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▲ 封面故事│三大玩法,清涼玩盛夏 Three Funny Activities in Hot Summer

▲ 季節精選│南投Fun暑假,親子同樂最開心 Nantou Funny Summer Vacation:Parent-Child Activities 2019.07~09

臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華 Taiwan International Balloon Festival 照片由臺東縣政府提供 The photo is provided by Taitung City Government.




臺灣國際 熱氣球嘉年華

2019 Taiwan International Balloon Festival

6/ 29 -8/ 12

驚艷 一夏

Stunning summer!

台東熱氣球首度結合最美星空音樂會閃耀登場 Taitung Balloon Festival debuts with the most beautiful starry sky concert

「2019臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華」即將在6月29日至8月12日在台東鹿野高台熱鬧登場,活動 除熱氣球繫留及造型球展演、場場精彩的8場熱氣球光雕音樂會外,今年首次結合台東的最 美星空辦理【星空音樂會】,在長濱金剛大道、伯朗大道、關山親水公園及加路蘭遊憩區 等地,以天為幕,以地為席,邀請大家遠離城市的喧囂與壓力,沈浸在寧靜地星空夜晚 ,在台東從早到晚一次享受全方位白天與夜晚的全新體驗。 The 2019 Taiwan International Balloon Festival kicks off on June 29th at Luye Highland in Taitung County and runs until August 12th. In addition to tethered balloon rides, special-shaped balloon exhibit, and nine breathtaking Night Glow Concerts, Starry Night Concerts will be featured for the first time. Enjoy stargazing accompanied with these concerts that will be held at scenic locations including King Kong Avenue, Mr. Brown Avenue, Guanshan Waterfront Park, Jialulan Recreation Area, and more. Everyone is welcome to escape the noise and pressure of the bustling urban concrete jungle and relish in the beauty of a quiet, starry night. Come to Taitung for a different experience from day to night.



Check the official website for more information and news. 廣告

精彩活動 盡在竹北

All the splendid activities are in Zhubei

2019. 08-12月

Fun電影X響野餐-夢幻星野 Great movie X Funny Picnic Fantastic starry night and grassland


竹北市2019露天電影院 2019 Zhubei Open Air Cinema

河洛歌子戲<菜刀 柴刀 剃頭刀> 日期 Date

地點 Place

17:00-21:00 08/03 | 08/04 | 08/24 08/25 | 08/31 | 09/01

聯興幼兒園 Lianxing kindergarten 新崙公園 Xinlun Park 安興國小 An Xing Elementary School 義民高中棒壘場 Yi Ming Senior High School baseball and softball field 東海國小 Dung-Hai Elementary School 豐田國小 Feng Tian Elementary School

Holo Taiwanese Opera Troupe “Cook chopper, hatchet and razor”


2019竹北市中秋戲曲 2019 Zhubei Mid-Autumn traditional drama performance


09/07 19:00-21:00


竹北火車站後站停車場 (新泰路出口) Parking lot behind Zhubei Train Station (Exit on Xintai Road)




4 2019竹北綠市集 2019 Zhubei Green Market


14:00-18:00 09/22 | 10/27


竹北市新崙公園 Zhubei City Xinlun Park



2019爬爬親子市集 2019 Crawling Parent-child Market


13:00-17:30 09/28 | 10/19 | 11/30


竹北市文信爬蟲公園 Zhubei City Wenxin Reptile Park



指導單位 Adviser 新竹縣政府 Hsinchu County Government、新竹縣議會 Hsinchu County Council


2019竹北市文化漫遊小旅行 2019 Zhubei City cultural slow travel

日期 Date

地點 Place


2019竹北市秋天藝術節 2019 Zhubei City Fall Arts Festival

10/15 - 11/30

10/19 15:30-21:00 10/20 18:30-21:00


新竹縣立體育館 Hsinchu County Stadium


竹北市歷史人文巡禮、 濱海生活圈 History and Culture Travel、 Coastal Living Circle





2019竹北市烏魚好食節 2019 Zhubei mullet festival

2019竹北市經典金曲暨親子野餐派對 2019 Zhubei City classic songs and parent-child picnic party


11/16-11/17 14:30-17:30 11/23-11/24 18:00-21:00


竹北市文化公園 Zhubei City cultural park




11/09-11/10 15:00-20:00


竹北市文化公園 Zhubei City cultural park



客庄收冬戲(大豐收,慶收冬) Hakka Village Shou Dong Drama (Harvest and celebrate Shou Dong)


竹北市2019客庄12大節慶 2019 Zhubei City Hakka village 12 festivals


12/07 15:30-20:00


竹北市隘口里集會所與社區活動中心 Zhubei City Ài Kou village gathering place and community centre




主辦單位 Organizer 竹北市公所 Zhubei City Office、竹北市民代表會 Zhubei City Representative Council


愛玩中台灣 vol.12夏季刊 發行日期:2019年07月15日

10 名人專訪

Celebrity Interview

深度旅行體驗, 打造中台灣國際Inbound市場


Experience In-depth Travel. Create international inbound market in central Taiwan.



南投縣大日月潭觀光產業發展協會 首席顧問 洪文能

Nantou County Sun Moon Lake Tourism Industry Development Association Chief Consultant – Hong, Wen-Neng

06 觀光視野

2019首屆臺中購物節 7/10~8/18盛大開跑!

Vision of Sightseeing


2019 Taichung Shopping Festival is launched from July 10th to August 18th!

Taitung County, the most livable place.

臺東縣政府 縣長 饒慶鈴

臺中市政府經濟發展局 局長 高禩翔

Mayor of Taitung County Government – April Yao

Economic Development Bureau of Taichung City Government Director – Gao Sih-Sinag

用美食做外交,沒有人可以抗拒! Taking delicacy to make diplomacy, no one can resist it!

國立高雄餐旅大學 校長 林玥秀

National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism President - Pearl Lin

照片由台東縣政府提供。 Photo is provided by Taitung County Government.



Travel information

您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌: 交通部觀光局駐日本東京辦事處、新加坡辦事處、越南辦事處、馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處、香港辦事處、澳門辦事處、泰國曼谷辦事處; 國際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺北、臺中遊客服務 中心;台灣電影製作發展協會(150位會員);台灣各大旅行社(約600家);星動銀河旅站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店台中民權、薆 悅酒店台中館、水雲端旗艦概念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國際大飯店、永悅行旅、1969藍天飯店、 富禾居會館、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中福華大飯店、通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯 店、清新溫泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台中林酒店、福容大飯店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福 容大飯店花蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大飯店、高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅 人驛站旅宿連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星光酒店、台東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創HOTEL、海漾行館、佳 仕堡商務飯店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店…(陸續增加)。

發行人:趙成年 社長:陳英俊 顧問:黃國書、洪文能、蕭仕榮、吳政和 法律顧問:劉喜律師 總編輯:趙品瑄 執行編輯:陳庭慈、何家嘉、許儷齡 翻譯:賴思妤Sandra 編輯委員:蔡維郡、巫賜發、廖萬隆 陳奕錩、陳瑛宗、康翠敏 洪明峰、陳晁偉、吳奇鴻 林俊明、高信傑 媒體總監:江文賓 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路106號 電話:+886-4-23727658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司

24 季節精選

Seasonal Selection

南投FUN暑假─手作童趣 、親子童樂最開心 Nantou Funny summer vacation – DIY and parent-child activities

38 封面故事 Cover Story


Three funny activities in hot summer

32 小鎮漫遊

Ramble in small towns

來高雄茂林探訪紫斑蝶祕境! Come to Kaohsiung Maolin and visit the secret place full of purple crow butterflies!

照片由麗寶樂園渡假區提供。 Photo is provided by Lihpao Resort.

56 跟著網美去旅行 Following internet celebrities to travel 照片由茂林國家風景區管理處提供。 Photo is provided by Maolin National Scenic Area Administration.


In check-in resorts in Taiwan




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香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道30號新港中心 第一座512室 Tel 852-2581-0933 Fax 852-2581-0262 E-mail info@ttbhk.hk

10 Collyer Quay #06-03, Ocean Financial Center, Singapore 049315 Tel 65-6223-6546~7 Fax 65-6225-4616 E-mail tbrocsin@singnet.com.sg




Suite 25-01, Level 25, Wisma Goldhill, 67 Jalan Raja Chula, 50200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel 60-3-2070-6789 Fax 60-3-2072-3559 E-mail tbrockl@taiwan.net.my

GN02,24F North Wing,G Tower Grand Rama 9 No.9 Rama 9 Road, Huay Kwang District, 10310, Bangkok Thailand Tel 66-2-1266-201 E-mail ttb.bkk2017@gmail.com

336 Nguyen Tri Phuong St., District 10, HO CHI MINH City, Vietnam Tel 84-28-383-49160~65#3105 Fax 84-24-392-74996 E-mail apply@taiwan.net.vn


Vision of Sightseeing

採訪 Writer/ 趙品瑄 Penny Chao

臺東,是最適合居住的地方。 Taitung County, the most livable place. 臺東縣政府 縣長 Mayor of Taitung County Government

饒慶鈴 April Yao

臺東,擁有 176 公里面臨太平洋的最長海岸線,同時也是全臺唯一符合標準空 氣品質的縣市,並於 2019 年獲得旅宿平臺 Airbnb 公布為東部地區最受歡迎目的 地。臺東,融合了豐富的自然優勢和怡人的慢活氛圍,不但吸引國內外旅客來此, 也對藝術家產生獨特魅力,創造自然與美學兼具的在地風格。 Taitung, the only county in Taiwan which meets Air Quality Standard, has the longest coast linefaces Pacific Ocean. Its total length is 176 km. Taitung has received the honor of the most popular place in eastern Taiwan on Airbnb in 2019. With the abundant natural advantages and nice atmosphere of slow living, Taitung attracts many domestic and foreign tourists. Artists created the natural and aesthetic local style of Taitung.

說起臺東的旅遊資源,我們有山、有海、 有都會,舉凡:以稻浪美景聞名的伯朗大道; 燦爛耀眼的太麻里金針山; 觀賞全臺第一道曙光的 三仙臺;號稱全臺最美 車站的多良車站;大 海與藝術相依的加路

慢食節 Slow Food Festival

蘭遊憩區;擁有世界級海底溫泉 的朝日溫泉;以及充滿音樂藝術 氣息的鐵花新聚落,都是深受遊客 喜愛的旅遊景點。而為呼應國際慢食潮 流,「臺東慢食節」延續自縱谷紮根的「產地 餐桌」品牌,推廣「吃在地、食當季」的慢食精神, 期望縮短食物里程,挖掘臺東飲食風格。


Speaking of tourism resources of Taitung, there are mountains, seas and metropolis, such as Brown Avenue which is famous for its beautiful view of rice fields, shinning Jinzhenshan in Taimali, Sansiantai where you can see the first sunlight in Taiwan, the most beautiful station in Taiwan- Duoliang Station, Jialulan Park where has both sea and artistic atmosphere, Jhaorih Hot Springs which has the world class undersea hot spring, and the settlement filled with the atmosphere of music and art – Fantasy Tiehua. Those are popular attractions. Responding to the trend Slow Food, Taitung Slow Food Festival continued the tradition to promote the spirit of eating local and seasonal food. We hope to shorten the mileage of food and develop the eating style of Taitung.

