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▲ 主題遊程│2020南投燈會 彩燈金花 ·鼠轉錢坤 2020 Nantou Lantern Festival
▲ 封面故事│春遊二日全台旅遊企劃 Two-Day Tour Plan of Taiwan in Spring
照片由武陵農場提供 The photo is provided by Wuling Farm.
Watching Lanterns and Staying at These Spectacular Member Hotels
There are more special offers.
台中市觀光旅館商業同業公會14家會員大飯店 14 hotels of members of Taichung Tourist Hotel Association
邀請您來台中賞花燈 一起迎接金鼠黃金年 Inviting you to view lanterns in Taichung and welcome the year of the Rat together.
Special Offer for Lantern Viewing of Howard Prince Hotel Taichung
Special Offer for Lantern Viewing of Evergreen Laurel Hotel (Taichung)
Special Offer for Lantern Viewing of The Landis Taichung
Special Offer for Lantern Viewing of Millennium Hotel Taichung
愛玩中台灣 vol.14冬季刊 發行日期:2020年1月15日
04 觀光視野
Vision of Sightseeing
觀光立國 與您同行
Tourism Nation and Travel Together.
Travel Information
Themed Tour
2020南投燈會 彩燈金花 · 鼠轉錢坤
2020 Nantou Lantern Festival Colorful Lanterns and Golden Flowers‧Shu Zhuan Qian Kun
2030 A New Gorgeous Era of Taiwan’s Tourism.
交通部 部長 林佳龍
Minister of MOTC – Lin Chia-Lung
照片由南投縣政府提供。 Photo is provided by Nantou County Government.
照片由交通部提供。 Photo is provided by MOTC.
您可以在下列地點索取或閱讀到本雜誌: 交通部觀光局駐日本東京辦事處、新加坡辦事處、越南辦事處、馬來西亞吉隆坡辦事處、香港辦事處、澳門辦事處、泰國曼谷辦事處; 國際機場台北、桃園(第一及第二航站)、臺中、高雄旅客服務中心;高鐵桃園、苗栗、烏日遊客服務中心;臺鐵臺北、臺中遊客服務 中心;台灣電影製作發展協會(150位會員);台灣各大旅行社(約600家);星動銀河旅站自由館、成旅晶贊飯店台中民權、薆悅酒店 台中館、水雲端旗艦概念旅館、塔木德連鎖飯店集團、台中日光溫泉會館、愛麗絲國際大飯店、永悅行旅、1969藍天飯店、富禾居會館 、全國大飯店、台中金典酒店、長榮桂冠酒店台中、台中福華大飯店、通豪大飯店、裕元花園酒店、台中港酒店、亞緻大飯店、清新溫 泉飯店、永豐棧酒店、台中日月千禧酒店、台中林酒店、福容大飯店麗寶樂園、福容大飯店漁碼店、福容大飯店福隆店、福容大飯店花 蓮店、福容大飯店墾丁店、高雄樂逸旅居、高雄宮賞藝術大飯店、高雄麗馨汽車商旅、高雄麗馨精品商旅-七賢館、台東旅人驛站旅宿 連鎖、台東曙光渡假酒店、台東泓泉溫泉渡假村、台東凱旋星光酒店、台東鹿鳴溫泉酒店、布袋文創HOTEL、海漾行館、佳仕堡商務飯 店、奮起湖大飯店、蘭桂坊花園酒店…(陸續增加)。
發行人:趙成年 社長:陳英俊 顧問:洪文能、蕭仕榮、吳政和 法律顧問:劉喜律師 總編輯:趙品瑄 執行編輯:陳庭慈、何家嘉 翻譯:賴思妤Sandra 編輯委員:蔡維郡、巫賜發、廖萬隆 陳奕錩、陳瑛宗、康翠敏 洪明峰、陳晁偉、吳奇鴻 林俊明、高信傑 發行單位:台中市旅遊協會 地址:台灣台中市西區三民西路106號 電話:+886-4-23727658 信箱:ygad015@gmail.com 美編企劃:哈姆雷特文化行銷有限公司
22 小鎮漫遊
Ramble in Small Towns
浪漫台三線藝術季漫遊新竹小鎮 Romantic Route 3 Art Festival. Slow travel in Hsinchu County.
34 封面故事 Cover Story
春遊二日全台旅遊企劃 Two-Day Tour Plan of Taiwan in Spring
照片來源:浪漫台三線藝術季官網 Sources of photo:The official website of 2019 Romantic Route 3
28 季節精選
Seasonal Selection
Flower Viewing in Wuling Farm at All Seasons
打卡勝地 60 跟著網美去旅行 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan
Leopardcat x Jiji
照片由武陵農場提供。 Photo is provided by Wuling Farm.
日本國東京都港區西新橋1丁目5-8川手ビル3F Tel 81-3-3501-3591 Fax 81-3-3501-3586 E-mail tyo@go-taiwan.net
香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道30號新港中心 第一座512室 Tel 852-2581-0933 Fax 852-2581-0262 E-mail info@ttbhk.hk
10 Collyer Quay #06-03, Ocean Financial Center, Singapore 049315 Tel 65-6223-6546~7 Fax 65-6225-4616 E-mail tbrocsin@singnet.com.sg
Suite 25-01, Level 25, Wisma Goldhill, 67 Jalan Raja Chula, 50200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel 60-3-2070-6789 Fax 60-3-2072-3559 E-mail tbrockl@taiwan.net.my
GN02,24F North Wing,G Tower Grand Rama 9 No.9 Rama 9 Road, Huay Kwang District, 10310, Bangkok Thailand Tel 66-2-1266-201 E-mail ttb.bkk2017@gmail.com
336 Nguyen Tri Phuong St., District 10, HO CHI MINH City, Vietnam Tel 84-28-383-49160~65#3105 Fax 84-24-392-74996 E-mail apply@taiwan.net.vn
Vision of Sightseeing
觀光立國 與您同行 Tourism Nation and Travel Together.
2030 臺灣觀光美麗新紀元 2030 A New Gorgeous Era of Taiwan’s Tourism. 交通部 部長 Minister of MOTC
林佳龍 Lin Chia-Lung
臺灣這幾年面臨到國際政治情勢變化,觀光 推展充滿荊棘、挑戰。為了突破困境,佳龍自 擔任交通部長以來陸續就觀光產業發展、人才 培育與國際引客等策略召開多場專案會議,並 透過國際醫療、會展產業、體育賽事、文化交 流四大面向著手,以「觀光立國」及「觀光主 流化」理念,重新定位及整合跨部會觀光資源。 In order to break through the predicament that Taiwan has been facing in recent years due to the changes in the international political situation, 交通部長林佳龍(右) I have convened multiple project meetings of Minister of MOTC, Lin Chia-Lung (right) tourism industry development, talent cultivation and international visitors since I became the minister of MOTC. Through the four major directions of international medical, exhibition industry, sports competitions and cultural communications, and the concepts of tourism nation and tourism mainstreaming to rebuild and integrate cross-ministerial tourism resources.
除推動擴大國旅秋冬遊、增量國際觀光客源(開拓新南向市場,並降低包機申 請門檻及增加獎助金額)及對業者提供獎勵紓困(旅宿業貸款融資信用保證及放 寬寬限期)等短期補助外,還射出觀光局改制觀光署、制定 2030 觀光政策白皮書、 召開全國觀光政策發展會議等觀光三支箭,均已積極推動落實中。
Besides expanding fall and winter travel subsidies, increasing the number of international tourists and offering rewards as encouragement and financial relief to tourism industries, we also restructure altering Tourism Beaura to be Tourism Department, making 2030 Tourism Policy White Paper and convening National Tourism Policy Development Conference.
觀光為臺灣經濟發展的領航性服務產業,也是提供民 眾更美好、幸福感的產業。目前臺灣已連續 5 年迎接千萬旅 客,站穩千萬觀光大國行列,交出亮眼的成績單,感謝產業各界及地方一直以來 的努力打拼。未來,相信在中央領航,全面衝刺拚觀光之下,定能創造臺灣觀光 亮麗的新紀元,期望 2030 年「觀光」成為帶領國家經濟發展的火車頭! Tourism is the leading service industry of the economic development of Taiwan. It is also the industry that provides a better and happier life for people. Until now, Taiwan has welcomed ten million of travelers for five consecutive years. Thanks to the industries, cities and counties for their efforts. I believe that with the guidance of Central Government and with overall efforts for tourism, we are going to create a new gorgeous era of Taiwan’s Tourism in the future. Hoping in 2030, tourism industry can be the leader of national economic development!
Tourism 2030 全國觀光政策發展會議 Tourism 2030 National Tourism Policy Development Conference
Travel Information
" 鼠 " 於你我的快樂回憶 美妙時刻盡在六福村 Having a great memory belong to us in Leofoo Village 還在煩惱春節假期要去哪出遊嗎 ? 六福村年年在新春期 間創遊客數新高、今年更推出了全台最具特色及規模的「胖 卡車市集」,活動自 1/17 至 3/1 讓你一睹各式各樣外表 吸睛的可愛胖卡車;加上許多內容新穎又有趣的新年互動 活動、豐富的表演以及超殺記憶體的網紅打卡景點讓你不虛此行。 Are you still worrying about where to go during Chinese New Year? The number of visitors of Leofoo Village in Chinese New Year breaks the records every year. This year, we are going to launch the most unique and large scale “Food Truck Market” in Taiwan. Come to see all kinds of the eye-catching and cute food trucks from January 17th to March 1st. Moreover, there are many novel and interesting New Year interactive activities, abundant performances and check in hot spots.
2020 月津港燈節:海市蜃樓 2020 Yuejin Lantern Festival: Mirage 邁入第 10 屆的月津港燈節,2020 年以「海市蜃樓」為策展主題,邀請 20 多 組國內外藝術家,製作藝術展品與燈飾,並首次規劃擴增實境 (AR) 技術,讓民眾 可以使用手機濾鏡,體驗影像與科技結合的虛實畫面,重現月津港百年樣貌。另 外,活動期間亦有「月之美術館 YueJin Art Museum」,將鹽水老街化身為美術館, 展現在地人文特色。 Coming to the 10th year of Yuejin Lantern Festival, it takes “castles in the air” as the theme in 2020. There are artworks and lighting made by more than 20 groups of domestic and foreign artists. And for the first time, we planned to expand the reality technology (AR), so that people may experience the combination of images and technology of virtual pictures through the mobile phones. During the period of the festival, you can also visit Yuejin Art Museum. Turning Yanshui Old Street into an art museum and showing the local cultural characteristics. 時間 Time 2020.01.18-02.16 6
地點 Place
臺南縣鹽水區月津港 Yuejin Harbor, Yanshui Dist., Tainan City
「2020台灣燈會」 2 月 8 日 台中登場 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival debut in Taichung on February 8th
必遊推薦行程輕鬆玩Must-Visit Recommended Itinerary Discovery評選為「全球最佳慶典活動」之一的台灣燈會將於109年2 月8日台中登場,以「森林奇幻境地」為主燈區策展主軸,並融合在地特色及 創新設計,展現台灣燈會新印象,再次驚艷國際。 The Taiwan Lantern Festival, one of the Fantastic Festivals of the World as selected by Discovery, is going to make its debut in Taichung on February 8, 2020. Combining local features and creative design, this year’s theme of “Fantastic Forest” will provide visitors with innovative new sights and impressions of the Taiwan Lantern Festival.
