陳允寶泉食品董事長 陳坤宏
總億食品董事長 周子良
薔薇食品董事長 黃敏益
丰丹嚴選本舖董事長 陳蓓梅
歡樂派董事長 蔡大森
元明食品董事長 蔡萬財
月亮咬一口老闆 鄭淵斌
宜勤包裝董事長 賴維秀
永誠行 紀旭明
長松食品董事長 鄭鴒鍹
鮮味珍董事長 何錦拓
東利蛋糕董事長 林清全
哈克大師董事長 蔡合益
事如意 春節假期 豬
Happy Year of the Pig, Lunar New Year Holidays
來台中走春添好運 Come Zou Chun (Walk Spring) in Taichung and bring good luck
2019 / 2 / 2 ( 六) - 2 / 9 (六 ) From 2nd Feb, 2018 (Sat) to 9th Feb, 2019 (Sat)
台中五星觀光旅館飯店住宿 雙人TWD
3,775 起
5,950 起
Starting from just TWD. 3,775 for two and TWD. 5,950 for four, you can choose any of our member five-star tourist hotels in Taichung.
位於交通樞紐的台中,擁有豐富的自然生態與熱門景點,誠摯邀請旅客於連假期間 造訪,住星級飯店、賞世界花卉博覽會,台中市觀光旅館商業同業公會歡迎您。 Taichung is situated at the heart of Taiwan′s transportation network and blessed with abundant natural resources and popular scenic areas. The Taichung Tourist Hotel Association sincerely invites you to visit Taichung during the Lunar New Year holidays, stay in our recommended star hotels and enjoy the world-renown 2018 Flora Expo in Taichung.
彩虹眷村 Rainbow Village
國家歌劇院 National Taichung Theater
高美濕地 Taichung County Gaomei Wetlands Wildlife Refuge
路思義教堂 The Luce Chapel
2018年臺中世界花卉博覽會 2018Taichung World Flora Exposition
更多資訊請上官網 http:// ttha-taichung.org.tw For further information, please check on our official website.
愛玩中台灣 vol.10冬季刊 發行日期:2019年01月15日
08 名人專訪
Celebrity Interview
為生命撐起保護傘 Hold a protective umbrella for life
大振豐洋傘協理 陳奕錩 Ta Chen Fong Umbrella Assistant Vice President Adrian Chen
04 觀光視野
靈知科技首創飯店管理智慧化 一條龍讓服務品質提升又加溫
Vision of Sightseeing
2019小鎮漫遊年 深度旅遊的首選!
WISE Technology creates the first one-stop intelligent hotel management (OTA+iBooking+CM+PMS+CTM) Make service quality improved
2019 Taiwan Small Town Year. The first choice of in-depth travel!
靈知科技董事長 林吉財 WISE Technology Chairman Ji-Chai, Lin
旅遊情報 Travel information
照片由交通部觀光局提供 Photo is provided by the Tourism Bureau of MOTC.
您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌: 中華航空(香港→台中)、交通部觀光局駐日本東京辦事處、新加坡辦事處、馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處、香港辦事處、澳門辦事處、泰國曼谷辦事處;國 際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺北、臺中遊客服務中心;台灣電影 製作發展協會(150位會員);台灣各大旅行社(約600家);星動銀河旅站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店台中民權、薆悅酒店台中館、水雲端旗艦概 念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國際大飯店、永悅行旅、1969藍天飯店、富禾居會館、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、 長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中福華大飯店、通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台 中林酒店、福容大飯店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福容大飯店花蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大 飯店、高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅人驛站旅宿連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星光酒店、台 東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創HOTEL 海漾行館、佳仕堡商務飯店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店…(陸續增加)。
20 春節精選
Spring Festival Recommendation
喜臨南投「福嘟嘟」行大運 Happy to visit Nantou. May the year of pig bring you great fortune.
發行人:趙成年 社長:陳英俊 顧問:黃國書、蕭仕榮、吳政和 法律顧問:劉喜律師 總編輯:趙品瑄 執行編輯:陳庭慈、陳怡君、何家嘉、許儷齡 翻譯:賴思妤Sandra 編輯委員:楊豊三、蔡維郡、巫賜發 胡經桃、楊凱麟、陳奕錩 陳瑛宗、康翠敏、賈玉柱 吳奇鴻、林俊明 媒體總監:江文賓 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路106號 電話:+886-4-23727658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司
44 主題遊程 Theme tour
2019經典小鎮漫遊年 2019 Taiwan Small Town Year
28 名人帶路x花博企劃
Led by Celebrity x TWFE Column
暢遊花博三大園區,精選攻略! Section of having fun in three expo sites of World Flora Expositon!
照片由交通部觀光局提供 Photo is provided by the Tourism Bureau of MOTC.
54 跟著網美去旅行 Following internet celebrities to travel 打卡勝地
In check-in resorts in Taiwan
日本國東京都港區西新橋1丁目5-8川手ビル3F Tel/81-3-3501-3591 Fax/81-3-3501-3586 E-mail/tyo@go-taiwan.net
香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道30號新港中心 第一座512室 Tel/852-2581-0933 Fax/852-2581-0262 E-mail/info@ttbhk.hk
30 Raffles Place, Chevron House,#10-01, Singapore 048622 Tel/65-6223-6546~7 Fax/65-6225-4616 E-mail/tbrocsin@singnet.com.sg
馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處 Suite 25-01, Level 25, Wisma Goldhill, 67 Jalan Raja Chula, 50200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel/60-3-2070-6789 Fax/60-3-2072-3559 E-mail/tbrockl@taiwan.net.my
駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處觀光組 20th Fl., Empire Tower, 195 South Sathorn Rd., Yannawa Bangkok 10120, Thailand Tel/66-6-4545-1582
Vision of Sightseeing
2019 小鎮漫遊年, 深度旅遊的首選! 2019 Taiwan Small Town Roaming Year. The first choice of in-depth travel! 交通部觀光局 局長 Tourism Bureau , MOTC Director-General
Director-General, Chou Yung-Hui
2019 年為「小鎮漫遊年」!為此,我們舉辦小 鎮遴選活動,首先由各縣市政府推薦在地小鎮, 再透過網路票選,以及秘密客和評審委員的評分, 最終遴選出台灣 30 經典小鎮和 10 大客庄小鎮, 亦會推出相關行銷活動,如:「十萬青年獎百萬」, 號召青年深度體驗小鎮特色,並透過社群宣傳, 打造令人印象深刻的小鎮品牌,以吸引國內外旅 客到訪,讓他們持續挖掘台灣特色。
封圖 /台灣經典小鎮記者會Press Conference of Taiwan Small Town
2019 is the year of ramble in small town. Therefore, we hold the selection for small town. At the first, every city and county government recommends local towns. Then vote by netizen, rate by anonymous people and judge and select 30 classic towns and 10 Hakka village towns. At the same time, we will also launch relevant promoting activities. For example, Million awards for one hundred thousand youth, calling on young people to experience the features of small towns and to create an impressive town brand through promoting on social network to attract local and foreign tourist to come to Taiwan and explore the features of Taiwan.
龜山朝日 Sunrise of Guishan
The selection of “Top 10 best hot springs and delicacy” also received a big support from the public. Talking about the culture of hot spring, Japanese is cautious, European ask for curative effect. Taiwan, with 19 hot spring areas, hopes to create a free Taiwanese hot spring culture. Therefore, we selected 10 best hot spring and according to regions to choose 5 famous hot spring. North – New Beitou Hot Spring and Jiaoxi Hot Spring, Central – Kukuan Hot Spring, South – Guan Zi Ling Hot Spring, East - Jhihben Hot Spring. They are definitely worth-visit hot spring resorts.
而 2018 年 辦 理 的「10 大 好湯美食」評選活動,也獲得 民眾熱烈迴響,以溫泉文化來 說, 日 本 拘 謹、 歐 洲 講 求 療 效,擁有 19 個溫泉區的台灣, 希望能打造「自在」的台式溫 泉文化。於是,我們除遴選台 灣「10 大好湯」,更依照地 區評比「5 大名泉」-北湯/ 新北投溫泉、礁溪溫泉;中湯 /谷關溫泉;南湯/關子嶺溫 泉;東湯/知本溫泉,絕對都 是值得一訪的溫泉勝地。
谷關溫泉Kukuan Hot Spring
Vision of Sightseeing
對於海外市場,我們也有充分規劃,今年度大陸市場將鎖定長江流域 10 城市, 舉凡:成都、重慶、武漢、長沙、南京、杭州、蘇州、寧波、溫州、上海等,皆 是團客和自由行旅客較多的城市。東南亞部分,則規劃 8 個重點國家:印度、印尼、 泰國、越南、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡及澳洲,並依特性分為 3 大區塊-英語 系國家、穆斯林文化、佛教文化,作為旅遊市場的目標。 As for foreign markets, we have full planning. This year, we put the target on 10 cities in Yangtze river basin in China. They are Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Changsha, Nanjing, Hangchow, Suzhou, Ningzhou, Wenzhou and Shanghai. A lot of group tourist and individual traveler go to those cities. In Southeast Asia, we’ve planning for 8 countries, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippine, Singapore and Australia. As the target of tourism market, according to the characteristics, they are divided into three major blocks – English-speaking countries, Muslim culture and Buddhist culture.
未來,為提升國旅品質和旅次,國旅特色將朝 4 大方向努力:第一,活動大型 化,透過活動吸引觀光人口;第二,旅遊智慧化,因應智慧型手機普及,加強相 關資訊服務,增加便利性;第三,旅遊區域化,旅遊地點不限單一縣市以擴大範圍; 第四,推出補助或優惠,歡迎相關旅遊業者合作參與,提升國民旅遊意願。 In the future, in order to improve the quality of the tourism and to attract the visitors, the features of tourism will put effort on 4 directions. First, make the scale of activities larger to attract tourist. Second, make the tourism intelligent. React to the popularity rate of smart phone, strengthen services of related information. Third, regionalization of tourism. Instead of travel in single city or county, expand the scope. Forth, launch subsidy or special o ff e r. C o o p e r a t e w i t h r e l a t e d travel agencies to increase the willingness of tourism.
Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival
另外,為提升景點品質,希望將國家級景點的治理知識分享予地方政府,並引 入工廠管理的 6S -清掃 (SEISO)、清潔 (SEIKETSU)、整理 (SEIRI)、整頓 (SEITON)、 素養 ( 或稱美學 )(SHITSUKE) 和安全 (SECURITY),建立地方景點管理的標準。 In order to improve the quality of attractions, hope to share the governance knowledge of national attraction to local governments. And introduce factory management 6S – SEISO, SEIKETSU, SEIRI, SEITON, SHITSUKE and SECURITY. Establish the management standards of local attractions.
觀光產業一直以來都是國家重大新興產業之一,為此我們也制定了短、中、長 期目標,今年希望以「城市行銷」為主要脈絡,期望國內外旅客來到台灣的每一 個城市,都能享受在地風格與美好。 Tourism industry has always been one of the major emerging industries of the country. We have formulated short-term, middle-term and long –term goals. This year, we hope to take “City Marketing” as the main scheme and let local and foreign tourists feel the local style and the beauty of each city in Taiwan.
頭城老街Toucheng Old Street
十三間老街文創商圈Shi San Jian Old Street
The photos are provided by the Tourism Bureau, MOTC and Tourism and Travel Bureau, Taichung City Government.
Celebrity Interview
為生命撐起保護傘 Hold a protective umbrella for life 大振豐洋傘 協理 Ta Chen Fong Umbrella Assistant Vice President
「咱二人做陣拿著一支小雨傘,雨越大,我來照顧你, 你來照顧我…。」台語歌手洪榮宏的名曲「一支小雨傘」, 傳唱著綺旎、浪漫的傘下雙人世界。其實,傘下的安全感, 端賴專業生產技術,在台灣洋傘第一品牌的大振豐,創業 已逾 50 年,創辦人陳生宏以畢生精力投入於傘品的製造研 發,迄今已傳承至第二代,數十年來悉心體察消費者的用 傘需求,從設計、製造、批發到銷售,以職人美學的標準, 管控每一細節,創立台灣自有品牌。 “You and me holding an umbrella. I take care of you, you take care of me when the rain getting bigger.” These are a part of lyrics from the famous song “A little umbrella” sing by Taiwanese singer, Hung Jung-Hung. This song is telling a romantic story of couple. In fact, the safety of umbrella depends on professional production technology. Ta Chen Fong, number one in Taiwan umbrella industry, has been in the industry for more than 50 years. The founder, Sheng-hong Chen put a lot of efforts into the manufacturing and development of umbrella. Now, the business has been passed down to the second generation. Da Chen Fong pays attention to consumer’s demand for umbrella for decades. From design, manufacturing, wholesale to sales, taking control of every detail and establishing own brand of Taiwan with the standards of craftsman aesthetics.
