愛玩中台灣vol 4

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台湾中部を遊ぶ 愛玩台灣報


臺灣太陽餅博物館傳承了太陽餅發明人 魏清海老師傅三代手藝的純正好滋味,結 合藝文展覽、互動影音、輕食餐飲等多元 面向,要帶給您截然不同的全新體驗。

타이완 중부 즐기기





▲ 暑假涼爽趣-上山下海任你遊 A COOL SUMMER From the Sea to the Mountains ▲ 中秋吃餅好團圓-月餅伴手特輯 MID-AUTUMN “GET-TOGETHER” FESTIVAL Recommended Mooncakes and Souvenirs 2017.07~09

vol.4 夏季刊

The Taiwan Museum of Suncake inherited the authentic savory craft of the third generation suncake creator Wei Qing-hai. Combined with various arts and cultural exhibitions, interactive video and audio, light food and meals, providing you with a brand new experience.






40045 台中市中區台灣大道一段145號 / TEL:+886-4-22295559 No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd. Central Dist., Taichung City 40045 Taiwan (R.O.C.)



香港 ﹁ Expedia 旅遊博客﹂ 十大必買台中手信

【幸福Q餅】 榮獲台中市2014年特色優質伴手禮獎 【松子茶酥】





丰丹, 最具台中特色的伴手禮 2016年榮獲香港「Expedia旅遊博客」網站推薦十大必買台中手信 第二名 2014-2016年獲選台中市參與香港、新加坡美食展的代表 2014-2016年代表台中市贈送外賓的最佳伴手禮 2016年榮獲台中市優良企業代表 2016年榮獲台灣金餅獎創意甜點組─金鑽獎(沁藏冰糕) 2014-2017年榮獲台灣省商業會特色優質伴手禮~幸福Q餅、桂圓南棗核桃糕、松子茶酥、肉脯綠豆椪 2016 Won second place in the “Expedia Hong Kong Travel Blog” top ten recommended must buy souvenirs in Taichung 2014-2016 Representing Taichung in the Hong Kong, Singapore Food Exhibition 2014-2016 Representing Taichung as best souvenir for foreign guests 2016 Won Taichung Model Industry Representative 2016 Won Taiwan Pastry Award Creative Dessert - Gold Diamond Award (Ice Cake) 2014-2017 Won Taiwan Chamber of Commerce Feature Souvenir of Excellence- Joy Q cookie, longan southern date and walnut cake, pine nut tea shortbread and dried meat mung bean pastry

408台中市南屯區大業路277號 / No.227, Daye Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408 TEL:+886-4-23282789 / FAX:+886-4-23286978 / 客服信箱:fongdenservice@gmail.com / www.fongden.com 香港經銷 日煌企業有限公司-「食過便知真相」 / 香港觀塘成業街18號1樓B214室 / TEL:+852-3583-0839 訂購查詢 Whatsapp:+852-6610-9894 / www.hkperfectfoods.com 香港誠品書店 ◆ 香港太古店:太古城中心GF-074鋪及1F-144鋪 ◆香港尖沙咀店:星光行2樓及3樓,星光城 ◆香港銅鑼灣店:希慎廣場8-10樓

仁愛高山 自然人文之旅 High mountains at Renai, a trip of nature and of man 南投縣仁愛鄉是知名賽德克.巴萊的故鄉,有迷人的 原住民與滇緬異國文化風情,還有豐富的山林野趣、湖 光水色,更有櫻花相伴的山野溫泉,值得深入探訪。 台 14 線沿途櫻花成林,處處景點,合歡山上滿是草坡植 被,春夏之際更是高山杜鵑的綻放季節,以武嶺為據點,可以 攀登合歡群峰,冬天繽紛雪景,更是台灣魅力景點。 清境地區,擁有特殊的高山草原與特色民宿美景,當地特殊的擺夷族風味特色 料理,更能滿足老饕的胃口,走一趟就能體驗到不同以往的旅遊情趣,歡迎您的 到來。

Renai Township in Nantou is home to the well-known Seediq Bale. It is saturated with local indigenous as well as exotic Myanmar culture. Surrounded by mountains and green fields, lakes and hot springs decorated by cherry blossom; it is a place worth visiting. Along Tai-Route 14, cherry blossoms stick out from the woods, providing visitors with beautiful landscapes. The slope of Mount Hehuan is covered with green grass and flourishing vegetation. Between the spring and summer, is the season for the wild blooming alpine azalea, which is mainly located on Wuling that is a nice place for mountaineering. In the winter, the peak covered with white snow make it a charming scenic spot in Taiwan. Cingjing area has the special scenes of high mountain grasslands and features homestays. The special Dai cuisine in this area always provides delicious dishes to food lovers. Visit Cingjing once and you will experience different kinds of traveling fun. Welcome to you all. 南投縣縣長

南投縣政府 廣告


幸福農遊中台灣 Happy Farm Tour in Central Taiwan 台灣擁有著豐美的好山好水、多樣的自然景觀和豐富 的農產資源,建議您來一趟中台灣農遊之旅,到觀光果 園採果、享受摘採水果的樂趣!尤其是親手採收各類農 作物,對許多不曾體驗農村生活的大馬遊客來說,絕對是 您觀光渡假的首選。 趁着仲夏來趟休閒農業之旅吧!可以在充滿鳥語花香的向陽田園,享受一頓悠 閒豐富的早餐,住在大馬都市水泥叢林的您,光想著坐在綠草如茵的明媚風光裡, 愜意品嚐一杯好咖啡,已是難得的享受!若是能在花季來時,坐在花海中喝花茶, 更讓人樂在其中!記得闔家到中台灣體驗樂活、慢遊的悠閒歡樂時光,您會發現 幸福是如此垂手可得!

There are magnificent landscapes, diverse natural sceneries, and agricultural resources in Taiwan. Visiting central Taiwan is highly recommended. It is nice to pick fruit in a tourist orchard, enjoying farm fun. Especially for those people that haven’t experienced any farm life, such as visitors from Malaysia, it is marvelous to pick and feel farm produce with your own hands in rural villages. It can be the prime choice of your visit. Why not treat yourself with a farm tour in the mid-summer! You can enjoy a leisurely breakfast in a pastoral filled with flowers’ fragrance and birds’ songs. Living in the city jungle in Malaysia, you can hardly imagine the enjoyment of sipping a cup of coffee on a chair in the green field. During the flower season, it is splendid to drink a cup of tea among flower seas, watching flowers blooming wildly everywhere. It is highly recommended you to share the joy with you family in Taichung to enjoy the LOHAS lifestyle and the merry moments of traveling slowly. You will discover happiness is in your hand. 台灣觀光局駐吉隆坡辦事處 Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia


Contents p03 p05 p06 p08 p12

推薦序 Recommendation Sequence

目錄 Contents

暑假涼爽去-上山下海任你遊 A COOL SUMMER From the Sea to the Mountains

中秋吃餅好團圓-月餅伴手禮特輯 MID-AUTUMN “GET-TOGETHER” FESTIVAL Recommended Mooncakes and Souvenirs

精選南投-飽覽山城美名勝 Nantou Selection An Eyeful of Mountain City and Attractions









Led by Celebrity Traveling Greater Taichung Jingming 1st Street & Dalong Commercial District Enjoy Shopping and Taste Gourmet Changhua Selection Experiencing the Old City with In-depth Traveling Miaoli Selection Intoxicating Ocean Watching in a Slow City

發行人兼總編輯:趙成年 顧問:黃國書、蕭仕榮 / 法律顧問:劉喜律師 執行編輯:趙品瑄、徐郁婷、張家銘、劉姿妗、陳怡君、林心情、呂凱莉 編輯委員:楊豊三、蔡維郡、巫賜發、鄭中興、胡智鈞、陳奕錩、陳瑛宗、謝樹人、賈玉柱、吳奇鴻 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 / 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路106號 / 電話:+886-4-23727658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com / 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司 本書發行通路: 觀光局駐馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處、香港辦事處;國際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服 務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺中遊客服務中心、星動銀河旅站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店 台中民權、薆悅酒店台中館、水雲端旗艦概念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、伯達行旅、台中日光溫泉會館、愛 麗絲國際大飯店、光之旅店、福爾摩沙酒店聯盟、全國大飯店、長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中金典酒店、台中福華 大飯店、通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧 酒店、福容大飯店麗寶樂園、台中林酒店…(陸續增加)。

上 山 下 海 任 你 遊 A COOL SUMMER

From the Sea to the Mountains 文/莎比 Original Article (Chinese) by: Shabi / Translated by : Zephon W. (PTSGI.com)

每年暑假是最能增加親子感情的時刻,全家一起去山區健行、觀察生態,或至海邊戲水, 又或者玩遍各大遊樂園和休閒農場,都能盡情享受暑假的樂趣!前進中台灣吧! Summer vacations are ideal for a little family time, so get your backpacks and maps out, go

and enjoy a family hiking trip, ecological tour, beach party, or perhaps a field day in a theme park or leisure farm in central Taiwan!

迎接熱情的白色浪花 Chase the Tides 台灣西部沿岸能欣賞到海天一線的自然美景,北起苗栗有通 霄海水浴場能玩沙踏浪,台中的清水高美濕地可欣賞落日,彰化 的王功漁港能嚐海鮮、看漁船,感受海港熱情。 The western coasts of Taiwan offer great views of the sea and

horizon. From the north down, you can go chase the tides on the


sandy beach of T'ung-hsiao Bathing Beach in Miaoli; enjoy the sunset at Gaomei Wetlands in Taichung; and taste fresh seafood at the Wanggong Fishing Port in Changhua.


惠蓀林場 東勢林場 6

登高避暑享受大自然 Mother Nature’s Embraces 中台灣擁有豐富的山林資源成為避暑好選擇!台中東勢林場、大雪山,能觀賞令人驚艷的 動植物生態和樹種林相。南投以溪頭、惠蓀林場和清境一帶最為熱門,適合登山健行、休閒 避暑。有山城之稱的苗栗,擁有眾多登山步道,其中獅頭山風景區結合宗教和步道,可依體 力選擇路線。 Central Taiwan has an abundance of mountain and forest resources, making it a great

place to stay cool in the summer! The Dongshih Forest Garden and Dasyueshan in Taichung

offers a stunning array of animal and plant ecologies, as well as tree species; Xitou, Huisun Forest Park, and Qingjing Farm are famous in Nantou, ideal for hiking and leisurely strolls

away from the heat of summer; and Miaoli the Mountain City offers a diverse selection of mountain trails—out of which, Shitoushan Scenic Area is filled a rich religious atmosphere along any of its mountain trails of your choosing.

夏日遊樂園走走跳跳 Summer Theme Parks 除了山區避暑、海邊玩水外,也可以選擇歡樂刺激的遊樂園,或是近距離與動物互動的休 閒農場,台中麗寶樂園擁有水陸兩大主題區,其他則有高空纜車的南投九族文化村。休閒農 場則有清境農場、苗栗飛牛牧場等處,都是暑假期間熱門選擇。 In addition to the great beaches and mountain areas, you may also choose from the fun

and exciting theme parks, or close-encounters with animals in leisure farms. The theme park Lipao Land in Taichung offers both land and water areas, while the Formosan Aboriginal

Culture Village in Nantou offers great cable car rides. As for leisure farms, Qingjing Farm of Nantou and Flying Cow Ranch of Miaoli are all popular summer tourist attractions!

八仙山森林遊樂區 清境農場

麗寶樂園 7

月餅伴手特輯 MID-AUTUMN “GET-TOGETHER” FESTIVAL Recommended Mooncakes and Souvenirs

文/莎比 Original Article (Chinese) by: Shabi / Translated by : Zephon W. (PTSGI.com)

每年農曆八月十五的中秋節為台灣三大節日之一,屆時家家戶戶無不賞月和烤肉,這時絕 對少不了月餅,尤其是被喻為糕餅之都的台中,月餅種類多元又美味。 The Mid-Autumn Festival (or Moon Festival) is one of the three largest annual holidays

in Taiwan; however, having a BBQ while enjoying the full moon in celebration with the whole

family just cannot do without some famous mooncakes! Taichung is known as the home of mooncakes, and offers a large variety of delicious mooncakes for your delight.