來台中若只看燈展就太可惜了!台中在地生態美景、特色小吃、文化藝術足以讓人意猶 未盡,建議規劃一日遊或二日遊行程,感受中臺灣風土人情,晚上再至燈會欣賞主燈秀! Of course during your visit be sure to enjoy Taichung’s many other cultural and artistic attractions, as well as its unique snack foods and beautiful local scenery. We suggest that visitors take a one-day or two-day tour, during which they can experience the atmosphere of central Taiwan and enjoy the lights of the Taiwan Lantern Festival at night!
Recommended Itinerary
推薦 臺中x苗栗慢城三義古藝之旅一日遊 行程 Taichung & “Miaoli Slow City – Sanyi” One Day Tour
龍騰斷橋Longteng Broken Bridge → 鐵道自行車Rail Bike →大安卓也小屋 手工坊Zhuo Ye Cottage Indigo Dyeing House → 台糖月眉觀光糖廠 Taiwan Sugar Yuemei Tourism Sugar Factory→ 晚間參觀燈會(后里主展 區)Night tour of the Taiwan Lantern Festival (Main exhibition area in Houli) → 賦歸Return home
相關旅遊交通資訊,可至2020台灣燈會官網查詢 For more information, please check on the official website of Taiwan Lantern Festival
Travel Information
高雄燈會藝術節 愛河點燈 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival Lights up Love River 高雄燈會藝術節於愛河高雄橋至七賢橋河岸舉辦,各式燈區將呈現高雄不同風 情,亦規劃各種主題之夜,如:「高空秀之夜」、「歌仔戲之夜」和「夜光秀之夜」 等,另外邀請國外設計藝術團隊打造的巨鯨裝置藝術,也將於 1 月 21 日燈會展區 亮相,其以向高雄市民募集而來的資源垃圾為材料,期望喚醒民眾的環保意識。 The activity is held in the area between Kaohsiung Bridge and Qixian Bridge of Lover River. You can see variety characteristics of Kaohsiung in different lantern area. There are also all kinds of themed shows, such as high-altitude show, Taiwanese Opera and night light show. Besides, the giant whale installation art, made by foreign art design groups, will debut in the festival on January 21st. The materials of the installation art are resource recycling collected from citizens of Kaohsiung. Hoping to awake people’s environmental awareness. 時間 Time 2020.01.29-02.09
地點 Place
高雄市愛河 Love River, Kaohsiung City
獨特客家活動 2020 苗栗火旁龍 Unique Hakka Activity – 2020 Miaoli Dragon Bombing 苗栗「 龍」可說是無形的文化資產,2020 年將邁入第 21 屆,而此民俗傳統 最早可溯及中國大陸舞龍活動,後來隨著客家族群來到台灣,加入燃放鞭炮,成 為苗栗地區最熱鬧的年度盛事。活動期間,除了引頸期待的「 龍」外,還有祈 福點睛、民俗踩街、設置客家龍神壇、撰寫祈福卡等,想必過年期間整個苗栗都 會熱鬧起來! You can say that Miaoli Dragon Bombing is the invisible cultural asset. In 2020, it will be the 21st year of the activity. This folk culture can be traced back to Dragon-Dance of China. Later, Hakka people came to Taiwan and they set off firecrackers, then the activity became something like this now. Besides Dragon Bombing, there are also activities such as praying, folk parading, setting Hakka Dragon Altar and writing blessing card. During Chinese New Year, it is going to be very lively and crowded in Miaoli! 時間 Time 2020.02.01-02.10 8
地點 Place
苗栗市區 Miaoli City
Taiwan Times Village
提供Nikon、Canon、SONY等各大品牌數位單 眼相機、數位相機、鏡頭等各式相機周邊配件銷 售服務。我們有專業親切的店員提供購買諮詢、 操作技巧、配件詢問及售後服務等。 We offer not only digital single lens reflex cameras, digital cameras, camera lens and accessories of Nikon, Canon, Sony and many other brands, but also advisory service and after service.
+886-4-22256624 / 台中市中區台灣大道一段310號 No. 310, Sec. 1, Taiwan Blvd., Central Dist., Taichung City
伊莎貝爾數位烘焙體驗館 Isabelle Digital Baking Experience Showroom
館內有數位影音互動體驗、360°VR虛擬實 境、DIY烘焙課程及下午茶,是台中好吃好喝又好 玩的新景點。 You can enjoy the digital audio and video interactive experience, 360° virtual reality, DIY baking class and afternoon tea in the showroom. It is a new interesting and delicious attraction in Taichung.
寶島時代村是全亞洲最大的室內懷舊台式主題 村,融合台灣四大族群(閩南/客家/外省/原住民)建 築特色,營造六零年代老台灣文化特色。 Taiwan Times Village is the largest indoor nostalgic Taiwanese style theme village. The design of the architecture is a fusion of four styles of ethnic groups in Taiwan, including Southern Fujien, Hakka, Mainlander and indigenous peoples. The designer created the style of cultural features of original Taiwan in the 1960s.
+886-49-2305000 / 南投縣草屯鎮中正路1039號 No. 1039, Zhongzheng Rd., Caotun Township, Nantou County
尋樸建築師事務所 Essence Architecture
透過以 建築、室 內、景觀設 計三者合一 的方式,打 造一個合宜 使用者、地 土的場所,我們所創作的不只是建築,而是一處 能細細沉澱、品味的場所精神。 We created a proper place for users and lands through the combination of architecture, interior and landscape design. The things that we are creating are not only architecture but also the genius loci that you can taste a place slowly and collect your thoughts.
+886-4-2568-6899 / 台中市大雅區中清路三段737號 No. 737, Sec. 3, Zhongqing Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City
+886-4-2261-3983 / 台中市南區忠明南路758號 11F 11F., No. 758, Zhongming S. Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 9
Travel Information
飛躍竹北★迎鼠光 2020 竹北市元宵燈會 2020 Zhubei Lantern Festival 2020 竹北市元宵燈會結合浪漫星空和酷炫科技風,以火箭飛鼠為主燈設計,搭 配精彩主燈秀,一遊銀河隧道、太空情境燈區、流星燈銀河區、八大行星燈區與 幸福橋!另外,2 月 8 日有元宵晚會,2 月 13 日有客家天穿日祭祀活動(新瓦屋 文化園區廣場),活動期間還有各種主題之夜,千萬別錯過! 2020 Zhubei Lantern Festival combines romantic starry night and cool technical styles. The design of main lantern is the rocket rat. With the fantastic main lantern show, travel in Galaxy Tunnel, Space Scenario Lantern Area, Shooting Stars Galaxy Area, Eight Planets Lantern Area and Happiness Bridge! Besides, there is Lantern Festival Evening Party on February 8th, Hakka Sky Mending Day Worship Event, which will be held in Xin Wa Wu Hakka Cultural Park on February 13th, and different kinds of themed nights during the period of lantern festival. Don’t miss them! 時間 Time 2020.02.06-02.16
地點 Place
竹北市文化公園 Zhubei Cultural Park
2020 台中給你不一樣的台灣燈會 2020 Different Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung 2020 台灣燈會在台中!主展區於 2020 年 2 月 8 日在花博后里園區登場,延續 生態永續主題,運用裝置藝術、聲音影像打造「森林秘境」,另於馬場園區規畫 結合傳統、藝術、科技呈現「藝想世界」;副展區文心森林公園開設「童趣樂園」, 適宜親子同遊。 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung! Main display area will make its debut at Houli Horse Ranch Site of 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition. Continuing the theme of ecological sustainability, the government utilized installation arts, sounds and images, to create a Fantastical Forest of Lanterns. The Fantastic World of Arts, which combines tradition, arts and technology, is planned to be at Houli Horse Ranch Site. In the sub-exhibition area - Wen-Xin Forest Park, there will be a Childlike Park. It is suitable for parents and children to have fun there. 10
Moving Star Hotel 星動銀河 旅站是一間機 器人主題旅 館,融入了星 際旅人的設計 項目,銀河的 浩瀚無涯,刻 劃出過旅商客們的美好回憶。地點位於台中市市 區中心點,臨近台中火車站、台中公園自行開車 或是搭乘大眾交通工具都很方便。 Moving Star Hotel is a robot-themed hotel. It is incorporated the design project of star traveler. The vast and infinite galaxy engraves the memories of travelers. The location is near Taichung Train Station and Taichung Park at the central part of Taichung City. Going there by car or public transportation is convenient. +886-4-22258800 / 台中市中區自由路二段66號 No.66,Sec.2,Ziyou Rd.,Central Dist.,Taichung City
Icloud Luxury Resort & Hotel 水雲端旗艦概念旅館、雲河概念旅館位於台 中都會區,鄰近逢甲商圈、交流道;擁有戶外浴 池、KTV視聽設備等,可體驗百變生活。 Icloud Luxury Resort & Hotel and Uher Luxury Resort & Hotel are located near Fengjia Night Market and interchange. They both have outdoor swimming pools and KTV equipments for guests.