1999 年,大振豐使用先進的碳纖維傘骨與高品質的台灣福 懋超薄傘布,成為國內第一自產自銷高價傘品的企業。2016 年,在台中市太原路三段成立洋傘文創館,總樓面積達 1500 多坪,1 樓空間展售國內外精品雨傘,款式多達上千種;2 樓 為雨具量販批發區;4 樓為 DIY 組傘、畫傘教室。 In 1999, Da Chen Fong used advanced carbon fibre ribs and high quality Taiwan Formosa ultra-thin umbrella cloth and became the first domestic brand that produces and sells at high prices by itself. In 2016, they established Cultural and Creative Hall of Umbrella at Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd., North Dist., Taichung City. The total area is over 4960 square-meter. There are thousand kinds of domestic and international boutique umbrellas displayed and sold at 1st floor. Rain gear wholesale area is at 2nd floor. There are classrooms for DIY umbrella and painting umbrella at 4th floor. 8
大振豐洋傘文創館免費提供團體預約雨傘導覽及參觀,安排有專業導覽員解說各式 種類雨傘,以及如何選購一把適合自己的傘。另外,首創「DIY 組裝傘」,以半成品 的方式,參加者動手組裝,體驗製傘師的樂趣;還有傘面彩繪,可盡情發揮創意,打 造一把專屬於你的傘。 Da Chen Fong Cultural and Creative Hall of Umbrella provides free guide for groups, but you need to make an appointment first. There are professional guides to explain all kinds of umbrellas, and how to choose an umbrella that suits you. Moreover, you can DIY umbrella here. There are also umbrella painting. Come and create your own umbrella!
2018 年,大振豐參與打造台中世界花卉博覽會,后里森林園區最大亮點《聆聽花開 的聲音》,其中由 697 朵傘布組成的花,驚艷四座,堪稱國際級佳作。此外,花博吉 祥物-石虎,於 2008 年被列為瀕臨絕種的一級保育類動物,是目前台灣唯一僅存的 原生貓科動物,大振豐與國際藝術家邢福麟聯名打造 「發現石虎手繪傘」,以此拋磚 引玉,希望讓更多人認識石虎保育,以有形的傘為里山環境撐起一把無形的生態保護 傘。 In 2018, Da Chen Fong participated in the creation of Taichung World Flora Exposition. The highlight of Houli Horse Ranch & Forest Expo Site – Listen to the Sound of Blossom, is a flower consisting of 697 umbrellas. It can be called an international masterpiece. The mascot of exposition - leopard cat, was listed as 1st class of protected species in 2008. They are the only remaining original cat animals in Taiwan currently. Da Chen Fong and international artist, Fu-lin Xing created Discover-leopard-cat Painted Umbrella together. Hope to let people learn more about the conservation of leopard cat. Protecting the environment with visible umbrellas. www.tachenfong.com.tw
營運總部 : 台中市北屯區太原路三段1160號 營業時間:週一至週日 9:00~18:00 聯絡電話:04-22317689 #123 信箱:llwt@ms67.hinet.net No.1160,Sec. 3,Taiyuan Rd.,Beitun Dist.,Taichung City 406,Taiwan Opening Hours:Monday to Sunday 9:00~18:00 TEL : 04-22317689 #123 | E-mai l : llwt@ms67.hinet.net
Celebrity Interview
靈知科技首創飯店管理智慧化一條龍 讓服務品質提升又加溫 WISE Technology creates the first one-stop intelligent hotel management (OTA+iBooking+CM+PMS+CTM) Make service quality improved 靈知科技 董事長 WISE Technology Chairman
面對觀光業景氣低迷及一例一休等問題,如何節省人力又 維持品質,是現今多數飯店業者百思莫解的問題。靈知科技 憑藉著 20 多年的市場經驗,打造了「智能櫃檯機」,成功 開創智慧旅店的時代,更將飯店業所面臨的危機化為轉機。 Facing the downturn in the tourism industry and problems of one mandatory day off and one flexible rest day, how to save manpower and maintain the quality is the problem that most of the hotels have to solve nowadays. With over 20 years of experience, WISE Technology created intelligent front desk machine and successfully opened the era of intelligent hotel and turned crisis into a chance.
60 歲的靈知科技董事長林吉財,不僅是名科技人,更是位資歷豐富的飯店經營 者,苗栗明湖水漾會館、草屯知達工藝會館與即將在今年初登場的 888 Hotel(台北、 新北、泰山、桃園等館)皆由他經營。林吉財初期以資訊科技背景是名電腦工程師, 過去跟飯店安裝電子交換機時,不少業者反映電腦無法確實管理客人訂退房及帳務 等作業。這便是林吉財看中飯店管理系統軟體需求的商機。 Ji-Chai, Lin, 60-year-old chairman of WISE Technology, is not only a technician but also a qualified hotel operator. Young Lake Resort, Caotun Zhi Da Craft Service Guest House and 888 Hotel (Taipei, New Taipei, Taishan and Taoyuan), which will debut at the beginning of this year, are all run by him. He was a computer engineer. In the past, when he installed electronic switching system for hotels, many operators complained about computer can’t manage check in, check out and accounting tasks. He saw the business opportunity of the needs of hotel management system software. 10
民國 86 年,林吉財與同事合資成立靈知科 技,運用過去累積相關經驗與所學,開始研發 飯店管理系統。軟體剛推出時,過程並不順利, 價格與軟體複雜程度成了推廣的阻礙,讓他挫 折不已。林吉財相當感謝柯達(柯旅)大飯店 集團及統茂飯店集團的採用與經驗指導,提供 飯店實務經驗作為他修改程式的參考依據,讓 系統更符合飯店需求,不僅讓他度過難關,更 建立起靈知科技的品牌口碑。 In 1997, Ji-Chai, Lin and his co-workers e s t a b l i s h e d W I S E Te c h n o l o g y. U s i n g t h e experience in the past, they started to develop hotel management system. When the software launched, the process was not smooth. Price and the complexity of software became obstacles on promotion, this made him frustrated. He is very grateful to the adoption and the guide of Kodak Hotel Group and Toong Mao Resorts and Hotels Group. They provided the experience of hotel operations and management as a reference for his revised program to make the system meet the needs of the hotel. This helped him get through the difficulty and established the reputation of WISE Technology.
目前飯店作業系統 PMS 全台市占超過 48%, 現在又創新推出旅客能自行操作入住與退房的 智能櫃台機,不僅減低飯店人力成本,服務人 員更能走出櫃台與旅客說明、增加互動,提升 服務品質的效率與溫度,也解決人力不足與成 本問題。 At the present moment, the hotel operation system PMS holds 48% market share. The company also launched intelligent front desk machine for tourist to check in and check out by themselves. This not only reduces the labor cost of the hotel, but also allows receptionists to walk out of the front desk and increases the interaction. It improves the efficiency of service quality and solves the problem of manpower shortage and cost. 11
Travel information
全台最美海岸支線 深澳鐵道自行車試營運 The most beautiful coastline in Taiwan. Shen'ao Rail Bike trial operation 現在譽有「台灣最美海岸支線」之名的深澳線有了新玩法。 新北市府與台鐵攜手打造具有在地特色的鐵道自行車,營造海 底主題隧道,結合週邊景點—深澳漁港、象鼻岩、潮境公園、海洋科學博物館、 金瓜石及九份。希望透過沿海生態、煤礦文化、鐵道等特色,讓民眾親自體驗。 計於 2019 年 1 月 18 日後將開始收費試營運。 There is a new travel way for the most beautiful coastline in Taiwan - Shen'ao Rail Bike. New Taipei City Government and Taiwan Railways Administration create a rail bike with local features together. Combining with attractions nearby, such as Shen'ao Fishing Harbor, Trunk Rock, Chaojing Park, National Museum of Marine Science & Technology, JinGuaShih and Jiufen to create marine theme tunnel. They hope that through the coastal ecology, coal mine culture, railways and other characteristics, people can experience in person. The trail operation is expected to start after January 18th , 2019.
高雄首座天空步道保養維護 年後重新開園 First skywalk in Kaohsiung City is under maintenance. It will be reopen on Chinese New Year 全長 88 公尺的「岡山之眼」天空步道,能俯瞰阿公店水庫、岡山與燕巢市區, 遠眺北大武山風光,甚至高雄港及 85 大樓都能一覽無遺。為提昇園區服務品質, 2018 年 12 月 3 日起進行道路水溝修護及整體設施保養,預計 2019 年 2 月 5 日(大 年初一)重新開園,想欣賞美麗高雄全景的民眾們,可以把握春節假期前往觀光。 You can overlook Agongdian Reservoir, city view of Gangshan and Yanchao district, and the magnificent scenery of Kavulungan from Siaogangshan Skywalk Park, which has a total length of 88 meters. Even Kaohsiung Port and 85 Sky Tower can be seen from it. In order to promote the service quality, road ditch repair and facility maintenance started from December 3rd. It is expected to reopen on February 5th, 2019. (The first day of Chinese New Year) If you want to enjoy the panoramic view of Kaohsiung, come and spend your holiday here during Chinese New Year. 12
JUN RONG FOOD CO.,LTD 成立於2001年至今,旗下擁有三大品牌:卡爾 迪咖啡、台灣鮮翠茶、哈咖啡。我們以20年經驗和 對咖啡、茶的執著,採用極品精緻咖啡豆及道地 100%台灣高山好茶現點現淬。多年來堅持以台灣 為本的風味茶,名揚海外,並且於2011年獲選世界 大學運動會唯一入駐的指定茶飲品牌。 Established in 2001. It owns three brands, they are Kaldi Coffee, Taiwan Tea and HA Café. With 20 years of experience, we insist to use the finest coffee bean and 100% Taiwan High-Mountain Tea. Instead of brew a pot of tea in advance, we will brew the tea right after you order it. Our tea is worldfamous.Moreover, it was the only tea brand selected by Universiade in 2011.
+886-4-26836009 / +886-925-669986 台中市后里區福容路8號 No.8,Furong Rd.,Houli Dist.,Taichung City
Taiwan Museum of Suncake 保留百年建築,打造成太陽餅博物館及糕餅餐 飲空間,兼具歷史與文創。 Retaining a century old architecture and establishing its tradition as a sun cake museum and dessert dining space, combining history and artistic creations.
North Coast Seafood Wedding Hall 專賣帝王蟹,龍蝦大餐,無菜單,創意料理傳 統台菜,風華再現,有包廂,有喜宴,來館用餐 可點招牌香酥鴨,再搭配解膩解渴的自製貴妃花 茶,更是一絕。 The specialty of the restaurant is King Crab, lobster, chef's tasting menu and traditional Taiwanese dishes. We offer private rooms and wedding banquets. You can’t miss our signature dish, Crispy Duck and handmade Gui Fei flower tea. It can reduce the grease.
必吃 美食
+886-4-22295559 / 台中市中區台灣大道一段 145號 No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-24220286 / 台中市北屯區崇德路三段569-1 號(中油旁) No.569-1, Sec. 3, Chongde Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 13
Travel information
2019 台灣燈會 我們在屏東見吧! 2019 Taiwan Lantern Festival See you in Pingtung! 2019 年台灣燈會將在屏東縣大鵬灣國家風景區熱鬧 登場,安排三大燈區—屏東市、東港鎮與大鵬灣,將同 時舉辦綵燈節。配合特殊地形,結合傳統、科技、海洋、 農業多種元素,以空中璀璨燈光秀、國際水上劇場等方式呈現全台獨一無二的 海洋嘉年華燈會。 2019 Taiwan Lantern Festival will be debut in Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area. The lighting festival will be hold in three major lighting destricts, Pingtung City, Donggang Township and Dapeng Bay at the same time. The unique Lantern Festival is combining special topography, traditional, technological, marine, and agricultural elements. And it will be revealed to public with aerial light show and national aquatic theater. 開燈時間
Open Hours
2019 年 2 月 19 日(二)至 3rd月 3 日(日) th From February 19 (Tue.) to March 3 , 2019 (Sun.)
平日 14:00-22:30
Weekdays 14:00-22:30
假日 10:00-22:30
Holidays 10:00-22:30
推廣綠色旅遊及友善環境 杉林溪園區引進電動巴士 Promoting green tourism and friendly environment Sun-Link-Sea Vacation Resorts introduced electric buses 南投縣杉林溪森林生態園區,過去遊客時常抱怨園區柴油接駁車排氣難聞,造 成空氣污染。現在交通部觀光局積極推動綠色旅遊,鼓勵民眾多加使用低碳綠色 運具前往遊樂園,將柴油公車汰換為電動巴士,並同步無障礙旅客接駁服務,期 望達到環境友善及永續觀光目的。綠色電動巴士於 2018 年 12 月 25 日開始對外 營運。 Tourists always complain about the bad smell of diesel shuttle buses exhaust when they visit Sun-Link-Sea Vacation Resorts in Nantou County. It also caused air pollution. Now, Tourism Bureau promotes green tourism actively and encourages people to take low-carbon green transportation to amusement park. Replacing diesel shuttle buses with electric buses and promoting the service for accessibility passenger. At the same time, Tourism Bureau hopes to achieve environmentally friendly and tourism sustainability. Green electric buses will operate to public from December 25th, 2019. 14
台中文心玉市 - 天目城
Taichung Jade Market-Tian Mu Square 全台灣最大玉市交易場所,全新的商城規劃 擁有五百多個攤位市集,來自世界各國文物,可 謂世界無奇不有,來到此處尋寶,必深深為此著 迷。 As the largest jade market in Taiwan, there are artefacts and rarities from all parts of the world in Taichung Tian Mu Square. Apart from shopping a wide variety of curios and rarities, there are safe foods in the square for family visits.