Delicious Bite-size Mooncakes 小月餅只有掌心般的大小,內饀使用綠豆或白鳳豆,製成綿密 細緻的白豆沙,外皮則是多層次的酥油皮,咬下去又香又甜,部 分店家還會增添牛奶或奶油提味。 These mini mooncakes are only the size of your palm. They have a creamy stuffing made of mung or jack beans, enveloped by layers of crisp crust, offering a great texture and taste with every bite. Some shops will even use milk or butter to add in a little extra flavor. 推薦店家 / Recommended Shops 陳允宝泉食品、丰丹嚴選本舖




Sweet and Savory Dung Bean Pastries 古早味綠豆椪,可以分為兩種做法,一為餅身兩面烤,二為只 烤底部。內餡則以炒滷過的豬肉燥為主,加點紅蔥頭增添香味, 再搭配甘甜綠豆餡,吃起來鹹鹹甜甜! Traditional mung bean pastries are made in two ways: either baked on two sides, or only the bottom. Minced pork that’s been braised and fried serves as the primary stuffing with shallots for aroma. Combine that with the sweet dung bean stuffing, the sweet and savory taste is simply beyond words! 推薦店家 / Recommended Shops 丰丹嚴選本舖、太陽堂老舖、台灣太陽餅博物館、 陳允宝泉食品、阿聰師的糕餅主意



Salted Whole-Egg Pastry 蛋黃酥的外觀很特別,塗上蛋黃液,形成光亮橘黃酥皮,內餡 以一顆完整蛋黃和紅豆餡為主,不過有店家巧思,包綠豆沙、棗泥 或是芋泥。 Salted egg pastries look neat: Coated with a thin layer of egg yolk, the crust has a yellowish shine to it. The stuffing primarily consists of a whole egg yolk and adzuki beans—however, some shops also offer mung bean, jujube, or taro alternatives. 推薦店家 / Recommended Shops 台灣太陽餅博物館、丰丹嚴選本舖、太陽堂老舖、 陳允宝泉食品、新太陽堂餅店



Luxurious Guang Dong Mooncakes 廣式月餅的造型可圓可方,共通點是圖案精緻又華麗,舉凡菊花或 吉祥字都是常見圖案,而內餡組合更是多變,像是:白蓮蓉、棗泥核 桃、海鮮XO醬等。 Guang Dong Mooncakes come in different round and square shapes, but they all share the same delicate engraved patterns on the top. Chrysanthemums and words of blessings are all patterns commonly seen, while they also do offer a large selection of different stuffing inside, including lotus seed puree, jujube puree and walnuts, seafood XO sauce, and etcetera. 推薦店家 / Recommended Shops 義美餅店、台中犁記餅店 9

「用心,有人看得見」 Made with effort and people will know.

一段追尋並實踐夢想、分享美味感動的故事, 畢業於中興大學食品科學研究所,任教於學校餐 飲專業的創辦人陳蓓琴老師與姐姐陳蓓梅在一次 返鄉探親的旅程中看見台灣食物之美,在專業技 術與理論背景的支持下,因著對各樣食材特性的 了解,以傾注對糕餅安全美味的深厚信念,開始 精心製作專屬台灣記憶的美好烘焙,創立丰丹嚴 選本舖。 It is a story of dreams and fulfillment, delicious sharing and heartfelt warmth. Graduates of National Chung Hsing University Food Science and teaching at the school food profession, the founders, teacher Chen Bei-qin and her sister Chen Bei-mei, discovered the beauty of Taiwanese food during a journey back to their homeland. With the support of expert technique, theoretical background and an understanding of the various ingredient properties, they began dedicating themselves to the creation of exclusive Taiwanese memories through beautiful baking and pouring in their belief in cake and pastry tastiness with safety. Thus, the FongDen Favor Dessert was created. 10

丰丹二字的深意,代表自我的期許,如同牡丹的綻放 一般,豐富你我的美食生活。因此,陳老師在經營的路 上,一直堅持嚴選頂尖食材,以來自世界各地的烘焙材 料,如美國NP杏仁果、美國蔓越莓、紐西蘭奶油、法國 發酵奶油、日本昭和菓子粉等製作,過程中堅持不使用 酥油,產品不含人工反式脂肪酸,對於食物的色香味更 是堅持不添加香料、色素、防腐劑,陳老師對於食品安 全的堅持,始終如一。 “Rich (Fong) in sharing, Heart (Den) of skill” is the meaning behind the brand name. It signifies a self-expectation of enriching the life of others as if a blossoming peony through delicacies. As such, teacher Chen insisted on using a top grade selection of ingredients during her journey of business. Baking materials come from all over world, such as US NP almonds, US cranberries, New Zealand butter, French cream and Japanese Showa dessert flour. It is insisted that no shortenings be used during the process, so the product does not contain trans-fat. The taste and aroma of the food also insisted on no aromatizer, food pigments and preservatives. Teacher Chen has been very consistent in her persistence of food safety.

丰丹為消費者嚴格把關,全產品每年度都通過SGS檢驗,用心製作的誠意,不僅成為 台中糕餅業的代表接受國際媒體的採訪,更是台中市優良企業代表,2014-2017年更榮 獲台灣省商業會特色優質伴手禮,2016年榮獲香港expedia旅遊博客網站推薦十大必買 台中手信第二名。細數一路走來的歲月,丰丹嚴選本舖始終相信,用心,有人看得見。 FongDen rigorously examines food safety for consumers, with the entire product line passing SGS inspection annually. The sincerity in manufacturing won it an interview with international media in the name of the Taichung cake industry, and it is a model industry representative of Taichung. In 2014-2017, it won the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce Feature Souvenir of Excellence, and in 2016 was awarded second place among ten must buy Taichung souvenirs by the Expedia Hong Kong Travel Blog recommendation. Recounting its ways over the years, FongDen Favor Desserts continues to believe that people will notice if one puts in effort.

408台中市南屯區大業路277號 / No.227, Daye Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408 TEL:+886-4-23282789 / FAX:+886-4-23286978 / 客服信箱:fongdenservice@gmail.com / www.fongden.com 香港經銷 日煌企業有限公司-「食過便知真相」 / 香港觀塘成業街18號1樓B214室 / TEL:+852-3583-0839 訂購查詢 Whatsapp:+852-6610-9894 / www.hkperfectfoods.com 香港誠品書店 ◆ 香港太古店:太古城中心GF-074鋪及1F-144鋪 ◆香港尖沙咀店:星光行2樓及3樓,星光城 ◆香港銅鑼灣店:希慎廣場8-10樓 11

夢谷瀑布 Dream Valley Waterfall


碧湖(萬大水庫) Jade Lake (Wanda Reservoir Wushe Dam)

Wushe Incident Memorial Park

仁和 路


霧 社 水庫


曲冰部落 Simaun Tribe

武界水庫 12

Wujie Reservoir

南投縣政府 廣告




Hiking along Wuling and Mount Hehuan

Cingjing Farm

仁和 路 路 和 仁



Meifeng Farm

Cingjing Elevated Scenic Path

清境瑞士小花園 Located by Cingjing Farm, Small Swiss Garden


樂遊南投 Nantou

濁水 溪

一個中部大都市的後花園, 一塊好山好水的瑰麗淨土 。 南投仁愛鄉, 舊稱『霧社』, 置身群山之間, 視野廣闊, 坐擁水庫、農場、翠峰以及大

春陽部落 Alang Snuwil

自然的芬多精饗宴。 A back garden of the large central city A magnificent piece of unpolluted land Nantou Ren’ai township, known as “Wushe” in the past Sits amongst mountains with an expanse of view Possessing a reservoir, farmland, green peaks and a phytoncide feast of nature

奧萬大森林遊樂區 Aowanda National Forest Recreational Area

南投縣政府 廣告

插畫_ 13

精選南投 Nantou 熱 門 景 點


Wushe Incident Memorial Park


紀念英勇抗日的賽德克族領袖莫那魯道,園 區內櫻花與松樹成蔭,展現千古英風。

Dream Valley Waterfall

This park commemorates the brave resistance leader Mona Rudo, who fought against the Japanese. In the park, there are cherry trees and pine trees, giving their shade. The heroic story of Mona Rudo is told there.

為懸谷式瀑 布,兩側山壁高 聳,相當壯觀,這 幾年復育蝴蝶有 成,新的私房景 點。 It is a hanging valley waterfall, guarded by high mountains on both sides, constituting a magnificent scene. In recent years, the restoration of butterflies has been successful, bringing beautiful butterflies to this new scenic spot. 南投縣仁愛鄉 Ren'ai Township, Nantou County

南投縣仁愛鄉 Ren'ai Township, Nantou County


Cingjing Elevated Scenic Path 全新完工的高山無障礙步道,全長1.2公里, 沿途可欣賞高山壯麗景觀。 This is a newly built high mountain access free trail, with the total length of 1.2km. The landscapes along the path are magnificent.

碧湖 Jade Lake(萬大水庫

Wanda Reservoir or Wushe Dam) 調節日月潭水量及發電灌溉用水功能,湖面 呈現碧藍色,環山圍繞,景色絕佳。 It functions to adjust the water volume of the Sun Moon Lake, as well as generate power and irrigate fields nearby. Jade Lake actually is blue in color, surrounded by high mountains and beautiful landscapes. 南投縣仁愛鄉 Ren'ai Township, Nantou County 14

南投縣仁愛鄉仁和路186-1號 No.186-1, Renhe Rd., Ren'ai Township, Nantou County ←門票預約網站 Booking and admission information

南投縣政府 廣告


Located by Cingjing Farm, Small Swiss Garden 原名為「思源池」,位於清境農場旁,舒適 宜人,為熱門避暑勝地,設有露營區。 Originally named as “Siyuan Pond,” it is comfortable and lovely. Ideal for cooling off yourself during the summer, there is a huge camping area in it.


Cingjing Farm 海拔約1,748公尺、面積約有760公頃,坐擁 群山間,高山景色迷人,終年雲霧繚繞,有霧 上桃源之稱。 Located at an elevation of 1,748m, its area is about 760 hectares. Surrounded by mountains, it is covered with mist throughout the year, earning for it the nickname Misty Utopia. +886-4-92802748 / open:08:00~17:00 南投縣仁愛鄉仁和路170號 No.170, Renhe Rd., Ren'ai Township, Nantou County

+886-4-92803308 open:09:00~21:00 南投縣仁愛鄉定遠新村28號 No.28, Dingyuanxincun, Ren'ai Township, Nantou County

台大梅峰農場 Meifeng Farm

是台灣大學山地實驗農場,四季變化鮮明, 動植物資源生態豐富。平時入園須採事先預約 方式。 It is an experimental farm of the National Taiwan University, with obvious changes in sceneries throughout the four seasons. Rich in plant and animal resources, it is open to visitors with advance bookings.

武嶺、合歡山群峰健行 Hiking along Wuling and Mount Hehuan

武嶺海拔3,275公尺,是台灣公路最高點,更 是台灣百岳的入門步道,視野遼闊。 Wuling is located at 3,275m above sea-level. It is the apex of Taiwan’s highway as well as the entrance to Taiwan’s high mountains. Along the path, the view is broad and magnificent. 南投縣仁愛鄉 Ren'ai Township, Nantou County

+886-4-92802499 +886-4-92803891 南投縣仁愛鄉仁和路215號 No.215, Renhe Rd., Ren'ai Township, Nantou County

南投縣政府 廣告


精選南投 Nantou 熱 門 景 點


Aowanda National Forest Recreational Area 自然景觀豐富,每年秋冬之際,各種變葉植 物為山林轉換顏色,有楓葉故鄉美譽。 Rich in natural landscapes, during the autumn and winter, the colors of the leaves change into red, earning it the nickname the home of maple leaves.


