季刊 Vol.
Travel in Taiwan
封面故事 春遊二日 全台旅遊企劃 Two-Day Tour Plan of Taiwan in Spring
臺中郵局許可證 臺中字第2037號 無法投遞時免退回 雜
中華郵政臺中雜字 第2147號登記證登 記為雜誌交寄
小鎮漫遊 東勢好客HAKKA裝置藝術展
主題遊程 松柏嶺茶文化主題館隆重開幕! The Grand Opening of Songboling Tea Culture Theme Pavilion!
主題遊程 歡迎來到後壁俗女村! Welcome to the Ordinary Woman Village in Houbi! 愛玩IG
封面提供: 原東勢公學校宿舍/繪者 黃至民 The Dormitory of Former Dongshi Public School / Painter, Huang Chih Min
繪者簡介/黃至民 Introduction of the Painter/ Huang, Zhi-min
封面插畫介紹 Introduction of the Cover Sketch
逢甲大學建築與都市計畫研究所碩士,曾任臺中市中 區區公所區長,致力於速寫創作,多次舉辦個人展覽,速寫腳步遍及臺中。 Master of Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Information of Feng Chia University. He used to be the district executive of the Central District Office of Taichung City. Dedicating to sketching, and he has held exhibitions many times. His sketching footprints are all over Taichung.
原東勢公學校宿舍 The Dormitory of Former Dongshi Public School 即將開館化身為臺中客家故事館,經歷日治時期 至今已有百年歷史。 Taichung Hakka Story Hall is about to be opened. It has been preserved for a hundred years after being renovated during the Japanese colonial period.
月恆門 Yuehengmen 梨之鄉休閒農業區 Pears Homeland Agricultural Leisure Area 這裡四季都是水果盛產區,亦聚集許多優質民宿。 Here is abound in fruits in all seasons. There are many hostels in Pears Homeland Agricultural Leisure Area.
見證早期客家歷史,門上有槍眼和 槍孔,作為防禦之用。 Yuehengmen witnessed the Hakka history in early days, and there are embrasures on the door, which were used for defense.
愛玩中台灣 Vol.19 冬季刊 發行日期:2022 年 01 月 15 日
目錄 Contents
名人專訪 Celebrity Interview
Integrating Local Industries to Create the Prosperity of Tourism
觀光視野 Vision of Sightseeing
臺中市產業故事館 發展協會理事長-吳德利
The Chief Director of Taichung Industry Story Hall Development Association - De-Li Wu
Rural Tourism is Trendy Now, Let’s Experience the Beauty of Taiwan
行政院農業委員會水土保持局長-李鎮洋 The director general of Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, COA - Chen-yang Lee
旅遊情報 Travel Information
Dongshi Hakka Village Welcomes You
The District Executive of Dongshi District, Taichung City - Pei-jhen Wong
20 小鎮漫遊 Ramble in Small Towns 浪漫東勢 好客 HAKKA 裝置藝術展 Romantic Dongshi – HAKKA Installation Art Exhibition
東勢龍神橋 Dongshi Longshen Bridge
您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌: 國際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺北、臺中 遊客服務中心;臺灣電影製作發展協會(150 位會員);台灣各大旅行社、中華民國旅行業品質保障協會(3000 家);星動銀河旅 站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店台中民權、薆悅酒店台中館、水雲端旗艦概念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國 際大飯店、永悅行旅、1969 藍天飯店、富禾居會館、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中福華大飯店、
發行人:趙成年 社長:陳英俊 顧問:洪文能、蕭仕榮、吳政和 法律顧問:劉喜律師 總編輯:趙品瑄 執行編輯:何家嘉、劉姿妗、吳愷昀 張家銘、詹韻蓉、張百渝 翻譯:賴思妤 Sandra 編輯委員:李明星、巫賜發、洪明峰 蔡維郡、陳奕錩、陳瑛宗 陳晁偉、丁榮村、吳奇鴻 林俊明、陳秀枝 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路 106 號 電話:+886-4-23780658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司
24 主題遊程 Themed Tour
歡迎來「找茶」! 松柏嶺茶文化主題館 隆重開幕! Welcome to Tasting Tea! The Grand Opening of Songboling Tea Culture Theme Pavilion!
照片提供:交通部觀光局參山國家風景區管理處 Photo Credit: Tri-Mountain National Scenic Area Administration, Tourism Bureau
Seasonal Selection
來東勢 齊慶新丁粄節! Come to Dongshi to Celebrate Xin Ding Ban Festival!
主題遊程 Themed Tour
Welcome to the Ordinary Woman Village in Houbi!
封面故事 Cover Story
春遊二日 全台旅遊企劃 Two-Day Tour Plan of Taiwan in spring
菁寮老街 Jingliao Old Street
62 跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地
Following Internet Celebrities To Travel in Check-in Resorts In Taiwan
石虎探險旅程 台南美術館 2 館 Tainan Art Museum Building 2
Leopardcat Trip
通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台中林酒店、福容大飯 店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福容大飯店花蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大飯店、 高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅人驛站旅宿連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星 光酒店、台東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創 HOTEL、海漾行館、佳仕堡商務飯店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店、圓山大飯店、臺北 福華大飯店、塔木德酒店一中館、塔木德酒店原德館、塔木德酒店台南館、田中央旅店、南方家屋旅店⋯(陸續增加)。
Vision of Sightseeing 採訪 Writer / 趙品瑄 Novia Chao
體會臺灣之美,農村旅遊正夯。 Rural Tourism is Trendy Now, Let’s Experience the Beauty of Taiwan 行政院農業委員會水土保持局 The director general of Soil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA
李鎮洋 Chen-yang Lee
改變城鄉失衡、喚回農村活力,都 是「農村再生」計畫的重要任務。而 水土保持局推動農村再生行之有年, 自民國 99 年《農村再生條例》公布 迄今,全臺 4,232 個農村裡,我們已 經培訓超過 2,600 處! To change the imbalance between urban and rural areas and revive the 李鎮洋局長 rural vitality are the important tasks The director general, Chen-yang Lee of the “Rural Regeneration.” Soil and Water Conservation Bureau has been promoting rural regeneration for many years. Since the issuance of the “Rural Rejuvenation Act” in 2010, more than 2,600 of the 4,232 villages have been trained! 為了讓農村在「生產」、「生活」、「生態」及「文化」面向都能均衡發展, 我們積極輔導與引入各種資源,包含邀請專家學者組成團隊,實際深入農 村溝通討論,當居民明白在地的聲音真切被聽見,他們不僅願意合作、主 動發想,也提升了整體社區意識。年輕人歸返農村也十分 重要,我們積極推動大專生洄游,讓年輕觀點進入農 村,另有農村社區企業經營輔導,讓在地產業自食 其力,永續發展。 桃米休閒農業區
Tao Mi Agricultural Leisure Area
In order to develop the rural areas in a balanced way in the aspects “Production”, “Life”, “Ecology” and “Culture,” we have provided guidance and various resources, including inviting experts 深入社區溝通 In-depth communication and scholars to have indepth communication with the residents in the rural areas. The residents are willing to cooperate and positively think to improve the overall community consciousness. We also actively promote the project “Rural Up!”to bring perspectives of young people into rural areas. In addition, we provide rural community business operation guidance to allow the local industries to support themselves. 透過居民與產官學的一同努力,臺灣各地農村慢慢有了嶄新且獨特的風 貌!第二屆「金牌農村競賽」從 784 個參賽農村中,選出具有指標性成果 的 23 座農村,其中南投縣「埔里鎮桃米休閒農業區」以生態教育為出發, 榮獲金牌!此外「里山精神」亦能與農村結 合,如臺中公老坪社區以環保方式解決 了旱災問題,並發展更貼近自然的 生態環境,達到人與自然和諧 共存的願景。
Vision of Sightseeing
Through the efforts of the local residents, industries, officials, and academia, the rural areas in Taiwan have a unique appearance! The 2nd “Golden Village” selected 23 villages with indicator results from 784 participating villages. Among them, “Tao Mi Agricultural Leisure Area” in Puli Township of Nantou County got the gold medal based on the concept of environmental education! In addition, the “Satoyama Spirit” can also be integrated with rural villages. For example, the Gong Lao Ping Community in Taichung City has solved the problem of drought in an environmentally friendly way. It achieved a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. 除了選拔典範農村,我們也遴選「農村好物」,主打在地特色農特產品, 如香蕉蛋捲、紅烏龍茶餅、五榖雜糧等,並協助進入實體與電商通路,或 透過市集展銷等方式行銷推廣。 We selected the local featured agricultural products, such as banana egg rolls, black oolong tea cookies, whole grains, etc., and also assist the vendors to sell the products in physical and online stores, or promote them through markets. 如此多元精采的農村社區,絕對值得緩慢體驗、深度旅遊!為此我們推 出 62 條「優遊農村」旅遊路線,期盼旅客看見臺灣之美。「在地餐桌計畫」 亦受到消費者好評,可以在葡萄園裡品嘗葡萄酒、在海灘享受落日與海鮮 大餐,獲得前所未有的農漁村體驗!
The Local Table Project
金牌農村競賽 Golden Village
It is suitable to experience the rural village communities at a slow pace! 勝興鐵道覓境 62 travel routes of “Excellent Tours The Secret Place of Shengxing Train Station of Rural Areas” have been launched, hoping tourists can enjoy the beauty of Taiwan. “The Local Table Project” is also loved by tourists. Tourists can taste wine in the vineyard, enjoy the sunset and seafood on the beach, and get an unexpected experience of farming and fishing villages! 近年我們特別與臺鐵、地方業者合作,將苗栗山線舊鐵道重新規劃設計, 打造「勝興鐵道覓境」,不但成為熱門新景點,更榮獲「第 21 屆公共工程 金質獎 - 優等」肯定!而歷經疫情影響,相信能夠提供療育效果、慢活體驗 的農村旅遊,絕對是未來旅遊趨勢! In recent years, we have specially cooperated with Taiwan Railway and the local industries to re-plan and design the old railway of Miaoli Mountain Line to build “The Secret Place of Shengxing Train Station.” It won the Excellence Award of “The 21st Public Construction Golden Quality Award”! After being affected by the epidemic, we believe that slow tourism in rural areas with the effects of healing and education will definitely be the trend in the future!
