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EDWJextra Session 1: True servanthood Icebreaker

Authentic Apprenticeship MAR/APR 2009

Every Day with Jesus group resource

1—10 mar 3. Contrast the leadership of Jesus and that of a politician.

Session 2: Forgiveness

11—15 mar


Prayer pointer

5. Is questioning God ever right?

There are so many special days on which we send cards, so should there be a national ‘Forgiveness Day’ when we send apology and forgiveness cards?

Make a list of those God brings to your mind whom you need to forgive. For each person confess your resentment, forgive them and ask God to bless them.

6. How is the twenty-first century similar to the first century?

Key thought

We are called not just to believe in Christ but to follow His example and teachings in our daily lives. How can we be sure we are truly His followers, that we have committed ourselves to being ‘apprentices’ of our Master?

7. Why is the modern cult of celebrity antithetical to authentic Christianity?

Jesus readily forgave others and if we are to be His true followers, so should we.

One way is to look at ten characteristics which Jesus displayed and see if they are evident in our lives also.

10. What is the modern equivalent of washing feet?

‘Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.’ Ephesians 4:32

The example of Jesus

Discussion starters

‘... he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet ...’ John 13:5

1. Do you find it difficult to ‘forgive and forget’?

Prayer pointers

3. How do you deal with resentment?

• Pray for God to give you the strength to be a true follower of Christ.

4. Why is resentment like poison?

• Ask God to show you the importance of servanthood in His kingdom and show you people you could serve in His name.

6. Why may resentment be enjoyable and forgiveness uncomfortable?

What are the differences between a football fan who travels hundreds of miles to support his team in the depths of winter and an armchair fan following his team on TV? Key thought

The first test of whether we are a true follower of Christ is if we, like Him, demonstrate the characteristics of a servant. Later sessions will look at the other nine characteristics. Key verse ‘“Come, follow me,” Jesus said ...’ Matthew 4:19 ‘But I am among you as one who serves.’ Luke 22:27 Discussion starters 1. Identify the different voices that clamour for our attention.

4. Contrast a spectator believer and a participating follower.

8. Why must leaders have a servant’s heart? 9. Can a humble person be an effective leader?

Key verse

2. Why should we love our enemies?

5. Is a feeling of resentment sinful?

The example of Jesus ‘Jesus said, “Father forgive them ...”’ Luke 23:34

2. Who our leader is reveals important things about us. Why? www.cwr.org.uk/edwjextras

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