Alang Snuwil 是典型賽德克族原住民部落,有露天野 溪溫泉,日據時期即廣植櫻花,有「櫻溫 泉」美稱。 It is a typical Seediq indigenous tribe. There outdoor hot springs, with water running into it from nearby streams. During the Japanese occupation, it was called as “Cherry Blossom Pond.” 南投縣仁愛鄉 Ren'ai Township, Nantou County

+886-4-92974511 南投縣仁愛鄉親愛村大安路153號 No.153, Da'an Rd., Ren'ai Township, Nantou County



Simaun Tribe

Wujie Reservoir

萬豐村的舊名,群山環抱猶如人間淨土, 民國70年挖掘到鐵器時期文化的史前聚落遺址 「曲冰遺址」,而聲名大噪。

位於法治村,原是日治時期供應日月潭水庫 集水區的攔沙壩,山中湖泊寧靜優美,有「雲 的故鄉」美稱。

Previously, it was called as Wanfeng Village. Surrounded by mountains, it is like a utopia. In 1981, the ruins of Simaun Tribe, a pre-historic settlement in the Iron Age was excavated, earning its renown.

Located at Fazhi Village, it was a check dam for water collection for the Sun Moon Lake during the Japanese rule. The lakes in the mountains are endowed with a tranquil environment, earning it the nickname the “Clouds’ Home.”

南投縣仁愛鄉 Ren'ai Township, Nantou County 16

南投縣仁愛鄉 Ren'ai Township, Nantou County

南投縣政府 廣告

熱 門 景 點


Sun Moon Lake 日月潭是臺灣第二大湖泊,景色優美,是台灣八景之一。日月潭擁有全台唯一的水陸空3D遊 程,環潭公路更被選為全球十大最美自行車道,潭區著名的有拉魯島、文武廟、慈恩塔、拉魯島、 玄奘寺、向山、永結橋、同心橋、耶穌堂、梅荷園、九族文化村、蛇窯等景點,環繞潭區的14條 步道更是賞景與活動的好去處。 Sun Moon Lake is the second largest lake in Taiwan. The awesome view is among the eight sites of Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake offers the only water, land and air three way (3D) tour in Taiwan, with its round-lake trail chosen as one of the world’s top ten scenic bike route. Renowned lake area sites including the Lalu island, Wenwu temple, Ci En pagoda, Xuan Zang temple, Siang Shan (mountain), Yongjie (engagement) bridge, Tongxin bridge, Christian Church, Meihe garden, Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village and snake kiln. The 14 walkways surrounding the lake are also great getaways for sightseeing and activities.

南投縣魚池鄉日月村 Yuchi Township, Nantou County

推 薦 店 家

SkySon 天子舒芙蕾 法國藍帶頂級甜點-「Soufflé」專賣 店SkySon天子舒芙蕾,為南投縣埔里鎮 最佳伴手禮,更是網路爆紅團購商品, Google Map、Yahoo、Facebook都有 很高的評價。選用頂級進口原料與在地食 材結合,除了推廣在地特色,並傳遞我們的 品牌理念:「發現舒芙蕾,發現幸福」,讓每 個人都能感受舒芙蕾的美味。舒芙蕾口感綿 密、入口即化,每一口都是味蕾的饗宴。 Deluxe Cordon Bleu dessert -“ Soufflé” boutique SkySon Soufflé is the best souvenir in Puli village of Nantou County. It is also an item widely purchased by visiting groups, and has gone viral, receiving rave reviews on Google Maps, Yahoo, and Facebook. Using a selection of top-notch imported and local ingredients, not only does it promote local features, but it also delivers our brand’s idea of “discover Soufflé, find happiness”, providing the delectable tastes of soufflé for everyone to savor. The silky texture and mouth melting tenderness of the soufflé makes every bite a feast to the palette.



+886-9-65103912 →南投縣埔里鎮慈恩街11號 No.11, Ci'en St., Puli Township, Nantou County →南投縣埔里鎮中山路三段178號A8櫃 →南投縣埔里鎮廣成里永豐路11-9號 →南投縣埔里鎮中正路887-1號 →台中市北屯區東山路二段2巷2號 →苗栗縣大湖鄉富興村八寮灣2-4號 17

精選南投 Nantou 推 薦 店 家


LOOK 路殼民宿


輕工業風混搭一些鄉村,簡潔 的外觀卻不失溫暖的氣息,漫步在 Look的每一處角落,愜意走在花 園,和家人朋友在客廳共度放鬆時 光。每一處的精心點綴都會讓你忍 不住驚呼「LOOK!」 Wandering in every corner of Look, which is comprised of the hybrid design of light industrial and country style, simple and neat look but with warm atmosphere, you can spend leisure hours with your friends and family in this magnificent garden or in the cozy lobby. The carefully decorations will amaze you. And you can’t help but cry out “Look!”

+886-49-2898001 / 南投縣魚池鄉大林村永川巷22-6號 No.22-6, Yongchuan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County

十七番義式冰淇淋 手作巧克力



義式 冰淇淋

烏干達 85% 生巧克力


京都抹茶 生巧克力

十七番巧克力的濃醇幸福與冰淇淋綿密的 滋味,為了讓顧客能心滿意足以其平易近人 的價格與細緻手工,將這份真摯心意確切地 傳遞給顧客,因而創辦十七番,十七是青春 夢想的起點,也是我們最誠摯的美味初衷。 「京都抹茶生巧克力」帶著高雅日式的抹 茶清香,傳遞了抹茶回甘清甜,品味優雅的 日式風情。「烏干達 85% 生巧克力」則帶著 白蘭地的精醇酒香以及可可豆自然的微酸香 氣,成功擄獲味蕾,讓舌尖再一次感受頂級 生巧克力的味覺悸動。 十七番義式冰淇淋嚴選在地台灣水果食 材:國姓草莓、埔里百香果、八卦山鳳梨、 愛文芒果…等,組成水果冰淇淋 系列,自然鮮甜的口感、清涼爽 口的滋味是春夏最佳的冰品首 選。 +886-49-2333507 / 南投縣草屯鎮碧山路85號 No.85, Bishan Rd., Caotun Township, Nantou County

台中市觀光旅館商業同業公會 886-4-2374-9081 ttha-tc@howard-hotels.com.tw


台中觀光旅館商業同業公會共有14家會 員飯店, 我們將秉持積極的心態打拼, 從人 文、 交通串連, 海外交流及推廣活動, 發揮


1+1大於3的價值, 聆聽消費者、 從業人員, 擁有豐富觀光資源, 溫泉、古蹟、花海、單 車道、 樂園outlet、 城市綠廊帶等;又交通方

台灣 大 道



面串皆便利, 誠摯邀請旅客造訪台中, 用台 中的人情味, 讓您感受滿滿溫度! TTHA has 14 member hotels who work as a team to combine convenient transportation and client services, to promote cultural exchange and tourism from overseas. TTHA is committed to listening to our customers’ needs, and to continue improving the quality experience of our valued guests. Our location in Taichung city shines most apparently due to the the surrounding mountains, sea and delightful local flora; but the city is also rich with tourism destinations. Soothing hot springs, historical sites, bicycle trails, theme parks, shopping outlets and urban greenways are all among the many attractions our guests can enjoy locally. Local transportation is convenient and connects all these sites, and more, with ease. We sincerely welcome you to visit the great city of Taichung to experience our warming hospitality.





更多資訊請上官網 http://ttha.com.tw

往北 04-2559-2888



04-2295-6789 04-2313-9988







台中車站 04-2303-1234


大安沙雕 Da’an Sand Sculpture

大甲鎮瀾宮 Dajia Jenn Lann Temple

麗寶樂園 Lihpao Land

高美濕地 Taichung County Gaomei Wetlands Wildlife Refuge

台中航空站 Taichung International Airport

國家歌劇院 National Taichung Theater

國立公共資訊圖書館 National Library of Public Information

台中高鐵站 (THSR)Taiwan High Speed Rail Taichung Station 22

台中, 一個綜覽山、海、花、都的台灣大城, 更有文化城的美譽。山海的

行旅 台中

美景療癒身心、文化古蹟陶冶心靈、在地小吃美食齒頰生香、都會生活 時尚令人嚮往。 台中, 一個適合人居的中部大城。 Taichung, a big city of mountains, ocean, flower and metropolitan,


reputed as a city of culture. The mountain and ocean view heals the mind and body, the cultural relics soothe the spirit, local delicacies appease the palette, and fashionable metropolitan life allures the heart. Taichung, a big city in central Taiwan well suited for living.

新社星願紫風車 Xinshe Purple Windmill

谷關風景區 Guguan Recreation Area

大坑風景區 Dakang walking trails

陳允寶泉 Chen Yun Pao Chuan

台灣太陽餅博物館 Taiwan Museum Of Suncake

台中火車站 (TRA) Taiwan Railways Administration Taichung Station

插畫_ 23

Men's Talk

Cherry Chan 為《今日大吉》獨立雜誌出版人,於香港雜誌業擔任九年旅遊生活及潮流記者。 《todayholucky》Independent magazine publisher, and served as a travel life and trend journalist in the Hong Kong magazine industry for 9 years.

來一杯咖啡,心情森呼吸 Have a cup of coffee, breathe in the forest mood.

由台中市區來到大坑風景區不過約三十分鐘,嚐完道地芋圓冷熱甜品後,即可展 開大坑新社芬多精之旅!新社地貌其實猶如香港的中半山,有親子露營農場、櫻花跟 鸚鵡結合的休閒農場又或是陶藝教室民宿都是投宿好地方。還有真菌香菇農場、台灣 彌猴保護區、12條登山步道等綠色在地生活絕不可以錯過。喝一杯田園咖啡穿梭於 花海,再沐浴於大地溫泉更是最高級又貼近自然的享受,因為離子度特高,有美容作 用,可泡一個美人湯身心淨化。 由香港直航到台中機場,直接在大坑、新社、谷關渡假三天兩夜,靜謐的環境不 用走入深山,卻可洗滌心靈,在簡樸與繁華之間,學會平衡,清風吹拂,體驗自然。 It takes only about 30 minutes to reach the Dakeng Scenic Area from Taichung city. After tasting the authentic Taro dessert in both hot and cold, one can begin the Dakeng Sinshe phytocide tour! The Sinshe landscape is actually similar to Central Mid-Levels of Hong Kong, with leisure farms consisting of parentchild camping grounds, sakura trees, and parrots, or pottery course B&B’s are all good places for a stay. There is also the fungi and mushroom farm, Taiwan macaque natural reserve, the 12 hiking trails and such local green lifestyles that cannot be missed. Savor a cup of garden coffee and wander through the sea of flowers, then immerse yourself in the open air hot spring for a luxurious enjoyment close to nature. Due to a high concentration of ions, the spring has a beautifying effect, allowing a cleansing for both the body and spirit. Take a direct flight from Hong Kong to Taichung airport and spend a threeday/two-night vacation directly in Dakeng, Sinshe and Guguan. The tranquil environment need not be a journey into deep mountains but cleanse the spirit nonetheless. Feel nature through gentle caress of light winds and learn balance between simple and affluent.




熱 門 景 點

大坑4號步道 攝影:呂可喜


Dakeng Hot Springs 泉質為碳酸氫納泉,PH值介於在7~8,沒有刺 鼻的硫磺味,對皮膚有潤滑效果。 It is a sodium bicarbonate spring with pH between 7~8. There are no pungent smells of sulfur and smoothens the skin. ※小提醒:請做好防曬、防蟲、補充水分等事前準備。 Little reminder: Please put on sunscreen, insect repellent and drink more water and other preparations beforehand.

