids in town. Some people hated on us, 'the coolest ' but they were on meth, so they were already collecting their karma. My adoptive mother died this year, a month after her birthday. My mom became very distant, starting a few years before she passed. She made replicas of our family on the Sims and
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
"I came out to my eldest sister-their biological daughter-years before. She was always my rock. She lurked my MySpace and saw the specification under'sexual orientation: And saw my profile headline stating that 'I'm tired of not being me, and if you have a problem with it, I'm probably tired ofyou, too:She made me dinner. Lemon Pepper Prawns! She knew they were my favorite. She told me that she was proud of me for being so strong. She only regretted that I didn't feel comfortable enough to tell her sooner.
"After my adopted mother died, I felt kind of lost and since I never was good at communicating with my dad ... I decided to contact my biological father, who I hadn't talked to since I graduated from high school. He hardly ever tried to visit me or call ... And now this many years later, he starts talking about having time to spend with me and 'catch up; as he's about to retire from his state job soon. I got excited. I shouldn't have, because the grown-up side of me wanted to not waste anymore of my/his time, even though all the years I waited for him to love me were wasted. So, I came out to him. After that, he never responded to my messages. Never called. I would have even taken a quick, 'You're going to HELL!; but nothing. "I had been in a couple failed relationships, and [Mike and I] met the summer we were both at rock bottom. Both with no jobs or any place to go. Alone, until we found one another. It's funny, because the person I was staying with at the time introduced us. After meeting and talking for a while, sharing stories about our lives and about how we knew our mutual 'friend; we both soon realized how toxic this person had been on our impressions of each other and our peers. "Suddenly we were one another's best friend. Leaving this person behind. Helping one another find work and a place to call home. Just us. We've been together 3 years, as of the end of last month. We've lived together since the day we met. I know/ knew, before it was 'legal; that he's the one I want to marry/be with for the rest of my life. "I deejay the LGBTQ Everybody dance night every Friday at the Maltese ... [while it's billed as such] I don't think we should specify what kind of party we're having, [to] help enforce unconditional equality. After all, if you're at a bar, you're paying to be there. The majority of the people I crowd with are straight-identifying and more openminded than most of the gay people I know. Everyone seems to get stuck trying to categorize. "In our community, though it's a small one, everyone tries so hard to be different that they lose sight of what's important to us-and before they know it, instead of being different, they've made themselves separate. This happens both singly and in groups. Sometimes the groups have nothing to do with sex/sexual orientation. Sometimes it's just 'get in, fit in, or get out: And as a person who makes a strong effort-at least as much as I can on my own-to get along with everyone, this is maddening. It makes me feel disheartened. "I've watched PRIDE and COMMUNITY, in my short
years, go from 'all inclusive' to 'it's exclusive: PRIDE is a bad word for me. PRIDE makes me feel separate. PRIDE puts up walls, and on the other side of the coin-over the years observing what's happened to our community, our family-who could truthfully say they are proud?"
I had to stop for a while to ponder this take on Pride. On the one hand I had always thought of pride-the basic emotion-as a good thing. Especially for a community that has historically been treated as shameful. The idea seemed inherently uplifting that they could stand together and celebrate, be proud of their strength, and transform their marginalized status from a negative to a positive. But then that's the rub, isn't it? Negative or positive, it's still accepting the idea of separation, based on things as trivial as sexual attraction or gender identity. It's still grouping people together and thinking of that set as "they" rather than "us:' And to think that within this sub-community there are even smaller subcommunities, creating ever narrower definitions of people that set them more and more apart-it is disheartening. But there's another side to that separation, the side where people who feel alone can connect with others and help each other understand themselves, lend support, and create new families where people may have had none.
It's been the past 6 or 7 years of really understanding gender, really understanding sexuality, and really understanding what those two things mean for 'me as' an individual. It's been a really fluid process of understanding and kind of fluctuating the ways that I identify. I came out as a lesbian when I was 16, I came out as a Trans male when I was 18; I've identified as bisexual, I've identified as straight, I've identified in a lot of different areas. "What I've come to settle on is that I identify not as a Trans person-I identify as a Gender Variant person. I strongly do not believe in the gender binary: that there is only male or female. I believe that there is a large spectrum of gender identities. That grey in-between area is where I like to live. My sexuality is as fluid as my gender identity. I identify as Queer, which means that I date human beings, whatever they identify themselves as. "The way that people relate to me-not just in interpersonal relationships, but out in society at large-is fascinating. I have this really amazing thing called'male privilege' now. It's insane, it's totally strange. I have to really actively remind myself not to take advantage of it. A lot of men don't think about it. My voice is definitely heard more, my opinions are heard more. It is easier and more acceptable for me to dominate physical space in social situations. So I have to really be conscious of not speaking over my female friends. cont. on pages 8-9 AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
"I've been on hormones for 15 months, going through that transition. At the beginning, when you're first starting hormones, you're going through male puberty, but you're also going through female menopause at the same time. So you're not only going through this physical hormonal balance and imbalance and change and shift, you're also dealing with the physical response to that, and you're dealing with an emotional and mental response to that. It's kind of all-consuming if you're really aware. "lttookmanymonthsformetobeabletoactivelystep back and look at it, and be like, 'I'm behaving like this because [ofhormones].'Which isnottomakean excuse forthosebehaviors, ata II! lt'srea llysim ilartowhat it's like being on birthcontrol. lttotally amplifies and brings up thatemotionalbase,likereallyreallyquickly!Andyoufeel kind ofoutofcontrol ofyouremotions and all overthe place. lttook a good 8-g months before I cou Id see a ba lance, where I could actually manage those things. "The hardest part of being on hormones was that as a woman it was really easy to get across my emotional state, because there's oftentimes a more physical, reactive response. Like ok, I'm upset, I am crying. You can see, you can tell. Now-and this was the hardest part for me-I'm upset, and I feel all of those choked up crying feelings, but I'm not crying. "I don't think that the emotional and mental changes are talked about as much. I think that was the part that kind of took me back, kind of made me reassess everything and be like 'whoa.' This is way more intense than I thought it was going to be." What do you think about Pride and inclusiveness-does it help or hurt the cause of integration and equality? How do you think that that can be improved? How can we go from "let's keep adding acronyms" to "let's just stop having definitions at all, just start being people?" Is there a way? "That's something that I think about a lot, because I have a really hard time myself. Just the idea that we separate ourselves in that way can sometimes be annoying. But it's also sometimes really empowering for people to have a community, to have a family-people who relate to their experiences. And I think that can be really beneficial for some people, but like you said, adding all the acronyms and chopping it into more little boxes, it's ... I don't know how we're going to do it."
I a
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
NAOMI i\:5
\\itidaS1ufiD, 'but w c.'re
.\-\UMA'N . I first realized that I was (at the time) bi-sexual when I was in junior high. And actually it was my step-dad who helped clue me in. I was talking to him about my best friend (female) and all the wonderful things ' ' about her and how great she was, yadadada. And he just turned to me and said 'You like her don't you?' Junior-high me is like, 'Huh, well yeah, she is my best friend, durdadur.' He goes, 'No, you LIKE her, don't you.' Ding ding ding ding ding! Oh yeah, that explains a lot. She was my first girlfriend. "I never thought I was a lesbian. I knew I was attracted to guys, and through high school I dated both [males and females]. And I became pretty vocal about my position through my slam performances and school activities. Though, I was still on the DL with the other side of my family and most people.
