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▲ 小鎮漫遊│竹北/高屏 經典小鎮與原民部落 Slow Travel in Classic Towns and Tribes in Zhubei & Kaohsiung & Pingtung

▲ 季節精選│螢火蟲與桐花全台祕境大公開 Watching Firefly and Tung Blossom in Attractions around Taiwan




高雄美農 Kaohsiung Meinong 照片由高雄市政府觀光局提供 The photo is provided by Tourism Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government.



2019 Taichung Shopping Festival 購物滿500元即可參加抽獎! People who spend NT$500 are able to join the lucky draw!

週週抽大獎,週週有活動! There will be lucky draws and more activities every week.

活動大獎 Weekly draw and the grand prize ・千萬精品豪宅 NT$10 million house ・2臺進口百萬名車 Two NT$ 1 million imported cars ・3臺國產高級房車 Three domestic cars ・6式總統套房住宿 Six presidential suites ・6臺時尚電動機車 Six fashionable e-scooters ・伴手好禮 Local specialties 臺中市政府觀光旅遊局 Tourism and Travel Bureau, Taichung City Government +886-4-22289111#58030 42007臺中市豐原區陽明街36號5樓 5F., No. 36, Yangming St., Fengyuan Dist., Taichung City 420 廣告

歡迎蒞臨台中 Welcome to Taichung.

感受宗教慶典與藝術人文的多重魅力 Experience the charms of our local scenery, culture and history at our pilgrimage festival.


「大甲媽祖遶境」 2019 4 7

/ / 起駕, 歡迎親臨體驗中部廟宇遶境文化 「Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage」is among the biggest festivals of one of the World’s major religions. The pilgrimage will start on the 7th of April, 2019. Come and experience the pilgrim culture of central Taiwan's temples.

台中五星觀光旅館飯店住宿 TWD


Taichung 5-star tourist hotels starting from TWD. 2,999.

更多資訊請上官網 http:// ttha-taichung.org.tw For further information, please check on our official website.

愛玩中台灣 vol.11春季刊 發行日期:2019年04月15日

10 名人專訪

Celebrity Interview




Welcome to explore secret places in Yuchi Township!


魚池鄉公所 鄉長 劉啟帆 Mayor of Yuchi Township Office – Chi-fan Liu

04 觀光視野

來麗寶樂園渡假區, 滿足你所有對快樂的想像

Vision of Sightseeing

打造軸線旅遊, 體驗嘉義縣深度之旅

Enjoy your holiday in Lihpao Resort

麗寶樂園 園長 王永豪 VP of Operations and Marketing of Lihpao Land Wang, Yung-Hao

Create Axis Travel. Experience in-depth tour in Chiayi County.

嘉義縣政府 縣長 翁章梁 Chiayi County Mayor – Weng Chang-Liang

高雄是熱情的海派城市! Kaohsiung is an enthusiastic and generous city!

高雄市政府觀光局 局長 潘恒旭 Tourism Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government Director Peter, Pan

照片由高雄市政府觀光局提供。 Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government.

照片由嘉義縣政府提供。 Photos are provided by Chiayi County Government.


旅遊情報 Travel information

您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌: 中華航空(香港→台中)、交通部觀光局駐日本東京辦事處、新加坡辦事處、馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處、香港辦事處、澳門辦事處、泰國曼谷辦事處;國 際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺北、臺中遊客服務中心;台灣電影 製作發展協會(150位會員);台灣各大旅行社(約600家);星動銀河旅站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店台中民權、薆悅酒店台中館、水雲端旗艦概 念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國際大飯店、永悅行旅、1969藍天飯店、富禾居會館、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、 長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中福華大飯店、通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台 中林酒店、福容大飯店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福容大飯店花蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大 飯店、高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅人驛站旅宿連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星光酒店、台 東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創HOTEL 海漾行館、佳仕堡商務飯店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店…(陸續增加)。

發行人:趙成年 社長:陳英俊 顧問:黃國書、蕭仕榮、吳政和 法律顧問:劉喜律師 總編輯:趙品瑄 執行編輯:陳庭慈、陳怡君、何家嘉、許儷齡 翻譯:賴思妤Sandra 編輯委員:蔡維郡、巫賜發、廖萬隆 陳奕錩、陳瑛宗、康翠敏 洪明峰、陳晁偉、吳奇鴻 林俊明、高信傑 媒體總監:江文賓 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路106號 電話:+886-4-23727658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司

26 小鎮漫遊

Ramble in small towns

竹北濱海漫遊 享受山海風光 Ramble on beach of Zhubei and enjoy the gorgeous scenery

漫遊高屏經典小鎮與原民部落 Slow Travel in Classic Towns and Tribes in Kaohsiung and Pingtung

52 名人帶路

Led by Celebrity

帶你蒐集淡海輕軌的 11座幾米車站! Let’s visit 11 Jimmy Stations of Danhai LRT!

36 季節精選

Seasonal Selection

追尋桐花的盛開 全臺景點特搜 Watching Tung Blossom in attractions around Taiwan

夜訪螢火蟲祕境 全台景點懶人包 Secret places for firefly watching at night. A Cliff’s notes version of attractions in Taiwan.

58 跟著網美去旅行 Following internet celebrities to travel 打卡勝地

In check-in resorts in Taiwan




日本國東京都港區西新橋1丁目5-8川手ビル3F Tel/81-3-3501-3591 Fax/81-3-3501-3586 E-mail/tyo@go-taiwan.net

香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道30號新港中心 第一座512室 Tel/852-2581-0933 Fax/852-2581-0262 E-mail/info@ttbhk.hk

30 Raffles Place, Chevron House,#10-01, Singapore 048622 Tel/65-6223-6546~7 Fax/65-6225-4616 E-mail/tbrocsin@singnet.com.sg

馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處 Suite 25-01, Level 25, Wisma Goldhill, 67 Jalan Raja Chula, 50200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel/60-3-2070-6789 Fax/60-3-2072-3559 E-mail/tbrockl@taiwan.net.my

駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處觀光組 20th Fl., Empire Tower, 195 South Sathorn Rd., Yannawa Bangkok 10120, Thailand Tel/66-6-4545-1582


Vision of Sightseeing

打造軸線旅遊, 體驗嘉義縣深度之旅。 Create Axis Travel. Experience in-depth tour in Chiayi County. 嘉義縣政府 縣長 Weng Chang-Liang

嘉義縣的觀光脈絡非常獨特,嘉義縣原本是生產基地,因應周休二日和觀光休 閒的風潮,生產者慢慢轉型為觀光業者,像是:山區擁有豐富生態的農業生產者, 轉型為民宿業者;平原地區的農場,也轉向環境教育的經營,而這些大多為第二 代回來承接,並帶回新的行銷手法、管理方式,直接面對消費者。因此,綜觀來說, 嘉義縣以小型觀光業者為多數,提供深度旅遊體驗為主。 The tourism context in Chiayi is very unique. It was originally a base of production. Due to workers rest on weekend and the trend of leisure tourism, producers gradually transformed their business into tourism industry. For example, agricultural producer with abundant ecology on mountain area transformed into guesthouse owner. Nowadays, management of farms in plain focused on environmental education. Most of these are run by second generation. They face the customer with creative marketing practices and management. To sum up, most of the travel agents in Chiayi are smallscale. Mostly, they offer in-depth travel for customer to experience.

深度旅遊勢必要有自然或人文的觀光資源:嘉義縣 地形特殊,梅山、竹崎、番路、大埔、阿里山鄉一帶, 擁有高山資源和豐富物產,如螢火蟲和紫藤花都 是自然生態景點;沿海地區的原生產基地,如 台鹽鹽灘地和台糖鰲鼓濕地,現今都成為重 要的候鳥棲息地;平原地區以故宮南院為 亮點,屬於中央政府在南台灣的重大投資, 以上三大區塊都很有發展潛力。 4

The necessary condition of in-depth travel includes natural and cultural sightseeing resources. Chiayi has special topography. There are resources from high mountains and abundant produce in Meishan, Zhuqi, Fanlu, Dapu and Alishan Township, such as fireflies and Chinese Wisteria. There are original production bases in coastal area, such as Taiyan Salt Beach and Aogu Wetland. Those places become habitats for migrant bird nowadays. The highlight of plains area is Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum. It is an important investment of central government in southern Taiwan. These three parts are full of development potential.

目前嘉義縣旅遊可分為兩大發展方向:第一,針對國外旅客,嘉義縣有三個國 際性景點可多加推廣,分別為:「阿里山」、「候鳥濕地生態」、「故宮南院」; 第二,針對國內旅客,嘉義縣民宿資源豐富,適合推動「家庭式」的深度旅遊, 透過不同主題與不同軸線的規劃,促進親子教育和親子互動的深化。因此,候鳥 濕地生態與故宮南院,是未來必須再強化的部分,而傳統觀光景點阿里山,則朝 提高品質、營造舒服悠閒的旅遊氛圍,進行優化。 At present, the development of Chiayi Tourism can be divided into two directions. First, there are three international attractions can be promoted to foreign travelers, Alishan, migrant bird wetland ecology and Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum. Second, the resources of guesthouse and hostel are abundant in Chiayi. It is suitable to promote family in-depth travel for domestic travelers. With plans of different theme and axis, deepen the relationship between parents and children. In summary, migrant bird wetland ecology and Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum need to be strengthened in the future. The traditional attraction, Alishan, can be optimize with improve the quality and create the comfortable and leisure tourism atmosphere.

阿里山 Alishan

※ 以上照片由嘉義縣政府提供。 The photos are provided by Chiayi County Government.



Vision of Sightseeing

至於日後發展重點,我們將全力推動「軸線旅遊」。「軸線旅遊」是以交通工 具為中心,規劃路途沿線景點的串聯,打造一條交通順暢的遊程,再搭配不同主 題(如春夏秋冬四季)的排列組合,可以發展出多元玩法。針對每一條軸線,我 們會找出旅遊特色、檢討待改進之處,進而打造成熱門觀光軸線,而為落實此概 念,今年度我們於過年期間推出九大軸線,其中之一為以縣道 162 甲為交通主道 的「來嘉看雲趣」,行程串聯了梅問屋觀光工場、梅山玉虛宮、梅山公園、36 彎 打氣公路、太平雲梯、太平老街、碧湖觀光茶園、竹坑溪步道、瑞峰風景區、海 鼠山 1314 觀景台等景點,展現嘉義的高山風情。 As for the priority development in the future, we are going to promote Axis Travel hard. The center point of Axis Travel is transportation. Connecting the attractions along the route to create a smooth tourist route. Combining different themes, such as four seasons, to develop a diverse tourism type. For each axis, we will find out tourism characteristic and review the things to be improved. Then create hit sightseeing axis. In order to implement this concept, this year we announced nine axes during Chinese New Year. One of them is “Come to Chiayi to see clouds”, which takes County Highway No.162 Jia as the main road. This route connects Plummyume Tourism Factory, Meishan Yu Syu Temple, Meishan Park, 36 Curve Road, Taiping suspension bridge, Taiping old street, Bi Lake Tourism Tea Garden, Zhukengxi Trail, Ruifeng Sightseeing Area, Haishushan 1314 Scenic Lookout and many other attractions. It reveals the beauty of Chiayi

阿里山櫻王 The cherry tree of Alishan 6

我們期望透過規劃軸線旅遊,作為嘉義縣觀光業者的平台,也鼓勵軸線上的觀 光業者成立相關協會,藉由異業結盟,累積觀光能量與資源,如此一來,政府也 能進行輔導,協助他們做質量的提升。 We expect to create a platform for travel agents in Chiayi through planning Axis Travel. We also encourage travel agents to establish association and increase energy and resources of tourism through cross-industry alliance. Therefore, government can provide counseling to help them improve the quality.