北屯區大坑風景區 Beitun Dist., Taichung City

12 條大坑步道

12 Dakeng Hiking Trails 大坑擁有12條登山步道,1號~5號和5-1號步道 較陡,6號~10號及9-1號步道則是老少咸宜。 There are 12 hiking trails in Dakeng. Trail 1 to 5 and trail 5-1 are steeper. Trail 6 to 10 and trail 9-1 are suitable for both young and old. 北屯區北坑巷、連坑巷、橫坑巷、清水巷、濁水 巷、建成巷、光西巷、大湖巷、竹坑巷、民興巷 等 Beitun Dist., Taichung City


Xinshe Garden Scenic Restaurant 獨特的景觀餐廳,精心布置的庭園加上在地美 味食材,來過一次就會成為旅遊愛好者。 The unique scenic restaurant, intricately set gardens and delectable local ingredients make you a fan of travel with just one visit. 新社區一帶 Xinshe Dist., Taichung City


Star Wish Purple Windmill Plaza 全台最大音樂風車,定時轉動15分鐘,傳出陣 陣清脆音樂,營造浪漫幸福的紫色小鎮。 It is the largest musical windmill in Taiwan. Routinely turns for 15 minutes and plays melodious crisp music, creating a little purple village of romance and happiness. 新社區中興嶺停車場Xinshe Dist., Taichung City 25

全球最大雨洋傘展售中心,全棟占地1700坪,陳列上千種商品 網羅義大利、德國、日本等全球國際精品雨傘品牌,百花爭艷。 國際級展場,展出設計師聯名文創商品。 全球首創無針線縫紉DIY手作組裝雨傘,歡迎預約體驗。

Largest umbrella & parasol sales center in the world, the entire building takes up 5,620 square meters with a display of thousands of products. Contains international boutique umbrella brands from around the world, including competitors from Italy, Germany and Japan. International-grade exhibition venue, displaying designer co-branded culture creative products. The world’s pioneering no-needlework DIY manually assembled umbrella; all are welcome to make reservation for an experience. Sec. 1, Jianhe Rd

Heshun Rd

Shuxiao Rd

Sec. 3, Huanzhong E. Rd

營運總部|台中市北屯區太原路三段1160號 No.1160, Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 406, Taiwan 26 / +886-9-66447116 Mr. Chen TEL OPEN / Mon(一)∼Sat(六) am9:00∼pm6:00

Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd



推 薦 店 家




TA CHEN FONG UMBRELLA Co., Ltd. 大振豐出品的傘具,兼具美感與實用性,傘骨 輕盈、具備防風及傘布具有抗紫外線的效果,多 樣化的傘具種類,還有多種花色可自行挑選,讓 傘除了遮陽避雨的功能性外,更成為塑造個人風 格的時尚配件。 A variety of umbrellas with various colors and patterns, allowing it to become a fashionable accessory of personal style besides sun blocking and rain sheltering functions.

必買 雨傘

產品以新鮮,天然為主,有手工餅乾,竹筍鹹 蛋糕,黃金乳酪球。以大坑特產竹筍,研發出竹 筍鹹蛋糕最為搶手。 All products are fresh and natural, including hand-made cookies, bamboo shoot salty cakes, golden yellow cheese balls, and more. Of course, the bamboo shoot salty cakes made with bamboo shoots from Dakeng are the most popular. +886-4-22391536 / 北屯區東山里橫坑巷19-8號 No.19-8, Hengkeng Ln., Dongshan Vil., Beitun Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-22317689 / 北屯區太原路三段1160號 No.1160, Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City



必吃 芋圓

產地直送的嚴選食材,手工製造、現煮現賣, 搭配精心熬煮的各種新鮮配料,濃濃的手感私房 味,一定要來吃吃看 With ingredients direct from plantation, handmade, cooked and sold on site, along with various carefully prepared toppings, this rich homemade flavor is a must try.

+886-4-22396349 / 北屯區東山路二段48-3號 (大坑圓環) No.48-3, Sec. 2, Dongshan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City www.don-don.com.tw




熱 門 景 點


Houfung Bicycle Green Way 全長共4.5公里,跨越大甲溪、穿越隧道, 單車之旅既豐富又令人驚豔。 It is 4.5 km in length, and crosses Dajia River through tunnels, making the cycling trip rich and stunning. 石岡區豐原國道四號線,終點至后里馬場 Shigang Fengyuan Highway No .4, final destination at Houli Horse Ranch


The Lacquer Museum of Art 台灣首座公立的漆藝展覽館,日治時代培植 漆藝業至今,促使台中市漆器業的蓬勃發展。 It is the first lacquer exhibition in Taiwan. The Taichung lacquer industry has prospered because of local cultivation since the Japanese-rule era. +886-4-25130177 / 豐原區水源路1-1號 No.1-1, Shuiyuan Rd., Fengyuan Dist., Taichung City


Taian Rail Culture Park 春天賞櫻花、夏天賞油桐花、秋天芋頭很甜、 冬天有落羽松。 In the spring, cherry blossom blooms; in the summer, Tung blossom blooms; in the autumn, taro matures; in the winter, deciduous cypress withers. You can enjoy the views of different plants in different seasons here.


Gonglaupin Tourism Fruit Harvestin 具有休閒渡假、採果、露營烤肉、會議、農村 生態等多元性活動。 There are a diverse combination of activities from leisure vacation, fruit harvesting, camping with barbecue, meetings and farmland ecology. +886-4-25245907 / 豐原區水源路坪頂巷12-1號 No.12-1, Pingding Ln., Shuiyuan Rd., Fengyuan Dist., Taichung City 28

+886-9-33632353 后里區泰安村福興路52號 No.52, Fude Rd.,Taian Vil., Houli Dist., Taichung City


Lihpao Land 園區共分為「馬拉灣」與「探索樂園」兩 大主題樂園。近年園區擴大營運,內部包含飯 店、賽車場及OUTLET等等。 The park includes two theme parks “Mala Bay” and “Discovery Land.” In recent years, the park has been upgraded and expanded. In the park, there are a hotel, motor racetracks, an outlet, and more.


Totoro Tunnel 鄉間的無患子樹林,延伸出隧道般宛如宮崎 駿的《龍貓》動畫裡,乘坐著龍貓巴士穿越林 間。 A sapindus forest in the village extends into a tunnel as if from the Ghibli animation “Totoro”. Ride the cat bus to shuttle through the forest. 台中市后里區四月路五哩巷 Wuli Ln., Siyue Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-25582459 / 后里區福容路8號 No.8, Furong Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City


Houli Horse Ranch 后里馬場提供民眾休閒旅遊功能外,並深具 教育及學術功能。 Houli Horse Ranch not only offers the public a place for tours and leisure, but also delivers educational and academic functions. +886-4-25562531 / 后里區寺山路41號 No.41, Sishan Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City


Houli Zemin Tree 后里澤民樹為千年樟樹,蒼綠樹冠輕易可見,來 到樹前更要震懾於樹根盤繞於地、樹枝仰望向天。 當地人以此處為信仰中心,不管年輕老少都愛到樹 下聊天休憩,享受老樹散發出的「靈氣」。 Houli Zemin Tree is a millennium old camphor tree, and the center of local religion. Young and old enjoy chatting and resting in its shades while taking in the spirit wafting from the old tree.

后里區雲頭路45-1號 No.45-1, Yuntou Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City 29



熱 門 景 點



小馬哥自行車租車中心 Ma's Bike Rental

位於后豐鐵馬道起點,親切的團隊,車種多 元,帶您穿山洞、過橋樑,刺激過癮,回味無窮。


Chung-She Flower Garden 園區花海佔地達六公頃,一年四季都有不同時 節的花卉繽紛綻放,不管何時來,都能大飽眼福! In the park, there is a flower sea with about 6 hectares large. In different seasons, different flowers bloom. No matter which season you visit, you will have different feelings, watching these magnificent sceneries. +886-4-25576926 后里區三豐路五段333號 No.333, Sec. 5, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City Open/ 09:00am-06:00pm

星月大地休閒景觀園區 Star Moon Land

星月大地位於大安溪河階地形制高點,不必登 高山即可一覽山海空美景。園區提供餐飲、露營及 住宿,是現代人放鬆的不二選擇!

Located at the starting point of Hou-Feng Bikeway, the hospitable team of Ma’s provides rental services of different kinds of bikes. Just rent a bike here, and you will go through tunnels, cross over bridges, and seek excitement scenery by bike.

必玩 鐵馬

+886-4-25583675 / +886-9-10585579 后里區廣福村寺山路91號 No.91, Sishan Rd., Guangfu Vil., Houli Dist., Taichung City Open/ 07:00am-06:00pm

必逛 園區

Star Moon Camp Site is located on the apex of the Daan River terrace. You don’t have to climb up a mountain to overlook the splendid view of the mountains and sea. Meals and refreshments are provided in the park. It is an ideal place for camping and loading to relax your body and soul.

▲泡腳區 30

+886-4-26831671 / 后里區月眉北路486號 No.486, Yuemei N. Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City Open/ 10:00am-01:00am

夏天就是沙灘、海洋的季節,中部地區的朋友最令人期待的活動,當然就 是「大安沙雕音樂季」啦!尤其每年的沙雕作品,更是兼具趣味及藝術,今 年沙雕展示邀請陳坤田老師團隊及邀請來自中、日、韓等國際知名沙雕師共 同創作出22組作品(含主雕)以及創意沙雕競賽作品10組,共32組,精彩可期。 沙雕展出期間將自7月1日至8月6日,每日開放時間上午7時至下午6 時作品主題,今年主題結合花園城市及臺中城市意象,展出「2018世界 花博在臺中」主題,迎接觀光客進入融合花卉、海洋、彩繪飛機等元素的沙 雕樂園。且今年更首度擴大邀請來自馬來西亞、日本、韓國的國際級沙雕師 等團隊共同創作,為今年大安沙雕展帶精彩而豐富的國際級展出。 7月1日開幕當天,早上舉行沙灘排球競賽有,晚上還有樂團演唱等,活 動期間並安排接駁車服務,民眾還可以參加活動摸彩,各項好禮等您來拿, 歡迎切勿錯過。

臺中市政府觀光旅遊局 廣告

Men's Talk

謝嫣薇 Agnes Chee Yan-wei 美食專欄、旅遊專題特約作者,作品散見於中港新馬主要媒體,目前定居香港。 Food columnist, Travel coverage guest writer, sporadic works in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia mainstream media, currently residing in Hong Kong.

台中舊時光, 凝固在這一刻。 Old time Taichung, solidifying in this moment. 一如世上許多的城市,台中舊城區有著獨特的魅力,因為它承載著一個城市的過 去,處於現在,同時走向未來。這種沈澱,是文化底蘊,形成氣質。台中的舊時光, 凝固在台中火車站一帶,火車站建於明治時期,儘管經過了翻新和擴建,依然保持了 日本辰野式建築的原貌,古雅懷舊,會令人情不自禁地哼起切合氛圍的小調來。火車 站後方,儼然是台中的寶藏,古老建築歷史感醇厚,卻在內涵上注入了新生命,新舊 交錯共融沒有違和感,能照亮過去,又看得見未來,這是台中。 As with many cities in the world, Taichung Central(Old Town) district has its unique charm because it is a carrier of the city past, positioned at the present but also walking towards the future. This is a sense of rooting, the cultural backdrop which forms its temperament. The old times of Taichung solidify around the Taichung train station which was built during the Meiji Period. Although it has undergone renovation and expansion, the Japanese Tatsuno architectural style was preserved. Its quaint nostalgic atmosphere induces a humming of suitable tunes. The station rear is rather a treasure of Taichung, with new life infused into the ancient architectural content of a mellow sense of history. There is not one bit of contradiction within the interlocked union between the old and the new, shining bright into the past with the future also in sight. This is Taichung.