+886-4-23860417 / 台中市南屯區五權西路二段 957號 No.957, Sec. 2, Wuquan W. Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City
Weije Coffee 魏爵咖啡專注於推廣台灣大武山咖啡及全世界 著名的精品咖啡豆,我們有專業的咖啡烘焙機, 提供消費者最新鮮,香醇及高品質的咖啡豆。 Weijecoffee company is delicate to promote Taiwan Da-wu Mountain coffee bean and global famous coffee beans. We have professional coffee roasting machines to provide customer a fresh, aroma & good qualities coffee bean.
+886-4-25667585 品牌旗艦店:台中市中區台灣大道一段145號2樓 2F., No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City 工廠:台中市大雅區中科路1202-1號 No.1202-1, Zhongke Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City
Dragon Tours
Moving Star Hotel
「金龍旅遊」成立於1958年,為台灣旅遊業界 的金字號老招牌,深耕國內、外各類旅遊產品與 路線。 Dragon Tours was founded in 1958, various departments was established to match different customer requirements . Dragon Tours especially specializes in inbound tourism.
優質 旅遊
全省服務專線:0800213365 台中市西區臺灣大道二段285號19樓之3 19F.-3, No.285, Sec. 2, Taiwan Blvd., West Dist., Taichung City
星動銀河 旅站是一間機 器人主題旅 館,融入了星 際旅人的設計 項目,銀河的 浩瀚無涯,刻 劃出過旅商客們的美好回憶。地點位於台中市市 區中心點,臨近台中火車站、台中公園自行開車 或是搭乘大眾交通工具都很方便。 Moving Star Hotel is a robot-themed hotel. It is incorporated the design project of star traveler. The vast and infinite galaxy engraves the memories of travelers. The location is near Taichung Train Station and Taichung Park at the central part of Taichung City. Going there by car or public transportation is convenient. +886-4-22258800 / 台中市中區自由路二段66號 No.66,Sec.2,Ziyou Rd.,Central Dist.,Taichung City 15
Travel information
漫遊台中 中進中出,可搭機場快線公車 Slow travel in Taichung Come and leave from Taichung Airport and take airport buses. 台中市政府為連結台中國際機場與市區間的交通,推出三條「機場快線」公車 路線,停靠站以高鐵、台中火車站及各大飯店為主,每半小時 1 班車次,從機場 至台中火車站只需要 45 分鐘,民眾更可以有效的利用時間漫遊台中。 In order to link the traffic between Taichung International Airport and the city, Taichung City Government launched three routes of airport bus. The major stops are Taiwan High Speed Rail, Taichung Railway Station and major hotels. One run per half hour. It takes only 45 minutes from the airport to Taichung Railway Station. That makes travelers have more time to enjoy in Taichung. No.1
國美館 - 台中國際機場線
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts –Taichung Intl. Airport No.2
台中火車站 - 台中國際機場線
Taichung Railway Station- Taichung Intl. Airport No.3
逢甲夜市 - 台中國際機場線
Fengjia Night Market - Taichung Intl. Airport
Pass by Taiwan High Speed Rail
Pass by Taiwan Boulevard
Pass by Zhongqing Road
MITSUI OUTLET PARK 台中港, 陸海空景緻一次飽覽 Enjoy the view of land, sea and sky at Mitsui Outlet Park Taichungport 以海洋為概念,結合航海旅遊、時尚生活、娛 樂體驗,享受海風的吹拂與海洋的美景,搭乘全台唯一高達 60 公尺高的海景摩天 輪,盡情飽覽台灣海峽與台中港灣城市景緻,及擁有全台唯一可觀海的誠品書店, 匯集國際品牌、特色餐飲、娛樂設施約 170 家店舖,每一天來都有不同的感受! It is based on the concept of the ocean and combining sailing tourism, fashionable life and entertainment. Come and feel the breeze and the beautiful ocean view. Taking the one and only ocean view Ferris wheel up to 60 meters high, you will see the city view of Taiwan Strait and Taichung port. You can also watch ocean view in the unique Eslite Bookstore. There are about 170 shops, including international brands, special food and entertainments. 16
Cherry Blossom Forest
佔地8公頃的園區佈滿了數千棵的櫻花,置身在櫻 花的國度中,讓您沐浴在滿山林的櫻花芬多精下,身 心靈都可以完全的放鬆,可以露營、烤肉、戲水、生 態觀賞、工商聚會、鸚鵡生態介紹、鸚鵡互動、田間 小火車等,非常適合親子活動。百年檜木餐廳,提供 健康、無毒美食,不論是客家料理、鮮菇料理、精緻 合菜一應俱全。 It covers an area of 8 hectares. There are over thousands Cherry Blossoms. In this place, feeling the Phytoncide of Cherry Blossom makes you fully relexed, no matter physical or mental. It’s a great place for parents and kids. You can do many things here, such as camping, BBQ, play in water, view ecology, have business gathering, learn more about parrot ecology, interact with parrot and take field train. Century-old cypress restaurant offers you healthy and non-poisonous foods, no matter in Hakka cuisine or family style, and dishes made with mushroom. +886-4-25815662 / 台中市新社區協中街6號 No. 6, Xiezhong St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City
Chung-She Flower Garden 產品以新鮮,天然為主,有手工餅乾,竹筍鹹 蛋糕,黃金乳酪球。以大坑特產竹筍,研發出竹 筍鹹蛋糕最為搶手。 All products are fresh and natural, including hand-made cookies, bamboo shoot salty cakes, golden yellow cheese balls, and more. Of course, the bamboo shoot salty cakes made with bamboo shoots from Dakeng are the most popular. +886-4-22391536 / 台中市北屯區東山里橫坑巷 19-8號 No.19-8, Hengkeng Ln., Dongshan Vil., Beitun Dist., Taichung City
園區花海佔地達六公頃,一年四季都有不同時 節的花卉繽紛綻放,不管何時來,都能大飽眼福! In the park, there is a flower sea with about 6 hectares large. In different seasons, different flowers bloom. No matter which season you visit, you will have different feelings, watching these magnificent sceneries. +886-4-25576926 台中市后里區三豐路五段333號 No.333, Sec. 5, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City Open/ 09:00am-06:00pm 17
一分鐘認識 臺中世界花卉博覽會
Understanding Taichung World Flora Exposition in one minute
臺中花博將展覽主題訂為「花現GNP-Rediscover Green, Nature and People」, 分別為Green綠色生產、Nature自然生態及People人文生活,三者和諧發展的美好 價值。 臺中花博的三個展區,正是GNP的具體呈現,以「不破壞、只優化」為設 計理念。 臺中花博展覽期間為2018年11月3日(六)至2019年4月24日(三),為期173天。 歡迎來臺中傾聽花開的聲音。
By setting“Discover GNP: Rediscover Green, Nature and People”as the theme of Taichung World Flora Exposition, we give GNP a brand new definition. It is the beautful value of the harmonious development of Green (green production), Nature (ecosystem) and People (humanity).The three exhibition areas of Taichung World Flora Exposition are the specific presentations of GNP. We take“No Destruction, Only Optimization”as the designing concept. The duration of Taichung World Flora Exposition is totally 173 days from November 3rd, 2018 (Sat) to April 24th, 2019 (Wed). Welcome to Taichung for listening to the sound of blooming.
TEL:+886-4-23213111 FAX:+886-4-23213124 40353 台中市西區館前路57號 No.57,Guanqian Rd,West Dist,Taichung City40353,Taiwan(R.O.C.)
木佃軒南洋 渡假休閒民宿
Exploring the beauty of Taichung in World Flora Exposition
外埔園區 Waipu Park Area 外埔得天獨厚的地理及氣候優勢,每個季節都能孕育豐 富物產,椪柑、茂谷柑、荔枝、高接梨、火龍果、葡萄等 水果,以及文心蘭、火鶴、百合等花卉均享有盛名,外銷 至全世界。
Waipu Area has unique advantages in location and climatic, Where produce abundant fruits in seasons such as Ponkan, Maogu, Lychee, Ginseng, Dragon Fruit, Grapes, etc., and also the flowers such as Oncidium, Flamingo Flower, Lily, etc., They are well-known to be exported to all over the world.
后里馬場森林園區 Houli Horse Ranch & Forest Park Area 后里展區擁有歷史悠久的駿馬及鐵馬文化,在臺灣頗具 盛名的后豐鐵馬道,以后里馬場為起點,沿途風光明媚, 充滿田園的悠閒氛圍,又可探尋臺鐵的歷史軌跡。 Houli Exhibition Area has a long history of horses and bicycle culture. The popular HouFeng Bike Trail starts from Houli Horse Ranch, along with the gorgeous scenery and full of the leisure atmosphere of countryside. You may also explore the historical track of Taiwan Railway.
豐原葫蘆墩公園 Fengyuan Huludun Park 豐原葫蘆墩公園透過既有葫蘆墩公園及軟埤仔溪河岸空 間,進行景觀營造現代版『清明上河圖』的生活環境,並 結合地方漆器、林業及豐原聞名全臺的糕餅產業,創造生 態且多元的河濱公園。 Fengyuan Huludun Park has constructed as the modern surroundings of “Along the River During the Qingming Festival “ with current environtment, also combining local lacquerware, forestry and the well-known pastry industry of FengYuan to create a diversity living environment.
Spring Festival Recommendation
縣長序 Sequence of County mayor
常有朋友問起:到南投旅遊,怎樣才能玩得「在地」而有「深度」? 我總認為物產豐饒、文化多元的大南投,最適合放慢腳步,仔細感受旅途 中各處的城鎮特色及人文氣息。 Many friends ask me how to travel in Nantou with local and in-depth way. I always think people should slow down and feel the features of this culturally diverse county.
身為南投縣大家長,明溱希望讓更多人 看見南投在觀光旅遊方面的無窮潛力。為 了朝向觀光首都的目標前進,南投的旅遊 資源不斷創新,從南投燈會成功吸百萬人 次觀光潮,縣府再接再厲,積極建設國際 沙雕文化藝術園區、清境高空觀景步道等 觀光亮點,希望讓遊客感受到最優質的南 投形象,將南投推向國際舞台。一座友善 的觀光首都,正展開雙手歡迎更多遊客的 來訪。 As the mayor of Nantou, I hope more people can see the infinite potential of Nantou tourism. In order to move towards the goal of being a capital city in sightseeing, tourism resources of Nantou innovate constantly. Nantou Lantern Festival successfully attracted millions of tourists. With that experience, the county government builds the international sand sculpture culture art park and Cingjing skyline trail actively. I hope domestic and foreign visitors can feel the best image of Nantou. This friendly tourist city welcomes more visitors. 20
2019 的南投,將會帶給國內外旅客更多的驚喜,全台灣最長最高的吊橋─ 雙龍吊橋,清境高空觀景步道漫步雲端第二期、水量豐沛竹山瑞龍瀑布觀景 步道都將在年內開放,為南投觀光再添新話題。正推動國際暗空公園認證的 合歡山清境地區,在今年也會推出更多星空活動讓大家能一堵璀璨無限的星 空。為了更符合自由行旅客的需求安排,南投將與悠遊卡公司合作,將日月 潭纜車、日月潭遊船自行車、清境步道、青青草原以及清境小瑞士花園等 5 星級景點整合推出一票玩到底的「南投好玩卡」,並透過「南投好好玩」電 子旅遊官網,精選各項旅行主題,以輕鬆自在的景點、住宿與小旅行方式, 讓遊客體驗南投「吃、住、玩、樂」一把罩的便利,期盼藉由豐富的主題遊程, 讓大家可以慢慢遊賞,品味專屬南投的幸福旅遊魅力。 Nantou County will give visitors all over the world more surprises in 2019. The longest suspension bridge in Taiwan – Shuanglong suspension bridge, Cingjing skyline trail 2nd phase and Ruilong waterfall observation trail are going to be open to public this year. Cingjin area in Hehuan Mountain, which is promoting the certification of the International Dark-sky Park, will launch more stargazing events. In order to meet the needs of individual traveler, Nantou is cooperating with EasyCard Corporation. They combined Sun Moon Lake Ropeway, Sun Moon Lake Bike, Chingjing Trail, Green Green Grasslands, Small Swiss Garden and other 5-stars attractions to launched “Nantou Pass”. Through “Meet Nantou” website, travelers can see different attractions, accommodation and travel tips. With rich theme tour, hope everyone can enjoy and appreciate the charm of Nantou. 南投縣 縣長 Nantou County mayor
林明溱 21
Spring Festival Recommendation
Happy to visit Nantou. May the year of pig bring you great fortune.
