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▲ 封面故事│秋冬三種浪漫限定: 賞楓、泡湯、迎曙光 Three kinds of limited romance in fall and winter

▲ 特色商圈│2019績優商圈 全臺大點名! 2019 commercial districts of outstanding performance in Taiwan!

曬柿餅 Dried persimmon 照片由新竹縣政府提供 The photo is provided by Hsinchu County Government.




秋冬 國民旅遊補助

台中觀光旅館住宿推薦 Autumn & Winter Travel Subsidy Program Hotel Recommendation in Taichung


1 台中福華大飯店 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 台中亞緻大飯店

Howard Prince Hotel Taichung 全國大飯店 Hotel National 長榮桂冠酒店(台中) Evergreen Laurel Hotel(Taichung) 台中金典酒店 The Splendor Hotel 台中日月千禧酒店 Millennium Hotel Taichung 裕元花園酒店 Windsor Hotel Taichung 台中港酒店 Taichung Harbor Hotel

9 10 11 12 13 14

The Landis Taichung 台中日光溫泉會館 The Sun Hot Spring & Resort 海灣藝術酒店 HiONE Gallery Hotel Taichung 清新溫泉酒店 Freshfields Taichung 永豐棧酒店 Tempus Hotel 福容大飯店 麗寶樂園 Fullon Hotel Lihpao Land 台中大毅老爺行旅 The Place Taichung

秋冬國民旅遊補助相關資訊依交通部觀光局公布為主。 The Tourism Bureau will release the further details of domestic travel by citizens subsidy program on official website.

更多資訊請上官網 http:// ttha-taichung.org.tw For further information, please check on our official website.

愛玩中台灣 vol.13秋季刊 發行日期:2019年秋10月1日




04 觀光視野

Vision of Sightseeing

台南,是值得自由品味的文化古都 Tainan is a cultural ancient city with leisurely atmosphere.

台南市 市長 黃偉哲

Tainan City Mayor – Huang Wei-Che

歡迎來新竹縣,走訪文化科技智慧城 Welcome to Hsinchu County, a smart culture and technology city.

新竹縣政府 縣長 楊文科

County Governer of Hsinchu County Government – Yang, Wen- ke



Celebrity Interview

遇見竹北是幸福的開始 Encountering Zhubei City is the beginning of happiness.

竹北市 市長 何淦銘

Mayor of Zhubei City – Ho, Kan-ming

中臺灣農村四季之美 深度旅遊創建美好視野

The beauty of four seasons in rural area of central Taiwan. In-depth travel creates a beautiful vision.

行政院農業委員會水土保持局 南投分局 分局長 陳榮俊

Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Director of Nantou Branch – Jung-Chun, Chen

台灣本身就是充滿驚喜的遊樂場 Taiwan is like an amusement park full of surprises!

台灣觀光遊樂區協會 理事長 廖俊斌 Board Director of Taiwan Amusement Park Association – Liao, Jun-Bin

20 照片由新竹縣政府提供。 Photo is provided by Hsinchu County Government.


Travel information

您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌: 交通部觀光局駐日本東京辦事處、新加坡辦事處、越南辦事處、馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處、香港辦事處、澳門辦事處、泰國曼谷辦事處; 國際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺北、臺中遊客服務 中心;台灣電影製作發展協會(150位會員);台灣各大旅行社(約600家);星動銀河旅站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店台中民權、薆悅酒店 台中館、水雲端旗艦概念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國際大飯店、永悅行旅、1969藍天飯店、富禾居會館 、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中福華大飯店、通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫 泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台中林酒店、福容大飯店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福容大飯店花 蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大飯店、高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅人驛站旅宿 連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星光酒店、台東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創HOTEL、海漾行館、佳仕堡商務飯 店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店…(陸續增加)。

發行人:趙成年 社長:陳英俊 顧問:洪文能、蕭仕榮、吳政和 法律顧問:劉喜律師 總編輯:趙品瑄 執行編輯:陳庭慈、何家嘉、許儷齡、楊雅淇 翻譯:賴思妤Sandra 編輯委員:蔡維郡、巫賜發、廖萬隆 陳奕錩、陳瑛宗、康翠敏 洪明峰、陳晁偉、吳奇鴻 林俊明、高信傑 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路106號 電話:+886-4-23727658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司

26 特色商圈

Featured commercial districts

2019績優商圈 全臺大點名

2019 commercial districts of outstanding performance in Taiwan!

58 跟著網美去旅行 Following internet celebrities to travel 打卡勝地

34 封面故事

In check-in resorts in Taiwan

Cover Story


Viewing maple and searching for the moment of forest turning red.


Hot spring, the right temperature that heals your body and heart.


Top 6 places to see the first sunrise of the year.




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10 Collyer Quay #06-03, Ocean Financial Center, Singapore 049315 Tel 65-6223-6546~7 Fax 65-6225-4616 E-mail tbrocsin@singnet.com.sg




Suite 25-01, Level 25, Wisma Goldhill, 67 Jalan Raja Chula, 50200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel 60-3-2070-6789 Fax 60-3-2072-3559 E-mail tbrockl@taiwan.net.my

GN02,24F North Wing,G Tower Grand Rama 9 No.9 Rama 9 Road, Huay Kwang District, 10310, Bangkok Thailand Tel 66-2-1266-201 E-mail ttb.bkk2017@gmail.com

336 Nguyen Tri Phuong St., District 10, HO CHI MINH City, Vietnam Tel 84-28-383-49160~65#3105 Fax 84-24-392-74996 E-mail apply@taiwan.net.vn


Vision of Sightseeing

採訪 Writer/ 趙品瑄 Penny Chao

台南,是值得自由品味的文化古都。 Tainan is a cultural ancient city with leisurely atmosphere. 台南市 市長 Tainan City Mayor

黃偉哲 Huang Wei-Che

台南是文化古都,也是美食之都,擁有深厚文化底蘊和豐富觀光資源。我們認 為國內外遊客要以舒緩步調深入體驗,才能真正品味這座城市。 Tainan is a cultural ancient city and also one of gastronomy. It has abundant cultural background and sightseeing resources. We believe that to experience the city with the slow pace is the only way to feel the city deeply.

以 宗 教 文 化 為 主 題 的 深 度 旅 遊, 儼 然 是 台 南 的 觀 光 特 色 之 一。 全 台 首 學 「孔廟」、全台最老媽祖廟「開基天后祖廟」、象徵王爺信仰的「南鯤鯓代 天 府 」 與 以 三 太 子 聞 名 的「 新 營 太 子 廟 」, 都 在 這 裡! 從 各 地 前 來 朝 聖 的 進 香 團 和 信 徒 們 絡 繹 不 絕, 甚 至 廟 宇 裡 的 籤 詩 都 附 上 中、 英、 日 語 註 解, 可 見 台 南 宗 教 旅 遊 的 吸 引 力。 不 只 如 此, 還 有 慶 祝 子 女 成 年 的「 滿 16 歲 」 古 禮 及 七 夕 月 老 參 拜, 都 是 結 合傳統習俗的文化活動。 In-depth travel with the theme of religious culture is one of the sightseeing features of Tainan. Here, you can visit the first school in Taiwan - Confucius Temple, the oldest matsu temple in Taiwan - Kaiji Matsu Temple, the temple symbolizing the belief of Wang Ye – Nan Kun Shen Dai Tian Temple, and the temple which is famous for San Tai Zi - Xinying Taizi Temple. There are so many pilgrims and believers visiting here. You can see the annotation of fortune slip written in Chinese, English and Japanese. There are more cultural activities, including the ancient tradition of celebrate the 16th birthday of a child and the praying of Chinese cupid on Chinese Valentine's Day.


除了饒富歷史的景點,我們也不斷開 創嶄新亮點,像是:以鯨魚為造型的裝 置藝術「大魚的祝福」,展示仿古帆船 台灣成功號的「1661 台灣船園區」, 全台第一座以化石為主題的「台南左鎮 化石園區」,皆成功成為打卡熱點,吸 引遊客合影。 We keep creating brand new highlights. 大魚的祝福 The blessing of the big fish There are some famous check-in places, including the installation art of whale - The blessing of the big fish, the place where you can see the ancient ship which is modeled on Zheng Chenggong Ship - 1661 Taiwan Warship Museum and the first park of fossil in Taiwan – Tainan City Zuojhen Fossil Park.

台南豐富的旅遊資源也包含自然景觀和美食農特產,如:擁有全台獨一無二泥 漿溫泉的關子嶺溫泉,透過溫泉美食節的舉辦,結合日本浴衣和火王爺信仰,打 造日式風格的溫泉體驗;位於烏山頭水庫風景區的八田與一紀念園區,紀念了這 位打造嘉南大圳的日本技師,未來亦將擴大相關活動;除了道地的美食小吃外, 每年鳳梨、芒果、文旦等農特產,產值高達 6、700 億,來產地鮮買鮮吃,也是獨 特的觀光型態。

孔廟 Confucius Temple 5


Vision of Sightseeing

關子嶺泥漿溫泉 Guanziling Hot Spring

Tourism resources of Tainan include natural scene and agricultural produce. Guanziling Hot Spring is the only mud spring in Taiwan. Combining Japanese yukata and the belief of Huo Wangye, Tainan City Government holds hot spring festival; Yoichi Hatta Memorial Park located in Wushantou Reservoir is to commemorate the Japanese engineer who built Chianan Irrigation Waterway. The related activities will be expanded in the future; in addition to local snacks, there are some famous agricultural produce, such as pineapple, mango and pomelo. Yields on these fruits are over 60 or 70 billion. Welcome you to come to the place of origin and taste it.

另外,早年以電影《無米樂》走紅的菁寮老街,如今亦有電視劇《俗女養成記》 為其加持。《俗女養成記》的原著作家江鵝為台南人,戲劇以具親切感的台語和 笑中帶淚的故事,交織出台南土地故事,令不少劇迷前來朝聖。而由知名導演魏 德聖所策劃的電影園區,未來將在後壁建造,想必又會引起一波台南旅遊風潮! Additionally, Jingliao Old Street was famous in early days because of the movie “Let It Be”. Nowadays, drama “The Making of an Ordinary Woman” also helped Jingliao Old Street be known by more people. The writer of the original novel, Jiang E, is from Tainan. This drama tells people local story of Tainan by actors speaking Taiwanese to give people cordial feeling, and the story includes laugh and tears. In the future, there will be a movie park which is planned by the famous film director Wei, Te-Sheng in Houbi!


我們也致力透過舉辦大型活動來行銷城市,名 列世界三大蘭展之一的「台灣國際蘭展」已邁 入第 15 屆,每年都在台南後壁台灣蘭花生物 科技園區展出,吸引超過 20 萬人次入園觀賞, 主題與風格推陳出新,2019 年外銷訂單更再創 新高! 2019 年 5 月 4 日則歡慶「國際星戰日」, 邀請星戰迷 cosplay 最喜歡的角色,來到台南共 襄盛舉。

菁寮稻田無米樂 Jingliao movie"Let It Be"

We are also devoted to promote the city through holding activities. Taiwan International Orchid Show, which is ranked as one of the top three orchid shows in the world, is coming to its 15th year. The show has been held in Taiwan Orchid Plantation of Houbi, Tainan every year. It attracted more than 200 thousand visitors. The export orders in 2019 have reached the new heights! On May 4th, 2019, welcome everyone to cosplay as your favorite character and celebrate Star Wars Day together in Tainan.

