愛玩中台灣 vol.9

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iwan a T n li Trave 台湾に遊ぶ

타이완 즐기기


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Vui chơi khắp Đài Trung 粉絲專頁

Senang bermain di Taiwan





▲ 2018臺中國際踩舞祭│精彩匯演X市集美食 2018 Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival - Excellent performance X delicious food in market

▲ 季節限定│台灣處處楓葉情X天涼好泡湯 Seasonal limit - Maple leaves falling everywhere in Taiwan FIn the cold weather, is great to soak in the hot springs




南投奧萬大 Aowanda Forest Recreation Area in Nantou 照片由南投林區管理處提供 Photo Credits: Forestry Bureau Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

台中市觀光旅館商業同業公會誠摯邀請您一起舞動台中 Taichung Tourist Hotel Association sincerely invites you to“Taichung Street Dance Parade”.

踩舞祭,亦稱「踩街」,源於日本的傳統文化,以載歌載舞的方式在街上 巡遊。今年第三屆台中國際踩舞祭載譽歸來,今屆集結臺灣、日本等國際 知名團體參與演出,打造台中的觀光盛會品牌活動。 Dance Parade Festival, also known as “Touring the Streets” is a Japanese tradition where people sing and dance while parading the streets. Following two years of success, the third annual festival will enjoy participation by world-renowned dance teams. This festival has officially become an iconic symbol of Taichung′s rising tourism industry.

活動時間 11月9日-11日 活動地點 台中市政府廣場 Event Period/ 9th Nov-11th Nov Venue/ Taichung City Hall Plaza


2,999 起


Taichung’ s 5-star tourist hotels starting from TWD. 2,999 per night.

臺中市政府觀光旅遊局提供 更多資訊 http:// ttha-taichung.org.tw For more information http:// ttha-taichung.org.tw

愛玩中台灣 vol.9秋季刊 發行日期:2018年10月15日



08 名人專訪

Celebrity Interview


為吸引觀光來客 商圈應有「創造」能力

Vision of Sightseeing

In order to attract travelers the business districts should have the ability to "create"!

彰化觀光豐富 發展無限精彩


Sightseeing of Changhua is abundant. The development is unlimited.

Carve out a niche in the world with a luggage

04 觀光視野


旅遊情報 Travel information

您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌: 中華航空(香港→台中)、交通部觀光局駐日本東京辦事處、新加坡辦事處、馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處、香港辦事處、澳門辦事處、泰國曼谷辦事處;國 際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺北、臺中遊客服務中心;台灣電影 製作發展協會(150位會員);台灣各大旅行社(約600家);星動銀河旅站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店台中民權、薆悅酒店台中館、水雲端旗艦概 念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國際大飯店、永悅行旅、1969藍天飯店、富禾居會館、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、 長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中福華大飯店、通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台 中林酒店、福容大飯店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福容大飯店花蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大 飯店、高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅人驛站旅宿連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星光酒店、台 東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創HOTEL 海漾行館、佳仕堡商務飯店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店…(陸續增加)。

發行人:趙成年 社長:陳英俊 顧問:黃國書、蕭仕榮、吳政和 法律顧問:劉喜律師 執行編輯:陳怡君、陳庭慈、何家嘉 翻譯:賴思妤Sandra 編輯委員:楊豊三、蔡維郡、巫賜發 胡經桃、楊凱麟、陳奕錩 陳瑛宗、康翠敏、賈玉柱 吳奇鴻、林俊明 媒體總監:江文賓 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路106號 電話:+886-4-23727658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司

20 季節限定 Seasonal Limit

台灣處處楓葉情 Maple leaves falling everywhere in Taiwan

42 跟著網美去旅行

天涼好泡湯 In the cold weather, is great to soak in the hot springs.

Following internet celebrities to travel

32 封面故事 Cover Story

2018臺中國際踩舞祭 2018 Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival




日本國東京都港區西新橋1丁目5-8川手ビル3F Tel/81-3-3501-3591 Fax/81-3-3501-3586 E-mail/tyo@go-taiwan.net

香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道30號新港中心 第一座512室 Tel/852-2581-0933 Fax/852-2581-0262 E-mail/info@ttbhk.hk

30 Raffles Place, Chevron House,#10-01, Singapore 048622 Tel/65-6223-6546~7 Fax/65-6225-4616 E-mail/tbrocsin@singnet.com.sg

馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處 Suite 25-01, Level 25, Wisma Goldhill, 67 Jalan Raja Chula, 50200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel/60-3-2070-6789 Fax/60-3-2072-3559 E-mail/tbrockl@taiwan.net.my

駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處觀光組 20th Fl., Empire Tower, 195 South Sathorn Rd., Yannawa Bangkok 10120, Thailand Tel/66-6-4545-1582


Vision of Sightseeing

彰化觀光豐富 發展無限精彩 Sightseeing of Changhua is abundant. The development is unlimited. 彰化縣政府城市暨觀光發展處 處長 Department of City and Tourism of Changhua Director


彰化縣人文薈萃,山海平原線各有迷人景觀特質,對於 喜好尋幽訪勝、徜徉山水的人,是個探秘、休憩的好地方, 做為「中彰投苗區域治理平台」四縣市中的南隅,彰化建 城近 300 年,人文歷史豐厚,自是以此為根基,再結合山 海資源向外推展本縣豐富的觀光特色。 Changhua County is a humanities and cultures diverse place. There are different fascinating features of mountain, sea and plain line. For those who like to visit mountains and rivers, it’s a good place to explore and relax. It is the south corner of “Regional governance platform of Taichung, Changhua, Nantou and Miaoli.”Changhua has the history over 300 years. There are abundant histories of humanities and cultures. Based on this, combine with the mountains and sea resources to promote the rich tourism features of the county.

一、完善山海平原全域觀光建設 在空間分布上,劃分東環八卦山脈生態軸線、西環濱海生態軸線及中環平原雙心 3 部分。 (1) 東環八卦山脈生態軸線:東環北區域部分,刻正辦理「北彰八卦山觀光整體規劃」 檢討,以「彰化古城文旅輕遊半線城」結合「大佛風景區闔家樂遊」為主軸,透過「人 本城區環境整合計畫」改善道路系統,串連彰化車站站區及大佛風景區,塑造彰化觀 光門戶意向;東環南區域部分,主推社頭清水岩地區,透過向交通部觀光局爭取的「清 水之森,幸福東南角」跨域亮點計劃,以社頭清水岩露營地為基地,結合周邊既有自 然生態、產業、文化古蹟等資源,讓露營區與溫泉區同時啟動營運,為彰化東南角觀 光注入活水。 4

一 .Well-established tourism development for mountains, coasts, and plains In terms of spatial distribution, the region is divided into the East Ring Eco-Tourism Area around Mt. Bagua in the east, the West Ring Eco-Tourism Area along the west coast, and the Central Ring Area formed with two township centers.

(1)East Ring Eco-Tourism Area: For the northern part of the area, the Northern Changhua Mt. Bagua Tourism Overall Planning is under review. By integrating the Ancient Changhua Half City Cultural Tour and the Buddha Statue Family Tour as the main feature and by improving the road system through the Humanistic Urban Environment Integration Program to link the Changhua Railway Station area and the Buddha Statue Scenic Area, the tourism gateway intent of Changhua is formed. In the south of the East Ring Area, the Chingshuiyen Recreational Area in Shetou will be the focus. By seeking funding from the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) for the Chingshui Forest and Happy Southeast Corner cross-border highlight project, Chingshuiyen will be developed into a camping site integrating with the nearby resources such as local ecosystems, industries and cultural and historical monuments to initiate the operations of the camping and hot spring areas at the same time, in order to energize tourism industry development in the southeastern corner of Changhua.

(2) 西環濱海生態軸線:濱海地區西北角部分,透過建置烏溪水岸遊憩廊道來提供彰 化市串連和美至伸港地區的自行車廊道,沿途可以欣賞烏溪堤岸景觀,到了出海口則 有國家級濕地的保護區;西南角的芳苑濕地紅樹林及周邊環境改善計劃,建置海空步 道來作為海洋生態文化和教育的基地,提供在 八卦山大佛Baguashan Great Buddha 地優質的遊憩體驗。 (2) West Ring Eco-Tourism Area: In the northwestern corner of the coastal area, the Wuxi Coastal Recreational Corridor will be developed as a bikeway linking Changhua City and Shengang in Hemei. Along the corridor, visitors can enjoy nearby river views. At the estuary sits a national wetland protected area. With the mangrove and surrounding area improvement plans of Fangyuan Wetlands in the southwestern corner, a coastal skywalk will be built as the base for marine ecology and culture education to provide quality local tours. 鹿港慶端陽夜間龍舟賽 Lukang Dragon Boat Festiva



Vision of Sightseeing

(3) 中環平原雙心:平原地區主要沿臺一線分布,包括 永靖、埔心、田尾、溪湖、溪州等地,並以「城鎮之心」 的雙心計畫為主軸,北以溪湖舊市區為綠色生活基盤建 設;南有田尾,以公路花園為大型亮點,營造田尾迎賓 之心,並經東螺溪綠色廊道串接溪湖中央公園,成為觀 光新亮點。 (3)Central Ring Area: The plain area mainly runs along


Tianwei Highway Garden

the Provincial Highway 1, covering townships including Yongjing, Puxin, Tianwei, Xihu and Xizhou. With the dual-center project in the Township Center Program, the old city center of Xihu in the north will be developed into a green life area; the Tianwei highway garden, a tourism highlight, in the south will be built into the Tianwei welcome center and the whole area will become a new tourism highlight by linking the green corridor along the Dongluo River and the Xihu Central Park.