我們也相信原本是生產基地的嘉義縣,因為擁有別於都市生活的自然風景、生 態資源和平價美食,「觀光」會是非常值得開發的經濟來源。未來,我們將全力 拼觀光,歡迎各位來嘉義縣深度旅遊! With the natural scenery, ecological resource and affordable gourmet food, we believe that tourism is definitely worth to be developed in Chiayi. In the future, we will put a lot of effort to promote tourism industry. Welcome to experience indepth travel in Chiayi.

故宮南院夜景 The night view of Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum 候鳥濕地生態 Migrant bird wetland ecology

故宮南院 Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum

※ 以上照片由嘉義縣政府提供。 The photos are provided by Chiayi County Government.



Vision of Sightseeing

高雄是熱情的海派城市! Kaohsiung is an enthusiastic and generous city! 高雄市政府觀光局 局長 Tourism Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government Director

潘恒旭 Peter, Pan

高雄觀光資源十分豐富,特別推薦:沿海旗津、西子灣擁有非常美麗的夕陽; 著名的三山有鳳山、旗山、崗山及崗山之眼;六龜地區以寺廟群為主,如:妙崇寺、 諦願寺、天臺山、彩虹大佛;另有三大原住民區域,如:茂林、那瑪夏及桃源。 Kaohsiung has abundant tourism resources. Especially recommend the following places. Qijin coast and Sizihwan where you can see beautiful sunset. Three famous mountains, Fongshan, Qishan, Gangshan, and Siaogangshan Skywalk Park. There are many temples in Liouguei District, such as Miao Chong Temple,Di Yuan Temple, Tiantai Mountain and Rainbow Mountain Buddha Temple. Besides, there are three aboriginal areas, Maolin, Namasia and Taoyuan District.

若要以一句話形容高雄,高雄絕對是一座海派的城市!它兼具熱情和吸引人想 要探索的內在,同時,擁有目眩神迷的海景和流連忘返的美食。 Describing Kaohsiung in one sentence, it is definitely a city full of enthusiasm and the inside that attracts people to explore. It also has fascinating sea view and mouthwatering foods.

因此,今年度的觀光推廣計畫,是以「美食」作為主角, 每個月結合高雄在地美食,規劃不同主題來行銷宣傳,像是: 四月眷村菜比賽、五月烤鴨大賽、六月生魚片大賽等,打造 高雄美食之都的風格。 Therefore,the theme of this year tourism promotion program is“Gourmet food”. Combining local cuisines of Kaohsiung and planning different themes every month to promote, for example, military dependents’ village cuisine competition in April, roast duck competition in May and Sashimi competition in June. Kaohsiung is creating the style of food capital.


交通方面,從高鐵左營站直達佛陀紀念館的「哈佛快線」,深受觀光客喜愛, 另外,高雄的開頂雙層巴士也很具特色,兩條行駛路線為西子灣線和左營蓮潭線。 Regarding transportation, Harvard Express which starts from Zuoying High Speed Railway Station for Buddha Museum is very popular among tourists. Furthermore, Kaohsiung Sightseeing Bus is very unique, which operates Sizihwan Route and Zuoying Lianchihtan Route.

為了推廣國旅銀髮族市場,今年 3 月推出「不老旅行家好玩卡雙卡套票」, 內容涵蓋捷運、市區公車、雙層巴士、愛之船、貢多拉船及愛河周邊 13 家飯店業 者優惠,同時在壽山新設七蔓站、四棵榕、雅座百年大葉雀榕、長壽園四處打卡 點。 In order to promote the elders market, the package ticket was lunched in this March. It includes special offer of the MRT, city bus, sightseeing bus, Love Boat, Gondola and 13 hotels around Ai River. At the same time, there are four new check in spots in Shoushan, Chiman Station, Four Banyans, Ficus caulocarpa and Changshou Garden.

未來,市府也持續規劃硬體建設,期望打造嶄新的高雄地標,並建置線上旅 遊諮詢、在地導覽人員媒合、觀光物聯網等智慧旅遊環境提升旅遊便利性,吸引 各地旅客來感受高雄的熱情! In the future, the city government will continue to plan for the construction of hardware. Hoping to create new landmarks of Kaohsiung and offering intelligent tourism environment to improve the convenience of travel, such as establishing online travel information, matching service for local guides and tourism internet of things. Welcome tourists worldwide to experience the enthusiasm of Kaohsiung!

崗山之眼 Siaogangshan Skywalk Park

※ 照片由高雄市政府觀光局提供 The photos are provided by Tourism Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government.



Celebrity Interview

歡迎來探索魚池鄉祕境! Welcome to explore secret placesin Yuchi Township!


魚池鄉公所 鄉長 Mayor of Yuchi Township Office–Liu chi-fan

魚池鄉除了國際知名景點日月潭外,其實存在許 多鮮少人知的祕境,以方位來說:東邊有「向天圳」 和「翠林步道」,鄰近還有一條日據時代電氣車 道,希望將它推廣為馬拉松或自行車步道;西邊 有以紅茶和櫻花著名的「鹿篙」,而身為模範 社區的「澀水」擁有「侏儸紀公園水上步道」; 南邊最獨特的是「頭社泥炭土活盆地」,屬於 國際性稀有地質景點;北邊的魚池老街,晚上除 了鹽酥雞是排隊美食,白天更是「炒麵一條街」, 提供遊客不一樣的早餐體驗;另外,日月潭地區 預計將打造一條從日月潭通往五城蓮花池的自行車 道,同時達到疏導交通的效益。 Beside the well-known attraction, Sun Moon Lake, there are many secret places in Yuchi Township that only known by a few people. In terms of orientation, there are not only Xiang Tian Reservoir and Cuilin Trail at the east side, but also an electric railway, which was built in Japanese colonial period. The railway is expected to be promoted as a marathon or bicycle trail. At the west side, there is Lugao, which is famous for black tea and cherry blossom. As a model community, there is Jurassic Park Water Trail in Se Shui. The most unique place at the south side is Toushe Peat Soil Basin. It is an international rare geological attraction. At night, many people line up to buy fried chicken at Yuchi old street at the north side. In day time, it is a street full of fried noodles. Travelers can buy different kinds of breakfast here. Furthermore, Sun Moon Lake area is expected to build a bicycle trail from Sun Moon Lake to Wucheng lotus pond to ease the heavy traffic. 10

同時,我們希望能在今年底、明年初,打造獨特的日月潭燈會,除水上花燈、水 舞燈光音樂秀外,亦舉辦遊艇花燈船之比賽,讓民眾評比最奪目的花燈船,還能乘 船前往湖中欣賞水上花燈,絕對是全台最有亮點的燈會之一。 At the same time, we hope to build up a unique lantern festival in Sun Moon Lake at the end of this year or early next year. Besides water lantern and musical fountain water show, we are also holding a lantern boat or yacht competition. People can choose the most attractive lantern boat and watch water lantern in the lake by boat. It’s definitely one of the worth seeing lantern festival in Taiwan.

鹿篙櫻花祕境 The cherry blossom of Lugao 侏儸紀公園水上步道 Jurassic Park Water Trail

未來我們以「村村有特色,處處有花 開」為目標,不只是原有冬春兩季的櫻 花,也希望多多種植於五、六月份盛開的紅花風鈴木,讓四季都有美好的開花景色。 此外,我們也期望透過觀光帶動農業,透過故事行銷或擬人化設定,讓民眾更加認 識魚池的「三寶加一咖」-紅茶、蘭花、香菇和咖啡,進而促進在地農產銷售。 In the future, we take “Every village has its own characteristics. Flower blooms everywhere.” as the goal. Cherry blossom only bloom in winter and spring. In order to have the beautiful scene of flower blooming in four seasons, we hope to plant more Tabebuia rosea which bloom in May and June. We also expected to promote the agriculture through tourism industry. With the storytelling marketing and personification setting to promote the sales of local agriculture, people can learn more about tree 魚池「三寶加一咖」:紅茶、蘭花、香菇和咖啡。 treasures and one coffee Black tea, Orchid, Mushroom and Coffee are the specialties of Yuchi. o f Yu c h i – B l a c k t e a , Orchid, Mushroom and Coffee. ※以上照片由魚池鄉公所提供。 The photos are provided by Yuchi Township Office. 11


Celebrity Interview

來麗寶樂園渡假區, 滿足你所有對快樂的想像 Enjoy your holiday in Lihpao Resort


麗寶樂園 園長 VP of Operations and Marketing of Lihpao Land Wang, Yung-Hao 麗寶樂園榮獲觀光遊樂業特優等獎,由王園長(右)代表領獎。 Yung-hao Wang (right) represents Lihpao Land to award a prize.

為了打造各個年齡層心目中的美好樂 園,麗寶樂園渡假區以提供一站式服務 為目標,我們在 200 公頃的遼闊園區內, 規劃五星級福容大飯店、義大利建築風格的 Outlet、全台最大水陸雙樂園、象徵 台中地標的天空之夢摩天輪、符合國際標準的國際賽車場、深受年輕人喜愛的密 室逃脫,以及各式異國美食。透過不同區域的精心設計,希望大人、小孩、長者 都能從中找到適合自己的放鬆方式。 In order to create the wonderland for all ages, Lihpao Resort takes one-stop services as a goal. It covers an area of 200-hectare. In the resort, there are five star hotel - Fullon Hotel, Italian architectural style outlet, the largest water and amusement park, landmark in Taichung – Sky Dream Ferris Wheel, international racing park, Escape Rooms that loved by the youth and many kinds of exotic food. Through the well-designed for different area, we hope that children, adults and elders can find a way to relax. 水陸樂園

Water and amusement park



Five-star Hotel

Outlet Mall


International racing park


Ferris Wheel

探索世界 Discovery World

也由於麗寶樂園渡假區 的豐富性,建議遊客可以安 排兩天一夜的行程,第一天 暢 遊 雙 樂 園, 入 住 福 容 大 飯 店, 第 二 天 玩 賽 車、 逛 outlet、 搭 摩 天 輪。 若 還 想 順遊周邊特色景點,如:千 年大樟樹、外埔忘憂谷、張 連昌薩克斯風博物館、后豐 鐵馬道,或是苗栗三義、勝 興車站、龍騰斷橋等,三天 兩夜也玩不完!

Due to the richness of Lihpao Resort, we recommend travelers to arrange a twoday, one-night trip. Enjoy Lihpao Land on the first day, and stay in Fullon Hotel for a night. Having fun in racing park, shopping in outlet and take ferris wheel on the second day. There are some special attractions nearby, such as a thousand years old camphor tree in Houli, Waipu Lotus Valley, Chang Lien-cheng Saxophone Museum, Houfeng Bikeway, Sanyi Township in Miaoli, Sheng-Hsing Train Station and Longteng Broken Bridge. There are so many attractions that you can’t visit all in three days and two nights.

而為迎接國內外旅客,我們除擁有 5,000 個停車位和鄰近國道 1、3、4 號的便 利性外,亦規劃往返樂園和高鐵台中站、后里火車站、國光朝馬總站的免費接駁 車,以及往返渡假區內各區域的免費接駁車,提供遊客更便利的交通服務。 Our location is near National Expressway No.1, No.3 and No.4. In order to welcome domestic and foreign travelers, there are 5,000 parking spaces in the resort. Moreover, we have planned free shuttle buses from Lihpao Resort to HSR Taichung Station, Houli Train Station and Chaoma Kuo-kuang Motor Transport. You can also take free shuttle buses in the resort to different area. We provide convenient transportation for travelers.