渦水道 +886-4-24525678 / 台中市西屯區青海南街159號 No.159, Qinghai S. St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
星月大地休閒景觀園區 台中日光溫泉度假酒店
The Sun Hot Spring & Resort 共81間精緻套房、湯屋、大眾湯、蒸氣室及三 溫暖,泉質為PH 7.6、40℃的碳酸氫鈉泉,給您 深層的舒緩,回歸最初純淨。 There are 81 exquisite guest rooms in total, plus SPA facilities like public/private hot spring, steam room and Jacuzzi. The hot spring here belongs to sodium bicarbonate chloride springs with a temperature of 40℃ and a pH of 7.6, deeply soothing and able to restore your primordial purity. +886-4-22399000 / 台中市北屯區東山路二段光 西巷78號 No. 78, Guangsi Lane, Sec.2, Dongshan Rd, Beitun District.Taichung City
Star Moon Land
星月大地位於大安溪河階地形制高點,不必登 高山即可一覽山海空美景。園區提供餐飲、露營 及住宿,是現代人放鬆的不二選擇! Star Moon Camp Site is located on the apex of the Daan River terrace. You don’t have to climb up a mountain to overlook the splendid view of the mountains and sea. Meals and refreshments are provided in the park. It is an ideal place for camping and loading to relax your body and soul. +886-4-26831671 / 台中市后里區月眉北路486號 No.486, Yuemei N. Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City Open/ 10:00am-01:00am 11
主題遊程Themed Tour
南投燈會 彩燈金花 · 鼠轉錢坤 2020 Nantou Lantern Festival Colorful Lanterns and Golden Flowers•Shu Zhuan Qian Kun
南投燈會近年來的聲勢突起,直追台灣燈會,無論是在民眾口碑、媒體 評價、觀光效益等方面皆獲得好評,南投燈會已經成為新春期間民眾引頸 期盼的春節大型節慶活動。今年燈會主題為「彩燈金花 • 鼠轉錢坤」,設 計上將以萬燈閃耀的賞燈體驗為主打,同時將燈與花完美結合,呈現燈花 共演、彩光齊放的視覺效果,並打造超過 8 個主題燈區,搭配 4 個主題光 環境,而貓羅溪周邊場域的主題水舞、景觀花海等同樣不缺席,都將會以 全新風貌呈現給各地遊客。南投燈會活動期間於 2020 年 1 月 18 日至 2 月 9 日,內容包括:景觀花海、光影水舞、雕塑展覽、絢麗燈會等,相信一定 能吸國內外觀光旅客參與,打造國內新春熱鬧盛事。 In recent years, Nantou Lantern Festival got great reputation from people and media. Its popularity is almost close to Taiwan Lantern Festival. It also brought many sightseeing benefits. Nowadays, Nantou Lantern Festival has become the large festival that people look forward to visit during Chinese New Year holidays. The theme of the lantern festival this year is “Colorful Lanterns and Golden Flowers ・Shu Zhuan Qian Kun” The designing concept is based on enjoy experiencing viewing hundreds of thousands flashing lanterns. At the same time, combining lanterns and flowers to show the visual impact of the cooperating performances of lanterns and flowers, and the flashing of colors and lights together. There are more than eight themed lantern areas with the environment of four kinds of themed light. You can see the new appearances of dancing fountain show and sea of landscape flowers at the areas near Maoluo River. From January 18th to February 9th, 2020, welcome domestic and foreign tourists to Nantou Lantern Festival and see dancing fountain, sea of landscape flowers,
2020 南投燈會主題燈區介紹
Introduction of Themed Lantern Areas of 2020 Nantou Lantern Festival
2 1
Main Lantern:Xuan Zhuan Qian Kun 用幾何圖形與鮮豔色彩創造亮麗鼠 年主燈,手拿智慧型手機伴隨主燈秀 旋律,一邊旋轉一邊自拍,十分討喜。 Creating the beautiful and colorful main lantern of the year of the Rat with geometric figure. It is good to takes selfies while the lantern is whirling with the melody of main lantern show.
金鼠福祥門 Golden Rat Blessing Arch 祖祠路入口的金鼠福祥 門,以會變色的靈巧老鼠呈 現,讓穿過金鼠門的人們, 在新的一年都能招財又吉祥。 Revealing the Golden Rat Blessing Arch at the entrance of Zuci Road with the agile rat that changes colors. Hoping people who pass through the arch can be lucky and wealthy in a brand new year.
Qi Xin Dong Yuan Lantern Area 以宗教故事的手法,透過燈區來表現宗教帶 給民眾的正面力量,並為民眾祈福。 With the technique of religious stories, this area wants to show the positive power that religion brings to people and also preys for them.
主題遊程Themed Tour
2020 南投燈會主題燈區介紹
Introduction of Themed Lantern Areas of 2020 Nantou Lantern Festival
Yo Peng Ju Le Lantern Area 邀請南投在地企業共同布置打 造,展現南投豐厚的人情味,燈區 內也有倡議環保的互動燈飾,可以 來互相比拚挑戰一下。 Inviting local enterprises to decorate it together and showing the warm hospitality of Nantou. There are environmentally friendly interactive lightings in the lantern area. Welcome you to experience.
Hao Yang Nantou Area 南投燈會邀請在地企業、 觀光業者、民宿旅館等一起 為南投產業注入源源不絕的 活力與特色。 Nantou Lantern Festival invited local industries, tourism agencies, guesthouses, and hotels to add endless energies and features to industries in Nantou.
Guang Zhi Ting Yuan Lantern Area 以庭園風格進型佈展,主要元素將以南投物產及南投景點 作為表現,以物產之豐饒、景緻之美麗、藝術之薈萃等三方 面,交織出南投特色。 Decorating the exhibition in garden style. The main elements are products and sceneries of Nantou. Weaving the characteristics of Nantou with abundant products, gorgeous sceneries and the collection of arts.
8 尋奇樂園燈區
Xun Qi Le Yuan Lantern Area 以原住民文化為主題,透過原住 民圖騰、部落風俗以及原民傳說故 事等為主體,呈現花燈主題。 The theme is aboriginal culture. Taking aboriginal totem, culture and legend stories as the main concept to show the theme of lanterns.
Wen Hou Shan Cheng Lantern Area 由社區動員製作的燈區, 淳樸的南投人擁有濃厚的在 地人情味,呈現社區在地的 特色與文化。 Lanterns created by communities. The simple Nantou people have strong local human warmth. These lanterns show the local features and cultures.
主題遊程Themed Tour
另外除了主題燈區外,祖祠路入口的「華燈之路」-以金黃色的 LED 燈串 及華麗繽紛的造型燈飾打造黃金燈海,象徵迎賓氛圍的主要動線。使用複合 式媒材所規劃的「漂浮之境」,善用生態滯洪池的環境特色,首創漂浮式副 燈與大型燈牆,打造具層次感的奇幻燈區,每晚進行律動展演開創新型態的 燈會展演模式。華陽路入口處則為「銀河之廊」-以星際作為主題,呈現銀 河的無限想像,連帶宣傳南投新興景點「合歡山國際暗空公園」,「星光之 道」-佈置防波堤之空間,呼應貓羅溪對岸的光環境 - 銀河之廊,打造連成 一氣的主題動線。 “Road of Hua Deng” at the entrance of Zuci Road – Using strings of golden LED lights and colorful lightings to create the sea of lights. It is the main route with the atmosphere of welcome. “The floating realm” which was planned by mixed media – Making good use of the environmental features of ecological flood detention pond to create the first floating sub-lighting and large wall of lightings. It opens the new style of lantern festival by rhythmic performance every night. “The corridor of galaxy” at the entrance of Huayang Road – Based on the theme of interstellar space to reveal the unlimited imagery of galaxy. It also promotes the new attraction in Nantou, Hehuan Mountain Dark-Sky Park. “The avenue of starlight” – It is a space decorated with breakwaters. Combining the environment of light – The corridor of galaxy, which is on the other side of Maoluo River, to create a themed route.
Main Lantern Area Stage Performance 燈會期間,主燈區也將安排一連串的精彩演出,除了台灣一流的表演團 隊外,還有大陸及國際各地城市的演出團隊前來共襄盛舉。另外週邊相關 主題活動:「景觀花海」-於貓羅溪河床營造五彩繽紛的大面積花海,搭 配浪漫情人橋,打造南投燈會浪漫風情。「雕塑主題展」-以南投各類雕 塑作品為主,推展南投人文藝術的深度與高度。「幻彩水舞」首創全台推 出水舞結合無人機表演,展現剛柔並濟的美感。 During the period of Nantou Lantern Festival, there will be a lot of excellent performances in main lantern area. Besides top performance groups in Taiwan, performers from China and many other foreign countries are going to join this activity. There are some associated themed activities. “Sea of landscape flowers” – A large colorful sea of flowers located in river bed of Maoluo River. Combining romantic lovers bridge to create the romantic atmosphere for Nantou Lantern Festival. “Themed sculpture exhibition” – Revealing the depth and altitude of humility and cultural arts of Nantou with all kinds of sculpture artworks of Nantou. Dancing Fountain:The first performance of dancing fountain combining drone in Taiwan. It reveals the aesthetics of softness and hardness.
包羅萬象的 2020 南投燈會將以全新風貌呈現給國內外各地遊客,相信今 年南投燈會的風情將更勝以往,也能提供遊客從白天玩到晚上的精彩遊程 體驗。 2020 Nantou Lantern Festival is going to show the brand new appearance to domestic and foreign tourists. We believe that the atmosphere of Nantou Lantern Festival this year will hit the new highlight. Come and have the fantastic experiences from day to night.
主題遊程Themed Tour
南投燈會春節順遊首推 - 雙龍七彩吊橋
The First Recommended Place to Visit after Nantou Lantern Festival Shuanglong Rainbow Suspension Bridge
為讓遊客體驗更多南投瑰麗山水,南投縣政府將於 2020 農曆春節前後正 式啟用信義雙龍七彩吊橋,也為南投觀光首都再添璀璨亮點。 In order to let travelers experience more gorgeous sceneries, Nantou County Government will officially inaugurate Xinyi Shuanglong rainbow suspension bridge. It is going a new highlight of tourism in capital of Nantou.
藏身於濁水溪綿延山谷間的雙龍七彩吊橋,跨距 345 公尺、深度達 110 公尺,相當於 30 層樓高,是近年全台最長最深的吊橋,懸吊在懸崖峭 壁上,往前望就是瀑布、底下為美麗溪谷,景色壯觀迷人。橋面設計採階 梯式共有 420 階,名為彩虹吊橋,全因橋面以彩虹七色設計,每 50 公尺 就有一種顏色,遠遠看去就像一道彩虹懸掛在山林間。 Shuanglong rainbow suspension bridge, the longest and deepest suspension bridge in Taiwan in recent years, is located between the valleys of Zhuoshui River. It is 342 meters in length and stretches 110 meters, which is equal to 30 floors high, hanging on a cliff. Looking forward, you can see a waterfall, and a gorgeous valley below. The view is spectacular. The bridge was designed with a step-by-step, and there are totally 420 steps. Every 50 meters, the steps will be different color. It looks like a rainbow hanging in valleys. That’s why it is called rainbow suspension bridge.
