iwan a T n li Trave 台湾に遊ぶ
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Senang bermain di Taiwan
▲ 樂遊苗栗│舊山線X台三線X海岸線 Having fun in Miaoli - Old Mountain Line Railway X Hakka Romantic Avanue X Coastline ▲ 精選南投│夏夜星空季,一起涼快去 Nantou Selection - Stargazing season in summer night. Go to the places wherever is cool. 苗栗限定! 歡迎體驗全台唯一Rail Bike
vol.8 夏季刊
|推薦序 Recommendation Sequence|
放眼國際 Rail Bike打造觀光新亮點 Looking at the global. Create new highlight of sightseeing through Rail Bike 苗栗縣位於新竹及臺中之間,不論是大自然的湖光山色亦或是多元文化的人 文風情,在苗栗都精彩可期,我們以「南北均衡發展,山海線齊頭並進」為目 標打造「一鄉鎮市一特色」。「桐花」、「木雕」、「溫泉」、「水果」、「陶瓷」 及「客家菜」是苗栗觀光的 6 大特色,結合客家美食、原住民文化、休閒農業、 濱海遊憩及各項節慶活動,是每位旅客來苗栗旅遊的最佳選擇。 三義舊山線軌道自行車,預計 8 月試營運,試營運票價 NT$280/ 人 ( 詳情請 上官網查詢 http://www.oml-railbike.com),歡迎國內外旅客到三義體驗全國首創 的「Rail Bike」,穿梭在百年隧道間,俯瞰壯闊的山林景緻。 未來,我們也將以更宏觀的格局,持續推動各項觀光建設,為觀光發展注入 更豐沛的動能,引領苗栗觀光邁向更耀眼的新紀元。 Miaoli County is located in the center of Hsinchu and Taichung. No matter the natural landscapes or multicultural are amazing in Miaoli. Our goal is to build "One Town One Product", with the idea of balancing the development between North and South, and to make the development of the mountains line and coastline go forward together. Tung blossom, Wood Carving, Hot spring, Fruit, Pottery and Hakka dishes are six major features of Miaoli. Those activities combining Hakka cuisine, aboriginal culture, leisure agriculture, coastal recreation and various festival activities are the best choices for every traveler to visit Miaoli. Rail Bike of Sanyi old mountain line railway is expected to trial operation in August.The fare is NTD280.(http://www.oml-railbike.com) Welcome local and foreign travelers to experience the first Rail Bike of Taiwan in Sanyi. Traveling through the century-old tunnel and overlooking the majestic mountains. In the future, we will continue to promote tourism construction in a macroscopic view and infuse more abundant energy to lead Miaoli Tourism to a brighter era. 苗栗縣 縣長 Miaoli County mayor 2
|推薦序 Recommendation Sequence|
好山好水好人情 南投邀您上山清涼一夏 Beautiful landscapes, clear water and friendly people Inviting you to have a cool summer in mountains of Nantou
南投縣位於台灣本島的中央,得天獨厚的地理位置,造就了瑰麗壯闊的山水 景緻。在屢創高溫的炎炎夏日,多山的南投山高水深,溪流、瀑布、森林環繞, 玩水踏青最是清涼,瑞龍瀑布、雙龍瀑布飛瀑奔流,絕對清涼一夏。 合歡山清境地區,海拔高且無光害,觀星條件絕佳,達到世界標準。今年南 投也正式向國際暗天協會 IDA 提出暗空公園認證申請,並著手規劃更好的觀星 場域,可望成為全亞洲第二座國際暗空公園。在合歡山涼爽的夏夜裡欣賞絕無 僅有的璀璨銀河,是人生最大的感動。 「好山、好水、好人情」的自然生態與多元族群文化,是南投縣觀光旅遊的 最大賣點。台中市是海外旅客進出中台灣的門戶,南投縣則是中台灣最美麗清 幽的後院,明溱在此誠摯邀請大家今年夏天到南投避暑遊玩。 Nantou County is located in the center of Taiwan.Its unique geographical location creates the magnificent scenery.In the hot summer, playing in the high mountains and the deep water of Nantou makes you feel so refreshing. You will see streams, waterfalls and forests here.Don’t forget to visit Ruilong Waterfall and Shuanglung Waterfall! Hehuan Mountain Qingjing area has high altitude and no light damage. The stargazing condition there meets the world standards. Nantou County Government has officially submitted the certification application of Dark-Sky Park to International Dark-Sky Association this year.The government has also planned a better stargazing field and is expected to become the second international Dark-Sky Park in Asia. Enjoying the unique galaxy in the cool summer night of Hehuan Mountain is the greatest sensation for life. The natural ecology and multicultural landscapes, clear water and friendly people are the biggest highlights of the tourism for Nantou County.Taichung City is the gateway for overseas tourists to central Taiwan.Nantou is the most beautiful and quiet backyard in the center of Taiwan. Ming-Chen Lin, the county magistrate of Nantou, sincerely invited everyone to spend your summer time in Nantou. 南投縣 縣長
Nantou County mayor
|推薦序 Recommendation Sequence|
帶動台日旅遊 6.14 起臺中東京天天飛 台日相互旅行を誘致 6.14 から台中東京路線が毎日運行 臺中市政府積極拓展中進中出航線,今年 6 月 14 日起臺中直飛日本東京的 定期航班天天開航。中部旅客不用至桃園機場搭機,大幅提升國際運輸便利性, 將擴大觀光旅遊發展,帶動台日旅遊互訪,吸引更多人潮至中臺灣觀光旅遊。 臺中市是我的故鄉,我很有信心向大家推薦,中臺灣七縣市囊括山海屯都, 不僅有知名的三義南庄山城、高美濕地、日月潭,更有鹿港古都、阿里山等, 多元化的旅遊行程,期盼吸引更多日本旅客到中臺灣旅遊,請大家一定要來中 臺灣玩。 台中市政府が積極的に飛行機の台中路線を開拓しているなか今年 6 月 14 日、台中と日本・東京を結ぶ定期直行便が就航しました。この就航により、 台湾中部の観光客は桃園国際空港から搭乗する必要がなくなり、アクセスの 利便性が大幅に向上されました。将来は多くの観光客が、台湾と日本を相互 往来する事となり、また、多くの日本人を台湾中部の観光旅行に誘致する事 ができるでしょう。 私の故鄕台中にあります、自信を持って日本友人の皆様に推荐を致しま す、台湾中部は 7 都市からなっており、有名観光地と知られる南庄・三義、 高美濕地、日月潭、昔の古都・鹿港、阿里山などがあります。そのため、さ まざまな旅行プランを組む事ができ、たくさんの日本旅行客を魅了できるよ う期待しております,是非遊びに来てくださいませ。 台中市政府 市政顧問 KMS 日台交流協會 代表 Representative of KMS Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association
|編者的話 Editor's Note|
愛玩兩週年 走遍中台灣 2nd anniversary of Travel in central Taiwan Travel around central Taiwan 臺中市旅遊協會 理事長 The chairman of the Tourism Association of Taichung
《愛玩中台灣》發行至今已屆滿兩週年,是中台灣唯一中英文對照針對觀光 客,深入香港、澳門、泰國、馬來西亞及日本的專業旅遊雜誌。配合臺中市政 府「中進中出」國際入境旅遊模式,為了讓旅客能得到最精確的資訊,本會主 動籌畫編輯《愛玩中台灣》,每期介紹中臺灣中、彰、投、苗四縣市的必遊景 點及相關食、宿、遊、購、行、娛的最新資訊,邀請國內外旅客到中臺灣深度 旅遊,並認識中臺灣的美。 隨著每一期深入介紹中臺灣,包羅萬象的主題,如名人帶路、行旅台中、跟 著網美去旅行等,精采絕倫的照片和深入淺出的文字,經過 8 期的累積,已走 遍中臺灣各大知名景點、隱藏秘境,帶領著旅客感受中臺灣的觀光魅力。期盼 日後《愛玩中台灣》能擴及北臺灣、南台灣及花東離島等,拓展臺灣的觀光, 吸引更多外國旅客至臺灣旅遊。 Travel in central Taiwan has been published for 2 years. It is the only professional travel magazine written in Chinese and English that go deep into Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Malaysia and Japan. With the international inbound tourism mode of Taichung city government – to make international tourism come and leave from Taichung Airport. In order to let tourism get the most accurate information, we actively plan and edit “Travel in central Taiwan”. In every volume, we introduce must-visit places and the latest information on food, accommodation, travel, shopping, transportation and entertainment of Taichung, Changhua, Nantou and Miaoli. Inviting local and foreign travelers to travel to central Taiwan in-depth and recognize the beauty of Taiwan. With each in-depth introduction of central Taiwan, there are all-embracing themes, such as Led by Celebrity, Travel in Taichung, Following internet celebrities to travel. Outstanding photos and in-depth texts. After 8 volumes of accumulation, we have led travelers to experience the charm of central Taiwan with visited all major attractions and hidden secret places in central Taiwan. We looking forward in the near future “Travel in central Taiwan” can be extended to North Taiwan, South Taiwan, Hualien and Taitung to expand the sightseeing of Taiwan and attract more foreign tourism to visit Taiwan. 5
愛玩中台灣 vol.8夏季刊 發行日期:2018年8月10日
24 南庄慢城
Slow City - Nanzhuang
02 推薦序
Recommendation Sequence
放慢步調感受慢生活 Slow down the tempo. Feeling simple slow life.
06 目錄
08 旅遊情報
Travel information
封面故事 樂遊苗栗 Cover Story : Having fun in Miaoli
舊山線X台三線X海岸線 Old Mountain Line Railway X Hakka Romantic Avanue X Coastline
▲ 南庄康濟吊橋 Nanzhuang-Kang Ji Suspension Bridge
35 盛夏沁涼
Feeling so cool in hot summer
上山下海樂消暑 Up to mountains and down to seas in hot summer
▲ 後龍好望角 Houlong-Cape of Good Hope
▲ 麗寶樂園-馬拉灣 Lihpao Resort-Malabay
您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌: 中華航空(香港→台中)、交通部觀光局駐日本東京辦事處、新加坡辦事處、馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處、香港辦事處、澳門辦事處、泰國曼谷辦事處;國 際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺北、臺中遊客服務中心;台灣電影 製作發展協會(150位會員);台灣各大旅行社(約600家);星動銀河旅站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店台中民權、薆悅酒店台中館、水雲端旗艦概 念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國際大飯店、永悅行旅、1969藍天飯店、富禾居會館、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、 長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中福華大飯店、通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台 中林酒店、福容大飯店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福容大飯店花蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大 飯店、高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅人驛站旅宿連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星光酒店、台 東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創HOTEL 海漾行館、佳仕堡商務飯店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店…(陸續增加)。
發行人:趙成年 社長:陳英俊 顧問:黃國書、蕭仕榮、吳政和 法律顧問:劉喜律師 執行編輯:王思晴、蕭喬云、陳怡君 陳庭慈、何家嘉 翻譯:賴思妤Sandra 編輯委員:楊豊三、蔡維郡、巫賜發 胡經桃、胡智鈞、陳奕錩 陳瑛宗、康翠敏、賈玉柱 吳奇鴻、林俊明 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路106號 電話:+886-4-23727658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司
42 精選南投
Nantou Selection
夏夜星空季,一起涼快去 Stargazing season in summer night. Go to the places wherever is cool.
