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▲ 秋冬溫泉季-首選中台灣 Fall Winter Hot Spring Season First Choice Central Taiwan 苗栗泰安溫泉Miaoli★Taian Hot Spring 南投東埔溫泉Nantou★Dongpu Hot Spring 南投北港溪溫泉Nantou★Beigan River Hot Spring 南投日月潭溫泉Nantou★Sun Moon Lake Hot Spring 台中谷關溫泉Taichung★Guguan Hot Spring 台中大坑溫泉Taichung★Dakeng Hot Spring 台中東勢溫泉Taichung★Dongshi Hot Spring 台中烏日溫泉Taichung★Wuri Hot Spring
vol.5 秋季刊
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閱讀節集點系列活動 自 10/28 起跑 請使用行動電話應用程式, 掃描 QR Code。
國立公共資訊圖書館 廣告
南投好山好水 觀光首都 Taking in the breathtaking beauty of Nantou-the Capital City of Tourism 南投山高谷深,風景秀麗,境內日月潭、溪頭、清境 等等絕美景點眾多。便利的交通是優質觀光的基礎,提 供遊客友善便利交通,一直是明溱重要目標。臺灣好 行溪頭線、日月潭線,以舒適大型客運車,從台中火 車站、台中高鐵站出發直達溪頭、日月潭景區,大幅 節省旅遊時間。而想要去清境走高空步道、去合歡山 觀星,南投推出「需求反應式公共運輸服務」(DRTS), 每日固定班次往返清境至合歡山,另提供彈性路線預約 叫車服務,特別有利背包客更能機動地前往廬山、奧萬大 等旅遊景點。 南投好山好水,氣候溫和,四季分明,明溱也會以友善、便利與智慧的初心來 打造最適合親子、樂齡、情侶各個族群旅遊的觀光首都。
Convenient transportation links are the foundation of quality tourism, and offering tourist-friendly transportation has always been an important goal of the mayor of Nantou City. The Xitou Line and Sun Moon Lake Line of the Tourist Shuttle Bus, as well as comfortable limousine buses, can save lots of time when traveling from TRA Taichung Station or THSR Taichung Station. Just take a shuttle bus bound for scenic areas in Xitou, Qingjing or Sun Moon Lake. For visitors going trail walking or watching the stars on Hehuan Mountain, the Nantou City government offers the Demand-Responsive Transportation Service (DRTS). Each day there are buses available between two stops from Qingjing to Hehuan Mountain based on a timetable, as well as rental bus services available for passengers wanting a more flexible route. For backpackers, these services allow convenient travel to other scenic spots like Lushan or Aowanda. Nantou has plenty of great mountains and lakes, and the weather is mild and suitable for all visitors. As the mayor of Nantou City, I followed my heart in building the most friendly and convenient transportation system for everyone. Now senior citizens, couples, and parents taking their kids out can all enjoy these carefully-built facilities. 南投縣縣長 2
南投縣政府 廣告
雙輪樂遊 前行臺中自行車嘉年華 Two Wheel Fun Tour On Towards Taichung Cycling Festival 「0K 臺灣.臺中自行車嘉年華」系列活動即將展開, 結合 9/23、24「捷安特嘉年華」、10/1「臺中騎旅」及 11/26「時代騎輪節」三大活動,內容多元豐富,已經 引起十分廣大的熱潮。像是「捷安特嘉年華」推出六 大項的活動,民眾回響熱烈,已經截止報名。後續的 「臺中騎旅──單車產業暨野餐嘉年華」及「時代騎 輪節」也規劃單車及休閒用品展售、單車野餐及各式 競賽,讓民眾一同共襄盛舉。 臺中擁有后豐、東豐及潭雅神等廣受民眾歡迎的觀光 休閒自行車道,市府近年來也積極推展綠色運輸,觀旅局 也將自行車產業與觀光結合,共同行銷至國際。透過一系列的 國際運動觀光交流活動,強化臺中城市品牌形象,同時也帶動自行車騎乘之風, 讓更多人能藉由自行車來瞭解臺中的美好。
“OK Taiwan. Taichung Cycling Festival” series event is about to begin. The rich content along with the three major events “Giant Cup” (Sept 23-24), “Taichung Cycling Tour” (Oct 1) and “Wheels Ride Festival” (Nov 26) has triggered widespread anticipation. Applications to the six events by “Giant Cup” is already full due to enthusiastic participation. The following event “Taichung Cycling Tour - Bicycle Industry Picnic and Festival” and “Wheels Ride Festival” also organizes bicycle and recreational product sales, bicycle picnics and various competition. The public is invited to join in the festivity. Taichung City has a popular tourism and leisure cycling route, such as Houfeng, Dongfeng and Tanya Shen Gang Green Bikeway, and the city has also actively promoted green transportation in recent years. The tourism industry will also combine the bicycle industry with sightseeing and jointly sell to international. Through a series of international sports sightseeing activities, to strengthen the Taichung city brand image, but also to promote the bike ride the wind, so that more people can use the bike to understand the good of Taichung City. 臺中市觀光旅遊局 局長 臺中市政府觀光旅遊局 廣告
陳盛山 3
Super Charm of Tourism in Central Taiwan Through Regional Resources Integration 中臺灣觀光旅遊超有魅力!臺中、彰化、南投、苗栗4縣 市各有不同特色美食及文創產業亮點,除了擁有陸海空便捷 的交通優勢,四縣市也因彼此相鄰,且觀光資源各有不同特色 ,非常適合結合行程、深度體驗。 2017年度共推薦8條美食路線,包括臺中東勢挖小吃、中區尋古味;彰化北斗吃肉 圓、鹿港逛老街;南投清境追部落、魚池觀日月;苗栗三灣古早味、南庄走讀趣,希 望以美食帶路,讓大家「食旅中臺灣,吃在地、玩在地」,以最在地的能量打入國際 激發觀光動能,吸引更多遊客暢遊中臺灣。 Super Charm of Tourism in Central Taiwan! Taichung , Changhua, Nantou, and Miaoli, each of these four central Taiwan counties and cities has its own specialty foods and cultural highlights. Apart from convenient land, sea, and air transportation, they are connected with one another and characterized by individual tourism resources, making them ideal for itinerated and in-depth travels. Eight fine food itineraries are recommended for 2017, including Dongshih street foods and vintage flavor in Central District in Taichung; Beidou Taiwanese meatballs and Lugang Old Street in Changhua; Qingjing tribal exploration and Sun Moon Lake fish ponds in Nantou; and Sanwan classic taste and Nanzhuang wander in Miaoli. With these find food itineraries, it is hope that visitors can “Enjoy Foods and Fun in central Taiwan”, so that we can stimulate tourism momentum with the most local energy and attract more visitors to visit central Taiwan. 行政院中部聯合服務中心 Central Taiwan Joint Services Center. 副執行長 Executive Yuan
臺中 彰化 南投 苗栗
吃 在 地 A 東勢 挖小吃 B 中區 尋古味 C 北斗 吃肉圓 D 鹿港 逛老街 E 清境 追部落 F 魚池 觀日月 G 三灣 古早味 H 南庄 走讀趣
玩 在 地
山城一日遊 浪漫暢遊臺三線 建議行程 石岡水壩 → 石圍牆酒庄 → 東勢牛稼莊 → 東勢客家文化園區 → 樟腦故事文化館 → 林業文化園區
慢活一日遊 散步舊城區細品老味道 建議行程 一德洋樓 → 太陽餅DIY → 中區漫步 → 第二市場 → 柳川藍帶水岸 → 臺中文學館 → 大都會歌劇院
觀光工廠一日遊 探訪肉圓最早的發源地 建議行程 樂活襪之鄉博物館 → 新和春醬油工廠 → 福井鐵道文物館 → 愛玩色創意館 → 台灣穀堡 → 北斗老街
古蹟一日遊 不可錯過的鹿港古早味 建議行程 鹿港老街(天后宮、龍山寺、桂花巷、小吃、第一市場) → 緞帶王觀光工廠 → 扇形車庫 → 興麥蛋捲烘焙王國觀光工廠
衝破雲端避暑去 擺夷料理新奇有趣 建議行程 梅峰農場 → 雲南風味─魯媽媽雲南擺夷料理 → Nina妮娜手工巧克力工坊(DIY) → 清境農場
乘風破浪遊湖趣 品嚐在地風味料理 建議行程 水社向山自行車道 → 日月潭遊艇遊湖 → 朝霧小棧 → 東峰莊園品茗 → 日月星舞民宿咖啡莊園 → 三育基督學院
老街一日遊 古廟嚐遍古早味 建議行程 謝正獅農園 → 三灣老街 → 阿戊嫂古早味 → 金椿茶油工廠 → 月眉橋 → 銅鏡環湖步道
走訪歷史老街 悠閒湖中島飲茶 建議行程 南庄老街 → 南庄桂花園鄉村會館 → 頭屋明德水庫 → 日新島水榭樓台
台中市觀光旅館 外籍從業人員報馬仔 台中是一個具備熱情好客和傳統的城市,更重要的是,這裡具備多樣化的美食,如 著名的太陽餅。 在台中市中心,有一家最受認可的太陽餅店「太陽餅博物館」,在這裡,您可以享 受食物的原味,及不同口味的太陽餅,並且可以參加太陽餅DIY體驗課程,由多年經驗 的糕餅師傅帶領您製作出美味的太陽餅,在完成課程後,您也可以參觀博物館,欣賞 歷史建築內的亮點和歷史照片,這些照片會帶您回到1,900年感受當時殖民地建築的特 色。 這裡不但是一個可以享受親子同樂的地方,同時也是一個讓您的孩子學習台灣過去 歷史景色的地方。 我是來自哥倫比亞的卡密歐,我很開心能在台中的觀光飯店業工作,想了解更多台 中的景點及觀光飯店消息?歡迎登錄台中市觀光旅館商業同業公會網站,以了解更多 訊息! When visiting Taichung city you will be attracted by their traditions, hospitality, but more important by their diverse gastronomy which includes their own signature for pastries such as well known Sun cake. In the central area where Taichung city started they have one of the most recognized shops of Sun Cake called “SUN CAKE MUSEUM” Where everyone can enjoy the original recipe and different assorted flavors, and they can even join the DIY class for making a Sun Cake taught by senior bakers with years of experience which will guide you step by step in order to help you to make some tasty Sun Cakes. After finishing your class you can join a tour through the Museum with all the highlights and photos of the Historical building which takes back to the year 1900 and gives this warm atmosphere with his colonial architecture. I will say it’s a place where you can enjoy as a family where you can have fun, but at the same time you can show your children about the historical view of a small part of Taiwan. I am Camilo from The República de Colombia, I am so happy working in hospitality Industry in Taichung. Would you want to find out more hotel news in Taichung? Please visit Taichung Tourist Hotel Association official website.
Contents p01 p07 p08 p12 p22
推薦序 Recommendation Sequence
目錄 Contents
封面故事-中臺灣溫泉情報 Cover Story Hot Springs in Central Taiwan
樂遊南投-飽覽山城美名勝 Nantou Selection An Eyeful of Mountain City and Attractions
精選彰化-感受古城深旅行 Changhua Selection Experiencing the Old City with In-depth Traveling
Miaoli Selection Intoxicating Ocean Watching in a Slow City Led by Celebrity Traveling Greater Taichung Dongshi & Kukuan Commercial District Shopping, Sightseeing, and Hot Springs
發行人兼總編輯:趙成年 顧問:黃國書、蕭仕榮、吳政和 / 法律顧問:劉喜律師 執行編輯:趙品瑄、徐郁婷、張家銘、劉姿妗、陳怡君、林心情、陳怡玲 編輯委員:楊豊三、蔡維郡、巫賜發、鄭中興、胡智鈞、陳奕錩、陳瑛宗、謝樹人、賈玉柱、吳奇鴻 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 / 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路106號 / 電話:+886-4-23727658 信箱 / 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司 您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌:中華航空(香港→台中) 觀光局駐馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處、香港辦事處;國際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服 務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺中遊客服務中心、星動銀河旅站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店 台中民權、薆悅酒店台中館、水雲端旗艦概念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國際大 飯店、光之旅店、福爾摩沙酒店聯盟、1969藍天飯店、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中 福華大飯店、通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月 千禧酒店、福容大飯店麗寶樂園、台中林酒店、惠來谷關溫泉會館、統一渡假村谷關溫泉養生會館、龍谷觀光 大飯店、谷關溫泉飯店、神木谷假期大飯店、伊豆日式露天溫泉、四季溫泉會館、露泉渡假溫泉館、明治溫泉 大飯店、谷野會館、麗池山水渡假村、明高溫泉養生會館、彰化桂冠精品旅館、妖怪村主題飯店、聽濤園山莊 、溪頭有晴天、溪頭夏緹飯店、天空的院子、日月星舞民宿、散步的雲日月潭生態民宿、晶澤別館、山水田雅 舍、佛羅倫斯、日光清境、見晴渡假山莊、波波米繪本民宿、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大飯店、高雄麗馨 汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、高雄統茂松柏大飯店、台東旅人驛站旅宿連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、 台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星光酒店、台東鹿鳴溫泉酒店…(陸續增加)。
秋冬溫泉季首選中台灣 Fall Winter Hot Spring Season First Choice Central Taiwan 秋冬腳步漸近,氣溫不斷下降,這種時刻便是最適合泡湯的季節,而地點首選 中台灣!中台灣共有八個溫泉區,分別為:苗栗的泰安、南投的東埔、北港溪和 日月潭,以及台中的谷關、大坑、東勢和烏日,再搭配周邊景點,即可安排兩天 一夜的豐富旅程!
As temperature drops with the coming of fall and winter, it is a time most suited for going to the hot springs. The place of choice is central Taiwan! There are 8 hot spring areas in central Taiwan including Taian of Miaoli, Dongpu and Beigan River of Nantou, along with Guguan, Dakeng, Dongshi and Wuri of Taichung. Combined with surrounding sites, one can schedule a rich overnight tour!