然而,臺東的魅力不僅於此,原住民部落亦是獨家特色! 今年,我們推出部落旅遊,八種遊程深入八座部落,體驗一日或兩日的部落風 情,如:永康部落可以體驗布農野味、八部合音和獵徑探索;都歷部落則能海上 泛舟、編織月桃、品嚐潮間帶美味。我們亦推出「部落工作假期」,邀請各地朋 友與部落族人一起工作、一起生活,於四天三夜裡感受部落的美好。 The charms of Taitung are more than these. Indigenous tribes are also the exclusive features! This year, we revealed tribal tourism, there are 8 kinds of itinerary for you to deeply travel in 8 tribes. Come and enjoy the life style of tribes for one or two days. You can experience Bunun style, eight-part polyphony and explore hunting path in Yongkang tribe and raft in the river, experience Alpinia Zerumbet Weaving and taste intertidal zone delicacy in Torik tribe. We also launched tribal work holiday. Inviting people from all over the world to work and live with tribal people for four days and three nights to enjoy the beauty of the tribes.

池上天堂路 Chishang 7


Vision of Sightseeing

臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華 Taiwan International Balloon Festival

透過三大國際級活動的舉辦,臺東的國際知 名度亦是有目共睹。邁入第九年「臺灣國際熱氣 球嘉年華」,不僅是全世界活動期程最長,更入 選世界 12 處驚豔熱氣球節。今年度熱氣球嘉年 華力邀十多國家,計高達 40 顆造型氣球共襄盛舉,並舉辦 9 場日夜光雕音樂會, 而不同於其他縣市,臺東熱氣球不只有繫留體驗,還能自由飛繞一圈,為一大亮 點! Taitung’s good reputation is obvious to all because of the three international activities. Taiwan International Balloon Festival comes to the 9th year. It has the longest event period in the world and it has also been selected into world’s 12 stunning balloon festivals. This year, there are over 40 shape balloons coming from over 10 countries and 9 night glow concerts. Different than other cities, we offer tethered balloon ride experience. It is the biggest highlight!


連續舉辦 8 年的「臺灣國際衝 浪公開賽」,已將臺東東海岸成 功塑造為世界知名浪點之一,而 金樽一帶被國際衝浪組織評定為 六星級浪頭,成為國內外衝浪愛 好者相互交流的絕佳場域。臺東 也是各大「國際鐵人三項競賽活 鐵人三項競賽 Ironman Triathlon 動」舉辦地點,包含:IRONMAN 70.3 Taiwan、LAVA Tri、Challenge Family 等國際賽事都曾在此舉辦,讓國內外好 手於挑戰游泳、自行車、路跑三大鐵人項目的過程中,將臺東的山海風光都盡收 眼裡。

臺灣國際衝浪公開賽 Taiwan Open of Surfing

Taiwan Open of Surfing has been held for 8 consecutive years. It successfully made Taitung East Coastline become one of the famous surfing spot in the world. Jinzun area was rated as six-star waves. It is the best area for domestic and foreign surfers to communicate with each other. Taitung is also the venue of different Challenge Taiwan, including IRONMAN 70.3 Taiwan、LAVA Tri and Challenge Family. Participants can see the gorgeous view of Taitung during the competitions of swimming, cycling and running.

我們相信臺東最大優勢絕對是乾淨的陽光、空氣、水等自然資源,同時, 臺東也是適合慢活與 Long Stay 的好地方。未來,我們持續以「自然」與「自然 活動」作為臺東旅遊定位,誠摯邀請國內外朋友來此,享受全然放鬆的旅遊型態, 屆時,您一定會愛上臺東! We believe the biggest advantage of Taitung is the natural resources such as clean sunshine, air and water. At the same time, Taitung is the best place to long stay and have a slow living. In the future, we will keep the concept of nature and natural activities as the positioning of tourism market in Taitung. We sincerely welcome you to come to Taitung and enjoy the relaxed travel style. You will definitely love Taitung!

※ 以上照片由台東縣政府提供。 The photos are provided by Taitung County Government.



Celebrity Interview

深度旅行體驗, 打造中台灣國際Inbound市場 Experience In-depth Travel. Create international inbound market in central Taiwan.


南投縣大日月潭觀光產業發展協會 首席顧問 Nantou County Sun Moon Lake Tourism Industry Development Association Chief Consultant Hong, Wen-Neng

氣侯宜人的中台灣位於南來北往中心要點,由 中彰投苗等縣市區域組成,觀光資源豐沛多元, 加上物價消費比起北部地區更為合理,非常適合 作為國內外遊客的旅遊行程。

首席顧問 洪文能 Chief Consultant Hong, Wen-Neng

With the pleasant climate, central Taiwan located in the center from south to north. It is composed of Taichung, Changhua, Nantou and Miaoli. The sightseeing resources is abundant and diverse, and the living cost is more reasonable than northern Taiwan. It is a great choice for domestic and foreign tourists.

深耕台灣,積極推廣在地觀光的洪文能先生, 曾任交通部觀光局駐日 6 年,駐日期間見識到日本政府將不同行政區域進行區域 整合推廣,成功創造國際旅客 inbound 市場,目前擔任南投縣大日月潭觀光產業 發展協會首席顧問的他,也借鏡日本,設計出有別於走馬看花的行程,以深度體 驗為主題的在地文化套裝行程。 Hong, Wen-Neng, who deeply cultivating Taiwan and promoting local tourism, has been deputy director of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan for six years. During that period, he saw The Government of Japan integrated and promoted different administrative regions. It successfully created the inbound market of foreign tourist. As the chief consultant of Nantou County Sun Moon Lake Tourism Industry Development Association, he takes the successful experience of Japan as the model to create the in-depth local cultural package tour. 10

洪文能先生表示,南投全縣有 41 座高 山峰巒堆疊而成的綠海美景,美麗的日 月潭擁有被 CNN 評選為世界最美的自行 車道之一!台中觀光景點多如繁星,如 高美濕地、國家歌劇院;彰化鹿港老街 古蹟、田尾花卉景緻等,與苗栗的桐花、 木雕、客家菜、溫泉等在地特色資源, 顯示中台灣早已具備足夠的力道躍上國 際觀光舞台。 Hong, WenNeng said that there is a gorgeous ocean scene of 41 mountains in Nantou County. The beautiful Sun Moon Lake was selected as one of the most beautiful bike trial in the world by CNN! There are so many sightseeing spots in Taichung, such as Gaomei Wetland, National Taichung Theater, Lukang Old Street and monuments in Changhua, Tianwei Highway Garden; Tung Blossom, wood carving, Hakka dishes and hot spring in Miaoli. It shows that central Taiwan has already got the power to shine on international stage.

期待未來政府能積極 協助各縣市進行旅遊 資 源 整 合, 再 增 進 國 際城市間的產官學交流互 動,透過民間企業推 動深度旅遊體驗行程,三方環環相扣, 肯定能提升中台灣整體的觀光旅遊競 爭力,邁向國際市場,開拓出更遼闊 的藍海觀光商機! Looking forward the government can actively help each city and country to integrate tourism resources, enhance the interaction between industries in international and promote in-depth travel itinerary through private company. These definitely can make the tourism competitiveness of central Taiwan higher and broaden the business opportunity!

洪文能經歷 Profile of Hong, Wen-Neng 國際觀光飯店工作經歷 12 年(雲品溫泉 酒店及溪頭米堤大飯店),曾任交通部觀光局 國際組專員、交通部觀光局駐日副主任及南投 縣政府觀光處處長,現為南投縣大日月潭觀光 產業發展協會、南投縣觀光協會、彰化縣旅遊 產業協會及台中市旅遊協會等專業顧問。 Hong, Wen-Neng has worked in international hotels for 12 years, including Fleur de Chine Hotel and Le Midi Hotel Chitou. He also worked as specialist of International Affairs Division in Tourism Bureau,MOTC; deputy director of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan and director of the Tourism Division of Nantou County government. Now he is the professional consultant of Nantou County Sun Moon Lake Tourism Industry Development Association, Nantou County Tourism Association, Changhua County Tourism Industry Association and Tourism Association of Taichung.



Celebrity Interview

2019首屆臺中購物節 7/10~8/18盛大開跑! 2019 Taichung Shopping Festival is launched from July 10th to August 18th!


臺中市政府經濟發展局 局長 Economic Development Bureau of Taichung City Government Director Gao Sih-Sinag

經發局長高禩翔 Director, Gao Sih-Sinag

市長為了讓臺灣也有一個眾所皆知的購物節, 同時也為實現臺中市全力拚經濟市政願景,特別在 (108)年 7 月 10 日至 8 月 18 日暑假期間推出「2019 首屆臺中購物節 - 全城 On Sale」購物節活動,集合 臺中的商家共同加入,提出優惠折扣,並規劃消費 累計滿 500 元可以有機會抽中千萬豪宅及百萬進口 名車等好禮,到優惠商家消費金額 3 倍累計,即有 更多抽獎機會,這個暑假邀請台灣各地的民眾來臺 中購物消費,另外活動還規劃尋寶遊戲,讓民眾到 臺中各大景點搜索寶箱,獲得的點數可以兌換商家 提供的免費精美商品,還可尋找到特別版獎品,等 著民眾來尋寶。

In order to create a famous shopping festival in Taiwan and achieve the vision of grow the economy in Taichung, the mayor specially holds the event of Taichung Shopping Festival from July 10th to August 18th, 2019. Taichung City Government cooperates with local stores to offer discount. People who spend NT$500 are able to join the lucky draw and get a chance to win a NT$10 million house, imported cars and many other gifts. Shopping at designated stores will get more chances to win the prizes. Welcome everyone come shopping at Taichung this summer. There is also treasure hunt game. Visitors can find treasure box in every famous attraction and get points to exchange free gifts offer by stores. Moreover, there are special gifts waiting for you to explore. 12

臺中購物節記者會 The press conference of 2019 Taichung Shopping Festival

即日起至 7 月 9 日前早鳥下載 APP 即可參加 7 月 13 日記者會抽獎活動,當日 最大獎為價值 30 萬的林酒店全台唯一國王行宮總統套房住宿,其他更包括 switch 共計 6 台等多項好康,活動首日 7 月 10 日當日消費並登入成功者,即可參與白米 抽獎活動,另外,在 108 年 7 月 14 日起至 8 月 18 日止規劃 6 場週週抽獎活動, 分別在大安沙海水浴場、文心森林公園、北屯公園、豐原太平洋百貨、光復新村 及臺中市政府盛大舉行。 From now on to July 9th, people who download Taichung Shopping Festival APP are able to participate in lucky draw of the press conference at July 13th. The biggest prize is a stay in the only one Royal Palace Presidential Suite of The Lin Hotel Taichung that worth three hundred thousand. The other prizes include 6 Switch. People who purchase and log in the APP at the first day of the event (7/10) can participate in the lucky draw of rice. Moreover, there are six lucky draw events from July 14th to August 18th take place in Daan Beach, Fulfillment Amphitheatre, Bei Tun Park, Pacific Department Store FENG YUAN, GuangFu Village and Taichung City Government.