現在,我們正著手打造全台唯一義式湖邊商場與影城結合的 Outlet 二期,屆時 進駐店家將高達 250 家,另外,國際賽車場的區域也已經在興建賽車主題飯店, 今年度就能與大家見面。 Now we are working on creating the second phase of the outlet. It is the only Italian style lakeside shopping mall and cinema combined in Taiwan. It will house 250 stores when it is done. Moreover, our new racing theme hotel in the area of racing park will be done this year.

※以上照片由麗寶樂園渡假區提供。 The photos are provided by Lihpao Resort. 13

歡迎參加 首屆臺中購物節! Welcome to 2019 Taichung Shopping Festival! 首屆臺中購物節將在7月10日到8月18日開跑!活動為期6週,週週抽大獎,週週有 活動,只要於臺中市購物滿500元,即有機會抽中價值千萬的精品豪宅、2台進口百萬 名車、3台國產高級房車、6式總統套房住宿、6台時尚電動機車、伴手好禮等大獎。 歡迎來臺中享受購物樂趣! 2019 Taichung Shopping Festival is going to be launched from July 10th to August 18th! The period of the festival is six weeks. There will be lucky draws and more activities every week. People who spend NT$500 are able to join the lucky draw and get a NT$10 million house, two imported cars worth NT$ 1 million, three domestic cars, six presidential suites, six fashionable e-scooters and local specialties. Welcome to Taichung for shopping!

TEL:+886-4-23213111 FAX:+886-4-23213124 40353 台中市西區館前路57號 No.57,Guanqian Rd,West Dist,Taichung City40353,Taiwan(R.O.C.)

活動大獎 Weekly draw and the grand prize 千萬精品豪宅

NT$10 million house

2 台進口百萬名車 3 台國產高級房車

Two NT$ 1 million imported cars

Three domestic cars

6 式總統套房住宿

Six presidential suites

6 台時尚電動機車

Six fashionable e-scooters

伴手好禮 Local specialties

木佃軒南洋 渡假休閒民宿

Travel information

2019 春遊專案補助大公開! 2019 Spring Tour Subsidy! 2019 年是小鎮漫遊年,交通部觀光局與各縣市政府合作,特別推出「春遊專 案」,邀請國人深入體驗台灣在地風光。 2019 is the year of Taiwan Small Town Ramble. Tourism Bureau, MOTC cooperates with city governments to launch Spring Tour Subsidy Program. Welcome you to see the beauty of Taiwan.

* 僅適用周日到周四 * Only from Sunday to Thursday

每人每日 500 元

NT$500 each person per day

團體旅遊 Group Tour

* 行程含小鎮須 2 天 1 夜以上,且行 程中放假日未超過一天。 * The tour of small town has to be at least

two days one night and it can only include one holiday.

* 須透過旅行社 * It has to be scheduled by travel agency

青年 (18~40 歲 ) 加碼

Bonus for Teenager(18 to 40 years old)

住離島、住小鎮,各再優惠 1 次,500 元。 NT$500 for people who live in offshore islands or small towns

一般團旅遊 補助上限 3 萬元。

Independent Tour

NT$500 subsidy per room/One time per person

Maximum subsidy NT$30,000 for normal group

每房折抵 500 元 / 每人優惠一次 自由行

離島 / 企業員工旅遊 / 入住星級酒店

補助上限 5 萬元。 Maximum subsidy NT$50,000 for offshore islands residents/company trip/travelers stay at star rated hotels

補助時間:2019 年 4 月 1 日至 6 月 30 日(依各縣市政府公告為準)

Subsidy Time:From April 1st to June 30th, 2019 (According to announcements by city governments)

高速客輪首航,布袋至馬公只要1小時! Maiden voyage of High Speed Ferry. From Budai to Magong only takes you 1 hour! 台灣也有高速客輪了!百麗航運「雲豹 RIKULAU」於 2019 年 3 月 23 日首航, 從嘉義布袋港至澎湖馬公只要 1 小時。未來亦有「台中-馬公」與「高雄-馬公」 的航線(航程約 2 小時),提供遊客前往澎湖更快速、更舒適的選擇。 There is also High Speed Ferry in Taiwan! It takes you only 1 hour from Budai, Chiayi to Magong, Penghu by Baili Shipping – RIKULAU. In the future, there will be liners from Taichung to Magong and Kaohsiung to Magong. It takes about 2 hours. RIKULAU provides you faster and comfortable choice. 16

薆悅酒店台中館 Inhouse Hotel Taichung 台中指標飯店、低調奢華旅行首選-薆悅酒店台中館,座落繁華市中心,近火車站與 文化創意園區,美食餐廳林立,近擁藝文美饌的生活享受。磚紅外觀似紐約鑄鐵建築 ,迎賓大廳以奢華大理石地板與水晶吊燈營造法國渡假風情。 The iconic hotel in Taichung, In House Hotel Taichung, is located at the heart of Taichung City. It is the best place for you to stay in. There are train station and Cultural & Creative Industries Park nearby. The red brick exterior looks like New York cast iron construction. The luxurious marble floor and crystal chandeliers in the lobby make you feel like you are taking vacation in France.

薆悅酒店五權館 Inhouse Hotel Grand 稀有頂樓恆溫游泳池、五星級創意酒店-薆悅酒店五權館,全館邀請知名INHOUSE團 隊設計,室內採歐洲奢華風格並精選柚木家具,處處以台灣花藝形塑舒適情調。地處 台中重劃區與傳統文化區核心,交通便利,是您住宿的優質選擇! The five-star hotel with a heated pool on top floor, In House Hotel Grand, is design by the well-known team, INHOUSE. The interior is decorated in European style with a selection of teak furniture. You can feel the cozy atmosphere with the art of Taiwanese floral. It is located in Taichung redevelopment zone and the heart of traditional cultural area. Because of the convenient transport, it is the best choice for travel and business!


Tel:+886-4-2281-2222 https://taichung.inhousehotel.com/

台中市東區台中路203號 No.203, Taizhong Rd.East Dist., Taichung City


Tel:+886-4-2201-6111 https://grand.inhousehotel.com/

台中市北區五權路228號 No.228, Wuquan Rd.North Dist., Taichung City



Travel information

福隆沙雕季,即將挑戰金氏世界紀錄。 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival is going to break the Guinness World Records. 邁向第 12 年的福隆國際沙雕藝術季,今年展期為 4 月 19 日至 8 月 25 日,邀 請來自 7 個國家、共 25 名沙雕藝術家,創作 45 座沙雕作品,而在 6 月 15 日將 邀請 300 位民眾一同打造 300 座海豚沙雕,挑戰「全世界最多人一起創作沙雕」 的金氏世界記錄。另外,舉辦第 19 屆的新北市貢寮海洋音樂祭,也將於 8 月 23 至 8 月 25 加入沙雕季活動,屆時一定精采可期。 The period of Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival is from April 19th to August 25th, 2019. 25 artists were invited from 7 countries to build 45 sand sculptures. On June 15th, there will be 300 people to build 300 dolphin sand sculptures. They are going to challenge Guinness World Records. Furthermore, Ho-hai-yan Rock Festival of New Taipei City will join the activities of Sand Sculpture Art Festival from August 23rd to 25th.

3 處神祕景點,重新開放探險。 Three reopened secret places 歷經多年封閉整修,今年度重新開放遊客參觀的 3 處景點,分別是:被稱為台 灣龍珠的「基隆嶼」,以自然生態資源聞名,登島費 100 元;南部避暑勝地「藤 枝國家森林風景區」,採人數管制且須預約申請;身為戰地祕境的「金門大膽島」, 亦採人數管制且須預約申請。趕快安排時間,前往探險吧! After the renovation for many years, there are three attractions be reopened. Keelung Island is also known as the dragon pearl of Taiwan. It’s famous for natural ecological resources. The entrance fee is NT$100. If you want to visit the summer resort in south Taiwan, Tengzhi National Forest Recreation Area, and the secret battlefield, Kinmen Dadan Island, you must to make a reservation in advance. They have controlled the number of people. Schedule your time and go for an adventure!


霧峰林家是清朝時代福建陸路提督林文察一 族的宅第,1858年開始興建,在各代子孫的 增修下,發展為全臺最完整、最龐大、最精 緻的建築群。 霧峰林家宅第揉合了傳統漳州、泉州、福 州、洋式及唐式的風格,研究臺灣古蹟多年 的李乾朗教授曾讚道:「霧峰林家就像臺灣 傳統建築的百科全書。」 由衷希望能將屬於我們這塊土地上的共同回 憶與文化,傳遞給每位來訪貴賓。 Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden was built in 1858, Qing dynasty by the provincial military commander of Fukien area, Wenqin Lin. After his descendants did the extra construction, it became the most complete, delicate and largest architectural complex in Taiwan.

教科書沒教的歷史 李崗耗時五年為台灣拍一部屬於台灣自己的歷史,他說: 「要知道自己的過去,你才能面對自己的未來;若你知道霧 峰林家,等同知道台灣一半的歷史」。

大花廳∼百年歌劇院 百年戲台如何傳音?藻井內藏牡丹花是何作用?這戲台下 竟有個擴音器,還不插電的!

The style of Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden is a combination of traditional Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Fuzhou, western and Tang style. Professor Li,Qian-Lang, who researches historical site for many years, once said Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden was like an encyclopedia of Taiwan traditional architecture. We sincerely hope that we could share the memories and cultures of our land with every visitor.

您應該要知道的古蹟百科全書 園區另提供團體專人導覽解說及英日文導覽 服務,歡迎來電預約洽詢。



The guided tour for groups is available in Chinese, English and Japanese. Please contact us for more information.

穿越百年古蹟成為故事裡的主角,漫步於電影中場景,邀 您親身體驗百年前的絕代風華。


洽詢電話:04-2331-7985 http://wufenglins.com.tw/

Travel information

台南貨櫃屋公園,親子活動新景點。 New attraction for family-Tainan Container House Park 位於台南永康區大同街的「台南貨櫃公園」,預計於今年 4 月底前開始試營運! 以 40 個貨櫃堆砌的園區,占地 640 坪,分為建築設計中心、教育中心、兒童天地、 複合美食街等四大區塊,其中有小朋友喜歡的卡丁車、溜滑梯、滑草坡、攀岩場 等遊樂設施,絕對是值得期待的親子新樂園喔。 A trial run of Tainan Container House Park in Datong Street, Yongkang District, Tainan, is going to begin before the end of April! It covers an area of 2,116 square meters. There are 40 container houses in the park, include Architectural design center, Education Center, Children's World, Complex Food Court and amusement facilities such as Go Kart, slide, grass ski slope and climbing area.

台中期間限定,CP 皇后鎮市集。 Limited-Time CP Queenstown Market in Taichung 位於台中市南區忠明南路的「CP 皇后鎮」,屬於期間限定的藝術市集(即日起 至 10 月 31 日),未來為建案基地。目前,將廢棄工廠重新打造,規劃一樓市集 區、二樓美食廣場,戶外則有卡丁車、露天市集、彩繪貨櫃,以及獨棟的京都市集, 記得把握時間,一訪全新市集景點。 CP Queenstown Market, located in Zhongming South Road, South District, Taichung City, is a limited-time art market. The period is from now on to October 31st. It is a base for construction in the future. The abandoned factory was rebuilt. First floor is planned for market and second floor is food court. You can see Go Kart, flea market, colorful container house and Kyoto Market in the open air.