Thinking of gender on a sliding scale wasn't the easiest thing to wrap my head around at first. There are the basic pronouns of "he" and "she" that build the structure of our thoughts on the subject, and then there's the matter of what our parts look like. It's undeniable, however, that some people are more "masculine" or "feminine"; and while some people do cling to the edges of those concepts, most of us maintain a harmonious medley of both traits. Few of us really think about ourselves in those terms. It occurs to me that while I love petticoats and flowers and babies, I also feel right at home telling dirty jokes and using power tools. Whether or not I feel a need to express the way that balance tips-by defining my gender perception for others, or pursuing a physical change that reflects the way I feel-I have to recognize that it's a legitimate concept. We can see ourselves as male, or female, or both, or neither.
"I think around my senior year/first year of college was when I realized that it didn't just stop with cis women and cis men (people whose gender identity aligns with their assigned physical gender). Well, during that time, my boyfriend and I were really ... ahhh ... exploring our sex lives. Sharing turn-ons, attractions, pornography, etc. And many many many conversations about sexual identity and attraction. "I discovered the term 'pansexual,' and I had another one of those 'oh yeah, okay' moments. Like, do you ever find something out that just MAKES sense? Where you just know that it is right? Well, it's like that. Everything just worked. "I wasn't raised with any negative feelings towards sexual identity. So I've been pretty free to explore it. Though I do keep it to myself around my dad. He is very accepting, but I and others believe it might be a little different with 'his daughter.' "I was very public with one of my girlfriends in high school. Hell, I am pretty sure most of his friends know, but the 'I'm coming out now' slam I performed for him and his friends ... pretty sure that went right over his head. He knows I go to Pride. But he doesn't ask questions. I don't think he wants to. "For me, being pan just means that I don't have to consider a person's gender identity at all when I am attracted to them. It means that I can see a pretty girl, or guy, or someone who is pre-op Trans, post-op Trans, a cross dresser, etc., and just take them for who they are and what their personality is. "I think that people feel a deep need to be able to identify with a certain group, or just as something. Especially people who don't fall into the 'normal' cis roles. It's a way of self discovery, and SYNTHESISWEEKLY.COM
LIKES, DO YOU EVER FIND SOMETHING OUT THArT JUST MAKES SENSE? WHERE YOU JUS KNOW T, AT IT IS RIGHT? WE D , IT' LIKE THAT. EVERYTHING JUST WORKED. the happiness of knowing that you are not alone in the world and aren't some weirdo. There is a sense of belonging and safety in being part of a group. That's pretty much a natural human instinct. We search for acceptance, and with this we find our sexual identity. "And this CAN be a good thing. It can mean a better life. I know that I am happiest around the people who know the most about me and accept that. That being said, there is actually a lot of discrimination in the Queer community between the different identities-which is really very unfortunate. But at the same time, I understand where some of it comes from. "For some, it is a matter of recognition, especially where legal rights are concerned. Kind of a 'we have to have a unified front that won't scare off all these closed-minded people, and you folks are messing that up.' But there are also people who just don't think that some of these things exist. There are gay men and lesbian women who don't believe it is possible to be bi- or pan- or asexual or any of the other things. Just because the queer community fights for equality, doesn't mean everything is equal. It's kinda stupid, but we're human." During the recent Supreme Court brouhaha that resulted i nthelandmarkruli ngsregardi ng Prop8and the DefenseofMarriageAct, I had heard rumbli ngsof discontent along those lines. ltwasa shadow cast by thejoyfulglowofallthosehappycouples;thefeeling amongsomepeopleinthe" BTQ"thatthe" Ls" and "Gs" were pushi ngthei rneedsaside rightwhenthespot1ight was on their cause. It's a sticky wicket, and is typical of the infighting that happens in many movements. The ideal of ruling by committee can turn out to be a frustrating mire of crossed purposes. What matters in the end is that everyone is trying in their own ways to achieve something positive-and while there are often disappointments and hurt feelings during the process, sometimes there are also huge steps forward.
Yolanda and I met back in 1999 when I came over here [from South Africa] as an au pair, and she was still a student at Sac State. We didn't really want to meet initially, because my stay in this country was 'limited ' due to visa restrictions-but we just felt such a connection, and of course it led us to finally meeting each other after 3-4 months of chatting online and phone conversations. "We actually metthe day after Thanksgiving, so we now use that day as our anniversary. We've met LOTS of obstacles along the way due to us being a same-sex coupleandofcoursebeingabi-nationalcouple).DOMA restricted Yolanda from being able to sponsor me for permanentresidency,sowehadtoflyundertheradarfor almost a decade just to remain together. "We managed to get a Domestic Partnership back in '05, which made us a feel a little better about our relationship, but still not good enough and certainly not equal by any means. No matter what hardships were thrown our way, our bond and love for each just got stronger and kept us together, but we also pretty much had given up hope of ever getting equal rights-until this year, 2013, when all the magic happened overnight for us ... it was all rather surreal and we're still absorbing it. "Within2weeksofDOMA'sdefeatandgaymarriage passing in CA, wewentstraighttothe recorder's office and got married rightthereonthe8th of July, and I can honestly say that that little piece of paper really does make a hugedifference-itnotonlymakes us feel fully equal and legit, but now my partnerofalmost 14 years canactuallyfinallysponsorme(herwife)forpermanent residency here in the US ... a federal right that so many peoplehavetakenforgranted,andafederalrightthatso manypeoplealsoneverrealizedwasdeniedtosame-sex couples.
"Not being fully recognized as a legit couple has put many hardships on our relationship over the years, whether emotional or financial, but they are hardships that have only made our love stronger. So in a strange way, it's sort of been a good thing. Now being a married couple and on the way to receiving our federal rights, we are very excited to embark on the next leg of our journey, and there's no need for me to fly under the radar anymore. We can be honest and out about our relationship and it feels wonderful to finally have the US government acknowledging us. "We've had the US government treat us differently and demonize us for years, to where it truly makes one feel unworthy. It really can mess with your head when your own government treats you this way, let alone your peers or the Average Joe out there. Now that the laws have changed, lthinkthat people's attitudes and views will changetoo, and have been overthe pastfew years. People in power tend to have an effect on the uneducated, so now that the powers have spoken, I reckon it will calm a lot of people down with regards to sexual orientation. "The younger generation don't even see a difference, which tells me the future is very bright for the LGBTQ community. People tend to fear what they don't understand, and this fear can incite hate-which of course our community has been subjected to, especially under the Bush Administration. But if you don't make a big deal over it, then it slowly becomes rather mundane in the big scheme of things, and folks are getting to that point. People don't even bat an eyelid anymore when Yolanda and I say we're a same-sex couple."
