1.15 2.21
浪 漫 東勢 好客HAKKA 裝置藝術展
Vision of Sightseeing
撰稿 Writer/ 張百渝 Kiki Chang
東勢客庄小鎮,邀請你來寮 Dongshi Hakka Village Welcomes You 臺中市東勢區長
The District Executive of Dongshi District, Taichung City Pei-jhen Wong
翁培真區長 The District Executive, Pei-jhen Wong
東勢地處中央山脈與臺中盆地 之間,雨量充沛、氣候宜人,此 地栽種的高接梨、桃、柑桔、甜 柿、葡萄等水果,吸引不少遊客 慕名而來,因此素有「水果之鄉」 及「吉利市」的美稱。 Dongshi is located between the Central Mountain Range and Taichung basin. With abundant rainfall and pleasant weather, here they plant fruits such as pears, peaches, citrus, persimmons, and grapes. People also called it “The Hometown of Fruits.”
東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
地理環境的優勢,使得東勢得以規劃許多 得天獨厚的自然遊憩區,如東勢林業文化 園區保留了木材工業史蹟,也將原製材廠 之貯木池改種植荷花,是夏日賞荷的好景 點,還有東豐自行車綠廊可以一邊騎自行 車、一邊欣賞廊道沿途景致。
東勢林業文化園區 Dongshi Forestry Cultural
Due to the advantages of the geographical environment, there are many natural recreation areas in Dongshi. Dongshi Forestry Cultural Park retains the historical relics of the wood industry and changed the timber pond of the original wood factory into a lotus pond. People ride on Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way and admire the beautiful scenery along the bikeway at the same time.
東豐自行車綠廊的終點連接至東勢客家文化園區,這裡前身是東勢舊 火車站,距今已停駛 30 年,是在地人的共同記憶,現今則發展為文化 場館,遊客來此可入館欣賞不定期更換的靜態特展,假日還有特色市集 讓你體驗在地人的熱情。 The end of the Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way is connected to the Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, which used to be the old Dongshi Railway Station, and is now a cultural venue. In addition to different special exhibitions changing from time to time in the cultural park, there are also featured markets on weekends.
鯉魚伯公廟 Liyubogong Temple
東勢不僅客家人口最密集,大埔腔使用比例也最高!文化上受到先民 影響,在地可見許多廟宇建築如三山國王廟、巧聖仙師開基祖廟及鯉魚 伯公廟等,而傳統節慶裡最有名的就是「新丁粄節」,以紅龜粄象徵生 男,桃粄則代表生女,連續多年入選「客庄十二大節慶」之一。
Vision of Sightseeing
Dongshi has the highest density of Hakka population in Taiwan. It is also the place with the highest usage rate of the Dabu dialect! You can see many temples here, such as San Shan Guo Wang Temple, Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple, and Liyubogong Temple. There is a traditional festival called “Xin Ding Ban Festival.” The red Xin Ding Ban symbolizes the birth of a boy, and the Tao Ban has the meaning of giving birth to a girl. The festival has been selected as one of “The 12 Hakka Village Festivals” for consecutive years.
好客 HAKKA 裝置藝術展 HAKKA Installation Art
除傳統節慶外,我們也積極規劃各式藝文活動,如「好客 HAKKA 裝 置藝術展」,藉由 2,000 盞在地特色手繪燈籠,串聯周邊商圈及東 勢客家文化園區,希望遊客們可以親自遊訪,欣賞千盞手繪燈的 壯闊景致。 We are actively planning different kinds of artistic and cultural activities, such as the“HAKKA Installation Art Exhibition.” Connecting the surrounding business districts and the Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park with 2,000 painted lanterns with local features.
在地麵食 Local Dishes
體 驗 在 地 文 化 之 外, 也 別 忘 了品嚐東勢在地料理,因早年開 闢中橫公路的榮民大多居住在東 勢,因此飲食上以客家料理、麵 食文化及牛肉料 理為主要特色, 每道菜餚都是在 地經年累月的好 手藝、好滋味。
Don't forget to taste the local dishes of Dongshi. Because most of the veterans who established the Central Cross-lsland Highway in the early days lived in Donghsi, the major features of the local dishes are Hakka cuisine, noodles, and beef cuisine. Every dish is worth tasting.
近年我們也積極 與交通部觀光局配 合, 推 廣 山 城 慢 活 特 色 旅 遊, 以 客 庄 小鎮東勢為主要核 心, 串 聯 石 岡、 新 社 及 和 平, 希 望 來 訪遊客可以放慢生 活 步 調、 親 近 自 然 景 物、 體 驗 在 地 文 化, 愛 上 這 片 純 樸 土地。
採果趣 Fruit Picking
In recent years, we have also actively cooperated with the Tourism Bureau, MOTC, taking the Hakka township - Dongshi as the core, connecting Shigang, Xinshe, and Heping to promote the slow-life featured tourism in the mountain townships. Hoping tourists can slow down their life paces, get close to nature, experience the local cultures, and be in love with the pure land.