Moving Star Hotel

Icloud Luxury Resort & Hotel

星動銀河 旅站是一間機 器人主題旅 館,融入了星 際旅人的設計 項目,銀河的 浩瀚無涯,刻 劃出過旅商客們的美好回憶。地點位於台中市市 區中心點,臨近台中火車站、台中公園自行開車 或是搭乘大眾交通工具都很方便。 Moving Star Hotel is a robot-themed hotel. It is incorporated the design project of star traveler. The vast and infinite galaxy engraves the memories of travelers. The location is near Taichung Train Station and Taichung Park at the central part of Taichung City. Going there by car or public transportation is convenient. +886-4-22258800 / 台中市中區自由路二段66號 No.66,Sec.2,Ziyou Rd.,Central Dist.,Taichung City

必住 飯店

成旅晶贊飯店 ( 台中民權 ) Park City Hotels

水雲端旗艦概念旅館、雲河概念旅館位於台 中都會區,鄰近逢甲商圈、交流道;擁有戶外浴 池、KTV視聽設備等,可體驗百變生活。 Icloud Luxury Resort & Hotel and Uher Luxury Resort & Hotel are located near Fengjia Night Market and interchange. They both have outdoor swimming pools and KTV equipments for guests.

必住 旅館

渦水道 +886-4-24525678 / 台中市西屯區青海南街159號 No.159, Qinghai S. St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City


Yong Yue Hotel 結合時尚風雅的設計理念,展現多元化的風 格。別出心裁的樓層設計及客房選擇,每次入住 宛如進入童話故事般,令人驚豔、深感愉悅。 The design concept fusing chic and elegance expresses diverse styles. Carefully-crafted floor design and guest rooms transpose you to a fairytale every time you check in here, leaving you feeling pleasantly stunned and deeply pleased.

以自然、舒適、活力、便捷,帶給消費者時尚 旅遊的新感受。鄰近台中車站、台中州廳、台中 公園,無論洽公或旅遊,都是最好的選擇。 With natural surroundings and comfortable facilities, it provides energetic tours and a convenient stay for consumers to experience a whole-new way of fashionable travel. Located near the TRA Taichung Station, Taichung City Hall and Taichung Park, the hotel can be the best choice for a business trip or private travel. +886-4-22235678 / 台中市中區民權路66號 No.66, Minquan Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-22911166 / 台中市北區北平路一段6號 No.6, Sec. 1, Beiping Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 21




Horizon space creative design 設計,是一門藝術,運用線條切割比例,延伸 出創意思維為主軸,結合『科技、綠能、時尚、 簡約、人文』的基因元素,創造出獨特的空間美 學。 Design, is a kind of art. Using the ratio of line cutting to extend creative thoughts. Taking that as main consideration and combining elements such as technology, green energy, fashion, simple design and humanities to create the unique aesthetics of space.


TA CHEN FONG UMBRELLA Co., Ltd. 大振豐出品的傘具,兼具美感與實用性,傘骨 輕盈、具備防風及傘布具有抗紫外線的效果,多 樣化的傘具種類,還有多種花色可自行挑選,讓 傘除了遮陽避雨的功能性外,更成為塑造個人風 格的時尚配件。 A variety of umbrellas with various colors and patterns, allowing it to become a fashionable accessory of personal style besides sun blocking and rain sheltering functions.

必買 雨傘

+886-4-24728758 / 台中市西區向上南路一段176號2樓 2F., No.176, Sec. 1, Xiangshang Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-22317689 / 台中市北屯區太原路三段1160號 No.1160, Sec. 3, Taiyuan Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City


SHOU NICHI DOU YAKINIKU 德國紅點大獎的昭日堂燒肉是台中最豪華的燒 肉與火鍋餐廳,店內最知名的就是七國燒肉,一 次讓你品嘗到七個國家的風味燒肉。


Shou Nichi Dou, winner of the German Red Dot Design Award, is the most luxurious Japanese BBQ and hot pot restaurant in Taichung. Our specialty is “Grilling Around the World,” where the chef chose seven different meats combined with different flavors from around the world.

車隊擁有歐規、日規達30多輛大巴、中巴等車 型,服務層面更擴增為國民旅遊、社團出遊、自由 行包車、學校交通車等多元化服務,深獲好評。 The fleet includes more than 30 European standard, Japanese standard tour buses and minibuses. Chuan Yu Transportation offers service for national tour, group trip and charter service for independent visitor. It can also be school bus. It’s highly praised and appreciated by the consuming public. +886-4-2247-1536 / 台中市北屯區松竹北路109號 No. 109, Songzhu N. Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 22

+886-4 2323 6833 / 台中市南屯區大墩十一街345號 No.345, Dadun 11th St., Nantun Dist., Taichung City

必逛 園區



星月大地休閒景觀園區 Star Moon Land

星月大地位於大安溪河階地形制高點,不必登 高山即可一覽山海空美景。園區提供餐飲、露營 及住宿,是現代人放鬆的不二選擇! Star Moon Camp Site is located on the apex of the Daan River terrace. You don’t have to climb up a mountain to overlook the splendid view of the mountains and sea. Meals and refreshments are provided in the park. It is an ideal place for camping and loading to relax your body and soul. +886-4-26831671 / 台中市后里區月眉北路486號 No.486, Yuemei N. Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City Open/ 10:00am-01:00am

綠大地露營咖啡農場 Greenlandcamping

位在新社大甲溪畔上第一美景設有各式露營區 豐富生態園區,適合悠閒親子渡假的好地方。 It is located in the Dajia Riverside of Xinshe. There are different kinds of camping area and abundant ecological park. It's the good place for family trip.


The Sun Hot Spring & Resort 共81間精緻套房、湯屋、大眾湯、蒸氣室及三 溫暖,泉質為PH 7.6、40℃的碳酸氫鈉泉,給您 深層的舒緩,回歸最初純淨。 There are 81 exquisite guest rooms in total, plus SPA facilities like public/private hot spring, steam room and Jacuzzi. The hot spring here belongs to sodium bicarbonate chloride springs with a temperature of 40℃ and a pH of 7.6, deeply soothing and able to restore your primordial purity. +886-4-22399000 / 台中市北屯區東山路二段光西巷78號 No. 78, Guangsi Lane, Sec.2, Dongshan Rd, Beitun District. Taichung City

愛麗絲國際大飯店 AERIS-HOTEL

藝術家郭彥甫:「繪畫就是我的生活,像空氣 一樣重要。」精選畫冊、屬於孩子們的繪本,大 廳展示著藝術、人文與設計選書,知性的氛圍就 如藝術家,長住於愛麗絲套房中,藝術創作繆思 的泉源。 The artist, Yanfu Guo said, Painting is my life, and it’s as important as the air.collection of picture album, the picture book belongs to children. The book of art, humanities and design is displayed in the hall. The intellectual atmosphere is like an artist. Long staying in the Alice Suite is the source of your artistic creation.


+886-4-22390991 / 台中市新社區慶西里上坪4-6號 No.4-6, Shangping, Xinshe Dist., Taichung City


+886-4-23770188 / 台中市西區柳川西路二段77號 No.77, Sec. 2, Liuchuan W. Rd., West Dist., Taichung City http://www.aeris-hotel.com/ 23


STEAM玩 出 新 未 來

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4 20



日期 上午10:00-下午17:00


讀創生活市集 3

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詳情請上官方網站 掃描下方QR Code


指導單位 合作夥伴


主辦單位 星巴克


廣告 林務局


小鎮漫遊 Ramble in small towns

竹北濱海漫遊 享受山海風光 Ramble on beach of Zhubei and enjoy the gorgeous scenery

從竹北市都會區往西30 分鐘,即可抵達竹北海岸。這裡除了紅樹林和新月沙灣 外,鄰近的鳳崎落日登山步道,亦是登高望海、賞夕陽的熱門選擇。來竹北濱海 玩,好好! It takes 30 minutes from Zhubei metropolitan area to the western Zhubei beach. There are some famous attractions, such as mangrove and New Moon Beach. Feng Qi Sunset Trail is also a great place for watching sea and sunset.



新月沙灣 New Moon Beach 鳳崎落日登山步道 Feng Qi Sunset Trail

0.3km 拔子窟烏魚養殖區 Ba Zi Ku mullet aquaculture zone

蓮花寺 Lotus Temple

0.25km 竹北市海岸育樂中心 Zhubei City Coastal Recreation Center

2km 原生林保護區 Original Forest Protected Area

0.75km 五賢宮 Wusian Temple

2.5km 1.5km



紅樹林生態景觀區 Mangrove Ecological Scenic Area

東 離島

新月沙灣|New Moon Beach

*2019.7.4~7.6舉辦「新月沙灘海洋音樂嘉年華」 New Moon Music Festival 2019/07/04~07/06 擁有平緩細緻的白沙海岸,適合玩沙戲水、散步 觀海,推薦落日時分前來觀賞夕陽美景。※請留意 自身安全,現場備有簡易沖洗設施。 It is suitable to playing in the sand and water, and taking a walk at Baisha Beach. To enjoy watching sunset there is also a good choice.※ Watch for your own safety. There are simple shower facilities on site.

竹北市鳳岡路五段155巷底 The end of Ln. 155, Sec. 5, Fenggang Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County

拔子窟烏魚養殖區 ∣ Ba Zi Ku mullet aquaculture zone

北部最具規模的烏魚養殖區,十一月有 烏魚季,七月則有白蝦、草蝦可以來產地 購買,另有數家觀光休閒海釣場提供釣魚 體驗。

竹北市鳳岡路五段155巷兩側 Both sides of Ln. 155, Sec. 5, Fenggang Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County

It is the largest mullet aquaculture zone in north Taiwan. The mullet festival is in November. You can buy white shrimp and tiger prawn here in July. There are also several fishing grounds that you can experience fishing.

竹北市海岸育樂中心 ∣ Zhubei City Coastal Recreation Center

距新月沙灣約五百公尺,為遊客 服務中心,設有飲水機、廁所和海線 景點介紹,提供遊客諮詢、休憩的服 務。 This visitor center is about 500 meters far from New Moon Beach. I t o ff e r s d r i n k i n g f o u n t a i n , +886-3-5562713 bathroom and introduction of 竹北市鳳岡路五段155巷51弄20號 No. 20, Aly. 51, Ln. 155, Sec. 5, Fenggang Rd., Zhubei City, coast line attractions. Hsinchu County


小鎮漫遊 Ramble in small towns

五賢宮 ∣ Wusian Temple

供奉朱、吳、清三府王爺,相傳神像為清 嘉慶年間漂流來台,居民為其建廟,現今仍 為竹北濱海地區的信仰中心。

It worships Zhu Fu Wang Ye, Wu Fu Wang Ye and Qing Fu Wang Ye. It is said that the statues were drifting to Taiwan during the Jiaqing period of Qing dynasty. The residents built the temple for them. It is the faith center for people in the coastal area of +886-3-5561035 Zhubei. 竹北市鳳岡路五段57巷72號 No. 72, Ln. 57, Sec. 5, Fenggang Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County

紅樹林生態景觀區 ∣ Mangrove Ecological Scenic Area

在竹北市公所和在地居民的復育下,於濱海河 口保有一整片紅樹林生態區,並建有木棧步道, 可以近距離觀察紅樹林、兩棲生物和魚蝦類。 Under the ecological restoration of Zhubei City Office and local residents, mangrove ecological area is well preserved. You can observe mangrove, amphibian, fish and shrimp on the wooden path. 竹北市港安街二段與漁寮街交界處 The junction of Sec. 2, Gang’an St. and Yuliao St., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County

原生林保護區 ∣ Original Forest Protected Area

海岸堆積所形成的沙丘,生長木麻 黃、朴樹、黃槿等濱海植物,成為茂密 原生林,具生態教育意義,亦適合散 步、騎單車。

竹北市鳳岡路五段415巷內 Ln. 415, Sec. 5, Fenggang Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County


Horsetail Tree,Chinese Hackberry, Cuban Bast and other seashore plants grow on marine deposition sand dune. It has the meaning of ecological education. It is also suitable for walking and cycling.