Miaoli★Taian Hot Spring
泰安溫泉為日據時代供警察泡湯療浴的「上島溫泉」,而後蔣總統經國先生將 其命名為「泰安溫泉」。此區溫泉屬鹼性碳酸泉,無色無味,沐浴過後肌膚滑潤, 又有美人湯之稱。可順遊大湖採草莓,或至洗水坑老街吃在地豆腐。
Taian Hot Spring is the “Ueshima hot spring” provided for police workers during the Japanese rule. President Chiang ChingKuo named it “Taian hot spring” afterward. The spring here pertains as alkaline carbon acid spring. It is odorless and colorless, and known as beauty spring due to the smooth texture of skin after bathing. One can pick strawberries at Dahu along the way or try local tofu at Shi Shie Ken old street. 苗栗縣泰安鄉錦水村 Tai'an Township, Miaoli County 8
Nantou★Dongpu Hot Spring
東埔溫泉海拔約 1,200 公尺,鄰近玉山國家公園,亦是八通關古道必經之處, 附近尚可順遊彩虹瀑布和情人谷。此區溫泉屬弱鹼性碳酸泉,常年水溫攝氏 48 度, 水質透明,可沐浴或飲用,擁有清除疲勞、促進健康等療效。
Dongpu Hot Spring is around 1,200 meters in altitude, neighboring Jade Mountain National Park. It is also a must pass to Batongguan Historic Trail. The rainbow waterfall and lovers valley is also nearby for an incidental tour. The spring here is weak alkaline carbon acid spring, with the temperature sustaining at 48 degrees Celsius. The water is clean enough for bathing or drinking, with healing functions such as clearing exhaustion and promoting health. 南投縣信義鄉開高巷 Kaigao Ln., Xinyi Township, Nantou County
南投 北港溪溫泉 Nantou★Beigan River Hot Spring 北港溪溫泉位於北港溪旁,擁有與廬山溫泉相同的泉脈,水質近中性且透明, 可沐浴或飲用,除了熱泉之外,近年來更開發出獨特冷泉。其鄰近惠蓀林場、泰 雅渡假村和清流部落,可安排兩天一夜的深度旅行。
Beigan River hot spring is located besides Beigan river, and comes from the same spring origin as Lushan hot spring. The water is near neutral and clear for bathing or drinking. Besides hot spring, unique cold spring has also recently been developed. It is near Huisun Forest Area, Atayal leisure resort and Chinlui tribe. An overnight tour in-depth tour is recommended. 南投縣國姓鄉北港村北原路 Beiyuan Rd., Guoxing Township, Nantou County
南投 日月潭溫泉 Nantou★Sun Moon Lake Hot Spring 日月潭週邊近年探勘並已開發出溫泉,為有美人湯之稱的碳酸氫鹽泉,潭邊有 3 家溫泉飯店,除了泡湯以外還有岩盤浴、spa 等不同享受,泡湯後伴著湖景來場 下午茶,真是一大樂事。
The hot springs surveyed and developed in recent years around Sun Moon Lake are all hydrogen carbonate springs commonly known as the “beauty’s spa”, and three spa hotels have been built near the lake. In addition to spa, there is the stone spa. Enjoying a cup of tea after a great spa in the afternoon is a fantastic experience. 日月行館、雲品溫泉酒店、馥麗溫泉大飯店 The Wen Wan Resort 、Fleur de Chine Hotel、Fuli Hot Spring Resort 9
Taichung★Guguan Hot Spring
谷關溫泉位於谷關風景特定區內,為中部橫貫公路的中繼站,沿途風景險峻秀 麗。此區溫泉因發現於日本明治時期,又稱「明治溫泉」,其泉水屬中性碳酸氫 鈉泉,含有硫化物及鹽分。鄰近可順遊捎來步道、捎來吊橋和溫泉文化館。
Guguan hot spring is located within Guguan Scenic Area, the middle-stop for central cross-island highway. The view is steeply picturesque along the way. This spring is also known as “Meiji spring” due to its discovery during Japanese Meiji period. It is neutral sodium bicarbonate, with sulfur and salt content. Close to Shao Lai walkway, Shao Lai drawbridge and hot spring cultural museum. 台中市和平區東關路一段 Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
Taichung★Dakeng Hot Spring
大坑溫泉位於大坑風景區內,不同於台灣多數的自然湧出泉,大坑溫泉為地底 鑽探泉,泉質為碳酸氫納泉,輕微氣泡具潤滑和按摩的效果,其中推薦台中日光 溫泉會館,來此泡湯再搭配大坑登山步道,享受樂活體驗。
Dakeng hot spring is situated within Dakeng Scenic Area. Different from most of the naturally formed springs in Taiwan, Dakeng hot spring is a drilled spring. It is sodium bicarbonate based with slight bubbles to function for lubricant and massage. Taichung The Sun Hot Spring Resort is recommended. Try the hot spring with Dakeng hiking trail for a fun experience. 台中市北屯區東山路二段 Sec. 2, Dongshan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 10
Taichung★Dongshi Hot Spring
東勢溫泉以東勢林場遊樂區為主,園內的湯屋採用碳酸氫鈉泉,委由中國石油 公司探勘開採,而戶外還有溫泉泡腳池,深受大小朋友的喜愛。除了泡湯之外, 園區還有多條森林步道,可以盡情享受芬多精和觀賞動植物生態。
Dongshi hot spring mainly accompanies Dongshih Forest Garden Park. The hot spring rooms in the park adopt sodium bicarbonate spring, and entrusts Chinese Petroleum Corporation for drilling exploration. There are also outdoor foot bathing pools enjoyed by the young and old. Besides hot spring, there are also several forest trails within the park to enjoy phytoncide, animal and plant ecology watching to heart's content. 台中市東勢區勢林街 6-1 號 No.6-1, Shilin St., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
Taichung★Wuri Hot Spring
烏日溫泉以清新溫泉飯店為主,泉質鑑定為弱鹼性的碳酸氫鈉泉,無色無味, 水質純淨,甚至有舒緩神經痛和筋肉痛的功效。此區溫泉位於大肚山上,白天能 觀賞遼闊市景,晚上則有燈火明亮的夜景相伴。
Wuri hot spring goes mostly with Freshfields Hot Spring Hotel. The water is identified as weak alkaline sodium bicarbonate spring. It is odorless, colorless, clean with nerve and muscle pain soothing effect. This spring area is located atop Dadu mountain. One can enjoy wide expanse of city view during the morning and accompanied by bright nighttime lights during the evenings. 台中市烏日區溫泉路 2 號 No.2, Wenquan Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City
樂遊南投 Nantou 熱 門 景 點
Xitou Nature Education Area
園區內積極推展「森林療育」,在完善規劃的 森林環境,透過嚮導的引領及專業解說,以身體 的五感去感受森林的生命力。
“Forest healing” is the main theme of the park. In a well-planned forest environment and with the professional guided tour, visitors can feel the power of life of forests with their five senses.
+886-49-2612111 / 鹿谷鄉森林巷9號 No.9, Senlin Ln., Lugu Township, Nantou County
Sun Link Sea Forest Recreation Area
Bamboo Sky Ladder 天梯吊橋橫跨加走 寮溪,在吊橋上放眼所 及盡是奇岩峭壁。竹林 步道中,可以仔細找找 國寶鳥藍腹鷳喔! Standing on this suspension bridge spanning across t h e J a o l i a o R i v e r, visitors can see rocks and cliffs in different shapes. Strolling along the bamboo forest path, you can always hear the chirp of the endemic Taiwan blue pheasant (Louphura swinhoii). +886-49-2009507 / 竹山鎮大鞍里頂林路590號 No.590, Dinglin Rd., Da'an Vil., Zhushan Township, Nantou County 開園時間OPEN 7:30am-5:00pm
牡丹花、鬱金香、繡球花,四季 花卉盛開。青龍瀑布氣勢磅礡,適合 健行、避暑。松瀧岩瀑布水氣豐沛, 負離子濃度高,來場森林浴舒暢淋 漓。 Peonies, tulips, lacecap hydrangea, and seasonal flowers are blooming. The magnificent Qinglong Waterfall is suitable for hiking and summer resort. The Songlong Waterfall has abundant water vapor and high negative ion intensity, great for a comfortable forest bath. +886-49-2611217 / 竹山鎮大鞍里溪山路6號 No.6, Xishan Rd., Da'an Vil., Zhushan Township, Nantou County 14
Rice cooked in bamboo tubes in Xiabantian, Lugu 用最新鮮的竹子,裝滿生米後用柴火所燒煮而 成,保証讓愛嘗鮮的你們可以吃到最道地的地方 口味。 Made with freshest bamboo stuffed with rice cooked over natural wood fire. The most authentic local taste is a guarantee for those who ask for something special. +886-49-2676800 / 鹿谷鄉竹豐村1鄰中湖巷28-1號 No.28-1, Zhonghu Ln., Lugu Township, Nantou County
Excursion to the hometown of tea in Lugu 來到鹿谷鄉可以來一趟茶香小旅行,可以體驗 採茶、製茶,並體驗採茶飯及圍爐煮茶。 Arriving in Lugu, visitors can start an excursion to the hometown of tea to experience tea picking and tea manufacturing and enjoy the tea rice and brewing tea together.
Xitou Monster Village 村內隨處可見奇特造型的妖怪塑像,以及穿戴 日式裝扮的村民;夜晚紅燈籠亮起,讓旅人在大 紅燈籠下夜尋山林中日式的神秘。 Monster statues in different shapes and villagers in Japanese clothes are common in the village. When the red lanterns are lighted on in the evening, visitors explore the Japanese-styled mysteries in the light of the red lanterns. +886-9-21710232太極美地張淑貞執行長 鹿谷鄉 Lugu Township, Nantou County
+886-49-2612121 / 鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路2-3號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County
推 薦 好 宿 Recommended Accommodations
妖怪村主題飯店 Monster Village Hotel 鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路 2-3 號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County +886-49-2612121
Taiwan Tourist Shuttle— Xitou Route 台灣好行旅客規劃設計的公車服務, 從臺鐵台中站、高鐵台中站接送旅客前往 溪頭,不想長途駕車、參加旅行團出遊的 旅客,搭乘「台灣好行」是最適合自行規 劃行程、輕鬆出遊的好方式。 The Taiwan Tourist Shuttle has planned a wide range of routes, including the Xitou Route picking up visitors from Taichung Railway Station and Taiwan High Speed Rail Taichung Station to Xitou. For visitors who don’t want to drive for a long way or who join a tour, the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle service is an ideal option for planning independent trips and relax travels.
聽濤園山莊 Ting Tau Villa 鹿谷鄉溪頭和雅村愛鄉路 1-12 號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County +886-49-2755677
溪頭有晴天 Sunnyday 鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路 32-12 號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County +886-9-10562762 張小姐
溪頭夏緹飯店 Shante Hotel 鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路 24-18 號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County +886-49-2753333
天空的院子 Sky Yard 竹山鎮大鞍里頂林路 562-1 號 No.2-3, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County +886-49-2841037 15
樂遊南投 Nantou 熱 門 景 點
Sun Moon Lake Bike Trip
全球10大最美自行車道,倚著湖畔的婚紗照, 湖上乘風,步道漫遊,來日月潭,找自己最喜歡 的玩法!
As one of the ten most beautiful bikeways in the world, it is a great scene for lakeside wedding photography. Enjoying the gentle breeze from the lake and strolling on the footpath, you can always find your most favorite way of travel at Sun Moon Lake.
+886-49-2855668 / 南投縣魚池鄉 Yuchi Township, Nantou County
River Tracing in Dongguang Village, Yuchih Township 想玩水,就來南 投魚池輕溯溪吧!冰 涼乾淨的溪水還有小 魚小螃蟹,來跟大自 然來場清涼約會吧。 If you would like to have fun with w a t e r, c o m e v i s i t Yuchih for a light trip in Nantou to go river tracing! There is a fresh cool stream and plenty of small fish and crabs inhabiting the river. Come and go on a date with nature to experience the fresh cool water. 山水田雅舍 +886-49-2880310 / 南投縣魚池鄉 Yuchi Township, Nantou County
18 度 C 巧克力工房 feeling18c
2006年從網路發跡。攝氏18度的溫度,對於 巧克力來說,無論是生產、保存、或是品嚐,都 是最能呈現巧克力風味及優良品質的溫度。 feeling18c started over the internet in 2006. This temperature, 18°C, is a perfect temperature for manufacturing, storing, and taste chocolate in its best flavor and quality.
Checheng Secret Garden 集集線鐵道的終點站,木業館、貯木池、趣味 木童玩,除了保留歷史古味,木桶便當還可帶回 家呦。 The terminus of the TRA Jiji Line where stand the Checheng wood museum, the timber pond, and fun wooden children’s toys. Besides historical recollections, visitor can bring the the wooden barrel bento (meal box) home. +886-49-2984863 / 埔里鎮慈恩街20號 No.20, Ci'en St., Puli Township, Nantou County 16
南投縣水里鄉 Shuili Township, Nantou County
Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village 原住民文化展演、刺激遊樂設施外,春天櫻花 婚禮浪漫動人。搭乘纜車俯眺日月潭,盡享湖光 山水。 in addition to the indigenous cultural performances and exciting theme park facilities, the cherry blossom wedding in spring is extremely romantic. Overlooking Sun Moon Lake from the cable car, visitor can enjoy the lake and mountain vista of the entire Sun Moon Lake.