56 跟著網美去旅行
Following internet celebrities to travel
中台灣打卡勝地 Check-in resorts in central Taiwan
▲ 合歡山 仰望星空 郭晉榕攝 In Hehuan Mountaion Look up at starry sky
50 行旅臺中
Traveling Greater Taichung
走逛推薦店家 Walking around recommended shops ▲ 台中西川橋 Taichung-Xichuan Bridge
▲ 全安堂太陽餅博物館 Taiwan Museum of Suncake
日本國東京都港區西新橋1丁目5-8川手ビル3F Tel/81-3-3501-3591 Fax/81-3-3501-3586 E-mail/tyo@go-taiwan.net
香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道30號新港中心 第一座512室 Tel/852-2581-0933 Fax/852-2581-0262 E-mail/info@ttbhk.hk
30 Raffles Place, Chevron House,#10-01, Singapore 048622 Tel/65-6223-6546~7 Fax/65-6225-4616 E-mail/tbrocsin@singnet.com.sg
馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處 Suite 25-01, Level 25, Wisma Goldhill, 67 Jalan Raja Chula, 50200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel/60-3-2070-6789 Fax/60-3-2072-3559 E-mail/tbrockl@taiwan.net.my
駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處觀光組 20th Fl., Empire Tower, 195 South Sathorn Rd., Yannawa Bangkok 10120, Thailand Tel/66-6-4545-1582
Travel information
配合中進中出 3 條機場快線 45 分鐘到市區 With the international inbound tourism mode, take 3 airport express buses to downtown in 45 minutes 臺中市政府近年來力促臺中與亞洲首都城市航線接軌,積極推動「中進中出」 國際入境旅遊模式,繼 6 月 14 日起天天直飛東京之外,越捷航空 6 月 22 日起每 周 5 班臺中往返河內直飛航線,並搭配 3 條快線公車,從臺中火車站到機場只要 45 分鐘,讓國內外旅客輕鬆遊台中。 3 條「機場快線」公車採全預約制,旅客可透過機場、客運網站或下載 APP 預 約搭乘,上路 1 年來吸引許多旅遊團客、背包客。為提升服務品質,公車業者紛 推出異業結盟票價優惠措施,快線公車藉由花博車貼,邀請全世界旅客今年 11 月 光臨花博,提升臺中觀光效益。 Taichung City Government has actively promoted the connection of Taichung and Asian capital city airways in recent years. The international inbound tourism mode is to make international tourist come and leave from Taichung Airport. Besides the daily non-stop flight to Tokyo since June 14th, VietJet Air has 5 nonstop flights to Hanoi every week since June 22nd . With 3 express buses, going to the airport from Taichung Station only takes you 45 minutes. It makes local and foreign tourists travel to Taichung easier. 3 airport express buses are under reservation. Travelers can use the websites of the airport and intercity bus or download the App to make a reservation. It has attracted many tourists and backpackers for the first year. In order to improve the service quality, tourism bus carriers release fare concessions of cross-industry alliance. Through the stickers of Taichung World Flora Exposition on express buses, inviting travelers from all over the world to visit the exposition in November and increasing the benefits of sightseeing in Taichung. 路線 Route
客運 Intercity Bus
主要停靠站 Main Stop
捷順交通 Jasun Bus
國光客運 Kuo-Kuang Bus
靜宜大學、東海大學、秋紅谷、科博館、臺中車站 Providence University, Tunghai University, Maple Garden, National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung Station
國光客運 Kuo-Kuang Bus
兆品酒店、通豪大飯店、逢甲夜市 MaisonDeChine Taichung, Plaza International Hotel, Fengjia Night Market
高鐵臺中站、國立美術館、臺中州廳、臺中公園 HSR Taichung Station, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung City Hall, Taichung Park
採預約制,收費方式以次計費,全票100元、半票50元。 Reservation system, charge by the number of times. Adults NTD100, Children NTD50.
FAT Light Travel Wonderful pleasure Take off from Taichung
Taichung – Kinmen 3 flights each day
Taichung – Magong 4 flights each day
For detailed flight information, please visit Far Eastern Air Transport official website.
Travel information
麗寶樂園海陸空 夏水樂園抗酷暑 Lihpao Land - In the water, on the land, and in the air. Fight the heat in water park 中台灣首屈一指的主題樂園 - 麗寶樂園,園區除了有多項明星設施的陸上「探 索樂園」、涵蓋生活娛樂的「麗寶臺中 Outlet Mall」,以及可一覽高空美景的「天 空之夢摩天輪」,夏天正是玩水的季節,由上而下的高速滑水道刺激又消暑,隨 著涼爽的浪花一波波席捲而來,呼朋引伴在白色的浪花中逐浪嬉戲,趁著暑假玩 水就到馬拉灣! The leading theme park in central Taiwan – Lihpao Land. In the theme park, there are “Discovery World” which has many famous land facilities, and ”Taichung Lihpao Outlet Mall “ which covers life and entertainment. You can also see the gorgeous scenery of the sky on Sky Dream Ferris Wheel. Summer is the season to playing in water. High speed waterslide makes you feel excited and cool. With the cool waves, play with your friends in white s
南投夏夜觀星季 國內外旅客上山納涼 Stargazing season in summer in Nantou. Enjoy the cool in the mountains for domestic and foreign tourists 南投縣政府結合清境、溪頭、日月潭等地的資源成立「星空聯盟」,今年 6 月 到 11 月推出一系列觀星體驗活動,吸引國內外旅客前來朝聖。為了減少光害,南 投地區許多民宿配合入夜後半熄燈,盼透過各地主題性的觀星體驗,讓旅客夜晚 能遠離城市喧囂,仰望星空欣賞點點繁星,除了可了解天文故事體驗深度旅遊, 更可望喚起民眾對生態環境的重視。
Nantou County Government combined the resources of Qingjing, Xitou and Sun Moon Lake to organize “Star Alliance”. From this June to November, it has launched a series of stargazing experience activities to attract local and foreign tourists to visit. In order to reduce light damage, many guesthouses turn off some lights after midnight in Nantou. Nantou County Government hopes that tourists can stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city through thematic stargazing experience in each place. Looking up at the starry sky helps tourists understand the astronomy story and experience in-depth travel. Except that, the government hopes to arouse people’s attention to the ecological environment.
Travel information
國內旅遊新亮點 三義舊山線 Rail Bike New highlight for domestic tour. Rail Bike of Sanyi old mountain line railway 為推廣舊鐵道文化,活化閒置的舊山線鐵道,苗栗縣三義舊山線 Rail Bike 軌道 自行車自 7 月 1 日起試運轉,開放部分三義鄉民及觀光旅宿業者等免費搭乘體驗。 路線從勝興車站穿越 2 號至 5 號隧道及魚藤坪橋至 6 號隧道北口折返,來回約 12 公里,每趟約需 1.5 小時,8 月前報請交通部履勘後決定試營運時間,票價訂為 280 元,並限制 7 歲以下或身高未滿 110 公分的孩童搭乘。 To promote the old railway culture and activate the idle old mountain line railway, Rail Bike of Miaoli county Sanyi old mountain line railway has started the test operation from July 1st. It is free for some residents of Sanyi and tourism industry. The route is from Sheng-Hsing Train Station to pass through tunnel No.2 and No.5 and return from Longteng Broken Bridge to the north exit of tunnel No. 6. It is about 12 kilometers back and forth. It takes 1.5 hours per ride. Before August, report to the Minister of Transportation and Communications R.O.C. to determine the operation time. The fare is NTD280. Children under 7 years old or under 110 cm are not allow to take.
彰化 4 鄕鎮至溪頭直達車 便利民眾到山林踏青 Direct buses from 4 counties of Changhua to Xitou. To facilitate people to go hiking in the mountains 彰化縣政府近年發展公共運輸上不遺餘力,自 106 年開闢員林、彰化到溪頭的 專車路線,獲得縣民熱烈迴響,平均載客率達 75%,今年 6 月份新增和美及鹿港 專車到溪頭,未來將陸續增加二林及北斗等,擴大服務縣民。彰化縣長魏明谷歡 迎縣內 65 歲以上持有長青國民旅遊卡者,可免費搭乘到溪頭的專車,到戶外走走 享受森林浴。 Changhua County Government has spared no effort in developing public transport in recent years. Since the government opened up the special route bus from Yuanlin and Changhua to Xitou in 2017, it got a warm response from local residents. The average passenger load factor is 75%. It added the special route bus from Hemei and Lukang to Xitou. To expand county service, Erlin, Beidou and other county will be added in the future. Wei, Ming-Ku, the county magistrate of Changhua, welcome citizens over 65 years old holding Evergreen National Tourist Card to take the bus to Xitou for free. Go outdoor and enjoy forest walk.
魅力舊山線 x 浪漫台三線 x 遼闊海岸線 苗栗有「山城」之稱,以「幸福城市 飛耀苗栗」為願景, 朝著「南北均衡發展, 山海線齊頭並進」為目標,依據 18 鄉鎮市的特色及文化作完整規劃,打造「一鄉 鎮市一特色」。 苗栗縣多元族群的文化內涵、豐富且多樣的生態環境,再加上三義、南庄國際 級雙慢城,相當適合國內外旅客體驗悠閒漫遊與慢活的生活,山線壯闊秀麗的自 然景觀,海線涼爽遼闊的海岸美景,讓人忘卻繁忙都市的疲憊,享受大自然贈與 的明媚風光。 近年來苗栗縣積極推廣「舊山線」、「台三線」及「悠遊海線」三大觀光主軸, 形塑旅遊亮點、拓展觀光魅力.三義舊山線推動全國首創的 Rail Bike 軌道自行車, 預計 8 月試營運,期盼吸引國內外旅客,成為國際級的觀光旅遊路線。 2016 年三義鄉和南庄鄉在縣府輔導下,同時通過國際慢城組織認證,佔全臺 獲此殊榮城市的一半,也是亞洲地區唯一擁有雙慢城的縣市。徐縣長表示隨著環 保意識抬頭,苗栗縣政府積極推廣無煙囪產 業,營造慢食、慢遊、慢活的環境,宣揚慢 城的生活理念,以此打造苗栗的識別性,吸 引觀光來客數,做出國際慢城口碑。
Travel in Miaoli County
Charming old mountain line railway X Hakka Romantic Avanue X Vast coastline Under the leadership of the magistrate of mountain city - Miaoli County, Hsu Yao-Chang, Miaoli has the vision planning to be the happy city. The goal of county government is to balance the development of North and South, and make the development of the mountains line and coastline go forward together. According to the characteristics and culture of 18 counties to make a complete planning, and to create “One Town One Product". It is suitable for domestic and foreign tourists to experience the leisure and slow life in Miaoli because of its multi-ethnic cultural connotation, and rich and diverse ecological environment. Both Sanyi and Nanzhuang are certificated as International CITTASLOW. With the magnificent natural landscape in mountain line, and refreshing and extensive view in coastline, people forget the exhaustion from busy city and enjoy the beauty of nature. Miaoli County has actively promoted the three major thematic sightseeing of “Old Mountain Line railway”,” Hakka Romantic Avanue” and “Travel in coastline” in recent years. The purpose is to create tourism highlights and expand the charm of sightseeing. Sanyi old mountain line railway was promoted by the first Rail Bike in Taiwan. Expected to trial operation in August.The government looks forward to attracting domestic and foreign tourists and making three thematic tourism plans become an international tourist route. Under the guidance of the county government, Sanyitun Township and Nanzhuang Township were certificated by Cittaslow International in 2016. Miaoli County is the only one having two CITTASLOWs in Asia. The magistrate of Miaoli County expressed, with the environmental awareness rise, Miaoli county government actively promotes the chimney-free industry. At the same time, the government creates the environment of slow eating, slow travel and downshifting. Through the promotion of the lifestyle of CITTASLOW, the government builds the recognition of Miaoli, attracts more tourists and makes the good reputation of International CITTASLOW . 1.舊山線隧道 Old Mountain Line Railway Tunnel 2.後龍外埔漁港 Houlong Waipu Fishing Harbor 3.南庄蓬萊溪 Nanzhuang Penglai River ▲以上照片由苗栗縣政府提供。
舊山線魅力世遺 Rail Bike驚艷登場 「舊山線」對於苗栗山城來說,就像是一條歷史古老但風 韻絕佳的珍珠項鍊.舊山線曾是臺灣西部縱貫鐵路的一部 份,在民國八十七年停駛後,因沿路美麗的山林景緻、 古色古香的火車站、氣勢磅礡的斷橋,以及充滿神秘氛 圍的老舊隧道,吸引許多旅客慢慢走入舊山線,體會鐵 道風情背後的歷史故事、居民生活以及產業演變,為這 段鐵路增加除了交通功能以外的文化價值。