「2019 南投燈會」2 月 1 日到 2 月 24 日磅礡登場!邁入第 四年的南投燈會,去年成功吸引超過 530 萬人次參觀,創造出 近 15 億觀光商機,今年適逢己亥豬年,以「福嘟嘟」為主題,用正面可愛的 手法,打造饒富趣味的豬年主燈,祈求國運否極泰來、「豬」事順利,並再 度於南投縣會展中心周邊廣場及埔里鎮南安路兩地,規劃超過 20 個主題燈 區,結合南投國際沙雕園區的全新沙雕作品、貓羅溪河畔的景觀花海、會展 中心內的主題展覽等活動共同展開;而今年浪漫情人橋全新完工後,在橋體 上也會設計光雕景色,遊客可從白天玩到晚上外,藝術與科技兼容並蓄更勝 以往, 2019 南投燈會將再次成為全國矚目焦點! See you in “2019 Nantou Lantern Festival” from February 1st to 24th. It is the 4th year of Nantou Lantern Festival. It successfully attracted over 5.3 million people and created nearly 1.5 billion business opportunities. This year is the year of pig. With the theme of Fududu, which means lucky in Taiwanese, and the positive, cute ways to create the main lantern of the year of pig. Wishing everything will be great in this year. More than 20 theme lantern areas will be placed in the surrounding square of Nantou County Exhibition Center and in Nan’an Road of Puli Township. The new sand sculptures of Nantou International Sand Sculpture Park, landscape sea of flower of Maoluo River and theme exhibition in the exhibition center will be seen at the same time. After the completion of Romantic Lovers Bridge, there will be light sculptures on the bridge. Visitors can stay there from day to night. The art and technology are better than before. 2019 Nantou Lantern Festival will get everyone’s attentions again!
賞燈全攻略-會展中心主燈區 Guide of watching lantern–Main lantern area in Exhibition Center
瘋玩春假,從白天玩到晚上絕無冷場的精彩盛會. Have fun in spring break. Extraordinary event from day to night
主燈區於 2 月 2 日起全面點燈,共有三大主題活動、超過九大燈區,農曆 春節期間,還將加碼邀請國內外知名團體帶來全台獨有的舞台演出,如果你 正在規劃今年春假之旅,不妨就跟著本篇攻略,到南投燈會走春! The main lantern area will be fully lights on at February 2nd. There are three theme activities and more than 9 lantern areas. During Chinese New Year, there will be unique performances by local and foreign famous groups. If you are planning your winter break trip, why don’t you follow this guide and go to Nantou Lantern Festival?
「嘟嘟總動員」燈區,以主燈為中 心周圍設置小豬造型雕塑品,並由縣 內國中小學學生共同彩繪造型燈籠; 「茶香花開」燈區,將以南投特色農 作產業為主體,展示如櫻花、梅花等 大型花燈;「藝傳新世代」燈區,由 中華花燈藝術學會純手工打造高素質 的主題花燈,展現藝術之美;「藝起 發光」燈區,匯聚南投縣境內各界手工藝藝師,以各式工藝材料為基礎與燈 光作結合,呈現跨界整合的美感。 In Dudu General Mobilization Lantern Area, there are pig sculptures setting around the main lantern. Students from junior high and elementary schools in the county painted the lantern together. In Tea fragrance and blooming flower Lantern area, the main subject is featured agricultural industry of Nantou. Here, you can see large-scale flower lanterns such as Cherry Blossom and Plum Blossom. In Art heritage to the new generation area, there are high quality theme flower lanterns hand-made by Chinese Artistic Lantern Association. In Glow together area, craftsmen from Nantou County gathered together to create the artworks combining different kinds of art materials and lights. Revealing the beauty of crossover integration.
Spring Festival Recommendation
「福運祈開」燈區,以南投知名寺廟供奉特色為展示,顯示出宗教信仰帶 給民眾的正面力量,同時祈求豬年台灣國泰民安、諸事順利;「春旅盛宴」 燈區,由妖怪村、九族文化村等旅遊景點連袂呈現大型主題特色燈飾,顯現 南投觀光大縣的魅力;「城市交流」燈區,邀請南投縣友好城市共襄盛舉, 可一探城市間迥異的文化特色與風情;「企業贊助」燈區,匯聚在地及全國 企業,透過主題燈座表現企業精神與文化,為燈會注入源源不絕的新亮點。 In Blessing area, revealing the positive power that religions bring to people by the features of famous temples in Nantou. Also prey everything will be great in 2019. In Spring travel feast area, revealing the charm of Nantou County by large-scale themed light decorations presented by Monster Village and Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village. In Cities communication area, inviting friendly cities of Nantou County to come and see the different cultural features among cities. In Corporate sponsor area, local and foreign corporations gather together and show the corporate spirit and culture. Injecting new highlights into the lantern festival.
今年主打特色燈區,即是「光毯花園」燈區,將大地比擬成一塊巨型畫布, 結合節能燈飾與裝置藝術,打造近 20,000 平方公尺大面積的主題燈區,鋪設 大量 LED 彩燈、搭配絢麗聲光效果與鼓舞人心的音樂律動,每年都吸引滿滿 人潮駐足,跟隨而來的閃光燈此起彼落,將南投夜空點綴得更加絢麗震撼。 The highlight lantern area this year is Light blanket garden area. Comparing the land to a giant canvas and combining energysaving lightings and installation artworks to create a 20,000 square meters large-scale theme lantern area. Setting a large number of LED lights with beautiful sound and light effects and inspiring music. It attracts many people every year. With the flash light coming and going, the night sky in Nantou looks more beautiful.
賞燈全攻略-埔里燈區 Guide of watching lantern – Puli Lantern Area
不輸國外美景!夜晚更浪漫的埔里水上燈會 Better than foreign scenery! Puli Water Lantern Festival is more romantic at nights
埔里燈區自 2 月 1 日起登場,屆時南安路沿段將有一條龍繽紛、璀璨又童 趣十足的燈飾,埔里六大展區薈萃南投傳統產業、人文風情與藝術氣息,讓 你一次看見最美南投。 Puli Lantern area will debut at February 1st. By the time, there will be colorful, childlike lightings along Nan’an Road. The six areas of Puli are a collection of traditional industries, cultural customs and artistic atmosphere of Nantou. You will see the beauty of Nantou.
「紙藝亮起來」燈區,特別邀請在地觀光工廠進行大尺寸燈籠之製作、在 地藝術家進行燈籠彩繪創作等,透過大型盛會開創傳統產業創新的一頁;「團 結嘟市」燈區,由南投縣各地方組織創意製作,呈現城鎮當地文化與特色;「胡 桃鉗士兵大道」燈區,則與埔里鎮地方木頭飾品工廠合作,共同製作出大型 木頭玩偶裝置藝術,展現燈會最具童趣玩味的一隅。 Paper artworks light up lantern area, specially inviting local tourism factory to make large-scale lantern and local artists to paint lantern. Through the large event to open up the new page of the creation of traditional industry. United city area is created by local organizations in Nantou. It reveals the local features and cultures. Nutcracker soldiers avenue area, collaborated with local wooden decoration factory to create giant Wood doll installation art. It shows the most childlike part.
Spring Festival Recommendation
原 力 POWER」 燈 區, 以 原 住 民 代 表圖騰、部落風景與傳說故事等為主 軸,展示出南投縣原住民多元融合的 歡樂意象;「彩蝶花舞」燈區,以各 式彩蝶及花卉造型花燈,大量設置於 杷城大排河道內,具體展現埔里切花 重鎮的美稱;「水漾埔里」燈區,結 合埔里鎮出好水的盛名,於水面上設置主題燈座,打造出如同一座水上城市 燈會,燈影隨水波蕩漾,在夜空中格外吸引眾人目光。 Force Power lantern area, taking aboriginal representative totem, tribal landscape and legend as themes to show the joyful image of the integration of the indigenous in Nantou County. Dance of colorful butterflies lantern area, there are many kinds of lanterns in the shape of colorful butterflies and flowers. Setting in Pa Cheng Da Pai River and specifically showing the name of Puli - Town of cut flowers. Talking about Puli lantern area, Puli is famous for good quality of water. Setting theme lantern on water. It’s like create a water city lantern festival. The shadow of lights changes with the flow of water. It attracts everyone’s attention in the night sky.
夯推薦-主題活動 Popular recommendation – Theme Activity
景觀花海及水舞 Landscape sea of flower and water dance 地點/貓羅溪河畔;性質/免費參觀 Location/Maoluo River ; Type/Free
今年遊客可藉全新的浪漫情人橋穿越貓羅溪,往來沙雕園區與會展中心, 徜徉在浪漫花海水舞之中。今年花海也將首度於夜間開放,搭配水舞表演、 夜間發光裝置藝術等,讓夜間的花海區更璀璨動人。 This year, visitors can go back and forth from International Sand Sculpture Park to Exhibition Center and go across Maoluo River through the new lovers bridge. The sea of flower will be open at night for the first year. Water dance and the installation arts that shine at night make sea of flower look more beautiful at night.
南投國際沙雕園區 Nantou International Sand Sculpture Park 地點/沙雕文化園區;性質/購票入場 Location/ Sand Sculpture Culture Area ; Type/Tickets for admission
南投沙雕藝術節今年特別針對夜間開放,並力邀國際頂級沙雕藝術家親臨 台灣開展,設計沙雕藝術品,透過五彩繽紛的燈光,投射在沙雕作品上面, 展現出有別於白天觀沙的感受。 Nantou Sand Sculpture Festival opens at night specially this year. Inviting international top artists of sand sculpture come to Taiwan and hold exhibition. Colorful lights projects on sand sculptures. The feeling of seeing at night is totally different than at day time.
新春特別演出 Special Stage on Chinese New Year 邀請大陸陝西安塞腰鼓、浙江百葉龍及七彩雲南民族舞蹈等非物質遺產演 出團隊,在春節期間輪番進行演出。尤其是來自大陸重慶超過六百年歷史的 銅梁火龍,去年二臨南投引起全台轟動,為燈會吸引絡繹不絕的遊客,今年 將於元宵節前後三度登場,鐵水化成陣陣火雨和火流星的震撼畫面,不容錯 過。 Inviting intangible heritage performance groups such as Ansai Waist Drum Dance from Shaanxi, Lung Wu from Zhejiang and colorful Folk Dance from Yunnan to perform during Chinese New Year. In particular, it’s the 3rd time that Tongliang Fire Dragon from Chungking came to Taiwan. It has over 600 years history. Last year, many travelers came to them. You can’t miss the scene of molten iron turns into rain of fire and fire meteor.
2019南投燈會活動資訊 Information of 2019 Nantou Lantern Festival 主燈區 展出時間 / 108年2月2日-2月24日
展出地點 / 南投縣會展中心及周邊廣場
Open hours of Main Lantern Area / From 2019 February 2nd to February 24th Location / Nantou County Exhibition Center and surrounding square
埔里燈區 展出時間 / 108年2月1日-2月24日
展出地點 / 南投縣埔里鎮南安路沿線道路
Open hours of Puli Area / 2019 February 1st to February 24th Location / Along Nan’an Road of Puli Township, Nantou County
南投縣政府官方臉書 Nantou County Government Official Facebook
名人帶路 x 花博企劃 Led by Celebrity x TWFE Column
森林花園 x 后里森林馬場園區
Forest Garden x Houli Horse Ranch & Forest Park Area
*賞花賞馬,漫遊雙園區 Watching flowers and horses. Having great time in both areas.
聆聽花開的聲音 The Sound of Blooming 不能錯過的打卡熱點,必看的巨型機械花!直 徑 15 公尺的它,由 697 朵紅色小花組成,透過 各種環境要素控制,展現花朵綻放收合的生命力。 Giant Mechanical Flower is the must-visit check-in spot! It is 15 meters in diameter and consists of 697 red flowers. It shows the vitality of blooming flower.
發現館 Discovery Pavilion 展館使用可回收的再生塑材磚建造,以河流為主題,重現 台中不同海拔的生態風貌。最後的劇場,以大面積流動的絢 爛畫面,讓我們看見石虎、櫻花鉤吻鮭等台灣稀有動物之美。 It is built with recyclable plastic bricks and showed the ecological features of Taichung River at different altitudes again. You can see the beauty of Taiwan’s rare animals with a large-scale flowing scene in the theater.
后里森林園區 Houli Forest Park Area ●
寫小說的人 The Novelist
專職小說家, 喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊。 Professional novelist who likes writing, reading, painting, and traveling.
國際庭園 World Garden 邀請世界各國共 30 個單位參展,展現各地特色風情,如:阿曼以沙漠綠洲為背 景,使用沙雕製作堡疊建築;英國主題為維多利雅風格的溫室花園下午茶;美國 重現摩艾石像的傳說;尼泊爾使用原生素材,打造在地獨特的佛塔建築。 Inviting 30 units from all over the world to participate in the competition. Sultanate of Oman used oasis in the desert as theme. England built the greenhouse garden in Victoria style. America recreated the legend of Moai. Nepal built the architecture of local stupa.
Lipahak 舞動之心 Lipahak Stage 以大型圓形劇場為展演地點,邀請國 內外 35 組原住民團隊,演出音樂和舞 蹈,同時舉辦主廚食尚秀,邀請五大原 住民主廚展現精湛廚藝,促進文化交流。 Take large-scale amphitheatre as stage. Inviting 35 local and foreign indigenous groups to perform music and dancing. At the same time, holding indigenous chef’s food fashion show to make cultural exchange.
名人帶路 x 花博企劃 Led by Celebrity x TWFE Column
Pu’ing na GaGa 文化根基之處 Indigenous Pu'ing na GaGa Cultural Heritage Area 結合台灣原住民傳說中射日勇士和彩虹 橋的意象,並裝飾多種饒富文化的傳統圖 飾,陽光之下,七彩發光。 Combining the legend of aborigine shooting sun and the image of the rainbow bridge. Also decorate with many kinds of cultural and traditional ornaments.