Laojiu's Family Recipes

椅著窗櫺,窗外的綠樹陪襯, 熱鬧的笑語聲、暖暖的人情在圓木桌間流串, 家傳的酸菜白肉鍋香氣四溢, 這是家香味,是「老舅的家鄉味」。 家傳古法醃漬、自然發酵的酸白菜 及鮮嫩的白肉為鍋底,酸香的湯頭滋滋作響, 搭配川丸子,再來點韭黃鍋貼、醬牛肉捲餅, 你讚不絕口、我食指大動、他齒頰生香, 一團和氣,好不快樂。

Traditionally pickled and naturally fermented Chinese cabbage and freshly tender white meat as soup base. The sour and aromatic soup with meatballs, chive in fried dumplings, beef tacos with sauce are all appetizing and savoring.


地址:401台中市東區忠孝路282號 / 電話:+886-4-22802888 No.282, Zhongxiao Rd., East Dist., Taichung City 401 Open:am11:30-pm14:00、pm17:00-22:00 周一至周日(周三公休)Monday to Sunday(not open on Wednesday)


地址:台北市復興北路307號1樓 / 電話:+886-2-27181122 1F., No.307, Fuxing N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105

創辦人吳董事長以製作麵包蛋糕的經驗豐富,將西式烘焙 技術揉合傳統手工糕餅烘焙功夫,搭配台中經典湖心亭外盒 包裝,所有商品皆是現做現賣、十足新鮮。 太陽餅不再只有一種口味,除了傳統麥芽太陽餅與全素食 蜂蜜太陽餅,還推出蛋仁當餡,鹹中帶甜、皮酥餡Q的「黃 金太陽餅」口感十分獨特。另外還推出了全台首創小太陽系 列,有牛奶小太陽、晶鑽竹炭小太陽、抹茶小太陽及綠藻小 太陽,成為特色的小太陽系列商品。 The sun cakes of the Nine Sun come in many flavors. In addition to the traditional ones in malt and honey flavor, there is a special “Golden Sun Cake” that is salty but sweet, covered with flaky pastry and chewy stuffing. There is also the Small Sun Series, exclusive and special in Taiwan, with many different flavors, including milky small sun, bamboo charcoal small sun, mocha small sun, and seaweed small sun.




第二屆,「九個太陽」創辦人 吳董事長的小女兒-吳品嫻師傅 首次出賽就以

蜂蜜太陽餅與媽祖平安餅 一舉奪得雙料冠軍的殊榮。



TEL:+886-4-22213639 地址:台中市中區台灣大道一段176號 No.176, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City 網址:www.ninesuns9999.com.tw



熱 門 景 點


Taiwan Museum of Suncake 保留百年建築,打造成太陽餅博物館及糕餅餐 飲空間,兼具歷史與文創。 Retaining a century old architecture and establishing its tradition as a sun cake museum and dessert dining space, combining history and artistic creations. +886-4-22295559 / 中區台灣大道一段145號 No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City


National Library of Public Information 有蒐集、整理、典藏各種圖書資訊、數位資 源,推廣閱讀及提供資訊服務,兼具實體與虛擬 服務之數位公共圖書館。 A digital public library with both physical and virtual service of collecting, organizing and filing various book information, digital resources, promotes reading and offering information service. +886-4-22625100 / 南區五權南路100號 No.100, Wuquan S. Rd., South Dist., Taichung City

推 薦 店 家


Taichung Literary Park 原是日治時期警察宿舍群,於2014年進行修 復,規劃六棟宿舍群為台中文學館,打造成文 學公園。 Once police dormitories from the era of Japanese-rule, they were renovated in 2014. Six of the dormitories were reshaped as the Taichung literary museum, establishing the Taichung literary park. 西區樂群街48號 No.48, Lequn St., West Dist., Taichung City 38

紅磚音樂餐廳 樸質的紅磚牆訴說著沉穩溫馨的迷人氛 圍,柔美燈光讓顧客能夠放鬆自在的享用餐 點!現場專業歌手駐唱,以及主 廚嚴選各式新鮮食材搭配主廚嫻 熟手藝,獻上道道噴香佳餚,提 供音樂與美食雙重饗宴。 +886-4-22297017 / 中區繼光街75號 No.75, Jiguang St., Central Dist., Taichung City https://fb.me/redbricktc/

必吃 餐廳

推 薦 店 家

必吃 太陽堂老舖


Tayeondon Store., Co Ltd 遵循古法製作,採用高級麵粉、糯米芽、蜂 蜜,製成拔絲(好吃)的太陽餅、鳳梨餅、檸檬餅、 老婆餅、月餅等,都是暢銷產品。 Made with the traditional method and highgrade flour, sticky rice sprout, honey, the candied floss (yummy) sun cakes, pineapple pastries, lemon cakes, wife cakes, and moon cakes are all tasty. They are the best-selling items in the bakery.

+886-4-22276999 / 中區自由路二段27號 No.27, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City tayeondon-store.101net.tw



Wan Wen Food Processing Industry Established in 1950, it is a local shop in Taichung. The swordfish floss is baked and fried with exclusive technique,with the quality known far and wide. Large White Swordfish Series ~ Low Fat swordfish Floss Golden, Clear Granule,More chewing for better flavor The best-choice of large white swordfish over 100kg, and 食品 removed of its impurity to use only 1/5 of it. Then baked and fried it by vegetable oil. Ingredient: Best-Choice Fresh Swordfish, Vegetable Oil


+886-4-36086789 / 中區光復路30-1號 No.30-1, Guangfu Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City


Weije Coffee

New Tai Yang Bakery

魏爵咖啡專注於推廣台灣大武山咖啡及全世界 著名的精品咖啡豆,我們有專業的咖啡烘焙機, 提供消費者最新鮮,香醇及高品質的咖啡豆。 Weijecoffee company is delicate to promote Taiwan Da-wu Mountain coffee bean and global famous coffee beans. We have professional coffee roasting machines to provide customer a fresh, aroma & good qualities coffee bean.



新太陽堂餅店的月餅是傳統綠 豆椪,由甜而不膩的綠豆餡及上等豬肉餡手工製 作,各個飽滿鬆軟,是讓人念念不忘的好滋味。 The moon cakes made by our shop are traditional mung bean pastries. They are made with mung bean paste, sweet but not greasy, and highgrade pork stuffing. Each of them is soft and rich, bringing you tasty bite after bite.



+886-4-25667585 品牌旗艦店:中區台灣大道一段145號2樓 2F., No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City 工廠:大雅區中科路1202-1號 No.1202-1, Zhongke Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-22215978 / 中區自由路二段51號 No.51, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 39



推 薦 店 家

必吃 冰品

陳允宝泉-國光店 陳允寶泉是台灣少見的百年餅舖,繼草悟道 文創店之後,今年四月進駐台中火車站前的國光 轉運站,為南來北往的旅客提供更便利和舒適的 購物空間,提供各式中部名產及獨家伴手禮。


必吃 餅舖


SingFaTing sugared bean shaved ice shop 有著12種豐富配料的蜜豆冰是許多人記憶中的 好味道,一直秉持實在用心的經營理念,現於台 灣大道旁的旗艦店繼續傳承這懷念的美味。

+886-4-22259028 / 中區新民街88號 No.88, Xinmin St., Central Dist., Taichung City Open/ 09:00am-09:30pm

Sugared bean shaved ice with 12 different ingredients is a delicious m e m o r y t o m a n y. T h e f l a g s h i p store now beside Taiwan Boulevard continues this memorable taste. +886-4-2229 3257 / 中區台灣大道一段137號 No.137, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City

星動銀河旅站 ─ 機器人主題旅館

Moving Star Hotel – Robot Theme Hotel 臨近台中火車站、干城車站,是通往日月潭及清境的交通樞 紐。走進大廳,迎接你的就是最親切的大廳經理─機器人小P。 星動銀河旅站,融入了星際旅人的設計元素,81間不同主題的客 房,皆以行星命名,希望能刻劃出過旅商客們的美好回憶。另 外提供Buffet早餐、商務中心、健身房、洗衣房、紓壓美容 室、KTV客房。鄰近的景點有台中公園、一中商圈、宮原 眼科...等。我們將以最熱誠的心期待您的蒞臨。 Neighboring the Taichung Train Station and Kancheng Station, it is the transportation hub leading to Sun Moon Lake and Qingjing. When you walk into the lobby, you will be greeted by the friendly hotel manager- Robot P. Moving Star Hotel integrates elements of interstellar travel into its design. The hotel contains 81 differently themed rooms named after the planets, in hopes of providing a beautiful memory for overnight travelers. Also on offer is a breakfast buffet, business center, gym, laundry room, beauty parlor, and KTV rooms. Nearby sights include Taichung Park, the Yizhong business district, Miyahara and etc. We sincerely look forward to your visit. +886-4-22258800 / 中區自由路二段66號

No.66, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City





InHouse Hotel Taichung 以台灣多樣性的植物生態出發,數百件的 原生植物攝影作品,將台灣原生之美優美呈 現。以客為尊是該館引以為傲的特色之一。 名家設計、高雅的裝潢,歐洲的典雅,重新 詮釋家的感覺,在高雅舒適的氣氛中、消除 您旅途的疲勞。



Taiwan is rich in biodiversity. The diverse plants provide ideal objects for photo shooting. These pictures, numbering a few hundred, present you the beauty of Taiwan’s indigenous plants. Customers always come first is the motto this gallery is proud of. Designed by renowned designers, high class and elegant decorations, they provide you a place of European elegance. Reinterpreting the feel of homes, you can have your fatigue soothed in a deluxe and graceful atmosphere. +886-4-22812222 / 東區台中路203號 No.203, Taizhong Rd., East Dist., Taichung City taichung.inhousehotel.com/

小惡魔雪莉貝爾 DIY 冰棒蛋糕

little devil / sherrybear DIY ice pop , cake 今夏最可愛的diy彩繪冰棒!小惡魔彩繪冰棒 和彩繪蛋糕!只要您購買DIY彩繪工具組一份30元 就能創作出專屬於您的冰棒或蛋糕。店內有彩繪 牆及道具服裝提供給喜歡拍照的你們滿滿的空 間~另外我們也有手工甜點及精選南義大利咖啡 豆給你最棒的搭配。

必玩 DIY

The most lovely diy painted ice pop! Little devil painted ice pop and painted cake! As long as you buy DIY painting tool set (NT30) can create a dedicated ice pop or cake. We also provide painted walls and Costumes for you to enjoy taking pictures~ In addition we also have handmade desserts and selected South Italian coffee beans to give you the best match. +886-9-89-213537 台中市中區民族路68號 No.68, Minzu Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 41

以門鎖為概念,強化家的意向,並結合Hotel的H為主軸,連接家與Hotel般的舒適自在。 圓外圈的粗圓線條,代表產業活絡需要每一個企業以及個人的互相合作和幫忙才能成就更多圓 滿的結果。內圈彩色細線條 代表旅行五元(圓)素 【緩】 【吃】 【住】 【幸福】 【回憶】, 透過旅行享受、記錄、累積人生的每一步,色彩以五元素的顏色代表聯盟的創意以及年輕化。 飯店名稱


地址 / 網址



台中市東區台中路203號 taichung.inhousehotel.com



台中市西屯區青海南街159號 www.icloudhotel.com.tw



台中市南屯區黎明路二段708號 www.uherhotel.com



台中市中區自由路2段66號 www.mshotel.com.tw



台中市西區柳川西路2段77號 www.aeris-hotel.com



台中市中區市府路38號 www.1969blueskyhotel.com



高雄市新興區七賢一路513號 www.lainn.com.tw



高雄市新興區林森一路237號 www.design-hotel.com.tw



高雄市鳳山區文鳳路96號 www.leesinggroup.com



高雄市鳳山區曹公路77號 fenshan.leesing-hotel.com



高雄市前金區市中一路229號 qixian.leesing-hotel.com



高雄市鳳山區保安一街3號 www.leesinggroup.com



高雄市旗津區旗津三路1050號3樓 www.inyounghotel.com.tw



高雄市苓雅區和平一路219號 www.evergreen-hotel.com.tw 43



推 薦 店 家




Aeris International Hotel Taichung 愛麗絲國際大飯店講求自然親切的服務,散 發著一股清新、自然而快樂的氛圍,服務人員把 每一位客人當作遠道而來的朋友般接待。管理團 隊延續這個概念,在整體風格上的呈現、規劃及 服務細節,唯一設計信念,就是「以使用者的便 利性為出發點」。秉持旅館業的款待精神、臺 灣親切熱情的特質、日本茶道「一期一會」的精 髓,營造出令人回味且別具風格的精緻旅館。 Aeris International Hotel dedicates herself to deliver sincerely and friendly services. The atmosphere in the hotel is refreshing and accommodated with scents of nature and happiness. The staff members serve every guest with friendly politeness and enthusiasm. The entire team of Aeris International Hotel inputs ideas of warm hospitality and presents them in the hotel style designing, planning and service details. The above-all concept is ‘customer-convenience orientation’. The corporate culture focuses on providing cordial hospitality passionately in a traditional Taiwanese way. In order to embody the phrase ‘Ichi-go ichi-e’, the spirit of Japanese tea ceremony, Aeris is creating an exquisite and stylish hotel that guests may savor for years to come.