Enjoy Watching the Orange Daylilies in the Toushe Basin 走在晃動的草地上,感受來自大地的脈動,體 驗生態運河,欣賞愛跳舞的金針花,不同季節還 可欣賞到燦爛的向日葵花海。
魚池鄉大林村金天巷45號 No.45, Jintian Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County 開園時間:9:00am-5:00pm;049-2895361 纜車時間:10:30am-4:00pm;049-2850666#9
Walking through the meadow and swaying in the breeze, feel the pulse coming from the land to experience the ecological canal and appreciate the Orange Daylilies dancing joyfully. One can see the glamorous sunflowers in full blossom throughout the seasons. +886-9-12056186 / 魚池鄉平和巷1-66號 No.1-66, Pinghe Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
推 薦 好 宿 Recommended Accommodations
日月星舞民宿 Coffeeshen
Taiwan Tourist Shuttle— Sun Moon Lake Route 台灣好行日月潭線從台中出發,從高 鐵台中站、台鐵台中站都可以快速抵達埔 里及日月潭。也可以購買套票,再轉搭電 動環湖巴士、電動船、日月潭纜車及騎自 行車,來一場低碳樂活之旅。 Department from Taichung, the route reaches Puli and Sun Moon Lake quickly via Taiwan High Speed Rail Taichung Station and Taichung Railway Station. With the day pass, visitors can take the electric lake tour bus, electric boat, Sun Moon Lake cable car, and bike for a lowcarbon and LOHAS trip.
魚池鄉大林村永川巷 12-8 號 No.12-8, Yongchuan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County +886-49-2899347
散步的雲日月潭生態民宿 Roaming Cloud 魚池鄉平和巷 1-66 號 No.1-66, Pinghe Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County +886-9-12056186
晶澤別館 The Crystal Inn 魚池鄉日月村文化街 110 號 No.110, Wenhua St., Yuchi Township, Nantou County +886-49-2850097
山水田雅舍民宿 Shan Shui Tian 魚池鄉東光村興善巷 58-6 號 No.58-6, Xingshan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County +886-49-2880310
樂遊南投 Nantou 熱 門 景 點
Chung Tai Chan Monastery
泰雅渡假村 Atayal Resort
泰雅族文化的主題園區,透過天空步道可以看 到賽德克族的川中島,除了有各項遊樂設施,更 是一座國際型全方位的溫泉渡假村。 As the theme park for Atayal culture, visitors can see the island between rivers of the Seediq people from the skywalk. Besides a wide variety of recreational facilities, it is an international comprehensive spa resort. +886-49-2461311 / 國姓鄉北港村北原路56-2號 No.56-2, Beiyuan Rd., Guoxing Township, Nantou County 溫泉開放時間:週一至五 3:00pm-10:00pm
建築雄偉的殿堂,是 一處融合宗教、學術、文 化、藝術的宗教聖地,寺 內庭園老樹,佛音繚繞。 佛教博物館展示各種佛教 文物,值得一遊。 With splendid and magnificent buildings, the monastery is a place fusing religion, academics, culture and arts. In the garden of the monastery, there are old trees and the sound of sutra reading around. The Buddhism Museum displays various Buddhist artefacts. Overall, it is a great place to visit. +886-49-2930215 / 埔里鎮一新里中台路2號 No.2, Zhongtai Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County / 週一休館 Monday closed
跟著餐車去旅行 ——埔里東南半鎮小旅行 Travel with the Mobile Diner "Mini Travel in a Southeastern Town in Puli" 順騎自然的小旅行,找到了最巷內的風景外, 特製的餐車旅行模式,裝載著埔里特色的食材, 並在低碳輕旅行領航員的騎乘帶領下邊騎邊吃。
紙教堂新故鄉見學園區 Paper Dome
用58根紙管組合而成的教堂,是 921大地震後日本人為傳達對台灣的 互助精神搬遷而來,成為社區的集會 中心。 The church built with 58 paper posts is removed from Japan to disseminate the mutual help spirit of Taiwanese people after the Jiji Earthquake. It is now the local community hall. +886-49-2914922 / 埔里鎮桃米巷52-12號 No.52-12, Taomi Ln., Puli Township, Nantou County 18
Hop on a bike to go cycling for a natural tour and to find the remote landscape down the lane. The customized travelling model featured with a mobile diner allows the vehicle to be loaded with some of the featured ingredients grown in Puli. The cyclist can enjoy cycling and eating at the same time with a navigator, leading the cycling team to travel lightly through lowcarbon initiatives.
+886-49-2911410 / 南投縣埔里鎮 Puli Township, Nantou County
Nina 妮娜巧克力工坊
Qingjing Skywalk
Nina de Chocolate
海拔1700~1800公尺,全長1.2公里,寬2.5公 尺,可欣賞羊群,野鳥跳躍樹冠上的生態,沿途 並設有7座觀景平台。
精選世界各地優質原物料,創造出最天然美味 的巧克力,香甜苦酸各味均衡,濃郁而多層次的 口感堅持。
Located at 1,700-1,800m above sea level, the 1.2km long and 2.5m wide trail allows visitors to see the flock of sheep and wild birds jumping on the tree crown. There are seven viewing platforms on along the trail.
The most delicious chocolate was made from the natural ingredients collected and from some of the best quality ingredients around the world. All flavors from bittersweet to sweet and sour are perfectly mixed to create a balanced taste, which shows the persistence of the owner to create rich and multi-layered textures in each tasty mouthful.
仁愛鄉仁和路186-1號 No.186-1, Renhe Rd., Ren'ai Township, Nantou County +886-49-2801650(南商圈端) +886-49-2801651(蝴蝶園端) 開放時間OPEN 07:30am-5:30pm
+886-49-2803820 / 仁愛鄉大同村榮光巷8-3號 No.8-3, Rongguang Ln., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County
交 通 資 訊 Transportation 遊客從高鐵台中站或台鐵台中站,可 搭乘南投客運前往埔里、清境農場及泰 雅渡假村,並於10月開始開發清境-武 嶺-合歡山DRTS公共運輸服務。 F r o m Ta i w a n H i g h S p e e d R a i l Taichung Station or Taichung Railway Station, visitors can take Nantou Bus to Puli, Qingjing Farm, and Atayal Resort. The QingjingWuling-Hehuanshan DRTS is available from October.
若欲前往合歡山觀星或看日出,亦 可預約OK BUS清境觀光巴士,電話: 049-2801399。
When watching stars and sunrise on Hehuanshan, visitors can book the OK BUS.
推 薦 好 宿 Recommended Accommodations
佛羅倫斯山莊 Florance Resort Villa 仁愛鄉大同村榮光巷 8-3 號 No.8-3, Rongguang Ln., Ren'ai Township, Nantou County +886-49-2803820
日光青境民宿 Sunny Dale 仁愛鄉大同村壽亭巷 31 號 No.31, Shouting Ln., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County +886-49-2802000
見晴渡假山莊 SunShine Vacation Villa 仁愛鄉大同村定遠新村 18-1 號 No.20-1, Fujin Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County +886-49-2803162
波波米繪本民宿 Bobomi Bed & Breakfast 埔里鎮西門里 25 鄰中正路 631 巷 12 號 No.6, Taomi Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County +886-49-2911410
樂遊南投 Nantou 熱 門 景 點
Xiangshan Visitor Center
全台灣最美的遊客中心,幾何造型建築、廣大 草地及倒映著藍天的水池,在這裡可以俯看日月 潭的湖光山色,是到日月潭不可錯過的景點。
Known as the most beautiful visitor center in Taiwan, the Xiangshan Visitor Center carries a geometric design in a spacious meadow in front of a pond reflecting the blue sky. Here, visitors can enjoy the lake and mountain vista of Sun Moon lake, making it a must-see sight in Sun Moon lake.
朝霧渡假餐飲小棧 Sun Fog Hotel
位於朝霧碼頭旁,不但提供精緻的住宿,餐飲 服務,便利的交通位置、完善的休閒空間,貼心 的服務品質,滿足旅人的遊憩需求和休閒品味。
+886-4-92855668 / 魚池鄉中山路599號 No.599, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
Located by the Chao Wu Wharf, the hotel offers cozy accommodation, delicious food service, convenient transportation, well-planned leisure space, and thoughtful service to fulfill the recreational and leisure demands of visitors asking for a taste. +886-4-92855000 / 魚池鄉水社村中山路31號 No.31, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
Sun Moon Lake 日月潭是臺灣第二大湖泊,景色優美,是台 灣八景之一。日月潭擁有全台唯一的水陸空3D 遊程,環潭公路更被選為全球十大最美自行車 道,潭區著名的有拉魯島、文武廟、慈恩塔、 拉魯島、玄奘寺、向山、永結橋、同心橋、耶 穌堂、梅荷園、九族文化村、蛇窯等景點,環 繞潭區的14條步道更是賞景與活動的好去處。 Sun Moon Lake is the second largest lake in Taiwan. The awesome view is among the eight sites of Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake offers the only water, land and air three way (3D) tour in Taiwan, with its round-lake trail chosen as one of the world’s top ten scenic bike route. Renowned lake area sites including the Lalu island, Wenwu temple, Ci En pagoda, Xuan Zang temple, Siang Shan (mountain), Yongjie (engagement) bridge, Tongxin bridge, Christian Church, Meihe garden, Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village and snake kiln. The 14 walkways surrounding the lake are also great getaways for sightseeing and activities. 20
南投縣魚池鄉日月村 Yuchi Township, Nantou County
以門鎖為概念,強化家的意向,並結合Hotel的H為主軸,連接家與Hotel般的舒適自在。 圓外圈的粗圓線條,代表產業活絡需要每一個企業以及個人的互相合作和幫忙才能成就更多圓滿的結果。 內圈彩色細線條 代表旅行五元(圓)素 【緩】 【吃】 【住】 【幸福】 【回憶】,透過旅行享受、記錄、累 積人生的每一步,色彩以五元素的顏色代表聯盟的創意以及年輕化。
地址 / 網址
台東縣鹿野鄉中華路一段200號 21
台灣優格餅乾學院 Taiwan You Good School Of Cookie
緞帶王織帶文化園區觀光工廠 Ribbon Museum
天后宮 Matsu Temple
台灣玻璃館 Taiwan Glass Gallery
龍山寺 Longshan Temple
王功漁港 Wang Gong Fishing Port
台灣穀堡 Taiwan Rice 22
悠遊彰化 Easy Travel in Changhua
興麥蛋捲烘焙王國 Ximai Baking Kingdom
在大肚溪與濁水溪懷抱中的彰化,擁有山水環繞的美景 在懷舊古意與小吃香氣中的彰化,擁有別緻精巧的人文 來一趟彰化,給您一段悠然暢遊的時光
扇形車庫 Roundhouse(Fan Garage)
Embraced by the Dadu River and Zhoshui River, Changhua has gorgeous scenery surrounded by
八卦山大佛風景區 Baguashan Great Buddha Scenic Area
mountains and lakes. Influenced by the vintage touch and street food smell, Changhua has delicate and ingenious culture.
Travel to Changhua for a leisure trip in happy times.
Confucius Temple
彰化桂冠精品旅館 Changhua Laurel Motelt
魔菇部落生態休閒農場 Magical Mushrooms Tribe
百果山探索樂園 Baiguo Mountain Explore Paradise
愛玩色創意館 EVINS's Color Fun Gallery
田尾公路花園 Tianwei Highway Garden
華新MASK創意生活館 Motex Mask Creative House
二水觀光自行車道 Ershui Tourism Bike Trail 23
精選彰化 Changhua 熱 門 景 點
Roundhouse (Fan Garage) 是全台僅存的扇形機器車庫,更是東南亞區 唯一一座仍在運轉使用的活古蹟。又有『火車 頭的旅館』之稱,軌道及車庫從空中鳥瞰有12 個向外輻射的軌道,就像是一把展開的扇子而 被稱為扇形車庫。
Baguashan Great Buddha Scenic Area 整個八卦山包含兩座巨獅,九龍池廣場,規 劃了名家書法、夜景水舞以及九龍水池等,可 飽覽整個彰化平原。八卦山天空步道也緊鄰在 旁,是一個合適生態觀察的風景步道。
It is the only roundhouse garage remaining in Taiwan, and the only living relic still operating in all of southeastern Asia. Also known as “hotel of locomotives”, the rails and garages radiate in 12 directions like an open fan when seen with a bird’s eye view from above, thus earning its namesake, the Fan Garage. 彰化市彰美路一段1號 No.1, Sec. 1, Zhangmei Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County
The Baguashan includes two giant stone lions, a nine-dragon pool plaza with master calligraphy, night view water dance and the nine-dragon pool etc., to a full view of the entire Changhua Plain. The Baguashan skywalk is also nearby, which is a scenic walk fit for ecological observation. 彰化市卦山路8-1號 No.8-1, Guashan Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County
Confucius Temple 彰化孔廟緣起於西元1726年興建的縣儒學,年代久遠歷經 乾隆、道光、日治及民國時期的修建,孔廟內的建築格局與藝 術作品的歷史層面勇冠全台。
彰化市孔門路30號 No.30, Kongmen Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County
The Changhua Confucius Temple originated from the county Confucianism was first established in 1726. Living past Qianlong, Daoguang, Japanese Occupation of Taiwan and renovated during the Republic of China, its architectural structure and historical level of artworks are championed amongst Taiwan.
Longshan Temple 超過兩百年以上的歷史之外,擁有超過一千六百餘 坪的寺院空間及建築格局也是全台首屈一指,而戲臺 上八卦藻井可是全台最大,展現出高超的工藝水準。 Besides over two hundred years of history, the temple grounds of over 1600 hectares and its architectural structure are also among the best in Taiwan. The eight trigram ceiling in the theater is the largest in Taiwan, displaying exceptional craftsmanship. 24
鹿港鎮龍山街100號 No.100, Longshan St., Lukang Township, Changhua County
Tianwei Highway Garden 田尾為台灣的花卉集散地,有造景、盆栽、 花器、種植等等的專業園藝設計。也非常合適 小旅行,可租用腳踏車在田園裡漫遊及小盆栽 DIY,還能享受歐洲鄉村造景的餐廳美食。
Matsu Temple 廟內之石雕、木雕、彩繪精彩萬分,在廟內 的藝術作品被譽為全台灣廟宇最精緻作品之一。 鹿港天后宮也被國際旅遊美食權威米其林公司評 鑑為二星級的旅遊景點。
Tianwei is the gathering ground of flora in Taiwan. There are landscaping, potted plants, flower vessels, cultivations and other such professional horticultural designs. It is also suited for light travel, where you can rent a bike to cycle among the gardens, have a tiny potted plant DIY, or enjoy an European landscaped restaurant gourmet. 田尾鄉 Tianwei Township, Changhua County
The stone sculptures, wood carvings and paintings are awesome, with the works being revered as one of the most intricate among temples in Taiwan. Lugang Matsu Temple was also evaluated as a two-star travel destination by the international travel and cuisine authority Michelin. 鹿港鎮中山路430號 No.430, Zhongshan Rd., Lukang Township, Changhua County
Ershui Tourism Bike Trail 沿著鐵路「集集支線」而行,沿途景色秀麗, 經過二水車站、二水臺灣獼猴保護區、八堡圳綠 色隧道、林先生廟及源泉車站等景點。可以欣賞 山水、田園與鐵道文化,享受山林馳騁的快感。
Wang Gong Fishing Port 每到落日時分,夕陽餘暉映照濕地,極為美 麗,旁邊矗立的芳苑燈塔是全台最高的燈塔, 還有「王者之弓」跨港拱橋,是吸引情侶朋友 們一起欣賞落日餘暉,拍照留念的浪漫景點。
Running beside the “Jiji Branch” rail with scenic views along the way and passing sites such as Ershui station, Ershui macaque reserve, Babao canal green tunnel, Lin temple and Yuanquan station. Here, one can appreciate the mountains and waters, garden farms and railroad culture, enjoying the pleasure of racing through forest hills.