台灣國際蘭展 Taiwan International Orchid Show

台 南 從 1624 年 荷 蘭 人 於 安 平興建熱蘭遮城至今,即將於 2024 年建城滿 400 年,未來台 南觀光旅遊的發展方向,主要客 群將以自由行旅客為主,我們期 許遊客來到台南能夠自己看、自 己買、自己品味這座城市,我們 也期許本地店家能夠自由地與觀 光客接觸,一起成長。歡迎來台 南深度旅遊!

Since Nederlanders built Zeelandia in Anping in 1624, Tainan is going to celebrate its 400th anniversary in 2024. In the future, the develop direction of Tainan tourism will be mainly focused on individual travelers. We expect visitors can come to Tainan and feel the city by themselves and we also hope local stores can make good connection with visitors. Welcome to have an indepth travel in Tainan!

※ 以上照片由台南市政府提供。 The photos are provided by Tainan City Government. 廣告



Vision of Sightseeing

採訪 Writer/ 趙品瑄 Penny Chao

歡迎來新竹縣, 走訪文化科技智慧城。

Welcome to Hsinchu County, a smart culture and technology city 新竹縣政府 縣長 County Governer of Hsinchu County Government

Yang, Wen- ke

新竹縣擁有豐富的「山、海、湖」觀光資源,隨著四季轉變,可以體驗不同的 特色遊程。春天適逢桐花季,於台三線上的峨眉鄉獅頭山步道、橫山鄉大山背步 道、關西鎮八寮古道等,都可見佈滿山頭的桐花猶如雪花般落下;夏日炎炎,在 竹北新月沙灘踏浪看海最消暑,也能沿著新豐鄉紅樹林綠色步道觀賞動植物生態, 享受徐徐海風的吹拂。 Hsinchu County has the tourism resources of mountain, sea and lake. As the seasons change, you can experience different kinds of tours. In spring, it is the time of Tung Blossom Festival. You can see Tung Blossom covering the mountains in Lion’s Head Mountain Trail of Emei Township, Dashanbei Trail o f H e n g s h a n To w n s h i p , and Baliao Old Trail of Guanxi Township, which are on Provincial Highway 桐花季 3. In summer, going to New Tung Blossom Festival Moon Beach in Zhubei is the best way to cool off. It is also good to walk along Mangrove Green Trail of Xinfeng Township, watch the ecology of animals and plants, and feel the breeze.


時序入秋,最適合騎乘自行車環繞峨眉湖,同 時也能眺望亞洲最高彌勒大佛雕像和順遊主祀關 聖帝君的隆聖宮,結合自然與宗教元素,而秋天 九降風也吹出新竹縣特產 - 柿餅及烏魚子,饒富 客家特色;秋收冬藏,這時最適合到橫山、尖石 泡湯,富含碳酸氫鈉的泉水可以滋潤肌膚,故有 美人湯之美稱。 When autumn comes, it is suitable for cycling around Emei Lake, overlooking the tallest Maitreya Buddha in Asia, and visit LongshengTemple where people mainly worship Guansheng Dijun; the winds of September(in Chinese: Jiu jiang feng) make the Hakka 泡溫泉 Soak in hot springs specialties of Hsinchu County, persimmon and mullet roe; in winter, it is good to soak in hot springs in Hengshan and Jianshi Township. Sodium bicarbonate hot spring, which is also called beauty hot spring, can moisturize your skin.

對於下半年的活動規劃,配合中央政策所推動的「擴大國旅秋冬旅遊補助計 畫」,我們將聯合縣內觀光業者及旅行社共同推廣,期望有更多旅客來新竹縣深 度旅遊。同時,補助計畫也包含 12 歲以下兒童免費暢遊主題樂園,而我們境內熱 門的主題樂園「六福村主題遊樂園」、「小叮噹科學主題樂園」及「萬瑞森林遊 樂園」也都適用,正如我當選時的承諾:「老中青幼都照顧!」

曬柿餅 Dried persimmon 9


Vision of Sightseeing

湖口老街 Hukou old street

In the second half of the year, responding to the policy of central government so that we are going to cooperate with county tour operators and travel agencies to promote the expanding autumn and winter domestic tourism subsidy program. At the same time, the subsidy program allows children who are under 12 years old can to into theme amusement parks for free, such as the famous Leofoo Village, Little Ding-Dong Science Theme Park and Wan Ruey Forest Park. As the promises when I was elected, I will take care of the people in all ages!

此外,我們也推出自行車節「Easy Bike 鐵馬漫遊新竹縣」與「浪漫台三線藝術 季」。「浪漫台三線藝術季」係透過藝術表演或展覽形式演繹客庄文化,而新竹 縣是由位於台三線上的竹東鎮、北埔鄉、關西鎮、峨眉鄉及橫山鄉等鄉鎮作為舞 台,遊客可以前往竹東逛逛日據時代就存在的竹東市場,又或是走訪北埔歷史建 築-金廣福、姜阿新洋樓,感受客家文化的生活美學。 We also launched biking festival – Easy Bike Cycling in Hsinchu County slowly, and Romantic Route 3 Art Festival. Romantic Route 3 Art Festival is to reveal Hakka culture through art performances and exhibitions. In Hsinchu County, the places of performances will be at Zhudong, Beipu, Guanxi, Emei and Hengshan Township. You can walk around Zhudong Market which was established in Japanese colonial period, or historical architectures in Beipu - Chin Kuang Fu and Chiang A-Hsin Mansion.


除了豐沛的旅遊資源,新竹縣也是座文化薈萃且科技發達的智慧城市。未來在 觀光發展將朝向「智慧旅遊」邁進,如何將智慧科技結合觀光旅遊,解決旅途中 食宿遊購行的問題,讓世界各地旅客能輕鬆暢遊新竹縣,是我們努力的目標。今 年度我們亦獲得經濟部工業局核定,啟動【AI 新零售智慧商圈推動計畫】,將打 造十處智慧資訊站及一處智慧商店,由內灣商圈打頭陣,提供遊客線上購物、互 動拍照、趣味遊戲等,還有聊天機器人導覽景點,並提供將紀念品打包宅配的服 務。 Besides abundant tourism resources, Hsinchu County is also a culture and tecnology smart city. In the future, we are aiming at smart tourism. Our goal is finding out how to combine smart technology and tourism, and getting worldwide tourists to enjoy the trip in Hsinchu. This year, we have been approved by Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs to start the New AI Retail Smart Commercial District Promoting Program. We are going to build 10 smart information stations and one smart store. Starting from Neiwan commercial district, we offer online shopping, experience of interactive photo, interesting games and robot guided attractions for tourists. You can also deliver your souvenirs to your house.

我們也配合交通部觀光局政策,加入「台 灣好玩卡」的行列,利用電子票證整合交 騎單車賞大佛 通及食、宿、遊、購等優惠,搭配建議行程, Cycle around and overlook the Buddha 期望導引自由行旅客持卡輕鬆暢遊新竹縣。 歡迎來新竹縣,體驗截然不同的美食、美景及文化! We also cooperated with the policy of Tourism Bureau to join the line of Taiwan Pass. Through the electronic ticket which combines the discounts of transportation, food, housing, tourism and shopping, we hope that independent travelers can use this card and have fun in Hsinchu County. Welcome you to come to Hsinchu County, experience the delicacy, gorgeous view and culture! ※ 以上照片由新竹縣政府提供。 The photos are provided by Hsinchu County Government. 廣告


南投縣茶葉種植面積居全國之冠、茶葉種類多,加上觀光資源豐富,自舉辦『南投 世界茶業博覽會』以來,引注國際焦點,更是國內輝煌盛事,吸引約 50 萬多人次 至南投縣買茶、識茶、體茶及觀光,打響國內外知名度,形成台灣年度節慶大事。

The tea growing area of Nantou County ranks first in Taiwan. Since the Nantou Global Tea Expo was first held, multiple varieties of tea and improved tourism resources have attracted the focus from the whole world. It is also a big event in Taiwan. So far, it has attracted more than five hundred thousand people to buy tea, appreciate tea, experience tea and go sightseeing in Nantou County. This has raised Taiwan’s international profile. The event has become an important annual festival.

活動期間 Event Period

活動日期:108/10/10( 四 ) ~ 10/20( 日 ) Event Date:From 10th, October (Thur.) to 20th October (Sun.) 活動時間:09:00 ~ 17:00 Event Time:From 09:00 AM to 5:00 PM 展售時間: (1) 平日 - 09:00 ~ 17:00 (2) 假日 - 09:00 ~ 18:00 Display and SaleTime: (1) Weekdays - From 09:00 AM to 5:00 PM (2) Weekends - From 09:00 AM to 6:00 PM 活動地點:中興新村(中興會堂、中興大操場、青少年活動中心) Event Venue:Chung Hsing New Village (Chung Hsing Assembly Hall, Chung Hsing Playground and Youth Activity Center)

活動項目 Events 青少年活動中心 ( 國際茶席館 ) Youth Activity Center (International Tea Art Hall)


International tea performances of Iran, Japan, South Korea, India, China, Taiwan and Dongding.

中興會堂 ( 茶藝文化展演 )

Chung Hsing Assembly Hall (Tea Culture Performance)

韓國茶道表演、日本茶道表演、小小泡茶師競賽、雲南普洱展演、獻供五方佛茶禮、 看見茶鄉風情、映像相遇拾歲、歷代茶藝展演 Korean and Japanese Tea Art Performances, the Competition of Little Tea Artists, Exhibition of Pu'er Tea from Yunnan, Worshiping Five Tathagatas Tea Ceremony, Hometown Tea Atmosphere Tea, 10th Anniversary Photo Exhibition, and Exhibition of Tea Arts in Past Dynasties


Chung Hsing Assembly Hall and its surrounding area


Tea Expo 10th Anniversary Retrospective Exhibition, Display and Sale of Tea Sets, Display and Sale Area of Taiwan Quality Tea, Coffee Area, Agricultural Product Area, and Food Court


Chung Hsing Playground and its surrounding area

千人揉茶、舞樂映茶香、茶博十年名家揮毫、千人茶會、迎客賞藝、千人擂茶、馬 拉桑千人野餐趣

Thousand People Tea Panning, Dance, Music and Tea Aroma, Tea Expo 10th Anniversary Masters Write and Draw, Thousand People Tea Ceremony, Tourist Welcoming and Art Appreciation, Thousand People Lei Cha, and Ma La Sun- Thousand People Fun and Picnic

南投縣政府 廣告


Celebrity Interview

文字 Writer/ 趙品瑄 Penny Chao

遇見竹北是幸福的開始。 Encountering Zhubei City is the beginning of happiness. 竹北市市長 Mayor of Zhubei City

何淦銘 Ho, Kan-ming

竹北市是座不容小覷的城市,人口從早期四、 五萬人成長到如今十九萬多人,而城市面貌也隨 著人口發展,不斷有新的驚喜。來竹北旅遊,絕 對是幸福的開始。

竹北市長 何淦銘 Mayor of Zhubei City Ho, Kan-ming

In early days, the population of Zhubei City was about 40 or 50 thousand people, and it has been increasing to more than 190 thousand people nowadays. As the increase of the population, the appearance of the city always makes people feel surprised. Travel in Zhubei is definitely the beginning of happiness.