臺中市東勢區公所 廣告
Roaming the town 撰稿 Writer/ 張百渝 Kiki Chang
浪漫東勢 好客 HAKKA 裝置藝術展 Romantic Dongshi – HAKKA Installation Art Exhibition 臺中東勢地名取自「東隅之聚落」之意,因早期軍工採伐木料, 在此建有工寮,故又稱為匠寮或寮腳。這裡是客語推廣重鎮之一,不 但客語人口比例最高,還是大埔腔使用最集中的地區,而地理位置良 好、物產豐饒也是溫帶水果的知名產區。 The name of Dongshi District of Taichung was taken from “The Settlement in the east corner.” In the early days, the military industry harvested woods and built laborers lodging here, so it was also called “The Settlement of Craftsmen.” With the highest density of Hakka population, Dongshi is also the place with the highest usage rate of the Dabu dialect. Furthermore, it is the well-known producing area of temperate fruits.
好客 HAKKA 裝置藝術展 1/15-2/21 HAKKA Installation Art Exhibition
由 東 勢 區 公 所 主 辦 的「 好 客 HAKKA 裝置藝術展」,以東勢客 家文化園區為中心,串聯周邊商 圈及公園,使用近 2,000 盞在地 特色手繪燈籠打造溫暖的東勢 夜晚。活動時間至 2022 年 02 月 21 日 止, 歡 迎 民 眾 前 來 賞 燈! The“HAKKA Installation Art Exhibition” with nearly 2,000 painted lanterns is hosted by Dongshi District Office. Taking Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park as the center to connect the surrounding business districts and parks. The exhibition will be closed on February 21st, 2022. Welcome you to enjoy lanterns!
HAKKA 變色燈箱 HAKKA Color Changing Light Box
廣興綠地草皮上 (東勢客家文化園區停車場旁廣場) The turf of Guangxing Greenland (The plaza next to the parking lot of Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park)
HAKKA 有 著「 好 客 」 的 諧 音, 與今年主題相互呼應,而 HAKKA 變色燈箱每 30 秒即會隨機變換 紅、 藍、 綠、 米 黃、 白 等 多 種 色彩,底部燈座更融合了客家 花布的圖樣,映照著空地上的大 片綠地,非常引人注目。 HAKKA Color Changing Light Box will randomly change colors like red, blue, green, beige, and white every 30 seconds. The lamp holder even integrated the pattern of Hakka floral cloth.
特色燈牆 Featured Lights Wall
東勢客家文化園區前廣場 The plaza in front of the Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
園區上方懸掛燈籠,串聯 東勢形象商圈及園區後方迴 廊 道, 藉 由 這 些 燈 籠 將 遊 客們引導至園區,觀賞由近 300 盞特色燈籠所組成的大 型燈牆,將在活動期間照亮 晚間的東勢客家文化園區。 Lanterns are hung above the park, connecting the Dongshi Business District and the corridors at the back of the park. Visitors will be guided to the park through the lanterns to enjoy the large lights wall composed of nearly 300 featured lanterns.
Roaming the town
燈籠拱門隧道 Lantern Arch Tunnel
東豐自行車綠廊道終點 The end of the Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way
由近 1,000 多盞燈籠所構成之 特色拱門,遊客可以騎自行 車或徒步暢遊,在隧道中 觀賞每顆獨一無二的手 繪燈籠,無論是在白 天或晚上皆能成為 吸睛的拍照亮點! It is an arch composed of over 1,000 lanterns. Visitors can ride bicycles or walk along the way. It is a hotspot for photo shooting no matter in the daytime or nighttime!
周邊景點順遊 The Nearby Attractions
即將開館的原東勢公學校宿 舍(臺中客家故事館),由日 治時期經過整修後保留至今已 有百年,仍能看出原有日式工 法及材料;林業文化的保存少 不了東勢林業文化園區,為早 期開發大雪山資源時所成立, 是中部夏季賞荷的絕佳景點。
The Dormitory of Former Dongshi Public School (Taichung Hakka Story Hall) is about to be opened. It has been preserved for a hundred years after being renovated during the Japanese colonial period. Talking about the preservation of forestry culture, you can't miss Dongshi Forestry Cultural Park. It is also a perfect place to enjoy lotus.