Every day at sunset, it is beautiful, as the rays of the sun shine upon the wetland. The Fangyuan lighthouse standing erect to the side is the tallest lighthouse in Taiwan. There is also the “King’s Crossbow” cross-harbor bridge, a romantic site attracting couples to enjoy the sunset and take a photograph for remembrance. 芳苑鄉王功村漁港路 Yugang Rd., Wanggong Vil., Fangyuan Township, Changhua County
彰化縣二水鄉 Ershui Township, Changhua County
彰化產業旅遊 Changhua 推 薦 店 家
緞帶王織帶文化園區觀光工廠 RIBBON MUSEUM
緞帶在台灣曾經是風光一時的產業,靠自己的力 量在外銷上打出一片天,隨著時空的變遷,產業的外 移,許多人漸漸淡忘我們曾經有過的璀璨年代。緞帶 王觀光工廠母企業縉陽企業,是曾經90%外銷的緞帶 工廠,2008年及2014年兩度被美國政府控訴傾銷, 政府才知道原來台灣的緞帶製作緞帶的技術如此受到 國際重視。 緞帶無所不在的滲透入我們的生活中,衣服、髮 飾、花藝、禮品包裝、節慶佈置...稍微留意,便會發 現緞帶默默美化我們的視線,他們從何而來,如何而 來,有多少兄弟姊妹...走一趟彰濱工業區中的「緞帶 王觀光工廠」,諸多疑問便可以迎刃而解。 +886-4-7813366|鹿港鎮鹿工路15號 No.15, Lugong Rd., Lukang Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週日 9:30am-6:00pm
The ribbon has been a yester-glory of Taiwan’s industrial development, when business owners opening up a huge export market through their own efforts. As time goes by and as a result of the outflow of industries, many people have forgotten our glorious past. Ribbon Museum is a subsidiary of King Young Enterprise, which exported 90% of ribbon products in the heyday. It was not until King Young Enterprise was charged of dumping by the US government in 2008 and 2014 that the government of Taiwan realized that the ribbon manufacturing technology of Taiwan was so famous in the world. Ribbons ubiquitously diffuse in our daily life. With just a little bit more attention, you will notice how ribbons silently embellish our vision through clothes, hair ornaments, floral art, gift packaging, festival decorations, etc. Where were they from? Why did they come? How many siblings are there? Your questions will all be answered in Ribbon Museum in Changhua Coastal Industrial Park.
Changhua 彰化產業旅遊 魔菇部落生態休閒農場
以口罩創意為主題並獲選為2015年優良觀光 工廠,是全台最大口罩生產廠,提供導覽解說、 體驗口罩(DIY)及認識生產製程,適合親子寓教娛 樂,讓您一罩在口健康久久!
在魔菇部落裡,有專業導覽員帶領一窺蕈優科 技菇類生產庫房,並體驗親手種菇的樂趣,還可 以品嚐各種菇類創意美食。
Motex Mask Creative House
With creative masks as the subject matter and a winner of the 2015 Tourism Factory of the Year, Motex is the largest mask manufacturer in Taiwan offering guided tours, mask DIY, and an introduction to mask manufacturing for edutaining family tours.
+886-4-8761226|田中鎮中州路二段751號 No.751, Sec. 2, Zhongzhou Rd., Tianzhong Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週二~週五 9:00am-5:00pm 週六~週日 8:30am-5:30pm
Magical Mushrooms Tribe
n the Magical Mushrooms Tribe, professional guides take visitors to explore the production site of mushrooms and experience the fun of picking mushrooms. Visitors can also taste a wide variety of creative mushroom dishes.
+886-4-8521898|埔心鄉埤腳村柳橋東路829號 No.829, Liuqiao E. Rd., Puxin Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週三~週五 10:30am-5:00pm 週六~週日 10:00am-6:00pm
EVINS's Color Fun Gallery
結合恐龍真實森林、虛擬實境(VR)體驗館、親 子餐廳、探索遊樂區四大主題,可以與家人、朋 友一起探險恐龍世界,共創美好回憶!
彰化北斗『愛玩色創意館』,以特殊顏料為 出發點,寓教於樂的概念,結合體驗、實驗及互 動,帶領著大小朋友來一場色彩之旅。
Combining four theme sites: Dinosaur Reality Forest, Virtual Reality (VR) Hall, Family Restaurant, and Exploration Amusement Park, you can explore the dinosaur world with family and friends to create a beautiful collective memory!
Starting from specialty pigments and the concept of edutainment, the gallery combines exploration, experiment, and interaction for adults and children to enjoy a color fun trip.
+886-4-8369411|員林市出水巷15-30號對面 No.15-30, Chushui Ln., Yuanlin City, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週日 10:00am-6:00pm
推 薦 店 家
華新 MASK 創意生活館
+886-4-8886016|北斗鎮三號路296號 No.296, Sanhao Rd., Beidou Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週二~週日 9:00am-5:00pm 27
彰化產業旅遊 Changhua 推 薦 店 家
Changhua Laurel Motel 榮獲iso 9001國際認證、交通部觀光局「微服 務 心感動」第一名、獲得交通部觀光局「星級認 證」評鑑為優良等級,到中部出差旅遊住宿最佳選擇。 Passed ISO 9001 certification and rated the champion in “Touching Micro Service” and an excellent grade motel in the “Star Certification” b y t h e To u r i s m B u r e a u o f t h e M i n i s t r y o f Transportation and Communications, Changhua Laurel Motel is the best choice of accommodations for business trips and tours in central Taiwan.
+886-4-7623388|彰化市彰水路31號 No.31, Zhangshui Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County
XIMAI BAKING KINGDOM 以色彩繽紛的蛋捲 與蛋糕造型城堡,與蛋 捲國王、乳酪皇后、泡 芙王子一起探索烘焙知 識,還有DIY課程體驗, 與親子共同享受製作蛋 糕的樂趣。 A castle in the style of colorful egg rolls and cakes is an ideal place for exploring baking knowledge and DIY activities with the King Egg Roll, Queen Cheese, and Prince Cream Puff. It a great place for families to enjoy the fun of bakery. +886-4-7588389|線西鄉和線路741巷5號 No.5, Ln. 741, Hexian Rd., Xianxi Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週日 9:00am-6:00pm
TAIWAN YOU GOOD SCHOOL OF COOKIE 灣優格餅乾學院透過互動式導覽結合食安知識 的宣導、加上餅乾DIY課程的體驗,讓大家在品嘗 美味餅乾時,也能獲得餅乾的各種知識。 By promoting food safety knowledge through interactive guided tours and cookie DIY courses, Taiwan You Good School enables visitors to acquire all kinds of cookie knowledge while tasking savory cookies.
TAIWAN RICE 設立於埤頭鄉間的稻米博物館「台灣穀堡」, 2010年開館以來成為稻田間的亮點,是體驗台灣 稻米文化必訪的知性與感性場域。 The rice museum “Taiwan Rice” in rural Beitou Township has become a highlight in the field since it started service in 2010. It is an intellectual and emotional site for exploring Taiwan’s rice culture.
+886-4-7589501, +886-9-66187501 線西鄉草豐路501巷5號 No.5, Ln. 501, Caofeng Rd., Xianxi Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週日 9:00am-6:00pm 28
+886-4-8926088|埤頭鄉彰水路二段526號 No.526, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Pitou Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週五 8:00am-5:00pm 週六~週日 8:00am-6:00pm
Changhua 彰化產業旅遊
推 薦 店 家
st glass The la rge Taiwan. g team in processin
鏡 台灣玻璃製
rand of choice b The firstrs. lass mirro Taiwan g
TAIWAN GLASS GALLERY 館內以寓教於樂的方式,使參觀者與玻璃有「零 距離的另類接觸」,突破玻璃業傳統的刻版印象, 讓人耳目一新,並使大眾深入了解這個晶瑩剔透的 大千世界,一次滿足所有玻璃相關的知識與資訊。
The edutaining approach of the gallery enables visitors to enjoy a “zero-distance alternative contact” with glass and break the traditional stereotype of the glass industry. Apart from refreshing people, the gallery brings visitors to the crystal universe of glass and acquires all knowledge and information relating to glass at one stop. +886-4-7811299|鹿港鎮鹿工南四路30號 No.30, Lugong S. 4th Rd., Lukang Township, Changhua County OPEN / 週一~週日 8:00am-6:00pm
精選苗栗 Miaoli 熱 門 景 點
半天寮好望角及海角樂園 Bantienliao Cape of Good Hope and Cape Paradise 居高臨下視野遼闊,站在山頭遠眺,分別是 層巒疊翠及綿延海岸,還有一整排壯觀的風力發 電風車,是當地的熱門景點。好望角下方近海的 「海角樂園」經綠美化轉型建置為休憩園區。
Qiding Twin Tunnels Cultural Park 有綠蔭夾道的舊鐵道以及緊鄰的兩座隧道, 因為一長一短所以被稱為「子母隧道」。二 戰時曾因美軍戰機追擊日軍的運輸火車,在隧 道口磚牆上留下清晰可見的彈痕,是許多鐵道 迷、懷舊迷深愛的場景。
With a wide expanse of view from above, there are overlapping greeneries and running coastlines to be seen afar on the mountain tops. There are also lines of majestic windmill power stations, a popular local site. The “Cape Paradise” near the coast beneath Cape of Good Hope has been greened and transformed into an established leisure park area.
With green shade on either side and two closely located tunnels, it is called the “Twin Tunnels” due to one tunnel being longer than the other. There are visibly clear bullet riddled brick walls in the tunnel entrance from American fighter planes pursuit of Japanese transport trains during WW II. It is a favorite site of many fans of railway and nostalgia buffs. 竹南鎮崎頂里北戶55號 Qi Ding Vil., Zhunan Township, Miaoli County
苗栗縣後龍鎮 Houlong Township, Miaoli County
Waipu Fishing Port 是苗栗地區最具規模的第三類漁港,港口 內停泊的漁船與觀光船艇構築了宜人的海港風 情,周邊賞景規劃與夜間照明設施十分完善。
苗栗縣後龍鎮海埔里 Haibao Vil., Houlong Township, Miaoli County
It is the largest third category fishing port in Miaoli. The fishing boats and tourist yachts docked in port form a pleasant harbor atmosphere, with surrounding view watching and night time illuminations well organized.
Long Fong Fishing Port 龍鳳漁港內有鋼骨結構的「龍鳳漁港跨海景觀橋」 可以欣賞海景,最明顯地標是橋上的白色風帆造型。到 了夜晚觀景臺還有完善的照明設備,增添夜間情調。 Within Long Fong Fishing Port is the steel structured “Long Fong Fishing Port cross ocean bridge” for watching the view. The most noticeable landmark is the white sail designed on the bridge. The viewing platform has a complete set of lighting equipment which adds to the nighttime atmosphere. 30
苗栗縣竹南鎮龍鳳里 Zhunan Township, Miaoli County
Paishatun Coast 白沙屯 海岸可欣 賞巨型白 色風車, 海岸線風 光也相當 知名,海 堤上建有 觀海步道 以及涼亭,假日都會吸引許多遊客來此看海、賞 風車。此地的「拱天宮」歷史悠久、香火鼎盛。 One can enjoy the giant white windmill at Paishatun coast. The coastline scenery is also relatively well known. The ocean view walkway on the embankment and pavilion attracts many tourists during vacation for ocean and windmill watching. The “Gongtien Temple” of the area has a long history and many believers. 苗栗縣通霄鎮 Tongxiao Township, Miaoli County
Tongxiao Shinto Shrine 是日據時代建造之宗教建築,現存的通霄神社包 括主殿基座、幣殿遺跡、拜殿、參道、鳥居及社務所 等,而主建築體的拜殿則採閩南式燕尾翹脊屋頂及四 面磚牆格局,仍然保有十足的日本風味。 A religious architecture of the Japanese rule, the preserved Tongxiao Shinto Shrine includes the Main Hall Base, Hall of Offerings Relic, Hall of Worship, Trail of Worship, Torri and shrine office. The main architecture the Hall of Worship uses Fujian style sparrow tail ridge and four sided brick wall structure, still well intact and full of Japanese flavor. 苗栗縣通霄鎮 Tongxiao Township, Miaoli County
苑港彩虹橋及苑港漁港 Yuanligan Rainbow Bridge and Yuanligan Port
曾獲選為臺灣「十大魅力漁港」之一,半圓 形的拱橋是其地標,黃昏時分從碼頭區望向拱 橋,遠方的點點漁筏返航,襯著海面閃耀的金黃 色夕陽餘暉,呈現令人著迷的醉人景致。 Chosen as one of the “Most charming fishing ports” of Taiwan, the half-domed arch bridge is the landmark. Looking towards the bridge during dusk and one can see dotted fishing rafts returning from afar. Along the backdrop of an ocean surface shimmering golden under the setting sun, it displays intoxicating scenery of charm. 苗栗縣苑裡鎮 Yuanli Township, Miaoli County
Triangle Rush E xhibition Hall 館內有帽蓆文化區、展售區、農村古文物展 示區、米文化區、民俗文化區等,訴說藺草編 織的歷史。還有帽蓆編織示範特區和DIY教室, 讓人在參觀之餘,還能透過親自動手作。 There are the hat and mattress culture area, display and souvenir area, farmland artifact area, rice culture area and folklore culture area etc., recounting the history of rush grass weaving. There is also the hat and mattress demonstration area and DIY classroom for hands-on experience besides touring. 苗栗縣苑裡鎮彎麗路99號 No.99, Wanli Rd., Yuanli Township, Miaoli County
1 82 0忘 憂谷- 遍佈滿谷 的三義藍眼 淚~ 螢火 蟲之 美 1 82 0 B li s sful V alle y: cove re d w it h bl ue t ear s o f San y i: be a uty o f f ire f li e s
綠 色世界
Reverse the green world
忘 憂 森 呼吸
Take a deep breath and forget your worries in the forest.
