季刊 Vol.
Travel in Taiwan
封面故事 嚴選三條鐵道旅行路線 Three Selected Railway Lines for Traveling
活動 小鎮漫遊 迴遊阿罩霧,一起來當大人物! Wu Feng Touring, Be A Big Man Together!
臺中郵局許可證 臺中字第2037號 無法投遞時免退回 雜
中華郵政臺中雜字 第2147號登記證登 記為雜誌交寄
小鎮漫遊 東勢水果之鄉X客家人文薈萃 Dongshi, The County of Fruit and Hakka Humanities
主題遊程 輪速15公里,自行車漫遊臺灣 Wheel Speed 15 Km, Ramble in Taiwan by Biking
三義鄉 呂明忠鄉長
Sanyi Township Mayor, Lu Ming-Chung
愛玩中台灣 Vol.17 春季刊 發行日期:2021 年 04 月 15 日
Welcome to the Unique Hakka Mountain City in Taichung
Vision of Sightseeing
臺中市政府客家事務委員會 江俊龍主委
Celebrity Interview
放慢腳步,體驗三義慢城的美好。 Slow Down and Enjoy the Beauty of Cittaslow-SANYI
三義鄉 - 呂明忠鄉長
Council For Hakka Affairs of Taichung City Government Chairperson,Chun-Lung Chiang
Sanyi Township Mayer, Lu Ming-Chung
Enjoy Domestic Travel As Much As You Like During Post Pandemic Era!
IDEA 1966 Group CCEO 及 璟設計團隊創辦人 - 朱魯青 The founder of IDEA 1966 Group CCEO and IDEA C, Idea Chu
日月潭觀光圈 產官學三贏
SunMoonLakePLUS A Three-way Win for the Industry, the Government, and the University
螢火蟲 Firefly 照片提供:三義鄉公所 Photo Credit: Sanyi Township Office
國立暨南國際大學觀光休閒與 餐旅管理學系-曾永平主任秘書 Department of Tourism, Leisure and the Hospitality Management, NCNU Secretary General, Yung-Ping Tseng
旅遊情報 Travel Information
您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌: 國際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺北、臺中 遊客服務中心;臺灣電影製作發展協會(150 位會員);台灣各大旅行社、中華民國旅行業品質保障協會(3000 家);星動銀河旅 站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店台中民權、薆悅酒店台中館、水雲端旗艦概念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國 際大飯店、永悅行旅、1969 藍天飯店、富禾居會館、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中福華大飯店、
發行人:趙成年 社長:陳英俊 顧問:洪文能、蕭仕榮、吳政和 法律顧問:劉喜律師 總編輯:趙品瑄 執行編輯:何家嘉、張家銘、葉卉㚬 翻譯:賴思妤 Sandra 編輯委員:李明星、巫賜發、洪明峰 蔡維郡、陳奕錩、陳瑛宗 陳晁偉、丁榮村、吳奇鴻 林俊明、陳秀枝 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路 106 號 電話:+886-4-23780658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司
季節精選 Seasonal Selection
能輕鬆抵達的自然仙境 The Natural Wonderland that can be Easily Reached
苗栗三義雙潭休閒農業區 Miaoli Sanyi Shuangtan Leisure Farming Area
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns
Wu Feng Touring, Be A Big Man Together!
鐵道之旅 Railway Journey
40 霧峰林家花園 The Lin Family Garden
嚴選三條鐵道路線 深度火車之旅就此啟程!
主題遊程 Themed Tour
Three Selected Railway Lines Let the In-depth Railway Trip Begin!
輪速 15 公里,自行車漫遊臺灣
Wheel Speed 15 Km, Ramble in Taiwan by Biking
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns
東勢水果之鄉 X 客家人文薈萃
Dongshi, The County of Fruit and Hakka Humanities
封面故事 Cover Story
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following Internet Celebrities To Travel In Check-in Resorts In Taiwan
Leopardcat Trip
通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台中林酒店、福容大飯 店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福容大飯店花蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大飯店、 高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅人驛站旅宿連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星 光酒店、台東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創 HOTEL、海漾行館、佳仕堡商務飯店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店、圓山大飯店、臺北 福華大飯店、塔木德酒店一中館、塔木德酒店原德館、塔木德酒店台南館、田中央旅店、南方家屋旅店⋯(陸續增加)。
Vision of Sightseeing 採訪 Writer / 趙品瑄 Penny Chao
放慢腳步,體驗三義慢城的美好。 Slow Down and Enjoy the Beauty of Cittaslow-SANYI 三義鄉鄉長 Township Mayer of Sanyi Ming-Chung Lu
三義於 2016 年榮獲「國際慢城」認 證,成為台灣唯四的國際慢城之一! Sanyi was awarded the certification of Cittaslow International in 2016 and it became one of the four Cittaslow Taiwan!
要成為一座獲得國際認證的慢城, 實屬不易,除了要經過多階段的申請 與考核,本身發展條件更是關鍵。三 義擁有許多優質資源,包括:純淨的自然環境、親切的待客意識、獨 特的在地文化、健康的慢活飲食等,都是三義脫穎而出的原因。 呂明忠鄉長 Mayer, Lu Ming-Chung
It is not easy to be awarded the certification by Cittaslow International. In addition to multiple stages of assessment, its development conditions are the key points. Pure natural environment, friendly hospitality, unique local culture and healthy eating habits are the reasons those make Sanyi stand out from other places.
關刀山雲海 The cloud sea of Kuantaoshan
勝興車站 Sanyi Railway Station
如何慢遊三義?兩天一夜的深度小旅行最適合!建議可以先參訪日據 時期的建中國小奉安殿,然後由勝興車站的鐵道巡禮開始,乘騎鐵道自 行車欣賞舊山線美景,下午體驗客家擂茶和苦茶榨油,夜宿舊山線或雙 潭休閒農業區;第二天進行木製品彩繪和藍染體驗,並前往雙潭牛奶森 林步道散步,絕對收穫滿滿。離開前記得帶一些木雕餅、客家米食、香 茅油、苦茶油等在地伴手禮,回去與親友分享! Two-days-one-night trip is the best way to experience Sanyi! At the beginning of the trip, we recommend you to visit Hoanden in Jianzhong Elementary School which was built in Japanese colonial period. Then riding bicycle from Shengxing Station to enjoy the view of Old Mountain Line. In the afternoon, tasting Hakka Lei Cha and camellia Oil, and staying at Old Mountain Line or Shuangtan Leisure Agricultural Area for a night will be a good choice; on the 2nd day, you can experience wooden ware painted, blue dyeing, and take a walk at Shuangtan Milk Forest Trail. Before leaving, don't forget to buy some local souvenirs, such as wood cake, Hakka rice cakes, citronella oil and camellia oil!
Vision of Sightseeing
藍腹鷴 Lophura swinhoii
西湖村拐子湖 Guaizihu of Westlake Village
豐富人文外,三義也擁有美好的自然資源, 藍腹鷴與藍鵲便是這裡的珍貴嬌客,而即將到來的 四、五月,螢火蟲與桐花將輪番上場。三義桐花最為 親人,總綻放在容易親近的林間;在地社區推出的螢火蟲 導覽行程,賞螢的同時也能了解在地故事;西湖渡假村的 「藍眼淚」則是當季旅遊秘境。 Lophura swinhoii and Taiwan Blue Magpie are the precious guests of Sanyi. Tung blossom and fireflies will be seen in turns in April and May; people can realize the local story through the firefly guide tour launched by the local community; in this season, Blue Tears in West Lake Resortopia is the secret spot for tourists.
螢火蟲 Fireflies
當「慢」成為旅遊美學,倚靠的不只是天生條件,還需要在地民眾與業者 的配合與支持,方能從軟體至硬體、從內至外都展現慢遊精神。除了熱情親 切的招待遊客,三義鄉親對於「環境維護」也取得一致共識,積極協助觀光 旅遊所產生的垃圾問題,進行完善的垃圾分類,甚至還達到了垃圾減量! When "Slow Travel" becomes a tourism aesthetics, it also needs the support and cooperation of local residents and vendors. In addition to welcoming tourists with warm hospitality, Sanyi local people also reached a consensus on "environmental maintenance"; they will actively deal with the problems of garbage caused by sightseeing, recycling and even reducing the amount of garbage!
未來我們將持續創新與維護「三義.國際慢城」的品牌,硬體方面將 把日式木造的舊三義車站搬回三義,打造融合鐵道、客庄、農創青創的 嶄新場域;軟體方面則推動慢城友善環境營造、規劃深度小旅行、行銷 在地農創商品等,營造最佳的慢城體驗。歡迎來三義,請放慢腳步、放 鬆心情,融入三義樸實緩慢的生活步調,細細品味慢城魅力。 In the future, we will continually innovate and maintain the image of CittaslowSANYI to create the best environment for Cittaslow experience; the specific contents include moving the old Sanyi Railway Station back to Sanyi, creating friendily environment of Cittaslow, planning in-depth trip and marketing local agricultural products. Welcome to Sanyi. Relax and slow down your pace to enjoy the charm of Cittaslow-SANYI.
龍騰斷橋 Longteng Broken Bridge
照片提供:三義鄉公所 Photo Credit: Sanyi Township Office 廣告
名 人 專 訪
Celebrity Interview
採訪 Writer / 趙品瑄 Penny Chao
歡迎探訪獨特的臺中客家山城 Welcome to the Unique Hakka Mountain City in Taichung
臺中市政府 客家事務委員會主委
江俊龍 Council For Hakka Affairs of Taichung City Government Chairperson, Chun-Lung Chiang
江俊龍主委 Chairperson, Chun-Lung Chiang
擁有 49 萬客家人口的臺中市,客家人口全臺排名第二!不只如此,臺 中同時也是全臺唯一「大埔腔」客家語系集中之地,範圍以東勢為核心, 囊括石岡、新社、和平、豐原及苗栗卓蘭,是名副其實的客家山城。 With four hundred ninety thousand Hakka people, Taichung City is the second largest Hakka village in Taiwan! It is also the only concentration of the Dabu dialect in Taiwan; the main area is Dongshi, and the other districts include Shigang, Xinshe, Heping, Fengyuan, and Zhuolan Township of Miaoli.
如何深入體驗客家風情?以東勢開始,東勢有主祀魯班公的巧聖仙師 開基祖廟,搭配「臺中巧聖仙師文化祭」成為重要的觀光據點,而饒富人 氣的東豐綠廊自行車道,沿路騎經石岡至豐原,將東勢客家文化園區、情 人木橋、梅子車站、石岡土牛客家文化館一併探訪,兼具深度與趣味。 You may ask how to experience Hakka cultures in depth? In Dongshi, there is Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple worshipping Lu Ban Gong, and the Taichung Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Culture Festival. Riding along the Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way through Shigang to Fengyuan, you can visit Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, Lovers Wooden Bridge, Meitze Station, and Shigang Tuniu Hakka Cultural Hall.