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
FABULOUS FUNDRAISER THE MALTESE The elements of any great party are essentially the same: music, brightly colored costumes (sequins are a bonus), mood lighting, and an enthusiastic crowd. One of the best things about Pride Week is that you can count on all of those elements being out in force. On Saturday August 3rd at the Maltese, a few of Chico's drag queens and kings were out to help raise money for Chico Pride. There was a pretty sizable crowd of people there to support the cause; after I spent some time just milling around and trying to avoid the giant
clouds of hairspray that exploded through the curtains set up for the "staging area;' the performances got underway. Each performance took place on the Maltese stage, and involved lip-synching and varying levels of choreography. Overall it was entertaining and fun-an experience I'd recommend to most people. The key word that should be at play in any drag show is "fun:' For anyone whose only experience with drag shows is watching Ru Paul's Drag Race, I'd advise giving our local players a shot. However, there are some things you should probably keep in mind 1. Stay out of their way. Audience interaction is generally part of the show, and I gather that tips are appreciated, but when a queen has a path of travel planned out, and you throw a proverbial wrench into it, be prepared for them to stomp right over you.
2. Tipping. It is encouraged, and certainly appreciated by the performers. If you are going to tip them though, don't
SCENE REPORT by Chesty La Roux
initiate physical contact with them; just hold those bills out and they'll get to you. Don't put the cash in their cleavage or anywhere else inappropriate unless it's clear that they want you to. And since queens aren't usually known for their subtlety, trust me-you'll know. Some people are torn on the tipping issue. I don't think it's very common for a venue to shell out a large percentage (or anything) to the performers, so they might want you to give them something for their trouble. And it definitely is trouble. All those wigs, that makeup, the costumes and heels-it all costs money. And no, our local queens aren't out doing backflips a la Drag Race, but at a certain point you just have to stop trying to compare. The courage it takes to get up on stage in any capacity should be rewarded. 3. Be enthusiastic! You probably paid a cover to be there, and it should be fun, so live it up! Make some noise (NOT boo-ing, don't be a dick), and support them. Lastly, have fun! You're there for a show, so enjoy yourself.
9am-noon @ Oak Grove 1.1'1!iRieii•,...~1....~..··-7' Catered by Leon Bistro
AUGUST 12- AUGUST 18, 2013
Sunday, September 8th 12 to 4 p.m. Downtown Chico Advanced Ticket Packages: $15, $20 & $30 Day of Event Add $4 Tickets Available on line at and
Month Membership)
Single $149 •Couple $230 Fam.ily $269 CALL TODA¥! 343-5678
AUGUST 12- AUGUST 18, 2013
please drink responsibly! Mon-Fri happy hour 11-2PM S2.50 Dom & Sierra
Nevada Drafts
3-6PM vS3.50 Dbl Wells 6PM - close SB Dom Pitcher S9 SN Pitcher
FRI SAT SUN 337 Main St.• 530-343-1745 1::~=.1 PLEASE DRINK RESONSIBLY
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
2 DOLLAR TUESDAY! Food & Drink specials! 11AM-2PM S2.50 SN &
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR S2 .25 Everyday!
bartender. Starts 7PM.
All ages until lOPM Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR 52.25 Everyday!
Dom Drafts
2-close 52.50 wells & Dom Drafts 53.50 Dbl Wells & Kami shots
WING WEDNESDAY! 52 for 3 Wings 52.50 SN Pint All Day
8PM-Close S3.50 Jim Beam, Captain
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM Full Bar in Back Room Weds, Fri & Sat Nights! PBR 52.25 Everyday!
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR 52.25 Everyday!
53 14oz Slushies S4 20oz Slushies Add shot for SI
11-2PM S2.50 Dom &
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM
Sierra Nevada Drafts
Full Bar in Back Room
5 flavors to choose from
3-6PM 53.50 Dbl Wells 8-Close 52.50 Dom & SN Drafts
Weds, Fri & Sat Nights! PBR S2 .25 Everyday!
Open at llAM! Bloody Mary Bar Noon-6PM 58 Dom Pitcher 59 SN Pitcher 8PM-Close 56.50 DBL calls
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM Full Bar in Back Room Weds, Fri & Sat Nights! PBR S2 .25 Everyday!
53 14oz Slushies 54 20oz Slushies Add shot for 51 5 flavors to choose from 54.50 Dbl Bacardi Ccktls
Mon-Fri 2-6PM 51.50 PBR or Coors Pints S2 Kami Shooters 1/2 OFF POOL 8 Ball Tournament Sign-up 6PM. Starts 7PM.
11-2PM 52.50 Dom & Sierra Nevada Drafts 3-6PM 53.50 Dbl Wells 8-close S3 Soccer Moms 55 Smirnoff Blasters 55 DBL Roaring Vodka
S4.50 Dbl Bacardi Ccktls
Mon-Fri 2-6PM 51.50 PBR or Coors Pints 52 Kami Shooters 1/2 OFF POOL GAME NIGHT! 51 PBR all night All ages until lOPM
Morgan and Jameson
Mon-Fri 2-6PM Sl.50 PBR or Coors Pints S2 Kami Shooters 1/2 OFF POOL Pool League, 3 player teams . Sign up with
Mon-Fri 2-6PM 51.50 PBR or Coors Pints 52 Kami Shooters 1/2 OFF POOL JAZZ NIGHT- Martini
Specials All ages until lOPM Mon-Fri 2-6PM 51.50 PBR or Coors Pints 52 Kami Shooters
1/2 OFF POOL All ages until lOPM
Bartenders Choice
9 Ball Tournament. Sign-up at noon. Starts
!PM. All ages until lOPM
10AM-2PM S5 Bottles of Champagne with entree
54.50 Bloody Mary 55.50 Absolut Peppar Bloody Marys
Daily Happy Hour from 4-7PM PBR 52.25 Everyday!
FREE POOL 1 hr. with every 58
purchase All ages until lOPM
UPCOMfNG SHOWS Saturday, August 17 Shelby Cobra and Ryan Davidson Sunday, August 18 Jonathan Richman SYNTHESISWEEKLY.COM
ii)> 0 • ~ ;:i
0• f!1 "i
Happy Hour 11-6PM select bollles & drafts S2.7S
iil 0
Go Downlo
MUG NIGHT 7-lUO 40oz beer S2.SO or S3 S3 Fireball Shot
BEAR WEAR! 1/2 off while wearing
S3 Tea of the Day and
Progressive Night!
Bartender Special
8-!0PM SI Sierra Pale
Bear Wear.
SS Dbl Bacardi & Coke S3 Goldschlager S3 Bushmills
Bear Burger with fries
fries or salad
or salad for SS.29. llam-lOpm.
S2 All Day
S3 Cuervo Marqis
S6 Pulled pork sand w/
DOLLAR DAZE 6-9pm Sl Beer SI Wells S2 Doubles
S2 Marqis
Go Downlo
52 Select Sierra Nevada or Dom Drafts S2 Kamis -any fhvor
Chicken Strip Sand only S6 before 6 PM
S2.SO Corona's & Sierra Drafts
Mon-Sa! 3PM-6PM Sl Dom draft, S2 SN draft, SLSO wells
Ale, Domestics, Rolling Rock & well cocktails
up lOPM-close 2S¢ per hour-dose
Mon-Sa! free pool 6-8PM
Jr Grad Burger
w/ fries
salad S3.99
All 16 oz Teas or AMF S3 All Day
Go Downlo
8-Close Pilcher Specials S6/S9/Sl2
TRIKE RACES! Post lime@ lOpm.
Win T-shirts and Bear
S4 Dbl Jack Daniels
Bucks. MUG CLUB 4-lOPM
Honey Lemonade $3 Jose Cueivo Silver
8-lOPM Two for the Price
FREE Pool after lOPM
Baby Back Ribs Sl0.99 Philly Cheesesleak S7 8PM-Close S4 leas
Happy Hour 11-6PM S2.7S select bollles & drafts
lOpm S2 Red Bull Party
S2 16oz Wells
Drink specials!