四口之家 An Eco-Friendly Home for Four 榮獲 2018 倫敦設計銀獎和鑽石級建築碳足跡認證,建材使用稻桿、木頭、木 屑等天然材料,以太陽能供給電力,戶外還有自給自足的飲食花園,展現未來世 界永續家園的可能性! It won the silver award of 2018 London Design Awards and certificated as Diamond Level Low carbon footprint building. Used natural materials to build the architecture and provide power by solar energy. It shows the possibility of the future worldwide sustainable home.
友達微美館 AUO Micro Gallery 結合大自然實景拍攝、植物微觀 影像、特效動畫和尖端面板顯示技 術,透過全台最大 556 吋顯示器 的拼接牆,帶領旅客進入鮮豔花卉 的奇觀世界。
Combining with natural location shooting, microscopic images of plants, effects animation and cutting-edge panel display technology. Bringing travelers to the wonderful world of flowers through the largest monitor, 556 inches, in Taiwan.
后里森林園區 Houli Forest Park Area ● 從天上掉下了一顆種子 A Seed from the Sky
從天上掉下了一顆種子 A Seed from the Sky 友達微美館
AUO Micro Gallery
國際庭園 World Garden
國際庭園 World Garden
四口之家 An Eco-Friendly Home for Four
大山路 Dashan Rd.
World Garden
The giant seed is made by flexible bamboo. It landed in this area. Attracting travelers into adventures and feeling the wonders of nature and life.
Pu’ing na GaGa文化根基之處
Indigenous Pu'ing na GaGa Cultural Heritage Area
Lipahak舞動之心 Lipahak Stage
國際庭園 World Garden
國際庭園 World Garden
國際庭園 World Garden
國際庭園 World Garden
國際庭園 World Garden
發現館 Discovery Pavilion
聆聽花開的聲音 The Sound of Blooming
遊客中心 Visitor Center
入口 Entrance
接駁處 Shuttle bus
內東路 Neidong Rd. 后里馬場 Houli Train Station
花馬道 The Greenway
Houli Horse Ranch 后里車站
賞 花博、
樂園、住 飯店、
2018臺中國際花卉博覽會在后里精彩綻放,開展以來好評不斷、人潮滿滿,帶動地 方商機,緊鄰花博展場的麗寶樂園渡假區,是全台最大的休閒娛樂娛樂城,在這裡可 以盡情逛街購物、暢玩樂園、馳騁賽車、搭摩天輪賞景,美好假期就在這裡。 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition will be blooming in Houli. Since Taichung World Flora Exposition be opened to public, it created local business opportunities. Lihpao Resort is the largest resort park in Taiwan which is near to Taichung World Flora Expositon. You can go shopping, have fun at Lihpao Resort, race cars and take a ride on the Ferris wheel to see the beautiful view. This is the best place to enjoy your holiday. 緊鄰花博展場的麗寶樂園渡假區,擁有樂園、飯店、OUTLET、賽車場、摩天輪等多元渡假設施,在這次花博 展期中,提供麗寶樂園一停停車場近1,500個車位提供民眾停放,並由市府規劃往返花博園區的停車場免費接 駁車。渡假區更經網友票選為花博必遊週邊景點,花博展期渡假區推出各式精彩活動,響應花博2019年起12 歲以下免費參觀,麗寶樂園於即日起~1/20及春節期間(2/2~2/10)推出「12歲以下兒童免費」限時優惠,兒童只 要搭配一名成人陪同現場購票,就可享受賞花博、玩麗寶的完美旅程。緊離樂園旁的福容大飯店則獨家首創「 花博AR主題房」、「花博饗宴」花博餐,賞花博還可順遊玩麗寶,歡樂無限。 There are Lihpao Land, hotel, outlet, race track, Ferris Wheel and many other facilities in Lihpao Resort, which is near the venues of Taichung World Flora Exposition. During this exposition, Lihpao Land offers almost 1,500 parking spaces in First parking. You can take free shuttle buses planned by the city government to the venues of Taichung World Flora Exposition from parking. Moreover, Lihpao Resort is selected as the must-visit attraction near Taichung World Flora Exposition by netizens. Lihpao Resort provides many wonderful events during the expositon. Responding to World Flora Exposition, children under 12 years old are allowed to enter Lihpao Land for free. The limited offer is from now on till January 20th and during February 2nd to 10th. Children can enjoy visiting World Flora Exposition and playing in Lihpao Land accompanied with an adult (that person need to buy ticket).There are “Flora Exposition VR theme room” and “Flora Exposition Feast” at Fullon Hotel LihPao Land, which is near Lihpao Land. Come and enjoy viewing flowers and have fun in Lihpao Resort! 探索世界,有全球唯一的斷軌式雲霄飛車,白天可以暢玩32 項遊樂設施,欣賞繽紛歡樂的花車遊行,假日入園還能沉浸在 全台最美的浪漫星光樂園,多樣化的設施好玩到不想回家。想 要登高望遠,不妨搭上全台最大的天空之夢摩天輪,深入海拔 384米高空盡覽台灣之美,渡假區亦同步於官網推出「賞花博 玩麗寶」的專案套票。 In Lihpao Land, there is the one Gravity Max tilt roller coaster in the world. In day time, you can take rides on 32 amusement facilities and enjoy the colorful parade of floats. If you come here on holidays, just immerse yourself in the most romantic starlight paradise in Taiwan. Diverse facilities make you not willing to go home. If you want a bird's eye view, take a ride on the largest Ferris wheel in Taiwan – World in the Circle.Viewing the beauty of Taiwan at an altitude of 384 meters.The resort also launched the “Viewing flowers at Taichung World Flora Exposition and having fun at Lihpao Resort” paradise or Ferris wheel special tickets at the official website.
No.8, Fullon Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City 421
花博房 花博宴 百花綻放
Flora Exposition Room, Flora Exposition feast and the blooming flowers.
位於渡假區的福容大飯店,步行3分鐘即可抵達樂園,離花博外埔展區車程更僅需5分鐘,盡 情享受愜意假期,因應花博到來,推出「 臺中賞花博」兩人平日住房優惠7,999元起,加價 2,000元即可升等入住全台唯一「會動的花博主題房」,打開房門,用手機掃QR CODE,就可 以看到可愛的石虎揮手歡迎,還有悠揚的薩克斯風樂音等,身歷其境保證讓大小朋友入住後都 捨不得回家,不僅如此,館內的福粵樓推出百花齊放的「花博宴」料理,以花入菜搭配當地新 鮮食材,讓饕客享受視覺與味覺的雙重極致饗宴,邀您一起來台中「賞花博,玩麗寶」,更多 詳情請上飯店官網或FB粉絲專頁洽詢,或撥打訂房專線04-2559-2888;訂位專線 04-2557-1366轉福粵樓8320。 Fullon Hotel LihPao Land is located at Lihpao Resort. It takes you 3 minutes to walk there. You can drive to Waipu Park Area in 5 minutes. Come and enjoy the leisure holiday! .Respond to the World Flora Exposition, the hotel has launched the “Viewing World Flora Exposition in Taichung”. Check in on weekdays, the special price for 2 persons is NTD7,999 upward. Pay extra NTD2,000, your room type will be upgraded to “Active Flora Exposition theme room”. When you open the door and scan QR CODE, you will see the adorable Leopard Cat waving at you with the beautiful music of Saxophone. The immersive feeling will make people at all ages not want to leave. Moreover, there is “Flora Exposition feast” at Fu Yue Lou Dimsum in the hotel. The dishes made of local fresh ingredients and flowers make gourmet enjoy the feelings of vision and taste. Welcome you to come to Taichung, view flowers at Taichung World Flora Exposition and have fun at Lihpao Resort! For more details, please check on the official website of Fullon Hotel Lihpao Land or Facebook fanpage. The booking line is 04-25592888. Please call 04-25571366 #8320 to make a reservation of Fu Yue Lou Dimsum.
名人帶路 x 花博企劃 Led by Celebrity x TWFE Column
花舞館 Blossom Pavilion 展館分為競賽廳與蘭花廳,競賽廳邀請國內外 花藝大師,於 10 個展期裡展示不同主題作品;蘭 花廳除展示各品種蘭花,還有台灣成為蘭花王國 的產業脈絡。 Inviting local and foreign floral master artists show artworks in different theme in Competition Hall. There are not only many kinds of orchid in Orchid Hall, but also the industry context of how Taiwan became orchid kingdom.
馬場風華館 Horse Ranch History Museum 將后里馬場自日治時期開始發展之 80 餘年歷 史,透過主題展覽,讓旅客一一了解馬匹醫療、 馬具用品、馬術競賽等相關文化。 Through the theme exhibition, let travelers know the history of more than 80 years starting from Japanese Colonial Period of Houli Horse Ranch. Travelers can learn the cultures of Horse medical, saddler and Equestrian competition.
馬術競技場 Equestrian Stadium 為全國規模最大且符合國際標準,並邀請哈薩 克馬術特技團帶來馬術花式表演,是必看節目! The largest scale in Taiwan and also in line with international standards. Inviting Kazakh Equestrian troupe of acrobats to perform Equestrian show. You can’t miss it!
故宮花蝶館 National Palace Museum New Media Gallery 邀請國立故宮博物院展覽與馬相關的文 物和畫作,並將國寶「翠玉白彩」暫時移 至此處展覽,千萬別錯過!
Inviting National Palace Museum to reveal cultural relics and paintings associated to horse. They also temporarily moved national treasure “Jadeite Cabbage with Insects ” to the exhibition. Don’t miss the chance to see it!
后里馬場園區 Houli Horse Ranch ●
第一、第二馬廄 Stable 1, Stable 2 第一及第二馬廄創建於 1938 年,為日治時期馬廄 建築的代表,馬廄內除了有 馬術相關知識的展示,也可 以近距離觀賞各式馬匹! Stable 1 and Stable 2 were established in 1938. They were representative of stable architecture during Japanese Colonial Period. In stables, you can learn knowledge of Equestrian and watch horses in close!
National Palace Museum New Media Gallery
馬術競技場 Equestrian Stadium
Stable 1, Stable 2
Horse Ranch History Museum
馬場園區入口 Horse Ranch Entrance
寺山路 Sishan Rd.
馬場路 Machang Rd.
花舞館 Blossom Pavilion
遊客中心 Visitor Center
好農市集 Farmers Market
花舞館入口 Blossom Pavilion Entrance
花馬道 The Greenway 后科路 Houke Rd.
接駁處 Shuttle bus
名人帶路 x 花博企劃 Led by Celebrity x TWFE Column
花果原鄕 x 外埔園區
The Flower and Fruit Village x Waipu Park Area
*體會台灣農業的温度與進歩 Feel the temperature and improvement of Taiwan agriculture.
冠軍花車 Champion float 必看的 2017 國慶花車網路人氣獎第 1 名- 「石虎家族與歐米馬」,以花博吉祥物為主題, 結合象徵台中的花卉、糕餅、國家歌劇院及湖 心亭,透過全手工手繪,打造 19 公尺長的創 意花車。 Number one of The Internet Popular Award of 2017 National Day Float Carnival Parade. It took the mascots of World Flora Exposition as theme and combined with the symbol flower of Taichung, pastry, National Taichung Theater and Taichung Park Pavilion to create 19 meters long hand painted creative float.
樂農館 Harvest Blessings Pavilion 整體建築以綠葉為設計概念,使用玻璃帷幕,搭配景觀生態池,展現開闊空間。 館內以台中代表農作物「稻、果、菇、茶」為主題,象徵平原、丘陵至山區的地景, 打造稻田、穀倉、百菇森林等場景,絕對是獨特拍照畫面。 The entire building is designed with the concept of green leaves. Used glass curtains and combined with landscape ecological pool to show the wide space. In the pavilion, taking representing crops of Taichung – Rice, Fruit, Mushroom and Tea as the themes to create the scenes of rice field, barn and mushroom forest. You can’t stop taking photos here.
外埔園區 Waipu Park Area ●
花漾舞春風 蝶影躍森悠 Flowers and Butterflies Dancing in the Breeze 以台灣特有種「台灣百合」為主題,使用不 銹鋼材質,搭配鏡面工法處理,讓兩朵向天空 綻放的台灣百合,能夠反照四周景色,隨風輕 輕晃動,增添視覺層次感。 The theme is a unique species of lily called Taiwan Lily. The artist used stainless steel and polished two Taiwan Lilies that blooming to the sky into a smooth, mirror-like surface to reflect the surrounding colors and ambience.
蜂潮劇場 Beehive Amphitheater 劇場外型以蜂巢設計概念打造,象徵 外埔在地的養蜂產業,劇場提供一千個 座位,表演節目於每日下午的兩個時段 演出,歡迎闔家共賞。 The exterior of the amphitheater is built with the concept of honeycomb. It symbolizes the local beekeeping industry of Waipu. The amphitheater contains 1,000 seats. The show will be performed in two times in the afternoon.
攀果花廊 Green Bamboo Corridor 台灣竹藝師傅使用竹藝工法,打造高達 6 公 尺的竹廊,廊間種植攀藤植物、懸掛球型植栽 吊球,形成浪漫綠廊,宛如可以通往花精靈的 世界。 Taiwan’s bamboo craftsmen used the skill of bamboo art to create the 6-meterhigh corridor made of bamboo. The climbing plants featured along the Green Bamboo Corridor and adorned with plants in spherical receptacles. It looks quite romantic.