※以上照片由臺中市政府經濟發展局提供。 The photos are provided by Economic Development Bureau of Taichung City Government



Celebrity Interview 採訪 Writer/ 趙品瑄 Penny Chao

用美食做外交,沒有人可以抗拒! Taking delicacy to make diplomacy, no one can resist it!


國立高雄餐旅大學 校長 National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism President Pearl Lin

台灣飲食在歷史上深受荷蘭、英國、日本、 大陸各省、美國的影響,儼然是世界美食的大 熔爐!而身為全台唯一的餐旅專業大學,我們 一直致力於專業人才培訓,以達到「人文化」、 「專業化」、「企業化」與「國際化」的目標。

高餐大林校長(左) President Pearl Lin(left)

The food culture of Taiwan has been deeply influenced by Netherlands, England, Japan, different provinces of China and the United States in history. Taiwan is definitely the melting pot of delicacy from all over the world! As the only professional university of hospitality and tourism in Taiwan, we have been devoted to cultivation of talent and to reach the goal of civilization, professionalization, enterprise and globalization.

為此,我們規劃四大學院:餐旅學院、觀光學院、廚藝學院和國際學院,設置 了餐飲管理、旅遊管理、西餐廚藝、中餐廚藝、應用英語等科系,囊括完整的餐 旅產業脈絡。除了健全的科系架構,我們也期望以學術領導產業,透過資源共享、 產學合作,培訓最專業的餐旅人才。 Because of that, we have planned four academics, School of Hospitality Management, School of Tourism, School of Culinary Arts and International College. There are departments of Food & Beverage Management, Hotel Management, Western Culinary Arts, Chinese Culinary Arts and Applied English. Our department includes the whole hospitality industry context. Besides a sound structure, we also expect to lead the industry with advanced learning and to train the most professional talents through resource sharing and industry-academia cooperation. 14

針對國際接軌的部分,我們也做 了許多努力,包含:聘請擁有實務 經驗的國外專業師資親自授課;安 排學生前往海外實習和參訪;設置 全英語授課的國際學程。透過營造 多元文化的學習環境,不僅增加國 內外學生交流的機會,對於學生未 來投入國際職場也有所幫助。 藍帶專業主廚 Professional Le Cordon Bleu Chef We have put a lot of effort into the part of international integration, including hire foreign professional teachers with practical experience to teach students, offer the opportunity for students to go overseas for internships and visits and set up an international course in English. Through the multicultural learning environment, it can increase the opportunity for exchanges between domestic and foreign students. It is also helpful for students to work in international workplace in the future.

另外,我們亦與世界頂級的藍帶國際廚藝餐旅學院合作,成立「高餐藍帶」, 開設法式料理、法式甜點、廚藝管理等課程,不但邀請專業藍帶主廚授課,亦引 進國外頂級正規廚房設備,打造最藍帶的學習環境! Moreover, we have collaborated with the world’s top Le Cordon Bleu to establish Le Cordon Bleu-NKUHT and offer courses of French cuisine, French Pâtisserie and culinary management. There is not only professional chef of Le Cordon Bleu but also high class formal kitchen equipment from foreign country. Our goal is to create the learning environment in the style of Le Cordon Bleu.

美食,一直都是最好的外交,而台灣美食匯集多國飲食文化,我們相信各國 人士都能從中找到自身文化的 DNA,建立起與台灣的連結。歡迎您們來體驗台灣 飲食之美! Delicacy is always the best thing to make diplomacy. Taiwanese cuisine includes diverse food Culture from all over the world. We believe that each foreigner can find their own country’s DNA from the delicacy here. And it can also build the connection between f o r e i g n c o u n t r y a n d Ta i w a n . W e welcome you to experience the beauty of Taiwanese cuisine!

※以上照片由國立高雄餐旅大學提供。 高餐藍帶 Le Cordon Bleu-NKUHT

The photos are provided by National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism. 15

Travel information

2019 東勢梨果季 Fun 鬆饗樂趣 2019 Dongshih Pear Festival 台中市東勢區農會今年暑假推出梨果季系列活動,結合僑園旅行社及多家飯店、 餐廳及軟埤坑、梨之鄉 2 處休閒農業區,推出梨果巴士、梨樹認養、梨果入菜美 食饗宴等豐富農遊活動。梨果巴士將於 7 月 6 日 ~28 日每周六日帶遊客搭乘巴士 採果趣,到東勢體驗農村小旅行。詳洽:+886-4-22522333 Dongshih District Farmers Association will launch activities of pear festival this summer. It combines Qiao Yuan Travel Agency, hotels, restaurants, Ruanbikeng Agricultural Leisure Area and Pears Homeland leisure agricultural area to launch activities such as pear bus, pear tree adoption and pear feast. Travelers can take the bus to pick pears on every weekend during July 6th to 28th. TEL: +886-4-22522333

上山下海,清涼迎接 2019 寶島仲夏節! 2019 Formosa Summer Festival 一起大口吃冰消暑吧!今年 2019 寶島仲夏節以「美食吃冰」、「夏至 235」、「沙 雕藝術音樂」及「鐵道旅遊」四大主題,整合台灣國家風景區與各縣市的夏日特 色冰品及遊憩活動,透過品嚐當地特色冰品、美食,體驗鐵路之旅,欣賞沙雕作 品展覽,於 6 月 13 日到 9 月 30 日活動期間,感受寶島夏季魅力。 The topics of 2019 Formosa Summer are “Festival Food and Frozen Treats”, “Taiwan Fun on the Tropic of Cancer”, “Sand Sculpture Art and Music”, and “Rail Travel”. Through the above, to combine national scenic areas in Taiwan, food and frozen treats, and leisure activities. Travelers can experience railway trip and watching sculpture artworks. Come and feel the charms of Formosa during June 13th to September 30th.


Formosa Summer Festival



Travel information

火龍果創意宴席在星月大地 Creative dragon fruit feast is in Star Moon Land 你有吃過火龍果做的料理嗎?星月大地嚴選台中后里、外埔地區的當季紅龍 果,使用最合適的烹調手法,保留食材原味,推出火龍果創意宴席,以火龍果入 菜,讓遊客吃到最新鮮對味的手路菜佳餚!特色菜餚包含:臘味果皮紅龍飯、火 龍果醬燒腩排、雞汁雙果龍鳳球、蛋捲龍果鮭魚卵等,搶鮮預約熱線:+886-426831671 Have you ever tasted the dishes made of dragon fruit? Star Moon Land chooses the finest seasonal dragon fruit from Houli and Waipu District of Taichung to make dishes in a proper way. They have launched dragon fruit feast. Travelers can taste the fresh delicacy of dragon fruit here! TEL: +886-4-26831671

2019 澎湖海洋派對嘉年華 7/3 開始 party 啦! 2019 Penghu Ocean Carnival 澎湖縣政府為延續花火節熱潮,舉辦首屆 澎湖海洋派對嘉年華,活動將自 7/3 開跑, 包括有「菊島水樂園」、「海島愛之旅」、「野 餐音樂派對」、「比基尼派對」、「遊艇單 身派對」及「情定澎湖灣」等 6 大主題活動, 歡迎大家夏日一起來澎 party ! party !澎湃一夏!活動詳情請關注「澎湖海洋派 對嘉年華」活動網站。 In order to continue the craze of Penghu International Fireworks Festival, Penghu County Government launched the first Penghu Ocean Carnival. The activity starts from July 3rd. There are 6 theme activities, including Ju Dao Water Park, Trip of Islands, Picnic and Music Party, Bikini Party, Single Yacht Party and Love in Penghu Bay. Welcome you to party with us! 2019 澎湖海洋派對嘉年華 2019 Penghu Ocean Carnival





薆悅酒店 - 五權館

Moving Star Hotel

Inhouse Hotel Grand

星動銀河 旅站是一間機 器人主題旅 館,融入了星 際旅人的設計 項目,銀河的 浩瀚無涯,刻 劃出過旅商客們的美好回憶。地點位於台中市市 區中心點,臨近台中火車站、台中公園自行開車 或是搭乘大眾交通工具都很方便。

稀有頂樓恆溫游泳池,採歐式奢華風格及精 選柚木家具,以台灣花藝形塑舒適情調,交通便 利,是住宿的優質選擇! There is a heated pool on top floor. The interior is decorated in European style with a selection of teak furniture. You can feel the cozy atmosphere with the art of Taiwanese floral. Because of the good public transport, it is the best choice for travel and business!

Moving Star Hotel is a robot-themed hotel. It is incorporated the design project of star traveler. The vast and infinite galaxy engraves the memories of travelers. The location is near Taichung Train Station and Taichung Park at the central part of Taichung City. Going there by car or public transportation is convenient. +886-4-22258800 / 台中市中區自由路二段66號 No.66,Sec.2,Ziyou Rd.,Central Dist.,Taichung City


+886-4-22011222 / 台中市北區五權路228號 No.228, Wuquan Rd., North Dist., Taichung City


Dragon Tours

Cherry Blossom Forest Leisure Farm

「金龍旅遊」成立於1958年,為台灣旅遊業界 的金字號老招牌,深耕國內、外各類旅遊產品與 路線。

佔地八公頃的園區種植數千棵櫻花,在此可以 露營烤肉、遊憩戲水,適合親子前來放鬆遊玩的 好場所。

Dragon Tours was founded in 1958, various departments was established to match different customer requirements . Dragon Tours especially specializes in inbound tourism.

It covers an area of 8 hectares. There are over thousand Cherry Blossom Trees. You can camping, BBQ and play in water here. It’s a good place for family trip.

優質 旅遊

全省服務專線:0800213365 台中市西區臺灣大道二段285號19樓之3 19F.-3, No.285, Sec. 2, Taiwan Blvd., West Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-25815662 / 台中市新社區協成村協中街6號 No.6, Xiezhong St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City 19

Travel information

僑園國際旅行社新開幕 推台中在地遊程 Grand opening of Qiao Yuan International Travel Agency 延續僑園飯店對於美食料理的堅持,新開幕的僑園國際旅行社推出「協和家鄉 味」主題系列餐飲,遊程規劃以台中地方特色農特產為主要元素。此時適逢東勢 水梨產季,僑園飯店將精心料理梨果主題餐,僑園國際旅行社則推出梨果巴士獨 家體驗遊程,期望為消費者發掘出更多秘境旅遊。詳洽僑園國際旅行社:+886-422522333 In order to continue the insistent of Lin Garden Hotel, the new opening Qiao Yuan International Travel Agency launched Xie-He's hometown flavor theme dishes. The main element of travel planning is local agricultural specialty in Taichung. It is the harvest season of pear now. Lin Garden Hotel will offer theme dishes of pear and Qiao Yuan International Travel Agency will launch exclusive itinerary of pear bus. TEL: +886-422522333

馬祖賞鷗趣! 一同爭睹「神話之鳥」風采。 Watching seagull in Matsu 每年最佳賞燕鷗的時間,集中在 7、8 月的暑假,不僅能欣賞群鷗翱翔天際的畫 面,也能從海上欣賞傳統閩東式建築,以及馬祖獨特的生態、地形景觀與往昔據 點風光,甚至有機會看到瀕臨絕種的保育類動物 - 神話之鳥:黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗, 各位絕不可錯過馬祖別有風味的賞鷗體驗。 The best time to watch seagull is in July and August. You can not only see the view of seagulls flying in the sky, but also watch the traditional Min-Eastern style building from the ocean and the unique ecology and terrain of Matsu. You also have the chance to see the protected animal - Chinese Crested Tern. People call them Mythical Bird. 20



霧峰林家宮保第園區 ( 期間限定夜間導覽 )

Wufeng Lin Family Mansions (Limited night time guide) 夜探宮保第,提燈籠,傾聽老宅故事,樂音、 品茗、著古裝。大宅院裡展演的百年風華,敬邀 貴賓前來細細品味。 L e t ’ s l o o k a r o u n d Wu f e n g L i n F a m i l y Mansions at night. Hold a lantern, listen to the story of old mansions and the music, drinking tea and wear historical costume. Welcome you to enjoy the beauty of Wufeng Lin Family Mansions.