竹北西部擁有濱海地景和在地產業,如:以美麗白色沙灘聞名的新月沙灘,每 年暑假都會舉辦「新月沙灘海洋音樂季」,吸引遊客踏沙踩浪;鄰近還有拔子窟 烏魚養殖區,每年 11 月舉辦「烏魚節」,推出各式烏魚料理和漁村體驗,展現在 地產業特色;我們也推出「文化漫遊小旅行」的套裝行程,帶領遊客深入體驗竹 北風情。 There are coastal landscapes and local industries in western Zhubei, including these activities as following. New Moon Music Festival is held in New Moon Beach every summer vacation. It attracts travelers to step on the sand and the waves. Mullet Festival is held in Baziku mullet aquaculture area every November. There will be different kinds of mullet dishes and travelers can experience life of fishing village; we also launched package tour – Cultural Slow Travel, leading travelers to experience the atmosphere of Zhubei.


為延續濱海地區的觀光特色,我們陸 續進行鳳山溪和牛埔溪的環境整治,周 邊預計建造跨海大橋、環狀腳踏車專用 道和景觀公園。我們也成立休閒農業專 區,整合烏魚養殖區、觀光農場、特色 民宿等業者,讓它成為海線觀光新亮點。 We have continually worked on environment improvement of Fengshan River and Niupu River. It is planned to build a cross-sea bridge, an annular bicycle 新月沙灘 New Moon Beach lane, a scenic park and an agriculture area in the surrounding area.Through combining mullet aquaculture area, leisure farm and featured hostel, a leisure agriculture area is established, and it is now a new highlight for sightseeing along the coastal line.

竹北東區的發展,從縣治區往高鐵新興區一路延伸,於光明商圈和文興商圈聚集 眾多美食餐廳,同時保留采田福地和六家古厝群等歷史古蹟,都是高人氣的旅遊 景點。我們亦將在此建造「竹北市東區市場」,結合現代化市場、熟食美食區、 特色餐廳等空間,打造嶄新地標。 The development of eastern Zhubei extended from Hsinchu County Government area to THSR Hsinchu Station area. There are many restaurants in Guang Ming business district and Wen Xing business district. It also preserved the historical sites, such as Cai Tian Fu Di and Zhubei Liujia Historical Houses. We are going to build a market in east district. It will combine modern market, deli section and featured restaurants.

竹北每年也舉辦各類精彩活動,像是 2 月元宵燈會、4 月兒童節活動、7 月新月沙 灘海洋音樂季、11 月烏魚節,以及 12 月結合賞花和焢窯的花田囍市活動,都十 分熱鬧精彩!歡迎大家來竹北,遇 見旅行新幸福! Zhubei City Government holds different kinds of exciting activities every year. There will be lantern festival in February, activities of children's Day in April, New Moon Music Festival in July, mullet festival in November,and Hua Tien Xi Shi activity which combines viewing flower and earth oven cooking. Welcome to Zhubei!

新月沙灘海洋音樂季 New Moon Music Festival

※以上照片由竹北市公所提供。 The photos are provided by Zhubei City Office. 廣告



Celebrity Interview

文字 Writer/ 楊雅淇 Thea Yang

中臺灣農村四季之美 深度旅遊創建美好視野 The beauty of four seasons in rural area of central Taiwan. In-depth travel creates a beautiful vision. 行政院農業委員會水土保持局 南投分局 局長 Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Director of Nantou Branch

陳榮俊 Jung-Chun, Chen

彰投雲嘉等縣市之美景與特產盛名遠播,而「接 地氣」深耕農村建設超過二十年的水保局南投分局 長陳榮俊,結合農村特色與四季景緻,於轄區內精 選 22 條黃金遊程,力推農村深度旅遊,每一條都 能讓遊客感受最美的寶島、最獨特的臺灣;其春季 「跟著蝴蝶去旅行」一日遊程更是非去不可,不僅 一次將日月潭、石雕公園等美景盡收眼底,還可品 嚐筊白筍、魚池紅茶的美味,更能認識特有種-臺 灣白魚及見證臺灣「蝴蝶王國」的美譽! The beautiful view and specialty of Changhua, Nantou, Yunlin and Chiayi are famous. Jung-Chun, 陳榮俊分局長 Chen, the director of Nantou Branch, is a down-to-earth Director of Nantou Branch, person. He has been richly cultivating rural construction Jung-Chun, Chen in Taiwan for over 20 years. Combining the features of rural area and beautiful view of four seasons, he selected 22 golden itineraries to promote in-depth travel of rural area. Travelers can feel the most beautiful and unique appearance of Taiwan through every itinerary. In spring, you can’t miss the one-day trip – Following butterflies to travel. You can not only see the gorgeous view of Sun Moon Lake and the stone carving park but also taste delicious water bamboo and black tea of Yuchih. It is also a good chance for you to know the endemic species - Taiwan white minnow and witness the good reputation of Taiwan Butterfly Kingdom! 16

陳分局長更力拼農村轉型,提及農 特產如數家珍,他整合農村、社區與企 業,成立「農萊產業聯盟平台」,客製 化行銷與輔導資源,成功讓 MIT 農產 品牌發光發熱!眾多美味的友善農產 中,特別推薦助美容且爽口的「集元 果」、溫潤回甘的「拾參村-日月潭紅 茶」、酥脆且滿懷情感的「阿甘薯叔」 等,都是不容錯過的絕佳滋味! Jung-Chun, Chen makes all-out efforts on agricultural transformation. He is very familiar with farm produces. Combing villages, communities and companies, he established Long Life Industry Alliance Platform. Customized marketing and assisted resources successfully make MIT farm produces prosperous and remarkable. Among many delicious and eco-friendly farm produces, he especially recommended Jijibanana whose foods are good for your skin and taste refreshing; Sun Moon Lake black tea of Shi-shen Cun which is mild and has the sweet aftertaste; Uncle Sweet whose foods taste crispy and rich in emotions. Don’t miss these fantastic foods!

未來,水保局南投分局將持續擔任農村的強力後盾,媒合眾多企業與社區,一 同發展農業觀光,不僅推出更多精選遊程、無障礙友善遊程,更要讓在地農特產 廣進通路,旅遊與農產商機並重,穩固國內旅遊需求,再讓農村之美走向國際, 讓國際看見臺灣! In the future, Nantou Branch will keep supporting rural area. Matching multiple companies and communities and developing agricultural tourism together. Not only launching more select itineraries and barrier-free travel, but also expanding the marketing channel of local farm produces. Tourism and business opportunity are both equally important. Making the demand of domestic tourism stable and letting the beauty of rural area and Taiwan be seen by the whole world!

※以上照片由水土保持局-南投分局提供。 The photos are provided by Soil and Water Conservation Bureau - Nantou Branch. 17


Celebrity Interview

採訪 Writer/ 趙品瑄 Penny Chao

台灣本身就是 充滿驚喜的遊樂場! Taiwan is like an amusement park full of surprises! 台灣觀光遊樂區協會 理事長 Board Director of Taiwan Amusement Park Association

廖俊斌 Liao, Jun-Bin

遊樂區為人帶來歡笑與娛樂,台灣遊樂區更是各 有特色!台灣觀光遊樂區協會廖俊斌理事長,同時 也是野柳海洋世界的總經理,他表示台灣遊樂區共 有 25 座,依據其特性可分為:「動物」、「機械」 和「自然生態景色」三大主題,充分展現不同特色。 前兩者,深受小朋友與年輕人喜愛,而自然生態景 色遊樂區則成功吸引新加坡和馬來西亞的遊客,特 地前來感受台灣獨特的山林地景。 Amusement park brings happiness and amusement to people. Each amusement park in Taiwan has its own features! Liao, Jun-Bin, the board director of Taiwan Amusement Park Association who is also the 廖俊斌理事長 Board Director, Liao Jun-Bin general manager of Yehliu Ocean World referring that there are 25 amusement parks in Taiwan; they can be divided into three themes, animal, machine, and natural ecological scenery. Children and young people love the first two. Natural ecological scenery areas are especially attractive to visitors from Singapore and Malaysia. They come to feel the unique mountain view of Taiwan.


目前遊樂區客群,95% 為國內 遊 客,5% 為 國 外 自 由 行 遊 客, 為開拓海外市場,協會每年都會 組團參加展覽,以華語系地區為 主,走訪過新加坡、馬來西亞、 香港、澳門等地進行推廣。針對 日益擴大的穆斯林市場,遊樂區 業者也紛紛規劃祈禱場所和穆斯 林友好餐廳等設施,提供最友善 的遊樂環境。

海外參展 Foreign Exhibition

Currently, 95% of the visitors of amusement parks are domestic tourists, the other 5% are individual tourists from foreign countries. In order to expand foreign market, the association attends different exhibition by groups. They mainly visited the Chinese-speaking regions, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Macau. For Muslim market, operators of the amusement parks also plan friendly facilities, such as prayer room and friendly Muslim restaurant.

廖理事長認為,未來台灣遊樂區的發展,應以創造附加價值為目標。如何讓 遊樂區不只是遊樂,引入「教育」意義,達到真正的寓教於樂,是值得思考的方向。 他也提出自己的構想,像是動物或自然生態主題遊樂區,可以教育相關生態知識, 機械主題遊樂區則能結合物理力學,讓學童能夠親自體驗並印證課本上的知識, 如此才是業者、消費者與政府的三贏。 Liao, Jun-Bin thinks that the development of Taiwan's amusement parks in the future should be aim at creating added value. How to let amusement parks not only bring amusement to people? It should be educational. He also mentioned his idea. It will be great if tourists can learn ecological knowledge in the amusement parks related to animal or natural ecology. Machine themed amusement parks can combine physical mechanics to let student verify the knowledge of books. That’s true successful for all the three sides of dealer, consult, and government.

相較於國際知名樂園品牌,台灣遊樂區的規模與資源或許無法相比,於是更 應該整合團結,以台灣作為品牌一同行銷推廣,打造「台灣好樂園」,讓更多人 體驗台灣遊樂區的精彩! Compared amusement parks in Taiwan with international famous amusement park, our scale and resources may not be comparable; that’s why we should be more united and promoted Taiwan as a brand. Create great Taiwan amusement parks and let more people experience amazing amusement park in Taiwan!

