愛玩中台灣vol 6

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el i n Trav entral Taiwa n c 愛玩台灣報

ぶ 台湾中部を遊


타이완 중부 즐기기

Vui chơi khắp Đài Trung

ทองเที่ยวภาคกลางของไตหวัน Senang bermain di Taiwan





▲ 中台灣春節遊精選行程 Recommended itineraries in central Taiwan on Spring Festival ▲ 影視新景點│跟著花甲大人轉男孩遊台中 New Scenic Spot off the TV : Tour Around Taichung Following Back to the Good Times 花甲大人轉男孩-劇照 / 氧氣電影提供


vol.6 冬季刊

鎮瀾兒童家園是無數個雙手, 搭蓋起來的家園,遮風、擋雨 只讓陽光灑進來。在這裡每個 孩子都是寶貝,不再遭遇孤單 和困苦,這裡也是一個培植愛 的花園,媽祖的大愛,在每一 個小小的心田裡播下了種子。


鎮瀾兒童家園收容來自全省孤苦失依的兒童, 請伸出雙手,讓我們一起幫助這群媽祖的孩子, 您可以透過以下途徑,加入我們愛的行列∼

新光銀行 大甲分行 帳號:0374-10-100388-5 福利 戶名:財團法人大甲媽社會 兒童家園 鎮瀾 私立 中市 設臺 會附 基金

1. 認養:認養單一兒童,每月固定1000元資助。 2.助養:助養兒童群,每月不限金額資助,不限期間。 3.贊助會員:依自身經濟能力,不限金額捐助。 4.榮譽會員:一次捐助金額新台幣拾萬元,即可成為本家園榮譽會員。 5.發票募集:(1)募集發票,收集後可寄至本家園。 (2)認養發票箱寶寶,提供場地空間放置發票箱募集發票。 6.物資捐贈:包含所有食、衣、住、行、育、樂等生活所需。 7.志工召募: 課輔、文書、活動、行政、保母、才藝等志工 捐款方式:(1)郵政劃撥 (2)信用卡或銀行定期自動扣款 (3)電匯 (4)現金或支票 (5)親臨本家園繳納

網站:http://www.dajiama.org.tw 台中市大甲區橫圳街163號 電話:04-26763788

鎮瀾兒童家園 是收容來自全省0-18歲失依兒童的安置機構, 成立於2008年,如今邁入第九個年頭,目前園內收容百 餘位失依兒童。

什麼是「失依」兒童? 孤兒或家庭暴力或家人入獄等失去依靠的兒童 這些都是需要大家伸出援手幫忙的。 近年來,因為大環境的不景氣,使得募款越來越困難、逐年減少中,因此,我們

成立了「買足購物網」,「買足購物網」的收入扣除營銷將全額捐助給「鎮 瀾兒童家園」的小朋友,藉以建立「鎮瀾兒童家園」的財務自主、減少家園對募款 的依賴,「買足購物網」也提供企業實習名額予「鎮瀾兒童家園」的自立青年藉以 使其適應社會生活。 每天有無數人在網路購物,而卻很少有人在網路購物並同時做公益? 買足購物網結合公益、信仰並積極宣導台灣文創產業、維護媽祖信仰,傳承台灣 最美好的文化感動力,挑選品質優良的商品於網路上販售,啟動善的循環。 網站上的每一筆訂單收益都會用來幫助兒童家園小朋友成長, 你、我、他,任何人在網站上挑選自己所需要的物品, 每一筆成交訂單都順手做了公益。

#一起啟動善的循環 #做善事原來這麼簡單


福犬迎新年 春遊中台灣 Blissful Dog Ushers in New Year Visit Central Taiwan for New Year Outings 秋去冬來、2017 年已接近尾聲,全世界華人最重要的傳統節日-農曆新年也即將到 來,接下來正逢春暖花開的元宵佳節,就是闔家出遊走春的最佳時刻。 由於元宵節又稱為小過年,因此全臺各地均透過賞花燈、猜燈謎或放天燈及蜂炮等 多元型態,舉辦「臺灣慶元宵」系列活動,以延續農曆新年的節慶氛圍。包括中台灣各 縣市因曾陸續與交通部觀光局共同主辦「台灣燈會」,因此運用辦理經驗,分別結合當 地觀光特色、產業創意與 2018 年的值年生肖-犬,規劃各具特色的縣市燈會活動。 依據交通部觀光局統計,2017 年 1 至 11 月馬來西亞入境台灣旅客超過 45 萬人次, 為東南亞各國之首,亦較去年同期成長 12%,顯示馬來西亞旅客對台灣的喜愛度持續 增加;然而為邀請更多東南亞的好朋友旅行台灣,我們建議大家把握新春好時光,走訪 中台灣,規劃一趟「日賞百花爭妍、夜觀璀璨花燈」的豐富行程,保證讓您體驗不一樣 的美麗台灣! As autumn turns into winter and Year 2017 is drawing to an end, the most important traditional holiday for all Chinese in the world, the Chinese New Year, is soon upon us. What follows is the Lantern Festival accompanied by spring blossoms and warmer temperatures, a season most ideal for family outings. As Lantern Festival is also called mini Chinese New Year, celebrations of diverse forms are in place all over Taiwan to mark the occasion, such as admiring flower lanterns, lantern riddles, releasing sky lanterns and beehive firecrackers. This series of “Taiwan Lantern Festival Celebration” is intended to extend the festive atmosphere of the Chinese Lunar New Year. Various counties/cities in central Taiwan have previously co-organized Taiwan Lantern Festival with the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and thus utilize the experience to plan their own featured city/county lantern festivals, combining local tourism characteristics and industry creativity to usher in 2018, the Year of Dog. According to statistics by the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the number of tourists from Malaysia that visited Taiwan between January and November 2017 has exceeded 450,000, topping all Southeast Asian countries, growing by 12% from the same period of the previous year. This shows that Malaysian tourists are growing increasingly fond of Taiwan. To invite more friends from Southeast Asian countries, we advise you all to take advantage of this spring holiday and visit central Taiwan. We have planned a funpacked itinerary, “Admire the Fabulous Flowers by Day and Watch the Dazzling Flower Lanterns at Night”, to ensure you will experience an alternative, beautiful trip in Taiwan! 交通部觀光局駐吉隆坡辦事處主任 2


中臺灣踩春 體驗傳統節慶之美 สัมผัสกับความงามแบบดั้งเดิมของไต้หวันตอนกลางณช่วงฤดูใบไม้ผลิ 自 105 年開放泰國來台免簽證後,來台觀光的泰國旅客人數節節上升,106 年上半 年,相較於 105 年同期,成長幅度更高達八成,可說是訪台遊客中的新起之秀。 時逢農曆春節,比起車水馬龍的北部大都市,中臺灣擁有優越的地理位置及豐沛的 自然資源,同時也有深厚的人文底蘊與素養,是春節走春、體會年節氣氛的不二之選。 像是到臺中武陵農場或是南投九族賞櫻,或是到苗栗大湖採草莓,都是春季十分受歡迎 的行程。參訪臺中百年宮廟、品嘗彰化在地小吃、走覽各地燈會等,更是親身體驗臺灣 文化的好機會。春季乍暖還寒之時,則不妨至苗栗泰安、南投埔里或是臺中的谷關、大 坑等地享受泡湯之樂,讓您暖身也暖心。 期待今年的春節,與您在中臺灣歡喜相逢、共迎新春! นับตั้งแต่เริ่มให้วีซ่าฟรีไปไต้หวันสำ�หรับผู้ที่ถือหนังสือเดินทางประเทศไทยในปี๒๕๕๙ จำ�นวนนักท่องเที่ยวประเทศไทยที่ไปยังไต้หวันได้เพิ่มขึ้นอย่างต่อเนื่อง เมื่อเทียบกับช่วงเวลาเดียวกันในปี๒๕๕๙แล้ว ในช่ ว งครึ ่ ง แรกของปี ๒ ๕๖๐ อั ต ราการจำ � นวนนั ก ท่ อ งเที ่ ย วไทยที ่ ไ ปยั ง ไต้ ห วั น ได้ เ พิ ่ ม ขึ ้ น ถึ ง ๘๐เปอร์ เ ช็ น ต์ สามารถกล่าวได้ว่าเป็นจำ�นวนพวกกลุ่มใหม่จากหมู่นักท่องเที่ยวที่ไปเยี่ยมชมไต้หวัน เนื ่ อ งในช่ ว งเทศกาลตรุ ษ จี น เมื ่ อ เที ย บกั บ เมื อ งทางเหนื อ ของไต้ ห วั น ที ่ ม ั ก จะเต็ ม ไปด้ ว ยผู ้ ค นและรถรา ตอนกลางของไต้ ห วั น ในฐานะที ่ ม ี ท างภู ม ิ ศ าสตร์ ท ี ่ ย อดเยี ่ ย มและทรั พ ยากรธรรมชาติ ท ี ่ อ ุ ด มสมบู ร ณ์ รวมทั ้ ง ยั ง มี ม รดกทางวั ฒ นธรรมที ่ ล ะเอี ย ดและลึ ก ซึ ้ ง ซึ ่ ง เป็ น ทางเลื อ กที ่ ด ี ท ี ่ ส ุ ด สำ � หรั บ มาสั ม ผั ส ฤดู ใ บไม้ ผ ลิ กั บ ประสบการณ์ ก ารเฉลิ ม ฉลองในช่ ว งเทศกาลตรุ ษ จี น ยกตั ว อย่ า งเช่ น ไปเยื อ นฟาร์ ม อู ่ ห ลิ ง ในเมื อ งไถจง หรือชมดอกซากูระที่หมู่บ้านวัฒนธรรมเก้าชนเผ่าเมืองหนานโถว หรือไปเก็บลูกสตรอเบอร์รี่ที่ต้าหูเมืองเหมียวลี่ ทั ้ ง หมดเป็ น ที ่ ๆ นิ ย มอย่ า งมากในการเดิ น ทางไปเยี ่ ย มช่ ว งฤดู ใ บไม้ ผ ลิ เยี ่ ย มชมวั ด เก่ า เกิ น ร้ อ ยปี ใ นเมื อ งไทจง ชิ ม อาหารพื ้ น เมื อ งที ่ เ มื อ งจังฮัว แวะเที ่ ย วเทศกาลโคมไฟแต่ ล ะถิ ่ น ที ่ ฯลฯ ซึ่งเป็นโอกาสดีที่จะได้มาสัมผัสกับวัฒนธรรมไต้หวันด้วยตนเอง เมื่อช่วงฤดูใบไม้ผลิ อากาศที่หนาวเย็นจะเริ่มเปลี่ยนเป็นอบอุ่น คุณอาจจะลองแวะเยี่ยมไท้อันที่เมืองเหมียวลี่ หรื อ ผู ห ลี ่ ท ี ่ เ มื อ งหนานโถว หรื อ กู ่ ก วนกั บ ต้ า โคงที ่ เ มื อ งไถจง หรื อ สถานที ่ อ ื ่ น ๆ มาเพลิดเพลินกับการอาบแช่นำ้ �แร่ เพื่อให้เพื่อน ๆ จากประเทศไทยจะได้พร้อมทั้งอุน ่ กาย และอุ่นใจ หวังว่าเทศกาลตรุษจีนปีนี้ จะได้พบท่านณที่ไต้หวันตอนกลางด้วยความเปี่ยมสุขและร่วมกันต้อนรับสู่ฤดูใบไม้ผลิ!