+886-4-23317985 / 台中市霧峰區民生路26號 No.26, Minsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City

台中文心玉市 - 天目城

Taichung Jade Market-Tian Mu Square 全台灣最大玉市交易場所,全新的商城規劃 擁有五百多個攤位市集,來自世界各國文物,可 謂世界無奇不有,來到此處尋寶,必深深為此著 迷。 As the largest jade market in Taiwan, there are artefacts and rarities from all parts of the world in Taichung Tian Mu Square. Apart from shopping a wide variety of curios and rarities, there are safe foods in the square for family visits.

+886-4-23860417 / 台中市南屯區五權西路二段 957號 No.957, Sec. 2, Wuquan W. Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City


Mai Si International Co., Ltd. 擁有近2,000家保養品代銷店面,通路跨足美 容、美髮、美甲,美睫及精品服飾,近年更受到5 星級飯店委託客製沐浴備品。 It owns nearly 2,000 consignment stores, the channel includes beauty product, hair salon, nail salon, lash beauty and clothes. In recent years, it also customized toiletries for five-star hotel.

+886-4-7639963 / 彰化市中央路184號4樓之1 4F.-1, No.184, Zhongyang Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County

拜爾程生技有限公司 ELATO, INC. 創立於2010年,以推廣MIT品 牌香氛產品為目標,旗下有安拉朵 ELATO、La bonbon拉棒棒等台灣製 造品牌,如香膏筆、擴香器及台灣城 市味道的特調精油等產品,拜爾程-安拉朵是旅客 來台購買香氛產品的最佳地點。 Elato was established in 2010,providing all aroma products made in Taiwan like Elato, La bonbon these brands. Products including specialized fragrance of Taiwan, diffusers and essential oils balm pens.Elato is the right place to purchase MIT aroma products in Taichung, Taiwan. +886-4-23263916 / Mon to Fri 09:00-18:00 台中市西區台灣大道二段375號11樓之1 11F.-1, No.375, Sec.2, Taiwan Blvd., West Dist., Taichung City 21

暑假作伙拚台中經濟! 消費滿

500 即可抽千萬豪宅、百萬進口車!

Grow Taichung’s economy together in this summer vacation! Spend NT$500 to get a chance to win a NT$10 million house or imported car worth NT$ 1 million. 首屆臺中購物節即將在7月10日至8月18日正式熱鬧登場!連續6週購物節活動, 週週抽大禮,下載【臺中購物節】APP,並登錄消費滿500元發票,即有機會抽中 價值千萬豪宅、百萬進口及國產名車、總統套房住宿與電動機車等多項精美大獎! 熱情邀請全民一同來臺中購物、共襄盛舉。 Taichung Shopping Festival is going to be launched from July 10th to August 18th! During these six weeks, there will be lucky draws every week. Download the App of Taichung Shopping Festival and enter the receipt the amount of which is more than NT$500 to get a chance to win a NT$10 million house, imported car worth NT$ 1 million, domestic car, a stay at presidential suite, e-scooter and many other prizes! Welcome you to shopping in Taichung.

TEL:+886-4-23213111 FAX:+886-4-23213124 40353 台中市西區館前路57號 No.57,Guanqian Rd,West Dist,Taichung City40353,Taiwan(R.O.C.)

木佃軒南洋 渡假休閒民宿


Seasonal Selection

投有許多極富地方文化特色的傳統產業工廠,轉型升 級成為觀光工廠,展現新意與魅力,滿足親子旅遊體 驗。不只如此,擁有湖光山色、壯闊大山與蓊鬱森林的南 投,更是暑假避暑最佳去處。 南投觀光旅遊網 There are many traditional industry factories full of local cultural features turn into tourism factories. They show the Nantou-Travel Website originality and charms. There are beautiful lake, magnificent mountain and forest in Nantou. It is definitely the best place to go and to experience parentchild activities in the hot summer.


家會香台灣麻糬館 Taiwan Mochi Museum

獨 一 無 二 的 麻 糬 文 化 樂 園, 可 以 試 吃 QQ 麻糬,感受甜蜜好滋味,而館內也陳列 麻糬歷史與生產製作過程,並提供 DIY 體驗! You can taste the chewy mochi and see the history and process of production of mochi in the one and only mochi culture museum. They also offer tourist to DIY!


2 香里活力豬文化館 Shang Lee Food Museum

館內展出台灣豬的文化與故事,如:台 灣養豬史、牽豬哥等,還能購買優質國產 豬肉當伴手禮,別忘記跟人氣大金豬合影 喔! You can see the culture and story of Taiwan’s pig in the museum, such as the history of pig farming in Taiwan and the culture of khan-ti-ko. There is high quality domestic pork that you can buy. Don’t forget to take a picture with the famous golden pig!



以「紙」為素材,打造豐富多變 的紙創工坊,有七彩繽紛的「百萬 紙捲牆」,還可以到體驗區親手製 作可愛紙玩偶。

3 廣興紙寮 Goang Xing Paper Mill

致力於傳統精緻的手工紙 生產,可以看到製紙師傅現 場手工抄紙、壓紙、烘紙、 拓印等技藝,還能品嘗可食 用的「菜倫紙」。

Taking paper as the material to create a diverse and rich papermaking workshop. There is a wall full of colorful paper rolls. Tourist can make cute paper doll in DIY area.

It dedicates to traditional and delicate handmade paper production. The master will show tourist the process of paper production. You can also try edible Cai Lun Paper.



Seasonal Selection


埔里酒廠 Puli Winery

除了參觀酒文化館以了解製酒過程外,埔里酒廠 特別開發紹興冰棒、紹興梅、紹興香腸、紹興茶葉 蛋等獨特產品,值得一嚐。


Besides look around wine culture hall and know the process of making wine, you can taste these unique products made with Shaoxing wine, such as popsicle, plum, sausage and tea egg.

南投酒廠 Nantou Winery

全台獨樹一格的水 果 酒 廠, 包 括 烏 梅、 荔枝、梅子都可成為釀 酒 素 材, 其 中, 南 投 酒 廠生產之 OMAR 單一麥芽威 士忌,參與國際各大酒類競賽,已獲得 40 多面獎項! The unique fruit winery in Taiwan. Smoked plum, Litchi and plum all can be the ingredients of wine. Omar single malt whisky that produce by Nantou Winery has participated in many international wine competitions. Until now, it already won over 40 awards.




結合山蕉歷史與集集文化,園區 能看到 100 多種山蕉品種,亦有山 蕉點心 DIY、室內球池、戶外沙坑 等設施可以體驗。 Combined the history of banana and the culture of Jiji. There are more than 100 species of banana, banana snacks DIY, indoor ball pool and outdoor sandpit in the tourism factory.

GUOBAO 果寶歡酵觀光工廠 Guo Bao Tourism Factory

觀光工廠內有座亞洲第一大網室有機嘉寶果果 園,不但能深入了解嘉寶果,還能品嚐酵素養生 蔬食餐點和製作能量果醬。 In this tourism factory, there is the largest indoor organic Jabuticaba orchard in Asia. You can not only deeply understand Jabuticaba but also taste enzyme vegetable dishes and make energy jam.



9 水里蛇窯 Shui-Li Snake Kiln Ceramics Park

10 采棉居寢飾文化館 Color Cotton Home 台灣第一家以幸福睡眠寢飾為主題的文化 館,暢遊古今枕頭的大不同,亦能親眼目睹 棉被製造過程,以及 DIY 手繪抱枕。

傳承三代的水里蛇窯,除展出大 師級陶藝作品,園區提供捏拉胚陶、 陶項鍊繪製等 DIY,大小朋友同樂, 一起玩陶趣! It has been passed down for 3 generations. You can not only see the ceramic crafts made by masters but also DIY throwing and ceramic necklace painting.

It is the first cultural center in Taiwan with the theme of happy sleeping. You can see the difference between pillows from the past to the present, the process of making comforter and experience drawing on pillow.


光遠燈籠 Evershine Lantern

圓滾滾的傳統竹燈籠色彩繽紛,遊客到此可以藉由導覽解說和親 手 DIY,認識燈籠文化,感受傳統技藝。


Round traditional lanterns are colorful. Visitor can learn the lantern culture and feel the traditional craft by guided tour or DIY.

遊山茶訪 Yoshan Tea 以文創方式重新詮釋茶產業,一邊體驗茶 道禮儀、製茶流程和焙茶樂,一邊品嘗台 灣優質好茶的甘醇,感受融入生活的茶香 禪意。 It interprets the tea industry in a creative way. Experience tea ceremony, process of tea making, tea firing and drink good quality Taiwan tea to feel the Zen spirit.



Seasonal Selection

13 藏傘閣 Chi Chang Umbrella Collection House 藏傘閣可以看到各式新奇的特色傘,而傘甘甜 點工坊結合當地食材,製作百香果巧克力捲、地 瓜舒芙蕾起司蛋糕等美味甜點。 You will see many kinds of novel umbrellas in Chi Chang Umbrella Collection House. Umbrella Sweets combines local ingredients to make passion fruit chocolate swiss roll, sweet potato soufflé cheese cake and other delicious desserts.

14 妮娜巧克力夢想城堡 Cona's Chocolate Castle

夢幻城堡建築裡面不只有巧克力,還結合 觀光工廠、下午茶、冰淇淋,喜歡拍照的朋 友,更可以在這裡拍下許多美美打卡照。 Besides chocolate, there are also tourism factory, afternoon tea and ice cream in Cona’s Chocolate Castle. If you like to take photos, you can’t miss this place.


15 九族文化村 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village

九族文化村為結合歐洲宮廷花園、歡樂 世界、原住民部落區、西班牙海岸與日月 潭纜車五大主題的遊樂園,適合親子暢遊 一整天! Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village is an amusement park with five themes, including European Palace Garden, Amusement Isle, Aboriginal Tribes, Spanish Coast and Sun Moon Lake Ropeway. It is a suitable place for parent and kids to spend their holiday!