▲飯店外觀 +886-4-2377-0188 / 西區柳川西路二段77號 No.77, Sec. 2, Liuchuan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung City For detailed information, please visit: http://www.aeris-hotel.com/ 44


樂之遊 - 台灣包車自由行


Taiwan Minivan Tour

環島包車、訂制行程建議、代訂住宿、機場 接送、好吃好玩好買推薦。 Chartered round island tour, itinerary planning suggestion, lodging reservation service, airport pick-ups, shop, dine and fun recommendations.

招牌商品:宇治金時刨冰 使用進口日本刨冰機,口感如同雪花般滑順,比霜淇淋更綿密! 搭配特調抹茶醬及各種新鮮配料,今夏最消暑聖品就在這!


+886-977063168 台中市烏日區(高鐵站附近)

Wuri Dist., Taichung City(Near High Speed Rail)

陳允宝泉-草悟道店二樓「允泉茶庵」,濃厚 的日式裝潢,優雅靜謐的空間,坐在和室榻榻米 上享用日式抹茶、和菓子,品嚐之餘還能欣賞各 式日本文物。除了人氣最夯的刷抹茶及“懶人 冰”,近期更推出一系列的抹茶體驗課程歡迎來 電報名,待您一探日式茶點與風情。 +886-4-23027552/西區向上北路136號 No.136, Xiangshang N. Rd., West Dist., Taichung City Open/ 11:30am-09:00pm

華美街 台中担仔麵

Taichung Dan Tzyy Mian 我們秉持『新鮮』、『健康』之原則, 嚴格挑選新鮮、美味食材,研發出季節創意 料理以期滿足顧客食的需求。從台式海鮮料 理、台灣特色美食等,讓每位顧客能夠品嘗 廚師們精心烹調的百變美味,本館備有精緻 典雅的大小廳房,適合三五好友小酌,另也 提供如尾牙春酒、到府外燴、外送、年菜外 帶、結婚喜宴、生日宴、商務、機關學院、 朋友聚餐等客製化餐點服務。 We rigorously select fresh and delicious ingredients. From Taiwanese seafood to characteristic cuisine, we allow every guest to savor well-prepared delicacies by our chefs. Our restaurant provides exquisitely elegant large and small rooms suited for drinks with friends, and also offers end-of-the-year feasts, catering, delivery, New Years dish take out, wedding banquets, birthday meals, businesses, schools and institutions, friends gathering and such customized food service.



+886-4-23123288 / 華美西街2段215號 No.215, Sec. 2, Huamei W. St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City Open/ 10:00-14:00、17:00-21:30 LINE ID:23123288 45



推 薦 店 家


City Resort Taichung

中南海酒店以新東方美學架構為主體,大廳充滿豐富的主題,是旅客的拍照重點。 ▲距台中中清交流道約五分鐘車程,交通便捷。 ▲室內、外停車場達80個停車位,停車便利。 ▲98間房均為對外窗,臨敦化路上擁有近萬坪的敦化公園。 ▲2F布朗奇天堂提供中西式早午餐,更曾獲得愛評網全台吃到飽口碑推薦獎冠軍。 City Resort Taichung’s main building is designed with the framework of eastern aesthetics. The lobby is decorated with diverse themes, providing visitors an ideal place to take pictures. ▲It is just 5 minutes’ drive from Zhongqing Interchange, convenient transportation. ▲There are 80 indoor and outdoor parking spaces, convenient parking. ▲All of its, 98, rooms are facing the main road with huge windows that are opened to the huge Dunhua Park, a few thousand square kilometers in size, on Dunhua Road. ▲The Brunch Paradise on 2F provides Chinese and Western style brunches. It was elected as the Champion in All-you-can-eat restaurant in Taiwan in iPeen net.



+886-4-35009888 / 北屯區敦化路一段481號 No.481, Sec. 1, Dunhua Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City www.cityresort.com.tw/


Taichung City Chao-Ma Civi Sports Center 設備新、環境好、空間大,館內附設「哈咖啡 廳」,朝馬是您享受專業、安全、高品質運動休閒 服務的好地方。 With updated facilities, nice environment, and huge space, there is a café in the gym. Chaoma is an ideal place for you to enjoy professional, safe, and high quality leisure services. +886-4-22536789 / 西屯區朝貴路199號 No.199, Chaogui Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City




東 興 路三 段

大墩 十九 街 東興立體停車場

精明一街&大隆商圈 享受購物吃美食 Jingming 1st Street & Dalong Commercial District Enjoy shopping and eating gourmet food









HO 48



台中 大 隆直 營店

大隆 店



夏 慕 尼鐵 板燒

大隆 店

大業 北路





San rio


14 築巢 傢 飾精 品館

氣墊 鞋

東興 店


大隆 路

優雅 名店 海 斯 精品 服飾 班卓 名店 意鉅 服飾 葛若 摩斯

Aub a


精明 二街


高堤 兒皮 件

仁愛 眼鏡 館


台灣 大道 大墩 十九 街


s 晨霧











aP u




rin as

ele 3S

Ba lle

大隆 路 18






精明 七街

大隆 店




空調 氣墊 鞋

Pre tty

精明 六街




匯 鑽 珠寶 銀樓 獨義 無二



秘密 花園 生 活精 春 稻 品館 藝術 坊

精誠 路


西班 牙餐 廳 美甲 美睫



8 13

機 能 性纖 芭竺 維 坊 銀飾 精品 陽光 精品 屋

多 采 多藝 家飾 駕馭 皇冠

riv e






精明 一街





r Mo

精誠 路








精明 五街





ry B















d iin







精 明 一街 商 圈




精明 八街

大業路 49


Jingming 1st Street Commercial District

主委的話-精明一街商圈 Words from the chairperson About Jingming 1st Street Commercial District 臺中市的「精明一街」是知名度最高的歐式商圈,坐落 於大墩十九街與大隆路間,精明一街街道全長 130 公尺。 以露天歐洲情調的戶外咖啡茶座吸引許多遊客,顯現了台 中人生活的優雅與清閒,成功的把台中商圈變化成充滿異國 風味又具獨特的生活商圈,成為全國著名的形象商圈之一。

“Jingming 1st Street” in Taichung is the most well-known Europeanstyle commercial district; it is located in between Dadun 19th Street and Dalong Road, with an overall length of 130m. It attracts many visitors with the alfresco European sentiment café and teahouse, revealing the elegant and leisure lifestyle of the people in Taichung, successfully transforming Taichung commercial district into a unique life district filled with exotic sentiment, thereby becoming one of the famous image commercial districts in Taiwan. 主任委員

商店 SUNNYBANK 美體小舖 G-2000 Shiangers 香爵 Tutti 麗舍 PUPU JUMP Q BEAR Original Hippo CALIFORNIA 松果和平愛 古典美 50

資訊 精明一街 59 號 +886-4-23201528 精明一街 60 號 +886-4-23270541 精明一街 61 號 +886-4-23290389 精明一街 62 號 +886-4-23108038 精明一街 64 號 +886-4-23269958 精明一街 65 號 +886-4-23238077 精明一街 67 號 +886-4-22322737 精明一街 68 號 +886-4-23274043 精明一街 70 號 +886-4-23282881 精明一街 71 號 +886-4-23193368 精明一街 73 號

商店 Little Little Collection PB 專賣店 MUURA 呂宇涵民俗風 凱莉安 科士威 臉譜 華歌爾 華鼎珠寶 多采多藝 獨領風騷俏皮兒皮鞋

精明一街 74 號 +886-4-23262615

臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告


資訊 精明一街 75 號 +886-4-23018862 精明一街 76 號 +886-4-23291017 精明一街 79 號 +886-4-23275838 精明一街 81 號 +886-4-23200231 精明一街 83 號 +886-4-23280308 精明一街 84 號 +886-4-23103108 精明一街 89 號 +886-4-23274777 精明一街 90 號 +886-4-23104615 大隆路 18-1 號 大隆路 20 號 +886-4-23207567 大墩 19 街 11 號 +886-4-23239496

Jingming 1st Street Commercial District

推 薦 店 家





結合戲劇、遊戲與創意的新形態親子空 間,讓孩子在遊戲中感受知識,並從自我 察覺認識、情緒體驗表達,到充分交流互 動,在玩樂當中成長。 A new form of parent-child space combined with drama, games, and c r e a t i v i t y, a l l o w i n g c h i l d r e n t o l e a r n knowledge through games, to know from self-perception, to express through emotional experience, and to adequately communicate and interact, so as to grow up through playing.

+886-4-23108862|台中市西區精明一街75號 No.75, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City



Le Rayon Vert

咖啡自家烘培,使用在地食材, 提供美味的早午餐。 Homemade roasted coffee with the use of local food ingredients to provide delicious brunch.



OneSet Art & Co-Working Space

提供展出空間及展期宣傳,周末與平日夜晚 不定期推出藝文活動。 Provides exhibition space and exhibition period promotion; launches art & cultural events irregularly on weekends and weekday nights. +886-4-23266565|台中市西區精明一街80號 No.80, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-37048811|台中市西區精明一街80號 No.80, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告


精明一街商圈 推 薦 店 家


Jingming 1st Street Commercial District


Chun Shui Tang

創新調和歷代飲茶的台式 泡沫紅茶文化及發明了世界 第一杯的珍珠奶茶,並發展 數十種特色茶飲,多元的口 味,也更豐富了冷飲茶的喝 法與風味。 Innovatively blended generations of Taiwanese shaken iced black tea culture, also invented the world’s first glass of bubble tea, as well as developed several types of characteristic tea beverages with diversified flavors, which also enriched the drinking method and flavors of iced tea. +886-4-22549779 / 台中市西區大墩十九街9號 No.9, Dadun 19th St., West Dist., Taichung City


自己做烘焙聚樂部 DIY Baking Club

其實,做甜點跟小時候玩家家酒沒什麼不 同,除了道具、食物變真實,好玩的心情一點 都沒變。 As a matter of fact, making desserts is no different from playing house as children, except that props and food are replaced with authentic ones. Nonetheless, the sentiment of fun remains unchanged.