影視結合觀光 再創地方新發展 Re-launch regional development by combining tourism and TV & movies 在電視劇「花甲男孩轉大人」爆紅之前,很多人都不知道原來臺中有這麼純樸、 令人心儀的美景,像是大肚區的瑞井社區與瑞安宮、外埔的忘憂谷、還有梧棲的 老街……等等。拍攝景點的曝光,其實是影劇能夠為地方帶來的最好宣傳與行銷。 透過影劇掀起的熱潮,能夠有效帶動觀光客到地方一探究竟,將在地的文化資產 與觀光資源結合,更能夠讓人潮不斷回流,創造地方經濟。 臺中有深厚的文化底蘊與資產,很多地方都是影視取景的好地點,政府應大力 扶植影視產業,透過文化與媒體的力量來行銷臺中。除此之外,創新科技與網際 網路的運用,也是讓資訊發酵與流通的管道,若是能夠把握模式、抓住影視宣傳 的黃金時期,必能為地方觀光帶來良好的發展與循環。

Before the TV drama “A Boy Named Flora A” shot to fame, many people were not aware of such rustic, compelling, beautiful landscapes in Taichung as Reijing Community and Reian Temple in Dadu District, Waipu’s Wangyou Valley, Wuqi’s Old Street and so on. The exposure of filming sites is actually best for regional tourism promotion and marketing. Riding on the TV/movie bandwagon, tourists can be effectively led to explore these regional venues. Local cultural assets and tourism resources can thus be combined to continuously lure in crowds and boost local economy. Taichung is blessed with solid cultural heritages offering many places for great TV & movie filming sites. The government is pouring efforts in nurturing TV & movie industry hoping to promote Taichung via the force of media and culture. Further, the use of innovative technologies and Internet serves as great channel for information transmission. If we can tag on to the golden promotional periods of TV & movies, we shall bring in great development and cycles for local tourism.



以瑰麗影像傳遞臺中之美 Transmit the beauty of Taichung with fabulous images 《花甲男孩轉大人》作為 2017 年收視率與討論度極高的電視劇,其所產生的 影響,除了劇組乘勝追擊製拍電影《花甲大人轉男孩》外,其拍攝的重要外景地 之一臺中市龍井區瑞井社區樸實無華的土角厝深長狹隘的巷弄,為觀眾們所驚艷, 成為了遊客拍攝與探尋的熱門地區。 過去因影視作品的轟動效應,讓原本的尋常無奇、鮮為人知的地景,瞬間成為 熱門觀光景點,最富盛名的例證就是《悲情城市》讓九份從一個業已沉寂空蕩的 小山城,湧進魚貫人潮,頓時成為自拍打卡熱區。 由於影視作品的受歡迎,讓居民與有榮焉重新對其長年生活的土地有了更多的 愛與光榮感──這也是臺中市影視發展基金會致力引介劇組到台中拍片取景的目 的,讓世界各地的的影視創作者發現台中之美,把台中之美通過影視的強大傳播 力與感染力介紹給世界的期盼與任務。

As a much talked-about TV drama with exceptionally high ratings in 2017, “A Boy Named Flora A” has had such a huge impact that its production team is now well under way shooting the sequel, “Back to the Good Times”, in Taichung City. One of its key filming sites is the narrow winding alleyways amongst rustic selfeffacing rammed earth houses in Dadu District’s Reijing Community, which has left the audience amazed and overawed. The community has since become a hot spot where tourists explore and take pictures. An originally plain and little known landscape would suddenly become a hot spot for tourists owing to a popular TV or movie. Previous examples include the movie, “A City of Sadness”, which turned Jiufen from a little quiet desolate hillside town into a selfie-taking, check-in hot zone, with crowds of people swarming in. As the TV/film gains popularity, the residents can feel love and pride for the place they have long lived in. Such is the objective that prompts Taichung Film Development Foundation to dedicate to introducing production teams to filming in Taichung and for the TV/film artists across the globe to discover and transmit the beauty of Taichung to the world via the powerful influence of broadcasting.

臺中市影視發展基金會 執行長

林盈志 5

捐贈愛心目標義賣10萬元 傳遞幸福溫度助學童

TTHA (Taichung Tourism Hotel Association) leads a group of 5-star hotel chefs to demonstrate goodwill and compassion to students at Taichung special education school. Charity Sale Target TWD. 100,000 to help students in need

台中市觀光旅館商業同業公會於2017年12月5日 號召台中市10家飯店星級主廚及主管來到臺中市 立啟聰學校,教導30位學生DIY製作巧克力耶誕樹 ,公會並捐贈城堡造型的大型薑餅屋,盼讓孩子們 感受愉快歡樂的氛圍。 除了DIY製作巧克力耶誕樹教學外,另有8家飯店攜手舉辦「讓愛聽見 耶誕 義賣活動」,包括全國大飯店、台中長榮桂冠酒店、台中福華大飯店、裕元花 園酒店、台中亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、台中日光溫泉度假酒店、台中日月 千禧酒店等推出耶誕小物義賣均一價新台幣200元,目標將捐出10萬元給啟聰 學童,傳遞台中市幸福城市溫暖的佳節祝福。 Taichung Tourist Hotel Association (TTHA) called for star chefs from 10 member hotels to come to Taichung Special School for the Students with Hearing Impairments on 5th Dec, 2017 and taught 30 students how to DIY chocolate Christmas trees. TTHA also donated large-scale gingerbread houses to bring the festival atmosphere for the children. In addition to teaching how to DIY chocolate Christmas trees, eight member hotels have participated in the「Show your love, Christmas Charity Sale」event, including Hotel National, Evergreen Laurel Hotel (Taichung), Howard Prince Hotel Taichung, Windsor Hotel Taichung, The Landis Taichung, Freshfields, the Sun Hot Spring & Resort and Millennium Hotel Taichung. The member hotels will display Christmas gifts for charity sale at TWD. 200 per item and the goal is to raise TWD. 100,000 for the hearing-impaired students as a festival greeting from Taichung, the city of Happiness.

更多資訊請上官網 http:// ttha-taichung.org.tw For more information please visit our website: http:// ttha-taichung.org.tw

目錄 推薦序 p02 Recommendation Sequence 目錄 p07 Contents 中台灣春節遊精選行程│中彰投苗 p08 Recommended itineraries in central Taiwan on Spring Festival Taichung, Changhua, Nantou, Miaoli

影視新景點│跟著「花甲大人轉男孩」遊台中 p29 New Scenic Spot off the TV Around Taichung Following “Back to the Good Times”

名人帶路│尋找台中山區的祕境故事 p34 Led by Celebrity

Searching for the mysterious story in Taichung mountain area

名人帶路│享受台中市屯區的浪漫生活 p44 Led by Celebrity Enjoy the romantic life in Taichung Datun area

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中台灣 春節遊

Recommended itineraries in central Taiwan al on Spring Festiv 台中 Taichung 南投 Nantou 彰化 Changhua 苗栗 Miaoli

每年二月為台灣農曆過年,一年一度的春節假期必遊中台灣精選行程:台中走 訪百年廟宇和欣賞櫻花季,彰化遊玩觀光工廠和品嚐在地小吃,南投絕不錯過溫 泉季,苗栗體驗慢活的自然風光。歡迎來中台灣感受年節的熱鬧氣氛!

The Lunar New Year comes every February. Here are the recommended itineraries in central Taiwan for the Spring Festival holiday: Visit the centuryold temples and appreciate the cherry blossoms in Taichung, explore tourism factories and taste native food in Changhua, enjoy a hot spa in Nantou, and experience LOHAS in the natural scenery of Miaoli. Welcome to central Taiwan, feel the fun and jolly Spring Festival in central Taiwan.


台中 Taichung

賞燈|台中燈會燈光燦爛 Lanterns: Brilliance of the Taichung Lantern Festival

台中燈會為春節重頭戲,每年於元宵節 (農曆正月十五)前後舉辦,建造壯觀絢 爛的生肖主燈和小型副燈,搭配在地味的 多元攤位,成為春節必遊行程之一。

As a highlight of the Spring Festival, the Taichung Lantern Festival is held around the Yuanxiao (Lantern) Festival (January 15 on the lunar calendar). With the splendid and exquisite master lantern of the animal of the year in the Chinese animal zodiac and other support lanterns, and along with the different stalls selling authentic local food, the Taichung Lantern Festival is one of the must-visit attractions.

預計舉辦地點為:台中公園、葫蘆墩公園及港 區藝術中心,實際地點以主辦單位台中市政府 (+886-4-2228-9111) 公告為主。 The venue is expected to: Taichung Park, Huludun Park and Seaport Art Center, the actual location with the main organizer of Taichung City Government announcement.


台中 Taichung

參拜|訪百年廟宇過好年 Worship: Blessings from the century-old temples

走訪廟宇為春節傳統,每年吸引眾多遊 客來廟宇祈求新年好運,以下推薦四座台 中百年廟宇:樂成宮興建於 1790 年,主 祀媽祖,另有月下老人特別靈驗,可求取 良好姻緣;萬春宮興建於 1789 年,主祀 媽祖,宮內可見頭戴草笠的石獅,為一大 特色;萬和宮興建於 1684 年,主祀媽祖, 後殿廂房有一百年的神轎,做工細緻、金 碧輝煌;大甲鎮瀾宮建於 1732 年,每逢 四月媽祖遶境最為熱鬧,更被列為世界三 大宗教盛事之一。

Visiting temples during Chinese New Year is a tradition in Taiwan. Many visitors go to temples and pray for good luck throughout the year. Let us recommend four century-old temples in Taichung to you. They all worship Mazu, the Chinese goddess of sea. Leh Cherng Temple was built in 1790. You can also worship God of Love there. Many people said it is very efficacious. Wan Chuen Temple was built in 1789. The Stone Lion statue wearing a straw hat is the specialty of this temple. Wan He Temple was built in 1684. There is a god’s palanquin at the opisthodomos. It looks very detailed and magnificent. Dajia Jenn Lann Temple was built in 1732. In Aprils, people come here for the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage Procession which is one of the world’s biggest religious events. 萬春宮 Wan Chuen Gung 10

+886-4-2224-5964 台中市中區成功路212號 No.212, Chenggong Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

大甲鎮瀾宮 Dajia Jenn Lann +886-4-2676-3522 台中市大甲區順天路158號 No.158, Shuntian Rd., Dajia Dist., Taichung City

樂成宮 Leh Cherng Temple +886-4-2211-1928 台中市東區旱溪街48號 No.48, Hanxi St., East Dist., Taichung City

萬和宮 Wanhe Temple +886-4-2389-3285 台中市南屯區萬和路一段51號 No.51, Sec. 1, Wanhe Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City

台中 Taichung

后豐鐵馬道 Houfong Bikeway 台中市后里區寺山路41號 No.41, Sishan Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City

花樑鋼橋 Hualiang Steel Bridge

踏青|自行車道上追風 Outing: Chasing wind along the bikeway

好天氣適合踏青,台中自行車道以東豐自行車綠廊和后豐鐵馬道最為知名,兩 自行車道為舊鐵道改建,可互相串連,加總長達 16.5 公里,沿路行經大甲溪、石 岡水壩、花樑鋼橋、九號隧道等景點,兼具田園和溪水風光。

It is time for an outing when the weather is fine. The Dongfeng Green Bicycle Way and Hofeng Green Bicycle Way are two of the most famous bikeways in Taichung. These two interlinking bikeways, which are a total of 16.5km long, were reconstructed from the old railways. They run across attractions including the Dajia River, Shihgang Dam, Dajia Steel Bridge and Tunnel No. 9, which are idyllic pastoral and river scenes. 東豐自行車綠廊 Dong-Feng Bikeway 台中市東勢區中山路1號 No.1, Zhongshan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City 其他推薦景點 Other Hot Spot 麗寶樂園 Lihpao Land (+886-4-2558-2459) 星月大地 Star Moon Land (+886-4-2683-1671)




台中 Taichung

賞花|櫻花與花海齊綻放 Flowers: Splendor of the cherry blossoms and flower sea

冬末春初,台中賞櫻景點以山區為主,其中武陵農場最為熱門,因位居深山、 路途遙遠,建議提早訂房,才能愉快欣賞滿山綻放的櫻花美景。除自行開車外, 亦可從台北、宜蘭、豐原搭乘客運前往。 若要欣賞花海,中社觀光花市為絕佳選擇,園區戶外花海佔地達六公頃,春節 花卉多為:波斯菊、鬱金香、百合、海芋、鳳仙花等種類,搭配浪漫造景,適合 闔家前往觀賞。現場亦有花卉盆栽販售。

At the turn from winter to spring, the cherry blossoms bloom across the mountain in Taichung. The Wuling Farm is the most popular attraction. Since the farm is located far away deep in the mountain, visitors are recommended to book accommodations earlier to joyously enjoy the blooming cherry blossoms. In addition to driving, visitors can take coach from Taipei, Yilan and Fengyuan to get there. The Chung She Flower Garden is the best choice to enjoy the flower sea. Park outdoor flowers occupy six hectares. Major types of spring flowers are the garden cosmos, the tulip, the lily, the calla lily and the garden balsam. The garden has a romantic setting but is also ideal for family visits. Pot plants are available for sale in the garden.