BURGER MADNESS! or salad for SS.29. llam-!Opm.
of one cocktails and
53 Guiness Drafts,
menu items
S2 Black Bulle SS Vodka Redbull
S3 all leas S6 Sky Vodka and Red bull BUCK NIG HT 9PM-Close SI WELLS Sl TEAS
S3.SO !Sl party punch S3 Fire Eater Shots S6.SO Apple Cinnamon Cider 8-9PM SI pale ale and dom draft
S4 Dbl Gin & Tonic S2 Scotch & Soda S3 Barenjager
S3 All pints S4 Long Island Teas
up 25¢ per hour until
Free Happy Hour Food
Fries or Salad & Garlic
4PM until ifs gone
Bread S8.99 8pm-Close S4 Jager SS DBL Vodka Red Bull 10-Close
Happy Hour 11-6PM select wells, bollles and pints S2.7S
w/ fries
Happy Hour S-8PM SS House Martinis
S4 Glass of House Wine S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bollle SI off Call liquor and bollled beer
Happy Hour S-8PM SS House Martinis S4 Glass of House Wine
S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bollle SI off Call liquor and bollled beer
10 oz. Tri-Tip Steak w/
Jr Grad Burger
Buck Night 8-close Sl well cocktails, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Rolling Rockdom draft
S3 Glass of Wine
Bear Burger with fries
S2 Select Beers S3 Teas
S3 Tea of the Day S3.SO Sky Vodka
Drink specials! VIP Bottle SeNice available
LGBTQ DANCE PARTY SS Dbl Vodka Rockslar S3 Fireball S4 Dbl Coconut Press
S3 Tea of the Day S4.SO DBL Captain Morgan Cocktails
SS Vodka Redbull S4.SO Dbl Bacardi Ccktls
Power Hour 8-9PM
Happy Hour S-8PM
1/2 off Liquor & Drafts 9PM-Close S3 Pale Ale Drafts S9.7S Pale Pitchers S4.50 Dbl Bacardi Ccktls
SS House Martinis 54 Glass of House Wine
S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bollle Sl off Call liquor and bollled beer
salad S3.99 Baby Back Ribs with
S4 Sex On The Beach
Salad, Fries & garlic
S4 Sierra Nevada
Bread Sl0.99 8pm-Close S4 Single/S6 Double
Knightro ON TAP Sl Jello Shots 7-lOPM S3 Rumpy, Jager and Fireball
Jack or Captain S2 Sierra Nevada
SS Bartender's Choice SS
LIVE DJ S4 Dbl Gin & Tonic S3 Cp!n Morgan & Coke S3 Rumpleminz
S3 Tea of the Day S4.SO DBL Captain plus Bartender Special
S4.SO Dbl Bacardi Ccktls
SS Patron S4.99 Grad, Garden/ turkey Burger w/ fries/ salad
S4 World Famous Bloody Joe SS Premium bloodys your choice of vodka
Call To Rent For Private
Bear Burger with fries
Go Downlo
or salad for SS.29. llam-lOpm.
Bloody Marys S3 Well S4 Call SS Top shelf S6 Grey Goose
New! Wi ne, Cocktail and Food Menus!
LIVE JAZZ 4PM TRIVIA 8PM S2.SO Mimosas & Bloody Marys S4 Dbl Cabin Fever (maple whiskey) & Coke
Mon-Sat 3PM-6PM SI Dom draft, S2 SN draft, SLSO wells, Power Hour 8-9PM 1/2 off Liquor & Drafts 9-Close S3 Skyy Cocktails & Pale Ale Drafts S9.7S Pale Pitchers CLOSED
Champagne Brunch 10AM-2PM Happy Hour prices Iii 8
etyDg House Made Marti nis
'I Store iPhone Repair and Restore
Happy Hour S-8PM
~~ ;. . .111!~
SS House Martinis S4 Glass of House Wine
S3 Well Cocktails 20% off wine by bollle SI off Call liquor and bollled beer
! .
. ..
I ·----------------------I
' $100 FF . iPhone REPAIR & RESTORE Regular Rates $60-$90. No other discounts. Expires 8-20-2013
and Seasonal Fresh Drin ks !
JJeP.icWuJ Tapas Menu
P&M New Late Night Menu
191 East Second St . • 530.898.9898
1304 Mangrove Ave. (Facing Papa Murphy's Pizza)
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
Lish Bills, Brown Shoe,
March Fourth Marching Band
and Sisterhoods
How about a massive infusion of energy and musical mayhem to blast the middle of your week into a million bits of awesomeness? Drawing inspiration from the jazz of New Orleans, European gypsy funk and Brazilian samba, MarchFourth brings a 20 piece band, stiltacrobatics, amazing dancers, and enough raw vibrant enthusiasm to keep you going through the weekend. $25, starts at 7:30pm
A House For Lions
I want to live in A House for Lions. The windows are open with sun shining through. Cool harmonies breeze in with cooing purrs, nuzzling your ears and spreading warm tingles through your body, right to the tips of your tapping toes. Everything is bright and glowing with optimism, and the couch is very very comfortable. There's a rumor that Lish Bills will be playing with a full band too! 9pm
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lesson 8:15-9pm, $5. Open Dancing starts 9pm, $2 Maltese: Open Mic Night Comedy. LaSalle's: '90s night. 21 + Signups at 8pm, starts at 9pm. Mug Maltese: Karaoke. 9pm-Close Night 7 -11 :30pm Studio Inn Lounge: Karaoke. The Bear: Bear-E-oke! 9pm 8:30pm-lam Cafe Flo: Live Jazz Happy Hour with Park Avenue Pub: Hanging by a the Carey Robinson Trio. 5-7pm String Band. 7-9pm DownLo: Pool League. 3 player The Tackle Box: Karaoke. 9pm teams, signup with bartender. 7pm Woodstock's: Trivia Challenge. Call Last Call Lounge: Karaoke. 8pmat 4pm to reserve a table. Starts 12am 6:30pm Woodstock's: Spelling Bee for the Farm Star Pizza: Live Jazz with Grownups. 6:30-7:30pm Shigemi and Friends. 7-9pm Dex: Teen Dance Tuesday. $4. 7-lOpm lOOth Monkey Cafe & Books: Nick's Night Club: Game Night. 21 + Chico Women's Club: Afro CarIntermediate Bellydance Class with BellySutra. $8. 6-7pm ribean Dance with Jeanne ChristoThe Bear: Bearwear! Y2 off while pherson. $10/class or $35/mo. 5:50wearing Bear Wear. Mug Club 7pm. Followed by Fit Club. Arrive at 4-lOpm 7:45pm. Free Class 8-9pm Cafe Flo: Open Mic Singer1078 Gallery: Cash Pony, Frozen Songwriter Night with Aaron Jaqua. Folks, Pageant Dada. All ages. $5. 7-9pm 8pm Crazy Horse Saloon: All Request Karaoke. 21+ DownLo: DJ Dancing with DJ Ron lOOth Monkey Cafe & Books: Open Dare Mic. Singers, songwriters, musicians, The Hub: Salsa Tuesdays. Intermedi- vocalists, and comedians. All ages. ate lesson 7:15-8:15pm, $8. Beginner 7pm
AUGUST 12- AUGUST 18, 2013