跨過壯麗的雙龍七彩吊橋即是在陡峭山壁中飛竄奔騰的雙龍瀑布,瀑布 分為上瀑與下瀑,姿態猶如雙龍吐珠。雙龍吊橋的興建將雙龍瀑布豐富自 然景觀資源雙層峭壁飛瀑景象,藉由跨越山谷間七彩吊橋展現美麗風光。 Across the magnificent Shuanglong rainbow suspension bridge, you will see Shuanglong Waterfall. It is divided into upper waterfall and lower waterfall. The abundant natural landscape resources of Shuanglong Waterfall are shown by the rainbow suspension bridge across the valleys.
雙龍七彩吊橋預定於 2020 年春季正式開放,全票票價為 100 元。考量 雙龍部落地處山區,路幅及村內腹地有限,開放初期將採總量管制,每日 開放約 1,500 人,全採線上購票預約,並規畫接駁車轉乘進入部落,以提 升遊客旅遊體驗。
Shuanglong rainbow suspension bridge is expected to be officially opened in spring of 2020. Full ticket is NT$100. Considering that Shuanglong tribe is located in mountain area, the roadway and hinterland of the village are limited, there is a visitor limit of about 1,500 people at initial stage. You have to buy tickets online and make a reservation in advance. You don’t need to worry about the transportation because there are shuffle buses taking you into the tribe.
全台最高最長的雙龍七彩吊橋,搭配雙龍瀑布之奔騰絕景以及雙龍部落 豐富之布農族傳統文化題材,南投是您一定要來、不能錯過的好去處。 Having the highest and longest suspension bridge in Taiwan, with the gorgeous view of Shuanglong Waterfall, and the abundant Bunun traditional culture of Shuanglong tribe, Nantou is the place you can’t miss.
南投縣政府 Nantou County Government
民宿協會 Sun Moon Lake
Lodging Association
來日月潭,住日月潭民宿! Come to Sun Moon Lake and Stay in Hostels in Sun Moon Lake! 風景秀麗的日月潭,一直深受國內外遊客歡迎。為接待遠道而來的貴賓,南投 縣日月潭民宿協會嚴選優質民宿,各有特色,間間精彩,期待於遊程中,為您增 添溫暖快樂的回憶。 The spectacular Sun Moon Lake has always loved by domestic and foreign travelers. In order to welcome our guests, Nantou County Sun Moon Lake Lodging Association is going to select the high quality and featured hostels for you to choose. Hoping you can create the warm and happy memories.
南投縣魚池鄉金天巷70-3號 No. 70-3, Jintian Ln., Yuchi Township,
Nantou County Nantou County Sun Moon Lake Lodging Association
No. 70-1, Jintian Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
No. 12-8, Yongchuan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
+886-49-2898740 | (Fax)+886-49-2898745
No. 18-23, Qiongwen Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
No. 42, Jintian Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
+886-49-2896983 | (Fax)+886-49-2898709
No. 7-5, Dayan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
No. 45, Qiongwen Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
+886-989-555599 | (Fax)+886-49-2899647
No. 17-18, Songshan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
No. 266, Xiushui Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
+886-49-2896685 | (Fax)+886-49-2896658
No. 58-6, Xingshan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
No. 13, Shanzhajiao Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
No. 4-5, Shuiwei Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
No. 208, Zhongzheng Rd., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
+886-49-2880452 | (Fax)+886-49-2880973
No. 15-6, Yongchuan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
No. 47-30, Dayan Ln., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
No. 30, Dehua St., Yuchi Township, Nantou County
No. 22, Taomi Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County
+886-49-2850343 | (Fax)+886-49-2850173
甫田6号文創園區 | 戲綠川民宿 | 部落美食餐廳
No. 389, Nanhuan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County
No. 151, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County
+886-975-288985 | (Fax) +886-49-2987786
No. 9, Fuxing Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County
No. 37, Heping Ln., Lugu Township, Nantou County
小 鎮 漫 遊
Ramble in Small Towns
浪漫台三線藝術季 漫遊新竹小鎮 Romantic Route 3 Art Festival. Slow travel in Hsinchu County.
風光秀麗的台三線,橫跨台灣 5 個縣市,其中又以新竹 縣為行經路線最長的縣市。因此,「浪漫台三線藝術季」特別於新 竹縣內策劃 5 個展區-關西、內灣、北埔、峨眉及竹東,邀請國內外知名 藝術家投入創作。讓我們循著藝術季,深入新竹小鎮,展開一段浪漫之旅吧! Scenic Romantic Route 3 across five cities. The longest route is Hsinchu County. Romantic Route 3 Art Festival especially planned 5 exhibition areas in Guanxi, Neiwan, Beipu, Emei and Zhudong, and invited domestic and foreign famous artists to participate in the creation. Let’s follow the route of the art festival and have a romantic in-depth travel in Hsinchu!
關西 Guanxi | 鼓動茶香在關西 Promote Tea Fragrance in Guanxi 關西以仙草和茶葉聞名,地景藝術的素材也不離這兩者,作品位於關 西老街和牛欄河公園,亦能順道走訪百年東安古橋和羅屋書店等景 點。 Guanxi is famous for its grass jelly and tea. The material of land arts is related to these two things. The artworks are located in Guanxi Old Street and Niulan River Park. You can also visit hundred-year-old Dongan Ancient Bridge and Lo House.
陸芳 Bamboo window 藝術家 Artist / 吳桂陽 Wu Gui Yang 地點 Place / 牛欄河公園 Niulan River Park
開闊的六方,就像展開雙臂熱情的 迎接到訪的人們。透過竹節的樸實, 光與影的交錯,在茶席內品嚐茶的 芬芳。 Open our mind, It’s like welcoming people who are coming to visit. Through the bamboo hole, interlacement of light and shadow. Taste the fragrance of tea in the tea table.
繫 . 茶 Connection of tea ceremony 藝術家 Artist / 黃甯 Ryan 地點 Place / 牛欄河公園 Niulan River Park
繫 念 的 心 意, 編 織 出 純 樸 的 美 好。結緣關西,在我們的小鎮細路 上,品味茶席之間的人生茶韻香。 Close heart between people, get the simple and beautiful life. Welcome to Hsinchu County Hamtsoi, on our hometown savor the tea.
A bridge brings people closer 藝術家 Artist / 羅懿君 Yi Chun Lo 地點 Place / 關西老街 Guanxi Old Street
橋樑將人與人之間拉近了,選用當地出產的 仙草、茶葉、與土壤為媒材,將之堆砌出弧形, 希望與人們建立連結,並製造美好生活。 Tea bricks are made from local straw, tea and soil and bent into a bridge. Hope to connect with people to life memories.
小 鎮 漫 遊
Ramble in Small Towns
內灣 Neiwan | 內灣線鐵道美術館 Neiwan Line Railroad Art Exhibition 內灣線鐵道早期負責把煤礦和木材運送出去,今日則帶來藝術家和他們 的作品。不妨搭乘「山歌列車」,一起把內灣線連成一座自由想像、溫暖 豐富的鐵道美術館。 Initially, Neiwan railway line was built for the transportation of coal and lumber; we bring you a series of artworks from various artists that tells the stories of this place.Take an exclusive train SANGO, we connect the Neiwan line into a vivid museum.
山歌列車 Train SANGO
策展人 Curator / 李明道 Li, Ming-Dao 地點 Place / 台鐵內灣線 Taiwan Railway Neiwan Line
以早期內灣線運送林木為概念,設計仿木造列車,並 邀請書法家何景窗書寫客家音樂人黃連煜「山歌一條路」的歌詞, 作為車內視覺元素。 He creates an imitation wooden train based on the concept of Neiwan Line transporting trees in early days. He also invited the calligrapher He, Jing-Chuang to write the lyrics of Huang, Lian-Yu’s song “Shan ge yi tiao lu” as the visual element in the train.
奔跑的孩子 Running Child 藝術家 Artist / 劉保志 Liu, Bao-Zhi 地點 Place / 合興火車站 Hexing Train Station
身為新埔民俗手藝店的第五代傳人,藝術家 劉保志以隱藏在花燈裡的鐵絲骨架,創作出生 動活潑的孩子樣貌。 As the fifth successor of Xinpu folk handicraft shop, the artist Liu, Bao-Zhi created the lively appearance of child with the wire skeleton hidden in a lantern. 24
南河印象 The impression of Nanhey 藝術家 Artist / 九讚頭文化協會 Jiuzantou Cultural Association,
大肚國小師生 Teachers and Students of Dadu Elementary School
地點 Place / 富貴火車站 Fugui Train Station
火車內灣線的富貴站,舊名為「南河」,透過共同彩繪風車創作, 一起懷念與喚起這塊土地的記憶。 The old name of Fugui Station, Taiwan railway Neiwan Line was Nanhe. Through windmill artworks created by the teachers and students to bring back the memories of this land.
北埔 Beipu | 未來的昔日 The Upcoming Past 北埔的故事,初始便已形成一部居民與來客的融合史。「未來的昔日」邀 請國內外與客籍藝術家,回應在地不同時代脈絡進行現地創作,將過往旋律 轉化成未來日常。 The story of Beipu has formed into the history of the fusion between residents and visitors since the very beginning. “The Upcoming Past” invited domestic, overseas as well as Hakka artists to conduct on-site creations in response to the different local threads of time, transforming the rhythm from the past into the everyday life of the future.
北埔 Beipu
攝影師 Photographer / 阮義忠 I-Jong Juan 地點 Place / 慈天宮後方之木構造民宅 Wooden house behind Citian Temple
攝影大師阮義忠於 1980-1985 年間,造訪北 埔 13 次,記錄下珍貴的紀實影像,帶領民眾 穿越時空,感受 30 多年前北埔人文之美。 The artist visited Beipu thirteen times during 1980 and 1985, and truthfully documented its cultural and natural landscape. The audience can seem to travel through time, immersing themselves in Beipu’s cultural beauty from more than thirty years ago.
小 鎮 漫 遊
Ramble in Small Towns
蝶道 Butterfly Passageway 藝術家 Artist / 陳勇昌 Kaling DIWAY 地點 Place / 南外社協蝴蝶橋 Butterfly bridge in Nanwai Community
南外社區以「蝴蝶」作為精神意象,因此 作品以竹片編織蝴蝶造型的屏幕,設置於 生態池橋上方,提供愜意的休憩場域。 Nanwai Community prides itself with its butterfly and uses it as its community symbol. This work reveals a butterfly canopy woven with bamboo, installed on the steel bridge of the ecological pond. It provides visitors a nice shade when they have a leisure moment.
