Tabiclick systems' assembly instructions

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WHO WE ARE Tabiclicksystems is an innovative company, established in August 2012 after several years of investigation, focused on the creation of a new system for providing constructive efficient solutions, energy savings and sustainability to the building process. Tabiclicksystems is the result of a company consortium emphatizing their efforts on the development of the product and the system. Not only Tabiclicksystems focuses on the product but also accompanies installers, specifiers and final users in the progress of their projects via our technical department and delegation responsibles. Tabiclicksystems is an unique and innovative system developed by Spanish companies, tested and certified by Tecnalia, that gives global solutions for the construction of both residencial and service buildings.

Tabiclickfactory is the brand of companies exclusively dedicated to the manufacture of construction products for the group. Based on industrial agreements in the countries where the high demand forces the instalation of a fabric, Tabiclickfactory aims to promote synergies to supply the market with the highest quality and promtness, using its own manufacturing process.




is a

patented construction system

based on a

sandwich panel

composed by

3 elements:

laminated cement XPS extruded polystyrene plasterboard


A fast and easy solution Environmentally friendly 3

PRODUCTOS PRODUCTS WALLPANEL®YPY Sandwich panel composed of an XPS extruded polystyrene core between two plasterboard. FOR: Interior walls Self-supporting cladding

WALLPANEL®CPY Sandwich panel composed of an XPS extruded polystyrene core between a laminated cement board and plasterboard. FOR: Exterior walls Deck slabs FORGEPANEL®CPC Sandwich panel composed of an extruded XPS polystyrene core between two laminated cement boards. FOR: Fan slabs Slabs

COVERPANEL® CP e YP Prefabricated panel based on XPS and laminated cement (CP for floor and exterior) or plasterboard (YP for interior). FOR: Dry ground slabs Direct cladding on indoors External thermal insulation system (ETIS) 4




STRENGHT AND LIGHTNESS ONE SOLE PRODUCT for different uses: exterior walls, interior walls, decks and slabs EASY AND FAST EXECUTION IT CAN BE ADAPTED TO THE PROJECT: any type of ямБnishing is possible; stone, ventilated facade or just a paint. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY SAVINGS

in energy costs in execution times 5


From June the 1st of 2013, an energy efficiency certificate is required to be avaliable for buyers or tenants in each sale or rental contract. Since then, it is also required to display, in a prominent place, the energy efficiency label wich must be clearly visible for visitors in every public visited building of more than 500m² of net area, in both public or private owned buildings where required. The process requires to foresight improvements in the obtained building energy efficiency qualification. Tabiclicksystems arise as an optimal solution for improving the building insulation. Tabiclicksystems represents the commitment for a sustainable future by acting directly on the areas that provoke the building’s energy losses. Tabiclicksystems’ building envelope solutions , provide the the greatest energy efficiency in the market: an envelope solution allowing any desired finish.



NO WATER CONSUMPTION Tabiclicksystems does not requires water consumption as it is a prefabricated dry-construction system.

REDUCTION IN FUEL CONSUMPTION The lightness of the panels, by comparing them to traditional construction systems, come of in savings on transport costs and therefore the reduction of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.

REDUCTION IN ENERGY CONSUMPTION Tabiclicksystems ensures the continuity of thethermic envelope of the building, wich eliminates energy losses and another building pathologies due to thermal bridging. This affects directly to de reduction in the building energy needs. This lower energy demand means that climate control systems can be adjusted to reduce consumption: lower installation, maintenance and usage costs. - LIGHT TRANSPORT - ENVELOPE CONTINUITY 7


TO CLIMATE Tabiclicksystems can be adapted to any local climate conditions because it is easy to assemble and allows the modulation of the building envelope. This permit to build double insulation solutions.

TO ECONOMICAL CONTEXT The facility of manipulation, placement and lightness of the laminated wooden pillars and beams structural system used by Tabiclicksystems permit his execution by local companies. This reduces the impact on the environment and reduces the completion time as none of the heavy machinery typically used is required.

TO PROJECT Tabiclicksystems adapts to the needs of the project, the type of construction and the site because they are easy to handle and adapt with all of the properties intact. For the environment, this means less construction waste and, therefore, less waste transport.



LOW ENERGY SYSTEMS with thickness of 46 cms

0,16 W/m2K

Tabiclicksystems with thickness of 25 cms

0,16 W/m2K

RENTABILITY REDUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION TIME The reduced construction time brings about a faster return on investment which improves the cost of opportunity.

REDUCTION OF GENERAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS Tabiclicksystems does not require highly skilled workers meaning local labour can be used which contributes local economic development and reduces the overall construction costs (wages, travel...)

REDUCTION OF MATERIALS AND MACHINERY COSTS The fact that the system is so lightweight reduces the structural requirements and, therefore, the structural costs in addition to other indirect costs such as machinery and auxiliary systems. BUILDING TIME SINGULAR 70 M2 HOME

nยบ men/day


Outer enclosure (CPY)



Slab (CPC)



Inner partitions (YPY)


CONSTRUCTION RAPIDITY Tabiclicksystems work well with LAMINATED WOOD-BASED STRUCTURES. Besides reducing the impact on the environment, it makes it possible to build buildings much faster than with the traditional system. The structural system used does not limit the use of Tabiclicksystems: it can be installed on a CONCRETE or METAL structure. It can also be used for residential and public buildings.