名人帶路 x 花博企劃 Led by Celebrity x TWFE Column
食在滿竹歇脚亭 Dining Area 以竹子搭建的環保建築,作為民眾用餐區 域,可至臨近的美食造型貨櫃屋點餐,品嚐虱 目魚湯、蚵仔煎、炸香菇、黑糖鮮奶粉圓等台 灣在地美食。 The eco-friendly building is made of bamboo that provides a dining area for the public. You can order foods at nearby container house. Don’t forget to taste milkfish soup, oyster omelet, fried mushroom, brown sugar milk with bubble and other local Taiwan foods.
智農館 Agri-tech and Conservation Pavilion 智農館為溫室型展館,迎賓影片展現台灣生物的多樣性,館內展示世界各地珍 稀物種和台灣瀕臨滅絕的原生植物,同時佈置各式種類的蘭花,絕對要細細觀賞! 另外,先進農業科技的展示,也讓人們對於未來充滿期待。 It is a greenhouse pavilion. Welcome video shows the diversity of Taiwan creature. There are rare species of original plant from all over the world, Taiwan's endangered original plants and many kinds of orchid. Moreover, the display of advanced agricultural technology makes people look forward to the future.
外埔園區 Waipu Park Area ●
竹穹惜水 Water Recycling Bamboo Dome 直徑 18 公尺的半球型竹穹,以台灣竹藝編 築而成,每日可處理 515 噸回收廢水,為園區 內重要的水資源回收中心,晚間點燈後,光點 熠熠,躍升為熱門 IG 打卡景點。 I t ’s a 1 8 m - d i a m e t e r, h e m i s p h e r i c a l bamboo dome woven from bamboo. It can recycle 515 tons of wastewater per day. When the lights on at night, this beautiful place become the popular check-in spot. 食在滿竹歇腳亭 Dining Area
智農館 Agri-tech and Conservation Pavilion
蜂潮劇場 Beehive Amphitheater
竹穹惜水 Water Recycling Bamboo Dome
攀果花廊 Green Bamboo Corridor
樂農館 Harvest Blessings Pavilion
遊客中心 Visitor Center
花漾舞春風 蝶影躍森悠 Flowers and Butterflies Dancing in the Breeze
入口 Entrance
冠軍花車 Champion float
接駁處 Shuttle bus
名人帶路 x 花博企劃 Led by Celebrity x TWFE Column
水岸花都 x 豐原葫蘆墩公園
Floral Metropolis by the Water x Fengyuan Huludun Park *以浪漫歩伐緩緩欣賞水岸風光 Enjoy the beauty of waterfront with slow pace.
蝶舞風姿 Butterflies in the Wind 橫跨軟埤仔溪的「蝶舞風姿」橋,以蝴蝶色 彩斑斕的翅膀為靈感,選用淡藍、透白、亮黃、 粉紅等葉片,懸掛於上空,風一來就搖擺舞動, 形成充滿愉快意涵的波浪通道。 The bridge of Butterflies in the Wind across Ruanpizai Creek. Inspired by wings of colorful flying butterflies, hanging light blue, white, bright yellow and pink blades in the air so that when the wind comes, they will swinging in the air.
竹跡館 Bamboo Pavilion 竹跡館設計概念來自竹林、種子、中央山脈,使用南投竹山的 3 萬片竹片和 300 多根高孟宗竹,層層疊疊、編織交錯,光線穿越竹 與竹之間的縫隙,讓旅客們紛紛仰頭。 The concept of Bamboo Pavilion was inspired by seed, bamboo forest and the Central Range. Used 30 thousand pieces of bamboo from Zhushan Township, Nantou County and over 300 moso bamboo to make the overlap appearance. Travelers all look up at it.
豐原葫蘆墩公園 Fengyuan Huludun Park ●
剪影教堂 Silhouette Chapel 以簡潔線條勾勒出白色教堂,隨著 時間變化,日光造成的光影將不斷位 移變化,園區熱門 IG 景點之一。 The appearance of white chapel is simple and clear. As time changes, the shadow caused by sunshine constantly shift and change. It’s one of a popular check-in spot.
競賽庭園區 Garden Competition Area 邀請園藝景觀相關的團體、學校、 業者等,設計與生活相互呼應的庭園, 總展期分為五個時段競賽:綠屋頂庭 園、可食性庭園、水景式庭園、陽台 造景、立體綠雕,讓遊客可以觀賞到 台灣園藝景觀的創意。 Inviting groups, schools and operators associate to Horticulture and Landscape to design the garden related to life. The competition is divided into five periods, Green Roof Garden, Edible Garden, Waterscape Garden, Balcony Landscaping and 3D Green Sculpture. It reveals the creative of Taiwan Horticulture and Landscape.
迎賓捧花 “Welcome Bouquet” Glass Art 邀請台灣頂尖琉璃工藝師傅打造,使用琉 璃製作出流動感十足的鮮紫色捧花,歡迎每 位來到葫蘆墩園區的遊客。 Inviting top glass craftsman in Taiwan to create the purple glass art full of the sense of flow. It welcomes every visitor. 41
名人帶路 x 花博企劃 Led by Celebrity x TWFE Column
縣市庭園區 City/County Sponsored Gardens 邀請 8 個縣市:台北、桃園、苗栗、南投、 彰化、雲林、台南及澎湖,以花卉呈現各縣市 旅遊景點和當地特色。例如:苗栗以貓貍造型 打造透光透氣輕建築;彰化展現在地花卉和Q 版八卦山大佛;澎湖則以雙心石滬和玄武岩石 柱為主題。 Inviting 8 cities and counties show the local features and special attractions by flowers. Miaoli County built the light architecture with green caved Leopard cat. Changhua County showed the local flowers and Baguashan Great Buddha. Penghu County took Twin-Hearts Stone Weir and basalt rock columns as theme.
入口 Entrance
Shuttle bus
遊客中心 Visitor Center
竹跡館 Bamboo Pavilion
段 nB 八 ua 道 gy 大 en 原 ,F 豐 c. 8 Se
zhou Rd.
剪影教堂 Silhouette Chapel
五權路 Wuquan Rd. 中山路 Zhongshan Rd.
蝶舞風姿 Butterflies in the Wind
豐原葫蘆墩公園 Fengyuan Huludun Park ●
囍香逢館 Taiwan Pastries Pavilion 以粉紅和潔白為建築色系的「囍香逢館」,結合糕餅、花卉、 工藝三大元素,館內 6 大區展出百年餅模、糕餅原料、以花入 餅的作品,以及與糕餅相關的茶、咖啡、木藝、漆藝,展現在 地糕餅文化的同時,也充滿浪漫喜氣。 The colors of the architecture are pink and white. The pavilion combines pastry, flower, art work and shows hundred year pastry bakeware, pastry ingredients, works of making pastry with flowers and tea, coffee, wooden artwork, lacquer artwork that associate to pastry in 6 areas.
City/County Sponsored Gardens
R anhuan
Garden Competition Area
三豐路 Sanfeng Rd.
囍香逢館 Taiwan Pastries Pavilion
迎賓捧花 競賽庭園區 文昌街Wenchang St.
好農市集 Farmers Market
Garden Competition Area
“Welcome Bouquet” Glass Art
1 第一區
2 第二區
第三區 園區開放時間 Open Time 后里馬場森林園區 Houli Horse Ranch & Forest Park Area 周日∼四Sun-Thu / 09:00-19:00 周五∼六Fri-Sat / 09:00-21:00
外埔園區 Waipu Park Area 每日every day / 09:00-19:00
豐原葫蘆墩公園 Fengyuan Huludun Park 周日∼四Sun-Thu / 09:00-19:00 周五∼六Fri-Sat / 09:00-21:00
主題遊程Theme tour
漫遊 年 2019 Taiwan Small Town Year
觀光產業一直以來都是台灣的重要產業,為促進觀光永續發展及帶動 小鎮深度旅遊風氣,交通部觀光局主辦「2019 經典小鎮漫遊年」票選活動, 結合民眾網路票選、秘密客及委員審核遴選,選出心目中最深富魅力的小 鎮。最終選出 30 個台灣經典小鎮,歡迎大家來體驗小鎮風情。 Tourism industry has always been the most important industry of Taiwan. In order to promote the sustainable development of tourism and the trend of exploring small towns in-depth, Tourism Bureau, MOTC hosts a vote of “2019 Taiwan Small Town Year.” It combined with popular online voting, secret guest and committee review to select the most charming town in their mind. Finally, it specially launched totally 30 classic towns in Taiwan. Welcome to experience the Top 30 towns.
基隆Keelung ∣ 中正區Zhongzheng District
基隆擁有許多天然海灣,中正區沿岸更是充滿特殊海蝕地形,如:海蝕崖、海蝕平 台和各種怪石,而號稱台灣威尼斯的正濱漁港,歷史悠久,因為港邊彩色屋成為熱門 觀光景點。 Specially in Zhongzheng District, you can see different kinds of special marine abrasion topography along the coast, for example, Sea Cliff, wave-cut platform and many other strange rocks. The historic Zhengbin Fishing Harbor has a laudatory title of Taiwan version of Venice. 44
東 離島
台北Taipei ∣ 北投Beitou
因日治時期發展的泡湯文化,設立新北投火車 站、北投溫泉博物館(原溫泉浴池)、北投文物館 (原神風特攻隊度假所)和日軍衛戍醫院等日治古 蹟,另有以綠建築著名的北投圖書館。 Beitou rose because of the hot spring culture developed during the Japanese Colonial period. There are Xinbeitou Historic Station, Beitou Hot Spring Museum, Beitou Museum, Former Japanese Military Hospital, green-built library- Beitou Library and other monuments.
台北Taipei ∣ 大稻埕Dadaocheng
大稻埕為台北最早的貿易軸點,保留許多歷史 建築和傳統產業,如:百年中藥行和百年餅店, 同時也吸引文創品牌進駐,形成新舊交融的熱鬧街 區,而臨近的大稻埕碼頭亦能欣賞河岸風光。 Dadaocheng is the earliest trade center in Taipei. It retains many historic architectures and traditional industries, for example, Chinese herbal medicine stores and traditional pastry stores. You can enjoy the riverside scenery at nearby Dadaocheng Wharf. 新北New Taipei City ∣ 瑞芳Ruifang
瑞芳除瑞芳老街、猴硐貓村外,尤以礦產歷史聞名的九份 最受歡迎,九份老街的蜿蜒階梯、在地美食、山海風光和山 城夜景,讓它成為國際觀光勝地,鄰近的水湳洞十三層遺址 和金瓜石黃金博物館,也都是值得一訪的歷史園區。 In addition to Ruifang Old Street and Houtong cat village, Jiufen, which is famous for its mineral history, is the most popular place. The stairs, food, natural scenery and night view of Jiufen Old Street make it become an international tourist attraction. 13-Layer Remains in ShueiNanDong and Gold Museum in JinGuaShih are also worth to visit. 45
主題遊程Theme tour
新北New Taipei City ∣ 坪林Pinglin
坪林為「文山包種茶」重要產區,因此,騎 北勢溪自行車道賞茶園,走訪坪林茶業博物館和 坪林老街來品茗,或是在南山寺迎接茶園上的日 出,都能深度體驗在地茶產業。 Pinglin is an important production area for Wenshan Paochung Tea. Highly recommend you to ride bike around Bwishih Brook and see the tea garden, visit Pinglin Tea Museum and drink tea in Pinglin Old Street. Seeing the sunrise at Nanshan temple is also a good choice.
桃園Taoyuan ∣ 大溪Daxi
大溪受到清朝、日治與西方文化的影響,建 築外觀融合巴洛克風格和閩南傳統式樣,非常獨 特,現今依舊是熱鬧的觀光老街。鄰近的慈湖風 景秀美,與先總統蔣公亦有歷史淵源。 Due to the influence of Qing Dynasty, Japanese Colonial Period and western culture, the exterior of the architecture combines Baroque Style and traditional architectural style of South Area of Fujian Province. There is Cih Lake nearby, it is associated with the former president, Chiang Kai-Shek.
新竹Hsinchu ∣ 關西Guanxi
關西除了盛產仙草,歷史建築也是一大特 色,像是:進駐藝術文創的關西老街和以石頭砌 成的東安古橋,又或是沿著牛欄河散步、去馬武 督探索森林探險,都是關西的好玩法。 Guanxi is famous for Mesona. You can visit historical sites, like Guanxi Old Street and Dong'An Bridge. Walking along Niulan River or going to Mautu Discovery Forest are also good choices. 46
東 離島
新竹Hsinchu ∣ 舊城區Old Town
新竹市承載了三百年的發展歷史,不但有護 城河和東門城,城隍廟更是日夜人潮不絕,來拜 拜或嚐美食,而東門市場則是白天賣菜、晚上 享受宵夜和咖啡,創造截然不同的旅遊體驗! Hsinchu City has the development history of three hundred years. There are not only Hucheng River and Yin Hsi East Gate but also Cheng Huang Temple. In the morning, people sell vegetables at Tumgmen Market. At night, they sale midnight snack and coffee.