東 離島

蓮花寺 ∣ Lotus Temple

寺內主祀神祗為觀世音菩薩,為海線地區的 信仰中心,又因位於臨海的鳳岡山上,不少遊 客前來眺望台灣海峽。寺前備有停車場和蓮花 寺環山步道,亦是鳳崎登山步道的端點之一。 It worships Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. It is the faith center in coast line. Visitors come here to overlook Taiwan Strait. There are parking lot in front of the temple and the lotus temple mountain trail. It is also one +886-3-5561805 an end point of Feng Qi 竹北市蓮花路925號 Sunset Trail. No. 925, Lianhua Rd., Zhubei City

鳳崎落日登山步道 ∣ Feng Qi Sunset Trail

步道兩端分別為竹北蓮花 寺和新豐天德堂,全長約三公 里,步道大多以石板鋪設,平 緩好走,沿途有遼望台、涼亭 和體健場,最大特色是可遠眺 夕陽入海的絢爛景色。

竹北市蓮花路925號(蓮花寺)旁 Next to Lotus Temple (No. 925, Lianhua Rd., Zhubei City)

Both ends of the trail are Zhubei Lotus Temple and Xin Feng Tian De Hall. Its total length is about 3 kilometers. The trails are mostly paved with slate, therefore, smooth and good for walking on it. There are observatory, pavilion and sports complex along the trail. You can overlook the scenery of the sunset and the sea.


小鎮漫遊 Ramble in small towns

推薦資訊 喜木咖啡 ∣ Ximu Coffee


隱身在巷弄中的咖啡廳,大片落地窗可欣 賞窗外稻田景色,供應咖啡、茶飲和輕食。 Ximu Coffee is hidden in the alley. You can see the view of the rice fields through the large French window. They offer coffee, tea and light food. +886-3-5560799 竹北市鳳岡路二段422號 No. 422, Sec. 2, Fenggang Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County

勇勝冰菓店 ∣Yongsheng Ice and Fruit Splits Shop

開業四十多年的在地冰店,以古法製作,鳳梨紅 豆牛奶和花生牛奶最為熱門。 The local ice and fruit splits shop has been open for 40 years. They made ice in traditional way. Pineapple red bean milk flavor +886-3-5561591 and peanut milk 竹北市鳳岡路三段392號 No. 392, Sec. 3, Fenggang Rd., Zhubei City, flavor are the Hsinchu County most popular.

香草微風田園廚房 ∣ Vanilla Breeze Garden Kitchen

位於稻田中央的義式餐廳,主打手工麵包、 現烤披薩、義大利麵和排餐。※須提前預約。 It is an Italian restaurant located in the middle of the rice field. The signature dishes are handmade bread, fresh baked pizza, pasta and steak. ※By reservation only.

+886-3-5565028 竹北市白地街496巷221弄16號 No. 16, Aly. 221, Ln. 496, Baidi St., Zhubei City 30

東 離島

福樂休閒漁村 ∣ Fu Le Fishing Village

主推烏魚子創意料理,以台式桌菜為主,適合 家庭、團體聚餐。※須提前預約。 The signature dish is mullet roe creative cuisine. They mainly offer Taiwanese family cuisine. It is suitable for family and +886-3-5562690 group gathering. 竹北市鳳岡路五段155巷65弄86號 ※By reservation only

No. 86, Aly. 65, Ln. 155, Sec. 5, Fenggang Rd., Zhubei City

水月休閒藍鯨魚寮 ∣ Shui Yue leisure blue whale fish house

養殖各式魚類,讓鮮魚從產地直接到餐桌, 變成創意十足的異國料理。※須提前預約。 They breed all kinds of fish and make creative exotic cuisine dishes with fresh fish. ※By reservation only

+886-3-5565577 竹北市西濱路一段69巷51號 No. 51, Ln. 69, Sec. 1, Xibin Rd., Zhubei City

東海萊姆園 ∣Tunghai Lime Garden

園內萊姆採有機栽植,不僅可直接食用,更可 釀醋、製成飲品及果乾。 The organic lime can be eaten directly. It can also be ingredient for vinegar, drink and dried fruit. +886-3-5563646 竹北市港安街二段130號 No. 130, Sec. 2, Gang’an St., Zhubei City

新月塘 ∣ Xin Yue Tang

提供以海水養殖的台灣鯛料理,亦有海鮮燒烤、 啤酒飲料、輕食點心等餐點可選擇。※須提前預約。 Offer marine snapper dishes. There are also grilled seafood, beer, beverage, and light food or snacks. ※ Please order in advance.

+886-3-5561118 竹北市鳳岡路五段155巷76弄56號 No. 56, Aly. 76, Ln. 155, Sec. 5, Fenggang Rd., Zhubei City


小鎮漫遊 Ramble in small towns

漫遊高屏經典小鎮與原民部落 Slow Travel in Classic Towns and Tribes in Kaohsiung and Pingtung 2019小鎮漫遊年,茂林國家風景區管理處精心規劃高屏山麓四大主題遊程,讓旅人 拋開城市步調,遊小鎮體驗慢生活。 Response to 2019 Taiwan Small Town Ramble, Maolin National Scenic Area Administration has planned 4 theme tours of Kaohsiung and Pingtung foothill. Slow down the tempo of your life and enjoy slow movement.

高雄美濃|Kaohsiung Meinong District

經典小鎮,體驗客家文化。 Experience Hakka culture in classic towns. 體驗客家藍衫 Experience traditional Hakka blue blouse 欣賞在地門樓和夥房古蹟 Enjoy local gate and ancient homestead 大啖客家粄條 Eat Hakka rice noodles 行程內容Itinerary


以客家文化聞名的美濃,入選2019經典小鎮,擁 有清朝時期的東門樓,以及傳統客家建築鍾家夥房 和林氏祠堂,此外,還能參觀象徵客家精神的藍衫 老店,並品嚐傳統美食粄條。

參觀藍衫老店 Visit blue blouse old store

Meinong is selected as 2019 classic town. There are East Gate Tower of Qing Dynasty, traditional Hakka architecture, Chung's homestead, and Lin's Ancient House. Moreover, you can visit Hakka blue blouse old store and try traditional Hakka rice noodles.

粄條街用餐 Dine in Hakka rice noodles street

參觀東門樓 Visit East Gate Tower

參觀夥房 Visit ancient homestead

東 離島

高雄桃源 寶山部落|Kaohsiung Taoyuan District-Pausan Tribe

山之道!品味部落野趣茶席。 Taste native mountain tea of the tribe. 冬季賞櫻勝地 Winter cherry blossom viewing resort 全臺第一原住民原生山茶體驗聚落 The only Taiwan Native Mountain Tea experience tribe in Taiwan 品茗臺灣原生山茶 Taste Taiwan Native Mountain Tea 寶山部落為春季賞櫻祕境,更擁有日治時期的原生山茶樹,如今已發展為有機茶 園。除了品嚐部落野菜和竹筒飯外,來到茶園裡的茶席,享用布農族特有的「三石 灶」起炭烹茶,絕對是獨特的部落體驗! Pausan Tribe is the secret place for cherry blossom viewing in spring. There are also native Camellia Trees of Japanese colonial period here. Now it became organic tea garden. Besides taste edible wild herbs and tube rice pudding, you can come to tea garden and try the tea that cooked with Sanshizao (the meaning is build a stove with three stones). It is the specific tradition of Bunun. 行程內容 Itinerary

相見歡 Meet each other

部落野趣茶席 Taste native mountain tea

報名資訊 Registration Information

櫻花步道 Cherry blossom trail

風味餐 Delicious meal

寶山社區發展協會 Chairman of Pausan Community Development Association 曾理事長 Mr. Tzeng +886-(0)972-009094 *6人成團,可依據旅遊需求與停留時間作安排。 *Departure with minimum 6 people. It can be arranged according to travel demand and staying time.


小鎮漫遊 Ramble in small towns

屏東霧臺 神山部落|Pingtung Wutai-Shenshan Tribe

SABAU!愛上部落廚藝學校。 SABAU! Fall in love with tribal cooking school. 全臺首創部落廚藝學校 The first tribal cooking school in Taiwan 食農教育產地旅遊 Tourist place of Food Agriculture Education 俯瞰全臺最高橋樑 Watching the tallest bridge in Taiwan 全臺最高的霧臺谷川大橋,是進入神山部落之中繼站,於此可眺望優美山景。另神 山獨有的部落廚藝學校,由族人帶領遊客至秘境農地採收食材後,邊做菜邊品嚐!另 有月亮吊飾等DIY體驗可以選擇。 The tallest bridge in Taiwan, Wutai Guchuan Bridge, is the relay station to enter Shenshan Tribe. There is a unique tribal cooking school. People from the tribe will lead travelers to secret farm to collect ingredients and make dishes. You can also DIY moon decoration. 行程內容 Itinerary

霧臺谷川大橋 Wutai Guchuan Bridge

神山部落巡禮 Shenshan Tribe Tour

報名資訊 Registration Information


部落廚藝學校 Tribal cooking school


神山社區發展協會 Shenshan Community Development Association 劉小姐 Ms.Liu +886-(0)912-136697 *10人成團,可依據旅遊需求與停留時間作安排。 *Departure with minimum 10 people. It can be arranged according to travel demand and staying time.

東 離島

屏東三地門 安坡部落|Pingtung Sandimen-Djineljepan Tribe

屏北騎跡 用單車記錄部落風景。 Record tribal scenery by riding bicycle. 乘騎碳纖維自行車 Ride carbon fiber bike 造訪童玩王國-安坡部落 Visit Kingdom of Retro Toys-Djineljepan Tribe 來此乘騎碳纖維自行車,欣賞山林部落景緻。中午享用排灣族風味餐和傳統點心。 安坡部落有著「童玩王國」的美名,以傳統智慧改良100多種童玩,遊客得以體驗原 趣童玩手作,並可安排部落深度導覽。 You can experience ride carbon fiber bike through the mountain tribes. Then have delicious food of Paiwan and traditional snacks for lunch. Djineljepan Tribe is also known as Kingdom of Retro Toys. It is possible to experience more than 100 child toys that have improved with traditional wisdom. In addition, you can have a tour in Djineljepan Tribe. 行程內容 Itinerary

「初魯克」DIY和風味餐 ”Chuluke” DIY meal 乘騎碳纖維自行車 Ride carbon fiber bike

安坡部落巡禮 Djineljepan Tribe Tour

安坡部落童玩體驗 Experience child toys at Djineljepan Tribe

報名資訊 Registration Information 屏東縣原鄉藝文產業聯盟推廣會 +886-(0)8-7959202 Pingtung Original County Art and Cultural Industry Alliance Promotion Conference *4人/20人成團,可依據旅遊需求與停留時間作安排。 *Departure with minimum 4 or 20 people. It can be arranged according to travel demand and staying time.


廣告 ※ 照片由茂林國家風景區管理處提供。The photos are provided by Maolin National Scenic Area Administration.


Seasonal Selection

Watching Tung Blossom in attractions around Taiwan 油桐樹為客家人早年的重要經濟作物,如今成為遊客每年四、五月必要追 尋的花開饗宴,全台尤以桃園、新竹、苗栗的客家庄開得最為繁盛。來吧, 一起賞四月雪! Tung Trees were an important cash crop for Hakkanese in early days. Now it became the feast for visitors in every April and May. The Tung Blossoms of Hakka Village in Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli are the most prosperous. Come and enjoy watching “April Snow”!