榮獲觀光局「特優等」殊榮及環保署「環境教育設施 場所」、「金級環保旅館」認證西湖渡假村,座落客家山 城-苗栗,得天獨厚的景觀與特色,四季遊玩各有不同感 受。園內豐沛多元的自然生態,孕育了西湖三寶:桐花、 蝴 蝶 、 螢 火 蟲 , 近4 0公 頃 油 桐 樹 、1 820忘 憂 谷 的 藍 眼 淚 美 景、 紫斑 蝶北返 中繼站,春末夏 初西湖三 寶探 索趣! 舒 壓Fu n電 的 親 子 樂 活 草 園 與 樂 活 森 林 、 親 近 自 然 的 森林烤肉區、小朋友又愛又怕的恐龍世界、鬼斧神工的十 二生肖雕塑花園,加上國宴主廚以在地食材打造的低碳美 食,西湖渡假村將食、住、行、育樂與環保結合,暢遊幽 謐 舒壓 的自 然生 態園區,體 驗環保新樂 趣! The West Lake Resortopia was certified “High Distinction” by Tourism Bureau, and “Environmental education field” and “Golden-level environmental protection hotel” by Environmental Protection Administration. It is located in the Hakka mountain city, Miaoli. With its unique sceneries and features, visitors will have different feelings when they visit here in different seasons. Inside the Resortopia, there is a variety of natural ecology, and it cultivates the three treasures of the West Lake: tung blossom, butterfly and firefly. The tung trees occupy almost 40 hectares; 1820 Blissful Valley has the beautiful scenery of blue tears; here is also the relay station for purple butterflies before they fly back to the north. Visitors will have a lot of fun seeing the three treasures when visiting the West Lake at the end of spring and the beginning of summer. The Resortopia also has the grassland for families with kids to relax and have fun, barbecue areas in the forests for visitors to get 安徒生童話 close to the nature, the dinosaur world which kids love and hate at 園區-大小 朋友同歡樂 An de rs en ’ s Fa ir y Ta the same time, extremely skillful sculpture garden demonstrating the le Pa rk : Ad ul ts an d ch il dr en twelve Chinese zodiac animals as well as low-carbon delicious food al l ca n ha ve a go od made with local ingredients by the chef of the state banquet. The West Lake Resortopia combines food, housing, transportation, education and entertainment with environmental protection. It provides the visitors a natural ecological park for relaxing and experiencing new fun in protecting the environment.
Tel : 037-876699
ti me he re .
春 季賞 桐舞 蝶
In spring, you can watch the tung blossom and butterflies.
夏 日螢 光閃爍
In summer, you can enjoy the twinkle of the fireflies.
秋 遊 忘憂森林
In autumn, you can have fun in the blissful forest.
冬 賞 浪漫童話
In winter, you can appreciate the sceneries with romantic fairy tales.
周 邊 景點 -湖畔 咖啡午 茶踩 船,悠閒 慢 活 S ur ro u nd in g a tt r a c ti o n s : ha v i n g af te r n o o n t e a by t h e la k e o r b o at i ng , e n j oy i n g t h e l e i s u re a nd s l ow mo v e me n t
恐 龍世界 -探 索恐 龍叢林 ,小 朋友 的 最 愛 D i nos a ur world: exp lori ng the d i n o s au r f o r e s t , ki ds’ f avorite
金 級 環保 旅館- 有別於 都市 飯店,享 受 山城 芬 多精 G ol de n -l ev e l en v i r on m e n ta l p r o te ct i o n h o t e l : di f fe r en t f ro m h o t el s i n th e c i t i e s , e n j oy in g Ph y to n ci d e i n t he m o u nt a i n c it y
賞 桐區- 遠眺 、近 觀、生 態導 覽, 旅 遊 知 識 + T u ng watch in g area: overlook in g , cl os e-u p view, ecological gui d e a nd t ravel knowl edge
大甲鎮瀾宮 Dajia Jenn Lann Temple
麗寶樂園 Lihpao Land
高美濕地 Taichung County Gaomei Wetlands Wildlife Refuge
台中航空站 Taichung International Airport
國家歌劇院 National Taichung Theater
國立公共資訊圖書館 National Library of Public Information
台中高鐵站 (THSR)Taiwan High Speed Rail Taichung Station 34
台中, 一個綜覽山、海、花、都的台灣大城, 更有文化城的美譽。山海的
行旅 台中
美景療癒身心、文化古蹟陶冶心靈、在地小吃美食齒頰生香、都會生活 時尚令人嚮往。 台中, 一個適合人居的中部大城。 Taichung, a big city of mountains, ocean, flower and metropolitan,
reputed as a city of culture. The mountain and ocean view heals the mind and body, the cultural relics soothe the spirit, local delicacies appease the palette, and fashionable metropolitan life allures the heart. Taichung, a big city in central Taiwan well suited for living.
新社星願紫風車 Xinshe Purple Windmill
谷關風景區 Guguan Recreation Area
大坑風景區 Dakang walking trails
陳允寶泉 Chen Yun Pao Chuan
台灣太陽餅博物館 Taiwan Museum Of Suncake
台中火車站 (TRA) Taiwan Railways Administration Taichung Station
插畫_ 35
Men's Talk
朱銘茵 Chu Ming-yin 香港部落客 小茵 - 布落格 Hong Kong Blogger Yin's Blog
漫遊草悟道、美術園道, 腳步也輕盈 Stroll along Calligraphy Greenway with footsteps light as a feather 台中不急於擔佔遊人的眼球,總是散發一種悠然自得的氣息,靜靜地吸引你的注 意,因為單是遊走巷弄,已有很多美好隱藏其中。 在草悟道兩旁的樹木林蔭下散步,腳步也變輕盈,然後漫步至附近的綠光計畫, 由十二棟廢棄多年的自來水公司的宿舍所改建,十多間咖啡店、工作室、手作店及雜 貨店進駐,說這裡充滿文青氣息,不如說是台中一處老靈魂,被新朋友用心讓它重 生。國美館前美術園道兩旁林立許多異國餐廳和咖啡廳,外觀各有特色,餐點的美味 更令人驚艷。其中,甲蟲王位絕對是不能錯過的拍照景點喔! Taichung is in no hurry to occupy traveler’s eyes but always emits a carefree atmosphere to quietly attract notice. Simply walking around streets will see many wonderful hidden discoveries. Take a walk beneath the shades of trees planted both sides on the Calligraphy Greenway, and even your footsteps will lighten. Stroll to nearby Green Ray. Renovated from the 12 water company dormitories deserted for years, more than ten coffee shops, workshops, handicraft stores and groceries stationed themselves here. Rather than say it is an area of hipness, it is more an age old soul in Taichung rebirthed by new friends. Situated in front of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, various exotic restaurants and cafes lined the Calligraphy Greenway. Each has its unique characteristic with the food being a pleasant surprise. Among them, the beetle king seat is a photo spot not to be missed
推 薦 景 點
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art 全亞洲最大的美術館,館內擁有豐富館藏和展 覽,館外則有樹蔭綠地和藝術雕塑,來這裡不只 可以了解台灣在地藝術家,也能野餐郊遊喔。
National Library of Public Information
It is the largest art museum in Asia with an abundance of collections and exhibitions. There are green shades and art sculptures out in the yards, satisfying an insightful journey.
「此生必去的1001所圖書館」之一,特殊的建 築物外型、時尚又唯美的閱讀角以及館內每扇窗 都是一幅風景畫,值得讓你駐足、流連、體驗文 青、享受閱讀的美好之現代化圖書館。 NLPI is one of the "1001 libraries to see before you die". It is worthwhile to visit and enjoy the lovely reading in this modern library for its spectacular appearance, abundant resources, stylish and aesthetic reading corners, and beautiful scenery outside each window. +886-4-22625100 / 南區五權南路100號 No.100, Wuquan S. Rd., South Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-23723552 / 西區五權西路一段2號 No.2, Sec. 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
Shen Ji New Village 由老宿舍改建的新興文創聚落,成功轉型為青 年的創業基地,散播周邊景點大小活動,市集, 美食,餐飲,文創,集結最新消息。
Art Greenway Business District 位於國立美術館前的綠廊園道,兩旁林立許多 異國餐廳和咖啡廳,外觀各有特色,餐點的美味 更令人驚艷。其中,甲蟲王位絕對是不能錯過的 拍照景點喔! Situated in front of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, various exotic restaurants and cafes lined the Calligraphy Greenway. Each has its unique characteristic with the food being a pleasant surprise. Among them, the beetle king seat is a photo spot not to be missed! +886-4-23755482 / 西區五權西三街和五權西四街 Wuquan W. 3rd St/4rd St., West Dist., Taichung City
Shen Ji New Village is a newly-emerging cultural and creative village built by renovating old dormitories. It has successfully transformed the area into a new base for young startup businesses. The village is a gathering place for sharing the latest news and has already held several small to large activities from promoting scenic spots, hosting fairs, offering great food, restaurants and dinning, as well as being home to several cultural and creative shops.
西區民生路368巷4弄8號 No.8, Aly. 4, Ln. 368, Minsheng Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 39
推 薦 景 點
Taiwan Museum of Suncake
保留百年建築,打造成太陽餅博物館及糕餅餐 飲空間,兼具歷史與文創。
Retaining a century old architecture and establishing its tradition as a sun cake museum and dessert dining space, combining history and artistic creations.
Liuchuan Blue Strip Water Side 早晨的柳川河岸可見人們悠閒散步;夜晚浪漫 的河畔風情則吸引許多情侶來此地約會。 People can be seen strolling along the banks of Liuchuan early in the morning. Its romantic nighttime riverside atmosphere attracts couples going on a date. +886-4-22295559 / 中區台灣大道一段145號 No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City
中區柳川西路三段與柳川東路三段 Sec. 3, Liuchuan E. Rd and Sec. 3, Liuchuan W. Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City
Liuyuan Presbyterian Church 柳原教會是年代悠久的歷史建築,由紅磚搭建 而成,為早期基督教教堂的基本造型,簡單而優 雅的外觀是最大特色。 Liuyuan Presbyterian Church is a historical building built with red bricks in the basic style of early protestant church. A simple and elegant look is its striking feature.
Chung Hua Night Market 中華路夜市已有40年歷史,這裡有許多老店小 吃,還有電影院及餐廳,想吃道地小吃、看電影 就會想到這。 Chung Hua Night Market has a history of four decades. Besides various old street food stores, there are cinemas and restaurants. If you want authentic street foods and going to the movie, this is the place. 中區中華路一段 Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 40
+886-4-22222749 / 中區興中街119號 No.119, Xingzhong St., Central Dist., Taichung City
推 薦 店 家
New Tai Yang Bakery 新太陽堂餅店的月餅是傳統綠豆椪,由甜而不 膩的綠豆餡及上等豬肉餡手工製作,各個飽滿鬆 軟,是讓人念念不忘的好滋味。
成旅晶贊飯店 台中民權 Park City Hotels
以自然、舒適、活力、便捷,帶給消費者時尚 旅遊的新感受。鄰近台中車站、台中州廳、台中 公園,無論洽公或旅遊,都是最好的選擇。
The moon cakes made by our shop are traditional mung bean pastries. They are made with mung bean paste, sweet but not greasy, and highgrade pork stuffing. Each of them is soft and rich, bringing you tasty bite after bite.
With natural surroundings and comfortable facilities, it provides energetic tours and a convenient stay for consumers to experience a whole-new way of fashionable travel. Located near the TRA Taichung Station, Taichung City Hall and Taichung Park, the hotel can be the best choice for a business trip or private travel.
+886-4-22215978 / 中區自由路二段51號 No.51, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-22235678 / 中區民權路66號 No.116, Minquan Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City
小惡魔雪莉貝爾 DIY 冰棒蛋糕
little devil / sherrybear DIY ice pop , cake
必玩 DIY
今夏最可愛的diy彩繪冰棒!小惡魔彩繪 冰棒和彩繪蛋糕!只要您購買DIY彩繪工具組 一份30元就能創作出專屬於您的冰棒或蛋 糕。店內有彩繪牆及道具服裝提供給喜歡拍 照的你們滿滿的空間~另外我們也有手工甜 點及精選南義大利咖啡豆給你最棒的搭配。 The most lovely diy painted ice pop! Little devil painted ice pop and painted cake! As long as you buy DIY painting tool set (NT30) can create a dedicated ice pop or cake. We also provide painted walls and Costumes for you to enjoy taking pictures~ In addition we also have handmade desserts and selected South Italian coffee beans to give you the best match. +886-9-89-213537 / 台中市中區民族路68號 No.68, Minzu Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 41
推 薦 店 家
必吃 太陽堂老舖
Weije Coffee
Tayeondon Store., Co Ltd 遵循古法製作,採用高級麵粉、糯米芽、蜂 蜜,製成拔絲(好吃)的太陽餅、鳳梨餅、檸檬餅、 老婆餅、月餅等,都是暢銷產品。
魏爵咖啡專注於推廣台灣大武山咖啡及全世界 著名的精品咖啡豆,我們有專業的咖啡烘焙機, 提供消費者最新鮮,香醇及高品質的咖啡豆。
Made with the traditional method and highgrade flour, sticky rice sprout, honey, the candied floss (yummy) sun cakes, pineapple pastries, lemon cakes, wife cakes, and moon cakes are all tasty. They are the best-selling items in the bakery.