苗栗Miaoli ∣ 苑裡Yuanli
素有苗栗穀倉之稱的苑裡,除了有外銷日 本的優質稻米外,亦保留結合歷史文化的傳 統產業,如:藺草編織和磚瓦工藝,其中藺 草文化更可追溯至百年前的清朝。另外,若 想深入在地,不能錯過苑裡老街、房裡古城 和蔡家古厝。 There is not only high-quality rice that is exported to Japan but also traditional industries in Yuanli. Such as rush weaving and tiles and bricks carving craft. The history of rush weaving can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty. Don't miss Yuanli old street, Fangli old town and ancient house of Tsai family if you want to go deep into this place.
苗栗Miaoli ∣ 公館Gongguan
苗栗公館以盛產紅棗著名,這個農業鄉鎮擁有怡人的田園風光,其中黃金小鎮休閒 農業區更榮獲2018金牌農村的銀牌獎,另外「出磺坑」為亞洲和台灣的第一口油井, 饒富歷史意義。 Gongguan in Miaoli is famous for red date. There is a pleasant pastoral scene. Gold Town won the silver metal from 2018 Golden Village. Besides, Chu Huang Keng is the first oil well in Asia and Taiwan. 47
主題遊程Theme tour
台中Taichung ∣ 新社Xinshe
一年四季都是新社遊玩好時節,春天賞櫻 花,夏天觀螢火蟲,秋天品味景觀餐廳,冬天則 是必來新社花海節!此外,新社也是台灣代表性 的香菇產地,能夠體驗採菇樂趣! Xinshe is a good place to travel in all seasons. Watching cherry blossom in Spring, fireflies in Summer. Tasting delicacy at scenic view restaurant in Fall and visiting Flower Festival in Winter! Moreover, you can experience picking mushrooms. 彰化Changhua ∣ 鹿港Lukang
俗語說:「一府二鹿三艋舺」,鹿港為台灣早期重要商 港,成就如今的文化小鎮,於紅牆巷弄裡,能挖掘燈籠、 雕刻、糕餅等傳統工藝,亦不能錯過天后宮、摸乳巷、龍 山寺等知名景點,以及肉包、牛舌餅、麵茶等傳統美食。 Lukang is an important commercial port in Taiwan in early times. You can see traditional crafts like lantern, sculpture and pastry here. Don’t miss these famous attractions, Matsu Temple, Gentlemen Alley and Longshan Temple. And be sure you have taste steamed stuffed bun, Ox-tongue pastry and roasted wheat flour.
彰化Changhua ∣ 田尾Tianwei
以「花的故鄉」美稱而崛起的田尾公路花園, 為全台最大的花卉、樹木、盆栽集散地,在這 裡,每一家花坊都提供了優質的花卉,也適合騎 乘腳踏車或三輪車穿梭田間小路,都是不錯的旅 遊體驗。 Tianwei Highway Garden, which was later named after the "hometown of flowers", is the largest flower, tree planting and distribution center in Taiwan. Traveling through the intricate field trails is the best travel experience. 48
東 離島
南投Nantou ∣ 集集Jiji
集集的綠色隧道和環鎮自行車道,全國著 名,乘騎在綠意盎然的林蔭間,怡人舒服!搭配 台鐵集集支線,不只能一探日治時期建設的集集 火車站,還能轉乘至水里、車埕等南投景點。 Green Tunnel and cycle path in Jiji are wellknown throughout the country. Combing with Jiji Line of Taiwan Railways, you can see Jiji Train Station that built in Japanese Colonial period and also transfer to Shuili, Checheng and other attractions in Nantou.
雲林Yunlin ∣ 北港Beignag
北港傳承媽祖信仰,三百多年歷史的朝天宮 為當地重要廟宇,香客往來絡繹不絕,帶動周邊 的文武藝陣、宗教工藝、傳統民俗活動的發展, 也讓麻油、花生和北港飴成為伴手美食。 Beigang inherits the belief of Matsu. ChaoTian Temple, which has a history more than three hundred years, promotes the development of the surrounding martial arts, religious crafts and traditional folk activities. Sesame oil, peanut and Beigang candy are famous gifts.
嘉義Chiayi ∣ 梅山Meishan
梅山新建的太平雲梯,能夠跳望嘉南平原和台灣海峽的自然風光,梅山36彎打氣公 路的特殊性也不遑多讓!此外,梅山公園、千年蝙蝠洞、雲潭瀑布等,都是絕佳自然 景點。 You can overlook Chianan Plains and Taiwan Strait at Taiping suspension bridge in Meishan. The feature of Meishan 36 Bend Highway is also noteworthy. It’s nice to visit Meishan Park, 1000 Year Bat Cave and Yuntan Waterfall.
主題遊程Theme tour
嘉義Chiayi ∣ 東區East District
嘉義東區為阿里山入口門戶,於是檜意森活村 保留了日治林業歷史,將林班主管宿舍群打造為 文創聚落,臨近處還有北門車站和月桃故事館, 而蘭潭風景區的日夜風貌各有特色。 Hinoki Village in East District of Chiayi preserves the dormitory constructed during Japanese Colonial Period. It became a Culture Creative Cluster. There is Beimen Station and Shell-Ginger Story House nearby. The view of Lantan Scenic Area is different in daytime and night time. 台南Tainan ∣ 鹽水Yanshui
鹽水除饒富歷史建築的橋南老街外,又以「鹽水蜂炮」最為知名,其為全球三大民 俗慶典之一,再搭配全台唯一水上燈節「月津港燈節」,創造炸蜂炮、賞花燈、品美 食的最佳體驗。 The lively Yanshui District is famous for Yanshui beehive fireworks, which is one of top 3 global folk festivals. It creates the best experience of feeling the beehive fireworks, viewing lanterns, tasting gourmet food and travel in township.
台南Tainan ∣ 後壁Houbi
後壁為台灣冠軍米的故鄉,結合在地社區,主推農村DIY體驗的深度旅遊,同時, 於此舉辦的台灣國際蘭展,亦與世界蘭展、東京蘭展共列全球三大蘭展,為純樸農村 增添魅力。 Houbi is the hometown of Taiwan Champion Rice. Combining with local community, mainly promote in-depth tour of experience rural life. At the same time, it holds one of the three major orchid exhibitions in the world - Taiwan International Orchid Exhibition. 50
東 離島
高雄Kaohsiung ∣ 美濃Meinong
美濃為傳統客家庄,必要品嚐客家粄條,而 油紙傘工藝和菸葉產業更展現了在地歷史。來這 裡,定要騎單車、賞美濃湖和花海,走訪客家文 物館、傳統菸樓和東門樓。 Meinong is a traditional Hakka village. Oil paper umbrella craft and tobacco industry reveal the local history. If you visit here, be sure to ride bicycle and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Meinong Lake and flower sea. It is also a good choice to visit Hakka Culture Center, Tradition Tobacco Barn and East Gate Tower.
屏東Pingtung ∣ 東港Donggang
東港的華僑市場為漁港漁產品直銷中心,魚 貨十分新鮮;大鵬灣國家風景區除自然生態外, 亦擁有育樂設施和遊船碼頭;而高人氣的小琉球 則從這裡搭船出發,歡迎體驗小島生活! Hua Qiao Market in Donggang is the direct sales center for fresh seafood. There are not only natural ecosystems in Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area, but also entertainment facility and harbor. People take boats from here to Liuqiu.
屏東Pingtung ∣ 恒春Hengchun
恆春兼具自然生態和歷史古蹟,熱門景點包 含:恆春古城、墾丁、鵝鑾鼻、關山等,可以衝 浪玩水、浮潛賞魚、觀賞落日和走訪百年城門, 成為夏日遊客必來勝地! Hengchun has both natural ecology and historical sites. Famous attraction including Hengchun Ancient City, Kenting, Eluanbi and Guanshan. You can surfing, play in the water, snorkeling and watching fish, enjoy the sunset and visit Ancient City Gate. 51
主題遊程Theme tour 宜蘭Yilan ∣ 宜蘭市Yilan city
饒富文化底蘊的宜蘭市,除了百年古蹟,如:原為 日式官邸的文學館和保存完整的津梅磚窯,亦有知名 繪本家幾米所打造的丟丟噹森林、幾米廣場及幸福轉 運站,兼具歷史傳承和文化創新。 In Yilan, besides hundred year monument, such as former Japanese residence - Yilan Literary Museum and Yilan Brick Kiln, there are also Diudiudang Forest, Jimmy Square and Happy Station that made by well-known painter, Jimmy. These combining the history and innovation 宜蘭Yilan ∣ 頭城Toucheng
頭城不能錯過的IG打卡景點有:蘭陽博物館、頭城濱海 森林公園、外澳海灘、和頭城老街,而龜山島為全球12大 酷島之一,可以申請登島!另外,源自清代的「搶孤」, 更是重要的在地宗教活動,展現先民開墾的精神。 If you come to Toucheng, don't miss these check-in spot, such as Lanyang Museum, Toucheng Seaside Forest Park, Wai'ao Beach, Turtle Island and Toucheng Old Street. Cianggu (The Grappling with Ghosts Competition in Toucheng) which is from the Qing Dynasty, is the important local religious activity. 花蓮Hualien ∣ 鳳林Fenglin
鳳林的多重身份令人驚艷:日治移民村、客家小鎮、國際慢城,每年還有「菸樓 迷路、百鬼夜行」活動、阿美族豐年祭、日本夏日節,傳承發揚了各種群族的文化祭 典,饒富特色! Fenglin amaze people by many different identities, like Japanese Immigration Village, Hakka Town and International Cittaslow. There are some annual events, for example, “Lost in Smokehouse, Hundred Ghosts Acting at Night”, Harvest Festival of Amis and Japan Summer Festival. 花蓮Hualien ∣ 瑞穗Ruisui
有北回歸線穿越的瑞穗,知名農特產品為天鶴茶和文旦,旅客來此無非更是因為兩 項觀光休閒活動:沿著秀姑巒溪來一趟激流泛舟,又或是至紅葉溫泉、瑞穗溫泉享受 泡湯體驗。 Tropic of Cancer passes through Ruisui. Its famous agricultural products are Tianhe Tea and pomelo. Tourist can enjoy rafting in Siouguluan River or go to Red Leaves Hot Spring and Ruisui Hot Spring. 52
東 離島
台東Taitung ∣ 成功Chenggong
成功擁有豐富的觀光資源,如:新港漁港為花東 漁獲量最大之漁港,造就海鮮餐廳林立;三仙台風 景區為迎曙光的絕佳地點;阿美族豐年祭更是展現 了熱鬧歌舞和獨特原民文化。 Chenggong has abundant sightseeing resources. The catch of Singang Fishery Harbor is the largest one in Taitung and Hualien. Sansiantai Scenic Area is the best place for viewing dawn. Harvest Festival of Amis shows the unique aboriginal culture. 澎湖Penghu ∣ 湖西Huxi
境內有澎湖機場的湖西,為澎湖第一大鄉,以自然風景為觀光重點,如:隘門的潔 白沙灘、奎壁山礫石步道的摩西分海奇景、菓葉的落日美景等,另有保留澎湖傳統古 厝的南寮社區。 Huxi, where Penghu Airport located in, is the largest township in Penghu. It takes natural scene as the highlight of sightseeing. For example, Aimen Beach, Kuibi Mountain Gravel Trail and Guoye Sunset. There is also Nan liao community that preserves the traditional old house of Penghu. 金門Kinmen ∣ 烈嶼Lieyu
烈嶼為金門唯一的離島鄉鎮,又稱為「小金門」,擁有原始生活風貌和自然景觀, 如:九宮坑道、地雷主題館等戰地史蹟;台灣唯一的貓公石海岸;還有獨特的辟邪物 「風雞」。 Lieyu Township is the only offshore township in Kinmen County. The view of original life styles and natural landscapes are still preserved. There are many famous tourist sites. For example, Jiugong Tunnel, which is famous for its history of battlefield; the magnificent Maokong rock coast; the unique Wind Rooster. 連江Lienchiang ∣ 北竿Beigan
北竿為馬祖列島之一,無論是馬祖第一高峰的壁山、擁有完整閩東建築的芹壁聚 落、住滿梅花鹿的大坵島,又或是獨特的「牽罟」和獨木舟體驗,都能感受北竿的海 島魅力。 Beigan is one of the townships in Matsu. You can feel the charm of island by visiting the highest mountain- Bishan, Qinbi Village, the place full of Sika Deer- Daciou Island or experience Taiwanese Beach Seine and kayaking. 53
The part of photos are provided by the Tourism Bureau of MOTC and Tourism & Travel Department of New Taipei City.Government
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地
Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
Taiwan 台中Taichung
郊外充滿著大自然美麗的氣息,成為不少網美必去之處。想喝茶嗎?來到山林環繞的森林中一邊吸收芬多精一 邊悠閒地喝茶吧!你知道山城裡的海景嗎?讓我們來看看更多不同景色吧!在繁華都市中迷失自我嗎?在城市 中找到一處可以暫時忘記煩惱的美麗角落吧!此期將介紹台灣五個縣市的景點,不管是上山下海,室內室外都 好拍、都好玩!許多驚喜與豔遇都在網美的IG中,跟著他們一起暢玩台灣,體驗新風情吧! The suburbs are full of the beauty of nature and those places became must-visit places for many internet celebrities. Do you want to have a cup of tea? Come to forest to enjoy phytoncide and drink tea leisurely! Go and see more different seascape in mountain city! Are you lost in the hustle and bustle city? Just find a beautiful place in the city that makes you forget all the worries for a while. In this issue, we are going to introduce attractions of 5 cities and counties. No matter go to mountains or seas, indoor or outdoor, there are so many things waiting for you to explore. Just follow the lead of internet celebrities and experience the charm of those places.