Attractions for watching Tung Blossom in Northern Taiwan

除了新北市的郊區外,桃園集中在龍潭、楊梅和大溪;新竹地區多為 客家庄,常常能於步道或風景區的山林間,看見桐花的身影。 Except in the suburb of New Taipei City, you can see Tung Blossom mainly in Longtan, Yangmei and Daxi of Taoyuan. There are many Hakka villages in Hsinchu. It’s easy to see Tung Blossom when you walk on hiking trail or the mountains in scenic areas.


New Taipei

深坑 Shenkeng │萬福桐花公園 Wanfu Ecological Park 石碇 Shiding │風露嘴桐花步道 Fengluzui trail 瑞芳 Ruifang │上天粗坑口步道 Shangtian Tsukengkou Trail │四腳亭登山步道 Sijiaoting Hiking Trail 新店 Xindian │二叭子植物園 Erbazi Botanical Garden 土城 Tucheng │桐花公園 Tung Blossom Park │承天禪寺步道 Chengtian Buddhist Temple




龍潭 Longtan │桃園市客家文化館 Taoyuan Hakka Cultural Museum │小粗坑古道 Xiaocukeng Historic Trail │三坑自行車道 Sankeng Biking Trail 楊梅 Yangmei │東森山林桐花步道 Dongsen Tung Blossom Forest Hiking Trail 大溪 Dasi │大溪花海農場 Da Shee Blooming Oasis │大艽芎古道 Dajiaoqiong Historic Trail



湖口 Hukou │仁和步道 Renhe Trail 新埔 Sinpu │九芎湖步道 Jiuqionghu Trails │巨埔農場 Jupu Farm 芎林 Cyonglin │鹿寮坑桐花步道 Luliaokeng Tung Blossom Trails 寶山 Baoshan │迴龍步道 Huilong Trail │寶山水庫 Baoshan Reservoir 竹東 Jhudong │竹東圳桐花步道 Zhudongzun Tung Flower Trail 橫山 Hengshan │大山背人文生態館 Dashanbei Humanity House 峨眉 Emei │獅頭山風景區 Shitoushan Scenic Area │十二寮休閒農業區 Shiherliao Recreational Agriculture Area


Attractions for watching Tung Blossom in central Taiwan

中台灣桐花最盛開的地方就是苗栗,只要有客家聚落多能看見桐花,如: 銅鑼、三義、頭屋等,遠遠就能欣賞雪白的山頭;台中六分桐花步道還能欣 賞高鐵經過;彰化以八卦山為主,週邊登山步道都是最佳賞花路徑;南投是 全台桐花最早開花的區域之一,多位於深山步道裡。 In central Taiwan, most of the Tung Blossom bloom in Miaoli. You will see Tung Blossom in most of the Hakka villages. In Taichung Liu Fen Tung Blossom Trail, you can even enjoy watching high speed rail passing by. The best place for watching Tung Blossom in Changhua is the hiking trail around Mt. Bagua. Nantou is one of the areas where Tung Blossom bloom earliest.



Seasonal Selection

通霄 Tongsiao │挑鹽古道 Tiaoyan Historic Trail


頭屋 Touwu │夢幻桐花步道 The Wonderland Tung Blossom Trail


銅鑼 Tongluo │天空自行車步道 A bicycle trail in the sky │桐花樂活公園 Tung Blossom LOHAS Park、客家大院 Hakka plaza


三義 Sanyi │四月雪賞桐步道 Snow in April Tung Blossom Trail


│西湖渡假村 West Lake Resort │挑柴古道 Tiaochai Historic Trail、挑炭古道 Tiaotan Historic Trail

東勢 Dongshi │東勢林場 Dongshi Forest Farm 外埔 Waipu │永豐桐花步道 Yongfeng Village Tung Blossom Hiking Trail 新社 Xinshe │沐心泉 Spring Mountain 彰化市 Changhua City │東外環賞桐步道 East Circumferential Tung Blossom Trail


│福田賞桐生態園區 Futian Community


│八卦山稜線步道 Bagua Ridgeline Trail 芬園 Fenyuan │挑水古道 Tiaoshui Historic Trail、崎路仔步道 Qiluzi Hiking Trail

國姓 Guosing │二十粒路段桐花步道 Ershili Tung Blossom Trail 埔里 Puli │牛耳藝術渡假村 New Era Art Resort 水里 Shueili │益則坑桐花步道 Yizekeng Tung Blossom Trail



魚池 Yuchih │生態油桐花步道 Yuchi Ecological Tung Blossom Trail

雲林 Yunlin

古坑 Gukeng │ 荷苞桐花公園 Hebao Mountain Hiking Trail


Attractions for watching Tung Blossom in Southern Taiwan

嘉義 Chiayi

嘉義市 Chiayi City │ 圓林仔桐花步道 Yuanlinzi Tung Blossom Trail


雖然南部桐花較少,古坑和 嘉義市仍有桐花蹤影。 Although there are fewer Tung Blossom in Southern Taiwan, but you can still see them in Gukeng Township and Chiayi City.


Attractions for watching Tung Blossom in Eastern Taiwan

東部桐花景點分散,宜蘭以礁溪為主,台東集中在鹿野,花蓮亦有幾處,其中 美崙山公園步道位於花蓮市區,方便可達。 The attractions of watching Tung Blossom in Eastern Taiwan are dispersed in different areas, such as Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County and Luye Township, Taitung County. There are several places in Hualien. Meilunshan Park Trail is located in downtown area of Hualian city. The transportation is convenient. 礁溪 Jiaosi │林美桐花石磐步道 The Shipan Trail of Linmei Village




│五峰旗風景區 Wufengqi Scenic Area


冬山 Dongshan │仁山植物園 Renshan Botanic Garden

基隆市 臺北市 桃園縣

花蓮市 Hualien │美崙山公園步道 Meilunshan Park Trail 鳳林 Fenglin │鳳林鎮水源地 Source of Water, Fenglin


瑞穗 Rueisuei │興泉圳腳踏車步道 Xingquan Waterway Bicycle Trail


新竹縣 苗栗縣




Taitung 彰化縣

鹿野 Luye │龍田桐花大道 Longtian Tung Flower Boulevard




嘉義市 嘉義縣


Attractions for watching Tung Blossom

臺南市 高雄市 臺東縣





Tung Blossom

跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤


客家大院 Hakka Residence

・ 營業時間:一至五08:00-17:00 六、日08:00-17:30

Opening hours:Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 Sat & Sun 08:00-17:30

苗栗縣銅鑼鄉龍泉15號 No. 15, Longquan, Tongluo Township, Miaoli County



Hebaoshan Tung Blossom Park

・ 開放時間:24小時

Opening hours:24HR

雲林縣古坑鄉荷苞村 Hebaocuo, Gukeng Township, Yunlin County



Sanxia Yuan Wei Mountain Qingjing Farm

・ 開放時間:24小時

Opening hours:24HR

新北市三峽區大同路286巷 Ln. 286, Datong Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City



Following internet celebrities to travel


甘家堡桐花森林 新北市土城

New Taipei City Tucheng

・ 開放時間:24小時

Opening hours:24HR

Gan-Jia-Bao Tung Blossom Forest

・ 營業時間:六、日08:00-18:00

Opening hours:Sat & Sun 08:00-18:00

桃園市龍潭區八德里德湖街156巷81號 No. 81, Ln. 156, Dehu St., Longtan Dist., Taoyuan City

新北市土城區Tucheng Dist., New Taipei City

r.ii.s.a ying____jun

大溪花海農場 鹿寮坑桐花步道

Lu-Liao-Keng Tung Blossom Trail

・ 開放時間:24小時

Ta Shee Blooming Oasis

・ 營業時間:09:00-17:00

Opening hours:09:00-17:00

Opening hours:24HR

新竹縣芎林鄉五和街241號 No. 241, Wuhe St., Qionglin Township, Hsinchu County

桃園市大溪區復興路一段1093巷27號 No. 27, Ln. 1093, Sec. 1, Fuxing Rd., Daxi Dist., Taoyuan City


Seasonal Selection



「火金姑」可以說是最美的期間限定!每年三月下旬至六月的夜晚,螢火 蟲紛紛於傍晚落日後湧現,飛舞森林草叢間。全台賞螢祕境可不少,懶人包 在此大公開! Fireflies can be said to be the most beautiful limited edition scenery! You can see fireflies after the sunset every night from late March to June. Here are the secret places for firefly watching!

台北 北部賞螢祕境


Secret places for firefly watching in Northern Taiwan

北部賞螢景點,集中於台北近郊 山區,若以方便性來說,和美山只 要搭乘捷運至新店站就可抵達,是 輕鬆賞螢的好地點;新竹則以內灣 東窩溪和北埔冷泉為主。 In Northern Taiwan, the secret places for fireflies watching are mainly in mountain area in the suburbs of Taipei. Watching fireflies in Hemei mountain is a good choice. You can arrive there by taking the MRT to Xindian Station. In Hsinchu, you can go to Dongwo River in Neiwan and Beipu cold spring. 42

新店 Xindian │和美山 Her Mei Shan 烏來 Wulai │雲仙樂園 Yun-Hsien Park 土城 Tucheng │承天禪寺 Chengtian Temple │桐花公園 Tung Blossom Park 平溪 Pingxi │平溪老街 Pingxi Old Street 士林 Shihlin │陽明山 YangMingshan



橫山 Hengshan │內灣東窩溪 Neiwan Dongwo River 北埔 Beipu │北埔冷泉 Beipu Cold Spring


Secret places for firefly watching in central Taiwan

中部賞螢景點,苗栗以三義、南庄、卓蘭一帶為主,可洽詢當地民宿相關 遊程;台中以東勢沿線的森林遊樂區和休閒農業區最多,高海拔地區可到八 仙山和大雪山;南投搭配白天景點能規畫三條主題遊程,埔里 / 魚池線可以順 遊日月潭搭船賞湖,鹿谷線可以品茶、爬溪頭、遊妖怪村,仁愛線可以擁抱 大自然,享受森林芬多精。 The attractions for firefly watching in Miaoli County are mainly in Sanyi, Nanzhuang and Zhuolan. Please contact local guesthouse for the itinerary. There are many forest recreation and leisure agriculture areas along Dongshi District, Taichung City. If you are looking for high altitudes area, you can go to Baxian Mountain and Dasyue Mountain. In Nantou, there are three theme itineraries for your reference. Puli and Yuchi line – take boat and enjoy the lake view in Sun Moon Lake is also a good choice. 苗栗 Lugu line – you can taste tea, go hiking in Xitou and visit Miaoli Xitou Monster Village. Ren-ai line – embrace the nature and enjoy Phytoncide. 南庄 Nanzhuang、卓蘭 Zhuolan 三義 Sanyi │西湖渡假村 West Lake Resort、 │勝興車站 Sheng-Hsing Train Station



東勢 Dongshi │東勢林場 Dongshi Forest Farm │軟埤坑休閒農業區 Ruanbikeng Agricultural Leisure Area │梨之鄉休閒農業區 Pears Homeland



和平 Heping │八仙山國家森林遊樂區 Basianshan National Forest Recreation Area │大雪山社區 DaSyueShan Community 新社 Xinshe、大坑 Dakeng

鹿谷 Lugu │鳳凰谷鳥園 Fonghuanggu Bird Park、麒麟潭 Qilin Lake、三生緣 San Sheng Yuan Area 埔里 Puli │桃米社區 Taomi Community 魚池 Yuchih │日月潭 SunMoonLake、蓮華池 Lianhuachi 仁愛 Ren-ai │惠蓀林場 Huisun Forest Area、奧萬大 Aowanda 43


Seasonal Selection


Secret places for firefly watching in Southern Taiwan

南部賞螢景點,以阿里山為主,而嘉義梅山和竹崎也有不錯的螢火蟲 數;雲林以古坑和草嶺最多,可搭配民宿套裝遊程;台南有梅嶺和新化; 高雄那瑪夏區每年都會舉辦賞螢季,也是熱門地點。屏東以恆春、墾丁 為主,白天玩水晚上賞螢,屬於屏東獨家特色! In Southern Taiwan, people usually go to Alishan for firefly watching. Fireflies can be seen in Meishan and Zhuqi Township of Chiayi County. In Yunlin County, most of the fireflies appear in Gukeng Township and Caoling village. Visitor can contact guesthouses for the information of package tour. In Tainan, fireflies appear in Meiling and Xinhua. Namasia District in Kaohsiung City, holds Firefly Festival every year. In Hengchun Township and Kenting, playing in the water at daytime and watching fireflies at nighttime is the unique feature of Pingtung!