二、推動鹿港歷史文化風貌再現 為使鹿港歷史文化得以永續發展,行政院核定 6 年 60 億,推動鹿港國家歷史風景 區計畫,以觀光手法進行規劃,永續保存文化資產,透過「再造歷史現場」、「鹿港 溪重整」及「綠色交通」等 3 大計畫,重現彰化早期建築、館所、里道及文化特色, 讓國內外造訪鹿港的遊客,得以窺見昔日美麗景觀及歷史風貌。 二 .Revitalization of the historical and cultural scape of Lugang For the sustainable development of Lugang history and culture, the Executive Yuan has approved a budget of NT$6 billion for six years to implement the Lugang National Historical Scenic Area Project, in order to achieve the sustainable preservation of local cultural heritage by means of tourism planning. Through three major plans including “history site reconstruction,” “Lugang River remediation” and “transportation,” the buildings, government facilities, street scenes and cultural features in early Changhua will be revitalized for domestic and foreign visitors to explore the beautiful scenes and historical land scape of Changhua of the yesteryears.


三、打造精彩可期歡樂共融的觀光活動 為使歡樂共融的景象時時在彰化出現,透過四季亮點節慶系列活動:春季 - 花在彰 化、夏季 - 鹿港慶端陽、秋季 - 王功漁火節、冬季 - 美食節,結合在地社區文化,藉由 活動導入遊程體驗,打造精彩可期的美麗彰化。此外,值得一提的是田中馬拉松及二 水跑水馬拉松,充滿彰化人情味及結合在地農特產的田中馬拉松,史無前例的二水水 上馬拉松,都值得大家親自來體驗。 三 .Creating tourism activities for happiness and inclusiveness To present happiness and inclusiveness in Changhua, highlight seasonal festivities are planned to present an expectedly wonderful and beautiful Changhua by combining festivities with local community culture and travel experience. These seasonal festivities include the Changhua Flower Festival in the spring, Lugang Dragon Boat Festival in summer, the Wong Gong Midsummer Music Festival in autumn and the Changhua Food Festival in winter. In addition, the Tianzhong Marathon that combines the friendliness of the Changhua people and local agricultural specialties and the unprecedented Love Ershui Water Marathon are great events for visitors to explore.

為推廣海外市場,今年配合交通部觀光局參加香港、新加坡及東京等地旅展等,與 當地業界交流。未來,亦將積極尋求與中部四縣市整合觀光資源,不論是結合民宿、 飯店,或是交通建設的串連等,讓入境的國際旅客享受更為輕鬆、自在的遊憩體驗。 In order to promote overseas markets, this year we are going to cooperate with Tourism Bureau to participate in travel exhibitions of Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo and communicate with local industry. In the future, we will actively seek integrate sightseeing resources in four cities in central Taiwan. Whether it is a combination of hostels, restaurants, or a series of transportation constructions, we hope international travelers can travel in an easier and more comfortable way.

田中馬拉松Tianhzong Marathon


Wong Gong midsummer music festival


Changhua Flower Festival



Celebrity Interview

為吸引觀光來客 商圈應有「創造」能力! In order to attract travelers the business districts should have the ability to "create"! 中華民國全國商圈總會 總會長 TBDA President


商圈為促進消費經濟的重要來源,本會自民國 93 年成 立,目前全國商圈數量高達 220 個,遍及北、中、南、 東及離島地區,並且依據商圈特色可分為七大類別:宗教、 百貨、觀光、農業、校園、文創、夜市,其中以百貨類和 觀光類最多。 Business districts are the important source of promoting the consumer economy. TBDA was established in 2004. Until now, there are 220 business districts in Taiwan, distributed in North, Central, South, East and offshore islands. According to the characteristics of the business district, it can be divided into seven categories, religion, general merchandise, sightseeing, agriculture, campus, cultural and creative, and night market. Among them, general merchandise and sightseeing account for the largest proportion.

面對國際旅遊人潮的轉變,東南亞旅客應是未來拓展目標,另外「美食」也是商圈 可以著力的重點之一,越來越多國內外旅客不以觀光景點為旅遊重心,而是偏好品嚐 在地美食。 Facing the transformation of international tourist crowds, travelers from Southeast Asian should be the target in the future expansion goals. Besides, “Delicacy” can be the key points of business districts. More and more local and foreign travelers do not focus on sightseeing spots, but prefer to taste local cuisine.


而為積極將商圈消費與觀光旅遊結合,創造更大經濟效益,應 從兩個面向深耕: In order to actively combine business district consumption with sightseeing and tourism, and create greater economic benefits, we should devote to two parts :

其一,各商圈應提升自主性,在地領導人物要有「創造」能力,除塑造獨特的商圈 風格外,亦可透過經常舉辦大小活動,達到引客效果。 First, each business district should upgrade autonomy. The local leader must have the ability of creation. Besides to create the unique characteristic of business district, it can attract travelers by large or small events.

其二,建議政府投入更多協助,因地方縱使再努力也影響有限,若由上至下一同推 廣,更有成效。建議可以多製作官方文宣品,如旅遊手冊,將商圈介紹融入其中,並 因應不同國外旅客之需求,印製各國語言版本。此外,也期盼政府多多關懷地方商圈 的軟硬體設施,以長遠發展為考量規劃。 Secondly, suggest the government to devote more assistance. The influence by the local government is limited even though they work very hard. If it is promoted from upper to local government, it will be more effective. Making more official demonstration materials is a good idea, such as travel brochures. Introduce the business districts in it and print in different languages. Furthermore, I hope government can pay more attention to the software and hardware facilities of local business districts and take long-term development as the plan.

在 此, 深 切 期 望 我 們 這 一 代 能 為 商圈「創造魅力」,下一代「創造無 限」!一代承接一代,重新點燃台灣 商圈,一起看見未來! I deeply hope our generation can bring charm for business districts and the next generation can create endless possibilities! From a generation to another generation, light up business districts in Taiwan and see the bright future together! 9


Celebrity Interview


Carve out a niche in the world with a luggage YISTUNEE敞盛國際實業總經理馮啟峰 General Manager of YISTUNEE ENTERPRISE CO., LTD., Daniel Feng

早期台灣創業家總愛以「一卡皮箱打天下」,來勉勵年輕人勇於開創, 實踐夢想。對敞盛國際總經理馮啟峰 (Daniel Feng) 而言,從行李箱代工 到如今的自創品牌 YISTUNEE,他更是藉著「皮箱」打出自己的一片天。 In the early days, entrepreneur in Taiwan always encouraged young people to create new things and to achieve their dreams with the words - Carve out a niche in the world with a luggage. For the General Manager of YISTUNEE, Daniel Feng, from the OEM of luggage to his own brand- YISTUNEE, he truly carve out a niche for himself in luggage industry.

馮啟峰是學工科出身,投入專業旅行箱已逾 20 年。1993 年創業設廠,為知名品牌 代工生產高級旅行箱,逐漸培養專業技術,累積實力。2007 年跨行投入美利達自行車 通路行銷事業,在全台設立六大旗艦店開啟行銷通路,得以與消費者直接面對面,這 個經驗讓他更了解市場需求,遂啟發他自創旅行箱品牌的想法並付諸行動。 Daniel Feng majored in engineering and he has got into the industry of luggage for over 20 years. He established a factory in 1993 and produced advanced luggage for wellknown brands. At the same time, he gradually cultivated professional skills. In 2007, he invested in MERIDA bicycle marketing business. Opening 6 flagship stores in Taiwan and starting the marketing channel. Face to face to the customers made him know market demand and inspired him to create his own luggage brand and made it happen.


自創品牌 YISTUNEE,靈感來自波希米亞語,有「祝福」之意。馮啟峰帶領公司團隊, 累積 20 餘年的工藝精髓,以「創新、創意、創值與服務的三創一服務理念」,再加上 對材料的鑽研與高品質的要求,打造出超高 CP 值的優質全鎂鋁合金旅行箱。 The idea of own brand – YISTUNEE is from Bohemian. It means “Blessing”. Daniel Feng led the company to create high quality aluminum magnesium alloy luggage with the idea of innovation, creativity, value creation and service. He accumulated more than 20 years of craftsmanship and delved into materials to made the high quality products.