土牛客家文化館 Tuniu Hakka Cultural Hall
遊客若喜歡秘境,不妨到小中嵙步道看看,途經果園與緩坡,終點景 觀臺可以遠望山景。若是說到農特產,桃竹苗客庄以茶為大宗,臺中客 庄則以蔬果花卉聞名,東勢茂谷、高接梨、柑桔、甜柿;石岡葡萄、柳 松菇;新社枇杷、香菇;和平高冷蔬果等皆具代表性,是不得不嚐的在 地風味。 If you like hidden places, it is good to go to Xiaozhongke Trail. From the landscape platform at the end of the trail, you can overlook the mountain. Dongshi Hakka village is famous for its vegetables, flowers, and fruits. Dongshi - murcott, pear, citrus, and persimmon; Shigang – grape and brown swordbelt; Xinshe – loquat and mushroom; Heping – highland vegetables and fruits; these are the representative ones.
目前我們除了推動東勢客家文化園區改造計畫,期能將火車站復舊並 將其打造為文化生態博物館外,亦規劃「八寶圳與八仙山林業鐵道客家 文化廊道」計畫,期望透過文史爬梳,讓遊客休閒放鬆的同時,也能了 解在地珍貴的客庄文化。 At present, in addition to promoting the renovation plan of Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, we also expect to restore the railway station and turn it into a cultural and ecological museum; on the other hand, we've planned the "Hakka Cultural Corridor of Babao Irrigation Canal and Basianshan Forestry Railway" project, hoping tourists can learn about Hakka culture during their visits. 巧聖仙師文化祭 Taichung Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Culture Festival
東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park 照片提供:臺中市政府客家事務委員會 Photo Credit:Council For Hakka Affairs of Taichung City Government
名 人 專 訪
Celebrity Interview
採訪 Writer / 翁心童 Leonie Wong
後疫情時代翻玩國旅! Enjoy Domestic Travel As Much As You Like During Post Pandemic Era!
IDEA 1966 Group CCEO 及 璟設計團隊創辦人
朱魯青 Idea Chu, the founder of IDEA 1966 Group CCEO and IDEA C
「亞哥花園」、「龍谷自然樂園」、 「達樂雕塑花園」、「香格里拉樂園」 等頗負盛名的遊樂園是許多人津津樂 道的童年回憶,它們都出自於「臺灣 遊樂園之父-朱魯青」之手。
景觀大師朱魯青 Landscape Sculpture Designer - Idea Chu
The famous amusement parks such as "Encore Garden", "Dragon Valley Natural Park", "Da Le Sculpture Garden", and "Shangrila Paradise" are childhood memories that many people always talk about. These are all designed by "The father of amusement park in Taiwan – Idea Chu."
經歷過臺灣家家戶戶開車出遊的黃金年代,到人人風靡國外旅遊的時期, 再到疫情後國旅逆勢成長的現在,國內旅遊要如何持續保有熱度,朱老師有 著他獨到的見解。 After having experienced the golden age that every family in Taiwan travelled by car, then, the period when everyone loved travelling abroad, and then right now, domestic travel has grown against the trend after the epidemic, Idea Chu has his insights on how to maintain the enthusiasm for domestic tourism.
說起國內外旅遊風氣的差異,每年都會跟太太出國旅行的朱老師表示,「在 國外,幾乎不會對一個景點刻意包裝,反而是驕傲的保留其最原始的樣貌。」 有種「不管遊客喜不喜歡,這就是我們本來的文化特色。」的自信態度,這 反而能讓遊客最真實地去感受當地的人文風情。 10
Speaking of the differences in domestic and foreign travel atmosphere, Teacher Chu, who travels abroad with his wife every year, said "In foreign countries, they rarely create the special atmosphere of the attractions on purpose. Instead of that, they proudly maintain the original appearances." The confident attitude of "Whether tourists like it or not, this is our own cultural characteristic" makes tourists feel the local culture and humanities in an authentic way.
而正因外國遊客的這種「天生脾氣拗」的性格使然,當他們來到臺灣,最感興 趣的旅遊景點當然也就是自然風景、歷史文化、藝文體驗這種最原始接地氣的各 種活動,而非只為譁眾取寵刻意營造的觀光打卡點。 Because of this kind of natural stubborn temper of foreign tourists, when they come to Taiwan, instead of those fancy and deliberately created check-in spots, they are more interested in visiting natural landscapes, learning more about historical cultures, and experiencing artistic and cultural and other local activities.
邁入後疫情時代,朱老師認為國旅可以朝兩個方向前進,一則是頂級精緻路線, 走訪私人美術館、私房餐廳、名人沙龍等等極富品味的行程。二則是適合普羅大 眾的特色文化體驗路線,帶入在地元素與引人入勝的故事內涵來發展。 Entering the post pandemic era, Mr. Chu thinks that there can be two directions to promote domestic travel. One is the high-class and exquisite route. The itineraries include visiting private art museums and restaurants, celebrity salons, and other tasteful activities; the second one is a characteristic cultural experience route suitable for the general public, bringing the local elements and extraordinary stories into itineraries.
最後,朱老師特別推薦 了兩個國內必去的私房景 點「茂林國家公園」以及 「香格里拉遊樂園」,前 者是觀賞自然生態與了解 原民文化的好去處;後者 則提供露營及許多體驗活 動,老少咸宜。
朱魯青私人美術館一隅 A corner of Idea Chu Art Museum At last, Mr. Chu especially recommended two must-visit attractions in Taiwan; they are "Maolin National Scenic Area"and"Shangrila Paradise." The former one is a good place to admire natural ecology and learn about aboriginal culture; the latter provides many experience activities suitable for all ages, such as camping. 照片提供 Photo Resource:點子故事工坊 Idea Story Studio
名 人 專 訪
Celebrity Interview
日月潭觀光圈 產官學三贏 SunMoonLakePLUS A Three-way Win for the Industry, the Government, and the University
國立暨南國際大學 觀光休閒與餐旅管理學系 副教授兼主任秘書
曾永平 Department of Tourism, Leisure and the Hospitality Management, NCNU Associate Professor & Secretary General, Yung-Ping Tseng
曾永平 主任秘書 Secretary General, Yung-Ping Tseng
為因應新冠肺炎對國內經濟、社會之衝擊,日月潭國家風景區管理處特別 委託國立暨南國際大學辦理日月潭觀光圈發展策略暨輔導培育計畫。成立了 日月潭觀光圈 (SunMoonLakePLUS),範圍包含:中興文創 ( 南投、草屯、 中寮、名間 )、集集鐵道 ( 田中、二水、集集、水里、信義 )、台灣之心 ( 埔里、 國姓、仁愛、魚池 )、太極美地 ( 竹山、鹿谷 ) 四大區域。推動觀光產業結盟 相關之規劃發展及計畫執行,並有效提升此區域觀光產業鏈質量,以及達成 觀光品牌行銷聯合推廣效益。 In response to the impact of COVID-19 on the domestic economy and society, Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area Administration specially commissioned National Chi Nan University to handle the development strategy and cultivation plan of SunMoonLakePLUS. SunMoonLakePLUS covers four areas, Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Area (Nantou, Caotun, Zhongliao, and Mingjian), Jiji Railway Line (Tianzhong, Ershui, Jiji, Shuili, and Xinyi), The Heart of Taiwan (Puli, Guoxing, R e n ' a i , a n d Yu c h i ) , a n d Ta i j i Splendor Land (Zhushan and Lugu.) It is going to promote the planning development and implementation of tourism industry alliances, also effectively improve the quality of the tourism industry chain in this region, and achieve the benefits of joint promotion of tourism brands.
清境暗空公園雲海 The cloud sea of Cingjing Dark Sky Park
日月潭觀光圈推動辦公室由國立暨南國際大學觀光休閒與餐旅管理學系曾永 平副教授兼主任秘書領軍,協助日管處撰寫觀光圈策略白皮書、四大區域計畫 提案之輔導、組織章程之訂定、品牌 CIS 之擬定、擬定四大發展策略(旅遊地 顧客關係建立、觀光圈軟硬體提升、媒體行銷推廣、體驗產品行銷推廣)。 The promotion office of SunMoonLakePLUS is led by Associate Professor & Secretary General, Yung-Ping Tseng, Department of Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management of National Chi Nan University. He assists Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area Administration in developing the white book of SunMoonLakePLUS, counseling four major regions for the plan proposals, establishing articles of association of the organization, drafting CIS of brands and four major development strategies (customer relationship establishment in tourist destination, the software and hardware upgrade of SunMoonLakePLUS, marketing and promotion of media, and experiential product marketing & promotion.)
日月潭觀光圈白皮書將區域發展願景設定在「強化旅遊地的競爭力與永續; 並與居民和遊客共創在地化的旅遊體驗」。期待透過旅遊目的地管理組織的成 立,落實觀光圈內各協會、組織、政府部門、專家學者的多方合作。 The SunMoonLakePLUS white book sets the regional development vision on "Empowering destination's competitiveness and sustainability and co-creating locals and visitors' shared experiences of the local hood." Expecting that through the establishment of the Destination Management Organization, the multi-party cooperation of various associations, organizations, government departments, experts, and scholars in SunMoonLakePLUS will be implemented.
自行車嘉年華 Come! Bike Day 日月潭觀光圈發展策略暨輔導培育計畫 廣告
Travel Information
《 愛玩台灣 》旅遊季刊 官網正式上線!
The Official Website of the Quarterly Travel Magazine 《Travel in Taiwan》Is Officially Online! 本 刊 物《 愛 玩 台 灣 》 目 前 已 發 行 17 期, 每 年 於 一、 四、 七、 十 月 發 行 30,000 本,通路遍及國內重要交通站點、飯店、遊客中心、旅行社等近千處, 在實體旅遊雜誌圈裡佔有一席之地!除了實體雜誌,官方網站已正式上線,透 過智慧型手機也能掌握精彩內容! Until now, 《Travel in Taiwan》 has already published 17 issues. 30,000 copies are published every January, April, July and October. You can see the magazines at important domestic transportation places, restaurants, tourist centers, travel agencies, and nearly a thousand places! The official website is now online. You won't miss any wonderful content reading it through your smartphone!