TRADITIONAL HOUSING > 12 - 18 months




Tabiclicksystems HOUSING > 3 - 6 months

FINISHES Tabiclick Wallpanel CPY and YPY models, which are used for outer and inner enclosures respectively, could support ANY TYPE OF FINISH:

Homes are ďŹ nished and insulated with a single material. This cannot be done with a traditional construction system. 10


INTERIOR PARTITIONS & SELF-SUPPORTING CLADDING partitions: Wallpanel YPY self-supporting cladding: Wallpanel YPY direct cladding: Coverpanel YP EXTERNAL WALLS simple: Wallpanel CPY composed: Wallpanel CPY + LY complete: Wallpanel CPY + L + Wallpanel YPY sistemas de aislamento external thermal insulation system ETIS:Coverpanel CP SLABS deck: Wallpanel CPY intermediate: Forgepanel CPC fan slabs: Forgepanel CPC DRY SCREEDS Coverpanel CP



intermediate slabs






interior walls

U CUT 12



< 300 cm

max. 450 cm

40 mm





> 300 cm 13

MANDATORY STANDARDS Generally, it must be taken the usual safety precautions of the work on site. TRANSPORT The panels arrive on work site on trucks. In most cases, the unloading of trucks will be made by other mechanic systems. STORAGE The panels should be stored on a ďŹ rm, at surface, protected from moisture and weather phenomena. Minimum 3 supports, two on each end and one centred. Do not stack more than 3 pallets heights.

HANDLING The panels should always be handled by two people, with the help of proper gear. During handling and installation of the panels should prevent runoff and scrimmage.





HORIZONTAL PANELS PLACEMENT For horizontal surfaces (floors) are used panels with “L cut”. The borders of the panels should be supported in the middle of the beam: cut the panel if necessary to support the correct measurement. Preferably staggered placement.



VERTICAL PANELS PLACEMENT For vertical surfaces (walls, partitions and wall linings) are used panels with “U cut”. The long side should be placed vertically. If the height of the partition is higher than the panel one, it can be used another “L cut” panel, with the necessary measure. In this case the panels have to be mounted staggered.






4 - Cut the panel throughout its thickness.

5 - Rebuild the lace where necessary. 40 mm

1 - Measure the height. 2 - Place the panels on a ďŹ rm support. 3 - Mark the cut point, considering the total height.


FIXINGS To fix the panels are used bolts and screws, depending on the structure; if it is made of wood, metal or concrete. FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES:



MINIMAL MEASURES When the screws must be pass the entire panel (for example in the floors and roofs) the minimum size is 14cm. To fix the panel to the metal guide (U profile 40mm) should be used 1 screw of 70 mm every 35 cm. METAL PROFILE fixation + STRUCTURE To set the metal guide (U profile 40 mm) to the structure should be used 1 screw (or coach bolt) every 60 cm.

The fixings should be at 2 cm of the edge of the panel.


Forgepanel CPC -SLABS 1 - Arrange the joists as panel sizes and loads. It should provide a minimum of 3 supports per panel. 2 - Arrange the panels. Should be placed perpendicular to the joists. At the starting point/forge edge, lace must be cut to align the panels to the limit. 3 - Place the first panel, checking alignment. Once in place, screw it to the structure with suitable fixings (see FIXINGS section) 140 mm, minimum 3 per joist. 4 - Apply foam on transversal joint and present the second panel. Fix to the structure as above. 5 - Proceed in this same manner until complete the first course. 6 - If necessary, cut the panels to fit it to the structure measurement (columns, contour - see CUT THE PANELS section).


7 - For the following courses, apply foam to corresponding longitudinal joint and repeat the procedure described above. 8 - The following courses can be placed with matching joint, but it is advised to make it staggered, which will provide the assembly more rigid and will make useful cuts. 9 - Before placing the last row, check ďŹ t and cut panels if necessary. 10 - Clean the excess foam after it is dry.



1 - Arrange the joists as panel sizes and loads. It should provide a minimum of 3 supports per panel. In the bottom of the decks, a stop element must be placed at the head of the joists. This element will work as a guide for the placement of the panels and prevent the first row to slide before being fixed. 2 - Arrange the panels. Should be placed perpendicular to the joists. At the starting point/forge edge, lace must be cut to align the panels to the limit (see PANELS CUT section). 3 - Place the first panel, checking alignment. Once in place, screw it to the structure with suitable fixings (see FIXINGS section) 140 mm, minimum 3 per joist. 4 - Apply foam on transversal joint and present the second panel. Fix to the structure as above. 5 - Proceed in this same manner until complete the first course. 6 - If necessary, cut the panels to fit it to the structure measurement (columns, contour - see CUT THE PANELS section).