過去承攬品牌代工,受限於成本及市場考量,馮啟峰必須在各方面有所取捨,期間 歷經了人生的低潮仍堅持信念,而自創品牌 YISTUNEE 實現了他對自己及消費者的承 諾:100% 鋁鎂合金材質,做到了「堅固、輕巧、抗壓 、安全」;各級行李箱尺寸, 實實在在的容量,經得起考驗;人體工學阻尼器回拉舒適把手,體貼各年齡層旅客需求; 從密碼鎖、四輪 360 度萬向飛機輪、豐富而多層次空間收納等,專業就落實在各個細 節裡,與國際知名品牌相較,毫不遜色,但是價格只有國際品牌的二分之一不到。 In the past, Daniel Feng manufactured products for other brands. Limited by the cost and market considerations, he must make choices in all aspects. He has maintained his belief in the low tide of life. His own brand, YISTUNEE, fulfills his commitment to himself and his consumers. The material is 100% aluminum magnesium alloy. They are durable, light, pressure resistant and safety. YISTUNEE provides various sizes of luggage. Ergonomic comfort grip cares the needs of all ages. You can see the profession in every detail, such as TSA Approved Locks, fully rotational airport-quality wheels and multilayered space design. Compared with international famous brands, it is not inferior. But the price is 1/2 less than international brands.

YISTUNEE 品牌目前外銷量佔大宗,未來,將持續投入經費專注於研發及品質提升, 透過校園徵才,進一步與大學院校合作,同時,更積極投入公益及教育等活動,期提 升創新力、創意力及競爭力,以邁向更為嚴謹、完整且專業化的 YISTUNEE 旅行箱國 際自主品牌。 Currently, the largest proportion of YISTUNEE sales is external sales. In the future, YISTUNEE will continue to invest in research & development and quality improvement. Furthermore, cooperate with universities and colleges through campus recruitment. At the same time, the company will be more active in public welfare and education activities to enhance innovation, creativity and competitiveness. The goal is to move towards a more rigorous, complete and professional brand.

YISTUNEE鋁鎂合金旅行箱 http://www.yistunee.com/ YISTUNEE鋁鎂合金旅行箱

Travel information

台北雙層觀光巴士 一票玩盡 20 個景點 Taipei Sightseeing Bus 24hr Bus Pass to visit 20 most featured spots. 每座熱門的旅遊城市,好像少不了觀光巴士;台灣首善之區台北也推出雙層觀 光巴士行銷旅遊。台北市雙層觀光巴士分為紅、藍 2 條路線,有 5 種票種可供遊 客選擇,而且遊客可自由上下站,隨走隨停。雙層觀光巴士除可以用絕佳視野飽 覽城市風光外,並可網羅美食店家,品嘗各類包括米其林級在內的美食。 Sightseeing buses seems to be indispensable for every popular tourist city. Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, also launched the sightseeing bus tour. Taipei sightseeing bus is divided into red and blue routes. There are 5 kinds of tickets for tourists to choose. Tourists can hop on or hop off anytime. You can not only enjoy the great view of the city but also taste different delicious dishes in gourmet restaurants, including Michelin-starred ones. 台北雙層觀光巴士官網 https://www.taipeisightseeing.com.tw/

勤美學推「好夢里」 香格里拉樂園結合樹屋飄童趣 CMP Village promotes “Good Dream Glamping” Shangrila Paradise combines tree house reveal the fun and joy of childlike innocence 6 年前由勤美集團進駐苗栗縣香格里拉樂後,即導入「勤美術館」親民美學的 創意思維。並推出「勤美學-山那村」計畫,以新型態的旅遊方式,獲得良好回響。 最近園區更進一步結合樹屋、童趣、飲食、職人等領域推出由 3 座樹屋、6 頂帳 篷與 1 個巨人餐桌組成的「好夢里」,提供大眾 2 天 1 夜的體驗。 6 years ago, CMP Group entered Shangrila Paradise in Miaoli County. They brought in the creative thinking of amiable and approachable aesthetics of “CMP Block Museum of Arts.”And also launched the plan “CMP Village - Shanna Village.” They’ve got the good response with this new type of tourism. Recently, CMP Village even launched “Good Dream Glamping” which combined tree house, child fun, eating and craftsman spirit. Good Dream Glamping consists of 3 tree houses, 6 tents and a giant dining table. People can have 2 days and 1 night experience here. 香格里拉樂園官網 12


Travel information

高美濕地生態教育體驗館 互動體驗好生態 Gaomei Wetland Ecology Education Experience Showroom Interact and experience good ecology 高美濕地除了能到沼澤棲息地欣賞美景之外,現在也多了一個新去處 - 高美濕 地生態教育體驗館。為了讓民眾認識及了解高美濕地景觀及生態,館內會播放有 關於生態的影片以及設置互動體驗區。有趣的是在時間不對,看不到夕陽西下的 情況下,只要走到互動熒幕前,就會出現夕陽與你的剪影,可拍照留念,讓你不 會錯失與高美濕地的美麗合影哦! When you go to Gaomei Wetland, to enjoy the gorgeous scenery in swamp habitat is not the only option now. There is a new place to go – Gaomei Wetland Ecology Education Experience Showroom. In order to let people know the landscape and ecology of Gaomei Wetland, there will be videos about ecology and interactive experience zones in the showroom.What’s funny is, if you can’t see the sun setting at wrong time, you just walk to the interactive screen and you will see silhouette of the sunset and yourself. You can take a picture so that you won’t miss the chance to take pictures with Gaomei Wetland. 高美濕地旅遊網官網

www.gaomei.com.tw/ 館內導覽(生態體驗館)

台中澎湖船班航線重啟 踩線團跨出第一步 Restart the sailings from Taichung to Penghu The investigation group steps out the first step 在立法委員黃國書積極的推動下,重啟台中澎湖船班航線已露曙光。9 月 19 日 交通部航港局、台中市政府觀光旅遊局及旅行公會全國聯合會於台中港舉辦台中 澎湖旅遊業者踩線團先行首發團啟航,為重啟航線跨出第一步。台中雖可坐飛機 直達澎湖,但若要搭船到澎湖,都必須繞道到嘉義布袋,不利於雙方觀。未來, 民眾前往澎湖可望不必再到嘉義搭船,盼能創造台中、澎湖旅遊業雙贏佳績。 Under the active promotion of legislator, Kuo-shu Huang, there is a silver lining of restarting the sailings from Taichung to Penghu. At September 19th, Maritime and Port Bureau, MOTC, Tourism and Travel Bureau, Taichung City Government and Travel Agent Association of R.O.C. Taiwan held the event of first team of Taichung and Penghu travel agencies to Penghu at Taichung Port. It was the first step of restarting the sailings.There are non-stop flights to Penghu from Taichung. But if you want to take a boat to Penghu, you must take a detour to Budai Township , Chiayi. It’s not conducive to both parties. In the future, people going to Penghu may no longer take boat in Chiayi. Hope to create a win-win situation for tourism in Taichung and Penghu. 14

Laojiu's Family Recipes

椅著窗櫺,窗外的綠樹陪襯, 熱鬧的笑語聲、暖暖的人情在圓木桌間流串, 家傳的酸菜白肉鍋香氣四溢, 這是家香味,是「老舅的家鄉味」。 家傳古法醃漬、自然發酵的酸白菜 及鮮嫩的白肉為鍋底,酸香的湯頭滋滋作響, 搭配川丸子,再來點韭黃鍋貼、醬牛肉捲餅, 你讚不絕口、我食指大動、他齒頰生香, 一團和氣,好不快樂。

Traditionally pickled and naturally fermented Chinese cabbage and freshly tender white meat as soup base. The sour and aromatic soup with meatballs, chive in fried dumplings, beef tacos with sauce are all appetizing and savoring.


地址:401台中市東區忠孝路282號 / 電話:+886-4-22802888 No.282, Zhongxiao Rd., East Dist., Taichung City 401 Open:am11:30-pm14:00、pm17:00-22:00 周一至周日(周三公休)Monday to Sunday(not open on Wednesday)


地址:台北市復興北路307號1樓 / 電話:+886-2-27181122 1F., No.307, Fuxing N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105

Travel information

彰化第 12 家觀光工廠 「水銡利生活村」水噹噹開放 The 12th tourism factory in Changhua “Mizu World” officially make open to the public 體驗及互動式的觀光工廠近年甚受民眾喜愛。以介紹水龍頭為主題的觀光工廠 「水銡利廚衛生活村」耗資 7 千萬所打造,通過經濟部觀光工廠評鑑,成為彰化 縣第 12 家觀光工廠。生活村於 9 月 15 日開放參觀,營運時間為:9:00~17: 00,週三為公休日,試營運期間,每日暫以預約人數 100 人為主,地址為彰化縣 秀水鄉下崙村育民巷 2 號。 The experience and interactive tourism factory has been very popular in recent years. The tourism factory took faucet as the theme and spent seventy million to built Mizu World. After the evaluation of tourism factory of Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C., it became the 12th tourism factory in Changhua. Mizu World officially made open to the public in September 15th. Business hours is 9 AM to 5 PM and closed on Wednesdays. During trial operation, the number of appointments is 100 per day. Here is the address: No.2, Yumin Ln., Xiushui Township, Changhua County. 水銡利觀光工廠粉絲頁


奧萬大取得銀級環保認證 迎向低碳綠色旅遊 Aowanda acquired silver-level environmental certification Stride toward low-carbon and green tourism 楓紅季節又將來臨了,以楓紅著名的奧萬大國家森林遊樂區,多年來致力於 生態保育與環境教育,通過嚴格的審查,取得環保署「銀級」環保旅館的認證。 客房除不再提供一次性的盥洗用具如牙刷、牙膏、刮鬍刀及梳子等外,園區裡的 餐廳也在食材上優先選用當地友善環境農法栽植的時令蔬果,現在到奧萬大住宿, 可享受低碳綠色旅遊。 Here comes the season of maples. Aowanda Forest Recreation Area, which is famous for its red maple, has been committed to ecological conservation and environmental education for many years. After the rigorous review, it has acquired the silver-level environmental certification. In addition to not provide disposable toiletries such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors and combs, the restaurants in the park also use seasonal fruits and vegetables grown in local friendly farming methods. Stay in Aowanda now, you can enjoy low-carbon and green tourism. 奧萬大國家森林遊樂區公園官網 16


FAT Light Travel Wonderful pleasure Take off from Taichung

Taichung – Kinmen 3 flights each day

Taichung – Magong 4 flights each day

For detailed flight information, please visit Far Eastern Air Transport official website.

