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God’s Best SEP/OCT 2010

Every Day with Jesus group resource

Session 1: God’s will and the problem of suffering 1—10 Sep

Session 2: God’s guidance

Icebreaker Say the Lord’s Prayer together.

Icebreaker As we are considering the subject of guidance, show the group various signs, such as road signs, washing instructions, hazard signs etc. Give a small prize, such as a bar of chocolate, to the person who guesses the most correctly. For the more adventurous, plan a treasure hunt in the garden with various clues and a suitable reward.

Key thought God’s will is the best plan for our lives but we may fail to find it if we try to avoid suffering or a perceived limitation of our freedom. In fact, God can use our suffering to produce a deep empathy and compassionate ministry to others. Key verse ‘… your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven …’ Matthew 6:10 Discussion starters 1. Why may a quest for God’s will be pointless? 2. What are the prerequisites to understanding God’s will? 3. What is the key element of all temptation? 4. Explain the principle of submission to God and to one another (see Eph. 5:21). 5. How do you react to difficult situations? 6. Why can we rejoice in times of trouble? 7. How can suffering help us develop spiritual insight? 8. Why may suffering be good for us? 9. What is the relationship between suffering, sympathy and service? 10 How can grudges arise?

The example of Jesus ‘Then I said, “Here I am — it is written about me in the scroll — I have come to do your will, O God.”’ Hebrews 10:7 Prayer pointers * Pray for wisdom and an understanding of the subject of God’s will. * Pray for those who are suffering that they may be both comforted and be a source of comfort.

Key thought God personally takes responsibility for guiding us through life and will even lead us when we are not aware of His presence. Key verse ‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go ...’ Psalm 32:8

11—19 Sep 7. Does God guide unbelievers? 8. What doors has God closed to open others in your life? 9. How can we reduce the strain of decision making as Christians? The example of Jesus ‘... the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.’ John 14:31 Prayer pointers * Confess and repent of any involvement with false forms of guidance, such as horoscopes etc. * Thank God for His past guidance and pray for His continued leading both knowingly and unknowingly.

Discussion starters 1. Why may people use substitutes for God’s personal guidance? 2. Is a person led purely by circumstance, instinct and logic effectively an atheist? 3. Why may people indulge in astrology and horoscopes? 4. What are the qualities of a good father? 5. Why would God guide an ordinary individual when He has the whole universe to look after? 6. Recount an incident from your own life when God guided you. www.cwr.org.uk/edwjextras

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