Weijecoffee company is delicate to promote Taiwan Da-wu Mountain coffee bean and global famous coffee beans. We have professional coffee roasting machines to provide customer a fresh, aroma & good qualities coffee bean.
+886-4-22276999 / 中區自由路二段27號 No.27, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-25667585 品牌旗艦店:中區台灣大道一段145號2樓 2F., No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City 工廠:大雅區中科路1202-1號 No.1202-1, Zhongke Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City
星動銀河旅站 ─ 機器人主題旅館
Moving Star Hotel – Robot Theme Hotel 臨近台中火車站、干城車站,是通往日月潭及清境的交通樞 紐。走進大廳,迎接你的就是最親切的大廳經理─機器人小P。 星動銀河旅站,融入了星際旅人的設計元素,81間不同主題的客 房,皆以行星命名,希望能刻劃出過旅商客們的美好回憶。另 外提供Buffet早餐、商務中心、健身房、洗衣房、紓壓美容 室、KTV客房。鄰近的景點有台中公園、一中商圈、宮原 眼科...等。我們將以最熱誠的心期待您的蒞臨。 Neighboring the Taichung Train Station and Kancheng Station, it is the transportation hub leading to Sun Moon Lake and Qingjing. When you walk into the lobby, you will be greeted by the friendly hotel manager- Robot P. Moving Star Hotel integrates elements of interstellar travel into its design. The hotel contains 81 differently themed rooms named after the planets, in hopes of providing a beautiful memory for overnight travelers. Also on offer is a breakfast buffet, business center, gym, laundry room, beauty parlor, and KTV rooms. Nearby sights include Taichung Park, the Yizhong business district, Miyahara and etc. We sincerely look forward to your visit. +886-4-22258800 / 中區自由路二段66號
No.66, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City
推 薦 店 家
InHouse Hotel Taichung
以台灣多樣性的植物生態出發,數百件的 原生植物攝影作品,將台灣原生之美優美呈 現。以客為尊是該館引以為傲的特色之一。 名家設計、高雅的裝潢,歐洲的典雅,重新 詮釋家的感覺,在高雅舒適的氣氛中、消除 您旅途的疲勞。
Taiwan is rich in biodiversity. The diverse plants provide ideal objects for photo shooting. These pictures, numbering a few hundred, present you the beauty of Taiwan’s indigenous plants. Customers always come first is the motto this gallery is proud of. Designed by renowned designers, high class and elegant decorations, they provide you a place of European elegance. Reinterpreting the feel of homes, you can have your fatigue soothed in a deluxe and graceful atmosphere.
+886-4-22812222 / 東區台中路203號 No.203, Taizhong Rd., East Dist., Taichung City
推 薦 景 點
Yi Sen Ching Park
這座水景生態公園為建商打造的最新祕境,裡 面充滿自然造景、水岸生態和竹編藝術,適合假 日悠閒漫步。
This scenic water ecology park is the newest uncharted territory built by construction company. It is filled with nature landscaping, water bank ecology and bamboo braiding art. The area is suited for a leisure holiday walk.
哈咖啡 HA caf'e
哈咖啡健康、新鮮,採現點現泡,為的就是讓 消費者喝的回味,更是喝的健康,現在進駐於台 中市區朝馬運動中心裡,運動完後更能嚐嚐一杯 令你回味的香甘醇~
南屯區五權西路二段903號 No.903, Sec. 2, Wuquan W. Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City
推 薦 店 家
City Resort Taichung
滿豐富的主題,是旅客的拍照重點。 ▲距台中中清交流道約五分鐘車程,交通便捷。 ▲室內、外停車場達80個停車位,停車便利。 ▲98間房均為對外窗,臨敦化路上擁有近萬坪美 景的敦化公園。
▲City Resort Taichung’s main building is designed with the framework of eastern aesthetics. The lobby is decorated with diverse themes, providing visitors an ideal place to take pictures. ▲It is just 5 minutes’ drive from Zhongqing Interchange, convenient transportation. ▲There are 80 indoor and outdoor parking spaces, convenient parking. ▲All of its, 98, rooms are facing the main road with huge windows that are opened to the huge Dunhua Park, a few thousand square kilometers in size, on Dunhua Road. +886-4-35009888 / 北屯區敦化路一段481號 No.481, Sec. 1, Dunhua Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 44
The freshly brewed coffee brings must aftertaste and health to customers. The branch in Chaoma Sports Center in Taichung City allows citizens to enjoy a great cup of freshly brewed coffee after exertise. +886-4-22519981 / 西屯區朝貴路199號 No.199, Chaofu Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
推 薦 店 家
必逛 丫德俐鼠童書城是全台唯一設置 在風景區內的童書城堡,具童趣、創 意、互動的購書、DIY與輕食空間, 不僅增進孩子與父母間的情感交流, 更是一個讓親子彼此,享受一日書香 的體驗空間!
Taichung Jiaming Lake 遠看宛如月牙灣的台中嘉明湖,為建商打造的 人工湖泊,天空的色彩倒映在湖水中,令遊客驚 艷不已。 Appearing as a crescent moon from afar, Taichung Jiaming Lake is a man-made lake by construction company. The color of the sky reflected on the lake astonished tourists alike. 南屯區永春東七路13-2號 No.13-2, Yongchun E. 7th Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-22398897 / 北屯區祥順路二段389號 營業時間/ 09:30-18:30 週一店休(遇假日不休)
台中日光溫泉度假酒店 Sun Hot Spring & Resort 日光慢遊‧冬‧暖湯採果樂
Travel Slow under the Sunshine and Enjoy the Fun of Fruit-Picking and Hot Spring Bath during winter 台中日光溫泉度假酒店位於有中部陽明山美稱的大坑 風景區內,群山環繞風景幽美,擁有獨特的美人湯泉(碳 酸氫鈉泉),唯有歷經冬日,才可深刻感受湯泉的溫暖, 冬季住宿專案「暖湯採果樂」,可享在地採橘採菇生態 之旅,讓土壤上的腳印,真實記錄著我們的旅行故事, 讓旅行不只是旅行,一起慢遊,寫下你我的微幸福!平日 兩人成行一泊二食只要$5,600起! The Sun Hot Spring & Resort is located in the socalled Yangmingshan of Central Taiwan inside the Dakeng Scenic Area. Featuring the unique beauty hot spring (sodium bicarbonate spring), the winter plan for lodging known as “Fruit-Picking and Hot Spring Bath” allows the visitors to enjoy an ecological tour to pick the local tangerines and mushrooms. Let the footprints in the soil tell a real story of our travel to record memories, so that the trip is more than just a trip. Departure guaranteed from 2 people will only cost you a minimum of $NT5, 600 for one night during a weekday, stay with two meals!
必泡 好湯
+886-4-22399000 北屯區東山路二段光西巷78號 No.78, Sec. 2, Dongshan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 45
遊客中心 Visitor Center 展示館 Exhibition hall 餐飲部 Restaurants 停車場 Parking Garage 公車站 Bus Station 公廁 Toilet 網路 Wifi
走過二十幾個年頭,『台中文心玉市』是全 台灣最大玉市交易場所,搬新家的台中文心玉 市,秉持著一貫的心念『人在做、天在看』, 遂以『台中天目城』命名。全新的商城規劃擁 有五百多個攤位市集,來自中國大陸、澳門、 蒙古、西藏、印度、尼泊爾、土耳其等世界各 國文物,包涵翡翠玉石、珠寶、水晶、古玉、 佛教文物、瓷器花瓶、日本鐵壺、奇石、古典 家具、字畫、木雕奇珍異寶等。可謂世界無奇 不有,來到此處尋寶,必深深為此著迷。 全新的『台中文心玉市-天目城』共三層樓,一樓保有傳統風味市集跟精品店面以及玉石翡翠 珠寶飾品設計。二樓有藝術家文創藝品、彩色寶石手工藝品以及台中第一條蔬食美食街。三樓規 劃為創意文化手工藝的空間平台、有人文家俱展示、手捏陶藝、現場手拉胚教學、古箏及簫笛演 奏、香水占卜、台灣工藝師石雕作品、台灣茶具禮品總匯、品嚐高山有機咖啡豆及各式各樣異國 精品。琳瑯滿目的商品既可尋寶又有吃的安心的美食,是個老少咸宜的好去處。 As the largest jade market in Taiwan, there are artefacts and rarities from all parts of the world in Taichung Tian Mu Square. On the first floor, there are shops in traditional style, boutiques, and jade and jewelry designers. On the second floor, there has cultural and creative works by artists, colored gemstones, and a vegan food court. On the third floor, there is a platform for cultural and creative crafts; humanist furniture demonstrations; handmade ceramics; zheng, xiao, and di performances; perfume fortune-telling, and all kinds of exotic luxury goods. Apart from shopping a wide variety of curios and rarities, there are safe foods in the square for family visits.
電話 / 04-2386 0417 地址 / 408台中市南屯區五權西路二段957號 開放時間 / 9:30∼20:00 (每週二、三公休)
【許多睛點珠寶】Shiido Jewellery 歷經三十多年的淬鍊,匯集翡翠、澳洲閃電 山脈黑蛋白石、美國亞利桑那州睡美人松石、 鑽石及各種珠寶,經由專業設計師設計。 With over 30 years of experience, the shop has a wide collection of jades, the black opal from the Lightning Ridge of Australia, the sleeping beauty turquoise from Arizona of USA, diamonds, and all kinds of jewelry designed by professional designers. TEL|+886-9-31992999 Add|台中天目城一樓AR06店面 AR06, 1st Floor, Taichung Tian Mu Square.
【三星尼泊爾手工藝品】Three Stars Nepal 來自尼泊爾、印度、西藏宗教文物,手工佛像、手繪唐 卡、手工頌缽、佛珠、藏香、印度線香、香料、喀什米爾 羊毛、羊絨圍巾、傳統服飾、犛牛毯、手工包各式各樣傳 統手工藝品及藝術品,產品包羅萬象,猶如小型博物館, 值得您前來參觀。 Religious artefacts, handcraft buddha figures, hand painted tangkasnet, handcrafted singing bowls, malas, Tibetan incenses, nag champa, spices, cashmere wool, cashmere wool scarves, traditional clothing, wild yak blankets, handcrafted bags, and all kinds of crafts and art works from Nepal, India, and Tibet. These make the shop like a mini museum worthy of visit. TEL|+886-9-23772332 Add|台中天目城二樓BR17、BR16、B特1 店面 BR17、BR16、B-1, 2st Floor, Taichung Tian Mu Square.
【朗玉 珠寶•琥珀】Lang Yu Jewelry and Amber 天目城朗玉源自於精明一街85號的"傑得Jade", 老闆娘鑽研玉石已達數十年,玉石種類有琥珀、 蜜蠟、緬甸玉等多種寶石,每樣寶石都是老闆娘 量身打造的精工及手作,是獨一無二的成品。 Lang Yu in Tian Mu Square originates from Jade at No. 85 Jing Ming 1st Street. The lady owner has studied gemstones for decades. Each piece of a wide variety of gemstone products, such as amber, beeswax, and Myanmar jade, is dedicatedly and delicately handcrafted. Therefore, each product is unique. TEL|+886-4-23825578 Add|台中天目城三樓CR08店面 CR08, 3st Floor, Taichung Tian Mu Square.
Men's Talk
小 V Lil’ V 香港旅遊部落客 Hong Kong Travel Blogger
造訪古鎮, 自在看海吹吹風
Visit old villages and feel the breeze while watching the waves at ease 跟我一樣喜歡看海放輕鬆的朋友,推薦你們遊台中市的清水區和梧棲區。這裡除 了有高人氣的高美濕地晚霞、漁販聚集的觀光漁港,也可欣賞超過千年的歷史遺址和 品嚐近百年的古早味小吃。 清水小鎮目前仍保留著許多當年風光的文化街景,亦可尋覓它的歷史演變痕跡。 梧棲觀光漁港深受饕客喜愛,可品嚐漁港的新鮮生魚片和熱騰騰的海鮮熱炒。傍 晚跟著夕陽的腳步來到豐富生態資源的高美濕地,這裡可以欣賞醉人日落,無意間可 能還會發現螃蟹的蹤跡。 For friends who enjoy relaxation by looking out over the ocean, I recommend a tour in the Taichung Qingshui and Wuqi district. Besides the popular Gaomei wetlands sunset, tourist harbor where fish vendors gather, one can also enjoy historical sites dating back millenniums and savor centuries old traditional eateries. Qingshui village still preserves much the cultural street views of its time. One may search for traces of its historical progress. Wuqi Fisherman’s Wharf is loved by diners, with the taste of fresh harbor sashimi and steaming stir-fried seafood. Follow the footsteps of the sunset to the ecologically abundant Gaomei Wetlands. Here you can enjoy an intoxicating sunset and might even inadvertently find traces of crabs.
推 薦 景 點
Meiren Li Painted Village 巷弄牆壁以鮮豔的手繪圖案,重現台灣早期人文 風景,如:柑仔店、旗袍店、水果店等,充滿復古風 情。 The walls along the alley are hand painted with colorful pictures, redisplaying early Taiwan culture fill with retro styles such as traditional groceries, cheongsam, fruit store and etc.