台北/新北 Taipei/ New Taipei
宜蘭 Yilan
xolubean_950309 wind8894
Kangqiao Riverside Park 每個女孩都喜愛拍攝美照的季節限定—秋冬芒草 季,在中興大學附近就有! Every girl likes to take beautiful photos of seasonal flowers. Fall and Winter are the seasons of Japanese silvergrass. There are some near Chung Hsing University. 台中市大里區環河路 Huanhe Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City
Museum of Fiber Arts, Taichung
前身為兒童藝術館,蛻變為全國首座以纖維為主 題的博物館囉! It was Children's Art Gallery before. Now it’s the first fiber-themed museum in Taiwan. 台中市大里區勝利二路1號 No.1, Shengli 2nd Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City
Gaomei Wetland Landscape Bridge
雙塔雙弧線的設計,融合高美自然環境特色。吹 著海風,欣賞河岸景觀及落日。 The design of the double arcs on towers combine the natural environment features of Gaomei Wetland. It’s great to feel the breeze, watch scenery and sunset of river. 台中市清水區高美路789號 No.789, Gaomei Rd., Cingshuei Dist., Taichung City
Following internet celebrities to travel
熊熊秘境 Bear secret place
(期間限定2018.12.1-2019.2.28) 小心熊出沒!不用遠赴山區就有超美山坡型花海 ,還有超可愛彩繪防空洞水管。 (Limited time:2018.12.1-2019.2.28) You don’t need to go to mountain area to see the gorgeous sloping sea of flower and super cute painted air-raid shelter pipe. 台中市太平區新興路106號 No.106, Sinsing Rd., Taiping Dist., Taichung City
外埔忘憂谷 Waipu Wangyou Valley
麗水漁港 Lishui Fishing Port
一望無際的水稻田,不論是金黃色或綠色,看著 都讓人很舒服呢!
藍白相間的崗哨,相當有希臘風情。假日不妨來 騎單車、賞鳥與欣賞日落吧!
The endless rice fields, whether golden or green, make people feel so nice.
Blue and white sentry is full of Greek style. Just ride bicycle, watch birds and enjoy sunset here on holidays!
台中市外埔區溪底路 Sidi Rd., Waipu Dist., Taichung City
台中市龍井區麗水村三港路27之28 No.27-8, Sangang Rd., Longjing Dist., Taichung City
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
元首館 King Garden
面向日月潭,可以欣賞整個湖畔視野,陽光灑 落在清澈湖水,宛若夢境般。
城堡控必拍!不只有城堡,還有西洋棋與馬車等 童話風的設置呢! 平日09:00-17:00 假日09:00-17:30
Xiangshang Visitor Center Facing Sun Moon Lake, you can enjoy the full view of the lake. The sun shines on the clear water, it looks like a dream. 南投縣魚池鄉中山路599號 No.599, Jhongjheng Rd., Yuchih Township, Nantou County
Don’t miss this place if you are a fan of castle! There is not only castle but also installation art of chess, carriage and other art works in the style of fairy tale. Weekday 09:00-17:00 Holiday 09:00-17:30 南投縣埔里鎮中山路四段219號 No.219, Sec. 4, Jhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County
清境農場 Qingjing Farm 清新空氣與可愛的綿羊群,一望無際的青 青草原, 不管什麼季節來都相當合適。 No matter what seasons, it’s good to come to this place. Feel the fresh air, watch cute sheep and relax on Green Green Grasslands. 56
南投縣仁愛鄉仁和路170號 No.170, Renhe Rd., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County
Tahchi Valley Sky Ladder
又稱為微笑天梯,在這可以遠眺彰化平原,白天 或是夜晚來都各有不同的風情。 It’s also called Smile sky ladder. You can overlook Changhua Plain from here. There are different view at daytime and night time. 南投縣南投市猴探井街300號 No.300, Houtanjing St., Nantou City, Nantou County
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Puli Hutou Mountain Paragliding Base 四周群山環抱,更能鳥瞰埔里全景。高度風場條 件絕佳,飛行傘運動十分盛行! It is surrounded by mountains and you can enjoy a panoramic view of Puli from here. The conditions of height and wind are excellent. Paragliding is popular nowadays. 南投縣埔里鎮知安路100號 No.100, Jhih’an Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County
月老教堂 Chinese cupid Church
繽紛彩繪建築讓人拍得欲罷不能!另有貼心腳架 供各位拍攝喔。 營業時間:09:00 -17:00
Shuanglong Waterfall Suspension Bridge
People can’t stop taking pictures of colorful buildings! There are tripods for everyone to shoot. Opening Hours:09:00 -17:00
想一探雙龍瀑布美景的朋友,不妨走走剛開放、 突破太平雲梯總長的水源吊橋! For people who want to see the beautiful scenery of Shuanglong Waterfull, just go to this suspension bridge which is longer than the total length of Taiping Ladder.
南投縣埔里鎮中山路四段219號三館 No.219, Sec. 4, Jhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County
南投縣信義鄉光復巷 Guangfu Ln., Sinyi Township, Nantou County
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天空之城 Chateau In the Air
是咖啡廳也是露營區,結合貨櫃屋、彩色木屋 及親子設施。 營業時間:11:00–22:00
爬滿藤蔓的城堡牆、山林、小教堂等,讓人彷彿 置身在童話裡。 平日10:00-19:00 假日09:00-19:00
DooCoffee Scenic Café
It’s both café and camping area that combining with container houses, colorful wooden houses and parent-child facilities. Opening Hours:11:00–22:00
Castle walls full of vines, forest and small church. The scene makes people feel like they are in a fairy tale. Weekday 10:00-19:00 Holiday 09:00-19:00
No.21, Beihe, Gongguan Township, Miaoli County
No.33, Shihfen, Dahu Township, Miaoli County
Jian Zhong Elementary School
壯觀的3D地景彩繪,七彩繽紛的多樣彩 繪讓照片也瞬間鮮艷起來! The magnificent 3D land painting. Colorful panting makes photo look so bright! 58
苗栗縣三義鄉光復路 Guangfu Rd., Sanyi Township, Miaoli County
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Arwin Rose & Jasmin-orange Forest
Tongluo Jiuhua Mountain Skywalk
There are thousands of Common jasmin orange and over ten thousand roses. Combing with story house, it’s worth to visit! Opening Hours:08:30-17:00
It’s nice place for riding bicycle and relaxing. The skywalk is located between mountains. You can also overlook Tongxiao Township and Yuanli Township from here. 苗栗縣銅鑼鄉 Tongluo Township, Miaoli County
有上千棵七里香、上萬株玫瑰。結合故事館,相 當適合旅遊參觀!開放時間:08:30-17:00
苗栗縣頭屋鄉明德路226號 No.226, Mingde Rd., Touwu Township, Miaoli County
噢哈娜咖啡屋 Ohana Café 走進紫色夢幻場景,三月紫藤花開花,更是浪漫! 營業時間:09:00-18:00(二、三休息) Walking into this purple dream scene and watching Chinese Wisteria bloom, it’s so romantic! Opening Hours:09:00-18:00 Close on Tuesday and Wednesday 苗栗縣西湖鄉金獅村2鄰金獅18-5號 No.18-5, 2nd Neighborhood, Jinshih, Sihu Township, Miaoli County
相當適合散心、騎單車的天空步道,步道位於山 林之間,還能遠眺通宵與苑裡。
龍騰斷橋 (魚藤坪斷橋) Longteng Broken Bridge
曾被譽為「鐵路藝術極品」,因地震帶來多處損 毀,留存的建築仍然很壯觀。 It was called the masterpiece of railway art. Many damages were caused by the earthquake. The remaining buildings still looks magnificent. 苗栗縣三義鄉龍騰村 Longteng, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County
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Taipei/New Taipei
葫蘆國小跨提人行陸橋 Cross river bank bridge of Hulu Elementary School 有著波浪弧度的設計步道,站在橋上甚至能欣 賞到重陽橋與淡水河。 Standing on this curved trail, you can see Chongyang Bridge and Tamsui River.
四四南村 44 South Village 隱藏在繁華信義區,喜愛眷村文化與文創市集嗎? 務必別錯過這個假日好去處。 t is hiding in the prosperous Xinyi District. Don’t miss this nice place if you like the culture of Military Dependents' Village and Creative Product Market.
Sec. 3, Huanhe N. Rd., Shihlin Dist., Taipei City
No.50, Songcin St., Sinyi Dist., Taipei City
軍艦岩 Junjianyan 「懸崖」意境照相當受歡迎,一起來當大 自然網美吧! The artistic photos of cliff are very popular. Come to be an internet celebrity in the nature!
台北市北投區奇岩路 Ciyan Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City
不厭亭 Buyen Pavilion 一面可眺望雙溪區風景,另一面則可遠眺瑞芳, 絕佳的視野讓人看了心曠神怡。 You will see the scenery of Shuangxi District on one side of Buyen Pavilion and overlook Ruifang District on the other side. The gorgeous view makes people feel so good. 新北市瑞芳區瑞雙公路 224 Ruishuang Road, Ruifang District, New Taipei City
Treasure Hill Artist Village
早期由違章建築形成。現為藝術家的媒合平台。 (參觀時不要影響居民唷。) In the early times, it was composed of illegal buildings. Now it’s a media platform for artist. Remember not to bother local residents when you visit there. 台北市中正區汀州路三段230巷14弄2號 No.2, Aly. 14, Ln. 230, Sec. 3, Tingjhou Rd., Jhongjheng Dist., Taipei City
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Yangmingshan National Park
離台北都會區最近,也是唯一擁有火山地形的國 家公園,自然生態也很豐富。 t is the nearest national park to Taipei Metropolitan Region. With abundant natural ecology, it’s also the only national park with volcanic terrain. 台北市北投區竹子湖路1-20號 No.1-20, Jhuzihhu Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City
法鼓山農禪寺 Dharma Drum Mountain Nung Chan Monastery
設計簡單素雅,呈現出莊嚴寧靜的形象。(參觀時 不要大聲喧嘩唷。)開放時間:09:00-16:00 The simple and elegant design shows the solemn and serene image. Please do not speak loudly when you visit there. Opening Hours:09:00-16:00 台北市北投區大業路65巷89號 No.89, Ln. 65, Daye Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
前身是中興舊紙廠,現在變為熱門打卡點。這 裡也是廢墟迷喜愛拍攝的地標喔!
各式民俗文化活動,都能深入了解宜蘭文化,很 適合親子前往。 開放時間:09:00-18:00
Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Park It was Taiwan Chung Hsing Paper Corporation in the past. Now this place became the popular check-in spot for many people who love ruins.
National Center for Traditional Arts It’s suitable for parents and kids to go and know the culture of Yilan by every kinds of folk cultural activities. Open Hours:09:00-18:00
No.6-8, Sec. 2, Jhongjheng Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County
No.201, Sec. 2, Wubin Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County
天空島上的小木屋 Cottage in sky island
民宿的七彩外觀,仿佛是佇立在田野中的 彩虹,讓人忍不住停下腳步一探究竟。 The colorful exterior of the guesthouse looks like a rainbow standing in the field. People can’t help but stop and watch it. 62
宜蘭縣礁溪鄉塭底路70之12號 No.70-12, Wundi Rd., Jiaosi Township, Yilan County
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蘭陽博物館 Lanyang Museum 介紹宜蘭當地的人文風情和自然生態,是台灣相 當知名的博物館。 週四至週二 9:00~17:00
It’s a famous museum that introduced local culture and natural ecology of Yilan. Thursday to Tuesday 9:00-17:00
無人的秘境沙灘上還有座木頭建造的盪鞦韆,是 不是感到特別浪漫呢?
宜蘭縣頭城鎮青雲路三段750號 No.750, Sec. 3, Cingyun Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County
Zhuang Wei Bu Hou Community
Uninhabited secret beach and wooden swing. Do you feel the romance? 宜蘭縣壯圍鄉廍後路仁愛新村 50 號 No.50, Buhou Rd., Jhuangwei Township, Yilan County
Mingchi Forest Recreation Area
擁有豐富的自然生態,美麗山湖景一望無際,讓 人流連忘返。 開放時間:08:00-17:00 There are abundant natural ecology and gorgeous view of mountain and lake. It makes people don’t want to leave. Opening Hours:8:00 – 17:00 宜蘭縣大同鄉英士村8鄰明池山莊1號 No.1, Mingchih Shanjhuang, Datong Township, Yilan County
渭水之丘 The hill of Chiang Wei-shui 被堪稱為「鷹石尖2.0」的渭水之丘,不僅能俯瞰 蘭陽平原,更能遠眺龜山島。 It is called Eagle Rock Tip 2.0. You can overlook Lanyang Plain and Turtle Island from here. 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉匏杓崙路139-1號 No.139-1, Paoshaulun Rd., Jiaosi Township, Yilan County
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