※以上照片由台灣觀光遊樂區協會提供。 The photos are provided by Taiwan Amusement Park Association. 19

Travel information

2019 桃園農業博覽會盛大展開 2019 Taoyuan Agriculture Expo grand opening 2019 桃園農業博覽會以「農饗時光」作為策展主軸,將展覽會基地以農業發展 的時間軸劃分,規劃「特色產業」、「農事生產」、「農村生活」、「環境永續」 及「智慧科技」5 大展區及 16 個展館,打造全台首創田地裡的博覽會,展現臺灣 農業的能量。 2019 Taoyuan Agriculture Expo takes “Time of agro-feast” as the topic of the event. The base is divided according to the time axis of agriculture development. There are five exhibition areas including the themes of featured industry, traditional agricultural production, agriculture life, environment sustainable development and smart technology, and 16 exhibition halls. Its goal is to create Taiwan’s first expo in the field and to reveal the energy of Taiwan’s agriculture. 時間 Time 地點 Place

9/28-10/27 桃園市新屋區東興路二段 888 號 No. 888, Sec. 2, Dongxing Rd., Xinwu Dist., Taoyuan City

來場微醺爵士夜派對 Jazz you up! 世界指標爵士音樂節之一的「台中爵士音樂節」 再度席捲台中!今年已邁入第 17 年,為期 10 天 的活動,將超過 53 場次的精采演出,來自國內外的 爵士樂團卡司不容錯過!活動周邊更進駐異國美食攤販以 滿足味蕾,帶上野餐墊,一同坐在市民廣場草坪上,歡度微醺浪漫的藍調夜晚! Taichung Jazz Festival is coming to its 17th year. The activity will last for 10 days. There will be over 53 performances of domestic and foreign jazz bands. Don’t miss the performances! In the surrounding area, there are exotic food vendors. Bring your picnic mat, sit on the meadow of People's Square and enjoy the night of jazz! 時間 Time 20

10/11 - 10/20

地點 Place

台中市西區市民廣場 Taichung People's Square




Moving Star Hotel 星動銀河 旅站是一間機 器人主題旅 館,融入了星 際旅人的設計 項目,銀河的 浩瀚無涯,刻 劃出過旅商客們的美好回憶。地點位於台中市市 區中心點,臨近台中火車站、台中公園自行開車 或是搭乘大眾交通工具都很方便。 Moving Star Hotel is a robot-themed hotel. It is incorporated the design project of star traveler. The vast and infinite galaxy engraves the memories of travelers. The location is near Taichung Train Station and Taichung Park at the central part of Taichung City. Going there by car or public transportation is convenient. +886-4-22258800 / 台中市中區自由路二段66號 No.66,Sec.2,Ziyou Rd.,Central Dist.,Taichung City

伊莎貝爾數位烘焙體驗館 Isabelle Digital Baking Experience Showroom

館內有數位影音互動體驗、360°VR虛擬實 境、DIY烘焙課程及下午茶,是台中好吃好喝又好 玩的新景點。 You can enjoy the digital audio and video interactive experience, 360° virtual reality, DIY baking class and afternoon tea in the showroom. It is a new interesting and delicious attraction in Taichung.


North Coast Seafood Wedding Hall 專賣帝王蟹,龍蝦大餐,無菜單,創意料理傳 統台菜,風華再現,有包廂,有喜宴,來館用餐 可點招牌香酥鴨,再搭配解膩解渴的自製貴妃花 茶,更是一絕。 The specialty of the restaurant is King Crab, lobster, chef's tasting menu and traditional Taiwanese dishes. We offer private rooms and wedding banquets. You can’t miss our signature dish, Crispy Duck and handmade Gui Fei flower tea. It can reduce the grease.

+886-4-24220286 / 台中市北屯區崇德路三段 569-1號(中油旁) No.569-1, Sec. 3, Chongde Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City

尋樸建築師事務所 Essence Architecture

透過以 建築、室 內、景觀設 計三者合一 的方式,打 造一個合宜 使用者、地 土的場所,我們所創作的不只是建築,而是一處 能細細沉澱、品味的場所精神。 We created a proper place for users and lands through the combination of architecture, interior and landscape design. The things that we are creating are not only architecture but also the genius loci that you can taste a place slowly and collect your thoughts.

+886-4-2568-6899 / 台中市大雅區中清路三段737 號 No. 737, Sec. 3, Zhongqing Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City

+886-4-2261-3983 / 台中市南區忠明南路758 號11F 11F., No. 758, Zhongming S. Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 21

Travel information

2019 日月潭花火 音樂嘉年華歡樂無限! 2019 Sun Moon Lake Cycling,Music & Fireworks Festival 「2019 日月潭花火音樂嘉年華」系列活動將於十月起正式熱鬧登場!今年除了 花火音樂會、環湖馬拉松、自行車與紅茶文化季等活動外,特別規劃適合親子同 樂的豐富活動,包括兼具趣味與挑戰的期間限定活動-扭蛋萬花筒、Lucky Do Re Mi 戳戳樂及 12 小時攝影馬拉松,歡迎民眾相揪、親子鬥陣參加! Sun Moon Lake Cycling, Music & Fireworks Festival will make its debut in Octorber! Besides Fireworks Concert, Sun Moon Lake Marathon and Black Tea Culture Festival, there are activities suitable for parent and children. These activities including Capsule Toy Kaleidoscope, Lucky Do Re Mi poke-a-pumpkin game and 12-hour Photo Marathon! 時間 Time

10 月 (Oct.) - 11 月 (Nov.)

地點 Place

南投縣魚池鄉日月潭 Sun Moon Lake, Nantou County

小王子帶你遊 2019 臺中國際花毯節 The Little Prince takes you on a tour of 2019 Taichung International Flower Carpet Festival 2019 臺中國際花毯節以世界知名文學經典名著「小王子」為主角,11 月 9 日 至 12 月 1 日降落新社,由小王子帶領大家遊玩各星球,除了巨型立體草花裝置藝 術,首度挑戰「地表巨型玫瑰花」,勢必成為新社花海最有看頭的亮點。 2019 Taichung International Flower Carpet Festival features world-famous "the little prince," the protagonist in the novella of the same name. It will take place in Xinshe from November 9th to December 1st. The little prince will show you around all planets, each with its distinctive features. This festival offers its visitors various grand flower installations, and the highlight will be an exhibition area featuring a huge rose pattern. 時間 Time


11/09 - 12/1

地點 Place

臺中新社 Xinshe, Taichung




Taiwan Museum of Suncake 保留百年建築,打造成太陽餅博物館及糕餅餐 飲空間,兼具歷史與文創。 Retaining a century old architecture and establishing its tradition as a sun cake museum and dessert dining space, combining history and artistic creations.

產品以新鮮,天然為主,有手工餅乾,竹筍鹹 蛋糕,黃金乳酪球。以大坑特產竹筍,研發出竹 筍鹹蛋糕最為搶手。 All products are fresh and natural, including hand-made cookies, bamboo shoot salty cakes, golden yellow cheese balls, and more. Of course, the bamboo shoot salty cakes made with bamboo shoots from Dakeng are the most popular. +886-4-22391536 / 台中市北屯區東山里橫坑巷 19-8號 No.19-8, Hengkeng Ln., Dongshan Vil., Beitun Dist., Taichung City


JUN RONG FOOD CO.,LTD 成立於2001年 至今,旗下擁有三 大品牌:卡爾迪咖 啡、台灣鮮翠茶、 哈咖啡。我們以20 年經驗和對咖啡、 茶的執著,採用極品精緻咖啡豆及道地100%台灣 高山好茶現點現淬。多年來堅持以台灣為本的風味 茶,名揚海外,並且於2011年獲選世界大學運動 會唯一入駐的指定茶飲品牌。 Established in 2001. It owns three brands, they are Kaldi Coffee, Taiwan Tea and HA Café. With 20 years of experience, we insist to use the finest coffee bean and 100% Taiwan High-Mountain Tea. Instead of brew a pot of tea in advance, we will brew the tea right after you order it. Our tea is worldfamous.Moreover, it was the only tea brand selected by Universiade in 2011. +886-4-26836009 / +886-925-669986 台中市后里區福容路8號No.8,Furong Rd.,Houli Dist.,Taichung City

+886-4-22295559 / 台中市中區台灣大道一段 145號 No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City


Weije Coffee 魏爵咖啡專注於推廣台灣大武山咖啡及全世界 著名的精品咖啡豆,我們有專業的咖啡烘焙機, 提供消費者最新鮮,香醇及高品質的咖啡豆。 Weijecoffee company is delicate to promote Taiwan Da-wu Mountain coffee bean and global famous coffee beans. We have professional coffee roasting machines to provide customer a fresh, aroma & good qualities coffee bean.

+886-4-25667585 品牌旗艦店:台中市中區台灣大道一段145號2樓 2F., No.145, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City 工廠:台中市大雅區中科路1202-1號 No.1202-1, Zhongke Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City 23

Travel information

十三層遺址夜夜點燈! Lighting up 13-Layer Remains every night! 位於新北陰陽海旁的水湳洞,有座「十三層遺 址」,前身為瑞芳、金瓜石一帶最大的選礦場「水 湳洞選煉廠」,後來入選為新北市歷史建築、世 界文化遺產潛力點。為推動公共藝術、活化文 化資產,每晚 6 點至 9 點亮燈,成為最新夜 間攝影祕境! ※ 拍攝時請留意自身安全。 The predecessor of 13-Layer Remains is ShuiNanDong Smelter, which was the largest washery in Ruifang and Jinguashi. It has been selected as historical architecture of New Taipei City and Potential World Heritage Site. From every 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM, 13-Layer Remains will be lit up. It has become the newest amazing place for photograph at night! *Please pay attention to your own safety while taking photos.

2020 台中給你不一樣的台灣燈會 2020 Different Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung 2020 台灣燈會在台中!主展區於 2020 年 2 月 8 日在花博后里園區登場,延續 生態永續主題,運用裝置藝術、聲音影像打造「森林秘境」,另於馬場園區規畫 結合傳統、藝術、科技呈現「藝想世界」;副展區文心森林公園開設「童趣樂園」, 適宜親子同遊,並搶先於 2019 年 12 月 21 日點燈,讓民眾提前感受燈節歡樂氣氛。 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung! Main display area will make its debut at Houli Horse Ranch Site of 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition. Continuing the theme of ecological sustainability, the government utilized installation arts, sounds and images, to create a Fantastical Forest of Lanterns. The Fantastic World of Arts, which combines tradition, arts and technology, is planned to be at Houli Horse Ranch Site. In the sub-exhibition area - Wen-Xin Forest Park, there will be a Childlike Park. It is suitable for parents and children to have fun there. The lanterns will be lit up on the 21st of December, 2019. 24

特 色 商 圈


績優商圈 全臺大點名! 2019 commercial districts of outstanding performance in Taiwan 文字 Writing / 愛玩編輯部 Editorial department

由經濟部中小企業處所辦理的 「2019 績優商圈」結果出爐囉!評 選活動分為「友善服務類」、「環境整 潔類」及「魅力特色類」,再加上「網路 人氣獎」,全臺總共有 14 個商圈獲獎。趕快一一走訪各大商圈,感受在地魅力! The category of 2019 commercial districts of outstanding performance, which is conducted by Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, can be divided into three parts, Friendly service, Clean environment, and Charming features. Plus Internet popularity award, there are 14 commercial districts winning the awards. Come and visit these commercial districts!

網路人氣獎,最多人投票的商圈 Internet Popularity Award

臺北市西門町商圈 Taipei Ximending shopping district 西門町商圈早在日據時代開始發展,充滿潮流商品、電影場景 和街頭活動,深受年輕人喜愛,另外擁有百年歷史的西門紅樓是 打卡地標! Ximending shopping district has been developed since Japanese colonial period. There are many fashionable products, movie scenes and street activities. It is popular among young people. Ximen Red House which has hundred years history is the famous Facebook check-in location.


