Session 1: Christ superior to prophets and angels 1—7 July Icebreaker If you had to write a phrase or sentence to describe yourself to your yet unborn greatgreat grandchild, what would you say? How would this form of communication compare to a video diary of you? Key thought In a world of many faiths and of many different views about Jesus, the writer to the Hebrews wants to establish beyond all doubt that Christ is the visible human incarnation of the invisible God. In a world of many prophets, philosophies and ways to fulfilment, Jesus Christ is God’s last Word. Key verse ‘The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being ...’ Hebrews 1:3 Discussion starters 1. Why might we describe the Old Testament as God speaking with a stutter?
The Perfect One JUL/AUG 2010
Every Day with Jesus group resource
7. Why does the worship of Jesus not break the first two commandments? (See Exodus 20:1—6.) The example of Jesus ‘He is the image of the invisible God ...’ Colossians 1:15 Prayer pointers * Worship God the Father that He gave us His only Son. Worship God the Son that He came to reveal God to us and to die for our sins. Worship the Holy Spirit that He continues to help us discover more about God. * Pray for churches and initiatives such as the Alpha course, that there will be a clear message that Christianity is not about a godly philosophy but a Person who is God.
Session 2: Superior to Moses Icebreaker As we are considering the building of God’s house, you could introduce a game such as Jenga, involving building ‘bricks’ or building a ‘house’ of cards. Alternatively, ask people to share a testimony of how God has brought them through a difficult period into a new time of blessing. Key thought This session contains warnings about unbelief producing hard hearts and consequent rebellion against God. We need to need to acknowledge all that Christ has done for us and continue to trust Him when faced with temptations and difficulties. Key verse ‘Jesus has been found worthy of greater honour than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honour than the house itself.’ Hebrews 3:3
2. Why is hell a result of what we don’t do rather than what we do?
Discussion starters
3. List the characteristics of Jesus that help us understand what God is like.
2. What is our lost inheritance? (See Genesis 1:27—28; Revelation 5:9—10.)
4. In what sense did Jesus stagger to a throne?
3. How is our lost unity demonstrated and how can the Church reveal its recovery?
8—15 July 4. How has Satan lost his whip of deathly bondage? 5. Why was the woman restored in Mark 5:25—34? 6. Compare and contrast the achievements of Moses and Jesus. 7. How may our hearts be hardened against God? 8. What is the difference between doubt and unbelief?
The example of Jesus ‘But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house.’ Hebrews 3:6 Prayer pointers * Thank God that He is building you and those in your group into His spiritual house. * Pray that we will always have soft hearts, trusting souls and obedient wills towards God.
1. Why are Christ’s words important?
5. What role do angels perform today? 6. What do you understand about eternity? www.cwr.org.uk/edwjextras