The Bear: Trike Races. Wint-shirts and Bear Bucks. Post time lOpm. Mug Club 4- lOpm Cafe Flo: Way Out West Country Showcase, featuring The Blue Merles. 7-9:30pm Crazy Horse Saloon: Swing Dance Wednesday. 8-lOpm Chico Women's Club: Afro Brazilian Dance with Baba Kahanus. 5:30-7pm. Followed by Yoga Dance. $8-$15. 7:15pm DownLo: 8 Ball Tournament. Signups 6pm. Ghost Ease, Bunnymilk, Fera, Puppy Love, DJ Kreen Akore. No cover. 8pm Duffy's: Dance Night! DJ Spenny and Jeff Howse. 9pm. $1. The Tackle Box: Swing Dance Wednesday, classes 7-9pm VIP Ultra Lounge (Inside The Beach): Laurie Dana. 7-9pm Woodstock's: Trivia Night plus Happy Hour. call at 4pm to reserve a table. Starts at 8pm Maltese: Smashed Spelling Bee. 9pm Jesus Center: Derelict Voice Writing Group, everyone welcome. 9-10:30am Dex: Hip Hop Wednesday. $6. 8:30pm
Sierra Nevada Big Room: MarchFourth Marching Band.$25. 7:30pm LaSalle's: A House for Lions (L.A.), Lish Bills, Sisterhoods, and Brown Shoe. 9pm
15 THURSDAY The Bear: DJ Dancing every thursday, Friday, and Saturday Night. No Cover. 9pm DownLo: Chico Jazz Collective every Thursday. Followed by Mark Sexton Trio. 8pm Downtown Chico: Thursday Night Market. 6-9pm The Graduate: Red Bull Movie Night. lOpm Grana: Live Jazz with John Seid. 5:30-8:30pm Has Beans: Open Mic Night. 7- lOpm. Signups start at 6pm LaSalle's: Happy Hour on the patio. 6-9pm. '80s, '90s, and 2000s DJ. No cover. Maltese: Karaoke. 9pm-close. Panama's: Eclectic Nights. Buck night and DJ Eclectic. 9pm Quackers: Karaoke. 9pm- lam VIP Ultra Lounge (Inside The
Ryan Davidson
Claudia Cuentas, Erin Wolverton, DJ Ayrian
Live CD Recording
<Jtire ©ininu ia the CTraJition of8oulhem <;/tafu
Since you're probably going to be at Duffy's anyway, you might as well be making history. Provide some background woots with Ryan Davidson and pals for a live-album recording. Pals include the Michelin Embers and The Reverend Shelby Cobra! Get there at 9pm, and stake out the spot with the best acoustics for peppering in bits of your drunken conversations for posterity
We challenge you to find anything on earth that's more primally dance worthy than samba drums. Finally, after four years, Wolfthump is releasing their debut CD, For the Love of the Groove! Dancing barefoot in the garden to soul-shaking samba while eating a slab of wood-fired farm fresh pizza? That's winning at life. 7pm
•• • •• • ••••••••••• •• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• • •• • Beach): Bradley Relf. 7-9pm. Concert Series with The Jeff Pershing Band. Sponsored by Madison Bear Woodstock's: Open Mic Night. The Hub: FAME Thursdays DJ Danc- Garden. 7-8:30pm Duffy's: Pub Scouts- Happy Hour. ing. 9:30pm-1:30am. 21 +.No cover. 4-7pm Monstro's: Reproacher, Primitive Maltese: Fabulous Friday LGBTQ+ man, Teeph and Astronaut. All ages. Dance Party. 9pm $5, 8pm Quackers: Live DJ. 9pm Dex: Red Cloud, Socorro, Biggs T-Bar: Live Music. 7-8:30pm Roller, Dutchers Band + more TBA Tortilla Flats: Latin Nights. Espanol Crazy Horse Saloon: Aaron Rich & & English DJ dancing, with DJ El Kora de Chico. Friends. 9pm Peking Chinese Restaurant: The Tackle Box: DJ Thomas Young. BassMint. 530Techno. $3. 9:30pm 8pm-lam Sultan's Bistro: Bellydance PerLost On Main: The Royal Tees, I am formance. Two soloists featured. Demure, Otto's Daughter. 9pm 6:30-7:30pm Cafe Flo: Flo Sessions weekly music showcase. 8pm 1OOth Monkey Cafe & Books: WritThe Hub: Chico Baile Latino: Salsa, ing Group. 3:30-5pm Merengue, Cumbia and Bachata The Beach: DJ 2K & Mack Morris. dance lessons followed by an open 9pm-close. $2, $10 VIP. social dance.$2-$4. 8pm The Bear: DJ Dancing every thursday, DownLo: V2 off pool. All ages until Friday, and Saturday Night. No Cover. lOpm 9pm 1078 Gallery: Eccentric parlor Jazz Cafe Coda: Friday Morning Jazz with from The World's Finest Apples. All Bogg. llam ages. $5. 8pm Crazy Horse Saloon: DJ Hot Rod GRUB Cooperative: Wolfthump CD and Mechanical Bull Contest. 9pmRelease. Claudia Cuentas, Erin Wol1:30am Downtown Plaza: Friday Night verton, DJ Ayrian, and Wolfthump.
All ages. $7, or $15 w/CD. 7pm The Tackle Box: Classic Rock and Cow1try from Northern Heat. $3. 9pm Chico Women's Club: Ebony and Ivory. Cool Jazz featuring Shigemi Minetaka, Jonathan Stoyanoff, and Robert Delgardo. $10 includes appetizers. 6-8pm Lost On Main: Lush Baby, Biggs Roller. 9pm
Scotty's Landing: Music Showcase. Open Mic hosted by Rich & Kendall. 5-9pm Lost On Main: Funkanauts, The Chris Schadt Band. $5. 9pm Duffy's Tavern: Ryan Davidson doing a live recording, along with Shelby Cobra and Michelin Embers. 9pm The Tackle Box: Mandy Jo and the Holy Mackerels, acoustic band playing bluegrass, country and folk. 9pm Quackers: Live Music. $2. 9pm
1OOth Monkey Cafe & Books: Knitting Circle. 2-4pm The Bear: DJ Dancing every thursday, Friday, and Saturday Night. No Cover. 9pm Cal Skate: Adults only skate night.$6. 18+.9-llpm Crazy Horse Saloon: Ladies Night Dancing w/DJ Hot Rod, every Saturday. 10pm-1:30am DownLo: 9 Ball tournament. Signups noon, starts at 1pm. Live music mith MazAzul.9pm LaSalle's: 1980Now! 8pm Park Avenue Pub: Live Music with Max Minardi. 6:30-9:30pm Maltese: Live DJ
Crazy Horse Saloon: Sunday Funday, Comedy and popcorn Maltese: Bogg! 4-7pm Nick's Night Club: Karaoke. 8pmmidnight. 21+ The Tackle Box: Karaoke. 8pm Dex: Stressors, Outside Looking In, Heffer Wolfe, Gorilla X Monsoon, Icko Sicko. All ages. $5. 8pm Cafe Flo: Ligers, Art, and Music, Oh My! Artwork by Jamie Zeff, and music by Lish Bills, and Lisa Marie. All ages. 5-7pm Sierra Nevada Big Room: The Greencards. $20. 7:30-9:30pm
$1 OFF Pops-size Pie~ Hours: Mon-Wed & Friday 11am-8pm @Spike's Bottle Shop 1270 East 1st Avenue 530.864.2760
- •
1020 MAIN STREET CHICO .... ? ) 530.3~5.2233 (G'*...AUGUST 12- AUGUST 18, 2013
ts I
PUT A FORK IN IT Jen Cartier
Heirloom Pasta High Performance Detail Cleaners Res1dent1al and Commerc1al Clean1ng Serv1ces! • Apartment
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Cost Effect1ve, Customer Fr1endly Clean1ng Serv1ce Fees FREE est1mates wlth walk- through s1te 1nspect1on (530)774-1175
"We clean to YOUR specifications!"