照片提供:行政院農業委員會水土保持局 Photo credit: Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, COA
Vision of Sightseeing
撰稿 Writer/ 張百渝 Kiki Chang
東勢客庄小鎮,邀請你來寮 Dongshi Hakka Village Welcomes You 臺中市東勢區長
The District Executive of Dongshi District, Taichung City Pei-jhen Wong
翁培真區長 The District Executive, Pei-jhen Wong
東勢地處中央山脈與臺中盆地 之間,雨量充沛、氣候宜人,此 地栽種的高接梨、桃、柑桔、甜 柿、葡萄等水果,吸引不少遊客 慕名而來,因此素有「水果之鄉」 及「吉利市」的美稱。 Dongshi is located between the Central Mountain Range and Taichung basin. With abundant rainfall and pleasant weather, here they plant fruits such as pears, peaches, citrus, persimmons, and grapes. People also called it “The Hometown of Fruits.”
東勢客家文化園區 Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
地理環境的優勢,使得東勢得以規劃許多 得天獨厚的自然遊憩區,如東勢林業文化 園區保留了木材工業史蹟,也將原製材廠 之貯木池改種植荷花,是夏日賞荷的好景 點,還有東豐自行車綠廊可以一邊騎自行 車、一邊欣賞廊道沿途景致。
東勢林業文化園區 Dongshi Forestry Cultural
Due to the advantages of the geographical environment, there are many natural recreation areas in Dongshi. Dongshi Forestry Cultural Park retains the historical relics of the wood industry and changed the timber pond of the original wood factory into a lotus pond. People ride on Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way and admire the beautiful scenery along the bikeway at the same time.
東豐自行車綠廊的終點連接至東勢客家文化園區,這裡前身是東勢舊 火車站,距今已停駛 30 年,是在地人的共同記憶,現今則發展為文化 場館,遊客來此可入館欣賞不定期更換的靜態特展,假日還有特色市集 讓你體驗在地人的熱情。 The end of the Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way is connected to the Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park, which used to be the old Dongshi Railway Station, and is now a cultural venue. In addition to different special exhibitions changing from time to time in the cultural park, there are also featured markets on weekends.
鯉魚伯公廟 Liyubogong Temple
東勢不僅客家人口最密集,大埔腔使用比例也最高!文化上受到先民 影響,在地可見許多廟宇建築如三山國王廟、巧聖仙師開基祖廟及鯉魚 伯公廟等,而傳統節慶裡最有名的就是「新丁粄節」,以紅龜粄象徵生 男,桃粄則代表生女,連續多年入選「客庄十二大節慶」之一。
Vision of Sightseeing
Dongshi has the highest density of Hakka population in Taiwan. It is also the place with the highest usage rate of the Dabu dialect! You can see many temples here, such as San Shan Guo Wang Temple, Qiao Sheng Xian Shi Temple, and Liyubogong Temple. There is a traditional festival called “Xin Ding Ban Festival.” The red Xin Ding Ban symbolizes the birth of a boy, and the Tao Ban has the meaning of giving birth to a girl. The festival has been selected as one of “The 12 Hakka Village Festivals” for consecutive years.
好客 HAKKA 裝置藝術展 HAKKA Installation Art
除傳統節慶外,我們也積極規劃各式藝文活動,如「好客 HAKKA 裝 置藝術展」,藉由 2,000 盞在地特色手繪燈籠,串聯周邊商圈及東 勢客家文化園區,希望遊客們可以親自遊訪,欣賞千盞手繪燈的 壯闊景致。 We are actively planning different kinds of artistic and cultural activities, such as the“HAKKA Installation Art Exhibition.” Connecting the surrounding business districts and the Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park with 2,000 painted lanterns with local features.
在地麵食 Local Dishes
體 驗 在 地 文 化 之 外, 也 別 忘 了品嚐東勢在地料理,因早年開 闢中橫公路的榮民大多居住在東 勢,因此飲食上以客家料理、麵 食文化及牛肉料 理為主要特色, 每道菜餚都是在 地經年累月的好 手藝、好滋味。
Don't forget to taste the local dishes of Dongshi. Because most of the veterans who established the Central Cross-lsland Highway in the early days lived in Donghsi, the major features of the local dishes are Hakka cuisine, noodles, and beef cuisine. Every dish is worth tasting.
近年我們也積極 與交通部觀光局配 合, 推 廣 山 城 慢 活 特 色 旅 遊, 以 客 庄 小鎮東勢為主要核 心, 串 聯 石 岡、 新 社 及 和 平, 希 望 來 訪遊客可以放慢生 活 步 調、 親 近 自 然 景 物、 體 驗 在 地 文 化, 愛 上 這 片 純 樸 土地。
採果趣 Fruit Picking
In recent years, we have also actively cooperated with the Tourism Bureau, MOTC, taking the Hakka township - Dongshi as the core, connecting Shigang, Xinshe, and Heping to promote the slow-life featured tourism in the mountain townships. Hoping tourists can slow down their life paces, get close to nature, experience the local cultures, and be in love with the pure land.
臺中市東勢區公所 廣告
名 人 專 訪
Celebrity Interview
採訪 Writer / 張百渝 Kiki Chang
整合在地產業,共創觀光榮景 Integrating Local Industries to Create the Prosperity of Tourism
吳德利 The Chief Director of Taichung Industry Story Hall Development Association - De-Li Wu
由臺中市產業故事館發展協會所 發行的台中故事暢遊卡,是一張結 合 5 家 特 色 館 舍、5 家 DIY 手 作 及數十間特約優惠商店所組成的高 CP 值旅遊認同卡,最初會開始製 吳德利理事長 作這張故事卡的想法是受到愛台 The Chief Director, De-Li Wu 灣博物館卡及日本周遊券的啟發, 希望透過串聯在地產業的模式,提高遊客來臺中旅遊的黏著度。 Taichung Story Hall Card, which is launched by Taichung Industry Story Hall Development Association, is a travel affinity card that combines 5 featured tourism attractions, 5 DIY experience centers, and 10 authorized stores. The issuance of the card was inspired by Taiwan Museum Pass and Japan Rail Pass. Hoping to increase the tourist stickiness through connecting local industries. 臺中的觀光產業還有很大的發展空間,在臺中不只有豐富人文資源、歷 史文化、自然景觀等特色,也是南來北往旅 客必經之地,因此在暢遊卡的主題規劃上共 有觀光工廠、創意生活及古蹟探索等三大主 題,地域上分布山海屯城各區,將觀光範圍 擴大,如果可以透過暢遊卡進一步提升遊客 在臺中停留的意願,就算成功的第一步了! 12
特色館所 Featured tourism attractions
Taichung is not only a city with rich human and cultural resources, history, and natural scenery but also a place that people going back and forth from Northern to Southern Taiwan must pass by. Therefore, the themes of the Taichung Story Hall Card includes tourism factory, creative life, and historical site exploration, and the locations include mountains, sea, and towns. If this card helps to increase the willingness of the tourists to stay in Taichung, that can be the first step of success! 吳德利理事長表示很感謝臺中市產業故事館發展協會中的會員店家們, 對於發行這張故事暢遊卡的大力支持,抱持著讓觀光產業變好的共同目 標,堅持去做對的事情,才使整個團隊更加團結、更具有向心力。 The Chief Director, Wu, De-Li, expressed his gratitude to the members of Taichung Industry Story Hall Development Association for their substantial support for the issuance of the Taichung Story Hall Card. They hold on to the common goal of making the tourism industry better, insist on doing the right thing, and make the team stronger and united. 後續在規劃上除了整合臺中地方資源,也希望能和其他地區及不同產業 進行合作,讓暢遊卡帶動全台觀光發展,創造更多就業機會,期許疫情過 後,藉由這張暢遊卡打開國外遊客的市場,讓臺灣的美被更多人看見。 In addition to integrate the local resources of Taichung, the followingup affairs will be wishing to cooperate with other regions and different industries to let the Taichung Story Hall Card drive the developing of tourism in Taiwan. Hoping after the epidemic, the foreign tourist market can be expanded through the card, and the beauty of Taiwan will be seen by more people.
手作體驗 DIY experience
台中故事暢遊卡記者會 Press conference 照片提供:臺中市產業故事館發展協會 Photo credit: The Chief Director of Taichung Industry Story Hall Development Association
三層崎花海,讓你秒飛日本富良野! The Sea of Flowers of Shan-Tseng-Chi Park 因為疫情無法出國讓你悶壞了嗎?那就來北投社三層崎公園感受有「台版富 良野」美名的花海吧!以各式豐富色彩草花如雞冠花、銀葉菊、薰衣草等交叉 種植,呈現多層次的地景,畫面美不勝收,還可至附近泡溫泉、吃美食,不禁 讓人有種置身日本的錯覺。 Let's go to Shan-Tseng-Chi Park in Beitou to see the sea of flowers known as “Taiwan-version Furano!”The colorful cross planting grass and flowers present the multi-level view. Visitors can also soak in the hot spring and enjoy delicious food in the surrounding area, and it makes people feel like being in Japan. 時間 Time:
地點 Place:
台北市北投區秀山路 45 號旁 Next to No. 45, Xiushan Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City
2022 台灣國際光影藝術節 2022 Taiwan International Light Festival 第二屆台灣國際光影藝術節「黑暗之光」,平均每日有 4,488 人參與,廣受 民眾好評!今年第三屆的主題為「光 . 舞弄 . 影」也著實令人期待,邀請來自全 球各地的藝術家,以藝術、科技與表演之跨域創作的精神,打造多組具表演性 特質的「光之劇場」,在表演中將「光」的定位重新詮釋。 The second year of the Taiwan International Light Festival was loved by the public! This year, the theme of the third year of the festival is “Play & Playing Light & Shadow.” People also feel excited about it. Inviting artists from all over the world to create the “Theater of Light” with art, technology, and performance.
時間 Time:
戶外展覽 Outdoor 2021/12/25~2022/02/28 室內展覽 Indoor 2022/02/25~2022/03/20
地點 Place:
台中市西區五權西路一段 2 號 No. 2, Sec. 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
Isabelle Digital Baking Experience Showroom 館內有數位影音互動體驗、360°VR虛擬實境、 DIY烘焙課程及下午茶,是台中好吃好喝又好玩的 新景點。You can enjoy the digital audio and video interactive experience, 360° virtual reality, DIY baking class and afternoon tea in the showroom. It is a new interesting and delicious attraction in Taichung.
Chung-She Flower Garden 園區花海佔地達六公頃,一年四季都有不同時 節的花卉繽紛綻放,不管何時來,都能大飽眼福! In the park, there is a flower sea with about 6 hectares large. In different seasons, different flowers bloom. No matter which season you visit, you will have different feelings, watching these magnificent sceneries.