中社觀光花市 Chung-she Flower Garden +886-4-2557-6926 台中市后里區三豐路五段333號 No.333, Sec. 5, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City



台中 Taichung

武陵農場 Wuling Farm +886-4-2590-1259 台中市和平區平等里武陵路3-1號 No.3-1, Wuling Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City

八仙山森林遊樂區 Basianshan Forest Recreation Area +886-4-2595-1214 台中市和平區東關路一段200之8號 No.200-8, Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City

其他推薦景點 Other Hot Spot 東勢林場遊樂區 Dongshi Forest Park (+886-4-2587-2191) 新社區公所 Xingshe District office (+886-4-2581-1111) 櫻花鳥森林 Sakura Forest (+886-4-2581-5662)


輕井沢足體-用心打造頂級高質感會館 提供足體按摩和全身指壓,修腳皮與指甲等服務 佔地1300坪,挑高8米的大眾足浴區 共有48座獨立電動沙發椅 57間的個人足浴及身體包廂 整體建築以原木暖色系建材添加空間溫度 搭配黑白灰大理石點綴 呈現高貴典雅的現代設計風格 讓每位貴賓都能沉澱情緒、舒緩一身的疲憊

Footmassage Of SHANGHA creates the high quality foot massage center Offering foot massage, whole body shiatsu, foot cuticle repair and manicure etc. The public area for foot massage covers an area of 4297.8 square meters and it has 8 meters high ceiling. There are 48 single automatic sofas, 57 private rooms for foot massage and whole body massage. The entire building was built with warm wood color construction materials. Combining black, white and gray marble, it made the building look very elegant. Making our VIPs feel calm and relieving their tiredness are our goals.

+886-4-22586333 / 台中市西屯區市政路581-5號 No.581-5, Shizheng Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City

彰化 Changhua

賞花|在地花卉博覽會 Flowers: Local flora exposition

溪州公園擁有公園區、苗木區及森林區, 面積廣大且栽種豐富的花草,適合乘騎自行 車和放風箏,而「2018 花在彰化」活動亦於 2/16 至 3/3 在此盛大舉辦,屆時將展出各式 彰化在地花卉,爭奇鬥艷。

The Xizhou Park is divided into three zones: the park, the seedling and the forest zones. It is spacious and has a wide variety of plants, suitable for cycling and flying kites. The 2018 Flora Expo in Changhua will be held between February 16 and March 3. All kinds of flowers from Changhua will compete in terms of uniqueness and attractiveness.

▲ 照片由彰化縣政府提供

溪州公園 Xizhou Park 彰化縣溪州鄉中央路三段138號 No.138, Sec. 3, Zhongyang Rd., Xizhou Township, Changhua County

實際活動內容以主辦單位彰化縣政府 (+886-4-722-2151) 公告為主。 Actual event contents are subject to the notice of the Changhua County Government. (+886-4-722-2151)


彰化 Changhua

體驗|台灣好行彰南線 Experience: Southern Changhua Route of the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle

搭 乘 台 灣 好 行 彰 南 線, 可 一 路 玩 遍 各 種 觀 光 工廠,如:以呼吸知識與口罩產業為主題的華新 MASK 創意生活館;製造無毒彩繪顏料的愛玩色創 意館;聚集彰化各鄉鎮農特產的彰化百寶村;展現 稻米文化的台灣穀堡,皆適合闔家光臨。

華新MASK創意生活館 Motex Mask

Take the Southern Changhua Route of the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle to explore all kinds of tourism factories. These tourism factories include the Motex Mask Creative House that specializes in breathing knowledge and mask production, Evins’ Color Fun Gallery that manufactures toxin-free pigments, the Changhua Souvenir Center that sells all agricultural specialties from all townships and towns in Changhua, and the Taiwan Rice Castle that demonstrates the rice culture. They are all great for family tours. 詳細票價與車班請洽: 員林客運 +886-4-832-0320。 Detailed fare and car classes, please contact: Yuanlin Bus+886-4-832-032

台灣優格餅乾學院 Taiwan You Good School of Cookie

台灣穀堡稻米觀光工廠 Taiwan Rice Castle

彰化百寶村 Changhua Souvenir Center

愛玩色創意館 Color Taiwan


彰化 Changhua

路線亦包含彰化在地景觀,像是:充滿 窯燒貓咪的田中貓村、可以騎腳踏車的田 尾公路花園、擁有悠久歷史的北斗老街, 搭乘彰南線讓一日小旅行輕鬆出遊!

田尾公路花園 Tianwei Road Garden

The route also runs across the landscapes in Changhua, such as the Tianzhong Cat Village filled with kilned cats, Tianwei Road Garden for cycling and the Beidou Old Street. Take the Southern Changhua Route for a relaxing excursion.

必玩 景點

台灣穀堡稻米觀光工廠 Taiwan Rice Castle

▲台灣第一間以米食為主題的觀光工廠 ▲海內外團體來台必遊的國際級觀光工廠 ▲體驗台灣稻米文化必訪的知性與感性場域 ▲行家必玩「爆米香DIY」挑動你的五感神經 ▲多款獨家米食商品等你來品嚐 ◆The first tourism factory of rice in Taiwan ◆The well-known tourism factory that you should visit ◆The place you must visit if you want to feel the intellectual and emotional rice cultures in Taiwan ◆You must experience "Puffed-rice DIY" It will stimulate your senses ◆Come and taste various special foods made by rice

+886-4-8926088 / 彰化縣埤頭鄉彰水路2段526號 No.526, Sec. 2, Zhangshui Rd., Pitou Township 17

彰化 Changhua

體驗|台灣好行清水岩線 Experience: Chingshuiyen Route of the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle

搭乘台灣好行清水岩線,以清水岩森林遊樂區為主,周邊有古道、清水岩寺值 得一訪,另外還有襪子觀光工廠-樂活襪之鄉博物館、襪子王觀光工廠,以及福 井鐵道文物館,展現在地產業特色。

The Cingshuiyen Forest Recreation Area is the main attraction of the Chingshuiyen Route of the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle. Other nearby sights include the ancient trail and Chingshuiyen Temple are worthy to visit. Sock tourism factories including the LOHO Sock Museum (Broadwood function Hosiery Co., Ltd.) and the Soxlink Functional Wear Tourism Factory, and the Fujin Railway Museum are great spots to explore the local characteristics. 詳細票價與車班請洽:員林客運 +886-4-832-0320。 Detailed fare and car classes, please contact: Yuanlin Bus+886-4-832-032

福井鐵道文物館 Fujin Railway Museum 清水岩 Chingshuiyen



▲ 照片由樂活觀光襪廠提供

彰化 Changhua

食味|嚐遍彰化小吃 Food: The palette of Changhua native food

彰化小吃味美小巧,絕對讓你吃到欲罷不能!像是:外皮 Q 彈、內餡料多的北 斗肉圓;肉塊滷得道地入味的爌肉飯;湯頭特殊濃郁的貓鼠麵;口感綿密的碗粿; 或是外皮白嫩、內餡多汁的肉包等,都是融入人文風情的美味小吃。 另外,彰化海線有海港直送的蚵仔煎、蚵嗲,鹿港有鳳眼糕和牛舌餅等傳統甜 點,展現豐富的美食文化。

The native food of Changhua are so tasty and exquisite, you can never stop eating them! Like the Beidou meat dumplings featuring al dente wrappers and filled with filling, the authentic Taiwanese braised pork over rice, the niáu-chhú (cat-rat) noodle soup with a rich-flavored soup base, the bowl rice cake (salty rice pudding) with a velvety texture, and the meat bud with a tender wrapper and juicy filling. Each one is a tasty native specialty that blends with the local culture.


In addition, along the coastline of Changhua, there are the Taiwanese oyster omelet and oyster fritters, made with fresh oysters directly from the fishing harbor. There are also traditional sweets like the phoenix eye cake (made of milled rice and white sugar) and the ox-tongue cake with maltose filling in Lukang, demonstrating the diversity of the native food in Changhua.

麵線糊 肉圓



南投 Nantou

泡湯|溫泉暖心迎冬季 Spa: Warming body with a spa during winter

2018 南投溫泉季以東埔溫泉、北港溪溫泉和埔里溫泉為主。東埔溫泉鄰近玉山 國家公園,泉水擁有清除疲勞、促進健康等療效,可順遊八通關古道、彩虹瀑布 和情人谷。 北港溪溫泉位於北港溪旁泰雅渡假村內,其同時擁有熱泉和冷泉,泉水可沐浴 或飲用,可順遊惠蓀林場和清流部落。埔里溫泉為「九二一震出的湯」,富含改 善膚質的礦物質,又因埔里花卉產量居全國之冠,擁有「花之湯」的美名。

The Dongpu Hot Spring, Beigang Hot Spring and Puli Hot Spring are features of the 2018 Nantou Hot Spring Season. The Donpou Hot Spring sits near the Yushan National Park with spring water that can relieve fatigue and promote health. After experiencing a great spa, visitors can continue the trip to the Batongguan Historic Trail, the Rainbow Waterfall and the Dalat Valley of Love (Vallee d’amour). The Beigang Hot Spring is located in the Atayal Resort by the Beigang River. The spring area has both hot and cold springs. In addition to bathing, the spring water is also ready for drinking. Visitors can also continue on a trip to the Huisun Forest and the Qingliu Tribe (Alan Gluban). The Puli Spring is a hot spring born after the 1999 Chi-chi Earthquake. The spring water contains rich minerals to improve the skin. As Puli has the highest flower output in Taiwan, the spring is also called the Flower Spa. ▲ 照片由馥麗溫泉大飯店提供

東埔溫泉 Dongpu Hot Spring 南投縣信義鄉開高巷 Kaigao Ln., Xinyi Township, Nantou County

北港溪溫泉 Beigan River Hot Spring 南投縣國姓鄉北港村北原路 Beiyuan Rd., Guoxing Township, Nantou County 溫泉池


埔里溫泉 Puli Hot Spring 南投縣埔里鎮 Puli Township, Nantou County

南投 Nantou

賞燈|水上燈區在南投 Lanterns: Water lantern show in Nantou

每年舉辦的南投燈會,今年擴大範圍,除了於南投會展中心設置主燈區、沙雕 藝術文化園區開闢第二燈區,並於埔里鎮枇杷大排首創水上燈區,展現地方特色。 燈區位於貓羅溪旁,河床將種植花卉,營造璀璨燈河和河岸花海的雙重美景, 並預計邀請大陸表演團體,表演銅梁火龍和陝西腰鼓,熱鬧可期。

The scale of the annual Nantou Lantern Festival will be expanded in 2018. In addition to the main lantern area at the Nantou County Expo Center, a second lantern area is planned at the Sand Sculpture Arts Culture Park and a water lantern area will be pioneered at the Pipa Drainage in Puli Town to demonstrate local characteristics. The water lantern area sits next to the Maoluo River where flowers are grown on the riverbed to build a dual view consisting of a flaring lantern river and a flower sea on the river bank. Chinese performing groups will conduct performances of the Fire Dragon Dance and the Shaanxi Waist Drum Dance, fun and excitement are expected.