隨著舊山線的停駛,許多隧道逐漸被世人遺忘,近年來在各 界合作下,進行隧道環境景觀的改善工程後煥然一新,成了苗栗新的旅遊亮點, 由北往南包含苗栗市功維敘隧道、竹南崎頂子母隧道、後龍過港舊隧道等,充滿 歷史韻味的老隧道,隨著光影的變化,令人有如置身在時空回憶裡。 為了活用舊山線的鐵道,苗栗縣以「舊山線魅力世遺 ․ 國際慢城」為主題,規 劃建置全臺唯一軌道自行車系統(Rail Bike),7 月 1 日起配合鐵道文化節試運 轉,預計 8 月試營運,試營運票價 NT$280/ 人,採網路預約制 ( 詳情請上官網查 詢 http://www.oml-railbike.com),未來完整的路線從勝興車站穿越 2 號至 5 號隧道 及魚藤坪橋至 6 號隧道北口折返,沿途可欣賞壯闊的山林及桐花盛開的美景,體 驗舊山線慢遊樂趣。 Rail Bike 除了可透過人力踩踏前進,亦有電力輔助,秉持綠色節能精神,具環 保、低碳特色,運用電池回充系統、車體自轉系統及 GPS 定位系統等,此外,也 有自動語音導覽、緊急救援通報系統等,大幅增加便利及安全性,旅客可以緩慢 悠閒體驗舊山線豐富自然、人文風華.「Rail Bike」是國內首見的新型態旅遊, 舊山線可望成為國際旅遊亮點,進而帶動苗栗觀光蓬勃發展。
Travel in Miaoli County
Charming old mountain line railway. Rail Bike stunningly debut
For Miaoli, old mountain line railway is like a pearl necklace with ancient history and full of charm. It was a part of western north - south railway. After 1998, it has stopped running. Due to the beautiful scenery along the road, the antique train station, the magnificent broken bridge and the mysterious old tunnel, many tourists walked into the old mountain line railway and experience the historical stories, life of residents and industrial evolution behind the railway customs. In addition to the transportation function, this railway has the cultural value now. As the old mountain line railway stopped running, many tunnels were gradually forgotten by the world. In recent years, with the cooperation of various social circles, the tunnel looks refreshing after the improvement of the tunnel environment landscape. It has become the new highlight of Miaoli tourism. From north to south, you will see Gong Wei Xu Tunnel in Miaoli, Zimu Tunnel in Qi Ding and Cross-Harbor Tunnel in Houlong. Those are old tunnels full of historical charm. With the changes of lights, it feels like being in memory of times. In order to activate the old mountain line railway, Miaoli County built the only railway bicycle system in Taiwan – Rail Bike with the theme of “Charming old mountain line railway. International CITTASLOW”. Cooperate with Railway Culture Festival, Rail Bike has been in trial operation in July 1st. Expected to trial operation in August, the fare is NTD280, make reservation over the Internet. (http://www.oml-railbike.com) In the future, the complete route is from ShengHsing Train Station to pass through tunnel No.2 and No.5 and return from Longteng Broken Bridge to the north exit of tunnel No. 6. Back and forth is about 12 kilometers. It takes 1.5 hours per ride. Along the way, you can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery of forests and tung blossom, but also experience the slow life of old mountain line railway. In addition to being able to move through human power, Rail Bike also has power assistance. With the spirit of green energy conservation, Rail Bike has the features of environmentally protection and low-carbon. It also has battery backfill system, self-rotation system and GPS system. Furthermore, it offers automatic audio guidance and emergency rescue notification system. Those functions significantly increase the convenience and safety of using it. Tourists can enjoy the rich nature and cultural features of old mountain line railway with slow tempo. Rail Bike is the first new type of tourism in Taiwan. Old mountain line railway is expected to become a highlight of international tourism, which will promote the tourism development of Miaoli. 1. 軌道自行車 Rail Bike 2. 勝興車站 Sheng-Hsing Station 3. 龍騰斷橋 Longteng Bridge ▲以上照片由苗栗縣政府提供。
浪漫台三線 慢遊客家庄 台三線,俗稱內山公路,總長 436.8 公里,橫跨桃園、新竹、苗栗、臺中 16 個 客家莊鄉鎮,苗栗地區由北往南分別是頭份、三灣、南庄、獅潭、大湖及卓蘭, 苗栗縣政府配合客家委員會,透過開發客家庄特色主題遊程,提振苗栗客家庄的 經濟與推廣客家庄文化,讓國內外更多旅客得以體驗客家文化及欣賞臺三線的質 樸美學,藉由慢遊、慢食、慢活之人文風貌,帶動觀光連動之綜合效益。 苗栗縣南庄及三義為臺灣唯一雙慢城通過國際慢城組織認證,為讓更多人體驗 國際慢城,苗栗縣政府積極推動青年洄游返鄉政策,鼓勵業者使用在地小農食材 與在地人文關懷,吸引許多青年返鄉,讓更多店家、地方居民一起融入「慢遊、 慢食、慢活」的環境氛圍,行銷苗栗慢城的觀光特色。 台三線苗栗路段沿線有多處傳統老街,如南庄老街、獅潭老街以及汶水老街等, 每一條老街所散發的韻味隨著產業文化、人文風情的不同而有各自的老街特色. 除了古色古香的老街小鎮風情,因得天獨厚的天然環境,一年四季皆可採果,旅 客可根據不同的季節體驗採草莓與柑橘等農遊樂趣,每個鄉鎮都有屬於自己的獨 特風情,值得旅客慢遊體驗. 隨著智慧服務崛起,苗栗縣政府與各界 攜手,以 ICT 科技之雲端智慧服務平臺建 立苗栗地方傳統產業亮點,三義及南庄國 際雙慢城推動「智慧健康樂活群聚」,大 湖鄉以「科技休閒農業」發展,竹南、造 橋及後龍則推動「在地特色伴手禮」,藉 特色化帶動產業商機與服務轉型的發展目 1
4 3
Travel in Miaoli County
Hakka Romantic Avanue Slow travel in Hakka village The 3rd Taiwan Provincial Road, also called Inner mountain highway. The total length is 436.8 kilometers. It crosses Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli and Taichung. There are 16 Hakka counties. From the north to the south of Miaoli, there are Toufen, Sanwan, Nanzhuang, Shitan, Dahu and Zhuolan. In order to boost the economy benefits and promote the culture of Miaoli Hakka village, Miaoli County Government cooperated with the Hakka Committee to develop the theme tour of Hakka Village. With the concepts of slow travel, slow eating and slow life, more and more domestic and foreign tourists can experience the Hakka culture and appreciate the simple aesthetics of The 3rd Taiwan Provincial Road. It also increases the comprehensive benefits of sightseeing. Nanzhuang Township and Sanyi Township were certificated by Cittaslow International. Miaoli County is the only one having two CITTASLOWs in Asia. In order to let more people experience International CITTASLOW, Miaoli County Government actively promotes the policy to get young people back to their counties. They encourage vendors to use the ingredients from smallholder farmer and care for local humanities. This can attract more young people to come back to their counties and make vendors, shops and local residents integrate into the atmosphere of slow travel, slow eating and slow life. The other purpose is to promote the sightseeing features of slow city - Miaoli. There are some traditional old street along Miaoli section of The 3rd Taiwan Provincial Road. For example, Nanzhuang old street, Shitan old street and Wenshui old street. Each old street has its own characteristics with different industrial cultures and humanities. In addition to the ancient old street style, tourists can pick fruits in all seasons due to its unique natural environment. According to different seasons, they can pick strawberry and orange. Each town has its own unique style, which is worth for visiting. With the rise of smart services, Miaoli County Government collaborates with all social circles to establish the traditional industry highlights of Miaoli with smart cloud service platform of ICT Technology. Two CITTASLOWs, Sanyi and Nanzhuang, promote the colony of living smart and healthy. Dahu Township develops with science and technology leisure agriculture. Zhunan, Zaoqiao and Houlong promote local feature souvenirs. They all want to promote industrial business opportunities and service transformation through specialization. 1. 康濟吊橋 Kangji Suspension ridge 2. 大湖草莓 Dahu Strawberry 3. 南庄老街桂花巷 Osmanthus Alley 4. 南庄向天湖 Nanzhuang Siiangtian Lake Wetland ▲以上照片由苗栗縣政府提供。
遠眺海岸線 碧海藍天啖海鮮 苗栗海線沿著臺灣西部,北起竹南、後龍,南至通霄、苑裡,沿著海岸線蜿蜒 前進的是長達 68.5 公里的「綠光海風自行車道」,以崎頂車站附近的崎頂海水浴 場為起點,沿途有龍鳳漁港、防風林、紫斑蝶保護區、竹南海口人工濕地、外埔 漁港、過港貝化石層、好望角、白沙屯、新埔車站、秋茂園、苑港漁港等景點, 在壯麗風車與古樸的海線鐵道相伴下,騎著單車一覽苗栗海岸線的綺麗風光,白 天可以欣賞田園與海岸線連成一線的壯麗景觀,傍晚時落日伴隨著微微的涼風, 眼前的雲海隨著夕陽的照射炫彩奪目,令人心曠神怡。 位於後龍的好望角,沿著綿延不絕的山路登上山頭,居高臨下俯瞰農田與大海 連結的海岸線,伴隨著隨風轉動的風車,偶而還有穿梭在稻田間的列車,媲美花 東海岸線美景,宛如是一幅美麗的畫作。苗栗的海邊有別於其他知名景點,寬闊 的沙灘、靜謐的景致以及一望無際的海天一線,總是讓人忘卻繁忙的壓力,吸引 著南來北往的旅客駐足停留。 此外,苗栗的海線鐵路有 3 座仍保留著日 治時期的木作車站,談文、新埔、大山車站, 隨著交通發達、產業外移,車站逐漸沒落, 少了人來人往的興盛,斑駁又帶點滄桑的 外觀,訴說著小鎮的潮起潮落和時代的更 迭,充滿古色古香的歷史車站,邀請國內 外旅客前來苗栗體會歷史的演變。 1
Travel in Miaoli County
Overlooking the coastline. Eating seafood over blue sky and sea. Miaoli coastline along western Taiwan, from the north you will see Zhunan and Houlong. From the south, you will see Tongxiao and Yuanli. Along the coastline, there is “Green light sea breeze bike lane”. Its total length is 68.5 kilometers. Along the road from Qiding bathing beach near Qiding Station, there are Long Fong Fishing Port, windbreak forest, protection area of purple butterfly, Zhu Nan estuary artificial wetland, Waipu Fishing Harbor, cross-harbor shell fossil layer, Cape of Good Hope, Baishatun, Xinpu Station, Qiu Mao Park, Yuangang Fishing Port. Riding bicycle on the quaint coast line railway, you can see magnificent windmills. During the daytime, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the countryside and the coastline. In the evening, feeling the breeze and watching the sea of clouds shining by the sunset illumination make people feel so amazing. Cape of Good Hope is located in Houlong. Climbing up the hills along the endless mountain roads and overlooking the coastline that linked the sea and farmland. The windmills rotate with the wind. There are trains that shuttle between the rice fields occasionally. The beautiful scenery makes you feel like you’re in the coastline of Hualien and Taitung. It looks like a beautiful painting. The seaside of Miaoli is different from other famous landscapes. Wide beach, quiet view and the boundless sea and sky always make people forget the stress from busy life and attract tourists to stay here. Furthermore, there are three wooden stations that were built in the Japanese occupation period in Miaoli coastline railway. They are Tanwen Station, Xinpu Station and Dashan Station. With the development of transportation and the shift of industry, the stations gradually declined. Lack of people coming and going, the mottled appearance with a little bit of vicissitudes, telling the ebb and flow of the town and the change of the times. Inviting domestic and foreign tourists to these antique historical stations to experience the historical evolution. 3
1. 綠光海風自行車道 Green Light Sea Breeze Bicycle Path 2. 好望角 Houlung's Cape of Good Hope 3. 新埔車站 Xinpu Station 4. 竹南崎頂子母隧道 Zhunan Qiding Zimu Tunnel ▲以上照片由苗栗縣政府提供。
南庄慢城 Slow City-Nanzhuang
放慢步調感受慢生活 Slow down the tempo. Feeling simple slow life. 百年郵便局 Hundred
Year Post Office
十三間老街 Shi San Jian Old Street
蓬萊溪賞魚步道 Penglai River Ecology Trail
獅頭山風景區 Lion's Head Mountaion Scenic Area
橫屏背生態賞魚步道 Hengpingbei Fish Eco-Trail