雲林 Yunlin

嘉義 Chiayi

古坑 Gukeng │華山 Huashan、草嶺 Caoling

梅山 Meishan、阿里山 Alishan、竹崎 Zhuqi

台南 Tainan




楠西 Nansi │梅嶺風景區 Meiling Scenic Area


新化 Xinhua │新化林場 Xinhua Forest Farm 那瑪夏 Namasia

恆春 Hengchun │恆春生態農場 Ever Spring ECO-Farm │墾丁社頂自然公園 Kenting Sheding Nature Park



Secret places for firefly watching in Eastern Taiwan

東部賞螢景點,宜蘭環境乾淨、多水源,想觀賞螢火蟲可洽詢頭城和冬山 一帶的民宿;花蓮集中在壽豐鯉魚潭,附近民宿皆有螢火蟲導覽行程,由在 地人帶路,安全又盡興。 In Eastern Taiwan, if you want to watch fireflies in Yilan, you may contact guesthouses around Toucheng Township and Dongshan Township. Fireflies appear in Shoufeng Liyutan of Hualien County. Firefly guided tours are available at the nearby guesthouses. 基隆市


臺北市 桃園縣







頭城 Toucheng、冬山 Dongshan 苗栗縣


壽豐 Shoufeng │鯉魚潭 Liyutan 光復 Guangfu


│大農大富平地森林園區 Masadi Forest 彰化縣 南投縣



嘉義市 嘉義縣 臺南市


高雄市 臺東縣

Secret places for firefly watching 屏東縣



螢火蟲季 Fireflies

跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤


苗栗大湖 Miaoli Dahu

・ 營業時間:24小時

Opening hours:24HR


達卡努瓦村 Dakanuwa

・ 開放時間:24小時

Opening hours:24HR



Dahu Township, Miaoli County

Namaxia Dist., Kaohsiung City



Dragon Phoenix Waterfall

・ 開放時間:24小時

Opening hours:24HR

南投縣中寮鄉瀧林巷 Longlin Ln., Zhongliao Township, Nantou County



嘉義梅山 Chiayi Meishan

・ 開放時間:24小時

Opening hours:24HR

Following internet celebrities to travel



Donshih Forest Garden

・ 營業時間:06:30-22:00

Opening hours:06:30-22:00

(P.S.照片經過後製。P.S. The photo has been edited. ) 嘉義縣梅山鄉 Meishan Township, Chiayi County 台中市東勢區勢林街6-1號 No.6-1, Shilin St., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City

andy84118 vicky_cheng1024


Over the Rainbow Ecological Village

・ 開放時間:09:00-21:00

平溪 Pingxi

・ 開放時間:24小時

Opening hours:24HR

Opening hours: 09:00-21:00

嘉義縣梅山鄉瑞里村10-1號 No.10-1, Youyelin, Meishan Township, Chiayi County

新北市平溪區 Pingxi Dist., New Taipei City

活動快報 EventNews


City Mayor Shiow-Yen Lu, the performing artist Sandy Wu and local vendors publicize the festival together.


千萬豪宅百萬名車大方送 Gifts of 2019 Taichung Shopping Festival including NT$10 million house and NT$1 million car 首屆臺中購物節將在 7 月 10 日到 8 月 18 日開跑!只要於活動期間到臺中消費 購物,就有機會抽中價值千萬的精品豪宅。 2019 Taichung Shopping Festival is going to be launched from July 10th to August 18th! Shopping in Taichung during the period, you might get the NT$10 million house.


購物滿500元即可參加抽獎 People who spend NT$500 are able to join the lucky draw 「首屆臺中購物節」,由臺中市政府經濟發展局及觀光旅遊局共同主辦,只要 於臺中市購物滿 500 元,即有機會抽中價值千萬的精品豪宅、2 台進口百萬名車、 3 台國產高級房車、6 式總統套房住宿、6 台時尚電動機車、伴手好禮等大獎。 2019 Taichung Shopping Festival is organized by Economic Development Bureau and Tourism and Travel Bureau. People who spend NT$500 are able to join the lucky draw and get a NT$10 million house, two imported cars worth NTD 1 million, three domestic cars, six presidential suites, six fashionable e-scooters and local specialties.

活動期間到臺中賞屋即可參加摸彩,成交購屋還有精美好禮可拿。購物節為期 6 週,「週週抽大獎,週週有活動」,預計吸引超過 400 萬旅次,創造百億商機。 During the period, people who view houses in Taichung can join the lucky draw. If you buy a house, there are more gifts for you. The period of the festival is six weeks. There will be lucky draws and more activities every week. It is expected to attract more than 4 million visitors.



Models show the products of Taichung.

2.記者會以商品時尚秀開場。 1

The press conference began with products fashion show.

※ 以上照片由臺中市政府提供。Photos are provided by Taichung City Government.


活動快報 EventNews

盧市長積極展現拚經濟決心 City Mayor Shiow-Yen Lu has actively demonstrate her determination to grow the economy 臺中市長盧秀燕積極展現拚經濟決心,今年 1 月底造訪香港時發現,香港街頭 巷尾都是購物折扣訊息,而臺中面積是香港的兩倍,觀光消費資源更為豐沛多元, 每年吸引超過 2,000 萬人次到訪,透過購物節可號召更多在地店家、產業加入, 形塑臺中好購物的友善形象。 Taichung City Mayor Shiow-Yen Lu has actively demonstrate her determination to grow the economy. She visited Hong Kong at the end of January. She found out that you can see shopping discount information everywhere. Taichung is double bigger than Hong Kong and there are more tourism consumption resources in Taichung. It attracts more than 20 million visitors every year. Through the festival, it can call for more local vendors and industries to create the friendly image of Taichung shopping. 藝人吳姍儒(Sandy)為購物節記者會站臺。

The performing artist, Sandy Wu, came to publicize the festival.

藝人吳姍儒(Sandy)為購物節站臺 The performing artist, Sandy Wu came for the festival 「首屆臺中購物節」記者會,日前在臺中市政府惠中樓 1 樓中庭舉辦,臺中市 政府宣告與在地商圈、公協會、百貨、觀光產業擴大合作,共推觀光旅遊與消費 購物等主題活動。開場由時尚模特兒展示臺中各式商品,並邀請新一代電視購物 銷售天后、第 51 屆金鐘獎綜藝節目主持人吳姍儒 (Sandy) 站臺宣傳,場面熱鬧。 The press conference of 2019 Taichung Shopping Festival was held at the square of Taichung City Government Huizhong Building. Taichung City Government announced to cooperate with local business district, association, department store and tourism industry to promote tourism, shopping and other themed activities. Fashion models showed different products of Taichung at the opening. Sandy Wu, the hostess of the new generation TV shopping programs and the winner of best variety show host in the Golden Bell Awards also came to publicize the festival.


藝人吳姍儒 (Sandy) 笑著說,勤美誠品、麗寶樂園及三井 outlet 都是她很常去的 地方,臺中購物節非常吸引人,大家務必把握機會到臺中來購物。 According to Sandy Wu, she often goes to Eliste Park Lane, Lihpaoland and Mitsui Outlet Park. Taichung Shopping Festival is very attractive. Don’t miss the chance to go shopping in Taichung.

觀旅局呼籲提早規劃旅遊行程 Tourism and Travel Bureau suggests visitors to schedule the tour in advance. 觀旅局長林筱淇說,首屆臺中購物節主動搶攻各年齡層的消費族群,像年輕人 喜愛的大安沙雕音樂季、熟男熟女獨鍾的好湯溫泉季、玩家痴愛的臺中動漫節等, 搭配臺中全城美食折扣優惠,各行各業拚折扣、瘋購物、搶消費,今年 7 至 8 月 建議提早規劃 3 天 2 夜以上旅遊行程,臺中絕對是今夏最夯的旅遊城市。 Director-general of Tourism and Travel Bureau, Lin Shiau-chi said, 2019 Taichung Shopping Festival mainly targets consumer groups of all ages to shop in Taichung. There are some events for different groups. The youth would like Daan Sand Sculpture Music Festival. Hot Spring Festival for the adults and the seniors. Taichung Animation Festival for players. Incorporated with gourmet food and discounts offered, every industry hopes to provide pleasant shopping experience in Taichung. It’s better to schedule three days and two nights tour in advance. Taichung is definitely the best place to visit for this summer.


A large crowd participated in the press conference of 2019 Taichung Shopping Festival.

※ 以上照片由臺中市政府提供。Photos are provided by Taichung City Government.



Led by Celebrity


的 11座 幾 車站!

Let’s visit 11 Jimmy Stations of Danhai LRT!

於 2018 年 12 月 24 日通車的淡海輕軌,以象徵淡水河的水藍 色作為車體顏色,沿線可飽覽淡水河、觀音山、淡海新市鎮等風 景,然而,最大的亮點絕對是:邀請繪本作家幾米所打造的 11 座 輕軌車站!來一趟蒐集之旅吧! Danhai Light Rail Transit (Danhai LRT) System began service on December 24th, 2018. The car body was built with the color that symbolized Tamsui River - skyblue. Along the rail, you will see Tamsui River, Guanyin Mountain and Danhai New Town. The biggest highlight is 11 Light Rail Stations created by the picture book author, Jimmy!


紅樹林 Hongshulin 故事從小女孩在帽子樹下許願、遇見 魚開始,這一站可串連捷運淡水線 - 紅樹 林站,並設有淡海輕軌紀念品販售區。 The story started from the little girl made wishes under the hat tree and met fish. This station connects Hongshulin Station of MRT Tamsui-Xinyi Line. There is an area that you can buy souvenir of Danhai LRT.

周邊景點:紅樹林生態步道(步行 20 公尺) Nearby attraction:Hongshulin Ecology Trail (20m walk) 52

帶路人 Author

寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊。

Professional novelist who likes writing, reading, painting, and traveling.


竿蓁林 Ganzhenlin 小女孩坐在香菇上面,帽沿停 了一隻蝴蝶,表情知足愉快。 The little girl sits on the mushroom. There is a butterfly resting at the brim and looking happy.


淡金鄧公 Danjin Denggong 踩著滑板的小女孩分別戴著一頂、一些和很多的帽子, 仔細看,有兔子藏在帽子裡喔!滬尾櫻花大道建議於春季 順遊。 The little girl who wears a hat steps on the skateboard. There is also rabbit hide in the hat! It’s suitable to visit Huwei Cherry Blossom Trail in spring.

周邊景點:滬尾櫻花大道(步行 50 公尺) Nearby attraction:Huwei Cherry Blossom Trail (50m walk) 53


Led by Celebrity


淡江大學 Tamkang University 貓咪抱著小女孩睡著囉,模 樣非常可愛。 The little girl holding a cat fell asleep. It looks so cute.

周邊景點:淡江大學(步行 700 公尺)、 虎頭山步道(步行 800 公尺) Nearby attraction:Tamkang University (700m walk), Hutou Mountain Trail (800m walk)


淡金北新 Danjin Beixin 小女孩遇見毛毛蟲,背景是綿延不斷的梯田。無極天元宮建議於春季 順遊。 The little girl met a caterpillar. The background is extending terrace. It’s suitable to visit Wu Ji Tien Yuan Temple in spring.