▲ 照片由南投縣府提供 實際活動內容以主辦單位南投縣政府 (+886-49-222-2106) 公告為主。 Actual event contents are subject to the notice of the Nantou County Government.(+886-49-222-2106)


南投 Nantou

賞花|滿山粉紅櫻花 Flowers: Pink cherry blossoms across the mountain

九族櫻花祭每年二月吸引眾多賞花人潮,園內遍植八重櫻、吉野櫻、富士櫻, 接連盛開,乘坐纜車還能俯瞰滿山櫻花盛景,若到晚上還有夜櫻可賞,而遊樂設 施和原住民文化體驗當然也不容錯過。

Every February, the Sakura Festival of the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village attracts packs of visitors to watch different kinds of cherry blossoms (sakura in Japanese), including the Yaezakura, the Yoshino Sakura and the Fuji Sakura, which bloom one after another. On the aerial tramway, visitors can watch cherry blossoms bloom across the mountain in the sky. In the evening, the night view of the cherry blossoms is fantastic. In addition, one should not miss the recreational facilities and indigenous culture in the village.





▲ 照片由九族文化村提供 22

南投 Nantou


▲ 照片由九族文化村提供

九族文化村 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village 寬闊草原

+886-49-289-5361 南投縣魚池鄉大林村金天巷45號 No.45, Jintian Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County

小半天風景區中,石馬公園為最佳 賞櫻景點,園內種植 400 棵河津櫻花, 另外可順遊竹林瀑布、德興瀑布、半 天橋等景點,並且享用在地竹筍大餐。

In the Siaobantian Scenic Area, the Horse Stone Park is the best place to watch the cherry blossoms. In that area, there are 400 Japanese flowering cherry trees. Visitors can also visit the Zhulin Waterfall, Dexing Waterfall and Bantian Bridge, and enjoy a local bamboo shoot meal. 小半天 Xiabantian +886-49-267-7008 南投縣鹿谷鄉光復路174之6號 No.174-6, Guangfu Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County



苗栗 Miaoli

慢遊|南庄老街自然遊 Slow Travel: Free trip to the Nanzhuang Old Street

巷弄曲折、建築傳統的南庄老街最受遊客喜愛,除了早期婦女洗衣的洗衫坑、 百年歷史的郵局外,道地客家菜、桂花湯圓、粿等美食小吃,都是南庄老街的特 色。

The Nanzhuang Old Street with crisscrossing alleys and lanes and traditional buildings is the favorite attraction of visitors. In addition to the laundry pit where women did the laundry in earlier times and the century-old post office, authentic Hakka dishes and native food including sweet osmanthus dumplings and rice cakes are all specialties of the Nanzhuang Old Street.

南庄老街 Nanzhuang Old Street +886-37-824-553 苗栗縣南庄鄉中正路 Zhongzheng Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County


百年郵局 century-old post office

洗水坑 Shi Shui Keng Old Street


苗栗 Miaoli

蓬萊溪自然生態園區 Penglai River Eco Park +886-37-824-570 苗栗縣南庄鄉蓬萊村 Penglai Village, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

向天湖 Siiangtian Lake

南庄往東有向天湖,為賽夏族舉辦 矮靈祭的地點,湖水宛如鏡面,風光秀 麗,湖邊有座賽夏民俗文物館,可深入 了解原民文化。南庄往南則有蓬萊溪自 然生態園區,園內有條沿溪興建的護魚 步道,能看魚群悠遊,享受自然景色。

The Siiangtian Lake in the east of Nanzhuang is the place where the Saisiyat people held the pastaai (ritual of the short people). The still water in the lake is like a mirror, the scenery is gorgeous. Visitors can learn more about the indigenous culture in the Nan-Chung Saisiyat Museum by the lake. In the south, is the Ponlai River Ecological Park where a fish protection trail was built along the river. Visitors can watch the fish and enjoy the natural scene at the same time.

賽夏民俗文物館 Saisiyat Museum +886-37-825-024 苗栗縣南庄鄉向天湖25號 No.25, Xiangtianhu, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County


苗栗 Miaoli

泡湯|溫泉美食雙重饗宴 Spa: Double the joy with a spa and delicacies

泰安溫泉為日據時代供警察泡湯療浴的「上島溫泉」,而後蔣總統經國先生將 其命名為「泰安溫泉」。此區溫泉屬鹼性碳酸泉,無色無味,沐浴過後肌膚滑潤, 又有美人湯之稱。 鄰近的洗水坑老街,因當地水質甘甜,做出的豆腐特別滑嫩美味,造就老街上 林立專賣炸豆腐、臭豆腐、豆干的店家,另外還有原民和客家美食攤販聚集,能 一嚐在地味。

Taian Hot Spring is the “Ueshima hot spring”provided for police workers during the Japanese rule. President Chiang Ching-Kuo named it “Taian hot spring” afterward. The spring here pertains as alkaline carbon acid spring. Tt is odorless and colorless, and known as beauty spring due to the smooth texture of skin after bathing. The old street near the laundry pit is famous for the exceptional smooth and tasty tofu (bean curd) made with the local sweet water. Therefore, there are many stores selling fried tofu, stinky tofu and dried tofu in the old street. There are also hawkers selling indigenous and Hakka food in the street for visitors to discover the authentic local taste. 泰安溫泉 Taian Hot Spring 苗栗縣泰安鄉錦水村 Tai'an Township, Miaoli County

▲ 照片由泰安觀止溫泉會館提供 26

苗栗 Miaoli

炸豆腐 fried tofu

洗水坑老街 Shi Shui Keng Old Street 苗栗縣泰安鄉洗水坑 Xishuikeng, Tai’an Township, Miaoli County

採果|冬日草莓最香甜 Fruit Picking: Winter strawberries are the sweetest

大湖草莓季為每年 12 月到隔年 4 月,從大湖主要道路到鄉間小徑,都能找到 開放採草莓的觀光果園,一顆顆鮮豔果實垂涎欲滴,摘下來馬上能品嚐酸甜滋味。 每到草莓季,大湖一帶店家紛紛推出草莓相關商品,如:草莓冰、草莓火鍋、 草莓鬆餅、草莓大餐等創意料理,大湖酒莊裡面還有草莓啤酒、草莓餅乾、草莓 香腸等獨家產品喔!

The strawberry season of Dahu lies between December and April. From the main roads and rural paths in Dahu, visitors can always find tourism orchards for picking strawberries. Each shiny red strawberry is mouth-watering, just pick it and taste it immediately. When the strawberry season comes, stores around Dahu will launch related products, such as the strawberry shaved ice, strawberry hotpot, strawberry waffle and strawberry meal, which are all creative dishes. The Dahu Brewery even offers exclusive products including strawberry beer, strawberry biscuits and strawberry sausages! 大湖農會 Dahu Farmers Association +886-37-994-800 苗栗縣大湖鄉八寮灣2-4號 No.2-4, Baliaowan, Dahu Township, Miaoli County 27

影視新景點 New Scenic Spot off the TV

跟著花甲大人轉男孩遊台中 Around Taichung Following Back to the Good Times 電視劇《花甲男孩轉大人》改編自台灣文學小說《花甲男孩》,由實力派演員 盧廣仲、蔡振南、龍劭華、康康、柯叔元、海裕芬、嚴正嵐、江宜蓉、劉冠廷等 人主演,播出深受觀眾好評,2018 春節將推出賀歲電影《花甲大人轉男孩》。 故事從男主角鄭花甲接到阿嬤病危通知的電話開始,他與好友趕回祖厝,發現 整個家族的人都紛紛從外地回來,然而,這也是他們相互爭吵、磨合、理解的開 始。 全劇 80% 以上於台中取景,分別在烏日、大肚、外埔、大甲、大安等處。來吧, 讓我們隨著花甲男孩的腳步,一探究竟!

“A Boy Named Flora A” was adapted from a Taiwan literary novel ”A Boy named Hua Jia”. Starring skilled actor Kuang-chung Lu, Chen-Nan Tsai, ShaoHua Lung, Chin-Jung Kang, Shu-Yuan Ko, Yu-Fen Hai, Cheng-Lan Yen, Yi-Jung Chiang, Kuan-Ting Liu and more actors. It is popular among the audience. The new year’s film “Back to the Good Times” will be on the screen around 2018 Chinese New Year. The story begins with the protagonist receiving a phone call to inform him of his ailing grandmother on her deathbed. He rushes back to the ancestral home with his close friend to discover that the entire clan are all coming home from out of town. From there the entire drama of squabbles, compromises and comprehension unfolds. The entire production is 80% set in Taichung, e.g. in Wuri, Dadu, Waipu, Dajia, Daan. Come and join us. Let’s follow the footsteps of A Boy Called Flora A and explore.

花甲大人轉男孩-劇照 / 氧氣電影提供



瑞井社區 Reijin Community

瑞井社區為花甲的故鄉-繁星鄉,擁有許多傳統的 紅磚屋和土角厝,甚至保留二戰時期的子彈孔牆,而 花甲父子爭吵相追的橋段,亦是於此一鏡到底拍攝。

Reijin Community is the protagonist’s hometown, named Fanxing Township in the story. It has many traditional red-brick houses and rammed earth houses. Bullet-struck walls have all been preserved. The scene where the protagonist and his father have an argument and a chase was filmed in one shot over here. 台中市大肚區瑞井里瑞井路62巷 Ln. 62, Ruijing Rd., Dadu Dist., Taichung City

瑞安宮為花甲的爸爸做乩童、二叔做主委的宮廟, 也是花甲預備做乩童的地方。劇中瑞安宮主祀九天玄 女,實際則是天上聖母(媽祖),為當地信仰中心。

Reian Temple is where the protagonist’s father works as the deity’s medium and his uncle serves as the committee member and also where the protagonist is prepped to be the next medium. In the story, the main deity housed in Reian Temple is Jiutian Xuannü (Meaning “Dark Lady of the Nine Heavens”), but in reality, it is Tianshang Shengmu/ Mazu (meaning "Holy Heavenly Mother") being housed in the Temple as the local religious center. 台中市大肚區瑞井里瑞井路51巷7號 No.7, Ln. 51, Ruijing Rd., Dadu Dist., Taichung City


中75鄉道 Village Street 75 (Taichung)


瑞安宮 Reian Temple

【花甲大道體驗行程】 請洽台中市旅遊協會 徐秘書04-2372-7658

中 75 鄉道為四叔開著繁星五號,在鄉鄰間提前 報喪的道路之一,其位於大肚山置高點上,沿途兩 旁皆為紅土,景觀十分特別。

Village Street 75 (Taichung) is part of the routes where villagers give advanced announcement of a family death and also where the protagonist’s fourth uncle drives the school bus, Fanxing No. 5. The highway was situated at the vantage point of Mount Dadu, featuring a unique sight of red earth on both sides of the road. 台中市大雅區中75鄉道(九天民俗技藝團前) Taichung Village Street 75 in Daya Dist (in front of Chia-Tian Folk Drums & Art Troupe) 30


梧棲老街 Wuqi Old Street

梧棲老街上,充滿花甲帶阿嬤環遊世界的店家,像是外科診 所、烏魚子店、柑仔店、豆花店等,另外梧棲老街本身的歷史 意義也值得玩味。

On Wuqi Old Street, one can see where the protagonist takes his grandma on a world trip, visiting a surgery clinic, mullet roe store, grocery store, bean curd store and so on. Also, the history of Wuqi Old Street itself is fascinating enough for a visit in its own right. 台中市梧棲區梧棲路 Wuqi Rd., Wuqi Dist., Taichung City

大甲西勢海堤為四叔開著繁星五號,在 鄉鄰間提前報喪的道路之一,沿路可見旋 轉中的巨型風車,附近亦有沿海自行車道 和多家休閒農場。


大甲西勢海堤 Dajia Xishi Sea Embankment

Dajia Xishi Sea Embankment is part of the routes where villagers give advanced announcement of a family death and also where the protagonist’s fourth uncle drives the school bus, Fanxing No. 5. Along the embankment, one can see giant spinning windmills, with a cycling path and many recreational farms nearby. 台中市大甲區西勢海堤 Taichung City Dajia District Xishi Sea Embankment


外埔忘憂谷 Waipu Wangyou Valley 台中市外埔區溪底路 Xidi Rd., Waipu Dist., Taichung City

外埔忘憂谷為花甲騎腳踏車載著青梅竹馬-雅婷的 地方,農作時有大片綠色稻田,修耕時則是滿滿的 波斯菊花海,號稱台中的伯朗大道。

Waipu Wangyou Valley is where the protagonist peddles around with his childhood sweetheart, Yating, on the bike. During the farming season, one can see expansive green paddy fields. During the fallow season, what meets the eye is a sea of brimming cosmos flowers. This area is also referred to as Taichung’s Mr. Brown Avenue.