友善服務類,給你最溫暖的笑容 Friendly Service Award

臺北市新北投溫泉商圈|苗栗縣三義水美商圈| 臺中市天津路服飾商圈 Taipei New Beitou hot spring commercial district| Miaoli Sanyi Shui Mei commercial district| Taichung Tianjin Rd. Clothing Outlet

苗栗縣三義水美商圈 Miaoli Sanyi Shui Mei commercial district

臺北市新北投溫泉商圈 Taipei New Beitou hot spring commercial district

新北投溫泉商圈以各式硫磺溫泉著名,保留日 式旅館、閩南式老街和溫泉博物館等歷史建築, 也可以一嚐獨特的「酒家菜」;苗栗縣三義水美 商圈以木雕聞名,除了聚集木雕藝術品的木雕街, 還有陶藝、畫廊、古董家具、客家伴手禮、特色 餐廳等元素進駐;臺中天津路服飾商圈聚集近 300 家服飾業者,成為成衣批發聚集區,並建置《天 衣無縫服飾暢貨平臺》,提供更優質的消費體驗。

臺中市天津路服飾商圈 Taichung Tianjin Rd. Clothing Outlet

New Beitou hot spring commercial district is famous for its sulphur spring. It preserved Japanese style hotel, Minnan old street and hot spring museum. It is also good to taste Taiwanese banquet cuisine. Sanyi Shui Mei commercial district is famous for its wood sculptures, ceramics, galleries, antique furniture, Hakka souvenir and featured restaurants. Tianjin Rd. Clothing Outlet is a clothing wholesale area with the complete outlet platform of fashion clothes (T10 Fashion Clothes) . 27

特 色 商 圈 環境整潔類,提供最舒適的環境 Clean Environment Award

新北市深坑商圈|新竹縣內灣商圈|苗栗縣桂花巷商圈|臺中市美術園道商圈 New Taipei Shen Keng commercial district|Hsinchu Neiwan commercial district Miaoli Osmanthus Alley commercial district|Taichung Art Museum Parkway

新北市深坑商圈 New Taipei Shen Keng commercial district

新北市深坑商圈除了必吃的 深坑豆腐外,還有文創、烘焙、 伴手禮等店家興起,並且擁有整潔的 街道;新竹縣內灣商圈以客家美食、鐵路、 溫泉吸引國內外遊客,亦舉辦螢火蟲季和古道健行等體 驗活動,深度了解內灣特色。 In Shen Keng commercial district, you must try Shen Keng Tofu. There are cultural and creative stores, baking and souvenir shops. It also has clean streets. Neiwan commercial district attracts domestic and foreign tourists with Hakka delicacies, railway and hot spring. The government also holds Firefly Festival, Historic Trail Hiking and many activities.

新竹縣內灣商圈 Hsinchu Neiwan commercial district


苗栗縣桂花巷商圈位於南庄,充滿 道地的客家美食,知名景點有洗衫坑、 乃木崎,以及一座全臺僅存的日據時代郵 局;臺中市美術園道商圈擁有舒適宜人的散 步廊道和綠草皮,兩旁充滿異國餐廳、甜點店、 茶藝、設計服飾等店家,可以體驗休閒氛圍。

苗栗縣桂花巷商圈 Miaoli Osmanthus Alley commercial district

Osmanthus Alley commercial district is located in Nanzhuang. There are full of Hakka delicacies. Shie San Kung, Nai Mu Qi, and the post office which was built in Japanese colonial period are famous attractions. There are walking corridor and meadow in Art Museum Parkway. You can see many exotic restaurants, patisserie shops, tea arts shops and clothing stores on the both sides of the parkway.

臺中市美術園道商圈 Taichung Art Museum Parkway


特 色 商 圈 魅力特色類,最有在地特色 Charming Features Award

新北市九份商圈|臺北市大稻埕商圈|桃園市魅力金三角商圈 南投縣集集商圈|雲林縣北港商圈|臺南市鹽水商圈 New Taipei Jiufen commercial district|Taipei Dadaocheng commercial district| Taoyuan charming Golden Triangle commercial district|Nantou Jiji commercial district|Yunlin Beigang commercial district|Tainan Yanshuei commercial district

新北市九份商圈依山勢興建,形成階梯式建築景觀,搭配山海之 景與礦業歷史,成為國內外觀光勝地,而夜晚燈光燦爛,別有風味; 臺北市大稻埕商圈於清朝時代崛起,帶動茶葉、漢藥、南北貨、布 業之四大傳統產業,如今保留歷代商號與歷史建築, 成為文化創意的特色街區。 新北市九份商圈 New Taipei Jiufen commercial district

臺北市大稻埕商圈 Taipei Dadaocheng commercial district

Jiufen commercial district was built by the orographic trend of mountain. With the view of mountain and sea and the history of mining, these stair-type buildings look very unique at night. Dadaocheng commercial district rose in Qing Dynasty. It promoted four traditional industries, tea, Chinese medicine, grocery and fabric manufacturing. It became the unique area with cultural and creative features. 南投縣集集商圈 Nantou Jiji commercial district

桃園市魅力金三角商圈 Taoyuan charming Golden Triangle commercial district

桃園市魅力金三角商圈位於龍岡忠貞 地區,融合滇、緬、泰等文化,打造 各族裔特色餐廳,提供異國美食, 每年四月亦舉行米干節活動!南 投縣集集商圈以集集火車站為中 心,除搭乘集集支線鐵路外,也能 騎腳踏車欣賞綠色隧道,或是品嚐 香蕉相關產品。 The charming Golden Triangle commercial district fused cultures of Yunnan, Myanmar, and Myanmar to create ethnic restaurants. Rice Noodle Festival will be held in every April! You can not only take the branch line of Taiwan Railway Administration, Jiji line in Jiji commercial district but also ride a bicycle to enjoy the view of green tunnel and taste banana products.


雲林縣北港商圈 Yunlin Beigang commercial district

雲林縣北港商圈因北港朝天宮而 形成,每年繞境進香的信徒眾多,街道 販售許多在地特產,如:麻油、北港飴、 芝麻醬等,香氣陣陣;臺南市鹽水商圈保留 了鹽水蜂炮的傳統活動,亦於月津港舉辦水上 燈節,而鹽水五寶-鹽水意麵、蕃茄乾、麻油、 冬瓜茶、肉餅也非常有特色。 Beigang commercial district was formed by Beigang Chao-Tian Temple. Every year, there are so many believers participating in pilgrimage activity. Vendors sell different kinds of local specialty, such as sesame oil, Beigang peanut candy and sesame sauce. Yanshuei commercial district retained the traditional activity - Beehive Firework. Yuejin Lantern Festival will be held annually here. There are some special foods, such as Yi Noodles, sun dried tomatoes, sesame oil, Winter Melon Tea and meat patty.

臺南市鹽水商圈 Tainan Yanshuei commercial district

照片由經濟部中小企業處提供 The photos are provided by SMEA. 廣告


玩 樂園、 住 福容、 逛 OUTLET、 開 卡丁、 搭 摩天輪


Playing , Staying , Shopping , Karting All in one

麗寶樂園渡假區擁有全台最大水陸雙主題樂園,遊客可以挑戰全球唯 一一台斷軌式雲霄飛車「搶救地心」,以及可造出 3 米巨浪的「大海 嘯」感受被浪花滅頂的清涼體驗,或者搭乘天空之夢摩天輪,登 上 384 米高空飽覽中台灣景緻,遠眺雪山山脈、台灣海峽。 Lihpao Resort has the largest water and land theme parks in Taiwan. Visitors can challenge the only tilt roller coaster in Taiwan - Gravity Max, get the coolest experience through Big Wave which can make 3 meters of massive waves and take a ride on Sky Dream Ferris Wheel to overlook Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan Strait and gorgeous scene from the high altitude of 384 meters.

想體驗速度快感,絕對不能錯過麗寶國際賽車場, 不但是全台唯一獲 FIA、CIK 認證的賽車場,還擁 有台灣最長、達 1.5 公里的卡丁賽道,共有 15 個 彎道、11種變化,快來化身帥氣賽車手,馳騁賽道。 If you like to experience the fast speed, you can’t miss Lihpao Racing Park. It is the only racing park in Taiwan that was accredited by FIA and CIK. It has Taiwan's longest karting track at over 1.5 km. There are 15 curves and 11 kinds of changes. Come and race on the track like a cool racer.

想吃美食來到麗寶樂園渡假區就對了,麗寶 Outlet Mall 共有 台、日、韓、新、泰、義式料理,更有一整條的北海道拉麵街, 吃飽喝足後只要步行 5 分鐘就能抵達渡假區內的五星級福容大 飯店,除了舒適寬敞的主題住房,還有戶外游泳池、三溫暖、 健身房、SPA 等服務。 Coming to Lihpao Resort is the best choice for tasting delicacy. There is not only Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean, Singaporean, Tai and Italian cuisine in Lihpao Outlet Mall, but also a street of Hokkaido ramen. After having a great meal, it takes you only five minutes to walk to the five-star hotel in Lihpao Resort - Fullon Hotel Lihpao Land. Besides comfortable themed rooms, there are also outdoor swimming pool, sauna, gym and spa.

不論是從台中高鐵站、后里火車站、台中朝馬轉運站,都 能搭乘渡假區的免費接駁車,抵達麗寶樂園渡假區,趕快 帶著親朋好友規劃一場三天兩夜的麗寶假期,暢遊中台灣 ! No matter you come from HSR Taichung Station, Houli Railway Station or Taichung Chaoma Station, there are free shuttle buses taking you to Lihpao Resort. Planning a 3 days 2 nights trip to have fun in Lihpao Resort and central Taiwan with your friends and family!


Cover Story

賞楓 找尋森林轉紅的瞬間

Viewing maple and searching for the moment of forest turning red. 帶路人 Author

寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊。

Professional novelist who likes writing, reading, painting, and traveling.

賞楓最佳時間為每年 11~12 月,楓葉由綠色慢慢轉為橙色與 紅色,為台灣山林增添鮮豔色彩,尤以中台灣山區景點最多、面 積最廣,為賞楓首選! The best period to view maple is every November to December. Maple leaves turn tangerine from green. They make forest become more colorful. Mountain areas in Taichung are the best place for maple viewing because there are many attractions and the widest area.


常見的紅葉種類 Common species of red autumnal leaves 青楓 Acer serrulatum 屬於台灣特有種,葉子 5 裂,常見於中低海拔的森 林步道。 Endemic Species of Taiwan. They have 5 petals and they are common in medium and low altitude forest trail.

楓香 Liquidamber formosana 屬於台灣原生物種,葉子 3 裂,常見於公園和中 低海拔處。 Endemic Species of Taiwan. They have 3 petals and they are common in parks and medium and low altitude areas.

掌葉楓 Acer palmatum Thunb 葉子 7 裂且顏色暗紅,多為園藝栽種,可見於台 灣北中部的高海拔地區。 They have 7 petals and the color is dark red. Most of them are horticulture plants. They are common in high altitude areas in northern and central Taiwan.

紅榨楓 Acer morrisonense 屬於台灣特有種,葉子呈卵狀心形,沒有明顯 裂葉,分佈於中高海拔森林。 Endemic Species of Taiwan. Their leaves are oval heart shaped. There are no obviously cracked leaves. They distributes in medium and high altitude forest areas.