杉林溪森林生態渡假園區 Sun-Link-Sea Forest and Nature Resort

園區位於海拔 1,600 公尺,夏季平 均溫為 20 度,氣候涼爽宜人,青山 綠水景色清新,是非常適合休閒度假 的避暑勝地。 It is located at an altitude of 1,600 meters. The average temperature in summer is 20 °C. The climate is nice and the scene of mountain and lake is fresh. It’s a great summer resort.

18 牛耳藝術渡假村 New Era Art Resort & Spa 結合藝術與地方文化,素人藝術家「林淵」 作品遍布園區,發展成一座結合餐飲美食、 文化藝術、悠閒住宿等休閒度假中心。

17 妖怪村主題飯店 The Monster Village Hotel

以可愛有趣的吉祥物枯麻與八豆 設計各式主題房型,另有妖怪舞台表 演、定時互動表演、妖怪村大冒險闖 關活動和枯麻遊戲屋。

Combined art and local culture to build a resort with dining, art culture and accommodation. You can see the artworks of amateur artist, Lin-Yuan everywhere in the resort.

There is not only variety of theme rooms with the cute and funny mascots, Kumar and Bado, but also Monster Stage Performance, Time Interactive Performance, Monster Village Adventure Barricade and Kumar Playground.


溪頭夏緹飯店 Shante Hotel

飯店受群山環繞,景色醉人,結合現代 與自然風,為溪頭最高的建築物,有居高 臨下、遠眺青山雲端的視覺享受。 The hotel is surrounded by mountains with the gorgeous view. It is the highest building with a commanding view in Xitou. The design combines modern and natural style.

20 青竹文化園區 Ching Chu Bamboo Culture Park

園內擁有百餘竹種,品嘗道地竹筍美食,漫步竹林小徑,感 受負離子的洗禮,體驗竹單車的魅力,享受療癒身心的小旅行。 There are more than one hundred kinds of bamboo in the park. Take a trip here, taste local bamboo dishes, walk along bamboo trail, feel the negative ion and experience the charm of bamboo bike. What a nice trip!



Seasonal Selection

21 中興新村 Chung Hsing New Village

結合二代青年返鄉、青年創業、婦女創業等特色 店家,打造中興新村群聚,以散步或騎協力車的方 式,深度體驗省府獨特魅力。 Combining featured stores of second generation returning to countryside, youth entrepreneurship and women entrepreneur to create Chung Hsing New Village. Come and experience the unique charm by walking or riding a bicycle.


金都餐廳 Jin Du Restaurant

利用在地優質食材烹調地方特色佳餚,鎮 店名菜:蓮花仙子羹、碧綠海中鮮瓜、雙臘香 米飯等,均以創新精神料理出飄香國際的台灣 味道。


Making specialty with local ingredients, such as Lotus Fairy Thick Soup, Seafood Loofah and Taiwanese Sausage Rice. These Taiwanese dishes are made with the creative spirit.

金竹味餐廳 Jin Zhu Wei Restaurant

極具特色的台灣傳統三合院餐 廳,使用當季特色食材,以創意融 入竹山文化,創造兼具在地與國際 性的美味料理。


福美大飯店 Hotel Formosa

It is a distinctive Taiwanese traditional Sanheyuan restaurant. The restaurant Incorporates the culture of Zhushan to create both local and international dishes with seasonal ingredients.

秉持振興歷史傳承的精神,並結合在地文化,期望 創造南投最幸福的飯店,帶給旅客最佳的住宿及餐飲 體驗。 With the spirit of revitalizing historical heritage, combining local culture to create the happiest hotel in Nantou.


珂之幄山莊 The Cotswolds Villa


日光青境民宿 Sunnydale House

現代歐式風格外觀,正對著合歡山及奇萊山 山脈,在民宿內任何一個位置,都能欣賞到清境 農場的日出、雲海美景。 It is facing Hehuan Mountain and Cilai Mountain. The exterior is European style. You can see the sunset of Cing Jing and gorgeous sea of clouds at any location in Sunnydale House.


東埔帝綸溫泉渡假大飯店 Hotel Tilun Dongpu Spa

座落於東埔溫泉區入口處,春櫻、夏瀑、秋楓、冬梅, 四季美景不絕,加上豐富自然景觀、古老布農文化與優質 溫泉,不能錯過!

27 明琴清境莊園 Ming Ging Farm

It is located at the entrance of Dongpu Hot Spring Area. Cherry Blossom in spring, waterfall in summer, maple leaf in fall, plum in winter, there are different beautiful view in four seasons. Furthermore, there are abundant natural scenic, ancient Bunun culture and hot spring. You can’t miss this place!

明琴擁有清境最棒的觀賞視野,可以清晰看見能高山、奇萊山、合歡山、 碧湖、盧山溫泉區等景色,令人難忘。 You can see the gorgeous and unforgettable view of Cing Jing from Ming Ging Farm, such as Nenggao Mountain, Cilai Mountain, Hehuan Mountain, Jade Lake and Lushan Hot Spring Area.




日月潭晶澤別館 Sun Moon Lake The Crystal Inn

The Cotswolds Villa

堅 持 45 度 角 的 斜 屋 頂、 蜜 臘色岩板偎著壁爐,整座屋舍 四面美麗立體,擁有觀賞合歡 山、奇萊山最佳的位置。 With the 45 degrees eave, amber color slate beside the fireplace, it is the best place to see the gorgeous view of Hehuan Mountain and Cilai Mountain.

位於日月潭伊達邵,結合 時尚品味及在地文化,以 極簡奢華的設計理念,打 造舒適寬敞的三種房型。 It is located in Ita Thao of Sun Moon Lake. There are three types of rooms. The design concept is simple and luxurious and combines fashionable style and local culture.

31 廣告 ※ 以上照片由南投縣政府提供。The photos are provided by Nantou County Government.

小鎮漫遊 Ramble in small towns

來高雄茂林探訪紫斑蝶祕境! Come to Kaohsiung Maolin and visit the secret place full of purple crow butterflies! 艷麗的紫斑蝶,每年飛來高雄茂林過冬,屆時蝴蝶滿天飛舞,是一生必看的浪 漫奇觀! Purple crow butterflies fly to Maolin District, Kaohsiung City every winter. During that time, there are butterflies everywhere. It's the gorgeous scene you can't miss!


Knowledge of purple crow butterfly

臺灣茂林紫蝶幽谷是與墨西哥帝王斑蝶谷齊名的世界兩大越冬型蝴蝶谷之 一,春夏季牠們於全臺各地繁殖,冬季則齊聚南部過冬,尤其是集中於高雄市 茂林地區。臺灣紫斑蝶分布的情形共有四種,分別為:小紫斑蝶、圓翅紫斑蝶、 斯氏紫斑蝶、端紫斑蝶,共同特徵是前翅背面有藍紫色鱗粉,飛舞時會呈現夢 幻紫色。 Maolin's Purple Crow Butterfly Valley in Taiwan and Monarch Butterfly Valley in Mexico are the only two places where butterflies overwinter in the world. During spring and summer, they reproduce everywhere in Taiwan. When the winter comes, they overwinter in southern Taiwan, especially in Maolin District of Kaohsiung City. There are four kinds of purple crow butterfly you can see in Taiwan, Dwarf Crow, round-winged purple-spotted butterfly, Sylvester purple-spotted butterfly and purpleedged butterfly. Their common characteristics are they all have violet scales on the back of their front wings and the color will be purple when they fly.


Secrets of butterfly wathcing

每年最佳賞蝶期間為 11 月至隔年 3 月的晴天,一日 當中又以 8:30-11:00 前為佳,而姿沙里沙里賞蝶步道 和茂林生態公園都是很好的觀賞地點。※ 請勿捕捉蝴 蝶,汽車行經紫蝶幽谷請減速慢行。 The best period of butterfly watching is sunny days from every November to March of the next year. The best time of the day is 8:30 am to 11:00 am. Zishalishali Hiking Trail and Maolin Purple Crow Butterfly Park are both good places to watch butterfly. ※Please do not catch butterflies and slow down your speed when you drive thru Purple Crow Butterfly Valley. 32

東 離島

遇見紫斑蝶,浪漫約會一日遊 One day tour:Have a date with purple crow butterflies 隨著專業人員的生態導覽解說,一起開心賞蝶!中午享用「紅藜」入菜的 原民手作輕食,下午於宛如蝴蝶展翅的新威景觀大橋拍照留念,並前往擁有 全臺最美桃花心木林道的新威森林公園。 Watching butterflies with the guidance of professional! Eating red quinoa light food made by indigenous people at lunch. In the afternoon, taking photos at Xinwei Scenic Bridge where looks like a butterfly spread its wings and go to the park which has the most beautiful mahogany trail - Xinwei Forest Park.


紫斑蝶影片觀賞與生態導覽 Watch videos and listen to purple crow butterflies

走訪新威森林公園 Visit Xinwei Forest Park

享用原民手感烘焙輕食 Enjoy food made by indigenous people

新威景觀大橋拍照打卡 Take photos at Xinwei Scenic Bridge

預約資訊 Booking Information · 蝴蝶生態導覽解說 Butterfly ecological guidance│ 茂林環境教育中心MaoLin Environmental Education Center +886-985-111410 · 原民烘焙輕食Indigenous light food│ 蝶。手感烘焙Svongvong 陳小姐Ms.Chen +886-989-370885 33

小鎮漫遊 Ramble in small towns

賞蝶泡湯,體驗自然二日遊 Two days tour:Watching butterflies, enjoying hot spring and experiencing the beauty of nature 第一天,在竹林休閒農業區欣賞梅花,還能體驗植物染的傳統工藝。下午 來到寶來溫泉區,除了享受天然碳酸泉,亦能走走日據時期的浦來溪頭社戰 道、與店家租借穿日式浴衣逛街。 In the first day, you can watch plum blossom in Zhulin Leisure Farming and experience making dye from plants. In the afternoon, soak in a hot spring of Baolai Hot Springs. Besides enjoy the natural carbon dioxide spring, you can also visit Pulaixitou Tribe Historic Battle Trail which was built in Japanese colonial period, rent yukata from vendors to wear and go shopping there.



植物染DIY體驗 Plant dying DIY 竹林休閒農業區賞梅花 Watch plum blossom in Zhulin Leisure Farming

夜宿寶來溫泉區泡溫泉 Stay at Baolai Hot Spring Area at nigh


享用花語特色便當 Taste whispering flower lunchbox

寶來大街浴衣體驗 Experience wearing yukata on Baolai Street

走走浦來溪頭社戰道 Walk around Pulaixitou Tribe Historic Battle Trail



紫斑蝶影片觀賞與生態導覽 Watch videos and listen to ecological guidance

東 離島

第二天,驅車前往茂林紫蝶幽谷,觀 賞紫斑蝶遷徙美景。多納村為原住民聚 落,擁有傳統建築石板屋,非常有特色! 此外,還能順遊羅木斯步道玩玩溪水, 或是爬龍頭山步道眺望山河美景。 On the second day, go to Maolin's Purple Crow Butterfly Valley and watch purple crow butterflies' migration. Duona Village is an indigenous tribe, you will see traditional architecture - Stone-board House there! Moreover, playing in water at Lumusu Trail and hiking on Longtoushan Trail to watch gorgeous view of mountain and river are also good choices.