金甲歡喜,繁星爽快賀新春 賀歲第一強檔《花甲大人轉男孩》2月9日全台上映 Blockbuster “Back to the Good Times” in theaters in Chinese New Year, February 9th





全球最大雨洋傘展售中心,全棟占地1700坪,陳列上千種商品 網羅義大利、德國、日本等全球國際精品雨傘品牌,百花爭艷。 國際級展場,展出設計師聯名文創商品。 全球首創無針線縫紉DIY手作組裝雨傘,歡迎預約體驗。

Largest umbrella & parasol sales center in the world, the entire building takes up 5,620 square meters with a display of thousands of products. Contains international boutique umbrella brands from around the world, including competitors from Italy, Germany and Japan. International-grade exhibition venue, displaying designer co-branded culture creative products. The world’s pioneering no-needlework DIY manually assembled umbrella; all are welcome to make reservation for an experience. Sec. 1, Jianhe Rd

Heshun Rd

Shuxiao Rd

Sec. 3, Huanzhong E. Rd

營運總部|台中市北屯區太原路三段1160號 No.1160, Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 406, Taiwan TEL / +886-9-66447116 Mr. Chen OPEN / Mon(一)∼Sat(六) am9:00∼pm6:00

Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd

Men's Talk

寫小說的人 The Novelist

專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊 Professional novelist, like to write, read, draw and travel.

尋找台中山區的祕境故事 Searching for the mysterious story in Taichung mountain area 故事總隱藏在鮮少人知曉的祕境,台中山區就擁有如此魅力。永豐桐花步道是我 個人極為喜歡的步道之一,步道一半供水流、一半行人走,那水道還是日治時期興建 的灌溉水渠!沿路能俯瞰稻田綠景,若是桐花盛開之際,白雪落花更讓步道充滿故事 感。 鄰近有處公婆樹,兩棵樟樹緊緊相連,就像台灣的野史傳奇,在地人說這兩棵是 百年夫妻,並特別建了小廟,供奉土地公和土地婆,至今庇佑許多美滿姻緣。旅人肯 定要來坐坐,分辨哪棵為夫、哪棵為妻,亦是旅行趣事。 The good stories always hide behind the mysterious place. The mountain has this kind of charm in Taichung all the time. Yong Feng Tung Blossom Trail is one of my favorite trails. Half of the trail is for water flowing, and half for walking. That ditch, which was for farming the rice, was built in The Japanese colonial period. You can overlook the green paddy fields while walk along the trail. When it comes to Tung Blossom festival, those fallen flowers looks like snow. It seems to come with a lot of stories. There is a couple tree in the neighborhood. Two camphor trees connect to each other closely. It feels like the unofficial history of Taiwan. Local people said these two trees are couple for hundred years. They even built a small temple to worship Land God couple who bless many couples. Be sure to visit this place! It’s interesting to recognize the wife and the husband.





推 薦 景 點


Waipu Couple Tree 兩株百年以上的樟樹枝幹相連,宛如一對恩愛 夫妻,樹下小廟供奉土地公和土地婆,可向祂們 祈求婚姻美滿。 The branches of the two overhundred-years Camphor Trees stretched closely. They look like a lovely couple. People worship Land God couple under the tree and pray for a happy marriage.


Yung-feng Tund Blossom Footpath 步道沿著日治時期的灌溉水道興建,兩旁的桐 花於每年4-5月花開,亦可從此處近距離欣賞高速 行駛的高鐵列車。 The trail was built along the ditch, which was for farming the rice in The Japanese colonial period. You can see the Tung Blossom blooming on both sides of trail every April to May, and also enjoy watching the high speed rail passing by in high speed. 外埔區六分路六支巷旁 Next to Liuzhi Ln., Liufen Rd., Waipu Dist. , Taichung City

后里區安眉路1號 No.1, Anmei Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City


Tai-an Police Station 號稱全臺最美麗的警察局,周邊種植60多株櫻花 樹,每年2-3月櫻花盛開形成粉紅風暴,成為熱門賞 櫻景點。 The most beautiful police office, there are over 60 Cherry trees. The blossom season is February to March. It's a popular sightseeing spot. 后里區安眉路1號 No.1, Anmei Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City


Tai-an Bald Cypress 冬天是落羽松由綠轉紅的季節,也是最佳觀賞時 間,泰安落羽松祕境面積廣闊,宛如來到浪漫的歐洲 森林。 The Bald Cypress turns red from green in winter. It's the best time for watching. It covers a great area, feeling like in a romantic forest in Europe. 泰安國小(臺中市后里區安眉路5號)旁 Next to Tai An Elementary School (No.5, Anmei Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City) 38

推 薦 景 點

必逛 園區

必玩 麗寶樂園


Lihpao Land 2016年開幕的麗寶OUTLET,除了有國際品 牌、美食街進駐,還擁有全台最大摩天輪及義大 利度假小鎮建築,不只好逛,更好玩!

星月大地休閒景觀園區 Star Moon Land

LIHPAO OUTLET MALL was opened newly in 2016. The exterior of the mall looks like Italy resort town. There are not only international brands and food court, but also the largest Ferris wheel in Taiwan. Not just for shopping, even for playing!

星月大地位於大安溪河階地形制高點,不必登 高山即可一覽山海空美景。園區提供餐飲、露營 及住宿,是現代人放鬆的不二選擇! Star Moon Camp Site is located on the apex of the Daan River terrace. You don’t have to climb up a mountain to overlook the splendid view of the mountains and sea. Meals and refreshments are provided in the park. It is an ideal place for camping and loading to relax your body and soul. +886-4-26831671 / 后里區月眉北路486號 No.486, Yuemei N. Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City Open/ 10:00am-01:00am

+886-4-37022888 / 后里區福容路201號 No.201, Furong Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City


Chung-She Flower Garden 全台最大賞花景點,六公頃美麗花海,依季節 種植當季花卉,有向日葵丶荷花丶鼠尾草丶非洲 鳳仙花...等,還有各種裝置藝術造型,每年1-3月 鬱金香花季,10月到隔年6月為百合花季,受到許 多國內外遊客的喜愛。 園區內還有烤肉區丶盆栽區,提供全家衆親好 友休閒好去處。



The biggest place for flower viewing in Taiwan. There are six hectares beautiful sea of flowers. During different seasons you can see Sunflower, Lotus, Sage, African Touch-me-not, etc., and artistic decorations. From January to March is the Tulip Festival, as October to June of the next year is the Lily Festival. It’s popular for local and foreign tourists. There are barbecue and potted plant areas. It’s a great place for family and friends to spend leisure hours. +886-4-25576926 / 后里區三豐路5段333號 No.333, Sec. 5, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City 39



推 薦 景 點


Dongshi Niou Jia Juang 成立於民國49年,深諳牛肉的各種料理手法, 讓牛肉所有可食用部位完美呈現出其絕妙滋味, 除了牛肉料理,道地的客家料理也少不了囉! Founded in 1960, Dongshi Niou Jia Juang is well familiar with all cooking methods for beef and can present it in all its fantastic flavors. Besides beef dishes, authentic Hakka cuisine is also available here.

必吃 美食


Dongshi Forest Park 中部知名景點,四季皆有不同景致,春有櫻、 桃、李花季;夏有螢火蟲、油桐,秋有楓香紅 葉、冬有蕭瑟之美,適合全家踏青。 There are different sceneries in four seasons in the famous attractions of central Taiwan. It's suitable for family to take a trip there. 東勢區勢林街6-1號 No.6-1, Shilin St., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City

推 薦 店 家

富禾居會館 Richplace

+886-4-25873488 / 東勢區新豐街7號 No.7, Xinfeng St., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City

台中新社富禾居會館 尋山林祕境 體感清新小日子 一起來做森呼吸

一路蜿蜒山路,轉眼進入有台中後花園美名的新社 區,佔地近3公頃的自然景觀搭配各式步道,放眼望去 大甲溪谷的無盡開闊盡收眼底,空氣更顯清新。穿過蓊 鬱樹林才能窺見全貌,相當隱匿寧靜,極簡和風的建築 設計與自然景觀互不干擾,會館的餐食幾乎都是自家種 植與放養,私房菜燒酒放山雞、山蔬野菜與自製筍乾燉 肉、餐後甜點與水果酵素頗受喜愛。

Located in Xinshe known as Taichung’s back garden, Richplace covers a land of 3 hectares with natural landscapes and all kinds of footpaths, looking out to a panoramic view of the Dajia River valley. The air is refreshing, and the hotel is quiet and secluded. Only after passing through the woods will the entire hotel come into view. The minimalist Japanese-style architectural design is in harmony with the natural landscape. All food ingredients in the hotel are almost entirely home grown or raised. Quite popular on its private menu includes free-range chicken in alcohol, wild vegetables and meat stew with home-made dried bamboo shoots, deserts and fruit enzyme drinks. +886-4-25821713(採預約制) / 新社區慶西里大排15-3號 No.15-3, Dapai, Qingxi Vil., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City 40



Away from the city, come to Xinshe, Taichung for firefly watching and tasting peaches



山區豐富的自然生態與原始林木 閃爍叢草間,螢火蟲翩翩飛舞如繁星 每年4、5月的螢火蟲季又到囉 踏進臺中市的後花園-新社區 邊享受甜蜜的桃子,期待夜晚的降臨 跟著愛琳娜賞螢趣 Abundant natural environment and original forest in mountain area Fireflies flashing amid the grass.They look like the sky full of stars. Firefly Festival in every April and May Step into the back garden of Taichung - Xinshe District Enjoying tasting sweet peaches and watching fireflies at night with your lover 遊程的詳細聯絡方式請洽

新峰農場 Shin Fong Farm

0919-722929 / mail:cyen.travel@gmail.com 新峰農場 跟著愛琳娜去旅行 新社區大南里中和街二段264&265號(接待處) No.264&265, Sec. 2, Zhonghe St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City 協辦旅行社 / 中友旅行社有限公司 Tel:+886-4-23718602 Fax:+886-4-23715982



【午餐】香菇大餐 (約1.5hr)

1st stop - Mushroom feast (Lunch) / 1.5hr 台灣高達 80% 香菇,來自美麗的山城新社。所 以來到這裡當然不能錯過品嘗各種菇類的機會。鍋 內添加新社鮮採六種菇蕈,滋味了得;另有家傳 香菇肉燥,手上等椴木冬菇炆火滷製,掀鍋蓋那 一瞬間,肉燥香氣樸鼻,搭配香 Q 米飯,更是一 絕。

In Taiwan, 80% of mushrooms come from Xinshe, Taichung. That's why you can't miss the chance to taste different kinds of mushrooms.There are 6 kinds of fresh mushrooms in the hot pot. Furthermore, don’t forget to try Minced Pork with Rice.