以花入饌喜迎花博 在地食材製成「花博宴」 Add flowers into dishes and greet Flora Exposition Make “Flora Exposition feast” with local ingredients

臺中喜迎花博年!於2018台灣美食展隆重推出以「百農、百廚、百家宴」為主題的花博宴, 眾多業者精心選用大甲芋頭、外埔火龍果、霧峰香米等在地食材,更以花入菜、以花為名,推 出超過三百道花博專屬佳餚,五顏六色的美食,不僅讓食慾繽紛起來,也讓整個臺中都繽紛起 來了!快來與臺中一起,賞花博、享美食! Taichung is greeting the year of Flora Exposition! The Flora Exposition feast has been launched at 2018 Taiwan Culinary Exhibition with the concepts of “Hundreds of farmers, chefs and pot luck.” Many vendors select taro from Dajia, Dragon Fruit from Waipu, rice from Wufeng and other local ingredients. They even add the flowers into dishes and name dishes by flowers. Over 300 exclusive dishes of Flora Exposition stir the appetite. Those dishes with multiple colors also make the whole Taichung become more colorful! Come to Taichung and enjoy watching beautiful flowers and tasting delicious feasts!

TEL:+886-4-23213111 FAX:+886-4-23213124 40353 台中市西區館前路57號 No.57,Guanqian Rd,West Dist,Taichung City40353,Taiwan(R.O.C.)

2018台中世界花卉博覽會將於11月登場,本次花博分為后里馬場森林園區、外埔園區、豐原 葫蘆墩公園,以「不破壞、只優化」為設計理念,為期173天的展期,希望帶給旅客視覺及味覺 的饗宴,期望旅客「花」現台中之美、更要享用以台中在地食材製作而成的花博宴!多項美食 兼具視覺、味覺雙重享受,並融入花卉元素,讓來台中品嘗花博餐的旅客回味無窮。 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition will make its debut in November. This exposition is divided into three parts, Houli Horse Ranch & Forest Park Area, Waipu Park Area, and Fengyuan Huludun Park. The design concept is “No destruction and only optimization.” The period will be 173 days. Taichung city government hopes to bring the feast of vision and taste to the travelers and let them feel the beauty of Taichung. It is also necessary to enjoy the Flora Exposition feast made of Taichung local ingredients! A variety of delicacies have the enjoyment of both vision and sense of taste. Combining the element of flowers makes travelers who come to Taichung and taste the Flora Exposition feast have an endless aftertaste.

美食是旅客起身旅遊的最大契機之一, 希望透過美食讓旅客更加了解台中。 Delicious food is one of the biggest reasons for people to travel. We hope to make travelers learn more about Taichung through delicious food.

2018台中世界花卉博覽會吉祥物 萌樣滿點的石虎家族 Mascots of 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition Adorable Leopard Cat family


照片由張燕伶提供Photo Credits: Chang Yen Ling

台灣處處楓葉情 Maple leaves falling everywhere in Taiwan 涼風徐徐,秋意正濃,此時台灣各地楓樹也開始由綠轉紅,十分繽紛絢麗。不同地區有不 同的賞楓佳期,秋天賞楓到台灣也能夠欣賞到浪漫的楓葉情。 Cool breeze, the atmosphere of fall. At this time, maple trees in all parts of Taiwan began to turn from green to red. They look so colorful. There are different best timing for maple viewing in each area. When fall comes, you can enjoy the romantic atmosphere of maple leaves in Taiwan.

宜蘭明池國家森林遊樂區 Mingchi Forest Recreation Area in Yilan 位處1200公尺高,終年煙嵐繚繞,有「霧中仙鄉」美譽。11、12月時楓紅搭配銀杏,將 園區妝點的多姿多彩。 It is located at 1,200 meters high. The forest is wreathed in mist all the time. That’s why it has the name called “Wonderland in fog.” In 宜蘭縣大同鄉英士村8鄰明池山莊1號 November and December, red maples and gingko No.1, Mingchishanzhuang, Datong Township, Yilan County 267, Taiwan (R.O.C.) make the forest recreation area so colorful. 20

Seasonal Limit


Shihmen Reservoir in Taoyuan

深秋時節,上千棵的青楓與槭樹將石門水庫山頭渲染上浪漫艷紅,沿著賞楓步道而行,紅 黃綠層層交織, 美不勝收。 In the late fall, thousands of Green Maples trees and Acer palmatum make the mountain hill above Shihmen Reservoir became romantic in red. Walking along the maple viewing trail, you will see red, yellow and green overlapping. 桃園市大溪區復興里環湖路一段68號 No.68, Huanhu Rd., Daxi Dist., Taoyuan City What a gorgeous scene! 335, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

苗栗馬拉邦山 Manapang in Miaoli 馬拉邦泰雅族語意為山容壯麗,海拔1406公尺,山上的楓葉每逢 初冬之際,滿山楓葉為轉紅色或褐色。 Manapang means magnificent mountain in Atayal. It is located at an altitude of 1406m. In the early winter, the maple 苗栗縣泰安鄉與大湖鄉交界處 Manabang, Tai’an Township, Miaoli County leaves on the mountain turn red or brown. 365, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

台中武陵農場 Wuling Farm in Taichung 武陵農場園區內幾乎到處種有楓樹及槭樹,最佳的賞楓景點,為賓館楓林木屋旁、國民賓 館廣場周邊等,可謂處處飄楓紅。 There are maple trees and Acer palmatum everywhere in Wuling Farm. Maplewood chalet beside Wuling Hotel and the plaza around the hotel are the best places for maple viewing because of the red maple leaves falling 台中市和平區平等里武陵路3-1號 No.3-1, Wuling Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung everywhere. City 424, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

台中福壽山農場 Fushoushan Farm in Taichung 福壽山農場楓紅以松盧最為知名,每年楓葉轉紅時,總是吸引追楓人潮,層層楓紅襯托木 屋松盧,畫面猶如人間仙境。 Fushoushan Farm is famous for Song Lu Fen Hong. When the maple leaves turn red, many people go there to see the beautiful scenery. 台中市和平區梨山里福壽路29號 Layers of red maple set off the woodhouse. The No.29, Fushou Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City 424, Taiwan (R.O.C.) picture is like paradise. 21

南投奧萬大 Aowanda Forest Recreation Area in Nantou 奧萬大有楓葉故鄉的美稱,是中部知名賞風景 點。有「青楓」、「楓香」的楓林步道,讓人沉 醉在一片紅橘交錯的美景中。 Aowanda has the name of the hometown of maple leaf. It is the famous maple viewing attraction in central Taiwan. Maple trail with Green Maple and Formosan Sweet Gum makes people immerse in the beautiful scene of interlace of red and orange.


Photo Credits: Forestry Bureau Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

南投縣仁愛鄉親愛村大安路153號 No.153, Da’an Rd., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County 546, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

嘉義阿里山 Alishan in Chiayi 每年11月是阿里山賞楓的季節,阿里山賓館前公路旁是最佳賞楓地點,林管處也特別規劃 出4條阿里山紅葉路線,讓大家選擇。 Every November is the season of maple viewing on Alishan. The best maple viewing spot is beside the highway to Alishan Hotel. Forestry 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村59號 Bureau also specially planned four Alishan red leaf No.59, W. Alishan, Alishan Township, Chiayi County 605, Taiwan (R.O.C.) routes for people to choose.

台南紅葉公園 Hongyeh Park in Tainan 位於台南市白河區關子嶺枕頭山上、關子嶺溫泉區的上方,又稱為「關子嶺公園」,秋季 時滿目紅葉的景致。 It is located on Zhentoushan, which is in Guanziling of Baihe District of Tainan City, and above the Guanziling Hot Spring Area. It’s also 台南市白河區關仔嶺溫泉區 called “Guanziling Park.” When the fall comes, Guanziling, Baihe Dist., Tainan City 732, Taiwan (R.O.C.) you will see the park full of red leaves.

台東紅葉村 Hongye Village in Taitung 日治時日本人在此種楓樹而有「紅葉村」之名。村中不止保留著楓葉的美景,還可順遊鹿 野溪峽谷河床上著名的紅葉溫泉。 In the Japanese colonial period, Japanese planted maple trees there, so it has been called Hongye Villege. The beauty of the maple leaves 台東縣延平鄉紅葉村 is preserved in the village. You can also visit the Honggu Rd., Yanping Township, Taitung famous Hongye Hot Spring, which is located on County 953, Taiwan (R.O.C.) the riverbed of Luye Creek Canyon. 22






凡是網路下單並選擇至藥局親取,親取成功即贈送 實際請以實品為主。 精緻環保摺疊購物袋,兌換時間為時間11/1至12/25。


凡是「網路購物且至藥局親領成功」之消費者, 即可參加好禮抽獎,越早買抽獎機會越多喔!