Zhubei City Culture Tours Itinerary

大手牽小手親子行 Hand in hand family tour

One day tour



Rural children’s fun carnival

Family picnic

11/30限定 only on 11/30

小小養蜂人.搖搖蜂蜜檸檬水.自釀萊姆醋. 生態農莊好好玩

小小養蜂人.搖搖蜂蜜檸檬水.自釀萊姆醋. 草地野餐趴.客家文化巡禮.水圳公園漫步

Experiencing making honey lemon water and lime vinegar, having fun in village

Experiencing making honey lemon water and lime vinegar, grassland picnic party, Hakka culture travel, rambling in Shuizhen Park

Promotional Pricing

Promotional Pricing

家族自然文化漫遊 Family natural culture tour 家族海味文化行

Family seaside cultural tour


11/26限定 only on 11/26

Family sweet potato cultural tour

悠閒漁村.趣味釣魚.歷史文化巡禮.水圳公園 漫步.豆腐岩美照打卡

挖地瓜豐收趣.搓搓地瓜圓.客家文化巡禮. 水圳公園漫步.豆腐岩美照打卡

Seeing fishing village, going fishing, having a history cultural tour, rambling in Shuizhen Park, taking photos of chessboard rock

Experiencing digging up sweet potato, making sweet potato ball, Hakka culture travel, rambling in Shuizhen Park, taking photos of chessboard rock

Promotional Pricing

Promotional Pricing

邁向職人之旅 The tour of getting closer to craftsman 一日漁夫體驗遊

Being fisherman for one day 摸摸魚生態池.撒網捕魚.趣味釣魚.嚐海鮮. 手感木拓.登步道賞美景 Touching fish in ecological pool, casting a net to catch fish, going fishing, tasting seafood,experiencing rubbing,watching gorgeous view along the trail Promotional Pricing


The tour of making bread in ancient house 20人成團departure with minimum 20 people

在地農材遇見天然酵母.手感麵包自己揉.友善 環境果園.登步道賞美景 With the local ingredients and natural yeast, making bread by yourself, visiting environment friendly orchard, watching gorgeous view along the trail Promotional Pricing

指導單位 Adviser/ 新竹縣政府 Hsinchu County Government、新竹縣議會 Hsinchu County Council

烏魚好食節限定辦桌 Mullet limited roadside banquet

Two days to ur

竹北海派旅行 Zhubei Sea-style tour

11/16、11/17限定 only on 11/16 and 11/17

摸摸魚生態池.撒網捕魚.趣味釣魚.嚐海鮮.手感木拓.烏魚辦桌鬥鬧熱.手捏柿餅樂. 新埔老街漫遊 Touching fish in ecological pool, casting a net to catch fish, going fishing, tasting seafood, experiencing rubbing, mullet roadside banquet, shaping dried persimmon into finished product, Xinpu Old Street Double Room

Quad Room

Promotional Pricing

Promotional Pricing

家族自然文化漫遊 Family natural culture tour 竹北農村漁村闔家走一回 Walk around rural area and fishing village in Zhubei 摸摸魚生態池.撒網捕魚.趣味釣魚.嚐海鮮.友善環境果園.登步道賞美景.豆腐岩美照打卡. 手捏柿餅樂.歷史文化巡禮 Touching fish in ecological pool, casting a net to catch fish, going fishing, tasting seafood, visiting environment friendly orchard, watching gorgeous view along the trail, taking photos of chessboard rock, shaping dried persimmon into finished product, having a history cultural tour Double Room

Quad Room

Promotional Pricing

Promotional Pricing

大手牽小手親子行 Hand in hand family tour 小小農夫文化漫遊親子行


Little farmer culture family tour

Walk around rural area and fishing village in Zhubei

11/26–11/27限定 only on 11/26 and 11/27

挖地瓜豐收趣.搓搓地瓜圓.小小養蜂人.搖搖 蜂蜜檸檬水.自釀萊姆醋.水圳公園/十八尖山 漫步.歷史文化巡禮.豆腐岩美照打卡

趣味釣魚.嚐海鮮.手感木拓.小小養蜂人.搖 搖蜂蜜檸檬水.自釀萊姆醋.農莊好好玩.登步 道賞美景.歷史文化巡禮

Experiencing digging up sweet potato, making sweet potato ball, experiencing making honey lemon water and lime vinegar, rambling in Shuizhen Park/18 Peaks Mountain, having a history cultural tour, taking photos of chessboard rock

Going fishing, tasting seafood, experiencing rubbing, experiencing making honey lemon water and lime vinegar, having fun in village, watching gorgeous view along the trail, having a history cultural tour

Double Room

Promotional Pricing Quad Room

Promotional Pricing

Double Room

Promotional Pricing Quad Room

Promotional Pricing

Hotline for Registration *前200位報名者,贈送活動束口包!! *The first 200 applicants will get a drawstring bag.


Yoyo International Travel Service Co., Ltd

主辦單位 Organizer/ 竹北市公所 Zhubei City Office、竹北市民代表會 Zhubei City Representative Council



Cover Story


Maple viewing attractions in northern Taiwan 北台灣賞楓景點中,汐止拱北殿以百年廟宇與千棵楓樹相互搭配,展現 大自然以外的人文之美,而桃園石門水庫內多達三千棵楓樹,可以賞楓又 賞水。 In the maple viewing attractions in northern Taiwan, you can see hundredyear temple and thousand maple trees in Gongbei Temple in Xizhi. It shows the beauty of humanities and cultures. In Shihmen Reservoir in Taoyuan, there are three thousands maple trees. It’s a good place to view maple and water. 更多祕境 More Attractions 新北-烏來 / 新竹-觀霧、司馬庫斯 New Taipei City-Wulai / Hsinchu-Guanwu, Smangus


Maple viewing attractions in central Taiwan 中台灣楓紅最燦爛,除了全台 知名的楓葉故鄉-奧萬大,台中 福壽山農場也是熱門賞楓地點, 它們都屬於氣候涼爽的高海拔地 區,風景遼闊優美。 In central Taiwan, besides the famous hometown of maple – Aowanda, Fushoushan Farm is also a popular attraction for maple viewing. They both located in high altitude areas with cool climate and gorgeous view.


Maple viewing attractions in southern Taiwan 南台灣的阿里山以台灣紅榨槭和青楓為 主,上山沿途都能見到楓紅,而台南關子 嶺的紅葉公園也是賞楓好地點,還能順便 泡湯! In southern Taiwan, there are mainly Acer morrisonense and Acer serrulatum in Alishan. Climbing up to mountain, you can see maple along the road. Hongye Park in Guanziling, Tainan, is also a good place for maple viewing and soaking in hot spring.

更多祕境 More Attractions 南投-杉林溪、清境農場 台中-武陵農場、大雪山 Nantou-Sun Link Sea, Chingjing Farm Taichung-Wuling Farm, Daxiushan


更多祕境 More Attractions 屏東-北大武山 Pingtung-North Dawu Mountain


Maple viewing attractions in eastern Taiwan 東台灣不能錯過宜蘭太平山,春夏有紫葉槭,秋 冬有楓葉,全年都有燦紅景緻,台東紅葉村從日治 時期便開始種植楓樹,每到秋季整個村落都被楓紅 包圍。


I n e a s t e r n Ta i w a n , y o u c a n ’ t m i s s Yi l a n 桃園縣 Taoyuan County Taipingshan. There are Acer palmatum in spring and summer, maple leaves in fall and winter. It keeps red 新竹市 all year. Since Japanese colonial period, people 新竹縣 started to plant maple trees in Taitung Hongye Hsinchu County Village . The whole village was surrounded by maple trees. 苗栗縣 更多祕境 More Attractions

台北市 新北市

New Taipei City


Yilan County


Taichung City

宜蘭-明池 Yilan-Mingchi

彰化縣 南投縣

Nantou County

雲林縣 嘉義市



Chiayi County


Tainan City



Taitung County


Secret places for maple viewing attractions


Pingtung County




View maple

跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤





・ 電話Phone:+886-49-2974511 ・ 服務時間Service Time:08:00-17:00

・ 電話Phone:+886-6-6840337 ・ 營業時間Opening Hours:24HR

Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area

Guanziling Maple Park



No.153, Daan Rd., Renai Township, Nantou County

Guanziling, Baihe Dist., Tainan City



Following internet celebrities to travel


汐止拱北殿 Xizhi Gong Bei Temple

・ 電話Phone:+886-2-26461878 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:24HR

大農大富平地森林園區 Masadi Forest

新北市汐止區汐萬路三段88號 No.88, Sec.3, Xiwan Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City


・ 電話Phone:+886-3-8700870#9 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:08:00-17:00 (休一Close at Mon) 花蓮縣光復鄉農場路31號 No.31, Nongchang Rd., Guangfu Township, Hualian County


福壽山農場 Fushoushan Farm

・ 電話Phone:+886-4-25989205 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:06:00-21:30

秀巒村 Xiuluan

・ 營業時間Opening hours:24HR 台中市和平區福壽路29號


No.29, Fushou Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City

Xiuluan, Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County

台三線藝術季 橫跨北桃竹苗中五縣市,跨距最長的藝術季 Romantic Route 3 Art Festival with the longest distance across five cities (Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli and Taichung)

從台北出發到東勢大茅埔,橫跨 5 個縣市、10 個鄉鎮市,共 150 公里,為期 58 天、 50 件藝術作品、100 場文化探索體驗 ! 是台灣目前跨距最長、參與縣市最多的一場 藝術季。 Have a 58 days trip to get off from Taipei to Tamaopu of Dongshi District across 5 cities and 10 townships. The total distance is 150 km. Come and view 50 artworks and enjoy 100 cultural exploration experiences! In Taiwan, it is an art festival with the longest distance and the largest number of participating cities.

關西客家文化小旅行路線一 Hakka Cultural Light Travel in Guanxi Route 1

高鐵新竹站出發 錦泰茶廠

東光社區品茗 裕大仙草麻糬體驗


米食媽媽 ( 午餐 )


Departs from HSR Hsinchu Station → Tea Tasting in Dong Guang Community → Lo Museum → Mizumama Workshop(Lunch) → KingTaiTea → Yueta Mesona experience making mesona and mochi → back to HSR Hsinchu Station

裕大仙草 Yueta Mesona

羅屋書院 Lo Museum

錦泰茶廠 KingTaiTea

秋遊竹縣 浪漫與藝術饗宴 Autumn travel in Hsinchu. The feast of romance and art.

新竹縣為全臺最大客家聚落,富有濃厚的傳統客庄文化、在地特色產業與豐富的山 湖景致,配合客家委員會於 10 月 19 日起至 12 月 15 日浪漫臺三線藝術季盛大展開, 藝術季期間於關西鎮規劃地景藝術展覽、關西鎮踏茶小旅行、茶席及特色產業手作 體驗等在地客家文化體驗活動,11 月 30 日至 12 月 1 日「鼓動茶香在關西」音樂季 隆重登場,歌手雲集,更首次邀請優人神鼓為東安古橋量身打造戶外演出,結合茶 席文化的演譯,加上燈光影音特效,要讓民眾感受不一樣的東安古橋藝術饗宴,歡 迎全國民眾到新竹縣遊玩,一同感受新竹縣的客庄風情魅力。 With the strong traditional Hakka culture, local featured industry and gorgeous mountain and lake scenes, Hsinchu County is the largest Hakka settlement in Taiwan. During the period of the Romantic Route 3 Art Festival from October 19th to December 15th, there are multiple Hakka culture activities in Guanxi, such as land art exhibition, tea travel in Guanxi, tea ceremony, and DIY activities of local featured industries. From November 30th to December 1st, the music festival , Promote Tea Fragrance in Guanxi, will get its debut. Besides many artists gathering here, U-Theatre will be invited to give a specialize performance at Dong'An Bridge for the first time. Combining the performance of tea ceremony culture and the special effects of lights and audio, Hsinchu County is going to make public feel the different Dong'An Bridge Art Feast. Welcome to Hsinchu County and feel the atmosphere and charms of Hakka settlement.