站 【導覽+採果】新峰農場採甜蜜桃 (約1hr)

2nd stop - Picking peaches in Xin Feng Farm (Guide tour and picking peaches) / 1hr 春天的時令水果有那些 呢?其中最引人注意一定非 甜蜜桃莫屬了!紅透的甜蜜 桃,帶點淡粉色,還有些許 淡淡的青白,這樣的配色總 是讓人感覺很有春天的繽紛, 吃在嘴裡一定也是香甜可口。

The sweet peaches of spring are not only look nice but also taste delicious.


站 【導覽+李子或桃子DIY】體驗手作醃果 (約1.5hr)

3rd stop - Experiencing hand-made pickle fruit (Guild tour and plums or peaches DIY) / 1.5hr 聽農夫介紹李子的好處 及功效,如何醃製好吃不酸 溜溜的桃李,自己動手做, 全身動起來,跟著桃李一起 跳動,體驗水果醃製,將美 味的成本帶回家喔 !

Making delicious but not so sour pickle plums and peaches by yourself. 42


站 【導覽+採菇+吃菇】香菇園(吃炸香菇、杏鮑菇) (約40min)

4th stop - Mushroom garden (Guide tour, pick and eat mushroom) / 40min 全台灣 70%的菇類出產新社,怎麼能放過與最新鮮的香菇親密接觸的好機會呢?當然要 來認識生長在室內裡菇是如何生長及體驗菇農的菇寮生活,及了解樹木屑的結晶是如何形 成的。

In Taiwan, 70% mushrooms come from Xinshe. Come and recognize the way that mushroom growth indoor and experience farmers’ daily life. It’s also good to know the process of crystallization of wood chips.


【香草解說】山中慢步 (約20min)

5th stop - Walking in the mountain (Explanation of vanilla) / 20min 在新社山區一個清幽的環境,綠林繚繞,有如身 處在山中仙境的感受,處身在較高的地域中,能眺望 新社白冷圳加上涼風吹拂,真是一個舒適的午後,園 區種植很多香草 .... 不妨可以在小徑中來探個險喔!

Xinshe is surrounded by green trees. It is a place like wonderland. There are a lot of vanillas, come and explore this area.


站 【三選一】幸福晚餐 (約1hr)

6th stop - Delightful dinner (Choose one of the three) / 1hr A. 幸福豬大排餐(內含主廚濃湯、蔬果沙拉佐桑椹醬、飲料柳橙汁、白飯) B. 在地香菇義大利白醬麵 ( 內含主廚濃湯、蔬果沙拉佐桑椹醬、飲料柳橙汁) C. 素食風味餐 - 麻油猴頭菇 ( 內含香菇蔬菜湯、蔬果沙拉、飲料柳橙汁) A.Pork feast (included soup, salad, drinks and rice) B.Cream sauce pasta with local mushroom (included soap, salad and drinks) C.Vegetarian diet - Sesame oil hericium erinaceus(included vegetable soup, salad and drinks)


站 【導覽+賞螢火蟲】螢火蟲之旅 (約30min)

7th stop – Tour of firefly (Guide tour and watching firefly) / 30min 螢火蟲飛滿了小徑,小徑上螢火蟲到處飛來飛去 !! 這 可是難得一見的畫面耶 ! 欣賞螢火蟲記得靜靜聽,聽飛舞 的旋律,旋律畫著點點螢光,在這個季節。螢火蟲照亮心 中的喜悅,是夢想、是回憶,這個月,要用螢火蟲寫紀念。

It's rare to see fireflies flying full of the trail. When you are watching those beautiful fireflies, just stay quiet and enjoy the melody of firefly dancing. 43



Haitian Bridge







Men's Talk

寫小說的人 The Novelist

專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊 Professional novelist, like to write, read, draw and travel.

享受台中市屯區的浪漫生活 Enjoy the romantic life in Taichung Datun area 一座城市的景點豐富性,會大大添增故事的立體性。我總想著,主角們該於何處 相遇?以文學而言,相遇於復古眷村、日治酒廠或電台,不但能營造時代氛圍,亦是 期望台中市的歷史故事能再次躍然紙上。 以影劇而言,現代藝術的展現,無論是三角形的美術館、充滿手繪的彩虹村、白 色流線型的圖書館,都訴說著這個時代的真實樣貌。又或是貼近你我生活經驗的一座 夜景橋、一條小吃街,每天都上演不為人知的悲歡離合。 故事,好像就在我們身邊。 The richness of the attractions in the city will increase the characteristics of the stories. I’ve been always thinking about where the main characters will meet each other. As literature, encountering at an old school Military dependents' village, old winery or radio station which was built in The Japanese colonial period. It can not only create the atmosphere of the times, but also expect the history of Taichung to emerge again. As drama, the reveal of modern art tells the real appearance of this generation no matter by the art museum in triangle, painted rainbow village or the white streamlined library. You can also enjoy a night bridge or a food street which is close to our daily life. Those lifetimes with joys and sorrows happened every single day here too. The stories seems around us.





推 薦 景 點


Totoro Bus Station 比人還高的龍貓撐著傘,一旁還有坐在火車廂裡 的無臉男,這個可愛的公車站牌吸引眾多卡通迷前來 拍照。 The Totoro which is taller than a person is holding an umbrella. No-Face (Kaonashi) is sitting in the carriage beside it. Many cartoon fanatics come and take some photos at this cute bus station.


Fu-sing Temple 興建於1811年的福興宮,相傳為林爽文起義 地,其供奉天上聖母,宮內的「軟身二媽」經文 化部登錄為重要古物。 Fusing Temple was built in 1811. According to the legend, there was the location of uprising of Lin Shuangwen. People worship Mazu there. In the temple, you can see “Flexible Er Ma statue” which was registered as important antiquities by Ministry of Culture. +886-4-24065066 / 大里區福興街1號 No.1, Fuxing St., Dali Dist., Taichung City

大里區喬城路133號 / No.133, Qiaocheng Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City


Kang Bridge 位於中興大學後方,擁有一整條親水河岸和綿延草 地,不但是輕艇練習場,亦是適合散步、騎腳踏車的 悠閒河畔。 Located behind National Chung Hsing University. It owns a riverbank and lawn. The place is not only for experiencing canoeing sports, but also for walking or biking. 大里區環河路 Huanhe Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City


Minsheng House of Microhistory in Wufeng 保存著在地老診所的故事館建築結合複合式餐廳,打造 無農藥的有機農田,讓民眾感受人與土地互動互信的美好。 It preserved the house of microhistory which was an old local clinic. Furthermore, it combined a complex restaurant and built the organic farmland without pesticides in order to show people those well interaction between human being and land.



+886-4-23391556 / 霧峰區中正路369號 No.369, Zhongzheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City 49



推 薦 景 點


GuangFu Village 原為1956年興建的省政府眷屬宿舍,保留完整的眷 村建築、綠樹林蔭和整齊街道,現轉型為文創聚落。 The village was built in 1956 and used as the dormitory of provincial government dependents. It preserves the complete original architectures of Military dependents' village, shade trees and neat streets. It has transformed to a culture and creative village now. 霧峰區民族路 Minzu Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City

921 地震教育公園

Earthquake Museum of Taiwan 原為光復國中校址,其於1999年9月21日因強震倒塌,故保 留地震遺貌以設立園區,兼具紀念和教育意義。 This place used to be Kuang-Fu Junior high school. The buildings collapsed in the earthquake at September 21st, 1999. It preserved the scene after the earthquake and established the Earthquake Museum with the meanings of memory and education. +886-4-23390906 / 霧峰區新生路192號 No.192, Xinsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City


Asia University Museum of Modern Art 此美術館隸屬於亞洲大學,由日本建 築大師安藤忠雄設計,清水模建築體以多 個正三角形交錯而成,並利用光影營造出 獨特空間感,成為熱門IG打卡地點。館內 除豐富的展覽外,亦能眺望西洋建築風格 的亞洲大學,充滿藝術氛圍。 The museum which was designed by Japanese architect, Tadao Ando belongs to Asia University. The building was built in a number of staggered regular triangles with architectural concrete. People like to take photos there and upload them to Instagram. In the museum, you can not only look around the abundant exhibitions but also overlook the Asia University which was built in western style. It’s full of the atmosphere of art. +886-4-23323456 霧峰區柳豐路500號 No.500, Liufeng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City




推 薦 景 點


Yuanman Church 知名偶像劇場景,占地1000多坪的圓滿教堂,集 結宗教、藝術、觀光、休閒的園區規劃,景色優美值 得一遊。 The church which is the scene of a well-known soap opera, covers an area of more than 3306 square meters. It's a combination of religions, arts, sightseeing and recreations. This beautiful place is worth visiting.


The owls church in Wufeng 隱藏版景點坐落於圖書館旁一角,以小教堂為 主體旁邊有著可愛的動物、人物裝飾,值得停下 腳步閱讀漫步於此地。 This secret place locates near the library. The main building is a small church. There are some adorable animal, character decorations nearby. It’s worthy of spending your time there. +886-4-23338899 / 霧峰區峰谷路900號 No.900, Fenggu Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City

霧峰區大同路8號 No.8, Datong Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City


Wufeng Lin Family Mansions 霧峰林家是清朝時代福建陸路提督林文察一族的 宅第,1858年開始興建,在各代子孫的增修下,發 展為全臺最完整、最龐大、最精緻的建築群。 霧峰林家宅第揉合了傳統漳州、泉州、福州、洋 式及唐式的風格,研究臺灣古蹟多年的李乾朗教授曾 讚道:「霧峰林家就像臺灣傳統建築的百科全書。」 Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden was built in 1858, Qing dynasty by the provincial military commander of Fukien area, Wenqin Lin. After his descendants did the extra construction, it became the most complete, delicate and largest architectural complex in Taiwan. ★教科書沒教的歷史 The history out of textbooks ★大花廳~百年歌劇院 Hall of Large Flowers, The Opera over a century ★您應該要知道的古蹟百科全書 The encyclopedia of historical site you should know ★穿越經典體驗百年風華 Pass through the classic and experience the elegance and talent of hundred years

為善盡古蹟管理及維護導覽品質,參觀須事先預約並採團進團 出,提供團體專人導覽解說及英日文導覽服務,歡迎來電洽詢。 The touring service is available in Chinese, English and Japanese. In order to preserve the historic site, please make the reservation in advance. Contact us for more information.