必嚐在地美食 Don’t Miss the Local Food
早期食物不易保存,客 家人大多又以務農為主, 因此他們將收成的蔬菜日 曬後,加入鹽、豆麴等具 天 然 防 腐 的 材 料, 成 為 現在常見的醃製品,有芥 菜、蘿蔔、豆腐等。又因 東勢早年住著大量移入的 外省人,在飲食方面就有 北方麵食及牛肉料理融入其中,也發展成現今東勢在地的飲食特色。 In the early days, most of the Hakka people were mainly engaged in farming. At that time, food was not easy to be preserved so they added salt, soy koji, and other natural ingredients those can prevent food from spoiling after they dried vegetables. Those are the common pickled products nowadays. Also, there were a large number of provincials living in Dongshi, and they made the local food include northern noodles and beef recipes. 臺中市東勢區公所 廣告
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns
東勢水果之鄉X 客家人文薈萃 Dongshi, The County of Fruit and Hakka Humanities 東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
臺中市東勢區為蔬 果產業的重要城鎮, 香甜多汁的蔬果如高 接 梨、 甜 柿、 柑 橘、 茂 谷 柑 等 等, 都 是 外 銷的品質保證,使得本 地區有「水果之鄉」的美 譽。與東勢區形象商圈比鄰 的客家文化園區,為東豐自行車道 綠廊的終點,由早期東勢火車站改建而成,保留著客家重要的歷史文化,極 受遊客歡迎。來到東勢,商圈內的傳統客家美食更是不可錯過,附近更有許 多值得一遊的景點,如小中嵙健行步道、巧聖仙師祖廟、鯉魚伯公廟、果菜 市場、林業文化園區等。環境好、美食多、人熱情的東勢,歡迎遊客們前來 尋幽探訪。 Dongshi District, Taichung City, is an important area for the fruit and vegetable industry. Exporting high quality and juicy fruit, such as oriental pear, persimmon, citrus fruit, and honey tangerine, makes people call it "The County of Fruit". Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, which is close to Dongshi Commercial District, is the destination of Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way. It was rebuilt from the old Dongshi Railway Station. Keeping the important Hakka historical culture, it became very famous among people. When you visit Dongshi, you can't miss the traditional Hakka delicacy and those worth-visit attractions, such as Xiaozhongke Trail, Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple, Liyu Bogong, Dongshi Fruit and Vegetable Market and Dongshi Forestry Culture Park. Dongshi, a place with a beautiful environment, great delicacy, and hospitable people, welcome you to explore.
原鄉風情客家庄 The Hakka Village of Native Style
東勢形象商圈位於東勢主要精華區中山路上,臨近 東勢客家文化園區,也是到谷關必經的客家庄,保存 了客家文化的歷史傳承,並展示了客家人極具歷史 價值的生活智慧及文化演變,更是個高人氣的觀光 休閒商圈。 Dongshi Commercial District is located on Zhongshan Road, the main essence area of Dongshi. The location is near Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, which is also the Hakka village you must pass by if you go to Guguan. This famous tourism and leisure commercial district preserves the historical heritage of Hakka culture and demonstrates the wisdom of life and the cultural evolution of the Hakka people. 東勢區形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District
「新丁粄節」-不容錯過的客家年度盛事 Taichung Dongshi Sindingban Festival – The Annual Hakka Festival You Can’t-Miss
東勢著名的客家重大年度盛事「新丁粄節」起源於早期農業社 會,因重男輕女觀念深厚,特重視「出丁」文化,家中若有添丁 或新婚等喜事,將於次年元宵製作龜粄或新婚粄至廟中祭祀神祇。 新丁粄節當天的一連串活動,如踩街遊行、廟宇團體拼大粄比賽 等,更成為東勢一大特色文化。 The annual festival of Hakka culture in Dongshi, Shidingban Festival, is originated in the early agricultural society. Due to the thought of patriarchy, people cared about Chu Ding Culture (it means having a newborn baby boy in the family) so much. When a person gives birth to a baby boy or gets married, the family will make red tortoise cakes on the Lantern Festival in the following year and worship the Gods in temples. There will be a lot of activities at that day, such as carnival-style parade, Pindaban competition of temple groups. It became a distinctive culture of Dongshi. 巧聖先師廟 Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns 東勢藝文中心-東勢客家文化園區 The cultural center of Dongshi – Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
由東勢火車站改建的東勢客家文化園區,將原本候車室改裝為展覽 空間,並保留候車用的長條椅供民眾休憩,而內部不僅展示客家文物 展,更定期規劃與客家生活相關的各式主題展,成為東勢地區推廣藝 術文化的重要景點。 The Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park which was Dongshi Railway Station converted the original waiting room into exhibition space, and also kept the long benches for people to rest. Inside the cultural park, there are not only Hakka cultural relics but also regular exhibitions of different themes. 東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
回顧林業發展史-東勢林業文化園區 Looking Back the Forestry History – Dongshi Forestry Cultural Park
東勢林業文化園區前身為「大雪山林業公司」,在 60 年代是東亞地區 最大的製材廠,間接帶動臺中山城地區的發展。如今園區仍保留相關建 築物和展示國內外藝術家的木雕作品,而貯木池每到夏季便化身為荷花 盛開的秘境。 The formal predecessor of Dongshi Forestry Cultural P a r k w a s Ta i w a n D a x u e s h a n F o r e s t r y Corporation, the largest wood mill in East Asia in the 1960s. The cultural park retains relevant architectures and displays woodcarving artworks of domestic and foreign artists. The timber-pond became the lotus secret place every summer.