桂花巷 Osmanthus Alley
東河吊橋 Donghe Suspension Bridge
洗衫坑 Xi Shan Keng
康濟吊橋 Kang Ji Suspension Bridge
賽夏族民俗文物館 Saisiyat Cultural Museum
向天湖 Xiangtianhu Lake
神仙谷 Shenshian Valley 23
南庄慢城:新夏泰客 邀您一起感受大自然的慢步調 南庄鄉位於苗栗縣東北角,擁有最天然的自然景觀及多元文化族群,曾被旅遊 雜誌票選為全臺灣「友善城市」第一名,不僅是人與人之間相處的友善,在地小 農與餐廳業者秉持著友善土地的理念,傳承南庄的環保與天然,讓南庄的美得以 發揚國際。 105 年南庄鄉榮獲「國際慢城」之認證,我們秉持慢城的生活理念,營造慢食、 慢活、漫遊的環境,在縣府、參管處及客委會輔導下,以康濟吊橋兩岸為核心, 協助店家空間改造及改善街區周邊環境,並加強人才培訓與輔導青年返鄉創業, 將在地文化,如桂花、客家花布、紅磚等重新包裝,南庄老街逐漸聚集文創店家, 朝向舊產業、新面向發展,吸引國內外旅客深度漫遊南庄。 隨著「新夏泰客音樂會」活動即將邁入第 11 屆,我們可以看見南庄鄉多元族群 間,互相尊重彼此文化,各族群共同在南庄這塊土地上激盪出豐富多元的人文, 如賽夏族的巴斯達隘、正月迎媽祖踩街活動、客家傳統老街等,誠摯地邀請國內 外旅客到部落裡體驗原民風情,或是到聚落內享用道地的客家辦桌菜,感受南庄 在地人文風情。 獅頭山是名聞全省的佛教聖地,山中寺廟依山而建,古樸而壯麗,沿著獅山步 道群,可以看見古木參天、百年古剎林立其中,吸引登山客遠到而來感受宗教與 大自然並存的壯闊。鬼斧神工的神仙谷、蓬萊溪護魚步道、 石門步道等在參山風管處協助下,南庄的自然景觀得以 完整維護,隱身在深山裡宛如世外桃源。 科技不斷進步、大環境不斷改變,但南庄鄉仍保留了 許多原始生態與自然環境,在南庄街上還可以看見傳統 老建築,平日的南庄鄉更多了一份有別於觀光勝地的清幽 與緩慢,無論是嚮往自由自在的背包客,或是成群結 伴的團體客,我們都引頸期盼您一同品味南庄慢城 風情。
南庄鄉 鄉長 Nanzhuang Township mayor 24
Slow City - Nanzhuang
Slow city – Nanzhuang Township Xin Xia Tai Ke Inviting you to feel the slow tempo of nature Nanzhuang Township is located in northeast corner of Miaoli County. It has the most natural landscapes and multi-cultural ethnic group, and it was voted as the No.1 of the most friendly city in Taiwan by travel magazines. People get along with each other friendly in Nanzhuang. Local farmers and restaurants inherit the environmental protection and natural of Nanzhuang with the thought of being friendly to the land. These make the beauty of Nanzhuang can be seen by the world. Nanzhuang County was certificated as CITTASLOW in 2016. We create the environment of eating slow, downshifting and traveling in slow tempo with the life philosophy of slow city. With the counseling by county government, the management office of Tri-mountain National Scenic Area and Hakka Affairs Council, taking the two sides of Kangji Suspension Bridge as the core, assisting the transformation of stores and improving the surrounding environment of the neighborhood. At the same time, strengthening personnel training, mentoring young people to return to their hometowns to start a business and repackaging the image of local culture. For example, osmanthus, Hakka printed cloth and red brick. Nanzhuang old street gradually gathers cultural and creative stores. Towards the new development of the old industry, attracting domestic and foreign tourists to take an in-depth trip to Nanzhuang. With the Xin Xia Tai Ke Concert coming to its 11th, we can see the diverse ethnic groups in Nanzhuang respect each other’s culture and different ethnic groups create a rich and diverse humanities in this land. For example, Pastaay of Saisiat, Mazu Pilgrimage activities on roads in January and traditional Hakka old street. we sincerely invite domestic and foreign tourists to experience the original customs in the tribe, or to enjoy the traditional Hakka catering in the village. Come and feel the local cultural style of Nanzhuang. Lion's Head Mountain is a famous Buddhist shrine. The ancient and magnificent temple in the mountains was built in accordance with the mountain. Along Lion’s Head trails, you can see ancient trees towers to the skies and the century old ancient temples stands in the mountain. These beautiful sceneries attract climbers to come and feel the coexistence of religion and nature. With the assistance of the management office of Tri-mountain National Scenic Area, the awesome Fairy Valley, Penglai River Fish Watching Trail, Shimen Trail and other natural landscapes of Nanzhuang are fully maintained. Hidden in the mountains is like a paradise. The technology is improved continually and the environment is changed constantly. Nanzhuang Township still retains many original ecological and natural environments. In Nanzhuang old street, you can see traditional old buildings. On the weekdays, Nanzhuang Township is quieter and the tempo is slower than other tourist resorts. Whether you are a backpacker carrying a free mind or a group of friends, we are looking forward you can come and enjoy the slow city style of Nanzhuang. 25
Penglai River Ecology Trail 溪水魚群眾多,溪流與森林樹木形成天然美 景,夏天的夜晚也可欣賞螢火蟲哦。 There are many fishes in the water. The stream and the forest form a natural and beautiful scene. You can see fireflies at summer night. +886-3-7824570 苗栗縣南庄鄉蓬萊溪自然生態園區 Penglai River Ecological Park,Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County
Shi San Jian Old Street 有著傳統客家美食的老街,門牌上的圖案代表 著第一戶主人的生意,是難得一見的懷舊風景。 The old street with traditional Hakka food. The pattern on the house number plate represents the business of the first owner. It’s a rare and nostalgic scene. 苗栗縣南庄鄉東村中山路 Zhongshan Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County
Kang Ji Suspension Bridge 漫步橋上可觀南庄老街山城風貌與溪流景色,為南庄知名 景點之一。 Walking slowly on the bridge, you can enjoy the beautiful mountain scene of Nanzhuang old street and the view of stream. It’s one of the famous landscapes of Nanzhuang. 苗栗縣南庄鄉東村中正路 Zhongzheng Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County
南庄鄉公所 廣告
Slow City - Nanzhuang
Xi Shan Keng 老街桂花巷尾的水汴鎮,居民洗衣、聊天的 「水汴頭」。象徵客家人勤儉刻苦的精神。 Shui Bian Town is on the end of old street, Osmanthus lane. Shie Bien Tou is the place where residents do laundry and chat. They symbolize the hardworking spirit of Hakka people. 苗栗縣南庄鄉中山路(桂花巷尾) Zhongshan Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County(End of Osmanthus Alley)
Hundred Year Post Office 創於民國前十二年,古樸的格局曾讓其被選 為苗栗十大歷史建築。現名「南庄文化會館」。 It was built before 1900. Because of its ancient and simple structure, it has been listed as Miaoli Top Ten Historic Architecture. Now it’s known as Nanzhuang Cultural Center. 苗栗縣南庄鄉東村中山路 Zhongshan Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County
Osmanthus Alley 南庄老街,桂花為南庄的象徵。老街內的桂花 釀、客家大餅及原住民料理都值得一嚐。 Nanzhuang old street. Osmanthus is the symbol of Nanzhuang. You should try sweet Osmanthus, Hakka pie and Aboriginal cuisine.
+886-3-7823115 / 苗栗縣南庄鄉東村中山路 Zhongshan Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County( Osmanthus Alley)
南庄鄉公所 廣告
Shenshian Valley 苗21鄉道13k的神仙谷,大自然鬼斧神工的 美景。神仙谷吊橋亦有祖靈的眼睛之稱。 Shenshian Valley on 13k of Miaoli 21 Township way. It has the scenery of the extraordinary workmanship of nature. Shenshian Valley Suspension Bridge is also called The eye of ancient. +886-3-7824570 / 苗栗縣南庄鄉東河村神仙谷 Shenshian Valley,Donghe, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County
Saisiyat Cultural Museum 東河村向天湖的賽夏族文化館,保留最完 整、數量眾多的民俗文物。館內附英文說明。 Saisiyat Cultural Museum in Siiangtian Lake of Donghe Village. It preserves the most complete and numerous folk cultural relics. There is English guideline in the Museum. +886-3-7825024 苗栗縣南庄鄉東河村16鄰向天湖25號 No.25, Xiangtianhu, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County
Xiangtianhu Lake 南庄必遊,賽夏族的「矮靈祭」都在向天湖畔 舉行。除了景色優美,假日也有農特產市集。 Must-visit place in Nanzhuang. Pastaay of Saisiat is hold in Xiangtianhu Lake. In addition to the beautiful scenery, there are also agricultural specialties markets on holidays.
+886-3-7823115 苗栗縣南庄鄉向天湖 Xiangtianhu, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County
南庄鄉公所 廣告
Slow City - Nanzhuang
Donghe Suspension Bridge 吊橋橫跨東河溪,連接了中加拉灣與東河,走 一圈可體驗部落生活與生態之美。 The suspension bridge across Donghe River. It connects Zhong Jia La Bay and Donghe River. Take a trip to experience the beauty of tribal life and ecology. 苗栗縣南庄鄉東河村東河吊橋(東河國小旁) Donghe, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County
Hengpingbei Fish Eco-Trail 位於橫屏背溪的左岸,適合生態觀察,每年四、 五月間,也可來欣賞螢火蟲與油桐花。 Locate in the left side of Heng Ping Bei Creek. It is suitable for observing the ecology there. You can also enjoy fireflies and Tung blossom in every April and May. +886-3-7824570 / 苗栗縣南庄鄉屏背村12鄰26號 No.26, Hengpingbei, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County
Lion's Head Mountaion Scenic Area 佛、道教名山,上有多間寺廟宮觀,加上原住民的 文化景觀,造成獨特多元的人文風貌。 The famous mountain of Buddhism and Taoism. There are many temples and Taoist Abbeys. With the cultural landscape of the aborigines, you will see the unique and diverse styles and features. +886-3-5809296 新竹縣峨眉峨眉鄉七星村六寮60-8號 No.60-8, Liuliao, Emei Township, Hsinchu County
南庄鄉公所 廣告
今年夏天氣溫飆升,趁著暑假去哪裡旅行最消暑呢!大小朋友最愛的 海陸空樂園,或是到山裡避暑,吹著天然冷氣欣賞山嵐,感受雲霧環繞的 美景,更不能錯過海邊踏浪、泡冷泉的行程,夏日好好玩,旅遊透沁涼! The temperature is getting higher and higher in summer. Where is the best place for summer vacation? Adults and children love to go to amusement parks. Go to mountains that surrounded by clouds and enjoy the breeze and beautiful landscape is a good choice, too. Don’t miss walking in the waves at the seaside and soaking in cold spring. There are so many funny activities you can do in hot summer.
樂園 Amusement park 親子同遊 Fun 暑假 Family travel on summer vacation 趁著暑假,遊樂園紛紛推出夏季限定行程,更有許多適合親子一同享樂 的好玩活動。豐富好玩的主題樂園就屬中台灣知名的臺中麗寶樂園、苗栗 西湖渡假村、南投九族文化村,或是與動物親密接觸的南投清境農場、苗 栗飛牛牧場、彰化顏氏牧場,皆適合夏天與全家人、閨秘情人同遊。 When summer comes, every amusement park will launch summer limit itinerary. There are so many interesting activities for families. Speak about abundant and interesting theme parks, you can’t miss Taichung Lipao Land, Miaoli West Lake Resortopia and Nantou Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village. If you like to be close to animals, you can go to Nantou Qingjing Farm, Miaoli Flying Cow Ranch or Chang Hwa Yan Ranch. Those places are suitable for families, friends and couples in the summer time. 30
九族文化村 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village
臺灣太陽餅博物館傳承了太陽餅發明人 魏清海老師傅三代手藝的純正好滋味,結 合藝文展覽、互動影音、輕食餐飲等多元 面向,要帶給您截然不同的全新體驗。 The Taiwan Museum of Suncake inherited the authentic savory craft of the third generation suncake creator Wei Qing-hai. Combined with various arts and cultural exhibitions, interactive video and audio, light food and meals, providing you with a brand new experience.
40045 台中市中區台灣大道一段145號 / TEL:+886-4-22295559 No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd. Central Dist., Taichung City 40045 Taiwan (R.O.C.)