+886-4-23317985 / 霧峰區民生路26號 No.26, Minsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City 51

以門鎖為概念,強化家的意向,並結合Hotel的H為主軸,連接家與Hotel般的舒適自在。 圓外圈的粗圓線條,代表產業活絡需要每一個企業以及個人的互相合作和幫忙才能成就更多圓滿的結果。 內圈彩色細線條 代表旅行五元(圓)素 【緩】 【吃】 【住】 【幸福】 【回憶】,透過旅行享受、記錄、累 積人生的每一步,色彩以五元素的顏色代表聯盟的創意以及年輕化。



地址 / 網址



台中市東區台中路203號 taichung.inhousehotel.com



台中市西屯區青海南街159號 www.icloudhotel.com.tw



台中市中區市府路38號 www.1969blueskyhotel.com



台中市中區自由路2段66號 www.mshotel.com.tw



台中市西區柳川西路2段77號 www.aeris-hotel.com



高雄市新興區七賢一路513號 www.lainn.com.tw



高雄市新興區林森一路237號 www.design-hotel.com.tw



高雄市鳳山區文鳳路96號 www.leesinggroup.com



高雄市前金區市中一路299號 qixian.leesing-hotel.com



台東市中山路402號(鐵花村旁) www.traveler-inn.com



台東縣太麻里鄉大王村太峰路147號 www.dawnhotel.com.tw



台東縣卑南鄉溫泉村龍泉路139巷1號 www.rainbow-hotel.com.tw



台東市臨海路一段38號 www.kaishotel.com



台東縣鹿野鄉中華路一段200號 www.lmresort.com.tw



推 薦 景 點


Taichung Broadcasting Bureau 興建於1935年的放送局原為日治時期廣播電台,擁 有獨特的歷史意義和淺黃色建築,現為文創展覽場地。 Taichung Broadcasting Bureau was built in 1935. It was the radio station in The Japanese colonial period. The light yellow building with unique historical meaning became the place for culture and creative exhibition now. +886-4-22203108 / 北區電臺街1號 No.1, Diantai St., North Dist., Taichung City


Yizhong Street 位於學區內,充滿平價美食和流行服飾,如:紅茶 冰、豐仁冰、雞排等,為年輕學子最愛的逛街商圈之一。 Located in school district. There are full of budget food and fashion apparel. For example, iced black tea, Fengren Shaved Ice, chicken fillet etc. It’s one of the most popular commercial districts for young students. 北區一中街 Yizhong St., North Dist., Taichung City

推 薦 店 家

思慕昔台中旗艦店 Smoothie House 知名雪花冰「思慕 昔」旗艦店坐落於一中 商圈,將水果放入雪花 冰磚中,創造具有獨特 口感的各種經典雪花 冰,顛覆傳統「水挫 冰」冰品,口味令人驚 豔。


Yong Yue Hotel 結合時尚風雅的設計理念,展現多元化的風格。 別出心裁的樓層設計及客房選擇,每次入住宛如進入 童話故事般,令人驚豔、深感愉悅。 The design concept fusing chic and elegance expresses diverse styles. Carefully-crafted floor design and guest rooms transpose you to a fairytale every time you check in here, leaving you feeling pleasantly stunned and deeply pleased.

Smoothie House's flagship store, located in the Yizhong Business District, is known for its shaved ice made with fruits in the ice blocks for all kinds of unique, classic flavors, a surprisingly fantastic treat. +886-4-2225-6888 / 北區雙十路一段103號 No.103, Sec. 1, Shuangshi Rd., North Dist., Taichung City / OPEN:11:00~23:00

+886-4-2291 1166 / 北區北平路一段6號 No.6, Sec. 1, Beiping Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 53



推 薦 店 家





Weije Coffee

New Tai Yang Barkery

新太陽堂餅店的「芝麻核桃餅」以芝麻包裹 的香酥外皮,一口咬下,內餡的核桃顆粒紮實飽 滿,帶出濃郁的芝麻味,挑動舌尖上的味蕾。

魏爵咖啡專注於推廣台灣大武山咖啡及全世界 著名的精品咖啡豆,我們有專業的咖啡烘焙機, 提供消費者最新鮮,香醇及高品質的咖啡豆。

N e w Ta i Y a n g Bakery’s “Sesame Wa l n u t C a k e ” i s wrapped in crispy fragrant sesame-filled pastry. Take one bite and the full-bodied walnut fillings in its entirety will ooze with sesame aroma and tantalize your palate.

Weijecoffee company is delicate to promote Taiwan Da-wu Mountain coffee bean and global famous coffee beans. We have professional coffee roasting machines to provide customer a fresh, aroma & good qualities coffee bean.

必吃 美食

+886-4-22215978 / 中區自由路二段51號 No.51, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-25667585 品牌旗艦店:中區台灣大道一段145號2樓 2F., No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City 工廠:大雅區中科路1202-1號 No.1202-1, Zhongke Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City

星動銀河旅站 ─ 機器人主題旅館

Moving Star Hotel – Robot Theme Hotel 臨近台中火車站、干城車站,是通往日月潭及清境的交通樞 紐。走進大廳,迎接你的就是最親切的大廳經理─機器人小P。 星動銀河旅站,融入了星際旅人的設計元素,81間不同主題的客 房,皆以行星命名,希望能刻劃出過旅商客們的美好回憶。 另外提供Buffet早餐、商務中心、健身房、洗衣房、KTV客 房。鄰近的景點有台中公園、一中商圈、宮原眼科...等。 我們將以最熱誠的心期待您的蒞臨。 Neighboring the Taichung Train Station and Kancheng Station, it is the transportation hub leading to Sun Moon Lake and Qingjing. When you walk into the lobby, you will be greeted by the friendly hotel manager- Robot P. Moving Star Hotel integrates elements of interstellar travel into its design. The hotel contains 81 differently themed rooms named after the planets, in hopes of providing a beautiful memory for overnight travelers. Also on offer is a breakfast buffet, business center, gym, laundry room, and KTV rooms. Nearby sights include Taichung Park, the Yizhong business district, Miyahara and etc. We sincerely look forward to your visit. +886-4-22258800 / 中區自由路二段66號

No.66, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City





















推 薦 景 點


Taichung Cultural and Creative Industries Park 前身為日治時期的舊酒廠,保留完整特殊的製酒建築 群,現將歷史建築規劃為文創展覽園區,定期更換展覽。 The former was the old winery in The Japanese colonial period. It preserved the complete and special architectural complex of making alcoholic beverages. The historic architectural was transformed into a culture and creative park. You can see different kinds of exhibitions there. +886-4-22293079 / 南區復興路三段362號 No.362, Sec. 3, Fuxing Rd.,, South Dist., Taichung City


Zhong-xiao Night Market 源起於日治時期的忠孝夜市為常態型街道夜市,以小吃 和餐廳為主,蛋包飯、豆花、甘蔗汁、烤肉、蚵仔煎皆小 有名氣。 Zhongxiao Night Market was originated in The Japanese colonial period. It’s famous for street foods and restaurants, like Omurice, tofu pudding, sugar cane juice, barbecue and Oyster Omelet. 南區忠孝路 Zhongxiao Rd., South Dist., Taichung City


National Library of Public Information 國際圖書館協會將其列為此生必去圖 書館之一,建築外觀為獨特的白色流線造 型,宛如一艘太空船。館內藏書豐富且針 對不同年齡規劃多元主題區,空間和設備 皆極具現代化,而館外綠地寬敞怡人,周 邊亦有一處花海區可拍攝觀賞。 It has been listed as a must-visit library by IFLA. The exterior of the building looks like a spaceship because of its unique white streamlined shape. There are abundant books and multiple theme areas for the readers in different ages. Its space and equipment are extremely modern. You can see the large lawn out of the library. There are also a sea of flowers for sightseeing and photograph. +886-4-22625100 南區五權南路100號 No.100, Wuquan S. Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 56

必讀 好書

推 薦 店 家

必吃 太陽堂老舖


Tayeondon Store., Co Ltd 遵循古法製作,採用高級麵粉、糯米芽、蜂 蜜,製成拔絲(好吃)的太陽餅、鳳梨餅、檸檬餅、 老婆餅、月餅等,都是暢銷產品。 Made with the traditional method and highgrade flour, sticky rice sprout, honey, the candied floss (yummy) sun cakes, pineapple pastries, lemon cakes, wife cakes, and moon cakes are all tasty. They are the best-selling items in the bakery.

紅磚音樂餐廳 樸質的紅磚牆訴說著沉穩溫馨的迷人氛 圍,柔美燈光讓顧客能夠放鬆自在的享用餐 點!現場專業歌手駐唱,以及主 廚嚴選各式新鮮食材搭配主廚嫻 熟手藝,獻上道道噴香佳餚,提 供音樂與美食雙重饗宴。 +886-4-22297017 / 中區繼光街75號 No.75, Jiguang St., Central Dist., Taichung City https://fb.me/redbricktc/

必吃 餐廳

+886-4-22276999 / 中區自由路二段27號 No.27, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City tayeondon-store.101net.tw


InHouse Hotel Taichung 以台灣多樣性的植物生態出發,數百件的 原生植物攝影作品,將台灣原生之美優美呈 現。以客為尊是該館引以為傲的特色之一。 名家設計、高雅的裝潢,歐洲的典雅,重新 詮釋家的感覺,在高雅舒適的氣氛中、消除 您旅途的疲勞。 Taiwan is rich in biodiversity. The diverse plants provide ideal objects for photo shooting. These pictures, numbering a few hundred, present you the beauty of Taiwan’s indigenous plants. Customers always come first is the motto this gallery is proud of. Designed by renowned designers, high class and elegant decorations, they provide you a place of European elegance. Reinterpreting the feel of homes, you can have your fatigue soothed in a deluxe and graceful atmosphere.



+886-4-22812222 / 東區台中路203號 No.203, Taizhong Rd., East Dist., Taichung City taichung.inhousehotel.com/ 57



推 薦 店 家


All for the beauty

秉持醫美的專業背景,以天然、環保、健康為 核心訴求,提供年輕女性平價化的智慧選擇,美 麗、健康、自然、幸福的香氛及保養產品。

With a professional aesthetic medicine background and a core appeal to nature, ecofriendliness and health, we provide young women with smart choices at a reasonable price offering beautiful, healthy, natural and blissful aromatheraputic and skincare products.


National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art 全亞洲最大的美術館,館內擁有豐富館藏和展 覽,館外則有樹蔭綠地和藝術雕塑,來這裡不只 可以了解台灣在地藝術家,也能野餐郊遊喔。 It is the largest art museum in Asia with an abundance of collections and exhibitions. There are green shades and art sculptures out in the yards, satisfying an insightful journey. +886-4-23263916 西區台灣大道二段375號11樓之1 11F.-1, No.375, Sec. 2, Taiwan Blvd., West Dist., Taichung City


+886-4-23723552 / 西區五權西路一段2號 No.2, Sec. 1, Wuquan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

台中文心玉市 - 天目城

Taichung Jade Market-Tian Mu Square 全台灣最大玉市交易場所,全新的商城規劃 擁有五百多個攤位市集,來自世界各國文物,可 謂世界無奇不有,來到此處尋寶,必深深為此著 迷。 As the largest jade market in Taiwan, there are artefacts and rarities from all parts of the world in Taichung Tian Mu Square. Apart from shopping a wide variety of curios and rarities, there are safe foods in the square for family visits.

玩美宣顏美容集團 - 台中南屯店 Minny House, a Beauty Salon in Nantun, Taichung

【讓愛美的妳一覺醒來美麗全身】結合美容美 體、美睫、美甲、微刺青等多元服務,並提供您 乾淨舒適的環境體驗尊榮禮遇! For you, the beauty-conscious one, to wake up feeling beautiful all over Offering multifarious services such as beauty care, eyelash beautification, manicure, pedicure, Micro-tattoos in an elegant atmosphere that gives prestigious indulgence.