天光日 Tien Gong Ngid—Light from the Sky 藝術家 Artist / 林正偉 Cheng-Wei LIN 地點 Place / 公有市場 Public Market (07:00-14:00,周一公休 Close on Monday)
以生活、市場中經常使用到的客語語句進行創 作,而「天光日」是從天上降下的美麗光彩和語言, 也是客語「明日」的意思。 The artist collects Hakka phrases and words frequently used in the everyday scenes and in the local market. Tien Gong Ngid—Light from the Sky, brings to mind the splendid sunlight from the sky and also means “tomorrow” in Hakka.
峨眉 Emei | 慢漫生活節 Slow Down Festival 峨眉鄉十二寮,新竹縣神秘的後花園。全鄉多達九成比例受層 巒疊障的群山覆蓋;瀰漫於鄉村之間的,是傳統人情味十足的道地 客庄氣息。等待你前來,享受你的時間! Emei Shiherliao, the secret garden of Hsinchu, is 90% covered by mountains and filled with traditional and friendly Hakka culture. Waiting for you to come visit and enjoy your time.
輔娘持光 Bu Ngiong’s Glowing Heart 藝術家 Artistr / 周伯彥 Bowen Chou、曙光團隊 Dawn Reborn Crew 地點 Place / 十二寮大埤旁 Beside Shiherliao pond
取材自回收零件, 以鐵件打造金屬外型,同時結合天然植物材質, 呈現堅毅又柔軟的現代客家女性形象,並強調客語中 的「輔娘」不只是輔助,更是舉足輕重的角色。 Made by recycling materials, using metal as her appearance, artists also combined some natural plants as decoration to present Bu-ngiong as a modern, dedicated and caring Hakka woman. Therefore, this piece of art isn’t just for emphasizing the perseverance of Bu-ngiong but also the importance of the standing role as a woman.
懶散時光 Lazy time
藝術家 Artist / Ahmad Yusuf Maulana、Viga F. Widjanarko、Novita Sari、 IPIN NUR SETIYO、Sli Kumari、Dwi Hartanto
地點 Place / 十二寮大埤 Shiherliao pond
我們有時過於懶散,忘記善待並照顧自然環境。 或許有一天,當地球資源耗盡時,我們終將被 大自然給吞沒。 Sometimes we are so lazy and forgot about treating and taking care of nature. So that one day when nature is unable to stem from the anger then we will sink with the disquiet of nature.
拾光走廊 Memory 藝術家 Artistr / 陳彥廷 Sing Sing、曙光團隊 Dawn Reborn Crew 地點 Place / 十二寮一處小埤塘 A pond in Shiherliao
藝術家秉持著零廢棄物創作的精神,使用回收材 料,將原本廢棄車輪和廢棄瓶蓋等,製作成拾光支 柱。像是路牌,歡迎客人來到這處秘境。 Memory is created by a group of artists who commit their free-waste spirit into their artwork. They made each pillar by using recycled materials such as scrap tires, waste metal, and caps. It welcomes visitors as a road sign. >>圖文資料來源: 浪漫台三線藝術季官網 >>Sources of photos and text: The official website of 2019 新竹縣政府 Hsinchu County Government Romantic Route 3
Seasonal Selection
武陵農場四季賞花趣 Flower Viewing in Wuling Farm at All Seasons
全區導覽 Full Area Guide 於海拔 1,740~2,200 公尺的武陵農場,年均溫約 15℃,是臺灣著 名避暑勝地,四季景緻以春花、夏果、秋楓、冬雪著稱,因天然地 景奇特,蘊育了豐厚的自然景觀與人文資源,尤以七家灣文化遺址及 國寶魚櫻花鉤吻鮭最為珍稀。近年來因氣候變遷及生態保育趨勢,已轉型 為以觀光休閒與生態旅遊為主、農作體驗為輔的經營型態。武陵景緻秀麗迷 人,雲霧氤氳,林野挹翠,流水悠碧,親樹賞鳥,聽波觀魚,無不生機盎然, 動靜之態,皆引人入勝,相當適合闔家出遊。 Wuling Farm, which is at 1,740 to 2,200 meters above sea level, is the famous summer resort in Taiwan. The annual average temperature is about 15°C. The famous sceneries of four seasons are flowers in spring, fruits in summer, maple leaves in fall, and white snow in winter. It has the abundant natural sceneries and cultural resources due to the natural and unique geographical features. Especially Qijiawan Cultural Heritage Site and the national treasure fish, Taiwanese salmon are rarest. In recent years, because of climate changes and trends of ecological conservation, it has changed its business model to mainly focus on leisurely sightseeing and ecotourism and partially farming experience. The gorgeous sceneries and the dynamic and static states are fascinating. It is a place suitable for family trips.
冬、春季景觀 The sceneries in fall and winter 農場因著前人種樹、經營有方,隨著四季更迭,展現出迥異情調,經過 秋季變葉植物銀杏、楓葉、落羽松變裝秀落幕,一月份迎接著的是臘梅、梅 花登場,臘梅的花以蠟黃色為主,其他色彩少見;而武陵農場梅花不同於生 產梅子為主的白梅,是種植觀賞用的梅花,有紅有白,有重瓣、單瓣,品種 繁多,整片開起來如雲似霧,芬香滿園,別有一種觀賞的樂趣。 Due to the efforts of predecessors and the good managements of successor, the farm shows the individual exotic atmosphere in every season. After the changes of ginkgo, maple leaf and deciduous cypress in fall, you will see winter sweet and plum blossom in January. The flowers of winter sweet are mainly wax yellow. Other than the plums for production, there are red and white, double and single plum flowers for seeing in Wuling Farm.
二月份緊接著是武陵農場重要的繽紛季節”櫻花季登場”,目前武陵農 場規劃有十大賞櫻秘境,擴及綿延將近 4-5 公里武陵路櫻花大道,尤以雪霸 管理中心旁波浪道為最著名賞櫻景點,其餘包含醫療站前夜櫻觀賞區、文康 區賞櫻隧道、兆豐茶園區寬闊視野的櫻花茶園景觀及妙高櫻花台成片的櫻花 林都是不可錯過的最佳賞櫻景點;櫻花品種更是多樣化,除了早櫻 - 山櫻花 大約 1 月中下旬盛開,農場櫻花主力昭和櫻及紅粉佳人在 2 月份陸續登場, 渲染農場整個粉紅氣息;晚櫻品種也於 2 月底至三月初陸續綻放,包括 霧社櫻、八重櫻及菊櫻等品種。
Seasonal Selection
February is the most important time for Wuling Farm. The colorful festival, Cherry Blossom Festival will make its debut. So far Wuling Farm has planned ten hidden places for cherry blossom viewing, includes Cherry Blossom Avenue on Wuling Road which is nearly 5 kilometers long. The most famous place is the wavy avenue beside Shei-pa National Park headquarters. The night cherry blossom viewing area in front of medical center, cherry blossom viewing tunnel in Wenkang District, the cherry blossom tea garden of Chao Feng Tea Garden and the entire cherry blossom forest of Miaogao cherry blossom platform are also the best places for cherry blossom viewing. The species are diverse. Taiwan Cherry blooms in middle January. As the main, Japanese Showa Cherry and Pink Lady Cherry Blossoms bloom in February. Wusheh Cherry, Peony Cherry Blossom, Chrysanthemum Cherry and other species of oriental cherry will bloom at the end of February or early March.
緊接著來臨的是 3 月的桃花、蘋果花及牡丹花季,4 月則是紫藤爭豔的季 節。花中之王 - 牡丹為農場近年重點培育的花卉,是少數在台灣能看到代表 花開富貴、吉祥如意牡丹的地方。同時,農場也是賞紫藤的最佳景點,有興 趣的民眾可在上述時節來場欣賞到各具特色或少見的珍貴花卉及風景。 The upcoming activities are peach blossom, the apple blossom and subshrubby peony flower festivals. April is the month of Chinese Wisteria. In recent years, Wuling Farm focuses on planting the king of flowers - subshrubby peony flowers. In Taiwan, subshrubby peony flowers have the meaning of wealth and good luck. Wuling Farm is a rare place you can see subshrubby peony flowers and it is also the best place for watching Chinese Wisteria.
美食特產 Specialty 武陵國民賓館餐廳配合四季時令推出 不同特色風味餐,如水果餐(桃、蘋果) 及茶葉餐等。農場四大特產 - 水蜜桃、蘋 果及產於雪山麓之武陵高山茶、杭菊,廣受 民眾喜愛。尤其武陵長紅茶,以台灣青心烏龍及金 萱茶培製而成,具有特殊香氣及喉韻;杭菊栽種於 無汙染的高山,引雪山溪水灌溉,採自然農法栽培, 送禮自用皆宜。 Wuling Restaurant makes different flavors of dishes with season ingredients, for example, dishes made from fruit (peach and apple) or tea. Many people love the specialties of Wuling Farm - peach, apple, Wuling mountain tea from foothills of Shie Mountain and florist's daisy. The fragrance and the taste of Wuling Black Tea, which is made with Qingxin Oolong and Jin Xuan Tea, are so unique. Florist's daisies are planted in pollutionfree high mountains with natural farming.
武陵農場官方網站 Wuling Farm Website
武陵農場粉絲專頁 Wuling Farm Facebook
武陵農場 Wuling Farm
玩 樂園、 住 福容、 逛 OUTLET、 開 卡丁、 搭 摩天輪
Playing , Staying , Shopping , Karting All in one
Grand opening of the brand new second phase of Lihpao Outlet.
an style attraction.
Creating the new Europe
位於台中后里的麗寶樂園渡假區,2020 年規模再升級,延 續義大利芬諾港意象打造的 OUTLET 一期商場,OUTLET 二期 則用北義大利「科莫湖」為設計概念,室內迴廊採挑高拱廊 設計,引進自然採光,戶外還有運河貫穿其中,輕鬆置身歐洲的 浪漫氛圍,無論是在室內外都能輕鬆購物,共計 260 間國內外知名品牌與美 食齊聚,絕對是今年最夯的消費新去處。 Lihpao Resort, which is located in Houli, Taichung, will expand its scale in 2020. Continuing the imagery of the first phase of outlet - the Portofino in Italy, we took Lago di Como in Northern Italy as the design concept to build the second phase of the outlet. The design of indoor corridor is high ceiling arcade. Natural light shines into the interior. There is a canal running through the outdoor area. The romantic atmosphere makes you feel like being in Europe. You can enjoy shopping both indoors or outdoors. There are totally 260 domestic and foreign brands and restaurants. It is definitely the hottest place to go shopping this year.