山城客藝展 4/9 隆重開展! The Grand Opening of the Mountain Town Hakka Art Exhibition on April 9th! 「山城客藝展 - 遊于藝」於東勢客家文化園區開展,以藝術家陳銘儀老師的水 墨創作為主軸,呈現使用水墨線條詮釋的東勢地景,包含大茅埔、三山國王廟、 林業文化園區、東勢客家文化園區等地及四季農村景色,讓遊客透過畫作更加了 解東勢山城的多元樣貌。 "The Mountain Town Hakka Art Exhibition "takes the ink creations of the artist, Chen, Ming-Yi as the theme to present the landscape of Dongshi, including Damaopu, San Shan Guo Wang Temple, Forestry Industry Cultural Park, Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, and the rural scenery in four seasons. Through the paintings, tourists can learn more about Dongshi, the mountain town. 時間 Time: 4/09 - 5/21
地點 Place: 東勢客家文化園區 ( 臺中市東勢區中山路 1 號 ) Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park (No.1, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City)
North Coast Seafood Wedding Hall
Icloud Luxury Resort & Hotel 水雲端旗艦概念旅館、雲河概念旅館位於台 中都會區,鄰近逢甲商圈、交流道;擁有戶外浴 池、KTV視聽設備等,可體驗百變生活。 Icloud Luxury Resort & Hotel and Uher Luxury Resort & Hotel are located near Fengjia Night Market and interchange. They both have outdoor swimming pools and KTV equipments for guests.
專賣帝王蟹,龍蝦大餐,無菜單,創意料理傳 統台菜,風華再現,有包廂,有喜宴,來館用餐 可點招牌香酥鴨,再搭配解膩解渴的自製貴妃花 茶,更是一絕。 The specialty of the restaurant is King Crab, lobster, chef's tasting menu and traditional Taiwanese dishes. We offer private rooms and wedding banquets. You can't miss our signature dish, Crispy Duck and handmade Gui Fei flower tea. It can reduce the grease.
+886-4-24220286 / 台中市北屯區崇德路三段 569-1號(中油旁) No.569-1, Sec. 3, Chongde Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-24525678 / 台中市西屯區青海南街159號 No.159, Qinghai S. St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
Cherry Blossom Forest
佔地8公頃的園區佈滿了數千棵的櫻花,置身在櫻 花的國度中,讓您沐浴在滿山林的櫻花芬多精下,身 心靈都可以完全的放鬆,可以露營、烤肉、戲水、生 態觀賞、工商聚會、鸚鵡生態介紹、鸚鵡互動、田間 小火車等,非常適合親子活動。百年檜木餐廳,提供 健康、無毒美食,不論是客家料理、鮮菇料理、精緻 合菜一應俱全。 It covers an area of 8 hectares. There are over thousands Cherry Blossoms. In this place, feeling the Phytoncide of Cherry Blossom makes you fully relexed, no matter physical or mental. It's a great place for parents and kids. You can do many things here, such as camping, BBQ, play in water, view ecology, have business gathering, learn more about parrot ecology, interact with parrot and take field train. Century-old cypress restaurant offers you healthy and non-poisonous foods, no matter in Hakka cuisine or family style, and dishes made with mushroom. +886-4-25815662 / 台中市新社區協中街6號 No. 6, Xiezhong St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City
Travel Information
尋找喔熊大作戰 騎單車抽大獎 Searching for OhBear, Riding Bicycle and Win a Lottery 交通部觀光局為推廣「2021 自行車旅遊年」,推出實地單車旅遊結合線上 AR 遊戲的「尋找喔熊大作戰」集章活動,活動期間自 110 年 3 月 15 日至 5 月 30 日止,全台共計有 40 個打卡集章點,將送出 LINE POINTS 點數、喔熊限量 周邊商品及行李箱等 3 千多個獎項,還有機會抽中 5 萬元及 3 萬元現金! In order to promote "2021 Year of Bicycle Tours," Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications has launched the stamp collection event – Searching for OhBear, which is combining bicycle tour and AR game. The period of event is from March 15th to May 30th, there are a total of 40 check-in and stamp collection spots in Taiwan. More than 3,000 prizes will be given away, and there are also chances to win over NTD10,000 in cash!
台中捷運綠線 4/25 正式通車! Taichung Metro Green Line Will Be Officially Open on April 25 th ! 台中捷運綠線從 3 月 25 日至 4 月 23 日試營運 30 天,每日 6 時至 24 時開放 民眾免費搭乘,4 月 24 日籌備日停止服務一天,4 月 25 日舉辦通車典禮,正 式營運!民眾搭乘須持電子票證(悠遊卡、一卡通及愛金卡)進出車站,另外 為配合防疫,搭乘捷運請務必全程佩戴口罩。 During the trial run period from March 25th to April 23rd, free rides will be available from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. every day. On April 24 th , the MRT will be out of service for the preparation day and hold its opening ceremony on April 25th. Please wear the face mask and use e-tickets (EASYCARD, iPASS or icash 2.0).
Wufeng Lin Family Mansions 霧峰林家是清朝林文察一族的宅第,揉合了各 式風格,李乾朗教授曾讚道:「霧峰林家就像臺 灣傳統建築的百科全書。」 Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden was the house of Lin Wencha in Qing dynasty. The building fused with different styles. Professor Chian-lang Lee ever praised that Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden is the encyclopedia of Taiwanese traditional architecture.
伊莎貝爾數位烘焙體驗館 Isabelle Digital Baking Experience Showroom
館內有數位影音互動體驗、360°VR虛擬實 境、DIY烘焙課程及下午茶,是台中好吃好喝又好 玩的新景點。 You can enjoy the digital audio and video interactive experience, 360° virtual reality, DIY baking class and afternoon tea in the showroom. It is a new interesting and delicious attraction in Taichung.
+886-4-23317985 / 台中市霧峰區民生路26號 No.26, Minsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
TA CHEN FONG UMBRELLA Co., Ltd. 大振豐出品的傘具,兼具美感與實用性,傘骨 輕盈、具備防風及傘布具有抗紫外線的效果,多 樣化的傘具種類,還有多種花色可自行挑選,讓 傘除了遮陽避雨的功能性外,更成為塑造個人風 格的時尚配件。
+886-4-2568-6899 / 台中市大雅區中清路三段737號 No. 737, Sec. 3, Zhongqing Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City
必買 雨傘
A variety of umbrellas with various colors and patterns, allowing it to become a fashionable accessory of personal style besides sun blocking and rain sheltering functions.
+886-4-22317689 / 台中市北屯區太原路三段1160號 No.1160, Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City
Travel Information
2021 台灣 燈 會 燈 區移 展 金 門 2021 Taiwan Lantern Festival Moves to Kinmen 因為疫情取消舉辦的 2021 台灣燈會,轉為「台灣燈會 全台祈福」,在全台 各地展出!其中「傳藝風華燈區」、「動物星光燈區」共計 71 座燈組移展金門, 打造「金門星光節」,成為台灣燈會歷史上的第一次離島燈會,相信將為金門 夜空帶來璀璨光亮! Due to the epidemic, 2021 Taiwan Lantern Festival was cancelled. With the theme of "Sending Good Wishes throughout Taiwan," a total of 71 lanterns groups of "The Glory of Traditional Art " and "Animals and Starlight" will be moved to Kinmen. The event is called " Kinmen Starlight Festival." It is the first outlying island lantern festival in the history of Taiwan Lantern Festival! 時間 Time: 3/28 - 5/30
地點 Places: 金門縣瓊林保護廟、蘭湖周邊 Qionglin Temple and around Orchid Lake
宜蘭綠色博覽會 打造希望城堡 Yilan Green Expo 於 2000 年創辦的宜蘭綠色博覽會,透過主題展覽、戶外教學與遊憩娛樂, 持續傳達生態環境友善觀念,而 2021 宜蘭綠色博覽會以「希望城堡」為主題, 並結合西班牙文學的夢想騎士唐吉訶德,規劃大型藝術裝置、定目偶劇、全新 創作歌曲等,召喚民眾一起成為守護環境的夢想勇者。 Yilan Green Expo continues to convey the eco-friendly concept through themed exhibitions, outdoor learning and recreational entertainment; 2021 Yilan Green Expo takes "Hope Castle" as the theme, and combines the dream knight of Spanish literature, Don Quixote, to plan large-scale installation arts, repertory puppet show, and new songs. 時間 Time: 3/27 - 5/09
地點 Place: 宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮武荖坑路 75 號 No. 75, Wulaokeng Rd., Su'ao Township, Yilan County
Chung-She Flower Garden 全台最大賞花景點,六公頃美麗花海,依季節 種植當季花卉,有向日葵丶荷花丶鼠尾草丶非洲 鳳仙花...等,還有各種裝置藝術造型,每年1-3月 鬱金香花季,10月到隔年6月為百合花季,受到許 多國內外遊客的喜愛。 園區內還有烤肉區丶盆栽區,提供全家衆親好 友休閒好去處。 The biggest place for flower viewing in Taiwan. There are six hectares beautiful sea of flowers. During different seasons you can see Sunflower, Lotus, Sage, African Touch-me-not, etc., and artistic decorations. From January to March is the Tulip Festival, as October to June of the next year is the Lily Festival. It's popular for local and foreign tourists. There are barbecue and potted plant areas. It's a great place for family and friends to spend leisure hours.
+886-4-25576926 / 后里區三豐路5段333號 No.333, Sec. 5, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City
綠大地露營咖啡農場 Greenlandcamping
位在新社大甲溪畔上第一美景設有各式露營區 豐富生態園區,適合悠閒親子渡假的好地方。 It is located in the Dajia Riverside of Xinshe. There are different kinds of camping area and abundant ecological park. It's the good place for family trip.
The Sun Hot Spring & Resort 共81間精緻套房、湯屋、大眾湯、蒸氣室及三 溫暖,泉質為PH 7.6、40℃的碳酸氫鈉泉,給您深 層的舒緩,回歸最初純淨。 There are 81 exquisite guest rooms in total, plus SPA facilities like public/private hot spring, steam room and Jacuzzi. The hot spring here belongs to sodium bicarbonate chloride springs with a temperature of 40℃ and a pH of 7.6, deeply soothing and able to restore your primordial purity. +886-4-22399000 / 台中市北屯區東山路二段光西巷78號 No. 78, Guangsi Lane, Sec.2, Dongshan Rd, Beitun District. Taichung City
+886-4-22390991 / 台中市新社區慶西里上坪4-6號 No.4-6, Shangping, Xinshe Dist., Taichung City
季節精選 Seasonal Selection
能輕鬆抵達的自然仙境 The Natural Wonderland that can be Easily Reached
苗栗三義雙潭休閒農業區 Miaoli Sanyi Shuangtan Leisure Farming Area 桐花 Tung blossom
來到苗栗三義,勢必不可錯過雙潭休閒農業區!其位於關刀山山系的海拔 700 公尺處,總面積約 118 平方公里,人口約有 2,000 人,在地居民以客家族 群為主,相當團結與和善。同時,這裡也是早期三義木雕發源地,不僅是全國 木雕集散中心,更吸引不少藝術家移居創作,至今仍有「老師傅一條街」以保 存傳統產業。 If you come to Sanyi, Miaoli, don't miss Shuangtan Leisure Farming Area! It is located at 700 meters above sea level on Kuantaoshan. The total area is approximately 118 square kilometers, and the population is about 2,000 people. The local residents are mainly Hakka people. It is not only the wood carving distribution center of Taiwan but also the place of origin of Sanyi wood carving in the early days. Moreover, it attracts artists to move here for creattions. Until now, there is still called "Street of Master Craftsman."
