PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE This year’s conference has been a rewarding challenge. We knew when July hit that cancelling the Fall Dallas Area Conference in Allen was a distinct possibility. With that in mind, the Executive Board made the decision to put on a Virtual Conference regardless of whether the physical conference took place or not. We spent a month researching platforms before Kris Andrews with CEDFA offered us space on the LearnWorlds Platform. Dr. Kari Murphy jumped on board as our Technology Chair and offered her assistance as well. Since its conception, the TAEA First Virtual Conference has had many hands helping and assisting with this monumental event. The generosity of time, the gracious lending of skills, and the outpouring of support from membership has truly humbled me. Our members stepped up to record workshops, lead live sessions, review a wealth of materials, monitor zoom and write articles. We could not have pulled off this conference without the help of many. Teachers, administrators, supervisors, and even retired teachers possess the most giving hearts. We sincerely hope that this TAEA First Virtual Conference provides you the necessary professional development that you come away refreshed and pumped for teaching in this turbulent time. Blessings to all of you. Warm Regards,
TAEA President
OUR VISION The Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) promotes quality visual arts education.
OUR MISSION TAEA’s vision is achieved by: •
advocating visual arts education as an integral part of a balanced curriculum
establishing quality art education through standards-based programs
researching, developing, directing, and publishing best practices in visual arts education
advancing knowledge and skills through professional development
serving as a voice for art educators of Texas
providing members with service and leadership opportunities
endorsing the placement of highly qualified art educators
mentoring the next generation of art educators
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