多納村導覽與用餐 Duona Village guidance and dining

羅木斯步道玩水 Play in water at Lumusu Trail

預約資訊 Booking Information · 花語特色便當Whispering flower lunchbox│ 寶來社區發展協會Baolai Community Development Association +886-7-6882955 · 植物染體驗 Plant dying DIY│ 檨仔腳文化共享空間 She Zi Jiao Culture Shared Space +886-7-6883651 · 寶來浴衣體驗Experience of wearing yukata│ 聚寶來景觀休憩餐飲Ju Baolai Scenic Leisure Restaurant +886-7-6883882 · 蝴蝶生態導覽解說Butterfly ecological guidance│ 茂林環境教育中心MaoLin Environmental Education Center +886-985-111410 · 原民文化導覽Indigenous culture guidance│ 納美下三社文化促進協會Na Mei Xia San She Culture Promotion Association 羅小姐Ms. Luo +886-989-156496

走走龍頭山步道 Hike on Longtoushan Trail

35 廣告 ※ 照片由茂林國家風景區管理處提供。The photos are provided by Maolin National Scenic Area Administration.

人文.藝術.創新.公益 Humanities.Art.Innovation.Charity

萬代福影城的電影文化走廊珍藏了數量眾多的電影文物,有古董字幕機,35釐米 、16釐米、8釐米的碳棒放映機,近4千多部影片舊膠捲,和數萬張電影海報等,創 辦者黃炳熙透過精心收集的各式文物傳達對電影的熱情,並且公開分享。現在民眾 揪團15∼20人,可預約現場導覽,歡迎來一趟電影文化之旅。 There are many historical artistic works in the gallery of film culture in Wonderful Cinemas, including antique captioning machine, 35mm, 16mm, 8mm carbon arc movie projector, nearly 4 thousand old roll films and over 10 thousands of movie posters. The founder, Huang,Bing-Xi, conveys his passion for the film through the large collection of many kinds of historical artistic works and shares them to the public. Welcome you to feel the culture of film. If you need guided tour service, please make a reservation in advance.

桂冠育樂股份有限公司 http://www.wdful.com.tw 台中市公園路38號 No. 38, Gongyuan Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City TEL:(04)2221-0356、2226-5270 FAX:(04)2223-6841

你看過 會冒煙的老式放映機嗎? Have you ever seen the smoking old style projector?

預約導覽 請洽陳經理 0932-573007 Please dial 0932-573007 to contact the manager for guided tour appointment.

愛玩台灣旅遊雜誌專用 Only for Travel in central Taiwan 憑截角,錢不夠用2、一首搖滾上月球,可任選一部免費觀賞。 期限至2019年9月30日止 Until September 30th, 2019, with the coupon, you can watch Money No Enough 2 or Rock Me To The Moon for free.

透過電影,我們弘揚孝道、散播正念,以此為職志。 Through films, we spread the concept of filial piety and mindfulness and take this as a lifelong passion.



2009.5.22上映,上映至108年9月 即突破10年邁向125個月。 Released on May 22nd, 2009. Until September in 2019, the movie has released over 10 years and moved towards 125 months.

2013.12.6上映,上映至108年9月 即突破5年半邁向70個月。 Released on December 6th, 2013. Until September in 2019, the movie has released over 5 and half years and moved towards 70 months.

Money No Enough 2

每日11:40限時上映 Everyday 11:40 in theaters

Rock Me To The Moon

每日14:00限時上映 Everyday 14:00 in theaters


Cover Story


Three funny activities in hot summer


寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊。

Professional novelist who likes writing, reading, painting, and traveling.

夏天氣溫飆升,去哪裡旅行消暑最好呢?大小朋友最愛的海陸 空樂園,或是到山裡吹天然冷氣、感受雲霧環繞,自然也不能錯 過海邊踏浪的行程。三大玩法供你選擇,盡情享受夏日樂趣吧! The temperature is getting higher and higher in summer. Where is the best place for summer vacation? Adults and children love to go to amusement parks. Go to mountains and enjoy the breeze and beautiful landscape is a good choice, too. Don’t miss walking in the waves at the seaside. Enjoy many funny activities in hot summer!

1 親子同遊主題樂園! Family have fun in Amusement park! 趁著暑假,全台遊樂園紛紛推出夏季限定行程,更有 許多適合親子一同享樂的好玩活動。 When summer comes, every amusement park will launch summer limit itinerary. There are so many interesting activities for families. 38

部樂園,聚集在新北、桃園和新竹,包含:位 於北海岸、以海洋動物為主題的「野柳海洋世 界」;擁有縮小版世界模型和水陸雙樂園的「小人 國」;兼具豐富科學設施和室內滑雪場的「小叮噹科 學主題樂園」,以及,結合開放式野生動物園和遊樂 設施的「六福村」。 Amusement parks in northern Taiwan are mainly located in New Taipei, Taoyuan, and Hsinchu City. Including Yehliu Ocean World, which is marine animal themed park located in North Coast; Window on China Theme Park, the land and water amusement parks with a scaled-down version model of the world; Little Ding-Dong Science Theme Park, a theme park with abundant science facilities and indoor ski resort and Leofoo Village, which combines safari and amusement rides.

1.六福村 Leofoo Village 2.小人國 Window on China Theme Park

九族文化村 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village

部樂園,聚集在台中和南投,包含:結合 全台最大水陸雙樂園、國際賽車場、義式 建築風格outlet和象徵台中地標的摩天輪,「麗寶 樂園渡假區」能夠一站式滿足大人和小孩的所有 需求;以原住民為主題的「九族文化村」,擁有 高空纜車和特色遊樂設施;「泰雅渡假村」則以 泰雅族文化體驗和烤肉露營為主打特色。休閒農 場則有南投清境農場、苗栗飛牛牧場等處,都是 暑假期間熱門選擇。 39


Cover Story

麗寶樂園渡假區 Lihpaoland Resort

Amusement parks in central Ta i w a n a r e m a i n l y l o c a t e d i n Taichung and Nantou City. Including All-in-One amusement park – Lihpaoland Resort, which has the largest land and ocean amusement parks in Taiwan, international racing park, Italian style outlet and the Ferris Wheel that symbolizing the landmark of Taichung; Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, which is an aboriginal themed park, and has cable car and featured amusement rides and Atayal Resort, where you can experience Atayal culture, barbecue and camping. As for leisure farms, Qingjing Farm of Nantou and Flying Cow Ranch of Miaoli are all popular summer tourist attractions!

部樂園,聚集在雲林、臺南、高雄、屏東,包 含:打造刺激消暑水陸樂園的「劍湖山世界」; 可以親近觀賞多種野生動物的「頑皮世界」;以希臘情境 為主題,並結合VR主題館、遊樂設施、outlet的「義大世 界」;結合水樂園和仙人掌世界的「大路觀主題樂園」。 Amusement parks in southern Taiwan are mainly located in Yunlin County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County. Including stimulate amusement park that makes you feel cool off – Janfusun Fancyworld; the place where you can see diverse wild animals – Wanpi World Safari Zoo; Greek scenario themed park – E-Da Theme Park, which has VR Station, amusement rides and outlet and the theme park which combines with water park and the world of cactus – Dalukuan Amusement Park.


部樂園,首選位於花蓮的 「遠雄海洋公園」,園內規 劃水族館、海洋生態表演和各式遊 樂設施,適合全家大小一同遊玩。 The best choice of amusement park in eastern Taiwan is Hualien Farglory Ocean Park, which is located in Hualien. There are aquarium, performance of marine ecological and many kinds of amusement rides. It is suitable for family.

遠雄海洋公園 Farglory Ocean Park


Amusement Park in Taiwan

義大世界 E-Da Theme Park



Cover Story

2 擁抱森林裡的天然冷氣! Embrace the natural air conditioning in forest! 即將進入高溫警報的夏日,離開繁忙市區,走進森林吸收芬多精, 感受壯麗優雅的大自然。山上的氣候涼爽宜人,千變萬化的雲海載浮載 沉,宛如世外桃源般的仙境令人著迷。 The high temperature alert in summer is coming soon. It's time to escape from busy city. Walk into forest to enjoy phytoncide. You will feel the magnificent and elegant nature. The weather in mountains is cool and pleasant. Watching the ever changing sea of clouds floating and sinking is so fascinating, just like paradise.

臺灣擁有4座國家森林遊樂區,其中烏來內洞、 三峽滿月圓、桃園東眼山國家森林遊樂區皆位於 低海拔地區,離市區不遠且交通方便,可以近距離享受 瀑布沁涼和森林芬芳,十分放鬆。橫跨新竹與苗栗的觀 霧,位於高海拔地區,氣候涼爽,有豐富的雲霧變化和 珍貴林相,充分體驗大自然之美。 There are four national forest recreation areas in northern Taiwan. Neidong National Forest Recreational Area in Wulai, Manyueyuan National Forest Recreation Area in Sanxia and Dongyanshan Forest Recreation Area in Taoyuan are located in low altitude area. The locations are not far from cities and it is easy to go there. You can enjoy watching waterfall and feeling the fragrance coming from forest. Guanwu Forest Recreation Area which is located across Hsinchu and Miaoli. Because it is located in high altitude area, the weather is cool. If you go there, you will see rich changes of clouds and precious forest physiognomy.


台灣擁有豐富的山林資源,成為避暑好選擇!台中東 勢林場、大雪山、八仙山、武陵農場、福壽山農 場等,能觀賞令人驚艷的動植物生態和樹種林相。南投 以溪頭、惠蓀林場和清境農場一帶最為熱門,適合登山 健行、休閒避暑。有山城之稱的苗栗,擁有眾多登山步 道,其中獅頭山風景區結合宗教和步道,可依體力選擇路 線。其他國家森林遊樂區,例如南投合歡山與奧萬大,亦 擁有高低起伏的山巒與層層縹緲的雲海,更因為豐富的生態環 境,遊程兼具知性與感性。

清境農場 Qingjing Farm

Dasyueshan, Baxian, Wuling farm, fushoushan farm and The Dongshih Forest Garden in Taichung offer a stunning array of animal and plant ecologies, as well as tree species; Xitou, Huisun Forest Park, and Qingjing Farm are famous in Nantou, ideal for hiking and leisurely strolls away from the heat of summer; and Miaoli the Mountain City offers a diverse selection of mountain trails—out of which, Shitoushan Scenic Area is filled a rich religious atmosphere along any of its mountain trails of your choosing. Other National Forest Recreation Areas like Nantou Hehuan Mountain and Aowanda, also show the undulating mountains and layers of sea of clouds. Due to the abundant ecological environment, traveling to those places can be intellectual and emotional.