+886-4-25686899 / 台中市大雅區中清路三段737號 No. 737, Sec. 3, Zhongqing Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-25576926 台中市后里區三豐路五段333號 No.333, Sec. 5, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City Open/ 09:00am-06:00pm
North Coast Seafood Wedding Hall
提供Nikon、Canon、SONY等各大品牌數位 單眼相機、數位相機、鏡頭等各式相機周邊配件 銷售服務。我們有專業親切的店員提供購買諮 詢、操作技巧、配件詢問及售後服務等。 We offer not only digital single lens reflex cameras, digital cameras, camera lens and accessories of Nikon, Canon, Sony and many other brands, but also advisory service and after service.
+886-4-22256624 / 台中市中區台灣大道一段310號 No. 310, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City
專賣帝王蟹,龍蝦大餐,無菜單,創意料理傳 統台菜,風華再現,有包廂,有喜宴,來館用餐 可點招牌香酥鴨,再搭配解膩解渴的自製貴妃花 茶,更是一絕。 The specialty of the restaurant is King Crab, lobster, chef's tasting menu and traditional Taiwanese dishes. We offer private rooms and wedding banquets. You can't miss our signature dish, Crispy Duck and handmade Gui Fei flower tea. It can reduce the grease.
+886-4-24220286 / 台中市北屯區崇德路三段 569-1號(中油旁) No.569-1, Sec. 3, Chongde Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City
落英繽紛染武陵 Wuling Cherry Blossom Festival 粉嫩櫻花盡情在枝頭綻放,點綴了 2 月的武陵農場,今年「武陵櫻花季」為 了維持賞櫻品質,園區規劃交通管制措施,一般遊客禁止開車入園賞櫻,只能 透過國光客運賞櫻專車或參加旅遊團,而入住武陵農場旅宿或露營區的遊客可 申請「車輛通行證」前往賞櫻。 In order to maintain the quality of cherry blossom watching, the Wuling Farm has planned traffic control measures. The general public is not allowed to drive into the farm for cherry blossom watching by themselves. They can only take the cherry blossom watching buses operated by Kuo-Kuang Motor Transportation Co. or join a tour group; tourists who stay in can apply for a vehicle permit. 時間 Time:
地點 Place:
台中市和平區武陵路 3-1 號 No. 3-1, Wuling Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
米其林三星必遊行程-紫蝶飛行 The Must-visit Michelin 3-star Itinerary – Purple Butterfly Flying 全世界唯二會遷徙過冬的蝴蝶就在台灣!每年 10 月至 3 月大約有數 10 萬隻 紫斑蝶在茂林過冬,直至春天來臨才陸續北返。如此自然奇景被國際旅遊美食 聖經《米其林台灣綠色指南》推薦為三星級必遊行程,是台灣唯一獲選的生態 旅遊點,旅遊套裝行程可至相關網站報名。 There are only two kinds of butterflies in the world those migrate through the winter, and one of them is in Taiwan! From every October to March, hundreds of thousands of purple butterflies stay in Maolin for winter, and they return to the north until spring. It has been recommended by the international travel and gourmet bible “Michelin Green Guide Taiwan” as a 3-star must-visit itinerary! 時間 Time:
Icloud Luxury Resort & Hotel
Wufeng Lin Family Mansions
水雲端旗艦概念旅館、雲河概念旅館位於台 中都會區,鄰近逢甲商圈、交流道;擁有戶外浴 池、KTV視聽設備等,可體驗百變生活。
霧峰林家是清朝林文察一族的宅第,揉合了各 式風格,李乾朗教授曾讚道:「霧峰林家就像臺 灣傳統建築的百科全書。」
Icloud Luxury Resort & Hotel and Uher Luxury Resort & Hotel are located near Fengjia Night Market and interchange. They both have outdoor swimming pools and KTV equipments for guests.
Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden was the house of Lin Wencha in Qing dynasty. The building fused with different styles. Professor Chian-lang Lee ever praised that Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden is the encyclopedia of Taiwanese traditional architecture.
渦水道 +886-4-24525678 / 台中市西屯區青海南街159號 No.159, Qinghai S. St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
大振豐出品的傘具,兼具美感與實用性,傘骨 輕盈、具備防風及傘布具有抗紫外線的效果,多 樣化的傘具種類,還有多種花色可自行挑選,讓 傘除了遮陽避雨的功能性外,更成為塑造個人風 格的時尚配件。
+886-4-23317985 / 台中市霧峰區民生路26號 No.26, Minsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
綠大地露營咖啡農場 Greenlandcamping
位在新社大甲溪畔上第一美景設有各式露營區 豐富生態園區,適合悠閒親子渡假的好地方。 It is located in the Dajia Riverside of Xinshe. There are different kinds of camping area and abundant ecological park. It's the good place for family trip.
A variety of umbrellas with various colors and patterns, allowing it to become a fashionable accessory of personal style besides sun blocking and rain sheltering functions.
必買 雨傘
+886-4-22317689 / 台中市北屯區太原路三段1160號 No.1160, Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-22390991 / 台中市新社區慶西里上坪4-6號 No.4-6, Shangping, Xinshe Dist., Taichung City
2022 鐵道觀光旅遊年 2022 Year of Railway Tourism 台灣鐵道沿途風光景致明媚,喜歡悠閒生活的旅客,歡迎安排一趟台灣鐵道 之旅,避開壅塞的車潮享受沿途的景色,還可在最新的「鳴日號米其林餐車」、 「海風號」、「山嵐號」以及全新的「3000 型特仕車」列車上品嚐精緻的下午 茶點,來趟只需享受的鐵道之旅吧! The scenery along the Taiwan Railway is gorgeous. Welcome to arrange a railway trip. You can enjoy afternoon tea on the newest “Michelin dining car on the ’Future’”, “Hai Feng Hao”, “Shan Lan Hao”, and “EMU3000 Series!”
2022 台灣燈會在高雄 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Kaohsiung 睽違 20 年的台灣燈會將在高雄舉辦,除了愛河灣及衛武營兩大主場外,周邊 還串聯了駁二藝術特區、大港橋、棧貳庫等港區景點,總面積近 100 公頃。結 合近年來最新的科技及永續環保的概念,以「陸海空」三域進行全面規劃,打 造一場綠色美學的盛大燈會。 After 20 years, the Taiwan Lantern Festival will be returned to Kaohsiung in 2022. In addition to the two major venues at Lover River Bay and Weiwuyin, there are also the Pier-2 Art Center, Great Harbor Bridge, and Kaohsiung Port Warehouse No.2. Combining technology and the concept of environmental sustainability, and making comprehensive planning on three aspects - land, sea, and air.
時間 Time:
地點 Place:
衛武營展區-高雄市鳳山區三多一路 1 號 Weiwuyin - No. 1, Sanduo 1st Rd., Fengshan Dist., Kaohsiung City 愛河灣展區-高雄市鹽埕區真愛路 1 號 Lover River Bay - No. 1, Zhen'ai Rd., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City
Cherry Blossom Forest Leisure Farm
Dragon Tours
佔地八公頃的園區種植數千棵櫻花,在此可以 露營烤肉、遊憩戲水,適合親子前來放鬆遊玩的 好場所。
「金龍旅遊」成立於1958年,為台灣旅遊業 界的金字號老招牌,深耕國內、外各類旅遊產品 與路線。
It covers an area of 8 hectares. There are over thousand Cherry Blossom Trees. You can camping, BBQ and play in water here. It’s a good place for family trip.
Dragon Tours was founded in 1958, various departments was established to match different customer requirements . Dragon Tours especially specializes in inbound tourism.
優質 旅遊
+886-4-25815662 / 台中市新社區協成村協中街6號 No.6, Xiezhong St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City
Taiwan Museum of Suncake 保留百年建築,打造成太陽餅博物館及糕餅 餐飲空間,兼具歷史與文創。 Retaining a century old architecture and establishing its tradition as a sun cake museum and dessert dining space, combining history and artistic creations.
全省服務專線:0800213365 台中市西區臺灣大道二段285號19樓之3 19F.-3, No.285, Sec. 2, Taiwan Blvd., West Dist., Taichung City
台中日光溫泉度假酒店 The Sun Hot Spring & Resort
共81間精緻套房、湯屋、大眾湯、蒸氣室及三 溫暖,泉質為PH 7.6、40℃的碳酸氫鈉泉,給您深 層的舒緩,回歸最初純淨。 There are 81 exquisite guest rooms in total, plus SPA facilities like public/private hot spring, steam room and Jacuzzi. The hot spring here belongs to sodium bicarbonate chloride springs with a temperature of 40℃ and a pH of 7.6, deeply soothing and able to restore your primordial purity. +886-4-22295559 / 台中市中區台灣大道一段145號 No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-22399000 / 台中市北屯區東山路二段光西巷78號 No. 78, Guangsi Lane, Sec.2, Dongshan Rd, Beitun District. Taichung City
Roaming the town 撰稿 Writer/ 張百渝 Kiki Chang
浪漫東勢 好客 HAKKA 裝置藝術展 Romantic Dongshi – HAKKA Installation Art Exhibition 臺中東勢地名取自「東隅之聚落」之意,因早期軍工採伐木料, 在此建有工寮,故又稱為匠寮或寮腳。這裡是客語推廣重鎮之一,不 但客語人口比例最高,還是大埔腔使用最集中的地區,而地理位置良 好、物產豐饒也是溫帶水果的知名產區。 The name of Dongshi District of Taichung was taken from “The Settlement in the east corner.” In the early days, the military industry harvested woods and built laborers lodging here, so it was also called “The Settlement of Craftsmen.” With the highest density of Hakka population, Dongshi is also the place with the highest usage rate of the Dabu dialect. Furthermore, it is the well-known producing area of temperate fruits.
好客 HAKKA 裝置藝術展 1/15-2/21 HAKKA Installation Art Exhibition
由 東 勢 區 公 所 主 辦 的「 好 客 HAKKA 裝置藝術展」,以東勢客 家文化園區為中心,串聯周邊商 圈及公園,使用近 2,000 盞在地 特色手繪燈籠打造溫暖的東勢 夜晚。活動時間至 2022 年 02 月 21 日 止, 歡 迎 民 眾 前 來 賞 燈! The“HAKKA Installation Art Exhibition” with nearly 2,000 painted lanterns is hosted by Dongshi District Office. Taking Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park as the center to connect the surrounding business districts and parks. The exhibition will be closed on February 21st, 2022. Welcome you to enjoy lanterns!