第一波抽獎 首獎 1 名 桃園澳門單人來回機票(價值6,000元) 12/25(二) 次獎 20名 德國Gelita水解膠原蛋白(價值1,100元) 參加資格為下單日107/11/1-107/12/24

第二波抽獎 首獎 1 名 桃園大阪單人來回機票(價值9,000元) 02/28(四) 次獎 1 名 遠紅外線按摩背樂健(米色/價值2,680元) 參獎 20名 美國進口珍珠貝鈣(價值1,100元) 肆獎 20名 網路購物金200元 參加資格為下單日107/11/1-108/02/27 注意:未實際完成至藥局親取者,將視為放棄得獎資格,不會發送得獎通知給會員,會員亦無法取得獎品。


台中市北屯區軍福八路280號 藥聯家庭藥師




賞 花博、

樂園、住 飯店、



Visiting 2018臺中國際花卉博覽會就在后里精彩綻放,后里還有全台最大的渡假區, 麗寶樂園渡假區宛如超級娛樂城,在這裡可以盡情逛街購物、暢玩樂園、馳騁 賽車、搭摩天輪賞景,美好假期就在這裡。 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition will be blooming in Houli. There is a largest resort of Taiwan in Houli. Lipao Resort is like a super entertainment town. You can go shopping, have fun at Lihpao Resort, race cars and take a ride on the Ferris wheel to see the beautiful view. This is the best place to enjoy your holiday. 臺中花博園區旁的麗寶樂園渡假區,擁有樂園、飯店、OUTLET、賽車場、 摩天輪等多元渡假設施,在這次花博展期中,提供麗寶樂園一停停車場近 1,500個車位,並由市府規劃往返花博園區的停車場免費接駁車,此外,渡假 區更經網友票選為花博必遊週邊景點,花博展期渡假區推出各式精彩活動, 11/3-12/28樂園推出「台中主場我作東 市民全面博幼價399元」分區限時優 惠,緊離樂園旁的福容大飯店則獨家首創「花博AR主題房」、「花博饗宴」 花博餐,賞花博還可順遊玩麗寶,歡樂無限。 探索世界,有全球唯一的斷軌式雲霄飛車,白天可以暢玩32項遊樂設施, 欣賞繽紛歡樂的花車遊行,假日入園還能沉浸在全台最美的浪漫星光樂園, 多樣化的設施好玩到不想回家。想要登高望遠,不妨搭上全台最大的天空之 夢摩天輪,深入384米高空盡覽台灣之美,渡假區亦同步於官網推出「賞花 博 玩麗寶」樂園或摩天輪專案套票。 There are Lihpao Land, hotel, outlet, race track, Ferris Wheel and many other facilities in Lihpao Resort, which is near the venues of Taichung World Flora Exposition. During this exposition, Lihpao Land offers almost 1,500 parking spaces in First parking. You can take free shuttle buses planned by the city government to the venues of Taichung World Flora Exposition from parking. Moreover, Lihpao Resort is selected as the must-visit attraction near Taichung World Flora Exposition by netizens. Lihpao Resort provides many wonderful events during the expositon. From November 3rd to December 28th, a ticket is only NT$399. The special price will be for certain areas at different times. There are “Flora Exposition VR theme room” and “Flora Exposition Feast” at Fullon Hotel LihPao Land, which is near Lihpao Land. Come and enjoy viewing flowers and have fun in Lihpao Resort! In Lihpao Land, there is the one Gravity Max tilt roller coaster in the world. In day time, you can take rides on 32 amusement facilities and enjoy the colorful parade of floats. If you come here on holidays, just immerse yourself in the most romantic starlight paradise in Taiwan. Diverse facilities make you not willing to go home. If you want a bird's eye view, take a ride on the largest Ferris wheel in Taiwan – World in the Circle. Viewing the beauty of Taiwan at a height of 384 meters. The resort also launched the “Viewing flowers at Taichung World Flora Exposition and having fun at Lihpao Resort” paradise or Ferris wheel special tickets at the official website.

No.8, Fullon Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City 421

花博房 花博宴 百花綻放

Flora Exposition Room, Flora Exposition feast and the blooming flowers.

位於渡假區旁的福容大飯店,步行3分鐘即可抵達樂園,離花博外埔展區車程更僅需5分鐘, 盡情享受愜意假期,因應花博到來,推出「臺中賞花博」兩人平日住房優惠7,999元起,加價 2,000元即可升等入住全台唯一「會動的花博主題房」,打開房門,用手機掃QR CODE,就可 以看到可愛的石虎揮手歡迎,還有悠揚的薩克斯風樂音等,身歷其境保證讓大小朋友入住後都 捨不得回家,不僅如此,館內的福粵樓推出百花齊放的「花博宴」料理,以花入菜搭配當地新 鮮食材,讓饕客享受視覺與味覺的雙重極致饗宴,邀您一起來台中「賞花博 玩麗寶」,更多 詳情請上飯店官網或FB粉絲專頁洽詢,或撥打訂房專線04-2559-2888;訂位專線 04-2557-1366轉福粵樓8320。 Fullon Hotel LihPao Land is located near Lihpao Resort. It takes you 3 minutes to walk there. You can drive to Waipu Park Area in 5 minutes. Come and enjoy the leisure holiday! .Respond to the World Flora Exposition, the hotel has launched the “Viewing World Flora Exposition in Taichung”. Check in on weekdays, the special price for 2 persons is NT$7,999 upward. Pay extra NT$2,000, your room type will be upgraded to “Active Flora Exposition theme room”. When you open the door and scan QR CODE, you will see the adorable Leopard Cat waving at you with the beautiful music of Saxophone. The immersive feeling will make people at all ages not want to leave. Moreover, there is “Flora Exposition feast” at Fu Yue Lou Dimsum in the hotel. The dishes made of local fresh ingredients and flowers make gourmet enjoy the feelings of vision and taste. Welcome you to come to Taichung, view flowers at Taichung World Flora Exposition and have fun at Lihpao Resort! For more details, please check on the official website of Fullon Hotel Lihpao Land or Facebook fanpage. The booking line is 04-25592888. Please call 04-25571366 #8320 to make a reservation of Fu Yue Lou Dimsum.



Photo Credits: Tri-mountain National Scenic Area

天涼好泡湯 In the cold weather, is great to soak in the hot springs. 107 觀光局十大好湯 Top ten good hot springs selected by 2018 Tourism Bureau 秋冬漸進,寒冷的天氣總讓人想沉浸在溫暖的泉池。臺灣擁有得天獨厚的地理位置, 是全世界知名的溫泉勝地,以下精選十個溫泉景點,快來一趟身心治癒之旅吧! When fall and winter come, the cold weather always makes people want to immerse themselves in the hot spring. Because of the unique geographical location, Taiwan is a well-known hot spring resort. The following is the selection of 10 hot spring attractions, come and start a healing journey!



Taipei★Xinbeitou Hot Spring

從日據時代便廣為人知,據說對皮膚病、神經過敏、氣喘、風濕等具有很好的療效。 It’s well-known since Japanese colonial period. It is said that it has a good effect on skin diseases, neuropathic allergic, asthma and rheumatism.



New Taipei City★Jinshan Hot Spring

主要分為金包里溫泉、磺港溫泉以及加投溫泉三區,遊客可以依照自己的喜好選擇。 It is mainly divided into Jinbaoli Hot Spring, Huanggang Hot Spring and Jiatou Hot Spring. Travelers can choose according to their own preferences. 26

Seasonal Limit



New Taipei City★Wulai Hot Spring

位於烏來村的溪谷中,因桶後溪、南勢溪蜿蜒流過,兩側山峰高聳且岩壁陡立,山 水相映、風光綺麗。 It is located in the valley of Wulai Village. Tung-ho river and Nanshi river wind through it. Both sides of the rivers have towering mountains the steep cliffs. You will see the mountain and river reflect to each other. The scenery is so gorgeous.



Miaoli★Taian Hot Spring

水質無色無臭,是相當受到民眾歡迎的溫泉泉池,泰安溫泉沐浴過後肌膚潤滑舒爽, 是相當有名的美人湯。 The hot spring water is colorless and odorless. It’s a hot spring pool quite popular among people. After soaking in this beauty hot spring, your skin will be smooth and refreshing.



Taichung★Guguan Hot Spring

以泉質優良而蜚聲中外,中橫全線旅遊者,常以谷關為中途站,泡個溫泉浴,享受 道地的原住民餐點。 It has the good reputation because of its excellent water quality. People traveling through Central Cross-Island Highway often take Guguan as en route stop. Soaking in hot spring and enjoying the traditional dishes of indigenous people.