Characteristic Culture Combined with Local Leisure Agriculture 蘊含特色文化結合在地休閒農業發展,兼具多元的農場體驗場域與友 善服務的優質民宿,讓三義雙潭成為遊客的最佳休憩地點。同時交通上 也非常方便,主要道路為苗 130 縣道,由東側行駛可接台 3 線大湖及 卓蘭,西側則是國道 1 號,北下南上由銅鑼交流道或三義交流道下閘道, 都能輕鬆抵達。 Characteristic culture combined with local leisure agriculture, diverse farming experience area, and high-quality hostels make Sanyi Shuangtan the best place to relax. There is good public transport; the main road is Miao 130 County Road, you can take Miao 130 County Road and then connect to Highway 3 - Dahu, Zhuolan, and Freeway 1. It is easy to reach there from north and south through Tongluo or Sanyi Interchange.
在地美食 Local food
雙潭休閒農業區 Shuangtan Leisure Farming Area 21
季節精選 Seasonal Selection
Healing Trip - Rambling through the Sea of Clouds in the Wonderland 擁有霧都美名的三義,在雙潭 130 線(大通公路)海拔 380 公尺到 900 公尺間的關刀山森林區,因地勢特殊,仍保有四季分明、晨昏霧景、 雲海流瀑的美景。每年 10 月至 3 月,離海岸線不到 30 公里的最近雲海 美景,不時可見,令人驚喜!「牛奶森林」的浪漫名稱也因此而來,變化 萬千的雪白純淨雲霧,如奶昔般的濃郁流動! Sanyi, also called The City of Fog, is located in Kuantaoshan Forest Area, which is between 380 and 900 meters above sea level on Shuangtan Cty 130. Due to the special terrain, you can see the gorgeous view of sea of clouds which is less than 30 kilometers from the coastline! That is the reason why it has a romantic name called "Milk Forest." The clouds flow like the thick milkshake. 關刀山雲海 Kuantaoshan
近年來推廣森林療癒活動,牛 奶森林不僅提供遊客潔淨的空氣, 舒暢呼吸森林裡散發的芬多精,還 能漫步於迂迴曲折的山林步道,沐 浴在負離子裡,享受漫步仙境的美 好,讓生活忙碌的現代人得到有效 的紓壓! In recent years, mind healing forest trips are popular. Enjoying the beauty of the wonderland by breathing the fresh air and phytoncide in Milk Forest,and being surrounded by the negative ions of the forest trail; what a stress relief! 牛奶森林 Milk Forest
To Experience Ecological Museum in Four Seasons 雙潭休閒農業區共有 20 幾家休閒業者,對於得天獨厚的自然條件, 全體皆有維護保存的共識,全區農作以友善耕種為主,遊客可以吃得安 心、玩得開心!同時,更與遊客共享豐富完整的四季生態,尤其以 4 至 5 月的螢火蟲最為知名!螢火蟲是判別生態環境優劣的指標性昆蟲,光 害或環境上的變化都會影響其生存。每年同一時期亦是油桐花盛開季 節,白天可以欣賞浪漫花景,夜晚即可尋訪夜間滿天飛舞的小精靈。 There are more than 20 operators of the leisure industry in Shuangtan Leisure Farming Area. In this region, there are mainly environmentally-friendly farming. The operators also share the four season ecology with tourists. Among them, watching fireflies from April to May is the most famous one! At the same time of the year is also the season of Tung blossom; tourists can admire flowers in daytime and seek for elves flying in the sky at nighttime.
雙潭螢火蟲 Fireflies
時令至夏季,桃李季節登場,大型甲蟲-獨角仙、鍬形蟲等 也陸續來到,處處蝴蝶翩翩,百鳥齊鳴,天空不時有鳳頭 蒼鷹翱翔,幸運時刻還可以看見藍鵲家族飛越叢林!絕 對是喜愛大自然生態及注重養生的朋友們度假首選! When it comes to summer, it is the season of peaches and plums. Large beetles, such as rhinoceros beetle and stag beetle,etc. will appear gradually. There will be crested goshawks flying in the sky from time to time; if you are lucky, you can also see the blue magpie family flying over the jungle! During vacation, this is definitely the first choice for those who love natural ecology and care about their health! 廣告 照片提供:三義鄉公所 Photo Credit: Sanyi Township Office
藍鵲 Blue magpie
23 鳳頭蒼鷹 Goshawks
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns 文稿 Writer / 愛玩台灣編輯部 Editorial Department of Travel in Taiwan
迴遊阿罩霧, 一起來當大人物! Wu Feng Touring, Be A Big Man Together! 「阿罩霧」為臺中霧峰地區的古名,這裡匯集歷史、人文、藝術與 農特產,來這裡深度小旅行,絕對收穫滿載! "Azhaowu" is the ancient name of Wu Feng District, Taichung. This place gathers history, humanities and cultures, and agricultural specialty. Let's have an in-depth light trip!
Traveling through Time in Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden
明台高中內的林家花園林獻堂博物館園區, 可以品味下午茶與探訪五桂樓;霧峰林家宮 保第園區整修後再現風華,穿著古裝夜遊大 花廳、聽崑曲,宛如穿梭時空;頤圃融合中 西日建築風格,另有景觀台可以俯瞰整個建 築群。 It is good to have an afternoon tea and visit FiveCassia Tower in The Lin Family Garden Museum in Wufeng which is inside Taichung Ming Tai High School; after the renovation of Wufeng Lin Family Gongbaodi, visitors can wear on ancient costumes, then walk through Great Flower Hall and listen to Kunqu at night. Yipu combines Chinese, Western and Japanese architectural styles. There are also landscape deck for visitors to overlook the entire building complex. 霧峰林家宮保第園區 Wufeng Lin Family - Gongbaodi
Rambling in Democracy Center
為台灣民主奠基的立法院民主議政園區,不僅有典藏議政史料的議 政博物館、屋頂為圓弧造型的議事堂、昔日僅供省議員住宿的議蘆會 館,皆見證台灣民主發展史。 In Democracy Assembly Affairs Park, The Legislative Yuan, there are Assembly Affairs Museum which has a collection of historical data of assembly affairs, Assembly Chamber with a circular roof, and Congress Hall Hostel that was only used for the accommodation of provincial councilors in the past. These are the proofs of the history of Taiwan's democratic development.
立法院民主議政園區 Democracy Assembly Affairs Park
光復新村 GuangFu Village
感受文創藝術之美 Feeling the Beauty of Cultural and Creative Arts
這裡也集結藝術、音樂與文創,包含:由日本建築大師安藤忠雄設計 的亞洲大學現代美術館、將眷村宿舍重新活化的光復新村、全臺唯一的 國立臺灣音樂文化園區與臺灣現代音樂鈴博物館,讓霧峰充滿新時代的 活力。 There are also some places gathering arts, music, and culture and creation, including Asia University Museum of Modern Art designed by Japanese architect, Tadao Ando, GuangFu Village that revitalized the dormitory of the military, and the only National Music Cultural Park and Taiwan Modern Musical Boxes Museum in Taiwan. 亞洲大學現代美術館 Asia University Museum of Modern Art
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns
不錯過好食好味 The Delicacies You Cannot Miss
旅遊中的美食必要嚐在地滋味,不妨至樹仁商圈找美食小吃,或到霧 峰民生故事館、舊正社區、桐林社區體驗小農風味,而伴手禮首選霧峰 在地香米和榮獲國際大獎的霧峰清酒。 Why not go to Shuren Business District to have some delicacies and snacks or taste the flavors of Taiwan local farmers at Minsheng House of Microhistory, Jiuzheng Community and Tonglin Community; as for souvenirs, the best choices are Wufeng's local rice and Wufeng Sake which has won the international award.
霧峰清酒 Wufeng Sake
巡迴巴士 Touring Bus
精選套票與套裝行程 Selected Tickets Package and Package Itinerary
為推廣阿罩霧旅遊,交通部觀光局不僅規劃巡迴 巴士串聯霧峰十大景點,更推出五款電子套票供遊客選擇,包含無限 次搭乘車票、參觀門票和霧峰香米。另外亦規劃六條自由行遊程,以 及兩條旅行社套裝遊程(請洽燦星旅遊、近畿旅行社、長汎旅行社), 帶你深度漫遊阿罩霧! Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan) has planned touring buses to connect the top 10 attractions in Wufeng and also launched 5 types of e-ticket package for tourists for choices, including unlimited ride ticket, admission ticket and Wufeng rice. In addition, there are also 6 types of self-guided tour and two types of package tour. Let us take you to have an in-depth travel in Azhaowu! For more information, please contact Star Travel, KNT Travel and EverFUn Holiday.
巡迴巴士路線 Touring Bus Route 即日起至 110 年 6 月 14 日,星期六、日及國定假日行駛
Run on Saturday, Sunday and national holidays from now on to Jun 14th, 2021
高鐵台中站僅首二班車及末二班車行駛 Only first two and last two buses stop at High Speed Rail Taichung Station
巡迴巴士時刻表請至官網查詢 Please check the official website for the touring bus timetable 高鐵台中站
921 地震教育園區
HSR Taichung Station
Guang Fu Village
921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan
立法院民主 議政園區
臺灣現代音樂 鈴博物館
Democracy Assembly Affairs Park
Taiwan Modern Musical Boxes Museum
國立臺灣交 響樂團
霧峰農會酒莊 Wu-Feng Farmer's Association Distillery
National Music Cultural Park
霧峰林家花園 林獻堂博物館
亞洲大學 現代美術館
The Lin Family Garden Museum
Wufeng Lin Family Mansion
Shuren Business District
Asia University Museum of Modern Art
「迴遊阿罩霧」 旅遊套票購買 & 巡迴巴士時刻表 Wu Feng Touring Tickets Package & Touring Bus Timetable
主題 遊程 Themed Tour
輪速 15 公里,自行車漫遊臺灣 Wheel Speed 15 Km, Ramble in Taiwan by Biking
2021 年因應健康、環保、綠能的趨勢,明定為 「自行車旅遊年」,各大活動傾巢而出,圍繞著 自行車展開的旅行方式精彩可期。如果你是單 車愛好者,接下來的內容絕對不要錯過! In response to the trends of health, environmental protection, and green energy, 2021 has been named Year of Bicycle Tours. If you are a cyclist, don't miss the following activities!