HAKKA 變色燈箱 HAKKA Color Changing Light Box
廣興綠地草皮上 (東勢客家文化園區停車場旁廣場) The turf of Guangxing Greenland (The plaza next to the parking lot of Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park)
HAKKA 有 著「 好 客 」 的 諧 音, 與今年主題相互呼應,而 HAKKA 變色燈箱每 30 秒即會隨機變換 紅、 藍、 綠、 米 黃、 白 等 多 種 色彩,底部燈座更融合了客家 花布的圖樣,映照著空地上的大 片綠地,非常引人注目。 HAKKA Color Changing Light Box will randomly change colors like red, blue, green, beige, and white every 30 seconds. The lamp holder even integrated the pattern of Hakka floral cloth.
特色燈牆 Featured Lights Wall
東勢客家文化園區前廣場 The plaza in front of the Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
園區上方懸掛燈籠,串聯 東勢形象商圈及園區後方迴 廊 道, 藉 由 這 些 燈 籠 將 遊 客們引導至園區,觀賞由近 300 盞特色燈籠所組成的大 型燈牆,將在活動期間照亮 晚間的東勢客家文化園區。 Lanterns are hung above the park, connecting the Dongshi Business District and the corridors at the back of the park. Visitors will be guided to the park through the lanterns to enjoy the large lights wall composed of nearly 300 featured lanterns.
Roaming the town
燈籠拱門隧道 Lantern Arch Tunnel
東豐自行車綠廊道終點 The end of the Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way
由近 1,000 多盞燈籠所構成之 特色拱門,遊客可以騎自行 車或徒步暢遊,在隧道中 觀賞每顆獨一無二的手 繪燈籠,無論是在白 天或晚上皆能成為 吸睛的拍照亮點! It is an arch composed of over 1,000 lanterns. Visitors can ride bicycles or walk along the way. It is a hotspot for photo shooting no matter in the daytime or nighttime!
周邊景點順遊 The Nearby Attractions
即將開館的原東勢公學校宿 舍(臺中客家故事館),由日 治時期經過整修後保留至今已 有百年,仍能看出原有日式工 法及材料;林業文化的保存少 不了東勢林業文化園區,為早 期開發大雪山資源時所成立, 是中部夏季賞荷的絕佳景點。
The Dormitory of Former Dongshi Public School (Taichung Hakka Story Hall) is about to be opened. It has been preserved for a hundred years after being renovated during the Japanese colonial period. Talking about the preservation of forestry culture, you can't miss Dongshi Forestry Cultural Park. It is also a perfect place to enjoy lotus.
必嚐在地美食 Don’t Miss the Local Food
早期食物不易保存,客 家人大多又以務農為主, 因此他們將收成的蔬菜日 曬後,加入鹽、豆麴等具 天 然 防 腐 的 材 料, 成 為 現在常見的醃製品,有芥 菜、蘿蔔、豆腐等。又因 東勢早年住著大量移入的 外省人,在飲食方面就有 北方麵食及牛肉料理融入其中,也發展成現今東勢在地的飲食特色。 In the early days, most of the Hakka people were mainly engaged in farming. At that time, food was not easy to be preserved so they added salt, soy koji, and other natural ingredients those can prevent food from spoiling after they dried vegetables. Those are the common pickled products nowadays. Also, there were a large number of provincials living in Dongshi, and they made the local food include northern noodles and beef recipes. 臺中市東勢區公所 廣告
主題 遊程 Themed Tour
歡迎來「找茶」! 松柏嶺茶文化主題館隆重開幕! Welcome to Tasting Tea! The Grand Opening of Songboling Tea Culture Theme Pavilion!
八卦山風景區又有新景點了!位於南投縣名間鄉的松柏嶺遊客中心,正式改造 為「茶文化主題館」,日前已隆重開幕,交通部觀光局參山國家風景區管理處誠 摯邀請遊客來喝茶、「找茶」! There is a new attraction in Baguashan Scenic Area! The Songboling Visitor Center, located in Mingjian Township, Nantou County, was officially turned into the “Tea Culture Theme Pavilion.” It had been opened recently. Tri-Mountain National Scenic Area Administration, Tourism Bureau welcomes visitors to drink tea!
松柏嶺為臺灣重要茶區 Songboling is an Important Tea Area in Taiwan
位於南投與彰化的交界、八卦山脈南端的松柏嶺地區,海拔約四百公尺,擁有 適合栽種茶葉的地形、氣候及紅土,松柏嶺不僅產茶歷史悠久,茶葉生產量更居 全國之冠,尤以松柏長青茶最為聞名,可說是臺灣重要茶區!
Located at the junction of Nantou and Changhua and at the southern end of Baguashan, Songboling area is about 400 meters above sea level. It has the terrain, climate, and terra rossa suitable for tea cultivation; these conditions make Songboling area have a long history of tea production and the largest number of tea production in Taiwan. Songbo Evergreen Tea is the most famous one!
遊客中心化身茶文化主題館 Visitor Center Turned into Tea Culture Theme Pavilion
為展現松柏嶺獨特的在地茶文化,參山國家風景區管理 處費時一年多,將遊客中心改造為茶文化主題館,不僅展 現豐富多元的茶文化,並融入互動體驗設施,讓大小朋友 都能輕鬆了解茶知識。 In order to present the local tea culture of Songboling, TriMountain National Scenic Area Administration, Tourism Bureau took more than a year to transform the visitor center into a tea culture theme pavilion. It presents abundant tea cultures and incorporates interactive experiences so that people of all ages can easily understand the knowledge of tea.
一樓展示臺灣第一茶球 The First Ball-shaped Tea in Taiwan Displayed on the First Floor
茶文化主題館的一樓策展主題為「松柏長青茶區」與「臺 灣茶區」,除了茶業發展史與製茶過程,其中更展示了「臺 灣第一茶球」,饒富歷史文化意義。 The themes of the curation on the first floor of the Tea Culture Theme Pavilion are“Songbo Evergreen Tea Area”and“Taiwan Tea Area.” In addition to the development history of the tea industry and the process of tea making, it also presents “The First Ball-shaped Tea in Taiwan”, which is quite meaningful.
另規劃採取預約制的互動體驗 區,包含:體驗古式炒茶的「製 茶體驗」,以大碗公茶湯進行 臉部薰蒸的「茶薰六覺」,及 「茶藝示範」等,期望透過 各式體驗達到寓教於樂的效 果。 There is also a reservation-only interactive experience area with the concept of educational entertainment, t h e c o n t e n t i n c l u d e s t h e “ Te a Making Experience” of frying tea in an ancient way, “Tea Fumigation of Six Sensations” that makes facial fumigation with a large bowl of tea, and “Tea Art Demonstration”.
二樓引入國際茶葉視野 The International Perspective of Tea on the Second Floor
二樓則有「世界茶」與「松嶺藝 廊」,前者介紹世界七大類茶葉- 黃茶、綠茶、白茶、青茶、紅 茶、黑茶、加工茶,並規 劃茶類聞香區,遊客 可以透過嗅覺感 受七大茶類獨特 的芬芳氣味;後者 展示謝坤山老師的書 法 陶 刻 創 作, 讓 茶 香 與藝術相互輝映,展期 至 2022 年 2 月 28 日。
There are “World Tea Area” and “Songling Art Gallery” on the second floor. The former introduces the seven major types of tea in the word, including yellow tea, green tea, white tea, oolong tea, black tea, dark tea, and processed tea. The tea smelling area is also planned. Visitors can feel the unique aroma of tea. The latter shows the calligraphy and pottery carvings of Mr. Xie, Kun-Shan. The period of exhibition is until February 28th, 2022.
搭配鄰近景點一同順遊 Visiting the Nearby Attrations
除了茶文化主題館外,周邊遊憩景點豐富,舉凡:受天宮、登廟步道、 茶香步道、七星陣地公園等,都值得安排遊玩。更多相關活動資訊,請 至「趣遊參山:獅頭山 梨山 八卦山」臉書粉絲專頁查詢。 There are plenty of attractions in the surrounding area, such as Shou Tian Temple, Dengmiao Trail, Tea Fragrance Trail, and Seven Stars Battlefield Park. These are worth-visiting. For more information, please check on the facebook fan page @trimnt.
茶文化主題館 Songboling Tea Culture Theme Pavilion 電話 Tel:+886-4-92580525 地址 Add:南投縣名間鄉名松路二段 181 號 No. 181, Sec. 2, Mingsong Rd., Mingjian Township, Nantou County 開放 Open:( 一 )Mon~( 日 )Sun 08:30-17:30 預約體驗服務:茶薰六覺、古式炒茶 (10 人以上,7 日前預約 ) Reservation of Experience:Tea Fumigation of Six Sensations and Tea Frying in an Ancient Way (More than 10 people, please make a reservation 7 days in advance )facebook fan page @trimnt.
FB 趣遊參山:獅頭山 梨山 八卦山
廣告 27
Come to Dongshi to Celebrate Xin Ding Ban Festival!
撰文 Writer/ 詹韻蓉 Joy Jan 元宵時節,除了掛燈籠猜燈謎, 「2022 臺中東勢新丁粄節」還有 不同的慶祝儀式! During the Lantern Festival, in addition to hanging lanterns and solving lantern riddles, there is a different ceremony for the festival in “2022 Taichung Dongshi Xin Ding Ban Festival!”
早期農業社會家中添丁是大事,只要家族逢弄璋之喜,便會於次年元宵 節以糯米、蓬萊米製作「新丁粄」敬神,新丁粄一個個層層堆疊,用以酬 神慶賀家族添丁,並且祈求孩子成長過程健康平安。敬神後則會將新丁粄 分送給街坊鄰居吃,分享喜悅與喜氣,同時也是感謝伯公(土地公)添丁 賜福的表現。 In the early agricultural society, giving birth to a boy was important for a family. At the Lantern Festival of the following year, people will express their gratitude to the gods with “Xin Ding Ban” which is made with waxy rice and japonica rice, and also pray for the health and safety of the children. After worshipping the gods, the “Xin Ding Ban” will be distributed to neighbors as sharing the joy. 客家新丁粄使用可食用的「紅花米」將表面染成紅色,和閩南的紅龜粄 不一樣,客家傳統式新丁粄不包餡、不壓花紋,閩南紅龜粄則通常包紅豆 餡且壓花紋,花紋是以龜甲象徵幸福長壽。使用桃子形狀的粄印製作的桃 紅色「桃粄」,又稱作「千金粄」,以及米麩製作的「桃糕」,則代表生 女兒為「半丁」,也值得慶賀。 Hakka Xin Ding Ban is made with edible “Hong Hua Mi” (a kind of red food coloring) to dye the surface red, without filling and no embossing pattern, it is different from Hokkien Ang Ku Kueh that is usually with red bean filling and embossing pattern. The peach-shaped “Tao Ban”, which is also called “Qian Jin Ban,” and the “Tao Cake” made with rice polishings are used to celebrate the birth of a daughter.