Tainan★Guanziling Hot Spring

水質非常特殊,呈灰黑色,夾帶地下岩層泥質與礦 物質,因此泉水呈現灰黑色,是全球稀有的泥漿溫泉。 The quality of water is very special. The color is gray and black because it entrained with mud and minerals from the subterranean strata. It is a rare mud hot spring in the world. 照片由參山國家風景區管理處提供 Photo Credits: Tri-mountain National Scenic Area




Kaohsiung★Baolai Hot Spring

溫泉泉質清澈透明,據說有活絡筋骨、養顏美容、維護免疫系統等功能,不僅可以 泡湯還可以飲用,是可浴可飲的良質溫泉。 The hot spring is clear and transparent. It is said that it can limber up your body, make you look prettier and maintain the immune system. You can even drink it.



Yilan★Jiaoxi Hot Spring

富含鈉、鎂、鈣、鉀、碳酸離子等礦物質成分,因 此不論是浸泡、沐浴、或經處理後成為礦泉水飲用, 都有益於身體健康,被譽為「溫泉中的溫泉」。 It has minerals such as Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Carbonic acid. Therefore, no matter soaked in, bathed or treated as mineral water, all are good for your health. It is known as “The classic of the hot springs.”



照片由參山國家風景區管理處提供 Photo Credits: Tri-mountain National Scenic Area

Hualien★Ruisui Hot Spring

瑞穗溫泉是全省唯一的碳酸鹽泉,上面漂著一層厚厚的礦物質,稱作湯花或是溫泉 花,對溫泉頗有研究的日本旅客,最愛泡這種泉。 Ruisui Hot Spring is the only carbonate hot spring in Taiwan. There is a thick layer of mineral floating on it. It’s called hot spring flower. Japanese travelers, who have researched in hot springs, love this kind of hot spring.



Taitung★Jhihben Hot Spring

因溫泉而崛起,特有的縱谷地形,可以覽盡群山奇嶺之美,未經人為過渡開發的天 然溫泉更是吸引許多遊客前往的特色。 It’s famous for hot spring. You will see the beauty of the unique rift valley. The natural hot spring is the feature attracting travelers. 參山國家公園 Tri-mountain National Scenic Area



印 尼

早安 Selamat pagi

在中臺灣 看 見 多 元 觀 光 文 化 在中臺灣 看見多元觀光無國界

泰 國

謝謝 Kob khun ka


再見 Paalam

苗 栗

臺 中

彰 化

越 南

南 投

你好 Xin chào

2018中臺灣觀光旅遊共同行銷案 新住民嘉年華 活動時間


11 4

活動內容 日


活動地點 南投中興會堂前廣場 (南投縣南投市中興新村光榮北路1號)


1.表演活動∣舞出家鄉情、唱出家鄉美 2.異國文化展示∣ 母語教學、異國服飾體驗 各國傳統文物、書籍 3.中臺灣特色店家展示 4.新住民美食饗宴

交通部觀光局、臺中市政府、南投縣政府、彰化縣政府、苗栗縣政府 內政部移民署中區事務大隊、外交部中部辦事處、新住民國家駐台辦事處



Cover Story

2018臺中國際踩舞祭 2018 Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival 精彩表演,不用出國看個過癮 還有市集美食、好康享不完、好禮等你拿! Enjoy the excellent performance without going abroad Explore gourmet market and get free goodies and gifts! 「臺中國際踩舞祭」由林佳龍市長親自為活動命 名,其中「踩」字含義除踩街外,還雙關「彩色」, 呈現各種多元文化;「舞」則代表除了遊行展演外, 還將各種舞蹈融入其中;「祭」在日本則是節慶的 意思,希望不管是表演者還是觀眾,都能一起共襄 盛舉、歡度節慶。 Taichung mayor, Chia-lung Lin, personally named the event “Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival (Chinese pronunciation: Tai Zhong Guo Ji Cai Wu Ji). In Chinese, Cai means step on the street, and also means color. It presents diverse cultures. Wu represents parade and also incorporates a variety of dances. In Japanese, Ji means festival. Hoping that both the performers and the audience can celebrate the festival together. 32

「臺中國際踩舞祭」靈感來自日本傳統的 YOSAKOI 祭典。走遍世界各地,看過無數表演的 臺中市觀旅局陳盛山局長說:「我 50 幾歲了,還 會感到激動與悸動!」他希望在日本 YOSAKOI 現 場看到的遊客笑容,也能在臺中展現,因此 3 年 前他就開始為踩舞祭的開辦四處奔波。 The idea of “Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival” is from Japanese traditional YOSAKOI Festival. Sheng-shan Chen, director of Taichung Touism and Travel Bureau, who has traveled all over the world and seen countless performances said “I am over 50 years old, I still feel excited!” He hopes the smiling faces that he has seen in Japan can be seen in Taichung. Therefore, he has actively planned for this festival since three years ago.

首屆 2016 年,踩舞祭就吸引了 20 萬人次參與,至 2017 年第二屆舉辦時增 加到 30 萬人次,並獲選交通部觀光局觀光年曆全國性活動。2018 年臺中國際 踩舞祭更擴大規模,不只有來自日本的表演團體,更邀請了來自韓國、越南的團 隊帶來多元精彩的演出。國內表演團體,數量及陣容也再擴大,更多民間團體及 企業參與,展現全民共舞精神,綻動臺中街頭!「2018 臺中國際踩舞祭」10 月 27 日起正式開跑,預計將吸引超過 50 萬觀光人次到訪。 In 2016, first Dance Par ade & Festival attracted 200,000 participants. The second session in 2017, the participants increased to 300,000. It was listed in Taiwan Tourism Events by Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications. In 2018, the scale of Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival will be further expanded. There will be not only the performers from Japan, but also teams from South Korea and Vietnam for a variety of wonderful performances. The number of domestic performance groups and lineup will be also expanded. More non-governmental organizations and enterprises will participate in this event. It reveals the spirit of people dancing together. “Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival” will officially begin on October 27th. It is expected to attract more than 500,000 visitors.



Cover Story

10 月 27 日至 28 日第一波活動,將於美術園道結合商圈及在地表演團體,好看、 好玩又可享好康;11 月 9 日至 11 日則將在臺中市政府前廣場、夏綠地公園展開一系 列主活動,包含前夜祭晚會、23 隊國內外隊伍踩舞遊行及綻動市集等,精彩可期。 The first round of activities is from October 27th to 28th. The activity will be combined with the business district and local performers in Art Museum Parkway. Have fun and enjoy wonderful performances. There are series of activities in the plaza in front of Taichung City Hall and Summer Green Park from November 9th to 11th. Those activities include eve night party, the parade of 23 domestic and foreign groups and blooming market. It will be fun and full of adventure.

另一方面,為打造屬於臺灣在地特色之踩舞祭,從 10 月下旬至 11 月上旬,配合大 臺中地區的商家、飯店、伴手禮等業者聯合推出踩舞限定優惠,有將近 40 個市集攤位 及近 70 家商家業者共襄盛舉。還有 9,000 個抽獎品項,有機會抽中東京雙人來回機票, 今年也首度與知名旅行社合作,推出「踩舞祭暢遊臺中」遊程。精彩行程、優惠好康 等最新的活動詳情,請上官網查詢 (www.tcidp.com)。 In order to create Dance Parade & Festival with local Taiwanese features, there are many stores and hotels offering special discounts in Taichung area from late October to early November. Nearly 40 market venders and 70 stores will participate in this festival. There are also 9,000 raffle prizes and there is a chance to draw round-trip tickets to Tokyo for 2 persons. This year, the organizer cooperated with well-known travel agencies for the first time to launch the "Dance Parade travel in Taichung tour”. For the wonderful activities, discounts and latest news, please check on the official website. (www.tcidp. com)


2018 臺中國際踩舞祭系列活動

Series of activities of Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival 【美術園道】美術園道圓形廣場 “Art Museum Parkway” Round Plaza 10/27( 六 )、10/28( 日 ) 14:30-19:00 10/27(Sat)、10/28(Sun) 14:30-19:00 【前夜祭】臺中市府前廣場 “Eve night party” Plaza in front of Taichung City Hall 11/09( 五 ) 17:30-21:00 11/09(Fri) 17:30-21:00 【移動式踩舞遊行】夏綠地公園周邊 “Mobile dace parade” Surrounding of Summer Green Park 11/10( 六 ) 14:00-16:40 11/10(Sat) 14:00-16:40 【大型晚會】臺中市府前廣場 “Large evening party” Plaza in front of Taichung City Hall 11/10( 六 ) 17:45-21:00 11/10(Sat) 17:45-21:00 【踩舞表演互動教學】臺中市府前廣場 “Dancing interaction and teaching” Plaza in front of Taichung City Hall 11/11( 日 ) 10:30-17:30 11/11(Sun) 10:30-17:30

【快閃活動】 “Pop-up events” 臺中高鐵快閃活動 Taichung High Speed Rail pop-up event

10/13( 六 ) 12:00 10/13(Sat) 12:00

臺北車站 1F 大廳 Taipei Station 1st Floor Lobby

10/20( 六 ) 12:00 10/20(Sat) 12:00

臺中秀泰廣場 ( 站前 ) Taichung Showtime Plaza(Taichung)

