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EDWJextra Session 1: A second betrothal

1—10 May

icebreaker Describe a real (or imaginary!) romantic date.

Discussion starters

Key thought God may sometimes lead us into difficult and desert places, not because He is angry with us, but because He wants to lovingly minister to us in a place of isolation. As a surgeon might tenderly remove a tumour from his wife or child, so God would devotedly remove the things that harm us.

2. What is God’s intolerable compliment?

Key verses ‘Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her.’ Hosea 2:14 ‘I will betroth you to me for ever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD.’ Hosea 2:19—20

Closer Encounters MAY/JUN 2011

Every Day with Jesus group resource

1. Describe a spiritual desert. 3. Why were we created? 4. What are the characteristics of a materialistic society? 5. Could fasting and tithing be antidotes to materialism? 6. Does ‘everyone have a price’? 7. If your home was on fire, what would you take with you? 8. How can we have a balanced life? 9. How may possessions poison us? 10. Do you tell your money where to go or does it tell you what to do? The example of Jesus ‘Jesus ... was led by the Spirit in the desert ...’ Luke 4:1 Prayer pointers • Pray for wisdom, and spiritual sensitivity to the lover of your soul. • Pray for those going through a desert experience.

Session 2: A fresh vision icebreaker Imagine you have won one million pounds. What would you do with the money? Key thought Although we do need to be sensible, God often uses our imagination to implant a fresh vision of Himself or set before us a new task. Key verse ‘... my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem ...’ Nehemiah 2:12

11—17 May The example of Jesus as He imagines the future ‘... on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’ Matthew 16:18 Prayer pointers • Ask God for a sanctified imagination. • Ask God for a fresh vision of Himself and new purpose for your life.

Discussion starters 1. Discuss the last paragraph of Selwyn’s notes. 2. What is the difference between humility and inferiority? 3. What part does the imagination play in the spiritual life? 4. How can we be sure we are not deceived by our imagination? 5. Why is being more important than doing? 6. Discuss the role of enthusiasm in the spiritual life. (See John 2:17.) 7. What are the benefits and disadvantages of isolation?


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