現今東勢不論生男生女,皆會製作新丁粄、千金粄與 親戚好友分享,每年元宵節日,東勢便以文化街各個廟宇 為中心舉辦新丁會,分送新丁粄給居民及新丁會員,數量 壯觀甚至大排長龍的新丁粄景象,遂變成特殊的東勢元宵節慶盛 況,更曾連續 12 年榮獲行政院客家委員會列入「客庄十二大節慶」,吸 引大批外地遊客前來朝聖。 Nowadays, whether giving birth to a boy or a girl, Dongshi people make Xin Ding Ban and Qian Jin Ban. Every Lantern Festival, the Dongshi government holds Xin Ding Party in the temples around Wenhua Street, and Xin Ding Ban will be distributed to residents and members of Xin Ding Party. This became a special Lantern Festival culture in Dongshi. It has been selected as of “12 Hakka Village Festivals” by the Hakka Affairs Council for 12 consecutive years.
在東勢的新丁會組織中,相傳還有「鬪粄」 的傳統文化,也就是「新丁粄 比賽」。在新丁會組織中,參加的人依例繳納會費做為公賞賞金,會員中當 年添丁或家中有新婚喜事者,需要製作新丁粄給所有會員分享,凡是新丁粄 做得最大最重者,由公賞發給賞金獎勵,由於第一名獎金豐厚,又可名揚一 時,因此參加者越做越大,甚至曾有 120 斤重的新丁粄令眾人大開眼界! It is said that there is a traditional culture “Dou Ban,” also known as “Xin Ding Ban Competition.” The participants pay the membership fee as a public reward. If a member gives birth to a boy or his/her family members get married, they need to make Xin Ding Ban and distribute it to all the members. Anyone who has made the biggest and heaviest Xin Ding Ban will get the public reward. There was a member who even made a 72 kilograms Xin Ding Ban! 除此之外,2022 臺中東勢新丁粄節更發展出 15 項慶祝活動,有求子儀式、 求文昌、擲炮城、擲筊祈福求大粄等文化活動,還有踩街遊行「靚客行」、 客家特色加值產業展售、哈客舞青春、新丁綻放之夜等膾炙人口的表演。今 年更規畫「異國異地新丁文化展」於東勢客家文化園區內展出,預計展出越 南、印尼、柬埔寨及中國黑龍江省的新丁文化,讓東勢的在地新移民也能分 享關於家鄉的風俗民情,與東勢新丁文化相互輝映,共襄盛舉! 2022 Taichung Dongshi Xin Ding Ban Festival has developed 15 celebration activities, including the ceremony of asking for a son, throwing firecrackers, throwing the divination blocks and praying for Da Ban, parade, sales of Hakka specialty products, and Hakka dancing performances. This year, the “Foreign Xin Ding Cultural Exhibition” is planned to be exhibited in the Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park. It is expected to exhibit the Xin Ding cultures of Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Heilongjiang Province of China, so that the new immigrants in Dongshi can also share the customs of their hometowns!
封面故事 Cover Story
春遊二日 全台旅遊企劃 Two-Day Tour Plan of Taiwan in spring 帶路人 Author
寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊。 Professional novelist who likes writing, reading, painting, and traveling.
和煦晴朗的春天,正是旅遊好時節,無論是搭船看海、在獨特 小鎮裡散散步,或是走訪古城尋找新鮮事,都是春季好選擇。編 輯部特別精選台灣三縣市春遊行程,三大主題各有特色。安排兩 天一夜前往,一起渡過愉快假期吧! The warm and sunny spring is a good season to travel. No matter to enjoy the sea view by taking boat, to take a walk in a unique township, or to visit an ancient city to explore fresh things is a good choice. Here are the recommended itineraries of three counties in Taiwan, and three themes have their own features! Arrange two days to spend a pleasant holiday together!
ative Hotspot
Exploring the Daily Life of Qingshui
Exploring the Fresh and Trendy Things in the Ancient City
l Township
tural and Cre
ainan X Cul X 文創熱點 T
來吧,環龜山島一圈! Let’s Go Around the Guishan Island!
bling in Smal ung X Ram 鎮散步 Taich 台中 X 小
olor of the O ilan X The C 色Y 宜蘭 X 海的顏
封面故事 Cover Story 宜蘭 X 海的顏色
Yilan X The Color of the Ocean
來吧,環龜山島一圈! Let’s Go Around the Guishan Island!
位於宜蘭外海的龜山島,不僅是座活火山,也是宜蘭著名地標。這一次,讓我 們搭上船,近距離欣賞它的美吧! Guishan Island is not only an active volcano, but also a famous landmark in Yilan. Let's take the boat and closely admire the view of this beautiful island!
從烏石港啟程 Setting Off from Wushi Fishing Harbor 來到宜蘭,若想要「遊龜山島」或 「賞鯨豚」,從烏石港出發準沒錯! 烏石港聚集多家遊艇業者,提供環島 或登島的套裝行程,買好票、穿上救 生衣,就可以登上遊艇開心啟航! If you want to visit Guishan Island and watch cetacean, setting off from Wushi Fishing Harbor is definitely the right choice! There are many yacht operators those provide round-island packaged itineraries. Get your ticket and put on a life vest, then you are ready to go!
烏石港 Wushi Fishing Harbor
邊環島邊尋找海豚 Searching for Dolphins around the Island 沿著龜山島外圍海域行駛一 圈,會看見龜山八景之一的海底 溫泉,湧出的熱泉造成海域顏色 改變,出現兼具深藍與乳白色的 「牛奶海」。
龜山島牛奶海 Milk Sea of Guishan Island
Sailing around the Guishan Island, you will see the hot springs gushing out of sea bottom. It causes the color of the sea to change, and the “Milk Sea” that blends dark blue and milky white appears.
運氣好的話,還能看見海豚呢!於龜 山島附近發現的鯨豚共有十幾種,最常 見的是飛旋海豚,在躍起的短短幾秒鐘 內能旋轉三至七次!
飛旋海豚 Spinner dolphin
If you are lucky, you can see the dolphins! There are more than ten species of cetaceans, the most common is Spinner dolphin. They can spin three to seven times in just a few seconds while they jump!
不能錯過的順遊景點 The Must-visit Attractions
鄰近烏石港的景點,還有歷史悠久 的 頭 城 老 街、 造 型 奇 特 的 蘭 陽 博 物 館,以及外觀如歐式城堡的伯朗咖啡 館, 建 議 一 起 順 遊, 讓 行 程 更 加 豐 富! Making the itinerary richer, it is also great to visit the attractions near Wushi Fishing Harbor, such as the historic Toucheng Old Street, the unique building - Lanyang Museum, and Mr. Brown Café, which looks like a European-style castle.
蘭陽博物館 Lanyang Museum
夜宿溫泉小鎮 Staying Overnight at Hot Spring Township 以溫泉聞名、酒店林立的礁溪,是最佳住宿地點!周邊街區亦十分熱鬧, 能夠滿足用餐與購買伴手禮的需求,還規劃露天泡腳區,體驗魚吃腳皮的趣 味。 Jiaoxi, famous for its hot spring and full of hotels, is the best place to stay! The surrounding streets are bustling, people go dining and buy souvenirs there; visitors can also experience fish pedicures in the open-air foot bath area.
礁溪酒店 Jiaoxi
礁溪街道 Jiaoxi
封面故事 Cover Story 參觀歪七扭八的房子 Visiting the Crooked Building 號稱宜蘭霍爾移動城堡的礁溪戶政事務所,由知名建築大師黃聲遠所設計, 外觀大膽奇特,揮別建築必須是整齊線條的印象,成為在地熱門打卡景點! Jiaoxi Township Household Registration Office was designed by a wellknown architect; the appearance is bold and unique, which breaks the impression that the building must be neat and tidy; due to this, it has become a popular local checkin spot! 礁溪戶政事務所 Jiaoxi Township Household Registration Office
植物園裡的午餐 Having Lunch in a Botanical Garden 被植物滿滿包圍的溫室玻璃屋,絕對是拍出夢幻美照的首選!香草菲菲以 芳香植物博物館為主打,能邊認識植物、感受花草散發的芬芳,邊享用悠閒 的午餐與午茶。 The greenhouse full of plants is definitely the first place for taking dreamy photos! Artemis Garden takes the aromatic botanical garden as the main theme, allowing visitors to learn about plants while enjoying lunch and afternoon tea.
香草菲菲 Artemis Garden
Always Feel Wonderful and Interesting in Yilan Park of NCFTA
永遠都有新奇玩意的宜蘭傳藝園區,有古色古香的紅磚古蹟,而一字排開 的文創店鋪展示多種傳統手工藝,如拉糖、童玩、手工皂等,同時園區搭配 節慶,還推出許多精采表演。 You will never feel bored in Yilan Park of NCFTA. There are historical sites and cultural and creative stores, displaying a variety of traditional handcrafts; there will be many splendid performances during festivals.become a popular local check-in spot! 宜蘭傳藝園區 Yilan Park of NCFTA
園區內亦有景色優美的蜿蜒河道,可以連接冬山河,如果時間允許,乘船 遊園也是不錯的方式。 There is also a beautiful tortuous river in the park, which connect to the Dongshan River Park. If time allows, taking a boat to go around the park is a good way.