with Peaches & Balsamic Vinegar This dish would be great with sweet & spicy sausage. I'm also temped to add grated gruyere, parm, or roquefort to the top, just as it's being served-but the sweetness of the peaches with the balsamic and the savory beef stock is delicious on its own. I also kinda want this with peach margaritas ... have a peach-fest, why don't ya? Ingredients: 1 onion, diced 1 heirloom tomato, diced 1 Tbsp. fresh rosemary, leaves pulled from stem, minced 2 Tbsp. garlic, minced (not the stuff that comes in jars; that's not actually garlic) 1 Tbsp. fresh thyme, leaves pulled from stem, minced 114 cup decent balsamic vinegar 1 cup beef stock 2 fresh local peaches, skins and pits removed, diced 1 six-oz. can organic tomato paste Sea Salt 2 lbs. pasta (I used brown rice fusilli from Trader Joe's) Olive oil Good salt Begin by prepping your ingredients and setting them aside in bowls. Dice the onion and the tomato, set them aside. Remove the rosemary leaves from the stem, and finely mince them. Lightly smash the garlic with the flat of your chef's knife and remove the paper, mince, and set it aside. Remove the thyme leaves from the stem, mince them and set them aside. Cut the peaches in half, remove the skin and the pits, dice, and set them aside.
olive oil (or another oil if you're opposed to the low flash-point of olive oil) over medium heat until it gets a little caramel-y. Add the diced tomato and cook until the juices begin to release. Toss in the rosemary and stir until fragrant. Stir in the garlic, being careful not to burn it, and continue to stir until fragrant. Add the thyme and stir for a minute or two. Add the balsamic to the tomato mixture and stir, using it to deglaze the pan and get any sticky bits off the bottom. Cook over medium heat until the balsamic gets a bit syrupy and starts to reduce. Add the beef stock and the peaches and simmer until the peaches break down and become part of the sauce. Add the tomato paste and stir until a good sauce consistency is reached. Add salt to taste. Reduce the heat to low. By this time, your water should be boiling. Give it a good dose of olive oil to keep the noodles from sticking (rice pasta is especially starchy and prone to sticking) and throw in a handful or two of good salt. Cook the pasta until just done-I prefer my pasta al dente. Drain it in a colander and return it to the pot. Pour the sauce over it, garnish with fresh thyme, and serve.
Gather the rest of your tools (1/ 4 cup measuring cup, 1 cup measuring cup, can opener, large pot, large pan, etc.). Bring 2 gallons of water to a boil in a large pot over high heat. Saute the onion in a large pan with plenty of
AUGUST 12- AUGUST 18, 2013
Mae zooe mae@s
Tips for a Successful Night of Drinking!
Squat and Cough A few years ago, I narrowly avoided going to jail. Not federal prisonjust regular-old, boring, squat-and-cough jail. At the time, rn lined up a feature for the Synthesis with my then-editor, on what it was like to spend some time in jail. I figured that as long as I was going to go, it might be smart to at least get something done while I was there (besides making toilet wine). The day before I was scheduled to go turn myself in to our local penal colony, I discovered that I wouldn't have to go. I felt relief, sure, but also a little twinge of regret. Not for the (alleged) crime committed, but because although it was most likely going to be really awful (and boring), I was looking forward to experiencing something so new. Like anything that's been depicted to death in entertainment, there's an air of mystery surrounding the experience of lockup. Although I'm glad I didn't actually have to follow through with it, I'm always interested to see the incarceration experience from differing points of view. Perhaps that explains my recent fascination with the Netflix original show Orange Is The New Black. Starring Taylor Schilling (Argo, The Lucky One) and (cue wolf-whistle) Laura Prepon (That 70's Show), this show chronicles the misadventures of Piper Chapman (Schilling) from day one of her incarceration in federal prison. It's possible that I only like this show because of my fascination with stories from our Department of Corrections, but I doubt it. It also has excellent character development, some really entertaining background provided on key players, and a pretty amazing attention to details. Still not sold? This show is totally flush with titty shots. Lots oflesbian
Part II
Tip # l
We cannot emphasize this one enough: Alcohol and driving do not mix! Even bikes and alcohol don't mix well when you've had too much to drink. And don't even think of walking home alone after a night of drinking. Call a cab!
Tip #2 Don't drink hard liquor straight.
Always have a mixer to water it down. Even ask for a larger glass such as a pint with a single shot.
Tip # 3 Count your drinks.
If you can't remember what number drink you're on STOP. Drinking games are BAD NEWS! Beer pong, flip cup, and corn-hole all make it really difficult to keep up with how much you've had!
Tip # 4 NEVER Mix alcohol with legal and illicit drugs!
sex scenes ... oh, and Natasha Lyonne! She's fantastic in her role as the snarky lesbian junkie. Season one is on Netflix Instant. Also in entertainment news, it's been brought to my attention that a new Doctor has finally been chosen. I've tried several times to watch Doctor Who, and I just can't get into it. Peter Capaldi is set to be the newest Doctor. A Scottish actor you might remember from his roles in World War Z and Bean, Capaldi has twice won the British Comedy Award for best TV actor. My knowledge of him is pretty slim, and even slimmer is my experience with Doctor Who. However, I've been informed by my Doctor Who specialist that the fans are very divided on whether the casting choice will be met by support or disdain. Some are put out about the wasted opportunity to hire a woman, or someone who isn't white. However, I did see Neil Gaiman's announcement that the first serious casting offer was to an African-American man, but he turned down the role. Others (like my source), were bummed because the new Doctor isn't as sexually appealing as past choices. As my source put it, "I don't want to play doctor with this new Doctor'.' I guess I'll just leave it at that.
It is hard on your liver, kidneys and can be deadly. Mixing cocaine with alcohol is much more toxic than cocaine, increasing the risk of a heart attack 25% and lowers the seizure threshold. Taking prescription narcotics like Norco, Vicodin, or Percocet with alcohol can be fatal.
Tip #5 NEVER leave a friend alone that is obviously overintoxicated, incoherent or vomiting. Get help! The most common reason Chico students do not call for help is because they are afraid of getting into trouble with law enforcement. Never be afraid to help yourself or a friend.