台中后里有全台最大的麗寶樂園渡假區,宛如超級娛樂城, 逛街購物、暢玩樂園、馳騁賽車、搭全台最大摩天輪賞景,用 歡笑聲渡過美好假期。 Lihpao Resort in Houli District of Taichung is the largest resort in Taiwan. It’s like a wonderful recreation. You can go shopping, having fun in the resort, car racing and taking the largest ferris wheel in Taiwan. Have a good vacation with laughter. 夏天玩水消暑首選馬拉灣,即日起至9月2日推「cool浪啤酒季」,大口喝 啤酒、搭配巨無霸火雞腿,超享受,暑假五六日還有比基尼辣DJ駐場,雪 白泡泡、超強音浪,陪你瘋狂搖擺一夏,還可張開雙臂迎接2.4米的轟天巨 浪、愜意漂浮在SPA水療風的漂漂河,在馬拉灣有超過12項的親水設施,多 樣化的設施好玩到不想回家。 陸上的探索樂園暑期推出全新遊行、百萬夜間秀「DADA海盜奪寶戰」, 20米巨型海盜船,搭配雷射、水砲等特效,熱力開演,暑期還有動漫列車 商品展以及超人氣卡通名偵探柯南進駐麗寶休息站;喜歡愜意舒服吹冷氣, 不妨搭上天空之夢摩天輪,深入384米高空盡覽台灣之美。 Malabay is the first choice of cool place for summer vacation. There is Cool wave Beer Festival from now to September 2nd. Enjoy drinking beer and eating jumbo turkey leg. From Friday to Sunday on summer vacation, you can see DJ wearing bikini and playing music. Moreover, there is high huge artificial wave of 2.4 meters. Floating on Lazy River, with spa style, is also a good choice. There are over 12 kinds of recreational facilities. Diverse funny facilities make you don’t want to go home. Land theme park launches new parade and Million-valued night show “DADA Pirate Battle”, with 20 meters giant pirate ship combining the special effects such as laser and water cannon, in summer. An animated train merchandise exhibition and super popular cartoon - Detective Conan can be seen in Lihpao Rest Station during summer time. If you like to stay in a place with air conditioner, come and take the Sky Dream Ferris Wheel. Explore the beauty of Taiwan at an altitude of 384 meters.
全東南亞最大的人工造浪池,大海嘯水深最深約2.4米,有鑽石浪、大海嘯等浪型變化。 (圖/馬拉灣 大海嘯 Photo/ Big wave in Malabay)
The largest artificial wave pool in Southeast Asia. The deepest depth of water of Big Wave is about 2.4 meters. There are different types of wave. For example, diamond wave and big wave.
住 Makes it easy to have fun.
Having fun, shopping and getting an accommodation nearby.
位於麗寶樂園渡假區的福容大飯店麗寶樂園店,步行3分鐘即可抵達樂園,讓爸媽可以輕鬆溜小孩, 即日起至8/25推出三天兩夜及兩天一夜,全包式假期住房專案,白天到水、陸樂園找刺激,晚上到越夜 越美麗,搭乘全台最大的摩天輪,兩人成行只要12,999元起。專案內容包含入住精緻雙人房兩晚、自助 百匯晚餐、4D劇場、天空之夢-摩天輪搭乘票券、探索樂園及馬拉灣門票,享雙樂園、雙日無限暢遊, 讓整個渡假區都是大人的休閒放鬆天堂、小孩的遊樂場!三天兩夜全包式假期,兩人優惠價12,999元, 兩大兩小(115-150公分)四人同行只要18,799元起。另外,每晚只要加價600元,即可升等每日限量的 「POPA Family主題房」。
(圖/探索樂園 皇冠鞦韆設施 Photo/ Clown Swing in Discovery World) During summer vacation, the most beautiful night amusement park in Taiwan is going to open in Discovery World.
Fullon Hotel LihPao Land Popa Theme Room
Fullon Hotel Lihpao Land is located in Lihpao Resort. You can arrive in Lihpao Resort in three minutes by walking. Let parents take kids to play easily. There are three days two nights and two days one night all-inclusive holiday room packages from now to August 25th. In the day time, you can go to water and land theme park to do some stimulating activities. Then take the largest ferris wheel in Taiwan at night. You only need to spend at least NTD12,999 for two people. The room package includes two nights of Exquisite Double Room, buffet dinner, 4D theater, tickets of Sky Dream – Ferris Wheel and tickets of Discovery World and Malabay. Enjoy two theme parks for two days. Let the whole resort become paradise for adults, playground for children! Three days two nights all-inclusive holiday room package cost you NTD12,999 for two people. Two adults and two children (115-150 cm) cost you at least NTD18,799. Furthermore, you can upgrade to a daily limited room "POPA Family Theme Room" if you pay extra NTD600 per night. No.8, Fullon Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City 421
森林 Forest 大自然的天然冷氣房 The natural air conditioning 即將進入高溫警報的夏日, 離開繁忙的市區,走進森林 吸收芬多精,感受壯麗卻優 雅的大自然,山上的氣候涼 爽宜人,千變萬化的雲海載 浮載沉,宛如世外桃源般的 仙境令人著迷。 The high temperature alert in summer is coming soon. It’s time to escape from busy city. Walk into forest to enjoy phytoncide. You will feel the magnificent and elegant nature. The weather in mountains is cool and pleasant. Watching the ever changing sea of clouds floating and sinking is so fascinating, just like paradise.
八仙山國家森林遊樂區 Baxian Mountain National Forest Recreation Area
奧萬大國家森林遊樂區 Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area
山城苗栗的觀霧國家森林遊樂區,臺中的八仙山國家森林遊樂區、武陵 國家森林遊樂區、大雪山國家森林遊樂區,以及南投的合歡山國家森林遊 樂區、奧萬大國家森林遊樂區,高低起伏的山巒與層層縹緲的雲海,造就 了每處森林令人為之動容的美麗景色,森林遊樂區除了是夏天的避暑勝地, 更因為豐富的生態環境,兼具知性與感性的旅遊。 Miaoli Wuguan National Forest Recreation Area, Taichung Baxian Mountain National Forest Recreation Area, Wuling National Forest Recreation Area, Daxueshan National Forest Recreation Area. Nantou Hehuan Mountain National Forest Recreation Area and Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area. The undulating mountains and layers of sea of clouds create the gorgeous scene of each forest. Forest recreation areas are not just summer resorts. Due to the abundant ecological environment, traveling to those places can be intellectual and emotional.
武陵國家森林遊樂區 Wuling National Forest Recreation Area
大雪山國家森林遊樂區 Daxueshan National Forest Recreation Area
戲水 Playing in the water 踏浪冷泉清涼一夏 Walking in the waves and soaking in cold spring make your summer cooler. 說到夏天,絕不能錯過的就是海邊戲水的行程,中臺灣海線由北往南, 臺中麗寶樂園-馬拉灣、苗栗龍鳳漁港、新埔海邊,臺中大安濱海樂園的 沙雕季、高美濕地的夕陽,海天一線的壯麗美不勝收。 Talk about summer, you can’t skip the itinerary of playing in the water. From north to south along the central Taiwan coast line, there are Taichung Lihpao Land- Mala Bay, Miaoli Long Fong Fishing Port, Xinpu seaside, Sand Sculpture Festival of Taichung Daan coastal paradise and sunset of Gaomei Wetland. You will see a line dividing the sea and the sky. The view is magnificent and amazing.
臺中麗寶樂園-馬拉灣 Taichung Lihpao Land- Mala Bay
龍鳳漁港 Long Fong Fishing Port
除了海邊,另一種玩水消暑是隱藏在深山中,人煙罕至的瀑布、溪流仙 境,臺中大雪山橫流溪、南投太極峽谷、龍鳳瀑布,沿著山路近距離觀賞 狀闊的瀑布,冰涼的溪水,舒緩了烈日的炙熱。此外,兼具療養效果的冷 泉更是不能錯過的消暑勝地,南投國姓鄉的北港溪冷泉、臺中清水湧泉, 清澈的水池吸引大小朋友嬉遊納涼。 Except seaside, another place to play in the water is in the mountain. It can be the sparsely populated waterfall or stream. Such as Da Xueshan Stream in Taichung, Tai Chi Canyon in Nantou and Dragon Phoenix Waterfall. You can watch the magnificent waterfall closely along the mountain road. Cold water relieved the hot weather. Furthermore, don’t forget to soak in cold spring that has healing effect. For example, Beigang stream cold spring in Guoxing Township, Nantou and Qingshui fountain in Taichung. Clear water pool attracts people to go there.
大安濱海樂園的沙雕季 Sand Sculpture Festival
高美溼地 Gaomei Wetland
往埔里、魚池 To Puli、Yuch
To Shueishe、Xiangshan
To Ropeway station 、Ita Thao
朝霧小棧 遊艇售票處
龍鳳宮 Longfeng Temple
水上明月 湖畔咖啡館
Zhaowu Pier
Wenwu Temple
Shueishe Pier
Shueishe Visitor Center
售票亭 水社霸 Shueishe Dam
Lalu Island
玄光寺碼頭 Xuanguang Pier
Tutingzai Lighthouse
玄光寺 Xuanguang Temple
玄奘寺 Xuanzang Temple
向山遊客中心 Xiangshan Visitor Center
Ita Shao old street
伊達邵碼頭 Itashao Pier
水社大山 登山步道
Cien Pagoda
頭社霸 Toushe Dam
1.上下船同一位置,請妥善保管票根,以備查票。已搭乘者,船票當日有效,遺失需補票。 Aboard and disembark at same wharf.Keep ticket in a safe place for all day. If lost ticket,must rebuy.
2.腳踏車可登船,每台費用100元。Bike is allowed to go on bord.Fee:NT$100 for each bike. 3.基於安全考量,如遇颱風及濃霧天候不佳(日管處發佈為主)將會暫時禁航,請斟酌是否搭乘;票劵一經使用或毀損 恕不退票,敬請見諒。Boat will be suspended by the unpredictable effects of bad weather as thick fog or typhoon. 4.纜車售票時間至15點30分,請提前購票。 The closing time of cable car ticket sales ends at 15:30. Please purchase your ticket early.
Consumer Hotline
輔導單位/南投縣政府、交通部觀光局日月潭風景區管理處 承辦單位/綠世界休閒育樂有限公司
九族文化村站 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village Station
電動班船時刻表 Boat Timetable
水蛙頭 ke
Ita Shao Lakeside Trail
日 月 潭 纜
ewa y(Ca ble Car)
水社碼頭Shueishe 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30
11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
3號窗口售票亭 伊達邵遊客中心 Itashao Visitor Center
13:00 15:00 13:30 15:30 14:00 16:00 14:30 * 16:30
Moon Lake Station
n Su
第一浮排 Wharf
09:20 09:50 10:20 10:50
11:20 11:50 12:20 12:50
伊達邵碼頭Itashao 09:40 10:10 10:40 11:10
11:40 12:10 12:40 13:10
第一浮排 Wharf Pier (1-1,1-4)
13:20 13:50 14:20 14:50 Pier
15:20 15:50 16:20 16:50 第二浮排 Wharf (2-2)
13:40 15:40 14:10 * 16:10 14:40 (末班船) 15:10 ・ 16:40 ・ 17:10
*字號為純遊湖不下岸Only around ・字號為只回水社Back Shueishe
憑票劵至 ・水上明月湖畔咖啡館 ・朝霧小棧
精選南投 Nantou Selection
Stargazing season in summer night. Go to the places wherever is cool.