八仙山森林遊樂區 Baxian

合歡山 Hehuan Mountain



Cover Story

大雪山 Dasyueshan 溪頭 Xitou

台灣尤以嘉義阿里山國家森林遊樂區最為知名,神 木、日出、雲海、日落、森林小火車是五大必拍必玩 的行程,成為國外遊客心目中的台灣印象之一!高雄藤枝與 屏東雙流,擁有多條森林步道可以選擇,沿途可欣賞在地動 植物,兼具健走健身與生態觀察的特色。屏東墾丁森林遊樂 區不僅能欣賞絕美海景,還有特殊的珊瑚礁地質,同時體驗 山與海的夏日風貌。臨近市區的8大森林樂園,遊樂設施多 元,適合小朋友開心玩耍。 In southern Taiwan, Alishan Forest Recreation Area is the most famous one. Watching Sacred Tree, sunrise, cloud sea, sunset and taking Alishan Forest Railway are the five must-do things! There are many forest trails in Tengjhih Forest Recreation Area in Kaoshiung and Shuangliou Forest Recreation Area in Pingtung. Those trails are not only for hiking but also ecological observation. Not only gorgeous sea view, you can also see special coral reef geology in Kenting Forest Recreation Area. These 8 forest recreation areas are suitable for kids because of the diverse facilities. 阿里山 Alishan (嘉義縣政府提供) 44

Taichung Shopping Festival

The Whole City on Sale

7. 10-8 . 18 消費累計滿



A total of TWD.500 spent in Taichung City will qualify you to enter a lottery for a free stay!

有機 會免 費入 住 台中福華大飯店、台中港酒店、台中日光溫泉會館、 全國大飯店、海灣藝術酒店、福容大飯店 麗寶樂園 之總統套房。 You will be entered in a drawing for an opportunity to stay in the Presidential Suite of "Howard Prince Hotel Taichung," "Taichung Harbor Hotel," "Sun Hot Spring & Resort, " "Hotel National," "HiONE Gallery Hotel" or "Fullon Hotel Lihpao Land.”

更多資訊請上官網 http:// ttha-taichung.org.tw For further information, please check on our official website.

台灣可以說是台灣的後花園,宜蘭太平山國家森林遊樂區內的見晴 步道,因景色獨特幽美,入選全球最美小路之一!臨近處的馬告生 態區,包含:棲蘭森林遊樂區、明池森林遊樂區及神木園區,而神木園區 為亞洲最大神木群,以紅檜木為主,因人數限制,須預約才能進入。花蓮 池南國家森林遊樂區能欣賞鯉魚潭景色,富源國家森林遊樂區則以蝴蝶和 瀑布聞名;臺東亦有向陽、知本兩處國家森林遊樂區及台東農場,各有特 色,都是盛夏避暑的好去處。 Eastern Taiwan is the back garden of Taiwan. Because of the unique and beautiful scenery, Jancing Historic Trail in Taipingshan National Forest Recreation Area has been selected as one of the most beautiful trail in the world! There are Qilan Forest Recreation Area, Mingchih Forest Recreation Area and Shenmu Park in Makauy Ecological Park. Shenmu area has the largest number of sacred trees in Asia; there is a limit on the number of people, please make a reservation before you go there. You can see Carp Lake in Chihnan Forest Recreation Area; Fuyuan Forest Recreation Area is famous for butterfly and waterfall. In Taitung, there are Siangyang Forest Recreation Area, Jhihben Forest Recreation Area and Taitung Farm. These places are great summer resorts.

花蓮鯉魚潭 Carp Lake


台中是一個充滿濃厚的人文資產的地方,而人與人之間的 交流往往都是由一份禮品開始,那不可被取代的是那份濃濃 的人情味,「送禮」便是我們獨特表達心意的方式,用「禮」 傳遞初衷滿滿的祝福。 Taichung is a city full of the assets of humanity and culture. Interpersonal communication is usually started with a gift. And the thing that can’t be replaced is human warmth. Many people send their blessing by giving gifts to others.

台中市好禮協會,是由每年的台中十大伴手禮獲獎的廠商 匯集成 的臺中市好禮品牌,並提供協會平台互相研討,共同推廣台中市特色 伴手禮文化,結合政府輔導計畫、資源,輔導台中市伴手禮產業,增強台中市伴 手禮文化。 Taichung Gift Association is a gift brand that gathers companies which are the winners of the prize of top ten best souvenirs. With the association platform, these companies exchange and discuss to promote the culture of special souvenirs in Taichung together. They combine the guidance plan and information of government to strengthen the culture of special souvenirs in Taichung.

用這塊土地歷代祖先傳承下來最純真的原始技藝,傳遞台中最濃醇香的人情味。 To send the human warmth through the purest traditional crafts which have been passed down by the ancestors of this land.

台中市好禮協會理事長 Board Director of Taichung Gift Association, Chen Shun-Jhang


3 海邊踏浪清涼一夏! Walking in the waves make your summer cooler. 說到夏天,絕不能錯過的就是海邊戲水的行程! Talk about summer, you can’t skip the itinerary of playing in the water.

部海岸中,每年夏季舉辦海洋音樂季的福隆海水浴場 最為知名!基隆和平島擁有奇岩怪石和海水泳池;三 芝淺水灣除了濱海步道外,附近亦有不少海景咖啡館;新竹 新月沙灣擁有大片白色沙灘,南寮漁港則因為藍白希臘風格 成為打卡熱點,而騎自行車暢遊17公里海岸風景區,也是不 錯選擇。 In the northern coast, the most famous one is Fulong Beach, which holds Ho-hai-yan Rock Festival every summer. There are many eroded rocks and a seaside swimming pool in Heping Island, Keelung. You will see a trail along the sea and ocean view café in Qianshui Bay, Sanzhi; Xinyue Beach in Hsinchu has the white beach; Nanliao Fishery Harbor is a famous check-in spot on the internet because of its blue and white greece style. If you like to ride a bike, riding along 17 km coastal scenic area is a good choice.

新竹新月沙灣 Xinyue Beach

基隆和平島 Heping Island



部沿岸能欣賞到海天一線的自然美景,北起苗栗有通霄海水浴場 和龍鳳漁港能玩沙踏浪,好望角則能遠眺海景;台中的清水高美 濕地可欣賞落日和風車,成為國內外旅客必來朝聖之地;彰化的王功漁 港能嚐海鮮、看漁船,感受海港熱情。 The western coasts of Taiwan offer great views of the sea and horizon. From the north down, you can go chase the tides on the sandy beach of Tunghsiao Bathing Beach and Long-fong Fishing Port in Miaoli and enjoy the view of coastline at Cape of Good Hope; enjoy the sunset at Gaomei Wetlands in Taichung; and taste fresh seafood at the Wanggong Fishing Port in Changhua.

台中高美濕地 Gaomei Wetland

苗栗龍鳳漁港 Long-fong Fishing Port

苗栗好望角 Cape of Good Hope



高雄西子灣 Sizih Bay

台灣的夏季最為熱情,屏東墾丁絕對是盛夏首 選,浮潛、衝浪、玩水任君選擇!除此之外,來 嘉義東石漁港吃海鮮,來台南漁光島踏沙,來高雄西子 灣賞夕陽,都能享受夏天的魅力。 In southern Taiwan, Kenting is the best place to go in the summer. You can enjoy snorkeling and surfing! Moreover, you will feel the charm of summer if you go to eat seafood in Dongshih Fishing Port which is located in Chiayi, step on sand in Yuguang Island of Tainan or see sunset in Sizih Bay of Kaohsiung.


歐洲第二大連鎖酒店品牌 羅浮宮酒店集團 - 苗栗馥藝 金鬱金香酒店 苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店為苗栗縣首座歐洲品牌之四星級國際 觀光酒店,我們提供全方位的服務,致力於帶給您最好、 最優質的假期享受。讓您沈浸於低調奢華的巴洛克式建 築及溫暖的服務之中,並呈上最佳的款待。 Golden Tulip Aesthetics – Miaoli is the first European branded star international tourism hotel in Miaoli County, we provide a full-service hotel and dedicate our self to allowing full holiday enjoyment, and let you immerse in understated-luxury Baroque style building ,warm service and offering the finest hospitality.

我們同時擁有風格典雅、現代簡約感的191間舒適客房及8種不同主題性的親子 房,以及來自世界各地的美饌及道地台灣美食,藉由美食饗宴取悅您的味蕾。 另外附有豐富的設施,泳池、桑拿、SPA水療、會議室、包廂廳房、婚宴場所。 最後,漫步在漫活的城市讓你「隨時趣感受」。 We own 191 rooms about elegant and modern simplicity style, and eight childlike theme rooms, with restaurants to delight the taste buds with genuine gourmet experiences from around the world and also the local Taiwanese flavors. In addition, we have plentiful facilities such like pool, sauna, spa, ballroom, and banquet. Last, you can take a walk in slow living city, and ‘Playtime. Anytime’.




部海岸十分獨特,擁有遼闊的太平洋和壯麗的岩岸。宜蘭南方澳 兼具漁港特色和大海美景;花蓮七星潭和石梯坪則是白天賞海、 夜晚看星星的好地點;擁有綿延海岸線的台東,不能錯過造型獨特的三 仙台步橋,以及結合漂流木藝術的比西里岸。 There are broad Pacific Ocean and magnificent rocky coast in eastern coast. Nanfangao in Yilan has the features of harbor and beautiful ocean view; Chishingtan and Shihtiping in Hualien are the best places to watch the ocean at day time and look at the stars at night time; in Taitung, you can’t miss uniquely shaped Sanxiantai Bridge and Pisirian which has combined driftwood artworks.

臺東成功三仙台 Sanxiantai

臺東比西里海岸 Pisirian

花蓮七星潭 Chishingtan


陳允寶泉食品董事長 陳坤宏

中華民國糕餅公會全國聯合會理事長 周子良

薔薇食品董事長 黃敏益

丰丹嚴選本舖董事長 陳蓓梅


歡樂派董事長 蔡大森

元明食品董事長 蔡萬財

月亮咬一口老闆 鄭淵斌

久久津乳酪菓子手造所董事長 黃威達

中臺太陽堂食品董事長 陳鴻州

長松食品董事長 鄭鴒鍹


鮮味珍董事長 何錦拓

東利蛋糕董事長 林清全

哈克大師董事長 蔡合益


First Taichung Pearl Milk Tea Festival gorgeous debut! Masters battle in the hometown of pearl milk tea.

發源自臺中的珍珠 奶茶紅遍全世界,一年締造新臺幣 3000 億 元 商 機! 臺 中 今 年 首 創 「臺中珍奶節」,集結臺中地 區最療癒的珍珠奶茶以及創 意的珍奶料理,舉辦十大珍 奶票選活動,邀請民眾參與 票選,還有機會抽中機票、 飯店住宿券等豐富大獎! The world-famous pear milk tea was invented in Taichung. It generates NT$300 billion business opportunities in a year! Taichung is holding the first Taichung Pearl Milk Tea Festival this year. The government combines the most soothing pearl milk tea and the most creative pearl milk tea dishes to hold a vote and invites public to participate in the vote. Come to vote and get a chance to win airplane tickets, accommodation vouchers and many other prizes.