7 - For the following courses, apply foam to corresponding longitudinal joint and repeat the procedure described above.

2-3 cm

8 - The following courses can be placed with matching joint, but it is advised to make it staggered, which will provide the assembly more rigid and will make useful cuts. 9 - Before placing the last row, check ďŹ t and cut panels if necessary. 10 - Clean the excess foam after it is dry.

2-3 cm

2-3 cm

11 - On the edges of the panels that could be stay visible, screw L proďŹ les at the top and bottom by 25 mm screws. Place a vertical plate to these proďŹ les, forming drip.


WALLPANEL CPY - EXTERNAL WALLS 1 - Prior to starting work, check the leads of the facades. This will allow us to determine the position of the profiles. 2 - Mark the position of the profiles in the slabs, using the blue marking cord. 3 - Place the profiles following the marks by appropriate fixings, to the base structure (see FIXINGS section). 4 - Check the height of the space to close (from profile to profile) and if necessary cut the panels and rebuild the lace (see CUT PANELS section). 5 - Start placing on a corner. This requires cut the longitudinal lace on the outside. Thus, the perpendicular panel could be overlap. 6 - Place panel and check that it suits its position. Apply foam on the profiles and place the panel, fixing it with screws to the upper and lower guides.


7 - Proceed in the same way for the next panel, applying foam on the profiles and on the lace of the panel previously fixed. 8 - Clean the excess foam after it is dry. 9 - Once the external walls has finished, plaster covers are fixed to the visible profiles in the inside with screws 25 mm, approximately every 35 cm.

It is convenient leave a panel unplaced to access to interior until hollow are made.


OPENINGS The construction system allows to place carpentry elements placated or embedded. 1 Arrange and mark the openings for windows and doors inside the house. In case of embedded hollows, leave a total clearance of 5 mm in both sides. 2 - Cut openings, through calibrated circular saw, at a depth of 5-6 cm. 3 - Drill, through concrete drill, the corners of the marked openings until cross the panel. 4 - From the outside, mark the openings reected by the previous operation and cut with the circular saw.


5 - Place the leftover pieces in the collection area. 6 - Install anchors for doors and windows. 7 - Mark the position of the anchors in lower, middle and higher areas, on both sides of the openings. 8 - Removing the core zone of the panels so that the anchor can be inserted freely. 9 - Apply the foam and place the anchor. 10 - Set the anchor to the side of the panels by screws.


WALLPANEL YPY - PARTITIONS 1 - Mark the partition on the ground by marking thread, extending the lines at the corners and checking the orthogonality. 2 - Mark a second line on the axis of the partitions to positioning the substructure.

3 - Following the axis line of the partitions, place the bottom U guide on one side, by drilling and plugs every 60 cm. 4 - Put the same guide against exterior walls in joints with partitions, ensuring its verticality and fixing it with screws every 60 cm.


5 - Plan the plummet of the partitions and mark it on the ceiling and/or in the structure. 6 - Place guide on the ceiling and secure it with screws every 60 cm.

7 - Place the first panel, starting with the panel in contact with the front-occurs between two people, standing on the bottom against the profile, and rises up it to placate against the top and side profiles. In this way we check that the panel is correctly sized.

8 - Remove the panel and apply glue foam on profiles.

11 - Clean the excess foam after it is dry.

9 - Placate the panel back and fix it to the bottom, side and top profiles with self-tapping screws (70 mm), approximately every 35 cm.

12 - Once finished the partitions, plaster covers are fixed to the visible profiles with screws 25 mm, approximately every 35 cm.

10 - Proceed in the same way for the next panel, applying nonexpanding foam on the profiles and on the lace of the previously fixed panel.


JOINTS INTERIOR JOINTS I1 - Review the cleared areas by fine paste, to get the highest possible flatness. I2 - Plaster and wallpapering drywall joints. It is necessary to review them on average three times to get the right finish. I3 - If there are flaws, lightly polish the joints and plasters.

EXTERIOR JOINTS E1 - Remove all traces of foam. E2A - For continuous finish clean the surface, eliminating dust. Apply a mortar joints layer and incorporate a fibre mesh. E2B - For paint coverings, stuck coatings and ventilated facades, apply a bead of silicone on all joints. In the case of the painting could be necessary to review previously the joints with a hand mill machine to improve its appearance.






EXTERIOR Monolayer mortar


Place fibreglass mesh in the thickness of the mortar, corner profiles and exploded jonquils prevision.

Fine plaster

Ensure joints flatness and finishing application by model and brand

Ventilated facade

Their placement requires a specific study according to finish material and exposure


Proper support clean and use of elastic polymers based glue. For larger heights, reinforcements support could be necessary


Waterproofing protective layer apply, permeable to water steam


Specific outdoor paint use, permeable to water steam

INTERIOR Use of a suitable adhesive to the weight of the elements to place

Tiling Fine plaster


Ensure joints flatness and finishing application by model and brand


Strengthening funds with hardening primer


Prior primer application *consult finishing material manufacturer to ensure its proper placement


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