10/26( 五 ) 15:00 10/26(Fri) 15:00

Taichung Lihpao Outlet Mall 臺中麗寶 Outlet Mall 臺中麗寶樂園 Taichung Lihpao Land

11/04( 日 ) 11:00 11/04(Sun) 11:00 11/04( 日 ) 14:50 11/04(Sun) 14:50

臺中花博后里馬場園區 Houli Horse Ranch in Taichung World Flora Exposition 11/07( 三 ) 10:00 11/07(Wed) 10:00 臺中廣三 SOGO Taichung Kuang San SOGO Department Store 臺中大遠百 Top City Taichung 【綻動市集】“Blooming Market”

11/09( 五 ) 16:00 11/09(Fri) 16:00 11/10( 六 ) 11:00 11/10(Sat) 11:00 11/09( 日 )~11/11( 日 ) 11/09(Sun)~11/11(Sun)


踩舞限定優惠活動【集點雙重奏】10/12( 五 )-11/11( 日 ) Dance Parade limited Discount

“Points collecting”10/12(Fri)-11/11(Sun)

活動期間於特約集點店家單次消費滿 100 元,即可獲得一點 ( 滿 200 兩點…以此類 推 ),集滿三點即可於 10/27( 六 )-10/28( 日 ) 或 11/09( 五 )-11/11( 日 ),至踩舞祭活動 現場服務台兌換限量贈品及活動抽獎券乙張 ( 數量有限、送完為止 ),有機會將「東京雙 人來回機票」帶回家! During the activity, you can get one point if you spend NTD100 at authorized stores. (spend NTD200, get 2 points, etc.) Get three points, you can exchange limited gifts and a raffle ticket at information counter at 10/27(Sat)-10/28(Sun) and 11/09(Fri)-11/11(Sun). This limited-number offer is only available while stock lasts. There is a chance for you to get round-trip tickets to Tokyo for 2 persons!

集點活動時間 Period of points collecting 2018/10/12( 五 )-11/11( 日 ) 16:30 止 · 特約集點店家:美術園道 ( 計 25 間 ) 及府前廣場主題市集

From 2018/10/12(Fri) to 11/11(Sun) 16:30 ·Authorized stores:Art Museum Parkway (25 stores) and theme market in front of Taichung City Government

抽獎時間 The draw for the raffle 第一波 10/28( 日 )19:00 抽獎券投遞截止 11/02( 五 ) 公布中獎名單 第二波 11/11( 日 )17:00 抽獎券投遞截止 11/16( 五 ) 公布中獎名單 1st round - raffle ticket delivery deadline 10/28(Sun)19:00 Winning list will be announced on 11/2(Fri) 2nd round - raffle ticket delivery deadline 11/11(Sun) 17:00 Winning list will be announced on 11/16(Fri) 詳細注意事項請見官網 For more details, please check on the official website.

多項好康等你拿 ! Come and get the discount! 店家打卡享優惠 Get the discounts by Check-in 至指定店家消費,並與店家踩舞祭裝飾拍照並打卡上傳至個人 Facebook 或 IG( 須設定為公開 ),留言 「#2018 臺中踩舞祭精彩再現」,即可享有店家優惠。


Purchase at authorized stores, take pictures with Dance Parade decorations of stores and check-in on Facebook or Instagram. The post must to be public. And also comment “#2018 Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival wonderful again”, then you can get the discount.

憑 DM 享美食優惠 Enjoy food discounts with DM 至指定店家消費花博餐點,並出示踩舞祭 DM 即享有店家優惠。( 花博餐內容以店家公告為主。) Purchase Flora Exposition meals at authorized store and show the DM of Dance Parade & Festival, you can get the discount. (Details of meals announced by stores)

住宿享好康 Discounts of accommondation 活動期間於指定飯店住宿即贈抽獎券!以踩舞優惠方案入住,再加贈踩舞祭限量贈品乙份! Get a raffle ticket by staying in appointed hotels during the period of the activity! Check in with special offers of Dance Parade & Festival, you will also get a limited gift!

快閃活動打卡送 Check-in and get free gifts at pop-up activities 快閃活動 ( 共 7 場 ) 現場與手舉牌拍照打卡「2018 臺中國際踩舞祭」,上傳個人 FB 或 IG( 須設為公開 ), 並留言「11/09-11/11,我在臺中國際踩舞祭!」,前 50 名憑打卡畫面即可兌換紀念商品乙份! Take pictures with placard on site of Pop-up activities (Total 7 activities) and check-in with“2018 Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival” on Facebook or Instagram. The post must to be public. And also comment “11/09-11/11, I am at 2018 Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival!”. The first 50 people can get a souvenir with the picture of check-in!

美術園道拿好禮 Get free gifts at Art Museum Parkway 10/27(Sat)~10/28(Sun) 第 1 重:前 100 名參與活動者,即可獲得踩舞紀念頭巾乙條! 第 2 重:活動當天,與拍照背板合照打卡「2018 臺中國際踩舞祭」,上傳個人 FB 或 IG( 須設為公開 ), 並留言「11/09-11/11,我在臺中國際踩舞祭!」,即可至服務台兌換驚喜小禮乙份! 1:The first 100 participants can get a Dance Parade scarf! 2:At the day of activity, take pictures with photo backboard and check-in “2018 Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival” on Facebook or Instagram and comment “11/09-11/11, I am at 2018 Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival!”. The post must to be public. You can get a small gift at information counter!

活動任務完成禮 Activity mission completion gift 11/19(Fri)-11/11(Sun) 第 1 重:於活動當天完成指定任務,步驟一:於「大玩臺中」粉絲專頁按讚;步驟二:現場打卡上傳個 人 FB 或 IG( 須設為公開 ),留言「#2018 臺中踩舞祭精彩再現」,即可至服務台兌換驚喜小禮乙份! 第 2 重:於活動當天填寫問卷,即可兌換紀念氣球乙份! 第 3 重:於 11/09( 五 ) 活動當天,前 100 名參加活動者至服務台現場排隊即贈伴手禮 5 折券乙張! 第 4 重:歡慶踩舞祭開幕,11/09( 五 ) 凡身份證字號有 5 的民眾,即可至服務台兌換踩舞祭運動毛巾乙條, 數量有限兌完為止! 1.Complete the mission at the day of the activity. Step 1: Click on Like on “taichungresort” fanpage.Step 2: Check-in on Facebook or Instagram(the post must to be public) on site and comment “2018 Taichung International Dance Parade & Festival wonderful again”. Then you can get a small gift at information counter! 2.Fill in the questionnaire at the day of the activity, you can get a ballon! 3.On 11/09(Fri), the first 100 participants can line up at information counter to get a 50% off coupon for souvenir! 4.To celebrate the opening of Dance Parade, you can get a Dance Parade & Festival sports towel at information counter if there is 5 on your ID card number. The limited-number offer is only available while stock lasts!

海外限定 Only for overseas 前 100 名入境旅客,只要出示旅行社證明,即可兌換伴手禮 5 折券乙張唷! The first 100 inbound travelers showing the travel agency certificate can get a 50% off coupon for souvenir! 37









鳶尾花法式芋香千層蛋 (蛋 素)



NO Boundary











十大伴手禮純鮮 脆餅


花漾美食體驗券販售資訊 10/12-10/25於「台中市美術園道商圈」粉絲團開賣! 填寫完成報名表並於二日內匯款完成才算報名成功。

洽詢電話 (04)23755482 台中市美術園道商圈


1人$399,1桌$3990 日期/107年11月10日(六) 17:00



指導單位 經濟部中小企業處、臺中市政府、臺中市政府經濟發展局

主辦單位 美術園道商店街管理委員會

協辦單位 塔吉特、大和屋、田季發爺、新月梧桐、京華煙雲、一米麥、樂芽、巴部屋、NO Boundary、莉莉馬槤

執行單位 英二國際開發有限公司、長江廣告有限公司



Moving Star Hotel 星動銀河旅站是一間機器人主題旅館,融入了 星際旅人的設計項目,銀河的浩瀚無涯,刻劃出 過旅商客們的美好回憶。地點位於台中市市區中 心點,臨近台中火車站、台中公園自行開車或是 搭乘大眾交通工具都很方便。 Moving Star Hotel is a robot-themed hotel. It is incorporated the design project of star traveler. The vast and infinite galaxy engraves the memories of travelers. The location is near Taichung Train Station and Taichung Park at the central part of Taichung City. Going there by car or public transportation is convenient.

+886-4-22258800 / 台中市中區自由路二段66號 No.66,Sec.2,Ziyou Rd.,Central Dist.,Taichung City


Horizon space creative design 設計,是一門藝術,運用線條切割比例,延伸 出創意思維為主軸,結合『科技、綠能、時尚、 簡約、人文』的基因元素,創造出獨特的空間美 學。 Design, is a kind of art. Using the ratio of line cutting to extend creative thoughts. Taking that as main consideration and combining elements such as technology, green energy, fashion, simple design and humanities to create the unique aesthetics of space.

+886-4-24728758 / 西區向上南路一段176號2樓 2F., No.176, Sec. 1, Xiangshang Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 40


Tayeondon Store., Co Ltd 遵循古法製作,採用高級麵粉、糯米芽、蜂 蜜,製成拔絲(好吃)的太陽餅、鳳梨餅、檸檬餅、 老婆餅、月餅等,都是暢銷產品。 Made with the traditional method and highgrade flour, sticky rice sprout, honey, the candied floss (yummy) sun cakes, pineapple pastries, lemon cakes, wife cakes, and moon cakes are all tasty. They are the best-selling items in the bakery.