龍鳳瀑布 Dragon Phoenix Waterfall
猴探井風景區 Tahchi Valley Scenic Area
日月潭向山遊客中心 Xiangshan administration and visitor center
德興瀑布 Dexing Waterfall
瑞龍瀑布 Ruilong Waterfall
溪頭自然教育園區 Qitou Forest Recreation Area
杉林溪森林生態渡假園區 Sun Link Sea Forest Recreation Area
武嶺 Wuling
芙蓉瀑布 Furong Waterfall
夢谷瀑布 Dream Valley Waterfall
彩蝶瀑布 Color Butterfly Waterfall
清境農場 Qingjing Farm
觀音瀑布 Guanyin Waterfall
益則坑 Yizekeng Waterfall
雙龍瀑布 Shuanglung Waterfall
松瀧岩瀑布 Songlong Rock Waterfall
彩虹瀑布 Rainbow Waterfall
炎炎夏日,隨著氣溫持續高漲,南投縣政府首創全台避暑主題遊程「2018 南投星空季」,今年 6 月至 11 月杉林溪、清境、溪頭、日月潭、猴探井等觀 光勝地皆有觀星活動,盼旅客「哪邊涼快哪邊去」,到南投旅遊,除了白天避 暑,晚上更可以觀星,為南投的夜間活動增添趣味,帶動住宿增加觀光效益。 南投縣境內壯麗高山景緻,豐富林相成為避暑勝地,為吸引遊客到南投避暑 旅遊,並結合山區的觀星優勢,除 7 月 7 日響應杉林溪首屆「世界螢火蟲日」 外,觀星活動於 6 月 23 日杉林溪登場,旅客可透過望遠鏡認識天文,還能拍 攝月球隕石坑。 此外,清境鳶峰停車場向國際暗空協會(IDA)申請「合歡山國際暗空公 園」,此舉也將讓合歡山清境地區成為亞洲第二座通過國際認證的觀星絕佳據 點。年底入冬天氣轉涼時,也能夠到南投的優質好湯享受溫泉之旅,眾多旅遊 活動讓民眾可以暢遊南投。 Hot summer is approuching. As the temperature continuing to rise, Nantou County Government launches the first summer theme tour in Taiwan – 2018 Stargazing in Nantou. There are some stargazing activities in Sun Link Sea, Qingjing, Xitou, Sun Moon Lake and Hou Tan Jing from this June to November. We hope that tourists can go to the places wherever are cool. If you come to Nantou, you may avoid getting the summer heat in daytime and gaze the starry sky at night. Stargazing added more fun at night in Nantou and increased the tourism benefits by high rating for accommodation. Nantou has the spectacular mountain scenery. It became the summer resort because of its rich forests. In order to attract tourists, who want to get away the summer heat, there are some activities for you to participate. For example, the first "World Firefly Day" of Sun Link Sea on July 7th and the stargazing activity will be debut on June 23rd. Tourists can learn astronomy through the telescopes, and they can also shoot craters of the moon. Besides, Yuan Feng parking lot in Qingjing has applied to International Dark-Sky Association for “Hehuan Mountain International Dark-Sky Park. This move will make Hehuan Mountain Qingjing area become the second certified best stargazing place by international organization in Asia. When the weather turns cold at the end of the year, you can also enjoy the hot spring bath trip to Nantou. There are many tourism activities for people to have fun in Nantou. 44
南投縣政府 廣告
Nantou Selection
Activity List of Stargazing in summer night in Nantou 月全食轉播
07 27
Broadcast of Total Lunar Eclipse
08 11
銀河季開幕 Opening of Galaxy Season
09 08
Xitou Park and sacred tree activities combined with
09 29
Sun Moon Lake Xiangshan Visitor Center provides astronomy guide and star shooting explanation
10 27
猴探井天空之橋,觀星賞彰化平原夜景 Hou Tan Jing Sky Bridge. Stargazing and watching the night view of Changhua Plain
攝 / 吳坤炳 內湖國小 螢光精靈
詳請可上臉書「樂旅南投」查詢 Please click here for details
南投縣政府 廣告
攝 / 魏志瑋 合歡山北峰 玉山圓柏銀河
Nantou 哪裡涼快哪裡去
觀瀑親水 全攻略 Travelling guideline of waterfalls in Nantou
「37、38、39 度…高溫破百年紀錄 !」,晴空萬里是出遊好 天氣,驚人的熱浪卻一波波來襲,可是又好想出去玩,哪裡最 消暑呢 ? 介紹一個涼快舒爽,暑氣全部退散的好地方─海拔高、 森林密而且水氣豐沛的「南投」。南投山高水豐,處處都有瀑布, 瀑水飛留而下,激起陣陣的水霧把暑氣全消,滿滿的負離子更 是最健康的天然冷氣。這裡特別為怕熱的你精挑細選最涼爽最 舒適的南投觀瀑行程,聰明的你一定不能錯過喔 ! 37,38,39 degrees…High temperature breaks the record in hundred years. Blue skies are the good weather for a trip, but the heat makes people want to stay inside. Where is the best summer resort? Let us recommend a cool and refreshing place for you. Nantou, a county with high altitude, dense forest and abundant water. Nantou has high mountains and abundant water. You can see waterfalls everywhere in Nantou. Full of negative ions is the healthiest natural air conditioner. We’ve selected the coolest and the most comfortable waterfall viewing trip for people who don’t like hot weathers. You can’t miss it!
Guanyin Waterfall 位在台14線埔霧公路旁的觀音瀑布,從馬路往上走 20分鐘,即可到最上層。「飛流直下三千尺,疑似銀河 落九天。」李白的詩化成涼爽的水氣,包圍住每一位遊 客。 It is located beside Puwu Highway of The 14th Taiwan Provincial Road. Walking along the road, you will reach the top of the waterfall in 20 minutes. “Straight down from three thousand feet, it’s like the galaxy goes straight down from the highest sky”, the meaning of the poem of Li Bai turns into the cool water and surrounds every visitor. +886-49-2984040 南投縣埔里鎮 Puli Township, Nantou County
攝 / 何重佳 埔里 觀音瀑布的印象
Yizekeng Waterfall 炎炎夏日,上山到益則坑瀑布玩水,清涼 又消暑,每逢周末總是吸引大批旅客。 In the hot summer, climbing up to mountain and playing in water in Yizekeng Waterfall are cool. Every weekend, it always attracts a large number of travelers. The road to the waterfall is an industrial road. Please be careful if you want to go to play in water. 南投縣水里鄉 Shuili Township, Nantou County 攝 / 林碧貴 日月潭 日月潭晨光
南投縣政府 廣告
Nantou Selection
Rainbow Waterfall 位於東埔溫泉區後山,沿著老街步道一路 往上即可到達,銀白瀑布宛如仙女絹布般美 麗,適合情侶一訪,因此有情人谷美稱,在玉 山腳下泡溫泉,觀瀑布最是舒服。 It is located in the back mountain of Dongpu Hot Spring Area. Go up all the way along the old street trail, you can arrive there. The silver white waterfall is as beautiful as a fairy. It's suitable for couples to take a trip there. Because of that, it was also called “The valley of lovers.” It's the best thing to soak in hot spring in the bottom of Mt. Jade and watch the view of waterfall.
● 彩虹瀑布
南投縣信義鄉東埔溫泉區後山腰 Dashuiku, Xinyi Township, Nantou County
● 東埔溫泉
Dream Valley Waterfall 埔霧公路三大瀑布之一,壯麗山水的陪襯 下,猶如人間仙境。令人嘆為觀止的懸谷式瀑 布,溪畔沿岸的豐富生態與壯觀的山壁美景, 是享受一下山野景色的好地方。 It is one of the three largest waterfalls on Puwu Highway. Surrounded by magnificent landscapes, it is like a paradise. The amazing suspended valley waterfall is the best place to enjoy the rich ecology and spectacular mountains view. 南投縣仁愛鄉 Ren'ai Township, Nantou County
攝 / 黃榮群 仁愛鄉 夢谷瀑布
Ruilong Waterfall 係太極峽谷最下游的瀑布,1,000公尺的 步道、瑞龍吊橋及觀瀑平台,提供遊客舒 適的賞瀑空間。瀑布分為三段,水量大時 狀似飛龍遨遊,美不勝收。
+886-49-2657668 南投縣竹山鎮 Zhushan Township, Nantou County
It is the most downstream waterfall in the Tai Chi Gorge. 1,000-meter trail, Ruilong Suspension Bridge and waterfall platform provide the comfortable area for waterfall viewing. The waterfall is divided into three sections. When the water yield is large, it's like a dragon flying in the sky. What an amazing view!
南投縣政府 廣告
Dexing Waterfall 鹿谷鄉小半天的秘境,乃天然避暑勝地。德興 瀑布地形關係分上下兩層,上層水流速度平緩, 下層氣勢磅礡。 The secret place in Xiao Ban Tian community of Lugu Township is the natural summer resort. Dexing Waterfall is divided into two layers due to its topography. The water flow in upper layer is gentle, and in the lower layer is magnificent. When you come to Sun Link Sea in Xitou to enjoy forest bath, you can also take a trip in Dexing Waterfall. +886-49-2752505 / 南投縣鹿谷鄉 Lugu Township, Nantou County
Dragon Phoenix Waterfall 瀑布左右一邊如蚊龍般灑脫奔放,一邊如彩鳳 般柔緩飄逸。搭配馬蹄形天空步道,印照在山嵐 山谷之間。 One side of the waterfall is as free, bold and unrestrained as a dragon. The other side is as soft and elegant as a phoenix. The skywalk was built above the dragon waterfall. A horseshoe-shaped trail was built with the oblique wall structure. The total length is 35 meters. You can overlook the green hill and enjoy the breeze between the valleys. 南投縣中寮鄉龍岩村龍南路154號 No.154, Longnan Rd., Zhongliao Township, Nantou County
Color Butterfly Waterfall
Furong Waterfall
隱身於庄後的群山澗谷之中,路程崎嶇,但讓 人有曲徑通幽的山野趣味。晴朗時飛舞的蝴蝶編織 成一幅璀璨亮麗的圖畫。
芙蓉瀑布周遭景致優美,瀑布前有建一小觀景 台,瀑布下水煙瀰漫,令人有沁涼之感受。涓涓細 流,溪水清澈見底,深淺不一的水潭裡魚蝦悠遊。
It is hidden in the mountains and valleys behind the village. The distance is rugged and difficult, but there's a unique taste in the distance. When the weather is nice, the sun and the water become a rainbow and butterflies flying in the sky. It looks like a bright and beautiful picture.
The scenery near Furong Waterfall is beautiful. There is a small observation deck in front of the waterfall. With full of water vapor under the waterfall, it makes people feel so refreshing. The water is crystal clear. You can see fish and shrimp swimming in the water of different depth.
南投縣埔里鎮中山路一段29號 No.29, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 48
南投縣國姓鄉北圳巷 Beizun Ln., Guoxing Township, Nantou County
南投縣政府 廣告
Nantou Selection
Songlong Rock Waterfall 位於杉林溪森林風景區內,瀑布旁的天然 岩洞,凸顯瀑布氣勢非凡。在氣勢磅礡的飛天 白瀑下,搭配巨大的石洞奇景,相對的人顯的 極為渺小。 It is located in Sun Link Sea Forest Scenery Area. The natural cave beside the waterfall makes the waterfall look extremely majestic. Under the majestic white waterfall with the wonders of the huge stone cave, people look very tiny.
● 松瀧岩瀑布
南投縣竹山鎮 Zhushan Township, Nantou County
攝 / 劉佳忠 忘憂森林 忘憂之旅
Shuanglung Waterfall
南投縣信義鄉光復巷 Guangfu Ln., Xinyi Township
瀑布高低落差大似兩條蛟龍盤旋因而得其名,瀑 布旁的水源吊橋,橫貫大峽谷線條優美直達山頂。 It's famous for the height difference of the waterfall, and looks like two dragons circle together. The steep gap between the mountains creates the view of a lot of water vapor in the air. It's like a paradise. Beside the waterfall, there is Shuiyuan Suspension Bridge crossing over Shuanglung Grand Canyon. The line is beautiful and leads to the top of the mountain.
攝 / 賴楠忠 信義鄉 信一玻璃吊橋
水資源豐沛的南投,是夏天想要找涼快 的您最棒的選擇,不過觀瀑之餘還想要下水 玩水的話,要注意周遭環境並確保自己與家 人安全,並一起維護這些大自然賜給我們禮 物,才是最棒的旅遊達人喔 ! Nantou, a water-rich county, is the best choice for you to feel cool in the summer. If you want to play in the water after watching the waterfall, please pay attention to the surrounding environment and make sure you and your family are safe. Don’t forget to maintain these nature gifts and be a best traveler.