行程建議 Itinerary 烏石港 Wushi Fishing Harbor 宜蘭縣頭城鎮港口路 Gangkou Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County
龜山島 Guishan Island 蘭陽博物館 Lanyang Museum +886-3-9779700 宜蘭縣頭城鎮青雲路三段 750 號 No. 750, Sec. 3, Qingyun Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County
礁溪溫泉 Jiaoxi Hot Spring 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉溫泉路 Wenquan Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County
Jiaoxi Township Household Registration Office
宜蘭縣礁溪鄉礁溪路四段 126 號 No. 126, Sec. 4, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County
香草菲菲 Artemis Garden +886-3-9229933 宜蘭縣員山鄉內城路 650 號 No. 650, Neicheng Rd., Yuanshan Township, Yilan County
宜蘭傳藝園區 Yilan Park of NCFTA +886-3-9508859 宜蘭縣五結鄉五濱路二段 201 號 No. 201, Sec. 2, Wubin Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地
宜蘭 Yilan
Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
正好鮮肉小籠包 - 礁溪店 電話 Tel:+886-965-500700 # 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉仁愛路 122 號 No. 122, Ren'ai Rd., Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County
吃個小東西 電話 Tel:+886-966-949566 # 宜蘭縣宜蘭市慈安路臨 62 號 Near No. 62, Ci'an Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel mermaid.yin Lin_Dany
蘭城晶英酒店 / 紅樓中餐廳 電話 Tel:+886-3-9101011 # 宜蘭縣宜蘭市民權路二段 36 號 6 樓 6F., No. 36, Sec. 2, Minquan Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County
貓的生活提案 電話 Tel:+886-3-9551766 # 宜蘭縣羅東鎮公正街 32 號 No. 32, Gongzheng St., Luodong Township, Yilan County
buytomgray yuuboku_shigoto
電話 Tel:+886-983-867375 # 宜蘭縣羅東鎮中山路三段 222 號 ( 幼獅飯店 ) 對面 Opposite of No. 222, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Luodong Township, Yilan County
# 宜蘭縣頭城鎮開蘭東路 53-2 號 No. 53-2, Kailan E. Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County
封面故事 Cover Story 台中 X 小鎮散步
Taichung X Rambling in Small Township
探索清水的日常風景。 Exploring the Daily Life of Qingshui
舊名「牛罵頭」的清水,位在台中沿海地區,倚著鰲峰山,是一座可看山看海 的緩慢小鎮。跟著我們來散散步吧! Qingshui, formerly known as “Niumatou”, against the Aofeng Mountain, is a small township where you can admire mountain and sea views. Let's ramble in this place! 登上鰲峰山眺望海
Overlooking the Sea from Aofeng Mountain
居高臨下的鰲峰山擁有極佳視野,不僅有造 型獨特的玉帶橋、適合野餐的草皮,還有 一座能夠眺望 180 度陸海空全景的景觀 台,可以欣賞清水市區與台灣海峽的美 景,非常適合全家大小來悠閒走走。 Aofeng Mountain has an excellent view. There is not only Jade Belt Bridge with the unique style, and turf suitable for picnics, but also a scenic platform where you can overlook a 180 degree panoramic view and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Qingshui and the Taiwan Strait. It is suitable for the whole family. 一次呈現三個時代
鰲峰山 Aofeng Mountain
Presenting Three Eras at Once
牛罵頭遺址文化園區保留了三種時代的痕跡,包含新石器 時代遺址與古物、日治時代的清水神社、光復後陸軍營區 的屋舍與司令台,值得深深探訪裡頭的歷史文化。 Niumatou Site Cultural Park preserves the traces of three eras, including Neolithic sites and antiquities, Shimizu Shrine of the Japanese colonial period, and houses and ceremonial stand in the army barracks after recovery. 40
牛罵頭文化園區 Niumatou Site Cultural Park
而鄰近處的神社崎,為清水神社的後參 道,階梯筆直綿長,宛如日本動畫電影 《你的名字》裡,男女主角的重逢之梯。 The nearby Shrine Saki is the side road of Shimizu Shrine. The stairs are straight and long, looking like the scene from the Japanese animated film “Your Name.”
神社崎 Shrine Saki
獨特的黑面觀音神像 The Statue of the Unique Black-faced Guanyin 紫雲巖為清水在地信仰中心,主祀觀世 音菩薩,特別的是這尊觀音佛像是少 見的黑面,參拜時不妨仔細留意呦。 Tzuyunyen Temple is the local belief center of Qingshui, where people mainly worship Guanyin Bodhisattva, and it is special the statue is the rare black-faced Guanyin. 廟宇周邊聚集不少小吃,有平價清甜 的阿婆冰,也有清水最知名的米糕雙雄- 紫雲巖 Tzuyunyen Temple 阿財米糕和王塔米糕,各有死忠支持者! There are a lot of snacks around the temple, including the cheap and sweet Grandma's Ice, and the most famous rice cakes in Qingshui, Acai Rice Cake and Wangta Rice Cake! 海邊摩天輪好浪漫 Romantic Seaside Ferris Wheel
日本三井集團於台中港打造了一座 outlet,園區內各式品牌店家林立, 亦引進多種日式餐飲美食,但其中 最吸引人的,絕對是可以眺望海景 的摩天輪,浪漫滿點。 Mitsui & Co., Ltd. has built an outlet in Taichung Port. There are many brands and Japanese restaurants in the outlet, but the most attractive one is definitely the Ferris wheel where you can overlook the sea.
三井 Outlet Mitsui Outlet Park
封面故事 Cover Story 海線藝術的面貌 The Artistic Appearance of Coast Line 仿閩南合院建築風格的港區藝術中心,館藏豐富,可以欣賞展覽、觀賞表 演,也能在戶外空間感受小橋流水般的典雅氣氛。 Taichung City Seaport Art Center, which simulates the building style of the Southern Fu-jian courtyard, has a rich collection. You can admire exhibitions, watch performances, and also enjoy the elegant atmosphere in the outdoor space.
港區藝術中心 Taichung City Seaport Art Center
眷村搖身變成文創基地 Military Dependents’ Village Turned into the Cultural and Creative Bases
原為空軍眷村的清水眷村文化園區,進駐多家文創小店及市集活動,成為 超文青熱門景點!適合花一個下午,逛逛小店,感受蘊藏時光的一磚一瓦。 Qingshui Military Community Culture Park, formerly the air force military dependents' village, has many cultural and creative shops and markets. It is suitable for spending an afternoon in this popular attraction and exploring new things in small shops.
清水眷村文化園區 Qingshui Military Community Culture Park
Reading a Picture Book Here
只要穿越一小片稻田,就能抵達不 遠處的海灣繪本館。繪本館外頭的 彩繪鯨魚是絕佳打卡背景,館內則 規劃繪本區與展覽區,並提供許多 國內外繪本供免費閱讀,儼然是親 子的秘密基地。 The painted whale outside the Bay Picture is an excellent background for checking-in. Inside the building, there are picture book and exhibition areas, and many domestic and foreign picture books are provided for free reading.
海灣繪本館 Bay Picture
鰲峰山 Aofeng Mountain
行程建議 Itinerary
Scenic Platform of Aofeng Mountain
台中市清水區鰲海路 70 號 No. 70, Aohai Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 牛罵頭遺址文化園區
Niumatou Site Cultural Park
+886-4-26222596 台中市清水區鰲海路 59 號 No. 59, Aohai Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 紫雲巖 Tzuyunyen Temple +886-4-26235500 台中市清水區大街路 206 號 No. 206, Dajie Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 台中港 Mitsui Outlet Park +886-4-25218999 台中市梧棲區臺灣大道十段 168 號 No. 168, Sec. Yiling, Taiwan Blvd., Wuqi Dist., Taichung City
Taichung City Seaport Art Center
+886-4-26274568 台中市清水區忠貞路 21 號 No. 21, Zhongzhen Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 清水眷村文化園區
Qingshui Military Community Culture Park
台中市清水區中社路信義巷 41 號 No. 41, Xinyi Ln., Zhongshe Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 海灣繪本館 Bay Picture +886-4-26281512 台中市清水區中社路 54 號 No. 54, Zhongshe Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地
Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
電話 Tel:+886-4-23762800
# 台中市西區忠勤街 78 號 No. 78, Zhongqin St., West Dist., Taichung City
電話 Tel:+886-4-23782577 # 台中市西區五權西二街 112 號 No. 112, Wuquan W. 2nd St., West Dist., Taichung City
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel candy_tastylife twoboysfoods
玖肆地瓜球 電話 Tel:+886-965-605906 # 台中市南屯區南屯路二段 86 號 No. 86, Sec. 2, Nantun Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City
掰哩掰哩 韓食料理 電話 Tel:+886-4-23205028 # 台中市西區大墩十街 75 號 No. 75, Dadun 10th St., West Dist., Taichung City
飪室 Renshi 勤美店 電話 Tel:+886-4-23220857 # 台中市西區美村路一段 149 巷 19 號 No. 19, Ln. 149, Sec. 1, Meicun Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
嘉良冰鎮 電話 Tel:+886-4-22784941 # 台中市太平區中山路三段 96 號 No. 96, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Taiping Dist., Taichung City
封面故事 Cover Story 台南 X 文創熱點
Tainan X Cultural and Creative Hotspot
Exploring the Fresh and Trendy Things in the Ancient City 台南是座歷史古城,卻年年有新意。老建築新活化的樣貌,往往成為潮流尖端, 於是復古之旅就此展開! Tainan is a historical ancient city, but it also has new things happening every year. The revitalized appearances of the buildings always become the cutting edge of the trend. Let the retro journey begin! 絕美美術館新登場 The Debut of the Stunning Art Museum 討論度極高的台南市美術館二館,於 2021 年正式啟用!純白階梯式外觀, 絕對是旅客拍照最愛,假日舉辦的 市集更是吸引大批人潮,成為台南 新熱點。 T h e t r e n d i n g Ta i n a n A r t Museum Building 2 was officially opened in 2021! The white terraced appearance attracts visitors to take photos. Also, a lot of people come here for the weekend market.
台南市美術館 2 館 Tainan Art Museum Building
一張門票能暢遊美術館一館與二館,如果時間允許不妨同遊,十分划算喔。 You can visit Tainan Art Museum Building 1 and Building 2 with one ticket. If time permits, you may visit two buildings at once. It is quite cost-effective. 復古風格正流行
Vintage Is the Trendy Now
建造於日據時期的林百貨,是南台灣第一間百貨公司,如今這座歷史建築重新 進駐文創店鋪,有餐飲,有服飾,整體風格復古又時髦。 Hayashi Department Store, which was established in the Japanese Colonial Period, was the first department store in Southern Taiwan. Nowadays, there 46
are not only cultural and creative stores in this historical building, but also restaurants and clothing brands. The style is retro and fashionable. 林百貨也是唯一建有日本神社的百 貨公司,千萬不要錯過位於頂樓的神 社古蹟喔! Hayahshi Department Store is also the only department store with a Japanese shrine. Don't miss the historical shrine on the top floor! 老建築新風貌
林百貨 Hayashi Department Store
The New Appearance of the Old Building
戎館 Yebisu Kan
前身為日據時期戲院的戎館,匯集了伴 手禮、餐飲與文物展示的複合商場,也 是老建築玩出新風貌的絕佳案例。 Yebisu Kan, formerly a theater in the Japanese colonial period, is a complex shopping mall that gathers souvenir shops, restaurants, and the display of cultural relics. It is also a great example of an old building with a new appearance. The Pilgrimage Site for Hipsters
自創立以來,藍晒圖文化園區一直是文青必 訪之地。園區原為監獄宿舍群,後來經過 改造,並進駐藝術工作室、精緻店家、特 色餐飲,適合悠閒漫步,而晚間燈光亮 起,別有風格。 Blueprint Cultural & Creative Park was originally a prison dormitory group. After the transformation, there are art workshops, exquisite shops, and specialty restaurants here. It is suitable for rambling. When the lights are on at night, this place looks particularly unique.