台南官田 Tainan-Guantian
新北淡水 New Taipei City-Danshui
以自行車展開的一次旅行 A Biking Tour
隨著環島一號線,以及各地自行車路網日漸完善、共享單車的 普及,自行車已然成為便利、舒適且安全的移動選擇。交通部觀光 局特別規劃 16 條自行車多元路線,串聯各地名勝景區,藉由四通八達, 且食、宿、遊、購、娛俱全的遊程設計,讓來自世界的旅人能以不同角度、 悠然地深入臺灣,體驗濃濃在地人情味。 With the improvements of Cycling Route No.1 and bike way network in various places and the popularity of bicycle sharing system, bicycles have become a convenient, comfortable, and safe means of transportation. Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan) had 新北瑞芳 specially planned 16 bicycle routes to connect New Taipei City-Ruifang attractions all around Taiwan. Through the itinerary of food, accommodation, travel, shopping, and entertainment to let people from all over the world be able to deeply feel the warm hospitality of Taiwan.
雲林口湖 Yunlin-Kouhu
百大經典小鎮圖鑑,等你來蒐集 Collect the Illustrated Stamp Book of the 100 Classic Small Towns
自行車時速僅 15 公里的特性,非常適合放慢步調 的小鎮深度旅行。自 2019 小鎮漫遊年伊始,交通部 觀光局遴選出百大經典小鎮,集結自行車、客庄(國際 慢城)、山城、海灣、農村、部落、鐵道等元素,各自展現 了 寶 島 魅力。而每到一個地方留下的足跡,還可以用小鎮護照紀錄點滴, 掃描 QRcode 收集特色章點,臺灣小鎮漫遊成就 get ! The speed of bicycles is only 15 kilometers per hour, which is quite suitable for slow-paced in-depth travel in small townships. Since 2019 - the year of Taiwan Small Town Ramble, Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan) has selected 100 classic small towns with the elements such as bicycles, Hakka villages (Cittaslow), mountain cities, bays, rural areas, tribes, and railways; tourists can record the daily of travel on Town Passport and scan the QRcode to collect featured stamps!
神遊雲端 x 環騎臺灣 Travel in the Clouds in Your Heart x Riding Bicycle around Taiwan
小鎮百百款、自行車旅遊又有多種路線,一不小心就會陷入選擇困難症, 不過無須擔心,在小鎮漫遊護照網站,有各式線上互動遊戲及投稿活動:以 插畫呈現小鎮特色,兼有尋寶遊戲帶領旅人一步步瞭解小鎮內涵,更有來自 網美與多位旅人的自行車影像慷慨分享,讓自行車小鎮旅遊更輕鬆、更有遊 興。趁著春光正好,動身投入出遊行列,現在就帶著自行車,騎出自己的臺 灣騎跡吧! There are different kinds of online interactive games and contribution activities on https://townpassport.com.tw/; you can see the characteristics of the small towns through illustrations. Treasure hunt game will lead you to learn more about the small towns. There are also photos shared by internet celebrities or travelers. During the great springtime, let's ride on a bicycle and start your own tours!
小鎮漫遊護照網站 TownPassport Website
彰化二水 Changhua-Ershui
2021 自行車系列活動
A Series of Cycling Activities of 2021 活動 Activity
時間 Period
地點 Place
2021 澎湖自行車跳島嘉年華活動 2021 Penghu Cycling Festival
3/1-10/31 March 1st to October 31st
澎湖 / 馬公 - 西嶼 Penghu/ Magong - Xiyu
2021 參山騎旅自行車系列活動 2021 Tri-mountain Cycling Activities
3 月 -11 月 March to November
3、4 月彰化 / 彰化火車站 - 橫山賞鷹平台 March、April/Changhua Station Hengshan Region 5 月 新竹 / 獅頭山峨眉湖 - 北埔 May Hsinchu/Lion's Head Mountain、 Emei Lake - Beipu
2021 年馬到成功 168 自行車遊程 2021 Ma Dao Cheng Gong 168 Cycling Tour
3 月 -12 月 March to December
臺東 / 馬亨亨大道 - 成功鎮 Taitung/ Mahengheng Boulevard Chenggong Township
來 Bike( 吧 )! 去屏東走走單車活動 Let's Bike! Go to Pingtung for Cycling Activities
4/17、5/22 April 17th、 May 22nd
屏東 / 枋寮漁港 - 恆春 Pingtung/ Fangliao Fish Harbor Hengchun
花東縱谷自行車漫旅 East Rift Valley Cycling Tour
5/29 May 29th
臺東 / 關山火車站 Taitung/ Guanshan Station
2021 世界自行車日 2021 World Bicycle Day
6/3 June 3rd
基隆 / 外木山漁港 - 新北 / 萬里石角 Keelung/ Waimushan Fishing Harbor – New Taipei/ Shijiao of Wanli
2021 馬祖好卡蹓 - 跳島自行車慢遊 2021 Matsu Cycling Tour
6 月 -10/31 June to October 31st
馬祖 / 南竿、北竿 Matsu/ Nangan、Beigan
2021 東北角自行車系列活動 2021 The Northeast Coast Cycling Activities
6 月 -12 月 June to December
6 月 新北 / 福隆舊草嶺自行車道 June New Taipei/Fulong Old Caoling Bicycle Trail
小 鎮 漫 遊
* 自行車旅遊年行事曆以 3 月 22 日截稿日為準,欲知最新 消息與下半年度自行車活動,請洽自行車旅遊年網站 https:// taiwanbike.taiwan.net.tw/ *The calendar of Year of Bicycle Tourism is only scheduled until the cut-off day, March 22nd. For the latest news and the cycling activities in the second half of the year, please check on https://taiwanbike.taiwan.net.tw/
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns
東勢水果之鄉X 客家人文薈萃 Dongshi, The County of Fruit and Hakka Humanities 東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
臺中市東勢區為蔬 果產業的重要城鎮, 香甜多汁的蔬果如高 接 梨、 甜 柿、 柑 橘、 茂 谷 柑 等 等, 都 是 外 銷的品質保證,使得本 地區有「水果之鄉」的美 譽。與東勢區形象商圈比鄰 的客家文化園區,為東豐自行車道 綠廊的終點,由早期東勢火車站改建而成,保留著客家重要的歷史文化,極 受遊客歡迎。來到東勢,商圈內的傳統客家美食更是不可錯過,附近更有許 多值得一遊的景點,如小中嵙健行步道、巧聖仙師祖廟、鯉魚伯公廟、果菜 市場、林業文化園區等。環境好、美食多、人熱情的東勢,歡迎遊客們前來 尋幽探訪。 Dongshi District, Taichung City, is an important area for the fruit and vegetable industry. Exporting high quality and juicy fruit, such as oriental pear, persimmon, citrus fruit, and honey tangerine, makes people call it "The County of Fruit". Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, which is close to Dongshi Commercial District, is the destination of Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way. It was rebuilt from the old Dongshi Railway Station. Keeping the important Hakka historical culture, it became very famous among people. When you visit Dongshi, you can't miss the traditional Hakka delicacy and those worth-visit attractions, such as Xiaozhongke Trail, Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple, Liyu Bogong, Dongshi Fruit and Vegetable Market and Dongshi Forestry Culture Park. Dongshi, a place with a beautiful environment, great delicacy, and hospitable people, welcome you to explore.
原鄉風情客家庄 The Hakka Village of Native Style
東勢形象商圈位於東勢主要精華區中山路上,臨近 東勢客家文化園區,也是到谷關必經的客家庄,保存 了客家文化的歷史傳承,並展示了客家人極具歷史 價值的生活智慧及文化演變,更是個高人氣的觀光 休閒商圈。 Dongshi Commercial District is located on Zhongshan Road, the main essence area of Dongshi. The location is near Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, which is also the Hakka village you must pass by if you go to Guguan. This famous tourism and leisure commercial district preserves the historical heritage of Hakka culture and demonstrates the wisdom of life and the cultural evolution of the Hakka people. 東勢區形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District
「新丁粄節」-不容錯過的客家年度盛事 Taichung Dongshi Sindingban Festival – The Annual Hakka Festival You Can’t-Miss
東勢著名的客家重大年度盛事「新丁粄節」起源於早期農業社 會,因重男輕女觀念深厚,特重視「出丁」文化,家中若有添丁 或新婚等喜事,將於次年元宵製作龜粄或新婚粄至廟中祭祀神祇。 新丁粄節當天的一連串活動,如踩街遊行、廟宇團體拼大粄比賽 等,更成為東勢一大特色文化。 The annual festival of Hakka culture in Dongshi, Shidingban Festival, is originated in the early agricultural society. Due to the thought of patriarchy, people cared about Chu Ding Culture (it means having a newborn baby boy in the family) so much. When a person gives birth to a baby boy or gets married, the family will make red tortoise cakes on the Lantern Festival in the following year and worship the Gods in temples. There will be a lot of activities at that day, such as carnival-style parade, Pindaban competition of temple groups. It became a distinctive culture of Dongshi. 巧聖先師廟 Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns 東勢藝文中心-東勢客家文化園區 The cultural center of Dongshi – Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
由東勢火車站改建的東勢客家文化園區,將原本候車室改裝為展覽 空間,並保留候車用的長條椅供民眾休憩,而內部不僅展示客家文物 展,更定期規劃與客家生活相關的各式主題展,成為東勢地區推廣藝 術文化的重要景點。 The Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park which was Dongshi Railway Station converted the original waiting room into exhibition space, and also kept the long benches for people to rest. Inside the cultural park, there are not only Hakka cultural relics but also regular exhibitions of different themes. 東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
回顧林業發展史-東勢林業文化園區 Looking Back the Forestry History – Dongshi Forestry Cultural Park
東勢林業文化園區前身為「大雪山林業公司」,在 60 年代是東亞地區 最大的製材廠,間接帶動臺中山城地區的發展。如今園區仍保留相關建 築物和展示國內外藝術家的木雕作品,而貯木池每到夏季便化身為荷花 盛開的秘境。 The formal predecessor of Dongshi Forestry Cultural P a r k w a s Ta i w a n D a x u e s h a n F o r e s t r y Corporation, the largest wood mill in East Asia in the 1960s. The cultural park retains relevant architectures and displays woodcarving artworks of domestic and foreign artists. The timber-pond became the lotus secret place every summer.
走訪客家聚落-月恆門與金門橋 Visiting Hakka Village – Yuehengmen & Kinmen Bridge
位於東勢下城地區,有兩處值得探訪的古蹟!見證 早期客家歷史的「月恆門」,門上有兩個圓形槍眼和 方形槍孔,作為防禦備戰之用,而鄰近處的「金門橋」 可是一座百年糯米橋,迄今仍完整堅固,小溪上還有 洗衣場,十分有意思!