南投縣政府 廣告
推 薦 店 家
The old station master 集集老站長一走進大廳騰雲號火車、牆面設 計成「哈利波特」中Platform 9¾,時空穿梭凸顯 鐵道特色,另設有南投縣內13鄉鎮在地農特產品 伴手禮店鋪內容豐富。二樓餐廳販售懷舊鐵道便 當,鋪設台鐵軌道搭配曙光隧道意象及各式相關 展品,給遊客全新視覺感受。 When the old station master walks in to the hall, Tengyun Train and the Platform 9¾ wall design of Harry Potter come into view. Time and space shuttle highlights the features of railway. There is a store selling products with local characteristics of thirteen townships in Nantou county. On second floor, you can buy nostalgic railway bento. The railway track construction with the image of the Twilight Tunnel and various related exhibits give tourists a new visual feeling. +886-49-2761799 南投縣集集鎮民生路162號 No.162, Minsheng Rd., Jiji Township, Nantou County
愛麗絲國際大飯店 AERIS-HOTEL
藝術家郭彥甫:「繪畫就是我的生活,像空氣 一樣重要。」 大廳展示著藝術、人文與設計選書,知性的氛 圍就如藝術家,長住於愛麗絲套房中,藝術創作 繆思的泉源。 The artist, Yanfu Guo said, Painting is my life, and it's as important as the air. Collection of picture album, the picture book belongs to children. The book of art, humanities and design is displayed in the hall. The intellectual atmosphere is like an artist. Long staying in the Alice Suite is the source of your artistic creation.
+886-4-23770188 / 西區柳川西路二段77號 No.77, Sec. 2, Liuchuan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 50
以門鎖為概念,強化家的意向,並結合Hotel的H為主軸,連接家與Hotel般 的舒適自在。 圓外圈的粗圓線條,代表產業活絡需要每一個企業以及個人的互相合作和幫忙 才能成就更多圓滿的結果。內圈彩色細線條 代表旅行五元(圓)素 【緩】 【吃 】 【住】 【幸福】 【回憶】,透過旅行享受、記錄、累積人生的每一步,色 彩以五元素的顏色代表聯盟的創意以及年輕化。
地址 / 網址
台中市東區台中路203號 taichung.inhousehotel.com
台中市西屯區青海南街159號 www.icloudhotel.com.tw
台中市中區市府路38號 www.1969blueskyhotel.com
台中市中區自由路2段66號 www.mshotel.com.tw
台中市西區柳川西路2段77號 www.aeris-hotel.com
高雄市新興區七賢一路513號 www.lainn.com.tw
高雄市新興區林森一路237號 www.design-hotel.com.tw
高雄市鳳山區文鳳路96號 www.leesinggroup.com
高雄市前金區市中一路299號 qixian.leesing-hotel.com
台東市中山路402號(鐵花村旁) www.traveler-inn.com
台東縣太麻里鄉大王村太峰路147號 www.dawnhotel.com.tw
台東縣卑南鄉溫泉村龍泉路139巷1號 www.rainbow-hotel.com.tw
台東市臨海路一段38號 www.kaishotel.com
台東縣鹿野鄉中華路一段200號 www.lmresort.com.tw
嘉義縣布袋鎮岑海里順安路61號 www.budai-hotel.com.tw
嘉義縣太保市北港路二段218號 www.chiashihpao.com
嘉義鄉竹崎鄉中和村奮起湖178之1號 www.fenchihu.com.tw
嘉義市西區延平街250號 lankwaifonghotel.com.tw
推 薦 店 家
薆悅酒店五權經典館 Inhouse Hotel Grand
Finger Tea
薆悅酒店經典館,由著名的Inhouse Design Team秉持Urban Resort精神,與台灣首席花藝設 計團隊合作打造的精美工藝風格。
「把台灣茶帶向全世界」是長順百年的經營理 念,希望體現台灣獨特的溫厚人情,製茶百餘年 今年開始賣手指,為台灣茶業開創嶄新的一頁。
The design of the entire Inhouse Hotel Grand was created by our renowned Inhouse Design Team based on the spirit of the urban resort with their careful planning and delicate craftsmanship.
“Promothing Taiwan tea to the world” is the business concept of Changshun for over hundred years. We look forward to showing the unique hospitality of Taiwan to the world and to opening a new chapter for the tea industry of Taiwan.
+886-4-22016111 / 北區五權路228號 No.228, Wuquan Rd., North Dist., Taichung City taichung.inhousehotel.com/
Taiwan Museum of Suncake
+886-49-2583126 / 南投縣名間鄉埔中巷32號 No.32, Puzhong Ln., Mingjian Township, Nantou County
綠大地露營咖啡農場 Greenlandcamping
保留百年建築,打造成太陽餅博物館及糕餅餐 飲空間,兼具歷史與文創。
位在新社大甲溪畔上第一美景設有各式露營區 豐富生態園區,適合悠閒親子渡假的好地方。
Retaining a century old architecture and establishing its tradition as a sun cake museum and dessert dining space, combining history and artistic creations.
It is located in the Dajia Riverside of Xinshe. There are different kinds of camping area and abundant ecological park. It's the good place for family trip.
+886-4-22295559 / 中區台灣大道一段145號 No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City 52
+886-4-22390991 / 新社區慶西里上坪4-6號 No.4-6, Shangping, Xinshe Dist., Taichung City
推 薦 店 家
成旅晶贊飯店 台中民權
Tayeondon Store., Co Ltd
Park City Hotels
遵循古法製作,採用高級麵粉、糯米芽、蜂 蜜,製成拔絲(好吃)的太陽餅、鳳梨餅、檸檬餅、 老婆餅、月餅等,都是暢銷產品。
以自然、舒適、活力、便捷,帶給消費者時尚 旅遊的新感受。鄰近台中車站、台中州廳、台中 公園,無論洽公或旅遊,都是最好的選擇。
Made with the traditional method and highgrade flour, sticky rice sprout, honey, the candied floss (yummy) sun cakes, pineapple pastries, lemon cakes, wife cakes, and moon cakes are all tasty. They are the best-selling items in the bakery.
With natural surroundings and comfortable facilities, it provides energetic tours and a convenient stay for consumers to experience a whole-new way of fashionable travel. Located near the TRA Taichung Station, Taichung City Hall and Taichung Park, the hotel can be the best choice for a business trip or private travel.
必買 伴手禮
+886-4-22276999 / 中區自由路二段27號 No.27, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-22235678 / 中區民權路66號 No.116, Minquan Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City
心之芳庭 Moncoeur
薰衣草森林旗下品牌之一,是全台首見結合 婚禮與遊憩服務,以浪漫實現友善大地之愛的莊 園。 It is a brand under Lavender Cottage, which is the first manor in Taiwan that combining wedding and recreation services to realize the love of the land with romance.
+886-4-22398900 / 北屯區芳庭路1號 No.1, Fangting Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 53
推 薦 店 家
New Tai Yang Bakery
在舊時代的記憶裡找尋新的可能,百年底蘊裡 靠著綠川溪畔,打造視覺輕盈的旅店。 Looking for new possibilities in the memories of the old days. At the end of the century, create a light visual hotel beside the green river.
新太陽堂餅店的月餅是傳統綠豆椪,由甜而不 膩的綠豆餡及上等豬肉餡手工製作,各個飽滿鬆 軟,是讓人念念不忘的好滋味。 The moon cakes made by our shop are traditional mung bean pastries. They are made with mung bean paste, sweet but not greasy, and highgrade pork stuffing. Each of them is soft and rich, bringing you tasty bite after bite.
+886-4-22211888 / 中區中山路26號 No.26, Zhongshan Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City
TA CHEN FONG UMBRELLA Co., Ltd. 大振豐出品的傘具,兼具美感與實用性,傘骨 輕盈、具備防風及傘布具有抗紫外線的效果,多 樣化的傘具種類,還有多種花色可自行挑選,讓 傘除了遮陽避雨的功能性外,更成為塑造個人風 格的時尚配件。 A variety of umbrellas with various colors and patterns, allowing it to become a fashionable accessory of personal style besides sun blocking and rain sheltering functions.
+886-4-22215978 / 中區自由路二段51號 No.51, Sec. 2, Ziyou Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City
我們有故事旅店 OURS HOTEL
我們有故事旅店是台中第一間在地深度體驗的 文創旅館,歡迎前來體驗台中的在地故事。 Ours Hotel is the first cultural and creative hotel in Taichung for you to experience in-depth tourism. Welcome you to experience the local story of Taichung.
必買 雨傘
+886-4-22317689 / 北屯區太原路三段1160號 No.1160, Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 54
+886-4-24528920 / 西屯區福星路228號 No. 228, Fuxing Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
台灣汽車保養行家 柯育沅
節能減碳提高馬力行家 張振文
台灣正能量行家 陳建仁
生物科技行銷行家 游凱玲
保生堂醫美藥業行家 黃文杰
台灣生基開運行家 詹順榮
跟著網美去旅行-中台灣打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel check-in resort in central Taiwan
臺中近年來因串連生態河、土地重劃興建不同特色的橋,被譽為「美橋之都」, 每座橋形狀不一,所賦予的意義也不同。在建築上變化造型,也可以讓既有的建 築更活潑。 Taichung has been called “City of beautiful bridges” recently. It is because of the government connected the ecological rivers, did the land readjustment and built bridges with different characteristics. The shape of each bridge is different, so is the meaning of it. Furthermore, changing the shapes of the architectures can also make them more lively.
新坪公園 Xinping Park
Xichuan Bridge – Heart-shaped Bridge
從小玩到大的溜滑梯,換上章魚的外型,平凡 的公園也可以很熱鬧。
純白色的橋身是愛心豎琴狀,也像兩隻白天鵝對 望,十分浪漫。
The slide we played since we were little changed the shape to octopus. Ordinary park can be very lively. 太平區新平路三段90-96號
The shape of bridge is white heart-shaped harp. It’s so romantic because it looks like two white swans looking at each other. 南區西川一路 Xichuan 1st Rd., South Dist
No.90-96, Sec. 3, Xinping Rd., Taiping Dist
Yong-Chun Elementary School 魔法城堡般的建築就像王子公主般,連 上學都變得如此浪漫。 The school building looks like magic castle. Going to school became such a romantic thing. 56
南屯區永春東路288號 No.288, Yongchun E. Rd., Nantun Dist
禾豐橋 He Feng Bridge 相互連結的線條,隨著光影變化而有不同的氛圍 ,簡單的鋼構不簡單的弧度。 The interlinked lines change into different atmosphere due to the light changes. The steel structure is simple but the radian is not. 南區文心南路與環中路六段交叉口(中山醫院附近) Wenxin S. Rd., South Dist (Near Chung Shan Hospitalt) #尚未完工,請旅客小心安全。It is in progress, please be careful.
Following internet celebrities to travel
磐頂教會 Pan Ding Church 臺灣少數船型教堂之一,與天空相互輝映,打造 如諾亞方舟的意境。 One of the few boat-shaped churches in Taiwan. Interact with the sky and create the artistic conception like Noah's Ark. 龍井區遊園南路361巷15號 No.15, Ln. 361, Youyuan S. Rd., Longjing Dist
清新橋 Qingxin Bridge
眼科商店 Rock scissors
因外觀造型又被稱為蝴蝶橋,夜晚點燈後,站在 中間宛如一隻展翅的蝴蝶。
隱藏在一中商圈巷弄中的選物店,小畫家櫥窗是 網美新打卡點。
Because of the exterior, it is also called Butterfly Bridge. When the light on at night, it looks like a butterfly spreading wings. 北屯區(鄰近新都生態公園和大坑風景區)
The collection shop is hidden in the lane of YiZhong business district. Small artist window is the new check-in spot for internet celebrities. 北區太平路31巷7號 No.7, Ln. 31, Taiping Rd., North Dist 營業時間:14:00-22:00(週一公休)
Beitun Dist., Taichung City (Near Xindu Ecological Park and DaKeng Scenic Area)
Business hours:14:00-22:00 (Close on Mondays)
跟著網美去旅行-中台灣打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel check-in resort in central Taiwan
為了迎接熱情夏日的來臨,本期「跟著網美去旅行」彰化篇羅列許多色彩豐富的 網美景點,儘管只是一座公園、一個巷弄,也能因為多采多姿的彩繪豐富每一次 的小旅行。 In order to welcome the hot summer, we’re going to introduce a lot of colorful and beautiful spots in this edition of Changhua. Your little trip can be colorful even you just visit a park or a lane.