Save these numbers in your phone: Chico Police: (530) 895-4911 University Police: (530) 898-5555 EMERGENCY: 91 l
r-------------------------------------~--, BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT (BAC) Table for Male (M) I Female (F) Number of Drinks
, 2
JIO .00
.00 .00 .a;
.06 IJ7
~F H
~ FH
.00 .04 .05
Body We!g!it in Pounds 160 180 200
.DO .OG .04 .04
.00 .00
.00 .03 .03 .06 .07
.03 .04 .07 IJ7
.03 .03 IJ5
.02 .03 .05 .06
Driving Condition
1::.~ Driving Skills Impaired
..:.11 .;In;
.··. ~
Su btraet .01 % lo r each 40 mIn utes ol d rln king. 1 drink= 1.5 oz. 80 prool llquor, 12 oz. 5% beer, or 5 oz. 12% wine.
Fewer than 5_e_ersons out of 100 will exceed these values.
AUGUST 12- AUGUST 18, 2013
OFF MY LAWN! Jaime O'Neill
The Pride In Being Some\Nhere Else One of the rituals connected to the profession of teaching is an activity I came to call "competitive tourism:' It happens every fall when teachers come together to vie with one another, bearing tales of sum mer travel. Many decades ago, a few weeks spent in Europe poking around cathedrals and museums was a quite distinct entry in the travel competition, but Europe soon became a cliched way for teachers to recreate themselves. Any poor schlumpfwho showed up at a faculty party with stories about the Louvre was more to be pitied than envied. The hipper travelers were coming back from places like Kathmandu or Borneo, bragging about having eaten snakes at an out-of-the-way spot known only to the cognoscenti. One teacher I know took a tour to Africa and came back boasting about dancing with Maasai warriors. "It changed my life;' she said, and perhaps it did because soon thereafter she took an administrative job; though how that change in career trajectory could be traced to the terpsichorean experience she'd had with very tall Africans who were earning their living by dancing with tourists remains something of a mystery. I gave up the competitive-tourism exercise long ago, but I'm writing this piece from France, and I can't resist bragging about it. I'm proud to be here, though all I really did was plunk my butt on a stuffy aircraft and then-voila!-a dozen or so hours later, I got off that plane and I was being driven into Paris by one of the inevitable African cab drivers who add so much local color to the City of Light.
perfectly well that pride goeth before a fall. But the real point here is that I was in France and, in all likelihood, you weren't. I was eating the most extraordinary pastries while you were choking down your Cheerios. I was nose-to-nose with some of the world's art masterpieces, and I was taking in the sights of a new village just about daily-some of which were graced by ruins dating back to Roman times. You, on the other hand, were probably slogging through some godforsaken Wal-Mart before heading over to Duffy's to drink away the summertime blues: an affliction of the spirit traceable to the fact that other people were elsewhere while you were stuck in Chico suffering through the summer heat.
A bient6t from la belle France, mes amis. That was the beginning of another great learning experience, of course, and I pridefully share it with you-though I know
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
Luso Noir: Music from Portuguese Speaking Africa Various Artis ts Piranha Records by Jamie O'Neil
If your ears have grown weary of the predictable smorgasbord of popular music, from rap to hip-hop to Top 40 to rock n' roll to warmedover country stuff, you might want to check out this album from 2011: a compilation that will take you places-musically, geographically, and maybe even spiritually, if you 're open to traveling that far. Piranha Records has a roster of some of the best musicians in Africa, and they've gathered a terrific sampler here. My personal favorite is a song-"Dor di Amor"-by TeteAlhinho from Cape Verde, but there are also great songs here from Angola and Mozambique; places where rough colonial rule
left a legacy that mixed the music of the native people with the evocative sounds of longing found in the music brought to those places from Portugal. Since we don't have music stores these days, you ' ll have to seek out the album from Amazon, or download it, but it's worth the time to find it.You needn't understand a word of the lyrics on these songs to connect with it. "Saudade" is one of the words you may not know. It's a word used to describe that sense of sadness, longing, and sweet melancholy found in all this music, no matter the subject or the tempo. It's a sound I love. You might love it, too, if you want to travel so far from home.
Voz Tete Alhinho Piranha Records by Jamie O'Neil
One thing I miss about teaching is telling students about movies made before their time, obscure books by little known writers, or music never heard on Top 40 radio. In that spirit, I want to tell Synthesis readers about Tete Alhinho and her album, Voz. It's one of my Desert Island Discs-music I think would be indispensable if ever I were marooned somewhere. I put Tete Alhinho with Miles Davis, the McGarrigle Sisters, the Rolling Stones, or Edith Piaf in my pantheon of musical masters, and I put Voz on the list of albums I wouldn't want to be without, a rare
record in which every track is a keeper. Tete Alhinho lives in Cape Verde, an island off the west coast of Africa. She sings in a Portuguese dialect called Crioulo, but her soul requires no translation.I have a fondness for female vocalists, and I've spent time trying to figure out why that is so. I've traced it back to when I was a boy, with my mother doing dishes and singing as the evening settled in. She didn't do it often, but when she did, it spread peace on a household that was often troubled by worries about money, or the problems such worries create between married couples.
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
An Airport Conversation In my hands was a warm paper cup. I breathed in the smell of steaming coffee. ra been sitting in this airport lobby for about three hours. So far, there have been Three Points of Interest: 1. A beautiful white dog, with all its hair cut short but for a well-manicured mane 'round its head. Attendants had to ask the owner to prevent it from licking strangers' legs.
2. A very remarkable redand-white plaid dress, with a small Christian woman inside of it who smelled like anxiety, and hope, and dogma.
3. A cup of room-temperature coffee that was left behind in the chair to my left. I took a sip of it when I thought nobody was looking, and even though it was gross and old, it was also enliven ing and nostalgic, so I bought a cup of my own. The hot, brackish liquid kickstarted my thinker, as it usually does, and I got to thinking. I thought about where I'm going (home), and I thought about spending more money (to buy airport pizza), and I thought about where I was coming from (the desert). My eyes came to rest on the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the huge airport highways beyond. "It's amazing;' I said to myself, "how many miles of earth we turn into stretches of blacktop so these huge, aerial dinosaurs can have their day. I wonder-if we'd never discovered dinosaurs, would we still have dreamt up these metallic monsters?" "I saw you drink that lady's coffee, dude:' I gave a start, looked up and around for the source of the voice. I saw no one near me; I looked down at my legs, where I felt a warm breathing. It was the white dog with the nice
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
haircut, looking at me with a stern expression. "Must be something in the coffee;' I muttered to myself, then said aloud, 'TU share some of this fresh cup with you, if you keep quiet about what you saw:' "Can't make any promises;' the dog replied, eyeing my beverage and wagging his tail. I sighed, then put the coffee on the ground for him to reach. "So, where's your owner?" I asked, in an attempt at politeness. He stopped licking up my coffee long enough to nod toward his right: some thirty feet off was an old Asian lady, asleep, so small and shriveled as to be dwarfed by the chair she satin. After a moment, the dog gave my shins a lick in gratitude, and settled back on his haunches. "I wonder;' he said, "why people consent to be eaten by these airplanes? They always seem so out-of-sorts when they get spat out again:' "Well, we do it so we can get to places we want to go;' I replied, bending down to retrieve the paper cup and take another sip. The dog gave an annoyed huff in response. "But why? The food tastes exactly the same, anywhere you go'.' "Well, maybe for you it does;' I coolly replied. I turned to gaze deeply through the airport windows, trying to give the impression that I was done talking to a stranger. Picture pulled from Talk to me on email. Follow me on Tumblr.