周邊景點:無極天元宮(轉乘公車)、 滬尾休閒農業區(轉乘公車) Nearby attraction:Wu Ji Tien Yuan Temple (Transfer to bus), Huwei Leisure Agriculture Area (Transfer to bus)


新市一路 Xinshi 1st Rd. 列車上的人們都閉上眼睛 許願,他們的願望變成小女 孩頭上的帽子。 People on the light rail close their eyes and make wishes. Their wishes become to the hat on the little girl’s head.



淡水行政中心 Tamsui District Office 小女孩再次遇見大魚!未來「幾米主題公園」將建於此站。 The little girl met the big fish again! In the future, Jimmy Theme Park is going to build in this station.

周邊景點:幾米公車候車亭(步行 100 公尺)、 稼日蒔光花海(出站可達) Nearby attraction:Jimmy Bus Station (100m walk), Jia Ri Shi Guan Sea of Flowers (Just beside the station)


濱海義山 Binhai Yishan 躺在大鳥的翅膀上,小女孩也飛起來囉。 附近隱藏版的幾米公車候車亭,會有一隻兔 子坐著等公車喔。 Laying on the wing of big bird, the little girl flies up to the sky. You will see a rabbit waiting for bus at the nearby bus station.

周邊景點:幾米公車候車亭(出站可達) Nearby attraction:Jimmy Bus Station (Just beside the station) 55


Led by Celebrity


濱海沙崙 Binhai Shalun 小女孩在松鼠尾巴上稍作休息。此站可透過 公車,轉乘至多個淡水重要觀光景點。 The little girl is taking rest on the tale of the squirrel. You can transfer to bus to the important tourism attraction of Tamsui at this station.

周邊景點:程氏古厝(步行 500 公尺)、 漁人碼頭(轉乘公車紅 23)、淡水老街 (轉乘公車 880 路) Nearby attraction: Cheng's Historic H o u s e ( 5 0 0 m w a l k ) , Ta m s h u i Fisherman's Wharf (transfer to bus No. Red 23), Tamsui Old Street (transfer to bus No. 880)


淡海新市鎮 Danhai New Town 輕軌各站的幾米裝置藝術,皆 縮小於此站展示,可以一覽所有作 品。 Installation arts of jimmy at each station will be scaled down at this station.


崁頂 Kanding 最後一站,許願樹下,小女孩持續灌溉、 照顧,期望夢想發芽。鄰近美麗新影城,購 物、看電影的好選擇。 Under the wishing tree, the little girl continually irrigates and hopes dreams will come true. Nearby Miranew Cinemas is the good place for shopping and watching movies.

周邊景點:美麗新影城(步行 650 公尺) Nearby attraction:Miranew Cinemas (650m walk) 56


How to take Danhai LRT Step1 淡海輕軌建置方式為高架和平面混合, 進出車站請留意左右馬路來車。 Danhai LRT operates on elevated and surface roads. Please pay attention to cars on the road when you enter and exit the station.

Step2 車 站 採 無 閘 門 設 計, 使 用 電 子 票 證( 悠 遊 卡、 一 卡 通、icash 及 HappyCash)的遊客記得進出站都要刷卡 喔,若透過自動售票機購買單程票則無 須刷票。票價為 20~25 元。

Step3 車廂為無障礙空間,上下車時記 得主動按壓車門上的開門按鈕,車 門才會打開喔。

They took no-gate design for the station. Please use EasyCard, iPASS, ichsh and HappyCash to pass through gates when you enter and exit stations. If you buy one-way ticket through Ticket Vending Machine, you don’t need to scan the card. The fare is between TWD20 to TWD25.

The Light Rail Transit is barrier free space. Please press the button to open the door when you enter and exit.

淡海輕軌官方網站 http://www.ntmetro.com.tw/




Taiwan 嘉義Chiayi

跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤

台灣的魅力在於一年四季各地皆有不同的風貌,此期將讓各地網美帶著各位上山下海,一同感受點點螢火的浪 漫氛圍、欣賞如白雪紛飛的五月油桐花,與台灣城市中的美好邂逅,跟著他們一起暢玩台灣,體驗新風情吧 In this issue, the lead of internet celebrities are going to go up the hill and into the sea, experience the the romantic atmosphere of firefly, enjoy the Tung Blossom like fluttering snow, and just meet the wonderful encounter in Taiwan. Just follow them and experience the charm of those places.



Dongshi Fisherman's Wharf

・ 營業時間:24HR

Opening hours:24HR 嘉義縣東石鄉166縣道County Highway, Chiayi County



Chiayi PineApple Hill Prairie

・ 營業時間:09:30~18:30

Opening hours:09:30~18:30

嘉義縣番路鄉觸口村車埕7鄰15號 (阿里山國家風景區觸口遊客中心附近) No.15, 7 Neighborhood, Checheng, Fanlu Township, Chiayi County


嘉義故宮南院 Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum

・ 營業時間:09:00~17:00(週一休館)

Opening hours:09:00~17:00(Close on Monday)


嘉義縣太保市故宮大道888號 No. 888, Gugong Blvd., Taibao City, Chiayi County





Chiayi Mianyue Station ※經921地震後,眠月線嚴重崩塌未修繕完成, 前往之前請著登山裝備並結伴同行。

Following internet celebrities to travel


森林之歌 Song of the Forest

・ 營業時間:24HR

Opening hours:24HR

※Chiayi Mianyue Station haven't been repaired yet after the 921 earthquake in 1999. Please to wear the mountain-climber's outfit. 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 Alishan Township, Chiayi County


嘉義市東區文化路林森西路地下道旁 Beside Linsen W. Rd, Wenhua Rd., East Dist., Chiayi City



Tropic of Cancer Solar Exploration Center

・ 營業時間:09:00~12:00 ; 14:00~17:00(週一休館) Opening hours: 09:00-12:00;14:00-17:00 (Close on Monday)

・ 夜間燈光秀:17:30~00:00

檜意森活村 Hinoki Village

Lighting show at night: 17:30-00:00

嘉義縣水上鄉下寮村鴿溪寮21-25號 No. 21-25, Gexiliao, Shuishang Township, Chiayi County

嘉義市東區林森東路1號 No. 1, Linsen E. Rd., East Dist., Chiayi City

Travelgram 台灣


跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan





文武廟 Wen Wu Temple

・ 開放時間:24小時

Opening hours:24HR

南投縣魚池鄉中正路63號 No.63, Zhongzheng Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County


慈恩塔 Ci En Pagoda

・ 開放時間:09:00-16:30

Opening hours:09:00-16:30

南投縣魚池鄉 Yuchi Township, Nantou County

九族文化村 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village

・ 營業時間:週一至五09:30-17:00 六、日09:30-17:30

Opening hours:Mon-Fri:09:30-17:00 Sat&Sun:09:30-17:30 南投縣魚池鄉金天巷45號 No.45, Jintian Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County


蠻荒咖啡 Desolate Coffee

・ 營業時間: 10:00-18:00 Opening hours:10:00-18:00 南投縣魚池鄉文化巷41號 No.41, Wenhua Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County



跟著網美去旅行 Facebook粉絲專頁活動 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 【賞花打卡熱點徵選大賞】 讚

追蹤 愛玩FB

感謝這些網友與我們分享心目中台灣最美賞花打卡熱點 入選者不僅能刊登在雜誌上,前三名者更能獲得飯店VIP住宿券等精美獎項!其他活動資訊請不定時關注愛玩 台灣官方臉書更新。


Mickey Wang



・ 營業時間:10:00-18:00每週二公休(花季期間無公休)

・ 營業時間:一至五08:00-18:00 六、日08:00-21:00

Terrace Flower Ecological Farm

Opening hours:10:00-18:00 (Close on Tuesday except flower blooming season.)

Chung She Flower Garden

Opening hours:Mon to Fri 08:00-18:00 Sat & Sun 08:00-21:00



No. 33-7, Zhuzihu Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City

No. 333, Sec. 5, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City




分享 61





・ 開放時間:24小時

・ 花季:9-10月

Waipu Wangyou Valley

Daxi Chives Flower Farm

Opening hours:24HR

Flower Season:Sep-Oct



Sidi Rd., Waipu Dist., Taichung City

No.407, Daying Rd., Daxi Dist., Taoyuan City






Brian Ren/IG帳號wind8894



Lioushihdan Mountain Orange Daylily Floral Sea

La La Mountain Loving Farm

・ 營業時間:09:00-21:00

Opening hours:09:00-21:00

・ 花季:8-9月

Flower Season:Aug-Sep



Fuli Township, Hualien County

No.143, Baling, Fuxing Dist., Taoyuan City








花蓮玉里 Hualien Yuli

協雲宮 Xie Yun Temple

・ 花季:2-3月

・ 開放時間:24小時

Flower Season:Feb-Mar

Opening hours:24HR

花蓮縣玉裡鎮 Yuli Township, Hualien County

苗栗縣獅潭鄉 Shitan Township, Miaoli County

Following internet celebrities to travel







Changhua Huatan Sanchun Old Tree

・ 開放時間:24小時


Linchupi Kapok Road

・ 花季:2-4月 Flower Season:Feb-Apr

Opening hours:24HR



Youche Ln., Huatan Township, Changhua County

Linchupi, Fengli, Yujing Dist., Tainan City







燕窩麝香貓咖啡行家 趙煥森



台灣汽車保養行家 柯育沅


活氧殺菌機行家 張振文

大禹嶺高山茶行家 郝志益

一品莊素食行家 賴韋丞

生物科技行銷行家 游凱玲







台灣生基開運行家 詹順榮






Adventure Journey of 500 Taiwan Leopard Cats

以前,我是有家人的。但是,山消失了, 牠們也消失了。只剩我。 I had family before, but as the mountains disappeared, so did they. I am the only one left.

於是,我踏上尋找同伴的探險旅途。 Therefore, I am on my way to find companions.

我一定要找到牠們! I must find them!

嘿,你願不願意成為我的夥伴? Hey, do you want to be my partner?

成為夥伴的快速通道! Fast way to become a partner of leopard cats

玩 樂園、 住 福容、 逛 OUTLET、 開 賽車、 搭 摩天輪


Playing , Staying , Shopping , Racing , Taking All in one

Come to Lihpao Resort and have fun in multiple ways. 全台最受矚目的魅力新景點-麗寶樂園渡假區,有馬拉灣與探索世界水陸雙樂園、 五星級福容大飯店、密室逃脫旗艦館、麗寶國際賽車場、麗寶Outlet Mall,以及 全台最大摩天輪天空之夢,這座精采的超級娛樂城3天2夜也玩不完,一站就能 滿足全家大小所有人的喜好。

There are many facilities in the most attractive attraction in Taiwan–Lihpao Resort, such as Malabay, Discovery World, five star hotel–Fullon Hotel, Escape Rooms, Lihpao Racing Park, Lihpao Outlet Mall and the largest Ferris Wheels in Taiwan–Sky Dream. Three days and two nights is not enough for you to experience all facilities in this wonderful resort. Both adults and children will love this place.



Customer Care Hotline:04-2558-2459

No. 8, Furong Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City (Beside Houli Interchange of Sun Yat-sen Freeway)

統聯客運:京站-麗寶樂園/台中高鐵-麗寶樂園 Ubus:Q Square-Lihpao Resort/Taichung HSR Station- Lihpao Resort 豐原客運:豐原-麗寶樂園/大甲-麗寶樂園 Fengyuan Bus:Fengyuan-Lihpao Resort/ Dajia- Lihpao Resort

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