大路畔柑仔店 Dalupan Gamadiam 將古早味的雜貨店搬進村莊巷弄裡形成大型彩 繪牆,讓旅人穿梭在古街裡。 Moved the ancient grocery store into the village look like a large painted wall. It makes people feel like walking on an old street. 大村鄉中山路三段2巷43號 No.43, Ln. 2, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Dacun Township
Baiguo Mountain Explore Paradise
以極長的溜滑梯聞名,每到假日總會聽見許多大 小朋友的歡樂聲。 It is famous for the extremely long playground silde. No matter grown-ups or children go there on holidays. 員林市出水里出水巷12號 No.12, Chushui Ln., Yuanlin City
Wanggong Wind Power Station 在藍天白雲的襯托下,壯麗的小風車們 隨著風吹而旋轉。 Under blue sky and white clouds, the magnificent windmills rotate with the wind. 芳苑燈塔(芳苑鄉漁港七路146號)旁 58
Beside Fangyuan Lighthouse (No.146, Yugang 7th Rd., Fangyuan Township)
Following internet celebrities to travel
福寶輪胎公園 Fubao Tire Park
馬興旋轉木馬 Ma Xing Carousel
位於福寶彩繪村附近,以彩色輪胎築起一座小城 堡,吸引大小朋友爭相拍照。
巨型的旋轉木馬裝置藝術,就隱身在彰化秀水巷 弄內,讓平凡的小村莊多了繽紛的色彩。
Located near Fubao Painted Village. The small castle was built with colored tires. Many people came to take photos with it. 福興鄉新生路52-1號
This giant carousel installation art is hidden in Xiushui Lane, Changhua. It makes the normal village became colorful. 秀水鄉雅興街118巷41號
No.52-1, Xinsheng Rd., Fuxing Township
No.41, Ln. 118, Yaxing St., Xiushui Township
員林公園 Yuanlin Park
萬興國小 Wan Sing Primary School
員林公園水池前,多了許多不同品種的狗兒,栩 栩如生的雕像為公園增添活潑。
司令台上的海洋世界讓人讚嘆彩繪大師的畫工, 更多的彩繪牆隱藏在校園內。
There are more statues of many different breeds of dogs stand in front of the pool of Yuanlin park. Those lifelike statues make the park lively. 員林市三民街1號
The ocean world on the stage makes people admire the master. There are more painted walls hidden in school. 二林鎮永興里中央南街2號
No.1, Sanmin St., Yuanlin City
No.2, Zhongyang S. St., Erlin Township
跟著網美去旅行-中台灣打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel check-in resort in central Taiwan
南投山高水深、群山遍布,想在南投當網美,得要上山下海才能拍出最美麗的風 景,走的越高看的更美。不同於其他縣市,南投的每一處風景,儘管沒有模特兒 入鏡,也能稱霸IG版面。 Nantou has high mountains and deep water and it is surrounded by mountains. If you want to be internet celebrity in Nantou, you may need to climb up mountains and go to seas to take pictures of the gorgeous sceneries. Nantou is different than other cities. Even there is no model in those pictures you take in Nantou, your pictures can still blow people away.
九樹森林 La Felicità 位於森林裡的山中小屋,享用創意窯烤PIZZA, 度過愉快的午茶慢時光。 Located in small house in the mountain. Enjoy creative kiln baked pizza and leisure afternoon. 魚池鄉中興巷6-18號No.6-18, Zhongxing Ln., Yuchi Township 平日 Weekday 11:30-17:30(週三公休Close on Wednesdays) 假日 Weekend 11:30~20:00
Chiang Kai-shek Pier in Sun Moon Lake
先總統蔣中正專屬碼頭,傳統木筏隨著水波盪漾 ,透露出古色古香的懷舊氣息。 It is exclusive pier for president Chiang Kai-shek. Traditional raft floats with waves. It reveals the nostalgic atmosphere. 魚池鄉中興路142號 No.142, Zhongxing Rd., Yuchi Township
銀杏森林 Ginkgo Forest 漫山遍野盡是美麗的翠綠茶園,搭配雲 海奇景,享受著被大自然包圍的氛圍。
There are beautiful green tea garden full of mountains and plains. With the sea of clouds wonder, come and enjoy the atmosphere surrounded by nature. 鹿谷鄉 Lugu Township
橋聳雲天 Towering Sky Bridge 被譽為台灣最美高速公路八景之一,登上堤防觀 賞環道線形優美與高聳墩柱。 It is known as one of eight most beautiful scenery of superhighway in Taiwan. People like to watch graceful circuit and towering bridge pillars from embankment. 國姓鄉烏溪堤防 Nantou County Wu river embankment
Following internet celebrities to travel
夢谷瀑布 Dream Valley Waterfall 壯觀的峭壁,潺潺流水,大自然的鬼斧神工,宛 如世外桃源。 Magnificent cliff, gurgling water and the uncanny workmanship of nature. It’s like Shangri-la. 仁愛鄉南豐村 Ren’ai Township
chungchiachen0713 karasnov3
金龍山觀日出平台 Jinlong mountain sunrise viewing platform
白天綿延的群山綠意盎然,夜晚雲海搭配山下燈 光變化,形成絕美琉璃光。
沿著慈恩塔步道,登上塔頂向外遠眺日月潭,向 內層層階梯呈現另類風景。
In daytimes, the mountains are green and lush. When the night comes, the collocation of sea of clouds and the light changes creating a colorful scene. 魚池鄉山楂腳巷9-5號
Walking along the trail and climb up to the top of Ci En Pagoda. Gazing Sun Moon Lake from the top, you’ll see alternative landscapes of interior stairs. 魚池鄉環潭公路 Yuchi Township 週一至週日From Monday to Sunday 9:00~16:30
No.9-5, Shanzhajiao Ln., Yuchi Township
Ci En Pagoda in Sun Moon Lake
跟著網美去旅行-中台灣打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel check-in resort in central Taiwan
苗栗一直以來以「客家原鄉」的形象深植人心,本期介紹許多代表「客家味」的 網美景點,如客家圓樓、臺灣客家文化館、南庄及銅鑼茶廠等,期盼旅客到苗栗 遊玩,能體會更多屬於苗栗的客家味。 The impression of “The original township of Hakka” of Miaoli has been always deeply-rooted in people’s hearts. For example, Hakka Round House, Taiwan Hakka Culture Museum, Nanzhuang and TongLuo Tea Factory. Welcome you to visit Miaoli. Come and experience Hakka culture of Miaoli.
客家圓樓 Hakka Round House 採用福建客家土樓的圓形建築為外觀,傳達苗 栗客家文化印象。 Using the round building of Hakka Fujian Tulou as exterior to convey the Hakka cultural impression of Miaoli. 後龍鎮校椅里7鄰新港三路295號 No.295, Xingang 3rd Rd., Houlong Township 週一至週五 From Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00 (週一公休Close on Monday)
康濟吊橋 Kangji Suspension Bridge 串連南庄老街與南江老街,漫步橋上可觀南庄老 街山城風貌與溪流景色。 It connected Nanzhuang old street and Nanjiang old street. You will see the scenery of mountain and river of Nanzhuang old street when you walk on the bridge. 南庄鄉南庄老街 Nanzhuang Township
Yuen-Gang Rainbow Bridge 又稱「情人橋」,佇立漁港旁,黃昏時 夕陽照射下,為繁忙的漁港增添光彩。
Located beside fishing harbor. It is also known as Lover Bridge. The sunset shines at dusk and adds luster to the busy fishing harbor. 苑裡鎮苑港漁港 Yuanli Township., Yuen-Gang Fishing Harbor
Taiwan Hakka Culture Museum 園區依基地所在的丘陵地形設計,利用水與綠景 紋路所構成人工山丘,形成梯田景觀。 The museum was designed to form terrace landscape by the hilly terrain of the base and using the artificial hill constructed by the texture of water and green view. 銅鑼鄉九湖村銅科南路6號 Tongke S. Rd., Tongluo Township 週一至週五From Monday to Friday 9:00~17:00 (週二公休Close on Tuesday)
Following internet celebrities to travel
銅鑼茶廠 TongLuo Tea Factory 可體驗採茶、製茶及認識茶產業文化、品茗等多 功能的複合式休閒園區。 It is a compound leisure park with multiple functions. You can experience tea picking, tea making, tea tasting and learn knowledge of tea industry culture. 銅鑼鄉九湖村九湖132-16號 No.132-16, Jiuhu, Tongluo Township 平日 Weekday10:00~17:00 / 例假日 Weekend10:00~17:30 #需購買100元入廠抵用券 Need to purchase NTD100 admission voucher
火炎山 Huoyanshan 南庄戲院 Nanzhuang Cinema 由老金龍飯店接手經營,保留原有建築物結構加 以修整,化為一間客家美食餐廳。 This Hakka restaurant is operated by Gdragon Hotel. It preserved the original building structure and repaired it. 南庄鄉西村中山路3巷55號 No.55, Ln. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Nanzhuang Township
中臺灣少見的惡地,赭紅色的崩壁遠看像烈火燃 燒,惡地奇景吸引網美拍攝攻頂照。 It’s a rare badland in central Taiwan. The red cracked wall looks like raging fire if you look at it from a distance. This wonder attracts many internet celebrities to take photos of it. 三義鄉及苑裡鎮境內 Inside Sanyi Township and Yuanli Township
2018 亞洲速寫
Asia-Link Sketchwalk Taichung 【Urban Sketchets】速寫城市, 已是國際上逐漸風行的藝術文化交流體驗行程,
透過手中的畫筆取代攝影的鏡頭,將雙眼所見實踐在畫紙上, 同時透過網路分享讓城市的記憶藉由旅繪的作品, 發展出跨國文化交融的精彩火花。 【Urban Sketchers】Urban Sketchers has gradually become a famous international cultural exchange tour for experiencing art and culture. The paintbrush replaces the camera lens. Sketchers can paint what they saw on journey on a piece of drawing paper, share their sketches on the internet to introduce these urban memories to others, and create amazing sparks through cross-national cultural exchange.
10 04 活動地點/
10 07
主辦單位 / 臺中亞洲速寫年會籌備會、 自由路商圈、繼光街商圈、電子街商圈、臺中市旅遊協會 協辦單位 / 全安堂太陽餅博物館、國立臺中教育大學、大明高中、臺中一中、臺中市幸福三寶文創產業合作協會、臺中市中區區公所
During the trip, staying at hotels is not the only option at night. Must visit check-in spots for internet celebrities. Famous landscape for self-guided tour. The decoration of great designing sense〠Tasty meals.
The first one late night cafĂŠ in Taiwan Open until 3 A.M.
Expresso Handmade Dessert Natural juice German Herbal Tea Craft Beer Delicious light meal
No.58, Wuquan Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
No.36, Guotai St., North Dist., Taichung City
No.2-171, Wuquan Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
No.236, Sec. 3, Dongxing Rd., West Dist., Taichung City
Stylish Yuchih Township
三寶 加 一咖 Three treasures plus coffee
(Three treasures:black tea, mushroom, orchid)
村村有特色,處處有美景 搭乘船舶欣賞日月潭的湖光山色,走進九族文化村體驗臺灣原民情 得天獨厚的環境孕育三寶加一咖,紅茶、香菇、蘭花草以及咖啡 邀您一同入山感受魚池的好農好玩好山水 There are different features in every village and beautiful scene everywhere. Taking boats to see the beautiful mountain and lake scene of Sun Moon Lake Come to Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village and experience the lifestyle of Taiwan indigenous people The unique environment cultivated three treasures plus coffee.black tea, mushroom, orchid and coffee Invite you to come to the mountains and enjoy the great farming, fun and scenery of Yuchih Township
Drink black tea
Orchids viewing
魚池紅茶紮實渾厚、圓潤不苦澀, 上山喝一杯好茶,感受山嵐水氣轉 化成茶湯裡的爽朗風味。
Taste mushroom
魚池鄉潮濕的環境讓香菇肉 質綿密飽實帶有香甜風味, 傳承歷代菇農用心栽培的黑 金傳奇。
南投縣魚池鄉公所 Nantou County Yuchih Township Office
臺灣虎頭蘭最大產地在魚池 ,每年秋冬花開燦爛、迎春 納福,王者之香沁人心脾。
Drink coffee
聞名國際的魚池冠軍極品咖啡 ,有機栽種醞釀自然味,以最 虔誠的態度善待土地,揮汗收 割甜美的果實。
TEL:049-2895371 FAX:049-2898242 地址:南投縣魚池鄉魚池村秀水路233號