推 薦 景 點

+886-4-23860417 / 南屯區五權西路二段957號 No.957, Sec. 2, Wuquan W. Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-23289355 / 南屯區大英街603號 No.603, Daying St., Nantun Dist., Taichung City


Rainbow Village 彩虹爺爺將可愛繽紛的圖案手繪於村內牆壁和地 面,形成獨一無二的彩繪村,成為國內外遊客必遊 觀光景點。 Rainbow Grandpa painted the cute, colorful drawing on the wall and floor inside the village. Because of its unique painted, it became a must-visit attraction for local and foreign tourists. 南屯區春安路56巷 Ln. 56, Chunan Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City


Feng-le Sculpture Park 全臺首座公立雕塑公園,除五十二件雕塑作品外, 園內亦有人工湖、拱橋、涼亭、綠草地等休憩設施,適 合享受悠閒午後。 The first public sculpture park in Taiwan. There are 52 sculptures. You can also see artificial lake, arch bridge, gazebo, lawn and other facilities. It’s a suitable place to enjoy the leisure afternoon time. +886-4-35044259 / 南屯區文心南五路一段331號 No.331, Sec. 1, Wenxin S. 5th Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 59


中台灣旅遊產業金商標 綠大地




推 薦 店 家



North Coast Seafood Wedding Hall


專賣帝王蟹,龍蝦 大餐,無菜單,創意 料理傳統台菜,風華 再現,有包廂,有喜 宴,來館用餐可點招 牌香酥鴨,再搭配解 膩解渴的自製貴妃花 茶,更是一絕。


The Sun Hot Spring & Resort 共81間精緻套房、湯屋、大眾湯、蒸氣室及三 溫暖,泉質為PH 7.6、40℃的碳酸氫鈉泉,給您 深層的舒緩,回歸最初純淨。 There are 81 exquisite guest rooms in total, plus SPA facilities like public/private hot spring, steam room and Jacuzzi. The hot spring here belongs to sodium bicarbonate chloride springs with a temperature of 40℃ and a pH of 7.6, deeply soothing and able to restore your primordial purity.

推 薦 景 點

+886-4-22399000 北屯區東山路二段光西巷78號 No. 78, Guangsi Lane, Sec.2, Dongshan Rd, Beitun District.Taichung City

The specialty of the restaurant is King Crab, lobster, chef's tasting menu and traditional Taiwanese dishes. We offer private rooms and wedding banquets. You can’t miss our signature dish, Crispy Duck and handmade Gui Fei flower tea. It can reduce the grease. +886-4-24220286 北屯區崇德路三段569-1號(中油旁) No.569-1, Sec. 3, Chongde Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City


Haitian Bridge 海天橋橫跨旱溪,以山形曲線建構出優雅的白 色橋樑,夜晚燈光迷人,擁有另一種浪漫氛圍。 Haitien Bridge across the Hanxi river. The elegant white bridge was constructed with the curve of mountain. When the lights on, it’s very charming. The atmosphere will full of romantic. 北屯區松竹五路 Songzhu 5th Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City


Taichung Folklore Park 全國第一座民俗公園,以清末民初傳統閩南式建築 為主,並展示早期台灣文物、民俗技藝、童玩遊戲等, 呈現本土文化藝術。 The first Folklore Park in Taiwan. It owns the traditional architecture of Southern Fujian from the end of Qing dynasty and the early Ming dynasty. You can see the artifacts, folk arts and child toys of early Taiwan in the park. It reveals the local culture and art. +886-4-22451310 / 北屯區旅順路二段73號 No.73, Sec. 2, Lushun Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 61

臺中市旅遊協會 觀光旅遊 霧峰林家宮保第園區 優惠 資訊


店家 資訊

台中市霧峰區民生路26號 04-23317985

麗寶樂園 優惠 資訊


店家 資訊

台中市后里區福容路8號 04-25586088



星月大地景觀休閒園區 優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享餐廳平日9折、 假日95折;住宿8折優惠, 或加贈星月大地紀念品一份。 (以上優惠需加服務費10%後給折扣)

店家 資訊

台中市后里區月眉北路486號 04-26831671

大振豐洋傘有限公司 優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享85折(特價品、DIY 手作材料及部分商品除外)優惠。

店家 資訊

台中市北屯區太原路三段 1160號 04-22317689

玩美宣顏 優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享全館八五折優惠或 加贈法莫拉保養品體驗包贈品一份。

店家 資訊

旗艦店| 04-26869355 台中市大甲區蔣公路10號 太平加盟店|04-23955648 台中市太平區新興路30號 花壇加盟店|04-7861239 彰化市花壇鄉中正路1段451號


飯店住宿 台中日光溫泉度假酒店 優惠 資訊

店家 資訊

至本店消費得享 ▲住宿:平日定價75折/假日定價95折 ▲湯屋:平日定價75折/假日定價95折 ▲戶外Spa大眾湯:平日定價75折/ 假日定價95折以上優惠。 台中市北屯區東山路二段 光西巷78號 04-22399000

水雲端旗鑑概念旅館 優惠 資訊

店家 資訊

優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享田中央旅店會員價 優惠。(春節及連續假期不適用)

店家 資訊

台中市東區大智路65號 04-22203366

至本店消費10組以上成套系列 加贈2組或音樂盒贈品一份。

店家 資訊

台中市西區五權路2-57號 04-23730095

藍尼手工鞋 優惠 資訊

至本店購鞋即贈送設計款 手工皮革鑰匙圈(價值280)。

店家 資訊

台中市西區五權八街113號 04-23729553

塔木德飯店 優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享塔木德旅行會員價 優惠。(春節及連續假期不適用)

店家 資訊

各店詳情 請上官方網頁

至本店消費得享尊榮貴賓優惠。 台中市西屯區青海南街159號 04-24525678

雲河概念旅館 優惠 資訊


優惠 資訊

愛麗絲國際大飯店 優惠 資訊


憧憬單人房 $1,700 /平日 $1,900 /假日 (4.5坪/一小床)

光泰眼鏡行 優惠 資訊

至本店消費得加贈外掛式偏光墨鏡 贈品一份。

店家 資訊

台中市龍井區藝術街19巷1號 04-26311555

熱忱雙人房 $1,800 /平日 $2,000 /假日 (5.5坪/一中床)

店家 資訊

台中市南屯區黎明路二段708號 04-22552777

中港大飯店 優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享中港大飯店會員價 優惠。(春節及連續假期不適用)

店家 資訊

台中市西區台灣大道一段709號 04-22012181

漫步經典雙人房 $2,200 /平日 $2,400 /假日 (7.5坪/一大床或兩小床)

漫步經典三人房 $2,500 /平日 $2,700 /假日 (7.5坪/一中床加一小床)

漫步經典四人房 $3,000 /平日 $3,200 /假日



鼓舞商務房 $3,300 /平日 $3,500 /假日

優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享南方家屋會員價 優惠。(春節及連續假期不適用)

台中市西區柳川西路二段77號 04-23770188

店家 資訊

台南市北區前鋒路318號 06-2096988


店家 資訊

更多特約店家, 消費時請出示愛玩卡 請至官方網站查詢。 享有本會會員提供之優惠 伴手餐飲 北海岸海鮮婚宴會館



優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享香酥鴨77折優惠 (原價980元),不限內用或外帶。

優惠 資訊

至本店消費得加贈玻璃瓶保護套 (價值新台幣40元)贈品一份。

優惠 資訊

至本店消費得加贈蟹黃豆腐(每桌一份) 贈品一份。

店家 資訊

台中市北屯區崇德路三段 569-1號 04-24220286

店家 資訊

台中市西區五權西二街56號 04-23729998

店家 資訊

台中市西區五權西三街123號 04-23783181




優惠 資訊

至本店消費加贈阿罵手工辣油 或加贈油蔥酥一罐。

優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享九折優惠 或加贈當日限定小品一碟。

優惠 資訊

店家 資訊

台中市東勢區新豐街7號 04-25873488

店家 資訊

台中市西區五權西四街69號 04-23755548

店家 資訊



至本店消費得加贈手工果醬(每桌一份) 贈品一份。 台中市西區五權七街60號 04-23769755


優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享九折優惠 或加贈太陽餅/片贈品一份。

優惠 資訊

至本店消費得享消費滿300元 送青菜一份優惠。

優惠 資訊

至本店消費得加贈爛糊白菜(每桌一份) 贈品一份。

店家 資訊

台中市中區台灣大道一段145號 04-22295559

店家 資訊

台中市西區美村路一段731-1號 04-23726557

店家 資訊

台中市西區五權七街57號 04-23725066




優惠 資訊


優惠 資訊


優惠 資訊

至本店消費得加贈客家粄條(每桌一份) 贈品一份。

店家 資訊

台中市中區台灣大道一段 145號2樓 04-22295559

店家 資訊

台中市西區五權西五街26巷 11號 04-23761986

店家 資訊

苗栗縣三義鄉勝興村勝興 1-3號 037-875570

▲ 本卡終身有效。 ▲ 本會保有最終解釋修正權。

更多優惠內容詳見官網 www.tctravel.org.tw 每張售價

500元 有興趣加入特約商店,請與本會聯絡 台中市西區三民西路106號 Tel:04-23727658 / Fax:04-23721047

Red Dot Design Award

台中景點結合餐廳最強指標 美味 好評不斷、空間 設計殊榮、服務 熱枕滿載 燒肉料理透過日本與法國的精巧手藝,完整地展現出當代燒肉的一流水準。當家招 牌燒肉-七國雙人套餐,是來店必點的燒肉之一。主廚選用七種不同的厚切肉品結合 七種不同的調味方式,韓國辣味增伊比利豚、日本照燒和牛羽下、法國松露帶骨牛小 排等高級食材,讓人吃完七國燒肉,如同環遊世界一週。 The RedDot Design Winner Shou Nichi Dou, are inspired by the diverse culture that exists in the culinary of Asia through travels. A good part of the menu will feature new dishes derived from family recipes that you cannot sample elsewhere. Our Japanese flavors are given a contemporary twist, and avoiding stereotypes. The famous “Sesame Oil Chicken Stone Pot Rice” is a dish where we took traditional Taiwanese ingredients and flavors, then letting it sizzle in the 300°C Korean Stone Pot.

日式料理,更是看得出昭日堂的創新,擺脫過去日料中規中矩的刻板印象,特別將 新鮮食材,透過西式的呈現,做出一道道感動人心的新日法料理。也充分利用當地食 材做出了一道道富有台灣濃濃人情味的石鍋料理,最讓客人回味的就是『麻油土雞石 鍋飯』,利用溫度達300度以上的石鍋,淋上麻油,成了世界第一的台灣美味。 Through the sophisticated techniques of Japanese and French cuisine, Shou Nichi Dou demonstrates premium grade yakiniku and sushi. Our signature “Grilling Around the World,” is a combination of seven different prized cut meats each marinated with different flavors. Starting with Japanese Wagyu Beef in teriyaki sauce and French Truffle Salt Short Rib, the flavors progresses and ending with Chinese Spiced Angus Beef. Guaranteed to have you delighted with your every senses.

鍋煮位於昭日堂二樓,湯頭有川麻辣、北海道鹽昆布、古都XO醬干貝沙茶及家鄉 酒釀酸白菜四種口味。除了超值海陸套餐外,更是有鮮蔬食材自取區,一次滿足想吃 肉類及鮮蔬的朋友們!絕對是來台中必訪餐廳! Second floor of the restaurant offers hot pot with a variety of soup base such as Sichuan chili, Hokkaido kelp, Taiwanese satay with scallops/XO sauce, and pickled cabbage. We offer not only meat and seafood feast, but also an self-serve bar full of fresh vegetables, side dishes, drinks, and ice cream. Shou Nichi Dou is the new landmark of Taichung that you cannot miss!

+886-4-23236833 台中市南屯區大墩11街345號 No.345, Dadun 11th St., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan



拍照此篇報導,加入昭日堂line並將照片傳至line訂位,套餐飯食即享免費升等『麻油土雞石鍋飯』,每桌 限一份,活動至2018.4.30止。 Please make a reservation through Line@ with the QR Code above. By showing a photo of this page to our staff, you will receive a complimentary upgrade to “Sesame Oil Chicken Stone Pot Rice,” when you order a set meal. Limit one per table from now until April 30, 2018.



熟 食 、蔬 菜 無限自取

本店招牌 七 國 燒 肉 給夢饗家的燒肉套餐

讓 你 的 環 遊 世 界 夢 想, 不再只是想想

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.