藍晒圖 Blueprint Cultural & Creative Park
封面故事 Cover Story 號稱迷你版的亞馬遜河 Be Known As the Mini Amazon River 想不到台南也有這樣的自然美景!由紅樹林形成的綠色隧道就在四草,搭 乘竹筏體驗遊河,觀賞周遭的豐富生態,宛如身在亞馬遜河。* 遊河需購票, 航程約 30 分鐘。 The green tunnel formed by the mangrove forest is in Sicao. Taking a bamboo raft to watch the rich ecology nearby makes you feel like you're in the Amazon River. *Ticket is required, and the journey takes about 30 minutes. 四草綠色隧道 Sicao Green Tunnel
New Year’s Greeting to Pray for Lucky
來到正統鹿耳門聖母廟,絕對會被廟宇的壯觀所震懾,它不僅是世界最大 的聖母廟,門口的千里眼與順風耳也是世界第一高!在驚訝之餘,記得入殿 參拜天上聖母,為新的一年祈求平安健康喔。 When you come to Orthodox Luermen Sheng Mu Temple, you will definitely be amazed by the magnificent temple. It is not only the largest Sheng Mu temple in the world, but the Qianliyan and Shunfeng'er at the doors are also the highest in the world! Don't forget to visit the temple and pray for safety and health for the new year.
正統鹿耳門聖母廟 Orthodox Luermen Sheng Mu Temple
吃喝玩樂在老街 Eating, Drinking and Having Fun in the Old Street
號 稱 台 灣 第 一 街 的 安 平 老 街, 由 300 多年前荷蘭人所建,聚集了各式 美食與傳統藝術,非常熱鬧。來到這 裡,勢必要順遊安平古堡,再遠一點 還能遊訪億載金城與漁光島,玩好玩 滿! Anping Old Street, known as Taiwan's first street, which was built by the Dutch more than 300 years ago, gathers all kinds of delicious food and traditional arts. When you come here, you must visit Anping Fort; and go a little further away, there are Eternal Golden Castle and Yuguang Island.
安平古堡 Eternal Golden Castle
行程建議 Itinerary 台南市美術館 2 館
Tainan Art Museum Building 2
+886-6-2218881 台南市中西區忠義路二段 1 號 No. 1, Sec. 2, Zhongyi Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 林百貨 Hayashi Department Store +886-6-2213000 台南市中西區忠義路二段 63 號 No. 63, Sec. 2, Zhongyi Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 戎舘 Yebisu Kan +886-6-2295248 台南市中西區中正路 220 號 No. 220, Zhongzheng Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 藍晒圖文創園區
Blueprint Cultural & Creative Park
+886-6-2227195 台南市南區西門路一段 689 巷 12 號 No. 12, Ln. 689, Sec. 1, Ximen Rd., South Dist., Tainan City
四草綠色隧道 Sicao Green Tunnel +886-6-2840959 台南市安南區大眾路 360 號 No. 360, Dazhong Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City 正統鹿耳門聖母廟
Orthodox Luermen Sheng Mu Temple
+886-6-2577547 台南市安南區城安路 160 號 No. 160, Cheng'an Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City 安平老街 Anping Old Street 台南市安平區延平街 Yanping St., Anping Dist., Tainan City
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地
Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
花出 電話 Tel:+886-928-873482 # 台南市中西區郡緯街 33 號 No. 33, Junwei St., West Central Dist., Tainan City
島入冰店 電話 Tel:+886-958-558137 # 台南市中西區赤崁東街 15 巷 2 號 No. 2, Ln. 15, Chikan E. St., West Central Dist., Tainan City
跟著網美去旅行 Following Internet Celebrities to Travel yu_foodholic
輝旺土產牛肉清湯 電話 Tel:+886-6-6320103 # 台南市新營區復興路 144 之 6 號 No. 144-6, Fuxing Rd., Xinying Dist., Tainan City
阿堂鹹粥 電話 Tel:+886-6-2132572 # 台南市中西區西門路一段 728 號 No. 728, Sec. 1, Ximen Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City
missjoey__food wandercup_j
裏葉 電話 Tel:+886-6-2217282 # 台南市北區西門路三段 45 巷 42 弄 10 號 No. 10, Aly. 42, Ln. 45, Sec. 3, Ximen Rd., North Dist., Tainan City
艾摩多手工杏仁豆腐 電話 Tel:+886-6-2212381 # 台南市中西區赤崁東街 26 號 No. 26, Chikan E. St., West Central Dist., Tainan City
台中故事暢遊卡 一卡玩遍大台中
Travel around Taichung with Taichung Story Hall Card 台中故事暢遊卡由臺中市產業故事館發展協會所發行,是第一張串聯臺中不 同產業的旅遊認同卡!地區分布山海屯城,還有觀光工廠、創意生活、古蹟探 索 3 大主題任君挑選,選擇多元、產業豐富,故事暢遊卡本身還是一張悠遊卡, 讓你一卡在手暢行無阻,絕對是近年來最實惠的觀光旅遊卡之一! Taichung Story Hall Card is launched by Taichung Industry Story Hall Development Association. It is the first travel affinity card that connects different industries in Taichung! The locations includes mountains, sea, and towns, and there are 3 major themes of tourism factory, creative life, and historical site exploration. The card itself is also an Easycard! 台中故事暢遊卡串聯不同產業之旅遊, 可遊覽「寶熊漁樂碼頭」、「紙箱王- 大坑總店」、「鞋寶觀光工廠」、「安
妮公主花園」、「霧峰林家宮保第園區」等 5 大熱門場所。 Presenting the card, you can visit“Okuma Center”,“Carton King – Dakeng”, “Xie Bao Tourism Factory”, “Annie's Garden”, and “Wufeng Lin's Family Mansion Gongbaodi” for free. 憑卡亦可免費體驗以下 DIY 活動乙次,包含:阿聰師芋頭文 化館的芋頭酥 (4 入盒裝 )DIY;台灣味噌釀造文化館的風味醬 油 DIY;華剛茶業的臺灣茶品飲體驗;雪莉貝爾彩繪冰品專賣 店的彩繪冰棒或蛋糕課程,憑卡再送迷你棒棒冰乙支;伊莎貝 爾數位烘焙體驗館的烘焙課程。 Presenting the card, you can experience the following DIY activities once for free, including the making of taro pastry (4 pieces in a box) at Ah-Tsung-Shih Taro Culture Museum; the making of soy sauce at Taiwan Miso Cultural Museum; the Taiwan tea tasting at Hwa Gung Tea; the courses of making painted popsicle or cake at Sherry Bear. In addition to the courses, you can get a mini popsicle for free; a baking course at Isabell Experience. 憑著故事暢遊卡一年 365 天,皆可至 5 大觀光館所無限次免 費入館,還可至 5 家體驗館所免費 DIY 乙次,其中更包含數 10 間以上特約店家,總價值高達 2,300 元的行程,只要 799 元即可享一年的臺中觀 光優惠,心動不如馬上行動! Presenting Taichung Story Hall Card, you can enter 5 tourism attractions for free and experience DIY activities once for free in 5 experience centers throughout the year. It also includes 10 authorized stores. The itinerary has a total value of NTD 2,300, you can get it with only NTD 799!
主題 遊程 Themed Tour
歡迎來到後壁俗女村! Welcome to the Ordinary Woman Village in Houbi!
撰稿 Writer / 趙品瑄 Novia Chao 《俗女養成記 2》於 2021 年轟動熱播,你還記得劇裡陳嘉玲家的中藥行、 三合院,以及她後來改裝得美美的「鬼屋」嗎?身為俗女劇迷們,一定要親自 走訪台南後壁區的菁寮老街!這裡不僅是《俗女養成記》的拍攝景點,亦是紀 錄片《無米樂》的發生地。 The release of “The Making of an Ordinary Woman Season 2” caused a sensation in 2021. Do you still remember the traditional Chinese medicine store of Chen, Chia-Ling's family, Sanheyuan, and the “haunted house” that she later remodeled beautifully? As the fans, you must visit Jingliao Old Street in Houbi District, Tainan! Jingliao Old Street is not only the filming location of “The Making of an Ordinary Woman”, but also the site of the documentary “Wumiler.” 純樸的菁寮老街究竟有什麼特別呢?讓我們深入探索,蒐集 11 處必訪景點吧! Let's have an in-depth exploration and collect 11 must-visit attractions!
後壁區農會(菁寮辦事處) Houbi District Farmers' Association (Jingliao Office)
位於老街入口的農會,以穀倉作為造型, 外觀十分獨特,饒富在地特色。 The appearance of the farmers' association at the entrance of the old street looks like a barn, it's quite unique and full of local features. 台南市後壁區後壁 346 號 No. 346, Houbi, Houbi Dist., Tainan City
No.2 菁寮老街 Jingliao Old Street
菁寮老街又稱「嫁妝街」,早期舉凡 喜餅、花布、棉被、裁縫、家俱等婚慶 所需用品,在這裡都能找到! It is also called “Dowry Street.” Here, you can find the wedding supplies in the early days such as bride cake, printed cloth, comforter, tailoring service, and furniture! 如今亦進駐一些文創、餐飲店家,讓這條百 年老街多了新氣象。 Nowadays, there are cultural and creative shops and restaurants; these make the century-old street have a new look.
No.3 金德興中藥行 Jin De Xing Chinese Medicine Pharmacy
擁有兩百多年歷史的金德興藥鋪,歷經不同 家族的轉手,仍屹立在老街上,成為台南市定 古蹟。而這裡就是陳嘉玲的老家,祖父與爸爸 在店內抓藥、為客人看病,一家人也會聚在廳 堂裡看電視。 With a history of more than two hundred years, Jin De Xing Chinese Medicine Store still runs the business on the old street even after being operated by different families. Here is the native place of Chen, Chia-Ling in the drama. Her grandfather and father fill the prescriptions and see patients in the pharmacy. The family also watches TV in the living room. 台南市後壁區菁寮 191 號 No. 191, Jingliao, Houbi Dist., Tainan City
No.4 金德興後院 The Jin De Xing Backyard
再往菁寮老街裡頭走去,就能抵達金德興的後院, 也就是陳嘉玲從小生活到大的三合院! If you walk further into Jingliao Old Street, you will reach the backyard of Jin De Xing, which is the Sanheyuan where Chen, ChiaLing was born and grew up! 無論是全家一起吃飯的廚房與飯廳、小嘉玲的臥室、嘉玲爸媽 的臥室、處理藥材的廣場,都讓人瞬間又回味起電視劇。 Whether it is the kitchen and dining room where the whole family eats together, the bedroom of Chen, ChiaLing when she was little, her parent's bedroom, or the place where the Chinese medicinal materials are processed, it reminds the audience of the drama.
