http://www.alnahrainso جمعية النهرين الدولية للعلماء العراقيين
alnahrainsociety Michigan USA 2017 Dear Colleagues, A group of scientists around the world have come together to establish a non-profit organization under the name “AlNahrain International Society of Iraqi Scientists”. It is headquartered in Michigan, USA. However, if the number of members in a country exceeds 35, the society aims to establish “Chapters” in such country, under the condition that a group of members in that country shows interest in doing so, and accepts bylaw regulations. We invite all Iraqi scientists (holding a Master’s or equivalent and above) to join the society irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, and country of residency, for the purpose of achieving the mission and vision of the society. Also the society welcomes all non-Iraqi who hold the same degree requirements of Iraqi, to join as “Friends”. The “Friend” should fill out the Application Form as any member, through the society’s web page ( The friend may participate in all society activities, except in nomination of board members (International Board of Director or Chapter Board members). Also, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who work voluntarily to the society especially Mr. Moayad Naoom who take care of the society webpage. Thanks also goes to all who worked before as volunteers to encourage colleagues and friends to join the society or other work. Thank you, and God bless you all. VISION: To transfer sciences, expertise and technology from developed countries to our beloved country (Iraq). MISSION:
To create and maintain communications, disseminate and promote studies, research, and technology, enhance scientific collaboration among Iraqi scientists and other scientific organizations, for their progress in the world at large in Iraq in particular. Note: Joining the society is free for the year 2017. To Join the Society, go to the society webpage ( and click icon “Join Society” and respond to the information in the “Application Form”. After filling it, up load your resume and submit it electronically, or you can print the “Application Form” after you fill it, then scan it and e-mail it to: , and we can process your membership on your behalf. Professor Hikmet Jamil Society President April 27, 2017
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