全 新 開 幕 的 OUTLET 二 期, 其 中 有 40 多 家 全 台 唯 一 或台中首間的獨家品牌 進駐,例如全台獨家、高 42 公尺的歐式鐘樓星巴克,還有全台第 一 家 PUMA KIDS Outlet、Nike Swim 等 人氣品牌,以及知名文創品牌 Wooderful Life 木育森林、湯姆熊歡樂世界皆在此開 設中部旗艦店,還有秀泰影城等特色店家,打造結合購物、休閒娛樂、美食一站 到位的渡假型購物中心。 There are more than 40 stores of exclusive brands, including the unique ones in Taiwan or the first ones in Taichung in the brand new second phase of Lihpao Outlet, for example like, the exclusive European bell tower Starbucks which is 42 meters high, the first PUMA KIDS Outlet in Taiwan, and Nike Swim. The famous cultural and creative brand – Wooderful Life and Tom's World also opened their flagship stores of central Taiwan here. Including Showtime Cinemas and many other featured stores, it is a resort outlet combining shopping, entertainment and restaurants.
除了逛街購物的新選擇,渡假區還有探索世界遊樂園、天空之夢摩天輪、麗寶 國際賽車場、密室逃脫等多元場域,豐富娛樂項目一次滿足,三天兩夜也玩不完, 福容大飯店 1/1-4/30 推出 NT$6,999 起住房專案,含雙人一泊二食、雙人探索世 界雙日門票、POPA 主題商品福袋等,趕快與家人朋友安排一場麗寶假期 ! Expect outlet, there are Discovery World, Sky Dream Ferris Wheel, Lihpao International Racing Park and Escape Rooms in resort area. You can experience these abundant entertainments in one time. Three days and two nights wouldn’t be enough. From January 1st to April 30th, Fullon Hotel Lihpao Land is going to launch the special offer at NT$6,999 up for accommodation, including 2 meals for staying one night and two-day pass of Discovery World for two people, and lucky bag of POPA themed products. Come and have a trip in Lihpao with your friends and family!
Cover Story
Spring Two-Day Tour Plan of Taiwan in
寫小說的人 The Novelist 專職小說家,喜歡寫作、閱讀、繪畫、旅遊。
Professional novelist who likes writing, reading, painting, and traveling.
一年一度的春節假期即將來臨,精選台灣四縣市春遊行 程,四大主題各有特色。安排兩天一夜前往,一起渡過愉 快假期吧! The annual Spring Festival Holiday is coming! Here are the recommended itineraries of four counties in Taiwan, and four themes have their own features! Arrange two days to spend a pleasant holiday together!
新北輕鬆遊, 來板橋在地小旅行。
台中復古遊, 尋訪霧峰人文與創意。
高雄海派遊, 走讀港都歷史與藝文。
花蓮文青遊, 新城小鎮晃晃走走。
Relaxing travel in New Taipei City, have a local light travel in Banqiao District.
Sea-style travel in Kaohsiung, learn about the history and art of the port city.
Nostalgic travel in Taichung, exploring the humanities and cultures of Wufeng.
Hipster travel in Hualien, Walk around in Xincheng Township.
Cover Story
新北輕鬆 2 日遊,來板橋在地小旅行。 Two days travel in New Taipei City, have a local light travel in Banqiao District.
板橋位於新北市,早期舊地名為「枋橋」,日治時期時 則改為「板橋」,它不但是政治要地,也擁有悠久歷史。 這次深度旅行,就來板橋一探究竟吧! Banqiao is located in New Taipei City. It was called FangCiao in the early days. During Japanese colonial period, it had been called Banqiao. It is an important place of politics with a long history. Come to Banqiao and take an in-depth travel to discover everything!
Visiting historical sites and temples is the must-visit for itinerary
來到板橋,絕對不能錯過板橋林家 花園-林本源園邸,它保留完整的中 式園林建築,展現清朝時代林氏家族的 興旺。園林裡建築典雅精緻,綠蔭扶疏又 有小橋池塘,唯有導覽時間才開放的「三落大 厝」記得要先預約。 You can’t miss The Lin Family Mansion and Garden in Banqiao. It retains complete Chinese style garden architecture and reveals the prosperity of The Lin Family in Qing dynasty. The architecture in the garden is elegant and exquisite. The trees and flowers are well-ordered. There is also a bridge and pond. Three-house Courtyard only opens during guided tours, don’t forget to make a reservation in advance.
離林本源園邸不遠有座百年宮廟慈 惠宮,主祀天上聖母(媽祖),被信 徒尊稱為「板橋媽」,可說是在地信 仰中心,祈求旅途平安的同時,也能 順道逛逛市場巷弄裡的在地美食。 There is a-hundred-year-old temple located near The Lin Family Mansion and Garden, and it is called Ci-Hui Temple. People worship Mazu here, and the believers called it Banqiao Ma. At the same time of praying to have a safe trip, you can also walk around the market in alley and taste local food.
Walk around business district and night market in Banqiao at night
板橋的夜晚也相當熱鬧,捷運府中站附 近林立餐飲、服飾、百貨類店家,儼然是座 小商圈,而府中景觀路橋不只是 IG 拍照熱點, 夜晚景色也很有都會氛圍。不遠處的湳雅夜市, 人氣小吃有麻油雞、蚵仔麵、牛排、豬血湯,是在地人最愛。 There are many restaurants, clothes shops and department stores near Fuzhong Station. It looks like a small business district. Fuzhong Landscape Bridge is more than just a check in hot spot for social media, the night view shows the atmosphere of city. There are some famous snacks in Nanya Night Market, which is located not far from the station, such as sesame oil chicken soup, oyster vermicelli, steak, and pork blood soup. Those are the favorite foods of many local people.
Cover Story
The favorite things of young people - Cultural and creative industry, and bike
435 藝文特區以藝術文創為亮點,一進來就能看見歐式 新古典主義的中正紀念堂,亦能參觀溼地故事館、台灣 玩具博物館、藝術展演空間,而園區後面的大草皮更 是親子最愛! The highlight of 435 Art Zone is artistic cultural and creative industry. When you get inside, you will first see European style Neoclassicism Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. You can also visit Wetland Story House, Taiwan Toy Museum, and Art Exhibition Hall. The vast green land behind the zone is the favorite place for parents and children!
穿越草皮,往環河西路方向,就能看 見橫跨大漢溪(淡水河)的新月橋。新 月橋以流暢弧線打造,兩端可通往板橋 和新莊,橋上可以騎自行車、散步、欣 賞河景,非常舒適悠閒,晚間燈光亮起 就搖身變為人氣攝影景點! Crossing over the green land and walking straight to Huanhe West Road, you will see Crescent Bridge, which acrosses Dahan River (Tamsui River). Crescent Bridge was constructed with smooth arcs. Both ends are Banqiao and Xinzhuang. People can ride bikes, take a walk and enjoy the beautiful river view on the bridge. At night, when the lights on, it becomes the popular attraction for photographers!
The last stop is secret observatory and department stores
板橋有一處免費的祕密景點,就是位於新北市政 府的 32 樓景觀遼望臺!環狀的玻璃窗景可以眺望新 北風景,天氣好時甚至能看見臺北 101,無論夜景和日 景都非常壯觀!而周遭聚集不少大型百貨公司,包含:大 遠百、環球購物中心、遠東百貨等,自然也有許多咖啡餐 飲,於是板橋小旅行的終點,不妨來此處喝茶休憩、買點 伴手禮,也是完美句點。 There is a free secret attraction in Banqiao. It is the 32-floor observatory in the New Taipei City Government! You can overlook the view of New Taipei City through the circular glass windows and you can even see Taipei 101 when the weather is nice! Many department stores are around here. That’s why there are a lot of cafés and restaurants. Take this place as your last stop of Banqiao light travel, and enjoy drinking tea and buying souvenir.
行程建議 Itinerary
林本源園邸 The Lin Family Mansion and Garden 慈惠堂 Ci-Hui Temple
+886-2-29650014 | 新北市板橋區府中路81號 No. 81, Fuzhong Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
➡ 第二天 Day2
+886-2-29653061 | 新北市板橋區西門街9號 No. 9, Ximen St., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
Fuzhong Business District
湳雅夜市 Nanya Night Market 新北市板橋區南雅東路 Nanya E. Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
435 藝文特區 435 Art Zone
+886-2-29690366 | 新北市板橋區中正路435號 No. 435, Zhongzheng Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
Crescent Bridge
New Taipei City Government Observatory
+886-2-29603456 | 新北市板橋區中山路一段161號32F 32F., No. 161, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
Department Stores
New Taipei City
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤
禾多靜巷 HERDOR Near
・ 電話Phone:+886-2-82586838
・ 電話Phone:+886-2-22512222
1F., No. 12-3, Ln. 133, Juguang Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
No. 311-2, Sec. 1, Wenhua Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
小豬圓舞曲 Dessert Dance
・ 電話Phone:+886-2-22551785
新北市板橋區文化路二段125巷40號 No. 40, Ln. 125, Sec. 2, Wenhua Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
Merci petit
・ 電話Phone:+886-2-89533907
Following internet celebrities to travel
・ 電話Phone:+886-2-29569995 新北市板橋區中山路二段255巷5號 No. 5, Ln. 255, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
・ 電話Phone:+886-2-82581386 新北市板橋區新民街7巷29號
No. 29, Ln. 7, Xinmin St., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
No. 2, Ln. 72, Songjiang St., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City
Cover Story
台中復古 2 日遊,尋訪霧峰人文與創意。 Two days nostalgic travel in Taichung, exploring the humanities and cultures of Wufeng.
霧峰位於台中的屯區,發展早,又擁有早期台灣民意最 高機關-台灣省諮議會,是饒富歷史與人文的觀光區域。 Wufeng located in Tun District of Taichung. It was early developed. The highest legislature in early days was also located here. It is a sightseeing area with abundant history and the humanities and cultures.
The most representative people of Wufeng – Lin Family
霧峰林家為日據時期的台灣五大家族之一,在霧峰留下許多 代表性建築,像是位於明台中學的林家花園(萊園),擁有精 巧的花園、戲台與水池,以及結合中西建築風格 的五桂樓。 Wufeng Lin Family was the one of the five largest families in Taiwan during Japanese colonial period. They had preserved many representative buildings in Wufeng, for instance the garden, theatrical stage, pond in Lin Family Mansion and Garden (Laiyuen), and Five-Cassia Tower combining Chinese and Western styles.