參觀門票 $50/ 人 Ticket price:50/person
台南市後壁區菁寮 229 號 No. 229, Jingliao, Houbi Dist., Tainan City
稻稻來 Dao Dao Lai
「稻稻來」即台語諧音「慢慢來」的意思,販售以 台灣米研磨製作的米麵包、米饅頭,多種口味可供選 擇,味道質樸扎實。 The pronunciation of “Dao Dao Lai” means “Take It Slow” in Taiwanese. It sells various flavors of bread and rice steamed bread made from Taiwanese rice. 56
台南市後壁區菁寮 189 號 No. 189, Jingliao, Houbi Dist., Tainan City
No.6 俗女村?號店 The Ordinary Woman Village Shops
俗女村是村長號召在地年輕人回鄉創業 的共享聚落,目前已經拓展到 8 號店,販 售產品包含咖啡、木耳露、水果農特產品、 牧場蛋、冰品、家俱等,儼然成為小型文 創聚落,適合逛逛走走。 The ordinary Village is a shared settlement for local young people to return to their hometown to start businesses. There are 8 shops until now, they sell products including coffee, fungus drink, fruit and agricultural products, farm eggs, ice products, furniture, etc. It has become a small cultural and creative settlement.
No.7 義昌碾米廠 Yi-Chang Rice Mill
創建於日據時代,擁有極為少見的 木造結構建築、檜木碾米機具,這裡 不僅保留展示碾米相關設備與文物, 也提供導覽解說、伴手禮販售、手作 DIY 體驗等服務。 Yi-Chang Rice Mill was established in the Japanese colonial period, it has rare wooden structures and cypress rice milling machines. You can not only see the display of rice millingrelated equipment and cultural relics, but also have a guided tour, DIY experience, and buy souvenirs here. 台南市後壁區菁寮 243 號 No. 243, Jingliao, Houbi Dist., Tainan City
荷蘭井湧泉民宿 Helan Jing Yong Quan Homestay
位於荷蘭井旁邊的三合院民宿,採用古早 味通鋪房間,亦有農村傳統美食割稻飯可 享用。 The sanheyuan homestay next to Helan Jing has Japanese-style rooms. It also provides the rural traditional dishes “Ge Dao Rice.” 台南市後壁區菁寮 129 號 No. 129, Jingliao, Houbi Dist., Tainan City
相傳這口井為荷西時代所開鑿,擁有 300 多年歷史, 成為菁寮村民飲水、挑水、洗滌的重要水井,目前古井 Helan Jing 裡仍有水,可以體驗汲水樂趣。 The Chinese pronunciation “Helan Jing” means Holland Well in English. It was said that this well with a history of more than 300 years was dug in the Dutch and Spanish colonial period. It had become an important well for the residents in Jingliao to drink and wash. There is still water in the ancient well, people can experience the fun of drawing water.
無米樂旅遊服務中心 Wumiler Tourist Service Center
如果找不到相關景點,不妨來身兼社區活動中心的旅遊服務中心 問路,一旁還貼心設有公共廁所。 It you can't find the relevant attractions, you might as well ask for directions at the tourist service enter, which is also a community activity center. There are also public toilets nearby. No.11
台南市後壁區菁寮 52 號 No. 52, Jingliao, Houbi Dist., Tainan City
Fengchang Store
豐昌商店為紀錄片電影《無米樂》裡,崑 濱伯所經營之米店,裡頭還懸掛著大大的總 冠軍匾額,其以「台農 71 號」勇奪全國冠 軍米殊榮。 Fengchang Store was the rice store operated by uncle Kun-Bin in the documentary “Wumiler.” In the store, you can see a big championship horizontal inscribed board hanging on the wall. He won the national rice championship with “Tainung NO.71.” 台南市後壁區菁寮 75 號 No. 75, Jingliao, Houbi Dist., Tainan City
Nearby No.8
陳嘉玲的鬼屋 Chen, Chia-Ling’s Haunted House
Nearby No.8
從 24 節氣步道進去,沿著指標便可抵達被戲 稱為鬼屋的陳嘉玲新家。可惜的是,房子已於拍 攝結束後拆掉,目前保留了鐵門,能稍微安撫劇 迷的心。 Walk-in from 24 Solar Terms Trail and follow the directions, you will reach Chen, Chia-Ling's new house, which is also called a haunted house. Unfortunately, the house was torn down after the filming was over, but you can still visit there to see the iron gate which is retained.
菁寮國民中學 Jingliao Junior High School
這裡便是小陳嘉玲就讀的學校,還記得她穿著制 服從裡頭走出來的可愛身影嗎? This is the school young Chen, Chia Ling attended. Do you still remember the cute picture of her walking out of it in a uniform?
繪者簡介/黃至民 Introduction of the Painter/ 繪者簡介/曾崇智 Huang, Zhi-min Introduction of the Painter / Zeng, Chong-zhi
旅行速寫 Travel Sketches
國立台灣師範大學美術研究所碩士,擔任科技大學、社區大學、長青學苑 的美術課程之教師,作品多次獲獎與入圍國際級繪畫比賽。 Master of Department of Fine Arts of National Taiwan Normal University. He is the teacher of art courses in university of science and technology, community college, and Evergreen Academy. His artworks have won many awards and nominated for international painting competitions.
天梯步道 The Sky Ladder Trail 位於軟埤坑農業休閒園區,山頂設 有涼亭,可眺望新社、大甲溪一帶。 It i s l ocated i n R uan pi keng Leisure Agricultural Area, and there is pavilion on the top of the mountain, where you can overlook Xinshe and Dajia River.
豐原客運東勢站 Fengyuan Bus Dongshi Station 外地遊客與在地居民往返臺中、東勢 的重要交通轉運點。 It is an important transit station for tourists and local residents to go back and forth from Taichung to Dongshi.
擁葉生態休閒農場 Yungyeh Recreational Farm 農場風景秀麗,還能進行住宿、玩陶、採 果等深度體驗。 Besides enjoying beautiful view here, the farm also provides accommodation and indepth experiences such as pottery making and fruits picking.
Jiji Green Tunnel
Endemic Species Research Institute 電話 Tel:+886-49-2761331
# 南投集集鎮 Jiji Township, Nantou County
# 南投縣集集鎮民生東路 1 號 No. 1, Minsheng E. Rd., Jiji Township, Nantou County
電話 Tel:+886-4-92942001
電話 Tel:+886-4-25888505
# 南投縣仁愛鄉山林巷 1 號 No. 1, Shanlin Ln., Ren'ai Township, Nantou County
# 台中市東勢區中山路 1 號 No. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
Huisun Forest Arean
Wonderful Movie Theater 電話 Tel:+886-4-22210356 # 台中市中區公園路 38 號 No. 38, Gongyuan Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City
Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park
DaSyueShan National Forest Recreation Area 電話 Tel:+886-4-25877901 # 台中市和平區雪山路 18 號 No. 18, Xueshan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
走讀工藝之美 - 工藝輕旅行 - 體驗不一樣的渡假 Feeling the Beauty of Crafts – The Light Trip of Crafts – Experience an Extraordinary Trip 來一趟不一樣旅行「走讀工藝之美 - 工藝輕旅行」由文化部指導、國立臺灣工 藝研究發展中心主辦、知達開發公司承辦、金龍永盛旅行社、一點通旅行社及各 大旅行社協辦。 Let's have an extraordinary trip! “Feeling the Beauty of Crafts – The Light Trip of Crafts” is guided by the Ministry of Culture, hosted by National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, organized by Zhi Da Development Company, and co-organized by Dragon Tour, Yidiantong Travel Agency, and other travel agencies. 由知達開發公司辦理示範性工藝旅遊行程體驗 :「走讀工藝之美 - 工藝輕旅行」 ( 二日遊 ),安排參訪臺中市纖維工藝博物館、王英信雕塑館、草屯知達工藝會館、 台灣工藝文化園區及遊山茶訪-茶文化館等多處工藝文化館,從民生需求到創意 表現,完整豐富生活的色彩。 The two-day demonstrative crafts trip “Feeling the Beauty of Crafts – The Light Trip of Crafts” is handled by Zhi Da Development Company, and the itinerary includes visits to Museum of Fiber Arts, Taichung, Wang Ying Hsin Museum, Caotun Zhi Da Craft Service Guest House, Taiwan Craft Cultural Park, Yoshantea – Tea Culture House, etc. The content of the trip includes people's livelihood needs and creative expressions to display the complete and rich colors of life.
「走讀工藝之美 - 工藝輕旅行」讓工藝與旅行交 織出繽紛火花、知性與感性結合的職人手做,使二 天一夜的行程讓人意猶未盡。 Through the “Feeling the Beauty of Crafts – The Light Trip of Crafts,” we can see the colorful sparks between craftsmanship and the trip and the craftsmanship that combines intellectuality and sensibility. People feel that the two-day and one-night trip is not enough. 知達開發公司林吉財董事長精心規劃本次活動,期盼建立跨界、跨域平台, 創生、共享、分潤,並期許綠工藝發展無論是工藝家、文史工作者、旅行社業者、 飯店業者、商圈小農及休閒農業等,都是我們台灣發展創生的好夥伴,讓我們 攜手齊心邁向未來! The chairman of Zhi Da Development Company, Lin, Ji-cai, carefully planned the trip, looking forward to establish a crossover and cross-domain platform for creation, sharing, and profit-sharing. He also hopes all the people including the craftsman, literary and historical worker, travel agency, hotel operator, small farmer in business districts, and leisure agriculture operator, are all good partners for the development of Taiwan's green craft. Let's work together towards a better future!
不能錯過的八卦山風景區新景點, 「茶文化主題館」展現了松柏嶺獨特的在地茶文化, 提供寓教於樂的遊憩體驗。 參觀亮點 展區分為「松柏長青茶區」、「臺灣茶區」、 「世界茶」、「松嶺藝廊」等,展品多元! 體驗「古式炒茶」、「臉部茶湯薰蒸」、 「茶面膜SPA」、「茶藝示範」,滿足感官6覺! 順遊周邊受天宮、登廟步道、茶香步道、七星陣 地公園等景點,行程豐富! 預約體驗服務: 茶薰六覺、古式炒茶 (10人以上,7日前預約)
趣遊參山 FB
電話:+886-4-92580525 地址:南投縣名間鄉名松路二段181號 開放:星期一~日 08:30-17:30 交通部觀光局參山國家風景區管理處