月恆門 Yuehengmen
There are two monuments worth visiting in Xiacheng, Dongshi! "Yuehengmen" – witnessed the Hakka history in early days, and there are round and square embrasures on the door, which were used for defense and preparation. The nearby "Kinmen Bridge" is a century-old glutinous rice bridge. It's so interesting ! 金門橋 Kinmen Bridge
採果賞螢的秘境-梨之鄉與軟埤坑 The Secret Place for Fruit Picking and Firefly Watching – Pears Homeland and Ruanbikeng
氣候與地理條件皆佳的東勢地區,一年四季都是 水果盛產區,尤以「梨之鄉」和「軟埤坑」兩大休閒 農業區最為知名!不僅果園林立,亦聚集許多優質民 宿,推出住宿、採果、導覽等深度遊程,到了夏季夜 晚還有螢火蟲飛舞喔! Dongshi is abound in fruits in all seasons. There are many orchards and hostels in 採果 Pears Homeland and Ruanbikeng Fruit picking Agricultural Leisure Area. Tourists can enjoy in-depth travel itineraries with nice accommodation, fruit picking, guided tour. On summer nights, there are also fireflies dancing in the sky!
螢火蟲 Fireflies
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns
東豐自行車道 Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way
周邊景點串聯-綠色觀光休憩帶 Nearby Attractions – Eco-Tourism and Leisure Area
東勢形象商圈恰巧位在東豐自行車道綠廊的終點,串連了周邊許多景 點,如:東豐鐵路綠色走廊、石岡水壩風景遊憩區、新社白冷圳文化區、 谷關溫泉風景區、四角林場生態教育園區等休閒觀光區域,形成了一個 完整的綠色觀光休憩帶,讓東勢商圈蛻變成知名的觀光休閒中心。 Dongshi Commercial District happens to be at the destination of Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way. It connects many nearby attractions, such as Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way, Shigang Dam Scenic Recreation Area, Shinshe Baileng Canal Cultural Area, Guguan Hot Spring Scenic Area and Sijiaolin Ecological Education Park, to form a complete eco-tourism and leisure area. And it also got Dongshi Commercial District to become a famous tourism and leisure area.
Fruit of Four Seasons 春 spring
秋 Autumn
citrus fruit and honey tangerine
temperate pear and japanese persimmon
夏 summer 桃子、高接梨 peach and oriental pear
冬 Winter 甜柿、雪梨
persimmon and snow pear
照片提供 Photo Credit:東勢區農會 Dongshih District Farmers' Association
東勢林業文化園區 Dongshi Forestry Culture Park
走訪東勢商圈必遊行程 Must-visit Itinerary in Dongshi Commercial District 行程建議 Recommended Itinerary 路線
Itinerary 1:Humanity and Culture Feast
巧聖仙師祖廟 Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple
東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
東勢形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District
東勢林業文化園區 Dongshi Forestry Culture Park
月恆門 Yuehengmen
金門橋 Dongshi Golden Bridge
Itinerary 2:Natural Styles
梨之鄉親子體驗採水梨 Picking pears at Pears Homeland
東豐自行車綠廊 Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way
➡ ➡
東勢形象商圈 Dongshi Commercial District
東勢林場遊樂區 Dongshi Forest Garden
封面故事 Cover Story
嚴選三條鐵道路線 深度火車之旅就此啟程! Three Selected Railway Lines Let the In-depth Railway Trip Begin! 帶路人 Author
寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊。 Professional novelist who likes writing, reading, painting, and traveling.
鐵道深入台灣各地,無論是東西半部,或是延伸出來的各條 支線,都是絕佳的探索路線,而有時火車站本身便是景點,有歷 史、有人文、有風景,讓我們隨走隨玩,展開鐵道大冒險吧! The Railway takes people to all parts of Taiwan; no matter it is eastern, western Taiwan or the lines those extend out, it is a great line to explore; sometimes the railway station itself is an attraction. Let's start the railway adventure!
鐵道平溪線 X 一窺礦業文化 Taiwan Railway Pingxi Line X Explore Mining Culture
鐵道集集線 X 前往神秘後花園 Railway Jiji Line X Go to The Mysterious Back Garden
鐵道台東線 X 行走在花東縱谷間 Railway Taitung Line X Walking through the East Rift Valley
封面故事 Cover Story
鐵道平溪線 Taiwan Railway Pingxi Line
X 一窺礦業文化 Explore Mining Culture
平溪線早在日據時期 1921 年完工,當時為了運輸沿線礦坑煤礦所建,如今不僅 是營運歷史最悠久的鐵路支線,也成為遊客了解礦業文化最好的走訪地點。 Pingxi Line was built to transport coal mine during the Japanese colonial period. Now it is the railway line with the longest operating history and the best place for tourists to learn about mining culture.
瑞芳 Ruifang
菁桐 Jingtong
猴硐 Houtong 平溪 Pingxi
瑞芳站 往山往海都可以
三貂嶺 Sandiaoling
嶺腳 Lingjiao
大華 Dahua
望谷 Wanggu
十分 Shifen
Ruifang Station | Up to the Mountain and Down to the Sea
瑞芳可說是重要站點,從這裡除了能搭乘「平溪線」往菁桐,亦能搭乘「深澳 線」往八斗子,山海風光在同條鐵路上都能一覽無遺!另外從瑞芳站搭乘公車, 則可以前往以金礦聞名的九份,漫步山城中,品嚐老街美食、眺望北海岸。 Departing from Ruifang, you can take Pinxi Line to Jingtong or take Shenao Line to Badouzi; mountain and sea views all can be seen! If you take the bus, you can go to Jiufen, which is famous for gold mines, and taste delicacies in the old street and overlook The North Coast.
九份 Jiufen
瑞芳火車站 Ruifang Station
meow meow 猴硐站
Houtong Station | Cat Lover’s Heaven
猴硐早年曾是台灣煤礦產業第一大城,一走出火車站就能看 見猴硐煤礦博物園區,目前仍保留礦業整煤廠和運煤橋,而鐵軌另一頭 則是被美國 CNN 評為「世界六大賞貓景點」的猴硐貓村,不怕人的貓 咪在村落悠閒生活著,愛貓族一定要來朝聖! Houtong was the largest district in Taiwan's coal mine industry in the early days. Houtong Coal Mine Ecological Park still retains the coal preparation plant and the coal transporting bridge; at the other end of the track is the Houdong Cat Village, which has been listed as one of the six places worldwide "where cats outshine tourist attractions" by CNN; don't miss this place if you are a cat lover!
猴硐礦場 Houtong Coal Plant
Shifen Station | Go for a Waterfall Adventure
十分擁有鐵軌與老街近距離相依的奇景,成為電影和 MV 的熱門取景地 點!除了十分老街,一旁的靜安吊橋可以欣賞蜿蜒的基隆溪風光,再往北步 行約三十分則可抵達十分瀑布,氣勢磅礡,宛如小型的尼加拉瀑布。 Shifen has a wonderful view of the railway tracks and the old street very close to each other, making it a popular shooting attraction! You can admire the beautiful scenery of Keelung River from Jing'an Bridge, and walk northwards about 30 minutes to reach the majestic Shifen Waterfall, and you will feel like visiting the Niagara Falls.
十分老街 Shifen Old Street
十分瀑布 Shifen Waterfall
封面故事 Cover Story 平溪站
天燈成為知名象徵 Pingxi Station | The well-known symbol – Sky Lantern
平溪老街最為知名的景象,無非是火車從高於屋頂的平溪鐵橋上駛過!天 燈也是平溪的特色之一,《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》主角便是在這裡讓 天燈緩緩升空。為求環保,若不放天燈也可以購買小天燈紀念品回家喔。 The most famous sight of Pingxi Old Street must be a train passing by on the Pingxi Iron Bridge which is higher than roof of house! Sky lanterns are also one of the characteristic of Pingxi; for environmental protection, if you don't want to release sky lanterns, you can buy small sky lanterns souvenirs.
平溪天燈 Pingxi Sky Lanterns
平溪鐵橋 Pingxi Iron Bridge
Jingtong Station | Take A Break at Coal Mine Center
菁桐站為平溪線的終點站,當年是全台運煤量最多的火車站,目前則是 全台少數僅存的木造車站,月台旁能看見早期的洗選煤場,十分具有歷史意 義!老街上小吃林立,不妨嚐嚐在地特色的礦工飯和雞捲。 Jingtong Station, the terminal station of Pingxi Line, was the railway station with the largest number of freight amount of coal mine at that time. You can see the old coal preparation plant next to the platform; what a view with historic meaning! Along the old street, there are many snacks; why don't you try some local snacks, such as Mineworker's Rice (it means Taiwan pork chop with rice) and chicken rolls. 菁桐洗選煤場 Jingtong Old Coal Preparation Plant
加碼搭乘鐵道深澳線 Taking Taiwan Railway Shenao Line 瑞芳 Ruifang
海科館 Haikeguan
八斗子 Badouzi
平溪線區間車於 2021 年開始,經瑞芳延伸行駛至深澳線,建 置海科館和八斗子兩站,從深山到海邊只要一個多小時!海科館 以海洋科技作為展示主題,適合親子同遊,寓教於樂。 Since 2021, the local trains of Pingxi Line passed through Ruifang and extended to Shenao Line; erected Haikeguan Station and Badouzi Station; it only takes about an hour from the mountain to the seaside!
八斗子 Badouzi
八斗子緊鄰潮境公園,擁有遼 闊海景、舒適草皮,還有坐落在公 園裡的巨型掃把,宛如哈利波特的 電影場景,另外記得前往八斗子漁港 享用新鮮的海鮮大餐!
潮境公園 Chaojing Park
National Museum of Marine Science & Technology takes marine science and technology as the show theme. It is a suitable place for parent-child tour. Badouzi is next to Chaojing Park; it has the vast sea view and nice grassland. Besides, don't forget to have a seafood feast at Badouzi Fishing Harbor!
鐵道平溪線 Railway Pingxi Line
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
魚丸伯仔 電話 Tel:+886-2-24960896
# 新北市瑞芳區基山街 17 號 No. 17, Jishan St., Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City
九份阿柑姨芋圓 電話 Tel:+886-2-24976505
# 新北市瑞芳區豎崎路 5 號 No. 5, Shuqi Rd., Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel tea_seekers anniebakery1990
野事草店 Wild Herbs 電話 Tel:+886-2-23636268
艾妮西點烘焙 電話 Tel:+886-2-24979898
# 新北市瑞芳區輕便路 147 號 No. 147, Qingbian Rd., Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City
# 新北市瑞芳區柴寮路 38 號 No. 38, Chailiao Rd., Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City
周萬珍餅舖 電話 Tel:+886-2-24958225 # 新北市平溪區十分街 120 號 No. 120, Shifen St., Pingxi Dist., New Taipei City
鐵道熱腸 - 平溪香腸雞排 電話 Tel:+886-2-24952032 # 新北市平溪區平溪街 18 號 No. 18, Pingxi St., Pingxi Dist., New Taipei City
封面故事 Cover Story
鐵道集集線 Railway Jiji Line
X 前往神秘後花園 Go to The Mysterious Back Garden
集集線為台鐵最長鐵路支線,當初為日月潭水力發電興建水庫的運輸鐵路,如今 集結水利、木業、腳踏車等觀光特色,成為深受歡迎的鐵道支線之一! Jiji Line, the longest line of Taiwan Railway, was the transportation railway used for the construction of the reservoir. Nowadays, it gathers water conservancy, wood industry and bike trail, and has become a popular railway line!
二水 Ershui
源泉 Yuanquan 車埕 Checheng
龍泉站 來看綠色隧道吧
濁水 Zhuoshui 水里 Shuili
龍泉 Longquan 集集 Jiji
Longquan Station | Come to Jiji Green Tunnel
龍泉站是僅有月台的招呼站,不小心就會錯過它,但它卻是離集集綠色隧道最 近的火車站。綠色隧道長達 4.5 公里,沿路種植樟樹,行經這裡都會忍不住多拍 幾張翠綠樹海的美景。旁側龍泉休閒公園展示多部戰車,同時也是觀賞火車經過 的絕佳地點之一。 Longquan Station is the nearest railway station to Jiji Green Tunnel. The total length of the green tunnel is 4.5 kilometers. Along the road, you will see a beautiful view of the sea of the emerald camphor trees. Longquan Park next to it displays multiple chariots; it is also a great place to watch the train passing by.
集集綠色隧道 Jiji Green Tunnel
集集站 騎腳踏車趴趴走
Jiji Station | Let’s Have A Bicycle Tour
集集站興建於 1930 年,921 地震損毀後再重建,保留日式木造車體,車 站斜對面更展示已除役的蒸汽火車頭,饒富歷史意義。以紙雕石虎巡迴展覽 的「台灣 500 石虎探險旅程」,亦曾選定這裡作為展覽地點,希望喚醒民 眾的生態保育意識! Jiji Station was established in 1930 and it has been rebuilt after the 921 Earthquake; the steam locomotive that is no longer in use is displayed diagonally across the station. Here was also selected as the venue for the paper carved leopard cat touring exhibition "Taiwan 500 Leopard Cats Trip!" 集集火車站 Jiji Station
來到集集,最適合搭配腳踏車規 劃遊程,可以輕鬆遊覽周遭景點,包含:百年大樟樹、軍史公園、明新書院、 921 地震倒塌的武昌宮,遠一點可到集集攔河堰與特有生物研究保育中心。 特色小吃則不能錯過炸香蕉、牛肉麵、臭豆腐、肉圓等美食。 Riding a bicycle, you can easily get to these attractions, including hundred-year Big Camphor Tree, Jiji Military History Park, Mingxin Academy, and Wuchang Temple; if you ride a little farther, you can reach Jiji Weir and Endemic Species Research Institute. Also, don't forget to eat the special snacks, such as fried bananas, beef noodles, stinky tofu, and Taiwanese meatball.
集集古街 Jiji Old Street 集集攔河堰 Jiji Weir
封面故事 Cover Story 水里站 挖掘小鎮美食
Shuili Station | Explore The Local Food of Small Townships
水里站位於水里鎮至高處,從車站能看見客運轉運站與熱鬧街景,不妨 前往車站旁的水里鐵馬驛站租借腳踏車,開始探索純樸小鎮!親子同遊可 至濁水溪旁的水里親水公園,有不少戲水設施。 Shuili Station is located at the highest point of Shuili Township. You can see the transit station and the lively street scene from Shuili Station. It is a good choice to rent a bicycle at Shuili Bicycle Relay Station next to the railway station and explore the townships! Shuili Water Park is a suitable place for parent-child tour; there are many facilities.
水里火車站 Shuili Station
水里親水公園 Shuili Water Park
水里美食眾多,在地麵食、肉圓、豆花都值得一嚐,往二坪山上還有 知名的二坪枝仔冰,邊吃冰邊欣賞小鎮風景最為享受。 Shuili is also a township full of delicacies; local noodles, Taiwanese meatball and tofu pudding are worth-trying. Up to Erping Mountain, there is also the famous Erping Ice Stick; enjoying the township scenery while eating ice stick is the most enjoyable thing.
水里肉圓 Meatball 水里麵食 Local Noodles
車埕站 穿越時光的後花園
Checheng Station | Passing Through The Time To The Back Garden
集集支線終點站車埕站,興建於日據時代,後因 921 地震毀損後重建,保留原 木風格設計。車埕宛如集集支線的後花園,穿越隧道來此能看見有山有水的好風 景,而歷史上,這裡與製糖、鐵道、木材、電力等產業都有所關聯,充滿人文氛圍。 Checheng Station, the terminal station of Jiji Line, is like a back garden. Passing through the tunnel, you will see the gorgeous view with mountain and water. In the history, this place was associated with industries such as sugar, railways, timber, and electricity.
車埕車站 Checheng Station
貯木池 Timber Pond
從車站出來,可先至林班道體驗工廠參加木工 DIY 課程,走訪車埕老街建議買 份在地特色木桶便當,品嚐古早味。車埕木業展示館是不能錯過的景點,了解完 木業歷史,記得走至早期貯木池欣賞水池景色。遠一點的明潭水庫,也值得一遊! When you walk out of the station, you can go to The Grove Taiwan Experience Factory to experience woodworking DIY at first. Coming to the old street, it is recommended to buy a local featured wooden barrel bento. After learning about the history of wood industry at Checheng Wood Exhibition Hall, don't forget to go to Timber Pond and admire the beautiful view. The farther Mingtan Reservoir is also worth-visiting!
車埕木業展示館 Checheng Wood Exhibition Hall 在地茶飲 Tea and Pastry
Railway Jiji Line
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
二坪大觀冰店 電話 Tel:+886-4-92775465
# 南投縣水里鄉二坪路 41 號 No. 41, Erping Rd., Shuili Township, Nantou County
隱茶 STEAM 電話 Tel:+886-4-92776471
# 南投縣水里鄉民權巷 101-3 號 No. 101-3, Minquan Ln., Shuili Township, Nantou County
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel allenwhang eating___baobao
# 南投縣水里鄉市場街 39 號 No. 39, Shichang St., Shuili Township, Nantou County
集集ㄟ水里肉圓 # 南投縣集集鎮民生路 152 號 No. 152, Minsheng Rd., Jiji Township, Nantou County
集集炸香蕉 # 集集火車站 Jiji Train Station
八張隨意小吃牛肉麵 電話 Tel:+886-4-92764539 # 南投縣集集鎮文心街 291 巷 11 號 No. 11, Ln. 291, Wenxin St., Jiji Township, Nantou County 53
封面故事 Cover Story
鐵道台東線 Railway Taitung Line
X 行走在花東縱谷間
Walking through the East Rift Valley
台東線行經花蓮與台東,大小車站坐落在花東縱谷之間,讓火車成為絕佳的旅遊 好夥伴,請盡情享受東台灣特有的慢活氣氛吧! Taitung Line goes through Hualien and Taitung. The large and small stations are located in East Rift Valley. Taking the railway is an excellent way to travel in Eastern Taiwan. Just enjoy the unique atmosphere of slow life here!
新城 Xincheng
花蓮 Hualien
台東 Taitung Station
鹿野 Luye
鳳林 Fenglin
瑞穗 Ruisui
池上 Chishang
玉里 Yuli
Xincheng Station | The Entrance to Taroko
新城車站以「門」為設計理念,建築造型呼應山脈與峽谷等意象,從這裡可以 轉搭公車前往太魯閣國家公園,途經布洛灣、燕子口、天祥等景點,欣賞立霧溪 將巨岩切割的鬼斧神工。 Taking "Door" as the design concept, the architectural modeling of the Xincheng Station matches the images of mountains and canyons. You can take a bus to Taroko National Park from here, passing Buluowan, Swallow Grotto, Tianxiang, and other attractions along the way.
新城車站 Xincheng Station
燕子口 Swallow Grotto
新城老街也值得一訪,曾 為國片《盛夏光年》劇照拍 攝地的新城照相館,以諾亞 方舟為造型的新城天主堂, 還有書只借不賣的練習曲書 店,都為小鎮增添文青風情。 Also, there are many attractions on Xincheng old street. Xi ncheng Photo Studio was the filming 新城照相館 Xincheng Photo Studio location of Taiwanese film - Eternal Summer. The shape of Xincheng Catholic Church looks like Noah's Ark. In Etude bookstore, those books are not for sale, only for borrowing.
松園別舘 Pine Garden
Hualien Station | The Unforgettable Qixingtan Beach
七星潭是花蓮是屬一屬二的觀海景點,在顏色 不一的巨大岩石海岸,眺望遼闊的太平洋,晚 間也是最佳的賞星地點。位於美崙山上的松 園別館,擁有許多姿態獨特的老松,亦能眺 望花蓮市與海景。 Qixingtan Beach is the best attraction for sea viewing in Hualien. People overlook the vast Pacific Ocean in the huge colorful rocky shore. It is also a best place for stargazing at night time. Pine Garden was established in 1942. There are so many unique old pines in the garden. You can also overlook the view of Hualien County and sea view here.
七星潭 Qixingtan Beach
封面故事 Cover Story 鳳林站
菸樓 Tobacco Barn
Fenglin Station | Rambling in International Slow City
鳳林鎮於 2014 年獲得國際慢城認證,走出火車 站能感受這裡的樸實與緩慢。鳳林也是日據時代重 要的日本移民村,可以一訪周邊的廖快菸樓、林田神 社、移民村警察廳、校長夢工廠等日 式建築古蹟。 Fenglin Township was awarded the Cittaslow International certification in 2014. It is also an important Japanese immigrant village during the Japanese colonial period. Recommending you to visit Liaokuai Tobacco Barn, Lin Tian Shrine, Immigrant Village Police Office, Principal Dream Factory, and other Japanese style historic sites.
鳳林車站 Fenglin Station
這裡還有日據時期台灣東部 三大林場之一的林田山林業 文化園區,保留了當時的 辦公廳舍、員工宿舍、運 材機具、鐵軌、教堂,成 為饒富意義的木業聚落。
林田山林業文化園區 Lintianshan Forestry Culture Park
Lintianshan Forestry Culture Park retains the office, staff dormitories, transport equipment, rails, and church from Japanese colonial period. It has become a meaningful wood industry settlement.
Ruisui Station | Drinking the Freshest Milk
來到瑞穗,一定要去瑞穗牧場喝鮮奶、看乳牛,牛乳周邊產品也都深受遊 客喜愛!瑞穗也是秀姑巒溪泛舟的出發地,夏季不妨來這裡體驗刺激的泛舟 旅程。往南有座北回歸線標誌公園,是環島遊客們最愛的拍照地點。 Drinking fresh milk and watching cows at Rareseed Ranch is a must-do thing; the other milk products are also popular among tourists! Ruisui is the starting point of Xiuguluan River Rafting; it's good to come and experience the thrilling rafting in summer. Ruisui Tropic of Cancer Marker is the favorite place of photo shooting for tourists.
北回歸線標誌公園 Ruisui Tropic of Cancer Marker
瑞穗牧場 Rareseed Ranch
Yuli Station | Having a bowl of Yuli Noodles
玉里橋頭臭豆腐和玉里麵是不可錯過的美食 小吃!臭豆腐又酥又軟,搭配泡菜、蘿蔔絲 和九層塔,口味獨特。玉里麵以手工製程, 口感特別 Q 彈,號稱「台式的日本拉麵」! If you go to Yuli, Yuli Bridge Stinky Tofu and Yuli Noodles are the snacks those you can't miss! Stinky tofu with kimchi, shredded radish, and basil, what a unique flavor! Yuli Noodles is very chewy, and it is also known as "Taiwan Style Japanese Ramen"!
玉里麵 Yuli Noodles
封面故事 Cover Story 池上站
Chishang Station | Walking into the Rice Fields
因為金城武聞名的伯朗大道,兩旁稻穗結滿時,金黃大地一路延伸到 花東縱谷山腳下,美景感動許多來到這裡的遊客,無論是騎腳踏車或散 散步都很適合。 The golden ears of rice of Mr. Brown Avenue, which is famous because of Takeshi Kaneshiro, extend all the way to the foot of the mountain. The gorgeous view makes a lot of tourists feel so touched. It is suitable to ride a bike or take a walk here.
伯朗大道 Mr. Brown Avenue
大坡池 Dapo Pond
山光水色的大坡池,有環池步 道、草皮和波光粼粼的水面,讓 人身心靈都能得到放鬆,每年夏季 還有「竹筏季」,可以體驗傳統竹 筏遊湖,非常有特色。
There are a circular walking trail and turf around the Dapo Pond. You will also see the pond rippled and sparkled; these make people feel so relaxed. Every summer, there is Bamboo Raft Festival. Tourists can experience a traditional bamboo raft pond tour.
Luye Station |Don’t Miss the Taiwan International Balloon Festival
鹿野火車站小小的,卻是前往熱氣球嘉年 華重要的交通站點。登上鹿野高台,每 年七、八月,各種造型的熱氣球就會 在草坪上一字排開,顏色繽紛有趣, 是國際級活動!不妨順道至鹿野神社 走走,日式鳥居很有異國感,而鄰 近處的龍田綠色隧道和大草皮,也 適合親子同遊,欣賞風景。 Luye Station is an important t r a n s p o r t a t i o n s t o p f o r t h e Ta i w a n 熱氣球嘉年華 International Balloon Festival. Every July Taiwan International Balloon Festival and August, different kinds of colorful hot-air balloons will be lined up at Luye Highland! It is also 攝影者 / 林志鴻 recommended to go to Luye Shrine and Luye Green Tunnel.
Taitung Station | Walking into the Night of Tiehua Music Village
到了夜晚,台東市最熱鬧的區域非鐵花村莫屬!此區域前身為臺東火車 站,如今轉變成結合文創、音樂、藝術、市集的多元空間,來這裡聽音樂、 喝飲料,再逛逛附近小店,深度慢遊台東。 At night, the busiest area in Taitung City is definitely Tiehua Music Village; the predecessor was Taitung Railway Station; now, it has been transformed into a diversified space combining cultural creation, music, art, and market. It's suitable for in-depth travel.
正氣路上的臭豆腐、湯圓、青草茶、 米苔目、滷味等,則是台東必吃美食! Talking about delicacies in Taitung, there are stinky tofu, rice ball, herb tea, mitaimu(a kind of rice noodle), and braised dishes on Zhengqi Road. 鐵道藝術村 Tiehua Music Village
Railway Taitung Line
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
小和山谷 電話 Tel:+886-3-8655172
# 花蓮縣壽豐鄉壽文路 43 號 No. 43, Shouwen Rd., Shoufeng Township, Hualien County
電話 Tel:+886-3-8763469
電話 Tel:+886-3-8870002
# 花蓮縣鳳林鎮中正路二段 20 號 No. 20, Sec. 2, Zhongzheng Rd., Fenglin Township, Hualien County
# 花蓮縣瑞穗鄉中正北路一段 108 號 No. 108, Sec. 1, Zhongzheng N. Rd., Ruisui Township, Hualien County
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel eateat_bao5252 eeooa0314
綠精靈瑞穗鮮奶鍋 電話 Tel:+886-3-8876306
玉里橋頭臭豆腐 電話 Tel:+886-3-8882545
# 花蓮縣瑞穗鄉成功北路 52 號 No. 52, Chenggong N. Rd., Ruisui Township, Hualien County
# 花蓮縣玉里鎮民權街 15 號 No. 15, Minquan St., Yuli Township, Hualien County
不思閣甜甜圈 電話 Tel:+886-978-232565 # 花蓮縣玉里鎮民權街 Minquan St., Yuli Township, Hualien County
黑點師魯肉飯 電話 Tel:+886-3-8332967 # 花蓮縣花蓮市新港街 48 號 No. 48, Xingang St., Hualien City, Hualien County
# 南投集集鎮 Jiji Township, Nantou County
# 南投仁愛鄉 Ren'ai Township, Nantou County
Leopardcat Cossing
Leopardcat with Cherry Blossom
電話 Tel:+886-4-92942001
電話 Tel:+886-4-92762496
# 南投縣仁愛鄉山林巷 1 號 No. 1, Shanlin Ln., Ren'ai Township, Nantou County
# 南投縣集集鎮八張街 181 號 No. 181, Bazhang St., Jiji Township, Nantou County
Huisun Forest Arean
集集火車 Jiji Train
# 南投集集鎮 Jiji Township, Nantou County
Wu-chang Temple
車埕遊客中心 Checheng Visitor Center 電話 Tel:+886-4-92774981 # 南投縣水里鄉民權巷 127 號 No. 127, Minquan Ln., Shuili Township, Nantou County
Follow the Animals to Regain Your Childlike Innocence!
關西六福莊位於新竹縣關西鎮,161 間狩獵風格 客房,景觀房內就能看見長頸鹿、犀牛、 斑馬等多種非洲野生動物共棲的友善 環境,讓住客擁有與動物同居的特 別住宿體驗。2021 最夯國旅選 擇,一起加入「關西六福莊動 物派對」同樂吧! Leofoo Resort Guanshi is located in Guanshi Township of Hsinchu County. There are 161 wildlife themed rooms; you can see the symbiosis of African wild animals such as giraffes, rhinos, and zebras in the room. This is the most popular choice for domestic travel in 2021. Come and join the Leofoo Resort Guanshi Animal Party! 關西六福莊生態度假旅館 Leofoo Resort Guanshi 新竹縣關西鎮仁安里拱子溝 60 號(六福村主題遊樂園旁) NO. 60, Gungtzgou, Renan Li, Guanshi Jen, Hsinchu County 服務專線 Service Hotline:+886-3-547-5365 訂房專線 Reservation Hotline:+886-2-6616-6521 www.leofooresort.com.tw
2021 動物派對全新登場,歡迎國際轉學生 The Whole New Animal Party in 2021, Welcome Party is Coming Soon
水豚與牠的動物好朋友一同加入關西六福莊囉!只要 在 2021 年 4 月 1 日到 6 月 14 日入住就能與動物好朋 友當鄰居,還有全台獨家活動-動物派對等著您!六 福莊打造動物主題策展,包含:動物頭骨標本觀察、 動物模仿遊戲、動物主題晚會、全新動物互動體驗等, 還有多項限定主題活動、住房專案,適合闔家共同參 與! Capybaras and their animal friends have become the members of Leofoo Resort Guanshi! As long as you stay in from April 1st to June 14th, 2021, you can be their neighbors; there is also an exclusive event in Taiwan – Animal Party! The animal-themed curation includes the observation of animal skull specimens, imitation game of animal, animal-themed evening party, and the new animal interactive experience activity.
全台唯一!水豚主題房陪動物泡湯 The One and Only in Taiwan! Accompany Animals to Soak in Hot Springs in Capybara Themed Rooms
人氣王水豚一加入即受到熱烈歡迎,還有了新暱稱「福 豚」,象徵福氣、勇氣和運氣,希望成為關西六福莊 NO.1 的療癒師!關西六福莊特別獨家打造水豚主題 房,透過觀景落地窗,近距離欣賞水豚家族與可愛動 物好朋友的同居生活,體驗全台唯一多物種共棲的美 好風景。 The popular capybaras have a new nickname "Fu Tun" which symbolizes blessing, courage, and luck in Chinese. Hoping them to become the No. 1 healer of Leofoo Resort Guanshi! In the exclusive capybara themed-rooms, you can see the symbiosis life of the capybara family and other cute animals through French windows. Here, travelers can enjoy the one and only scene of multi-species symbiosis in Taiwan.
4/24 (六)、4/25 (日)、5/1 (六)、5/2 (日) 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:40 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 20:00
台中烏日高鐵站6號出口.集合出發 台中火車站李芳艾美酒店門口 (原金沙百貨).集合出發 東勢客家文化園區巡禮 前往東勢軟埤坑 螢光夜語 小小廚師食農賞螢趣 創意DIY + 導覽巡禮 食農教育 從產地到餐桌 每人 享佳餚 初夏漫步 找尋幸福的螢光夜語 元 快樂賦歸 期待明年再相見~
費用包含 餐食 住宿 門票 領隊 交通 保險
晚餐1次 一日遊無住宿 所有體驗活動及門票費用 專業領隊服務導覽 中型遊覽車(含小費、過路、停車費) 旅責險200/20萬。
每團20人成行。 每年春季三月到五月,是最浪漫螢火蟲 季節,推出一系列螢光閃閃的賞螢活動。 防疫期間請確實配戴口罩,保持社交距 離,保護你我安全。
僑園國際旅行社 電話:04-2529-9800 HAVE FUN TRAVEL 觀 娛 旅 遊
指導單位:行政院農業委員會、臺中市政府農業局 主辦單位:臺中市東勢區農會、軟埤坑休閒產業發展協會、軟埤坑休閒農業區 協辦單位:東勢區公所、東勢區產業文化發展協會、梨之鄉休閒觀光發展協會、區內各產銷班與各家政班、玉清宮天公廟、 慶福里辦公室、阿公へ公園、情人谷果園、僑園國際旅行社、有春茶館、臺中樂活旅宿聯盟、小林煎餅、臺中市好禮協會