Gay Paree! If America had parents, our proverbial parents would probably be England (the overbearing Father) and France (our loving and flighty Mother). But Paris would be our delightful, worldly, wise, flirtatious, possibly lesbian, beautiful, volatile Aunt with many lovers and a vast art collection. Her influence whispered in our ear, put treats in our pockets, taught us how to appreciate the beauty all around, made us unafraid to tell off Mother France. Yes, Auntie Paris-our flamboyant, fabulous champion. Edward Rutherfurd has become a modern master of the multi-period sweeping epic novel. If you were ever a fan of Jam es Michener's works (Alaska! Texas! Poland?) then Rutherfurd is definitely going to be your bag. Paris: The Novel begins in such a way that you can practically visualize Julius Caesar stroking his toga, imagining the possibilities for a erecting a town in the fertile land occupied by a tribe known as the Parisii, from whom Paris ultimately receives her name. Rutherford has the ability to take large, jaunty leaps back and forth in time with elasticity and intrigue, criss-crossing multigenerational storylines within historical contexts. The intertwining sagas are peppered with intriguing historical moments and figures. Thomas Gascon tells his story as a boy from Montmartre, who in working with Gustave Eiffel on the Statue of Liberty then plays a large role in the construction of the Eiffel Tower. Roland DeCygne-a member of the noble class, a soldier, a royalist-leads us through generations of the gilded aristocracy. They may have been broke, but they were noble! The City of Light and Love-bombarded with revolution, religious persecution, and war-was also a sort of primordial birthplace of beauty and art, reason, and enlightenment. Paris developed an Impressionist commune, drawing artists, writers, and creative types from all over the world to study among each other, creating a hub of
appreciation and setting the bar for what is considered high art. Even Coco Chanel has a cameo in the intertwined tale of a girl searching for family among famed Jewish bourgeois department store owners, the Blan chards. Possibly my favorite story followed the LeSourd family of socialist revolutionaries beginning with the Paris Commune. Though the Communards' political fire was quickly snuffed out during "The Bloody Week" by the French army, the beliefs and ideals of that time resonated with Parisians throughout history-and the LeSourd men would continue their fight against the aristocracy and the monarchy generation after generation, their paths intimately crossed with the paths of the DeCygne family. For those of us who like a sweeping epic novel, with history dappled-in like a Monet waterlily, Paris does not disappoint. Rutherfurd writes a truly delicious book, and I'm tres looking forward to reading his others. I recommend cracking Paris open while drinking a glass of vin ordinaire, wearing a beret on a park bench, with revolution blossoming in your heart-just to get the full Franchy experience. But because this book is huge, you might want to get it on your e-reader. Bonne chance, mes revolutionnaires!
AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
ARIES The magic of youth is part of your personality. You shine and bask in playfulness. This means there is more to love and less to fear. Be more comfortable with your imagination. Let your ideas take you places. By the weekend your love life will begin to get sweeter. Address the tougher ego-shattering issues early in the week. The more you forgive, the more access you have to love and all it's worth. Show what you're made of on Saturday and Sunday.
GEMINI There is much on your mind and you have much to say. You are more interested in your local environment. Travel and being mobile are big issues. You are allowing the work of your hands to be seen by others. You have more of a passion for the things that you are doing. Know the difference between being nosy and having a healthy curiosity. Neighborhood gossip can, at times, be over the top. It's about being able to love everyone without getting caught up in egos.
LEO This is the last full week of your season. You have the intelligence to create a reasonable game-plan for yourself. The moon is waxing, thus a certain momentum is taking place. Wednesday night through Friday are your luckiest times this week. You'll also feel more creative and open-hearted The weekend looks good for getting organized or for working with others toward a charitable cause. Help family with their limitations. Be aware of your domestic goals.
LIBRA Socially-speaking, your life just keeps on getting livelier. You have a few select intelligent friends who can do much to help you. Seek the counsel of the wise and experienced. You may need to readjust your finances. You look appealing to others as Venus begins to transit your first house on Friday morning. The weekend is all about family and learning to be content or useful with what's been given you. Truth can't be negotiated when lives are at stake.
SAGITTARIUS You'll need to practice a little bit of restraint as the excitement of things and events around you may cause you to move too quickly. Things are going remarkably well for you, yet some of your power feels like it's in someone else's hands. The moon will be in Sagittarius Wednesday evening through Friday. You'll have the opportunity to make amends for any wrongdoing. Live life like it's an adventure worth exploring. The weekend looks good for working on finances.
AQUARIUS I salute you for trying to keep a sense of balance as heady Leo egos seem to dominate rather than educate. Your thoughtfulness helps to make you who you are. Focus on your career and talents at the beginning of the week. Be around friends during the latter half of the week. The weekend looks good for meditation and for helping others who are less fortunate. Romances could deepen. There is a sense that you will enjoy what you are doing.
TAURUS Look within yourself. The answers are probably more in there than out there. Your new focus on teamwork, service, and working on health issues begins. This is the perfect time to get involved with a charitable cause. Your family life continues to be a big focus for you. Think about the things that were done right because of your ancestors' courage. Gratitude is the basis of positive beginnings. The weekend looks perfect for a getaway.
CANCER You are in a very lucky cycle. You have something to sing about. When dealing with hardship, you've learned to be creative about it You know how important it is to feel a sense of love and security. Will love alone ever become the new capital? It's hard to say, but nice to think about. Thursday and Friday are good for working with others. The weekend is all about partnerships, engagements, sexual unions, and getting contracts. Take calculated risks.
VIRGO Focus on your dreams and the areas of your life where you might feel weak. This is the last week you need to isolate yourself. Next week a changing of the guard takes place, and you assume the crown of being the flavor of the month. Meanwhile, do some clean-up on your soul. Help others that are isolated in rest homes, hospitals, and prisons. Pray, meditate, and find isolated places in nature to refresh your soul. Pay off old debts and make things right with anyone who has been wronged
SCORPIO In spite of the challenges you have with your life, you have been essentially blessed and protected It's sort of showtirne for Scorpios. Engage in your best talents and skills. Let the world see what you are good at. You are accepting the fact that you're becoming more mature. Setting goals for yourself is a good thing. Take time out to retreat, pray, and meditate. Work on your art and creative passions. The moon will be in Scorpio Monday afternoon through most of Wednesday, giving you deeper insights.
CAPRICORN Love is one of the best motivators for doing anything. Partnerships can, and will, eventually deepen. Let go of your cares and troubles. You are only responsible for yourself and your own feelings. Pray blessings on those who may have hurt you. Love is the water on the fire and the mover of debris. The weekend features a moon in Capricorn. Be ready to change plans if necessary. You'll get a chance to be more creative, career-wise.
PISCES The best heartfelt projects that give you joy, will still require some effort in order to take them to the level that gives you satisfaction. You've got the juice to make things sensual, appealing, creative, as well as interesting. Monday through Wednesday are good for publishing, studies, or travel. The rest of the week is good for dealing with the public and moving forward with your career. You may even be able to squeeze in a little bit of party time over the weekend.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Teresa Ensslin 8/12/62, Shelly Haskell 8/12/61, Bennett Hall 8/14/83 Koz McKev is on You Tube, on cable 11 BCTV, is heard on 90.lFM KZFR Chico, and also available by appointment for personal horoscopes. Call (530)891-5147 or e-mail
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AUGUST 12 - AUGUST 18, 2013
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