Hakka Cultural Light Travel in Guanxi Route 2





ㄤ咕麵 (午餐)



Departs from HSR Hsinchu Station → One Bear Museum → Dong'An Bridge → Anggu Noodle(Lunch) → Chin-Yong DIY Recreational Farm → Formosa Tea Industry and Culture Gallery Guide → back to HSR Hsinchu Station

小熊博物館 One Bear Museum


Chin-Yong DIY Recreational Farm

東安古橋 Dong'An Bridge


Formosa Tea Industry and Culture

ㄤ咕麵 Anggu Noodle

竹縣好好玩 粉絲專頁

浪漫台三線藝術季 粉絲專頁

新竹縣政府 Hsinchu County Government



Cover Story

泡湯 暖身暖心的療癒溫度 Hot spring, the right temperature that heals your body and heart. 帶路人 Author

寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊。

Professional novelist who likes writing, reading, painting, and traveling.

秋冬漸進,寒冷天氣讓人想沉浸在溫暖泉池。台灣溫泉種類 多、分佈廣,可以依照喜歡的水溫、療效和地點來做選擇,享受 泡湯樂趣! When fall and winter come, the cold weather always makes people want to immerse themselves in the hot springs. There are many kinds of hot springs in Taiwan and the locations spread widely. You can choose the hot spring according to your favorite water temperature, curative effect and location. Let’s enjoy soaking in hot spring!


常見的溫泉種類 Common types of hot spring 碳酸氫鈉泉 Sodium bicarbonate hot spring 無色、無臭,泉水能滋潤肌膚、養顏美容、 促進新陳代謝,又稱作「美人湯」。 The water is colorless and odourless. It can moisturize your skin, help you to maintain your beauty and boost your metabolism. It is also known as beauty hot spring. 知名溫泉區 Famous Hot Springs 新北-烏來 / 苗栗-泰安 / 台中-谷關 /高雄-寶來/ 宜蘭-礁溪 / 花蓮-瑞穗 New Taipei City-Wulai, Miaoli-Taian, Taichung-Guguan, Kaohsiung-Baolai, Yilan-Jiaoxi, Hualien-Ruisui

硫磺泉 Sulphur spring 泉色呈黃褐、白濁色,擁有濃厚硫磺味,可以 舒緩疲勞且解毒排毒,另有不同顏色的白磺泉、 青磺泉、鐵磺泉。 With a strong smell of sulphur, the water is tawny, white and turbid. It can relieve fatigue and remove 知名溫泉區 Famous Hot toxic substance. There are different 台北-新北投、陽明山 / 新北-金山 colors of sulphur spring, such as Taipei-Xinbeitou, Yangmingshan white sulphur spring, blue sulphur New Taipei City-Jinshan spring and iron sulphur spring.

泥漿溫泉 Mud hot spring 泉水呈灰黑色,富含鹽分,促進血液循環, 亦能達到皮膚滑嫩的功效。 The water is rich in salt and it looks dark and gray. It can improve your blood circulation and moisturize your skin.

知名溫泉區 Famous Hot Springs 台南-關子嶺Tainan-Guanziling



Cover Story

海底溫泉 Ocean hot spring 全球擁有海底溫泉的國家僅 11 個,為海水經 火山岩漿庫加熱後所形成,其泉水透明,帶有海 水鹹味。 There are only 11 countries worldwide having ocean hot spring. Its formation is the seawater heated by volcanic magma chamber. The water is colorless and full of the salty smell of sea water. 知名溫泉區 Famous Hot Springs 新北-金山 / 台東-綠島 New Taipei City-Jinshan / Taitung-Green Island


Hot springs in northern Taiwan

北台灣溫泉中,台北新北投溫泉從日治時代便廣為人知,陽明山與金 山則是氣味濃郁的硫磺泉,風景秀麗的烏來也是泡湯勝地之一。 Among hot springs in northern Taiwan, Taipei New Beitou Hot Spring has been famous since Japanese colonial period. Taking about Yangmingshan and Jinshan, people will think of sulphur spring which has a strong smell. Wulai, with the gorgeous view, is also a famous hot spring resort. 更多溫泉 More Hot Springs 新北-紗帽山 Taipei City-Shamao Mountain


Hot springs in central Taiwan

中台灣尤以台中谷關溫泉最為知名,日治時代即為溫泉勝 地,又稱明治溫泉;苗栗泰安溫泉原為日治警察療養所,當 地美人湯也相當受歡迎。 Among hot springs in central Taiwan, Guguan Hot Spring in Taichung is the most famous one. It is a hot spring resort since Japanese colonial period so it is also called Meiji hot spring; Tai'an Hot Spring in Miaoli County was the sanatorium for police during Japanese colonial 更多溫泉 More Hot Springs period. The local beauty 南投-北港溪、東埔 / 台中-大坑 hot spring is also very Nantou-Beigang River, Dongpu popular. Taichung-Dakeng 46


Hot springs in southern Taiwan

南台灣首選台南關子嶺溫泉,其為稀有的泥漿溫泉,養顏美容;高雄荖濃溪沿 線有寶來溫泉和不老溫泉,都是舒緩疲勞的弱鹼性碳酸氫鈉泉。 Among hot springs in southern Taiwan, the first choice is Guanziling Hot Spring in Tainan. It is famous for its rare mud hot spring. It helps people to maintain their beauty; along Laonong River in Kaohsiung, there are Baolai 更多溫泉 More Hot Springs Hot Spring and Bulao Hot Spring. They are both low 屏東-四重溪 Pingtung-Sihjhongsi alkalinity sodium bicarbonate hot springs that help you relieve fatigue.


Hot springs in eastern Taiwan


東台灣的宜蘭礁溪和台東知本都是頗為知名的 溫泉區,花蓮瑞穗溫泉為全台唯一碳酸鹽泉,漂 浮一層的礦物質被稱作湯花,而綠島的海底溫 泉也十分有特色,不能錯過!


台東-霧鹿 / 花蓮-安通 Taitung-Wulu / Hualien-Antong



Yilan County


Miaoli County


Hualien County



Tainan City


New Taipei City


In eastern Taiwan, Jiaoxi in Yilan County 台中市 and Jhihben in Taitung City are famous hot Taichung City spring areas. Ruisui Hot Spring is the only carbonate hot spring in Taiwan. There is a 彰化縣 layer of mineral floating on it. It’s called hot spring flower. The ocean hot spring 南投縣 Nantou County in Ludao is also very special, don’t 雲林縣 miss it! 更多溫泉 More Hot Springs



Taipei City


Kaohsiung City


Taitung County


Secret places for Hot spring


Pingtung County

綠島 Ludao




Hot Spring

跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤



Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli -Hot Spring

苗栗縣南庄鄉 Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County


台北北投 - 溫泉飯店

Beitou, Taipei - Hot Spring Hotel

台北市北投區 Beitou Dist., Taipei City


高雄桃源-十坑溫泉 Taoyuan, Kaohsiung Shikeng Hot Spring

高雄市桃源區 Taoyuan Dist., Kaohsiung City



宜蘭太平山 - 鳩之澤溫泉 Taipingshan, Yilan Hatonozawa Hot Spring 宜蘭縣大同鄉燒水巷25號 No. 25, Shaoshui Ln., Datong Township, Yilan County



Haiduan, Taitung - Lisong Hot Spring 台東縣海端鄉 Haiduan Township, Taitung County

Following internet celebrities to travel


台中谷關 - 溫泉渡假村

Guguan, Taichung - Hot Spring Resort

台中市和平區東關路一段 Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City



Green Island, Taitung - Jhaorih Hot Spring 台東縣綠島鄉溫泉路167號 No. 167, Wenquan, Ludao Township, Taitung County

2019|10-12月 Series of wonderful activities in Changhua!


October 2019 National Day Carnival and

108年國慶嘉年華暨行進樂隊比賽 Marching Band Competition

時間Date:10/10 | 地點Place:員林市員林國小 Yuanlin City Yuanlin Elementary School

媽祖祈福文化節 Mazu Blessing Cultural Festival 時間Date:10/11、10/12、10/13 | 地點Place:伸港鄉福安宮 ShenGang Fu’an Temple


2019 Changhua County Pitou Fragrant Rice Cycling Festival

時間Date:10/19 | 地點Place:埤頭鄉豐崙公園 Pitou Fenglun Park

2019彰化國際傳統戲曲節 2019 Changhua International and Traditional Drama Festival 10/19 13:00-20:30 10/20 09:30-20:30 10/26 10:00-15:00 10/27 10:30-12:00 10/26 13:00-20:30 10/27 13:00-20:30

八卦山大佛寺前廣場 Eight Trigram Mountains Buddha Front Plaza 鹿港龍山寺 Lukang Lung-shan Temple 鹿港公會堂 Lukang Assembly Hall

11/02 14:00-20:30 11/09 16:00-1700 19:00-20:30

員林興賢書院 Yuanlin Xingxian Academy

11/03 10:00~17:00

福興穀倉 Fuxing Barn

11/03 19:00~20:30

鹿港體育場 Lukang Stadium

彰化旅遊資訊網 Travel in Changhua



International Water Marathon and 二水國際跑水節暨二水跑水節民歌之夜 Ershui the Night of Folk Song 時間Date:11/2、11/3 | 地點Place:二水鄉林先生廟 Ershui Township Mr. Lin's Temple 二水國小 Ershui Elementary School 時間Date:11/9(六Sat.)系列活動 A series of activities 11/10(日Sun.)馬拉松賽事 Marathon race A series of activities of 地點Place:田中鎮景崧文化教育園區 Tianzhong Township 2019 Taiwan Rice Heaven-Tianzhong Marathon Jin-Sung Cultural and Educational Park


2019鹿港馬拉松暨彰化羊肉節 2019 Lukang Marathon and Changhua Mutton Festival 時間Date:11/17 | 地點Place:鹿港體育場 Lukang Stadium



彰化美食節 Changhua Gourmet Festival 時間Date:12月(Dec.) (暫訂Tentative) | 地點Place:彰化 Changhua

2019彰化社頭織襪芭樂節 2019 Changhua Shetou Hosiery and Guava Festival 時間Date:12/6-12/8 | 地點Place:社頭鄉果菜市場 Shetou fruit and vegetable wholesale market

鹿港四季紅-冬歡活動 Lukang All seasons red – Joyful Winter Event 時間Date:11/2-12/8 | 地點Place:鹿港鎮 Lukang Township

主辦單位 Organizer

彰化縣政府Changhua County Government、埤頭鄉公所Pitou Township Office、 社頭鄉公所 Shetou Township Office、鹿港鎮公所 Lukang Township Office



Cover Story

從地平線亮起的光,宛如是新年的希望。在此特搜台灣六大 迎曙光的絕佳地點,來這裡迎接 2020 年第一道曙光吧! There are the 6 best places for seeing first sunrise of the year. Come here and waiting for the first sunrise of 2020!