Vitis Vines 晨霧酒坊

以葡萄酒搭餐,提供葡萄酒、葡 萄酒禮盒客製化、餐酒供應。 Uses grape wines to go with meals, provides grape wines, customized grape wine gift-boxes, dinner wine supply. +886-9-65833928|台中市西區精明一街88號 No.88, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City 52

+886-4-23108008|台中市西區精明一街66號 No.66, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告

Jingming 1st Street Commercial District 07


Color Monkey

販售日系、古著、卡通及潮流類風格的服飾 店舖,適合各年齡層朋友前往。 The store that markets Japanese, vintage, cartoon and trendy style clothing; suitable for friends of all age groups to visit.

+886-4-23273481|台中市西區精明一街77號 No.77, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City



Jade Fine Jewelry

專營精美的手工珠 寶與服飾,以細膩金工 與多樣服飾等待各位光 臨。 Specializes in exquisite handmade jewelries and clothing, await everyone’s visit with exquisite metalwork and diversified clothing.

+886-4-23278628|台中市西區精明一街91.85號 No.91.85, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City



Weili Japanese Boutiques

店面外觀清新典雅又帶點鄉村風格的設計, 充滿老闆娘的創意與品味,希望來店的客人都 會喜歡上這裡。 The store’s exterior features refreshing, elegant country-style design that emanates the creativity and taste of the female store owner. It is hoped that all the customers will fall in love with the environment.



Origin Coffee

來小原咖啡才能健康的品嚐食物讓 味蕾有最原始的感動! One can only savor food healthily and allow taste buds with the most primitive touch when visiting Origin Café. +886-4-23108123|台中市西區精明一街94號 No.94, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-23286838|台中市西區精明一街72號 No.72, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告


精明一街商圈 推 薦 店 家


Jingming 1st Street Commercial District

HAND iin 日本手工袋包


日本精湛工匠工藝,將皮革最原始的材質, 完整呈現出來。

屬於喜歡設計感及希望每日配 帶專屬珠寶的妳。

Japanese exquisite craftsmanship comprehensively demonstrated the most primitive material of leather.

Belongs to you who prefers designs and hopes to wear exclusive jewelries every day.

+886-4-23280691|台中市西區精明一街82號 No.82, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City



+886-4-23200337|台中市西區精明一街92號 No.92, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City


Ji Zhou Wang

以韓式餐點為主的餐廳,提供早 餐、午餐及晚餐。 A restaurant based mainly on Korean meals, provides breakfast, lunch and dinner.

+886- 4-23270698|台中市西區精明一街87號 No.87, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City 54


Angry Birds 憤怒鳥台中精明旗艦店

以全球知名遊戲角色為品牌主體,堅持提 供顧客最新鮮、健康、安全的飲品。 The brand body is based on the globally famous game role, insist on providing customers with the freshest, healthiest and safest beverages.

+886- 4-23280385│台中市西區精明一街86號 No.86, Jingming 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City

臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告

Dalong Commercial District


主委的話-關於大隆商圈 Words from the chairperson About Dalong Commercial District

大隆商圈是中部地區高級精品的集散地,有國際知名 的品牌,囊括歐、美、日等最時尚的服飾、藝品及異國美 食,與精明一街相互輝映,更有「小歐洲」的美譽。 異國風情的街景,歐式花園的行人徒步區,讓人感受時尚、 浪漫、休閒,有如漫步在法國的香榭大道,充分享受舒適購物、低調奢華的樂趣。

Dalong Commercial District is the distributing center of high-end boutiques in the central region, with internationally famous brands including the most fashionable clothing and exotic delicacies from Europe, the United States and Japan; it mutually compliments with Jingming 1st Street and is further honored with the title “Little Europe”. Street sceneries with exotic sentiments and European-style garden pedestrian areas allow people to experience the fashion, romance, and leisure, as if strolling on the Champs-Élysées in France, fully enjoying the fun of comfortable shopping and low-profile luxury. 主任委員

推 薦店 家



TAPATAPA Spanish Restaurant

洋溢西班牙風情,伴著熱情奔放的佛 朗明歌,是靈魂與美食的相結合。 Overflowing with Spanish sentiment with the company of ebullient Flamenco, it is the fusion of soul and gourmet food.




Jardin Secret Life Boutique Hall

來自日本歐美、琳瑯滿目的生活家飾 與食品,帶給您意外的驚喜。 Dazzling arrays of household decorations and food from Japan, Europe and the United States; introducing unexpected surprises to you. 出示本書畫面 消費享9折

出示本書畫面 消費滿900元享9折


+886-4-23236254│台中市西區大隆路12號 No.12, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-23273689│台中市西區大隆路13號 No.13, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告


大隆商圈 推 薦 店 家


Dalong Commercial District


Hui Tsuan Jewelry Shop

專營GIA高品質高等級鑽石,及代理 國內知名品牌,如金飾、鋼飾等。 Specialize in selling GIA high quality premium grade diamonds, as well as act as the agency for domestic and international famous brands, such as gold fashions and steel fashions. 出示本書畫面,結婚黃 金・套鍊組工資85折


提供顧客最好的洗髮產品及精緻的髮型服務。 Provides customers with the best shampoo and exquisite hair-styling services.

出示本書畫面 首次來店8折 +886-4-23286007│台中市西區大隆路33號 No.33, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City


夏慕尼鐵板燒 大隆店

Chamonix Taichung Dalong

結合法式料理,與Lounge Bar的浪漫 設計,打造味覺與視覺的美味雙饗宴。 Combined with French cuisines and romantic designs of Lounge Bar; creating the delicious gustatory and visual dual feast.

出示本書畫面 消費享9折

重視內衣的機能性,堅持純棉天然素 材,讓穿得人舒服到忘了它的存在。 Emphasizes on the functionality of underwear, insist on pure cotton natural material, enabling people to wear comfortably and forgot its existence.

+886-4-23109470│台中市西區大隆路38號 No.38, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City


i Nail 美甲美睫

聘請有多年經驗的資深美甲、美睫 師,帶給消費者如同回到家一般的尊榮 享受。 Employed senior manicurist and eyelash stylist with many years of experience, providing premium services to consumers as if back at home. +886965-733556│台中市西區大隆路14號 No.14, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City


Sanrio 台中大隆直營店

Sanrio Shop Taichung Dalong

來自日本三麗鷗總代理,給您 最新的Sanrio 產品,等粉絲們來收 藏。 Coming from Japan’s Sanrio general agent, providing you with the latest Sanrio products, waiting for fans to come and collect. 出示本書畫面,單筆消費 滿2000元即可成為VIP會員

+886-4-23282918│台中市西區大隆路43號 No.43, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 56

Aubade 葛若摩斯

消費滿額8000元贈 海灘袋乙個,贈完為止

+886-4-23107411│台中市西區大隆路3號 No.3, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City



+886-4-23197035│台中市西區大隆路39號 No.39, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告

Dalong Commercial District



To Tsai To Yi Furnishings

充滿異國風情的家飾精品店,商業空間布置絕對 讓您收獲滿滿。 A furnished boutique shop filled with exotic sentiment, its commercial spatial arrangement will leave you deeply satisfied.

出示本書畫面 消費享85折 +886-4-23207567│台中市西區大隆路20號 No.20, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

仁愛眼鏡館 東興店

Howard Eyewear Dongxing

本店販賣的不只是眼鏡,也兼備專業 驗光集各項服務。 Our store not only sells glasses, but also provides professional optometry and various services.

出示本書畫面,整付 鏡框+鏡片999元起

增高氣墊鞋第一品牌,駕馭你的牛仔 褲,完美你的身材比例。 The No. 1 brand for height-increasing aircushion shoes, take control over your jeans, perfect your figure proportion.

+886-4-23100765│台中市西區大隆路22號 No.22, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City


La new 氣墊鞋 大隆店 La new Taichung Dalong

La new 專業氣墊鞋提供穿鞋所需的吸震、減壓功 能,讓人穿得健康輕鬆。 La New professional air-cushion shoes provide shock-absorption and pressure-relieving functions required for wearing shoes, allowing people to wear healthily with ease. 出示本書畫面,消費 滿9000元享9折

+886-4-23273579│台中市西區東興路三段284號 No.284, Sec. 3, Dongxing Rd., West Dist., Taichung City


D.drive 駕馭皇冠

出示本書畫面,限量 鞋款任挑兩雙3580元






100%來自義大利的真皮商品,找尋 獨義無二,專屬於你的義式品味。 100% genuine leather products from Italy; search for iTA SHOP, the Italian taste exclusive for you.

出示本書畫面,消費 滿15000元享9折

+886-4-23289916│台中市西區大隆路67號 No.67, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City



Gaultier Leather Goods

在地經營二十年老店,各式品牌包 包、行李箱,滿足旅遊各種需求。 Local old store being in business for 20 years, where various name brand bags, suitcases satisfy all types of travel demands. 出示本書畫面 消費享8折

+886-4-23284547│台中市西區大隆路9號 No.9, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-23282003│台中市西區大隆路57號 No.57, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告



Dalong Commercial District

推 薦 店 家



Haissu Boutique Clothing

專為客戶挑選當季流行,專營品牌服 飾配件及質感好搭配的單品。 Dedicated in selecting in-season fashion for customers, specialized in name brand clothing accessories and quality products that are easy to mix and match. 出示本書畫面,消費滿萬 送Burberry領巾,送完為止

aPure 機能性纖維

aPure Functional Fiber

aPure的品牌致力提升織物穿著品質 及維護身體健康為目標。 aPure brand is devoted in enhancing the quality of woven wears, as well as sets maintaining body health as the goal. 出示本書畫面,六雙 除臭襪特價1110元


Sunshine Boutique Store

韓國流行服飾、明星商品,有特色的衣服、飾 品,穿出不一樣的自己。 Korean fashion clothing, celebrity products, characteristic clothing and accessories allow one to dress up and show a different self.

+886-4-23298955│台中市西區大隆路36號 No.36, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City



Taiwan Life Culture

推廣茶、陶器、服飾,傳達喝茶是一種生活態 度,把握當下的幸福。 Promotes tea, pottery and clothing, conveys that tea-drinking is a type of living attitude, to seize the present happiness.

886-4-23289408│台中市西區大隆路19號 No.19, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City


BAW 空調氣墊鞋 大隆店 Best Air Walk Best Air Walk

BAW 是全球唯一穿到氣墊舒適度, 與全球第一雙自動充氣、噴氣氣墊鞋。 BAW is the sole company in the world to provide wearable air-cushion comfort clothing, as well as being a pioneer in automatic inflation and injection air-cushion shoes. 出示本書畫面,消費累積 滿萬贈貴賓卡,享終身9折

出示本書畫面, 限量T恤390元 +886985-390382│台中市西區大隆路18-1號 No.18-1, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 58

堅持只賣MADE IN ITALY原產製品, 以最合宜的價格購入歐洲高品質與設計 服飾。 Insists on only selling MADE IN ITALY products; purchases European high quality and designed clothing at reasonable prices.

綠丘衫特價2990元、 波齊寬褲特價2990元

+886-4-23278320│台中市西區大隆路16號 No.16, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City


EDGE 意鉅服飾

出示本書畫面, 消費滿5000送1000

+886-4-23270586│台中市西區大隆路26號 No.26, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City



+886-4-23280696│台中市西區大隆路6號 No.6, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告

Dalong Commercial District 21


Ba Jhu Fang Silver Jewelry Boutiques

日本、義大利精工銀飾銷售,特價銀 飾手工精品免費保養 。 Markets silver jewelry with fine workmanship from Japan and Italy; free maintenance for special offer handmade silver jewelry boutiques. 出示本書畫面 全館8折優惠 +886-4-23272780│台中市西區大隆路18號1F 1F, No.18, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City


You Ya Shop

歐洲精心挑選,最新最 時尚服飾精品,滿足每個有 品味的您。 Meticulous selection of the latest and most fashionable clothing boutiques from Europe, which satisfies all of you with a sense of taste.

+886-4-23292498│台中市西區大隆路24號 No.24, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City


Ban Jhou Shop

專售歐洲時尚服飾,滿足每位有品味的消費者。 Specializes in selling European fashion clothing, which satisfies all of you with a sense of taste.