Shalu Dream Street 夢想街充滿顏色繽紛的籃球架、籃球場、愛心 鞦韆和貨櫃酒吧,店家鐵門也畫上獨特圖樣,成 為台中最新拍照熱點。 The dream street is filled with colorful basketball hoop, court, love swing and cargo bar. Doors of shops are also painted with unique images which became the newest photo hotspot in Taichung. 沙鹿區晉文路3巷21號 No.21, Ln. 3, Jinwen Rd., Shalu Dist., Taichung City
沙鹿區中正街美秀巷 Meixiu Ln., Zhongzheng St., Shalu Dist.,Taichung City
Qingshui Military Dependents Village Culture Park
Taichung City Seaport Art Center
位於藝術中心對面的清水眷村,保留了原始風 貌,展覽眷村老照片、特色文物,並引進文創店家, 不定期還有文創市集、童玩體驗等活動。 Located across from the art center, the park preserves the original look of the military dependents' village, displays the old photos and special artefacts of military dependents' village, introduces cultural and creative shops, and organizes the cultural and creative marketplace and children’s toy exploration activities from time to time.
複合式藝術展演場所內除藝文展覽外,戶外空 間擁有多座雕像,以及中式迴廊、涼亭和小橋流 水,展現古色古香藝術之美。 As a compound exhibition venue, the center arranges indoor art exhibitions and outdoor statue exhibitions. There are also the Chinesestyle cloister, kiosk, bridge, and running water to demonstrate the esthetics of classical art. +886-4-26274568 / 清水區忠貞路21號 No.21, Zhongzhen Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City
清水區中社路信義巷41號 No.41, Xinyi Ln., Zhongshe Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 49
推 薦 景 點
Aofeng Mountain Viewing platform
從鰲峰山觀景平台可以眺望清水市景和夜景, 或是走走環狀鏤空的玉帶橋,孩童則適合去競合 體驗遊戲場大玩一場。
From the Aofeng Mountain Viewing platform, visitors can look over the vista and night view of Qingshui City. Visitors can also stroll along the circular hollowed Yudai Bridge. The coopetive playground is great for children.
Zi Yun Yan 紫雲巖供奉著觀世音佛祖,又稱為「觀音 亭」。廟內有座自乾隆43年所遺古碑,記載中臺 灣拓荒史事,頗為珍貴。 Worshipping Avalokitesvara, Zi Yun Yan is also called the “Avalokitesvara Kiosk”. Inside the temple erects a valuable tablet made in the 43rd year of Emperor Qinlong’s regime recording the history of Taiwan cultivation. 清水區吳厝路 Wucuo Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-26225500 / 清水區大街路206號 No.206, Dajie Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City
牛罵頭遺址文化園區 Niumatou Cultural Park
日據時期為清水神社,現今園區兼具保存文化 資產與展示教育的用途,展出文化遺址、出土文 物、考古挖掘方式等。 It was the Qingshu Shrine in the Japanese colonial period, now it becomes a culture park where cultural assets are preserved and displayed and education is provided. Exhibits included the historical site, artefacts found in the site, and an account of the archaeological work.
Dajia Jenn Lann Temple 建立於1732年,每逢四月媽祖遶境最為熱鬧, 更被列為世界三大宗教盛事之一!歡迎來看看台 灣人的宗教習俗,有拜有保佑喔。 Built in 1732, the temple attracts most people every April for the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage Procession, which is one of the world’s three major religious events! Welcome to Dajia Jenn Lann Temple to see the religious custom in Taiwan and pray for blessing from the deity.
+886-4-22290280#505 / 清水區鰲海路59號 No.59, Aohai Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 50
+886-4-26763522 / 大甲區順天路158號 No.158, Shuntian Rd., Dajia Dist., Taichung City
推 薦 景 點
Taichung County Gaomei Wetlands Wildlife Refuge
高美溼地位於大甲溪出海 口,有四個特色:台灣特有 種動植物、橘紅夕陽風光、 紅白色高美燈塔和屹立不搖 的風力發電風車,是在地人 推薦的No.1景點,是值得一 去再去的地方!
Located at the estuary of the Dajia River, Gaomei Wetlands has four features: Taiwan endemic fauna and flora, orange red sunset v i e w, t h e r e d a n d w h i t e Gaomei Lighthouse, and the standing still wind turbine. It is the No. 1 sightseeing spot recommended by locals and a great place for repeat travels. 清水區 Qingshui Dist., Taichung City
推 薦 店 家
Wuqi Fisherman's Wharf
梧棲漁港為中部重要的漁業港口、也是休閒觀 光的海港,除了有漁港景觀、遊憩碼頭之外,區 內更有鮮魚區、餐飲區、漁港超市等。
Wuqi Fisherman's Wharf is an important fisheries and tourism harbor in central Taiwan. Apart from the fishing port scenes and the leisure wharf, there are the fresh fish area, dining area, and seafood supermarket.
舒適優雅,用心款待。 The Ways of Comfort, Treating With Heart
Taichung Harbor Hotel 台中港酒店座落於梧棲,是台中海線首座星級 飯店。館內設施多樣化,誠摯的邀請您給我們一 次款待您的機會。 Taichung Harbor Hotel is located in Taichung Wuqi, the first established star-rated hotel in Taichung coastline. There are variety of amenities in hotel, and we are looking forward to your visit. +886-4-26571586 / 清水區海濱里北堤路30號 No.30, Beiti Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-2656-8888 / 梧棲區大智路二段388號 No.388, Sec.2, Dazhi Rd., Wuqi Dist., Taichung City Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year 51
巷 西新
第三 橫 街
第四 橫 街
10 中一餅行
6 7
正一法擇日館 東勢大碗公冰店
橄欖樹手工麵包 複合式餐廳 DIDIDOMO
風味園 林記水餃館 北大水果行
2 15
5 橫街 第五
9 16
12 18
東豐自行車綠廊 洋基自行車出租行
街 東南
1 街 新豐
9 7
東勢商圈 &谷關商圈
11 明治溫泉大飯店 東關 路 一 段 溫 泉 巷
Dongshi Commercial District & Guguan Commercial District
13 捎來情人咖啡簡餐下午茶 4 東西橫貫公路牌樓-谷關
16 明高溫泉養生會館
15 金谷餐廳 3
一段 東關路
14 玉芳活魚客家餐廳
10 露泉渡假溫泉館 東關路一段 分校
17 麗池山水渡假村
Dongshi Commercial District
吃鮮果享美饌 遊東勢客家庄 Dongshi Hakka Village 東勢形象商圈是去花博必來的客家庄,智慧服務完整之 觀光休閒商圈。鄰東勢客家文化園區,為東豐自行車道綠 廊的終點。因外來遊客眾多,消費取向客家文化、傳統客 家美食、四季皆有新鮮農特產,另有小中嵙健行步道、巧 聖仙師祖廟、鯉魚伯公廟、果菜市場、林業文化園區等。此 地環境好、氣候佳、美食多、人熱情,歡迎愛好自然的您到來。
A fully smart tourism and recreational shopping district, Dongshi Image Shopping District is a must-visit Hakka village on the trip to the Taichung Flora Expo. Neighboring the Dongshi Old Train Station Hakka Culture Park and as the end of the Dongfeng Green Corridor for biking, the district attracts many visitors. In the district, there is strong Hakka culture, traditional Hakka gourmet foods, and fresh agricultural specialties in all seasons. With a great environment, good weather, a wide variety of gourmet foods, and local hospitality, Dongshi welcomes you to come.
推 薦店 家
DIDIDOMO Compound Restaurant
店內裝潢風格採現代時尚風,白天、晚上氣氛 皆不相同,餐點結合客家元素,傳統和現代融合 一起蹦出新的滋味!
Shi-Wai-Toa-Yuan CO.,LTD
臺灣甜柿栽種面積已近五千公頃,但產期集 中,難以保存。因此設立柿外桃園有限公司,期 能為甜柿產業開拓出新出路。 In Taiwan, the persimmon farming area is nearly 5,000 hectares. As the production season is centralized, it is difficult to store so many persimmons. Therefore, Shi-Wai-Toa-Yuan Co., Ltd. was established to find new ways out for the persimmon industry. +886-4-25774309|東勢區東新里新豐街116號1樓 1F., No.116, Xinfeng St., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City 54
In a modern and fashionable design, the restaurant impresses guests with different atmospheres in the day and at night. Integrating with Hakka elements, the menu brings brandnew tastes through the combination of tradition and modernity.
+886-4-25770828|東勢區中山路34號 No.34, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
Dongshi Commercial District 03
Dong Hiong Coffeeé
「東香」是一句客家話,意指聞起來香氣四 溢,堅持100%台灣咖啡豆,以自然農耕法,蘊育 出精緻、少量、帶有水果花香、茶香之高品質咖 啡。 In Hakka dialect, “dong hiong” means aromatic. Insisting on using 100% organic grownin-Taiwan coffee beans, the owner cultures premium coffee with a delicate, fruit and floral fragrance, and tea aroma in a small quantity.
Dongshi Big Bowl Shaved Ice House
不管是學生與遊客都慕名而來。店裡的水果或 農特產都採當季最新鮮,每一樣冰品量多,還有 著綿密口感的美味,冰涼甜蜜的芋頭紅豆牛奶冰 是店內的招牌冰品。 Both students and visitors are attracted to the house which makes shaved ice with the freshest in-season fruit or agricultural specialties. Each product features high quantity and a smooth taste. The cool and sweet taro and mung bean shaved ice with condensed milk is the signature product of the house.
+886-4-25870002|東勢區東蘭路26-2號1樓 1F., No.26-2, Donglan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-25773636|東勢區中山路33號 No.33, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
洋基自行車出租行 Yangji Bike Rental
本店採用捷安特租賃,位於東豐綠廊東勢起 點,全長約12公里,是一條美麗的綠色走廊,東 豐綠廊與后豐鐵馬道相串連,是臺中市熱鬧的旅 遊休閒景點。來電預約另有優惠。 Located near the start point of Dongfeng Green Corridor with about 12km long, the shop leases Giant bikes for visitors to enjoy this beautiful green corridor which is connected with Houfeng Bikeway, the busiest and most visited tourist attraction. There are discounts for prebooking over the phone.
+886-9-12367854|東勢區中山路2-2號 No.2-2, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
Dongshin Old Train Station Hakka Culture
園區規劃有關於客家文化的文物主題展,介紹 產業、語言、人文特色。後方則是東豐綠色走廊 自行車道路線,這裡是臺中山城觀光的新地標之一。 In the park, there are Hakka culture theme exhibitions introducing the business, language, and cultural characteristics of Hakka. The Dongfeng Green Corridor Bikeway is located behind. This is one of the new landmarks for mountain city tour in Taichung. +886-4-25888634|東勢區中山路1號 No.1, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
Dongshi Commercial District
推 薦 店 家
Dongshi Mother Tian: Pin Jia Hakka Foods
品佳小吃已有三十年的歷史,除了保留好味 道及口碑外,更是致力於推廣客家美食,以創意 的烹調方式讓更多朋友品嚐到別具特色的客家美 味。
Dongshi Lavender Bike Rental
位於「東豐綠色隧道」東勢起點處,也位於東 勢客家文化館前。除了注重車輛保養也提供最大 的服務熱忱,並有一系列的鐵馬單車可供遊客選擇。
Pin Jia Hakka Foods has a history of 30 years. Apart from preserving the great taste and word of mouth, the owner is committed to promoting Hakka gourmet foods for more customers to taste special Hakka foods through creative cooking techniques.
Located at near the start point of the Dongfeng Green Corridor and in front of Dongshi Hakka Culture Museum, Dongshi Lavender Bike emphasizes bike maintenance and provides the most enthusiastic service through a wide variety of bikes for visitors to choose. +886-4-25884508|東勢區中山路5號 No.5, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-25870502|東勢區東蘭路34-7號 No.34-7, Donglan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
Lin's Dumpling House
東勢在地傳統小吃,20年老店,樸實的麵食 館,卻有著深沈的美味,位在東豐綠色走廊的起 點,不管是來東勢觀光或是騎自行車,可在這休 息、用餐。 A 20-year-old store in Dongshi selling simple but traditional savory noodle dishes in Dongshi, Lin’s Dumpling is located near the start point of Dongfeng Corridor for visitors or bikers to take a break and enjoy fine local noodle dishes.
Zhong Yi Bakery
早期以製作喜餅為主,是在地三十多年的餅 藝老店,在堅持與用心之下,研創出的客家櫅粑 餅,代表著客家山城的伴手好禮。 A traditional wedding pastry maker with a history of more than 30 years, the owner has developed the Hakka jiba pastry through perseverance and dedication, making it a representative souvenir of the Hakka mountain city. +886-4-25889186|東勢區中山路50號 No.50, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City 56
+886-4-25875655|東勢區第三橫街135號 No.34, 3rd Side St., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
Dongshi Commercial District 12
Chi Feng Tea
店內銷售的茶葉來自臺中市和平區自家茶園, 從製作到分級包裝,每一個流程都有專業人員嚴 格把關,每一泡的喉韻及香氣,可充分了解到店 家的堅持。
Zheng Yi Fortune-Telling House
正一道長由郭海龍老師引進嗣漢六十三代天師 張恩溥老師指導,精通人生吉凶禍福之先機,斷 人命運成敗正確,名滿海內外,名響全台。 With a good knowledge of numerology and an international fame, Master Zhengyi is trained by Master En-Pu Chang, the 63th generation since the Han dynasty, introduced by Master Hai-Lung Kuo. +886-4-25874345|東勢區中山路17號 No.17, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
All types of tea sold in the store are grown in the owner’s tea farm in Heping District, Ta i c h u n g C i t y. From production to grading and packaging, the owner implements strict quality control to ensure the aftertaste and aroma of each brew. This is the insistence of the owner. +886-4-25771051,+886-9-31655551 東勢區中山路2號 No.2, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
Chen Chang Tobacco and Alcohol Co., Ltd.
逛完街、騎完腳踏車覺得口乾舌燥,或是與友人 相約在東勢小酌,經營各種菸、酒、飲料批發零售買 賣業務的鎮昌就是您在東勢的最好選擇。 If you feel thirsty after shopping or riding, Chen Chang Tobacco and Alcohol Co., Ltd. distributing all kinds of tobaccos, wines, and beverages should be your best choice in Dongshi.