走訪客家聚落-月恆門與金門橋 Visiting Hakka Village – Yuehengmen & Kinmen Bridge
位於東勢下城地區,有兩處值得探訪的古蹟!見證 早期客家歷史的「月恆門」,門上有兩個圓形槍眼和 方形槍孔,作為防禦備戰之用,而鄰近處的「金門橋」 可是一座百年糯米橋,迄今仍完整堅固,小溪上還有 洗衣場,十分有意思!
月恆門 Yuehengmen
There are two monuments worth visiting in Xiacheng, Dongshi! "Yuehengmen" – witnessed the Hakka history in early days, and there are round and square embrasures on the door, which were used for defense and preparation. The nearby "Kinmen Bridge" is a century-old glutinous rice bridge. It's so interesting ! 金門橋 Kinmen Bridge
採果賞螢的秘境-梨之鄉與軟埤坑 The Secret Place for Fruit Picking and Firefly Watching – Pears Homeland and Ruanbikeng
氣候與地理條件皆佳的東勢地區,一年四季都是 水果盛產區,尤以「梨之鄉」和「軟埤坑」兩大休閒 農業區最為知名!不僅果園林立,亦聚集許多優質民 宿,推出住宿、採果、導覽等深度遊程,到了夏季夜 晚還有螢火蟲飛舞喔! Dongshi is abound in fruits in all seasons. There are many orchards and hostels in 採果 Pears Homeland and Ruanbikeng Fruit picking Agricultural Leisure Area. Tourists can enjoy in-depth travel itineraries with nice accommodation, fruit picking, guided tour. On summer nights, there are also fireflies dancing in the sky!
螢火蟲 Fireflies
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns
東豐自行車道 Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way
周邊景點串聯-綠色觀光休憩帶 Nearby Attractions – Eco-Tourism and Leisure Area
東勢形象商圈恰巧位在東豐自行車道綠廊的終點,串連了周邊許多景 點,如:東豐鐵路綠色走廊、石岡水壩風景遊憩區、新社白冷圳文化區、 谷關溫泉風景區、四角林場生態教育園區等休閒觀光區域,形成了一個 完整的綠色觀光休憩帶,讓東勢商圈蛻變成知名的觀光休閒中心。 Dongshi Commercial District happens to be at the destination of Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way. It connects many nearby attractions, such as Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way, Shigang Dam Scenic Recreation Area, Shinshe Baileng Canal Cultural Area, Guguan Hot Spring Scenic Area and Sijiaolin Ecological Education Park, to form a complete eco-tourism and leisure area. And it also got Dongshi Commercial District to become a famous tourism and leisure area.
Fruit of Four Seasons 春 spring
秋 Autumn
citrus fruit and honey tangerine
temperate pear and japanese persimmon
夏 summer 桃子、高接梨 peach and oriental pear
冬 Winter 甜柿、雪梨
persimmon and snow pear
照片提供 Photo Credit:東勢區農會 Dongshih District Farmers' Association
東勢林業文化園區 Dongshi Forestry Culture Park
走訪東勢商圈必遊行程 Must-visit Itinerary in Dongshi Commercial District 行程建議 Recommended Itinerary 路線
Itinerary 1:Humanity and Culture Feast
巧聖仙師祖廟 Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple
東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
東勢形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District
東勢林業文化園區 Dongshi Forestry Culture Park
月恆門 Yuehengmen
金門橋 Dongshi Golden Bridge
Itinerary 2:Natural Styles
梨之鄉親子體驗採水梨 Picking pears at Pears Homeland
東豐自行車綠廊 Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way
➡ ➡
東勢形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District
東勢林場遊樂區 Dongshi Forest Garden
2 0 2 2
臺中市好客HAKKA 裝置藝術展 1.15 2.21 每晚17:30~22:00亮燈
燈籠 照亮 夜 美麗 的兩 千盞 特色 手繪 文化 園區 增 晚的 東勢 ,使 東勢 客家 添不 少新 春氣 息及 活力 。
展場區域 客家文化園區周邊活動廣場 園區後方迴廊 東豐自行車綠廊道及廣興綠地草皮上 指導單位
導航請設定 臺中市東勢區中山路1號 (東勢客家文化園區) 臺中市政府東勢區公所
東勢區公所 官網
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