出示本書畫面 消費享5折 (特價品除外)

1893 Select 時尚選品店

主打歐美時尚選物,獨特、叛逆、讓 您獨一無二!價格實在服務真誠是我們 最在意的事! Focusing on European and US fashionable products, the unique and rebellious qualities will make you one of a kind! We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding service at affordable prices! 加入官方Line@首購可享9折優惠

+886-4-23271192│台中市西區大隆路30號 No.30, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City



出示本書畫面, 義大利T恤2980元起





+886-4-23288882│台中市西區大隆路25號 No.25, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City


Pretty Ballerinas

歐洲進口優質時尚女裝,讓來店有品味的顧客滿意。 Imported European quality fashion womenswear, which satisfies all of you with a sense of taste.


Chauv Horng Trading Co., Ltd.

提供多元的居傢裝飾、實木傢俱窗 簾、現成床組沙發,營造居家溫馨氛圍。 Provides diversified home decorations, solid wood furniture and curtains, ready-made bed and sofa, creating a cozy living atmosphere. 出示本書畫面,單筆消費 滿1500元送終身65折會員卡 消費滿3800元送200元(7/1-7/31)

出示本書畫面, 消費滿5000送500 +886-23232151│台中市西區大隆路23號 No.23, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-23288543│台中市西區大隆路49號 No.49, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告


精選彰化 Changhua 熱 門 景 點


Roundhouse (Fan Garage) 是全台僅存的扇形機器車庫,更是東南 亞區唯一一座仍在運轉使用的活古蹟。又有 『火車頭的旅館』之稱,軌道及車庫從空中 鳥瞰有12個向外輻射的軌道,就像是一把展 開的扇子而被稱為扇形車庫。


Baguashan Great Buddha Scenic Area 整個八卦山包含兩座巨獅,九龍池廣場,規 劃了名家書法、夜景水舞以及九龍水池等,可 飽覽整個彰化平原。八卦山天空步道也緊鄰在 旁,是一個合適生態觀察的風景步道。

It is the only roundhouse garage remaining in Taiwan, and the only living relic still operating in all of southeastern Asia. Also known as “hotel of locomotives”, the rails and garages radiate in 12 directions like an open fan when seen with a bird’s eye view from above, thus earning its namesake, the Fan Garage. 彰化市彰美路一段1號 No.1, Sec. 1, Zhangmei Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County

The Baguashan includes two giant stone lions, a nine-dragon pool plaza with master calligraphy, night view water dance and the nine-dragon pool etc., to a full view of the entire Changhua Plain. The Baguashan skywalk is also nearby, which is a scenic walk fit for ecological observation. 彰化市卦山路8-1號 No.8-1, Guashan Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County


Confucius Temple 彰化孔廟緣起於西元1726年興建的縣儒學,年代久遠歷經 乾隆、道光、日治及民國時期的修建,孔廟內的建築格局與藝 術作品的歷史層面勇冠全台。

彰化市孔門路30號 No.30, Kongmen Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County

The Changhua Confucius Temple originated from the county Confucianism was first established in 1726. Living past Qianlong, Daoguang, Japanese Occupation of Taiwan and renovated during the Republic of China, its architectural structure and historical level of artworks are championed amongst Taiwan.


Longshan Temple 超過兩百年以上的歷史之外,擁有超過一千六百餘 坪的寺院空間及建築格局也是全台首屈一指,而戲臺 上八卦藻井可是全台最大,展現出高超的工藝水準。 Besides over two hundred years of history, the temple grounds of over 1600 hectares and its architectural structure are also among the best in Taiwan. The eight trigram ceiling in the theater is the largest in Taiwan, displaying exceptional craftsmanship. 60

鹿港鎮龍山街100號 No.100, Longshan St., Lukang Township, Changhua County



Tianwei Highway Garden 田尾為台灣的花卉集散地,有造景、盆栽、 花器、種植等等的專業園藝設計。也非常合適 小旅行,可租用腳踏車在田園裡漫遊及小盆栽 DIY,還能享受歐洲鄉村造景的餐廳美食。


Matsu Temple 廟內之石雕、木雕、彩繪精彩萬分,在廟內 的藝術作品被譽為全台灣廟宇最精緻作品之一。 鹿港天后宮也被國際旅遊美食權威米其林公司評 鑑為二星級的旅遊景點。

Tianwei is the gathering ground of flora in Taiwan. There are landscaping, potted plants, flower vessels, cultivations and other such professional horticultural designs. It is also suited for light travel, where you can rent a bike to cycle among the gardens, have a tiny potted plant DIY, or enjoy an European landscaped restaurant gourmet. 田尾鄉 Tianwei Township, Changhua County

The stone sculptures, wood carvings and paintings are awesome, with the works being revered as one of the most intricate among temples in Taiwan. Lugang Matsu Temple was also evaluated as a two-star travel destination by the international travel and cuisine authority Michelin. 鹿港鎮中山路430號 No.430, Zhongshan Rd., Lukang Township, Changhua County


Ershui Tourism Bike Trail 沿著鐵路「集集支線」而行,沿途景色秀麗, 經過二水車站、二水臺灣獼猴保護區、八堡圳綠 色隧道、林先生廟及源泉車站等景點。可以欣賞 山水、田園與鐵道文化,享受山林馳騁的快感。


Wang Gong Fishing Port 每到落日時分,夕陽餘暉映照濕地,極為美 麗,旁邊矗立的芳苑燈塔是全台最高的燈塔, 還有「王者之弓」跨港拱橋,是吸引情侶朋友 們一起欣賞落日餘暉,拍照留念的浪漫景點。

Running beside the “Jiji Branch” rail with scenic views along the way and passing sites such as Ershui station, Ershui macaque reserve, Babao canal green tunnel, Lin temple and Yuanquan station. Here, one can appreciate the mountains and waters, garden farms and railroad culture, enjoying the pleasure of racing through forest hills.

Every day at sunset, it is beautiful, as the rays of the sun shine upon the wetland. The Fangyuan lighthouse standing erect to the side is the tallest lighthouse in Taiwan. There is also the “King’s Crossbow” cross-harbor bridge, a romantic site attracting couples to enjoy the sunset and take a photograph for remembrance. 芳苑鄉王功村漁港路 Yugang Rd., Wanggong Vil., Fangyuan Township, Changhua County


彰化縣二水鄉 Ershui Township, Changhua County

精選苗栗 Miaoli 熱 門 景 點

半天寮好望角及海角樂園 Bantienliao Cape of Good Hope and Cape Paradise

居高臨下視野遼闊,站在山頭遠眺,分別是 層巒疊翠及綿延海岸,還有一整排壯觀的風力發 電風車,是當地的熱門景點。好望角下方近海的 「海角樂園」經綠美化轉型建置為休憩園區。


Qiding Twin Tunnels Cultural Park 有綠蔭夾道的舊鐵道以及緊鄰的兩座隧道, 因為一長一短所以被稱為「子母隧道」。二 戰時曾因美軍戰機追擊日軍的運輸火車,在隧 道口磚牆上留下清晰可見的彈痕,是許多鐵道 迷、懷舊迷深愛的場景。 With green shade on either side and two closely located tunnels, it is called the “Twin Tunnels” due to one tunnel being longer than the other. There are visibly clear bullet riddled brick walls in the tunnel entrance from American fighter planes pursuit of Japanese transport trains during WW II. It is a favorite site of many fans of railway and nostalgia buffs. 竹南鎮崎頂里北戶55號 Qi Ding Vil., Zhunan Township, Miaoli County

With a wide expanse of view from above, there are overlapping greeneries and running coastlines to be seen afar on the mountain tops. There are also lines of majestic windmill power stations, a popular local site. The “Cape Paradise” near the coast beneath Cape of Good Hope has been greened and transformed into an established leisure park area.

苗栗縣後龍鎮 Houlong Township, Miaoli County


Waipu Fishing Port 是苗栗地區最具規模的第三類漁港,港口 內停泊的漁船與觀光船艇構築了宜人的海港風 情,周邊賞景規劃與夜間照明設施十分完善。

苗栗縣後龍鎮海埔里 Haibao Vil., Houlong Township, Miaoli County

It is the largest third category fishing port in Miaoli. The fishing boats and tourist yachts docked in port form a pleasant harbor atmosphere, with surrounding view watching and night time illuminations well organized.


Long Fong Fishing Port 龍鳳漁港內有鋼骨結構的「龍鳳漁港跨海景觀橋」 可以欣賞海景,最明顯地標是橋上的白色風帆造型。到 了夜晚觀景臺還有完善的照明設備,增添夜間情調。 Within Long Fong Fishing Port is the steel structured “Long Fong Fishing Port cross ocean bridge” for watching the view. The most noticeable landmark is the white sail designed on the bridge. The viewing platform has a complete set of lighting equipment which adds to the nighttime atmosphere. 62

苗栗縣竹南鎮龍鳳里 Zhunan Township, Miaoli County



Paishatun Coast 白沙屯 海岸可欣 賞巨型白 色風車, 海岸線風 光也相當 知名,海 堤上建有 觀海步道 以及涼亭,假日都會吸引許多遊客來此看海、賞 風車。此地的「拱天宮」歷史悠久、香火鼎盛。 One can enjoy the giant white windmill at Paishatun coast. The coastline scenery is also relatively well known. The ocean view walkway on the embankment and pavilion attracts many tourists during vacation for ocean and windmill watching. The “Gongtien Temple” of the area has a long history and many believers. 苗栗縣通霄鎮 Tongxiao Township, Miaoli County


Tongxiao Shinto Shrine 是日據時代建造之宗教建築,現存的通霄神社 包括主殿基座、幣殿遺跡、拜殿、參道、鳥居及社 務所等,而主建築體的拜殿則採閩南式燕尾翹脊屋 頂及四面磚牆格局,仍然保有十足的日本風味。 A religious architecture of the Japanese rule, the preserved Tongxiao Shinto Shrine includes the Main Hall Base, Hall of Offerings Relic, Hall of Worship, Trail of Worship, Torri and shrine office. The main architecture the Hall of Worship uses Fujian style sparrow tail ridge and four sided brick wall structure, still well intact and full of Japanese flavor. 苗栗縣通霄鎮 Tongxiao Township, Miaoli County

苑港彩虹橋及苑港漁港 Yuanligan Rainbow Bridge and Yuanligan Port

曾獲選為臺灣「十大魅力漁港」之一,半圓 形的拱橋是其地標,黃昏時分從碼頭區望向拱 橋,遠方的點點漁筏返航,襯著海面閃耀的金黃 色夕陽餘暉,呈現令人著迷的醉人景致。 Chosen as one of the “Most charming fishing ports” of Taiwan, the half-domed arch bridge is the landmark. Looking towards the bridge during dusk and one can see dotted fishing rafts returning from afar. Along the backdrop of an ocean surface shimmering golden under the setting sun, it displays intoxicating scenery of charm. 苗栗縣苑裡鎮 Yuanli Township, Miaoli County


Triangle Rush E xhibition Hall 館內有帽蓆文化區、展售區、農村古文物展示 區、米文化區、民俗文化區等,訴說藺草編織的 歷史。還有帽蓆編織示範特區和DIY教室,讓人在 參觀之餘,還能透過親自動手作。 There are the hat and mattress culture area, display and souvenir area, farmland artifact area, rice culture area and folklore culture area etc., recounting the history of rush grass weaving. There is also the hat and mattress demonstration area and DIY classroom for hands-on experience besides touring. 苗栗縣苑裡鎮彎麗路99號 No.99, Wanli Rd., Yuanli Township, Miaoli County










黑白驗偽碼行家 徐志澔







台灣網站行家 邱錦華



排酸療法教學行家 唐秋月






腦波開發行家 李信達



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