佛羅倫斯小館 Florence House
位於熱鬧的中山路上,主要提供冷熱飲品、咖 啡、調酒、小火鍋、焗烤飯麵、簡餐、炸物等餐 點。 Located on the busy Zhongshan Road, the house mainly offers cold and hot drinks, coffee, cocktails, sukiyaki, risotto, pasta gratin, light set meal, and fried foods. +886-4-25870000|東勢區忠孝街173號 No.173, Zhongxiao Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-25770237|東勢區中山路35號 No.35, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
Dongshi Commercial District
推 薦 店 家
Bei Da Fresh Fruit
伴手禮採購、日常採買,北大水果行有當季各 式水果批發零售,是您送禮好選擇,更是您健康 生活的最大支持者。 As an in-season f r u i t d i s t r i b u t o r, Bei Da is the ideal place for souvenirs and daily shopping.
Taste House
風味園對食材的嚴格要求,每天購入新鮮食 材,不採用人工調味,秉持著客家人家庭的傳統 的味道,不僅價格平實,味道更是讓人回味無窮。 Ta s t e H o u s e n e v e r c o m p r o m i s e s w i t h ingredients. The owner buys fresh ingredients every day and uses no artificial flavors. Insisting on traditional Hakka taste, the owner sells dishes at a reasonable price but unforgettable taste. +886-4-25879188|東勢區中山路42號 No.42, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
東勢區中山路52號 No.52, Donglan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
位於東豐綠廊終點站,提供親子體驗各項手工 藝。東勢客家阿嬤ㄟ燻油手工皂禮盒產品,更獲 2017年第九屆臺中十大伴手禮獎。
Located at the end of Dongfeng Green Corridor, Bao Dao Camphor Essence is the right place for exploring the origin of the camphor industry in Taiwan. In addition, the owners offers a wide range of crafts, including early Taiwanese children’s toys, figure DIY, train painting, and log pyrography coasters. Therefore, it is a great place for family tour.
Olive Tree Handmade Bread
位於東勢區客家文化園區附近的手工麵包坊, 主打手工養生麵包,所用的材料也是主打少油健 康路線,是在地人推薦的養生麵包坊。 A handmade bread bakery located near the Dongshi Hakka Culture Park, the owner focuses on bread for health promotion and emphasize the use of less oil. It is a locally recommended health bread bakery.
+886-4-25873758|東勢區中山路1號(一號舊倉庫) No.1, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City 58
+886-4-25875655|東勢區中山路423號 No.423, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City
臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
Kukuan Commercial District
享自然泡溫泉 遊谷關風景 Enjoy Natural Hot Springs Tour the Guguan Scenic Areas 谷關為知名的溫泉重鎮,可於秋冬之際吸引大批的遊 客體驗溫泉之美,但在春夏兩季較為炎熱的時節,民眾到 谷關觀光旅遊的意願也隨之降低,形成淡旺兩季極大的旅 遊人次景象之差別。除了秋冬時節泡溫泉之外,谷關盛產甜 柿、蜜蘋果、雪梨、蜜梨、水蜜桃、甜檸檬等高山水果。谷關 商圈於每年春夏兩季搭配時令舉辦「谷關母親節 ~ 玩泉森動」、「谷關端舞節」、 「谷關浪漫一夏 ~ 七夕情人節」等活動,並致力於推廣在地特色農產品─梨山茶、 高山蔬果及體驗泰雅族原住民文化技藝並與谷關溫泉結合,讓遊客可以上山避暑, 享受清涼森林浴外,亦可藉由溫泉特性,達到養生功效,透過各種宣傳活動,推 廣「原住民文化」、「溫泉文化」及「自然生態」等特色,谷關並非僅有溫泉產業, 還有更多豐富的自然、人文等資源。
Guguan is a well-known hot spring village, attracting large amounts of tourist experiencing the beauty of hot springs during fall and winter. But interest in visiting Guguan drops during the hotter seasons of spring and summer, greatly varying in touring numbers between slack and peak season. Besides hot spring during fall and winter, Guguan is rich in alpine fruit such as sweet persimmon, honey apple, sweet pear, honey pear, peach and sweet lemon. The Guguan business district hosts “Guguan Mother’s Day-Fun Spring and Lively Forest”, “Guguan Dragon Boat Festival”, “Guguan Romantic Summer- Chinese Valentines Day” and etc seasonally in spring and summer every year. The effort was made to promote local characteristic farm products including Lishan tea, Alpine vegetables and fruit, along with Atayal aboriginal craft combined with Guguan hot spring. Tourists can take refuge from the summer heat in the hills and enjoy the cool embrace of forest. One may also attain health functions from hot spring, while promoting features such as “aboriginal culture”, “hot spring culture” and “nature ecology”. Guguan possesses not only hot spring industry, but also abundant natural resources, humanities, and culture. 理事長 臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
顏世陸 59
Kukuan Commercial District
推 薦 店 家
Bali Nature Spa Resort
惠來谷關提供遊客住宿、餐飲、湯房、會議套裝 渡假行程之服務。建築設計採峇里島式原始自然風 格,全區配置熱帶南洋植栽景觀,木瓦白牆、茅草涼 亭,呈現了濃厚的浪漫休閒風,房間內均配置四至十 坪的專屬泡湯池,餐廳提供中式料理菜單,結合當地 美味食並搭配當季新鮮蔬果食材,提供適合個人套餐 及團體酒席的美食料理。 Bali Nature Spa Resort provides tourists with accommodation, dining, hot spring rooms and conference vacation set service. The architectural design adopts primeval nature style of Bali island, allocated with tropical southeast Asian plantations, wood plated white walls and thatched pavilion across the entire area to exhibited a richly romantic leisure atmosphere. Exclusive 4 to 10 ping hot spring pool is arranged in each room. The restaurant offers Chinese style dishes, combining local delicacies with seasonal vegetable and fruit ingredient to provide cuisines suited for individuals as well as group feast. +886-4-25951998|和平區東關路一段溫泉巷10號 No.10, Wenquan Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
統一渡假村谷關溫泉養生會館 Uni-Resort Guguan
健康多樣的休閒設施,與凡各項互動遊樂設 施,是親子歡聚的最佳場所,每一次的到訪留下 歡樂溫暖的回憶! A variety of healthy recreational facilities and multiple interactive entertainment facilities make it the best place for parent and child fun. Every visit leaves behind warm and happy memories!
Dragon valley hotel & paradise
坐擁大甲溪沿岸風光,溪岸峭壁陡挺,引人入 勝。擁有189間溫泉套房並設有國際會議廳,是觀 光渡假區最具規模及專業水準的飯店。 Overlooking the enchanting Dajia river bank scene and the steep river cliffs. Providing 189 hot spring suites and is equipped with an international conference hall. It is the largest and most professional hotel in the vacation area. +886-4-25950000|和平區東關路一段188號 No.188, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City 60
+886-4-25951369|和平區東關路一段138號 No.138, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
Kukuan Commercial District 05
神木谷假期大飯店 Utopia Holiday Hotel
神木谷假期大飯店位於台中市和平區谷關風景 區,飯店內有一株國寶級的千年五葉松神木,是 谷關地區最好的景點。
Utopia Holiday Hotel is located at the Taichung Heping district scenic area. There is a national treasure Taiwan pine within the hotel, and the best scenic spot in Guguan.
Ku Kuan Hot-Spring Hotel
泰雅族風貌、嶄新的外觀,已陪谷關20多年的 歲月,但設施及房間都是重新翻新過的,備有大 型會議室、卡拉OK、餐廳、停車場。 The brand-new Atayal style exterior hotel has been with Guguan for over 20 years. The facilities and rooms have been renovated, and is equipped with large size conference room, karaoke, restaurant and parking lot. +886-4-25951355|和平區東關路一段溫泉巷6號 No.6, Wenquan Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-25951511|和平區東關路一段溫泉巷7號 No.7, Wenquan Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
Guguan Four Season Hotel
南洋風情的造景,不用出國也能有置身峇里島 的感覺,藍天、和風、棕梠樹、不同風情的溫泉 浴池、享受休閒就是現在,期待您的光臨。 Southeast Asian landscaping brings Bali without going abroad. Blue sky, gentle breeze, palm trees and various atmospheric hot spring awaits your visit to savor the moment of relaxation.
E-daw Hot Spring Hotel
伊豆溫泉坐擁高山、溫泉、山谷、溪流與森林 遊樂區,在這靜謐而清新的環境中可以恣意擁抱 自然,感受溫泉的生命力。 E-daw Hot Spring provides mountains, hot spring, valley, river and forest park. One can embrace nature and feel the vibrancy of hot spring in this quiet and fresh environment. +886-4-25950315|和平區東關路一段分校巷5號 No.5, Fenxiao Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-25951235|和平區東關路一段溫泉巷8-1號 No.8-1, Wenquan Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
Kukuan Commercial District
推 薦 店 家
Ming Zhi Spring Hotel
占地廣闊,擁有多樣化房型可選 擇,並有提供大眾溫泉池、大型會議廳、餐廳、 景觀步道等設施,前來谷關旅遊住宿的好選擇。 The wide expanse of area provides a variety of room types to choose from, offering also public hot spring, large conference room, restaurant, scenic walkways and other facilities. It is a great place to stay when visiting Guguan.
Ku Kuan Hot Spring & Resort
露泉渡假溫泉館,堆砌出靜謐的溫泉所在,賦 予不同的價值空間,用心、細心、盡心,給每一 位到訪的賓客不一樣的泡湯體驗。 The quiet hot spring endows a distinct appreciation to this place. Its sincerity, consideration and effort provide every visiting guest with a different hot spring experience. +886-4-25951115|和平區東關路一段115號 No.115, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-25951111|和平區東關路一段溫泉巷17號 No.17, Wenquan Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
Shao Lai (Bring) the lovers coffee, light meal and afternoon tea
依傍在捎來吊橋旁, 欣賞著捎來溪谷之美,那 緩緩流淌的捎來溪,輕易 讓人沾染上片刻安逸平 靜,而正是休假充電的遊 人所需要的。
Goya Spring Resort
擁有獨立的碳酸氫鈉泉,俗稱美人湯,沿用 當地特有的地質風貌,打造一個泡湯、住宿、餐 飲、購物等多功能的休閒渡假中心。 Provides independent carbon bicarbonate spring, known as beauty spring, it is a multi-functional leisure vacation center complete with hot spring, accommodation, dining and shopping. +886-4-25942829|和平區東關路一段冷巷36號 No.36, Lileng Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City 62
Enjoy Shao Lai river valley besides the Shao Lai drawbridge and a moment of peacefulness. It is just what a traveler on a refilling vacation needs.
+886-4-25951001|和平區東關路一段116-2號 No.116-2, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City OPEN / 週一、週二 11:00am-5:00pm 週五 11:00am-8:00pm 週六、日(例假日)10:30am-8:30pm 週三、四公休
臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
Kukuan Commercial District 13
明高溫泉養生會館 Mingao Spring Hotel
全館客房均提供谷關無色無味之優質碳酸原 湯,並取用八仙山之山冷泉供蒞臨貴賓沐浴及飲 水使用。 Offers excellent odorless and colorless Guguan carbon acid spring in all rooms, and provides guests with Bashian mountain cold spring water for bathing and drinking.
Li Chih Thanl Thuei Hot Spring & Resort
谷關地區溫泉飯店,白色歐式建築之谷關飯 店,空氣清新蟲鳴鳥叫與松木芬多精繚繞,提供 谷關住宿、溫泉與美食。 White European style Guguan hotel with fresh air, sounds of birds and insect and surrounded by pine phytoncide. Offers accommodations, hot spring and cuisine. +886-4-25941212|和平區東關路一段分校巷31號 No.31, Fenxiao Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-25941117|和平區東關路一段92號 No.92, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City
Jin Gu Restaurant
是可容納一百多人的大餐廳,特色餐飲除山產 野味之外,活鱒魚三吃也是本店的招牌。經濟合 菜、快餐、包辦宴席。 A large restaurant accommodating over one hundred people, it features mountain games as well as trout prepared three-ways.
Yu Fan Fresh Fish Hakka Restaurat
30多年客家料理老店,廣受當地人的推薦, 除了活魚料理,還有提供蟲蟲料理,將蟋蟀、蜂 蛹、螞蟻等入菜,挑戰您的膽識與味雷。 This 30 year old Hakkai restaurant is widely popular among locals. Besides fresh fish dishes, it also offers insect dishes, challenging your courage and palate with crickets, bee pupae and ants. +886-4-25951079|和平區東關路一段141號 No.141, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City OPEN / 週一~週日 9:00am-9:00pm
+886-4-25951388|和平區東關路一段132號 No.132, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City OPEN / 週一~週日 10:00am-10:00pm
臺中市政府經濟發展局 廣告
規矩能量鍋行家 林木榮
台灣富氫水機行家 張振文
台灣能量晶片行家 李朝雄
台灣生物科技行家 游凱玲
台灣生基開運行家 詹順榮
交通部「2017台灣自行車節」全國5大主題活動之一的「0K台灣.台中自行車嘉 年華」系列活動即將展開啦!結合9月23、24日「捷安特嘉年華」、10月1日「台中 騎旅」及11月26日「時代騎輪節」三大活動,內容精彩可期! 9月23、24日於中科水崛頭公園舉行的「捷安特嘉年華」,活動結合台中科學園 區內的場地與周邊道路,推出涵蓋挑戰、競賽、女性、兒童及親子等六大項活動。 10月1日登場的則是台中市民廣場的「2017台中騎旅-單車產業暨野餐嘉年華」。 有超過50攤的單車及休閒用品展售、二手車區及維修區,還有展示台中自行車優良 產業創業艱辛歷程的故事館。現場「單車野餐」、「Push Bike創意競賽」及「20公 尺慢騎競賽」等活動,也開放民眾報名,受到民眾熱烈歡迎! 壓軸的「時代騎輪節」11月26日於台中市府廣場舉辦,規劃榮耀台中100K路線, 途經許多台中景點,不但適合休閒單車運動,也有自我挑戰自行程競賽。活動精彩 豐富,歡迎大家不要錯過喔!
臺中市政府觀光旅遊局 廣告