象徵林家宅邸的宮保第,經過修復後,仍保留工藝精湛的大 花廳與宅院,購買門票入內後能細細欣賞傳統中式建築,搭配專 業導覽,更能了解當時霧峰林家的歷史故事。 After repairing, Gongbaodi, the symbol of Lin Family Mansion, still retained the exquisite and traditional Chinese buildings, Great Flower Hall. Through the professional guide, you can learn more about the historical story of the Wufeng Lin Family.
Asia University, a place full of artistic atmosphere
以西方巴洛克建築為設計風格的亞洲大 學,成為拍照打卡、戲劇拍攝熱點! 行政大樓的巨型圓柱搭配綠色圓頂, 體育館外牆則以古羅馬競技場樣貌設 計,彷彿穿越時空來到希臘羅馬時期。 Asian university was designed in Baroque style. The administration building with giant cylinder and green dome, and the gymnasium with the appearance of Colosseum in Rome, are both check in and shooting hot spots!
同樣隸屬亞洲大學的亞洲現代美術館,由日 本建築大師安藤忠雄設計,以三個正三角形組 成,不同角度都有不同面貌,內部空間明亮 潔淨,定期推出各種藝術展覽。 Asia University Museum of Modern Art was designed by the Japanese architect, Tadao Ando. It is composed of equilateral triangle. You can see different appearance in every angle. It launches different art exhibition regularly. 43
Cover Story
GuangFu Village became a cultural and creative highlight
於 1956 年建造的光復新村, 原為省政府的眷屬宿舍,擁有舒 適綠蔭和眷村建築,現在改為文創 聚落,吸引年輕人帶著創意展店,進 駐咖啡廳、甜點茶店、眷村小吃、手工藝品等, 成為觀光亮點。鄰近的九二一地震教育園區也不 妨走走,它保留當時毀壞的校舍,提醒人們勿忘 地震的可怕。 GuangFu Village was established in 1956. It was the quarter for family dependants of Provincial Government. Now it became a cultural and creative park. There are cafés, dessert shops, military community dishes and handicrafts. 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan nearby retained the school buildings that were destroyed at the time. It reminds people not to forget how terrible the earthquake might be.
Two unique and local attractions in Wufeng
最後,也不能錯過霧峰在地的特色景點,霧峰農會酒莊以霧 峰香米釀造的酒類,多年榮獲國際酒類評鑑大獎,而酒莊內除 了多種酒品展售外,亦規劃導覽展示區,讓人可以更了解酒的 製作過程。 Don’t miss Wu-Feng Farmer's Association Distillery at the end of the travel. It has won the awards of international wine award for many years with the wines made from Wufeng rice. In addition to buying wines, visitors can learn more about the process of making wine in guided display area. 44
隔壁的民生故事館,原本是當地老 診所,如今結合醫用品展示和二戰 神靖丸紀念展覽,亦提供使用在 地食材製作的美味餐點,成為充 滿故事的場域。 Minsheng Story House nearby was originally Minsheng Clinic. Now, it displays medical equipment and holds World War II ShenJingWan memorial exibition. There are also delicious dishes made with local ingredients.
行程建議 Itinerary
林家花園 Family Mansion and Garden
+886-4-23993071 | 台中市霧峰區萊園路91號 No. 91, Laiyuan Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
宮保第 Gongbaodi
+886-4-23317985 | 台中市霧峰區民生路26號 No. 26, Minsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
亞洲大學 & 亞洲現代美術館
Asia University & Asia University Museum of Modern Art +886-4-23323456 | 台中市霧峰區柳豐路500號 No. 500, Liufeng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
第二天 Day2
光復新村 GuangFu Village 台中市霧峰區新生路 Xinsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
九二一地震教育園區 921 Earthquake Museum +886-4-23390906 | 台中市霧峰區新生路192號 No. 192, Xinsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
霧峰農會酒莊 Wu-Feng Farmer's Association Distillery +886-4-23399191 | 台中市霧峰區中正路345號 No. 345, Zhongzheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
民生故事館 Minsheng Story House
+886-4-23391556 | 台中市霧峰區中正路369號 No. 369, Zhongzheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
>>台中住宿推薦 Hotel Recommendation in Taichung
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・ 電話Phone:+886-4-23390125
鍋裡鍋物 in the pot
・ 電話Phone:+886-4-23393158 * 淡水分店 +886-2-26225658
新北市淡水區中山北路二段383號 No. 383, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City
No. 23, Ln. 136, Side Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
No. 15, Yuqun Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
・ 電話Phone:+886-908-995321 台中市霧峰區樹仁路71號 No. 71, Shuren Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
Minsheng House of Microhistory
Following internet celebrities to travel
這裏勿瘋 UnCrazy
・ 電話Phone:+886-4-23309889 台中市霧峰區中正路1127號 No. 1127, Zhongzheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
・ 電話Phone:+886-4-23391556 台中市霧峰區中正路369號
No. 369, Zhongzheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
No. 8, Xinsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City
Cover Story
高雄海派 2 日遊,走讀港都歷史與藝文。 Two days sea-style travel in Kaohsiung, learn about the history and art of the port city.
艷陽高照的熱情高雄,舊名為「打狗」,歷經荷蘭、鄭 成功、清廷、日本等政權轉移,擁有深厚的歷史文化,非 常值得深度走訪。 The original name of Kaohsiung is “Takao”. After the regime changes of Netherlands, Zheng Chenggong, Qing Dynasty and Japan, it has the abundant history and culture. It is worthy of an in-depth travel.
Take Circular Line (KLRT) to travel along The Pier-2 Art Center
自 2015 年開始營運的高雄輕軌, 目前有 14 個站,上下車方便、親近 景點的特性,成為遊覽高雄的一種 方式,舉凡:夢時代、高雄展覽館、 光榮碼頭、真愛碼頭等景點,都在 輕軌沿線上。 There are 14 stations on the Circular Line (KLRT). It is a way to travel in Kaohsiung. Dream Mall, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Glory Pier and Love Pier are on the line.
而高雄知名的文創景點,駁二藝術特區亦有輕軌經過,可以 輕鬆往返倉庫群,甚至延伸至哈瑪星鐵道文化園區。原為海港 倉庫的駁二,如今進駐藝術家、文創禮品店、特色餐飲, 成為遊客必來之地。 Circular Line(KLRT) also passes by the famous attraction, The Pier-2 Art Center. It helps people go back and forth between warehouses easily, and it also extends to Hamasen Railway Cultural Park. The Pier-2 Art Center was a port warehouse. Now there are artists, cultural and creative gift shops and special dining. It has become a must-visit place for travelers.a safe trip, you can also walk around the market in alley and taste local food.
Enjoy the glorious view of monuments at sunset
1840 年代開始,歐美各國與中國通商, 台灣打狗成為貿易港之一,英國便於此地成 立第一個英國駐台的正式領事館。目前打狗英 國領事館文化園區內,修復了領事館、官邸和登 山古道,不只能眺望海港風景,也能懷古一番。附近 的西子灣,其夕陽美景最為知名,為高雄八景之一。 Takao, Taiwan, had become an international trade port since 1840. British established the first official consulate here at that time. In The British Consular at Takow, the consulate, official residence and hiking trail were repaired. You can overlook sea view and also reminiscence. There is Sizihwan, which is famous for its gorgeous view of sunset nearby. It is one of the eight views of Kaohsiung.
Cover Story
The most romantic thing is to take the boats along Love River
高雄另一個浪漫景點,首推愛河!愛河流經高雄市核 心,白天湛藍燦爛,夜晚燈火柔情,搭乘遊艇遊愛河, 是不能錯過的行程!愛河兩旁景點、餐飲、咖啡 廳林立,沿著河畔散步吹風,也很浪漫喔。 If you ask where the most romantic attraction in Kaohsiung, that would be Love River! The sky is blue at daytime and shiny at nighttime. Take the boats along Love River is the itinerary that you can’t miss! There are many attractions, restaurants and cafés on both sides of Love River. Walking along the river over the breeze is also very romantic.
Two highlights of art and culture attractions
說到新興的藝文景點,非高雄市立圖書館總館和衛 武營國家藝術文化中心莫屬!圖書館總館以大樹為意 象並採用玻璃帷幕設計,夜晚點燈更是像發亮的禮物 盒,內部的獨特空間也值得逛逛欣賞。 When people talk about emerging art and culture attractions, Kaohsiung Main Public Library and Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for The Arts come to their minds! The design conception of the library is based on the large trees. It used the glass curtain to create the penetrability. When the lights are on at night, it looks like a luminous gift box .
衛武營原為陸軍新兵訓練中心,後由荷蘭建築師以老榕樹 群作為設計概念,打造國家藝術文化中心,流線外型搭配 白色曲線,躍升為高雄代表性建築之一,也是 IG 打卡 熱點! Weiwuying was a boot camp for army. Later, the Dutch architect took banyan trees as the design concept to build the National Kaohsiung Center for The Arts. Streamlined appearance with the white curve makes it become a check in hot spot on Instagram! 50
Hong Mao Gang with a lot of influencing
紅毛港除了與荷蘭人有密切關係外,百年來更深深影響在地居民的生 活,於是園區內保留舊時紅毛港村、建造展示館,並打造 360 度旋轉餐廳、天空步道、觀海平台以欣賞大船入港的風 景,另有碼頭可以坐船遊覽海景。 Hong Mao Gang had a very close connection with Nederlanders. The original Hong Mao Gang Village and Exhibition Hall has been preserved in the park. There are also Revolving Restaurant, Sky Walk and Ocean Front Platform. People enjoy the view of watching the large boasts coming into the harbor at those places. Moreover, you can take yachts to see the sea views.