必買 伴手禮

+886-4-22276999 / 中區自由路二段27號 No.27,Sec.2,Ziyou Rd.,Central Dist.,Taichung City


Xi Shan Keng 老街桂花巷尾的水汴鎮,居民洗衣、聊天的 「水汴頭」。象徵客家人勤儉刻苦的精神。 Shui Bian Town is on the end of old street, Osmanthus lane. Shie Bien Tou is the place where residents do laundry and chat. They symbolize the hardworking spirit of Hakka people. 苗栗縣南庄鄉中山路(桂花巷尾) Zhongshan Rd., Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County(End of Osmanthus Alley)


燕窩麝香貓咖啡行家 趙煥森



台灣氣功養生行家 洪吉生







三合一省油加速器行家 張振文

大禹嶺高山茶行家 郝志益

生物科技行銷行家 游凱玲






台灣生基開運行家 詹順榮



台灣正能量行家 陳建仁





跟著網美去旅行 Following internet celebrities to travel 追蹤

郊外充滿著大自然美麗的氣息,成為不少網美必去之處。想喝茶嗎?來到山林環繞的南投一邊吸收芬多精一邊悠 閒地喝茶吧!無論是紅茶、綠茶都美味極了!你知道山城裡面的海景嗎?讓我們來看看苗栗的不同的景色吧!在繁 華的都市中迷失自我嗎?來到這些世外桃源在壯麗的自然美景中重拾自己的節奏步調吧。而彰化,你會想到什麼 呢?你能想像彰化竟然有這麼多的賞花秘境嗎?許多的驚喜與豔遇,都在網美的IG中,就跟著他們一起暢玩中 台灣,體驗新風情! The suburbs are full of the beauty of nature. Those places became the must-visit attraction for internet celebrities. Do you want to have a cup of tea? Come to Nantou, surrounded by mountains and forests, feel the phytoncide and drink teas leisurely! Either black tea or green tea tastes fantastic! Do you know the seascape in the mountain town? Let's take a look at the different scenery of Miaoli! Have you ever felt losing yourself in the bustling city? Come to these paradises and adjust your pace in the magnificent natural landscapes. Talking of Changhua, what comes into your mind? Can you image there are so many flower viewing secret spots in Changhua? Plenty of surprises are in the Instagram posts of internet celebrities. Follow their steps to have fun in central Taiwan and experience new customs and habits!









DaKeng Hiking Trail No.2 在行走的道路上,回頭一望也會發現自己曾走過 的都是美景。 On the road, you will see that you have always walked through the beautiful scenery if you look back. 台中市北屯區連坑巷26號 No.26,Liankeng Lane , Beitun Dist, Taichung City




鳶嘴山 Yuanzui Mountain 站在不同的角度能看見不一樣的美好。 You will see different beautiful sceneries from different angles. 台中市和平區大雪山林道27K+50處 Xueshan Rd., Heping Dist, Taichung City




Chio-Tian black forest in Shalu 這裡除了是網美打卡地,也是婚攝聚集地哦。 In addition to the best check-in spot for internet celebrities, it is also a gathering place for wedding photography. 台中市沙鹿區竹林里 Shalu Dist, Taichung City


Following internet celebrities to travel


茶二指故事館 Finger Tea 茶2指不止故事,還有大大小小的藝術品,適合 文青拍照打卡! There are not only stories in Finger Tea, but also many large or small artworks. It a good place to take photos and check-in! 南投縣名間鄉埔中巷32-1號 No.32-1, Puzhong Ln , Mingjian Township, Nantou County




想要DIY嗎?在這裡全家可一同製作貓頭鷹,也可 體驗做紅茶!

全台最美的森林小學,仿佛將時光倒流般,讓人 感覺身處異地。

Sun Moon Lake Owl Home

Do you want to DIY? The whole family can make owl artworks together and experience how to make black tea here. 南投縣魚池鄉香茶巷5之1號 No.5-1, Xiangcha Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County

Nei Hu Elementary School in Nantou

The most beautiful forest elementary school in Taiwan makes people feel like in a different place as time goes back. 南投縣鹿谷鄉興產路51號 43 No.51, Xingchan Rd., Lugu Township, Nantou County

Travelgram s11963044


卓蘭大峽谷 Zhuolan Grand Canyon


砂岩與泥岩所構成的岩石質地,造就獨特的景 觀。


The rock texture composed of sandstone and mudstone made the unique landscape. 苗栗縣卓蘭鎮上新里 Shangxin, Zhuolan Township, Miaoli County



Cloudland Resort in Nanzhuang 森林中的小秘境,沉澱心靈的好地方。 Secret spot in the forest. It’s a good place to refresh your mind. 苗栗縣南庄鄉南江村3鄰東江31-3號 No.31-3, Dongjiang, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County

Hai Jiao Paradise in Houlong

Colorful rainbow tunnel is the most popular spot. 苗栗縣後龍鎮苗33線 Houlong Township, Miaoli County


龍鳳漁港 Long Fong Fishing Port 不只有海景,沿岸的防波堤彩繪也是拍照聖地。 Besides seascapes, people also like to take photos of painted breakwater along the coast. 苗栗縣竹南鎮龍鳳里龍江街369巷15號 No.15, Ln. 369, Longjiang St., Zhunan Township, Miaoli County




Following internet celebrities to travel


Shui Xie Lou Tai in Ri Xin Island

輝豐園藝 Huayfong Gardening

It is the only café on the island of the lake in Taiwan. There are different kinds of animals such as peacocks and parrots.

Bougainvillea are in bloom in full seasons. When you walk in, you will feel like walking into the maze of the garden. 彰化縣田尾鄉民族路一段477號

全台唯一湖中島咖啡廳,島上還有各種動物孔雀 、鸚鵡等等。

苗栗縣頭屋鄉明德村明德路54-6號 No.54-6, Mingde Rd., Touwu Township, Miaoli County


九重葛一年四季都盛放著,猶如進入花園迷宮一 般。

No.477, Sec. 1, Minzu Rd., Tianwei Township, Changhua County


青芳園 Tenway Garden

韭菜花海 Chives Flower Field



The vast park and dreamy landscape make people take photos all the time. 彰化縣田尾鄉張厝巷73號

Located in Tianzhong. It looks like a magnificent snow-filled white flower sea. 彰化縣田中鎮大新工業區路旁

No.73, Zhangcuo Ln., Tianwei Township, Changhua County

Xingong 1st Rd., Tianzhong Township, Changhua County


以門鎖為概念,強化家的意向,並結合Hotel的H為主軸,連接家與Hotel般的舒適自在。 圓外圈的粗圓線條,代表產業活絡需要每一個企業以及個人的互相合作和幫忙才能成就更多圓滿的結 果。內圈彩色細線條 代表旅行五元(圓)素 【緩】 【吃】 【住】 【幸福】 【回憶】,透過旅行享 受、記錄、累積人生的每一步,色彩以五元素的顏色代表聯盟的創意以及年輕化。



地址 / 網址



台中市東區台中路203號 taichung.inhousehotel.com



台中市西屯區青海南街159號 www.icloudhotel.com.tw



台中市中區市府路38號 www.1969blueskyhotel.com



台中市中區自由路2段66號 www.mshotel.com.tw



台中市西區柳川西路2段77號 www.aeris-hotel.com



高雄市新興區七賢一路513號 www.lainn.com.tw



高雄市新興區林森一路237號 www.design-hotel.com.tw



高雄市鳳山區文鳳路96號 www.leesinggroup.com



高雄市前金區市中一路229號 qixian.leesing-hotel.com



高雄市新興區南華路136號 www.lahotel.com.tw



地址 / 網址



台東市中山路402號(鐵花村旁) www.traveler-inn.com



台東縣太麻里鄉大王村太峰路147號 www.dawnhotel.com.tw



台東縣卑南鄉溫泉村龍泉路139巷1號 www.rainbow-hotel.com.tw



台東市臨海路一段38號 www.kaishotel.com



台東縣鹿野鄉中華路一段200號 www.lmresort.com.tw



嘉義縣布袋鎮岑海里順安路61號 www.budai-hotel.com.tw



嘉義縣太保市北港路二段218號 www.chiashihpao.com



嘉義縣竹崎鄉中和村奮起湖178之1號 www.fenchihu.com.tw



嘉義市西區延平街250號 lankwaifonghotel.com.tw



宜蘭縣礁溪鄉仁愛路66巷6號 www.hotspring-hotel.com.tw



宜蘭縣羅東鎮公正路511號 www.jiuwuhotel.com.tw



宜蘭縣頭城鎮更新路125號 www.tcfarm.com.tw



宜蘭縣五結鄉新店路113號 www.riverside-inn.com.tw



南投縣魚池鄉大雁村大雁巷47-9號 www.thedeer.com.tw



南投縣埔里鎮南興街79號 www.puli-hotel.com.tw



南投縣魚池鄉日月村水沙連街3號 www.thecrystal.com.tw



南投縣魚池鄉大林村金天巷70-1號 www.crystalresort.com.tw




12 01


圍爐夜讀(夜讀主講人/吳若權) 藝術展演 文創市集(早上11:00-下午5:00) 手作DIY 露天電影院 夜宿圖書館(需報名)


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