「2019 臺中珍奶節─好茶好餅」記者會日前在臺中市政府舉辦,邀請副市長楊 瓊瓔、觀光旅遊局長林筱淇、春水堂總監林秀慧與知名藝人莎莎、小豬進行珍珠 奶茶及創意料理 DIY,體驗多樣面貌的珍珠奶茶、分享珍奶幸福滋味。

The press conference of “Taichung Pearl Milk Tea Festival – Rich Tea, tasty pastry” was held in Taichung City Government. The deputy mayor, Yang, Chiung-Ying, director-general of Tourism and Travel Bureau, Taichung City Government, Lin, ShiauChi, the director of Chun Shui Tang, Lin, Xiu-Hui, and the famous celebrities, Sasa and Huang, Mu-Yan (also called Xiao-Zhu) were invited to make pearl milk tea and creative pearl milk tea dishes by themselves. They experienced the diverse appearance of pearl milk tea and shared the taste of happiness.

2019 臺中珍奶節活動,7 月 10 日至 28 日舉辦十大珍奶票選, 民眾可至活動官網、或至臺中火車站前廣場的大型珍奶裝置藝術 投票,選出十大人氣珍奶;8 月 3 日於廣三 SOGO 百貨戶外廣場 公布十大珍奶票選結果,邀請藝人夏于喬一同評選出「年度代表珍奶茶飲」及「年 度代表珍奶料理」,並有試吃、試飲活動,號召大家感受十大珍奶魅力;此外,7 月 10 日至 8 月 11 日於臺中火車站前廣場打造期間限定的大型珍珠奶茶裝置藝術, 邀請大家瘋拍美照,並於 8 月 10 日、11 日舉辦珍珠奶茶及糕餅主題市集,邀請 民眾佐茶配餅,體驗獨特的臺中午茶風情! 2019 Taichung Pearl Milk Tea Festival holds the vote of top ten pearl milk tea from July 10th to 29th. Public can vote on the official website and at the large pearl milk tea installation art in front of Taichung Station. The result of the vote will be announced at the outdoor plaza of SOGO Taichung on August 3rd. Actress Kimi Hsia has been invited to select the peal milk tea and peal milk tea dish of the year in the event. There will be free food and drink samples, welcome you to feel the charm of top ten pearl milk tea. Furthermore, there is limited-time large pearl milk tea installation art at the plaza in front of Taichung Station during July 10th to August 11th. Come and take some photos! On August 10th and 11th, the theme market of peal milk tea and pastry will be held, inviting public to drink tea, eat pastry and experience the unique afternoon tea atmosphere of Taichung!





Taiwan 新竹Hsinchu

跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤

台灣的魅力在於一年四季各地皆有不同的風貌,此期將讓各地網美帶著各位上山下海,與台灣城市中的美好邂 逅吧,跟著他們一起暢玩台灣,體驗新風情吧! In this issue, the lead of internet celebrities are going to go up the hill and into the sea, and just meet the wonderful encounter in Taiwan. Just follow them and experience the charm of those places.


綠世界生態農場 Green World

・ 電話Phone:+886-3-5801000 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:08:30-17:30 新竹縣北埔鄉大湖村7鄰20號

No.20, 7 Neighborhood, Dahu Vil, Beipu Township, Hsinchu County


南寮魚鱗天梯 Luye Shrine

・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR

新竹市北區新港路 Xingang Rd., Bei Dist., Hsinchu City


香山濕地 Siangshan Wetland

・ 營業時間Opening hours: 一至五Mon to Fri 09:30-18:00 (休二Close at Tue) 六Sat 09:00-19:00、日Sun 09:30-19:00


新竹市香山區中華路五段320巷35號 No.35, Ln.320, Sec.5, Zhonghua Rd., Xiangshan Dist., Hsinchu City



Following internet celebrities to travel


香山沙丘 Xiangshan Dune

・營業時間Opening hours:24HR

細茅埔吊橋 Ximaopu Suspension Bridge

・電話Phone:+886-3-5800116 ・開放時間Opening hours:24HR 新竹縣峨眉鄉竹43鄉道

新竹市香山區(近南港賞鳥區) Xiangshan District, Hsinchu City (Near by Nangang bird-watching area)


Township Road Chu 43,Emei Township, Hsinchu County


佛陀世界自然禪修閉關園區 豆腐岩 Tofu Rock

・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR

Buddha World Natural Retreat

・ 電話Phone:+886-3-5872616 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:六日Sat & Sun 09:00~16:00



Touqian River, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County

No.23, Dazhukeng, Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County




Taiwan 高雄Kaohsiung

跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤

台灣的魅力在於一年四季各地皆有不同的風貌,此期將讓各地網美帶著各位上山下海,與台灣城市中的美好邂 逅吧,跟著他們一起暢玩台灣,體驗新風情吧! In this issue, the lead of internet celebrities are going to go up the hill and into the sea, and just meet the wonderful encounter in Taiwan. Just follow them and experience the charm of those places.


旗津貝殼館 Cijin Shell Museum

・ 電話Phone:+886-7-5718920 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:09:00-17:00(休一 Close at Mon) 高雄市旗津區旗津三路887號 No.887, Qijin 3rd Rd., Qijin Dist., Kaohsiung City


蓮池潭 Lianchihtan (Lotus Pond)

・ 電話Phone:+886-7-7995678 ・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR

高雄市左營區蓮潭路 Liantan Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City



Weiwuying Community Paint Village

・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR


高雄市苓雅區建軍路 Jianjun Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City



Following internet celebrities to travel


大湖番茄會社 Dahu Tomato Factory

・電話Phone:+886-7-69912212 ・營業時間Opening hours:24HR

前鎮之星 Qianzhen Star

・電話Phone:+886-7-7995678 ・營業時間Opening hours:24HR 高雄市前鎮區中山三路807號

高雄市湖內區中山路一段360號 No.360, Sec.1, Zhongshan Rd., Hunei Dist., Kaohsiung City


No. 807, Zhongshan 3rd Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City


大魯閣草衙道 Taroko Park

・ 電話Phone:+886-7-7969999 ・ 開放時間Opening hours:一至五Mon to Fri 11:00-22:00 六日Sat & Sun 10:30-22:00 高雄市前鎮區中安路1-1號 No.1-1, Zhongan Rd., Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung City

崗山之眼 Siaogangshan Skywalk Park

・ 電話Phone:+886-7-6282100 ・ 開放時間Opening hours:09:00-18:00(休一 Close at Mon) 高雄市岡山區 Gangshan Dist., Kaohsiung City




跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan



台灣的魅力在於一年四季各地皆有不同的風貌,此期將讓各地網美帶著各位上山下海,與台灣城市中的美好邂 逅吧,跟著他們一起暢玩台灣,體驗新風情吧! In this issue, the lead of internet celebrities are going to go up the hill and into the sea, and just meet the wonderful encounter in Taiwan. Just follow them and experience the charm of those places.


三仙台 Sanxiantai

・ 電話Phone:+886-8-9854097 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:24HR 台東縣成功鎮基翬路74號 No.74, Jihui Rd., Chenggong Township, Taitung County


鹿野神社 Luye Shrine

・ 電話Phone:+886-8-9551637 ・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR 台東縣鹿野鄉光榮路308號 No.308, Guangrong Rd., Luye Township, Taitung County



Torik(Duli) Beach- Sky mirror

・ 電話Phone:+886-8-9841290 ・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR


台東縣成功鎮 Chenggong Township, Taitung County




National Taitung University Library

・電話Phone:+886-8-9318855 ・開放時間Opening hours: 一至五Mon to Fri 08:00-22:00 六Sat 09:00-17:00、日Sun 14:00-22:00 台東縣台東市大學路二段369號

Following internet celebrities to travel


台東森林公園 Taitung Forest Park

・開放時間Opening hours:06:00-17:30 台東縣台東市華泰路300號

No.300, Huatai St., Taitung City, Taitung County


No.369, Sec. 2, University Road Taitung City, Taitung County


太麻里平交道 Taimali Railroad Crossing

・ 營業時間Opening hours:24HR

台東縣太麻里鄉東63鄉道(太麻里火車站附近) Township Road Dong 63, Taimali Township, Taitung County (Near by Taimali Train Station)

加路蘭遊憩區 Jialulan Park

・ 電話Phone:+886-8-9280313 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:24HR

台東縣台東市台11線 Highway 11 ,Taitung City, Taitung County

Adventure Journey of 500 Taiwan Leopard Cats

以前,我是有家人的。但是,山消失了, 牠們也消失了。只剩我。 I had family before, but as the mountains disappeared, so did they. I am the only one left.

於是,我踏上尋找同伴的探險旅途。 Therefore, I am on my way to find companions.

我一定要找到牠們! I must find them!

嘿,你願不願意成為我的夥伴? Hey, do you want to be my partner?

成為夥伴的快速通道! Fast way to become a partner of leopard cats



玩 樂園、 住 福容、 逛 OUTLET、 開 卡丁、 搭 摩天輪


Playing , Staying , Shopping , Karting All in one

The best choice of summer resort Malabay.

Check in photos of theme passenger capsules of Sky Dream Ferris Wheel.

暑假到麗寶樂園渡假區最好玩!快來全台最大水樂園馬拉灣,挑戰 3米巨浪大海嘯、高速滑道、刺激衝浪、漂漂河、碰碰船,還有最 嗨的電音泡泡趴,一起揪團來場清涼消暑的COOL浪派對。 Come to Lihpao Resort is the funniest thing in summer vacation! You can experience 3 meters Big Wave, high speed slides, stimulating surfing, Lazy River and Bumper Boats in Malabay. There is also EDM bubble party, come and have a coolest party with your friends!

超萌打卡新亮點!全台最大摩天輪「天空之夢」推出全新主題車廂,有天空之夢吉 祥物『愛麗絲』粉紅泡泡主題、『白寶』藍天白雲夢幻風、『好萌貓』的貓奴專屬車 廂,還有暑假限定日本爆紅人氣角色『忠犬麻糬柴犬』等特製主題,每台車廂內都配 有冷氣與WIFI,讓你體驗一場舒適的高空賞景新體驗! Super cute new highlight of check in spot! The largest ferris wheel in Taiwan, Sky Dream, has launched the newest theme passenger capsules. The themes include Alice pink bubble style (Alice is the mascot of Sky Dream), “Bai bao” blue sky and white clouds dreamy style, cute cat style and the popular character of Japan – Mochi Shiba, which is limited in summer vacation. There are air conditioner and Wi-Fi in every capsule. It gives you a brand new experience of watching views in high altitude!



Customer Care Hotline:04-2558-2459

No. 8, Furong Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City (Beside Houli Interchange of Sun Yat-sen Freeway)

統聯客運:京站-麗寶樂園/台中高鐵-麗寶樂園 Ubus:Q Square-Lihpao Resort/Taichung HSR Station- Lihpao Resort 豐原客運:豐原-麗寶樂園/大甲-麗寶樂園 Fengyuan Bus:Fengyuan-Lihpao Resort/ Dajia- Lihpao Resort

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