Town Hall Meeting Recap TSU Staff Council held its first Town Hall Meeting, Wednesday, September 26, 2018, at 11 a.m. in the Education Building Auditorium, with an audience of over 300 TSU staff members. The overall purpose of the meeting was to provide staff across the University an opportunity to have a dialogue with Dr. Lane. TSU Staff Council chair, Melanie Jackson, opened the meeting and welcomed all in attendance. She then turned the meeting over to President Lane, who shared important University news and information on a wide variety of topics, including: 1) The (5) Points of Vision and its correlation to University staff and the staff’s significance in achieving each concept; 2) The President’s Council on Equity and the relevance of this council to staff; 3) The need to complete the mandatory online trainings and how non-compliance affects the University as a whole; 4) Moving of the Title IX office directly under his leadership; 5) The one-time bonus; and 6) The hiring of the new Sr. Associate Vice President of Human Resources. Afterwards, Dr. Lane opened the floor for a lengthy questions and answers period. Some questions raised included: Why is Hannah Hall on Lock-down? Can we create a Tuition Reimbursement program for staff? Can staff members receive complimentary tickets to athletics events and the recreation center? Can the 4-day workweek be extended? Decrease in Parking Rates? One concern staff expressed was the lack of confidentiality in HR, 10
Spring 2019 | TSU Staff Council News
specifically, can we get something in place for a confidential barrier for grievances, cannot trust HR. To which resounding applause erupted. Dr. Lane addressed this concern by informing the audience, he was aware of the need to change leadership in Human Resources and he impressed upon the new Senior Vice President the need to rebuild trust and confidentiality in that area. Many in the audience expressed their satisfaction with this change through more handclapping and verbal expressions of gratitude. Staff were pleased with the personal discourse with Dr. Lane and the commitment from Staff Council to address the needs for staff at Texas Southern University. As staff left the meeting, a graband-go style lunch awaited each person in attendance, which left many satisfied with the overall experience. If you did not get a chance to attend the Town Hall meeting on September 26th, please plan to attend the next meeting on Tuesday, February 5th, at 11 a.m. in the Education Building Auditorium. To find out more about Staff Council and get involved, please visit http://www. If you have any questions/concerns you would like Staff Council to address, please email
Resumen de la reunión del ayuntamiento El Consejo del Personal de TSU celebró su primera reunión del Ayuntamiento, el miércoles 26 de septiembre de 2018, a las 11 a.m. en el Auditorio del Edificio de Educación, con una audiencia de más de 300 miembros del personal de TSU. El propósito general de la reunión fue brindar al personal de la Universidad la oportunidad de dialogar con el Dr. Lane. La presidenta del Consejo de Personal de TSU, Melanie Jackson, abrió la reunión y dio la bienvenida a todos los asistentes. Luego, entregó la reunión al presidente Lane, quien compartió importantes noticias e información de la universidad sobre una amplia variedad de temas, entre ellos: