季刊 Vol.
Travel in Taiwan
無法投遞時免退回 雜
封面故事 春遊二日 全台旅遊企劃 Two-Day Tour Plan of Taiwan in spring
臺中郵局許可證 臺中字第2037號 誌
中華郵政臺中雜字 第2147號登記證登 記為雜誌交寄
小鎮漫遊 走讀彰化經典小鎮 Rambling in Small Towns and Experiencing the Beauty of Changhua 愛玩FB
季節精選 女媧神話 新埔花燈迎天穿 Nuwa Myth, Xinpu Lanterns Celebrate “Sky Mending Day”
新竹縣天穿日 Sky Mending Day in Hsinchu County 照片提供:新竹縣政府 Photo Credit: Hsinchu County Government
新竹縣 楊文科縣長
Hsinchu County Magistrate, Wen-ke Yang
愛玩中台灣 vol.16 冬季刊 發行日期:2021 年 1 月 15 日
02 06
Travel Information
Ramble in Small Towns
走讀漫遊經典小鎮, 探索體驗彰化之美
Rambling in Small Towns and Experiencing the Beauty of Changhua
Celebrity Interview
Making Sanyi Become a Unique Hakka Village!
三義鄉鄉長 - 呂明忠鄉長
Township Mayer of Sanyi - Ming-Chung Lu
透過「一低三高」 打造永續的旅遊環境! Through "One Low and Three Highs" to Create the Sustainable Tourism Environment !
南投縣政府觀光處處長 - 陳志賢 Director of Tourism Department, Nantou County Chih-Hsien Chen
扇形車庫 Changhua Roundhouse 照片提供:彰化縣政府 Photo Credit: Changhua County Government
季節精選 Seasonal Selection
女媧神話 新埔花燈迎天穿 Nuwa Myth, Xinpu Lanterns Celebrate"Sky Mending Day"
龍騰斷橋 Longteng Broken Bridge 照片提供:三義鄉公所 Photo Credit: Sanyi Township Office
新埔花燈 Xinpu Lanterns 照片提供:新竹縣政府 Photo Credit: Hsinchu County Government
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主題遊程 Themed Tour
搭乘探索夢號 Taking Explorer Dream
春節出遊感受台灣離島之美 Feeling the beauty of Taiwan's Outlying Islands During New Year's Vacation
The Glory of Lukang Small Town In-depth Travel
封面故事 Cover Story
春遊二日 全台旅遊企劃 Two-Day Tour Plan of Taiwan in spring
基隆 X 海港吹風 Keelung X Enjoy the breeze at the port
雲林布袋戲館 Yunlin Puppet Theatre Museum
竹北 X 都會漫遊 Zhubei X Ramble in Metropolis
雲林 X 老街漫步
Yunlin X Rambling on Old Street
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following Internet Celebrities To Travel In Check-in Resorts In Taiwan
台東 X 海線縱走 Taitung X Coastline Trekking
Leopardcat Trip
加路蘭 Jialulan
通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台中林酒店、福容大飯 店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福容大飯店花蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大飯店、 高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅人驛站旅宿連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星 光酒店、台東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創 HOTEL、海漾行館、佳仕堡商務飯店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店、圓山大飯店、臺北 福華大飯店、塔木德酒店一中館、塔木德酒店原德館、塔木德酒店台南館、田中央旅店、南方家屋旅店⋯(陸續增加)。
名 人 專 訪
Celebrity Interview 採訪 Writer / 趙品瑄 Penny Chao
將三義打造為獨一無二的客家庄! Making Sanyi Become a Unique Hakka Village!
三義鄉鄉長 Township Mayer of Sanyi Ming-Chung Lu
三義位於苗栗縣最南端,西有火 炎山與苑裡相鄰,南以大安溪與台 呂明忠鄉長 中市相隔,造就獨特的歷史文化與 Mayer, Lu Ming-Chung 自然生態。回溯歷史,三義早在日 據時期便以「木雕」聞名,連年舉辦「木雕節」,邀請國內外知名雕刻 師傅分享交流,延續至今三義仍是國內第一木雕重鎮,並研發出高品質 純木精油。 Sanyi is located in the southernmost part of Miaoli County. On its west side, Huoyan Mountain is adjacent to Yuanli; on the south, it is separated from Taichung City by Daan River; geographical location creates unique culture and ecology. During Japanese colonial period, Sanyi was famous for its woodcarving. There will be domestic and foreign artists attending Woodcarving Art Festival every year. It is still the most important place of woodcarving in Taiwan.
客家人好客,擁有 80% 客家人口比例的三義,自然是好客的客家庄! 客家人喜愛米食,在地藝術家以稻草編織「草龍」,身上佈滿祈福香火, 由居民舞龍繞街,形成唯有三義才有的「雲火龍節」。 80% of the population in Sanyi are Hakka people. It is a Hakka village with warm hospitality! Hakka people love food made from rice. Local artists weaved "Grass Dragon"with straw; the residents are covered with incense and they do dragon dance around the street. That became the Sanyi Fire Dragon from the Cloud Festival.
豐富的自然資源亦是三義觀光亮點,雙潭休閒農業區主打農創文旅, 以陶藝、藍染、木器彩繪吸客;舊山線休閒農業區結合在地業者,一同 推廣山線鐵道和客家美食文化。另外,鯉魚潭、火炎山、數條古道、桐 花與螢火蟲,都是值得探訪的自然景點。 Natural landscape is also a highlight of sighseeing. Shuang Tan Leisure Agricultural Area focuses on agricultural creative tourism, it attracts tourists with pottery, blue dyeing and wooden ware painted; Old Mountain Line Leisure Agricultural Area cooperates with local vendors to promote Mountain Line Railway and Hakka traditional food. Liyu Lake, Huoyan Mountain, ancient trail, tung blossom and firefly are also worth-seeing. 今年 2021 為自行車旅遊年,絕對要騎車體驗桐花綠廊自行車道,北 起頭份、南至台中,沿路將經過三義的木雕博物館、勝興車站、龍騰斷 橋、鯉魚潭水庫等地,歡迎您來體驗三義客家風情! 2021 is the year of Cycling Tourism. Riding a bike to experience Tung Blossom Greenway Bike Lane is definitely the best thing to do in 2021. Starting from northern Toufen, ending reaching Taichung, and pass by Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, Shengxing Station, Longteng Broken Bridge and Liyutan Reservoir. Welcome to feel the Hakka lifestyle in Sanyi! 雲火龍節 Sanyi Fire Dragon from the Cloud Festival
舊山線鐵路 Old Mountain Line 照片提供:三義鄉公所 Photo Credit: Sanyi Township Office
名 人 專 訪
Celebrity Interview
透過「一低三高」 打造永續的旅遊環境! Through "One Low and Three Highs" to Create the Sustainable Tourism Environment !
陳志賢 Director of Tourism Department, Nantou County Chih-Hsien Chen 陳志賢處長
南投縣是觀光大縣,擁有日月潭、 Director, Chih-Hsien Chen 清境農場、溪頭、杉林溪及集集鐵道 等景點,而縣長林明溱期許觀光處能在「觀光主流化」的理念下,將南投 縣打造為國際級觀光首都。 Nantou County is famous for its tourism. There are Sun Moon Lake, Qingjing Farm, Xitou, Sun-Link-Sea and Jiji Railway Line. Lin, Ming-Chen, the magistrate of Nantou, hopes the tourism department can make Nantou become the international capital city of tourism with the concept of mainstreaming tourism.
配合國土計畫的施行,南投縣也正擬定「觀光部門計劃」,四大方向分 別是「品牌行銷 / 擴展多元觀光市場」、「數位平台轉型 / 建構智慧平台」、 「產業轉型及升級 / 優化管理機制」、「整備友善環境 / 提供優質旅遊環境」, 期望透過數位科技、品牌行銷以及產業輔導升級等手段,帶動整體觀光環 境與產業發展。
In conjunction with the implementation of the national spatial plan, Nantou County is planning "Tourism Department Plan". The four major directions are "Brand Marketing / Expanding the diversified tourism market", "Digital Platform Transformation / Building a smart platform", "Industrial Transformation and Upgrading / Optimizing the management mechanism" and "Organize a Friendly Environment/Providing a quality tourism environment". We expect to promote the overall tourism environment and industrial development through these strategies.
同時以「一低三高」的策略落實,透過低乘載分流,將縣內熱門風景區透過遊 程開發及行銷宣傳,讓遊客擴大旅遊的範圍與深度。三高則建構在高品質、高價 值、高安全性,從餐廳、遊樂區、景點,到包裝商品的旅行社,努力維持景區的 妥善率,餐廳的食品安全,期盼讓遊客享受深度、優質且安全的旅遊環境及服務 品質! At the same time, we implement the "One Low and Three High" strategy. Through lowoccupancy diversion, the popular scenic spots in the county will be developed and promoted through tour itinerary, so that tourists can expand the area and depth of tourism. The three highs are high quality, high value, and high safety. From restaurants, play areas, scenic spots, to travel agencies that package goods, we strive to maintain the availability of scenic spots and food safety of restaurants. Expecting the tourists to enjoy the in-depth, high quality and safe tourism environment and service quality!
受新冠肺炎疫情所苦,縣府除辦理產業紓困外,也積極辦理新旅遊產品開發及 行銷工作,包含:四月「防疫森呼吸」、五月「安心旅宿」、六月「南投觀光產 業大會師」,七月後陸續舉辦南投星空季、日月潭萬人泳渡、南投世界茶業博覽會、 南投巧克力咖啡節。未來,後疫情時代,縣府將整合「台灣好玩卡」及「台灣好 行」,以智慧科技和交通旅運服務,為南投創建更友善便捷的旅運服務環境。 Suffering from the pandemic of COVID-19, the county government not only handles industrial relief but also the development and marketing of new tourism products. The activities included "Epidemic Prevention Forest Breathing" in April, "Safe Accommodation" in May and "Natou Tourist Industry Gathering" in June; after July, there were "Nantou Starry Night Festival", "Sun Moon Lake International Swimming Carnival","Nantou Global Tea Expo" and "Nantou Chocoffee Festival". In the future post-epidemic era, the county government will integrate "Taiwan Pass" and "Taiwan Tourist Shuttle" and create a more friendly and convenient travel service environment for Nantou with smart technology and transportation services.
南投世界茶業博覽會 Nantou Global Tea Expo 照片提供:南投縣政府觀光處 Photo Credit: Tourism Department of Nantou County Government
美 好 彰 化 . 幸 福 璀 璨
2021 Changhua Moon, Shadow, and Lantern Festival” Is on Now
今年疫情衝擊下國人無法出國,彰化縣 政府特別打造異國風情燈飾燈區,首先美 術館廣場有「爬牆的聖誕老人」,沿著卦 山路至八卦山大佛風景區遊客中心、天空 步道則有日本風格的「朱紅の鳥居」、中 東風格的「阿拉丁神燈」、歐式花園風 格的「幸福鐘聲響」、「魚躍龍搶 珠」、「金牛照鴻運」等祈福 主題亮點,民眾還可於八卦 山大佛遊客中心親手摺紙鶴 後掛至天空步道祈福。 Due to the epidemic, people can't go abroad this year. Changhua County Government has specially created exotic lighting zones. At the Art Museum Plaza, there is “Santa Claus Climbing the Architecture”; along the Guashan Road to the Mt. Bagua Great Buddha Scenic Area Tourist Information Center, and Baguashan Skywalk, you will see Japanese style lanterns “Red Torii”, Arabic style lanterns “Aladdin's Lamp”, and European garden style “Bell of Fortune”, “Fishes Leap to Catch the Pearl” and “Golden Cow Lights Up Good Fortune”. Tourists can also fold origamis at Mt. Bagua Great Buddha Scenic Area Tourist Information Center and hanging them along the Skywalk to pray.
2021 彰化月影燈季-《卦山祈福燈區》自 109 年 12 月 18 日至 110 年 3 月 1 日,每日晚上 5 點半至 10 點,於 彰化八卦山展出長達 73 天。 2021 Changhua Moonlight Lantern Festival – “Guashan Prayer and Lantern Zone” will be opened at Bagua Mountain from 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM everyday from December 18th, 2019 to March 1st, 2021; it will last for 73 days.
另外從大年初一起在溪州公園的「花在彰化」活動,夜間同樣也將布置各種吸睛 燈飾,白天可賞花,晚上則可沉浸在璀璨浪漫的氛圍中,從聖誕節、元旦、農曆春節、 情人節、228 連假一連串的假期節日,來彰化就對了,有美景、文化、美食、還有 「2021 彰化月影燈季」。沉悶了一年,讓我們用最正面積極的態度迎接 2021 年, 彰化歡迎您。 Besides, from the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, there will be lanterns at the “2021 Flowers in Changhua” in Xizhou Park. Watching flowers in daytime and enjoying the sea of lanterns at nighttime, what a wonderful experience! Changhua is a best place to go to at Christmas, New Year's Day, Chinese Lunar Year, Valentine's Day and 228 holidays! Let's welcome 2021 with the most positive attitude. Changhua welcomes you! 照片來源:彰化縣政府 Photo Credit: Changhua County Government 廣告
Travel Information
2021 臺灣燈會在新竹 — 乘夢逐光未來風 2021 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Hsinchu 被稱為臺灣矽谷的新竹市,今年不負眾望打造出融合科技藝術及在地文化的 2021 台灣燈會,以「雙主燈」及「6 大燈區」作為規劃核心,邀集多位知名藝術 家構築結合科技光影、藝術音樂、古蹟的視覺饗宴,讓新竹市幻化成未來感的大 型藝廊,也呼應此次燈會主題—「乘夢逐光.未來風」。 This year, Hsinchu City created the 2021 Taiwan Lantern Festival that integrates technology, art and local culture; with "Dual Main Lantern" and "Six Lantern Areas" as the core of planning, inviting well-known artists to build a visual feast that combines light and shadow technology, art, music, and historic sites to make Hsinchu City become a futuristic large art gallery.
時間 2021 Time 2/26-3/7
Hsinchu City Old Town Area
茂林紫蝶幽谷夢幻起飛 Maolin's Purple Crow Butterflies Alley Flying Fantastically 每年 11 月至隔年 3 月期間,約有 10 萬 -20 萬隻紫斑蝶便會翩翩起舞飛往高 雄茂林地區「群聚過冬」,此番越冬蝴蝶谷的奇景更被列為國際級景點之一,想 一睹紫斑蝶展翅亮藍夢幻般的紫色光彩嗎?那就快準備好賞蝶裝備,一同與美麗 夢幻的紫斑蝶齊過冬吧! From every November to March of the following year, there will be about 100,000 to 200,000 purple crow butterflies gathering in groups and flying to Maolin District, Kaohsiung to pass the winter. This amazing sight has been listed as one of the world's most-visited tourist attractions. Do you want to see the beautiful purple crow butterflies spreading their wings? Then get your butterfly watching equipment ready!
時間 2020 / 11 Time 2021 / 3 12
茂林賞蝶步道及生態公園 Maolin Butterfly Trail and Ecological Park
Travel Information
台鐵「鳴日號」啟航 — 五星鐵道豪華之旅 Taiwan Railway “The Mingri” Five-star Railway Journey 台鐵新推出「鳴日號」,掛載三種不同空間用途的車廂:餐飲吧台車、客廳 車廂、商務車廂,主打五星服務及五感體驗,首次啟航便碰上當日完售之盛況, 還曾獲得世界四大設計獎之一的日本 2020 Good Design Award。遊程售票訊息皆 可上雄獅旅行社官方網站查詢。 Taiwan Railway newly launched "The Mingri"; there are three compartments for different spatial purposes, including the dining bar, living room and business space. The first running of the train was sold out at the same day. It also won the prize of 2020 Good Design Award, which is one of the four design awards in the world. For more booking information, please check on the official website of Lion Travel.
台灣觀巴遊台中 — 一覽文化古蹟風采 Traveling in Taichung by Taking Taiwan Tour Bus and See the Cultural Heritage 台灣觀巴匯集全台精彩走跳路線,以服務品質、操作標準及品牌形象規劃包 套行程,讓民眾一次玩得滿足、盡興。其中以霧峰林家花園為起點的半日遊,中、 西、日三式合壁的新建築及庭園已先讓人驚嘆,途經熱門景點:東海大學路思義 教堂、國家歌劇院、國立臺灣美術館,藝文薈萃的台中值得一遊。 Taiwan Tour Bus provides wonderful routes across Taiwan. Among them, the halfday trip starting from the Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden is amazing. The architectures and gardens combining Chinese, Western and Japanese styles will blow your mind; along the way, you will pass the popular attractions, Tunghai University The Luce Chapel, National Taichung Theater and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. Let's take an in-depth trip in Taichung.
交通部生態保育繪本 《紫色飛行》 國道讓蝶道
線上購買 五南、誠品、讀冊生活、 博客來網路書店
實體展售 掃我看試閱
五南文化廣場全國門市、 誠品書店、國家書店
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns
走讀漫遊經典小鎮 探索體驗彰化之美 Rambling in Small Towns and Experiencing the Beauty of Changhua
交通部觀光局持續推動台灣觀光永續年計畫,延續「經典小 鎮」以推廣臺灣旅遊魅力。彰化縣鄉鎮多次入選經典小鎮,包 含:2019 年的鹿港、田尾;2020 年彰化的田中、二水;2021 年彰化縣政府推薦了「三多小鎮的社頭鄉」、「海牛文化的芳 苑鄉」、「全臺唯一活的鐵道資產-彰化市」與「全臺酒莊密 度最高的二林鎮」,4 座鄉鎮全部入選 2021 經典小鎮,為全國 入選最多之縣市! Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan) keeps promoting forerer-lasting tourism and continues "Classic Small Town" for the charm of Taiwan tourism. Multiple townships of Changhua have been selected as the Classic Small Towns, including 2019 - Lukang and Tianwei and 2020 - Tianzhong and Ershui; in 2021, Changhua County Government recommended Shetou Township, Fangyuan Township, Changhua City, and Erlin Township. They were all selected; this made Changhua the mostselected county in Taiwan!
彰化市扇形車庫 Changhua Roundhouse
2019 經典小鎮-鹿港與田尾
2019 Classic Small Towns – Lukang and Tianwei
名列「臺灣十大觀光小城」的鹿港鎮,成立商港迄今已近 300 年 歷史,儼然是台灣城鎮演變的歷史縮影,堪稱台灣小鎮的古韻經典。 田尾鄉則是全台灣最大花卉樹木盆栽集散地,光是公路花園面積就達 341 公頃,是大安森林公園的 13 倍。 Lukang Township – one of the "Taiwan 10 Tourist Small Towns", has a history of nearly 300 years since its establishment as a commercial port. It is definitely the historical microcosm of the evolution of Taiwan's towns; Tianwei Township is the largest area of various potted plants in Taiwan. The Highway Garden covers an area of 341 hectares, which is 13 times of the Daan Forest Park.
田尾公路花園 Tianwei Highway Garden
鹿港龍山寺 Lukang Longshan Temple
小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns 2020 經典小鎮-田中與二水
2020 Classic Small Towns –Tianzhong and Ershui
田中鎮擁有最富人情味的馬拉松、建築界奧斯卡 Architizer A+ 的田 中高鐵站,還有一座窯燒貓村,以大型陶藝貓作為藝術造景,是拍照 打卡的絕佳景點。二水鄉則擁有台灣最古老埤圳-八堡圳源頭、全國 唯一民俗文化慶典活動二水跑水節,同時推動「二水跑水馬拉松」活 動,為全國最具特色馬拉松之一。 In Tianzhong Township, there are the marathon with warm hospitality, Changhua HSR station which won the Architizer A+Awards, and Tianzhong Kiln Cat Village which has large pottery cats as artistic landscaping. Those are the best places for photo shooting; Ershui Township has the oldest canal – the headwaters of Babao Irrigation Canal, and the one and only folk cultural festival - Ershui International Water Running Festival. At the same time, the government also promotes one of the most unique marathon - Ershui Water Running Marathon.
田中貓村 Tianzhong Kiln Cat Village 二水國際跑水節 Ershui International Water Running Festival
社頭清水岩 Shetou Qingshuiyan
2021 經典小鎮-社頭、芳苑、彰化市、二林 2021 Classic Small Towns - Shetou, Fangyuan, Changhua City, and Erlin
社頭鄉素有「芭樂王國」美名,出產水晶芭樂及珍珠芭樂,二次大 戰後更成為「襪子的故鄉」。芳苑鄉的「海牛文化」為彰化縣重要無 形資產,無論是潮間帶生態旅遊、採蚵體驗和王功漁火都是觀光亮點。 Shetou is famous for crystal guava and pearl guava. People called it "The Kingdom of Guava". After World War II, it also became "The Hometown of Socks"; the Oxcarts Culture Festival is an important intangible asset of Changhua County. Intertidal zone eco-tourism, oyster picking experience and Wong Gong Midsummer Music Festival are all sightseeing highlights.
八卦山和全臺唯一活的鐵道資產「扇形車庫」,都是彰化市最具代表 性的地標,當然也不能錯過知名小吃-肉圓、爌肉飯、蛤仔麵等美食。 二林鎮是全臺酒莊密度最高的地方,也是全臺蕎麥重要產地,加上紅薏 仁,「二林三寶」。 Bagua Mountain and the only railway asset in Taiwan - Changhua Roundhouse are the most representative landmarks in Changhua City. And don’t forget to try the famous snacks, such as Taiwanese meatball, braised pork rice, and Taiwanese clam noodles; Erlin is the place with the highest density of wineries in Taiwan and also an important place of production of buckwheat; putting them with red job's tears together, they are called "Three Treasures of Erlin."
二林酒莊 Erlin Winery 攝影:許展嘉 Photo by HSU CHAN CHIA
芳苑海牛 Fangyuan Oxcarts
在交通部觀光局 2019-2021 年授證的 100 個經典小鎮中,彰化縣就 達 8 個,縣府已開始整合小鎮的社區與觀光資源,積極與旅行社、鄉鎮 公所、農會、商圈及社區發展協會等規劃小鎮慢旅遊程,歡迎大家來彰 化感受小鎮的熱情與美好。 Among the 100 classic small towns certified by the Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan) from 2019 to 2021, there are 8 places in Changhua County. The county government has begun to integrate communities in townships and tourism resources, and also actively cooperating with travel agencies, township offices, farmers' associations, business districts and community development associations to plan the small town rambling tour. Welcome everyone to feel the enthusiasm and beauty of Changhua.
照片來源:彰化縣政府 Photo Credit: Changhua County Government
女媧神話 新埔花燈迎天穿
季節精選 Seasonal Selection
Nuwa My th, Xinpu Lanterns Celebrate"Sky Mending Day"
新竹縣縣長 楊文科 Magistrate Yang Wen-ke
天穿日為客家族群獨有的文化節慶。神話中相傳水神與火神相爭,將天撞出大洞,女 媧為拯救蒼生,提煉五色石補天。人們感念女媧的幫助,這天會放下手邊工作,讓大地 休養生息,這就是「天穿日」的由來。 Sky Mending Day is the unique cultural festival of Hakka people. According to the myth, the god of water and the god of fire were in battle, and they knocked a hole out of the sky. Nuwa wanted to save the common people, and she smelt five-colored stones to patch up the sky. People are grateful for Nuwa's help. They will put aside their work on this day and let the earth rest. This is the origin of "Sky Mending Day".
全國客家人口比例最高的新竹縣,將於 2 月 19 日至 3 月 3 日舉辦「2021 新竹縣迎天 穿活動」,串聯新埔鎮傳統百年燈藝及優秀藝文團體,共同打造天穿日花燈踩街活動。 Hsinchu County, the place with the highest percentage of Hakka population in Taiwan, is going to hold "2021 Hsinchu County Sky Mending Day Celebration" from February 19th to March 3rd. Connecting the hundred-year traditional lantern craft of Xinpu Township and the excellent art and 21 culture groups to create the activities of Sky Mending Day Lantern Parade.
季節精選 Seasonal Selection
Inviting Heroines Parading
女媧是英雄般的存在,號召大小朋友變裝成心目中的超級英雄,隨隊伍 一起熱鬧踩街!踩街路線以新埔鎮中正路為主要幹道,民眾能近距離欣賞 大型花燈與在地團隊的精彩演出。 Nuwa is a heroic existence. Inviting everyone to dress up as their superhero and have fun in the parade! The main road of the route is Zhongzheng Road of Xinpu Township. People can take a close look at giant lanterns and excellent performances of local groups.
Water and Fire Fuse in Sky Mending Day. What a Lively Celebration! 為呼應女媧神話,舞台設計呈現水火共融,以火神為主的「鬧熱火舞台」, 展現新埔獨有的會移動的花燈踩街文化,亦邀請女力十足的表演團體演繹女媧 精神;以水神為主的「創藝水舞台」,表演顛覆傳統印象並搭配金曲獎客語歌手。 Due to respond to the Nuwa myth, the design of the stage presents the fusion of water and fire. The Lively Fire Stage takes the god of fire as the theme to reveal the unique culture of moving lantern parade of Xinpu. They also invite performers with feminine power to interpret the spirit of Nuwa; The Creative and Artistic Water Stage takes the god of water as the theme. Collaborating with Hakka singer who was nominated in Golden Melody Awards, the performance is going to break the traditional impressions.
The Design of the Main Lantern – Nuwa Patches Up the Sky 以女媧煉石補天、殺黑龍濟冀州、斷 巨鰲立四極作為本次主燈的設計規劃, 而四極為【東青】青龍【西白】白虎【南 紅】朱雀【北黑】玄武。
Taking Nuwa smelt five-colored stones to patch up the sky, killed the black dragon to provide relief for Ji Province, and cut off the legs of the great turtle to set them up as the four pillars as the design concept of the main lantern.The four pillars are east Azure Dragon, west - White Tiger, south Vermilion Bird, and north - Black Tortoise.
Rambling in Xinpu and Exploring the Highlight 五色寶石彩燈與雲朵造景裝置坐落於鎮上,在天穿日前點亮新埔鎮的 花田,另外也打造「客家話問候語」的裝置藝術區,讓民眾能感受好客 精神。 Before the Sky Mending Day comes, the five-colored stones lights and cloud installation are going to light up the flower field in Xinpu Township. There is also an installation art area of Hakka greetings. People can feel the warm hospitality of Hakka people.
Delicious Food and Interesting Market 本次市集與在地知名市集—初心者市集合作,不僅有精緻文創手作、 各地特色小吃,還有稀奇古怪的玩物,將於新埔藝文廣場與大家見面! This time, we collaborate with the famous local market - Chu Xin Zhe Market. You can see not only exquisite cultural and creative hand-made products and special snacks from different places but also some strange stuffs. See you at Xinpu Art Plaza!
「2021 新竹縣迎天穿活動」不僅帶來融合傳統與現代的專業技藝演出、 在地社區團隊的花燈製作,亦期許天穿日的傳統文化能隨著時代創新, 永續傳承。 At "2021 Hsinchu County Sky Mending Day Celebration", there are professional art performances combining traditional and modern styles and the lanterns made by local community groups. We also hope that the traditional culture of Sky Mending Day will be innovated with the times and be passed down forever. 照片提供:新竹縣政府 Photo Credit: Hsinchu County Government
主題 遊程 Themed Tour
搭乘探索夢號 Taking Explorer Dream 春 節 出 遊 感 受 台 灣 離 島 之 美
Feeling the Beauty of Taiwan's Outlying Islands During New Year's Vacation
星夢郵輪自 2016 年首航以來,致力成 為區內業界典範,旗下每一艘郵輪均以 德國精湛造船工藝、專為亞洲市場量身 打造,配合嚴謹的北歐安全標準和亞 洲誠摯好客之道,完美體現「源自亞 洲,融匯國際精粹」的品牌理念。
探索夢號 Explorer Dream
Since the maiden voyage of Dream Cruises in 2016, each of its cruise ships is tailormade for the Asian market with German shipbuilding technology. According to the Nordic safety standards and the hospitality of Asian, they revealed the spirit that originated from Asia and integrated international features.
2021 年 2/26 和 4/01 連假期間,探索夢號分別規劃 了往返基隆和花蓮的三天兩夜,以及從基隆出發暢遊 澎湖、金門、馬祖的五天四夜。親自感受台灣離島之 美,絕對是 2021 旅遊新選擇。 In 2021, Explorer Dream will sail to Keelung on February 26th – three-day, two-night trip between Keelung and Hualien and April 1st – Five-day, four-night trip from Keelung to Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu. You won't be disappointed!
戶外羅馬泳池 Parthenon Pool
身為星夢郵輪旗下一員的「探索夢號」,為亞太區航速最快的郵輪,懷抱 夢想家的探索精神,融貫東西方理念,擁有最新的世界級大型舞台表演,以 及得獎無數的亞洲美食盛宴,為賓客打造最舒適精緻的海上空間。 As a member of Dream Cruises, “Explorer Dream” is the fastest cruise ship in Asia-Pacific. Embracing the exploratory spirit of dreamers and integrating Eastern and Western ideas, it has the latest world-class large-scale stage performances and the award-winning Asian food feast.
套房空間以「The Palace 皇宮」為概念,設有超過 40 間意式風格的尊貴套房,包 括 2 間皇宮庭苑別墅及泳池丶酒廊、餐廳,致力打造「船中豪華船」,提供奢適生 活體驗。賓客不僅能享用皇宮餐廳的歐亞洲美饌、私密專屬的各項設施,還有隨時 候命的星夢管家團隊,感受全方位的體貼服務。 Taking “The Palace” as the concept, there are over 40 Italian style suites, including two “The Palace Villa”, pool, lounge and restaurant. Guests can not only enjoy the European and Asian delicacies of the Palace Restaurant and exclusive facilities, but also the butler team at any time.
探索夢號擁有十大特色,美食方面有:融合意國與日式風味的意大利披薩餐廳;能 在戶外星空下品嚐澳洲名廚主理美食的海鮮燒烤餐廳;提供正宗中式盛宴的火鍋; 擁有海景的觀景酒廊-棕櫚閣;免費供應中西佳餚的星夢餐廳。各式美食料理搭配 海上風景,體驗頂級享受。 There are ten characteristics. Talking about food, there are Mozzarella Ristorante Pizzeria, Seafood Barbecue Restaurant, Chinese Hot Pot, Sea View Lounge, and Star Dream Restaurant that serves Chinese and Western cuisines for free. Enjoying the excellent experience with all kinds of gourmet and the sea view. 皇宮庭苑別墅 Palace Villa
抹茶坊 Matcha Ice
意大利披薩餐廳 Mozzarella Ristorante Pizzeria
娛樂方面則有:展演大 型表演的星座劇院;以古 羅馬為設計的戶外羅馬泳 池;提供有趣刺激 VR 遊戲 的 VR 探 索 館; 提 供 遊 戲、 工作坊等專為小朋友規劃的小小 夢想家天地,讓各年齡層賓客都能找到 喜歡的娛樂活動,度過不一樣的春節假 期。
VR探索館 ESC Experience Lab
In terms of entertainment, there are different kinds of facilities for all ages, such as Zodiac Theatre, Parthenon Pool, ESC Experience Lab and small dreamer world specially planned for children.
此外,還有提供傳統點心及粵菜的絲路 花舞中餐廳;以壽司、鐵板燒為主的海馬 日本料理;擁有精緻蛋糕及手工朱古力的 甜品匯;匯集亞洲甜品的抹茶坊;以及水 療中心、國際精品免稅購物區、遊戲機專 區等,海上時光超乎想像的豐富有趣! In addition, there are also Chinese Restaurant offering traditional dim sum and Cantonese cuisine; Japanese restaurant focusing on sushi and teppanyaki; dessert space providing cakes, handmade chocolates, and Asian desserts; spa center, international boutique duty free shopping area and game console area.
永業蘋果 ( 綜合 ) 旅行社 Apple Tour 洽詢電話 Contact Number:(02)2515-5989 照片提供:永業蘋果(綜合)旅行社 Photo Credit:Apple Tour
主題 遊程 Themed Tour
鹿港風華-小鎮深度之旅 The Glory of Lukang – Small Town In-depth Travel
一府二鹿三艋舺,此諺語展現了鹿港小鎮從古至今 的經濟地位,不只如此,它更是融合歷史文化、建 築美學、小吃美食的觀光重地。 “Fucheng, Lugang and Manka”, this proverb reveals the economic status of Lukang Town from ancient times to the present. It is a tourist attraction integrating history, architecture and street foods.
深 耕 旅 遊 市 場 近 60 年 的 東 南旅行社,特別選定鹿港小 鎮,以「深度」及「體驗」 為 核 心, 用 心 打 造「be a traveler not a tourist」 的 旅 行精神,讓旅客深入鹿港, 享受兩天一夜的熱門景點、 特色饗食、在地體驗、尊享 旅宿。 SET Tour, which has been deeply involved in the tourism market for almost 60 years, selected Lukang Township to plan the two-day, one-night itinerary that let travelers have an in-depth experience in Lukang. They take "depth" and "experience" as the core to create the travel spirit of “be a traveler not a tourist”.
玻璃媽祖廟護聖宮 The glass Mazu temple
鹿港龍山寺 Lung-shan Temple
走訪歷史文化兼具的熱門景點 Visiting popular historical and cultural attractions
除了鹿港老街必去之外,當地信仰中心-龍山寺、玻璃媽祖 廟-護聖宮,以及桂花巷藝術村、丁家大宅、鹿港民俗文物館、 九曲巷、摸乳巷等景點,都將串聯順遊,感受鹿港的豐富人文底蘊。 In addition to Lukang Old Street, you can also feel the cultural heritage of Lukang at the local faith center - Lung-shan Temple, the glass Mazu temple - Hushenggong, Guihua Lane Artists Village, Lukang Ancient House of Ding's Family, Lukang Folk Arts Museum, Nine-turns Lane, and Breast Touching Alley.
此外,還會順道走訪「彰化扇形車庫」,其為彰化市代表地標,亦是鐵道 迷的朝聖之地;「成美文化園」宛如日本兼六園,園內有怡人雅致的庭園造景, 還有百年閩客古厝,值得細細品味;「王功燈塔」造型獨特,此處亦能觀賞 日落美景。 Also, if you come to Lukang, don't forget to visit the must-visit place of railway fans - Changhua Roundhouse; come to 鹿港民俗文物館 Cheng Mei Cultural Park, which is like Kenroku-en, to Lukang Folk Arts Museum admire the garden landscape and century-old Fujian style ancient house; to watch the beautiful sunset at Wong Gong Light House.
饕客必吃的特色饗食 The must-eat special delicacies for gourmet
鹿港在地美食以小吃和糕點聞名,包括: 肉包、麵線糊、鳳眼糕、蚵仔料理、桂花 酸梅湯等,都是必吃美味。另外,怡古齋 人文茶館和阿舍茶樓以麵粉為主題,研發 出「麵茶剉冰」與「冰麵茶」的創意吃法, 結合傳統麵茶與嶄新創意,值得一嚐! The local delicacies of Lukang include pork bun, vermicelli, Phoenix Eye Cake, oyster dishes, and osmanthus sour plum drink. Yiguzhai Humanities Tea House and A She Tea House take flour as the theme to develop creative cuisines such as roasted wheat flour shaved ice and iced roasted wheat flour.
麵茶 Roasted wheat flour
鳳眼糕 Phoenix Eye Cake
藝陣獅頭 Tradittional lion head
令人感動的在地體驗 The Touching Local Experience
旅程安排與「錫雕國寶大師-陳萬能」 對 話, 了 解 台 灣 錫 工 藝 的 歷 史 文 化; 親手體驗捏麵人製作與藝陣獅頭彩繪 DIY,從中感受傳統文化的堅持與驕傲, 並將蓋有鹿港郵戳的明信片寄回家,為 美好遊程留下永恆紀念。 錫雕工藝 Tin craft
The itinerary includes dialoguing with the national treasure of tin carving - Chen, Wan-neng to know the tin craft of Taiwan and making dough figurine and painted lion head by yourself. At the end of the trip, to send postcards with the postmark of Lukang to leave an eternal memory for the wonderful trip.
鹿港永樂酒店 UNION HOUSE Lukang
入住國際品牌旅館的尊享旅宿 Staying in International Hotel
全台唯四榮獲「全球奢華精品酒店 聯盟」認證的「鹿港永樂酒店」,客 房配置了台灣製造的舒眠床具與寢 具、高速網路、休憩空間等設施,提 供最舒適最優質的旅宿環境。 There are only four hotels in Taiwan certificated by “Small Luxury Hotels Of The World”; UNION HOUSE Lukang is one of them. To provide the best accommodation environment for our guests, the hotel rooms and suites are all equipped with Taiwanese made beddings, high-speed internet access and guest areas.
二天一夜 經典遊程
Two-day, one-night Classic Itinerary 天
第一 Day
天 第二 Day
台北車站 Taipei Station →彰化扇型車庫 Changhua Roundhouse → 成 美 文 化 園 Cheng Mei Cultural Park → 鹿 港 小 吃 Lukang Street foods →錫雕人間國寶(陳萬能)展廳 Visit the gallery of tin carving →王功燈塔及夕陽 Wong Gong Light House →夜遊護聖宮玻璃媽祖廟 Visit Hushenggong at night 彰化 Changhua →鹿港龍山寺、摸乳巷、丁家大宅、鹿港民俗文 物館 Lung-shan Temple, Breast Touching Alley, Lukang Ancient House of Ding's Family, Lukang Folk Arts Museum →桂花巷藝 術村(獅頭 DIY) Guihua Lane Artists Village → 怡古齋人文茶館.阿舍茶樓 Yiguzhai Humanities Tea House and A She Tea House →台北 Taipei
東南旅行社 SETtour 報名專線 Reservation Line:+886-2-4128688 照片提供:東南旅行社 Photo Credit:SETtour
封面故事 Cover Story
春遊二日 全台旅遊企劃 Two-Day Tour Plan of Taiwan in spring
帶路人 Author
寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊。 Professional novelist who likes writing, reading, painting, and traveling.
一年一度的春節假期即將來臨,精選台灣四縣 市春遊行程,四大主題各有特色。安排兩天一夜 前往,一起渡過愉快假期吧! The annual Spring Festival Holiday is coming! Here are the recommended itineraries of four counties in Taiwan, and four themes have their own features! Arrange two days to spend a pleasant holiday together!
基隆 X 海港吹風
Keelung X Enjoy the breeze at the port
雲林 X 老街漫步
Yunlin X Rambling on Old Street
竹北 X 都會漫遊
Zhubei x Travel in Metropolis
臺東 X 海線縱走
Taitung X Coastline Trekking
封面故事 Cover Story
基隆 X 海港吹風 Keelung X Enjoy the breeze at the port 基隆古名為「雞籠」,因氣候多雨又稱「雨都」,來這裡除了遊覽海 港,海岸風情與歷史文化也值得深度探索! Keelung was called another name which was similar pronouncing as Keelung and meaning the cage of chicken. Due to the rainy climate, it is also called "Rainy City". Besides visiting the port, it is also worth to exploring the coastal scenery and historical cultures!
登和平島讀歷史賞岩石 Visiting Heping Island to learn the history and enjoy the rocks
從基隆只要跨越一座橋,便能來到和平島公園。和平島歷經西班牙、 荷蘭、清朝、日據到民國等時代,成為神秘的歷史之地,如今重新開放 後,沿著步道環島,一路欣賞海岸風光和奇特岩石,是基隆不可錯過的 觀光亮點。此外,園區還有天然海水池和沙灘戲水區,適合大小朋友一 起戲水玩沙! This mysterious historical place has gone through the periods of Spain, the Netherlands, the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese occupation, and the Republic of China. After its reopening, visitors can enjoy coastal view and unique rocks. There are also natural seawater pool and water area for fun on the beach.
IG 打卡熱點:造船廠 & 正濱漁港 Instagram Check-in Hotspot : Shipyard and Chen-Pin Fishing Harbor
曾為煤礦貯炭場和美商造船廠的阿根納造船廠遺址,留下巨 大建築結構,荒廢美感讓它成為 IG 熱點;鄰近處的正濱漁港, 曾是日據時期台灣第一大港,港邊房子後來彩以繽紛顏色而聲 名大噪,宛如義大利威尼斯的彩色島。 It was the coal storage yard and the ruin of American yacht-making company, Agenna Shipyard. The remaining giant building structure made it an Instagram check-in hotspot; Chen-Pin Fishing Harbor was the largest harbor in Taiwan during Japanese occupation period. The houses near the harbor are famous for their vivid colors.
廟口夜市聚集基隆美食 Keelung delicacies gathering in Miaokou Night Market
以奠濟宮為中心擴散的廟口夜市,是台灣 知名夜市之一,熱鬧非常,鼎邊趖、螃 蟹羹、營養三明治、天婦羅、泡泡冰 等都是海港必吃美食! Miaokou Night Market is one of the famous night markets in Taiwan. Potside Sticker Soup, crab thick soup, fried sandwich with salad, tempura, and Pau Pau ice are the must-eat delicacies when you visit Keelung!
封面故事 Cover Story 來潮境公園當哈利波特 Come to Chaojing Park to Act as Harry Potter
潮境公園擁有遼闊海景、舒適草皮,最奇特的是有好幾枝巨型掃把 座落在公園裡,宛如哈利波特的電影場景,三五好友記得先拍一張有 趣的飛天照!園內還有巨大海螺溜滑梯,是小朋友的最愛! You can see a vast sea view, comfortable meadow and installation arts in Chaojing Park. The most unique ones are multiple giant brooms; those make this place look like the movie scene of Harry Potter. The huge conch slide in the park is most popular among children!
行程推薦 Itinerary 第一天 Day1
和平島公園 Heping Island +886-2-24635452 基隆市中正區平一路 360 號 No.360 Pingyi Road, Zhongzheng District, Keelung City
➡ ➡ 38
阿根納造船廠遺址 Agenna Shipyard 基隆市中正區正濱路 116 巷 75 號 No.75, Ln.116, Zhengbin Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Keelung City
正濱漁港 Chen-Pin Fishing Harbor 基隆市中正區正濱路 Zhengbin Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Keelung City
廟口夜市 Miaokou Night Market 基隆市仁愛區愛四路和仁三路 Ai 4th Rd. and Ren 3rd Rd., Ren'ai Dist., Keelung City
中午不妨前往八斗子漁港享用海鮮大餐, 再參觀由發電廠改建的國立海洋科技博 物館,適合親子同遊,一同學習海洋 科普知識,愛惜台灣大海生態。 It is good to enjoy a seafood feast in Badouzi Fishing Port for lunch. After that, visiting the National Museum of Marine Science & Technology converted from a power plant. The tour is suitable for parents and children to learn marine knowledge together.
第二天 Day2
潮境公園 Chaojing Park +886-2-2469600 基隆市中正區北寧路 369 巷 61 號 No. 61, Ln. 369, Beining Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Keelung City
八斗子漁港 Badouzi Fishing Port +886-2-24693606 基隆市中正區北寧路 211 號 No. 211, Beining Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Keelung City
國立海洋科技博物館 National Museum of Marine Science & Technology +886-2-2469600 基隆市中正區北寧路 367 號 No. 367, Beining Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Keelung City
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
正濱漁港 Chen-Pin Fishing Harbor
# 基隆市中正區正濱路 Zhengbin Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Keelung City
潮境公園 Chaojing Park 電話 Tel:+886-2-24696000
# 基隆市中正區北寧路 369 巷 Ln. 369, Beining Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Keelung City
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel janes5656 fooder_tw
逗比石燒 DBS 電話 Tel:+886-952-090512
天天鮮排骨飯 DBS 電話 Tel:+886-2-24252108
# 基隆市仁愛區愛四路 44 號 No. 44, Ai 4th Rd., Ren'ai Dist., Keelung City
# 基隆市仁愛區孝三路 42 巷 4 號 No. 4, Ln.42, Xiao 3rd Rd., Ren'ai Dist., Keelung City
co.naaaa emmamayoga
曙·初見咖啡 Chujian café 電話 Tel:+886-2-24271882
和平島公園 Heping Island 電話 Tel:+886-2-24635452
# 基隆市仁愛區愛一路 103-1 號 2 樓 2F., No.103-1, Ai 1st Rd., Ren'ai Dist., Keelung City
# 基隆市中正區平一路 360 號 No.360 Pingyi Road, Zhongzheng District, Keelung City
封面故事 Cover Story
竹北 X 都會漫遊 Zhubei x Ramble in Metropolis 宛如一座新興城市,竹北市因境內高鐵站而日益繁榮,適合漫遊其 中,感受新風貌與舊歷史的交會融合。 Zhubei is like an emerging city. Due to the high-speed rail station, the city has been flourished. Rambling in Zhubei to feel the fusion of new style and old history.
探訪都會裡的客家文化 Exploring the Hakka Culture in Metropolis
廣東林氏家族於此建立的聚落,化身為新瓦屋客家文化保存區,以歷 史建物為基底,結合咖啡廳、書店、文創、農特產等店家,假日還有特 色市集,好拍好玩超文青! Hsinwawu Hakka Culture Conservation Area is a place based on historical buildings and combined with Café, book store, cultural and creative industries and agricultural produce venders. There is also creative market on weekends. Come and have fun at this place!
鄰近另有六家古厝群,座落了問禮 堂、大夫第、林家祠等古蹟建築,展現 客家文化的生活樣貌。 There are Liujia Historic Houses nearby; these historical buildings such as Wenli Hall, Da Fu Di and Lin Family House, show the lifestyle of Hakka Culture.
文興路美食伴手吃不完 Numerous delicacies and souvenirs on Wenxing Road
一整條文興路,匯集義、日、台、中等各地美食料理,多到讓你難 以選擇,絕對是用餐首選之地!不只如此,新竹知名的春上蛋糕和香 帥蛋糕也在此展店,餐後來份在地甜 點最滿足。 T h e r e a r e J a p a n e s e , Ta i w a n e s e , Chinese and American delicacies gather on Wenxing Road. The famous brands in Xinzhu, Chun-Sun Cake and Siang Shuai Cake also opened their stores on this road.
晃晃景觀公園與特色小廟 Walking Around the Landscape Park and Special Temple
水圳森林公園占地遼闊,擁有豐富動植物生態,再搭配 綠油油草皮和生態湖泊,適合享 受悠閒的戶外時光。 Shuizhen Forest Park covers a vast area. It has not only abundant animal and plant ecology but also meadow and ecological lake. It's a nice place to do outdoor activities.
不遠處的十三伯公福佑宮則蘊藏 溫暖故事,是農民羅先生為境內因 高鐵開發而流離失所的土地公們所 興建之廟宇,並保留原本的小型石 作廟宇,擁有動畫《神隱少女》的 神祕感。 S h i s a n B o g o n g F u y o u Te m p l e worships displaced earth gods around the area. It preserved the original small stone temple. People can feel the mystery of "Spirited Away" here.
封面故事 Cover Story 在地美食齊聚光明商圈 Local Delicacies Gather in Kuan-Ming Business District 光明商圈為竹北最熱鬧景點之一,除了在地美食、連鎖餐廳和咖啡廳 林立外,周邊有多座公園適合情侶散步、親子遊玩,亦能欣賞豆子埔溪 的河岸風光。 Kuan-Ming Business District is one of the most lively attractions in Zhubei. Besides local delicacies, chain restaurants and cafés, there are also multiple parks nearby where you can admire Douzipu River.
行程推薦 Itinerary 第一天 Day1
新瓦屋客家文化保存區 Hsinwawu Hakka Culture Conservation Area 竹北市文興路一段 123 號 No. 123, Sec. 1, Wenxing Rd., Zhubei City
Liujia Historic Houses 竹北市六家五路一段 1 號旁 Next to No. 1, Sec. 1, Liujia 5th Rd., Zhubei City
文興路 Wenxing Road 竹北市文興路 Wenxing Rd., Zhubei City
順便走訪 IG 打卡熱點 Visiting Instagram Check-in Hotspot In Passing 竹北擁有多處 IG 景點, 舉凡:哥德式風格的「竹北 天主堂」、頭前溪的「豆腐 岩」、位於高速公路旁的重 要地標「斜張橋」,都能拍 出令人滿意的網美照。 Gothic style Church - Zhubei Catholic Church,Tofu Rocks in Touchien River and the important attraction - CableStayed Bridge, are the great places for photo shooting.
第二天 Day2
水圳森林公園 Shuizhen Forest Park 竹北市復興二路與嘉豐十一路一段交叉口 The intersection of Fuxing 2nd Rd. and Jiafeng 11th Rd., Zhubei City
十三伯公福佑宮 Shisan Bogong Fuyou Temple +886-03-6681932 竹北市六家五路二段 19 號 No. 19, Sec. 2, Liujia 5th Rd., Zhubei City
光明商圈 Kuan-Ming Business District 竹北市光明一路 Guangming 1st Rd., Zhubei City
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
# 新竹縣關西鎮中山東路 Zhongshan E.Rd.,Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County
新月沙灣 New Moon Beach
# 新竹縣竹北市鳳岡路五段 155 巷 68 號 No.68, Ln.155, Sec.5, Fenggang Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel selena_1123615 shoubaopeng
合興愛情車站 Hexing Station # 新竹縣橫山鄉中山街一段 17 號 No.17, Sec.1, Zhongshan St.,Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County
竹東文創藝術村 # 新竹縣竹東鎮東林路 194 巷 8 號 No.8,Ln.194, Donglin Rd., Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County
year1983107 harry_chang_0
# 新竹縣尖石鄉新樂村 Xinle village, Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County
馬武督探索森林 M'utu Discovery Forest 電話 Tel:+886-3-5478645 # 新竹縣關西鎮 12 鄰 138-3 號 No.138-3, Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County
封面故事 Cover Story
雲林 X 老街漫步 Yunlin X Rambling on Old Street 雲林以農業大縣聞名,卻擁有不少歷史老街,一起走訪斗六、虎尾與 西螺,來一趟深度小旅行! Yunlin is famous for its agriculture. There are also multiple historical old streets. Let's have a light tour to visit Douliu, Huwei and Xiluo!
日式老屋變身文創聚落 Old Japanese House Converted into a Cultural and Creative Settlement
位於斗六的雲中街生活聚落,原本是日式警察宿舍,經過整修吸引了 文創店家進駐,類型包含咖啡飲品、在地農產、手作小物等,適合慢慢 感受悠閒氛圍。 The Yunzhong Street Cultural and Creative Zone was the Japanese-style police dormitory. After renovation, it attracts cafés, local farm product venders, and handmade product shops to be here.
不遠處的太平老街,一整條街保留了巴洛克風格建築,這裡也是美食 聚集地,以步行方式便能一嚐圓仔冰、碗粿、魷魚嘴羹、羊肉湯等美味 小吃。 Taiping Old Street preserved the baroque architecture. It is a place where you can taste different kinds of delicacies, such as shaved ice with glutinous rice ball, savory rice pudding, squid mouth thick soup and mutton soup.
兩座文化館探訪在地故事 Exploring the Local Stories in Two Cultural Halls
位於虎尾鎮中心的雲林故事館,原為日治時期的虎尾郡守官邸,透過 古蹟活化,現在成為集合文學、藝術、教育的場域,並典藏許多本土作 家的作品與繪本。 Yunlin Storyhouse was the Huwei Magistrate Residence during Japanese colonial period. Nowadays, it had turned into a place of literature,art,and e d u c a t i o n . Yo u can see many artworks created by local authors here.
雲林為布袋戲起源之地,必定要參觀 雲林布袋戲館!其原為日治時期警察 局-虎尾郡役所,展示歷史起源、 各種布袋戲偶等豐富館藏,不定期 還有布袋戲公演與體驗課程! Yu n l i n i s the pl ace of ori gi n of puppetry. If you go to Yunlin, you must visit the Yunlin Puppet Theatre Museum! It displays historical origins and various puppets, and also provides puppet shows and experience courses from time to time.
封面故事 Cover Story 貓咪小學堂上課囉! Come and Have Class with the Cats!
虎尾頂溪有座以貓咪為主題的 3D 彩繪村,除了多幅可以互動的貓咪 拍照牆,附近還設計多個立體教室場景,有可愛的貓咪雕像陪伴上課, 深受大小朋友的喜愛! There is a 3D cat painted village in Huwei. Besides the cat interactive photo wall, there is also a 3D scene classroom nearby. Let's have a class with cute cat statues!
雲林毛巾產業十分知名,無論是金鵬巾緻親子館、奶奶的熊、興隆毛 巾觀光工廠皆主打台灣在地製造,除了一般毛巾,還推出蛋糕或動物造 型毛巾、嬰兒用品禮盒等獨 特創意,送禮自用皆適合。 Yunlin is famous for its towel industry. Besides the common towels, the manufactures also provide towels in the shapes of cake or animal, and gift box of baby products. These creative goods are suitable for yourself and giving others as gifts.
行程推薦 Itinerary 第一天 Day1
雲中街生活聚落 The Yunzhong Street Cultural and Creative Zone +886-5-5336521 雲林縣斗六市雲林路一段 75 巷 7 號 No.7, Ln.75, Sec.1, Yunlin Rd., Douliu City, Yunlin County
太平老街 Taiping Old Street 雲林縣斗六市太平路 Taiping Rd., Douliu City, Yunlin County
雲林故事館 Yunlin Storyhouse +886-5-6311436 雲林縣虎尾鎮林森路一段 528 號 No.528, Sec.1, Linsen Rd.,Huwei Township,Yunlin County
➡ 50
雲林布袋戲館 Yunlin Puppet Theatre Museum +886-5-6313080 雲林縣虎尾鎮林森路一段 498 號 No. 498, Sec. 1, Linsen Rd., Huwei Township, Yunlin County
來西螺老街大啖美食 Enjoy Eating the Delicacies in Xiluo Old Street
保留多間歷史古宅的西螺延平老街,形成文創與農產兼具的街區,還 擁有許多在地美食,如:碗粿、麻糬、三角大水餃等都是必吃小吃,也 可以順遊丸莊醬油觀光工廠。 Savory rice pudding, mochi and triangle steamed dumpling are the foods you must eat if you come to Xiluo Yanping Old Street. Since already here, you might also visit soy sauce factory.
第二天 Day2
貓咪小學堂 3D cat painted village 雲林縣虎尾鎮頂溪里過溪 56 之 2 號 No. 56-2, Guoxi, Huwei Township, Yunlin County
西螺延平老街 Xiluo Yanping Old Street 雲林縣西螺鎮延平路 Yanping Rd., Xiluo Township, Yunlin County
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
美人樹大道 # 雲林縣虎尾鎮建成路 Jiancheng Rd., Huwei Township, Yunlin County
# 雲林縣虎尾鎮青埔 2 之 29 號 No. 2-99, Qingpu, Huwei Township, Yunlin County
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel i.ning_eat chichi
PuBi ぷび - 撲鼻 電話 Tel:+886-987-690096 # 雲林縣虎尾鎮建國里建國一村 65-72 號(防空洞對面) No. 65-72, Jianguo 1st Vil.,Huwei Township, Yunlin County
永光故事屋 - 隨興沖咖啡 電話 Tel:+886-970-230067 # 雲林縣古坑鄉文昌路 58-4 號 No.58-4,Wenchang Rd.,Gukeng Township, Yunlin County
Neil & Co 電話 Tel:+886-988-926138 # 雲林縣斗南鎮永安街 111 號 No.111, Yong'an St., Dounan Township, Yunlin County
北港水道頭文化園區 電話 Tel:+886-5-7836102 # 雲林縣北港鎮民生路 1 號 No.1, Minsheng Rd., Beigang Township, Yunlin County
封面故事 Cover Story
臺東 X 海線縱走 Taitung X Coastline Trekking 台東擁有台灣最長的海岸線,長達 176 公里,沿線不僅能眺望湛藍 的太平洋,還有許多熱門景點值得一訪! Taitung has the longest coastline in Taiwan; its total length is 176 kilometers. Along the coastline, you can overlook the Pacific Ocean; there are also many attractions worth visiting!
沿著海岸線親近太平洋 Along the Coastline to Get Close to the Pacific Ocean 擁有特殊地質景觀的小野柳,見證了海岸山脈的形成,區內除了豆腐 岩、蕈狀岩等豐富地景外,行走在海邊步道亦能欣賞海濱植物,充滿亞 熱帶海岸風情。往北來到加路蘭,面海的大草皮上展示了東海岸藝術家 的漂流木創作,成為熱門拍照景點,到了晚上更擁有台東最美星空的美 名,是非常好的觀星地點。 At Xiaoyeliu, you can see the unique geological landscapes, such as chessboard rock and pedestal rock. There are also marine plants along the beach trail. Go north to Jialulan, driftwood creations of East Coast artists are displayed on the large turf facing the sea. When the night comes, you will see the most beautiful starry sky of Taitung here.
以永續生態概念聞名的富山 護漁區,能近距離觀賞珊瑚群 礁中的魚蝦貝類,吸引各地 遊客前來,透過生態導覽也 能更了解台灣海洋生態。 Taking a close look at fish, shrimp and shellfish in the coral reef at Fushan Fish Recovery Area and learning more about Taiwan's oceans through an ecological tour.
文創與音樂熱鬧了台東夜晚 Cultural Creation and Music Make Taitung Lively at Night
到了夜晚,台東市最熱鬧的區域非鐵花村莫屬!此區域前身為臺東火 車站,如今轉變成結合文創、音樂、藝術、市集的多元空間,來這裡聽 音樂、喝飲料,再逛逛附近小店,深度慢遊台東。 At night, the busiest area in Taitung City is definitely Tiehua Music Village; the predecessor was Taitung Railway Station; now, it has been transformed into a diversified space combining cultural creation, music, art, and market. It's suitable for in-depth travel.
來這邊打卡最夯 Hot Spots for Check In
台東大學圖書館榮獲國際圖書館協會認證為「此生必去的 1001 座圖 書館」之一,其外型宛如小山丘又或是知識金字塔,登至頂樓可眺望太 平洋和都蘭山等美景。 N a t i o n a l Ta i t u n g U n i v e r s i t y Library and Information Center was certificated as one of "1001 Libraries to see before you die" by IFLA. The appearance looks like a small hill or a pyramid. You can overlook the Pacific Ocean and Dulan Mountain from there.
封面故事 Cover Story 佔地遼闊的台東森林公園,除了騎腳踏車、欣賞琵琶湖外,還有處朱 槿花園,各種顏色的朱槿令人忍不住按下快門。另一處打卡熱點是台東 阿伯小白屋,據說老先生透過撿拾廢棄門窗和建材,才慢慢蓋出這棟充 滿故事的獨特建築。 Besides riding bike and admiring Pipa Lake at Taitung Forest Park, you can also see a colorful Chinese hibiscus garden. There is another check in hot spot - The White Plain House. An old man picked up discarded doors, windows and building materials to build this unique house.
行程推薦 Itinerary 第一天 Day1
小野柳 Xiaoyeliu +886-8-281136 臺東縣臺東市松江路一段 500 號 No. 500, Sec. 1, Songjiang Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County
加路蘭 Jialulan
+886-8-9280313 臺東縣臺東市台 11 線 Taiwan Provincial Highway 11, Taitung City, Taitung County
➡ 56
Fushan Fish Recovery Area +886-8-9281582 臺東縣卑南鄉杉原 20 號 No. 20, Shanyuan, Beinan Township, Taitung County
鐵道藝術村 Tiehua Music Village +886-8-9357095 臺東縣臺東市鐵花路 369 號 No. 369, Tiehua Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County
人氣第一的美食小吃 The Most Popular Snacks 說到台東美食,必要來到正氣路上繞一繞,這裡聚集了知名的林家臭 豆腐、寶桑湯圓,還有青草茶、米苔目、湯圓、滷味等,能夠一飽口福。 到了夜晚,台東觀光夜市也是美食雲集,來這裡就對了! Talking about delicacies in Taitung, there are Lin's Stinky Tofu, Bao Sang Rice Ball, herb tea, mitaimu(a kind of rice noodle), rice ball, and braised dishes on Zhengqi Road. Taitung Tourism Night Market is also full of delicious snacks!
第二天 Day2
臺東大學圖書館 National Taitung University Library and Information Center +886-8-9318855 臺東縣臺東市大學路二段 369 號 No. 369, Sec. 2, University Road, Taitung City, Taitung County
➡ ➡
臺東森林公園 Taitung Forest Park 臺東縣臺東市華泰路 300 號 No. 300, Huatai Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County
臺東阿伯小白屋 The White Plain House
臺東縣臺東市中正路 1 號 No. 1, Zhongzheng Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County
Taitung Tourism Night Market 臺東縣臺東市正氣路 Zhengqi Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
# 臺東縣臺東市大同路 Datong Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County
# 臺東縣臺東市中正路 1 號 No. 1, Zhongzheng Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel wu_ben_tang dozechiu
臺東美術館 電話 Tel:+886-8-9341148
寶町藝文中心 電話 Tel:+886-8-9340407
# 臺東縣臺東市浙江路 350 號 No. 350, Zhejiang Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County
# 臺東縣臺東市中山路 182 號 No. 182, Zhongshan Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County
人x人 電話 Tel:+886-8-9340487 # 臺東縣臺東市上海街 14 巷 17 弄 2 號 No. 2, Aly. 17, Ln. 14, Shanghai St., Taitung City, Taitung County
臺東 TAITUNG 地標 # 臺東縣臺東市大同路 Datong Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County
跟著石虎去旅行 打卡勝地 Following Leopardcat to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
Wufeng Owl Church
成為夥伴的快速通道! Fast way to becomea partner of leopard cats
Endemic Species Research Institute 電話 Tel:+886-49-2761331
# 臺中市霧峰區大同路 8 號 No. 8, Datong Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
# 南投縣集集鎮民生東路 1 號 No.1, Minsheng E. Rd., Jiji Township, Nantou County
National Library of Public Information 電話 Tel:+886-4-22625100 # 臺中市南區五權南路 100 號 No.100, Wuquan S. Rd., South Dist.,Taichung City
Calligraphy Greenway
# 臺中市西區 West Dist.,Taichung City
Following Leopardcat to Travel
Meet the other Leopard Cat # 南投縣集集鎮初中一街 303 號 No.303, Chuzhong 1st St.,Jiji Township, Nantou County
王功燈塔 Wong Gong Lighthouse 電話 Tel:+886-4-8931073 # 彰化縣芳苑鄉漁港七路 146 號 No.146,Yugang 7th Rd.,Fangyuan Township, Changhua County
亞 洲 首 座 緞 帶 博 物 館 織造體驗
32 年的工藝堅持 帶你走進創意緞帶繽紛世界
# 熱門 IG 打卡熱點
#18 項免費體驗
# 緞帶 DIY 教學
寓教於樂 超值好玩 緞帶王觀光工廠堪稱亞洲首座緞帶博物館,更連續榮獲優良觀光工廠的 肯定,園區共規劃緞帶拼圖體驗、紡織穿紗體驗、緞帶主題拍照區、緞 帶博物館展覽區、緞帶幸福博物館等主題區。 不只可免費參觀全台唯一透明化緞帶生產線, 還能在織造體驗區,體驗動手織出緞帶的樂 趣。園內有許多可愛浪漫的緞帶裝置拍照 場景,緞帶恐龍樂園、彩虹步道,更 成為熱門 IG 打卡熱點。還有各種緞帶 DIY 教學體驗活動,琳瑯滿目各種緞 帶販售,品嘗各地美食,寓教於樂, 超值又好玩,是鹿港最適合 親子遊樂的最佳去處!
彰化縣鹿港鎮鹿工路 15 號
緞帶王觀光工廠 Facebook
亞洲第一座生態度假旅館 -關西六福莊 The First Ecological Resort in Asia –Leofoo Resort Guanshi 還記得第一次在動物園看到長頸鹿在草地上悠遊、犀牛在泥巴中玩耍的感 動嗎?還記得翻閱旅遊書,夢想能站在東非大草原親近非洲動物的感動嗎? Do you still remember the moved emotion that you were watching giraffes walking on the grass and rhinos playing in the mud for the time in the zoo? And also, do you keep in memory the feeling when you were reading travel books, then dreaming about standing on the savannah of East Africa and getting close to African animals?
美夢成真-與非洲動物們當鄰居 Dream Come True - Be Neighbors with African Animals
關西六福莊位於新竹縣關西鎮,161 間狩獵風格客房,房內就能看見 各種非洲動物,體會與動物同居的獨特經驗,亦提供動物生態互動體驗活 動與非洲歌舞表演,館內附設主題餐廳、故事遊戲間、主題商店、會議室 等,提供完整服務! Leofoo Resort Guanshi is located in Guanshi Town, Hsinchu County. There are 161 hunting-style rooms where you can see multiple kinds of African animals in the rooms and have the unique experience of living with animals. We also offer interactive experience activities of animal ecology and performances of African song and dance. You can use the facilities such as themed restaurants and shops, play room, story house and meeting rooms. We are here to meet all your needs!
「犀望巴士秘境探險」-搭乘全球唯一科研犀牛車前往犀牛復育區 “The Sudan Rhino Bus Exploration Sessions” – Taking the One and Only Scientific Research Rhino Bus to the Rhinoceros Restoration Center
六福是亞洲最大白犀牛復育區,為了讓人工復育的白犀牛的行為豐富化, 讓重返自然成為可能,團隊精心研發出全球唯一的「蘇丹犀望巴士」,模擬 白犀牛的天性行為。關西六福莊「犀望秘境探險」住房專案,讓學員跟隨保 育員,搭乘獨家的犀望巴士,近距離與野生白犀牛互動,了解保育重要性! The largest white rhinoceros restoration center in Asia is in Leofoo Village Theme Park. In order to enrich the behaviors of human-restored white rhinoceroses and make them become accustomed to nature, we researched and designed the one and only "Sudan Rhino Bus" in the world to simulate the natural behavior of the white rhinoceros. Taking the exclusive Rhino Bus with conservation staff members to have the close interact with wild white rhinoceros and realize the importance of conservation! For more informations, please check on "The Sudan Rhino Bus Exploration Sessions" promotion.
HELLO! 旅行是最好的教育,也是最珍貴的親子共感體驗 Travel Is the Best Education and the Most Precious Parent-child Experience
六福莊致力發展人與動物之間的互動教育,期望透過每次精彩旅程,大人 小孩都能感受人類、動物、環境三者永續生活的幸福感,這也是身為父母能 送給孩子最珍貴、最深刻的生命之禮! Leofoo Resort is dedicated to the development of interactive education between humans and animals. We hope that adults and children can feel the happiness of human, animal, and environment all in a sustainable life through every wonderful journey. These are also the most precious and profound gifts of life that parents can give to their children! 新竹縣關西鎮仁安里拱子溝 60 號(六福村主題遊樂園旁) NO.60, Gungtzgou, Renan Li, Guanshi Town, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 30648 (Leofoo Village Theme Park) 電話 TEL : +886-3-547-5365 訂房專線 Reservation line : +886-2-6616-6521