新北 x 三貂角

New Taipei x Sandiaojiao

台灣 六大

三貂角燈塔位於台灣最東邊的岬角上, 不但能欣賞金色曙光從海平面升起的美 景,搭配燈塔取景,絕對是獨家視角! It is the promontory located at the easternmost of Taiwan. Sunrise rises from sea level. Taking photos with the view of lighthouse is the perfect angle of vision!


Top 6 places

南投 x 金龍山

Nantou x Jinlong Mountain 號稱攝影界日出攝影祕 境之一,可以俯瞰魚池山 景、順遊日月潭,同時也 是賞夜景、銀河、雲海的 好地點。 It is one of secret p l a c e s o f p h o t o g r a p h y. Overlooking mountain view of Yuchih and visiting Sun Moon Lake. It is also a good place for watching night view, milky way and sea of clouds.


帶路人 Author


嘉義 x 阿里山 Chiayi x Alishan

阿里山日出相當知名, 曙光伴著雲海,遼闊壯麗 的景色令人難忘,記得順 道一訪森林小火車喔。 The gorgeous view of the sunrise of Alishan and sea of clouds are unforgettable. Don’t forget to visit forest railway.


蘭嶼 x 東清灣

Orchid Island x Dongqing Bay 東清灣為蘭嶼第一的日出拍攝景點,海灣還停 放了達悟族的拼板舟,很有在地風格。 Dongqing Bay is the top one attraction to photograph sunrise in Orchid Island. You can see Tatala boat of the Tao on the bay.

迎曙光 熱 點 to see the first sunrise of the year

寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、 閱讀、繪畫、旅遊。

Professional novelist who likes writing, reading, painting, and traveling.



台東 x 三仙台

Taitung x Sansiantai 以三仙台拱型跨海大 橋 為 背 景, 宛 如 一 條 巨 龍 冒 出 大 海, 這 裡 的 曙 光充滿魔幻色彩! Ta k i n g S a n s i a n t a i cross-sea arch bridge as background, it looks like a giant dragon coming out from the sea. What a colorful and magical view!

台南 x 二寮

Tainan x Erliao 日出絕景少不了台南二寮觀日亭,能 同時飽覽雲霧繚繞的中央山脈和草山月 世界的獨特地景。 It is a place where you can enjoy the unique view of Grass Mountain Moon World and Central Range surrounded by clouds.

>>詳細全台曙光時間, 請查詢:中央氣象局 >>Timetable search for first sunrise in Taiwan : Central Weather Bureau 53



First Sunrise

跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤



Erliao Sun Viewing Pavilion

・ 電話Phone:+886-6-5730061 ・ 營業時間Opening Hours:24HR

台南市左鎮區 Zuozhen Dist., Tainan City


東清灣 Dongcing Bay

・ 電話Phone:+886-89-732001

台東縣蘭嶼鄉 Lanyu Township, Taitung County



Qingshui Cliff

花蓮縣秀林鄉 Xiulin Township, Hualien County



永鎮海濱公園 Yongjhen Beach Park

・ 營業時間Opening Hours:24HR

Following internet celebrities to travel


合歡山 Hehuan Mountain

・ 營業時間Opening Hours:24HR

宜蘭縣壯圍鄉 Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County


南投縣仁愛鄉 Ren’ai Township, Nantou County


多良車站 Duoliang Station

龜吼海岸 Turtle Roaring Coast

・ 營業時間Opening Hours:24HR

・ 電話Phone:+886-89-781301 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:10:00-19:00 新北市萬里區魚澳 台東縣太麻里鄉 Taimali Township, Taitung County

Yu’ao, Wanli Dist., New Taipei City

歐洲第二大連鎖酒店品牌 羅浮宮酒店集團 - 苗栗馥藝 金鬱金香酒店 苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店為苗栗縣首座歐洲品牌之四星級國際 觀光酒店,我們提供全方位的服務,致力於帶給您最好、 最優質的假期享受。讓您沈浸於低調奢華的巴洛克式建 築及溫暖的服務之中,並呈上最佳的款待。 Golden Tulip Aesthetics – Miaoli is the first European branded star international tourism hotel in Miaoli County, we provide a full-service hotel and dedicate our self to allowing full holiday enjoyment, and let you immerse in understated-luxury Baroque style building ,warm service and offering the finest hospitality.

我們同時擁有風格典雅、現代簡約感的191間舒適客房及8種不同主題性的親子 房,以及來自世界各地的美饌及道地台灣美食,藉由美食饗宴取悅您的味蕾。 另外附有豐富的設施,泳池、桑拿、SPA水療、會議室、包廂廳房、婚宴場所。 最後,漫步在漫活的城市讓你「隨時趣感受」。 We own 191 rooms about elegant and modern simplicity style, and eight childlike theme rooms, with restaurants to delight the taste buds with genuine gourmet experiences from around the world and also the local Taiwanese flavors. In addition, we have plentiful facilities such like pool, sauna, spa, ballroom, and banquet. Last, you can take a walk in slow living city, and ‘Playtime. Anytime’.




2019 臺 中 國 際 花 毯 節 Taichung International Flower Carpet Festival

愛與希望 小王子的星球之旅

11.9 (六)-12.1(日) 08 : 3 0-16 : 30 農委會種苗改良繁殖場 二苗圃 臺中市新社區協成里協興街30號


指導單位 |

主辦單位 |

原著 | 安東尼·聖修伯里

協辦單位 | 行政院農業委員會種苗改良繁殖場 Le Petit Prince ® Property of POMASE – 2019 Licensed through LPP612 and Medialink

臺中觀光 旅遊網

大玩台中 粉絲團

新社花海 粉絲團





跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan



台灣的魅力在於一年四季各地皆有不同的風貌,此期將讓各地網美帶著各位上山下海,與台灣城市中的美 好邂逅吧,跟著他們一起暢玩台灣,體驗新風情吧! In this issue, the lead of internet celebrities are going to go up the hill and into the sea, and just meet the wonderful encounter in Taiwan. Just follow them and experience the charm of those places.






・ 營業時間Opening hours:24HR

・ 營業時間Opening hours:24HR

National Highway No. 6

Dream Valley Waterfall



Guoxing Township, Nantou County

No.30, Xinyi Ln., Renai Township, Nantou County



Following internet celebrities to travel


清境天空步道 Qingjing Skywalk

・ 電話Phone:+886-49-2801650 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:07:30-17:30


Cona's Chocolate Castle

・ 電話Phone:+886-49-2919528 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:09:00-18:00

南投縣仁愛鄉仁和路186-1號 No. 186-1, Renhe Road, Ren’ai Township, Nantou County

南投縣埔里鎮桃米路32號 No. 32, Taomi Road, Puli Township, Nantou County



鳥居喫茶食堂 Torii

忘憂森林 Lotus Forest

・ 電話Phone:+886-49-2991882 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:11:30-20:00

・ 電話Phone:+886-928-923-886 ・ 營業時間Opening hours:08:00-16:00 南投縣竹山鎮溪山路1-8號 No.1-8, Xishan Rd., Zhushan Township, Nantou County

南投縣埔里鎮公誠路86號 No. 86, Gongcheng Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County




Leopard cat

跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤 成為夥伴的快速通道! Fast way to becomea partner of leopard cats





・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR

・ 電話Phone:+886-49-2855668 ・ 開放時間Opening hours:09:00-17:00

Tung Hai Arts Street

臺中龍井區藝術街 Yishu St., Longjing Dist., Taichung City

Xiangshan Visitor Center

南投縣魚池鄉中山路599號 No. 599, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County



Tunghai University, The Luce Chapel

・ 電話Phone:+886-4-23590121 ・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR


台中市西屯區台灣大道四段1727號 No. 1727, Sec. 4, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City



獎勵 國民


優惠時間 2019年9月至12月底





・野柳海洋世界 ・雲仙樂園

・小人國 主題樂園

・六福村主題遊樂園 ・小叮噹科學主題樂園

・香格里拉樂園 ・西湖渡假村




・麗寶樂園 ・東勢林場遊樂區

・杉林溪森林生態渡假園區 ・泰雅渡假村 ・九族文化村






・頑皮世界 ・尖山埤江南渡假村



・遠雄海洋公園 ・怡園渡假村

詳細活動辦法及各遊樂區加碼 優惠資訊,請至「台灣好樂園」 官網查詢。

台灣觀光遊樂區協會|(02)24921111|新北市萬里區野柳里港東路167-3號 |ocw@ocw.tw




Following internet celebrities to travel


梨山賓館 Lishan Guest House

・ 電話Phone:+886-4-22653939 ・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR


Sitou Nature Education Area

・ 電話Phone:+886-49-2612111 ・ 開放時間Opening hours:07:00-17:00 南投縣鹿谷鄉森林巷9號 No. 9, Senlin Ln., Lugu Township, Nantou County

台中市和平區中正路91號 No. 91, Zhongzheng Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City



光復新村 GuangFu Village


・ 電話Phone:+886-4-22290280#502 ・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR

Golden Shower Tree on Xingda Rd.

・ 開放時間Opening hours:24HR (夏季 Summer) 台中市南區興大路 Xingda Rd., South Dist., Taichung City

台中市霧峰區光復新村 GuangFu Village, Wufeng Dist., Taichung City

11/ 16-17

竹北市 文化公園 Zhubei Cultural Park (竹北市光明一路420號

Delicious taste of mullet

No. 420, Guangming 1st Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County)

Zhubei City Mullet Festival

11月16日(六) 11/16(Sat) 15:00-15:50








Demonstration cuisine Taste mullet delicacy for free Mullet princess beauty election Mullet feast & stage performance 型男大主廚 張秋永 Chef Chang, Chiu-Yung

指導單位 Adviser | 新竹縣政府 Hsinchu County Government、新竹縣議會 Hsinchu County Council

15:00-15:50 15:50-16:00

2018年親子料理廚藝大賽 2018Parent-child cooking competition

16:00-17:30 18:00-20:00

主辦單位 Organizer | 竹北市公所 Zhubei City Office、竹北市民代表會 Zhubei City Representative Council


9.21-10-21 Hello, Welcome Guanziling!

Guanziling National scenic area

Guanziling Hot Spring Festival

Holiday market, DIY classes, Experience wearing Yukata 時間 Time:9.21-10.20(假日Holiday) 14:00-18:00 地點 Place : 大成殿廣場 Dacheng Hall Square

Japanese Yukata refreshing picnic day 時間 Time:10.12(六Sat) 19:00-21:00 地點 Place : 大成殿廣場 Dacheng Hall Square

3D Projection Mapping Show 時間 Time:18:30-19:30

地點 Place : 大成殿廣場 Dacheng Hall Square

Series of activities Themed photographic competition

Hot spring cuisine promotion

Local custom and tradition itinerary Guanziling Hot Spring combo ticket

Weekday hotel package (get a free barrel broiled chicken) Digital AR rewards offer

Shadow of light installation art

※各活動及優惠資訊,以活動網站及台南旅遊網為主 ※Information of activities and discount, please base on the official websites of activities and Travel Tainan. ※洽詢電話Contact Us:+886-6-6353226(平日Weekday)、+886-6-6823481(假日Holiday) 指導單位Adviser/台南市政府Tainan City Government 主辦單位Organizer/台南市政府觀光旅遊局Tainan City Government Tourism Bureau

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