行程建議 Itinerary
搭高雄輕軌 Take Circular Line (KLRT)
+886-7-7938888 | 首站「籬仔內站」,高雄市前鎮區凱旋四路與一心一路交叉口 The first station is “Lizihnei” at the intersection of Kaixuan 4th Rd. and Yixin 1st Rd., Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung City
駁二藝術特區 The Pier-2 Art Center
+886-7-5214899 | 高雄市鹽埕區大勇路1號 No. 1, Dayong Rd., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City
打狗英國領事館文化園區 The British Consular at Takow +886-7-5250100 | 高雄市鼓山區蓮海路20號 No. 20, Lianhai Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City
西子灣 Sizihwan 高雄市鼓山區蓮海路 Lianhai Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City
第二天 Day2
愛河 Love River 高雄市前金區河東路 Hedong Rd., Qianjin Dist., Kaohsiung City
高雄市立圖書館總館 Kaohsiung Main Public Library +886-7-5360238 | 高雄市前鎮區新光路61號 No. 61, Xinguang Rd., Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung City
Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for The Arts +886-7-2626666 | 高雄市鳳山區三多一路1號 No. 1, Sanduo 1st Rd., Fengshan Dist., Kaohsiung City
➡ 紅毛港文化園區 Hong Mao Gang +886-7-8711815 | 高雄市小港區南星路2808號 No. 2808, Nanxing Rd., Xiaogang Dist., Kaohsiung City
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Tien Shui Yueh Hot Pot
・ 電話Phone:+886-7-3438188 高雄市左營區曾子路105號 No. 105, Zengzi Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City
・ 電話Phone:+886-7-7356953 高雄市鳳山區鳳松路161號 No. 161, Fengsong Rd., Fengshan Dist., Kaohsiung City
有咖啡 r.Ruyo Coffee
・ 電話Phone:+886-7-2236808
高雄市苓雅區中正二路56巷11號 No. 11, Ln. 56, Zhongzheng 2nd Rd., Lingya Dist.,
Kaohsiung City
Following internet celebrities to travel
烤麻糬製造所 Kaomochii
・ 電話Phone:+886-926-061990
高雄市三民區民禮路93號 No. 93, Minli Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City
正面奶酥 No More Crying
・ 網購 Online shopping
・ 電話Phone:+886-7-2827588
No. 134-3, Shengli Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City
No. 201, Ziqiang 1st Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City
Cover Story
花蓮文青 2 日遊,新城小鎮晃晃走走。 Two days hipster travel in Hualien County. Walk around in Xincheng Township.
來花蓮,不只是看海。這次 2 日遊,除了有遊客喜愛的花蓮 市,還網羅新城鄉的文青景點,展開一趟不同以往的旅程吧! Besides watching the sea view in Hualien, there are many new things waiting for you to explore. In addition to visiting Hualien County, this two days travel also includes hipster attractions in Xincheng Township. Let’s start a different journey!
Japanese style historical sites which are located in Hualien
公告為縣定古蹟的吉安慶修院,於 1917 年由日本人 建立,以安慰當地日本移民的相思之苦,傳統日式 建築風格搭配從日本請來的 88 尊石佛,宛如來到 日本一般,因此成為遊客熱愛祕境! Chi-An Chinghisu Temple, which was announced as a county monument, was established by Japanese in 1917. It had the effort of comforting the lovesickness of local Japanese immigrants. When you see the Japanese style architecture and 88 stone Buddhas coming from Japan, you will feel like you’re in Japan!
花蓮另有一處日式古蹟,是位於美崙山上的松園別館,其建於 1942 年,為日治時期的軍事指揮中心與高級軍官休憩所,傳說這 裡也曾接待日本神風特攻隊。園內擁有許多姿態獨特的 老松,亦能眺望花蓮市與海景,是不能錯過的景點。 The other Japanese style historical site in Hualien, Pine Garden, was established in 1942. It was a resting place for the military command center and senior officer in Japanese colonial period. It was said that this place had received Kamikaze of Japan. There are so many unique old pines in the garden. You can also overlook the view of Hualien County and sea view here.
The hottest night market and the trendiest café
花蓮最熱鬧、最具規模的夜市,非東大門 夜市莫屬!夜市將近 400 個攤位,又分為原 住民一條街、各省一條街、福町夜市與自強夜 市四大區域,各有特色美食,舉凡:創意蛋餅、 海鮮燒烤、石板烤肉等都能大快朵頤! Dongdamen Night Market is definitely the hottest and biggest night market in Hualien! There are almost 400 stalls, and they are divided in 4 areas, such as street of Taiwanese indigenous people cuisine and street of Mainland China cuisine. Those special foods include creative Chinese omelet, grilled seafood and slate barbecue.
從東大門夜市沿著濱海往南,會看見一間貨櫃堆疊而成的咖啡廳, 那就是在 IG 討論度極高的星巴克洄瀾門市!裡面空間層 次交錯,落地窗位置最受歡迎,展現獨特設計氛圍。 Getting southward along the coastal road, you will see a café made of stacked shipping containers and that’s the highly discussed store on Instagram - Starbucks Hualienbay Store! The interior design is of staggered levels, and the seats beside French windows are the most popular. 55
Cover Story
Must-visit attractions for sea viewing
七星潭是花蓮是屬一屬二的觀海景點, 在顏色不一的巨大岩石海岸,眺望遼闊 的太平洋,視覺上特別壯觀。這裡不但能 騎腳踏追風,晚間也是最佳的賞星地點。 Qixingtan Beach is the best attraction for sea viewing in Hualien. People overlook the vast Pacific Ocean in the huge colorful rocky shore. It is a best place not only for biking but also for stargazing at night time.
Xincheng Township is such a young and artistic place
從七星潭一路往北,可以抵達新城鄉,這裡遊客不多,卻 非常值得探訪。新城地區早期因為立霧溪淘金產業而興 盛,老街上的新城照相館曾為國片《盛夏光年》的劇 照拍攝地,隔壁佳興冰果室的檸檬汁更是人手一杯。 You will reach Xincheng Township if you go northwards from Qixingtan Beach. Xincheng area was prospered due to the gold panning industry of Liwu River in early days. Xincheng Photo Studio, which is located on the old street, was the filming location of Taiwanese film - Eternal Summer. People usually buy lemon juice from Jiashing Ice Shop, which is next to Xincheng Photo Studio. You can see everyone with a cup of lemon juice, that’s the famous drink from Jiashing Ice Shop.
以諾亞方舟為造型的新城天主堂,內部和外觀都 是 IG 拍照熱點,往裡面走還有日據時代新城神社 的鳥居與石燈籠,展現兩種宗教信仰的寧靜,宛 如是祕境。斜對面的練習曲書店,由在地棒球教 練經營,書只借不賣,期望能帶領偏鄉小朋友閱 讀,不妨前往喝杯咖啡、以行動支持公益理念喔!
The shape of Xincheng Catholic Church looks like Noah’s Ark. The interior and exterior of the church are both the hottest Instagram check in hotspots. When you get inside of the church, you can see the Torii and stone lantern of Xincheng Shrine, which were established in Japanese colonial period. They show two kinds of religions. Diagonally across from the church, there is Etude bookstore. It is run by a local baseball coach. In the book store, those books are not for sale, only for borrowing. His dream is to lead the children in remote area to read. Why not go for a cup of coffee!
行程建議 Itinerary
吉安慶修院 Chi-An Chinghisu Temple
+886-3-8535479 | 花蓮縣吉安鄉中興路345-1號 No. 345-1, Zhongxing Rd., Ji’an Township, Hualien County
松園別館 Pine Garden
+886-3-8356510 | 花蓮市松園街65號 No. 65, Songyuan St., Hualien City
東大門夜市 Dongdamen Night Market 花蓮市中山路與重慶路交叉口 The Intersection of Zhongshan Rd. and Chongqing Rd., Hualien City
星巴克洄瀾門市 Starbucks Hualienbay Store +886-3-8420014 | 花蓮縣吉安鄉南濱路一段505號 No. 505, Sec. 1, Nanbin Rd., Ji’an Township, Hualien County
第二天 Day2
七星潭 Qixingtan Beach 花蓮縣新城鄉七星街 Qixing St., Xincheng Township, Hualien County
佳興冰果室 Jiashing Ice Shop
+886-3-8611520 | 花蓮縣新城鄉博愛路22號 No. 22, Bo’ai Rd., Xincheng Township, Hualien County
新城天主堂 Xincheng Catholic Church +886-3-8611722 | 花蓮縣新城鄉博愛路64號 No. 64, Bo’ai Rd., Xincheng Township, Hualien County
新城照相館 Xincheng Photo Studio 花蓮縣新城鄉博愛路18號 No. 18, Bo’ai Rd., Xincheng Township, Hualien County
➡ 練習曲書店 Etude bookstore
+886-929-102286 | 花蓮縣新城鄉信義路252號 No. 252, Xinyi Rd., Xincheng Township, Hualien County
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤
・ 電話Phone:+886-966-818031
豆茶寮 mame charyou
・ 電話Phone:+886-3-8336618
No. 6, Aly. 2, Ln. 8, Linzheng St., Hualien City
No. 27-1, Beibin St., Hualien City
・ 電話Phone:+886-988-862339 花蓮市博愛街331號 No. 331, Bo’ai St., Hualien City
・ 電話Phone:+886-911-763747
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・ 電話Phone:+886-3-8567736 花蓮縣吉安鄉建國路二段15號
No. 15, Sec. 2, Jianguo Rd., Ji’an Township., Hualien City
・ 電話Phone:+886-3-8315520
No. 316, Chenggong St., Hualien City
Ln. 74, Yanping St., Hualien City
石虎 X 集集 Leopardcat X Jiji
跟著網美去旅行 打卡勝地 Following internet celebrities to travel in check-in resorts in Taiwan 追蹤 成為夥伴的快速通道! Fast way to becomea partner of leopard cats
Jiji Train Station
・ 電話Phone:+886-49-2762546
南投縣集集鎮民生路75號 No. 75, Minsheng Rd., Jiji Township, Nantou County
Jiji Green Tunnel
南投縣集集鎮縣道152 152 County Road, Jiji Township, Nantou County
集集隧道 Jiji Tunnel
南投縣集集鎮縣道152 152 County Road, Jiji Township, Nantou County
加拿大兒童福利行家 陳葦蓁
燕窩麝香貓咖啡行家 趙煥森
台灣汽車保養行家 柯育沅
活氧殺菌機行家 張振文
大禹嶺高山茶行家 郝志益
生物科技行銷行家 游凱玲
台灣豆腐乳行家 王曉薇
台灣生基開運行家 詹順榮
Military History Park
Following internet celebrities to travel
明新書院 Mingxin Academy
・ 電話Phone:+886-49-2762374
Minquan Rd., Jiji Township, Nantou County
No.4, Dongchang Ln., Jiji Township, Nantou County
Endemic Species Research Institute
・ 開放時間Opening hours:09:00-16:30
南投縣集集鎮民生東路1號 No. 1, Minsheng E. Rd., Jiji Township, Nantou County
Jiji Taishun Gallery Bridges
・ 電話Phone:+886-49-2762496
南投縣集集鎮八張街181號(武昌宮旁) No. 181, Bazhang St., Jiji Township, Nantou County (Next to Wu-chang Temple)